  • 7/26/2019 100 Best Transformational Movies


    100 Best Transformational Moviesby Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

    Transformational movies reveal the astonishingways in which human beings can be changedand set on a new path. Spiritual writers JeZaleski and Tracy Cochran have described thiskind of renewal as something like a seed thatcracks open and blooms just when the rightpressure is applied.

    Our lives, values, habits, and personalities

    can be transformed by ten thousand dierentevents or circumstances: a brush with death,a divine epiphany, a moment of awe, anencounter with the oneness of all things, pain,hitting bottom, a creative high, the surge of lovein an intimate relationship, a magical momentin solidarity with others at a demonstration,sexual ecstasy, the encouragement of someonewho believes in you, the miraculous turn ofan enemy into a friend, a change of heart,an unexpected gift of meaning that arrives

    unannounced, liberation from the prison of thepast, or the adventure of hitching a ride on ourimagination into a bright new future.

    As the wise theological seer Sam Keen put it:

    The great metaphors from all spiritualtraditions grace, liberation, being born again,awakening from illusion testify that it ispossible to transcend the conditioning of mypast and do a new thing.

    Transformational movies train us in the art ofdealing with both small and systemic changesMany of these lms depict the everydaychallenges people face as they struggle to movbeyond bad habits, addictions, and worn-outbeliefs. Others begin with the personal and th

    turn political, depicting the struggle to bringabout real and lasting changes in the world ofbusiness, politics, government, and institutionpower.

    We salute these 100 Best TransformationalMovies for introducing us to many inspiring ansoulful agents of change and artists of life; weare drawn into their stories as they muster thecreativity and the courage to transform theirown lives and the lives of those around them.

    We bow to the directors from around the worwho are determined to make us connoisseursof change in times when we need moredeepening and more empathy. And we hopethat you will make the most of our list bysharing this resource with others and setting ugroups to discuss them as part of your informspirituality study at home.

    Click the lm titles to go to our full reviews.
  • 7/26/2019 100 Best Transformational Movies


    The Accidental Touristisa spritely romantic comedythat oers an engaging lookat the many meanings of loveand change in the lives of atravel guidebook writer and adog trainer.

    Antwone Fisheris a heart-felt drama about an AfricanAmericans search for hisorigins that turns out to be

    more life-changing than heever expected it would be.

    As Good As It Getsis aboutthe process through which avery irritating man opens hisheart and proves to be full ofsurprises. It challenges us notto judge people too quickly.

    Australiarevolves aroundthe transformations anaristocratic woman and astockman experience in thebig beautiful country theycall home.

    Blame It on Fideloers acompelling portrait of chanin the life of a nine-year oldgirl in France where herworld is rocked by the radicpolitics of her parents.

    Born on the Fourth of July

    an explosive and emotionalriveting lm about an angryVietnam veteran whosepatriotism was lost in battleoverseas and reborn inpolitical protest.

    Brubakercharts thechallenges and the triumphof a warden who sets out totransform a badly functioniprison and to honor thedignity of all convicts.

    Everything in your life is there asa vehicle for your transformation.

    Use it!

    Ram Dass inOne-Liners
  • 7/26/2019 100 Best Transformational Movies


    Cedar Rapidsis a comedyabout a nave insuranceagent from Iowa whose wildand unexpected experiencesat an convention turns himinto a dierent person.

    Central Stationdepicts themiraculous transformationsin the life of cynical andselsh former schoolteacherwhen she embarks upon

    a cross-Brazil journey toreunite a young boy withhis father.

    Changing Lanes illustrates

    how troubles and beingcaught in an uncomfortableplace can propel us towardtransformation; in this story,two men are changed due toan automobile accident.

    City of Joyproves thatlife can be enhanced bycaring, commitment, andcommunity. The charactersdiscover that doing the rightthings for the right reasonscan be life transforming!

    A Civil Actionexplores themajor changes that takeplace in the life of a small-time person injury attorneywhen he represents someworking-class families in abig case involving two of th

    nations largest corporation

    Come Early Morningprobethe attempts of a lonely andself-destructive Southernwoman to derail the

    transformative relationshipshe has with a new manin town.

    Coming Homefocuseson the transformationsprecipitated by the VietnamWar on a career ocer,his subservient wife, and aparaplegic veteran.

    Crazy Heartexamines theattempts of an unhappycountry music singer toput his love life and careerinto turnaround after beinginspired to write some newballads by a pretty journalis
  • 7/26/2019 100 Best Transformational Movies


    The Doctoris about howa woman dying of a braintumor restores a doctor withcancer of the throat to lifeby helping him nd a newvision of what it means to bea caring physician.

    The Door in the Floordepicts the emotionaleducation of a youngwriter working for a

    famous author of childrensbooks; he discovers thetransformational power oflove and loss.

    Down in the Deltacelebrates the spiritualpossibility of transformationand the truth that everyfamily has the potential forresiliency and growth, nomatter what their problems.

    Duck Season,a Mexicanlm, is a breezy portrait ofadolescence spiked withobservations on time,sexuality, and the discoveryof meaning through brief,everyday encounters.

    Echoes of Paradiseisriveting tale of spiritualtransformation that dashesthe myth of island paradise

    and the dream of anexistence unencumbered badult responsibilities.

    Everything Must Gois a

    compelling drama aboutunexpected transitions inour lives which oer us thechance to re-evaluate ourwork, our relationships, ourfailings, and our addictions.

    Field of Dreamsusesbaseball as a launch padfor musings on humanaspirations, righting oldwrongs, going the distance,and the imagination as a keto transformation.

    It is the closing of the heart far

    more than the closing of themind that keeps folk

    from transformation.

    Jean Houston inSearch for the Beloved
  • 7/26/2019 100 Best Transformational Movies


    The Fisher Kingbearswitness to the universalsearch for wholeness in therelationship between twowayward and wounded soulswho through caring and afew good deeds transform

    each other.

    Fried Green Tomatoesreveals how womens livescan be transformed through

    the power of storytelling andthe alchemy of friendship.

    The Full Montyis a funnyand fetching story about aband of unemployed steelworkers who turn their livesby baring their bodies andtheir souls.

    Good Will Huntingis aboutthree soul friends who enablea troubled young man to ndhis place in the world. As arst step, he must shedhis cocoon.

    Gran Torinois anextraordinary spiritual movabout an angry, lonely,bigoted old man whose heais transformed through hisrelationships with membersof a Hmong immigrant fam

    who live next door.

    Greenbergis a freshromantic comedy about adicult person who is tryinto get unstuck from his badhabits, cynicism, and fear. Hdesperately wants to changhis ways and become anew person.

    Groundhog Dayis aromantic comedy about aself-centered TV weathermawho keeps re-experiencinghis least favorite day ofthe year until he gets hisrelationships right. Change hard when habits are stron

    Hope Springsis a funny ansensitive drama about thechanges that must be madeto renew intimacy in a burnout marriage.
  • 7/26/2019 100 Best Transformational Movies


    Hugois a magical and free-oating winner that touchesthe heart as it depicts howthrough a mutual interesta young boy brings abouttransformations in amysterious lmmaker.

    The Intouchablesis a playfuland compassionate Frenchlm about an unconventionalcaregiver and the

    quadriplegic man he looksafter. In their relationshipboth men are transformed.

    Invictusis an entertainingmovie about the importance

    of sports, the power offorgiveness, and thereconciliation of the races.Best of all, it gives a well-rounded and realisticglimpse of the spiritual art oftransformative leadership.

    Ive Loved You So Longis aliterate and lithe drama thatenables us to see the littlesteps, actions, and gesturesthat results in the spiritualtransformation of a womanwho has spent 15 yearsin prison.

    The Karate Kidlifts ourspirits with the story ofa scattered, cocky, andunhappy boy whose life isset on a new path throughtraining in the martial artsby a quiet, humble kung fu

    master teacher.

    The Kings Speechmeasurthe transformations in thelife of King George VI brougabout by the unorthodoxspeech therapist who helpshim get rid of his stuttering

    Buddy Miles, by way of

    introducing me to composition,told me, It doesnt matter how far

    you go out, it only matters how youget back. We are not so concernedwith how Lassie, a thousand milesfrom home, got where she is now,

    but how she nds her way backagain. Meaning and value derive

    from the transformational eect othe long journey.

    W. A. Mathieu in The Musical Life
  • 7/26/2019 100 Best Transformational Movies


    The Land Girlstells the storyof a varied group of womenduring World War II assignedto do farm work in England;the intoxicating freedom theyfeel in this new environment

    is life-transforming.

    Lantanais an engagingpsychological drama set inSydney, Australia, where agroup of men and women

    ounder in their loverelationships and persist inbelieving that change willbring the happiness theyyearn for in their hearts.

    The Last Samuraiis set

    in 1876 Japan when anAmerican military veterangoes there to train ghtersand ends up experiencing aninner transformation broughton by his exposure to thesamurai way.

    Life as a Houseis a soulfuldrama about the courageand persistence of a veryalienated dying middle-ageman to give birth to himselfin the world before leavingit. The process of creatingsomething beautiful provesto be transformative.

    The Lives of Othersis ariveting German lm aboutspying and the fear, distrusand betrayal that come with

    it, but the real hub of thedrama is the transformationof a seasoned member of thsecret police in East Germain 1984.

    Lost in Translationportraya cross-generational

    friendship between awashed-up actor in Tokyoand a young married womawho doesnt know what to dwith herself: they are bothyearning for some kind oftransformation of their lives

    The ultimate goal is to transformthe world into the kind of world

    God had in mind whenHe created it.

    Harold Kushner in To Life!

    Monsters Ballis a strangeentrancing drama about thetransformative power of lovin the life of a racist Southecorrections ocer who isimprisoned in his angerand hatred.
  • 7/26/2019 100 Best Transformational Movies


    The Motorcycle Diariesregisters on the heart andmind as an extraordinarydepiction of the spiritualtransformation of a sensitiveyoung man as he is exposedto a world of terrible

    suering and deep poverty.

    Muriels Weddingchartsthe ways in which a chubbymist reinvents herself whileremaining impervious tothe many assaults on herappearance and character.

    My Brother Is an Only Child

    is a thought-provoking dramaabout an Italian young manwho chooses politics as themost viable path for him topersonal transformation.

    My First Mistershows howsome friendships can betransformative -- releasingus from the prison of fear,expanding our hearts,and opening us to theredemptive power of loveand forgiveness.

    Night Train to Lisbonshows how a middle-agedprofessors life is transformby a philosophical bookthat falls into his hands andpropels him on a quest fromSwitzerland to Portugal.

    No Looking Backfollowsa man who is trying toreconnect with a lover heabandoned years before. Itexplores the ways in whichintimate relationships canserve as spurs to personalgrowth and transformation

    Nobodys Foolmakes it clethat it is never too late to stthe ashes and to transformyour life with the glow thatcomes from the love of famand friends.

    Norma Raeis an inspiringportrait of a heroic ordinarywoman who with becomesa leader in the ght fora union at a textile mill.Taking a stand proves to betransformational for herselfand her community.
  • 7/26/2019 100 Best Transformational Movies


    Nurse Bettyis a clevercomedy that enables us toimagine the surprising waysin which a person can betransformed and set on anew path.

    Open Heartsis a Danish

    drama that hits the mark withits many layered explorationof love and loss in thestory of two strangers whotransform each others lives.

    Outsourcedis a tour deforce comedy/drama aboutthe positive eects of cross-cultural understandingand spiritual openness ona young American sent toBombay by his company.

    The Painted Veilis abeautiful and very believabstory, set in China in the1920s, about the personaltransformation of a marriedcouple who begin to see eaother anew.

    Party Girlshows how evena spunky party animalcan create herself anewwith proper discipline anddevotion nding new life inan unexpected place.

    It is this tender heart that has thepower to transform the world.

    Chogyam Trungpa in The Art ofForgiveness, Lovingkindness, and Peace

    by Jack Korneld

    Passion Fishpresents acompelling portrait of twoburnt-out women whoreach out to each otherand inch their way backto life. Their story revealshow imperceptible genuinechange can be.

    Phenomenontells the storof a mechanic in a smalltown who is knocked overby a ash of light from thesky and transformed into awunderkind demonstratingseless love, seeing clearly,serving others, and honorinthe connections betweenall things.
  • 7/26/2019 100 Best Transformational Movies


    Pieces of April revolvesaround a Thanksgiving dinnerand illustrates the deepdesire many people haveto transform their strainedrelationships with family.

    Places in the Heartdepictsthe courage and resilience ittakes for a poor widower tomake a go of her small farm.

    We watch with admiration asshe struggles to transformherself into a miracle worker.

    Pleasantvillearmsthe spiritual uplift of

    transformation as ananimating value in the livesof free spirits who are neversatised with a monochromeworld and choose tocelebrate the many-coloredsplendors of life.

    Poticheis an emotionallyappealing French lm abouta trophy wife who becomes atransformative leader.

    Preciousis an inspirationallm about one youngAfrican-American womanstransformation thanksto the care, concern, andcompassion of those whotake her under their wings.

    The Queentakes us behind

    the-scenes following thedeath of Princess Dianain 1997. The screenplayhumanizes Queen Elizabethas she tries to get in touchwith her heart during thistime of crisis and change.

    Queen to Playis a delightfand bountiful French lmabout one womans passionand the ways in which ittransforms her life and thelives of those around her.

    To live is to change and to beperfect is to have changed

    very often. John Henry Newman
  • 7/26/2019 100 Best Transformational Movies


    Raging Bullis a powerfulbiopicture that reveals theindomitable spirit of boxer

    Jake LaMotta who wins, thenloses, and then gets himselfreborn again.

    Regarding Henrydepicts thespiritual transformation of anaggressive, successful, andamoral New York lawyer into

    a person who values love,play, intimacy, tenderness,and compassion.

    Ruby in Paradiseprobesthe inner life of one sensitiveyoung woman as sheponders the meaning of love,loneliness, fear, intimacy,and independence. She isdetermined to transform herlife on her own terms.

    Run & Jumpis atransformational lm thatshows how uneasy andchallenging periods in ourlives can lead to positivechanges that renew ourbodies, minds, and souls.

    Schindlers Listexplores thmystery of transformationand goodness in theastonishing drama of a onetime scoundrels amazing aof bravery and selessness.

    We are all mystics on one levelor another and now we are

    discovering that our capability forindividual spiritual growth

    may be limitless.

    David Cooper inEntering the Sacred Mountain

    Schultze Gets the Bluesis a delightful oddballGerman comedy about aretired mine workers musicquest and the strange waysin which our lives can betransformed and turned in atotally new direction.

    Seasideoers a splendidexamination of the power oplace and its power to shapand alter the lives of peoplethrough small changes.
  • 7/26/2019 100 Best Transformational Movies


    Secondhand Lionsis acoming-of-age lm thatsalutes the odd ways in whicheccentric individuals caninspire us to turn out livesaround and become all weare meant to be.

    The Secret Life of WalterMittyunfurls the story ofa man prone to escapethe present moment

    through wild fantasies whois transformed when hediscovers his courage.

    Seven Years in Tibet

    subtly conveys the spiritualtransformation of anegotistical mountain climberwho is exposed to themarvels and the mysteries ofTibetan Buddhism.

    Shall We Dance?is anenticing Japanese lm thatshows how desire is a forceeld that takes us beyondourselves and enables us totransform our lives.

    The Shipping Newsdepictsthe changes that overtake aman mired in loss who hasbeen a doormat for most ofhis life and is transformedinto a sensitive father, acaring relative, and a

    talented reporter.

    Silver Linings Playbookisa funny, credible, and joyfumovie about two damagedsouls who reach out in thedarkness of depression anddiscover that looking on thebright side of things is a keyto personal transformation

    Son of the Brideis aheartwarming comedy abothe personal transformatioof a middle-aged man, thanlargely to the example of hivery romantic parents.

    Nothing is more crucial to our

    lives or more central to the heart oGod than the transformation of the

    human personality.

    Richard J. Foster
  • 7/26/2019 100 Best Transformational Movies


    The Song of Sparrowsis anIranian lm about as ostrichwrangler turned taxi driverwho through an accidentdiscovers how breakdownscan open the door topersonal renewal.

    The Spitfre Grillis a soul-satisfying lm about thespiritual process of turningpain into joy and bringingnew life out of darkness. Twowomen welcome an outsiderwho then transforms theirsmall community.

    Starting Out in the Eveningintroduces us to a rigid andphysically limited novelistwhose world is rocked bya female graduate schoolstudent who opens him tothe transformation he needsto stir up his creative juices.

    The Station Agentexploresall the curious ways in whichtransformative friendshipscan abound, express love,turn us around, and take usto places we never imagined.

    Things We Lost in the Firea deeply emotional lm thagives us a deeper respectfor those trying to recoverfrom the loss of a lovedone or from enslavementto addiction. The journeyback to the land of the living

    involves taking small steps.

    Tootsieis a rousing comedset in New York City thatdeals with the agoniesand ecstasies of the actingprofession, the confusion o

    sexual roles, the importancof lovers being friends, andthe changes which alterour lives.

    The Tree of Lifeis anunconventional lm that

    itself can be a transformativexperience for moviegoers it explores nature and spiripast and present, and theabstract story of the universet alongside the intimatestory of one family.

    Truly, Madly, Deeplyis athrilling transformationallm about an English womawho travels to the far countof grief and almost doesntmake it back after her loverappears in her at as a ghoswith a body.
  • 7/26/2019 100 Best Transformational Movies


    Tsotsiis a spiritually rivetinglm about a nasty thug in a

    Johannesburg shanty townwhose violent and selsh lifeis totally transformed whenhe nds a baby in a carhes stolen.

    Turtle Diaryis a touchingand tender lm abouttwo strangers who try tochange their lives though

    the adventuresome projectof releasing some aquariumturtles in the ocean.

    Twelve and Holdingis amesmerizing lm about threeadolescents overtaken bygrief and struggling with losswho nd that is a catalyst topersonal transformation.

    28 Dayszeroes in on thecourage and discipline ittakes for a young womanattending a rehab program tostop her addiction to alcoholand mood enhancing pills.

    Unfnished Songis atouching story of an eldercouple who discover theheart dimensions andtransformative powerof singing.

    The Visitorreveals howthe alchemy of music andfriendship transforms aburnt-out professors life anhow it opens his heart tofresh possibilities.

    Waitressis a romanticcomedy in which a youngwoman stuck in a terriblemarriage discovers that herpie-making skills provide apath to a new life of freedoand fullment.

    Only the images by which we livecan bring transformation.

    Helen Luke in The Way of Women
  • 7/26/2019 100 Best Transformational Movies


    Washington Heightsis ane Latino lm exploringthe transformation of aconict-ridden relationshipbetween a Dominican-bornowner of a store, and hisintense son, an aspiring

    comic book illustrator.

    When Night Is Fallingdepicts the love aair of twovery dierent women fromdiametrically opposed worlds

    as they struggle to live outthe transformation of theirrelationship.

    The Willow Treeis about aIranian professor who getshis sight back after yearsof being blind. As a result,he goes through a series oftransformations: physical,emotional, and spiritual.

    Win Winis an emotionallysatisfying drama aboutsports, family, and moneyproblems in which everyongets a second chance achance to really change.

    I have come to be suspicious ofany religion or form of therapy

    that focuses exclusively oncultivating the interior life or

    saving the soul and that does notinclude a celebration of the senses,an ecological vision, and a concern

    for social justice. We can aspireto care for and transform this

    world only if we trust that spiritis incarnate in esh and dirt. This

    world is our home.We are in the right place.

    Sam Keen inHymns to an Unknown God

    The Women on the

    6th Flooris the storyof how a middle-agedParis stockbrokers life istransformed after he goesgaga over his Spanish maidand all things Spanish.

    Yi Yi (A One and a Two)is a Taiwanese lm about amulti-generation family. Wesee how love and work arethe bearers of meaningand transformation.

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