  • 7/30/2019 100318 Hydratight 8pp Uk Products and Services


    Products and Services

  • 7/30/2019 100318 Hydratight 8pp Uk Products and Services


    Who We Are

    One Company, Total Support, Complete Solutions

    Over many years, Hydratight has provided world-class boltedjoint solutions and continues to set international standards in

    joint integrity or its customers on a global scale.

    Today, the breadth and depth o our product and service oering is unrivalled

    in our specialist eld. Through our ability to innovate technology that

    makes connections sae, ecient and environmentally riendly, Hydratight

    sets international standards in joint integrity, providing trusted solutions to

    customers on a global scale.

    Hydratight works in partnership with the worlds leading OEMs using the

    latest computer technology and market leading development acilities.

    We continue to push back the boundaries o technology to provide ast,

    accurate and reliable solutions to critical assembly problems.

    Our people are the key to our success: qualied, competent and innovative

    people, working closely with our customers ensuring a total understanding

    o their requirements.

    One Company - Meets Standards

    Totally committed to saety and quality, all Hydratight products and services

    are designed, manuactured and carried out within a management system

    in accordance with ISO 9001: 2008 (Quality Management), ISO 14001: 2004(Environmental Management) and OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational Health

    and Saety).

    Our extensive oering includes:

    Torque and tension bolting equipment

    Portable machining equipment

    Product sales, rental and technical support

    Product service and training

    Special designs and alternative sizes are available upon request

    For additional specications on our products or sale or rental, videos o ourproducts in action, or inormation about our on-site services, please visit us

    on the web at


    LRQ 0912064 LRQ 4003099 659747

    Engineering Driven Safety Focused Solutions

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    What Makes Us Dierent

    One Company - A Multitude of Solutions

    Hydratight plays a leading role in providing innovative engineering solutionsand unique services to improve the cost eectiveness in many industries.

    The core o our business is providing service-based, highly accurate solutionsproviding saety, productivity and eciency to all o our customers on a

    global scale.

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    Innovative Products, Endless Applications

    Eliminating risk and saving time - our range o specialistequipment and technical support will not only save you time

    and money, but also improve saety and help increase reliabilityo your plant or pipeline.

    Hydraulic Torque Wrenches

    Hydratights range o hydraulic torque wrenches (ormerly RSL

    wrenches) have been developed to provide tailored solutions

    to any bolting problem ideal or make-up and break-outo bolted joints. With options o interchangeable heads or

    dedicated square drive and low prole hexagon cassettes, all

    products oer reliable light-weight yet powerul perormance.

    Portable Machining Tools

    Hydratights machining tools (ormerly DL Ricci brand)

    oer portable machining solutions rom pipe cutting and

    bevelling, to stud removal and thread reurbishment,

    portable boring, grinding, milling, end-prepping and journal

    turning. Hydratight also oers custom engineered machines

    or unique applications.

    Hydraulic Tensioners

    Bolt tensioning is an accurate and time saving method

    or tightening bolts and studs in all industries. Hydratight,

    through creative design and utilising the most advancedengineering, has developed a wide range o hydraulic bolt

    tensioners, which provide a solution to topside, and subsea,

    bolting problems.

    Speciality Tensioners

    Whether its or use specically or the wind energy

    market, or a design necessary to t into tight working

    spaces, Hydratight oers a selection o specially designed

    tensioners or specic applications. Micro-, multi-stud,

    slimline, or sel-contained tensioner (SCT) are only a ew

    o the options available.


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    Power Consoles

    The high quality and reliability o the Hydratight range

    o bolt tensioning, torquing and machining products

    is complemented by the most advanced range o hydraulic,

    air and electric power consoles, hoses and accessories.

    Mechanical Connectors

    The Hydratight range o mechanical connectors (ormerly

    Morgrip connectors) ensures high integrity, certied weld

    strength pipe connections without the need or hotwork.Available or use topside, oshore and subsea, the

    connectors are based upon a unique ball gripping and

    graphite metal sealing system.

    Ancillary Products

    Hydratight oers a selection o ancillary products

    specically designed or the easy connection and

    break-out o fanged joints, including fange pullers and

    spreaders, nutsplitters and electric stud drive tool (ESDT).


    The rigorous saety demands imposed upon many

    industries today have led to a demand or instruments that

    can eectively monitor and record bolt stress. Hydratighthas again been at the oreront o equipment development

    with the Boltscope Pro and the Boltscope II. 5

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    Engineering, Solutions and On-site Services

    Hydratight is an innovative provider o solutions to ourcustomers joint integrity needs. Today we oer an unrivalled

    package o products and services along with ully trained andqualied Hydratight technicians worldwide.

    On-Site Bolting Services

    The combination o unique products including fange pullers

    and spreaders and a dedicated, highly trained workorce

    provides Hydratight with the complete on-site bolt workingservice, inspiring customer condence rom initial contact

    right through to the sae completion o the job.

    Special On-Site Services

    In addition to the range o portable heat treating equipment

    and services, Hydratight oers many other on-site services

    including: leak sealing, pipe reezing, hot tapping, saety

    valve testing, mechanical plugging and metal disintegration


    On-Site Machining

    Hydratight oers a number o on-site machining services

    including: fange acing, pipe cutting, end prepping,

    drilling, milling, grinding, boring, hot tapping and studremoval. Custom engineered solutions are our speciality.

    In-Line Weld Testing

    Hydratights in-line weld testing services provide a

    sae, reliable and cost-eective means or the localised

    pressure testing o piping. In addition to skilled

    technicians and rental products available around the

    world, Hydratight also oers specically customised

    solutions designed to meet the most unique challenges.


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    Joint Integrity Assurance Software

    Our extensive range o integrity and shut-down/turn-around

    management sotware helps users to plan, organise and

    achieve compliance and joint integrity. Hydratights sotwareenables users to select the right equipment and apply the

    correct loads to bolts.


    With state-o-the-art design sotware based on 3D

    modelling packages and engineering capability located in

    ve countries, Hydratight is able to produce tailor-made

    solutions or complex joint related problems.

    Rental Services

    The unique fexibility o the Hydratight approach is

    designed to ensure our customers receive totally

    satisactory and cost-eective service at every stage.Whether you choose to rent or purchase, we work with

    customers to dene the best solution and the most

    appropriate equipment and procedures to perorm sae

    and ecient work.


    Hydratight provides comprehensive and externally

    accredited training in the areas o bolted joint integrity,

    on-site machining and associated joint integrity

    management activities. 7

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    Email us at: [email protected]

    Or fnd your local representative at:

    Material sourced rom ully sustainable, managed orests

    using Elemental Chlorine Free bre.

    Our global network means you can rely on the

    right people, products and services wherever

    you are in the world.

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