  • 7/29/2019 10Questions_EPD Topik


    Faster & Easier

    Re-entry forVoluntary Returnees !!

    Employment Permit System

    A policy that allows employers who have failed to employ Korean workers to legally hire

    an adequate number of foreign workers.


    on the SpecialEPS-TOPIK


    Ministry of Employmentand Labor

  • 7/29/2019 10Questions_EPD Topik


    Faster & Easier !!Special EPS-TOPIK gives you,

    What is the Special EPS-TOPIK

    Faster re-entry and employmentExemption rom job training beore arrival

    Opportunity to return to previous workplace

    Eligible Applicant :Workers (E-9) who were rehiredaer the initial 3-year employment term and voluntarilyreturned home within the re-employment period.

    Required Documents : Application orm and a copy o thepassport used at the time o departure rom Korea

    Participating Country : As o March 2012, there are ve

    (5) countries planning to hold the test; Tailand, Vietnam,Indonesia, Uzbekistan and Pakistan (Further expansion isexpected)

    Test Venue : EPS-TOPIK CBT centers in the sending country

    Test Period : Once every quarter

    Test Announcement : Newspapers and ocial website othe sending country

    0310 Questions on the Special EPS-TOPIK02

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    Who is eligible or the SpecialEPS-TOPIK?EPS workers who were rehired aer workingin Korea or three (3) years and returned home

    voluntarily within the re-employment period.

    Te applicants are allowed to choose anyindustries that are permitted under the EPSregardless o their previous employment in Korea.However, those who apply or pre-arranged jobplacement must apply or their previous job andindustry.

    Only applicable to those who voluntarily let

    Korea ater January 1, 2010, and meet all eligibility

    requirements or the regular EPS-TOPIK.

    Are the applicants allowed toapply or industries that aredierent rom the previously

    employed industry in Korea?

    04 0510 Questions on the Special EPS-TOPIK

    Questionson the Special



  • 7/29/2019 10Questions_EPD Topik


    Where and how oten does the

    Special EPS-TOPIK take place?Te Special EPS-OPIK will be administeredonce every quarter at EPS-TOPIK CBT centersin the corresponding country.It will not be held in Korea.

    In which countries does the testtake place?

    Te test will take place in Tailand, Vietnam,Indonesia, Uzbekistan and Pakistan in the rstquarter o 2012.



    0710 Questions on the Special EPS-TOPIK

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    What is the diiculty leveland pass rate o the test?

    Te diculty o the Special EPS-OPIKwill remain at more or less the same levelas the regular EPS-OPIK but its passrate will be relatively higher.

    About 70% o the test will be made up o openly

    available questions on the ocial EPS-TOPIK website

    while the other 30% will be flled with new questions

    rom unknown source (new questions will be introduced

    more in the uture tests). Applicants can download the

    questions at

    How much time is saved bypassing the test?

    Exemptions rom job training beore arrival andaster CCVI issuance will enable most o thetest passers to re-enter as soon as their 6-monthre-entry restriction period ends.

    08 0910 Questions on the Special EPS-TOPIK

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    What will be the permittedemployment term or the testpassers?

    Tey are initially given three (3) years to workupon arrival in Korea and allowed to extendit or less than two (2) years (1 year and 10months, to be specic), i rehired.


    + What should employers do to rehire

    their ormer employees who passed

    the Special EPS-TOPIK?

    No application is required prior to theemployees arrival in Korea.

    Upon the employees roster registration,local job center in the district noties thecorresponding employer via text message orphone call.

    Aer making eforts to hire Korean workers,the employer then applies or pre-arranged

    job placement and employment permit.

    (Applicable only to the employers o the employeeslast workplace beore departing rom Korea)

    1110 Questions on the Special EPS-TOPIK




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    Where can I fnd inormation

    about the Special EPS-TOPIK?Te test will be announced in the newspapersor on the ocial website o the correspondingsending agency and available on the EPS websiteat


    What are the dierences between theSpecial EPS-TOPIK and the re-entrysystem or committed workers whohave successully completed their

    employment term in Korea?Te candidates or the re-entry system are those whoworked in industry or business such as agriculture & livestock,shery or small-sized manuacturing that is determined bythe Foreign Workorce Policy Committee, ully completedemployment and re-employment terms without changingworkplace, and have a contract that ends aer July 2, 2012.

    Te re-entry system allows the candidates to re-enter three(3) months aer departing rom Korea and gives themexemptions rom job training beore and aer their arrival.

    For urther inormation, please reer to page 15.

    On the other hand, the eligible applicants or the Special EPS-TOPIK

    are those who were rehired ater the initial employment term

    o three (3) years and voluntarily returned home within the

    expiration o their re-employment period (please reer to Q1).

    1310 Questions on the Special EPS-TOPIK

    Meanwhile, the Special EPS-TOPIK applicants must comply with

    the 6-months re-entry restriction period and receive job training

    ater arrival (please reer to Q6).

  • 7/29/2019 10Questions_EPD Topik


    Special EPS-TOPIK vs. Re-entry System orCommitted Workers

    Item Special EPS-TOPIK


    Rehired voluntary returnees departed from Korea

    after January 1, 2010

    Rehired workers whose extended employment

    period ends after July 2, 2012;

    Worked for industry or business determined by

    the Foreign Workforce Policy Committee; and

    have no record of workplace change

    Industry /business

    No restriction

    Restricted to industries or size of businesses

    (incl. agriculture & livestock, fishery, small-sizedmanufacturing) decided upon by the Foreign

    Workforce Policy Committee

    Koreanlanguage test

    Required to pass the Special EPS-TOPIK which

    is held once every quarterExempted

    Job training Exempted from job training before arrivalExempted from job training before and after arrival

    in Korea


    Six (6) months from departure date Three (3) months from departure date

    Requirementsto return tothe previousworkplace

    Permitted to return to the last workplace if worked

    there for more than one (1) year prior to departure

    from Korea

    Permitted only under the condition of going back

    to the last workplace

    Prior applicationby employer

    Not required Required

    Efforts to hire

    Korean WorkersRequired Not required

    Eligible country

    Countries agreed to hold the test at their EPS-

    TOPIK CBT centers

    * The test will take place in Thailand, Vietnam,

    Indonesia, Uzbekistan and Pakistan in the first

    quarter of 2012

    No restriction


    - Thailand and Vietnam in Dec. 2011

    - Thailand, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, Pakistan and

    Indonesia in the first quarter of 2012

    - Others will be included when equipped with

    CBT centers

    July 2, 2012

    Receiving Process o the Special EPS-TOPIK Applicants(Eligible or pre-arranged job placement)

    Receiving Process

    14 1510 Questions on the Special EPS-TOPIK

    Receiving EPS-TOPIKApplication

    Veriy the applicantsqualifcations over the EPS website.

    Set test questions with more than 30% o new questions.

    Inorm about the possible annulment o the test uponthe discovery o the applicants unlawul stay in Korea.

    Confrm medical checkup results.

    Prioritize approval ater veriying the applicantsqualifcations.

    Forward SMS automatically via EPS websiteContact the candidates by phone or SMS. I error

    found in SMS auto forwarding system, send manually.

    Issue an employment permit ater pre-arranging jobplacement within 25 days o the application submission.

    Sign a contract on behal o the workers through consignment

    pursuant to Article 9 o Act on Foreign WorkersEmployment etc.

    * Reund the cost, i the contract is cancelled ater the issuance othe employment permit.

    Issue CCVI to the contracted workers regardless o theexpiration o their 6-month re-entry restriction period.

    Adjust entry schedules in accordance with the expiry

    date o their re-entry restriction period (6 months), inecessary

    Workers who enter Korea on the scheduled date will betranserred to job training centers.

    [Ministry o Employment and Labor] OOO (name othe re-entering worker) is eligible to apply or pre-arrangement job placement until OO/OO (month/day).Please contact your local job center.

    Announcement oTest Passers

    Receiving JobApplication

    Verifcation o JobApplication

    Issuance oemployment permit

    Arranging entryschedule

    Entry supports

    Signing o contract

    Issuance o CCVI


    HRD Korea,SendingAgency


    HRD Korea

    EPS website,Job center

    Job center

    HRD Korea

    HRD Korea

    Ministry oJustice

    HRD Korea,SendingAgency

    HRD Korea

    Notifcation ocandidates or

    pre-arranged jobplacement

    Test Administration


    ResponsibilityRe-entry System forCommitted Workers

  • 7/29/2019 10Questions_EPD Topik


    For better tomorrowBrighten your day with the Ministry of

    Employment and Labor

    Bldg. #3, Goverment Complex 47 Gwanmunro, Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do,

    427-718 Korea

    For inormation : Call 1350

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