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It can be hard to think what will happen in the future right after the cancer therapy. It definitely is a huge relief once the cancer is cured and as a survivor, patients eagerly wish to return to their regular lifestyles. But one should not be reckless or change their regular routine right away. Depending on the type of treatment and location of the cancer, there are chances of encountering long-term effects of cancer therapy. A recent study has found that 15 years after the treatment with radiation or surgery, most of the cancer patients have suffered from its side-effects. The long-term effects associated with radiation therapy can possibly raise the risk of getting a cancer for the second time in the future. It may occur after several years and the fact behind it, is the damage caused to the healthy tissues by the radiations. The risk of it happening again is small, but quite possible.

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Some of the side-effects are described in detail below :

The treated area of your skin may look darker as it is sunburned.

You may feel different while touching your skin.

You may suffer from permanent hair loss in the treated area.

You may see small red spidery spots on your skin.

Swelling may happen due to obstruction in the drainage mediums to the legs or arms.

You may not be able to become a father or mother again, if your testicles or ovaries were in the field of radiotherapy.

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If you have gone for abdominal treatment, then you may face the problem of passing the urine more often.

If you have undergone breast therapy, then your breasts will feel hard to touch.

People who have undergone the treatment of lungs or chest can suffer from shortness of breath.

If you have gone for the chest or neck therapy, you will find it difficult to swallow the foods due to the narrowing of the food pipe.

Intestinal aches due to urine contamination.

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Modern treatments are well equipped to cause as few long-term side-effects as possible. Nowadays the instruments that are used for the radiotherapy are more refined and authentic than they had been before. But doctors need to maintain a perfect balance between the chance of cure, to the risk of its side-effects. The higher is the dose, the more is the side-effects. You can feel the effects over a long time, frequently for several years. If you had cancer therapy in the past and worried about the side-effects, then visit your doctor and speak to him/her regarding your problems. This would help you deal with the existing issues and also in taking precautions against the re-occurrence of the cancer in future.

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