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fHrrry CtrrtBtntas Hope College Anchor Happy Neiu

LVII-7 Official Publication of the Students of Hope College at Holland, Michigan December 20 / 1944

'Jaccdty 'JvuitH

o n c o n t e m p o r a r y

a f f a i r s

By Clarence De Graaf

To the average college student

the problems of the post-war would

still seem quite remote — and this

is not surprising. There is always

a certain amount of the ivory-

tower existence to be expected

among students. Even in a time of

war we expect the student to con-

tinue something of the "noiseless

terror of his way." He is not yet

ready to defend the economic or-

der, to insist on recognition of the

r ights of minorities or to build

a new international order. One

would almost expect that while our

statesmen are conferr ing and while

our armies are batt l ing toward vic-

tory, the poor student might well

be the forgotten man (woman, to

be more exact). He perhaps doesn't

realize that he is himself in the

midst of a battle whose outcome

is as meaningful for the post-war

world as that of the economic and

political issues.


Frequently this war is referred

to as a war of ideologies. Now an

ideology is a set of ideas before

it is a program of action. Ideas

are the very stock-in-trade of stu-

dents. Long before armies are called upon to settle differences, the seeds of such s t r i fe are germin-at ing in the minds of the students who saunter so carefree through the college halls; For this reason education has become an indispens-able weapon not only on offensive and defensive warfare , but also an indispensable instrument for the

"estffrMshment of the peace and the prCT^rvation of the democratic way of li^L Archibald Macleish, in the Novem£>r ^Atlantic Monthly con-tends that thdt? are only two great problems for the p»st-war world; How shall men govern? and What shall men teach ? i

The answer to the question What shall men teach? is not solely the problem of the curriculum commit-tee and the teacher in the college. It is the question which the student answers in part by the program of electives he pursues and in par t by the goals he seeks to achieve in ;iny field of study. (Or don't the students set any goal for them-selves?) This reaching out of the mind into s t range terr i tory may not be as dramatic as hunting Japs in jungle warfare , but it is of more permanent value to society. Today educators are waking up to the fact that it makes all the difference in the world what we teach and how we teach it. Either the teacher and student together are educating each other for the maintenance of the good life or they are educating for its destruction. There is no neutral ground.


Especially is democracy depend-ent upon the right kind of educa-tion. Democracy stakes its very existence upon the ability of its citizenry to make wise choices. If we choose a mess of pot tage in preference to our bir thright , there is no power other than education to stop us. Education in a de-mocracy sets the welfare of the individual above the demands of the s ta te and educates its citizens to be critical even of their own government. Only by encouraging criticism can education insure a living, growing democracy. This does not mean that vocational and professional t ra ining will have no place in a democratic s ta te ; it does mean that education which stresses the free exercise of the mind and judgment and combines this with civic and social responsibility must always be the first concern of a democracy. These two objectives are rooted in the Greek ethics, "Be ye intelligent" and the Christian ethic "Be ye kind, one to another." To the degree to which Hope stu-dents are true to this ideal, they are insuring the future of the Christian liberal-arts college and the preservation of democracy.

Dorm Girls Entertain

F a c u l t y at P a r t y Tonight at 8:00 o'clock dorm

girls will entertain the faculty at

their annual Christmas party. This

year the girls will provide the en-

tire entertainment which will con-

sist of a variety of serious and

humorous numbers.

Following the program games

will be played. 10c gif ts exchanged, which will later be given to the Salvation Army, and refreshments served. Members of the faculty at-tending are Albert E. Lampen, Metta J . Ross. Albert Timmer, Clarence De Graff, Gerrit \ ander Borg. Edward Wolters. Millie Schup 'ert Henry Wr UT. Wynand Wichers, Walter Van Saun, E. P. McLean, Milton Hinga and Jack Schouten, Wives of the faculty members are also invited.

Preceding the par ty the girls will have their annual formal dinner to which Dr. and Mrs. Wichers, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. McLean and Miss Lichty are invited.

Eleanor Everse has served as general chairman with Harriet Stegeman, program chairman; Alice Laughlin, ref reshments chair-man; and Janet Bogart, decoration


We Interview *: . j v f •


For Equal Consideration

Sinclair Thompson

Visitor at Hope On December 11 and 12, Hope,

s tudents were introduced to Sin-clair Thompson, representative of the Student Volunteer Movement. Mr. Thompson, at present a senior at McCormick Seminary in Chica-1 go, was a short-term teacher in Bangkok Christian College in Thailand (Siam) for four years. I Af ter Pearl Harbor he was interned by the Japanese and placed in a camp in Bangkok with 80 Ameri-cans, 250 Britains, and 20 Dutch. This camp was situated extremely close to a major bomb target in the city and as a prisoner Mr. Thomp-son experienced several bomb raids. Af te r seven months in the camp the 80 Americans were taken on a Japanese cruiser to Lourenco Mar-ques in Portuguese East Africa. | Here the Japanese ship and the | Swedish ship Gripsholm exchanged passengers and the Gripsholm sailed to Rio de Janeiro and on to New York. The journey home was two months in length. Mr. Thomp-son remembers many interesting facts about this great experience and regrets that he was unable to keep his diary up-to-date. Upon graduation from McCormick Sem-inary he desires to study Buddhism at Yale University and hopes to return some day to Thailand.

A representative for the Student Volunteer Movement since Septem-ber, 1944, Mr. Thompson is very enthusiastic about his g rea t work. The S. V. M. is a student organi-zation acting as a missionary arm of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. The Board of Directors is composed of two-thirds students and one-third full-time workers. The organ-ization is interdenominational and its purpose is to recruit volunteers for missionary service. Each year the various denominations send in to the S. V. M. a list of needed per-sonnel in the mission fields. The S. V. M. compiles a complete list of all openings for the current year and recruits volunteers for the various denominations. The ob-jective for this year is to visit 700 colleges and to recruit 1,000 volun-teers both for domestic and for-eign service. Dr. Winburn Thomas is the General Secretary of the S. V. M. whose offices are in New York City.

Mr. S i n c l a i r Thompson led Chapel on Monday and consulted students on Monday and Tuesday. He also led the joint Y. M. and Y. W. meeting at which time he answered probable questions of missionary-minded students. He gave the qualifications for a mis-sionary and said that mission work is doing many practical things in a spiritual manner for Christ. He also said that missions enter every student's life, because it is every Christian's responsibility to help this world which has gone astray. Mr. Thompson spoke of the chal-lenge to the Church of our own

Continued on Page 2

Want a da t e? — Ask Miss Boyd!

No, we aren't being flippant, just

giving credit where credit is due.

As chairman of the committee of

social relations. Miss Boyd keeps the wheels of Hope's social life moving along at a uniform rate and intensity. A devoted teacher, Miss Boyd possesses a sympathetic ap-preciation of s tudents and their idiosyncrasies, and generously at-tends to irradicating any problems. Her ready humor, of Mayflower — Scotch origin, springs forth in all occasions, whether in the capacity of a gracious hostess to the Ger-man club or a benevolent friend counselling youth. Were you to happen in on Miss Boyd some evening you might find her writing verse for her own enjoyment or drawing up plans for next Spring's gardening. Miss Boyd, a f t e r study-ing extensively French, Spanish, Greek, Latin and German, found her strongest inclinations toward the latter and since that time has been patiently conducting s t rug-gling students along the winding paths of the German language.

O . Henry Is Discussed

By English Majors C lub ;

New Coures Announced I

"Chris tmas" was the theme of 1

the English Majors club held last

Wednesday night. Marge Prince,

hostess for the group, read a

paper on the origin and meaning

of English Christmas Carols.

O. Henry, originator of the ,

American short story, was the |

author under discussion. Details of

his life were presented in a paper

by Harriet Maatman. Evelyn Shiff-;

ner read a supplementary paper

discussing the works of 0 . Henry.

"The Gift of the Magi" the famous Christmas story by O. Henry was | read by Elaine Scholten.

Professor DeGraaf gave a repor t ! on the courses the English Depart - ; ment expects to offer next semes- '

ter. Dr. Dimnent will offer a course * G r c k Literature in Translat ion" and Rev. Kruithof expects to offer the works of Milton. Courses in the suivey of English and Ameri-can novels are expected to be of-fered by Prof. DeGraaf.

With an economy of words. Miss Ross gives expression to inexhaust-ible volumes of thought that chal-lenge the ability and zeal of those for tunate individuals who come un-der her tutelage. Her adventurous spirit and appropria te humor set her apart as a s t imulat ing person-age in classroom acquaintance and campus activity. Thanks to her efficacious t rea tment of l i terature and history, many of us have been saved from the despair of inade-quately appreciat ing ei ther or both. What might appropriately be ex-pressed as an art is t ic soul accounts for a discriminating feeling for words and color and that sensitive appreciation of fine l i terature, in coordination with the apti tude for writing fine poetry and prose, com-bined so harmoniously in Miss Ross. Inspiration is too prosaic a term to apply to that influence which Miss Ross has on student thought and literary endeavor.

Both these altruistic colleagues insisted that the other be given preeminence in any in t en iew but we present for equal consideration — Miss Boyd and Miss Ross.

Celebr&te Weinachten

At German Club Already in a festive mood, the

members of the German club gath-ered at the home of Miss Laura Boyd Thursday, December 14 for a celebration of "Weinachten." En-tertainment and refreshments high-lighted the evening.

Fraulein Nellie Mae Ritsema was in charge of devotions and Fraulein Harriet Haine read the serious paper on Chris tmas in Germany. The games played were in charge of Gertrude Maassen while Helga Sawitsky closed the program with the leading of group singing.

Refreshments served were tea sandwiches, cookies and coffee with a special highlight being Christ-mas bread.

Christmas Celebrated By Musical Activities Glee Club And Choir Sing

At Chapel Vesper Service

C. E. Sponsors Carol Sing Hope College Chapel was the scene of two musical events,

a Christmas Vesper at 4:00 p. m. and a Christma? Carol Hymn Sing at 9:00 p. m. on Sunday, December 17.

Stall ing the Vesper program was the Hope Chapel Choir and Glee Club processional, " 0 Come All Ye Faithful," fol-lowed by "Pastorale" — Guilmant, with Mrs. W. C. Snow at the organ and Frieda Grote at the piano. "The Holly and the Ivy" — Houghton, and "Glory to God in the Highest" — Pergolisi, were sung by the Chapel Choir.

Other numbers were "Silent Night" — Gruber, with Betty Fuller, harpist, and Mrs. Snow, organist; "From Manger Unto Throne" — Tracy, by Timothy Harrison, baritone soloist; "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" — Mendelssohn,

in which both Choir and congre-

Give Varied Program

at La Cerde Francais A gay "saison de Noel" was

ushered in by La Cercle Francais and their guests, the first year French students, at the home of Mrs. Peter Prins Thursday night, December 14.

Elaine Prins opened the program traditionally by reading in French the Christmas story from Luke, a f t e r which a quintet, composed of Rosanna Atkins, Libby Romaine, Elsie Parsons, Ruth Ellison and Elaine Prins, sang "Cantique de Noel."

A short French play, "Pa r Tele-phone" then followed in the Christ-mas spirit. Those taking par t were Ruth Ellison, Jeanne Timmerman, Lois Hospers, Phyllis Voss, Betty Kingsfield and Betty DeVries.

Dorothy Atkins and Betty De-Vries then sang "Voici Noel," a f t e r which the group joined in singing French carols. Mrs. Prins then treated the group to apple cider and charming candlelit cakes.

Co-chairmen for the meeting were Betty DeVries and Betty Kingsfield.

Chape l Chimes

Ring Aga in

Five o'clock Saturday afternoon the campus was pleasantly aston-ished to hear the Chapel Chimes. They have become a peculiar par t of Hope's Christmas spirit.

Ora to r i ca l Contests

To Be January Feature

During the third week of Janu-ary two oratorical contests will take place on the campus, the Rav-en Contest for men, and the Ade-laide Contest fo r women. Two cash prizes of $30 and $20 are offered in the men's contest; and for the women, one cash prize of $25. The original orations must not exceed 1800 words in length. The two winners will represent Hope in the State Contest which is to be held March 9, 1945.

Yesterday the debate squad had its first meeting at which time the schedule of their debates was an-nounced. On January 25, 1945, there will be.the Western Michigan Invitation Tournament; February

H o p e Student Gu ide

Makes Its Appea rance

Last Friday the Hope College Student Guide made its appearance. Besides listing the names of the faculty and students the book, this year, lists the organizations of the campus and their scheduled time for meeting. Co-editors of the book are Harold Des Autels and Gene Van Tamelen. A compilation of figures from the guide shows the s ta tes represented on our campus. Michigan leads with a total of 173 with New York coming in second with 55. New Jersey follows with 17; Illinois, 14; Wisconsin, 13; Iowa, 6. Montana, Minnesota, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, California, Washington and India all have one representative.

Sibley, Vredeve ld Plan

P & M Scenery Mee t ing

A meeting on scenery was pre-pared by Joyce Sibley and Gertie Vredeveld for the Pallate and Masque meeting, held Monday night in the Commons Room. Glen-na Gore read a paper on the his-tory of scenery, and Joyce Sibley and Gertie Vredeveld read an orig-inal poem on the "trials and tribu-

(ConUnu«d on page 3.)

17, the State Debate Tournament; and April 14, the Freshman Tourn-ament. Practice debates are being arranged with Calvin College.

Easterners Planning

Ho l iday Cong rega t i on

The powerful Eastern contingent is planning to get together during Christmas vacation in the "Big City." They plan to meet a t 10:30 and again at 5:30 for late-comers at the People's Bus Terminal, 41st and 42nd Streets.

Ex-Hopeite servicemen are ex-pected in if they have anything left of their leaves a f t e r the New Year week-end. The gang will probably go to a matinee and then descend on some res taurant owner.

Anyone wishing to make plans a f t e r arr iving home, call Millie Burkhardt or Bill Brandli.

Annual Faculty Dinner

He ld in Voorhees Ha l l

The Annual Faculty dinner was held last Fr iday night in Voorhees Hall. Af t e r the dinner, which was given by the college to the faculty members and their wives, they all adjourned to the gym where games were played. Mr. Cornelius Vander Meulen was the " s t a r " of the evening, because^he won most of the games. Among the entertain-ment were quar te t s judged by Mrs. Curtis Snow.

Committees for the event were Mrs. Wymand Wichers and Mrs. Albert E. Lampen, invitations and tables; Mrs. Paul E. Hinkamp and Mrs. Clarence De Graaf, games; and Mr. E. Paul McLean, menu. Mrs. Gerrit Van Zyl is president of the Faculty Wives club.

Your attention is respect-fully called to the Editorials.

This issue of the ANCHOR has been edited by Ruth Joldersma, one of the Asso-ciate Editors. A comparison of this and a subsequent is-sue edited by Joyce Van Oss will determine the editor of the ANCHOR next year.

gation participated; and Mendel-

ssohn's "Rondo Capriccioso," piano

solo, by Betty Van Lente.

Also on the program were "Caril-

lon" — Brill, and "Hear King of

Angels" (Chris tmas Oratorio) —

Bach, by the Glee Club; "Silent

Night" and "Break Forth O Beau-

teous Heavenly Light" (also

Christmas Oratorio) — Bach, by a

mixed quartet composed of Frieda

Grote, Ruth Ann Poppen, Dick

Vriesman, and Calvin Malefyt ; and

the piano solo "Prelude and Fugue

In D Minor" — Bach, Alma Van-

der Hill.

As the closing number of the

program "Joy to the World" —

Handel, was sung by choir and

congregation accompanied by Mrs.

Snow, Betty Van Lente, and Alma

Vander Hill. The service was spon-

sored by the Hope Muical Ar t s

Club. \ collection was taken for

the Red Cross.

Leader of the Chris tmas Carol hymn sing was Captain George Campbell, nationally known music director of the Sixth Service Com-mand, Chicago, Illinois. Captain Campbell is well known as a song leader at state, national and inter-national Christian Endeavor con-ventions. He was formerly national chairman of music for the Kiwanis club, and has also done musical work in connection with the Y. M. C. A.

To give an added touch to the program the Holland High School a capella choir, directed by Miss Trixie Moore, sang two numbers, "Carol of the Shepherd," a six-teenth century French song, and the Russian Carol "Good News from Heaven."

The sing was sponsored by the Holland Christian Endeavor Union, which plans to use the offering fo r its Chicago Hebrew Mission F\ind. The Union's special project fo r this year is to raise $150 toward the support of an i t inerant missionary, working with the Jewish population of a number of cities. Par t ies and offerings also contribute to this goal in accordance with the special emphasis being given to inter-racial relations by the union this year.

Mrs. W. Curtis Snow a t the or-gan and Frieda Grote a t the piano accompanied the community sing-ing. Rev. Henry Vermeer, pas tor of Central Park Reformed Church, gave the invocation.

Music chairman for the Union is George Zuidema; Ray Mooi was in charge of ushers. Delbert Vander Haar is president of the Union.

Van Leeuwen Chosen

Fresh Representative

At the last meeting of W. A. L. which was held on December 14, Thelma Van Leeuwen was chosen as the freshman representative. The post-Christmas plans include a slumber party {n February to which all women on the campus will be invited. The man shortage has in-spired W. A. L. to sponsor an all girl party which will be held some time in March.

Page Two Hope College Anchor

^ ( S o n J i H t U S o u t a r i M t n " . . .

Hope College Anchor Member

A s s o c i a t e d C o t e e i c l e P r e s s

Helen Wilhelm Editor-in-Chief

Business Manager - - - Peggy Cross Associate Editors Ruth Joldersma, Joyce Van Oss Assistant Business Manager Elaine Scholten

— - 7 ^ — S T A F F " 7 Feature Editor Rose Seith Society Editor Marie Jenkins "Camp to Campus" Editor Polly Naas Typists Vivian Dykema, Helen Wagner, Harr ie t Haines Circulation Manager Verladyne Saunders

EDITORIAL MANAGERIAL KinK>fieId Shlffner Barenw D^nhof

Pyle - ^ Hub«rn Witeman Smallegan V. Dykema Wolbrlnk Fredericks Gynbern Meuiien M. Schoulten C I R C U L A T I O N J . Muelendyke Elaine Prin* - - p| | |«»n L. Muelendyke B. Bilkert Schoutten g l taon

V"<"v"d X ' Hoaprri M. Reuii Van Tamelen M . ^ n h r o o k 2?j!Jn#

Van Wvk HnHman Maatenbrook Butt BieleFeld C. Scholten Muetendyke m e 8 V-n d" ' Ritiema fchlpST'

M. Gysbern

Mail subscriptions, one dollar per year Address — The Anchor, Hope College, Holland, Michigan

Telephone 9436


// And on Earth, Peace //

( f a w f t fa

Peace, goodwill to men. How empty the song of the angels seems

to us now. Amid all the horrors of today it seems almost impossible

to return to Bethlehem where God's promise was made so long ago,

but what a miracle would be accomplished this Christmas season, or

any time, if men would turn to the story of the cradle and the Cross.

Instead, to strengthen their fa i th , men are turning to other stories

of human sacrifice, devotion to duty, and bravery. There is no story

of love great enough to instill goodwill into the hearts of men other

than the story which began at Bethlehem. It is a simple one, but

it 's promise reaches as f a r as it is heard: "For unto you is born

this day in the city of David, a Saviour which is Christ the Lord."

The Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us. A miracle took

place then and the world's faith in that miracle must be renewed

if God's promise of peace is to be fulfilled. For there can be no

peace until there are men of goodwill.


Why Can't Wc Govern Elsewhere in this issue is an excerpt taken from "The

Wildcat" school paper at Louisiana College advocating greater student participation in the affairs of the college. This seems to be one of the most effective methods of grooming "bet ter citizens."

Our Student Council should l)e the most powerful organi-zation on this Campus. It should form all rules for student conduct. It should meet with the faculty, at least once a month in order to discuss or formulate decisions where prob-lems directly affecting campus life are concerned. Certainly in a college operating basically on Christian principles, when the majority of the student body lives according to a moral code, greater student participation in campus government would allow the student to learn how to live collectively but without subjecting his individual personality in society. When we were sent to college our parents expected us to learn how to live besides being taught. What better way can this be done than by experience?

Participation in many organizations of the campus is merely time-consuming. Only in an organization where actual self-government occurs can the student fully develop himself.

Certainly training in student affairs in a college such as Hope would enable the student to live in the greater world with assurance and conviction; the assurance tha t his Chris-tian convictions are applicable to practical living.

Dear G. I. Hope, Holland is buried under a foot

of snow, and all the out of s ta te kids are saying, "Only — days un t i l ' you-know-what. Oh happy day!" That Wolverine will be won-derful in spite of those hard seats. Anyway we have been seeing a little bit of the olive drab on the

Jeff Wiereum campus lately. Jeff Wiersum was home from Camp Fannin, Texas. Jeff is on his way to For t Meade, and then to unknown destination. If you want to know his secret mission, consult the gossip column

Harry Miners of the paper. Lt. Harry Miners was "harp ing" about a special mis-sion here in Holland. We aren ' t di-a-monding to know what it was because it sparkles so beautifully on Betty Fuller 's left hand. An-other Dutchman hit the trail for Berlin or Tokyo — Adrian Bos '47 left on very short notice for J e f -ferson Field, Missouri. Ad's fu tu re is a little indefinite as yet, and we will hear more of him in later editions.

Lt. Donald Van Dyke '43 has completed 31 missions over France and Germany as a Navigator. He is now instructing at Rapid City Army Air Base. South Dakota. Don was visiting the campus last week.

Prof. Cavanaugh There has been mail in the Camp

to Campus mail bag. Prof. Cava-naugh wrote to Prexy of his recent promotion. "Dear Boss: It 's been a long time since I received your last letter, and a great deal of water has gone under the bridge. You will all be ready to give the "Messiah" about the time that this reaches you, but I'm not going to say much more about that , for the old nostalgia will only become worse. Last year, a t this time, I heard it given by a church in New Orleans, and it was all I could do

to sit quietly while hings went on

without me.

I 'm a f ra id it win De some time before I'm back to things musical. Perhaps now I'm paying fo r my optimism of several months ago, and perhaps now I realize better what a terrific job remains ahead. There is very little that I can tell you, of course — my stories will have to be a par t of the multitude you'll be pestered with when peace comes. I'm back in the Sta tes at the moment, although I expect to shove off shortly and for a long, long time. It is quite possible, since I've received a long-awaited pro-motion, that I'll be given command of some other ship very shortly, and that will mean that the U. S. will be among the missing for me for long months to come. Prof, is now a Lt. (j .g.)

Jack Barendse

In answer to the perpetual ques-tion of this column — "What are you doing to keep out of mischief?" S /Sgt . Jack Barendse writes, "Well, it seems tha t where I am now, there is no mischief as we're play-ing a game of hide and seek with the grim reaper. I'm the tail gun-ner on a B-17 and have been on quite a few missions over Germany, France and Holland. I've had a few hair-raisers but the "stories" will have to wait until the day I get home again."

Roy Davis

Hope men go Eas t ; Hope men go West, but eventually they meet and another Hope reunion is writ-ten in the books. Ens. Roy Davis writes, "This will no doubt be a surprise — but not as big as the one 1 received last night. I went over to another ship last night with a group of our men for a movie party. Imagine my great surprise to find that the officer who greeted us was none other than George

Lumsden!!! We two had a class reunion on the spot. One thing about a movie out here — there 's plenty of time while they change the reals to talk. Since we hadn' t seen each other since we lef t school in June of '43 we had a lot to talk about. He is the second Hope man I have run into in two months. The other was Bob Van Draught , '40. I did not know Bob before, but like all Hopeites we became ac-quainted readily.

" I t has been quite a long while since I last let you know where I was. Since then I've been many places and seen many things. I left home a f t e r graduat ing f rom Mid-shipman's school in July and since then I've traveled approximately 10,000 miles. In a way it has been fun — sometimes — and sort of educational, too, I suppose. But anytime they say I can go back home, I'm ready!!

"I'd like to tell you more specif-ically where I've been and what I've been doing. In case you're in-terested there is an article on L. C. S. gunboats (we are proud to be one) in Collier's for November 11. 1 haven't seen it myself so I don't know what it is except that it tells a lot about us that has been secret up to now."

News from the Marines! Russ De Vette, Dick Higgs, and Bill Draper are in Officers' Training School at Quantico, Virginia.

Well, G. I.'s thanks for all the letters you have been sending; we hope to hear more of your activi-ties in the future . A Merry Christ-mas to you wherever you are. And as one of our Ensigns so emphat-ically expressed it — although at times it is tough; we can't be down-hearted; we're on the winning team!

^ o u r obedient correspondent.

Aunt Penelope.

Can We Be t

Leaders in the Coming World?

"If we are to be leaders in the world of tomorrow, certainly we are going to have to know how to carry on the functions of a demo-cratic form of government. But, if the present trend is allowed to continue to hold its sway, we will be turned loose with a B. A. or B. S. degree — and tha t ' s all. Yes, we'll know what the book said . . . but book learning is not enough. We must put it into practice! Stu-dents must be given tha t oppor-tunity — the opportunity to live in a democracy, even on a college campus. Students need more voice in the affairs of the college — a f t e r all, the students make up the grea te r par t of it. Democracy-guarantees the r ight of major i ty , but the tendency is that dictator-ship may be creeping in. The minority must not be allowed to rule.

"Most of us a re practically adults. Certainly, we should have enough sense to take on some defi-nite responsibility in s tudent affairs and government on this campus. Some day soon, we'll be doing that in our world of tomorrow. Let 's get our t ra ining in it now! The fu tu r e of democratic America hangs in the balance.

"When will we grow u p ? " —A. C. P.

Forum Continue* from page l .(

national problems of race, class, and labor relations.

Also at the Y meeting were Har-old Kuebler, Regional Secretary* of Y and Cliff Drury, Sta te Secretary of the Michigan Collegiate Y. Bill Brandli directed the singing with Dick Vriesman at the piano. Con-nie Crawford led devotions and Frieda Grote sang "O Holy Night" accompanied by Betty Van Lente. Dick Hine introduced Mr. Thomp-son.

In . . . . Digestion By Edna May Richards

As potential tax-payers, here is something of interest — also to those who already pay and pay!! Secretary Morgenthau is looking for an expert to work out postwar tax plans, which will require considerable study and adjustment . Anyone eligible?

Authoritative est imates say that China's iron and steel pro-duction is only 20 per cent of capacity, and many items on which the Chinese were once self-sufficient are not being pro-duced at all. Instead, Chungking is reported to be depending on Lend-Lease material t ransported over the hump.

The Army and Navy are insisting on their full quota of chicken because of its morale value. Reports f rom the f ronts , hospitals, and from recuperation stations show tha t , besides furnishing the best bread from field rations, fried chicken really brings happy thoughts of home and family to G. I. Joe.

Recent heavy U. S. bombing of the oil refinery at Misburg, near Hanover, throws a light on Germany's dwindling oil supply. Prior to the at tacks, the Misburg refinery was the largest still active in Germany; it's output was some 4,000 barrels a day. This is about the capacity of the average small refinery in the United States.

A surprising number of U. S. soldiers plan to return to Australia and enter business a f t e r the war . The Austral ian Goverment hopes to make it easy for them by waiving immi-gration requirements for Americans who have honorable dis-charge papers f rom the United States Army.

It seems the Easterners will be lacking more gas . The w a r in Europe is again causing a heavy draw on Eas t Coast oil stocks; so heavy, in fac t , t ha t calculations of the Petroleum Administration for War have been upset.

Merry Christmas everyone! Here I am again bursting with news just as Santa 's bag is burst ing with

g i f t s for you.

Speaking of Santa Claus it seems that Prof . De Graaf is worried about what the dorm girls are go-ing to do to him at the Dorm Christmas party. Cheer up. Prof , the girls really don't bite.

Then there 's the matter of what girl is taking what man to her Sorority par ty . The men on the campus are certainly popular these


Romance in full bloom — Betty Fuller looks starry-eyed lately. Couldn't be Harry 's visit and the r ing he lef t on your, finger, could

it Betty?

Marie Jenkins is another of these lucky furlough-blessed girls. Jeff ' s pin looks snazzy on your sweaters and blouses, Marie.

Elaine Mensinger will be floating around in the clouds for the next two weeks. The reason? Del's home, of course.

Mary Lou Hemmes has been en-joying one of Harvey's short leaves lately.

Romance in the bud — Joyce De Wolf and Walt Krings seem to have found a lot in common in the last couple of weeks. Enough to supply mutual conversation ( ?) fo r the t r ip home, huh kids?

The living rooms of the dorms have taken on an atmosphere of Christmas festivity. Everyone "ohs" and "ahs" at the s ight of our Christmas trees.

Latest reports f rom John Hains Debate classes are to the effect tha t Mr. Hains has been giving advice

to the girls about the r ight way to catch a man. Nice going!

Tom Bosloper finds several of the town girls keep his "knees knockin' and his toes rockin'." Namely, Joyce Van Oss, Elaine Prins, and Mary Lou De Fouw.

The Christmas spirit is all around us, even to the extent of the dorms being serenaded every Friday night. We love it except for Mrs. Kay, who always worries that we'll wake Dr. Wichers with our enthusiasm.

Mickey Felten is soon going to publish a book entitled. Demerit Notes from Miss Noulen.

Campuses really cramp Ronnie Finlaw's style. The only thing she can do is eat, and now she can't even do tha t cuz her figer is simply going to "rack and ruin." And Rove is complaining that while some kids have not time to get presents or others have no money for shopping — she can't even look around. Guess she has a campus.

The good old Bronx cheer to those sem studes who came to the Koffee Kletz and demanded that women re turn to the home. Who's running Hope better than ever before ?

Prof. Van Saun and class really had a laugh when Dick Hine walked in Ethics class and the transom slammed down behind him.

Well, a t this point I 'm hearing more bells than Christmas ones, so I guess I'll toss a coin and see whether I finish my Bible term paper, do some last minute Christ-mas shopping or s t a r t to pack. De-liver me!

Merry Christmas and a hap-hap-happy New Year. Whoozit.

WARM FRIEND TAVERN This Hotel Specializes In Catering: For Class and Society Functions

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Twas Just Afore Christmas . . r

T w a s just before Christmas and all through th.e f^nool Not a person was studying, not even a f i ^ f The dorm girls were counting the hour^ and days; There was talk of sorority part ies and 'plays; The chimes in the chapel were r inging once more "O Holy Night ," "Come Let Us Adore . . . . " Each prof was planning a real stiff exam. Each student was reluctantly s ta r t ing to cram. The girls were all dressed with the greates t of care Bells on their shoes, bows in their hair ; The boys were all happy and rar in ' to go. And the general cry w a s "let there be snow." Bilkerts and Timmy, and Anne Vander J agh t Had settled themselves most comfortably back. Marie and Jeff were walking together Their conversation was f a r f rom the weather. Ellison and Finlaw walked 'round the block While Pinx knit furiously to finish her sock. Brandli and Ter Beek with no place to go. Were looking for places to hang mistletoe. Miss Gibbs in the l ibrary had a full house; Her assis tants kept everybody still as a mouse. When out on the campus there arose such a clat ter All sprang to their feet to see what was the mat ter . The Student Council adjourned their meeting. To see who or what was taking a beating. The girls f rom Van Vleck came on the run Happy and ready to join in the fun . The band was there and played in the throng Spirits rose when they played the Hope Song. The crowd moved along to Carnegie Gym Where a j ingling of bells was heard f rom within; The doors were thrown open by Santa himself We found him, of course, a quick jolly old elf; But when one of his pillows fell f rom his vest. We saw that i t was Prof . Les Kuipers a t his best. He laughed and he joked and he played on his lyre And called for some carols led by the choir. Amid Christmas atmosphere and soft candlelight Myra Brouwer sang " 0 Holy Night ."

Prof. Vander Borgh and Prof. McLean Were enjoying themselves ' twas plainly seen; Queen Mary came and the orchestra, too. No one was bored, there was so much to do. Mensinger and Staver took pictures galore. When they ran out of films, they went a f t e r some more. Joldy and Gysbers were back f rom a spree And very industriously t r imming the t ree . But above all the noise you could plainly hear, "MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND A HAPPY


— Rose O'Day.



wishes for Hope College and The Anchor

the Success it Merits

Hope College Anchor

^ n r n r t t y H u i b l i a h t a - - -


On December 8th, the program

^ was in charge of Shirley Lemmen

whose theme was "Shoes." Devo-

tions were lead by Laura Johnson

who stressed the importance of do-

ing our best no mat te r how small

our position in life. Phyllis Haskin

and Harlene Schutmaat produced

"Squeaks," figuratively only, by

inspiring renditions of The Love

Nest and When Day is Done on

their violins. "A New Shine," a

serious paper by Helga Sawitsky

gave food for thought : Make God our master all the time not just

for a month a f t e r making New

Year's resolutions. What is a pair

of t>hoes without "Pol i sh?" Marian

TerBorg brightened everyone with

"Tschaikovski's Piano Concerto in

B Minor, Oh, What a Beautiful Morning, and many popular songs. Af te r a good polish there's nothing like "Scuffing 'em up" with Mike Kleis's illuminating humor. The meeting ended with the critic's re-port by Rose O'Day.

At the business meeting on De-cember 15, election of officers was held; the new officers are Presi-dent, Happy Maatman; Vice Presi-dent, Shirley Lemmen; Secretary, Phyllis Haskin; Treasurer, Spike Sawitsky. Vera Pennings was elected Pan-Hellenic Representa-tive.

The Christmas program was in charge of Anne Van Den-eer, whose theme was "Christmas Music." It Came Upon a Midnight Clear set the stage for devotions lead by Arleen Eilander. Libby Romaine was in charge of an impressive nativity pageant, by candlelight. In keeping with the spiritual and joyfulness of the season Marian Ter Borg lead the Sibs in carolling. Anne Van Derveer's serious paper revealed what Christmas means to children and what Christmas means to us as Christians. Therefore do not forget the real significance of Jesus ' birthday.

Edna Mae Van Tatenhove ex-pressed each Sib's sentiments in "HI Be Home for Christmas." Christmas isn't Christmas without the laments of a last minute shop-per without money. Louise Rove said that she knew it from experi-ence. The critic fo r the evening was Jackie Granert . The meeting dispersed with the singing of Sib songs and sucking peppermint candy canes.


The Thesaurians held their an-

nua Christmas party a f te r a short

business meeting Friday evening.

Sarah Jack opened the program by

reading the Christmas Story from

Luke. "Oh Holy Night" was then

sung by Ruth Ann Poppen. The

Christmas Spirit was then repre-

sented by a paper read by Claire

Peterson. The group joined in

singing Christmas carols led by

Margaret White, accompanied by

Ellene Bosland.

A little, freckled-faced boy, Mar-

ion Dame, told the Thetas how to

act "Jes t Before Christmas." A

quartet ; Martha Van Saun, Janet

Huizenga, Adeline Sybesma, Ann

Fikse, very picturesquely rendered

"Up On the Housetops'' accom-

panied by Nellie Mae Ritsema. The

exasperated mother, Edna Mae

Richards, read to her naughty chil-

dren wno would not go to bed. Lois

and Jean Meulendyke. The story — "A Visit f rom Saint Nicholas." At the proper moment Saint Nick appeared in the form of Lynn Lundberg. who burst from the fire-place and distributed gif ts . The sorority adjourned to the home of Ethelyn Van Leeuwen for refresh-ments.


The Christmas Spirit penaded

the Dorian meeting of December

15. The candle-lit room decorated

with ribbon and evergreen lent it-

self as a background while Evelyn

Shiffner read the ever-new Christ-

mas story of the birth of the Christ-child. In her own beautiful manner Frieda Grote sang, " 0 , Holy Night." Alice Laughlin then read "Let us Keep Christmas," a poem which stated that everyone can be happy at Christmas, no matter how heavy their cares may seem. Phyllis Vos read a paper emphasizing the fact that peace on earth should be a reality instead of merely being the hope that it is today.

Dorians all joined in singing the Dorian song. Following the critic's report by Frances Koeman, each Dorian received a g i f t f rom her secret pal. Marshmallow-topped hot chocolate and cookies as re-freshments were welcome, and the meeting ended with the singing of Christmas carols.


"Merry Christmas to all and to

all a goodnight" was the refra in of

the Freshmen pledges as they fin-

ished their skit of the "Christmas Spirit ." Pinks Mulder read "Gif t of the Magi," 0 . Henry's short story of Christmas love and giving.

Then in keeping with the Christ-mas theme, Arie Voorhorst lead devotions by reading the Christmas story, and Alma Vander Hill played a piano solo.

Mary Lois De Fouw read a "paper" about the Belated Christ-mas card, supplying the humor of the evening. Carol Meppelink lead in singing Christmas carols one of the features of the singing being impromptu duets by several talent-ed ( ? ) members.


The Sorosis Christmas program was in charge of Lois Hospers Fri-day night, December 15. She opened the program by reading the Christmas story from the Bible followed by a short carol-sing. Anne Vander Jag t explained the origin of St. Nicholas in a few well chosen words — (see Encyclo-pedia Britannica top of p. 357 to bottom of p. 357). Nice work, Anne. Elaine Bielefeld Raymond Graham Swing gave a "Listener 's Digest" of international news with a dash of Walter Winchell on the local flashes. All very interesting and complete — when are you go-ing to run your column in the Anchor, Elaine? The Man With a Voice, Sinatra Harrison, charmed the sorority with two songs at the conclusion of which I heard a wistful voice behind me sigh, "Why does he have to have everything?" Xow that 's a sixty-four dollar ques-tion to be answered in next week's epistle. Rosanna Atkins, blessed with originality and talent, dis-played her poetic ability in a poem "What Sigma Sigmites Will Find in Their Stockings." Well done, "Emerson," but I like what you'll find in your stocking best. In con-clusion vocal cords were exercised by all singing the Sigma Sigma songs. Here's to a Happy New Year everyone and "I'll Be Seeing You" — in '45. I imagine 'I Saw You" will be the rage song then.

The feature event of the Decern

her 8 meeting was the dedication

of our Tri Alph Pins. The cere-

mony was performed amid the

amber glow of stately candles by

Charter President Steele of West-

em Seminary and President Hine.

These black onyx gold trimmed

pins engraved with the Tri Alpha

cross were presented to sixteen of

the former members in the pres-

ence of the entire f ra terni ty . Wal-

ter Krings presented a fitting and timely serious paper on the sig-nificance of the design, and that they should be cherished to the utmost. During our business meet-ing plans were formulated for win-ter sports, particularly basketball, and a Tri Alpha party.

The meeting of December 15, was opened with prayer by Tim Harrison and followed by a short song service led by John Mooi. A serious paper entitled "Christmas" was superbly presented by Earl Kragt. Wm. Gee came up with a humor paper and the good brothers questioned which he had the ftost of — paper or humor? Wilbur Brandli reported that plans were well under way for a grand and glorious formal party to be held in the near future. The remaining business consisted of electing a Secretary-Treasurer, in the place of our esteemed brother, Adrian Bos who was called into the service of his country. The election re-turns showed Harold Des Autels to be the new Secretary-Treasurer.

Pag* Thr—

Your Package Was Tied with Red Ribbon

The Card Read, Love Me, Love My Dog



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It doesn't seem possible tha t to-day is another December 25th, only 1944 instead of 1943. I can still remember a year ago today as though it were only yesterday.

We were both seniors in High School and the war was the fa r -therest thing from our minds You came into the house Christmas morning with such a devilish grin on your face and before I could even say "Hello" you reached in-side your coat and handed me a little black bundle of fur . I had to look twice before I recognized it as a cocker spaniel pup. He was just a handful and so warm. He had a card attached to a big red ribbon around his neck and all it said was, "Love me, love my dog." Of course I loved the dog. I was mad about it — silly! We named him Win-1

ston Churchill, remember, because he was so definitely unimposing and un-English looking. Why, he was even afraid of the goldfish — then! "

Like "Topsy" he just grew. Finally his ears fit him and he be-gan to look normal. We even taught him how to play "dead dog," but he always cheated — he kept his eyes open. I think you were always his favorite admirer be-cause his tail went on the double when you were around. He had to pretend to love me anyway. I was the only one who ever fed him.

After graduation we both worked

a t Abbott's Soda Bar — f u n wasn't i t ? Remember our family picnics a t Willow's Creek tha t summer! We used to take Winston Churchill (shortened to "Winch") along. He'd practically go wild. I think he was a nature-lover a t hear t and should have been a botanist.

Late in August your call come and you lef t for the Air Corps and California. I haven't forgotten what a shock it was to me to see you go. The war hadn' t meant much to me before and all of a sudden it had become so unbear-ably real. "Winch" and I saw you off a t the train and I saw tha t extra lick he gave you. I do be-lieve he was a sentimentalist, too.

Indian Summer wasn't quite the same, but worst of all "Winch" was killed. It was dark and the driver didn't see him. He was the most adorable dog that ever lived, and it seemed as though a con-necting link between you and me had been taken away.

That was four months ago and today is December 25th, 1944. No doorbell or devilish grin this year, but I'm just as happy and i t al-most seems as though you were here grinning a t me, squeezing your present so tight. This cocker's tail doesn't wag, nor does he romp, lick or bark, but he's black and soft and beautiful and best of all he has a card attached and a wide red ribbon around his neck saying, "Love me, love my dog."

P. and M. NICK DYKEMA Continues from j.aKe 1.)

lations" of making scenery.

Pallette and Masque is preparing

a one-act play, "Getting Pinned"

which will be given to the student

body next year. They also have

prepared a missionary play, "Two

Masters" to be given in the Hol-

land Third Reformed and the Zee-

land First Reformed Church.

Thm Tailor 191/2 W t i f 8th S W



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Pag« Four Hop# College Anchor

The Kibitzer .

Now that the intercollegiate foot-ball games are history, "Team of the Year" and other such ti t les are ripe in the sporting world. The Associated Press Poll gives the "Team of the Year" spot to Army, the first unofficial national t i t le it has ever received. Army replaces Notre Dame, who received the title last year.

The John Heisman memorial trophy for the outstanding football player of the 1944 season goes to Ohio State 's outstanding backfield man, Les Horvath. A split in the ballots for several of the Army and Navy s tars resulted in his being named. He is also a member of the all Big Ten and the United Press all American teams.

News to golfing fans! Byron Nelson again won the San Fran-cisco open golf tournament, making Ferrier by 281-282 on the 72-hole it two in a row. He nosed ouf Sgt. event. The victory boosts Nelson's total of bonds this year to $43,000. A few days later Ferr ier came back and defeated McSpaden to win the Oakland open tournament and $1600 in war bonds by a score of 277-278.

Bright spot in the outlook for baseball next year comes from the minor leagues. In their third war season, they appear to be more expansion-minded than survival. There is a possibility of four addi-

. . by Viv Dykema tional leagues that will s t a r t next year.

Buddy Bomar, the new national bowling champ, received the title by toppling 13,171 pins in the bowling tourney for an average of slightly less than 206 pins per game. There's your goal, Hopeites; let's see what you can do.

The position vacated by the death of Judge Landis, the commissioner of baseball, is temporarily filled by a three-man advisory council com-posed of Ford Frick, National league president; Will Harridge, American league president; and Leslie M. O'Connor, secretary of the late Judge Landis. A poll showed that a major i ty of the club owners were in favor of one-man rule. They are already looking around for a new commissioner whose powers will be more limited than were those of Landis.

Hats off depar tment : To the late Judge Landis. He

joined other illustrious baseball men such as John McGraw and Connie Mack when he was elected to baseball's Hall of Fame.

To Michigan's Fr i tz Crisler who was picked the coach of the year. Michigan had jus t average play-ers; and in midseason when two key players were t ransfer red by the Navy, Crisler patched up his team that continued to win and fin-ished second only to Ohio.

Girl's Sports


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By Millie

T w a s the week before Christmas when all through the school, every creature was st i rr ing — not study-ing! Vacation seemed a long way off in the dim, dark, dis tant fu ture , but here it is already. Maybe the calendar is on an accelerated pro-gram! To get on the sports ' beam, \«'e peek in Carnegie gym on a Tuesday night a f t e r Y. Did you know that the weaker but s t ronger sex is playing honest-to-goodness boy's basketball ? The rougher — ihe better!

" Jack" knocks himself out laugh-ing at the dribblers. Fleet-foot Demian and sure-shot Hains are coming into the limelight — not mentioning the kill 'em guard, Tim-merman. Basketball will be in full swing again in '45, so come out gals. Shame, shame, double shame seniors — there are only two sen-iors out for basketball. We need you — and you need the exercise.

Bowling is the next "red let ter" event on the W.A.A. calendar. Viv Dykema and Pat Haskins are mak-ing the necesbaiy arrangements . Watch for the announcements con-cerning the time, date, and price.

W. A A. is also sponsoring a "variety hour" on Mondays, Wed-nesdays and Fridays from 3 o'clock to 4 o'clock. Its free, so let's show our ruddy faces and enjoy bad-minton, ping-pong, exercises or anything else you can think of to do.

Several campus-classy lassies meet with "Jack" on Thursday nights to discuss gym methods and theory. Is it as much of a mental strain as English methods or

! survey? Impossible! "Jack" is go-ing to have a foul shooting con-test, and the winner will get — it's a secret! Practice up gals — the prize is worth winning. Such is Ihe latest dope on energizing ac-

i tivities. Have a wonderful vaca-tion, and I'll be back in '45 turn-

: ing over a new leaf — of sports : chat ter! !

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Historical Literature Should Be Taught

Let's renegotiate the English

, teachers, says Dr. Drake. Instead i of beginning with composition and survey, let them begin with con-

i tent, "with a handful of documents whose roots are deep in America, for we are undeniably in a time when an education toward public

i thinking overbears in importance i the education toward general let-ters ."

In pleading the case for an edu-| cation in American historical liter-

ature , Drake asks for study of Thomas Paine's "Common Sense," and Jefferson's Declaration of In-

, dependence, "two of the most tight-; ly argued, literately figured and ! soundly organized papers in all lit-i e ra ture ." He offers, too, "The Fed-eralist ," and Daniel Webster 's re-

: ply to Robert Hayne. There are the Lincoln-Douglas

| debates, he enumerates. "There is the pithy brevity of a Holmes de-

i cision . . . There is the plain, anecdotal, righteous argument of Theodore Roosevelt." He points to practically anything written by Woodrow Wilson.

All this and much more is liter-ature, Drake declares—historically effective literature. And it is histo-rically effective without being im-paired as l i terature.

"This l i terature is in its numer-ous guises emotional, terse, grace-ful, and uniformly well composed. It is not embarrassed by its mark-et-place function. Above all, it is attached to persons and the persons are in the historic stream, so that we have, not a detached retailing of 'Courses and Trends in Ameri-can History,' but intimate situa-tions . . . One finds the sense of hazard and choice and doubt.

Associated Collegiate Press o

The girl gazed nervously about her as she waited to register in Wait Hall at Wake Forest Col-lege. Seeing some pictures of Wake Forest buildings on the wall, she picked out one which looked fa-miliar and said to the upperclass-man who stood in f ron t of her, "Oh, I know where that building is!" "That ' s fine," he remarked cynically. " I t hasn ' t been built yet ."

. Associated Collegiate Press

WE H A V E . . . The Place The Service The Food

Hoffman Restaurant

Deck The Halls W i t h Boughs of Pine

Ring Out The Bells for Christmas Time Christmas is like having 'your

cake and ea t ing it too, because it

s t a r t s so long before the 25th and

runs way into the New Year. I t 's

a time when everything unim-

portant goes into the background

and we all think of home, and

giving, and peace on earth. I t 's

a lime when all the little things

li.d all the big things of Christmas

make the bells ring out for the

happiest season of the whole year.

And Hope's campus is not to be

outdone in the line of Christmassy

things. We walk across the snow-

covereJ campus and watch soft

flakes settle on the sleeves of our

coats. From the chapel come the

sweet voices of the choir practicing

" 0 Holy Night " And in the dorms

— oh that 's where Christmas real-

ly is!

Jan Bogart has Voorhees living

room all decorated with a caroling

scene of guilded figures and t rees

on the mirror. Loin Van Wyk and

Mary Alice Van Dyke did the hon-

ors (.n the t ree this year. Up-

stairs. each door, each room has its definitely different bit of cheer.

Marion Smallegan and Polly Naas have put their Christmas cards on the door. Willy 'n' Marcia have cut out little angels and Merry Christ-mas in gold to put on their black-board. Ha de Graaf and Eleanor Rubingh find beauty in the simplic-ity of a large pine bough on their door, while Elsie Parsons and Dot Atkins start with a huge white bell, topped with a green bow and a piece of pine, and add Christmas greeting at the bottom.

Spike and Stegy have s t rung sil-ver letters to say Merry ChriHtmas across their transom. Velma Gle wen has Christmas seals — deer and angels and poinsettas. Ruth Kip and Alice Laughlin have post-ered their door with a red poin-setta holding silver candles on a background of red with silver s tars .

Edna Mae Richards seems to have the popular vote of the most original and effective idea. She has a '.ittle box fixed up like a s tage with four candle-carolers and a little Christmas tree under a dark sky with one s tar on high. Pine boughs complete the stage.

Marge Van Vranken and Marion Mastenbrook can sing Santa Claus Is Coming To Town and mean it, when they display the big Santa and his pack on their door They added some cotton snow on a red background. Claire Peterson and Betty Fuller send their greetings in the form of a white paper lace angel on purple background. Across the hall, Joyce Sibley and Ginny Hemmes display a s t a r in silver

on dark blue with the greeting O

Holy Night. Inside they have the

top shelf of their bookcase covered

with gayly wrapped presents and

two tall candles.

The Wolbrink, Ellison, and Fin-

law suite uses a red candle on

white, surrounded with .small pine

twigs. Elaine Scholten, Maxine

Van Oss and Louise Rove all feat-ir.-e - ine cones of various kinds on their doors.

Millie Burkhardt brings out her

Brooklyn skill in clay. "Bugs," a

deer, sticks his head out and says "Merry Chris tmas." But that ain' t all. Inside is the rest of Bugs — no I'm not kidding, just ask Milly.

Mrs. Kay's door is one of the brightest of all. Her large poin-re t tas and pine cones a re topped with the biggest red bow, ever.

Van Vleck jingles r ight from the s tar t , because behind those bells are real ones that ring every t ime someone opens the door. Everyone helped decorate the tree which features t ransparent balls in all colors and angels hair.

Upsta i rs somebody's radio is playing White Christmas, and from various doors girls are joining in. Harriet Hains and Betty Timmer decorated their room with twisted red and green crepe paper hung with tinsel and draped across the ceiling, f rom corner to corner of the room. In the window sill they have a small tree with presents under it. Lois Hospers and Lois Meulendyke fea ture red bells and pine on their door with two bulg-ing stockings underneath. H a s Santa been there already girls?

Marion Reus. Elaine Meussen and Veda Mae Efird and Jean De Ruiter have trees in their rooms. Veda and Jean have candy sticks with green ribbons in each window. Es Bogart bought 72 cents worth of candy canes to take home and dropped the bag. She broke every-one, much to the delight of the Bilkerts who bought all the pieces and ate them. Phyl Barense and Freddy have their window seat dec-orated in green and white with red and green candles in a log holder, some Christmas balls, scattered in angel hair.

There may be a war waging all around us; there may be a number of things to make us forget Christ-mas, but I still don't think it's even half way possible. Why? Because there are too many things to make us remember Christmas and all it means. In the immortal words of Tiny Tim, "Bless us, one and all"; and in the fast-becoming-immortal words of Bing Crosby, "May your days be merry and bright, and may all your Christmases be white."

The Fris Book Store WISBES YOU ALL

^ a a o n ' s ( S r e e t i n g s

Hazing to Be Banned From All U. S. Campuses

All fo rms of hazing involving mental or physical tor ture, includ-ing paddling, will be banned offi-cially and absolutely by all col-leges and universities throughout the country and offenders, both in-dividuals and organizations, disci-plined if the request of the Na-tional I n t e r f r a t e m i t y conference is followed.

A resolution declaring such forms of hazing a menace to the welfare of educational institutions and the various organizations which a r e a par t of the institu-tions, as well as to individual students, was passed unanimously at the 3f)th annual meeting of the National In t e r f r a t emi ty confer-ence, held in New York City, No-vember 24-25.

While such forms of hazing have been condemned in earlier sessions, this is the first definite request made for action by the adminis-trative officers of educational in-stitutions. For years the National In t e r f r a t emi ty conference and its 60 member f ra tern i t ies have tried through educational means to elim-inate .questionable hazing practices among the 2,422 undergraduate chapters of the 200 f r a t e m i t y cam-puses in this country. In placing the responsibility for prohibition and enforcement upon the local administrative officers, f r a t e m i t y leaders hope that the problem will be solved. — A. C. P.

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Mary Jane Restaurant

Headquarters f o r . . . .




S P A U L D I N G ' S S H O E S T O R E

Visscher-Brooks INSURANCE

No. 6 East 8th S t Hollanct Mich.

DU SAAR PHOTO & G I F T SHOP Photo-finishing, F r aming

and Gif ts 10 E . 8th St., Holland, Mich.

"Buy an Extra Bond today"


o n e .



U. S . A

W A R S A V i n e s T f umo s t m t s mj

With Victory comin* our way let's make

it swift and sure. Instead of letting up,

now, above all, is the time to give out—

with extra dollars, extra eifbrt. Let's bock

up our fighting men by keeping ill there

pitching till the thing is cinched. Victory

takes something extra to win. Make it an

Extra War Bond . . . Today . . . Nowl

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