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“COMPLETE” Phyto-energizer

Phytonutrients –means (naturally derived plant compounds), particularly antioxidants, are increasingly being shown to help optimize human health.

Health Benefits of Plums

Nutritional Profile

Plums provide a good source of

a. vitamin C, b. vitamins B1, B2, and B6, c. good source of dietary fiber, andd. phenolic compounds.  

In-Depth Nutritional Profile

This profile includes information on a full array of nutrients, including carbohydrates, sugar, soluble and insoluble fiber, sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and more.Plums -contain laxative effects offer a good source of neochlorogenic and

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cholorogencic acid.  Those two related compounds are classified as (Phenols), which have well documented antioxidant and anticancer effects.  

Significant Antioxidant Protection from (Phenols)

These damage-preventing substances are particularly effective in neutralizing a particularly destructive oxygen radical called superoxide anion radical , and they have also been shown to help prevent oxygen-based damage to fats, such as the Fats that comprise a substantial portion of our brain cells or neurons , the cholesterol and triglycerides circulating in our bloodstream, or the fats that make up our cell membranes.

In addition to assisting with absorption of iron, vitamin C is needed in the body to make healthy tissue and is also needed for a strong immune system. Getting a little extra vitamin C around cold and flu season is a good idea, and may also be helpful for people who suffer from recurrent ear infections.

Vitamin C also helps to protect cholesterol from becoming oxidized by free radicals. Since oxidized cholesterol is the kind that builds up in the arteries and causes damage to blood vessels, some extra vitamin C can be helpful for people who suffer from atherosclerosis or diabetic heart disease.

In addition, vitamin C can help neutralize free radicals that could otherwise contribute to the development or progression of conditions like asthma, colon cancer, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis, so vitamin C may be able to help those who are at risk or suffering from these conditions.

Owing to the multitude of vitamin C's health benefits, it is not surprising that research has shown that consumption of vegetables and fruits high in this nutrient is associated with a reduced risk of death from all causes including heart disease, stroke and cancer.

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Health benefits of Cranberry

Cranberries contain proanthocyanidins (PACs) that can prevent the adhesion of certain of bacteria, including E. coli , associated with urinary tract infections to the urinary tract wall. Indigenous peoples have used cranberry preparations to treat urinary tract infections (UTI) and other illness for centuries.

Inhibition of E. coli- University of Maine research into the antimicrobial effect of cranberry concentrate found the concentrate significantly inhibits the growth of E. coli O157:H7as well as other types of bacteria found in food and in the body.  This preliminary research may be of interest regarding food safety given the growing concern and need to

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control foodborne pathogens, particularly through natural antimicrobial compounds and natural preservatives.

Boosting effect of flu vaccine - A pilot clinical study to be conducted by the University of California, Davis, starting this month will investigate the immune system-boosting potential of cranberry juice by evaluating how elderly subjects respond to influenza vaccine.  Data on the amount of antioxidants found in different fruits clearly indicate that cranberries have the highest content per serving of polyphenols, making them the best candidate to potentially counteract aging of the immune system.  Scientists hypothesize that a specific nutritional supplement, potentially cranberry, for the elderly may produce a stronger immune system.  

National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Updates on several of the 12 studies being funded by the NIH, including nine from the Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine’s (NCCAM) landmark multi-million dollar research initiative.  The body of research being conducted is primarily to examine the unique activity of cranberry in preventing adhesion of certain disease-causing bacteria to cells and tissues in the body. Once completed, the data will include the largest clinical trial of Cranberry Juice Cocktail (CJC) on preventing urinary tract infection (UTI) in otherwise healthy women. 

Anti-aging properties - The latest research into the anti-aging properties of cranberry, including a cross-species study supported by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, National Institute on Aging and the Cranberry Institute. 

Inhibiting gum disease - A study examining the periodontal health benefits of cranberry to further bolster existing research which supports that cranberry components offer promising applications for the development of novel adjunctive treatment for periodontal disease – the single largest cause of tooth loss in older Americans.

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Heart health and cancer inhibition - On-going research including mechanisms of action of cranberry phytochemicals on several cancers and cardiovascular disease, cranberry polyphenols as effective anti-inflammatory compounds, the effects of cranberry consumption on cholesterol levels and the cranberry juice effect on reducing the symptoms of acute UTI as well as their prevention.

The anti-adhesion properties of cranberry may also inhibit the bacteria associated with gum disease and stomach ulcers.

Recent scientific research shows that cranberries and cranberry products contain significant amounts of antioxidants and other phytonutrients that may help protect against heart disease, cancer and other diseases.

Health benefits for Blueberry

(Top 10 health benefits of Blueberries)

“A new University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center study suggests that blueberries may help reduce belly fat and risk factors for cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome.”

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The highest antioxidant capacity of all fresh fruit: Blue Berries, being very rich in anti oxidants like Anthocyanin, vitamin C, B complex, vitamin E, vitamin A, copper (a very effective immune builder and anti-bacterial), selenium, zinc, iron (promotes immunity by raising haemoglobin and oxygen concentration in blood) etc. boost up your immune system and prevent

infections. Once your immunity is strong, you won’t catch colds, fever, pox and all such nasty viral and bacterial communicable diseases.

Neutralizes free radicals which can affect disease and aging in the body: Blue Berries bring you the brightest ray of hope, for they are laden with

anti oxidants and rank number 1 in the world of anti oxidants. This is mainly due to presence of Anthocyanin, a pigment responsible for the blue color of the blue berries. The abundance of vitamin-C is also a big factor for this as well

A blueberry-enriched powder was mixed into the rats' diet, which was either low-fat or high-fat rat chow. After 90 days, the rats with the blueberry-enriched diet had less abdominal fat, lower triglycerides, lower cholesterol and improved fasting glucose and insulin sensitivity. And their health was even better when combined with the low-fat diet. That group had lower body weight, lower total fat mass and reduced liver mass than the rats on the high-fat diet. An enlarged liver is linked to obesity and insulin resistance, a hallmark of diabetes. Although more research is needed to confirm these results in humans, a related study presented at the same conference showed that men with risk factors for heart disease who drank wild blueberry juice for three weeks seemed to experience slight improvements in glucose and insulin control.

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Helps promote urinary tract health: The building of colonies of certain bacteria like b-coli along the lining of the inner walls of urinary tract is responsible for this infection, resulting in inflammation, burning

sensation during in passage of urine and other complications. Here, Blue Berries can be surprisingly beneficial. It has a compound formed of big polymer like heavy molecules which inhibits the growth of such bacteria. It also has some anti biotic properties which adds to this effect. These heavy and big molecules almost wash-off these bacteria along the tract, thereby preventing the infection. 

Been proved to preserve vision: Blueberry extract, high in compounds called anthocyanosides, has been found

in clinical studies to slow down visual loss. They can prevent or delay all age related ocular problems like macular degeneration, cataract, myopia and hypermetropia, dryness and infections, particularly those pertaining to retina, due to their anti-oxidant properties. Blue Berries contain a special group of anti oxidants called Carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin etc.), Flavonoids (like rutin, resveritrol, quercetin etc.), in addition to others such as vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin A, selenium, zinc and phosphorus, which are very beneficial and essential for the ocular health. Data reported in a study published in the Archives of Ophthalmology indicates that eating 3 or more servings of fruit per day may lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), the primary cause of vision loss in older adults, by 36%, compared to persons who consume less than 1.5 servings of fruit daily. 

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Brain Health: The anthocyanin, the selenium, the vitamins A, B-complex, C and E, the zinc, sodium, potassium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese etc., among others, can prevent and heal

neurotic disorders by preventing degeneration and death of neurons, brain-cells and also by restoring health of the central nervous system. It is hard to believe that these berries can also cure serious problems like Alzheimer’s disease to a great extent. They even heal damaged brain cells and neuron tissues and keep your memory sharp for a long-long time. Researchers found that diets rich in blueberries significantly improved both the learning capacity and motor skills of aging animals, making them mentally equivalent to much younger ones. 

Heart Disease: The high fiber content, those brilliant anti oxidants and the ability to dissolve the ‘bad cholesterol’

make the Blue Berry an ideal dietary supplement to cure many heart diseases. It also strengthens the cardiac muscles. In this study, published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, researchers found that a moderate drink (about 4 ounces) of white wine contained .47 mmol of free radical absorbing antioxidants, red wine provided 2.04 mmol, and a wine made from highbush blueberries delivered 2.42 mmol of these protective plant compounds. 

Constipation & Digestion: While roughage (fiber) in Blue Berries keep away constipation (Of course, a single

piece alone will not do. You need to eat a big handful of them), the vitamins, sodium, copper, fructose and acids improve digestion.  

Cancer: Blue Berries can prove to be bliss for the cancer patients, for they contain certain compounds like Pterostilbene (excellent remedy for

colon and liver cancer) and Ellagic Acid which, in harmony with Anthocyanin and other anti oxidants like vitamin-C and copper, can do miracles to prevent and cure cancer. Laboratory studies published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry show that phenolic compounds in blueberries can inhibit colon cancer cell proliferation and induce apoptosis (programmed cell death).

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A significant 34% reduction in ovarian cancer risk was also seen in women with the highest intake of the flavone luteolin (found in citrus).  

Other benefits & facts: They keep you fresh, active, fit, sharp, close to nature and in a good mood, as they are very good anti depressants. You also need not spend a lot on medicines, neither are there any side effects.

Remember, the deeper the color of the Blue Berries, the more they are rich in anti oxidants.

Health benefits of Strawberry:

Strawberries: Sweet and Tasty Treat with Anti-Aging Power

Strawberries are one of nature’s healthiest "packages" of power nutrients. There is strong evidence that strawberries are a heart-protective fruit, an anti-cancer fruit, and an anti-inflammatory fruit all rolled into one ripe treat.

1 Powerful Mix of Vitamins, Phytochemicals & Antioxidants

One of the top benefits of strawberries is their antioxidant and phytonutrient content, which give strawberries heart-protecting, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties. According to a US Department of Agriculture

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study[1], strawberries rank third when compared to the top fresh fruits and vegetables.

Strawberries are widely known for their potential health benefits due to their high vitamin C, fiber, B-vitamins, potassium, and folic acid contents.

In addition, strawberries are abundant in phytonutrients, including flavonoids, anthocyanidins and ellagic acid, that have been the subject of much investigation by numerous research laboratories.

2 Cancer Prevention

There have been many published reports on the anticancer effects of strawberries. Strawberries are one of the few sources, along with raspberries and grapes, of ellagic acid, a compound which has been shown to prevent carcinogens from turning healthy cells into cancerous ones.

The anticarcinogenic effect of ellagic acid was shown in several types of cancers including skin, esophageal [8] , breast, colon, and pancreas [7] cancers.

Besides ellagic acids strawberries contain a multitude of cancer-fighting compounds, including vitamin C, folate, anthocyanins, quercetin and kaempferol. Very few foods or their compounds have been shown to reduce risk of some cancers. However, strawberries have shown promise in both cell culture[5] and epidemiological studies[6].

3 Cardiovascular Disease Protection

New research from Harvard Medical School[9] found that strawberries may offer cardiovascular disease protection. The study found that those who reported eating the most strawberries experienced lower blood levels of C-reactive protein.

C-reactive protein or CRP is a blood biomarker that signals the presence of inflammation in the body. Elevated levels of CRP have been shown in multiple studies to be a potentially good predictor of risk for both heart disease and stroke, as it is generally a signal of atherosclerosis.

4 Anti-clotting Effect

Strawberry consumption may protect against blood clot formation.

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An animal study[10] found strawberries had a powerful anti-clotting effect. Strawberry extracts were shown to produce anti-clotting (anti-thrombotic) properties in mice, an effect possibly mediated by inhibiting platelet activity and by producing antioxidant effects.

5 Prevention of Atherosclerosis

Until this century, it was not known that strawberries contain ellagic acid – a natural organic compound that several studies have shown to have a beneficial health effect.

Researchers found that ellagic acid has anti-inflammatory properties and may play an important role in the prevention of arterial plaques (atherosclerosis)[11].

6 Fountain of Youth: Prevents Neuronal and Behavioral Aging

Strawberries may protect against the decline of the central nervous system in age-related neurodegenerative diseases and to provide benefits to the aging brain[2].

"Research suggests that the polyphenolic compounds found in berry fruits, such as blueberries and strawberries, may exert their beneficial effects either through their ability to lower oxidative stress and inflammation or directly by altering the signaling involved in neuronal communication, calcium buffering ability, neuroprotective stress shock proteins, plasticity, and stress signaling pathways. These interventions, in turn, may exert protection against age-related deficits in cognitive and motor function."[3]

Recently researchers at the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, showed that strawberry extract slowed the age-related decline in cognitive function[4].

Now researchers are looking at the effects of strawberry supplementation in three areas: behavioral aging, repair and regeneration of nerve cells in aging, and resistance to oxidative stress in aging.

7 Sweet and Delicious, But Low in Sugar and Calories

Strawberries have a low Glycemic Index of 40. It is that rare case when sweet and tasty treat is waist-friendly and good for your health.

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8 Help to Lower Cholesterol Levels

Researchers at the University of Toronto found that antioxidants in strawberries help lower "bad" cholesterol[13]. The study showed that the antioxidant power in strawberries can improve and maintain the effectiveness of cholesterol-lowering diets.

The researchers also found that people who consumed strawberries had reduced oxidative damage to LDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is even more damaging when it becomes oxidized.

9 Reduce Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis

One of the benefits of strawberries may be protection against rheumatoid arthritis.

Strawberries contain a lot of vitamin C. In fact, about eight medium berries provide 160 percent of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin C.

A large population based study[14] of more than 20,000 people found that consumption of foods high in vitamin C seem to protect against inflammatory polyarthritis, a form of rheumatoid arthritis involving two or more joints.

Participants who consumed the lowest amounts of vitamin C were three times more likely to develop the arthritic condition than those who consumed the highest amounts of vitamin C.

10 Prevent Ultraviolet Skin Damage

Ellagic acid, an antioxidant found in raspberries, strawberries, cranberries and pomegranates, may help prevent wrinkles and repair skin damage caused by the sun.

Researchers from Hallym University in South Korea applied ellagic acid to human skin cells in the lab and to the skin of hairless mice that had been exposed to strong, ultraviolet rays. In the human cells, ellagic acid reduced the destruction of collagen and inflammatory response, both major causes of wrinkles. Researchers had a similar result in 4-week-old mice, which are often used in dermatology studies because their skin is similar to that of humans.

11 Prevent Ulcers (Helicobacter pylori infection)

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Berry extracts help kill the bacteria that cause most ulcers and improve the efficacy of prescription ulcer therapy, according to a report from Creighton University in Omaha, NE. The Nebraska researchers[15] demonstrated that berry extracts not only inhibit the growth of H. pylori, but also render it more susceptible to clarithromycin, one of the antibiotics used to eradicate the bacteria.

12 Enhance Vision (Macular Degeneration)

It is thought that the antioxidants in fruit may help protect macular cells in the retina by neutralising free radicals.

Benefits of Blackberry

The blackberry is actually an ancient fruit, prescribed by the Ancient Greeks for gout, the Native Americans for stomach ailments. There are lots of health benefits of blackberries. Blackberries have recently been recognized as a leading source of compounds thought to produce health benefits for women, due to their high concentrations of phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens, literally “plant estrogens”, have been of interest to the scientific community b/c of their possible roll in prevention of both breast and cervical cancer. Studies now indicate that berries may contain some of the highest levels of phytoestrogens. These compounds act as a natural form of estrogen.

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Blackberries are considered to be an astringent because of their high tannin content. Studies show that tannins tighten tissue, lesson minor bleeding, and may help to alleviate diarrhea and intestinal inflammation. German health authorities recommend blackberries for mild infections including sore throats and mouth irritations. Traditionally, blackberries have been used to alleviate hemorrhoids because of their rich tannin content.

Blackberries abound in antioxidants, such as anthocyanin pigments, responsible for the purplish-black color of blackberries and may impart health benefits because of their antioxidant properties. Additional antioxidants in blackberries are vitamins C and E, and ellagic acid; all may provide protection against cancer and chronic disease. Cooking does not seem to destroy ellagic acid, so even blackberry jams and desserts retain ellagic acid health benefits. Interestingly, blackberries are a natural source of salicylate, an active substance found in aspirin.

The best benefit of blackberries are that they Blackberries are high in fiber and vitamin C. They are effective in the treatment of watery diarrhea, weak stomachs, inflamed throat, and laryngitis, as well as when applied externally in the treatment of wounds. Blackberries source of lycopene and ellagic acid, phytochemicals that prevent the cell damage that may lead to cancer. Blackberries are one of the few fruits that contain heart-protective vitamin E. Berries also strengthen blood vessels, protecting eyesight and reducing heart disease risk.

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Health Benefits of the Bilberry

The bilberry is used for many issues, including diarrhea, menstrual cramps, and circulation problems.

Bilberry has excellent antioxidant properties and is helpful in various health conditions.

Anthocyanisides in bilberry may help strengthen blood vessels, prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol and improve circulation. This it is beneficial in the treatment of heart disease and atherosclerosis.

Bilberry can also be beneficial for eye disorder cure. It may be used as a treatment in preventing cataracts and retinopathy (damage to retina).

Bilberry fruit contains nutrients that have an impact on the overall health of the human body.

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Health Benefits of Cherries

Cherries - one of the nutritious fruits rich in taste has plenty of health benefits to people, like many other fruits are packed with antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body and may help prevent cancer and heart disease, as well as slow the aging process.

cherries is an effective fruit and can be use as treatment against cancers. It is rich in minerals, vitamins etc offering a healthy life. A lot of nutrients and other compounds present in cherries are beneficial such for heart disease, improves mental strength and even relieves from joint pains and lots more.

Cherry is best for those who prefer to reducing their body weight because it is low in fat and calories with high percentage of water. Consumption of low calorie food with increased metabolism acytivity like exercising and walking will definitely increase metabolic rate and at the same time boost energy level in body. This will result in curing of fatigue and stress problems which has become the most disturbing disease.

They contain a number of anti-oxidants which help "mop up" free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules which cause damage to cells as the circulating molecule attacks other healthy cells. Damage to cells caused by free radicals have been shown to speed up the aging process.

Health Benefits of Apricots

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Apricots are not only colorful and tasty: they also contain several nutrients that promote good health.

Apricots are very high in beta-carotene and lycopene, two antioxidant compounds commonly found in orange-red fruits and vegetables, that promote heart health and prevent several types of cancers. Beta-carotene and lycopene also protect LDL cholesterol from oxidation, reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis and several cardiovascular diseases.

In a research involving 50,000 registered nurses found that woman who had the highest vitamin A intake had a 40% lower risk of developing cataracts: apricots are very high in vitamin A equivalents that protect from the degenerative effect of free radicals (oxidative stress) that tend to damage blood supply to the eyes and cause macular degeneration.

The role of vitamin A is explained by its quenching properties against free radicals derived from oxygen, protecting cells and tissues from their mutagenic effects.

Apricots are also a very good source of fiber, which has several health benefits especially related to the health of the digestive tract: it prevents constipation and cancer-promoting conditions such as diverticulosis.

The health benefits of apricot include the following:

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Constipation: Apricots are rich in fiber and hence are good for smooth bowel movements. It is often recommended to patients who are regularly suffering from constipation due to its laxative natures. It also aids in overall digestion of food.

Earache: Apricot oil is good for earache. Fevers: Apricot juice is often given to patients suffering from fever as it

provides necessary vitamins, minerals, calories and water to the body. It also detoxifies the body. Some people also use steamed apricot during fevers.

Skin disorders: Apricot oil is good for skin care. It is quickly absorbed by the skin and does not keep the skin oily when applied. Apricot is not just useful for maintaining the skin smooth and shiny, it also aids in treating a number of skin diseases including eczema, itching, scabies, etc.

Anemia: Owing to the presence of iron and copper, apricot, when consumed helps in the formation of hemoglobin. It this helps in treating anemia.

Cancer: The seeds of apricot are believed to aid in treating cancer. Asthma: It is also believed that apricot oil is anti-asthmatic in nature and

helps in treating the disease.

Health Benefits of Papayas

PAPAYAS are not only colorful and tasty, but they also provide several vitamins (especially of the B group), several antioxidant molecules such as flavonoids, carotene and vitamin C, as well as folates, trace minerals, pantothenic acid, potassium, magnesium and dietary fiber.

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This wide range of micronutrients makes papayas very nutritious, and their health benefits are numerous, ranging from reduced risks of developing cardiovascular diseases to protection against colon cancer.

A proteolitic enzyme contained in papayas, papain, is very similar to bromelain (pineapples' equivalent), which is often used to treat allergies and is commonly given to treat sports injuries.

Papayas have anti-inflammatory properties -

Papayas may reduce common symptoms of acute inflammation, such as arthritis and asthma.

Papayas promote Lung Health

Research conducted at Kansas State University suggests that an adequate intake of Vitamin A (such as the retinol-equivalents found in papayas) may greatly reduce the damage cause by smoke.

Health Benefits of Orange

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ORANGEis one of the most favorite fruit in the world. Orange is loaded with vitamins, and the most abundant vitamin in orange is Vitamin C. This powerful vitamin protect our body against harmful elements.

Orange is Beneficial in the following cases :

Asthma Bronchitis Tuberculosis Pneumonia Rheumatism Prevent kidney stone Helps lower cholesterol Helps prevent diabetes Arthritis High blood pressure Persons addicted to alcohol have found that the desire for liquor is greatly

reduced by drinking of orange juice

Oranges are rich in fiber,Vitamin A and B, iron, chlorine, manganese, zinc, sodium, phosphorous, iodine, calcium, folic acid, potassium, pectin, beta-carotene and amino acids.

Optimal health: An orange is said to have about 170 phytonutrients and over 60 flavonoids with anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, blood clot inhibiting and antioxidant properties. All these properties help to promote overall health.

Arteriosclerosis: The vitamin C in oranges can prevent hardening of the arteries and thus, prevent arteriosclerosis.

Preventing cancer: Orange is rich in a compound called liminoid, which combats cancers of the colon, stomach, breast, lung, skin, and mouth . The vitamin C in oranges has antioxidant properties, which fights free radicals in the body.

Prevents cholesterol: Orange peels have alkaloid synephrine, which can cut down the production of cholesterol in the liver. The antioxidant elements in oranges combat oxidative stress that oxidizes the LDL in the blood.

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Repairs damaged sperms: Regular consumption of orange is supposed to keep a man’s sperms healthy and can prevent genetic damage in sperms, which cause birth defects in babies.

Good cardiac health: The vitamins and flavonoids in oranges reduce the risk of cardiac problem

Health Benefits of Grapes

The health benefits of grapes include its ability to treat constipation, indigestion, fatigue, kidney disorders, macular degeneration and prevention of cataract. Grapes, one of the most delicious fruits, are rich sources of vitamins A, C, B6 and folate in addition to essential minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium. Grapes contain flavonoids that are very powerful antioxidants, which can reduce the damage caused by free radicals and slacken ageing.

Benefits: Some of the health benefits of grapes include the following:

Asthma: Due to its eminent therapeutic value, grapes can be used for cure of asthma. In addition to it, the assimilatory power of grapes is also higher. It increases the moisture present in lungs.

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Heart diseases: Grapes increase the nitric oxide levels in the blood, which prevents blood clots thereby reducing the chances of heart attacks. In addition the antioxidant present in grapes prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which blocks the blood vessels.

Migraine: Ripe grape juice is an important home remedy for curing migraine. It should be taken early in the morning, without mixing additional water.

Constipation: Grapes are very effective in overcoming constipation. They are considered as a laxative food, as they contain organic acid, sugar and cellulose. They also relieve chronic constipation by toning up intestine and stomach.

Indigestion: Grapes play an important role in dyspepsia. They relieve heat and cure indigestion and irritation of the stomach. They are also preferred as they constitute a light food.

Fatigue: Light and white grape juice replenishes the iron content present in the body and prevents fatigue. Though, the dark grape juice might not give an iron boost and on the other hand, decrease the iron levels. Drinking grape juice also provides you with instant energy. The anti-oxidants present in grapes also provide the needed boost to your immune system.

Kidney disorders: Grapes can substantially reduce the acidity of the uric acid and helps in the elimination of the acid from the system, thereby reducing the work pressure of kidneys.

Breast cancer : Through a latest study, it has been discovered that purple colored Concord grape juice helps in preventing breast cancer. Significant reduction in mammary tumor mass of laboratory rats was seen after they were fed the grape juice on the experimental basis.

Alzheimer’s disease: Resveratrol, a beneficial polyphenol present in grapes reduces the levels of amyloidal-beta peptides in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Studies suggest that grapes can enhance brain health and stall the onset of neurodegenerative diseases.

Macular degeneration: Grapes can prevent the age related loss of vision or macular degeneration. Three servings of grapes a day can reduce the risks of macular degeneration by over 36 %.

Prevents cataract: Flavonoids present in grapes have antioxidants, which can reduce and fight the damage caused by free radicals such as cataract apart from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and age related problems.

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Blood cholesterol: Grapes contain a compound called pterostilbene, which has the capacity to bring down cholesterol level. Saponins present in grape skin can also prevent the absorption of cholesterol by binding with it.

Antibacterial activity: Red grapes have strong antibacterial and antiviral properties and can protect you from infections. They have a strong antiviral property against poliovirus and herpes simplex virus.

Anticancer properties: Grapes are found to have strong anti cancer properties due to the anti-inflammatory effect of resveratrol present in grapes. It is particularly effective in colorectal cancer and breast cancer. Anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins present in grapes have properties of an anti-proliferate and can inhibit the growth of cancer causing agents. Grape juice not just prevents the risk of cancer but also suppresses the growth and propagation of cancer cells. The pigments contained in grapes enhance the overall immunity of the body.

The Health Benefits of Pineapple

Important for Healthy Bones and Cartilage

Manganese is important for healthy bones and cartilage. A study showed that a group of women with osteoporosis had lower levels of manganese than their counterparts with healthy bones.

Pineapple Stems : There are even some beneficial molecules hidden in the stems of pineapples, These molecules have been seen to act as a defence against certain types of cancer. The types of cancer benefited by these molecules are ovarian, breast, lung, colon and skin cancer.

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Pineapple has following health benefits:

It is regulates the gland and found to be helpful in cases of goiter(enlargement of the thyroid gland).

Dyspepsia (chronic digestive disturbance). Bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tubes.) Catarrh (secretions from mucous membranes).

High Blood pressure. Arthritis (diseases of the joints)

Fresh pineapple juice is also used in removing intestinal worms. Fresh pineapple juice has been used to combat diptheria and other

infections of the throat or other parts of the body. Prevents nausea (includes morning sickness and motion sickness), Take

230 cc. of pineapple juice or papaya juice. Constipation

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