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The 13 Planes of Existence

Copyright © 2011 by Michael Thomas

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Copyright © 2011 by Michael Thomas

The 13 Planes of Existence


After meditating for many years, days and hours at a time, I have reached the deepest level of transcendental meditation. Meditation is my life. As long as I can remember, I have always gone into an altered state of consciousness easily and effortlessly. As a young boy, I use to close my eyes, and wish for something with all my heart and all my soul, with all my emotions and when I opened my eyes most of the time within a short period of time it came to me. Sometimes it would take a few days may be long as a few weeks or months, but it always came. It's amazing how we as children think, believe, and process information. As we grow older, we are conditioned by our parents, by our teachers, and by society. When we were children, we were told that we can be anyone or do anything that we want to be or do in the whole wide world. As we grow older, we are conditioned that we cannot. Why?

We start limiting ourselves, and allow others to limit us. We allow other people to tell us that we cannot be someone or do something. When I was a little kid, I wanted to be a singer. All my friends, family, and teachers told me that I can be a anyone I want to be. As I became a teenager, my friends thought it was a pipe dream, my family thought I should be more realistic, and my teachers told me that my chances of becoming a famous singer were slim tonone. The problem was that I believed them what the told me. As we finish our journey here, we will return you to the age of innocence.

Many years ago, I learned the difference between thinking, believing, and knowing. Thinking carries a lot of uncertainty with it. For example, when someone says “I think 1st Street is two blocks to the left,” it comes with a lot of doubt. When someone says “I believe 1st Street is two blocks to the left,” there is still some uncertainty. If you look at the word “believe” you will notice it has the word “LIE” in the middle of it. Nothing in life is coincidental. At one time, many people believed that the world was flat, until one day a satellite was placed into outer- space, and we saw the world was around. Today, we know without a shadow of doubt of the world is round. In the pages of this book, we will learn not to think or believe, but to know the truth.

Throughout this book, you will hear me refer to myself, as “we.” This too is no accident. The word “I” always refers to a single person. In the pages of this book, you will discover that we are not separate from our astral bodies, our spiritual higher self, our soul or the source at the center of eternity. Keeping this in mind, you will learn to become ONE with ALL or all things.

We will attempt to keep the language simple and easy to understand as we describe some of the higher planes of existence to you. We as humans are very limited to language and other forms of communication. As we enter the planes 7 to 13, we will go into a deep transcendental meditation state to describe these realms to you. Keep in mind, that these planes of existence are very abstract and at times are challenging to describe being bound to the limitations of language and other modes of expression.

As we shortly embark in our journey down the road of awakening and for some of you, enlightenment, we will uncover ancient secrets, untold stories and incredible truths. As we

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write this book, you will learn that we are without beliefs, without expectations and without judgment. We will learn together that we are all one without beginning or end.

For those of you who like to jump through these chapters, we would like for you to keep in mind that before learning calculus you must learn basic math. Jumping ahead will only cause confusion and imbalance of the information that you will receive. This book was designed to guide you easily along a path with structures that bind us to this particular plane of existence. When you are finished reading this book cover to cover, you will find that the layout and flow of this book is very easy to read and understand.

By now, you have noticed that we call the first six planes of existence the illusion within the matrix, and we call the last seven planes of existence the consciousness. As you read on, you also notice, whether or not you are in the illusion, the matrix or in the consciousness beyond the matrix. You will know and understand, how to, first move around the matrix and then change or alter the matrix using the higher planes of consciousness.

As you graduate or ascend, you will be able to connect and communicate with your soul. You will be able to travel further than Astral Projecting and boldly go where a few consciousness have ever gone before. You will learn, understand and master the secret techniques that the Tibetan monks, ancient Egyptian Pharaohs, Avatars and the Ascended Masters always known.

Relax and enjoy the journey in which you will travel with us into the unexplored realms and the knowledge that you will find there.

1. The Illusion 1st Plane of Existence – Inorganic Objects

The illusion of the first plane of existence is made up of inorganic objects or matter. Ask any quantum physicist and they will tell you that matter or inorganic objects have atoms, protons, electron and photons that move. When we, as humans, see or project an inorganic object, with our eyes or our mind it does not recognize its vibration and nuclear movement. Nevertheless, All inorganic objects move at the atomic level and vibrate. We are conditioned at a very early age that we see things with our eyes. We are conditioned that there are people and objects in front of our eyes and that light bounces off of these objects into our eyes through a retina and forms an up-side down image in the visual cortex of our brain. This is simply not true. We do not see the world. We project it! The illusion of people or objectsthat we project in front of us are sent to us from the higher levels of consciousness to our third eye chakra or sometimes called the mind's eye. The illusion is projected out in front of us as an object or person. We understand your disbelief, we were once at this point as well.

When you were younger, have you ever in your life had a dream that felt as if it were real? Maybe you once dreamed that a poisonous cobra snake bit you. You could see the snake bite. You could feel the venom in your leg. You can feel the pain of its sharp teeth puncturing your skin. You even woke up in a cold sweat. Even though, none of those things

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happened to you, it felt very real. What made your body sweat? Was it the neurons in your brain? Was it all your bodily senses reporting to your brain? Was it the illusion of being bitten by a poisonous cobra? The illusion was very influential wasn't it? Powerful enough to fool your body to break out in a cold sweat. If your body can break out in a cold sweat just from a dream that you had, imagine what else the mind can do!

We are here in this illusion in which we are conditioned to call the physical world. We are taught that only the physical world exists, and that objects must be physical to be real. This brings me to my next topic. What is the difference between the brain and the mind? The brain, of course, is the illusion of the physical mass within your head which you can see (or project), touch, feel, smell, listen to it squish and for some people tasting, a calf brain is a delight. This brings me to the mind. We talk about the mind. We even tell people “have you lost your mind.” Now I ask you, have you seen a mind? Have you previously smelled amind? Have you tasted a mind in the past? Have you ever heard a mind? Even, felt a mind? No, but you are positive that the mind exists. Even the medical doctors cannot argue with you on that. The mind is the abstract part of your thinking (or your consciousness). Now, this brings me back to those things that we know exist, but cannot physically use our senses to know that they exist.

We know an inorganic object, like a rock exists. A rock, a table or a chair have the same properties as anything else. That's the physical part of an inorganic object. That we know. A rock has atoms that move very slowly. A rock is the same energy as organic objects. All matter, for the most, you can touch, taste, smell, feel, see and maybe listen to it. According to the Native American Indians, all objects including inorganic objects have a spirit. It has been discovered that the earth itself has an energy grid around it. Even though we cannot see,feel, hear, taste or touch this energy grid, we know it exists. In addition to its energy grid, the earth has an abstract magnetic field and the same chakra system as humans do. Another example of an inorganic object that has an energy field is a magnet.

We understand and pointed out that an inorganic object or piece matter has movement at the atomic level and has an energy field around the object, and even though we cannot see the energy field we know and accept that it is there.

Objects can be moved! In quantum physics, it has been proven that the conscious mind has an impact on a photon. Quantum physicists discovered that photon particles of an atom will react differently when being watched or witnessed. Quantum physicists learned that a photon particle only appears when being watched or observed. That means that a photon particle exists only when we are observing it and does not exist when we are not watching it. When we turn our back on it the particle disappeared! It was NOT there or present! These particles would only appear when being observed and would disappear when they were not being observed. The question that many quantum physicists have asked is “where do these particles go when they are not here.” The answer is to another dimension! Atomic photon particles have the ability to move in or out of the other dimensions or teleport. That meansthe smallest part of an atom has the energy to move in and out of other dimensions. How does one move an object? Simply, the quantum physics way, by projecting one's

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consciousness on the objects energy field and concentrating on changing its energy field. This will ALLOW the object to move! This takes a strong mind and lots of practice. Illusionist practice this technique.

Water too can change its form. Water can react to different type of music. When a love song is played and water is then frozen, the frozen water looks like a snowflake. Different kinds of music can create a variety of patterns when the water is frozen. If the music playing is erratic, the structure of the frozen water will be disfigured.

Crystals have some unique properties of amplification. There are many different types of crystals, each with its own unusual properties and uses. Some people believe that our bodies are more like batteries and crystals amplifiers that transmit signals to the other side. In my younger years while mastering this first plane of existence, we decided consumed large quantities of colonial silver, copper and crystals, mostly quartz and selenium, in our physical body. Silver seems to be an incredible conductor of electricity and copper was used by the ancient Egyptians for youth and beauty regimens. Copper is also a wonderful conductor of electricity and crystals are amazing amplifiers!

In numerology, the numbers 111 or 1:11 means "the Gateway," it is the doorway to your evolving self, your place within the current ascension of the planet. Monitor your thoughts carefully, and think only about what you want, not what you do not want. The sequence is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into a form at record speeds. The number 111 is like the bright light of a flash bulb. It means that the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them into a form. Are you pleased with what thoughts the universe has captured? If not, correct your thoughts and ask your angels to help you with this. If you are having difficulty controlling or monitoring your thoughts, the number 111 is your manifestation number. It means you are in a moment where you can create your own life. Be sure your thoughts are very positive.

We are keeping the chapters short which is intentional.

2. The Illusion 2nd Plane of Existence – Organic Objects

The illusion of the second plane of existence are the organic objects like plants. When we were younger, we had a fruit and vegetable garden. Like all things, plants also have movement at the atomic level that is much faster than inorganic objects. Because plants vibrate at a higher frequency than organic objects, we can actually watch them grow. We have learned that plants have feelings to music. Play some nice relaxing music for your plants and watch them grow. Place sad and depressing music for your plants and watched them wither away and possibly die.

The Native American Indians believe that all plants, especially trees have a spiritual higher self. Many other ancient civilizations believed the same thing. Right now, will focus on the Native American Indians. What is the one thing that everything on the planet needs to live?

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WATER! Some animals, such as bats and deep-sea creatures can live without sunlight, but no creature on this planet can live without water. The Native American Indians considered water to be sacred and that water has a life and a spirit. When we say Native American Indians, we refer to all three continents of North America, South America and Central America. Today, the world's water supply is filled with toxins and the water that we drink comes from plastic bottles filtered and filled with fluoride.

As a young soul, we played in the illusion of life with nutrition and native medicines. We studied herbs, roots and other pure ways of healing. As we mastered the first plane of minerals and the second plane of plants, herbs and other healing techniques, we quickly came to realize that each plane can heal the body. Many people today still practice the illusion of healing the body using minerals, herbs and cleanses for the body. This is a good idea, if you believe or think that you exist in the physical body. As we ascend to higher planes, we will learn the that the body is part of this amazing illusion we called the matrix or the universe.

In the last five years, the earth has lost nearly 20% of its oxygen. You may have noticed that people, animals and even plants are much smaller now than ever before. This is not to say that there are no large people or tall people in the world. However, the number of tall people in the last five years have rapidly declined. As we continue to deplete rain forests and other plants that turn carbon monoxide into oxygen, we create the illusion of the oxygen and in turn the lack of growth. As we continue to build cars that run of gasoline and pollute the atmosphere with carbon monoxide, we also create the illusion of a lack of oxygen on our planet.

In numerology, the number 222 means to have faith. Everything’s going to be all right. Do not worry about anything, as this situation is resolving itself beautifully for everyone involved.

We can spend quite some time talking about plants and minerals, however, let's ascend on up to the illusion of the third plane of existence.

3. The Illusion 3rd Plane of Existence – The Life Plane

We now come to the illusion of the third plane of existence. We live in the 3rd dimension (3D), third plane in this universe on the planet that we call Earth (3rd planet from the Sun) or sometimes called “Urantia”. You are probably wondering by now why refer to the first six planes of existence as illusions. We like to say that we are either in the Matrix or out of the Matrix or sometimes call the Universe. We understand that the movie “The Matrix” is considered a science-fiction film. However, there are some interesting points made in the movie that allow us to rediscover who we really are. In the film, “The Matrix” we were educated how much energy a person really has. They used human beings as a source of energy. The movie seems to suggest that our bodies are more like batteries. This has some truth to it.

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As we entertained watching movies or go about our daily lives, the soul sends us clues about rediscovering who we really are. When we are born, we find ourselves naked and alone, and separated from all we know and understand. The journey of our life is to piece together those clues from which we came from, who we really are, and who we will become.

There are many veils around us in many different ways, shaping a barrier between us and our true Divine Self, and between you, your family and friends, and between your own sense of reality that you have been conditioned to perceive. And yet with care, effort and love from within your heart and soul, you start to awaken to see those veils lifting and rediscover who you really are and allowing yourself to appreciate this life experience on Earth or Urantia. Many of you have already received or are currently receiving the 11:11 sign, the call of the soul, which we will talk about later in this book.

By now, we are sure everyone has heard that fluoride will shut down your Pineal Gland, Third eye, spiritual eye, “The all-seeing eye" or we call it the “mind's eye”. It has been proven that fluoride does nothing for your teeth and gums, and we were surprised to see it in distilled water for infants, since they have no teeth. Most peoples Pineal Glands are shut down by the age of four years old sometimes even earlier.

We have learned that those things which are forbidden to go to have the biggest treasures hidden within them. Many things in life that you've been conditioned to believe to be true is actually the opposite! If you wanted to hide some toys from your children, what would you do? You would hide the toys in a closet, and then you would tell your kids that there is a monster hiding in the closet using fear to keep them from finding the true treasure. Fear, doubt and disbelief are powerful emotions used to keep the truth hidden. Remember, the most valuable treasures are concealed by fear.

The illusion of keeping fluoride out of your body creates the illusion of activating your Pineal Gland, which is truly your sixth chakra. We have seven primary chakras, and an eighth chakra called the heart of compassion or the seat of the soul. We also have some minor chakras that we will cover later. If you are not familiar with chakras you can find some videos on the Internet about them. We simply meditate on each main chakra, opening all thechakras first, then we meditate on the “kundalini” coming out of the tailbone area and opening up each chakra from base to crown. Once all primary seven chakras are opened, the kundalini coming from the crown downward will create a bridge between the fifth throat or communication chakra and the fourth heart chakra. The connecting bridge allows one to speak from the heart, and therefore, opening the eighth chakra between the throat and the heart chakra which is called the spiritual heart, the heart of compassion or the “seat of the soul”. These chakras or energy centers are around or close to the major organs in the body. Those of us who choose to eliminate fluoride from our bodies and meditate on our sixth chakra or third eye chakra or pineal gland area can reactivate the chakra using a vibration tone, hum or humming OM! Do not activate the kundalini until all seven main chakras are

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opened 1st! Do not activate or meditate on the eighth chakra, the heart of compassion, the spiritual heart or the seat of the soul until all seven primary chakras are opened first!

We have many layers of energy fields around our bodies called the subtle bodies that we will discuss in later chapters.

In numerology, the number 333 represents the Christ Consciousness, and that you have nothing to fear. It is a sign that you are being blessed and the high holy beings are directly overseeing your life or something in your life at this time. The Ascended Masters are near you, wanting you to know that you have their help, love and companionship. Call upon the Masters often, especially when you see the number three patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin and Yogananda. The number 12:34 is the number of ascension.

THE SOUL SENDS US CLUES EVERYDAY TO DE- CODE, WHO WE REALLY ARE! As you read on in the later chapters, we will learn to silence the mind to hear the SOUL.

4. The Illusion 4th Plane of Existence – The Astral Plane

Right now things will get very interesting as we venture into The Illusion 4th plane of Existence – The Astral Plane. We have an Astral Body which is the 2nd field of energy around the physical body next to the subtle body or chakra system, and it is responsible for psychic abilities, communicating with spirits and ESP. We have been Astral Projecting for many years, and we realize that the movie industry has instilled many fears about Astral Projecting. Remember that the more fears that are used to hide something the bigger the treasure you will find. The government spent $20 million on an Astral projection program for remote viewing. Before anyone decides to spend $20 million on anything you can be sure that they did their homework or research.

The Shamans used a heavenly potion for altering their states of consciousness and entering the “Spirit World” or the world of the “Higher Self!” Out of respect to our shaman friends and Native American Indian Brothers, we will not discuss the ingredients of the sacred drink in this book.

Are you seeing 12:21 on your electronic devices? Maya in Vedic philosophy, is the illusion of a limited, purely physical and mental reality in which our everyday consciousness has become entangled, a veiling of the true Self. The word “Maya” means “Illusion!” Maya the Illusion Indians of Central and South America and their Mayan calendar, the Tzolkin, started on August 11th, 3114 B.C, and ending on the Winter Solstice at 11:11 am Universal time(UTC) on December 21st 2012, which is four Ahau, three Kan-kin ( This will end a5125 year cycle according to our new Georgian calendar, and we will enter the age of Aquarius. Currently, we are in the age of Pisces and in astrology, the ages go backwards. Pisces is the 12th and last sign of the zodiac. Aquarius is the 11th sign in the zodiac. The Maya or Mayan Indians were the keepers of the illusion time. In the Spirit World, time is not

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the same as it is on Earth or Urantia. In fact, time anywhere else on any planet even in our solar system would not be the same as it is here because various planets travel at completely dissimilar speeds around the sun, they have totally unlike days and entirely different nights.

On the Winter Solstice at 11:11 am Universal time (UTC) on December 21st 2012, it has been said that a Galactic Alignment will occur. This alignment is when our Sun aligns with the dark rift in the Milky Way this happens about every 26,000 years. The next time this will take place is at 11:11 am Universal time (UTC) on December 21st 2012.

December 26th 2004 there was a deep-sea earthquake in the Indian Ocean causing a Tsunami on the coast line of Thailand. The ocean floor earthquake was recorded at 9.3. This was the 2nd largest ever recorded and happened eight years before the end of the Mayan calendar. March 9th 2011, NASA recorded an X-Class (x1.5) solar flare! On March 11th 2011Japan was hit with a 9.0 earthquake and Tsunami. February 14th 2011 NASA recorded another X-Class (X2) solar flare from our sun and on February 21st 2011, New Zealand was hit with a 7.0 earthquake! It seems that every time when there is a flare from the sun, the pressure of the earth's mantle to shift the plates and erupt from deep-sea volcanoes. If New Zealand continues to get earthquakes, then it may be likely that the near by Ross Ice Shelf will sink into the ocean. This shelf is about the size of France. If Chili or Argentina continues to get heavy earthquakes, then the near by Larson and Ronne Ice Shelf may collapse. If these ice shelf fail, the entire Antarctica Peninsula and West Antarctica would fall into the ocean causing a 3000-5000 foot tidal wave. January 19th 2011, Yellowstone super volcano ground swells 10-12 inches. The powerful volcano erupts with a near-clockwork cycle of every 600,000 years. The last eruption was more than 640,000 years ago. We are 40,000 years overdue. The Hopi Indians of North America in Arizona, USA claims that the world was created and destroyed three times, we are now in the 4th world entering the 5th world on the Winter Solstice at 11:11 am Universal time (UTC) on December 21st 2012.

Terrance McKenna developed the "Timewave zero" theory which is a numerological formula that intents to calculate the ebb and flow of "novelty," defined as an increase over time in the universes organized complexity. According to Terence McKenna, the universe has a philosophical theory point at the end of time that increases interconnectedness, eventually reaching a singular point of dateless simplicity towards the end of 2012, at which point anything and everything imaginable will occur simultaneously. Terrace McKenna expressed "novelty" in a computer program which supposedly produces a waveform known as " time wave zero." Based on McKenna's interpretation of the King Wen sequence of the I Ching, the graph shows great periods of novelty related with major shifts in humanity's biological and social group evolution. He believed that the events of any given time are recursively relatedto the events of other times, and choose the atomic bombing of Hiroshima as the basis for calculating his end date of November 2012. When he later discovered this date's proximity to the end of the 13th b' a' tun of the Maya calendar, he revised his theory so that the two dates matched.

Michel de Nostredame (Born on the 14th or 21st December 1503 – died on 2 July 1566) inSaint-Rémy-de-Provence, France in Europe. He died at the age of 63 known as

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Nostradamus. Many of Nostradamus predictions did come true, but the most ironic thing about Nostradamus is when he was born, 21st December!

The Asian Hindu religion has four ages the Sat-ya-Yuga, Trata-Yuga, Dwapara-Yuga and Kali- Yuga in its Yuga System cycles of life. We are in the last and final Kali-Yuga system cycle of life, which started on January 23, 3102 B.C. on the New Georgian calendar. No one is certain when the Kali Yuga life cycle ends. However, it is said that "When flowers will bloom within flowers, and fruits within fruits, then the Yuga comes to an end. And the clouds will pour rain unseasonably when the end of the Yuga approaches." When Lord Vishnu is in the form of the infant, Krishna, on a leaf and will come to earth, and again. Everything will start producing from the beginning.

NASA has confirmed over 20,000 asteroids in our milky way solar system and with only 6,000 officially identified. There are many asteroids in the asteroid-belt between Mars, the 4thplanet from the Sun, and Jupiter, the 5th planet from the Sun, that may have come from one of the destroyed Jupiter moons.

Some believe that a wandering planet called Nibiru and its life entities, the Annunaki's, were discovered by NASA in 1983 when NASA launched the IRAS satellite and found a planet the size of Jupiter, which is four times that of Earth or Urantia. It is believed that Nibiru was the cause of the asteroid belt in our Milky Way. Although, there is an additional planet on the Mayan hieroglyphics, it is unconfirmed by modern scientists or covered up by the government that a wandering planet exists. It is said that the passing of this planet happens every 3,600 years, and the next passing of this planet is predicted for December 21st 2012. If wandering planet the size of Jupiter is even thousand of kilometers or miles away from Earth or Urantia it would cause Earth or Urantia to be pulled into its gravitating suction causing a pole shift, as predicted by Albert Einstein. The stress of this gravitational pull would cause the melting ofthe polar ice caps, serious earthquakes, massive volcano eruptions, countless tsunamis, enormous movements of the continental plate tectonics.

Gordon Michael Scallion drew some Future Maps that you will find on the internet of what he predicts the Earth's or Urantia's continental plates would look like after a pole shift. He claims that Angels showed him this information. There are more than his predictions on the internet as well, but this person stands out to us.

The Sun goes through an 11-year solar cycles. The X-class Solar Flares are the strongest and most powerful. A Solar flare is a burst or spark that shoots out from the Sun. These Solar Flares are measured in three classes, C class, M class and X class and there are nine levels to the C class and M class. However, there is no level limit to the X-class. In February2011, we got a X2 solar flare and in March 2011, we got an X1.5 solar flare NASA predictsthat the solar flare activity during 2012 will be at the highest levels. The grid around this planet

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has always protected us from all solar flares even from the strongest one recorded onNovember 4 2003 an X28 was recorded!

There are 13 month lunar cycles or months. In a lunar cycle or month, there are approximately 29.53059 days, which are 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 3 seconds. It is the most accurate. However, it would be difficult for time keepers to create a watch based on a lunar calendar.

Web-bot keywords or META TAGS (Meta means “beyond”) developed by Clif High and George Ure was used to predict stock market trends using some very advanced algorithms for our time, and it was utilized for calculating, data processing, and automated reasoning also known as or artificial Intelligence. The 2012 the web-bot predict that there will be an untimely demise for millions by 2012, brought upon by some combination of pandemics, economic collapse, breakdown of health care and unknown energies from space.

In numerology, the number 444 is an angelic realm number for prosperity and abundance. Thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you. You have a very strong and clear connection with the celestial realm, and are an Earth angel yourself. You have nothing to fear. All is well.

If you are wondering what our prediction for 2012 is, we will be sharing that with you soon in the next few chapters.

5. The Illusion 5th Plane of Existence – The Duality Plane

We now come to the Illusion 5th plane of existence, the duality plane. We call it the “Drama Plane.” This plane is the plane of the Yin and Yang, Male and Female, Expanding and Contracting, Positive and Negative, Day and Night, Good and Bad, DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA!

In this illusion, 5th plane of existence has an amazing planet called Morontia, which is similar to Earth. They call Earth “Urantia.” This is our parent planet, and it vibrates at a much higher level than Urantia. Morontia is sometimes called Paradise or Heaven.

On Morontia all religions, all angels, all Avatars, all masters, all pharaohs and universal creators reside. Here, you will find Christ, Shiva, Allah, Ra, Iris, Buddha and many more. It is believed by Urantian's (people of Earth) that Jesus and Christ are the same entity.Morontian's refer to Jesus as the Man of Flesh or Human Body and the Christ as the Spirit which at one time occupied the body of Jesus and as the mortal body dies the Spiritual Higher-Self in time will move to another worthy physical body. Morontian's cannot lower theirvibrationally frequencies low enough for Urantia. They have to be born on Urantia, and these

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entities are referred to as ascended masters. An example of this would be when Master Christ was born to the body of Jesus. The people of Morontia consider themselves Gods and the humans the children of these Gods. Forgive us, if we offended anyone, we mean no disrespect. We will close this book with the ONE, the Source at the center of eternity.

The Morontian's send their Children to the 4th plane of existence to the Spirit World of the Higher-Self where they practice and learn moving their Spirit energy or Higher-Self into a fetus to be born on Urantia. We can only lower our energy and vibration when we are born into a body of this planet. We then grow up in our human bodies, as our teachers and sometimes family and friends watch and observe their children learn to create.

The Energy body associated with this 5th plane of existence is the Causal Body, the third layer of the subtle body system which surrounds our physical body, and it is related to memories of karma, past, present and future lives. Karma and the Akashic records covered in the next chapter, under the laws of the universe.

When Morontian children are born human, they receive a Life Path number. Your Life Path Number is a simplified number associated with your birth date. For example, if you were born on 12/26/1984 you just add up all the numbers 1+2+2+6+1+9+8+4=33, (33 is a master number), then you merely take 33 again to a single number 3+3=6. You are a Life Path 6. Master numbers are powerful numbers. Each Life Path number is associated with a certain skill. A Life Path 1 is a natural-born leader. A Life Path 2 are all important peace-keeping diplomats. A Life Path 3 are the outstanding entertainer of the world. A Life Path 4 are the master builder. A Life Path 5 are the free spirit. A Life Path 6 are the ultimate nurturer. A Life Path 7 are the extraordinary investigator. A Life Path 8 are the Infinite executive, and a Life Path 9 are the wonderful humanitarian. Keep these numbers in mind, when we talk about the free will or free agency in chapter 6. These are the simplified explanations of the Life Path numbers. You also have a Day Path, Month Path and Year Path number as well. In the extended version of this book, we will go into further detail.

Now if you are a Morontian child born in the 3rd dimension, 3rd plane of Urantia (Earth) into the limitations of a human body, you are bound to the earthly senses. However, once you master you mortal motor skills and language the SOUL will leave you clues everyday to re- discover who you really are. If you are spiritual or even religious, congratulations, you are operating from the 5th plane of existence, which is quite an accomplishment.

Many psychics use third eye to connect to the 4th plane spirits, the teachers and spirit guides. A few psychics can connect to the 5th plane energy and ask the angels and masters for guidance or readings. Each plane has laws, which are bound to it. For example, the Native American Indian connected to the Spirit World using a holy potion. The first time this divine potion is used you will feel the initiation of the 4th plane of existence. This is called the little death, because you will feel like you are going to die. No one ever has! You just feel like it. It is kind of like taking your first drink of liquor. You choke on it and everyone laughs at you.After that it gets easier connecting to the Spirit World. If you ask for something in the 5th plane of existence, they will always ask for something in return. There is never is something

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for anything on the 5th plane of existence.

If you are manifesting from the 5th plane of existence, we recommend that you ascend a little further. The price to pay on this plane is way too high. If you ask for unworldly eye sight, they may ask for a lot of your mortal eye sight. The next time you see someone with thick eye glasses, you might wonder if they are traded some of their physical vision for spiritual vision.

Morontia is a beautiful planet a lot like Urantia with two suns, mountains, rivers, lakes and oceans. In the incoming few chapters, we will teach you to connect to the illusion of this 5th plane of existence, if you want to explore it. Furthermore, we will be giving you our 2012 prediction in the next two chapters.

In numerology the number 555 is the number of creating positive change and forward movement. A major life change is upon you. This change should not be viewed as being “positive” or “negative” since all change is but a natural part of life’s flow. Perhaps this change is an answer to your prayers, so continuing, seeing and feeling yourself to be at peace.

GOODBYE DRAMA PLANE! Once you ascend above a plane you are no longer bound to it!

6. The Illusion 6th Plane of Existence – The Laws of the Universe

Congratulations! You reached the final plane of illusion and the end of the matrix! The illusions of 6th plane of existence are the Laws of the Universe. These laws give the matrix structure which allows us to live, learn, operate and grow spirituality. As well as, allowing us to live within the boundaries of the illusion of having a physical body. We will learn the body energy associated with this 6th plane and the laws that keep you believing that is the holographic matrix is real!

The 4th layer of the subtle energy body is the Mental body which is associated with cognitive teachings, philosophies, the conventional concepts of god, cosmic consciousness and focusing on thought or thinking.

This is the last and final illusion. The 12 major Laws of the Universe are needed as a structure and boundaries to operate within. There are many other names, then we have listed here, because other cultures are bound by different limitations for language.

The Law of ONE is also unknown as the law of ALL, Connectivity, Connective Self, Higher- Self and the Soul). This law merely states we are ONE with ALL or all things, and that the ALL is ONE with us. There is NO separation! For the sole purpose of teaching, we are describing the illusions of these planes, as if they are separate, however, they are not! The language structures that we are bound to make it easier for you to understand in pieces of information. WE ARE REALLY ONE!

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The Law of Creation is also known as the law of Nurture, Abundance and Needs. This law states that you will have everything you need to operate in the illusion of the matrix created.

The Law of Free Will or Free Agency is the law states that you will have the ILLUSION of free will, or you think, believe or feel you have some kind of free will to choose. If you really had free will you would probably live in an enormous house, have lots of money, have an extravagant car and have fame and fortune beyond the imagination. That's why this law is a feeling of an illusion! If you are a life path 4 or 8, you have no free will. This is actually good, because a life path 8 have mapped out their life or destiny before they were ever being born. That means that everything that happens to a life path eight is supposed to happen because you planned it before being born. A life path 4 also have a destiny. However, they have some flexibility to select the road to accomplish their destiny. All other life path numbers have more freedom to choose. Even though, as we will discover in later chapters that the soul willprotect you from any harm. You will have the illusion of free will, although the soul will not allow to be harmed or to ascend before your time. You will understand a little better once we have moved you beyond the illusion of this matrix.

The Law of Cause and Effect is also known as the law of Action, Change, Karma and Motion. This law of states that no matter what you do, it will always affect something different. When you change one thing, something else will also change. Albert Einstein said “every action has an opposite and equal reaction.”

The Law of Energy is also known as the law of Magnetism, Attraction and Polarity. This law of illusion states that all things must have energy, and this energy has a polarity which attracts or repels something else.

The Law of Space is also known as the law of time or the void. This law of states that there must be some space between matter or energy. However, small or large it might be. Time is an illusion that humans created! (12 hours of day, 12 hours of night, 365 days in a year). Ifwe lived on Mars or Venus, these planets would travel slower or faster than earth, and people would measure time differently. We have the Julian calendar, Roman calendar, Egyptian calendar, Mayan calendar, Iranian calendar, Georgian calendar, Macedonian calendar and Greek calendar just to name a few. In the next few chapters, we will learn that time, and space has a totally different meaning.

The Law of Vibration is also known as the law of sound, tone and rhythm. This law state that sounds and tones will have vibration and rhythm, and these sounds will allow humans to hear with their mortal ears. In the next few chapters, we will learn vibration is much more than sounds that we hear with our bodily ears.

The Law of Knowledge is also known as the law of the Akashic Records, Collective Consciousness, Truth and the Knowing. This law state that knowledge is not locally or stored in the brain, but comes from an external collective source.

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The Law of Duality is also known as the law of Yin/Yang, Male/Female, Expand/Contract, Positive/Negative. This law of illusion states that if you have a yin, you must have a yang. If you have a positive, you must also have a negative. Drama is very entertaining. However, drama is not good when you seek inner peace. Soon, we will teach you inner peace.

The Law of Structure is also known as the law of Geometry, Math, Science, Physics, Relativity, etc. This law of illusion states that there must structure for humans to understand, which may come in the forms of math and sciences. Albert Einstein is the one who said that”everything is relative.” Humans like to compare something to other things which they are familiar with. This is understandable when being limited to the physical senses.

The Law of Balance is also known as the law of Peace, Harmony, Support and Spirituality. This law of illusion states that there must be some kind of balance to operate in the matrix. This give and take or the dividing of your resources or time makes sense only when operating in the matrix.

The Law of Essence is also known as the law of Reality, Illusion, The Matrix, Being, Emotions, Feelings, Dimensions and the Universe. This is the law that keeps the illusions in place. Ifthe matrix looks genuine and feels tangible than you will be convinced that it is real.

LOVE and LIGHT are NOT Laws. They just are.

In numerology, the number 666 is telling you that your thoughts are out of balance right now. You are focused too much on the material world. This number sequence asks you to balance your thoughts between Heaven and Earth. Like the famous, “Sermon on the Mount” the angels ask you to focus on spirit and service, and know your material and emotional needs will be met as a result.

Fasten your seat belts, you are about to leave the illusion behind. Please keep an open mind as it can get really abstract beyond this point.

GOODBYE MATRIX! Remember: Once you ascend above a plane, you are no longer bound to the lower planes!

7. The Consciousness 7th Plane of Existence – The Illumination Plane

CONGRATULATONS! You have ascended beyond the Matrix of Illusion! Some of you may have heard of the Archangel METATRON. Meta means “beyond” and Tron means “matrix.” therefore, the word metatron literally means “beyond the matrix.” Some people believe that Archangel Metatron is the closest archangel to God, and he is known for being the voice of God. This is not true. God does not have a hierarchy nor does he need anyone to speak for him. Metatron is simply a clue from the soul that it's time for you to ascend beyond the matrix of illusion. If you have seen CLUES such as 11:11, the call of the SOUL or 12:12,

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The 13 Planes of ExistenceThe Gateway to the SOULS, then the SOUL is handing you some CLUES. The SOUL rarely

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communicates with you bound by the limitations of language. The SOUL communicates with you, mostly with CLUES, the things that pop up in your life, hieroglyphics or visions in a dream state of deep meditation and sometimes through feelings emanating from the solar- plexus or as humans call it the gut.

The 5th subtle body that surrounds the physical body is the etheric body which is an instinctive barrier between the matrix and the consciousness. Some of you may be very intuitive. This will make it easier to connect to this plane of consciousness. We use to connect to the place using a theta state of 4-7 hertz, now we use a deeper delta state at about 1-3 hertz. It was at first difficult to stay awake or conscious in this state. However,sometimes we can fluctuate between the more visual theta state and a deep stable delta state of meditating. We enjoy listening to Binarual Pure Delta tones while meditating and projecting our essence or consciousness to the higher planes. The mathematical sign for change is DELTA.

This next group of people has gotten a lot of negative publicity on the internet. However, we are merely observers in this illusion, and we are without believes, without expectations and without judgments seeking the truth with unconditional love. Remember, when other people have to make you look bad, so they can look better you should be cautious. This is the conscious plane of “Illumination.” If you place a dash between the letter, i and the letter o, you get Illuminati-on. The word Illuminati literally means “the enlightened one.” They are worshipers of the light and the sun. They could connect to this plane and manifest things without any religion. Remember the illusion of 5th plane of existence is where religionresides. We understand that the general conception of this group with the idea of ONE world, which is the same idea of the late John Lennon. The creative energy of this plane of consciousness is unconditional LOVE! We understand why religious leaders did not take this lightly.

When we ascend or as humans call it “die.” They say we to go to a sparkly white light. This is the 7th plane of consciousness where your spirit is cleansed. Not all human ascend to the sparkly white-light energy. Some spirits remain in the 4th astral plane or the spirit world and wait for the light. These entities are called Waywards or the more powerful or experienced ones are called Fallens. Their energy levels are so low, and they are just scared of running out of energy. We cannot count how many lost spirits that we have brought to the light. Many spirits believe that they cannot return from the light, but after taking them to the 7th plane of Illumination and recharging them with unconditional love energy, they happily return to the 4thplane the astral spirit world and wait for a fetus to reincarnate into. When you come back as a newborn, your spiritual mind merges with your new infant brain, and you start to forget who you really and the ego takes over. Newborns are still connected to the spirit world. However, by the time they learn a language and are flooded with the fluoride in the water shutting down the Pineal Gland, they are not able to communicate with you, and they are by then disconnected from the spirit world. When a human is near ascension or as humans call it death, the spiritual higher-self starts to disconnect from the physical body or start to astral project, they may see other familiar spirits as they across over to the other side.

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Your spirit never dies! Dying to your spirit is like shedding your old skin and finding a new younger more beautiful skin underneath it. Your memory resides in your intangible mind not in the matter of what you call the brain. If your memory where to reside in the physical brain, then, when you ascend or die you would have no knowledge of anything! That's why we know that your memories are NOT local. Ask anyone who died and chose to come back. Your spiritual mind remembers all past, present and future lives. Your spiritual higher-self is different than the SOUL. We will learn the difference in chapter 11.

Now, we are certain that you will understand our prediction of the winter solstice of2012. The Maya (Illusion) Indians knew that they were living in a matrix, illusion or moving hologram. They started the Mayan calendar approximately 2000 years ago. We move through the astrological ages every 2,150 that means that their grandfathers experienced the change of the new age. What did they experience? They saw the true illusion! They dedicated their lives as the keepers of time to pass their knowledge onto us. On the Winter Solstice at 11:11 am Universal time (UTC) on December 21st2012, the matrix, the illusion or moving hologram will shut down for what we perceiveas approximately 3 days. We will see a blue shinning light, and a brand-new matrix will be re-loaded. The dawning of this new age will shift our consciousness to the higher planes of existence. However, if we do not graduate to a higher vibrational frequency, then everything will remain the same.

While we were mediating in the 7th plane of consciousness in the sparking white energy, we searched for a higher plane. Every time, we connected. We searched the infinite plane countless times. We (a good friend of mine, Don) asked the creative energy of the 7th plane of consciousness for the highest vibrating plane of existence. We saw the number 7-11 everywhere, in fact, as we are writing this now, we are seeing 7-11 on the clock. 7-11 is the Gateway between the 7th plane of consciousness and the 11th plane of consciousness, the SOUL plane! We made the command to be taken to the 11th plane of existence. The vibrational frequencies were so high that we could only hold the energy for a few minutes.Now, we spend hours each day in the 11th plane of consciousness meditating with the SOUL. When you see 7:11 anywhere, it is the 7th plane of consciousness letting you know that it is the gateway to the 11th plane of consciousness to the SOUL Plane.

In a transcendental meditation, visualize going deep within your spiritual heart and next visualize the illumination of the sparkly white energy of the 7th plane of existence. Then give the Gateway command that takes you from the 7th plane of Existences to the 11th realm of consciousness, and it goes like this:

“Mother, Father, Creative Illumination, Divine, Infinite, Eternal SOUL consciousness, Source at the center of ALL Eternity, it is commanded that I am taken to the 11th realm of consciousness now in the highest and best way with your love, grace, ease and understanding. Thank you. Thank You. Thank you.”

The 7th plane of consciousness is a great place for manifestations, divine healing and using the sparking white energy to recharge our faint energy bodies (batteries) with the

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unconditional love energy sometimes called Universal Life Force energy. As a transcendent healer, we have filled the subtle bodies and the physical body of a human with this energy, and they bounced back quickly from a drained state to a lively happy self. We witnessed a growth the size of an orange instantaneously shrank down to the size of a walnut and within three, days completely disappear using the 7th plane illumination energy! We have brought the sugar levels of a 67-year old diabetic women from 216 to 70 instantly using this power creative illumination energy! We give thanks and gratitude that you have come this far.In the 7th plane, you can find your inner peace. Make peace with God, The Creator and/or The Source, YOURSELF, your Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Aunts and Uncles here. If you cannot find your inner-peace, then you will find it in the Consciousness of the 11th plane of Existence.

In numerology, the number 777 is a very high spiritual number that signifies teaching or learning a more divine conscious way of thinking and being. The angels applaud you, “congratulations, you’re on a roll! Keep up the good work and know that your wishes are coming true.” This is an extremely positive sign, and you should also expect more miracles to occur.

8. The Consciousness 8th Plane of Existence – The Emotion Plane

The 6th subtle body that surrounds the human physical body is the emotional body. Although, this faint energy body is present in all humans, not all humans have it active. Life and life experiences have shut this subtle body down for some humans. Our Urantia or Earth mother has the strongest emotional body that we know of. She has been astral projecting all her life due to a near-death experience as an infant in the 2nd world war, and she thinks that this is normal for everyone. To top this off, she is the most emotional person we know. Heremotions come deep from within her heart and soul, and she seems to be able to manifest just about everything. The problem is that she thinks many pessimistic thoughts, which always appear to manifest in her life. If she shifted her thoughts to only positive thoughts and not allow negative thoughts to enter her sphere, she would be an incredibly powerful creator. It is a work in progress, shifting ones believes after 70-years of being conditioned on Urantia and is not an easy task to overcome.

The 8th emotional plane is the abundance plane. We now understand why people cry in church. It takes them from the religious 5th plane of existence to the 8th plane of consciousness in an instant! Remember is must be true tears from the heart and soul.

If you can think with your heart and feel with your mind, you are on your way to master this plane. Music moves the soul. If you have some music that brings out your emotions while you are meditating on something that would be wonderful. All of our emotional Pisces raise your hands. You were born to master this plane, especially now while we are still in the age of Pisces.

This is a great place to be manifesting for a soul- mate. Meditate within your heart chakra,

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and then when you are in a sentimental state from a song, memory or anything that activates your passions you can say the following, while you are at the peak of your emotional state:

“Mother, Father, (God*, Creator and/or Source), Creative Illumination, Divine, Infinite, Eternal SOUL consciousness, Source at the center of ALL Eternity, thank you for sending me my most compatible SOUL-mate now in the highest and best way withyour love, grace, ease and understanding. I trust in you (God*, Creator and/or Source), and if it is your will, then it is my will, and it will be done. By the power of three times three, so WE will it, so shall it be! Thank you. Thank You. Thank you.” * we are and always have been at peace with GOD. Therefore, we use GOD.

In numerology, the number 888 means that a phase of your life is about to end, and this is a sign to give you forewarning to prepare. This number sequence may mean you are winding up an emotional career or relationship phase. It also means there is light at the end of the tunnel. In addition, it means. The crops are ripe. Don’t wait to pick and enjoy them. In other words, don’t procrastinate in making your move or enjoying the fruits of your labor.

9. The Consciousness 9th Plane of Existence – The Vibration Plane

Welcome to the consciousness of the 9th plane of existence, the vibration plane! Vibration frequencies create the structures of everything. As these vibration frequencies change so do the holographic illusion or the matrix and sometimes called hologram movement. As these vibration frequencies rise, we move or shift into the new matrix.

Not everyone has this 7th subtle body that we call the vibration body. It must be earned or acquired. We recommend Solfeggio Harmonic frequencies and Solfeggio Mirror frequencies while holding two Shiva rocks in each hand and meditating in an OM hum tone. You will know when the vibrational body activates. It is when your physical body vibrates in the same way, a woman has an orgasm. Please forgive our expression of this description, we mean no disrespect. The 7th subtle body will then surround the physical body, and it is massive and glows! In the 9th plane of existence, there is an emanating vibrational “Hum” sound everywhere.

As humans, we exist within the 49th Octave of Vibration of the electromagnetic light spectrum. Below this range, we are barely visible radiant heat, like infrared light, television and radio-waves, sound and brain waves; above it, we are just like visual ultraviolet light, like the invisible frequencies of chemicals and perfumes, followed by x- rays, gamma rays, radium rays and unknown cosmic rays.

Indian Yogic teachings assign colors to the seven major chakras' specific qualities, such as color of influence from the 7 rays of spectrum light, elements such as earth, air, water and ether, body sense such as touch, taste, and smell, and relation to an endocrine gland.

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In numerology, the number 999 means get to work! The world needs your Divine life purpose right now. Fully embark upon your sacred mission without delay or hesitation.

10. The Consciousness 10th Plane of Existence – The Information Plane

We now enter the consciousness 10th plane of existence, the information plane. There is no light in this place it is totally dark. Your third eye, mind's eye or all-seeing eye cannot see anything! At first, we thought we were in great void. It is the nothing, but when you silence your mind, something amazing happens! Blocks of information come to you. Sometimes they are visual movies, and not like anything you have ever seen on Urantia or Earth, and other times they are visions of the past, present or even the future, that comes out of the darkness and just gives you instant knowledge. We call it “The Knowing.”

If you are looking for your Destiny or purpose in life, you will find it here, just quiet your mind and focus on breathing from your diaphragm while keeping your focus on expanding and contracting your diaphragm, and keeping your mind silent about all thoughts. If you are doing this with the intent of knowing your life destiny. It will come to you as a block of information. Just ask for it, silence the mind and wait patently for the information block to come to you.

When you go to sleep at night and have lucid dreams in REM (Rapid Eye Movement), you are actually quantum traveling to another dimension that you have created by shifting your vibration frequencies high enough that it can create an infinite amount of possibilities, and each possibility is called alternate dimension or secondary matrix. Your spiritual higher-self and the SOUL are playing the “what if” and, “then" scenario during your REM Sleep. Your physical human body must rest. However, your spiritual higher-self and the SOUL does not.

Teleportation, ESP, Clairvoyance, Clair-audience, Clair-sentience and many more are all possibilities of Quantum Traveling. With Astral Projecting, the matrix already exists, but with Quantum Traveling, one creates many alternate dimensions or matrices at once. Can this be done in the physical body? Yes. We actually teleport all the time when we are sleeping, we are astral project. We are conditioned from early childhood by society that it is impossible due to the laws of physics. What modern physicists did not understand is the power of the human psyche or conscious mind being able to raise its vibration frequencies! If you bought up a child teaching the child whom we live in an illusion and with a higher vibration frequency, and that it is achievable to teleport, and since that child has no preconceptions it cannot be done, most likely the child could change the vibration frequencies and therefore, changing of the matrix. Keeping in mind that with the low vibration frequencies and the limitations of the physical human body, to teleport is possible, but not very probable. We are looking forward to the day when scientists and psychics work together as ONE.

In numerology, the number 10:10 is the Alpha-Omega number. The number of

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The 13 Planes of Existencebeginnings and endings, it is full of promise, and of open to the "Heart of Compassion."

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You can't get more powerful than this. Keep your visions high and heaven bound. Even though there is darkness around you, you have to keep the faith, trust and keep moving forward and care about yourself and about your life. Each situation gives you the opportunity to pray and forgive. Each situation has a blessing. Remember this when you see what happens in the world in these days.

11. The Consciousness 11th Plane (realm) of Existence – The Soul Plane

Congratulations, you have ascended to the consciousness of 11th realm, the Soul plane. From in this place, it gets very abstract that it is difficult to describe being bound to a mortal form and with the language structures that are bound to human beings. The vibrational frequencies here are so high that the earthly human body would simply disintegrate. Thank God that we are a spiritual higher-self and that our physical bodies are just vehicles in the illusion of the matrix.

There are infinite numbers of spirits or higher-self who is connected to each SOUL. This is why many Urantian's know that we are one of the same souls. This 11th realm radiates a beautiful iridescent BLUE light in color. The SOUL or the Soul body looks like you. It is a reflection of you. Each person who goes to the 11th realm and looks at the SOUL, they will see themselves as the SOUL. This is why some people say “my soul.”

The SOUL has these infinite spirits, like long hair and at the end of each long hair is a spirit or higher-Self. This long hair is of light and looks more like a wormhole of light. At the end of this wormhole of light is the spirit and with the spirit are these layers of subtle bodies ofenergy (astral, casual, mental, etheric, emotional, vibrational) and on or passing through the physical human body are the 7 primary chakras and the 8th seat of the soul chakra along with some secondary chakras. This is why monks shave their heads. It is a symbol of being close to God. The SOUL emanates from a “Hu” Vibrational sound.

Here, you must FORGIVE ALL, ask for forgiveness from ALL things and return to innocence to ascend to the 12th realm of consciousness. In this realm, you can say or memorize this:

“Mother, Father, God, Creator, Creative Illumination, Divine, Infinite, Eternal SOUL consciousness, Source at the center of ALL Eternity, I FORGIVE ALL entities that I have ever done anything wrong with me intentionally or unintentionally including GOD,THE SOUL, and MYSELF and I ask for FORGIVENESS of ALL entities that I have ever done anything wrong with intentionally or unintentionally including GOD, THE SOUL, and MYSELF in ALL lives and ALL lifetimes, past, present and future, on ALL Levels, in ALL directions, in ALL aspects, in ALL Matrices, in ALL universes, in ALL Dimensions, on ALL Planes of Existences, in ALL realms and for ALL ETERNITY! I trust in you God, and if it is your will, then it is my will, and it will be done. By the power of three times three, so WE will it, so shall it be! Thank you. Thank You. Thank you.”

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In numerology, the number 11:11 is the call of the SOUL! It is a wake call for those that are sleeping and a ready to ascend message from the soul for those you have been awakened. It is time for spiritual growth!

12. The Consciousness 12th Plane (realm) of Existence – The Collective Souls

The Consciousness 12th realm is where the collective souls are. There are only 12 SOULSin ALL Eternity, and you are connected to one of these SOULS. Do you see the numbers12:12 often? 12:12 is the GATEWAY to eternity.

One must be of PURE HEART and PURE SOUL to be allowed to enter the realm of ALL SOULS. This means that you must be stripped of everything, all your spiritual bodies everything except for the vibration of LOVE and understanding. ALL negative emotions, ALL drama, ALL thoughts, ALL believes, ALL expectations, ALL judgments. Everything must be stripped from your mind, spirit and SOUL, and you must become “The NOTHING!”

When you have become “The NOTHING” you are considered to be PURE. On the Internet, you can search for the Hawaiian Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, who practices the Ho'oponopono technique of become nothing. It is a very simple and extremely powerful technique. According to Dr. Len whatever is going on externally is going on internally. If an external person is angry with you, you have to focus your attention on your internal self and ask yourself why am I angry? After that, you say to yourself “I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love us. Thank you.” The emotion of anger from that external person will disappear! You repeat this process until the anger goes away. As you practice this technique repeatedly you will strip yourself of ALL emotions and social conditioning and are left with NOTHING. Remember, all external things are internal things hidden by emotions and the subconscious mind. You cannot ascend to the 13th realm without clearing out everything and becoming “The NOTHING.” In the next chapter, you will understand why this is.

We call the 12 SOULS “The Elders” and we call the 12th realm of consciousness “Elderon.” ALL 12 SOULS are connected as ONE in a round circle. Since ALL 12 SOULS are connected as one, we say “We are ONE with ALL and ALL is ONE with us.” This is our way of expressing unity.

In numerology, the number 12:12 is the number when the Higher Realms wants to download into your consciousness new ways of being a human being and experiencing life on Earth. It is like the switch, turned on for you to step into your Divine Path to be of service for humanity and every living thing on the planet.

The number 12:12 is the "Gateway to Freedom.” As 12 is the number of completion, 12:12 is the gate of completion. We are, in essence, completing ourselves, and preparing the way for others and on this day, the people of Earth graduate, and officially enters the Golden Age. In her heart, she knows there is no turning back. Her ascension is imminent. 12:12 brings us the gift of wholeness, and is our key to mastery.

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13. The Consciousness of the 13th Plane (realm) of Existence – The Source of ALL at the Center of Eternity.

The consciousness of the 13th realm is the Source of ALL at the center of eternity, which is located in the center of the circle of the 12 SOULS. It is the power source of the 12 SOULS, “The Elders.” One must be of pure intention and of pure consciousness to be allowed into this realm. If you are a cup of coffee, and we are a glass of PURE water, you must emptyyour cup of coffee to receive the PURE water from our glass. If we pour the PURE water into your cup of coffee without your emptying your cup of coffee first, you will not be able to receive the PURE water. For this reason, you MUST first become “The NOTHING.”

The Source of ALL at the center of Eternity is a constantly changing plasma ORB of energy. The Source at the Center of Eternity radiates PURE LOVE ENERGY. It feels like a euphoric Nirvana. When we first saw the ORB, we were in a trace with its beautiful changing colors and vibrational energy which it is emanating. There are no words in any language or no spiritual expressions that could ever describe it. YOU MUST SEE IT AND FEEL IT FOR YOURSELF!

In numerology, the number 000 is a reminder you are one with God, and to feel the presence of your Creator’s PURE LOVE within you. Furthermore, it is a sign that a situation has gone full circle.

“We are ALL energy sources, like battery powered mirrors that reflect the consciousness of the Source of ALL at the center of eternity,” Michael Thomas. “We are ONE with ALL and ALL is ONE with us.”

Our PURE LOVE ENERGY and unconditional support go out to you as you travel on your journey to ascend to the Source of ALL at the center of eternity. We bid you a pleasant trip with grace and ease until we meet again my friends.

Remember, “Everything is mind over matter, if you do not mind it does not matter!”

This short version of The 13 planes of Existence that is copyrighted © 2011 by Michael Thomas and is FREE and is NOT for SALE or RE-SALE! All International Copyright Laws apply.

Please feel FREE to forward this short version of this book to your friends and family.

If you have any questions or comments, please visit w w w . N e w Source H ea l ing . com.

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