Page 1: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin

City:Eau Claire

Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.:

Describe Views:UL




Overall Views

County :

Eau Claire

General Character (Building types, styles, environment; important natural and man-made features; qualities that make district distinct from surroundings; nature of intrusions) :

See continuation sheet*


M. TaylorDate:


Maps Used:

Emery Street Bungalow District! > /faZti>.:. e - •••<- •- <• C -A CX U. v\ C. € y e»-W

Streets Included * 1 * ^ 5 * 5 '

Emery^ Street _j

Chauncey Street



Statement of Significance and Brief Historical Development :

Significance: Architecture

See continuation sheet.



o. Sources of Information

1 Winter, Robert. 1980. The^ Bungalow, p. 78. ^ Wright. Gwendolyn. 1981.J Dream, p. 166.'


Building the

I>Representation in Previous Surveys:


5 Other: ^{bCCWhM ^W^Wfe/^ de ^

0 HABS 1 Ordinance Desig.

Boundary Justification:

See continuation sheet.

Opinion of Eligibility for the NationalJg Eligible JU Not Eligible

Initials: YU^J"* Date: 4*1

Register:1 [ Unknown


Page 2: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

Continuation Sheet No. 1


General Character:

The Emery Street Bungalow District encompasses three blocks of the east-west running thoroughfare. The land is generally level, although the region in which the district is located is known as Eastside Hill in reference to the river bluff it occupies. Alleys divide the rectangular blocks which are parceled into long narrow lots that reach to the curb-side sidewalk. Because the boulevard area has been omitted, the street treees (which today dward the diminuative dwellings) have been planted on the front lawns. Additional vegetation in the individual lots further enhances the physical setting.

Sixty three residential buildings, constructed primarily between 1915 and 1930, are included in the district. Of this total, twenty five are pivotal; thirty seven contributing; and two non-contributing. The non-contributing residences are of mid-twentieth century vintage and do not significantly detract from the district's distinctive character. The pivotal structures, scatttered throughout the district, are almost intact dwellings representing the wide range of bungalow variations. Cable, jerkinhead, and hip roofs cover the one and one and a half story homes that uniformly line the street. Stucco, wood (including wood shingles), and brick are the dominant construction materials that in many instances are used in combination. Exposed rafter ends and decorative half timbering, rustic treatments associated with the housing type, are featured on a number of bungalows; however, the majority are straightforward structures relying only on their simplicity for their charm. Verandas, open or enclosed, are also common features.

Among the contributing residences are a'group of bungalows which have been altered mainly through the addition of aluminum siding. Also listed as contributing are other early twentieth century dwellings which continue the dominant characteristics of the district.


The Emery Street Bungalow District represents an architecturally significant and distinguishable entity whose components lack individual distinction. As evidenced by its name, the residential district is composed primarily of bungalows, a housing type that proliferated during the first decades of the twentieth century. The owner and contractor-built dwellings are found throughout Eau Claire's residential sections, but are particularly concentrated on the city's eastside. Located in this area, the Emery Street Bungalow District provides the community's most intact and visually cohesive collection of bungalows. The simply designed residences are unified by their common size, shape, alignment, and construction materials. Their combined presence creates an Identiflabledistrict that is unique in Eau Claire.

The bungalow district is part of a larger neighborhood known locally as Eastside Hill) which adjoins the older, inner city on the west. Platted during the early twentieth century at the tine Eau Claire emerged as a regional manufacturing center, the region is filled with bungalows and other simple residences. Bungalows, generally (and vaguely) described as a one story house with an attic or additional sleeping porch and room (1), evolved from English and Indian antecedents and represented an outgrowth of the cottage idea. The unpretentious yet charming homes were most often

Page 3: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

Continuation Sheet No. 2


Significance (cont.):

erected by middle income owners who respected the simplicity, soundness, and livability the bungalow offered. In addition, inexpensive construction plans were available from "Bungalow Books" distributed by local contractors and builders and from such national outlets as Sears, Roebuck & Company and Montgomery Ward's which "offered do-it-yourself owner-builders all the materials and fixtures needed..."(2)

Within the district, the dwellings designated as pivotal are architecturally intact bungalows. Altered bungalows and other compatible residences are considered con­ tributing structures. Only two non-contributing buildings are located in the district - a feature which additionally insures the unity and distinctive character of the area.

Boundary Justification:

The Emery Street Bungalow District is bordered on the west, north, and east by blocks of bungalows and other small residences that, for the most part, have been altered. On the south, bungalows are mixed with a larger group of mid-twentieth century residences.

Boundary Description;

The historic district is a rectangular area described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Agnes Street and Emery Street; then north along the centerline to the alley between Emery Street and Woodland Avenue, then west along this alley to the east property iine of 5H-513 Chauncey Street; then south to the north property line of 519 Chauncey Street; then west to the centerline of Chauncey Steet; then south to the alley between Emery Street and Hogeboom Avenue; then east along the alley which ends at the rear of 1321 Emery Street; then continuing east along the south property lines of the 1400 and 1500 blocks of Emery Street; then continuing east along the alley behind the 1600 and 1700 blocks to the centerline of Agnes Street; then north to the point of beginning.

Page 4: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

Continuation Sheet No, 3


Acreage of nominated district; 13.8 acres

USGS Quadrangle name; Eau Claire Eastscale; l;2lj.,000

UTM References; zone 15 A. 620$00/i;962900B. 620510/5962820C. 619930/1^962810D. 6l9930/ii962890

Page 5: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

• Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

519 Chauncey StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.

EC 35 K .Av^lWT N0 'IF^^

Original Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1916 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master O Possesses high artistic values (^Represents a type, period, or method of construction O Is a visual landmark in the area O Other: O None

Architectural Statement :

A broad gable roof covers this one and a half story clapboard sided bungalow. Exposed rafters, dormers, and a front veranda are also featured.

£| Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

m Assessor 1 s card - city assessor f s ofc.






Surveyor: Date:

M. Taylor 11/23/81Legal Description: Acreage:Lot 32 Blk 1 Stussy-GormLey Predricksons Add.Current Owner:

Myron WathkeCurrent Owner's Address:

Route 1, Fall Creek, WISpecial Features Not Visible In Photographs:


Interior visited? £)Yes ^j) No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of a locality O Other:G& None

Historical Statement:

ft Representation in Previous Surveys

OHABS QNAER QWIHP QMSP Q landmark O other:

Tf Condition

O excellent Oeood Of air Oooor O ruins

Q District: Emery St. Bungalow Dist.

® pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

initials: met date: 4/28/82

O Opinion of National Register Eligibility

^keligible Onot eligible O unknown

O national O state O local initials: ____

O ty


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Page 6: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

1 Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1315 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.

EC 30 U^fg^_

T "" |gK|ti|N

Original Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1917 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master O Possesses high artistic values ® Represents a type, period, or method of construction 8 Is a visual landmark in the area

Other: O None

Architectural Statement:

Sided with clapboards and wood shingles (the latter material commonly used in bungalow construction this bungalow features a shed roofed dormer, exposed rafters, and an over­ sized entrance porch.

£J Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

A Assessor's card - city assessor's ofc.


Surveyor: Date:M. Taylor 11/23/81

Legal Description: Acreage:Metes and Bounds Parcel 13-402

Current Owner:

L.M. G-ossCurrent Owner's Address:

1315 Emery StreetSpecial Features Not VisiWe In Photographs:

^ *^~

Interior visited? QYes (£) No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of a locality O Other:® None

Historical Statement :

f% Representation in Previous SurveysOHABS QNAER O WIHP QNRHP O landmark O other: ———————— _ ——————————————————

TF Condition® excellent Oeood Of air Oj>oor O ruins

S District^roery St. Bungalow Dist.———— —————————————— ...©pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

initials: met date: 5/20/82

O Opinion of National Register Eligibility

$ eligible Onot eligible O unknown

O national O state O local initials: ___TTT\ <%•» <• ^


CO c+4CO CO ch

M \>J M U1


H 03 H-

3 P «^fe VD

UJj0^ >Kl

Page 7: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

• Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1330 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.

EC 35 i^tTiveN0 ' JGfR^Facade Orient. ^T^ ~

a """Original Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1920 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master O Possesses high artistic values ® Represents a type, period, or method of construction 8 Is a visual landmark in the area

Other: O None

Architectural Statement:

Braces, exposed rafter ends, and eyebrov dormers accent this "brick bungalow. A low gable roof covers both the main block of the structure and the front veranda.

£ Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

A Assessor's card - city assessor's ofc.


Surveyor: Date:

M. Taylor 5/20/82Legal Description: Acreage:

Jot 26 Blk 1 Stussy-Gorroley & ^redricksons Add.

Current Owner:

Darwin WittrockCurrent Owner's Address:

1330 Emery StreetSpecial Features Not VisiWe In Photographs:


Interior visited? QYes ^ No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of a locality O Other:© None

Historical Statement:

^ Representation in Previous Surveys


^ Condition

©excellent Oaood Of air Ojjoor O ruins

O District: Emery St. Bungalow Dist.® pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

Initials: met date : 6/01/82

Q Opinion of National Register Eligibility

vB eligible Onot eligible O unknown Onational O state Olocal initials: ___

CDi .j


CO c+4CD CD c+

M VjJvrt O




hd H P e+

3 P «=feVJD

§•cOJ e^l > fl-J

Page 8: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

' Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1422 Emery Street

Current Name & Use:

Private residence


Original Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1923 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master O Possesses high artistic values ^) Represents a type, period, or method of construction 81s a visual landmark in the area

Other: O None

Architectural Statement:

A one and a half story clapboard sided "bungalow characterized by cross gables. A steep gable roof caps the residence, while an enclosed porch stretches across the main facade.

£J Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

• Assessor's card - city assessor's ofc.






Surveyor: Date:

M. Taylor 11/17/81Legal Description: Acreage:

Lot 21 Blk 1 Stussy-Gorml.ey & Fredricksons Add.Current Owner:

Robert P. BauerCurrent Owner's Address:

1422 Emery Street

Special Features Not VisiWe In Photographs: j'

Interior visited? QYes ^) No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceOAssoc. with lives of significant persons OASSOC. with significant historical events CjAssoc. with development of c. locality O Other:© None

Historical Statement:

J% Representation in Previous Surveys


^ Condition

O excellent O good Of air Ojooor O ruins

Q District: Emery St. Bungalow Dist.

©pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

Initials: ™et date: 4/28/82

O Opinion of National Register Eligibility

^eligible Onot eligible O unknown

Onational O state Olocal initials: ___

CD4 <<

CO c+4 0) CD cf

M -£» IX) N>

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Page 9: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

' Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1426 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.

EC 35Negative No. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H

23 ^^^^^^1Facade Orient. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1



Original Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1917 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master O Possesses high artistic values ® Represents a type, period, or method of construction O Is a visual landmark in the area O Other: O None

Architectural Statement:

A stucco bungalow capped with a gently sloping gable roof and characterized by a large dormer and front veranda. Decorative "half timbering", braces, and exposed rafters are also featured.

^ Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

f^ assessor's card - city assessor's ofc.






Surveyor: Date:

M. Taylor 11/17/81Legal Description: Acreage:

Lot 20 Blk 1 Stussy-Gonn Ley & Fredricksons Add.Current Owner:

Benhard BrianCurrent Owner's Address:

1426 Emery Street .Special Features Not VisiWe In Photographs:

Interior visited? O ves (^KN°

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons OASSOC. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of a locality O Other:X) None

Historical Statement:

f\ Representation in Previous Surveys

QHABS O NAER QWIHP QNRHP Q landmark O other:

"F Condition

XXexcellent Oeood Of air Ocoor O ruins

Q District: Emery St. Bungalow Dist.

XXpivotal O contributing O non-contributing

Initials: met date:V28/82

O Opinion of National Register Eligibility

W eligible Onot eligible O unknown

Onational O state O local initials: ____

W3 (DM

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Page 10: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

• Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1435 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.N"t No - 413 1Facade Ori«t. ^UHS^———

Original Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1921 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master O Possesses high artistic values (^Represents a type, period, or method of construction 8 Is a visual landmark in the area

Other: O None

Architectural Statement:

A jerkinhead roof caps this one story bungalow which is sided with asbestos shingles. An open porch is also featured.

^l Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

^Assessor's card - city assessor's ofc.


Surveyor: Date:

M. Taylor 5/12/82Legal Description: Acreage:

Lot 2 Welshs AdditionCurrent Owner:

Charles and Clara AngerCurrent Owner's Address:

1435 Emery StreetSpecial Features Not VisiWte In Photographs:


Interior visited? QYes (S) No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceOAssoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events OAssoc. with development of c. locality O Other:© None

Historical Statement:

f% Representation in Previous Surveys

OHABS QNAER QWIHP QNRHP Q landmark O other : , , . „. ———————————————————————

"T Condition® excellent Oeood Of air Ojjoor O ruins

8 District: Emerv St. Bunealow Dist. —————— ———— J ———— « ————— & —— *. —— 4^-Le v.

® pivotal O contributing Onon-contributing

Initials: met date: 5/12/82

O Opinion of National Register Eligibility

Oi eligible Onot eligible O unknown O national O state O local initials: ____

rm /•*•» v ^

1 Emery Street

h-» -r^Vrt U1

HdM Pc-t-

3 B> *d=*s VD


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Page 11: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

1 Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1438 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.

Original Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1918 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master O Possesses high artistic values ® Represents a type, period, or method of construction 8 Is a visual landmark in the area

Other: Q None

Architectural Statement:

A broad gable roof covers this fine brick and stucco bungalow. Distinctive features include braces at the eave line, a shed roofed dormer, and a front veranda which has been enclosed.

£J Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

.Assessor's card - city assessor's ofc.


Surveyor: Date:M. Taylor 11/17/81

Legal Description: Acreage:Lot 18 Blk 1 Stussy-Gormley & Fredricksons Add.Current Owner:

Lamoine D. SolbergCurrent Owner's Address:

1438 Emery Street

Special Features Not VisiWe In Photographs: j*

Interior visited? O Yes ® No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of a locality O Other:© None

Historical Statement:

f* Representation in Previous Surveys


^ Condition(3 excellent Qeood Of air Oj>oor O ruins

O District: Emery St. Bungalow Dist.

® pivotal O contributing O non-contributingmet 4/28/82initials: date: '

O Opinion of National Register Eligibility

w eligible Onot eligible O unknown O national O state O local initials: ___

CDH <<

COH- 4 CD CO c+

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Page 12: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town:

1 Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1440 Emery Street

County:Eau Claire

Current Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.

EG 35 HIHINegative No. ^^^^1

Facade Orient. ^^^^^^^^^^^1

Original Name & Use:

2Dates of Construction /Alteratior

1918Architect and/or Builder:

3 Architectural Significance


i Source



O Represents work of a master OP°ssesses high artistic values (g) Represents a type, period, or method of construction O Is a visual landmark in the area O Other: O None

Architectural Statement:

Low hipped roofs lend a horizontal feeling to this brick and stucco bungalow. The small building features a large dormer and a front veranda.

£* Sources of Information (Reference

m Assessor's card - city


to Above)

assessor f s ofc.


Surveyor: Date:M. Taylor 11/17/81

Legal Description: Acreage:Lot 17 Blk 1 Stussy-Gormley & Fredricksons Add.Current Owner:

Hazel RumpholCurrent Owner's Address:

1440 Emery StreetSpecial Features Not VisiWe In Photographs:

Interior visited? O ves (5?) No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of a locality O Other:® None

Historical Statement:

f\ Representation in Previous Surveys

OHABS QNAER OWIHP QNRHP O landmark O other : ... , —————— ——————————————————

^ Cond it ion

® excellent Oeood Of air Ojjoor O ruins

0 District: Emery St. Bungalow Dist.® pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

initials: net date: 4/28/82

O Opinion of National Register Eligibility

W eligible Onot eligible O unknown

Onational O state O local initials: ____

I Emery Street




3 0>


ro cr\

Page 13: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

• Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1502 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.

*;u ^ PI tulips 1T N0 HJBTOFacade Orient. BI^9^H


Original Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1920 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master OP°ssesses nigh artistic values @ Represents a type, period, or method of construction O Is a visual landmark in the area O Other: O None

Architectural Statement:

A- simple one story clapboard sided bungalow, covered by a low hipped roof.

£i Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

^Assessor's card - city assessor's ofc.


Surveyor: Date:

M. Taylor 11/17/81Legal Description: Acreage:

Stussv-Gormlev & Fredriccsons Add.Current Owner:

Raymond McFarlaneCurrent Owner's Address:

1004 Barland Street, Eau ClaireSpecial Features Not VisiWe In Photographs:

Interior visited? QYes (£c) No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of a locality O Other:® None

Historical Statement:

f\ Representation in Previous Surveys

QHABS QNAER QWIHP ONES? O landmark O other:

"T Condition

O excellent ©Rood Of air Oj>oor O ruinsg District: Emery St. Bungalow Dist.

©pivotal O contributing Onon-contributing

initials: met d.f, 4/28/82

Q Opinion of National Register Eligibility

^eligible Onot eligible O unknown Onational O state Olocal initials:





i i i i

H 0) H-


s0 T


Page 14: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

• Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1508 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No. _.

Ne;7 B0 ' jflMTjis

Original Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1923 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master O Possesses high artistic values (^Represents a type, period, or method of construction 8 Is a visual landmark in the area

Other: Q None

Architectural Statement:

A low hipped roof covers the main portion of this single story clap­ board sided bungalow. The front porch which rests on a brick foundation is supported by battered piers and crowned by a jerkinhead roof.

^ Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

^Assessor f s card - city assessor's ofc.


Surveyor: Date:

M. Taylor 11/18/81Legal Description: , Acreage:Lot 15 Blk 3 Stussy-Gorm. ey &

Fredricksons Sub Div of Blk 3 ofP&Vftgyowter?11^ & FredricHsons Add. ——

Susan ErbCurrent Owner's Address:

1508 Emery StreetSpecial Features Not VisiWe In Photographs:


Interior visited? QYes (5T) No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of c. locality 0 Other:© None

Historical Statement:

A Representation in Previous Surveys


*W Condition0 excellent Ofsood Of air Ojjoor O ruins

8 District- Emery St. Bungalow Dist. ———— • ——————————————————0 pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

initials: met date: 4/28/82O Opinion of National Register Eligibility

ineligible Onot eligible O unknown O national O state O local initials: ___

I Emery Street




hd ' MP c+


£ OJ^

^jN> <l CO


Page 15: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

• Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1516 Emery St.Current Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.

EC 30 IT ^^ WNegative No. IL^S^IJ

^^^^KZ^^^^^^^^I^^^^^^H ' fZ 1mm t V' •mmmrt ^* "'' ^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1

Facade Orient. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Hb ^^^^^^^MOriginal Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source 1918 A•*- ^ -1.W Xi.

Architect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master O Possesses high artistic values ® Represents a type, period, or method of construction 8 Is a visual landmark in the area

Other: O None

Architectural Statement:

A low gable roof, exposed rafter ends, and a veranda supported by brick piers characterize this fine clap­ board sided bungalow.

£% Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

A Assessor's card - city assessor's ofc.


Surveyor: Date:

M. Taylor 11/23/81Legal Description: Acreage:Lot 13 Blk 3 Stussy-GormLey& Fredrickspns Sub DiY. Blk 3 of — —— StucEy-Sormloy & FreQrioKSQnc ——Current Owner'1 J AQCl.

Arnell KussCurrent Owner's Address:

2115 Frona PI., Eau ClaireSpecial Features Not VisitrTe In Photographs:


Interior visited? QYes (£) No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of c. locality O Other:® None

Historical Statement:

f\ Representation in Previous SurveysQHABS QNAER QWIHP QNRHP Q landmark O other:

*W Condition^excellent Qgood Ofair Onoor Oruins

Q District: Emery St. Bungalow Dist.® pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

initials: ^t date: 5/25/82

O Opinion of National Register Eligibility

{$ eligible Onot eligible O unknown

O national O state O local initials: ___

CD4 <<

oae+40) 0> cf



ii it <


^ iM P)r»-

2 P *d=*te V£>

gft VJJ f0 c


Page 16: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

• Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1517 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.

EC 36 ^y^S^fc^lJN'T N0 'NOriginal Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1925 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master OP°ssesses high artistic values ® Represents a type, period, or method of construction 8 Is a visual landmark in the area

Other: O None

Architectural Statement:

A brick and stucco bungalow with an enclosed entrance porch. Low hipped roofs give the one story structure a horizontal profile.

^ Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

^Assessor's card - city assessor's ofc.


Surveyor: Date:

M. Taylor 5/12/82Legal Description: Acreage:Metes and Bounds Parcel 13-4-B^Current Owner:

Roderick SimensonCurrent Owner's Address:

102 E. Fuller St., Freeport, IllinoSpecial Features Not VisifrTe In Photographs:


Interior visited? QYes (35) No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of £ locality O Other:® None

Historical Statement:

/* Representation in Previous Surveys

QHABS QNAER QWIHP QNRHP Q landmark O other: , ,„.„,... ———— „ —————————————————

y Condition©excellent Qeood Ofair Qjsoor Oruins

Q DistrictrEmerv St. Bungalow Dist.O pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

initials: ^et date: 5/12/82

O Opinion of National Register Eligibility

Ql eligible Onot eligible O unknown Onational O state Olocal initials: ___

W 3CO4 *<COc+ 4 CD 0> c+

isM VJ1 M-J

^ H P ct


iIv>i ! o^ !r>o O


Page 17: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

' Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1521 Emery .StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.EC 36 r^sHc™"!Negative No. Md^SHS^Rl^J

^••^^^•^^H ' -a»r-.-"-^ rr- f?lf ^^^^HFacade Orient. ^^^^^^^^^2a|K9


Original Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1921 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master O Possesses high artistic values (^Represents a type, period, or method of construction 8 Is a visual landmark in the area

Other: O None

Architectural Statement:

A one story stucco "bungalow with a gable roof. A small entrance porch marks the main entrance, while exposed rafter ends provide a "rustic" look.

£% Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

^Assessor's card - city assessor's ofc.


Surveyor: Date:

M. Taylor 5/12/82Legal Description: Acreage:Metes and Bounds Parcel 13-484Current Owner:

Randall ParkerCurrent Owner's Address:

1521 Emery StreetSpecial Features Not VisiWe In Photographs:


Interior visited? ^^Yes (^ No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of a locality 0 Other:© None

Historical Statement:

f^ Representation in Previous SurveysQHABS QNAER QWIHP QNRHP Q landmark O other:

TF Cond it ion©excellent Oaood Ofair O.uoor Oruins

Q District :Emery St. Bungalow Dist.@ pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

c /I 5^RP initials: mpt date: ' *

O Opinion of National Register Eligibility

)\ eligible Onot eligible O unknown O national O state O local initials: ___

nn *%•» n *v

Emery Street

M VJ1roM


i i i i

HdM &> ' c+

3 P*d=*£^D



Page 18: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

1 Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1522 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.


Original Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1926 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master O Possesses high artistic values ® Represents a type, period, or method of construction 8 Is a visual landmark in the area

Other: O None

Architectural Statement:

A simple cedar shingle and clapboard sided bungalow. Distinguished by a front veranda, the residence is covered by a low gable roof.

^ Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

^Assessor's card - city assessor's ofc.


Surveyor: Date:M. Taylor 11/17/81

Legal Description: Acreage:Jot 12 Blk 3 Stussy-Gormley & ?redricksons Sub Div of Ilk 3 of3toe^-t£nUr'uiley & Fredriuk sons 'ATM;™

Dennis BurkhartCurrent Owner's Address:

1522 Emery StreetSpecial Features Not VisiWe In Photographs:


Interior visited? O ves @ No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons Q Assoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of a locality O Other:£) None

Historical Statement:

fa Representation in Previous Surveys


TF Condition

Oexcellent ^eood Ofair Ojjoor Oruins

Q District: Emery St. Bungalow Dist.®f pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

initials: met date: 4/28/82

O Opinion of National Register Eligibility

^ eligible Onot eligible O unknown

O national O state O local initials: ____

0)4^CO c+ 4(D CDc+

H \J\ro ro

ITJ H P d-

3 P »d=fe^D


^X O


Page 19: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsiCity, Village or Town: County:

1 Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1523 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.

^ ^° JL ^" i| .i|NeT "" HHiT orien" mBI

Original Name & Use: • Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1920 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master Q Possesses high artistic values (3) Represents a type, period, or method of construction 8 Is a visual landmark in the area

Other: O None

Architectural Statement :

A one and a half story frame bungalow characterized by a medium gable roof, a front veranda, and gabled dormers. Clapboards of varying widths add texture to the simple dwelling.

^ Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

M Assessor's card - city assessor's ofc.


Surveyor: Date:

M. Taylor 5/12/82Legal Description: Acreage:Metes and Bounds Parcel 13-485Current Owner:

Mary W. SelzCurrent Owner's Address:

1523 Emery StreetSpecial Features Not VisiWe In Photographs:

. ?>

Interior visited? Oves (^ No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of c locality 0 Other:® None

Historical Statement:

f\ Representation in Previous SurveysOHABS QNAER QWIHP QNRHP Q landmark O other: ————————— .

^ Condition(^excellent Oeood Ofair Oooor Oruins

Q District :Emery St. Bungalow Dist.C) pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

Initials: m et date: 5/12/82

O Opinion of National Register Eligibility

^eligible Onot eligible O unknown

O national O state O local initials: .m» AO i i

g(D4 ^ 4 0) (D H

H U1r\:VJJ

^j M P ci-"3, P «=te UD



Page 20: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

• Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1524 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.

NeT No ' BM^aFT orunt - ^^^«

Original Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1926 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master O Possesses high artistic values (^Represents a type, period, or method of construction 8 Is a visual landmark in the area

Other: Q None

Architectural Statement:

A single story bungalow capped with a hipped roof. The small stucco residence features a gabled entrance porch.

5 Sources of Information (Reference to Above) ————————————————— * ————————————— 1~

^Assessor's card - city assessor's ofc.


Surveyor: Date:

M. Taylor 11/17/81Legal Description: Acreage:

Lot 11 Blk 3 Stussy-Gorm: .ey & Fredricksons Sub Div of :ak 3 of Stussv-Gormley & Prpdri R!:SOTIR Arid.

Current Owner:

Eda BrotzmanCurrent Owner's Address:

1524 Emery StreetSpecial Features Not VisiWe In Photographs:


Interior visited? Oves ^fNo

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons OAssoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of z. locality O Other:© None

Historical Statement:

f\ Representation in Previous SurveysOHABS QNAER QWIHP QNRHP O landmarkO other:

TP ConditionO excellent Oeood Of air Oj>oor O ruins

8 District ..Mnery St. Bungalow Dist.

O pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

initials: ™t date . 4/28/82

O Opinion of National Register Eligibility

^eligible Onot eligible O unknown Onational O state O local initials:

W 3CD4 <<

W rt-4 <D CD c+

H1 VJ1r^ -f^

H P cf

2 P ^d^fc^D


U1^v. v^ M

Page 21: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

1 Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1534 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.

EC 35 1 ,£^ y/j"eT N°' I^HJH

mtMmOriginal Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1921 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master 0 Possesses high artistic values (2$ Represents a type, period, or method of construction 8 Is a visual landmark in the area

Other: Q None

Architectural Statement:

A one and a half story clapboard sided bungalow characterized by shed roof dormers, exposed rafters, and braces at the eave line. A gable roofed porch marks the building's main entrance.

^ Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

^Assessor's card - city assessor's ofc.


Surveyor: Date:M. Taylor 11/17/81

ieo%al <rmifrgtussy-Gorml BAycl1St&: Fredricksons Sub Div. of Elk 3 of Stussy-Gormlev and Fredrlcksons Add.Current Owner:

Julia F. SchaeferCurrent Owner's Address:

1534 Emery StreetSpecial Features Not VisiWe In Photographs:


Interior visited? ^^Yes (^ No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceOAssoc. with lives of significant persons OASSOC. with significant historical events OAssoc. with development of a locality 0 Other:® None

Historical Statement:

fa Representation in Previous Surveys

QHABS QNAER QWIHP QNffiff O landmark O other:

"T Condition©excellent Ogood Of air Ojjoor O ruins

Q District: Emery St T "Bungalow TH st. ,

O pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

Initials: "let ^te . 4/28/82

O Opinion of National Register Eligibilityj: _ tKeligible Onot eligible O unknownO national O state O local initials: ___

W 3 CO4 ^COcf 4 0)n>«-l-

M \jn \jt -F*.


hd M P cf



^fc VD

{^ ^ U1 [**^ tv>T 'uj


Page 22: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

• Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1602 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.

N°' IjfiftL

SOriginal Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1921 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master O Possesses high artistic values (^Represents a type, period, or method of construction O Is a visual landmark in the areaO Other: O None

Architectural Statement:

Cobblestones and stucco cover the wall! of this fine one and a half story bungalow. A screened porch and a gabled dormer characterize the facade.

^ Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

m Assessor's card - city assessor's ofc.


Surveyor: Date:

M. Taylor 11/23/81Legal Description: Acreage:Lot 3b Stussy &

Fredricksons 2nd add.Current Owner:

Thomas LehmanCurrent Owner's Address:

1602 Emery StreetSpecial Features Not VisiWe In Photographs:


Interior visited? ^^Yes ^^ No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of a locality O Other:© None

Historical Statement:

/* Representation in Previous Surveys


^ Condition

® excellent Ogood Of air Oj>oor O ruinsQ District: Emery St. Bungalow Dist.

©pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

initials: met date: 5/25/82O Opinion of National Register Eligibility^i

W eligible Onot eligible O unknown

Onational O state Olocal initials: ___

CD4 ^CO cf4 0) (D c+

M ONO ro


^d ' H PH-

3S P V•^ VD


^ «0 jM" 1 -f^


Page 23: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

1 Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1611 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.

•kJ^jHnNegative No. HfWBSs5?»?\l 1IBft^BHKXMt J

^H^^H^H' L... ^.^^ i- C ^^^HFacade Orient. K'^JiiLj^lP*1*'1111^^


Original Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1920 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master O P°ssesses high artistic values @ Represents a type, period, or method of construction 8 Is a visual landmark in the area

Other: O None

Architectural Statement:

A one and a half story clapboard sided bungalow highlighted by cross gables and a front veranda.

^ Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

^Assessor's card - city assessor's ofc.


Surveyor: Date:M. Taylor 5/12/82

Legal Description: Acreage:Lot 3 Blk 7 Hodgeboom & Bar lands Add.Current Owner:

Mrs. Wilma AnthonyCurrent Owner's Address:

Route 1, Cornell, WISpecial Features Not VisiWe In Photographs:

Interior visited? O ves ^ No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of a locality O Other:® None

Historical Statement:

A Representation in Previous Surveys


*W ConditionO excellent ®eood Of air Oj>oor O ruins

O District: Emerv St. Bunealow "Dist.0 pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

initials: met date: 5/12/82

O Opinion of National Register Eligibility

^eligible Onot eligible O unknown

O national O state O local initials: ___rm /\*» t 1





f ' '

0) cf-

3 P

5«*a \D




Page 24: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

11 Eau Claire Eau Claire

Street Address:

1613 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.

NeT N" nJBINOriginal Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1921 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master O Possesses high artistic values ® Represents a type, period, or method of construction 8 Is a visual landmark in the area

Other: O None

Architectural Statement:

A clapboard sided bungalow distinguish by a hipped roof and hipped roof dormer. The one story structure also features a front veranda which has been glassed in.

^ Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

A Assessor's card - city assessor's ofc.


Surveyor: Date:

M. Taylor 5/12/82Legal Description: Acreage:Lot 4 BlkY? Hodgeboom & Barlands Add.Current Owner:

Melvin MaynardCurrent Owner's Address:

1613 Emery St.Special Features Not VisiMe In Photographs:

Interior visited? QYes (^) No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of c locality O Other:© None

Historical Statement:

£* Representation in Previous Surveys

QHABS QNAER OWIHP QNRHP O landmark O other : —————————————————————— . ———

"T Condition©excellent Oeood Ofair Ojjoor O ruins

8 District: Emery St. Bungalow Dist. —————— U ——— . ....... .WO pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

initials: met date: 5/12/82

O Opinion of National Register Eligibility_JE ~ _ <S*eligible Onot eligible O unknown

Onational O state Olocal initials: ___ tm f\t i •»




3 P



Page 25: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

• Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1617 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.

NTr N°' ylfc|IN

Original Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1921 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master OP°ssesse s high artistic values (^Represents a type, period, or method of construction O Is a visual landmark in the areaO Other: Q None

Architectural Statement:

Stucco covers the walls of this single story bungalow. A jerkinhead roof covers the simple building which features a screened front porch.

£| Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

m Assessor's card - city assessor's ofc.


Surveyor: Date:

M. Taylor 5/12/82Legal Description: Acreage:Lot 5 Blk 7 Hodgeboom & Bar lands Add.Current Owner:

Mrs. C.W. LeaseCurrent Owner's Address:

1617 Emery StreetSpecial Features Not VisiMe In Photographs:


Interior visited? O Yes O No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of c locality O Other:0 None

Historical Statement:

^ Representation in Previous SurveysOEABS QNAER Q WIHP QNRHP O landmark O other: ——————————————————————————

"W Condition

& excellent Oaood Of air O.Door O ruinsO District: Emery St. Bungalow Diet.

O pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

initials: met date: 5/12/82O Opinion of National Register Eligibility

^eligible Onot eligible O unknown O national O state O local initials: ___


ry Street

M CT> M -J


^ (-• P c+

3 p «=4fcMD

i1OJ ,cr» iH" !ro

Page 26: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

• Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1620 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:Private residence

Film Roll No.

. fc . iSffmsOriginal Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1921+ AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master O Possesses high artistic values JJOlepresents a type, period, or method of construction 8 Is a visual landmark in the area

Other: O None

Architectural Statement :

A one and a half story bungalow char­ acterized by a steeply pitched gable roof that parallels the street line. The simply detailed dwelling is ,stuccc covered and highlighted by decorative half timbering. Wood shingles side a front shed roofed dormer and the gable of the entrance porch.

^1 Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

A assessor's card - city assessor's care


Surveyor: Date:

M. Taylor ^-30-82Legal Description: Acreage:

Lot 32 Stussy & Fredricksons ———————— 3nd Add» ———— —————————

Current Owner:

Emmett G. O'BrienCurrent Owner's Address:

Special Features Not VisifcTe In Photographs: "^

Interior visited? O Yes © No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of a locality 0 Other:

XX None

Historical Statement:

f% Representation in Previous Surveys

QHABS QNAER O WIHP QNRHP Q landmark O other:

"T Condition®£xc client Oeood Ofair Oooor Oruins

Q District: Emery Street Bungalow Dis©pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

initials: ™* date: ^-30-82

O Opinion of National Register Eligibility

^eligible Onot eligible O unknown O national O state O local initials: ____

$(t ^


0> o> ct

M O^rx> o


to (

(i rr h C



*\M' 0> d-

S»'d=fc vO

• g•o

u>S\j\n \ UJ •^J


Page 27: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin

City, Village or Town: County:

1 Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1622 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.

EC 36 E^^^r™"l1


Original Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1931 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceCJ) Represents work of a master O Possesses high artistic values (^Represents a type, period, or method of construction 8 Is a visual landmark in the area

Other: Q None

Architectural Statement:

Clapboards and wood shingles cover the walls of this one and a half story bungalow. A jerkinhead roof covers the main portion of the building, while a "sweeping" gable roof caps the sun porch and attached entrance porch.

5 Sources of Information (Reference to Above) —————————————————————————— 5 ———————————————————— i.

A Assessor f s card - city assessor's ofc.


Surveyor: Date:M. Taylor 5/12/82

Legal Description: Acreage:Lot 33 Stussy & Fredricksons Add.Current Owner:

Anna LawrenceCurrent Owner's Address:

1622 Emery St.Special Features Not VisiWe In Photographs:


Interior visited? ^"^Yes ^^ No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of c locality O Other:® None

Historical Statement:

/| Representation in Previous Surveys


jF Condition

® excellent Oaood Of air Oj>oor O ruins

Q District: Emery St. Bungalow Dist.& pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

initials: ffiet date: 5/12/82

O Opinion of National Register Eligibility

^eligible Onot eligible O unknown

Onational O state Olocal initials: ___

0)4 «<

GO c+4 CD CO c+

M CT»ro ;ro

> <9




^d =S!S P •d=^ ^D

SD>UJ^ONO «*^ o T^o. ro»

Page 28: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

1 Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1707 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.


Original Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1921 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural Significancef) Represents work of a master O Possesses high artistic values ©Represents a type, period, or method of construction 8 Is a visual landmark in the area

Other: O None

Architectural Statement :

Clapboard and tongue and groove siding cover the walls of this fine one story bungalow. A low gable roof, braces, and a small entrance porch with exposed tie beam further distinguish the building.

£J Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

^Assessor's card - city assessor's ofc.


Surveyor: Date:M. Taylor 5/12/82

Legal Description: Acreage:Lot 1 Blk 9 Welsh Sub-Div of Blk 9 of Hodgeboom & Barlands Add.Current Owner:

Selma B. GullicksonCurrent Owner's Address:

1707 Emery StreetSpecial Features Not VisiWe In Photographs:


Interior visited? QYes (^) No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceO Assoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events O Assoc. with development of a locality O Other:© None /

Historical Statement:

ft Representation in Previous Surveys


"T Condition©excellent Qeood Of air Ojjoor O ruins

O District: Emery St. Bungalow Dist.©pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

initials: net date: 5/12/82O Opinion of National Register Eligibility

'Skeligible Onot eligible O unknown O national O state Olocal initials: _______


<<o>H-4CD CDc+

M --J 0 -J


hd H P ch

s p «sfe ^D


^ <

^! ^'M


Page 29: 1303-1723 · DISTRICT SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of Wisconsin City: Eau Claire Film Neg. Rolls: Nos.: Describe Views: UL UR LL LR Overall

INTENSIVE SURVEY FORM Historic Preservation Division State Historical Society of WisconsinCity, Village or Town: County:

1 Eau Claire Eau ClaireStreet Address:

1720 Emery StreetCurrent Name & Use:

Private residenceFilm Roll No.

Nepat-iaro Kn l^llli^^Vl^^^^^llft^jdl13 ^^^mFacade Orient. ^^^^^^J

Original Name & Use: Source

2Dates of Construction /Alteration Source

1921 AArchitect and/or Builder: Source

3 Architectural SignificanceO Represents work of a master O Possesses high artistic values (J?) Represents a type, period, or method of construction 8 Is a visual landmark in the area

Other: Q None

Architectural Statement:

Resting on a brick foundation, this one story clapboard bungalow is located at the eastern edge of the historic district. Low hipped roofs cap the two sections of the structure which is also characterized by brick pillars marking the main entrance.

£% Sources of Information (Reference to Above)

m Assessor 1 s card - city assessors ofc.


Surveyor: Date:

M. Taylor 11/23/81Legal Description: Acreage:

Lot 26 Stussy & Fredrick sons 2nd Add.Current Owner:

Patricia LynnesCurrent Owner's Address:

1720 Emery StreetSpecial Features Not VisiWe In Photographs:

.*^~ ^-'

Interior visited? QYes (^ No

Previous Owners Dates Uses Source

4 Historical SignificanceQ Assoc. with lives of significant persons O Assoc. with significant historical events Q Assoc. with development of a locality 0 Other:® None

Historical Statement:

J% Representation in Previous Surveys


^ Condition

^excellent OROO<I Ofair Ojjoor Oruins

Q District £mery St. Bungalow Dist.® pivotal O contributing O non-contributing

Initials: met datc: _3/_20/82

Q Opinion of National Register Eligibility

^eligible Onot eligible O unknown

Onational O state O local initials: ____TTT> /*•» ^ ^

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