Page 1: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and



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13 thRound


Page 2: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and

سكندرية. جميع الحقوق محفوظة 2020 © مكتبة الإالستغالل غ�ي التجاري

ــراض ــة لأغ ــة العام ــخصي والمنفع ــتخدام الش ــوج لالس ــذا الكتال ي هــواردة �ف ــات ال ــاج المعلوم ــم إنت ت

غــري تجاريــة، ويمكــن إعــادة إصدارهــا كلهــا أو جــزء منهــا أو بــأي طريقــة أخــرى، دون أي مقابــل ودون ي فقــط:

ســكندرية؛ وإنمــا نطلــب الآ�ت ــة الإ ــح أخــرى مــن مكتب تصاريي إعادة إصدار المصنفات.

ف مراعاة الدقة �ف يجب عىل المستغل�يسكندرية بصفتها »مصدر« تلك المصنفات. شارة إىل مكتبة الإ الإــب أل ــة، ويج ــواد الأصلي ــن الم ــمية م ــخة رس ــدار نس ص ــادة الإ ــن إع ــج ع ــف النات ــد المصن ل يع

ــا. ــٍم منه ــمَّ بدع ــه ت ــار إىل أن ــكندرية، وأل يش س ــة الإ ــب إىل مكتب ينسالستغالل التجاري

ي هــذا الكتالــوج، كلــه أو جــزء منــه، بغــرض التوزيــع أو يحظــر إنتــاج نســخ متعــددة مــن المــواد الــواردة �ف

عــادة إنتــاج ســكندرية. وللحصــول عــىل إذن لإ ي مــن مكتبــة الإ الســتغالل التجــاري، إل بموجــب إذن كتــا�بي 21526، ســكندرية، ص. ب. 138، الشــاط�ب ي هــذا الكتالــوج، يرجــى التصــال بمكتبــة الإ

المــواد الــواردة �فســكندرية، مــر. الإ

[email protected] : يو�ف لكرت يد الإ الرب

Page 3: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and
Page 4: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and

»العيــن تســمع واألذن تــرى«؛ هكــذا وصــف المفكــر الكبيــر ثــروت عكاشــة لغــة الفنــون، فهــي لغــة

ــْق العنــان لخيالــك، وأعــط فرصــة إلحساســك أن عالميــة، ســهلة للتواصــل، ال تحتــاج كثيــًرا لتذوقهــا، فقــط أطِل

ــي المنطقــي المســتخدم فــي اســتقبال وفهــم ــأى عــن طــرق اإلدراك العقل ــداع بمن ــرى ويســتقبل هــذا االب ي

العلــوم واآلداب مــن المنتــج اإلنســاني غيــر البصــري. هــذا هــو الفــن؛ ألــوان، وخامــات مختلفــة، ووســائط متنوعــة

ــع. ــر والممت ــي الكبي ــوع الفن ــا هــذا التن ــود، فيخــرج لن ــان فــي مســاحة حــرة دون قي ــر بهــا كل فن يعب

مائــة وخمســون فناًنــا مــن خلفيــات ومناطــق واتجاهــات مختلفــة، مــن الشــمال والجنــوب يتشــاركون

واللــون. بالحركــة المفعــم المختلــف الحــوار فــي هــذا

ــارة مــن الفنانيــن فــي تكويــن المعــرض مــن مــا يميــز هــذه الــدورة هــو مشــاركة مجموعــة مخت

خــالل ترشــيح زمالئهــم أصحــاب التجــارب المميــزة ليكونــوا حاضريــن جميًعــا معنــا هنــا فــي قاعتــْي المعــارض

الشــرقية والغربيــة بمكتبــة اإلســكندرية؛ لنعــرض تجربــة مميــزة للفــن ولحركــة الفــن التشــكيلي المصــري


وكمــا تعودنــا كل عــام فــي معــرض أجنــدة أن نكــرم فنانيــن رحلــوا عــن عالمنــا وكان لهــم أثرهــم

الكبيــر، فنكــرم هــذا العــام كاًل مــن الفنــان الســويدي ســيرجيو بيــرا )1963 - 2019(، والفنــان خالــد ســامي )1968

- 2019(، والفنــان الكبيــر فــاروق وهبــة )1942 – 2019(، فتحيــة ألرواحهــم الطيبــة.منسق المعرض

محمود هجرسديسمبر 2019

Page 5: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and

“The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and does not need much to be appreciated. All you need to do is let your imagination soar free to give your senses a chance to see and receive creativity away from rational and logical cognitive methods typically used to realize and understand the non-visual human sciences and literature. This is art: colors, multifarious materials, and various media that constitute a free space for every artist to express him/herself with no restrictions. As a result, we see this great and enjoyable artistic diversity.

One hundred and fifty artists of different backgrounds, approaches, and areas north and south participate in this unique dialogue bursting with color and movements.

What distinguishes this round is the participation of a selected group of artists to create this exhibition through recommending colleagues with unique experiences to be present with us here in the Eastern and Western Exhibition Halls at the Bibliotheca Alexandria, where we showcase the unique journey of art and the Contemporary Egyptian Visual Arts Movement.

As our tradition every year in Agenda Exhibition, we honor those late artists who have left enormous footprints within the artistic arena. This year, we honor the Swedish Artist Sergio Pira (1963-2019), Artist Khaled Sami (1968-2019), and the great Farouq Wahba (1942-2019). God bless their souls.

Exhibition Curator

Mahmoud HagrasDecember 2019

Page 6: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and
Page 7: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and
Page 8: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and

Khaled Samy(1968–2019)

خالد سامي )2019–1968(


Page 9: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


Page 10: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


Sergio Perea (1963–2019)

سيرجيو بيريا )2019–1963(

Page 11: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


Page 12: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


Farouk Wahba(1942–2019)

فاروق وهبة )2019–1942(

Page 13: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


Page 14: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and
Page 15: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and
Page 16: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


Ibrahim Khattabإبراهيم خطاب

[email protected]

Page 17: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


إسراء النجار

Israa [email protected]

Page 18: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


إسالم الريحاني

Islam [email protected]

Page 19: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


أسماء صادق

Asmaa [email protected]

Page 20: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


إيفيلين عشم الله

Eviline Asham-Allah

Page 21: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


إيمان أسامة

Eman [email protected]

Page 22: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


إيمان رمزي

Eman [email protected]

Page 23: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


إيمان عبده

Eman [email protected]

Page 24: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


إيمان عزت

Iman [email protected]

Page 25: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


أحمد أبو النصر

Ahmed [email protected]

Page 26: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


أحمد الجعفري

Ahmed [email protected]

Page 27: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


أحمد الزلباني

Ahmed [email protected]

Page 28: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


أحمد رفعت

Ahmed [email protected]

Page 29: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


أحمد صابر

Ahmed [email protected]

Page 30: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


أحمد عبد التواب

Ahmed [email protected]

Page 31: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


أحمد عثمان

Ahmed [email protected]

Page 32: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


أحمد مجدي

Ahmed [email protected]

Page 33: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


أحمد هالل

Ahmed [email protected]

Page 34: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


أسامة إمام

Osama [email protected]

Page 35: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


أسامة المنعم

Osama [email protected]

Page 36: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


أسماء الدسوقي

Asmaa [email protected]

Page 37: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


أسماء جنيدي

Asmaa [email protected]

Page 38: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


أمل نصر

Amal [email protected]

Page 39: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


أميرة سعد

Amira [email protected]

Page 40: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


أيمن قدري

Ayman [email protected]

Page 41: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


بسنت داوود

Bassant [email protected]

Page 42: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


بيشوي زارع

Beshoy [email protected]

Page 43: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


تامر رجب

Tamer [email protected]

Page 44: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


تقوى صبري

Takwa [email protected]

Page 45: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


جمال الخشن

Gamal [email protected]

Page 46: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


جوزيف الدويري

Joeseph [email protected]

Page 47: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


جوزيف مالك حبيب

Joeseph Malak [email protected]

Page 48: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


حازم المستكاوي

Hazem [email protected]

Page 49: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


حسام مصطفى

Hossam [email protected]

Page 50: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


حسناء حسن

Hasnaa [email protected]

Page 51: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


حسين الشابوري

Hussin [email protected]

Page 52: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


حنفي محمود

Hanafy [email protected]

Page 53: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


خالد زكي

Khaled [email protected]

Page 54: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


خشوع الجوهري

Koshoua [email protected]

Page 55: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


دينا الغريب

Dina [email protected]

Page 56: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


رامز تاج

Ramez [email protected]

Page 57: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


راندا فخري

Randa [email protected]

Page 58: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


رانيا الحكيم

Rania [email protected]

Page 59: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


رشا نبيل

Rasha [email protected]

Page 60: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


رشا سالم

Rasha [email protected]

Page 61: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


رمضان عبد المعتمد

Ramadan [email protected]

Page 62: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


رينال عبد المحسن

Rinal [email protected]

Page 63: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


ريهام عبد الغني

Riham Abdel-Ghany [email protected]

Page 64: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


زينات عبد الجواد

Zenat [email protected]

Page 65: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


زينب سالم

Zeinab Salem

Page 66: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


سارة بدير

Sarah [email protected]

Page 67: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


سحر األمير

Sahar [email protected]

Page 68: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


سعد زغلول

Saad [email protected]

Page 69: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


سيد واكد

Sayed [email protected]

Page 70: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


شادي أبو ريدة

Shady [email protected]

Page 71: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


شادي أديب سالمة

Chadi Adib [email protected]

Page 72: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


شنودة عصمت

Shenouda [email protected]

Page 73: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


صالح الدين أحمد

Salah-Eldin [email protected]

Page 74: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


ضياء الدين داوود

[email protected]

Diaa-Eldin Dawoud

Page 75: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


طارق الشيخ

[email protected]

Tarek Elsheikh

Page 76: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


طارق الليثي

[email protected]

Tarek Elleissy

Page 77: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


طاهر حمودة

[email protected]

Taher Hamouda

Page 78: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


عبد الرحمن محمود

[email protected]

Abdel-Rahman Mahmoud

Page 79: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


عبد الرؤوف سلمان

[email protected]

Abdel-Raouf Salman

Page 80: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


عبد السالم سالم

[email protected]

Abdel-Salam Salem

Page 81: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


عزيزة فهمي

[email protected]

Aziza Fahmy

Page 82: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


عصام معروف

Essam [email protected]

Page 83: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


عالء المحمدي

Alaa Elmohamdy

Page 84: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


علي سعيد

[email protected]

Ali Saied

Page 85: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


علي عاشور

Ali Ashour

Page 86: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


علياء الجريدي

[email protected]

Aliaa Elgready

Page 87: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


عماد إبراهيم

[email protected]

Emad Ibrahim

Page 88: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


عمر الفيومي

Omar [email protected]

Page 89: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


عمر سنادة

Omar [email protected]

Page 90: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


عمر طوسون

Omar [email protected]

Page 91: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


عمرو نبيل

Amr [email protected]

Page 92: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


فادي مكرم

Fady [email protected]

Page 93: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


فاطمة عبد الرحمن

Fatma [email protected]

Page 94: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


كريم رأفت

Karim [email protected]

Page 95: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


كمال الفقي

Kamal [email protected]

Page 96: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


لينا أسامة

Lina Osama [email protected]

Page 97: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


مايكل عادل زكي

Michael Adel [email protected]

Page 98: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


محسن سليم

Mohsen [email protected]

Page 99: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


محمد الصياد

Mohamed [email protected]

Page 100: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


محمد العبد

Mohamed [email protected]

Page 101: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


محمد المسلماني

Mohamed [email protected]

Page 102: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


محمد ثابت بداري

Mohamed Thabet [email protected]

Page 103: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


محمد حكيم

Mohamed [email protected]

Page 104: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


محمد خميس

Mohamed Khamis [email protected]

Page 105: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


محمد رمضان حسن

Mohammed Ramadan [email protected]

Page 106: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


محمد سالم

Mohamed [email protected]

Page 107: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


محمد سمير الجندي

Mohamed Samir [email protected]

Page 108: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


محمد سيد أحمد

Mohamed Sayed [email protected]

Page 109: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


محمد شاكر

Mohamed [email protected]

Page 110: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


محمد صبري

Mohamed [email protected]

Page 111: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


محمد عطية عبد الجميل

Mohamed Attia [email protected]

Page 112: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


محمد عيد

Mohamed [email protected]

Page 113: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


محمد كشك

Mohamed [email protected]

Page 114: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


محمود الدويحي

Mahmoud [email protected]

Page 115: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


محمود حمدي

Mahmoud [email protected]

Page 116: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


محمود عاشور

Mahmoud [email protected]

Page 117: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


مدحت نصر

Medhat Nasr

Page 118: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


مراد فخر الدين

Mourad [email protected]

Page 119: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


مروان أشرف رفاعي

Marwan Ashraf [email protected]

Page 120: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


مروة حسن كامل

Marwa Hassan [email protected]

Page 121: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


مروة رضوان

Marwa [email protected]

Page 122: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


مروة زكريا

Marwa [email protected]

Page 123: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


مروة قنديل

Marwa [email protected]

Page 124: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


مروة يوسف وهبة

Marwa Youssef [email protected]

Page 125: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


مصطفى البنا

Moustafa [email protected]

Page 126: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


مصطفى طه

Moustafa [email protected]

Page 127: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


مصطفى عيسى

Moustafa [email protected]

Page 128: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


منال شعيب

Manal [email protected]

Page 129: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


منال مبارك

Manal [email protected]

Page 130: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


منصور المنسي

Mansour [email protected]

Page 131: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


منى رجب

Mona [email protected]

Page 132: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


منى عليوة

Mona [email protected]

Page 133: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


منى عمر

Mona [email protected]

Page 134: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


منى مجدي قناوي

Mona Magdi [email protected]

Page 135: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


منى هيكل

Mona [email protected]

Page 136: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


مهاب عبد الغفار

Mohab Abdel-Ghaffar [email protected]

Page 137: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


مهني ياؤد

Mhanny [email protected]

Page 138: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


مي عبد العزيز وشريف فهمي

Mai Abdel-Aziz and Sherif [email protected]

Page 139: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


ميرفت السويفي

Mervate [email protected]

Page 140: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


مينا ناصيف

Mina [email protected]

Page 141: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


نادين عبد الملك

Nadeen [email protected]

Page 142: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


نائلة لطفي )روسيا(

Nailya Lotfy (Russia)[email protected]

Page 143: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


ندى محروس

Nada Mahrous [email protected]

Page 144: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


نذير طنبولي

Nazir [email protected]

Page 145: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


نشوى الحناوي

Nashwa [email protected]

Page 146: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


نعمة زيدان

Neama [email protected]

Page 147: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


نهلة رضا

Nahla [email protected]

Page 148: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


نهى ناجي

Noha [email protected]

Page 149: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


نهى يوسف

Noha [email protected]

Page 150: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


نيفين إمام

Nevine [email protected]

Page 151: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


هاني ساويرس

Hani [email protected]

Page 152: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


هاني مجلي الفقي

Hany Mgaly [email protected]

Page 153: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


هشام عبد العزيز خليل

Hisham Abdel-Aziz [email protected]

Page 154: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


هشام عبد الله

Hisham [email protected]

Page 155: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


هيام عبد الباقي

Hayam [email protected]

Page 156: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


هيثم شريف

Haitham [email protected]

Page 157: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


وفاء عبد المقصود

Wafaa [email protected]

Page 158: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


والء شكري

Walaa [email protected]

Page 159: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


وئام المصري

Weam [email protected]

Page 160: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


يارا حاتم

Yara [email protected]

Page 161: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


ياسر العنسي )اليمن(

Yasser Elansy (Yemen)[email protected]

Page 162: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


ياسمين الحاذق

Yasmine [email protected]

Page 163: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


يحيى أبو الفتوح

Yehia [email protected]

Page 164: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


يوسف محمود

Youssef [email protected]

Page 165: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and


يونس حسن يونس

Younes Hassan [email protected]

Page 166: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and
Page 167: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and
Page 168: 13th Round€¦ · “The Eye hears, and the ear sees” is how the eminent thinker Tharwat Okasha described the language of art. It is a universal language easy to communicate and

[email protected]

مدير إدارة المعارض والمقتنيات الفنيةجمال حسني

نائب مدير إدارة المعارض والمقتنيات الفنيةمحمد خميس

رئيس قسم المعارض والمشروعات الفنيةشروق طلعت

رئيس وحدة المعارض المؤقتة/ منسق المعرضمحمود هجرس

أخصائي المعارض المؤقتةإسراء األعصرأحمد الزلباني

روان حجاج

فنيونأيمن الخضراوي

أيمن عبد اللطيفعبد السميع محمد

محمد أمينيسري رمضان

إداري موازنةإسراء رجب

سكرتير تنفيذيإيمان حسني

مسئول التعاون والعالقات الخارجيةنهى راغب

شكر خاصأمل نصر

أيمن قدريتامر رجب

شادي أديب سالمةزينب سالم

عمر الفيوميعلي سعيدمحمد سالممحمد صبري

محمد عطية عبد الجميل

وحدة إصدارات التواصل الثقافيرئيس الوحدة

مايسة عزب

تصميم جرافيكفاتن محمود

تحريرشاهندة أيمن

مراجعة النص العربيمحمد البرسيجي

إدارة النشر

Director of Art Exhibitions and Collections DepartmentGamal Hosni

Deputy Director of Art Exhibitions and Collections DepartmentMohamed Khamis

Head of Exhibitions and Art Projects SectionSherouk Talaat

Head of Temporary Exhibitions Unit/Exhibition CuratorMahmoud Hagras

Temporary Exhibitions UnitIsraa ElaasserAhmed ElzalabanyRowan Haggag

TechniciansAyman ElkhadrawyAyman Abdel-LatifAbdel-Samie MohamedMohamed AminYousry Ramdan

Budget OfficerEsraa Ragab

Executive SecretaryIman Hosny

External Relations and Cooperation OfficerNoha Ragheb

Special ThanksAmal NasrAyman KadryTamer RagabChadi Adib SalamaZainab SalemOmar ElfaioumyAli SaeedMohamed SalemMohamed SabryMohamed Attia Abdel-Gameel

The Culture Outreach Publications UnitHead of UnitMaissa Azab

DesignFaten MahmoudEditingShahenda Ayman

Arabic RevisionMohamed Elbarsege

Publishing Department

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