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godina Klinike za kirurgiju lica, Ëeljusti i usta Medicinskog i Stomatološkog fakulteta SveuËilišta u Zagrebu, KliniËke bolnice Dubrava, Zagreb

Anniversary of the Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, University of Zagreb School of Medicine and School of Dental Medicine, University Hospital Dubrava, Zagreb

kongres Hrvatskog društva za oralnu kirurgiju / Congress of Croatian Society of Oral Surgery


kongres Hrvatskog društva za maksilofacijalnu, plastiËnu i rekonstrukcijsku kirurgiju glave i vrata / Congress of Croatian Society of Maxillofacial, Plastic and Reconstructive Head and Neck Surgery


6 - 7 / 12 / 2019KliniËka bolnica Dubrava / University Hospital Dubrava - Zagreb, Croatia

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Organizatori kongresa / Congress Organisers

• Hrvatsko društvo za maksilofacijalnu, plastičnu i rekonstrukcijsku kirurgiju glave i vrata HLZ-a / Croatian Society of Maxillofacial, Plastic and Reconstructive Head and Neck Surgery of CMA

• Hrvatsko društvo za oralnu kirurgiju HLZ-a / Croatian Society of Oral Surgery of CMA

• Klinika za kirurgiju lica, čeljusti i usta, Klinička bolnica Dubrava, Zagreb / Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, University Hospital Dubrava, Zagreb

Organizacijski odbor / Organising Committee

Naranđa Aljinović Ratković / Igor Blivajs / Emil Dediol / Kristijan Dinjar / Koraljka Hat / Martin Jurlina / Predrag Knežević / Darko Macan / Željko Orihovac / Marko Tarle

Znanstveni odbor / Scientific Committee

Ivan Đikić / Manlio Galie / Ehab Hanna / Nicholas Kalavrezos / Andrej Kansky / Damir Miletić / Slave Naumovski / Michael Rasse / Henri Thuau

Pokrovitelj / Held under the auspices of

• Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske / Croatian Ministry of Science and Education

• Ministarstvo zdravstva Republike Hrvatske / Croatian Ministry of Health

Poštovane kolegice i kolege, dragi prijatelji,

velika nam je čast i zadovoljstvo pozvati Vas na 14. kongres Hrvatskog društva za maksilofacijalnu, plastičnu i rekonstrukcijsku kirurgiju glave i vrata i 8. kongres Hrvatskog društva za oralnu kirurgiju HLZ-a koji će se održati u Zagrebu, 6. i 7. prosinca 2019. godine.

Tom prigodom svečano ćemo obilježiti 80. godišnjicu Klinike za kirurgiju lica, če-ljusti i usta Medicinskog i Stomatološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Kliničke bolnice Dubrava. Utemeljena u sklopu Medicinskog fakulteta na Šalati 15. prosi-nca 1939. godine kao jedna od prvih klinika za maksilofacijalnu kirurgiju u Europi, od 1995. godine djeluje u sklopu KB Dubrava i jedinstvena je zdravstvena ustano-va u našem gradu i županiji te vodeća u Republici Hrvatskoj.

Osobito nam je zadovoljstvo da će na Kongresu, kao gostujuće društvo, sudje-lovati i Hrvatsko društvo radiologa. Nadamo se da će multidisciplinarnost ovog skupa učiniti izlaganja dodatno zanimljivija i rasprave sadržajnijima.

Vjerujemo da će dvodnevna događanja u Zagrebu biti dobra prigoda za stjecanje novih znanja, razmjenu iskustava, ali i za ugodno druženje i bolje međusobno upo-znavanje. Zagreb je šarmantan u vrijeme Adventa.

Veselimo se Vašem dolasku!

Predsjednici Kongresa

Ivica Lukšić / Vedran Zubčić / Irina Filipović Zore

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Esteemed colleagues and dear friends,

it is with great honour and pleasure that we invite you to participate in the 14th Congress of Croatian Society of Maxillofacial, Plastic and Reconstructive Head and Neck Surgery and 8th Congress of Croatian Society of Oral Surgery of the Croatian Medical Association that is to take place in Zagreb on 6-7 December 2019.

On this occasion we will also celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery of University of Zagreb School of Medicine and School of Dental Medicine, University Hospital Dubrava, Zagreb. The department was founded as an integral part of University of Zagreb School of Medicine on 15th December 1939. It was one of the first clinics for maxillofacial surgery in this part of Europe. It has been part of University Hospital Dubrava since 1995, and it is the leading medical institution for maxillofacial surgery in Croatia.

We are particularly pleased to announce that the Croatian Society of Radiology will participate in this congress as a guest society. We are convinced that the mul-tidisciplinarity of this meeting will contribute greatly to the informativeness of the lectures and to the substantiality of the discussions.

We feel that the two-day event in Zagreb will be a good opportunity for gaining new knowledge and exchanging our experiences, as well as for a pleasant gath-ering and meeting of friends. Zagreb is especially charming during the Advent season!

Looking forward seeing you!

Congress Chairmen

Ivica Lukšić / Vedran Zubčić / Irina Filipović Zore

Mjesto održavanja / Congress venue

Klinička bolnica Dubrava, Avenija Gojka Šuška 6, Zagreb / University Hospital Dubrava, 6 Gojko Susak Avenue, Zagreb

Važni datumi / Important dates

Krajnji datum prijave sažetaka: 30. rujan 2019. / Abstract submission deadline: 30th September 2019

Prijava sažetaka online: Online abstract submission:

Krajnji datum ranije registracije: 31. listopad 2019. / Early registration deadline: 31st October 2019

Upute za prijavu sažetaka / Guidelines for abstract writing and submission

Sažetak mora biti napisan na hrvatskom ili engleskom jeziku. Sažeci neće biti lektorirani te odgovornost za jezičnu primjerenost preuzimaju autori. Tekst saže tka piše se na online obrascu i može sadržavati maksimalno 250 riječi (bez naslova, imena autora i pripadajućih institucija). Potrebno je koristiti razmak 1, slova tipa Times New Roman i veličinu slova 12 te ne podebljavati naslov, imena autora niti tekst sa žetka. Naslov se piše tiskanim slovima. U novi red upisati prezime i inicijale imena svih autora. Podcrtati ime autora koji će prezentirati rad. U novi red upisati punu adresu institucije u kojoj je rad izrađen. Ukoliko su autori iz različitih ustano-va, pripadnost ustanovi je potrebno označiti brojevima. U novi red navesti adresu e-pošte autora koji će biti izlagač. Tekst sažetka treba započeti pisati u novom redu. Sažeci trebaju biti strukturirani i sadržavati navedene dijelove: Uvod/Intro-duction, Materijali i metode/Materials and methods, Rezultati/Results, Zaključci/Conclusions. Sažeci ne smiju biti prethodno objavljeni. Sažetke molimo poslati isključivo putem online obrasca na mrežnoj stranici kongresa do 30. rujna 2019. Organizatori će do 15. listo-pada 2019. obavijestiti autore o prihvaćanju sažetaka.

Prihvaćeni sažeci bit će dostupni u elektroničkom obliku kao kongresni materijal i objavljeni u časopisu Acta Stomatologica Croatica.

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Abstracts have to be composed in Croatian or English. As they will not be lan-guage edited, the responsibility for their language accuracy lies with the authors. Abstracts should be written on the online submission form and should not exceed 250 words (without titles and names of authors and their institutions). Line spac-ing should be single, font Times New Roman, font size 12, without bolded title, author names or text itself. The abstract title should be in capital letters. The next line should contain the surnames and first name initials of all the authors, with the presenter’s name underlined. The following line should state the full name of the institution at which the paper was created. If the authors are from different institu-tions, their affiliations should be marked by numbers. The next line should contain the presenter’s e-mail address. The abstract itself should begin in the following line. Abstracts should be structured and contain the following sections: Introduc-tion, Materials and methods, Results, Conclusions. The abstracts must be previ-ously unpublished. Abstracts should be submitted through the online form only, which can be found at the Congress webpage, by 30 September 2019. The authors will be notified regarding the acceptance of their abstracts by 15 October 2019.

The accepted abstract will be published in electronic form and available as con-gress material and published in Acta Stomatologica Croatica.

Upute za izradu postera / Poster instructions

Veličina postera treba biti do 120 cm visine i do 90 cm širine. Tekst treba biti napisan na engleskom jeziku i sadržavati sljedeća poglavlja: Introduction, Materi-als and methods, Results, Conclusions, References. Od autora se očekuje prisut-nost uz poster tijekom vremena predviđenog za prezentaciju i raspravu.

Maximum poster size should be 120 x 90 cm. The text should be in English and contain the following sections: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Conclusions, References. The authors are expected to be present by their post-ers during the presentation and discussion periods.

Preliminarni program / Preliminary programme

CURRENT CHALLENGES OF MAXILLOFACIAL AND ORAL SURGERYPETAK, 6. prosinca 2019. / FRIDAY, 6th December 201910.00-11.30 Svečana proslava 80. godišnjice Klinike za kirurgiju lica, čeljusti i usta i otvorenje Kongresa / Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of the Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery of University Hospital Dubrava & Opening ceremony of the Congress11.30-12.30 Domjenak dobrodošlice / Welcome party12.30-13.00 Uvodno predavanje / State of the art lecture13.00-16.30 Plenarna predavanja / Keynote lecture16.30-18.30 Specijalizantska predavanja / Residents’ lectures20.00 Kongresna večera / Congress Dinner

SUBOTA, 7. prosinca 2019. / SATURDAY, 7th December 201909.00-10.30 Pozvana predavanja / Invited speakers’ lectures11.00-13.00 Predavanja / Lectures13.00-14.00 Ručak / Lunch14.00-18.00 Predavanja / Lectures18.00 Zatvaranje Kongresa / Closing of the Congress18.00-19.00 Skupština Hrvatskog društva za maksilofacijalnu, plastičnu i rekonstrukcijsku kirurgiju glave i vrata / Assembly of the Croatian Society of Maxillofacial, Plastic and Reconstructive Head and Neck Surgery

Gostujuće društvo: Hrvatsko društvo radiologa / Guest society: Croatian Society of Radiology


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Pozvani predavači / Invited speakers

Boris Brkljačić, Head of Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Dubrava, President of European Society of Radiology

Ivan Đikić, Head of Institute of Biochemistry II, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany

Manlio Galie, Head of the Department of Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery, St. Anna University Hospital of Ferrara, Italy, President elect of European Association for Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery (EACMFS)

Ehab Hanna, Medical Director Head and Neck Center, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA

Nicholas Kalavrezos, Lead Clinician in the Head and Neck Centre, University College London Hospital, Secretary General of European Association for Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery (EACMFS)

Andrej Kansky, Head of Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, Ljubljana University Medical Centre, Slovenia

Slave Naumovski, Head of Clinic for Maxillofacial Surgery, Skopje, North Macedonia

Michael Rasse, Department od Cranio-Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria

Mihael Skerlev, Department of Dermatology and Venereology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Chair of the Committee for International Development of the IUSTI

Henri Thuau, Centre for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Winterthur, Switzerland, Vice President of French Association of Facial Surgeons

Rado Žic, Department of Plastic Surgery, University Hospital Dubrava, President of European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

Registracija / Registration

Isključivo putem online obrasca na službenim stranicama Kongresa / Online registration only:

Kotizacija / Registration fees

• Članovi Hrvatskog društva za maksilofacijalnu, plastičnu i rekonstrukcij-sku kirurgiju glave i vrata, Hrvatskog društva za oralnu kirurgiju i Hrvatsk-og društva radiologa / Members of Croatian Society of Maxillofacial, Plas-tic and Reconstructive Head and Neck Surgery, of Croatian Society of Oral Surgery or of Croatian Society of Radiology

Kotizacija do 31. listopada / Until 31st October: Specijalisti / Attending physicians ................................................................................................ 1200 kn Specijalizanti / Residents ..........................................................................................................................600 kn

Kotizacija nakon 1. studenog / After 1st November: Specijalisti / Attending physicians ................................................................................................ 1600 kn Specijalizanti / Residents ..........................................................................................................................800 kn

• Ostali sudionici / Other participants

Kotizacija do 31. listopada / Until 31st October: Specijalisti / Attending physicians ................................................................................................ 1600 kn Specijalizanti / Residents ..........................................................................................................................800 kn

Kotizacija nakon 1. studenog / After 1st November: Specijalisti / Attending physicians ................................................................................................ 2000 kn Specijalizanti / Residents ...................................................................................................................... 1000 kn

• Osobe u pratnji / Accompanying persons

Kotizacija do 31. listopada / Until 31st October: .........................................................400 kn

Nakon 1. studenog / After 1st November:...........................................................................500 kn

• Studenti i umirovljenici / Students and retirees ...............................besplatno / free

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Kotizacija uključuje / Registration fee includes:

• Sve kongresne aktivnosti / All congress activities

• Knjigu sažetaka u elektroničkom obliku i tiskani kongresni materijal s kongre-snom torbom / Abstract book (electronic form) and printed congress material in the congress bag

• Potvrdnicu o sudjelovanju / Certificate of attendance

• Potvrdnicu s vrednovanjem pripadajuće stručne komore / Certificate of valida-tion from appertaining professional chamber

• Prijam dobrodošlice / Congress reception

• Osvježenja i ručak za vrijeme stanki / Refreshments and lunch during breaks

• Kongresnu večeru / Congress dinner

Kotizacija za osobe u pratnji uključuje / Accompanying person fee includes:

• Prijam dobrodošlice / Congres reception

• Kongresnu večeru / Congress dinner

Plaćanje / Payment

Kotizacija se plaća uplatom na bankovni račun ili izravno pri regi straciji na Kongre-su (isključivo gotovina u kunama). Molimo da se kod uplate kotizacije na bankovni račun navede ime i prezime osobe za koju se vrši uplata. Ukoliko se uplaćuje za više sudionika odjednom, potvrdi je potrebno priložiti popis s imenima svih sudi-onika.

The registration fee is to be paid into the listed account number or directly at the time of registration at the Congress (cash in HRK currency only). If the payment is made via bank account, please do not forget to state the name(s) of the partici-pant(s) for whom the payment is being made. If payment is being made for more than one person, a list of all the participants’ names should be enclosed with the payment receipt.

Upute za plaćanje / Payment instructions

Nakon slanja ispunjenog registracijskog obrasca koji se nalazi na, primit ćete automatsku e-mail potvrdu o prijavi.

U roku od 48 sati od primitka ispunjenog registracijskog obrasca poslat ćemo Vam ponudu po kojoj ćete izvršiti uplatu. Svi bankovni detalji bit će navedeni na ponudi za plaćanje.

Nakon izvršene uplate, račun će biti poslan na adresu platitelja.

Za dodatne informacije o registraciji obratite se na email [email protected]

After sending a completed registration form available on, you will receive an auto-mated e-mail verification certificate.

Within 48 hours after receiving the completed registration form, we will send you a proforma invoice with payment/ bank details.

After the payment has been made, the invoice will be sent to the payer’s address.

For more information on registration, please contact us at [email protected].

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Tehnički organizator / Technical organiser

BTravel d.o.o. Maksimirska 112a, 1OOOO Zagreb ID kod: HR-AB-01-080988210 OIB: 50368883612

Kontakt osoba / Contact person: Iva Šimunić tel.: + 385 1 6666 855 e-mail: [email protected]

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