  • 8/12/2019 146281757 Little Tongues of Fire


  • 8/12/2019 146281757 Little Tongues of Fire


    Little Tongues of ireThe Duke of Quarrington is concerned enough about his profligate brother in

    order to welcome the suggestion of his marrying Miss Vina Wallace for her

    fortune. However, once he meets Vina, he wonders how she'll manage with him.

    "If Miss. Wallace is ready to sell for a title, should be so irresponsible

    and my brother, who is getting married! "she thought with contempt the haughty

    Duke Alveric of Quarrington.

    However, to meet her, he was astonished to see that, unlike the provincial

    expected to find that awkward, Vina was not only beautiful but smart, sweet,


    And it did start thinking that maybe it would be extremely unhappy to

    hand of Lord Edgar, his profligate brother!

    Vina was afraid and needed lots of love and protection ...



    - Never! I will never marry! Quary said Lord Edgar,


    Rising from a jump, he went to the window. For a moment silence reigned,

    to the Duke observed:

    - So the alternative you have left is nothing attractive.

    - And what is the alternative?

    - If you do not marry, as I suggested, the only thing that will do for you

    will pay your bills by

    last and final time; this, as I told you before, provided you go to live

    outsidethe country. Will have a thousand pounds a year, provided they never return to


    There was silence. There seemed to be a vibration between the two


    - It is clear that its proposal is absurd! It is intolerable! You know very

    well! replied Lord

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    - So I advise you to marry Miss. Wallace, who just inherited a fortune

    Over one million pounds ... It's a fantastic story if you're interested ...

    Noting that his brother seemed willing to listen, Duke


    - The girl's father, Colonel Wallace served as a soldier in India for twenty

    years. Before

    being killed in the northwest frontier, saved the life of the Maharaja of


    Knowing that he could not escape the narrative, Lord Edgar turned and so


    sat on the couch near the window.

    The Duke continued:

    - About four months ago the Maharaja died, bequeathing

    Colonel Wallace part of his immense fortune and some priceless jewels. Once


    Colonel killed, the heiress was Miss. Wallace.

    Lord Edgar started getting interested, and his brother observed, in a voice

    dry and ironic:

    - Surely you will take some time to squander all that fortune!

    For a moment, an angry expression appeared on her pretty face of Lord Edgar.

    He closed

    fists, as if to attack his brother, however, said sarcastically:

    - You wove it well, no, Alveric? I thought, with his extraordinary sense of

    appreciation to the family line, stay resentful of stain it, linking it tothese commoners


    Despite the way rude, insulting to the brother, the Duke's expression did not


    He kept the same expression of contempt in the gray eyes, since brother


    London for that interview unpleasant for both. His expression seemed skeptical

    become more pronounced when he added:

    - If you really care about it, you'll be pleased to know that Wallace belong

    to aancient Scottish family, whose men, generation after generation, achieved high

    honors in


    - I suppose I should be very happy for that! Lord Edgar noted the same


    The Duke continued:

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    - General Sir Alexander Wallace received several medals for bravery in combat,


    respected in his regiment and is quite revered in his country.

    - He wants my title for the niece, or is Miss. Wallace's ambition to join his


    of a duke? asked Lord Edgar.

    - I think the idea is gone the second wife of General. She is much younger

    her husband, and I'm sure you'll find a great advantage for all connection

    with the duchy of Quarrington.

    Lord Edgar gave a nasty laugh.



    - Therefore, to gain its position in the highest society, are willing to


    black sheep of the family, namely me!

    The Duke rose and stood with his back to the fireplace. He was a man of

    beautiful appearance, high

    and with a slightly skeptical that did not compromise its image, unlike Lord

    Edgar, three years younger and several inches shorter than his brother, and

    very beautiful

    also, though somewhat hampered by the expression of debauched man who began to

    show in his face.

    The life he led in London had become the least athletic, rpor so while your


    increased, decreased their natural elegance.The Quarry family was famous for its beautiful men, and the ambitious mothers

    were trying to

    years to take the head of the family for their daughters faces.

    The Duke had long ago decided not to marry, and at thirty-four years was

    sufficiently skilled to evade countless traps and baits of all kinds that

    prepared to catch it.

    As head of one of the most respected families of the kingdom, was very aware

    of their

    responsibilities. He had fought for years in an attempt to force the younger

    brother to curbtheir extravagance and refrain from further aggravate their bad reputation.

    But Lord Edgar was deaf to any warning. He led a dissolute life of

    unbridled lust, sponsoring festivals that were the delight of the parasites

    and bohemians of

    London. Addicted to betting on horse races, losing astronomical amounts.

    His behavior was cause for amusement and speculation in the clubs of St.

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    When the Duke faced the accounts of his brother, saw that it would be

    impossible to continue

    funding such wastefulness and repeatedly had said:

    - I am responsible not only for you, Edgar, but also by all members of our


    - As you enjoy it! Lord Edgar redarguia sarcastically.

    - It is not pleasant to see our homes so bad, our schools needing

    more teachers, our vicars complaining about their fees, our relatives

    rationing everything I finance you!

    The moment seemed to hear Lord Edgar said, as at other times:

    - By God, Alveric! You talk as if I had squandered his last penny! You know


    than me who is rich and has precious treasures in each of its properties.

    - Treasures entrusted to me, but belong to the generations that come after me.

    - Worried about a child who does not?

    The duke did not deign to respond, before the attitude of mocking his brother.

    Did you know that Edgar

    was fully aware that the works of art, paintings and would be transmitted


    by inheritance to his successors, as it were legacies.

    Once you have paid thousands and thousands of pounds to creditors of his

    brother, the Duke decided

    end such dissipation once and for all. The opportunity had come from

    most unexpected way.To the great surprise of the duke, General Sir Alexander Wallace and his wife

    were visiting

    it a day after he returned from London.

    By being aware of the presence of visitors, the Duke naturally agreed to

    receive them,

    in spite of Sir Wallace found only twice in formal occasions.

    The Wallace used to be included in the dinner party that the Duke offered,

    nor were they asked for more intimate meetings, which occurred frequently in

    his ancestral home.

    However, the Duke thought that they were included in the outdoor parties heldannually in parks and gardens of Quarrington, keeping the tradition left by

    his father

    and, before that, his grandfather.


    These parties used to assemble on the lawns a huge tent beautifully

    ornamented. At the sound of music performed by the band, the guests strolled

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    merrily around the many terraces, admiring the gardens and the mirrors of

    water with

    aquatic plants. Some were bowling outdoors, in the special courts

    this sport. Others preferred to spend hours practicing archery, because there


    equipment and archery targets available to anyone who would use them.

    The Duke courteously greeted his guests, strolling through the crowd and

    talking to each person, even if sometimes not too

    some of their names, not previously known to have already found them.

    When Lady Wallace and General were transferred to the living room, the Duke

    thought that

    perhaps they had been requesting a donation to charity, in which

    Perhaps he was not yet engaged.

    There were lots of them. His secretary had a list of all for which he

    contributed generously every year.

    When you shake hands with the General, noted that he appeared and his age and


    showed slightly embarrassed. His second wife, by contrast, seemed far

    will, giving him admiring glances and flirting with him, who was familiar with


    type of game for women.

    When they sat down, the Duke offered refreshments to visitors, which they


    After an awkward silence, the general cleared his throat and began:

    - Your Highness must be a bit surprised by this visit, and I imagine it willbe more

    still surprised to hear what we say.

    The Duke nodded, aware. The general continued:

    I have heard from various sources that I should not reveal that his brother,

    Lord Edgar, is in

    financial difficulties.

    The duke was astonished. He resented any person


    out to speak about a subject he considered of the strictly

    family. So thought it was possible that his brother, shortsighted,irresponsible,

    estivessse owed money to the general. He continued:

    I heard that Lord Edgar is considering disposing of his paintings of horses


    family, who put on sale at Christie's.

    The lips of the Duke is compressed. He thought, furious that Edgar knew very

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    well that

    could never sell the paintings that belonged to the family collection, which

    were found in

    his house in London, only borrowed.

    The general had stopped talking and the Duke said in a voice deliberately

    haughty and cold:

    - You, general, is obviously much better informed than I about my

    brother, but of course we will take steps to know if what I said is accurate.

    - Your Highness will find that not wrong. However, my wife has the solution


    problems of Lord Edgar.

    The Duke raised his eyebrows. Then, as if it was difficult to remain silent

    for one more second, Lady Wallace said:

    - I find it sad so nice a person as Lord Edgar to be in a situation so


    My friend Lady Farrington, whom your highness must know, told me that is

    really upset the poor young man, who does not know where the next penny.

    It was with great difficulty that the duke repressed the urge to say to Lady


    she'd better worry about his own life.

    However, only four months earlier he had paid his brother's debts amounting to


    thirty thousand pounds! At that time, Edgar had sworn by all that was most


    that henceforth it would be more cautious.- What my husband and I would suggest continued Lady Wallace would not help

    only to Your Highness, but would also be very good for us.


    The Duke looked at her, puzzled, and she continued:

    - I suppose that your Highness has heard references to my brother, Colonel


    Wallace, who was decorated for bravery when he was in the service of the Crown

    in India

    and died in the northwest frontier.

    - Yes of course I've heard about him the duke replied politely.- Well kept Lady Wallace, my brother-in one of the many conflicts that always

    existed in India, saved the life of the Maharaja of Kulhapur. At the time we

    knew nothing, but there

    about three months, the Maharaja passed away ...

    The Duke was wondering what it all had to do with him or Edgar, but

    forced to look interested.

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    - Your Highness can imagine our astonishment when we went Lady Wallace

    Vina told that, my husband's niece, now in our custody, had inherited

    a fabulous sum of money! It was hard to believe that we were not dreaming!

    Lady Wallace paused, and the general explained:

    - The Maharaja, one of the richest men in India, my brother left for well over


    million pounds, and magnificent jewels, which seem to have come from Aladdin's


    - Surely you are to be congratulated!

    - So we thought lady said Wallace, a little nervous to offer the hand of

    our beautiful ward, Vina, to Lord Edgar. That is, if Your Highness agrees, of


    The Duke stared, astonished, to Lady Wallace, as if he had not heard right.

    Then broke the silence, which had become embarrassing:

    - Are you suggesting ...?

    - Your Highness must agree interrupted Lady Wallace that would save us

    hassles with caadotes certainly chase Vina, since its

    immense fortune is already known. Moreover, Lord Edgar no longer need to worry

    to have recourse to His Highness.


    Lady Wallace made it clear as water that frequent appeals for money by the

    brother of the Duke did not pass unnoticed in the county at all. It was


    who knew it in London, where gossip flew on the wings of the wind, but he

    never suspected that this issue would also be subject to review residents'the neighborhood.

    Alveric considered that the proposal of Wallace could even be the solution


    to the constant financial difficulties of Edgar.

    - His niece has met with my brother? he asked the general.

    - No! Of course not! Vina was in mourning until earlier this year! Lady

    Wallace hastened

    to answer for her husband. Alexander and I are planning to take her to London

    next month. We will prepare it for presentation to the court at Buckingham

    Palace.We are even thinking about allowing us the luxury to offer you a small ball.

    She glanced at the general after talking, which meant that the duke had

    sure she was looking forward to a dance or any other

    fun that could happen in London. Undoubtedly the fond, perhaps

    more than the own niece.

    - How old is your niece? asked the Duke.

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    - Eighteen years.

    - And you consider it a good wife to a man who will make thirty in July?

    - I believe, Your Highness, that any girl would be happy if I could marry a

    member of your

    Lady Wallace family said.

    That was the crux of the matter. All the relatives of the Duke had married

    persons of the most respected families in the country. Evidently the Wallace

    wanted to see

    niece joined the Quarry, as the fact to become persona grata within so


    family would rise into high society.

    For a moment the duke had urge to say that the name


    the Quarry was not for sale and that Wallace would take all their money to

    any other party! However, on reflection, concluded that it would not be the

    solution to

    Edgar. Instead, perhaps the marriage with the heiress could not be his


    If Edgar had a good wife, would have a chance to behave better than before.

    But it was almost like betting on chance.

    The Duke still remembering; thought the fabulous amount spent on calls

    "Soiled doves", actresses and ballet dancers, and the jewels in which all


    women were fascinated, and they obtained easily from Edgar.

    Alveric was furious just thinking about how one man could squander somoney in so little time!

    He knew that the only reason Edgar had not yet returned to beg a more

    Since saldasse debts was the fact Alveric have made a terrible scene four



    Both he and his brother wanted to avoid a repeat of that scene for as long


    Who knows, perhaps, the proposal of Wallace was not absurd ... After all, it

    would be better than

    continue making personal savings, as happened last Christmas, when Edgardemanded the thirty thousand pounds, which flowed like water in his hands.

    - What can I say the lady said the duke, is that Wallace would like to think

    about what

    proposed, and, of course, discuss it with my brother. For now I just want

    thank you both for the suggestion. Maybe they can give an answer in a future


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    The Duke rose. Had no choice but to Wallace also arise.

    Thanking you again for coming, the duke accompanied them to the door of


    The carriage of visitors waiting for them. Once they have taken some steps,

    Lady Wallace

    turned to a brief nod of the hand, which forced the Duke to smile.


    When he entered his office, was so angry that he had urge to punch

    someone, preferably Edgar. How was it possible to believe that he was stuck


    in the same mess we already had got at least half a dozen times in less than



    Another man could no cursing loudly in his fury, or help yourself to a drink

    strong. There were many on the table-bar in the corner.

    Instead, the Duke walked to the window and stared out, without noticing the

    lovely garden and the first flowers of spring, which began to blossom.

    He was thinking of how he had tried to take good care of Edgar, even before


    parents die. He was convinced, however, that failed in its attempt to do so

    behave according to the standards considered normal and correct.

    Edgar always mocked everything that was respectable and detested people who

    showed only kind because of the importance of the Quarry.

    Soon he became leader of a group of young fornicators, drunks and bad

    educated, whose bad reputation echoed not only in London but also in thefield.

    This gang led by Edgar, after much drinking, used to invade their clubs

    Favourite night and there happening nearly every night practicing disorders.

    The band also organized steeplechase races, where many of the participants

    ended up suffering injuries due to drunk.

    The worst was that the Duke had already been reprimanded by the queen, for

    allowing his brother to commit

    those excesses.

    "What can I do? Where I failed?" He asked hundreds of times without finding

    response.Once his anger was gradually easing, he said to himself that it had reached

    opportunity to resolve the problem. If Miss. Vina Wallace was ready to sell

    for a title, should be so irresponsible that a young man was up to the

    excesses of



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    The Duke thought some more, and then rang the bell, calling his secretary.

    John Simpson had served with the Royal Guard Mounted Duke. When inherited the


    Duke, Alveric left the service and had asked Simpson to serve as his


    or, as they used to say in royal circles as superintendent because he


    Simpson a man of greater capacity.

    As Simpson did not have the means to stay in the Royal Guard Mounted, despite

    his father had served her, grabbed up to that opportunity, not only cherish

    and admire the

    Duke, but also face the job as the solution to their concerns


    He assumed the direction of Quarrington, replacing a very old man now, and


    almost perfection.

    For being a gentleman, the old servants who have served for many years the


    liked him and not resented innovation methods that he would skillfully

    suggested, and against whom would have fought it from someone else's less


    John Simpson, now bordering on forty, entered the room, and the Duke said:

    - General Wallace and his wife came to visit me.

    - I was sure would come, Your Highness.

    - You will not believe why they came!There was a glint of mischief in his eyes when he said John Simpson:

    - I think, sire, it is something related to Lord Edgar. The Duke sat up


    - But it's amazing! How do you know that?

    - Even the bees take news from flower to flower in this county! And I hear

    there are two

    weeks, that Miss. Vina Wallace had inherited a fortune!

    - So you knew they would suggest that she married Lord Edgar?

    - Lady Wallace has always been extremely ambitious to frequent the same

    circlessocial Your Highness!


    The Duke could not help laughing.

    - I can not believe it, John! You knew all this! Why did not you say?

    - I had not thought about it until you know that the general and Lady Wallace

    had been here.

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    - Well, let's end this charade and get down to business. There are one or two


    must be paid immediately! I believe you will not mind me forward each

    five thousand pounds, no?

    - Nothing doing! Duke said firmly.

    - Very good! So, the sooner the marriage occurs, the better! That house you

    will give me?

    The duke was pensively, then said:

    - The mansion of the field.

    - Is that right! At least that is large enough to accommodate my friends, also

    we can always come here.

    - Will I receive gladly your guests, provided they are approved by his wife.

    - Maybe you'd like to find Connie mocked Lord Edgar.

    - If Connie is a woman who got you into this mess, I hope that common sense


    decency to give it up!

    - Fold it? Do you think I was crazy? Connie is a woman more sensational, more


    more exotic and charming I have ever met! Uaranto you that if it is expensive,


    twice every penny spent!


    - I only hope that his future wife thinks the same way said the Duke coldly,

    heading for the door. As I do not want to look like you are rushed

    others to put their hands in rupees of the Maharaja, I suggest invitingWallace to stay

    here from Friday to Monday. Invite a few of my most respected friends

    to find them.

    He emphasized the word "respectable", provoking mocking laughter of Lord


    - In this case, it will be incredibly boring! And the second very early return

    to Connie!

    The Duke would reply, however, thought it not worth it.

    Instead, he left the room, closing the door quietly.

    While walking down the aisle, I was sure Edgar laughed alone.The steward has submitted a letter to Lady Wallace, and so she took the salute


    silver, said:

    - Who sent, Barlow?

    - Has just been delivered, my lady, a servant of Quarrington.

    Lady Wallace was startled and, briefly, a spark of fire shone in his eyes.

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    're tired of knowing, who marry their guardians choose. I just hope that in


    thank for the problems we solve for it.

    There was a whining note in his voice, as to imagine that he would not be so


    grateful as expected. So she asked her husband:

    - You tell her, or I should say?

    - How was your idea, I think it would be better from you. I confess that I am


    surprised by the response


    Quary, because I know he is very aware of their own importance!

    - Of course he agreed! What else could he do?

    How not want to be involved in a discussion, the general returned to his


    while Lady Wallace looked again to the letter of the Duke and left the office,

    heading for the hall.

    The steward was setting the whips who were riding on a

    table under the stairs, and Lady Wallace asked him:

    - Do you know where Miss. Vina?

    - You are in the library, milady.

    - I should have guessed! Lady Wallace said bluntly.

    The library was a somewhat dark room in which she seldom entered and General.

    There was a lot of books arranged on shelves, most of whom hadbelonged to the father general.

    Lady Wallace had no time for reading, except, of course, the Journal and


    columns on the court contained in the papers.

    For it was a great surprise that the niece of her husband feel very happy

    to sit reading for hours.

    It seemed even stranger to note that Vina had spent a substantial amount in


    Lady Wallace found her sitting by the window, bent over a book, looking

    engrossed in reading, in a posture that the aunt was not consideredfashionable.

    - Vina! she exclaimed.

    The niece, who had not noticed the presence of her aunt, looked at her with a


    - You need me, Aunt Marjory?

    - I can not imagine what it is doing here, when you could be out there in the

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    so lovely this morning.

    - I've been riding before breakfast, and was wondering if Uncle Alexander does

    not like to do

    the same with me, then



    - Ask him, Lady Wallace said vaguely. Now, Vina, I have something to tell, and

    I know

    you will find it very exciting!

    The large eyes stared dutifully Vina's aunt's face. However, Lady Wallace

    bet she still thought the book had been reading.

    - Listen, Vina, we were all invited by the Duke of Quarrington to spend there


    next weekend!

    She waited for an exclamation of joy, but Vina just looked at her, asking,

    a voice that seemed to surprise:

    - I have been presented to the Duke?

    - No! Of course not! You certainly remember him if you had seen. Is a man

    of great beauty and very important!

    - You should be very glad to have invited him in, right? Vina said,

    probing why the invitation.

    - Of course! I'm really looking radiant on the possibility of hospedarmos in

    Quarrington! It

    one of the most magnificent homes of England. It will be a great privilege!You

    should be happy too!

    - So I will like to see it! I hope that also has a great library!

    - I am sure that lady is huge Wallace said vaguely. But what is really


    is that you will meet with the duke's brother, Lord Edgar Quary!

    Vina waited, knowing that there would be more explanations about it, and Lady



    I am absolutely certain that Edgar will be attracted to you and you for him.It is very

    pleasant, and very beautiful!

    - What does it do? Vina said.

    - What do you do? What do you mean?

    - I wonder if a soldier or member of Parliament, or ...

    - He is neither one nor the other! Lady Wallace replied.

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    The Duke was a soldier for a few years, but not everyone is like his father or

    his uncle,

    always wanting to give orders to the people, or kill him!

    - I'm sure Dad would never kill anyone, unless you strike him first Vina

    hastened to say.

    - I'm not worried about his father at the time. We are talking about Lord


    I want it very attractive to him. And, of course, that is very helpful for

    with the duke, who is the head of the family.

    - They are important to Uncle Alexander?

    - Yes, of course they are, and equally important to you.

    - For me?

    The surprise that was perceived in the voice of Vina made Lady Wallace

    hesitant to

    say anything more.

    - Vina Far better to meet with Lord Edgar without embarrassment or

    shyness. And that inevitably occur if the girl knew her uncles planned

    marriage to a man she had never seen before. Then he said with a smile:

    - What do we do now, Vina, is to provide the most wonderful clothes! We need

    get very, very smart to go to Quarrington! We should not look flashy,

    nor simple peasant!

    - What an exaggeration! You never seem so, Aunt Marjory! said Vina with a


    - And you should also be more beautiful than ever! So we'll fugidinhato London tomorrow morning, shopping in Bond Street.

    Vina closed the book and put it away, thinking that here was something that

    was Aunt Marjory

    really delighted: shopping.

    For her, however, nothing could be more boring, unless such a little way and

    could go to a bookstore. Being very perceptive and by the way his aunt, Vina


    that this visit was very important, and was willing to not disappoint her.


    - I will make all the preparations continued Lady Wallace, and if we leavetomorrow early, about

    noon we will be in London.

    - Okay, Aunt Marjory.

    Vina noted that the aunt looked at her strangely, but then thought he was



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    "Clothes, clothes and more clothes! Ah, Dad, if only you were here, like


    would be different! "

    Vina had a sudden longing for India, the heat, slow and quiet of

    created bare, the rotation of the suspended punkahs vented to the atmosphere

    and, outside,

    the creaking of the turbines. But it would be rude of you to tell the

    uncles, who had been so good to her and she felt cold and gray England.

    I thought the gentleman who always visited his father in India, at the time


    him after his mother's death. I also loved the lessons received from an Indian


    retiree who had studied in England and was graduated from Cambridge


    There was much to learn, much to hear and to feel so much more.

    For a moment he felt ungrateful, but concluded that the transition from one

    life to another

    was totally different reason enough to make you feel lost and lonely.

    There was one person who could talk as he did with his father and

    his friends in India.

    "Why he had to die so soon, Dad?" Sorry from the heart. "Why did I

    left alone? "

    In response, she felt that her father was smiling and his eyes sparkled as


    both were involved in an issue that kept speaking enthusiastically of thebeginning to end the conversation.

    "Actually, I would never be alone!"

    This comforting thought infused him renewed strength. Could open up with his

    father and

    know that he had at his side.



    The Duke had planned the party with the greatest care, figuring that would be

    a greatfew guests receive error and error to receive them even greater excess.

    It would be important to invite people who were not too interested in Edgar

    was doing, that it had opportunity to know well Miss. Wallace.

    Also thinking about his own amusement, the Duke decided to include Lady Irene


    among people who would spend the weekend in Quarrington. I knew she expected

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    forward to this invitation, because I realized some time ago that she was on

    his game.

    Maybe he decided to succumb to his charms and flattery ...

    Lady Irene, one of the most beautiful women in London, features classic and

    perfect body

    had attracted the attention of the Duke from the first time he saw her.

    Her husband, Lord Halford, was at least twenty years older than his wife.


    it was much more aware of their duties to the court than with the

    beautiful lady to accompany the dances and receptions to which they were


    The Duke was sure that if she accepted the attentions of Lady Irene, do not

    hurt anyone,

    or contribute to a scandal. Would not her first lover, and, if both

    behave with discretion, even if there were some whispers, found it difficult.

    As he had expected, Halford lady replied accepting the invitation.

    The Duke also included some gentlemen who used to make your party a success,


    some neighbors, who were


    for dinner only on Saturday night. Then, as the party had elapsed,

    would plan to do Sunday.

    Every detail has been widely discussed with John Simpson. This organized


    with the greatest care, from the duties of servants and chefs to thedistribution of

    rooms to guests. The Duke was charged only brother.

    - I guess said Lord Edgar, very moody, at breakfast on Friday you

    is expecting me to be very nice with this rustic hunting titles you

    chosen for my future wife, no?

    The Duke was silent, Lord Edgar scornfully dismissed the dish, as if

    not hungry, and continued:

    The more I think about it the more I feel inclined to go abroad, as I recall,

    is the alternative.

    - There is nothing to stop you, but I think you would miss his horses, hisfriends

    and their clubs, and that in any country, would always be a stranger!

    - What would be a great advantage! Lord Edgar replied aggressively,

    - So it's very easy for you not to ask Miss. Wallace in marriage! Tell me that

    foreign bank must submit his pension.

    - Damn it all, Alveric! Lord Edgar retorted. I am your brother, and it happens

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    that I am

    also his heir apparent, since you do not have children!

    The Duke was silent, tense, and then said, almost as if to himself:

    - I had forgotten!

    - It's the truth, and if you must know, some moneylenders have tried to see

    how much I

    could move forward on the likelihood that I succeed him in case of his death.

    - You did that? the Duke asked, furious.

    - Do you hear what I said, but really, the stingy were not interested. Said

    you are too young


    to die naturally.

    The Duke realized that Edgar had pronounced the word "naturally" and noted:

    - Maybe you're thinking of a clever way to get rid of me not to incriminate


    - I am not so foolish as to risk being hanged replied Lord Edgar, so

    unusual. But if you happened to break his neck riding, or drown in the lake is

    Clearly this would solve all my problems!

    The idea that his brother could take his place was so nasty that the Duke

    resumed reading the newspaper who was in front, supported on a pedestal of


    - Suppose that this girl is unattractive, ugly as the need and talk to me

    As her father was among the recruits under his command ...

    Edgar spoke softly and seemed so desolate, with not a smile, Duke

    said:- In this case, you can always look for other heirs, but as rich as Miss.

    Wallace is very rare.

    - It may be that the stories of her fortune to be exaggerated! So, what do we


    - I do not think a man honest and decent as the General was able to lie.

    Edgar Lord rose from the table, pushing his chair back violently, while


    - Well, I could enjoy my last hours of freedom, but do not think it's too late

    others to go to London to see Connie before hunting these titles arrive?

    The Duke thought it was not worth responding and continued reading thenewspaper. The brother

    exasperated, sent a plague, and slamming the door violently, left the room.

    The Duke sighed. I thought for the thousandth time, how he had failed in the

    education of Edgar.

    Since very small, Edgar, a boy who was very attractive, kept resentment

    against the older brother, deeming it more important. Becoming adult,

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    all Alveric to depreciate in order to attract attention to himself.

    The Duke thought that the psychological reason of this behavior offensive,

    even to the time

    where the brother attended Eton, was because he aspired to inherit the


    Gradually came to understand his brother and endeavored to make the most of

    the Edgar

    no one had done in similar circumstances.

    Prosecutors and lawyers heritage family had censured him for it.

    They warned him that giving so much money to his brother, harmed as a result,

    others much more deserving of your help.

    Lord Edgar, instead of showing themselves grateful, strove increasingly cause

    not only

    Alveric, but the whole family. This was making the Duke more skeptical than


    When young, he had fallen in love the first time and suffered a great

    disappointment. In that

    time his father still lived and enjoyed good health. There seemed no

    possibility of

    Alveric inherit the title, at least the next twenty years.

    The beautiful woman who had aroused the passion of Alveric was, though young,


    fascinated and leaving him floating in the clouds.She encouraged the advances of the young gentleman, but it took him seriously.

    Fond as he was, Alveric suffered a terrible shock to discover that the woman


    loved laughed at him behind his back. She used to read to her friends love

    letters filled

    of wonder that he received it.

    Being extremely sensitive, Duke claimed the recuperarse; the wound that had

    opened in his

    fecharse soul was too slow. And even though Alveric apparently recovered,

    the scars remained.The worst happened when the fifth Duke died unexpectedly of appendicitis, and


    inherited the dukedom. The young man who had suffered much, realizing he had

    made a mistake,

    abandoned the man who was engaged and tried in every way to win back the love


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    This, perhaps more than anything else, caused him to be convinced that all

    women were perfidious and decided to never marry.

    However, it would not be human if they refused the favors they offered. But it


    his firm conviction that, when they expressed love you were thinking before

    in her crown, and not him as a man.

    His expression of skepticism became more evident when he decided that never


    person would look for a single woman.

    Just got involved with the sophisticated, beautiful women who experienced the

    skilfully deceived

    husbands, to avoid any scandal. They used to disguise the desire for public

    but they were irresistible intimacy.

    The Duke would select carefully, and each year tornavase more demanding.

    Every woman felt proud to know that if she commented in whispers and

    Duke were lovers.

    But the mistress never knew if elected at the next meeting would be the Duke,

    as was his

    longing, so in love with her and she with him.

    Leaving the breakfast room, Alveric thought there was nothing else to do for

    Edgar. E

    sooner lady Irene got to get it away from your worries, all the better.

    John Simpson, more than anyone, knew that his master was feeling and wanted

    sincerely for his happiness.However, it seemed extraordinary that with so many properties and surrounded

    by the

    admiration of all, Duke was not happy.

    John Simpson was aware that the Duke was a lonely man; missing something very

    important in your life that could not be bought with money.

    Looking at the guest list, the secretary thought:

    "When Lord Edgar married to Miss. Wallace, will certainly change their way of

    life, and

    so maybe the Duke has a load less on the shoulders. "

    30Vina felt a little confused on the way to Quarrington. Knowing that your Aunt


    being a guest of the Duke would be heaven, could not understand why the uncle

    showed restless and uneasy.

    In referring to itself, was a little embarrassed, but could not specify in

    what. He then began to wander, thinking of the sumptuous palaces that he had

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    visited in India, with the

    father imagined then that Quarrington could not be more worthy of admiration


    those magnificent architectural gems. The Duke nor would be more imposing than

    some of the elderly Indian princes had met.

    Lady Wallace had spent the day giving orders and contraordens, fidgeting and


    the clothes of her niece, interfering with their luggage, talking about your

    hair, so

    that, after four o'clock when they set off for Quarrington, Vina was

    exhausted by the excitement of her aunt.

    Had to listen to a long and boring lecture on what to use.

    The clothes they had bought in Bond Street was, without doubt, very

    elegant. Knowing that money was no problem when it came to Vina, his aunt

    asked the

    What was more expensive. Luckily, Lady Wallace had very good taste, and not

    committed the

    mistake of wearing her niece with excessive decorations.

    . Lady Wallace changed his mind at least four times about what should Vina

    use for the arrival in Quarrington. She demanded perfection in everything, and


    loud any slip of the maid who took care of her niece, taking her to tears

    even before all the luggage to be stowed.

    The three went on a carriage which, although out of fashion, was big and very

    comfortable.Vina sat with their backs to the horses in front of his uncles, feeling that

    they looked at her strangely, as if they were evaluating. She did not know


    Why that attitude, but the impression persisted.


    As they approached the great house, which was often described by her aunt,

    Vina felt like I already knew. Lady Wallace said then:

    - Here we are! And what could be more exciting? Vina, get your hat! Smooth


    once off the chariot, not want you to be kneaded.- Yes, Aunt Vina Marjory nodded meekly. Extending the neck to look at the

    house, she

    Quarrington thought it was really majestic and exactly as imagined.

    There was a certain austerity that attracted that perfect architectural

    symmetry. The

    very green lawns, stretching down to the lake, where swans and ducks swimming,

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    made a lovely place.

    - Nothing could be grander and more beautiful! Lady Wallace said excitedly.

    The three climbed the steps covered with a red carpet, escorted by servants

    dressed in the livery of Quarrington, garnished with buttons emblazoned that

    sparkled in the sun


    While following the uncles toward the main door, Vina imagined them as if they


    Viceroy and the Vice-Queen of India, and that thought made her smile.

    At the same time, it made her want to once again return to that country was so


    A steward, already gray and looking like an archbishop, accompanied them

    across the mighty

    hall, whose floor was all marble. Old flags hung above an arched

    marble mantel, recalling the battles in which the ancestors of the Duke had


    Vina remembered that his father would have been interested in them, and while

    they were conducted

    to the hall, I thought of the many battles in which the colonel had been


    He had survived dozens of fights to the end be killed in a mere conflict


    men of a tribe in the northwest frontier.

    "I would have had opportunity to talk to Dad, for

    32a moment that was, before he died, "he thought.

    For a moment he forgot where he was and recalled the agony he felt the

    know his father's death.

    With a start, he heard his uncle say:

    - Your Highness, I offer you my niece, Vina.

    She then observed that, standing in front of him, stood a tall, handsome and

    extremely elegant. He extended his hand and said, in a deep voice:

    - Welcome to Quarrington, Miss. Wallace!

    She made a little bow, and look at her the Duke noted with surprise that there

    was sadness intheir eyes.

    The host introduced the newcomers to several other guests, but Lord Edgar

    was between them.

    They all sat down and started talking, Lady Wallace had much to say to the


    present, while Duke and General talked about horses.

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    - I read in the newspaper that Your Highness had a nice win at Newmarket two

    days ago noted


    - Indeed, and it made me happy, because it is a new horse, I gained a little


    six months. Doubted that important to win the race!

    - Your Highness was the winner, as always.

    - He likes to ride, Miss. Vina? asked the Duke, by entering it into the


    - Yes, Your Highness, I love!

    - So if you want, you can try to mount one of my thoroughbreds morning.

    - I'd love to!

    She began to think small, thin and capricious horses that had mounted

    India, all of them mild and difficult to control. Therefore, Vina thought of

    his horses

    Uncle docile and slow.

    Looking for Duke, said:

    - It would be a very exciting ride horses of Your Highness, for

    Please would like to ride one that was not too gentle.

    The Duke raised his eyebrows.


    - What do you mean?

    Vina realized that he had spoken without thinking, and, not

    wanted to be rude to his uncle, said:

    - I'm used to animals which are not specifically reserved for young ladiesnot very confident in their equestrian prowess.

    The Duke smiled.

    - I know exactly what you mean, and I promise that you will reserve an animal

    very fiery and


    Vina smiled, and he noted that, contrary to what expected, it was not only

    beautiful but

    adorable. He imagined that the niece of a provincial general would be awkward


    blond hair and blue eyes.However, Vina had almost black hair and very bright, while

    his eyes,

    a touch of green, beautifully contrasted with the whiteness of her skin.

    Shone on his young face a strength of character that he remembered

    seen a girl before.

    The Duke found that the appearance of the beautiful young woman reminiscent of

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    a Greek statue.

    They came to him to mind the drawings he had seen when she was in India, and

    the ocorrerlhe

    Vina's father died in that country, asked:

    - Was in India with his father?

    - I was born there, and that was where I lived until my father was killed ...

    and I have to come to England.

    There was a note in her voice and something in his eyes that said as his

    father had meant

    for her.

    The Duke sensed that Vina had been thinking in India to reach Quarrington.

    When the ladies rose to go and rest before switching into the

    dinner, he realized the grace with which she moved.

    Immediately recalled the gait of the Indian women when

    carried a burden on the head.

    He continued watching Vina away, following her aunt, who was still talking

    animatedly with one of the relatives of the Duke.


    When they disappeared, the Duke remembered that the general had been in the

    hall, and

    sitting beside him, said:

    - I'm sorry that my brother is not here to greet him, he was soon riding

    after lunch, and should have gone further than he intended.

    As other gentlemen were talking the other side of the fireplace, the Duke

    lowered his voiceto ask:

    - Your niece is very excited to meet my brother?

    The general realized that he should be heard, and said in a conspiratorial


    - My wife thought it wiser not to say there was another reason to be here

    the weekend.

    The Duke raised his eyebrows.

    - You mean she does not know who planned her wedding?

    - She has no idea!

    The Duke, as well as surprised, it was a bit worried. Edgar were repeated asmany times

    Vina that Wallace would be the end of his title, he believed that it was a


    fair. Now he was worried, thinking not what his brother would find Miss.

    Wallace, but

    it would find it.

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    The Duke found himself overwhelmed by unpleasant sensation that would not

    change the Vina

    behavior of Edgar, as he expected, but simply would be shocked

    that licentious mode of life.

    Vina was happy to be alone in the luxury suite.

    The large suitcase had been broken,

    and her bath has been prepared, finding the flag in front of the fireplace


    Lady Wallace entered the room to once again, to make a splash on the

    niece should wear, while extolling the magnificence of the house and the

    virtues of the Duke.

    - Tonight you'll meet the brother of the Duke said.


    Vina was not listening. She was sick of the compliments paid by the aunt to

    the Duke and Lord Edgar.

    I would prefer guests to the dinner were people like the soldiers and their

    wives, she and her father used to receive at his home in India.

    Better yet would be in the midst of Indians, with their voices soft and

    melodious, all

    they were nicer than any of the people she met in


    Vina had traveled all over India with his father, and although the ladies find


    a big mistake any familiarity with the natives, both men had been received by

    Indians of all castes.Because they speak Urdu, and many other languages, the colonel was always sent


    special missions outside of its regulatory duties, for the most diverse parts


    the country.

    After the death of his mother, Vina always accompanied his father. Both had

    been staying

    both in small as in Indian homes sumptuous palaces. Vina become nearly as

    versed as the father in the Urdu language.

    He also taught her to use the instinct to know people.Almost without giving account, Vina acquired the sensitivity to see beyond

    appearance. The father

    used to say, smiling;

    To get to the heart of a man or a woman, you need to look at what's under the


    Once arrived in England, Vina found it difficult to understand English, but

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    with time

    now know much more about their personality than they would like the

    knowledge of third parties.

    His aunt, for example, was giddy, his education was merely a veneer, and she

    was a

    person tremendously delighted with the social position. At the moment, Lady


    felt flattered and elated to be hosted in Quarrington.

    Vina was a docile creature of nature, he was afraid and wanted to hurt someone

    on purpose

    well his aunt.


    Thinking of his father, thought he might have known that her daughter and

    uncles were

    that ancestral home, the Colonel would surely be amused by the enthusiasm of



    In India he had warned his daughter not to talk about his Indian friends


    Englishmen. The colonel had said then:

    - All English are snobbish and close themselves within social barriers, making

    life more

    difficult than it already is. You and I we do not do it, honey, but it would

    be a mistake for censurlos

    be so.- I know what you mean, Dad Vina answered, smiling. The major's wife has

    warned me

    not to have any familiarity with our Indian servants.

    - She did it! Then suffer an attack if you knew where you and I will be



    Vina and his father were guests of an Indian who had a shop in strange

    outskirts of Lahore. It had pieces of jade and crystal, Tibetan necklaces,

    sculptures of

    northern provinces, paintings and miniatures of the Rajputs.In the adjoining room, Vina was sure to have clothes, with which a man could

    disguise themselves as much as a Buddhist monk or as an untouchable caste of


    Although not ask questions, know that such things mattered to her father. Upon


    the store, he asked him:

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    - What do you think of our host?

    Knowing that his father really valued his opinion, she replied slowly:

    - It is much wiser than he wants to appear. It has a mystical perception that


    better than the eye or the mind, I'm sure, Dad, that would be very useful in

    issue that should remain secret.

    The colonel smiled, commenting:

    - Good girl! I will not tell all that this man who has just described as

    accurately said about you, but know that is very, very flattering!


    Now using his intuition, Vina thought the Duke, telling herself with


    "Despite their beautiful home, his commanding presence and his handsome face,

    he is not happy!"

    This was a truth in which the frivolous Lady Wallace ever believed.

    When I was dressed for dinner, Vina thought the white dress that had

    chosen in Bond Street sat him very well.

    He was draped in front and bustles were covered with beautiful chiffon


    of which hung a tail that slithered across the floor.

    Above the waist stood out the delicate bodice, embroidered all over with small

    turquoises and


    So he saw the dress, Vina decided she would stay with him, the turquoise,

    consideredlucky stones, in the East.

    She had a set of turquoise necklace and bracelet, which had been present from

    his wife

    the Maharaja, and were part of the private collection of Marani.

    The stones of jewelry were not great, but his mount was unique, a work

    Exquisite Indian artisans.

    The two valuable pieces of translucent complexion accentuated Vina.

    She descended the stairs slowly, thinking that he need not expect his uncles

    come pick her up in his quarters.

    Upon entering the room, he noticed that there were only two gentlemen;realized then that

    should have waited a bit, as was earlier than other guests. The

    Duke, however, came towards him.

    - I must apologize for being so punctual Vina said, but I'm sure, Your

    Highness, that

    understand that living in the house of a soldier, I'm always afraid to be

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    The Duke smiled.

    And, of course, is also concerned be scolded! I confess that I also was afraid

    when there was reproach parade.


    - Uncle Alexander can be quite severe! she replied with a smile.

    Both were heading for the fire while they talked, and she noted that the

    another gentleman had not moved since she entered the hall.

    - Let me introduce to you my brother said the Duke. Lord Edgar Quarry, Miss.



    She reached out, and so took the Lord Edgar, Vina noted in his eyes a

    expression that frightened her. Do not know why, but, unlike the immediate

    sympathy that

    Duke had inspired him, his brother teased her a strange feeling of disgust.

    Being apprehensive about the reaction of Edgar, the Duke was careful not to

    put it to the

    next to Vina for dinner, even though this attitude surprised Lady Wallace.

    Considering, however, that Vina was very attractive, thought it judicious to

    let Edgar

    conscientizasse addition, before starting to blame her.

    After all, his brother had far more luck than anyone would expect! How could

    imagined that the general's family would be one so exquisite, so


    I could not imagine her as the wife of Edgar. On the other hand, was not sureabout the

    hoped that Edgar himself.

    As Vina had seemed unusually gracious and well dressed in their clothes and

    travel hats! And now, on that evening dress, having a small waist surrounded


    a satin sash fringed turquoise, a beautiful young woman looked like a figure

    drawn from a


    All this occurred to the duke with great rapidity, while the observed

    talk alternately with the two gentlemen who were at his side.Hardly find a young man endowed with so much serenity, balance and ease.

    Then noted that Edear showed up scowling and drank much more than would be



    He went to meet the other gentlemen, to lead them to the hall where they have

    the ladies were grouped around the fireplace, looking more beautiful flowers

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    forming a lovely bouquet.

    Vina, sitting at the piano, played softly a piece of music he did not know,


    that seemed poignant, it was a tune that took care of the listener, holding


    full attention, even if that were the intention of the pianist.

    The Duke thought it would be a mistake to send Edgar to talk to her at that

    moment. Waited

    everyone was sitting and walked to the piano.

    Vina gave him a look together with a small smile and continued playing.

    - I had no idea he was a musician, Miss. Wallace!

    - So, Your Highness should not have studied the language of the country when

    he was in India.

    The Duke looked puzzled for a moment, then said:

    - You mean "Vina" has a special meaning?

    - Is the goddess of music!

    - Then her mother chose the name because he thought it would be appropriate

    for the lady?

    he asked in a tone playful.

    - Mom loved music Vina said, while the soft melody was still flowing

    his fingers. When I was born, my father hired a group of Indian musicians to


    playing in the garden. These musicians were very fond of my parents, and,


    please them, they played for more than twenty-four hours continuously.The Duke laughed.

    - In this case, his name is very appropriate, and I beg you to excuse my


    Vina took his hands off the keyboard.

    - Your Highness would prefer that I stop?

    - I would like to do only what he wanted, and I think that's playing

    beautifully, only

    I did not recognize the melody.


    - It was not published.- You mean the lady who wrote it? he asked not hide his admiration.

    She nodded, and he said:

    - I would love to continue playing, and I'm sure which is more than playing

    through the words.

    Vina looked at him in surprise.

    - I did not think anyone could understand what this song expressed, perhaps

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    prudent to be careful.

    - You are telling me that what I heard I could shock or might insult me?

    Vina laughed.

    - Nothing so bad, but people sometimes resent when they read their


    - That's what Miss you doing?

    The Duke could not say why he had done that question. Suddenly, he felt that

    in addition to their

    natural beauty, Vina had a very accurate perception peculiar to the people of

    the East.

    As if he knew that he was waiting for an answer, Vina said after a moment:

    - I try not to read the secret thoughts, but I can not avoid a strong

    intuition that makes me

    know what those thoughts are really ... although people try to disguise it, or


    even pretend to think of different things.

    Vina almost naively talked with the Duke, but he felt that his words were a


    Moving away from the piano, wondered what Vina feel about Edgar.

    Maybe all the plans they had done nothing to give.



    Vina woke up and for the first time since he had come to Quarrington, feltexcited. Dreamed he was in India and rode with his father.

    Then he remembered that the Duke told him he could ride that morning. In

    night before had asked the waitress what time the guests used to go to

    horseback riding.

    - When should think, Miss answered her, but none of the ladies are usually

    up early, the gentlemen usually ride before breakfast, or soon after.

    Vina looked at the clock beside the bed, and saw that they were not yet six

    o'clock. This was the

    time that she and her father used to go to ride in India, before the heat


    She imagined that England would be different, no one would come so soon. In

    the house of the uncle

    grooms they were not in place before seven.

    However, he thought, if just for the stables, and riding alone could

    choose a horse to your taste, better than any one chosen by the duke.

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    He promised to give him what she chose, but surely you'd get an animal

    and meek, because it is more delicate and different from the English women,

    used to hunt.

    His aunt told him that created the dress in, but, being a thing that had

    always done

    alone, she wore the dress without difficulty riding, gave the tie on the shirt

    and pulled on



    Vina looked in the mirror as he placed the hat with a fine gauze and veuzinho

    thought it was too elegant. Neither seemed a good rider, and had more


    yet that would give you a gentle horse.

    No, she did not want to ride an animal and feel as if on a bed of feathers.

    I wanted a horse that had to keep under control, who enjoyed the battle


    rider and the animal.

    Vina had no trouble finding the stable. As expected, only

    is younger grooms who were there, they raised up earlier than others.

    They went to her politely, so the saw, and one of them accompanied her in the



    She proved to be more excited, because all the horses were magnificent,

    it is difficult to know which to choose.

    Finally solved by a black stallion that seemed even larger and more splendidthan others, and asked the groom sealed.

    - This is not a horse for ladies, young lady.

    - It's the only one who want to ride. Please seal it for me. The boy was in

    doubt, but not

    wanted to discuss, and with some difficulty sealed the stud, whose name was


    Vina helped the groom holding Hercules and whispering a few words

    softly, as his father always used to do when the horse was going to mount


    Finally, the stable able to drive the stud to the stump, which rose to Vinabuild the magnificent thoroughbred.

    So he sat in the saddle, Vina felt that this was the most exciting time that

    experienced since he had come to England.

    She left the barn at the back gate, because no one wanted to find;

    wanted to ride alone.

    After struggling a bit to control Hercules, which proved rebellious, wanting

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    prove their independence, Vina went through paddocks, stables beyond, and

    reached the



    perfect for riding.

    There were numerous low hedges, she lost no difficulties, then the starting

    explore the place with the feeling of escaping from something threatening.

    Vina could not define what it was, but felt that the house and its owner were


    somewhat oppressive.

    The night before she noticed that the guests of the Duke looked at her

    speculatively, his

    aunt, for no apparent reason, also looked in an unusual way.

    "I suppose Aunt Marjory'm afraid that I behave improperly and

    ashamed, "he thought with a smile, remembering that when she had dinner with

    The viceroy, accompanying his father, he had warned about how to behave.

    Vina had a long way, away from much of the house, and found it convenient


    Suddenly, yearned to continue riding up over the horizon. Maybe find-

    something more interesting than the monotonous life which had been supporting

    for a year.

    It had to be honest and recognize that he was unhappy by the lack of father,

    and he would find no

    anywhere dark and unpleasant.

    It was a tremendous effort to Vina could be kind and polite with his unclesand his

    friends. His only escape was the reading, which her aunt considered a

    lamentable loss

    of time.

    In fact, Lady Wallace was always looking for ways to make her give up the


    which was interested. This meant having to talk to people who had nothing

    in common, or else do something that Aunt considered the most fun of all: go


    At that moment I was free, and because Hercules was obstinate, had toconcentrate

    therein. After a few victories to her, he felt that, finally, they both


    Unfortunately had to go back, and reluctantly turned around, making Hercules

    to return home.

    He saw in that instant, the distance, a lone rider

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    supposed to be a guest of the Duke, the last thing he wanted now was

    a small talk about the weather. Even worse would be having to listen to some


    praises fools.

    Several gentlemen, the party the night before, had cast admiring glances at


    but she despised, thinking them stupid and empty because their conversation

    was restricted to

    racing and hunting of whom had participated in the winter.

    Incidentally, these were also the only issues on which the gentlemen spoke


    young or older, during the dinner at the home of his uncles.

    She would like them to be able to address other issues, like politics, or


    occurred in the regiment that General commanded.

    In India it was pretty different.

    The older officers talked with the colonel on the Russian infiltration of the


    northwestern border, and talked about the terror spread by the thugs, members

    of a

    Hindu religious organization, all thieves and murderers, or discoursed on

    sati, which

    considered an act of horror.

    And there were the mysterious and secret visits his father did. When hereturned, others

    officials, also concerned with how he insurrection, came to the house of

    Colonel, and he

    told them what he had discovered.

    Despite knowing that it was a reprehensible act, Vina had lurked one night,

    the meeting

    the father with the officers. But in telling what he had done, the colonel had

    said only, with

    a smile:

    - You are very clever, my doll, to realize that my life is in your hands.A thoughtless word would mean my death, but to other people.

    - You know that I will be discreet, Dad, and I will never do anything that

    might hurt him. Despite being

    amendrontada with what you do, I feel that is very exciting.

    After kissing her, Colonel forbade her to spy. Vina had discovered many


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    authorities would have left horrified if they knew the facts as important


    were known by a girl.

    Often, to trust her, the colonel asked her daughter to use his intuition.

    - What do you think of the man who came to see me yesterday? he asked, knowing


    heard everything that was said, although the visitor does not have the

    slightest idea of it.

    Sometimes she responded:

    - He is honest, but a little silly. Other times it could be the answer:

    He is only interested in money. If someone offers you more than you, it does


    hesitate to accept.

    - How can you be sure?

    - When he told her what I spent to get the information you wanted, was asking

    more than was spent, and his voice showed greed.

    Her father hugged her and said:

    - I should not allow to do that, but you helped me a lot.

    "How could so wonderful these days end?" Vina wondered

    desperately when he arrived in England.

    Now, for wanting to escape the knight who might be looking for you or not, she

    Hercules led to a hedge much higher than those who had jumped

    previously, but the animal managed to implement it without difficulty.

    Then, late in the meadow, he saw another hedge, and to his delight, Hercules

    seemed to fly

    about it.

    Vina saw in a plain, and thought that had eluded his pursuer. Hercules

    continued trotting, and she thought of her father. Then, with a huge shock, he

    heard a

    sharp voice behind him asking:

    - How could jump like that, irresponsibly, with a horse that has no right

    to assemble '.

    As he spoke, the Duke came towards her, which,

    looking back, he noticed that his pursuer was veryangry. The Duke arrived at the barn ten minutes after she left


    Hercules and ordered to prepare for him to mount, but was told that the horse


    had been assembled by one of its guests.

    The head of the grooms came running toward the master, who questioned the

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    beginner, and said:

    - I did not expect to come so soon, Your Highness ... The Duke interrupted

    him, saying in a tone


    - I have just been informed that someone rode Hercules without my permission.

    The head of the grooms looked at the bay of Hercules, which was empty, as if


    believe his eyes, then said sharply to the boy:

    - You mean that someone rode the horse of His Highness?

    - She insisted on riding it! the boy said, justifying himself.

    - It!? Are you saying that a lady is riding Hercules?

    - Yes, Your Highness!

    - Saddle Wellington! peremptorily ordered the duke. Three minutes later he


    stable by the back entrance, where the groom said that Vina had left.

    He had no idea what direction it would have taken, but could only have gone

    through the meadows

    adjacent, which were an invitation to any rider.

    The Duke was very apprehensive because if Hercules was the end of their usual

    ruses, Vina could be lying in the bottom of a trench or unconscious in a ditch


    Surely he would find Hercules returning alone to the stable.

    When you see the distance the horse and rider was looking for, had a deep

    sense ofrelief.

    Realizing that Vina fled from him, he thought of his impertinence, and after


    jumped those hurdles, which he himself was hard to do, he felt his anger



    Hercules had been bought from a friend of the duke, who told him frankly that


    stallion was very dangerous and difficult to control.

    - You're the only man I know can controllo said the friend.

    The duke had found that he was right, but he liked the challenge.

    Now, the stallion was less restless, but still, the Duke had not allowed

    anyone to mount.

    It was with horror that he saw Miss. Wallace jumping a fence after another,

    waiting at any

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    now see it thrown to the ground. If she did not break his neck, would be at



    When the saw easily dominating the stallion, could hardly believe that was not


    - I. .. I'm sorry if I did something wrong Vina said softly, but me Your


    said I could choose a spirited horse!

    - Hot! he exclaimed, and suddenly laughed. I can not believe it! How could

    mount an animal that I myself find it hard to master?

    Vina smiled and bent down to stroke the neck of Hercules, saying:

    - Hercules is magnificent! I think he and I understand.

    - Are you saying that has a magical power over horses, like a lion tamer of


    Vina nodded, saying:

    - I do not think it is magic, but Dad said that if really we loved an animal,


    understand and reciprocate that love, which would not do with other people who

    were afraid


    As he spoke he was thinking of Indian elephants, who loved their mahouts,


    guides, also remembered the tiger cub which nursed after the

    tigress was shot.

    The little tiger was so adorable as a kitten. Vina48

    had cried a lot when his father was forced to send him to a zoo in another

    part of India, and had to lose sleep for nights, thinking that the pup feel

    abandoned and sad.

    After riding next to Vina in silence for some time, the Duke said:

    - I must admit that the lady is the best rider I've ever met, even though I


    My heart almost stopped!

    Vina looked surprised for a moment, then asked:

    - Your Highness thought that Hercules was to bring me down?- I was convinced it would! I came to see her seriously injured.

    - I suppose I should apologize for Hercules built without permission to you

    Highness, but to be honest, I thought no one would be up so early ... I


    would be back to the stable before they could worry about me.

    - I also got up early because I did not sleep very well.

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    That was true. The Duke had been thinking of Edgar, trying to find another

    alternative that is not his marriage to Vina Wallace. Now he met her, knew


    she was not the kind of woman who liked Edgar, nor could probably Vina

    reforming a rake.

    The brother has never been attracted to a young gentle and soft as Miss.


    for he was fond of women gaudy, flashy, showy and overly

    covered with jewels, as the actress of theater, the dancers, who had always

    been to the mountains,

    and which would never consider resigning.

    Buy now clearer, Alveric said himself that he was an idiot. But who

    know, with the general support Vina, Edgar could prevent her from committing

    their wild

    extravagance, or at least stop it, since it would control the money.

    When raiara the day, the duke does not pick up naked sleep, and then decided

    to ride.


    The two horses were moving side to side by the vast plain toward the house,

    and Vina


    - Sorry my behavior, but still want to know that Hercules was to assemble

    experience more exciting and wonderful that I have lived since I came to


    - Do you really miss India?- Exit from there it was as if the gates of Paradise are shut to me.

    - Are you saying you do not like this country?

    - To be honest, I find it too dark and boring. He looked at her in

    astonishment, and said Vina


    - Please do not repeat it to my uncles. They were very good and brought me to


    with them ... But they can not understand how it would be different if I was

    with Dad.

    - I thought you found the headquarters of India constringentes very stuffy;always thought that the lives of European women in that country was very


    Vina laughed, replying:

    - My life with my father was not a little dull, I can guarantee! We traveled


    throughout the country, and I'm sure that'd be shocked if he knew the strange

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    places where

    walk and the people we know.

    Suddenly, the Duke remembered that Colonel Wallace had been a person who

    they talked with the utmost respect, and he remembered something he had

    forgotten: one night

    Secretary of State for India had said in London:

    - I heard that Sir Alexander Wallace is his neighbor. The Duke concodara, and

    the Secretary


    His brother, David, was one of the most brilliant men we had in India.

    The Duke showed up surprised, but someone interrupted the conversation and did

    not speak more

    on the subject.

    Now, he realized what kind of work the father of Miss. Wallace had been

    engaged in

    India, and thought he could understand what she was feeling.

    They rode in single file along a path through the


    woods, and soon arrived at the park in which they found the stately home, the

    Duke looked

    with satisfaction, before saying:

    - I hope you enjoy Quarrington.

    - It is a stately home.

    The Duke wanted to hear the usual compliments to all who looked

    Quarrington or talked about it. Vina did not show as eloquent, he said,almost as if forced to be more keen:

    - See that tallest tower, in the end there? It is what remains of the Norman

    castle built in this

    site by William of Normandy, after winning the Battle of Hastings.

    Vina looked at the tower and noted that it completely altered the symmetry of

    the house, whose

    construction period outside the Georgian.

    - This tower is known as the "Tower of Despair" continued the duke, wishing to


    the attention of her companion.- What do most unfortunate! Why him?

    - The Norman baron who built Quarrington brought forth a large number of

    prisoners who had fought fiercely against him. The Baron wanted to keep such

    prisoners in the tower for the rest of their lives. It was the punishment

    inflicted on them because they

    killed many of his soldiers.

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    - And they were imprisoned in the tower?

    - Yes, but the Baron was very lenient to allow rose to the top where


    Vina felt that this was not the end of the story, and the duke looked


    Of course there was a moat surrounding the castle at the time, but now there

    is only one

    small portion, below the tower.

    - Your Highness mean ... prisoners threw themselves into the ditch?

    - Exactly! And the family story says that no less than a hundred


    perished this way.

    Vina shuddered.


    - I think if I owned this house, I would sweep away forever the fear that


    men must have felt before drowning.

    It was the first time that such a suggestion was made to the lord of

    Quarrington. Looking surprised

    to Vina, the Duke said:

    - It would be sacrilege to destroy something that has been preserved for so

    many generations. The house was

    constructed and reconstructed, but the Tower of Despair was always spared.

    - I hope at least that no more prisoners in the tower, and, if any, that is

    not me!She had spoken in jest, but, seeing the Duke's frown,

    accelerated the pace of Hercules.

    Back home, Vina changed clothes and went downstairs for breakfast.

    As anticipated, in-room breakfast only felt younger guests, as the

    ladies, as his aunt, took coffee in the bedroom or family room adjacent to it.

    There was no sign of the Duke, or he had taken his breakfast very quickly, or

    then it would be taking too long to change.

    Vina did not tell anyone that he had been riding, and first came into his

    head that might have infringed the label coming out without a chaperone.

    One thing I noticed upon arriving in England were the restrictions that were aYoung. At the same time, he thought he had no social life in India after the

    death of

    mother, she and her father traveled a lot. But surely the customs in Bombay or

    Calcutta not

    would be quite different from England.

    In his excitement, had forgotten that it would be wrong for a woman horseback

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    without being accompanied by at least a groom. And perhaps more would still be


    ride next to a boy.

    However, the Duke should not be included in that category because he was a



    It occurred to him at that moment that the night before a beautiful


    lady who belonged to the group, Lady Irene Halford, shown to be very

    possessive with

    Duke, to stay and could be very upset to learn that he had spent part of his

    time with a young guest.

    - What will you do this morning, Miss. Wallace? asked one of the gentlemen at

    the table

    the breakfast.

    - I have not seen Aunt Marjory to ask him what would be your program.

    - What I'd like to do is take her to a carriage ride he continued. I

    sure would love to know the property of our host, who is modeling.

    I am more than sure like to see ...

    - There you go, Edmund, with his advances, as always cut one another. I would

    propose to Miss. Wallace we went to the stove, it could show you the most

    beautiful plants

    the country.

    - For I have a better idea said another, entering the conversation. What if wewere

    horseback riding, Miss. Wallace?

    Everyone was looking for Vina as they talked, but when finished her coffee,

    she got up,


    - They are all very nice, but I see my aunt, and then want to go see all

    What's in the library.

    Thus he spoke, he walked away, not realizing that the three boys were stunned,

    following her with his gaze.

    Later Vina was with Lady Wallace and several other ladies know the greenhouse,where

    were the most wonderful plants grown in the region.

    When they were back, Vina led Butler to the library. This, as it

    imagined, was splendid, with shelves ranging from floor to ceiling, lined with

    books. In all

    the extension of one wall had a gallery.

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    Vina longed could spend the whole day there without any interruption.

    After lunch, the group wanted to ride a horse, and the Duke said he would show

    them the new race track


    it was across the park.

    For him, the possibility of Miss. Wallace Hercules ride back was out of

    question. Despite being booked her a horse, too hot, it did not compare

    with the untamed thoroughbred.

    Guessing what she was thinking, the host piscoulhe and said softly:

    - I am afraid you are disappointed.

    - I'm too polite to say so, and indeed no terms of comparison.

    - I agree, but I think that Hercules has had its share of excitement for one


    She laughed, and he liked the sound of that wonderful young man and

    spontaneous laughter.

    They were then all together towards the new race track, but Edgar does not

    found among the group.

    Vina is not missed him, but Duke did, and there was a certain harshness in her

    voice when

    asked the steward: -

    - Lord Edgar does not come with us?

    - No, Your Highness, Your Lordship is playing billiards.

    The Duke said nothing but thought, to follow behind the group members, which


    are planning.He had always been unpredictable, but it was strange that, having decided to

    propose marriage to Miss.

    Wallace did not make any effort to know her better.

    Lady Wallace thought exactly the same.

    After tea there was still no sign of Lord Edgar and Lady Wallace was just

    going to suggest the

    Vina to rest a little before dinner, when she realized that she had


    - Where was my niece? asked a gentleman who finished making his cup

    tea.- She said something about going to the library.

    - Books! Lady Wallace sniffed disdainfully

    I told you before the blind will be fifty!

    She looked forward to the door that opened, and saw Lord Edgar entered the



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    -Hello, Edgar! Where have you been? I missed you this afternoon, said one of

    the gentlemen.

    - I was drinking Edgar replied, half rude, in a voice slightly slurred.

    Then, seeing Lady Wallace, went to her, asking:

    - Where is your niece?

    - You are at the library she replied with a smirk.

    Without another word, Edgar came around on his heels, leaving the room.

    Lady Wallace sighed and clasped his hands, thinking that the long-awaited

    moment arrived,

    after all! Now your dreams come true!

    In the library, Vina selected half a dozen books, each more compelling finding

    than the other.

    When you load them from the shelves to the bank and built a fine velvet


    red, which was below the window, she thought she had never seen so many books


    interessassem him.

    I would make sure had time to eat at least some of them before

    return home. The hardest part was knowing where to start.

    She flipped through the pages of two books he selected, and eventually found

    himself completely

    absorbed by reading the next book from the first paragraph.

    Vina found himself so absorbed did not realize that the door had opened, an


    then he saw Lord Edgar, standing beside her.Raising his head, she looked at the newcomer and tried to disguise his


    you stop reading. Just wished he would not be there to talk.

    He noted, however, that there was a very strange expression on the face of

    Lord Edgar and

    heard him say a harsh voice unexpectedly:

    - Since we both know the reason you have been Quarrington, I'd better tell

    hoping to hear, and the


    soon we are married the better, as I'm concerned. What date do you suggest?Vina was surprised and frightened by such words of Lord Edgar aggressively

    face it.

    He was bewildered. From the look and behave the way, this gentleman should


    drunk much too much.

    - I. .. I do not understand ...

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    - But of course we understand! cut him fiercely. It is ridiculous to think

    that may give a

    pleasing appearance to what is mere business transaction.

    He seemed to spit out the words.

    - You said ... a transaction?

    - Give it any name you like, but basically it is a business. You want my

    title. I

    want your money. We give very well together.

    He now brazenly mocking, and Vina got up softly.

    - I am afraid, sir, I do not know ... what are talking about ...

    - Come on! Do not be naive to me! His uncles have all agreed with my brother.

    I said, just want to know the date. There are many people interested in that!

    Vina took a step toward the door. Realizing that she tried to leave, he said,


    - It can not be so hard to decide! Say, two weeks? Three? Or even four?

    Is solved. As for me, the sooner the better!

    Now Vina looked nervous at Lord Edgar, looking once again to the door.

    Furiously, he stepped in front of her.

    - Are you trying to play hard w

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