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DNN UserGroup - Mar 11 2009 Meeting

Topic: Linq and DNN Reporting Presentation Part 3

Speaker: Paul Chu ( Senior Web Consultant )

Contact: [email protected]

Last Time, we saw how to utilize our Linq DAL layer containing

our RSVP tables Data Model.

We showed diagrams to show how the Microsoft ReportViewer

control can be used to Host Local Reports ( .rdlc ) files.


We showed how the Presentation Layer can request data from our

Business Layer Method which access the Linq DAL layer.

We showed how to create reports but did not finish.

Future Meetings :

4/??/09 – asked Lynn Langit to speak on DNN project for Ministry

of Health ( Government) in Zambia, Africa.

Report Viewer Tip:

Bummer: You cannot use the VS 2008 BI Server Report Project

generated RDL reports as local reports ( .RDLC )

2 | P a g e

It may be possible to tweak the XML of the RDL to convert to

RDLC compatible ( but BI 2008 has Tablix and other features )

that are NOT in the VS 2005 / ReportViewer Control based .RDLC


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Mar 11, 2009 - Presentation Goals – DNN Reporting Part 3

This time, we continue our discussion to cover:

1. Review of the RSVP Reporting Module DNN Package which

can be installed on a DNN website.

a. Demo RSVP Module again !

b. Demo installing the Module on a clean DNN 4.9.2


2. This module is the reporting component only and does NOT

have the RSVP Form page and Admin Pages.

3. Create the Master/Detail Report / Sub Reports from Scratch.

4. Show off more Linq queries.

5. How to do a Master Detail with ListViews and Linq

Q. When installing our DNN RSVP Reporting Module that has

DLLs ( such as our Linq DLL and Business Layer DLL ) how are

they deployed ?

Q. What is the DNN Manifest File ( .dnn ) ?

This file is created by DNN when you “Create a Module Definition”

in the Admin page

This XML file contains a list of “objects/Files” used by the Module.


Q. Module Installation: How do we install the initial RSVP Tables

and populate with Data ?

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Q. What are the pre-requisites for the DNN Reporting Module ?

A. Uses MS ReportViewer control which must be install on the

Hosting DNN Website. This means that the GAC has the RV dlls.

B. The DNN website web.config must also reference the RV dlls

and have the Asp.Net 3.5 references to Linq.

Attach sample web.config.sample to download

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Testing RSVP Report Module 1.18 zip file on new DNN 501


Download 501 install zip

Install – update SiteSqlServer in Web.config

Create Database DNN501

Create Virdir to DNN501 to install folder

Create page: ReportViewerTest.aspx

Drag ReportViewer control to update web.config

Open website with VS 2008

Say yes to upgrade the Project to Asp.Net 3.5 to put Linq dlls

etc in web.config

Install RSVP Report Module but putting it on a page fails.

Error: RSVPReport is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: c:\DNN4\DotNetNuke_Community_05.00.01_Install\DesktopModules\RSVPReport\View.ascx.cs(22): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'RSVPBLL' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) ---> System.Web.HttpCompileException: c:\DNN4\DotNetNuke_Community_05.00.01_Install\DesktopModules\RSVPReport\View.ascx.cs(22): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'RSVPBLL' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.CompileWebFile(VirtualPath virtualPath) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultInternal(VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultWithNoAssert(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResult(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile) at System.Web.UI.TemplateControl.LoadControl(VirtualPath virtualPath) at System.Web.UI.TemplateControl.LoadControl(String virtualPath) at DotNetNuke.UI.ControlUtilites.LoadControl[T](TemplateControl containerControl, String ControlSrc) at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleHost.LoadModuleControl() --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

Forgot to add DLLs to the manifest file

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Mar 11, 2009 Raffle

1. CodeSmith License Lewis

2. Telerik RAD Controls


3. Mandeep Singh – DNN Controls Walter

4. LearnVisualStudio.Net video subscription

5. Training Spot – Sql video subscription


6. Nevron Chart Controls Subscription


7. Book1

8. Book 2

9. Book 3

8 | P a g e

DNN UserGroup - Feb 11 2009 Meeting

Topic: Linq and DNN Reporting Presentation Part 2

Speaker: Paul Chu ( Senior Web Consultant )

Contact: [email protected]

Last Time, we created a Class Library Project and added the Linq

DBML to access of RSVP tables. The Project Build created a RSVP

DBML DLL with the generated Linq to Sql Classes.

We utilized this RSVPLinq.dll in LinqPad to allow us to run Linq

queries using the same Linq DataContext.

This allows us to write and test queries in LinqPad and then paste

back into our code.

Future Meetings :

3/11/09 Speaker – asked Daniel Egan to speak on Linq ?

If not ? who will step up ?

4/??/09 – asked Lynn Langit to speak on DNN project for Ministry

of Health ( Government) in Zambia, Africa.

DNN was chosen as an alternative to Sharepoint.

Volunteer to get Speakers ?

Presentation Goals


Demo the use of 3 Tier Design for a RSVPReport Module.

1. Why is Linq and LinqPad (with intellisense) Cool ?

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// Why is Linq Cool ? It knows relationships

// you need to define those in your DB Schema

var xNoJoins = from x in RSVPLogs

where x.RsvpEventId == 1

select new {


, x.FirstName

, x.RSVPStatus.RSVPStatusDesc

, x.RsvpEvent.EventName




SELECT [t0].[LastName],

[t0].[FirstName], [t1].[RSVPStatusDesc],


FROM [RSVPLog] AS [t0]


[t1].[RSVPStatusId] = t0].[RsvpStatusId]

INNER JOIN [RsvpEvent] AS [t2] ON

[t2].[RsvpEventId] = [t0].[RsvpEventId]

WHERE [t0].[RsvpEventId] = @p0


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2. Visio Diagrams ( see separate .vsd file )

a. N-Tier Architecture Diagram – show Layers

i. Data Access Layer with Linq DBML

The Linq Data Access Layer is here: This code will “talk” sql

to the Database.

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ii. Business Layer with Linq Queries

iii. UI Layer call Business Layer to retrieve data

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b. ReportViewer / Report ( rdlc ) / Web Page / DataSets

relationship Diagram

i. ReportViewer is configured for a Local Report .rdlc

ii. Local Report .rdlc file is XML file and defines the

associated DataSource ( DataSet ) created at

design time

c. Developer PC ReportViewer Configuration

i. Install ReportViewer.exe

ii. Web.Config is updated for ReportViewer dlls when

dragging ReportViewer control to a page

iii. IIS 7 must grant access to ReportViewer HTTP


ReportViewer / IIS 7 Configuration Article


Vista Ultimate Resolution:

Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and select your Web application.

Under IIS area, double-click on Handler Mappings icon. At the Action pane on your right, click on Add Managed Handler.

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At the Add Managed Handler dialog, enter the following: Request path: Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd Type: Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler Name: Reserved-ReportViewerWebControl-axd

Click OK.

Fixed Report Module pages references to

Using RSVP; to Using RSVPReport;

RSVP.RSVPUtil .xxx to

+ Drill Down Report – Image is missing

Fix: change Image Path to

DesktopModules\RSVPReport\Img\Plug.png or minus.png

+ Send RSVP Module Package for Testing

DNN 5.01 RSVP Module Testing Completed !

Sat –

Review Practice pages in Demo folder

Review main RSVP report

Review Nested ListView

Review Nested GridView

d. DNN Report with ReportViewer Deployment to Hosted


i. Install ReportViewer.exe

ii. Update Web.Config

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iii. Setup IIS 7 Security

iv. Install DNN Report Module ( uses ReportViewer )

3. Business Layer with static methods using Linq Queries to the

DAL layer.

4. UI Layer ( DNN Module ) making calls to methods on the

Business Layer and databinding to our Reports.

5. Create a Simple Report using Visual Studio 2008 Report


6. Create a DataSource: DataSet

7. Demo the use of Images in Reports ( Dilbert Example ) –

embedded , url

8. Demo use of Linq queries in Business Layer and use of

IQueryable object to return data to the UI Layer

9. Linq Queries

a. Linq Group By query

b. Linq Left outer join

10. SSRS Report

a. SubReport ( nested in a Main Report )

b. Images

c. Formatting using VB.Net Expresssions

i. Footer – page x of y

ii. Show Date without time

iii. Alternate color

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11. SSRS Reporting Example

a. Show accessing Linq query methods in Business Layer

b. Code to Bind to Report in ReportViewer

c. Code to Bind to SubReports in Report

Sample Report using Images / Background Image with Linq

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N-Tier design with ReportViewer Benefits:

1. The UI Layer does NOT access the Database directly and

uses the Business Layer to get data.

2. Business Layer is reusable and can be accessed from

Winforms / WebServices etc.

3. Business Layer can be Unit Tested independent of UI Layer.

4. SSRS LocalReports don’t require Reporting Services

website. You can host these reports in your website.

5. It can provide a web based reporting presence with the

ability to export to PDF and Excel.


1. Building LocalReports is more difficult than using the

Business Intelligence Report Visual Studio Template which

creates Reporting Server Deployable reports .rdl instead

of .rdlc.

2. When Authoring a Report you do NOT have the PREVIEW

tab like in BI development mode. You must build a Page

with a Report Viewer and attach the Report and optionally

do data retrieval to populate the report.

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RSVP Attendance Report using Nested ListViews

++ The Outer ListView is built from this part of the Linq Query

select new { EventDate = g.Key.EventDate, EventName

= g.Key.EventName, Speaker = g.Key.Speaker, Location =

g.Key.Location, RsvpCount = g.Count(), AttendCount =

g.Sum(x => x.AttendFlag), RSVPLogs = g }

++ The Nested ListView is built from DataSource at runtime.

<asp:ListView ID="ListView2" runat="server"

DataSource='<%# Eval("RSVPLogs") %>' > <LayoutTemplate>

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Where Eval(“RSVPLogs”) refers to the nested anonymous

Type RSVPLogs ( Collection ) returned by the Linq Query.

select new { EventDate = g.Key.EventDate, EventName =

g.Key.EventName, Speaker = g.Key.Speaker, Location = g.Key.Location,

RsvpCount = g.Count(), AttendCount = g.Sum(x => x.AttendFlag), RSVPLogs = g }

The complete Linq query: joins 3 tables and uses a GROUP BY


RsvpCount = g.Count()

, AttendCount = g.Sum(x => x.AttendFlag)

from p in ctxRSVP.RSVPLogs

from s in ctxRSVP.RSVPStatus

from evt in ctxRSVP.RsvpEvents

where p.RsvpStatusId == s.RSVPStatusId

&& p.RsvpEventId == evt.RsvpEventId

orderby p.RsvpEventId, p.AttendFlag descending, p.RsvpDate

select new { evt.EventDate, evt.EventName, evt.Speaker,

evt.Location, p.FirstName, p.LastName, p.RsvpEmail,

p.AttendFlag, p.RsvpDate, p.RsvpLogID, p.RsvpEventId,

s.RSVPStatusDesc }

into grp

group grp by new { grp.EventName,

grp.Speaker, grp.Location, grp.EventDate }

into g select new { EventDate = g.Key.EventDate, EventName =

g.Key.EventName, Speaker = g.Key.Speaker, Location =

g.Key.Location, RsvpCount = g.Count(), AttendCount =

g.Sum(x => x.AttendFlag), RSVPLogs = g }

Copy and Paste this into LinqPad to Test !!!

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Remember in LinqPad we need to have reference the Linq…DLL

in order to use our own DataContext !

Refer to Linq example:


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LinqPad supports intellisense on REFERENCED dlls !

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RSVP Report Module – Host > Module Definitions

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+ Left Outer Join Example – when you want to include all

rows from the main table and join to the second table if

there are any rows found.

The Left Outer Join syntax in Linq is not very intuitive but

here is an example ( I don’t know how to use the

GroupJoin yet) –

… join … on … into … from … in …DefaultIfEmpty()

var v1 = (

from x in CRISII_FundingSources

join y in CRISII_Funding_Slots

on x.FundingID equals y.FundingID

into xy

from x2 in xy.DefaultIfEmpty() orderby x.FundingDescription

select new { x.FundingDescription, SlotCount =

xy.Count() }



NOTICE: no Group By in the generated Sql

SELECT DISTINCT [t3].[FundingDescription], [t3].[value] AS [SlotCount] FROM ( SELECT [t0].[FundingDescription], ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [CRISII_Funding_Slot] AS [t2] WHERE [t0].[FundingID] = [t2].[FundingID] ) AS [value] FROM [CRISII_FundingSource] AS [t0]

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LEFT OUTER JOIN [CRISII_Funding_Slot] AS [t1] ON [t0].[FundingID] = [t1].[FundingID] ) AS [t3] -- Context: SqlProvider(Sql2008) Model: AttributedMetaModel

Build: 3.5.30729.1

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Linq supports the old way and new way !

// Linq query with Explicit Joins ( old way of

thinking )

var coll1 =

from p in ctxRSVP.RSVPLogs

from s in ctxRSVP.RSVPStatus

from evt in ctxRSVP.RsvpEvents

where p.RsvpStatusId == s.RSVPStatusId

&& p.RsvpEventId == evt.RsvpEventId

orderby p.RsvpEventId, p.AttendFlag

descending, p.RsvpDate

select new { evt.EventDate, evt.EventName,

evt.Speaker, evt.Location, p.FirstName,

p.LastName, p.RsvpEmail, p.AttendFlag,

p.RsvpDate, p.RsvpLogID, p.RsvpEventId,

s.RSVPStatusDesc }

into grp

group grp by new {

grp.EventName, grp.Speaker, grp.Location,

grp.EventDate } into g

select new {

EventDate = g.Key.EventDate, EventName =

g.Key.EventName, Speaker = g.Key.Speaker,

Location = g.Key.Location, RsvpCount = g.Count(),

AttendCount = g.Sum(x => x.AttendFlag), RSVPLogs

= g }


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coll1.Dump("Linq query with Explicit Joins ");

// Here we remove the explicit JOINS, Linq knows!

var coll2 =

from p in ctxRSVP.RSVPLogs

orderby p.RsvpEventId, p.AttendFlag descending,


select new { p.RsvpEvent.EventDate

, p.RsvpEvent.EventName

, p.RsvpEvent.Speaker

, p.RsvpEvent.Location , p.FirstName, p.LastName, p.RsvpEmail,

p.AttendFlag, p.RsvpDate, p.RsvpLogID,


, p.RSVPStatus.RSVPStatusDesc } into grp

group grp by new { grp.EventName,

grp.Speaker, grp.Location, grp.EventDate } into g

select new { EventDate = g.Key.EventDate,

EventName = g.Key.EventName, Speaker =

g.Key.Speaker, Location = g.Key.Location,

RsvpCount = g.Count(), AttendCount = g.Sum(x =>

x.AttendFlag), RSVPLogs = g }


coll2.Dump("Cut and Paste Test, no explicit


27 | P a g e

LinqPad also does SQL too ! Run this changing Language to


// change language dropdown to SQL !!! first

//here’s our report query the old fashioned sql way !

select b.EventDate as EventDate

, b.EventName ,b.Speaker, b.Location

, count(*) as RSVPCount

, sum ( case a.AttendFlag when 1 then 1 Else 0 End)

as AttendCount

, sum ( isnull(a.AttendFlag, 0)) as AttendCount2

, sum ( case c.RSVPStatusDesc when 'I will attend'

then 1 else 0 end ) as Attending

, sum ( case c.RSVPStatusDesc when 'I''m a maybe'

then 1 else 0 end ) as Maybe

, sum ( case c.RSVPStatusDesc when 'I will NOT

attend' then 1 else 0 end ) as NotAttending

, sum ( case c.RSVPStatusDesc when 'Walk In' then 1

else 0 end ) as WalkIn

, b.RSVPEventId

from rsvplog a, rsvpevent b, rsvpstatus c

where a.rsvpeventid = b.rsvpeventid

and a.rsvpstatusid = c.rsvpstatusid

and a.rsvpstatusid not in ( 3,4 ) -- exclude status I

will not attend, cancellation of RSVP

group by b.EventDate , b.EventName , b.RSVPEventId,

b.Speaker, b.Location

order by b.EventDate desc

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Make sure you have “C# Statement” Mode in the dropdownlist

And add code to setup our DataContext.

string strConn = @"Data Source=.\sql2005;Initial

Catalog=DNN482;Integrated Security=True";

RSVP.Dnn482LinqDataContext ctxRSVP = new


Where: RSVP.Dnn482LinqDataContext is the NameSpace

and ProjectName with DataContext appended

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Paul’s Homework: Create a zip file of Reporting Module and Class Libraries And Database for Part 3 next month Feb 2009 Raffle

10. CodeSmith License Andy

11. Camtasia License NONE

12. Telerik RAD Controls Darcy

13. Mandeep Singh – DNN Controls Paul

14. LearnVisualStudio.Net video subscription


15. Training Spot – Sql video subscription


16. Nevron Chart Controls Subscription


17. Book1

18. Book 2

19. Book 3

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DNN Jan 14 2009 Presentation

Topic: DNN Reporting / Linq vs Sql

Linq To Sql – we utilize the power of Linq queries for Report


LinqPad ( Query Analyzer for Linq ) is free ! - video here

45 blurry minutes of Joesph Albahari

We use LinqPad to “learn Linq” syntax.

LinqPad has a $20 version which includes Intellisense

Expression Mode ( single statement )

Statement Mode ( C# code snippets )

LinqDataContext built in


Linq concepts


Var xxx vs IQueryable xxx

Lambda Expressions ( shown in Linq Output Window)

Linq “Group By” query vs. TSql Group By

Sum, Count, Distinct using Linq

Inner Joins

Switch to Sql Mode to run standard Sql Statements

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How’s your Sql Reporting ? SAMPLE Reporting SQL using GROUP BY and sum ( case … ) alter procedure [dbo].[RSVPAttendanceCounts]



-- Show Year / Month / EventName - Show Attendance and

RSVP Record Counts by Event ( don't count -

cancellations, not attend status )

-- exec RSVPAttendanceCounts

-- select * from RSVPStatus

set nocount on

select b.EventDate as EventDate

, b.EventName ,b.Speaker, b.Location

, count(*) as RSVPCount

, sum ( case a.AttendFlag when 1 then 1 Else 0 End) as


, sum ( isnull(a.AttendFlag, 0)) as AttendCount2

, sum ( case c.RSVPStatusDesc when 'I will attend'

then 1 else 0 end ) as Attending

, sum ( case c.RSVPStatusDesc when 'I''m a maybe' then

1 else 0 end ) as Maybe

, sum ( case c.RSVPStatusDesc when 'I will NOT attend'

then 1 else 0 end ) as NotAttending

, sum ( case c.RSVPStatusDesc when 'Walk In' then 1

else 0 end ) as WalkIn

, b.RSVPEventId

from rsvplog a, rsvpevent b, rsvpstatus c

where a.rsvpeventid = b.rsvpeventid

and a.rsvpstatusid = c.rsvpstatusid

and a.rsvpstatusid not in ( 3,4 ) -- exclude status I

will not attend, cancellation of RSVP

group by b.EventDate , b.EventName , b.RSVPEventId,

b.Speaker, b.Location

order by b.EventDate desc

-- the end --


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Q.How do we create a similar GroupBy query using Linq ?

Q. How do we Bind our Linq queries to Web Controls such as ListView / GridView and SSRS Reports at runtime ?

Q. How do bind a query to SSRS SubReports ?

Q. What is the advantage of using Linq queries vs DataSets

( well, if you want to rework the query for Datasets you have to start over ??? )

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LINQPAD – Statement Mode with C# language is more powerful

Than Expression mode

Creating a Context variable:

ctxGRS.GRSDataContext ctx = new

ctxGRS.GRSDataContext("Data Source=USER1-PC;Initial

Catalog=DNNCRISII;Integrated Security=True");

Goal: We want to write C# Linq code that can be used directly in our C# projects with the Linq DataContext Object references.

By default, LINQPAD creates an internal DataContext that enables writing Linq queries without specifying a context object.

string strConn = @"Data Source=.\sql2005;Initial

Catalog=DNN482;Integrated Security=True"; // provide a Connection


RSVP.Dnn482LinqDataContext ctx = new

RSVP.Dnn482LinqDataContext(strConn); // create ctx object passing in a

valid connection string to the constructor

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+ Left Outer Join Example

The Left Outer Join syntax in Linq is not very intuitive but

here is an example ( I don’t know how to use the

GroupJoin yet)

var v1 = (

from x in CRISII_FundingSources

join y in CRISII_Funding_Slots

on x.FundingID equals y.FundingID

into xy

from x2 in xy.DefaultIfEmpty() orderby x.FundingDescription

select new { x.FundingDescription, SlotCount = xy.Count() }



NOTICE: no Group By in the generated Sql

SELECT DISTINCT [t3].[FundingDescription], [t3].[value] AS [SlotCount]


SELECT [t0].[FundingDescription], (


FROM [CRISII_Funding_Slot] AS [t2]

WHERE [t0].[FundingID] = [t2].[FundingID]

) AS [value]

FROM [CRISII_FundingSource] AS [t0]

LEFT OUTER JOIN [CRISII_Funding_Slot] AS [t1] ON [t0].[FundingID] = [t1].[FundingID]

) AS [t3]

-- Context: SqlProvider(Sql2008) Model: AttributedMetaModel Build: 3.5.30729.1

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Linq to XML ( see samples with LinqPad )

You can easily create, load and update XML files.

XElement settings =

new XElement ("settings",

new XElement ("timeout", 30)

); // create new XML tree

settings.Dump ("Original XML - we create simple Xml");

settings.Element("timeout").SetValue(90); // update the

timeout from 30 to 90

settings.SetElementValue("timeout", 999 ); // update again

with different method

settings.Add( new XElement ( "timeout2", 111)); // add

another elemeent timeout2

//settings.SetValue ("blah");

settings.Dump ("Notice timeout changed from 30 to 90 to






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Linq Bakers Dozen Tips – Kevin Goff

Schema Changes

Need to remove changed objects from Diagram

and re-add the Object to have changes picked up in DBML.

Alternative: use batch generation tool: SqlMetal to

Re-Generate code ( limitation – regenerates for all tables in

Database ( no way to limit tables )

+ Linq DBML Gotcha !

When changing the Database Schema ( table changes ),

you must manually update your DBML file.

Remove the old table and drag the table back from the

Server Explorer. BUT, make sure you REFRESH the

Database in the Server Explorer or you will not have the

most recent table changes.

ReportViewer Control ( local version of Report Services Report

Viewer )

Report ( .rdlc )



DataSources ( static vs dynamic )

37 | P a g e


Linq Query

Linq query conversion to DataTable in DataSet

Sample Reports

We provide 3 versions to show DNN Event with a list of RSVPs

and attendance.

The outer query lists the Events and the inner query lists the

RSVP records for the event.

1. ListView Control with Nested ListView ( v3.5)

2. GridView Control with Nested GridView ( v.2.0 )

3. ReportViewer Control with Local Reports using nested


We use Linq queries to bind to each of the UI objects: ListView,

GridView, SSRS Reports/SubReports.

DNN Report using jQuery

jQuery – inject jQuery javascript library into page

MS Ajax

Revisiting TSQL !

How do I get a report of the number of Event Attendees vs

RSVP’s ?

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How do I remove a RSVP which as a matching Cancelling RSVP

39 | P a g e

SSRS Reporting with the ReportViewer

Design Techniques:

Main Report

List Events and the Attendance Count / RSVP Count

Use + - Collapsible indicator to Show RSVP Details for each


Use SubReports

Graph SubReport

Attendee List Sub Report

SSRS Report Printing – Web Reports

Databinding to Main Report / SubReports using Linq

Reports are normally built using DataSets at design time.

PROBLEM: WebSite DataSources don’t show the Typed DataSets

Workaround: Use a Report Project ( Business Intelliigence VS

2008 / 2005 ? ) to design your report with DataSets.

But you can also supply Linq queries at runtime to populate

the DataSource ( expecting data in the form of the DataSet used

at design time ).

The runtime bindings:

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An event is fired for each SubReport in your main Report:


Query the data using Linq and populate the data source

The ReportViewer supports printing to PDF and Excel.

Watchout: … SubReports don’t print in Excel, but do show in the

Export PDF .

41 | P a g e


20. Camtasia License 21. Telerik RAD Controls

22. Mandeep Singh – DNN Controls

23. LearnVisualStudio.Net video subscription

24. Training Spot – Sql video subscription

25. Nevron Chart Controls Subscription

26. Book1

27. Book 2

28. Book 3

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