Page 1: 17 Texts You Should Never Send Girls & Why

17 Texts You Should Never Send Girls & Why

Mike W

Page 2: 17 Texts You Should Never Send Girls & Why

Text: What’s up?This could possibly be the most popular text of all time that doesn’t work. Why? Because it puts all of the pressure on her to come up with a response. And it does nothing to show her that you’re a cool, interesting guy.How to make it better:“What’s up? I’m about to head out with a couple of my friends, we have tickets to ______” (name event)It gives her something to respond back to and also shows that you’re doing fun things and you have friends.

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Text: You’re hotShe’s heard this a thousand times. Send this text and you’re automatically placed into the friend zone. Or the, “group of guys that prop up my ego” zone.

How to make it better: “You have a really unique look and style, it’s different than most girls that I see”

Specific detailed comments are better than generic ones.

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Text: Hey ShawtayThere are probably many ways to spell this, but you get the point. Either way is not a turn on. It does not make women feel respected.

Cute nicknames are good once you’re dating but not before.

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Text: Where do you want to go?As the guy, you should be leading. Women will find you more attractive if you suggest ideas or better yet say, “It will be a surprise, just wear something comfortable.”How to make it better:“OK here is the plan: Sushi at 8:15 and then a salsa dance lesson at 9:30”

Always have a plan and be the leader (even if she wants to do something different - at least start with a plan)

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Text: I really, really like youYou shouldn’t be showing your hand too soon. If you show too much interest right away, she will lose interest. It’s a strange thing, but that’s how it works.

How to make it better: “I feel like we have a good connection, but there is still more that I need to know about you.”

Showing that you have standards - she hasn't completely won you over yet.

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Text: I don’t know, what do you want to do?Again, be the leader and have a plan. Have an idea of what you want to do, then make a suggestion. Don’t force her to make a decision for you.

How to make it better: “I know a great new restaurant that just opened, lets check it out.

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Text: Did you have fun tonight? This text says to her that you are seeking validation. That you are worried if she had fun or not. It may seem like a “nice” thing to do, but it screams neediness. And nothing turns a girl off faster than a needy guy.How to make it better: “Tonight was fun. I’m glad you turned out “normal” ha for the most part :p”This is a text that might be sent after a date. Don’t seek approval or be worried if you don’t think she had fun.

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Text: Can I see you later? Here is another needy text to send. It will crush all attraction towards you. If you play the game right, she should be sending this text to YOU.How to make it better: “I’m in the mood for some bowling later. Come join my team so that we can kick everyone's butt.”

Shows that you are living your life and she can be part of it. You’re not needy and just “waiting” around for her.

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Text: Why haven’t you text me back?Remember, you’re the prize. Women are chasing YOU and not the other way around. If you start to get upset it gives her the power. How to make it better: “You’ve been arrested again haven’t you”She replies: “lol no” Reply: “ha well I haven’t heard from you in three days so I figured you were in lockup or something :p”Make it playful like it’s no big deal

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Text: Whatever, you’re a bitch. Any text where you’re getting mad at a girl, you should not send. Don’t get mad at girls for not texting you back. This simply means that you have things to work on or just go find another girl. And remember, who ever reacts the least, holds the most power. If you get upset, clearly she holds the power.

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Text: It’s been three weeks and I haven’t heard from you? Guys tend to do this all the time. They will get fixated on one girl and try desperately to get her to like him, even when she's not responding back. How to make it better: “I swear I just met your twin. Crazzzzy”This is “conversation bait.” It would be hard for her not to respond and say, “where?” Be vague and give her something that she MUST respond to out of curiosity.

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Text: When am I going to see you again? This just makes me cringe reading it. But I’m pretty sure that I’ve sent girls this text before. It’s embarrassing. Create a lifestyle that she wants to be a part of. She will be asking you, “when am I going to see YOU again?”

Tip: Talk about the interesting things that are going on in your life. Find a passion and have goals that give you a deeper meaning than anything else. Women will be draw to you because of that.

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Text: Hi

This text does nothing to engage her on an emotional level. It’s not interesting. At all.How to make it better: “Hi, I like that you have a good sense of style and fashion. I was in Montreal (name city) last week ( ⇐ high value statement) and you remind me of the women there.”

Gives her more to talk about and shows that you’re an interesting guy who travels.

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Text: What up girl?Does this even need an explanation? Don’t call her girl, or baby, or hun, unless you’re dating.

This shows lack of respect for her. Not good.

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Text: How are you doing? This is similar to the, “what’s up text.” It is very boring, generic, and safe. You need to be a little more edgy and original to get her to respond back.

How to make it better: “how are you doing? I’m doing awesome…” (go into a story about something that you’re doing. Give her more to respond to and help her get to know you)

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Text: Mirror Selfie Never send a girl a “selfie” picture of you in front of the mirror. No matter how good a guy looks, girls hate this (period).

Save those for after you’re dating each other

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Text: Please respond back if you’ve got this message. Needy. Needy. Needy. She definitely got the message but didn’t respond.

To view the word-for-word text messages that DO get women to respond back and discover how YOU can get more dates using text messages... Download the free texting mindmap and other free goodies (link below)

Texting “mindmap”Link below

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