Page 1: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium

17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how

it is affected by temperature changes.17.1.2 Sketch graphs showing the relationship

between vapour pressure and temperature and explain them in terms of the kinetic

theory.17.1.3 State and explain the relationship

between the enthalpy of vaporization, boiling point and intermolecular forces.

Page 2: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

Physical equilibrium Rate of vapourisation = rate of

condensation Pressure exerted by the particles in the vapour

phase is known as vapour pressure of the liquid.

Changing the liquid’s surface area affects both rates equally = no overall effect on VP.

It can affect how long it takes to reach equilibrium. More surface area = faster rate.

Page 3: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

Enthalpy of vapourisation Vapourisation is an endothermic reaction,

so there is a minimum amount of energy that is required for the liquid molecules to escape as vapour molecules They must overcome the attractive forces

between molecules (review bonding Unit: intermolecular forces ppt)

∆Hvap = energy needed to convert 1 mole of liquid to gas for a specific substance.

Page 4: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature
Page 5: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

At higher temperatures, more molecules have the minimum Ek to escape the vapour phase and the rate of vapourisation will increase. Causing an increase in pressure

A liquid boils when its surface pressure = its vapour pressure

Normal boiling point is the temp where VP is equal to standard atmospheric pressure (101.3 kPa)

As pressure is altered, so is the liquid’s BP

Page 6: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

VP and BP

Page 7: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

Homogeneous equilibrium: reactants and products are in the same phase CO2(g) + H2(g) < - - > CO(g) + H2O(g)

Heterogeneous equilibirum: reactants and products are in two or more phases. NH4HS(s) < - - > NH3(g) + H2S(g)

Kc = [NH3 ][H2S] ignore the solid, a complicated but interesting reason why is found here. Essentially (s) and (l) are considered a value of 1, so can be ignored.

Page 8: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

Reaction Quotient, Qc Identical expression to Kc, but its value is

calculated using concentrations that aren’t necessarily found at equilibrium.

If Qc> Kc = shifts to reactants If Qc< Kc = shifts to products If Qc = Kc = equilibrium

Page 9: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

Practice Problem:Calculate the Q for the following reaction using

these equilibrium concentrations: [N2] = 0.10 M; [H2] = 0.30 M; and [NH3] = 0.20 M. Is the system at equilibrium if Kc of the reaction is 0.40?

N2 + 3H2 < -- >2NH3

Answer: Not at equilibrium, Q>K, so shift to left (reactants)

Page 10: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

Not on our topic 7 test

E.12.1 Solve problems relating to the removal of heavy-metal ions, phosphates and nitrates

from water by chemical precipitation

Page 11: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

Solubility equilibrium is any chemical equilibrium between solid and dissolved states of a compound at saturation.

The equilibrium expresses the degree to which the solid is soluble in water

Called solubility product or Ksp

Page 12: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

AgCl (s) <===> Ag+ (aq) + Cl¯


Writing the equilibrium expression for Ksp is similar to Kc.

You only include (aq), not (s). Anything (s) or (l) is denoted as worth 1.

Ksp=[Ag+ ][Cl¯] The concentrations of the two ions are

EQUAL because of 1:1 ratio, so if we know its Ksp value we can solve for the concentration of ions easily.

Page 13: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

You treat the coefficients still as exponents

Sn(OH)2 (s) <===> Sn2+ (aq) + 2 OH¯ (aq)

Ksp = [Sn2+] [OH¯]2

Page 14: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

Solubility Rules (know these) All CO3

2- and PO43- compounds, except Li+, Na+, K+

and NH4+ are insoluble.

All S2- compounds, except Group 1,2 or NH4+ are

insoluble. All OH- and O2- compounds, except Sr2+, Ca2+ and

Ba2+ are insoluble. All Cl-, Br- and I- compounds, except Ag+, Hg2

2+, and Pb2+ are soluble.

All SO42- compounds, except Sr2+, Ca2+ , Pb2+ and

Ba2+ are soluble. Most nitrates (NO3

-) are soluble Most salts of Na+, K+ and NH4

+ are soluble

Page 15: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

Write the chemical equation showing how the substance dissociates and write the Ksp expression

1) Na3PO4

2) K2SO4

3) Na2S4) (NH4)3PO4

5) Sr(OH)2

Page 16: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

CalculationsThe coefficient does two things:

1) it puts a power on the 'x' which represents that particular ion and2) it puts a coefficient in front of the 'x'

Example Problem: Calculate the molar solubility (in mol/L) of a

saturated solution of Sn(OH)2 knowing its Ksp is 5.45 x 10¯27

Page 17: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

Solve1. Sn(OH)2 <===> Sn2+ + 2 OH¯

2. Ksp = [Sn2+] [OH¯]2

3. One Sn2+ makes two OH¯. That means that if 'x' Sn2+ dissolves, then '2x' of the OH¯ had to have dissolved, so5.45 x 10¯27 = (x) (2x)2 4x3 = 5.45 x 10¯27 x=1.11 x 10¯9 mol/L

Page 18: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

Solve for Fe(OH)3 knowing its Ksp is 2.64 x 10¯39

Iron(III) hydroxide Fe(OH)3 <===> Fe3+ + 3OH¯ Ksp = [Fe3+] [OH¯]3 2.64 x 10¯39 = (x) (3x)3 27 x4 = 2.64 x 10¯39 x = 9.94 x 10¯11 M

Page 19: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

Solubility and Ksp

Solubility of a substance is the quantity that dissolves to form a saturated solution

It can be measured in g/L or mol/L Ksp is the constant which describes the

equilibrium between the ionic solid and its ions in a saturated solution.

Page 20: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature


Solubility of compound (g/L)

Molar solubility of compound


Molar conc. of ions (mol/L)


Page 21: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

Precipitation and Separation of Ions When two solutions are mixed to form a

precipitate, we can use Ksp to see if the precipitate will actually form, or if it is slightly soluble enough in the particular scenario to dissolve.

If Q = Ksp, equilibrium exists If Q > Ksp, precipitate will occur If Q < Ksp, solid will dissolve

Page 22: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

Practice:1. Will a precipitate form if equal volumes

of 3.0 x 10-3 M Pb(NO3)2 is added 5.0 x10-

3 M Na2SO4 ?

Figure out the double displacement reaction, then decide which is the insoluble/slightly soluble compound made.

Determine the solubility product for that insoluble compound (Q)

Compare it with the accepted value of Ksp

Page 23: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

Answer to #1Pb(NO3)2 + Na2SO4 2NaNO3 + PbSO4

The insoluble compound is PbSO4, so

PbSO4 Pb+2 + SO4-2

Q= [Pb+2][SO4-2]

Q= [3.0 x 10-3 ][5.0 x10-3 ]Q= 1.5 x 10-5 so, Q>Ksp, so precipitateKsp = 1.8 x 10-8 occurs

Look it up on chart!

Page 24: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

Practice #22. Will a precipitate form if 0.10 L of 3.0 x

10-3 M Pb(NO3)2 is added to 0.40L of 5.0 x10-3 M Na2SO4?

PbSO4 Pb+2 + SO4-2

Total volume of solution is 0.10 + 0.40 = 0.50 L

Find concentrations involved:

Page 25: 17.1 Liquid – vapour equilibrium 17.1.1 Describe the equilibrium established between a liquid and its own vapour and how it is affected by temperature

0.10 L x 3.0 x 10-3 mol/L = 3.0 x 10-4 mol 3.0 x 10-4 mol/ 0.50 L = 6.0 x 10-4 M

0.40 L x 5.0 x10-3 mol/L = 2.0 x 10-3 mol 2.0 x 10-3 mol/ 0.50 L = 4.0 x 10-3 M

Q= [6.0 x 10-4 ][4.0 x 10-3 ]=2.4 x 10-6

Q > Ksp so precipitate will form

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