
Off to Summer Camp Ready for HarvestSlavery in Europe

newsletterSummer 2013

On beginning his ministry, Jesus quotes Isaiah 61, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me… to bind up the broken-hearted…”

Mission Without Borders aims to give hope: We are dedicated to seeing people’s dignity and moral freedom restored. You are a crucial partner in this work. Thank you for supporting us to bind up the broken-hearted.

At Summer Camps we aim to bring thousands of children – like Romina (opposite) – into God’s family for restoration and healing. You’ve helped us reach hurting hearts through our StreetMercy and children’s Christian ministry. We are protecting vulnerable young people from the brutal horrors of trafficking.

Without you we could do nothing.

PS We know that our UK summer has been very late starting this year, so please excuse us for looking forward to Harvest already. We’d like to offer you resources to support your Harvest worship. Could you include MWB in your harvest services or your Bible study? Or could you consider a fundraising harvest supper?

Dear friends,

Mission Without Borders Reaching people for Christ: Helping people out of poverty into a sustainable future.

Thank You

If you would like to learn more or discuss our work, please contact the office. t: 020 7940 1370 e: [email protected] This newsletter is available online:

“I long to go to Summer Camp: I want to make new friends. It will help me feel what it’s like to have a family that really loves me!”At 12-years old, Romina has almost no experience of family life. Abandoned as a baby, she admits, “I would like to have someone to call ‘mother’, but this is my destiny… It’s sad to realise that I belong to nobody…”

Bring childreninto the family

Bring childreninto the family

What you can doWith your help, we can bring many more children into a family of friends this summer.

• Donate now at or phone 020 7940 1370.

• Share Romina’s story: order Summer Camp flyers (below) to hand out and encourage others to help children go to Summer Camp.

• Ask us for a copy of this article to put into your church newsletter.

• Set up a summer fundraising event to support more children to go to Summer Camp. Phone us for ideas.

• Pray for good relationships between the children at each Camp.

AloneWhen Romina was just 18 months old, her parents’ poverty forced them to abandon Romina and her two brothers. Just toddlers – left on the street: “In one moment,” Romina explains sadly, “we were alone.”

Since then, Romina and her brothers have lived in institutions. Romina is safe, yet her sad childhood still hurts.

School and holidaysIn term-time Romina copes with her loneliness, as she is surrounded by school friends. It’s during the holidays that Romina feels most alone. When many people spend their summers with family and friends, Romina is sent to different foster carers. To earn her keep, she works in their fields.

A new family of friendsAt Summer Camp Romina will live in beautiful countryside for ten days. She is excited that “there I can forget about all my problems. I’ll learn, play and rest.” Romina will be surrounded by friends and they’ll enjoy being children together.

Why Summer Camp?Romina is one of thousands of children living in institutions and poor families across Eastern Europe who dream of going to Summer Camp. If we can meet their dreams, each child will be cared for; they will learn of God’s love and will enjoy being among a new family of friends.

It costs just £9 per day to send a child to Summer Camp. £90 covers a child’s costs for ten days at Camp.

Thank you to everyone who has (or will) support Summer Camps financially. It is not too late to donate!

Firm friends at last year’s Summer Camp

Thank you If it had not been for you...Last winter was hard for many in Eastern Europe, but those who are homeless suffer the most in cold weather. Thanks to your support of our StreetMercy outreach, hundreds of people benefitted from hot meals and friendship.

A simple government administrative error means Alex is unable to get work. He has been living on the streets for the last three years. Passing the railway station one day, he saw our StreetMercy van. Alex says, “If it had not been for you offering me food – and not only food, but the chance to talk, communicate with people and make new acquaintances, I don’t know what I would have done.”

Ognyan’s wife moved to Greece with their children. He stayed in Bulgaria to work but the company went bust. He is ashamed and sometimes thinks about committing suicide.

Finding StreetMercy has given him hope. “I don’t know how I would have managed. This food means a lot to me. I am very thankful to get hot soup and bread every day. I am also grateful for the communication, relationships and smiles. What you do is great. Thank you for what you do, especially in winter.”

If it had not been for you...In April we shared the miraculous story of Nadia’s escape from abuse, fear and loneliness. Thanks to the love of God and Christians sharing with her, Nadia now has a new life and hope. Our Christian Input work, benefits many more children and young people – like the teenagers who attend Bible studies in Bulgaria, run by our co-ordinator Emil.

Join our Bible Club! Give regularly to share the word of God.

020 7940 1370 [email protected] Club

Temenushka, 13

“Before Emil began to show special care for me, I was an undisciplined child. I didn’t

obey my parents. Emil was more than just a mentor. He helped me come to the Lord, change my character and become more respectful. I have recently started serving in the soup kitchen. God is really working in my life.”

Avgustina, 17

“The MWB workers are the people who lift me up whenever I fall. I feel free to share everything

with them because they are my spiritual family. I am what I am now thanks to them.”

Ilian, 13

“They encouraged me to start learning to play the guitar and now I take part in the worship group.

At the Sunday School I learnt a lot about God.”

Irena, 14

“Hebrews 13:7 spoke to my heart a year ago. I am very grateful for my leaders who take

care of me and have a huge impact on my life. They taught me how to pray, how to serve the Lord, how to read the Bible regularly. They taught me how to live my life for God.”

Read the article at the back to find out about another crucial aspect of our Christian Input ministry.

“Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.” Hebrews 13:7

Thank God I met youAcross Eastern Europe poverty forces older people into struggling to find enough to eat and keep warm. MWB’s community centres and meals-on-wheels bring more than 150,000 vulnerable older people hope as well as essential food. Radka is 73 and lives alone. “I suffer from Parkinson’s disease and need a lot of expensive medications. It is only by God’s mercy that I manage to survive. The government has totally given up on the elderly and ill and we’re left barely existing.” Bulgaria does have a ‘Social Old Age Pension’, but at just £44 per month1 it is not enough to cover Radka’s expenses.

So Radka finds comfort by coming to MWB’s community centre in Detelina. She receives hot meals and enjoys being with others. MWB volunteers also offer Bible studies as well as counselling for those who want it. During the coldest months, MWB delivers food to the elderly they know cannot get out.

For Radka joining the community centre is a life-line. “Thank God I met you,” she says. “The food parcels you give are a lifesaver to me. When there was no one, I could trust you to come to stand by my side. In the Bible class I heard about God and started learning more from the Bible. Only faith is what keeps me afloat.”

Bring hope to forgotten elderly like Radka and Ostap. Just £30 provides a hot meal every day for a month. Buy online at or phone 020 7940 1370.

1 Data from PensionWatch

Isolated in UkraineIn Ukraine, MWB helps run a meals-on-wheels service, stopping the house-bound from feeling forgotten.

For 83-year-old Ostap, life is lonely. One of his sons died serving in the army, then five years ago his wife died and his only remaining son passed away a year later. He has been living alone for four years. He is almost blind and has problems with his legs.

“It’s so hard and lonely to live on your own and your visits are like bright spots in my day. I just love your lunches! I’m unable to cook myself, because of my poor eyesight. I had four operations on my eyes as far back as in Soviet times. During those times, it was for free. I have worn glasses for twenty-seven years and now I wear very strong lenses, but I’m still almost blind. I’m not even able to peel potatoes, so it’s a great blessing to me to have a hot meal at least once a day! Thank you so much for your work and for your care for me!”Ostap

Radka, with MWB volunteer Marina

Summer 2013 Prayer Guide“May my prayer be set before you like incense; May the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.” (Psalm 141:2)

Thank you for praying! Daily prayer guide available:

General prayers for each week


AlbaniaAlbanians voted in their parliamentary elections on 23 June. Of a population of 3.1 million, around 12% live below the poverty line. Pray for political and agricultural change to improve their economic situation.


BulgariaBulgaria has the highest share of people living in material deprivation in the EU (Eurostat). Lift up this country on the verge of crisis and pray for political peace and stability following contested general election results in May.


MoldovaWith many Moldovans emigrating to find work, children are left victims. Praise God for our work with children in institutions and communities, and for our child sponsors giving much-needed support.


UkraineFollowing elections in Nov. 2012, Viktor Yanukovych remains president, steering policies towards Russia. Pray for agricultural growth. The rural population is falling (14.5 of total pop 45.7 million), with half surviving on less than £2 a day.


SupportersThank God for our loyal supporters who give generously and faithfully to assist our work. Ask that more people will hear about MWB and want to support our work.

Viktor Yanukovych


Bosnia-HerzegovinaRemember B-H, which is still unstable from ethnic divisions. Pray for those who suffer discrimination, and for the effectiveness of the peace-keeping force maintaining law and order.

[email protected]

020 7940 1370


RomaniaLeft with communism’s legacy, Romania struggles for political stability. Pray for agreement between president Traian Basescu and prime minister Victor Ponta in governing and tackling public spending.



Summer 2013 “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power…” Revelation 4:11

30 June–6 July

AlbaniaAlbania is one of the poorest countries in Europe. People in rural communities suffer most from lack of facilities and prospects. Pray for MWB’s Albania team ministering to some of these needy folk.

7–13 July

Bosnia-HerzegovinaAccording to UNICEF, thousands of children live in abject poverty. Please pray for wisdom and strength for MWB’s workers as they seek to assist. Pray that ethnic divisions will not affect their witness.

14–20 July

BulgariaWith a population of just 7.4 million (UK pop = 63 million), people are discouraged by Bulgaria’s weak economy. Pray for stability and wisdom to grow agriculture and industries.

21–27 July

MoldovaThis country (pop 3.6 million) has the highest incidence of alcohol consumption in the world. Pray for those who suffer, as well as their families. Pray for openings to help families struggling with addiction.

28 July–3 August

RomaniaMWB supports over 6,000 children across Romania, who are often lonely and emotionally deprived. Pray for the staff to be strengthened, and that the children are supported by the God of all comfort.

Summer 2013“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power…” Revelation 4:11

4–10 August

UkraineUkraine is imposing severe cutbacks, which affect vulnerable families. MWB has over 400 families enrolled in Family Sponsorship. Pray they will grow in their knowledge of God, and are able to support themselves.

11–17 August

UK staffPlease pray for us as we seek to visit churches and groups to share God’s heart for Eastern Europe and invite others to join the MWB family. Ask God to open up more opportunities.

18–24 August

The ElderlyMany struggling the most grew up under communism and have difficulty adapting. Pray for MWB’s connections with the elderly; for compassion and the right support to help those on inadequate pensions.

25–31 August

FamiliesAcross the six countries where MWB works, we have 1,685 families supported through Family Sponsorship, helping them to stay together. Pray that more of our supporters commit to sponsoring families.

Summer 2013

1–7 September

Community CentresCentres provide essential daily food for the most needy. Pray for their leaders and volunteers who faithfully give their time, not only to feed the poor but to bring hope and salvation.

8–14 September

ChildrenMany return to school this week. We pray that the Lord shows parents and their children the importance of education in building a better future for themselves.

15–21 September

Christian OutreachAll our work is undergirded by the compassion of Jesus Christ. While some programmes specifically witness to the Lord, pray that all we do is to the glory of God.

22–28 September

Education/Vocational TrainingEach year we offer courses for young people to learn skills or train for a profession. Remember tutors who run these courses, and pray for the young people.

What will your be?

In Albania, Fitente is hopeful for her family’s future – because her daughters are now able to support themselves and fully care for her grandchildren.

A legacy gave Fitente’s daughters vocational training: Bajame, the eldest, learnt to sew and now has a small bag-making business. Married mother of baby Kejse, Juljana, trained in shoe-making and now works in a shoe factory.

As a MWB supporter you are already leaving a practical, ‘living legacy’ as you give to our regular, on-going work.

Now we ask you to think about another legacy: By leaving something to support our work through a gift in your will, you could make a real and sustainable difference for the future.

However much you are able to leave as a legacy to MWB, you will give hope for the future.Please consider your legacy and whether, after remembering your family, you could leave a gift towards our work – a legacy for the future.

n £100 could give 25 Bibles.

n £300 could help 20 families plant their way into self-sufficiency with Seeds of Hope.

n £600 could provide 10 families or orphanages with livestock to provide food and an income.

n £1,200 could provide 16 families with enough fuel to last the winter.

n £3,500 could start 2 families with mini-farms – within months of receiving livestock and training, a family will be producing their own food, eating more healthily, earning an income and be well on their way to a life free from hunger and poverty.

For more information, or to discuss in confidence leaving a legacy gift, please phone 020 7940 1370.

How you have helped

Thank you!

Sheila ordered a Mother Care parcel in honour of her own mother for Mother’s Day from our Presents for the Future alternative gift catalogue.

She also decided to tell her mum that she will continue to help mothers in need as a way of giving thanks for her on Mother’s Day after she has gone. Sheila says, “That may sound a bit morbid, but Mum is nearly 90 and is planning her future in a practical way. I’m sure she is pleased to know that others will be helped in remembrance of her.”

Graham Wilson ran the London Marathon in support of MWB’s new LaunchPad fund. Graham, who called himself ‘The Reluctant Runner’, raised £2120.89 to help families move out of poverty and into self-sufficiency. With a time of 4 hours, 52 minutes and 56 seconds, Graham has a lot to be proud of – particularly, as he says, “there were moments I was not sure I was going to make it at all!”

Our aim for the LaunchPad fund is to help families take their final steps into self-sufficiency. We support them with the essentials they need to set up a mini-farm, or the tools for a new business, such as carpentry, or vocational training. We give this final assistance to families who have benefitted from our on-going support, and are ready to take the challenge to ‘launch’ themselves out of dependency and build their own futures. This allows us to move on to help other families.

The staff of Baker Tilly in Tunbridge Wells took part in our Loose Change Chicken Challenge during Lent. Andrew Hutchins promised to don a chicken suit for a day if the staff raised over £200 – and we’re all delighted to see that they rose to this chicken challenge! With the company’s matched giving, they raised a total of £415.26 – enough for over 100 chickens!

How you can help this harvest

We enjoyed welcoming so many of you on 23 April for our second Your MWB event at our offices in London. The talks focused on Family Sponsorship, Summer Camp and Seeds of Hope, with a break for tea and plenty of cake in the middle of the afternoon. Thank you to all who came, it was wonderful to meet you!

We hope to hold the next London-based Your MWB in April 2014. Let us know if you’d like to come.

During this summer, we will also have given talks in Leeds (9th June), Cheltenham (23rd June). And there’s still time to find us in Essex (2nd and 18th July).

Could you host a Your MWB in your area? Call the office (020 7940 1370) or email ([email protected]) for more information!

Changing lives in Eastern Europe

In your churchIs your church is holding a harvest service? Does your small group want a harvest theme to study? We can help with everything you need for your Harvest of Hope celebrations this year: • Service outline

• Presentation/talk telling how life has changed for the Korra family, now reaping a Harvest of Hope

• Prayers

• Bible study/reflection on God’s heart for the harvest in Eastern Europe

• Harvest of Hope poster.

This harvest, your offering could give some of the poorest families in Eastern Europe the tools they need to provide a livelihood and reap a Harvest of Hope.

In your communityHere are some suggestions for how you can use your harvest thanksgiving to raise funds for MWB:

• Hold a Harvest of Hope supper party You could have a ‘bring and share’, or provide a meal, and ask guests to donate, or use Dinner4Good to invite your guests at:

• Host a Harvest of Hope coffee morning, or tea party

• Join our Knitting Without Borders to do a sponsored knit You can find out more at:

We were helping to serve lunch in one of our community centres in Romania. Our local co-ordinator then arranged for us to visit one of the families receiving a meal that day. The Tomescus* live in a rundown 1960s concrete block. All seven Tomescus share a single room on the ground floor, next to the laundry and bathrooms for the entire block. This ‘hygiene’ area was dark and damp, the paint was peeling and the smell was overpowering.

The Tomescus welcomed us into their flat. They had just enough space for two beds in the single room: Some of their children had to sleep on the floor. Their oldest was 13 and truly beautiful. She was also very surly and not happy to be back in the family home. But this was no ordinary teenage tantrum: Florica had only just returned to her family home after being rescued – at the very last moment – from being trafficked. Standing in their single room, it was easy to understand how she was conned into believing that anywhere was better than this. Here was no hope, no joy, only despair.

At MWB we want to warn young people about the dangers of human trafficking. That’s why our

Christian Input workers visit institutions and community centres alerting teenagers to the risks they face as they grow up. The workers protect boys and girls aged 14 to 17 from trafficking by informing them of its extremely serious and harmful results. They tell stories of victims and how they suffered. Teenagers attending our sessions are encouraged to tell others about any new relationships or ‘promises’ of a glowing future.

Trafficking: the factsMWB Moldova’s Eugenia sets out the facts: “Every year worldwide, about 800,000 people are sold. Children become goods. Thousands of children are trafficked from Moldova. Many have their organs removed to sell. How much is your life worth? You may be valued from £50 to £350. Anyone of us, or our relatives, could be victims.”

In 2011 nearly 2,500 women were rescued, having been trafficked abroad from Moldova for prostitution. Women are subject to enforced

What is your life worth?Young people trapped in poverty are easy victims of human trafficking, as we discovered on meeting a rescued teenager. Marianna

prostitution across Europe, the Middle East and Far East. Men, women and children are all at risk of forced labour in construction, agriculture and service industries.

The teenagers are attentive during these trafficking sessions. They are given advice and information to help them make wise choices. Importantly, they learn how valuable they are to God and that no one has the right to humiliate them or force them to do anything they don’t want to do.

Marianna is 17 with a younger sister, Elena. They live alone since their mother died. After the session, Marianna told us: “I knew very little about trafficking. It cheats a lot of people. I didn’t realise that it mostly affects poor people and that they become someone’s prisoner. I would rather be poor than lied to and sold from person to person.”

Dumitru has three older brothers and dreams of becoming a cook. His father is dead. His mother is unemployed and does temporary work. He said, “I thought that only girls and women could be

trafficked. I never thought boys and even children suffer the same. This session was very important, as we learnt how people are drawn into trafficking; the warning signs and how the whole system works. I am grateful to MWB for all this information. It will help us a lot in the future to protect ourselves and avoid being the next victims.”

It is horrifying learning of those caught up in this despicable trade. But for the teenagers listening, we hope and pray that it will be positive and help protect them from becoming victims. Eugenia commented, “I read on the children’s faces that they don’t want to get caught up in human trafficking. I’m confident that this session will help them in the most difficult times of their lives.”*Names have been changed

Please pray for our workers, such as Eugenia, giving trafficking sessions, and for the teenagers listening.

Learning about trafficking

Mission Without Borders175 Tower Bridge Road London SE1 2AGt: 020 7940 1370 f: 020 7403 7348 e: [email protected]

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Registered Charity No. 270659 A Company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales No. 1065601





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Remember your loved one with a memorable tribute that makes a lasting impact.

£150 could give a child the support and warmth of a homework club for the whole school year.

£300 could provide members of three families with agricultural training.

£500 could give 25 mothers new-born baby packs.

Give others a future of hope: Remember your loved one with a living legacy to MWB.For more information, or for a confidential discussion about leaving an in memoriam gift, please phone 020 7940 1370


A lasting tribute

Your response

Please tick to increase your donation to MWB by: Gift Aid You can add 25p to every £1 that you donate at no cost to you. If you pay UK income or capital gains tax, MWB reclaims the basic rate tax from the inland revenue. Higher rate taxpayers can claim a rebate based on the difference between the higher and basic rate, nominating MWB to receive any rebate due. Tax reclaimed will be used to help all of MWB’s work.

I confirm I pay UK income or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax to be reclaimed (25p for every £1) by all the charities or CASCs that I donate to. MWB can reclaim tax I have paid on this gift and any future gifts I may make.

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