Page 1: 1809). (Lexington, KY) 1815-02-06 [p ]. - University …, a handsome and general assortment of Merchandize, ("Purchased in Philadelphia

nn61 gT m Mr g 1 m

L A.4L4 M A JLI; :l Lit.

JVew Series JVo. 6. ToZ. I. LEXINGTON, K. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1815. IFol. 29.!



THE KENTUCKY GAZETTEis ptrntlsiiED sveut mosdat-mobhis- b'i

P. BRADFORD Jr.At Tvo Dollars per annum, paid in advance, or

Thtee Dollars at the end of the Years

A. List of LettersRemaining in the Post Office at Versailles, on

the 31st day, of December, 1814 which, isnot taken out within three months, will hesent to the General Post Office as dead

J)Atwood WilliamAllen James fi.A' nojd SimeonAanis John B

Alexander AndrewrJi

Black ThomasBerry SamuelHuford WilliamBrasfield LewisBell JamesBrown .lamesSuford JohnBonn IsaacB.mies CharlesBawmer HarmcrBarien WilliamBaldwin Daniel

C ,Carter GoodlowcClinton JonathanCook JohnCable FrederickCulley WilliamCox James (free)Campbell WilliamCrazerjohn '


ThomasDavis Forris

EElliott James '

Ellis EdwardEavans Samuel

F ,.

Farnham John II.Fields C (merchant)

Adam2S'--m John"Ftlix IsaacFord Benjamin:

GGrady ElizabethGatewoood JosephGriffin IsaacGarret ElizabethGardener JamesGrady WilliamGeorge Wm. LouisGait MatthewCill Spencer

HHyatt Meride'triHamilton AlexanderHamilton AndrewHurst GeorgeHurst Walter R.Iiolman Edward

Ivy CurtisJohnston col. RobertJohn RobertInge S. ElijahJones YoungerJones JamesJones Charles (paid)

KKinkaid Robert

do. do. paid

LLackland John 2

! Leathers NicholasM

Maxwell AlexanderMeek JamesMitchel GustavusMitchel John D.Mills SamuelM'Coun JamesM'llvain Robert

. Merchant JohnMJFet RobertM'Cracken CyrusM'Coun JamesM'Connell JamesM'Connell Elizabeth

JVNorval ThomasNail Ann 2Nance PeterOrr WilliamO'Banmn WilliamOffiit WarrenOfl'utHugh..

PPerry RobertPalmer WilliamPalmer SarahPhilips William :

Pamsh JamesPendleton JamesPoliatan Milwood Ju- -' deth

QQuarlcs JamesQuarks Tunstall

JiRush John

..Rice RichardRiley EdwardRedman NaceRucker GeoigeReddin James V.

SSullenger RubenSmith EdwardSummers WilliamScott NancySteel ThomasSteel Henry

TTut Lewis, fjmdThomas OwenThomas TapleyTodd Hon. niomas

. UUtterback Lewis

VVance BenjaminVance James ,

Vance PalseyVislet Henson

WWiggs RichardWall EdwardWalker RichardWilson BenjaminWoodson John S.Walker JohnWymore JohnWalker Williams


An ApprenticeWanted to the Confectionary business. Good con-

nections and recommendations are required.

Sugar.Philadelphia double refined SUGAR apply at

the Confectioner-store- , ofJOHN D. DUNCAN.

January Oth. 3



Por which a liberal price will be given.R. B. SPALDING.

N. B. I wish to employ two or three Journeymen House joiners, ot steady naoits.

J Lex. January 3. 1815. 3


R. B.S.

THOSE indebted to E. AVARFIELD for Merchandize or Medical services, are informed that

heir accounts are now ready tor delivery, tie willstart to Philadelphia and Baltimore by the first of.February, and natters him self those that have made(accounts wfth him, will conform to his rule, that is

lo pay o(T their accounts to those periods at whichite goes to the East. The object to be obtained is

too evident to need any thing further to be said byhim for every one knows, Goods cannot be pur-chased on good terms, (is at all) without the money.

Lexington, January 6, 1815. 2- -2

George Shannon.ATTORNEY AT LAAV, Lexington, keeps

his office in the house lately occupied by Mrs. Beck,On t he south side of Water street, opposite the

of the New Market House, where hemay always be sound by those disposed to employhim it the line of his profession.

1 January 2, 1815.

1 doctor Walter BrashearJIA just taken up his residence in Lexing-

ton, and will practice Medicine & Surgery inconjun etion with Doctor E. Warfield.

CalU 1 on them at their shop will be particu-larly attended to by one or the other ot them

19-t- f May 10, 1813."

NOTICE.THE 1 rtated meetings ot the Directors of the

isiihbto 11 BHAscn basic, will herealter be onevery We dnetday and Saturday at 3 o'clock P.M. Note' offered for discount, must belodged in the Bank between the hours of 10and 2 of th e same days.

F.DEWEES, Clerk.Nov. 26, 18H. 48.

John Norton"Respectfully informs the public, that he has pur- -

cnaseo uie IJKUt; bTUltli ot .Ioiik VVA1S.wmoiiT, anil removed the same to the house nextdoor to Morrison. Tlnau ell & Snltnn. nn niipflmirtp- -, , ., ,...--- ,where lie is now opening an, extensive, assortment of

.MEDICINES.IIamg purchased the NAIL FACTORY of

ueoiioe Non-rn-?- , a constant supply will be kept inthe cellar of the same room.

47 tf Lexington, November 20.


For sale by

Lexington, January 1G.

By the Barrel.JL

D. BRADFORD,On Cheapside.'


T. H. PINDKLLIS just receiving about 2000 yds superfine BLUE

CLOTH, w hich lie offers at his Store hv the pieceAlso 0000 lh. PRIME COFFEE. 2000 lh. PEP.PER, 8bbls. SHAD, 8 do. ROSIN, which he offersoj tne uarrel. Urocers will lind it their interest tocall on him.4- -.. Main Street, Lexington, Jan. 24, 1815


Williamson & M' Kinney,ARE requested to come foru ard and settle their

acrounti, at the) have disposed of their Goods, andwish to close their accounts. Jan. 7. 2-- tf.

. NOTICE is hereby chen to the nublic. that Ililffelost fborn nmorfgst my n ts,jiNOTE, given.vy iNeiscgri urncr to me, lor J31UO. payable on

d.ite ISth September 1S13, and witnesacd bySfhos. Gibson and William Utlcy. "

EDWARD W1LUAMS.January 10, 1815. 43w


Tor Sale by " ' iE. VS. CRAIG.

January 20, 1815. ; 4--" To Kent

THE HOUSE & PLANTATIONWhcrolnow reside, situate on the Henry's Millroad, adjoining the town of Lexington. The situa-tion isfairy and commands a view of the town the!iouseis large and commodious and there are

acres meadow and pasture. Possession ranbe had immediately. For term3 apply to

thomas Garner.January 23. 3

FOR SALE,TWO NEGROES a very likely younrc Man

and Woman the Girl is a very handsome Mulatto,both brought up to housj business, and the Man liasoccasionally worked out. For farther particulars,enquire of the Printer. Dec. 17, 1814. 51

GREENVILLE SPRINGS.Public Entertainment will continue to be

kept daring the fall and winter months at the'above place, by H. PALMER.

September 19, 1814. 18 '


CARRY on business nearly opposite the ofthe Kentucky Gazette, on Main-stree- t.

They flatter themselves they will beable to sill all orders in their line to the satistaction of purchasers, and on good terms.

26 Lexington, June 25, 1814.

SHOE STORE.HAY & BOARDMAN have just received

elegant assortment of LADIES andMISSES Morocco and Kid SHOES. Likewise,Gentlemen and Youths Shoe's, which are nowsteady for sale, opposite the Branch Bank.

32 Lexington, August 1, lata.

WOOL CARDING.TS700L taken to card on the usual terms at

Sanders.August 7, 1814.

Just ReceivedBest Madeira Wine and French Brandy.

The tubscriber has alto,Port Wine, Rum, Sjc see.

Almott every article in the Grocery line kept here.Also aprettvgood assortment of DRY GOODS.A quantity ot TAK i.AiUt'-niAoi-

JV. BUR 110 WES.Mulberry-stree- t, -

opposite the court-bous- e. Dec. 2. ,49-- tf

TO SP1WEUS.Families in want of employment can have

Wool, ready combM, to spin, at my Steam sactory near Lexington.

LEWIS SANDERS.November ll, 1814. 46

Dancing SeiitiolJOHN HARRAC, a native of France, and for

several j ears a professor of Dancing, in various cidesin this country, respectfully informs tlie Ladies andGentlemen of Lexington and its icinity, that he willopen in an elegant room of Mrs. G . Beck's Aca-

demy, on Jordan's- Row, on Thursday next, 18thinstant, a Dancing School, where he will teachthe art of Dancing in its various parts, with the mostfashionable dances now taught in the northern cities,viz. Cotillions, Hornpipes, Alemandes, German andRussian Waltzes, Gavotes, and the much admiredShawl Dance. Set Dances and Reels will also bedanced in tlie School. ALSO,

The French Language w ill be taught hy J. Dar.rac, at his leisure time, to Ladies and Gentlemendesirous of learning that language. By his mode ofteaching, which experience has pnn ed to be thebest,'he will oe able to tcacn in less man a quarter,any person acquainted w ith the principles of theEnglish or other languages, to read and translate anyFrench work with satisfaction.

Ladies and Gentlemen desirous of being instructed,are respectfully solicited toleave their names at Mr.Giron's Confectionary Store in Mill-Stree- t, or atMrs. Beck's Academy.

Qj Persons w ishing to take private lessons willbe punctually attended to by applying to John Dar-ra- e

at Mr. Giron's.As soon as the School is organized, there will be

a Practizing Ball every other w cek.For terms and particulars apply as above.2 Lexingttm, January 11, 181

TAKEN UP by Thomas Shelton, Gallatincounty, waters Big Tw in, one Dark Bay Horse,judged to be 8 years old, 14 hands high, somew hite on each hind soot, small niche in the lest ear,no brands perceivable appraised to 45 dollars, 1st

idav December, 181.I iq SAML. TODD . r. o. c.

Jahe VigusOffers for sale at his store, next door above George

Trotter, Sen. and immediately opposite the Mar-lc-

house, a handsome and general assortment of

Merchandize,("Purchased in Philadelphia tioo years pastJ

Which m ill enable him to sell unusually low whole-sale or retail.

BANK NOTES,of ever)' description taken inpayment.

53 Lexington, Jamiarylst, IS15.

- T. M'CALL,At the Kentucky Gazette Printing Office,


School JBooksjCOMPRISING .

Murraj's Grammar, J Hannah Moorc;s Morals,Reader.Sequel, kc.

Guthrie's Arithmetic,Dennett 6 no.

I 6 0Sf5

' ols. K15.Walker and Johnson's J Dictionaitj' of the Bible,

1 o. ou. uicLi- - f uiuieK Hssaneu, 110m 1

onarvAmeriran Speaker,Coliimhhn Orator,Tooke's Pantheon,Mair'sVirgil Delphini,Horace Delphini,Davidson's Virgil,Button's Mathematics,Ferguson's Astronomy,

Lectures,Blair's do.Ainsworth's Dictionary,n '. r:n...LlllUVflll O V'LIU,

uoilcirigeJJ Oiton's Exposition, C

5 to JJIRurder's History of the

J' fourfold State,; of Faith,J Young in the Ni-li- t,

Clark's Travels- inJ rope, Asiafc Africa, a5 ACi-- mttrstlngwork.' Po'tr'sNnrrativi'of5 Russian Campaign.

Bennett's Letters.Ramsa Life of Wasn- -

Clark's Homer's Iliad, W ems'; , 1I0.

Pppe's do.. .'do. 5 GoIdsmitJiVNatural Ilis- -

, do. Odj ssey, 5 ton. ' ' ' lAmerican BiogriplucaliJIisto'rj- - of tlhiU. States,

Dictionary, . '5 .Medical Guide,-'- ' 'HiTokes's Gazetteer, : Lexicon,Rutterwortli's Concord- - Whters Aiuttomv.

ance, J Fife's .iW--''Biowu'b do. '.


Slates and Slate Pencils,Writing Paper,Post, Cap, ccc.Blank Books of everv description.Copy r.nd Cyphering BoOki.;--

libe al discount allowed to those who iiarchaseItr the quantity.

T. M'C. assures thenublicthathis unremitted en- -deavors shall be to please, and'hopes (bat his assidu- -

ij h in iiisuic linn a luiiiiiiuiuicL- - ui tue i:iui&so liberally bestow ed. .,

IJseI2.-5- U

JUST RECEIVEDAnd for sale, at the ORice ofthe Kentucky Gazette,

Festoons of Fan cy : , .M)f WILLIAM LITTEEL, Esquire.

'atgso,A JOURNAL,

Containing an interesting account of the hardships,,suttenngs, battles, and clctcatjg tlie Kentucky

and Regniai-s- , commanded hy BrigadierGeneral James Winchester, in the s 1812,k''13. To which is added a GEOGRAPHICALDESCRIPTION of the North-Wester- n sectionof the state of Ohio Price 25 cents. -


DAY BOOKS, JOURNALS, LEDGERS', Uc.Old Books rebound, :t tin shortest noticei

Lcxmgton made POCKET-BOOK- -- wALjMANACKS top. isis;j"

By the Gross, Dozen or Single one.1 January 2.



RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gen-tlem-

of Lexington and its vicinity, that he has justopened hisCONFECTIONERY STORE, on Mill-stree- t,

or in the brick houselately occupied by Mr. Cross, where hesintends tocarry on the business in his lino in alland variety. He Hatters himself that his ci.deavqrsto satisfy tlie public in general, v. ill lfc.iervc a shareol their patronage, hvcry lunu ot L.akes will at alltimes be louna reany rugite at Ins store i ami commands for v, ill he grcatfully received,and attended to on the shortest notice, w ith care andpunctuality.List of Sugar Plumbs, Candies, Cordials, etc.

bs had at J. J). Duncan's Store.Barley CANDY, , Sugar Plumbs,Rock do. '.Sugar Almonds,Lemon do.Horchound do.Cinnamon do.Stomachic do.Plated Mint Stick do.Burgamot do.

fICtccnc ni KniMvWe'

5Spanish 5 Mint and ChocolateStraw berry, Citron and 1 drops, inc.

TOYS.A great variety of new and elegant SUGAR

1 uo, maue out ot the best materials.

Pound , , Naples Biscuit,do. J Love Cakes,

Sc English Jum- - J. Meat Pies, andbles,

Sponge Cakes,Almond Bread,Ladies' Fingers,


Macaroons,Chocolate Macaroons,Prussians,Sai oy Cakes,Genoese Cakes,


Bible,- -



Caraway Comforts,

Glazed Almonds,Urokante,

Spanish Cakes,Liquorice Juice,


PlumbFrench Mince

several other kinds.Cream Baloons,Tea Cakes,Aaivettc do.

5 LoioJTuts,i Philadelphia Kisses,J Almond do.J Tartclettcs,i Tarts.

Brandy Syrup and Dry Wines,Preserved Peaches, J CORDIALS Noyau,Pears, Citrons, &c. f Annisseed, Peppcr-Pickle- s,

J mint, perfectLove.oilSweet Meats, Raisins, i of Venus, Oil of Rose,

Chocolate, $ CoITee, he.Svrunof Punch, Lemon, i ICE CREAMS ofeverv

Orgeat, Gin, Toddy, 5 description and in com--Linnamon, kc. 5 manu.

Madeira and Claret 'J. D. D. hopes thathis care and punctuality in the

execution of the commands he will be bonored with,will justify his claim to a share of public patronage.

N. B. He isaboutfixingroomsforprivate parties.ffj Wanted a LAD about 15 years of age, as an

apprentice. Good recommendations are required.Country Merchants supplied on the most li--

oerai terms.


rj" Elegant LIQUID BLACKING IvoryRlacfc Hartshorn.





Lexington, D"c 2 J

CIRCULARTo SuperintcndingOfficersnf Regiments and Corps

on the Recruiting Service.Ojfi.ce of Superintendence of the Jlecrutint? Ser-

vice, City of Washington, Jan. 16, 1815.

Sin I have the honor to forward toyou, by order of the Secretary of War,the following regulations and instruc-tions for the government of the recruitingservice, to be carried into immediate

. Recruiting District, to be denominated asfollows ; - . .

No. 1. District of Maine,2. ',

3. Massachusetts,4. Rhode-Island- ,

5. Vermont,6. Connecticutt,7. New-Yor-

8. New-Jerse-

9. Pennsylvania,10. Delaware,11. Maryland,12. Virginia,13. Ohio,14. Kentucky,- -

15 Tennessee and Mississippi Territory,16. North-Carolin-

17 South Carolina,18 Georgia,19. Louisiana, .

20. .Missouri, Indiana, Michigan and Illinois Territories.

Is Distribution of Corps and Regiments.Regiment of Light Artillery, "

Regiment of Light Dragoons,1 he Corps o Artillery,The Regiments of Riflemen,


The Corps of Ranirers, and I

The Artificers and Privates of

! be recruit- -

C fli at .ire-

Engineers, JThe Regiments of Infantry as follows1. Rejriment, New-Jerse-


6. -"3.



Tennessee and MississippiTerritory,

South Carolina and Georgia,New.llampshire,Pennsylvania,Pennsylvania,Kentucky,Georgia,Massachusetts,North-Carolin-

Vermont, .Virginia,Kew.York,

. MarylandNew.Jersey,Pennsylvania,Kentucky,Nnrth.Cafdlina,Ohio,Viginia, ' .




New'YorkVermont;Veimont,Pennsylvania,District of Maine,

((District of Maine,Virginia,Maryland,Connecticut,Maryland,

'Tennessee,Massachusetts,New York,Kew York 8; Pennsylvania,North Carolina,Louisiana,District of Maine.New-Yor- k.

The recruiting of each regiment orcorps (except the Rangers and Artificersand privates of engineers,) will be superintended by a field officer, having underhis direction subordinate officers. Therecruiting of rangers and artificers andprivates of engineers by captains or sub-

alterns. The superintendents of regiments and corps will be held strictly res



respective NoThe posts


to superintendentcruitinc at the city of Washing.ton, all who be incapable-o-unsuccessful the discharge of their

recruitingthe officers) they will changethe the They willcorrespond the superintendent ofthe recruiting all cases rela

establishment and ofrendezvous, to theirjudgments,) returns and lists ot recruits,and all cases fromcepted by the regulations the May1814 but to any possible misapprehension misconstruction thoseregulations on this and other essentialpoints, reference be made to thefollowing :

Recapitulation, with amendments.

Reports made monthly to theof the recruiting service

the recruiting by the off-

icers the recruiting reand corps, and to them

monthly returns ; thui it will be observedthat thiS regulation milst by means in-

terfere with the correspondence of superintending field, officers with the officesof the paymaster general, the accountant

the war department, or the superintendent general ol military supplies.

Monthly accounts and vouchers forbounties and premiums to recruits will

transmitted to the pay-mast- er gene-ral : monthly accounts and forcontingencies to the accountant 6f thewar department ; and quarterly accountsand vouchers for clothing, arms, accou-trements and camp equipage to su-

perintendent general military suppliesat the city Washington. , -

The field willreceive money from the paymaster.gcne-ral- ,

or his deputies, and be held responsible lor its application. When funds areexhausted, or likely tobe so, they willmake requisitions for further supplies,accompanying them with abstracts ofpayments already made. .Subordinateofficers will receive money from. the su-

perintending field officers, for which theywill give duplicate receipts, and be heldaccountable to them : which receiptswill be the proper and sufficient vouch-ers the settlement their accounts

Besides their weekly statement oftheir accounts, shewing the amount ofmoney, clothing, camp equipage, and allother appurtenance? for the recruitingservice received and distiibuted, and thebalance remaining on hand, they shall al-

so report weekly to thefield officers the strength of theirparties,the names of their recruits, and thedes-criptio- u

of.their personsThe second sectioli of (he act Con-

gress, passed the 10th of December,1814, which is annexed, will be strictly

to, and all cases of enlistmentinapplicable to the intent of- - that sectionof the act, the money will be paidimmediately aster the recruit signs hisenRstment, and has been reported favora-bly by the inspecting surgeon, or sur-

geon's mate.As soon as convenient, every recruit

will take and subscribe the necessaryoath, agreeably to tlie tenth article of

the rules and articles for the govern-ment of the armies of the U. andno objection is to be made to forwant size, provided he be strong, activeand made.

- Is any recruit aster having received thebounty money shall abscond, he is tobe pursued and punished as deserter.

Every officer, engaged the recruit-ing at posts where there shallno quarter master, will procure the ne-

cessary transportationfforage, fuel, straw& stationery, taking the necessary vouch-ers.

Recruiting officers Shall, as faras'prac-ticabl- e,

be furnished with proper musicfrom their regiments; wherethismay.beimpossible, and musicians have not beenenlisted, they are authorised to engage aiftmmer and fifer at a rate not exceed-infp- O

5 dollars, per month and one rationper day ; or is the party be either ofthe light corps of the army, the officercommanding it may hire a bugleman 'ora trumpeter at the rate twelve dollarsper month, and one ration per day.

When medical or surgical aid isby a recruiting party, is no surgeon

or surgeon's mate the army be at ornear the post or place, the superintending field officer shall have authority, andis hereby authorised, to obtain such by

agreement writing tinder thefollowing rules j

For any number of sick, not more thanthirty, the rate compensation shall Dot

ponsible to the of war for the exceed the Dav and emoluments of a sur.recruiting of their regiments and corps, geon'S of the. army, exclude efme-an- d

their subordinate officers will bejrffone. In any other case, it not ex-he- ld

immediately responsible to them for cced those of a surgeon,the proper exercise of their I citizen surgeon is to inspect atduties. superintendents will station or places at which are army sur-the- ir

subordinate officers at such points geons or surgeon's mates, and recruitingas they may deem best for the interest of, officers not conforming to this rule, willthe service, will visit their be reported to the department of war

supply them with funds, and through the office of ofreport uie oi tne re the reel uiting service.

serviceofficers may


No party shall be theservice by

unless byfunctions. In the last case ("where the fiermissiofl of the suherintendlne- - field nfR.

do not succeed getting recruits cer.from any cause other than the fault of All officers are expressly

immediatelystations of parties.

withservice in

tive to the change(already conceded

in distinct those exof 2d

preventor of

a will

will besuperintendentof progress in

superintending ofgiments weekly





ofsuperintending officers

in ot




adhered in



State's,"a recruit



inservice, be




special in




detailed on recruiting unaccompanied acommissioned officer, sjiecial

parties in

forbidden to enlist any man having ulcerated legs, scaldedhead,ruptureorscurvy,oris an habitual drunkard, or known tohave epileptic sits, Sr other infirmitywhich unfits him for the active duties ofthe field ; and any officer who shall enlistsuch man, and-an- y surgeon or surgeon's,mate who shall-leertif- his fitness for ser-vice, shall, on proof thereof, be dismissedthe service.

Surgeons are to be particularly atten-tive to the examination ojfrecruits, andshall not suffer any man to.'pasS,-wh- o hasnot at his examination, been stripped ofall his clothes, to the end, that it be ascer-tained far as possible, that he is sit foractive service in the field.

It is only aster due and careful inspection as atoresaid, that the eight dollarspayable to the soldier or citizen for fur- -

bv their subordinate officers. The a- - nishinK a recruit, can be paid.mount of funds received, expended, andj When the recruit is sound and able-boo- n

har.d -- i!l be dht.'.chj noted or. the died, and has passed inspection, no delay

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