Page 1: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook
Page 2: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook
Page 3: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook


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Page 4: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

Wqr iarnutrur ~ talc in fifrc pads nf

tfrc aoftcnturcs ana

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~£ucgaot ~uig4±

Page 5: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

I ®£ ±fre ~Ro~;!ul <ITourt

II ®£ fl1e ~ni_sl1t un!l I1is 1oJ;!u1 frienbs

III ®£ tl1e ~ni_sl1t in tire festiue qui!

IV ®£ tire ~ni.sl1t' s tJttest for qonor

V ®£ tlre ~ni_slrt unb ±Ire jester

Page 6: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook


Page 7: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook



1lltbiratinu QIONSCIOUS of her never failing interest in all that

is a part of student life, the staff of the Raconteur dedicate the 1940 edition to Dean Grace V. Bird.

The endless requests for time, consideration, super­vision, detail . . .. with these forever harassing her she finds a moment to advise or assist whenever the need arises. To her, then, is this editi on dedicated. To her, too, is a silent dedicat ion f rom a ll that she touches. May this written appreciation help to voice the un­spoken gratitude of those who know her.

l\Iidnight oil furnished gratis

A long one for the team

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Boys' Gym, heating plant, and hot

-and then about the birds and thebees—

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T he fa rmer in t he dell

A co rn er of knowledge

Shi nny on your ow n side



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The \ ' illage Smithy

~When the Knights anc! Ladies gather for t ea

T he one that gut a ,,.a,· \\as bigger


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' ·.

I . I I

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Assembly under the elms

The Aeet goes out

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innk I ®£ tl1~

i&nyal Qlnurt

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Page 16: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

" ((![t<-UE friends n:~ke us worthy of ourselves'


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"~. { OT th e f rui t of experi e nce. but (-''i expe rience. it self. is t he end' '


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mrau nf flru m BROUGH the pages of

this Raconteur runs the conviction that campus activi­ties can be so conceived, so or­ganized, and so administered that they afford numerous real life situations in which students can learn through "purpose­ful and responsible doing" to live democratically ... My sin­cere appreciation goes to each individual member of the grad­uating class for 1939-40 for the part you have played to make this schoo r year both profi ta­ble and enjoyable .

Theron S. Taber

mrau nf llnmru mHE year 1939--1-0 has been

an intere sting one in the developm ent of Bakersfield Junior College ... Every\\·here junior colleges have continued to receive at tention because of their gro\Yth in number and population and because of their increa sing service to students and communities . . . Your junior college is among these and your yearbook good evi­dence that you have found here activities and experiences which have helped you to be the kinds of people colleges and communities want and need. Congraulations to the Racon­teur editor and staff for their presentation of the year 1939-40!

Esther B. Sargent

Page 19: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

~tu~rut ~nurrumrut

Standing, left to ri g h t: Jim Chambe rs, Otis l\Iitchell, Dave

l iVeave r, Lois Marie Kellogg. Frances Grothaus, Boh Stewar t , E dith Baker, Glenn S iemon , Hope Cutl ancl, Joe Garone

Sea ted, left to right: Mr. Taber, adviser: l\1innie Lee \Varnock,

Paul Combs, Freel l\1 ulroy, !\ rthur Johnson

~ 1\'EW Direc to r of Public JZelations .. . C \. a ne\\" Director of Student Relation s . . . ri g id qualifications for publications editors ... a barbecue a Ia Tabe r .. . hosts for th e C. C. J. C. A. conference . . . the student body picnic ... Chri stmas Formal, Farewell Formal, and Football Banquet ... the li st cou ld go on for pages ... A fine group ... Unr1uote Taber and Sargent, advise r s .. .

E lton Rodgers, first semester president

Paul Combs, second semeste r president

Page 20: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

T. N. Harvey

W. J. Walters

A D. M. Osborne

H. D. West

~ TTESTIKG the value of an under­(--~ standing Board of Trustees is the remarkable gro\\'th of Bakersfield Junior College clu ring the past year ... To meet increasing population de­mands. even to encourage more students to enroll. much extra effort has been expended.

The result s of Board activities are manifested in a smooth-running per­sonnel ... Never before have Bakers­field Junior College po li cies cal led for such sharp delineation or received such efficient administrat ion as this year under the Board of Trustees ...

H. E. \\' oocl ,,·orth

Page 21: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

Student panel

IDqr Jutrnun (!1lub

l\lrs. Thomas J. Clanin

1J:? EPRESENTI NG the parents and teachers of Bakersfield Junior Col­~\. lege students, the High School-J UlllOr College P. T. A. carries on its generous work ... Mrs. Thomas J. Clanin . pictnred here with t he annual Pettrons' trophy, officiated through the year as president .. . Mrs. Hugh Gorm­ley acted as program chairman ...

Highlight of the season was the dessert fas hion sho w sponsored jointly by faculty, parents. and students \\·ith proceeds going to the scholarship award ... :\Irs. R. B. Rogers was general chairman of t he entertainment ... A student panel livened by eight J. C.ers who discussed their professional preparation \Yas presented to the o rgani zation March 17 . .. Mrs. Earl Sar­gent, facu lty chairman, officiated . .

Trophy w inner \Yas Fred :\1ulroy, selected as m ost outstanding student of 1940 . .. Runners-up \\·ere Hope Cutland and Dave \\"eaver . .. A suc­cessful year marked by increasing a\Yareness of student problems is cred­ited to the High School-Junior Cqllege Parent-Teachers' Association . . .

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l\liss l\Jary Cremer and :\li ss Bernice .i\larhl e

~ li ;;s l ~orraine Bayes

JVJ r. T heron l\lcCu en

l\fr. Ed11· in Gholz

IDqr ®ffirr Jrranuurl

'1ft i\GER to help instructor o r student are L the three member s of the B. J. C. office personnel ... Miss Lorraine Bayes heads the force with able assistance in the persons of l\'1 iss l\[ar v Cremer and l\li ss Bernice Mar­ble ... Ti1eir duties include checking g rades and scripts ... :\fore remote from the students but no Jess im­portant to them are M r. Theron McCuen, :\1r. Ed\vin Gholz. and Miss Ruth Steneman ... l\ 1 r . l\fcCuen is the august keeper of fi nances ... As business manager, he controls the in-

take and outgo of B. J. C. funds .. . Mr. Gholz a ssist s him ... l\Iiss Steneman. new th is yea r as 11·as l\lr. Gholz. is t he ef­ficient. smilin F secretary of th~ girls' gymna­Slu l n

:\liss Euth Steneman

l\lrs. Thero n Taber

Page 23: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

J ,ouise Linton Ethel Robinson

Marion 'vV. Peairs Esther Bassett Sargent

Helen R. Reed

Margaret Levinson Dorothy Albaugh

Page 24: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

l\Iaurice Buckley Theron S. Taber

E. P. Van Leuven Carl Ross

flatq au~ 1£ugiurrriug

Albert Dennis

Clarence Cullimore

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Natural ~rirurr

IVlrs. Aldrich, who se picture does not appear, ,\·a s also a member of the Natural Science Department

George 0. Sagen I-lattie G. Hoenshell Paul VanclerEike Percy I. Chamberlain

J. Paul Freed Thomas B . .i\lerson

Harold B. Robertson Paul M. Baldwin

Catherine Boysen Lois l\1cDonald

Page 26: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

John Clymer

\Villiam Van V. Ewert

Guy H. J aggarcl

John \ V. :\lcDaniel

Robert fl. Young

Hobert ]. \Vright

Jere King, whose picture does not ap­pear, was also a member of the Social Science Depa rtm en t

~nrial ~rirurr

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Ysabel Forker

Eloise Nelson

Adelaide Schafer

Violet Franz

Lucile Burk, whose picture does not appear, is also a member of the Foreign Language Depart­ment

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Art aub ~unir

Alan B. Parker

Kathleen Cassidy

Ronald Clark

Eunice Uebele

Ruth Emerson

Harold J. Burt

Page 29: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook


Noble D. Stutzman Milton H. Perkins

Forest L. Lynn Raymond J. Cross

J. Paul Freed

r~d\1·in -:\J. J~lemmerling

John Van Osclel

Gerald Smith. ,,. hose picture does not

appe<~.r, is also a member of the

Technology Department

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Otto Asperger

Lou is B. Davy

Teachers whose pictures do not appear

are: Hester Kinnear and Miss Klotz

Lucille Parmenter Clara Holmes

iunturnn 1£~urattnu

l\llarion V. Carson Hester Holt

Page 31: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

. . . 1\u~ ®tqrrs

Library staff, left to right: i\IIa ry Suderman, Viola Suderman,

June Champagne. Marie Davis

Mrs. A nderson, school nurse

Golclie B. lng les. librarian

Page 32: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

Forest L. Lvnn - ] . l\Ierion Chri stense n

Lucille Christensen Helen Bulla Margaret Cowart

Jqyntral 1.Eb

Wallace Frost George \t\'ill iamson


Percy 1\I. Dliss

Page 33: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

Florence McKinley


Ho\\'ard J-.:. Dickson John L Knight

Teachers \1·hose pictures do not appear

are : l\Iaurice Gerard, P. E. 25; Mr.

Anderson, assistant aviation teacher

Page 34: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook




JEA~ L BERTOLETTE Varsity Club Lifers S. C. A. A. l\L S.

(!1lann ~ n ~40




HENRY BIANCHI Inten1ational HeJations Club Phi Rho Pi, S rg t. a t Arms Varsity Debate S . C. A . A. i\I. S.

Page 35: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

ROBERT BOOTH Lifers Club A. i\L S.


JA.\IES CALDWELL Alpha Gamma Sigma A. i\L S.


PAUL co~rns


Student Body President Activity Board Alp ha Gamma Sigma Berkeley Square Engineers Club A. i\I. S.


BARBARA BUi'\Tl:\G Lance and S hi eld Activity Board Jnien1ati on al Relations Club A Cape lla Choir , Pres . A. W. S. Song Leader.

ELLSWORTH l'A ~ :\0:\ Varsity Club Footba ll Germa n Club Li fers A. ~I. S.

~1\'IHI S COMBS French Club A. W. S.

HOPE CUTLAND Editor of Raconteur Lance and Shield, Pres. Acti v ity Boa rd A lph 3. Ga mma Sigma French Club A . W . S.

Page 36: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook


FRAI\CES DELFT:\"0 Lance and Shield Sec. Alpha Gamma S igma Rip Staff French Club A. W. S.



QTlass ,





1\"0R?IfA:\" DOW Renegade Knights Alpha Gamma Sigma A. l\1. S.


Page 37: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

Qlluss n' '40


V I VlA~ FORE W. A. A. A. W. S.

PAT FRANEY Renegade Knights Activity Doard Alpha Gamma Sigma A. J\1. S.

JOE GARO!\E Business Mgr. of Publications Rally Chairman Renegade Knights, Pres. Camera Club, Vice Pres. Track A. ?II. S.

LOIS FTKE Lance and Shield Alpha Gamma Sigma German Club French Club S. C. A. A. W. S.,

LOUISE FORTHEHT:\Gl-IAM A Cappella C hoir A. W. S.

MAYBELLE GARD:G Lance and Shield Alpha Gamma Sigma International Relations Club A. W. S.

VlRGTi'\IA GTilSON Lance and Shield Alpha Gamma Sigma S. C. A. Vice Pres. A. W. S.

Page 38: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

DEWEY GTRARD Renegade Knights Engineet·s Club Experimenters Club S.C. A. A.M. S.

DOROTHY GOERTZ Alpha Gamma Sigma A. W. S.



illlunn n' '4U

DAl SY GLOECKLER Lance and Shield A Capella Choir

LUTHER A. GOODWIN Renegade Knights Varsity Club Football Track Lifers A.M. S.

FRAKCES GROTHAUS Program Chairman Lance and Shield International Relations Club French Club A. W. S.


Page 39: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook


NELSO:\ HAAG German Club A. l\L S.


WILLTA!\f HAMILTON Var·sity Debate A.M. S .

JACK IIANNAMA.\' Alpha Gamma Sigma Flying K nights, :11ajor German Club S . C. A. A. l\1. S.

KEN i\'ETH HAS TIN H.enegade Knights

, '4U

Alpha Gamma Sigma, Treas. International Relations

Club, Pres. Phi Rho Pi, Pr·es. Varsity Debate A.M. S.


ROBERT HA:\':\AGAN A. l\1. S.

EDlTH HARRIS Lance and Shield Alpha Gamma Sigma Raconteur Staff, Typist S. C. A., Vice Pres.,

Program Chairman A. W . S.


Page 40: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

J\lONROE HO~IER Renegade Knights Rip Staff Rally Committee Varsity Club A. J\1. S.


RUTH ISAACS Alpha Gamma Sigma Hacontcur Staff, Typist A. W. S.

ARTHUR JOHNSO:\' Second Vice P1·esident Activity Board, Pres. Renegade Knights, Pres. German Club, Program Ch.:tinnan Varsity Cluh A. J\L S.

Qllann ~4n

DONALD HOPPER Renegade Knights Engineers' Club, Treas. A.M. S.

JRENE IMBLER Lance and Shield Alpha Gamma Sigma l"nternational Relations Club Berkeley Square A. W. S.



Page 41: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

' n

HAROLD KELLEY Renegade Knights J\ lpha Gamma Sigma Raconteur Staff, Asst. Ed. Phi Rho Pi German Club A. i\L S.

JOHN KIM Activity Board Alpha Gamma Sigma Assoc. Engineers Club

Pres., Srg. at Arms A. :11. S.

GERALD LADD Renegade Knights Alpha Gamma Sigma Associated Engineers A.M. S.





PATR ICIA LUCAS Lance and Shield International Relation Club, Sec. Gennan Club W. A. A. A. W. S.


Page 42: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

HOBERT l\1A I-I1 :\ Renegade Knights Alpha Gamma Sigma Engineers Club ' A .M. S.


JUANITA i\fcFAHLAND A Capella Choir A. \V. S.

Sl'E C.11:\AKA .\11 A. w. s.

ill lass 1





A;.IELTA MTLLER Alpha Gamma Sigma Haconteur Staff International Relations Club German Club Tennis Team A. W. S.


Page 43: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook



SA)ll 'EL ~\lO:\ES A. l\1. S.


HOBERT E. 'lfURRAY Alpha Gamma Sigma TJ-ack A. ::11. S.


~\lAHTTIJ\ NICELY lnternatirmal Relations Club German Club \\· . A. A. A. \V. S.



FRED MULROY First Vice President Henegade Knights Haconteur Staff Hip Staff A. M. S . Council

HONALD 1\"EW~1A:-l A.M. S.

FHANK NUTT Henegade Knights Alpha Gama Sigma Baseball A.M. S.

Page 44: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

:\Jr\SAHLT OKU:\fA A.M. S.

1\fARlA N ORlDA A. W. S .

P~~ I CE P ALi\lER A. l\1. S .

BAHHARA PEHME~TEH Lance and Shi eld S. C. A. Cabi net A. W . S. Counci l

, n




WlLLAHD PAHKES Track T ea m A. l\L S.

THERESA PERHY Alpha Gamma Sigma, Sec. French Club W. A. A. A. W. S.

Page 45: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook


n ~40

GREGORY POULOGTANT$ Business Mgr. of Publications Henegacle Knights Hip Staff Life,·s S.C. A. A. 11. S.

JACK L. RICE Assistant Yell Leader '36 Assoc. Enginee,-s, Vice Pres. A.M. S.

ELTON RODGERS Student Body Pres. Renegade Knights Varsity Club Football A. i\L S.

LEE ROGERS Flying Knights A. ~J. S.

TONY RETD l~aconteur Sta tf Rip Staff Delta Psi Omega Berkeley Lifers Club A. i\1. S.


CECELTA RODRIGUEZ I .a nee and Shield Hip Staff Alpha Gamma Sigma ]nternational Relations Club A. W. S.

ALICE SAECKER Alpha Gamma Sigma A Capella Choir S.C. A. A. W. S.

Page 46: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

EDWARD SAECKEH Alpha Gamma Sigma Future Farmers of America Lifers Club A.M. S.


JOHN SCHUTZ Alpha Gamma Sigma ]nternational Relations

Club, Pres . Phi Rho Pi, Vice Pres. (Varsity Debate) A. l\1. S.

BERNARD SHAY Activity Board Alpha Gamma Sigma Experimenters Club, Pres. German Club Camera Cluh A. l\1. S.

' n '4U

ARTHUR SARGENT Hip Editor Renegade Knights, Vice Pres. Activity Board French Club, Pres. A. l\1. S.

MERWIN SCHIRMER Alpha Gamma Sigma Stud~nt Committee A. l\1. S.

EVERETT W. SHAFER Rip Editor Raconteur Staff German Club, Pres. Basketball A.M. S.


Page 47: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

Qllass n' '4U



DON SMILEY Renegade Knights Activity Board A Capella Choir Vat·sity Club S. C. A. Pres. A.M. S.

TJ-IuR:IfA:\ STEPIJE:\S Renegade Knights Activity Board Alpha Gamma Sigma, Treas. Student Committee Lifers, Pre s.

HOWARD SHIVELY Ft·eshman _ l{epresenta ti ve Renegad e Knights Engineers Club Varsity Club Football, Basketball, Baseball A.M. S.

NANCY SKAGGS Delta Psi Omega, Sec., Trea s. Be1·keley Square German Club Ft·ench Club A. W. S.



Page 48: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

DOROTHY STURGEON Lance and Shield Activity Board Raconteur Staff, Asst. Ed. '39 Rip Staff, Asst. Eel. '39 W. A. A. Pres . A. W. S.


JlfARGARET THADDEUS International Relation s Club French Club Dramatics A. W. S.

ELLA TOY Lance and Shield ]nternational Relations Club Rip Staff French Club A. W. S. Council

Qllann ~

n ~4U


FRANCES THADDEUS Alpha Gamma Sigma, Vice Pres. Raconteur Staff Phi Rho Pi Varsity Debate Delta Psi Omega A. W. S.



Page 49: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook


ALBERT VILLARD Alpha Gamma Sigma A.M. S.

ELVERA VOTH Lance and Shield Alpha Gamma Sigma A Capella Choir A. W. S. Council


MINNIE LEE WARNOCK Student Body Secretary Lance and Shield


Gennan Club, Social_ Chairman A Capella Choir, Vice Pres. Tennis Team A. W. S.

HO~lER WESTZ A. :\1. S.



DAVE WEAVER Rip Editor Rally Chairman Renegade Knights Raconteur Staff, Snap Editor f.. Capella Choir A. M.S.

EJ.lZABETH WHARTO~ ){ip Staff Berkeley Squat·e Lifers Club A. W. S.

Page 50: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

DELBERT WO.\C HOBE RT ZlJERCHER A. l\1. S. A lpha (;amma Sigma

Chinese Student Club, Pres. Y Letter Club Y Basketball A. ~I. S.

(Graduates whose pictures do not appear)








HOL LY HOWSc\'[0:\'








n ~4n

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Page 52: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

. . .

Page 53: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

innk II

if(uigqt au~ qin

loyal friru~n

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Page 55: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

I ., I

Page 56: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook


Page 57: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook


Sitting: Betty Loudon, A m elia H opkins. J osephine F anucchi, H a rold Kelley, H ope Cutland. M uriel J ean Cook, Fred M ulroy

St a nd ing: Ruth I saacs, \Vinnie Hanel. J oe A ngeles, F ra nces Thaddeus, Gene Smi th, J errie F leming, A m elia M ille r, Tony Reid, E dith H a rri s, Minnie Lee Warnock, Paul Collins

Hope Cutla ncl, edi to r

'lll!trTH the introduction of a n O ld E ng lish ~ them e fo r the '40 yearbook, thi s hith er to ' 'French" publica tio n ma)' have been rechris­tened Ye Olde Raconteur . .

Wha t these chappies did do, under the direc­t ion of capable edito r H ope Cutland a nd the wise a nd \\· illing suggestions of good-na tured advise r. M iss M a rgaret Levinson, was to in­clude new layouts, mo re pictures, a nd to fol­low the Old E ng lish t hem e . . . A nd now staff m emb er<> submi t t heir fi ni shed creation for t h e

approval of you students and the Renegade Knig ht .. . in spira tion fo r your year-book 's theme and state ly symbol of those clays when k nig ht hood was in flowe r

May h e in regal manner how, ap­proving ly to t hese work ers, w ho have a ttempt ed t o produce a t rue p icture of you and your campus acti viti es . . .

Struggling \Yi t h t h e business end of the publication \\"ere faithful foreve r J oe A ngeles, business m a nager, a nd his assistants, especia lly st a r salesm en E d Bak er and A rthur Johnson . ..

l\Tiss Margaret Levinson, adviser

Page 58: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook


Editor Hope Cutland

Assistant Editors Harold Kelley Muriel J ean Cook

Gradu::ttion Editor Amelia Miller

Sports Editor Freel Mulroy

Asst. Sports Editor Jerrie Flemming. Jr.

Graclua tion Activities Editor

Minnie Lee \t\'arnock Art Editor

Gene Smith Feature E ditor s

Beth ·wharton Tony R eid

Journalistic Editors Betty Loudon Amelia Hopkins J osephine Fanucclti Frances Thaddeus Edith Baker

Snap Editor Dave \tVeaver

Typi st s Edith Harris Ruth I saacs

Pt:blica tion Photographers

Winnie Hand Paul Collins Mr. Balcl\\·in


\!Vinnie Hanel, Mr. BalchYin, Paul Collin s

Joe Garone, Arthur Johnson. Joe Angeles, Josephine Fanucchi Glenn Siemon, Monroe Homer, Bill Pollock, Ed Baker

Page 59: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook



'.1t? IP revolution ~\. and Rip evo­lution ... Story of \\'hat \\·cnt ot; in the progress and activities of the college ne,,· spa­per, that journal­istic model, the Renegade R i p , this year .. .

Edith Baker, first semester editor

OverthrO\Ying of the dirt column. and the old masthead for a new Old English one with Renegade Knight in background. and the spot­ting of Headlines of the \i\Teek in place of a comment column on the front page ... all these were outcomes of the grand revolution ... But the evolutionary changes were even greater in number, with press cards, a bulle­tin board, monthly staff meetings, standing second and third page heads all being ven­ttu·ecl or installed the spring semester ...

Dave vVea ver, second semester editor

Standing: Ella Toy, Josephine Fanucchi, Jerrie Fleming. Elizabeth \iVharton. Amelia Hopkins. Tom Boyd

Seated: Jim lVIcDonalcl, Truett Bunch

Page 60: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook


M iss Margaret Levinson

Standing: J a m es L ive rs, Glenn Siemon,

'ij}: \11/AS m ostly throug h the efforts o f ene rgetic Editor Dave \1\Teaver . . . \Yhose hear t belonged to the

Rip . . . a nd to Edith Ba ke r, g racious edito r of th e sheet in the fa ll. tha t t he cha nges were broug ht abou t .. . An extra big ''byl ine" should be attributed a lso to M iss Margaret L evinson, w hose g ood humor and sam e flavo r advice were grea t ly apprecia t ed by t hese devotees of jou rna lism .. .

Hand ling the ads a nd m a king sheckles fo r the publi cation were J oe Garone, bus­iness manager . and ass istants Charles ;\ilorgan a nd Clair Frazie r fo r the fall , and Joe Angeles a nd his a ssistant Tom 13oyc1. in th e spring .. .


Advise1·, }..fiss Levinson FALL

E dith Baker D ave \Vca ver E lla Toy Elizabeth W ha r ton Anthony .R eid ] errie Fleming, J r Fred .\1ulroy

E ditor Asst. Editor Copy Editor Excg . Ed itor

Feature Editor Sports E ditor

A sst. Sports E ditors

Art. Editor Soc. E ditor

A sst. Soc. E el.


Dave \~lea ver Fred Mulroy

Ella Toy :Monroe H omer Tim McDonald

Jerrie Fleming, Jr. Glenn Siemon

Leslie I-Ierndon Gene Smith

Josephine Fanucchi Elizabeth \Vharton

Fred M ulro \· a nd Dave vVeaver, assistant ed ito r a nd edito r


Fall semester : F rances Delfi no, Josephine Fanucchi, Thelma H ess,

Seated :

Bob H igley, Betty Loudon, Amelia Hopkins, Charles Morgan, A rtie Tisdail, Elizabeth Wharton, Jack V iles, Howard Bennett, W illia m Guddal, Merlin P etit

Spring sem ester: Lawrence Baldwin, Truett B unch Fred Con ley, Amelia Hopkins, James L ivers, Veda Jones, Charles Morgan Tony R eid, Art ie T isdai l

Charles M organ . l\I erlin P etit . A r t ie T isdail, Freel Conley

La \vrence Bald win

Page 61: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

1fl' nrruntrn 'if2 EST season's record to be achieved by a Bakersfield Junior . College ~ squad of the last three years ... quote Mr. Leonard McKaig, local forensics coach, concerning this year's speech activities .. .

The first places were collected right off the bat in the first major tourna ­ment, that of the \'\'estern ssociation of Teachers of Speech, at Stockton during Thanksgiving week ... Florence McKaig and Edith Baker placed first in \i\Tomen's Extempore .. .

At the Pomona Im·itational Tournament January 11-13, Florence McKaig and Edith Baker heaped more laurels on themselves and their squad by placing second in \IV omen's Debate; and Kenneth Has tin placed in that same position in Men's Extempore ...

The bril liant squad was again victorious in debate at the College of Pacific Lower Division Tournament February 8-10, when Edith Baker and Ken­neth Hastin won seven out of eight rounds of men's debate, and two other teams won six of eight to tie for third place ...

At the L. A. C. C. Invitational February 29, March 1 and 2, Frances Thad­deus was second in Oratorical Declamation; three third places were also gathered by the squad . ..

In grand style the squad returned victorious from the Phi Rho Pi Tourney a t U. S. C., March 8 and 9, when \ \falter Le\Yis copped first place in Men's Extempore; Edith Baker in Women's Extempore; and Florence l\IcKaig in \Nomen's Oratory ... Kenneth Hastin and Walter Lewis placed second in Men's Debate.

Members of the '39-'40 squad were excellently coached by conservative, bespectacled Mr. McKaig and chaperoned many times by l\Iiss Julia Stankey ...

Following is the squad roll, from \\·hich the fi r st three names will be absent next year : Edith Baker, Henry Bianchi, Bill Hamilton, Kenneth Hastin, Walter Lewis, John Schutz, Frances Thaddeus, Truett Bunch, Jim Cham­bers, A lbert Lewis, Florence McKaig, Alice Saecker . ..

Bill Hami lton, Henry Bianchi, Kenneth Has tin, Edith Baker, John Schutz, Truett Bunch, Florence M cKai o· Al . s O' Ice aecker, A lbert Lewis, Frances Thaddeus

Mr. McKaig. coach

Page 62: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

':iFf AVING been proclaimed the leading chapter of its kind in the nation, cr'- Phi Rho Pi, honorary fratemity for the college's masters of speech, is an excellent indication that B. ] . C. was tops in the realm of debate this year ...

And something novel about the o1·ganization: Kenneth Has tin, president of the loquacity lovers, was elected and held his office for six months before he was ever a member; was initiated at ceremonies along with other ''newies" at the end of said term ...


Adviser, Mr. Leonard McKaig


Kenneth Hastin John Schutz Edith Baker Henry Bianchi

President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer Sergeant-at-Arms


March-Initiation of members in home of Miss Julia Stankey, former Phi Rho Pi member

l\lay- Annual picnic l\J arch-Attended Phi Rho Pi Province Tournament at University of Southern

Califoruia ... winning three ftrst places

Standing: Truett Bunch. Henry Bianchi, Kenneth Has tin, John Schutz, vValter Lewis

Sitting: Edith Baker, Florence McKaig, Frances Thaddeus

Page 63: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook


"Art for Art's Sake'' Left to right: Frank 1\I cXaughton. Director Rob­

inson, Jayne Lingwood. Paul Combs, Jeanne Thomas, A rthur Sargent, Ardis Davies


L eading lady

Irene Imbler

in di recting , acting, and staging, \\·as thi s

year's student body play,


Smiling Tony Reid

Page 64: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

Act 1. Scene II. left to right

Elizabeth \Vharton, Paul Gilmore, Tony Reid, Delia Payden


The Duke Floors Her

Tony Reid, John \iVatson, Jayne Lingwood, Jeanne Thomas, Arthur Sargent.

Paul Combs, Ardis Davies, Frank McNaughton

Act III. Scene I

Nancy Skaggs, Donald Graves, Paul Combs, Tony Reid, Geraldine Batson,

Irene Imbler, Jeanne Thomas

Page 65: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

Adviser, Miss Robin son

1llrlta Jni ®mrga 'lt? ETURNING to the bygone clays of buckled ~\. shoes and pmnlerecl wigs through plot of the student body production "Berkeley Square," six members of the cast nevertheless took a long stride into the future by gaining membership into the Delta Psi Omega hon­orary dramatic fraternity. Thus the little group. presided over by Actress Gerry Bat­son, welcomed into their midst ",ye six" ... Delia Payden, Paul Combs, Frank l\IcKaugh­ton, Jeanne Thomas, Irene Imbler, and Don­ald Graves ... for after-play parties, and monthly semi-social meetings, at which short plays (usually concert style) were presented.


Geraldine Batson Anthony Reid Nancy Skaggs

President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer


"Poor Old Jim"-October 6 Assembly "Goodnight, Caroline"

Miss Ethel Robinson, adviser

Seated: Nancy Skaggs, Frances Thaddeus, Gerry Batson, Jayne Lingwood

Standing·: Paul Gilmore, Miss Robinson, Tony Reid

Page 66: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

l\sanriuteb .11en ~tubtnta --1 \

Herb Shively. Pres., and Ronald Newman, Vice Pres.

Mr. Theron Taber, adviser

1:\ RMED with "let me at it" appetites and C' " student body cards, members of the A . M. S. (plus guests) were again this spring let loose on a barbecue feed; but a ll year the or­ganization, in collaboration with the Varsity

Club, sponsored dances, shindigs, etc., and climaxed all these with its annual barn dance ...

Herb Shively \\'as chosen as a prexy by this representative of masculine Beejayceers, through ,,·hich freshman men can more easily get right into the swing of college activities .

FALL Herbert Shively Ronald Newman Jack Viles Curtis Mecham


President Vice President

Secretary Sergeant-at-Arms


Dance \Yith Varsity Club Christmas Assembly Speaker from Coast Guard

SPRING Herbert Shively Ronald Newman Jack Viles Curtis Mecham

Sponsored Tnterclass Track Meet Annual Associated l\len Students' Stag

Page 67: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

· Annnrtutr~ llnmru ~tu~ruts

Sitting: DorothY Bassett. Velda Green. Elvera Voth. Bar­bara J:>ermet;ter. Dorothy Burke, Jane Roebuck, Mrs. Sargent

Standing: Ella Toy, Cecilia Rodriguez, Martha Lee ~Iyers. Jean Burns

"<Jf GOT HJl\II, GALS!" \Yas the Daisy May \\·ar CO cry early this spring when the Associated

Women Students sponsored the female-date Sadie Hawkins Hop ... declared THE success of the year because students rehashed for such a long time the fun they'd had. and also because the or­ganization pocketed half a hundred smackers ... \Vith Evelyn Van vVy as president, the g roup gave their annual teas; made and sold Joe Renegades and pom-poms; sponsored modern dancing classes, and a fall cla nee using as a theme two 6' 4" J oe Renegade replicas ...

Oct. Dec. Feb. l\la r.


:\liss Emily Edgar 1\Irs. Lennice Eyraud 1\Ir. E. B. Enns ~Iiss Beth Dye

1\lar. Conference for Officers at l\Jodesto

l\Irs. Sargent, adviser

Evelyn Van \Vy, 1'res.


Page 68: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

Associated \Nomen Student girls decoration of goal post

. \ :o:ia'.ecl Y1·o ·ne:1

S,udcnt s " Fro~;h-Soph

Party'' ·

Annnrtatr~ llnmru ~tu~rutn


Evelyn Van Vvy V elcla Green Barbara Permenter Frances 'Wilkerson Cecilia Rodriguez Jane Roebuck l\la rtha Lee l\f yers Dorothy Burke E lvera Voth Dorothy Goertz Jean Burns Ella Toy

l J

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Publicity Chairman Program Chairman Asst. Prog. Chairman



Sept. Oct. Nov.

Freshmen Hair-ribbons ... K id Party Joe Renegades ... Pom-poms Football Dance After Riverside Game

Nov. Dancin g Class to May Feb. Sadie Hawkin's Day and Dance Mar. to May Teas ... Colleges and Mother

.Associa led V\ ' om en Students absorb aesthetics

from l\Irs. Eyraucl at art lecture

Page 69: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

First row: Dave \Veaver, Arthur Sargent. Don Hopper, Arthur Johnson, Ronald Newman, Mr. E11·ert (adviser), Thurman Stephens, Hugh Ellsaes­ser, Bill Pollock

Second rO\\. : Paul Collins, Harold Kelley, Gerald Ladd, Lee Rogers, Otis Mitchell, Dewey Girard

Third row: Robert Mahin, Kenneth Hastin, Don Smiley, Monroe Homer Fourth row: Walter Lewis, Luther Goodwin, Karl Thurber Fifth row, standing: Joe Garone, Norman Do\\·, Joe Angeles, Fred Mulroy,

Pat Franey, Herbert Shively, Howard Shively

<QJ:: HE chosen ones are these Renegade Knights and fine representatives of the best Beejaysee has to offer ... lVIen of honor and service, led by

Arthur Johnson in the fall and Joe Garone in the spring, the group strove as always to accomplish beneficial deeds for the college by arranging for student committees to \\·elcome visiting athletic teams; by formulating plans for obtaining a student congregating room and benches for lawns ; by strengthening their campaign for the closing of ".F" Street ...

l\J r. E11·ert, adviser

SPRil\G Arthur Johnson Pat Franey Mr. E11ert


President Secretary Adviser

FALL Joe Garone Lee Rogers Mr. Ewert

ACTIVITIES AND PROJECTS Reception committee to receive visiting teams Group study room Closing of F Street Promotion of benches on grounds for students Ushering at Fashion Show

Page 70: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

Sitting. first row: Daisy Gloeckler, Barbara Bunting, Frances Thaddeus, Virginia Gibson

Sitting, second row: Pat Lucas. Frances Delfino, Mrs. Sargent, Hope Cutland, Evelyn Van 'vVy

Standing, third row: Ella Toy, Frances Grothaus, Frances ·Wilkerson, Edith Harris, Velda Green, Lois Fike, Cecilia Rodriquez, Winnie Hanel, Elna Rupp

Standing, fourth row: Irene Imbler, Betty Taylor, 1\Iinnie Lee Warnock, Elvira Voth, Maybelle Garing, Barbara Permenter

<(!j)-IESE maidens, chosen on the basis of scholarship and leadership as mem-bers of the exclusive women's service organization, Lance and Shield,

exerted their worthy influence on the student body again this year ...

Setting their excellent example, the women attempted to place interested freshman girls on various committees where they might become active in school affairs. selected these ne\Y members: Maybelle Garing, Daisy Glock­ler, Irene Imbler, Cecilia Rodriguez, Frances Thaddeus, and Elvira Voth ...


Hope Cutland Frances Delfino


President Secretary

;\d viser. Mrs. Sargent

·November December January February March

Monthly discussion meeting Monthly discussion meeting Election of ne,,· members Monthly discussion meeting Assist "·ith High School-Junior


May June

College Fashion Sho" Assisted with Associ a ted \t\' omen

Students' teas for \\·omen trans ­fer students

E lection of members for 19-J.0--+1 Formal initiati on of ne\\· member s

Page 71: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

First row: Lois Cremer. Edith Baker, Cecilia l{odriguez. Francis Delfino. Delia Payden, Dorothy Burke, ·Yvonne Loustalot

Second row: Louella Dahl, Alice Saecker, June Hannah, Virg-inia Gibson, Dorothy Goertz, Ardis Davies

Third row: Charles Avery. Elvera Voth, Maybelle Garring, Minnie Lee, Warnock. Amelia Hopkins, Betty Loudon.

Fourth row: 1\obuyuki Kawata, Delbert \i\Tong. Ralph Carnahan. John Kim. Bernard Shay, Paul Kliewer

Standing: Thurman Stephens. Elmer Unrum. Arties Tisdail. Kenneth J--:Iasting. Albert Villard, Don Rreitinger, Jim Caldwell. Elmer Dahl, Jacl~ Garner, Truett Bunch. Paul Combs. Merwin Shirmer. John Eaton. Ronald 1'\e\\·man, Glenn Siemon, Pat Franey, Hugh Ellsaesser, David Gardner, Arthur Johnson, Mr. Young

')f NCREASED one-fourth its original size! ... Membership roll of Alpha cV Gamma Sigma, (Bakersfield branch of the California J . C. Honor Society). and either of t\\O reasons might be attributed to the increase: 1. grades are easier or 2. Beejayceers are getting smarter ... But a side from this unexplained swelling of the roll, the group were fortu­na t e to be able to send a very great number of representatives (by school bus this year) to the state convention held April 13 in Glendale .

OFFICERS Adviser. Mr. Robert Young

FALL SEM .ESTER SPRING SE-HESTER Pat Frane\· President \tValter Lewis Frances Thaddeus Vice President Edith Baker Theresa Perry Secretary Delbert \tVong Kenneth I~astin Treasurer Thurman Stephens

ACTfVTTIES Meeting \\·ith ~'vlr. ] ere King. ;·peaking on ''Impressions

of Germany" Christmas p~rty in Ludden Hall Bungalow Delegation to Alpha Gamma Sigma Convention in Pasa­

dena. April 13

Page 72: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

1£ ifrrs Qllub

Left table: Frances Chambers, Alice Beauchamp, Virginia Starkey, Bob Durr, Beth Wharton, Virginia Clausen

Second table, seated: Harry Bergman, Jack Hannaman, Elden McDanel, Bill Van Sandt, Jack Garriot, Ellsworth Cannon, Bob Booth, Loren Yoth, Jean Bertolette, Thurman Stephens

Standing: Wonsoon Park, Marvin Cramer, John Taylor, l\Iarvin Barton, Bob Hannagan, Bob Stockton, Luther Goodwin, Ralph Carnahan

7 {JIFERS are not necessarily loafers! ... r Proved this year by these "indefinite" J ayceers, \Yho besides making the parkings more attractive through personal decoration, sponsored the post-Taft-game dance (then used proceeds for an exclus' whing clinger of their own); promoted (mostly through L. Butterfield) school spirit . .. Popularity of organization ... according to Loren Voth (fall) and Thurman Stephens (spring). Grand Viziers ... lies in the fact that Lifers have so much time to get acquainted ...

FIRST SEMESTER Loren Voth Paul Siemon Catherine Curran Luke Johnson


President Vice-President

Secretary-Treasurer Sergeant-a t-Anns


SECO?\D SEMESTER Thurman Stephens

Bill Hamilton Beth \Vharton

Bob Durr

Dance after Taft game ... ''Lifers' Brawl," Boys' gym. "Lifers' tea party," at Boy Scout Reservation after finals Spaghetti dinner ... dancing Dance at East Bakersfield High School Gymnasium

Page 73: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

~tu~rut (!!qrtattau 1\nnnrtattnu Back row : J.VIiss Parmenter, lVIr. Robertson, \Villiam Dickenson. Jack Garriott, Roy Farnsworth, Leon Moynier, Dewey Girard, Perry Johnson. Gene Bertolette

Front row: Edith Harris. Mary Opal Burns, Patricia Hall,

Evelyn Van Vvy, Virginia Gibson, Don Smiley, Velda Green, Dorothy Burke, Bararba Permenter

MoT in the least the "Sad Case Association" as was jokingly called by c'-''~ someone, the S. C. A., under the leadership of one, smiling Don Smiley, successfully weathered its first full year of existence, having been formed last spring through the combining of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. vV. C. A. ... Highlight social activities ... a strenuous Finnish Relief Fund drive and a snow party, and because it's a social group with appetitious members, kick­off banquets and an Easter breakfast.

Roseltha Humphrey, Edith Harris, Dorothy Burke, Milton Brock, Evelyn Van Wy, Don Smiley, Mr. Sagen, Barbara Permenter, Velda Green, Jack Garriott, Virginia Gibson

Page 74: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

~tu~rut Qll]rtattau Asnnrtattnu Back row: Bill Hamilton, Achilles Poulogianis, George Sagen,

Milton Brock, Bob Higley, Bill Harmon, Ed Baker, Alice Dodson, Thelma Hall, Truett Bunch

Front row: Lois Fike, Veda Jones, Frances Wilkerson, Amelia Miller,

Arthur Johnson, I3i11 Guddal, Roseltha Humphrey, Ardis Davies, Virginia Clausen, Virginia Adams

OFFICERS Advisers: G. Sagen, H. B. Robertson, Lucille Parmenter

Don Smiley Virginia Gibson Velda Green Jack Garriott Barbara Permenter Evelyn Van Wy Edith Harris Dorothy Burke, Milton Brock

President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Social Chairman Publicity Chairman Program Chairman Freshmen Representatives


September October October December February March



"Frosh Meet Soph" '"Kick Off" Banquet Induction Ceremony Christmas Food Drive .Finnish Relief Drive Easter Service at Arvin

lVIigratory Camp S. C. A Conference

at Sequoia Farewell Banquet

l\lr. Robertson and

l\11 r. Sagen, advisers

Page 75: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

1£t Q.lerrlr ~ruuraia

Bottom row : Mary K . O'Hare, F ra nces Delfi no, Ardis Davies, Delia Payden. J osephine

Fanucch i, Nancy Skaggs, Violet F ra nz, J ean Kettleman, Alva Digier, F rances T haddeus, E lla Toy

Second ro\\', kneeling : Evelyn Bell, F rances \ iVilkerson, Ma rgaret T haddeus, E leanor H a nawalt,

Theresa Perry, Edith Baker, Dorothy Dugan, Betty U nder wood Top row, standing: M ike Audap, Aug ust A riey, Jack Leddy, Bob H igley, Paul Kliewer. R icha rd

Stotts, Leon Moy ni er, A rthur Sargent, ·w illia m Guddal, H ug h E lsaesser, Herbert Shively

:!Jlf{ AI S OUI , they were "gourmet s" 1n t rue F rench sty le, t hese m embers c:!! of Le Cercle Francais, fo r they were choosy about \\·hat to eat a nd a t e a nd ate fo r the joy of eating . .. a nd o ft en. too, especia ll y t he fi rst semester ... at w hi ch tim e Ar thnr Sargent ,,·as p rexy . . . Some of "that " accumulated in t he fa ll \\·as no doub t worked off in t he spring, ho\\·ever, w hen ... unde r athl etic l\I ike Auclap's leadership ... more st renuous activ ities such a s bowling and skat ing \\'ere p rovided.


Arthur Sargent Alva Dig ier Frances W ilker son F rances Delfi no Jeanne E llerd


P resident Vice-President

Secretar v-T reasurer Prog-ran; Cha irman P ublicity Cha irman


]\[ike Audap Alva Dig ier

Mary Kathryn O'Ha re F rances Delfino


November J anuary



A pot luck supper in cafete ria . .. Miss E m ily Edgar showed pictures of F rance A French and German Club dinne r dance in faculty lunch room Mid-semester bm\'l ing party \Yit h refreshments at home of of Miss F ranz A weiner roast A fo rmal dinner da nce concluclecl the year's act1v1t1es Cake sales were prominen t throug hout t he year

Page 76: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

.. irr irutnrqr 1tfrrttu

~ CH! Variety is the spice of life; fun for all, and all for fun; fellowship C \ among German students; fostering of interest in German culture ... purposes, slogans. and what have you for Der Deutsche Verein, local clan ... Said group's social cutaways included ... skating, eating, bowling (at which Delano men amazed all by their skill!) ... a picnic at Kern River Park, parties at various members' homes.

Host for fall semester activities was President Everett Shafer ... for the spring semester, Larry Butterfield ...

FIRST SEMESTER Everett Shafer Larry Butterfield Peggy Byers Miss Schafer

October 1\ovember December February March March April May


President Vice President

Secretary Adviser

ACTIVITIES Potluck supper

SECO:\TD SEMESTER Larry Butterfield Howard Bennett Peggy Byers Miss Schafer

Skating party and chow mein feed Dinner with French club Bowling Talk by Mr. Jere King Carel party German movies J 'icnic

Standing: Walter Lewis, Jake Unruh, Lorin Voth, Lary Butterfield, Donald Johnson, Joe Davis, Bernard Shay, Harold Kelley, Leland Mc­Cormick, \\Tillis Zumwalt, Emanuel Hodel, Jack Hannaman

Kneeling: Arthur Johnson, Howard Bennett, Walter Tatsuno, Nobiyuki Kawata, Marion Becking, Hugh Ellsaesser, Ellsworth Cannon, Ray Duerksen

Seated: Amelia Miller, Martha Nicely , Helen Kelly, Nancy Skaggs, Miss Schafer, Peggy Byers, Bill Lovitt

Page 77: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

illamrra Qllub

:(9 O~~G ne'~'; big thing.s par excellence .. ; ~har~c~e,~ sketch of. this year's c-' snappy Camera Club ... Headed hy 'p1ctunn Paul Coll111 s as pres­ident and Mr. Paul Baldwin as adviser. the hobbyists: organized the third floor in the Science Building into a "·ell-equipped darkroom: formed a new section in the club itself ... the Publication Photographers group ... undertook individual projects in various fields ...

OFFICERS Adviser, Mr. Baldwin

Paul Collins Karl Thurber Esther Foley

President Vice President Secretary

Glenn Siemon, Bernard Shay, Karl Thurber, Joe Garone Mary Kathryn O'Hare, ·winnie Hanel, Esther Foley, Bernice Eckhardt,

Page 78: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

fxprrtmrutrrs QTlub ':i9EVOTEES to the test tube and slide-rule, members of the Experimenters c--" Club celebrated their organization's first birthday last fall ... Under Presidents Charles Avery (fall) and Bernard Shay (spring), the ex­perimenters, besides conducting individual experiments, enjoyed social activ i­ties ... theater parties, cho\Y mein feeds, bowling parties,, and jaunts to Adviser Sagen's mountain cabin ...

Top row: Elmer Dahl, Clark \iViedmann, vVilliam Roe, Louis vVilson, James Livers, Front rO\\": Hugh Ellsaesser, Charles Avery, Bernard Shay,

Ralph Carnahan, George Sagen, De\Yey Girard

fngturtrn Qllub We, the members of the Associated Engineers, telligence and social status of the engineer-

intending to further the in-

ing students of B. J. C. do hereby adopt this constitution.

Standing: vVarren Carter John Eaton 13i11 Harman Paul Combs Honald Newman Don Crum Leland Bingham i\Iarvi n McDonald Kneeling: Jack Rice Bob Mahin John Kim De\\·ey Girard Lee I~oge1·s Don Peaslee Sitting: Donald Hopper Charles Avery l\1. A. Buckle\· Marvin Hort Jerry La<l<l Howard Shively

Page 79: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

]larnity Q.tlub

Left to right, starting at bottom: Jim McDonald. Glenn Siemon, Elden McDanel, Howard Shively, Ellsworth Cannon, Marion Sullivan, Herbert Shively ·

Second row: Claude Ford, Mike Janzen, Bill Hayes, Loren Voth, Arthur Johnson

Third row: Ronald Newman, Richard Mohr, Bob Deane, Joe Angeles, Scotty Hodges

Fourth row: Jerrie Fleming, Tom Fugii, Bob Zuercher, Monroe Homer Top row: I van Osborne, Bill Pollock, Harold Gerrish

'QJHESE creatures of Darwin's theory ... evidences of the survival of the fittest . . . athletic members of the Varsity Club continue as always

to be the symbol of sportsmanship in the college ... Gavel wielders were Bill Pollock (fall) and Harold Gerrish (spring); both contributed to the success of several dances and a snow party ... an exclu­sive bra,,·[ for the men of brawn ...


Barn Dance Regular Dance Snow Party Hick Dance Barbecue Annual A M. S. Picnic Annual Hick Dance

Mr. Taber, adviser

Page 80: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

llnmru's Atqlrtir Assnriatinu

Standing: Mary Martin, l\fargrith Tobler, Martha Nicely, J o Fannuchi, Roberta Shurban, Betty l\Iassey. Esther Foley

Seated at desk: Grace Rosetta; Miss Cowart, adviser

WRIPLE-V gals! vVho else but the vigorous, vim-filled, vital Vv. A. A. members, who this

year besides having their usual seven major sports tournaments, added to their interests five new recreational activities, among which was an excel­lent recreational afternoon ...

Social feeds were international affairs, with everything from chow mein to tamales being enjoyed by the Amazonian lassies, their president Mary Martin, and their adviser Miss Margaret Cowart ...

Standing: Virginia Gibson, Betty Massey, Virginia Adams, Margaret Whit­tig, Peggy Bain. Josephine Fanucchi, Mary Catherine Moffut, Angelina Fotis, Barbara Fillmore, Martha Nicely, Nadine Sepulveda, Lois Gil­lespie, Anne Guiney, M. Cowart

Kneeling: 1\oberta Shurban, Amelia Hopkins, Barbara Douglass, Lola vVhit­taker, Margrith Tobler, Pat Roux, Vivian Fore, Yvonne Loustalut, June Oxford, Esther Foley, Mary Martin, Florence Mohri

Page 81: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook


Top row: Truett Bunch, Leester jones, Marshall vVilliams, Robert Uurr. Second row: Paul Landry, Ross A nderson, E ugene Coleman, Curtis

Neidiffer, Floyd Stancliff:, Dale Smith Bottom row: Florence McKaig, Barbara Hessick, Leigh McFarland, Peggy

Ross, Anita Roberson

~ENDERING at its every perfo rmance brilliant presentations of superior ~\. orchestral music, the combined High School-Junior College orchestra named as highlight its annual concert on May 20 . .

Directed by capable music-maestro H. J. Burt, the group had as outstand­ing soloist Floyd Stancliff, flutist ...

FALL Francis Lee Peggy Ross H elen Bud :Maxine ~fcLain Edmund Bryant 'J'helma Hudson Belton Stahlecker


President Belton Stahlecker Vice President Glenn Cole

Secretary- Treasurer H elen Burt Historian -:\1 axine J\IcLain

Publicity J\Ianager Edmund Bryant Librarian -:\turiel Ashe :\1anager Dale Smith


E lks l\J emorial Service High School Play. "Fly . \\\'ay Home" \ \' elcome Banquet g iven fo r ne\Y citi-

zens (Little Symphony) Burns .r\nniver sary (Little Symphony)

Mr. Burt, Director

Page 82: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook


Drum majors: Charles Morgan, Ross Anderson Trombs: First rank: Bruce Landry, Melvin Wiebe, Arnold Combs Leester

Jones Saxs: Second rank: Eugene Coleman, Henry Kirkland, King Solomon,

Kenneth Craig Trumpets: Third rank: Belton Stahlecker, Ted Hand, Paul Kliewer,

Dale Smith Drums: Fourth rank: Paul Landry, Glen Cole, Emery Carter Clarinets: Fifth rank: Leland Brown, (horn), Don Mcintire, Vernon

Tucker. Marshall \iVilliams Tubas: Sixth rank: Chester Little (not shown), Barel Suverkrop

'11f ANFARE for the J. C. BAND! ... As enter­C'J tainers at home football games. the group with poised Drum l\Iajors Ross Anderson and Charles Morgan, head drum majorette high-stepping Bar­bara Hessick and her assistants. l-lary Louise Blair and Barbara \Vallace. presented many novel fea­tltres, supervised by .l\Jr. Call\Iueller of high school faculty ... Ye band also appeared at numerous pep rallies, and basketball games . . .






ACTIVITIES Long Beach vs. Bakersfield Frontier Days Parade Taft ]. C. vs. Bakersfield ]. C. l\TcFarland Concert East Bakersf1elcl High School Assembly Concert Pasadena Band Festival County l\Iusic Festival Long Beach Band Festival

Mr. Mueller, director

Page 83: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

A illapprlla illqnir

Joe Coleman

7{fl J. C.'s students of la voix, A Cap­~· pella Choir, led by gum-chewing maestro Ronald Clark, numbered from 55 to 60 memhe;-s this school session ... But with this conductor, and t\YO blondes for presidents (B:.trbara Bunt­ing. fall. and ~1arie Brigg>. spring), the organization had a busy. interest­ing time, enjoying during the last of March a state-wide conference in the south: Christmas-time caroling and so:ial gathering: cokes. cookies. and candy at Dr. T. L. Nelson's home on caroling night ...

First roll': Eunice Otto. A ran Ramse1·, Mary Etta Weatherred, Mary Frat;­ces Ober, Marie Driggs. Daisy Gloeckler, Doris Kelleher. FL1rence McKaig. Eloise Reynolds, Catherine McDonald, Barl>ara Bradford, Lorna McClure

Second row: \i\Tinifred Weibe, Patricia Hall, Hope Cutland, Margaret Vestry, Hildred l\lcCaully, Louise Fotheringham, Alice Saecker, Rosalee Hutchenson, Jean Scott. Alice Sedgley, Anita Robertson, Kay Mattly

Third row: Walter Brown, Elden McDonald, Ardis Davies, Mary Kathryn O'Hare, Dorothy Fitz­patrick, Elvera Voth, Elise McDonald, Juanita McFarland, Dorothy Sill, Virginia Clausen, Del­bert Olsen, Nelson Haag

Fourth ro,,·: Cecil Fox. Louis I3r0\n1, Truett Bunch, Joe Coleman. Bob Durr. Joe Davis, Albert Lewis, ~rayne Denning. \Villard Denning, Marvin

Cramer, At·thur

Johnson, Elwyn Rude, Philip


Page 84: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

i!\all t! (!lnmmtttr r

<')f 1\' the wide open spaces of cV the Elm Grove, students held their rip roarin' rallies un­der the sponsorship of Bec­jaysee's big-time rou se t· of school spirit. the Hally Com­mittee .

Besides arrangtng these pep rallies, the organization did all right for itself by distributing stickers. selling tire covers, making and re-making a bon­fire, c·ecuring a caravan of busses to the Taft basket­ball game, giving a hoe-clo\Yn barn dance ...

Rally Committee members Dave Weaver, Joe Garone. and Claim Ft·azier 111 action

at an assemly

Joe Garone and Dave vVeaver putting up victory banner

Joe Garone, Dave Weaver, Clair Frazier, Loren Voth

Page 85: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

~tubrut illnmmittre

Loren Voth, Dill Pollock, David Fanucchi, Charles Hay, Harold Gerrish

~ S YOUNG as the open air Elm Grove Theater, but g-oing to the other C' \. extremes in exclusiveness, the Student Committee made an outstanding debut last fall as a unit vYorking under the Rally Committee ... Club sketch: Prompted by action of Charlie Hay mostly and four other school-spirited men ... Hay first chairman .. . Harold Gerrish elected to position in spring: at same time consistent membership boosted from five to eig-ht students; functions chiefty to work up school spirit. aid J\.ally Committee .. .

Thurman Stephens and l\l e n1·iu Schirmer ""demonstrate·· u :;e of a clink to Freshie. Bob Ste11·art.

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... !\nn tlp~

i\rtiuity inarb

F ront row: Mary Martin, Hope Cutlancl, Gerry Batson,

Evelyn Van vV)' . Marie Brio-o·s bl:::>

_Second row: A rthur Johnson, A rthur Sargent. Kenneth Hastm, Bernard Shay

Standing: Herbert Shively. Thurman Stephens, Larry Butterfield, John Kim, Harold Gerrish, Loren Voth, Paul Collins, Vlalter Lewis

lrnl'oRKING cooperatively, despite the fact that all its members are the ~ presidentia l big shots of their own organizations, the Activity Board, presided over t radit ionally by t he student body second vice-president . . . Arthur Johnson this year ... accompl ished about 90 per cent of w hat it set out to do . .. Among the more significent "has clones" were: Sponsor­ship of a Sophomore clay and of a number of noon dances; initiation of the lively, informal Shindigs, held in the Girls' Gym; star t of a school activity scrapbook; issuance of permanent club charters, among which were four new ones for g roups helped in their organization by th e board .. .

ACTIVITY BOARD Chairman Secretary

A rt Johnson Evelyn Van '1-ly

Editor Scrap Book

] anuary February l\Iarch l\Iarch June

Art Sargent (1st semester) l\Iarie Briggs (2nd semester)


J. C. Shin-Dig . . . Girls' Gym Radio Program Student Body Skating Party Executive Council and Activity Board Dinner Sophomore Day


Page 87: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

1Jutrruattnual i!\rlattnun illlub

First row, left to right: Margaret Fitzgerald, Natalie Fitzgerald, Martha Lee Myers, Frances Thaddeus, Betty Jane Underwood, Betty Hay, Margaret Thaddeus. Elna Rupp, Irene Imbler

Second row: Hugh Ellsaesser, Cecil ia Rodr iguez, Betty Loudon, Amel ia Hopkins, Bob Stinson, Richard Stotts, W illiam Van Ewert, Maybelle Garing

Third row: Bill Hamilton, Kenneth Hastin, Mr. Jere King, Mr. J. W. Mc­Daniel, Emanuel Hodel, John Schutz, \ 'Valter Lewis, Mr. Jag-garcl

§pautnq illlub

Back rO\\.: Leo Shoemaker, Del ia Payclen, Hildrecl McCaulley, Margaret Bain, Bernard Shay

Front ro\Y: Margaret Whittig, Dorothy Burke, Martha Lee l\Iyers, Lois Marie Kellogg, Evelyn Van Wy

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I •I

. - ~ . '

~ I



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1J1lytug il(utgqts

Standing: Jack Hannaman, Major,

James Anderson. E. P . Burley. Francis Perry, Roy Pemberton. In­structor. Lee Rogers, F I i g h t Commander, Don McDonald, Don Hylton

Sitting: Karl Thurber. Dick Hat­

field , Hank- Mascot

Standing: Eel ?\Tewberrv, DeLosse

Poe, Amb;ose Robin­son, Harrison Shipman. Adjutant.Albert Moyes. Roy Gu nsolus, Robert Durr

Sitting: Quenton Baker, Joe Wag­

oner, Flight Com­mander, Les Buchner, Instructor. Jim Pur­baugh, Irvin Kraft

Standing: Don Johnson. Rav Guth­

ridge. Eel Chatfield. Gene Gerow. Inst ruc­tor, Bob Larson, Paul Kliel\'er

Sitting: Ray Duerksen. Flight

Commander, Marvin Cramer, Houston Vv'il­kerson , Ed Whittaker, Gene De Zan

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innk III

if(uigqt in tqr

frnttur qall

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A Poor Pilgrim's Progress 1. He gets a gleam in his eye

Bakersfield 1\'elcomes v.-ilcl \\·altzers at the first

dance of the year

"Frogs" eat frogs at French Club dinner

Meet the dummies - the professor' s at the right- problem: Find the hidden humans

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Beef t ru st breaks bread and a rches at F ootba ll Banquet

A l)oo r _Pilg rim' s Progres:-; 2. " Better be ready about half past

eig h t''

Student Ch ri stia n Association g tves induction ce remony

:\IcFarla ncl, the m a n w ith eig hteen ho les in h is golf pants, wows assem­bly crO\HL


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"Shades of Frank L. Baum''~the scarecrO\Y goes collegiate for the A. \V. S. dance after the Riverside game

Suspended animation at the Christmas Formal

Choirsters consume cokes and coneys

A Poor Pilgrim's Progress 3. ''Music hath charms~"

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Local yokelr_v cavorts midst alfalfa at A. M. S.­\'arsity Club dance

The epitom e of sloppi ness - that out-slopped genu m e S loppy-J oes

"Voulez-vous, may I have this next waltz w ith you?"

A Poor l)il grim's rrogress 4. He ventures forth all una11·arcs

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The burlap-babe. tired of clroopy-dra\nrs , thrmYs a quizzical glance full of evil in­tent at the man with the sawed-off pants ... and the chase is on at the Sadie Hawkins dance

Informal moments of relaxation on the patio of the vVoman's Club at the Christmas Sport Dance

Evans explains Nordic student life to A. W. S.

Executive councils gather to feed the outer man

A Poor Pilgrim's Progress 5. He mowed the lawn

twice for this

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-.. French and German clubs cline, with

ma lice tO\Yard none

After many hours of intensive study, the Lifers. honor scholastic society, relax at their semi-annual brawl

Habid rooters rally 'round Renegade ramblers to Long Beach

Genial jitter-bugs grasp chance to jive at noon cia nee

A Poor Pilgrim's Prog-ress 6. He's on the beam

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A Poor Pilgrim 's Progress 7. The last and the sweetest

Appearances are deceiving ... it's not a bust . . . it's all for clear charity

Activity Board metn bers re­ceive perpetual charters

After long months of giving their all. the Beef Trust gets theirs

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A Poor Pilgrim's Progress 8. And yet he's not pla-


Prominent young athletes ... out for a sizzling game of ping-pong

Gals who are going to Cal. take tea with the dean

Cosmopolite collegiana . happy, suave, ecstatic, and bored . . . and we won the

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innk IV

iKutgqt~ s qurst

fnr qnunr


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Games are won and lost in the locker room- the Col­lege's sole claim to fame in this respect is that its locker room s are small and crowded-ribald tales ring out after a victory, \\·ith a deeper silence after a loss­Scotty Hodges with his per­petual grin is also a "jive" dancer of some note- V er­non Gularte is probably the most ribbed player on the squad.

Gloom and glee after the Taft affair

~pnrt.a ~ THLETIC Commissioner Theron

C' " Taber. Controls strings on athletic money bags. Appointed Dean of Men in 1939 and really enjoys \York. First love is mathematics; handles courses in analy­tic geometry and related subjects. Al­ways fighting for minor sports, he made it possible to continue track and base­ball when receipts dwindled. Beloved by all students. '·Tahe" is a tradition on the campus. Knows everyone and everyone knows him. Drives a '40 Pontiac, for a good reason. Presides over barbecue pit in his backyard , if not off on a trip.

Captain Curtis Mecham

Curtis .Mecham, outstanding player on the Renegade squad this season-a local boy and a natural for football-is now enrolled in University of Oregon- played nearly sixty minutes in every game-beard on Mecham is not a customed thing-beloved Frontier Days was upon us then and Curt was in the swim­every man on the squad had a beard-served to scare off opponents on the line.

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~pnrta ~ EAD Coach ~Wallace ''J ack Frost " . .. Now begim: ing r seventh year a t college ... Sm ce he re has g utded five cha mpionship foo tba ll team s and cha mpionship bask etball team s .. . F ros t b eli eves in th e modified 1\otre Dam e syst em as played by t he Renegades

J ohn " Bu tch" Cly me r ... Baseball m ento r extraor­dina ry . . . J ohn trains footba ll backfi elds a nd di ­rect s baseball ac ti vities. Gives reason fo r err a t ic baseba ll squads in this locale as b eing lack of ex­perience : too fe w schools have t eam s close by; too expensive to t ravel . .. Vlould rather play base­ba ll a nd s11·im tha n 'most a ny thing ...

I-Jead Coach F rost

Coach Cly m er

S ta n fo rd sen t u s Don Robesky, A ll-Am e ri can, to g uide the lin e ... Because coaching is not t he hig hest paid pro­fess ion, Don pound s a n occasiona l history lesson into students \1· ho enter hi s classes . .. T ries t o S\Yeat off excess bulk by a strenuous round of handball a nd S\Yim­ming .. . I s amazing ly good a t a ll sports . ..

Coach Robesky

Uni ve rsity of Califo rnia a t Berkeley lost a good man 11·hen P e rc Bliss gradu ­ated . . . I n addi t ion to schooling t rackmen, does odd jobs during foo tba ll season such as ''taping

Coach Bliss

sm elly J C playe rs' an­kles" .. . Leisure acti v i­t ies include being Com­m a nda nt of Cadets, and all spor ts .. . \Nould rather watch hi s two kids g row up tha n a ny thing . ..

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Yell leaders F::tnucchi and ::.\1cCormac

.tlltT ARKET owner and em­~.41-l baltner ... Future oc­cupations of two of the most spirited cheer leaders ever seen by the Coll ege ... David Fan­ucchi and Keith McCormac ... True examples of what school spirit should be ... Seen every­\\·here and anvwhere that our teams \Yent . -.. Traveled by bus, by train, and by thumb ... vVhen you met them in a foreign town you knew that Bakersfield had arrived ... Both are products of this lo­cality ... Dave is a three-year man and Keith will be ... Taft rooters shaved Fanucchi's head when he attempted to burn their rally fire ... Have been accused, at various times, of everything from malicious mis­chief to murder. The Campus will long remember Fanucchi, '38, '39, '40

llllJ A VING the pompoms proved too much for Mae La Verne Miller ... ~ Dropped out when football ended ... Song leaders Margaret Van Meter and Peggy l3ain thrived in the superheated atmosphere of rallies and games ... vVaved brilliant, flashing pom-poms with gay abandon The students still wouldn't sing ... Girls had a swell time trying ... The College likes Van Meter, Bain, and Miller ... They're swell!

Song leaders Van Meter, Miller, and Bain

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~upport for tqr IDram

Long Beach Ra ll y

71!1 AKERSFIELD chose Santa Fe streamliners to travel in thi s yea r ... This c=a \\·as a send-off rally before taking off fo r Long Beach ...

Popular Barbara Hessick d irects College Drum Majorettes for training re­cruits ...

Al\\·ays important to any footba ll tilt is a chainman ... the college secured at cost. Ed Barbosa . veteran of many games \Yith the gridders ...

:\lajorette Hessick Lineman Barbosa

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Robesky and Bray. Fugii. Gularte. Shively. Newman, Pollock, and Mohr, all linemen

lJ:1 ENEGADE lines are usually super ... Bray, Fugii, Gularte, Shively New­~\. man, Pollock, and Mohr held up the line positions admirably ... Genius behind the scenes was Don Robesky, line coach ... Super-power in the backfield . . . Shively, Gerrish, Mecham, and Me \Vhorter all played there ... Shively called signals for the season ... Guiding hand for the men was John Clymer, backfield coach ... Important to a squad are its man­agers ... Joe Angeles and Monroe Homer kept all in order ...

Clymer with stellar backfield ... Shively, Gerrish, Mecham. and McWhorter

Managers Homer and Angeles

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<(!J:HESE smiling mugs have been cut a nd bruised many a tim e during th e past season . .. w inning su-eak s a nd losing streak s provided source of

ma ny a n a rg u ment as to the m erits of t eam members . . . player s have hig h g rades during t he season. usua lly a re inelig ible aft e r t he end ma ny out of t o \Yner s commute by bus to hom es after practice . _ such is the love fOt- foo tball .. .

B et w een the halves ... F rost le ts the boys know w hat \\·a s done w rong o r rig ht .. . Players a re the cente r of a ttraction fo r admiring a udiences \1-ho gather around to \l-a t ch .. . coaches point out defect s in plays a nd t ell how t o combat opponent's plays ... "Doc" treats a ll abraisions during pe riod. keeps play ers in phys ical trim . ..

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Action \\'ith

7'l2 RILLIANT line attacks all but ~ smothered the Loyola Cubs in the season's grand opener ... A field goal


on the third do\Yn contributed three points and a touchdown added seven with the conversion to make a 10 to 0 score ... Miles Phipps has the pigskin in this pic, one of the thrilling parts of the tilt ...

Inspired running by Curt Mecham in the Long Beach clash resulted in 7 points for the Renegades, not quite enough to equal the 18 tallies set up by the powerful Vikings from the beach city ... Pictured is Mecham doing a 40 yard sprint in his touchdown parade . . .

Long Beach ees Mecham 111 action

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Dick Johnson goes over for a T. D. at Santa Monica

':i9 ICK JOH~SON led thi s attack on Santa Monica ... which attack was ~ of no avail , for th e southern Corsairs t rampled and knifed the Col-lege with a 14 to 6 tally ... again the lack of reserves led the sq uad to defeat in the last quarter ... actually ty ing t he score in the third period, the boys surged again to the goal line, only to have the score called back ... Johnson is just crossing the goal-line, after having run untouched through the Corsair line . .. Every playe r expects to he ca lled into the fray at a moment's notice ... such was the case at the Los Angeles Coll ege tilt, wherein the Cubs clawed us as deep as a 14 to 6 score ... brilliant punts by Mecham kept the southern men out of our territory for a part of the game, but not for long . .. that's

Glenn Siemon to your left, w ith Joe Lindsay giving advice to his mate near the center ...

Sideline strategists ley, Lindsay, Frost,

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Glendale end zone

Mecham shows Riverside his heels

"Butch" Bozeman, Gunga Din of Bakersfield

"Butch" Bozeman, glorified water boy . . . Carried this pressure fountain all over Southern California ... play­ers rret mountain spring ,,·ater donated

b . . by local firms ... Coffee 1s sometm1es served on a particularly cold night ... Plavers also suck lemons and oranges ~ .. Five gallons is the usual amount used by a College squad dur­ing an evening ... visiting teams are furnished with the usual bottles ... Jim l\IcDonald on "Butch's" right kept time for players . . . They all liked Jim ...

111nntball 71frvE completed passes in as many c:'J tosses ran up a record of some kind for the College footballers clur­the Glendale pushover . . . 14 to 7 told the tale of a favored Cowbov eleven that got lassoed by the 'Gade's and virtually hamstrung on the spot ... Glendale's fighting line gave the men no little trouble, but we were clown to the goal line seven times and cashed in twice during the evening ... Passing perfectly to Bray, Jim McvVhorter completed a memorable toss which netted 68 yards, thefirst at­tempt of the clash . . . midfield play seemed the vogue with most of the play being at that point ... The Cow­boys drove down to our 15 in the second quarter, but the injection of the first string removed the menace for the evening ... Second stringers against first stringers ... Such was the situation as the Ren­egades at last found their stride and overtook the Riverside Bengals . . . 12 to 6 read the score sheet when the final gun had sounded . . . Vernon Gularte practically made every tackle single-handed during the last half and proved his brilliance ... Frost sent in his second squad when Mr. Bengal, coach, sent in his first team ... The amazed Riverside mentor saw his pride and joys pushed all over the field ... Gerrish electrified the house with some eye-opening clashes in the first half ...

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Expecting a veritable massacre. 4200 freezing fans sat, "·atched and al­ternately cheered. and booed two mag­nificent teams end in a scoreless tie ... Taft against Bakersfield. Cougar against Renegade ... To our left are iVIecham and Garrett flipping a coin for the kickoff ... which preceded a mara­thon that gave Bakersfield 18 first downs and 350 yards of gained turf, while the Cougarmen grasped for 4 first downs and 95 yards ... lacking that something to put the ball over. the 'Gades slumbered on ... Pollock recovered a fumble on Taft's 9-yard line after iVlohr had punted to the 10 ... Line bucks and around the end runs ended in the \\·estsiders gain­ing possession of the ball . . . Maybe this score \\·a s Taft's punishment for firing our bonfire

Imported tweed drape hides Emest Dalbom, traditional announcer for all home games . . . ''Dal" injects subtle humor into his announcing ... The Col­lege does not own its own public ad­dress system so rents from a local firm ... Students who are familiar with the players spot for Dalbom ... "Dal's'' oft repeated, "Do not come into the play­ing field during half time' ' \\·ill forever linger in College students' memories ...

lFnntball ll LWAYS a big event before the tra­C \. ditional Taft game. a bonfire was built on the bluffs this year ... Faulty guarding allowed Taft to burn it once ... Huge rallie s preceded the burning, with a parade following up the hill . . . The first burning was highlighted by a trip to Taft in retribution, with the sub­sequent shaving of Fanucchi's head, and the consumption by flames of all the poker money in evidence when the raid­ers surprised the guards ...

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~ECOND place is not as good as first, but \Yhen that first place is taken by ~ a superior team one doesn't feel so bad ... Such was the situation in the valley basketball league ... Reedley J. C. walked off with the honors. but the 'Gades took the Taft Cougars twice in a row, 33-27, and 30 to 20 . . . College spectators during the season saw "Sully" Sullivan rise to fame. ''Bird Dog" Jones play thrilling basketball, they watched Bray, Fore!. Hayes, and Letterman execute a brilliant brand of casaba tossing .. . Schroeter \Yas small, but flashy ... eligibility laws ruled out many of the outstanding members. and sickness got the rest toward the end of the season ... Mike Audap, of Delano fame, entered the fray at this point and proved to be outstanding among· fellO\\' players ... Shipman. who does not appear in this picture, played admirably during the \Yhole season.

The five remaining stalwarts, Hayes. Auclap. Sullivan, and Ford. staved off defeat and brought the 'Gades back up the ladder to a second place position.

Sullivan. Shively. v\' ilson. Jones. Nutter. Ford. Hayes. Miller .. \udap. Shively. and Hannagan of the Renegade buck­eteers . .. Coast Frost directing

Frost points the \\·ay to the varsity

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7(fl ASKETBALL led us through a hectic season . . . Bill Hayes climbed ~ out of the chicken feed to ring up over 200 points for himself during the season . .. Portervi ll e licked the Frost cagers 42 to 38 in the north-erners' gym ... 37 to 34 again told the tale \Yhen "·e met Reedley and clashed \\·ith the classiest squad in the loop . .. this was the tenth game for the Renegades ... the next inter-con£. clash was \Yith the boys from Visalia ... They also walked off w ith the bacon \\·ith a three-point margin; the College had 33 and they had 36 ... nearly all the scores \\·ere within a few points of 11·inning ... It looked as though the locals just didn't have that last oomph! ... Number 13. San Luis Obispo, rolled around and landed on its lucky side, Bakersfield had \\·on by a margin of 35 to 23 ... This occasioned loud cheers on the campus . .. Taft was digit 16 on our list ... Traditional rivals met again on the floor . . . Hysterical crowds packed the Cougar gym ... The score see-sawed back and forth until Hayes and

Ford came through to clinch a 33-27 tally ... The Middle of the Con­ference shufAecl around w ith Porterville again

The worm had turned for the better and Bake r sfield tramped clown the court to sink basket after basket ... win­ning by t\YO points at 38-36 score ...

Audap drops one in \Yhile Ford does the fol low-up

~lapping a defense at the first Taft clash

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\\ '1)\ )~~~up


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Cal Poly ·Mustangs tangle w ith the 'Gades

Taft Cougars a\Yait the outcome of .Auclap's free toss

1J:? EEDLEY severely lacquered us again by leaving the 'Gades on the ~\. all too short end of a 44 to 17 score .. Twenty-three grueling tests had been passed, when along came Coalinga and nearly slipped up behind and overtook the boys ... Final report was Beejaycee 38, Coalinga 36 ... The comeback was in evidence by this time ... Visalia met a different squad this date, when the men jumped to a 10-point lead which they held until the final horn ... 43 to 33 ended the slaughter ... San Looie hadn't lost its jinx, evidently, for the Frostmen basketeered them all over the court ... Just another 46 to 34 victory ... Possibly the most interesting comt plaster of the entire season came as a result of the Taft clash ... Bands from both Colleges were blasting a\Yay in the tiny gym ... Cheer leaders were exultant ... Taft seemed sluggish and worn from a too strenuous schedule ... Slowly the 'Gades gained the tiller .. . 30 to 20 remained in the final score ... Thus ended the twenty-eighth game of the season ...

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O'Connor, \V uertly, and Bliss

Interclass Queen Pauly

Wrark ~PRING means track at the College

oC' athletic field ... Coach Perc Bliss dons his loosest clothes and begins his long sessions with the varsity squad ... A small turnout produces little in the way of championship groups, but Bliss produces a small gro_t1p of con­sistent performers ... Chet Wuertly was predicted to have great poten­tialities by the coach at the beginning of the season, transferring from Merced Hi, showed brilliance in the 880 ... Laurence O'Conner of the burly O'Connors, was rightly classed as the star performer for the Blissmen ...

Bakersfield prides itself on its distance men ... Emanuel Hodel bears out this pride ... wears glasses when running ... his blond mass of hair is a familiar sight around the campus ... Special­ized in the 2-mile, has broken all local and meet records by clicking off 11 :27 in an early season meet ...

Always following tradition, this year's Interclass Track and Field Day boasted a queen ... Barbara Pauly, elected by popular vote among the men ... Sat graciously under a blazing sun and pre­sented medals to the victors ... Eleven records were shattered during the Interclass ... Sad to relate, the Frosh took top honors ... 71 to 60 ...

Iron Man Hodel

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' ~--- ~---'-- ~""'-'-'''" __ ....... _ __.

Kneeling: Tinsley. Unruh, Lane, A. Johnson, L. l\liller, Himovitz, Doll Second Row: O'Connor, Janzen, Mohr, H ode!, Eberle, Tulk, Clausen,

Cameron, Rice Last Eow: Parkes. Mgr., Gi llette, D. Johnson, Stotts, 1\'[gr., :;\![cC!intock, B.

Miller, Baker, Asst. Mgr., and Coach, Bliss.

7f2 LISS edits the 'forty edition of the Varsity Track contingent ... twenty­~ fonr. all told . .. First clash was \\·ith Porterville ... 13 firsts out of 15 events \\·ent to the 'Gades .. . F irst appearance of Art Johnson in the quar­ter ...

\fike Janzen, just on top of hurtle. recently did obstacles in 15:4. not so slow around these parts .. . Is amazingly agile at the high jump, one fine leap being as high as 5 feet plus 11 good inches . ..

l\Iike Janzen \Villiam Dickinson

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88 to 42 didn't exactly mean victory for the College tracksmen when they journeyed to Long Beach for a quiet little rendezvous ... No, they expected fireworks and got the works . . . Just another mishap in the career of a trackman ... Mighty Lee Miller. running to­ward us on the right, is on the 440 lap of a med­ley relay ... in this particular jaunt, Lee fin­ished a good 20 yards out in front ... that's a Porterville man running a poor second .. . Breaking the tape, just in front of Dick Mohr, is Tony Rice, brilliant 440 man ... just a freshman, but with a long meteoric career be­hind him in the local high school ... 56 :3 was the time in this quarter ... later in the meet Rice led the frosh relay cinder-burners to a victory ... Art Johnson, just going over the bamboo below us here is classed as the athlete showing the greatest improvement on the field ... Art ran a consistent fast quarter, vaulted 12 ft. 3 in.

Art Johnson going over

Lee l\Iillcr

Tony Rice paces Mohr

Page 125: 1940 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

Battery Boys


(l}>:":::\TR:-\L California Junior Colleg-e Champions . . . 110\\. official title

of the Clymermen ... That's John to the right. shO\Ying ~utt and Bro\\'n just hO\\" to \\·ield the bat ... from their records. Nutt and BrO\Yn might easily sho\\· Coach himself just how to do it ... .An early season tilt sa\\. Coal­inga slugged oH the diamond as the boys collected 13 runs to the north­erners' zero ... In a later match, Reedley fell by the wayside \\·hen our college varsity collected nine in the first inning; \\"hen 18 runs had been recorded, the game was called off and Reedley went home . . . l\Ianagers Davidson and I-Iemdon \\·ere brilliant in their execution of the menial tasks of \\·atching after the players ... who can be seen gracing the lo\\'er reaches of the sheet ...

Varsity Men

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S{(j A TEST figures reveal that baseball r outdraws all other sports in rela­tion to paid attendance ... These fig­ures just missed the College, where baseball barely flickers when student participation is noted ... \Vith the first championship team since baseball w;ts reintroclucecl, the audiences have been mighty sparse . . . Gade baseballers are famous for the sneak and squeeze plays. one of which is pictured on the right ... That's Herndon wielding the rule-book ... Their first loss in their scheduled games \Yas with Cal Poly of San Luis ... Broke an amazmg winning streak ... had just trou need

Someone struck


Herndon calls


all over Coalinga with an overpo\Yer­ing tally .. . watching someone strike out are these squad members sitting on the bench. hoping that they will get a chance at the bat ... Renegade horse­hiders won six straight games and were confidently expecting a \Yin oyer the last two, both of whom they harl beaten at least once before ... The out­fielder watching the skies for that elusive ball is Brown, stellar player for the College ... Since the district pro­vides no College field. the local base­bailers must work out on a public dia­moml. miles from the campus ... Working under the most adverse con­ditions, Coach Johnny Clymer's boys produce good teams ... consistently

.. -

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IDruuts ')t? ACQUET busters ... these sports ~u. of the turf ... coached by Forrest Lynn, electrical wizard of the campus ... though tennis is a popular pastime among the high and lowly, only a few ever turn out for the squad ... Tennis is a sport, not a business, here at the College ... playing for fun, the squad was consequently taken by Visalia, Reedley, and Taft . . . opened the season by defeating San Luis Obispo in all classes, showing championship possibilities ... later matches with

Porterville and the Conference proved to be ju st as expected ... Delbert Olsen remains men' s single number 1 boy while Nadine Sepulveda tops the field of beauties with the honor of being number 1 girl ... Delbert's and Na­dine's countenances are etched upon the left reaches of the page .. . while toward the center can be seen the en­tire squad, minus Miss Sepulveda, standing coyly behind the net .. . hold­ing their racquets in the manner of Perry, Tilden, and Budge ...

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llnmru ~pnrta

It shall not pass!

1\ o, not a student ... l\Iiss Cowart of the gym department

';f9 ETERMINEDLY straying from the C"'" straight and narrow path o( their group activities, Beejaysee \\"Omen this year participated mostly in individual or specialized sports ...

Under the expert direction of Physical Eel Instructors Miss Florence McKinley and Miss Margaret Cowart, rough and tumble too-too technical hockey. and fast-moving basketball ,,·ere provided for classes in the fall ... At the same tim e many freshmen and sophomore women were beginners in mixed tennis classes ... \tVith the advent of the second semester and the season of the birds and bees and flowers, came badminton and archery of

Look out belmY,

Father Neptune

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lfnmru ~pnrt!i

vVill you throw us our volley ball, please?

course more tennis: came girls hitting birdies, hull's eyes, and tennis balls ... But during bad \Yeather spells at any time. the sportswomen took refuge in the old G. Gym to play volleyball. And Amazons ... who couldn't get enough sports activities from their classes plus W. A. A. tournament ... indulged in baseball games and mass badminton with high school classes .. .

To encl it all ... but with the right touch! ... the daughters of Neptune sought summer sports activity at Jefferson park pool for the last three months of the school year ...

The girls learn about hockey from the Misses Co\\'art and Foley

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Dllnmrn ~pnrts

Ten pretty mermaids all in a row

Modern Dianas

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" The Awful l\Ioney 1\iystery," or the saga of " Graft and Cor­ruption," in eight parts . Play "Follow the An-ow'' a nd learn all ... Plot by the snap editor

(I) ?\rerson pays off .. .

(2) Baker spirits away the swag ...

(3) And Xutter col­lects

(4) )lartin objects, says it won't work, but un­hothere(l hy con ­science, t he boys begin to drink up the profits

(6) Tapping the cash, a big shindi g get s under way . . .. while

(i) D etective Bill L ukes p icks up microscope to solve the t heft by ns; ng the sci en­t ific method

(8) Innocent of any w r:Jngdoing , t he


boys calmly pre- ...:-• pare to sleep it off

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(1 and 2) The next day the news is out, and the gossip groups get busy . while ...


A huge mass meeting is held

(4) Jack Frost arises to speak, but misses the point a bit and says: " I think we will have a fine team this year"


Barbara Bunting pleads with the culprits to return the money while ...


1\ loht· and Janzen are distracted from the problem at hand by the

(7) three campus cut-ups

(8) Bob lllcCollim is still worki ng, and thinks he can solve the pt·ob­Jem by using the scientific method

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Then the ever ­active Student Commit tee at­tacks the prob­lem and ...

(2) E ll swort h Can non is instructed to undertake a thorough searc h of everyone on the ca mpu s

(3) Toody Fanucchi thinks she can beat the cu lprit s out of the bushes, and starts out

(4) At last a Vigi­lante committee is for m ed, but they don't get any fart her than ...


the J. C. steps, when ...

(6) anothet· shindig gets under way

(7) Heports are that some of the stolen cash is still leaking out , as show n by the hearty meals be ­ing eaten by Rod Owens, Evelyn Yan \\Ty, and

Alice Sedgley

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These two think they have spotted a clue .. .


while ~linnie L ee \Varnock is sure she has

Gillis shows has it bag"


McKee that he "in the


while Ft·ed Mulroy knows m ore than he says

(.1) In the meantime the actual crook'

and his moll look mnocently 011

w hile the excite-• ment rages


Lucas pu ts her thinking cap on,

(7) the Executive Council beg ins to act,

(8) whil e a huge del ­egation leaves by hus for the .\Tational De tecti ves Convention


F_ina lly' Gen·is h gtves the whole thing up as a

f ba d job, a nd lays down on the job altogether

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Two detectives return from the convention

(2) they confer with \Vharton , and they decide to ...

(3) call in an emi­nent expert from the north by the name of Curt 1\techam, who de­c ides that . .


a police line -up of local legs is the only way to solve the prob­lem

(5) Accordingly, Pro­fessor a nd Super ­snapper P a ul Baldwin says, " .H old it!" and gets Bev. Bur­ri ss, Eunice Otto, Kay M:attly, Pat Allen, Jeanne ~!orison, Ella 1'oy, and Wim ­m er Cooper in the left -to-rig ht


"l\ la1·y Kat hryn O'Hare fl eeces the school out of another dollar

(7) while Raker has a corner on som e more food, a nd munches con­tentedly

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(1 and 2) Two rnore happy shindigs are h elping to spend the swag

and Weaver is thinking over the possibilities of a red-hot editoria l,


whe n word com es

(5) that the faculty is getting interes t ed (hm -m -m )

(6 a nd 7) Action begins in two different ways : Charlie Hay, Gerrish, C utland and McKee

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At las t the facul ty, full y a roused to th e terrible serious-ness of th" foul s ituat ion, borrows Jack Benny's Max we ll , and sets out, hot on t he trail of the culprits ,


while Gerrish ap ­proves


W eaver gets ready t o blas t the n ews to the public


Pauly a nd Kel ­logg look on ex­p ectantly w hile the Vigilante Committee goes into a huddle fo r the g reat de­cision

(5) The news is out ! Two innocents, Charlie Hay and P hy ll is Lehman a 1-e convicted a nd put behind bars

(6) H oward B ennet clean s up t he food that B a ker left,

( 7)

while P rexy Combs s its thi s one out

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(1 )

Two em inen t j udges deliver the assenting opinion,


w hile Gerrish get s k itteni sh with jubila tio n

(3 a nd 4) T he school goes wild, a nd cele-bJ-a tion s dot t he scene . T hese las t whing-d ings u se up t he las t of t h e do ug h

(5) Nelson H aag, working in t he r ecesses of t he la bm·at or y, is s t ill on the proble m , and t h inks he can solve it hy us ing the scientific m e thod

T H E E:\D

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c3fn ~pprtdation

Walter Dietze, The Artcraft Press, Printers

Paul Baldwin and Publication Photographers

Roemers' Studio

Frank Fussell, Angelus En.graving Company

Sam Babcock, Babcock Cover Company, Los Angeles

Molloy Cover Company, Chicago

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