Page 1: 1949 August Engineers News - OE3...2017/10/08  · space, he literally starved to death. Isabell Construction C o m Many of our giant monopolies today are typical of this dinosaur,



Break Through Coast fldountain Road

n -I •

By C. J. HAGGERTY Secretary, California State Federation of Labor

The importance of this Labor Day of 1949 is an historic reminder that in the course of our struggle for better living in America, organized workingmen have never known rest, have never known a Labor Day on which they could relax and consider their job safely and fully done.

Labor Day has served always as

Construction a day of inspiration,_ as· a day of

challenge to our energies and cour-

I A K II I , age, and surely that is true on this

Shown . a b 0 v e . is the. break- «Cobras and c~·ews worl•ing east ~nd I The Ukiah side starts iii 600 feet s ; erA first Monday of Seotember, 1949, through on a 36cmtle loggmg_.,road._ .west wer-e given a short breathmg and · rises to 2300 feet.- Utah. Con- B ~ · .. b · b ' It f N t Uk' 1 11 t 1 b t th · when the workmg p-eople of the -na-

emg m -roi~ - avarro 0. Iai spe 0 ce e ra_e e occasion. struction is · the contractor. More-1 According to a letter from our _ tion stand aroused to the da_n_ g. ers

for the Mas.omte Corp·oration. In ·Eyery foot of ·the road was a chal-~ . picturesque, - rugged mountain lenge to the builders; It _starts at than 200 Operating Engineers have general president, Wm. E. Maloney, and perils about them. ·country, bulldozers, shovels; ·terra- sea -level ·on the coast at Navarro. been at work on the project. from available -records it has been We have come far from th,e frail

estimated that in a single -year in but valiant beginnings of the labor movement in this country, We have DION· H'OL , the construction industry 2,000 em- come far from the desperate times . ' ·. - .. · · ·- , ~ -, - __ OffiCIAL HOT.ICE TO MEMBERS _ ployees were killed, 10,700 were of tbe pas( when our brpthers and

F'l''lf,, ___ ~~- -_ S· -

2-"_:fl, __ ft_ !0_- -_ _ - __ --- - permanently injured, 191,000 were sisters were hounded and exploited

U' I VB . NEX.:T RE_GULAR ·lVI~ETING WILL BE ' ffELD ON SATuRDAY, _ temporarily disabled. in th~ mills a~P, factories of. a~ ~x- ~ _, )~!ErTEl\f~ER-)!l_T~,:· a949. ', .. _ . · _ .-., :-· ; __ :-.--------: , ·. . I _Those were all employees of ri~ pandmg Amenca. But ':Y.e ·haye :not

.-T--~-ft_--_ ;'·t!llt· .. -=-""l: ---


,, .. , ---~he-:-"l!eg;u1a•r':•meetmg ·-of-- LocaJ:·~Urn.on-.-No· . . 3 -wm_,;·fie·1i heia,·· oJl\•~lle,;. . ., -~.;.. .. :.< _,_ :&..~F,,.,,.?~---- ~.:.- ,_.~" _.__ __ __, __ Y -- -.. come-far e.nough, -, . _,. .., _ _ _ __ U.IJ . -_-_ 2nd Saturday._of September due to thefact that tii"'t"'fiJ:W -saturda.y, ·vate constractors. Add those em~ Despite. our maturity 'and in-

. . ,_ . . .. - . . . · s ·ep.tember 3rd, falls on _ the Labor Day week-end. The meeting will I ployed on operation for the Govern- creased p r est i g e, labor :is- still There IS. no bigger busmess II). '·. be held at the usual time and' place: 8 p.m., San-Fran;cisco Building ment and the figures go up. viewed as a mere commodity by the

San Fra,nc1sco than that · of th~ -· :Tr.ades Temple, 200 Guerrero Street, San Franci~Q,- ~Qalifornia. I "Dl'd you th 'd .t th t reactionary forces of our nati-onal . . . • see .e acc1 en a . City and County of -San Francisco,, ~~RRECT YOUR ADDRESS!!! We are Mw in the process of killed ~my one of those 2,000?" life. Despite o~r numbers, w.e a~e with its thousands of employees, I ' rev~smg our _ address ~ystem. Members are requested to see that President Maloney asks. "Can you tolerated, rather than recogmzed'. scores of · departments.- More than i their correct address 15 on file. . ' . still see ·it when you close your WORKER. ~TILL WWLY .

_ _ . . _ .. . · _


TECHNICAL ENGINEERS, _WCAL NO 3-E Meetmg: The next eyes? Could it have been avoided? The pos1t10n of the workmgman a_ny, . other ~lnd -of _ busmess, -the meeting of- Local No. 3-E- Technical Engineers will be held Frida.y, has not yet reached _ that' high sta-Clt;Y ~ operatJ?ns depend up?n legal 8 p.m., August · 26th, at the Union offices, 474 Valencia Street, San, "Was your pal among those lO,- tion to which his in_herent dignity opm1_ons, rulmgs. and dec1s10ns foJ; Francisco California 700 who were permanently injured? entitles him. He is still all too de-the protection and service to its ' · ~- Did ~e suffer much? J?oes he suffer pendent upon the giant commercial

D" Lll • J b n th. B t. now . Is he badly cnppled? What and industrial machines of our eco-olg uousmg 0 s I 4 tng eau feS happened? w h 0 s e fault was it? - .;omy. Surely, this dependency is

Metropolitan Life, D 0 e 1 g e r, What's that got to do with En- Again, could the accident have been sadly evident today as rising un-Stoneson and others are busily gineers? Nothing, as a rule. But avoided? employment casts a fearful -shadow building multi-million ,dollar high- there is one job, at Lake Tahoe, "Were YOU · one of the 191,000 over millions of American homes. class housing projects down . the where the brothers are very happy who were temporarily disabled? If The worh:er still laeks social se­Peninsula from San Francisco you were you know how, . why, curity in any significant sense. And

working on the lake shore, where h w - · j proper. The last-named has l_,ept a w ere. ere you badly hurt?_ What what is more, ,he is the daily object 1 string of cats going for about three it's cool and nice, and the bathing did it cost you 'l'n pairi? --Whaf drd it --Qf a~_tlj,p~•s ·that would destroy what-

1 years in the Colma area. beauties are nearby. "All the dear cost you in wa ges? WI-i~t did it 'ever-"'e c ·o nomic advance he has · * * * brothers like the location, and I cost your family? Will YOU ·avoid achieved throrigh organized action.

ic Attorney DION: R, HOLM

Foreign Legion Tom Hinds off for - Arabia.


, Herbert Nefsteaa: back from Guam. John H. Graham back from Oki­

r·nawa. Bill Jester in from Ceylon. ' Maurice Enos writes from Mazat­,1lari, Mexico. N. C. Rodgers writes from Venezuela, and Ray Kimzey

: from Afghanistan. Many brothers are thinking of going overseas -these days but are warned to be sure of -the job before taking off.

* * * _ Nobody out of work in the l\'!arysville area at present. Three inen. killed in the tunnels last

citizens. Thus, the legal advisor of the City and County of · San Francisco-City · Attorney D~on R. Holm-has o-ne· -of ·the most · im­port<int po'sitions it is possible for a mEtll -to hold.' month, none -engineers, but a warn-

Mr. Holm was appointed to the ing -to be careful. non-parti'sa:n . office o-f . City Attor- ------ - - -ney :iast March : :upon the retire­ment of · Johri J. O'Toole_. -During O'Toole's entire ten-ure, ·whic-h be~ gan in 1926-, . Holm : seryed : succes­sively -as Chief Deputy City Attor­ney, · chie'f ·counsel. 'for the .Wafer P,epartmenf, .and ·chief ·counsel for EDWARD BERG qfe · ;J?lJqli·c ,Utilities .. <;:ommission: . - :-: · -July lOth, -HELPED LABOR" •· · • ' :.FLOYD -E. :JOHNSON· . .

-'Iri i 1934 . :during -the · ,Y,aterfront ·July lOth, strfke_c_as a private attorney- ELlS JOHNSON Dion _Holm represented the Marine July 19th, 1949 Engineers .BenefiCial' ·AssoCiation .LONNIE FAUGHT No. 35. At that time . the· Federal July 27th, 1949 Court _ ·had - issued : an - -- injurictiori ' · OWEN MUNKEJORD that ,prohibited the members of the July 28t!l, 1949 Association· from --virfually walking · ··R: :B. ·DEMPSIE '

(Continued on Page 2) · I Augus~ 1st, 1949

eyen visit the iob quite often.- the same thing nex t time? These attacks ·are chiefly perpe­being the scenery is so good," re- "Read those figures again. Then trated in our CongresS and in our ports Brother Curley Spence from -look out! state legislatures. They are directed Reno. "YOU MAY BE NEXT!" (Continued on Page 2)

Sacramento Ship Channel Is Started

Brother 0. P. _Jacobs picks up the first load of · dirt in ground­br~l/king ooreroQpies _held on Sun­day, August 7.--~t the site of Sac­ran~entp-Yol!>' - {)qmities Port Dis­trict's new . (\e~p-water port. This -w&s a long-~erii,l(J.ed event and a

historic ·occasion · for th·e inlan'd i-e~ I Stockton. This is a b~g project; gion. It means the start of a ship with a big turning basis to be

cha1mel tllat will open the rich , in- 1 clear.ed and a _ long straight chan­

land district to ocean ship~ing and nel to be dug wes1t of the present

provide p-ort faciilties the- same as .w~nding Sacramento _River. - J>ic .. those now enjoyed by · the Port of ture SACRAMENTO BEE. ___ __ __ __J,

Page 2: 1949 August Engineers News - OE3...2017/10/08  · space, he literally starved to death. Isabell Construction C o m Many of our giant monopolies today are typical of this dinosaur,


11f.N·osNURS; ffR tn D NY! rRg~o- " . Som~;· years a~o the Al1drews ex'pedition of the American ·H~·ghway;:Jobs <

~~~:~; ~~ ·.~~;~~{ !il~~~rrn u?~~~:r~~~~~l::.s~~is0~n~;;~~~ I CnieftAtfiv_ity';i 1 t seems, entered t~-~ va!leJ:'_ a? an . mfant, and th~n pro~eeded 1 ~ _ · ~ _. ~ A ; _ ..... to eat ~:U~d grow and eat more and more to a pomt where he ~~n va&il Area· bec_ame s~ lat ge;::he coul~- -~ot ge,~ out ~f the valley. And after B H. L. "Curly" SPENCE eatmg up all the vegetation· that could !2'row in that limited y

~ Business Representative, Local 3 space, he liter ally starved to death.

Isabell Construction C o m­Many of our giant monopolies today are typical of this dinosaur, even to the tiny B-B brain 1notor that animated the pany is off to a good start on massive hulk of flesh and bone. They have become so big·, and their job on South Virginia h Street in Reno, with Brothers

t eir appetite for proflt so voracious, that they are upsettinl2' h ~ Bill Ponton, Clarence Wibel,

t e national economic balance to a point where they MUST J L (T ) Bl . u d be restrained to protect the nation from disaster. Dessep · ex thy t1: at n

Wh.l · 1 •• ll · . . . . ·, on owers on e rae ors, 1 e s1ze .iog1ca · y. Is a cn tenon of s1ze only the b1gger a B th J · L · b · ·, d

1 • • · • . • • ' • ro ers ames am ere an corporatiOn g_-rows,_ the more power 1t accrues m Its own field H'l d (R d) G·· th

d th .. · fi • - 't , .._h .._. , . -'- oy e nmes on e an 't' e mo1e m uence 1 exe1. ts upon L e nauon s highly blade. Brother Clarence (Bill) sensi we economy. Past expenence has proven that such B 1 · f 1· . d

· h · b b d 1 . . , oeg e 1s oo mg aroun on pow~r as een a use. t wough monopolistic practices to ·the the Northwest ·and his oiler, detn,ment of the public good, Ed B' a , d · a t f th Th t h b.- · · .1 . . · Igber, omb mos o e

a sue 1gness 1s n?t necess~n y a ~nt~non of cheaper work and then there is 'Bro. -..and better mass productwn and d1stnbutwn IS demonstrated Al · chay puttina the finish­by t?e fac~ tl:at ma:1y smaller firms can make certain items in;~~;ch on with the roller. or give certam services even more cheaply and better than Isbell h iohway job at Boone do th_e handful of giants which overshadow their particular Spring is almost to the finishing field. Yet, on the basis of ruthless, knock-down and drag-out point. Believe me, Brothers Arnold competition, the more efficient smaller rival could not outlast Blair, A. C. (Jimmy) Blair and t he Big Fat- Boy because the latter could afford to lose more ~lm:r Heenan really finished t~at

· f th · · b · -'-'1 · · · ll · - JOb m short order, of course, w1th money or. - ~ e ti:;;e emg unu It put Its. sma er competi~or the good help of the fine bunch of out of busmess. l hen they make up the1r losses by keepmg engineers tney had on the job. prices high because they have eliminated their competition. Dodge Construction Co~pany is

This industrial efte~}hantiasis is the reason why the U. S. getting started on ·their highway Department of Justice is now trying to break up the DuPont job at Sod House. Brother Thea W. · d · · · · · · . (Sundown Slim ) Newell and Harvie m ustnal emp1re. Its the r eason rwhy many alarmed Con- Young went out to operate tractors

. 'gressn1en favor the dissolution of "integrated" and "holding" 011 this job.

compan-ies which operate on a sort of "cradle to grave" cov- Fredricksons Brothers highway erage in their own fields .. Thus, in comn'mnications, the be- :iob at Tahoe City, California, is hem:oth' Arherkan 1\?lephone & Telegraph Conipany controls well along, with Brothers Freel all communications, telephone, telegJ.•aph, radio, radar, video, Buttler and Arthur Ingwerso n in

charge of the job. It is just like except the U.S. Post Office, primarily througb its ownership being on a vacation for the two and 'controls of basic-patents. brothers r ight along the lake shore,

ou·r daily bread, dairy pl"oducts, meat, -utility services and nice and cool . and lots of vaca­man:Y ,'other items essential to the daily existenc-e of millions, t ioni sts driving by and nice look­depend upon a comparatively .fe\:v integrated corporations. ing bathing -beauties in swimming. More important is that the wages ' arrd salaries of millions of All the · dea r brothers like the loca-

tion of the job. I even visit the job 'workers ·who buy these products and services, as well as the quite often being the scenery is so savifl'gs·-of hundreds · of t housan.a.-s· of stockholders wh9 own good ~ the suppiier~; are det~r'mined by the will arid whim of a hand- J. Henry Hartis high\vay job at ful of 1).1en y,•ho 'manipulate these -gia-nts1

• For example) 40 per I Truckee o~· ma_y.b~ I shd~ld say cent of all'industrialhvo:rkers in ·tlie ·U: S. are employed by rock .JOb Is gomg along 111 fine

, . ____ · . . shape, · but the brothers from the onejtentll of ·all, employers. . _ . . . . .. . . . Bay Area don't like the rock pile

Tl\.e trend.· towards · ecoriorri1~ ·collectivism, If unrestramed, so well, however, they are doing a will i'esult in government being run FOR the monopoly cor- · good job. porations rather than for the people. The task ahead is not H . Earl_ Parke_r highway_ job_ on to kill · the :goose-even . though he has grown to the point Mt. Rose lS ne~rmg the ~msh lme.

1 · · h " ·.. bl th f b ' l u · Roc that used to feed elec They are movmg two_ ngs out _ so W 1e~e- e r~sem es e . a u 0 s .. . . "l , . , , _ . the dear brothers w1ll be gomg pha\}tS to his young. It ,ls to so tl am these mg bn ds that back to sunny California soon. I they . s.erv~, not prey, 0~1 society as the only l"eason for tol- will miss them and I am sure Reno eratin.g·.them; : will' miss the H. Earl Parker gang,

This· too; is one of. the-vital politicaL:issues .vvhich we can especially the bright spots along

help1·,t6.· decide' by· votin/>i:·l.'-rk!hVh i_1\· the:, California,. elections Douglas Alley in Reno. . s ~ John · B. Powers Company has

this N6v'ember: and :the'Jna.ti0lila~r.el~~ti0rts:: next; y~ar:l '· · · quite a number of jobs in and ARE YOU REC;.ISTERED; TO. VOTEJ?,, " •nii · • ' around Reno. One job at Gerlach ,

,_,, · Nevada, really keeps things buzzing

we~- 1!. ve Jusr Beg-un To live

(Continued from Page 1)

He: "! just got a . 1~tter fro\n my_ around the outfit. He keeps all the wife. · She ran off :with my ·best ·dear brothers on their toes.

frieiul." * * ·* Him: "That's awful. Was ·he rich

and ·handsome?" He':· "Dunno: I never niet h im."

"I often sit and medit8, Upon the sorry tricli of f8

That keeps me still a celib8. Oh, what ·a st8. ·

by meil who would impose their palgh 'o~ the same sure bas1s that it 1 want a IOder n1aid sed8, -special tyram1y upon the American b.uiit its economic strength. .. To .. love and be my m8. public, . th~ t y r a -1iu y of business It will continue to place Amerka My fortitude. is not so ·gr8, monopoly and business domination. first in all its thinking. It will con- :M~im . ha.ste; I cannot w8;

Th A . F d . t' f L tinueto resist and oppose on every Oh, f8 b9! M _2 18,

e mencan e era 10n ° a- occasion the presence of Communist Believe my awful single st8, bor ha~: vowed ' to l;esistthis imposi- de-spoti§"m within and without the And _when I've 1 this ]naidse<l8, tion. It' is detefmined· to carry the labor moverrient. It will cori'tinue to we then .wil(oscU.Is:" cause of,labol; to ,botli.' congress and .defend the" right of pri'vate property * * * t he state legisiat)).res. And to this ari,d the ,dght of pi·ivate business,> A citizen was ·walking up Fifth end, it :h_ a.' s foliride_d Labor's .League but . as always, it will assert 'that A . . .: ·.. ',o, ·-t·t .· h .·l .. d venue when he was bu on o e for Political Edutation, a . move- t]J.e st)rvival of these rights i~ de- by a charactei· who . sa:id: ·. "Shay! ment which may well become a dy- pendent upon thelr servlriif the Can you tell me ,:vlie't;e to fhid namic elerrient inthe' national polit~ com1~1on good of all people. Ilcoholisch Anoityrnush ?" ical str,!.lcti.Jre. We cannot, we must not rest. The "\Vhy? Do you want to join?" GO POLITICS OR PERISH major battles for sufficient sociai "No. Wauna resig:n !"

COMMENT ----~~--------~----------------

I Report . of last meeting The n)eeting was called to ' ordei· at 8:05 p.m., President Clancy pre~

siding·. Roll· call showed all officers present. . A snyopsis of th'e . reg·ular meeting minutes of July 2 rearl and lily

motion approved as read. A synopsis of the executive board minutes of August 3. \vas read anrll'

the acts and recommendations· of the board we1·e by motion approved· as- r ead.

A commnnicati·on was received from general president, \ Vm. E, Maloney, regarding accidents occurring in the construction indust ry. R eceived a nd fi led.

Letter of thanl•s was received from Father Flanaga n's Boys Home. R eceived and filed . .

Cards of t hanl's r eceived fr om Mr. and Mrs. Clement Berg; I\Irs, E llen Hansen and Laur ence; !\Irs. J ohnson, daughter a nd mother; Mrs, Harry Dick, and i\Ir s, L . Faug·h t . Received a nd filed.

B rother S:wanson gave a r eport _on the agreement with th e Ass()· ciated General Cont ractors. It was reg·uJady moved and secon ded t hat the m embers appr ove the action• of the com mittee in r egard t o t he agr eement with · the Associated General Cont ract ors. Ca rried l.lllani­m ously.

Repor t of" the executive board on pr otests of election referred to them at the Tegular meeting·, J uly 2, 1949, was read. It was regularly moved. and seconded that the report of the execut ive board be adopteot Canied.

Biother Johnson stated that he • sent the protest of election t o Eureka:. and had authorized its publication in the labor paper there .

It was mov.ed aJ!d- seconded tluit the executive officers be instr'l.lcte-01 to prosecute th is . case to the fullest extmit of the constitutioi1, and tha~ they be authorized to malw any expenditures necessar~' to conduct tltis investig·ation. After considerable discussion President Clancy called fOil' a standing vote. Motion passed with one vote against it.

The report of the general secretary-treasurer was read· by Presideuu!; Clancy.

The following· brothers were reported ill: Raymo1.1d Adams, George Anderson, Wm, Anderson, Paul S. Arellanes, Elmer C. Baker, L. !YiL Bal•er, Lester C. Baker, Fred Bodedker, Thomas E . Brotherton, G. E . . Carroll, \Vm. A. Cooper, Ruei Crocker, Harry A. Crummey, Louis De[ Chiaro; R . B . Dempsie, Harry J . Drew; Lee Drummond, Mike Eleridi, James· E . Fegan, Chas. W. Gill, Edwin E. H~ll, Grady M . Harwell, Chl'is . Hausler, Woodrow Holmes, George R. Hymer, !Harry "V. Johnson, Nick Lefurgey, Harry H. Love, Earll\'IcCarty, :L. w,- McMurray,' 0. W. Nelsmu; Alma H. P.ederson, Chas. Peters, \Vilfred Rainond, Ross Reynolds, G'ulsc ' · tave A. Schmidt, Robie E. Smith, !VI. A, Smith, N . F. Spear, Philip Stan­ford, Richanl F. Switzer , . Albert C.' Taylor, Joe D . To'nini, Robert Un­g·aretti, Ray1}1-oi1d Volkman, and Paul \Vaiker .

The ·foll<i'l<ving brothers were reported deceased : Edward Berg, \Vort!l Cooper, R . B. Dempsie, Lonnie Faught, Ellis Johnson, Owen JVIunkejord and Phil St. Clair.

The trustees report was and adopted as read. Brother George Simon was requested by President Clancy to appea[' .

at the executive board meeting on August 17, 1949. Brother SimmTh agreed to appear.

At this time Brother Petersen took the chair and Brothers Elliott and Metz received the obligation of office.

· The busi!1ess a.g·ents gave their usual 1·eports which were accepte-Ol as given. ., . It }.Vas;,moved and seconded that due to Labor Day, the next regu[a['

meeting· be held· on September 19tl].. ~arried. There being- no furthe'r business · to come before the meeting'; it

a.djournd, Respectfully· subrbitted, ·

C. F.· MATHEWS, Recording Secretary.

admission to the Bar in 1912, he practiced in the office of U. S.

<Continued fr-orn Page 1) Senator Samuel Shortridge, then down the Embarcadero. It was· maintained his own priva:te prac­drastic 'in the extreme. tice. He served ' in the Army dur-

Currently, he is pressing San •ing th~ first World . War. Afte1~ Francisco's claim before the Fed- 1 being mustered out, he received era! Government for Conaressiona] his first public appointment-attar­-action to return title to bthe tide- ney for the State Coi1troller, spe­lands to the State of California cializirig ·, in, inheritance tax l~w. and to the city. These proceedings When O'Tqole became City Attor­involve water front area develop- ney in 1926, Holm entered · that of­ments in San Francisco valued at fice as Chief Deputy. · $70,000,000. Holm is mai'ried, and the father PIONEERED BIG ISSUES of five sons and one daughter .

Holm has personally prepared Four of his sons served in Woi·ld the extremely technical details of War II; the family hon-ie is at · 97 . every bond issue submitted to the Central. Avenue, Sai1 voters for approval since 1926. Of * . * . * ~~~lo1t1\:o~~~e i~~:ts- E~a~:a:s1~ ~~~ Eng:Ff~e:e:r ' Jobs one has ever been attacked on ..• ;- . t . . .. . .

th~h~asi~i~~ 1i~<n~~~~ie~cti'ice is 1 Ho!ld'1¥rg1 Sfe;a~y5_

presently engaged in defending the While" jobs' are' fairly "j)lentifu Ut1 city against a crop uf 1200 law- most' area·s at Hie prese~nt time, suits, 685 - arising from Municipal there -is. a cel:taii). amount of floa t ­Railway· accidents, 83. resulting ing by: .the brothers .due· to -good · from injuries occuning on : the weatlie'i· and compieti6n on the streets and sidewalks, 93 involv- job. · ing actions against the Water De- This'' is . usu·aily · the' case in the partment, 30 stemming -from con- summer season. As a result, some demnation proceedings, and 232 areas are· flooded with engineers; pending against other · citY' depart~ while others at times· run short. merits. Iil the past month, the San Jose PROT·ECTED CITY area has ·been flooded, · as the

In this connection, the Muni- I brothers heard about several big •cipa:l Railway in 1948 was _ sued for I projects in that area, dams, pipe­a record total of $7,600,000 dam- lines, etc. Result is that the "out­ages for injuries or death result- of-work" list there is up and is ing from operation of eqlliprilent going down very slowly, though that had deteriorated during the the situation should improve later. Laboi· has turned. to intense polit- benefits ·have not yet been won, and

ical action' because. it watched with the American Federation of L abor dismay and shock the iron control will face the political and economic visited upon OlJr ,lives by the phm- futur e mindful that the destiny of dering powers of the 80th Congress. the working people is worthy of Labor has always recognized the something· more than good wag~s necessity for · political interest a nd and hours, that it is deserving also action, but the 80th Congress made of a full _life of •social protection it dramatically clear to every un- and security.

ENGJNEEB.s· NEWS war years. By diligent presenta- Brothers should t r y to check on Managing · Edit~r. v. s. SWA~SON tion of the .. ~itts - case, or ?Y I a job pretty carefully before tak-

ionist' _in America that organized Let Labor Day, then, remind us workers .would either enter polit ics that our greatest str~1ggles and our on a" fu ll . nat ional scale or. ·perish greatest victories are' yet before us. befO!~~ ' the onslaughts of big busi.: The 'futul'e a~vaits . :out vigor, th'e ness: . 'i Vig01' of' ineri and viom:en united in

The 'American Federation· of L a- · 't'li'e : high cause· :of. organized labor. bor shall conduct its political cain- We luwe just begmi to iive. -

Published Each Month. by Local Union shrewd bargammg-and desp1te ing off, in order to save ort ex·­No. 3 of the International Union ol the generosity of some juries- the penses and to help prevent flood-

Operating Engineers City Attorney's ·office succeeded in ing any one area. A good many Northern California, Northern Nevada, ·

State of Utah holding judgments down to 13 per have been · thiJiking about ·oversea.s :. Office 474 Valencia Street cent of t he sums sued for. . jobs'. of ·late; btlt they are \varnerl

San Francisco 3, California Holm is a native San Franciscan, - by t he San 'Francisco office to be-Subscription· $2.50 descendant of a pio11eer family sure of their qualifications for any

per year' •' \vhich emigrated here in the early given job before taking off. · Ma:il alL newsdtems . iJ;!., ,to . editor not . '50s frOm Den·m ark and Ireland, * * *

later than · the 5th ·of each month. Entered: as , secona Cla~s ~ Mbt't~r .. saP. . :He· a tteh_ded Sat~· ~Fra·neiSC_o sch·ools·F Ski · Club~ .:. ha \re beeon:-e _ n umei:.:-: !ember 9, 1943;' a t.c'the Posfof!ica at Scar-• .gr·adua:ting iri' '· ·the " law ···from . the • Otli' in:'. America; : :u;·. is~;'· estiniateo:'. frm;_ci~?O~! ·c:~i~~~·~u:l:l~i:t.:' the : Agt,! Univetsity ·of •. Santa:··:·clata·~; alid J. t hat 'ove'l' 2,000,000 '' pedpl~''rww are' '-'

·--~._......,......,..,..,,._......,..__ ...... ....;,·,.....,.. .. : Ea'stiilgs· Law - SchooL After his (}evotees of this winter sport: . . -· ., . , ..

.. '· +

Page 3: 1949 August Engineers News - OE3...2017/10/08  · space, he literally starved to death. Isabell Construction C o m Many of our giant monopolies today are typical of this dinosaur,

, ..

August 15, 1949 ENGINEERS' NEWS

· l fl::Zr~~~- Fresno-

\ Three

San Francisco~

Tempers Stralni"g lNORK IS STARTED ON PINE As Waterfront . fLAT DAM; CANALS PROGR



i! i l i

Business Representatives, Local 3 By J. W. W AIW AI OLE Business Representatives, Local 3 The general trend of work in this area is unusually slow Bus. Rep., Hawaiian Branch The first material contract op the Pine Flat Dam Project

for this time of year. Although there are several large projects Things are flying around these was let during the past month. The Seattle Tank & Steel Co. under way there still remains quite a large out of work list. days, we hope for the best, a's we submitted the low bid of over $500,000 to the Army Engineers The lockout pulled by the Building Material Dealers against go into the 91st day of our Water- for construction of the sluice gates to be installed in the Dam

front bottleneck. Temperatures the Teamsters Union, has also had considerable effect upon have been strained to the extreme structure. It should be understood of ~ourse, that this con-the out of work list, having added a lot more of the Brothers at this time causing the general tract is for fabricating work and will be done at the plant of names, who might otherwise be · public and civic~spirited organiza- the company 1 ·

working, but cannot because of the due mostly to tlie lack of foreign tions to breathe down the necks · . . . . . that the next section of the canal lack of concrete. It is hoped that work, that is not the case, so be of our legislators in special session In the meantime, list dnllmg IS. will be up for bids in November an early settlement will have been 'sure upon ~igning up for foreign to do something- or else. continuing at the dam site and of this year. accomplished and that the Team- employment that you sign up for I We, in labor, are doing our best Granit Construction Co. have start- On the Southern California Edi-

h · 1 · b b t ed channel diversion work on their · t t N thf 11 h sters Union wins their point. . t e part1cu ar JO you are es to save for ourselves whatever son prOJeC a or o { .we ave d f bridge contract. This same com- · d d"ffi It "th M. & K. Corporation's two large qua I e or. gains made to date. expenence some I cu y WI ·

T pany also have a rather extensive th B ht 1 c M · K ud· J·obs are still in progress, the Lake ·Tam Hinds was in to the office a he building and construction e ec e orp., ornson n -

· d h job on the project. se c Inc H the t bl Merced tunnel now being holed few days ago and informed us that m ustry ere has bogged down to .n o., · . owever, rou e through; they are preparing for he has a contract with Bechtel to a minimum pending better develop- On the Friant Kern 'canal proj- has been cleared up and the boys the concrete lining job: The North work in Arabia as a mechanic. He ments on the waterfr__9_nt. ect, the Marshall Haas & Royce are all back to work. Point . sewer job ·is in ·full swing-


.has signed up for a 18"month Pre_sent lumber stock on hand is Co. have completed grading on T,he Bechtel Corp; is doing con~ with · several of the brothers busily, stretch. Good luck, Tom, and be enablmg a few of the smaller con- their subcontract with the Ashback siderable other work on the San

,engaged. sure that you bring back that I tractors opportunities to build small Steinberg Co. The M. H. & R. Co. Joaquin water shed and there is a . Eaton &' Smith are busy on. 'their _"STAKE" that you are going over homes. Cement ~s ~till fi?wing_ into is moving their spread to McCook, rumor of another dam to be con­new · Mission Street job 'which con" for. ' the hoppers here ena~lmg bigger Nebraska, on a six-million-yard structed in the Florence Lake are,a . sists of the ·track removal "an·d re~ Herbert Nefstead· has recently contractors to start on a few faun- dam job and several of our_mem- We reported in past issues on the paving all · . the. wa':l .. from First returned from Guam after being dations for work projects l~t out bers are going to this job. various mountain road jobs in Street to Courtl~ndAvefl:ue. Their'[ over there for three years and also about. four months a_go. It IS alsb Tlie Ash back Stemberg Co. is progress in the area, and they are rigs are also busy on .several other ·completed three separate con- enablmg .the largest tile block man- making good progress on their lin- all goiT)g along in good shape as· · b ke · ll of th ·. reg Jar tracts. He first went over with ufacturer here to supply. those de- ing 'Operation and the rest of the far as our members are concerned. · J0 s, . epmg a eu u ·. ' ·. ! man ding tile homes engineers busy plus an occasional Pomeroy, then switched to M&K I' · job is going along in fair shape. ' A. Tiechert Co. and M. J. B. Con-order ' for cat -~kim1~rs. Ha~vey & and for the final year worked with The Arm_y ~nd Navy_ are quite Peter Kiewit Sons Co. are hitting struction Co. are making headway. Atkinson job on tile new Freeway BPM. W. D. Jackson is once · again muJ? at this ti_me r~latrve to ne~v the ball on the Porterville section on their contracts with the Army is .. now in full ·· swing \¥ith a large ·an the mainland with a completed, proJeocts here rn this area.. It , IS of the · canal and have had to have Engineers on the Merced Streams

·-. . b · f t b th · b · contract after working for the past 1 supp sed that future contracts With the Baker Mitchell Thwing Co. go Group project. These jobs will be num er o ca s usy on . e JO ' . the Army and Navy would likely also a couple of shovels movmg the .year with BPM on Guam. b t . ht b"dd" . t d f on shift basis at the gravel pit. completed this fall.

·. . . . . - ' 4 th e on a s raJg I mg ms ea o W h b . f d b th W h . l t d t' hard stuff. · · . John H. Graham spent 1 man s th t 1

fi . d f b . · e ave een m orme y e e ave JUSt camp e e nego m-.· Harvey's .job .. on the Lake St~eet l.on Okinawa with Marsmon and is. e cos -pus xe - ee asis. · Bureau of Reclamation that the ' tions for a new contract with the

sewer job has two rigs in,ion' again enjoying t~e sun~hi~e and li Labor Pool , Lucor Irrigation District Distribu-, P.C.A. and Stewart & Nuss Co., plus a portable logging driver and ·fog of San Francisco. VIrgil Lan- . . · tion System will be advertised for I covering their distribution plants.

All f th h .· d t cas-ter has also recently returned Our City government, through b_ids within the next two months. The terms of the contract -will be compressor. o e eayy- u y · ·t · ·r · · · · · men in the. shop are kept busy on .Both of the brothers came back ~ s CI~I fservitce c~m~Isswn, IS con- This job · will amount to several announced at the next meeting in · repair work. · · with a completed contract. e7p a mg

1 ° a tev~~te t"the bpr~s- million dollars and will employ a Fresno. ,

Courtland Engineering, . under CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN en un_emp oymen SI ua 1011 Y m- lot of engineers. · Generally speaking, conditions in the . bl · · direction of B'rothers ORDER FOR THE FOLLOWING troducmg a , program to start a la- D 1 t M d t I the area are good but of course Watt:. :nd Tate; ·have a· large ,BROTHERS-Herbert Boland has bar po_ol. which would onl:Y affect . e a en 0 a ' there is always sorr:e chiseling, and amount of repair work lined up, come up with his first offspring- the b~Ildmg and constru_ptwn pea- , On the Delta Mendota Canal the 1 plenty of head aches to take up the keeping .all of the brothers employ- it's an 8-pound baby girl born on ,Ple With reference to. new . war~ Western Construction Co. expect time of your representatives. ed there happy under the new shop July 10, 1949: Henry Winchall has to b: let 0~1~ by t.~e c~tY_ ~o~er~ - to start work about the 15th of The next meeting will be held · t h" h · tl · st b ht t · att. nt· t·h· t men on pu IC war s. t Is Ill en - September on their new contract Thursday evening, August 25, ·at ·

agreemen , w ·Ic was JUSt recen y JU roug o our e. wn a ed to cut down the work week of signed. on February 16, 1949, he was the Building Trades rrien who work on near Gustine. The word is also out 1 1035 Broadway. " T~cker ~ngineering is also op- proud papa of a 6-pound baby boy these projects spreading the work

eratmg under the new shop agree- -the boss CW-E) says _that he out amongst the 22,000 unemploy- Peninsula-1?-ent; ke'eping the brothers busy 11 (the . baby) may be an Oiler b~t I ed at this tirne, whiCh i11 the opin­here and there, repairing equip- defimtely no shovel runner: Wil- ion of this writer would onl add meilt.' ·· · ' liar:r F. Thomas gets his sleep just more hardship because of th: fact · Hyman-Michaels and Ken Royce I at I~terv~ls for the ~act . that the that he will then haye 26_, 000 pad-

yards bol:h are very busy at pres-. f~e.dmg tlm: of t~e brand-new ad- ially employed in the Territory ent time wi~h a lar~e force of our ditron to. his fan:Ily. comes. a; the and it would be very unfair for the brothers domg repair work. d;unest times. It IS nght, Bill. The Building Trades to carry the full


· Swinerton & Walberg's two jobs, new addition is a 7-pound 8-ounce load of such a crisis. This writer Standard Oil Annex imd Mt. Zion baby _girl born oh ~ul?' 27, 1949. and a few other interested parties By CHET ELLIOTT

- Hospital, manages to keep several It 1s most gratlfymg to know have protested vigorously to such The Henry Doelger Company at Colma are becoming active of the brothers busy on hoists and that a good response has been a set-up as it is also a known fact again after being idle for several months. The new construe­compressors. made towards our request for do- that the A. F. of L. does not ap- tion plans include a large business area in addition to homes

Duncanson & Harrelson's Islais nations at the Irwin Memorial prove of labor pools. and apartments. This project will employ several members of Creek bridge job is· under full con- Blood Bank. As you already know, We are quite happy over the Local No. 3. struction at present. The job will for the past few months we have final acceptance by the powers I soon be ready for the steel erection been trying to build up our supply that be in the Navy Yard of our At Broadmoor Village, Floyd week four new projects have start ... on the bridge itself. · · of blood but until now our requests M. T. C. program. Although ~em- Watson with_ a string of .cats is ed and therl?. are more to follow. ·

Lowrie Paving Company has sev-1 have been to no avail. This past bers · who work in the yard are busy grading land 1for theuStoneson .The; )C>inwiddie·,, construction Cam­eral small jobs in operation p]us ·month has shown that there are permitted to do the actual talking Company. These projec;ts .have-b:een:. 'l;ranyG!have;' begun work 011 an 11· their shop and hot plant, with an many willing givers who feel if a to others, we feel it is a step for- practically in continuous operatffiii' . stor y ' buflaihg· ' ·~vhich is something occasional request for compressor . pint of their blood will help some ward for us in receiving recogni-operators. one of our ;:nembers or their fam-. tion at this time. We have already for three years. new for this community; four

The waterfront almost resembles ilies both financially and physically' formed a committee of union mem- The Sterling Building· Company stories being the limit heretofore. a graveyard at midnight, so very that their wallets may not be any bers to represent locals in griev- is keeping Barbertini's cats and On a visit to the excavation job little work is going on that it is fatter but th ei>.~.· hearts will sure ances up through the shop leveL blades busy at their South City ... Ad · under construction by Brothers not worth while mentioning. The be a lot warmer. The following The VIsory Board of the M. T. Housing project, grading for homes same. is also true of the ship-repair brothers have made donations this C. is also recognized to represent and building streets. Fisk & Firenze, your representa- · yards, although the program is still , past ' month- ROBERT NORDEEN, us to the higher levels. At the San Francisco Airport the tive contacted Brother Firenze, underway; attempting to get ship- ALBERT BOARDMAN, WILLIAM St 'k H t Morrison & Knudsen Company are who explained the growth of this building assigned to the West Coast F. THOMAS, LEONARD PATTER- rl e ur S slowing down their operations new firm, starting very small three by Congress and · the Maritii:h~ SON, KEN HARBERT and ED- We find that a great many of somewhat and some of our mem- years ago they )lave expanded very ' Com~ission. · · WARD DuBDS. Even though our the non-union men in the Yard bers are being laid off on this proj- rapidly and now operate seyeral

· · thanks are great-we know that are pr ejudiced against labor or- ect, however, some units of the job truck loaders and other equipment. Personal l ouch t,)1e gratitude and appreciation and ganizations, due to ignorance of will continue for some _months I These brothers firmly believe, and

thanks from those who receive the the facts and that this present longer, according to the informa- I am in accord with them, that San . The song (THE SAME, ·OLD blood goes far deeper and their Waterfront Strike is not helping tion your representative has there Mateo is the land of opportunity. · STORY) would be sufficient as far' thanks are greater. Thanks again, our cause at all. However, all local will be another contract awarded Sperry & McCue were the sue­as the news on the overseas jobs brothers, for the cooperation. unions here are determined to sometime in September for more cessful bidders on the excavation is concerned. With · the work slow .BROTHERS-please don't forget work · hard in the Yard to further runways at this location, which works for the Dinwiddie job in San in picking up here on the · ·main- that the blood that has been do- enable us to have· sustaining mem- will call for quite a bit of activity Mateo. Several engineers are em-

·land, quite a ·number of the broth- ii.a:ted has already been used. arid bers while we are out fighting to there, well in to the coming year. 1 ployed on this project. . ..

ers are' looking for that green· grass that our aim is to create a reserve actually exist in the Territory of The Rock Plants jn this area .1

At San Mateo the Baysliore on the other side of the mountain. supply in order that the blood is Hawaii at this time as the picture have slowed down their operations Highway, the Newbridge Rea]ty A. few of the bro.thers have been · on deposit in the bank when the before us plainly shows that · the due to the lull in building constnic- Company are well started \ Vfth . · lucky and · have: m'anc{gecl to· make emerg,ency arises. When you have "Big 5" and those controlling in- tion·. The Maceo Construction Com- 'their Shore View Development . . some of the outside jobs but after the chance-CGNTACT. THE s. F . dustry in. Hawaii are out fig·h.ting- pany at Brisbane have put their I This proje~t _comprises ~,800 li;o!lles talking ·to them you will find that OFFICE AND WE WILL MAKE • to break not or:ly th_e I. ~· W._ U. plant on a one-shift basis . . . and all burldmgs are bemg erected they have at one time. or the other ALL OF THE NECESSARY AR- but .also . all unrons m this are~. Ken Royce, Rockaway Quarry, and i on filled land. The Smith 'boys, been on some overseas job and RANGEMENTS FOR YOU. · - Keeble & Brown are operating

1 Frank Smith, arid L. C. Smith, are

have ~?me back with a completed Just received a ·letter from a pleasant Fourth of July as g1,1ests! with , skeleton crews. All of the I supplying the fill. . contra~t and :=tlso an excellent rec- Brother Maurice Enos, working in of the American Consul there. :Ready Mixed concrete plants and · Sondgroth Bros. were successful ?rd. Most of the brothers are go- Mazatlan, Sin., Mexico. He tells us I William Jester has recently re- Building Material yards in this in securing the County road job at mg over to make a "stake" but on that they just installed a new spud turned from Ceylon after working area have been closed for the past I Woodside. This work involves the the oth~r hand t~ere are also many I in th~ . dredge; it's built like a pipe i for approximately five months with week or 10 days due to the associa-1 widening and straightening out of

· ' · who thmk that If they could bull and designed for a 3 to 4-foot curve M&K. While oveF there Bill ran tion's disagreement with the Team-~ the Canada Road. -their way into a , con_tract they without danger of cracking. The into- a little bad luck, it seems as sters Union. The association closed These projects mentioned ,here, . w.-ould b~ -able to learn,. at the eori~ 1 job . is still ahead of schedule; though . a rudder fell on him and · all plants, r.esulting in the lockout and many 1 others in operation in ,

·. t:a~t<;>rs~ · e_xperise, · how ~ to 'o'r>erat'e:··'Brothers Oti:o Wie and Arvid cii.rl-·1 broke some ribs. We hope that you of many of the members of Local3.1 this area, employ a great many :

J .. . ~CJ,UJPIAe.nt : tl;r~at:, tl}!!i : ha_;v~ ; -,ri.~\'ef. s~n, leverm~n; · lef~ and haye been :!' in·~ able to return t<;) . work soon,. The City of ·san Mate_o is the wort)1y ·members of Local 3. and · ,,_ ;, h~d : ~; i_£h~n.~·e,\, ~~: :. ?~tJ>qp.~i~l!zi:~ftd: ):'eplaced• by Bamey ·J ohannsen and 'Bill; : and that you haVe ·a very scepe of ' a boom in . apartn1ent h,ave 'a_ tendency to keep ·Our~ out- ' :.

·, ·' '··· ·never ... seen: ... <Ah U're , present"·time;·· 'Ri.ldy~. Sjvatsin: 'The 'boys .. all · spent speedy recov·ery. . · ·. buiiding. construction .. In this · past I of~work · list at a low .: point . .

Page 4: 1949 August Engineers News - OE3...2017/10/08  · space, he literally starved to death. Isabell Construction C o m Many of our giant monopolies today are typical of this dinosaur,

Fp_ur ENGINEERS' NEWS ~.ugust 15, 1949

San Jose- Stockton- Ukiah-

JOB HU;NT;E:· .FLO:OD SAN Ba.d Job Situa·tion TOUGH :M : NIAI~~li· -B·ER ROA·D In Sto~k.tou, 811t PUSH THROO . . JO tCOAST

By M. G. "MICKEY'~ MURPHY and J. E. RILEY Oui·lool{ :Brigh.ter B~ GLENN. L. DO~YNS, Business Agent, Local 3 JOSE AR , : I ENOUGH JOBS

Business Representatives, Local 3 By ED DORAN and Modern machines in primeval surroundings, bulldozers, Due to the. fact that many engineers have come to this terri- FRANK LAWRENCE powershovels, terra -cobras and all the heavy equipment used

tory in the hopes of going to work on the P . G. & E. Pipeline Business Representatives, Local 3 in mountain road building were given a short breathin_g spell Job at Hollister (which at the present is filled to capacity) The work situation in the Stock- when the crews working east and west met approximately and because many of the larger jobs scheduled for this year ton area is ge.eting worse every 19 miles west of Ukiah at three o'clock tbe afternoon of July have not as yet been let, unemployment has reached its high- week. We have a big out-of-work 14th, completing the first phase of the Masonite Corporation's est .peal<: since before the war. Worl< on the Lexington Dam, list and the turnover of men on the 36-mile Jogging road from Navan~o - . . . the relocation of the Los Gatos- . . . . . I jobs has been very small. How- to Ukiah. As privately built roads Pile .Co. is driving the test piling, Santa Cruz Highway Coyote Dam m connectiOn w1th the bo1ler erec-

1 , f . go, this undertaking stands ou': with Brother Ai Lichtl;wrn, oper-

. · ' . . · ever the prospects ook good or t d G C 11 ·1 No. 2 and the Austrian Dam was t10n. Some boiler erection has al- ' . among t he greatest. From the a ·or, an ene o ette as 01 er supposed to start this year but to. ready pegun. At the present t ime the future, .as the1:e are several ·big standpoint of difficulties met and on equipment. date bi'ds have not ·been called on there are approxim.ately 35 engi- road jobs and the r iver crossing overcome it is uniq1.1e, winding Gene Collette says tbe fog that

· 1 d 11 th1's p 'OJ'ect and over and through a terrain ~o 1:olls in makes .him "homesick .foe any .of this work and there 1s no neers ·emp oye o · I •· on t he Hetch Hetchy are coming ~ · · d t b r ther ill be too rugged that every foot was a chal- good old San 'Francisco," but Nick

i:ndication .as to just ·when ·bidS we o no" e Ieve e w up later on in t.he year. WILL' be called. Consequently, our many more employed there as the lenge to t he builders. The road Nelson, wpo l;las wandered .ta large "OuLof Work List" is dimin- job is about 25 per cent complete United Concrete Pipe Co. is go- starts .at sea level on the coast at many foreign ports of t1.1e world, ishing, slowly. At th·is writing, work . .. The Ci~y of Watsonville is st.ill ing along in shape on the Navarro. The Ukiah side starts ,at ~ays it . doesn't make him ~1ome· has started on the r eservoir site for improving its sanitary system. Pi- freeway, east of the. Stockton city 600 feet, rising to 2,300 feet at .sick for an.y one spot-it just looks t he Austrian Dam. Earl Heple has .sano .and Granite each have a limits. the h ighest point. The roaqbed . is gopd to ,him.

t.he contract .and at present has ·good-sized pipelil:e job in thbis cityf Farmingt.on aappWrl_odxeir?1a,,;l:dl;,., '30011fetehte .ycVLildre\;es""itll~ B.i .. g,River Bridge about five Cats ·clearing and haul- and are employmg a num er o · ., ..,. , · · "

· 1 · s Al B.1·asott1· .1·s do1·11 2' the excavat- has six to eight per cent grades. Moore Drydock Co., on the Big ing out tl;le Redwood timber to t 1e engmeer . ~

~aw mills for processing. This coun- M t rey ing for structures on the F arming- ·The road will be used by River bridge on Highway 1, is I on e · · ton Dam. TI1e cn· ar·les McClosl' ·ey large timber users as well as by laying the .. last of the steel. There

try is very r ugged and inaccessible. ' -G 't c t t' c pa11y Co. 1·s the pr;'me b1'dder on the J·ob . . Masonite. · The Utah Construction segms to .be quite a ,pause .between

Brothers, if you should venture ram e ons rue wn om t l l k b'dd th 'd TJ11·s J·ob I· s going to be a hum- Co. is building this road. Fran.k lifts. John L. Thompson is thr:

down that way, we'd a dvise you n.ot w.ere 1e uc. y 1 · ers on e WI -· d r· · · b Del dinger for .the engineers' union . It Laird is project ,manager, with operator and Ray W. Sickles the

t.o ddve too tast and to be on the enmg an rea 1gnmg JO on · M t Th , ,1·rl bn '.::00 feet "'ide at th e bot- Kenneth Ludwig .as chief engi- oiler. They are both eq_ uipped alert. _..----. Mon te Avenue m on erey. ey " c .... .,

probably will get started on this tom, 58 feet -high and 7800 fee t neer. ·Barney Apgar is superin- wlth rod a nd reel and have en-(' n Jose 1 F h t long. (Millions of yards of muck.) tendent on .the Low Gap side and joyed m any a trout dinner until J..a. . work very short y . . . rom w a T L . t d tl th St t G " ' d · f d _ ·Worl'

1.s about


al ' for thi's information we can gather, bids All the dirt has to be removed to om . ane supenn en s on le . e a e a rne en m orme ' bedrock then ·the dir t has t o be .Navarro side. These men have them that the stream is closed!

time of year around .San Jose ·vvith will be called for be~re ;o~gh 01l hauled '28,000 feet round trip to been ably assisted by about 2oo I could .not park close to the tl·1e local cont.ractors l<eeping the the expansion of the ava c 00 f th 0 t ' E · b 'd I I h '

at Del Monte ... Stolte is keeping make the fill. The dirt hasn't been o e pera mg ngmeers. . n ge so w 1en was approac mg majority of the local 1'\'lembers em- let yet, so don't get excited. PI B' f . them on foot they mistook me for

pretty well occupied on work in an 10 a 11• ploy~d . ~he greater ~)art ofhtiieh un- and around Carmel and Monterey. Russell Vote has the street work . . . ::J the warden, consequently both

~:f 01:'e~en~:; ::: e~~ ~a~ J~~: Hhe alw1ays seems to have an ace in aCtalta· hvee· r~alsy-BII1_IgATc:·eeess:SuTbhdi.isviJ~bonw~l~ Contracts have been let for ap- ~i~~ts ::~·e a~~~t ~~~u~~~~~~,01~~· ~i.

t e ho e proximately $113,000 in improve-from other districts in search of I · be 100% union as Vote is an old- ment ta the County Fair Ground;; QUEST. * * * work. The A. J . Peters Company SalinaS member of the Engineers' Un- at Booneville. Elaborate plans · are • • & .-

was recently awa~ded a $157;0?0 j Valley Trenching have a good- ion and believes in us. being laid to .make the fair one lOdi .- .Pi»! :BidS contract for a samt~ry sy~tem m sized pipeline job at Salinas. They Vicini Bros. are making a new of the largest and most impl:es- • ~ East S~n J?se. Theu' proJects at also have quite a littl e work in road into the site of the PG&E :sive eve~· hel? in this .c;:ounty. The :r().r.Be ..!YHeWed Aura. ,9 Mountam V1ew and P.alo Alto are . t' 'th th 1 . . . t unnel above Cook's Station. 'l'he 111oney Js bemg spent on a 11ew . ..~ .

connec wn w1 e 1ousmg prOJ- L d c t t f th fflmost complete . . .. Brown. & ect in North SaliiWS . .. The Ray camp· is going to be moved f rom building. 70 by ·200 feet which will . o I.-:- ~n r ae s. or e l~epatr Knull ·have started their road JOb Con!lelly's old camp to the new . . d I • • • ·• of five maJOr Lod! streets Will be

· . . . . Adam's Tract in East Alisal is ho.use e;xJubits ,an machmery d1s- d d b t l C' t C .1 A near Mountam V1ew. This 1s a k . f f · . s't This tunnel is expected to 1 A h ·· a war e Y · le 1 Y ounci ug.-. . . , . . ' eepmg a e w o our engmeers I ·e. P ;;.ys. mong ot el~ Improvements· ust 9 Cit Manao-er · H D Welle•·

Widemng and JObband J busy ... Ted Baun of Fresno has start early next spring. will be -the new one,half mile ra,ce ' dy o ~ · · -

vnll keep severa ·.engmeers usy 1 • t d . . t on ·Westbrook & Pope· have moved t 1 1. · 1 .. b. · · b ·rt b 'tl announce · Jus move m some eq uipmen . ·rae< w Ilc 1 IS emg m Y Ie Th t t l th k

f t' A J R · I h most of their equipment out of the · , · · · ese con rae s, P us e wor or some Ime · · · · ·. msc 1 · as his 101 State Highway job and will Straub Constr uctiOn Co. of P.eta- now bein£ done by_ the ·Cit" .street

just abou t completed his resurfac-~ t t 1 . --d. t 1 Cooks Station job and Dee Strong luma. ~ J

ing job near Alviso . This company s ·ar . wor < Jmme Ja e y. has moved in to lay the road mix. PlG~ns are being .rushed to com- ,department, are the init ial phase also has a street and sidewalk job Soledad For the information of the mem- _plete fQur miles of the sever)-ll).ile -of .the city's five -year .street main -

1 1 d b tenance .and r ecoJIStruction pro-

on the Barrett .. & Hi.lp Project a.t M. & K. were awarded the con- bers· who .are emp oye Y mem- hill of the .Willits .road, which. will gram~ , Palo Alto and are domg the street tract for the new Semi-Security bers of the Building Exchange, we about $100,000 . . In the four Contracts will be awarded . for a nd paving of the Sunnybrae Tracl: I Prison a t Soledad. The figure ran have signed an agreement identical rmles . of new road, much of 1t , , . a_t Santa Clara . . (Pasetto Con~truc- clGse to $4,500,000. Granite a with the A. G. C. contract with a will leave the old roadway in or- ~~~~~~ec~~ple:1:0~ec~~s;~~~~~~n ~~ tion are the general contract~rs) , subcontract to do the road work 6'hc wage increase an d it is for qer to straigl1ten ,and elimii-:ate

1 Lodi Aven~e· Lodi Avenue from

, . . We unde.rstand the Raisch and excavation and 1.s goi ng to fur- two years. curves and make better gradmg. H t 1 . · t H' L . v· ' f, ,, t l d The land leveling picture is l' . t d th t h u c Ims o am ane, me, ron,

Company were JUS· recent Y a war - nish all the ready-mix concrete · c.111s ehxpetc e th a : de new 1~odute Central to Stockton; Vine, from

d t t AI Street beginning to show a slight -1m- w1 s or en e gr·a e cons1 er e a new . . con ~ac. · on rna . which will be approximately 30.,000 · . c ~ . Scl;lool to Lee; and Central, from ('~orth City limits of Mountam yards. Work on this project should provement in this area, and we ably. Appro::a~ately 95 per. cent Poplar to Kettlel'\1an Lane. A total View to Madera Creek) ... L. C. get under way almost at once. hope that as the time goes on it of the work with the State m ob- of 1.56 miles of street ·will be re-S.mith has .a nice street, curb an.d


K' C't w ill improve. .tainiJ1.g rights of way thro.ugh the paired. sidewalk J'ob on Oregon Avenue in ' lng I y L d' L l' State forest lands has been corn-an eve lng Bids will be opened in the city Palo Alto. ($203,302> · · · The 20 Fredricksen & Kassler are well · . · pleted. .manager's office, August 8, Wellet' or more batch plants in this dis- under \vay on their widening and Most of the land leveling at the Nevada Construction Co. has ap- .said. txict are keeping many of our boys resurfacing job on .101 Highway be-l present time, is being done on Un- proximately one week to go be- -A major por.tion of the contract employ.ed and we .l~aven' t had. too tweel1 San Ardo and King City. ion Island. .Claude Kenworthy has. fore copleting all the excavating .work will be o_ver the trac-

h t bl 1 th b d t th d can .on the 10.4 miles at Talmage :Road. muc rou e po 1cmg · . ese JO s, This company .has · erected a hot his. sprea . ou ere an you . . tion company . trac)<s, wJ1 ich n,m lth h th tt d f f I d t th d t h They have moved in a crusher and 3: oug ey are . sc.a ere ):'?m plant and a slurry plant to take· see or m1 es ue o ~ · us · e 1s . · [Jmost the e.ntire length of t he

Palo Alto to Monte\·ey ~and Kmg care of this J'6o.:rri1e slurry plant is raising. AI Ro.dger s )1as just started a shovel, to feed it Irom Nevada. tr et r.o ·t Tl 15 1 d d d G As soon as this plant is ready to · s e · * * * ...:.·1 y. · 1e or more roc c, san .in operation at .the present time a small job on the islan , an uye

and gra~el producers . have. full and the hot plant . is just about Bros. are j:ust finishing up a good ~~=~:~e b~~:~ ~i~~: ~:i~~ ~~~~~ ~~: .·s~r~at ("nti!'~CtS in cr.ews with the .exceptiOn of the ready to start. sized job. H \..~a uu ~"" IU l}:isor Plant at F elton. They found N r h B h \Vest of French Camp, Roy superintendent, informs me that' ·r A ~ .I! it necessary, recently, to lay off .. ews OT t e.- rot. ers Reeves has about eighty acres he h~ hopes to have th= job completed :racy . .war.ueu one shift, temporarily . . . The It is wi th a feeling of sadness is fini shing and t he Andrews Bros. by ~~-e end 0: September. ,

1 Tracy.-Contracts for two st reet

P t C t . e pl0ys h e 500 t 1 f Sa11 Sa t Constr uctwn Co. has star t ee. I·n1proven1e11t proJiects ail ct. w·ate '' ermanen ·e orpora ·1on m · that we report the passing of ave som acres sou ~ 1 o · ' · t 1 135 · 11 e e r s · J · c·t Th r l.Ll Jini·ng clearing on the Cobb Mountain s"·stem I'mpr'O\'emeiit 'oo11ds we t'<> approxnna ·e y eng 1 Brother . Worth Cooper who was . oaqum I. y. ey . a e J -

t t l · th 1 t L t 1 'ft th' · b job in Lake County. They expect. awar·ded by the Tracy C1'tv Co''.l1'' J.[ amongs · ~e1r ree p an ·s- os killed recently in an automobile wo s 11 · s on IS JO . ' - J " v -

A] N t . 'd d d J\ff .L d' A . t !'ttl . to move their equipment in real at an aclJ'ourned meetin£ last ni£ht. tos, . a 'IV! a an ·~oss an mg. acciclent. Brother Cooper ,was a fine , s soon as we ge · a 1 · · e mo1s- ~ ~

'Fhe · Natividad and Moss Landing "OUng fe llow-just 23 years old, ture in t he air, it will pick up a soon. · A. Tie chert & Sons of Sacra-l J d 1 . ll t Chittenden & Chittenden are men to was low bidder with $. 73,-

p.Iants were shut down for a s 1ort and in the prime of life . Our deep- good ea more,. espec1a y ou · on . 1 . l d laymg gravel on part of their job. 297.30 for street and $. 362,858.55

per i.oc1. The Natividad Plant at est symJ)athy e:oes to hi's br·other, t 1e IS. an s. . ~ 1 Highway No. 53, Lake County.

Salinas is back in operation again Lore11 Cooper (also a member of We held our regular month Y Siri Construction .Co. also has and it is expected that the Moss Local 3), and hi's bereaved faini'ly. meeting with .the employees of t he moved . in a crusher plant for the Landing Plant will be in full op- ... Brother Rosco Thieman is op- Calaveras Cement C.o. on August A. R. McEwen Construction Co. on

t i ~g · bef too long 4th at San Andreas. The atten-er a on a am ore · erating a brand-new rig in these '· their Booneville Highway No. 28

P"&.- p· I' parts for Komsthoeft, Builder. It's dance at this meeting and at the road job. · ·lj · t I pe me a combination sldpp loader and meeting in the past have been but

for work in Parker _ Acres. T he company is scheduled to start work within 10 days.

Highest bid for work in the southside district was $125,758.73, in Parker Acres, .$410,579.69,

* * * ·The · Bechtel ' Corporation a r ·e trenching machine. It also has an a small percentage of the members ·Will i.fS nearing completion of a section of a ttachment of forks for lumber. employed by this company, and if The acreage sown to wheat, rye,

the attendance continues to be Clement Construction Co. has a and barley last fall in the Soviet three miles in the Pinoche Pass . . . Brother- Conrad Angerhofer, f d t b f small something will have to be ew more · ays o go e ore com- Union is reported t o be 6,000,0001 a:r:td the men are working North Cat 1oader operator for Los Gatos 1 t' 't · 1 t d h If ·1 done. Let's hope that in the future P e mg 1 ·s eig 1 an one- a . mJ. es greater than the 1947 ' fall planting. towards Hollister. At pi·esent there · Sand & Gravel, recently broke his f d W'll 't H' h ' 01 - · more of you boys will show up for o roa near · I 1 s on 1g way "' . ...,.!'li'II.,.DII! ... """""""..,..,...,....,....,..,....,,_ aTe around 45 men employed on leg · one day and was r unning shov- these meetjngs. Superintendent Bro. John Paselk .. · th is proJ· ect (which is J·ust about el the next clay . . Quite a record. . . . · f r that th' h' 1 h .s·AN · JOS· · E . J esse :Reese, one of t he brothers m o ms me IS 1g 1way as the peak of emplo.yment)- mostJ.y Telephone calls have been coming had an ·ncr·ease of 25 per cent ' ~ w or k: i n g in t h j s a r e a, had a , · · · I · h i

. Cat skinners, trenching machine in all the way from Mexico, Mis- little ru'n-in with the. wrong e.nd. traffic this year. And at all times ,TE .. L··E·P··H .. O·.N~ _,..L a·nd shovel operators. These men souri to Alaska ·regardin£ the tr~ffic IIacl to be escorted by patrol If>

~ of a ]1ose on .a. compressor up on a · ·

are strung out over a 20-mile area. PG&E pipeline job at Hollister. We the Westbrook and Pope job at cars. Brother Paselk feels that the

Vvalsonv·ille hope our article in this issue of the Cool<'s Station. Jesse is recliper- boys at the plant have done a ~AD~_·R 'r . '~.~~~c. paper will tend to discourage a few · ating in the St. Joseph's Hospital wonderful job. They are Bros. RVRilJl;; \;; i"'UL

' Ben · Gerwick's work in connec- of th := calls .. . .. \Ale have many in Stockton. He has his jaws wired Beam, fireman ; Bee Croft, oiler; The telephone number of Loca l t ion with the·· pr:g,E J'ob· at Moss .l'Y·.o1·e 11an'e~ to ~ .. drl ·to our "Honor· fi · · Ole Ter·o-I.le.r· box mali ' a·1d G!eJII'

~- · - .. , ~ " - together and it is the rst tnne m o ' · · ' ' ' 3'·s San Jose office will be changed Landing is almost complete. The List." Names of members who have his life· that he is at a loss for Dennett, the plant foreman . A t ?S 1 th d' 1 same r·oes f.or the We.s,tern Con- notified us · by telephone or post- '· '·'OI'ds. Judson Pacific & Murphy Steel on ugus . - w Ien e new !a

'"' system goes into effect. The Jiew solida tej · w:1o have the -smoke · card that they have gone to -\·I'•Drk Co. have started their bridge job phone number of the San of-stacks. C. C. Moore & Co., engi-1 We really appreciate ·this courtesy. this week which we appreciated. at .salmon Creek on Highway 1.· fice will . be: · n eers, have ·moved in from : San 1 • • • Received a pictorial map of Guess· Slim - is ,doing · a hitch over R. F . . Tousey is acting as super­F rancisco and started to set steel Guam from Hollis · "Slim" Dewing there. intendent. · Raymond Concrete &

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Page 5: 1949 August Engineers News - OE3...2017/10/08  · space, he literally starved to death. Isabell Construction C o m Many of our giant monopolies today are typical of this dinosaur,

' · . A,~gust :15, 1949 ·· ~NGJN$~:RS~· NEWS -Five

.San R!tfael- . ~ iide and fab Eureka.....: :NORTH BAY~HIGHW-A\' :jfi'BS sy~~~:til~a~e~:~::~:~f~: t:~e:~~ WORK HOLDS UI~lN:RE.D\VOOD

• • • -·· .. -~·u > 'MOVE·· FAST OTHI:Q,S--, ~J ARTJlTG ~~~:~,m;;r u::s~~i;~r ~~;toi:s h:~~~ .CM·· .p·!ll W,: e>~~W. J\Y :j' 1• : .S ~~~:p · : , . · .~ · ' · ~ 1i!\ .Jo.# 'it~ ·-... : ~ 'J:~ woolens · in hard water, .Tide and ~.A .-- '~"- la}.L, li:c [L ll · '' -• -· · U H. 0. FOSS, Business Representative, Local 3 Fab were both better.than soap.)n OTTO E: NEVER and l\1, W. EDWARDS,

} ? .... ' 1 ... ' • ' • -... ~ ' The J?arish .;Brothers' J?..lack Pojnt project where Brpthers soft w;ter, Tide was, almost as good I . - ~U&iness -~~presentatives, Local 3 Bill M'/-dsen and Art Burch, fo'remari,.are'about 80 % complete as soap_ for washi~g. eo,ttons, just as .Work in tpe Red~vood still consistent. Alth{)~gh on a 300,000 yard cut and should .be finishing up (lbout the good as soap for washing woolens. ' no new jobs :are bfeg.king; there has. b~en so little turnm{er in first par"t of October. J?ill . ~ays i' c~·ew" h<:;' ~ver had For most uses, Fab was - inf~rior to employment that we have veryJevi'. 'members on the :,o~t of which means e',\eioybody is happy·. ·· · Tide. . . . work list. ' 1 · ·. . . 'l'he ne\" . t,¥o-lane paving from Th_e cost of Tide or l"ab . Js pp-. u ·p. in· the Crescent City area, C. I pected. -r:he pressure wa~ too ~rea{

,the Novato intersection to the . .father of-Walter, who arrived-· Aug- proximately the samd~ as ~iat ofdt~e E. .Johnson is .finishing up on the for the little man; so a good many bridge and the. four-lane paving , ust 7th . · · congratulations · · · · granula~ed soaps or man Y use m culve1;t and r~alignment job be- .of them .have .closed. We would .like from Petaluma Creek to 101 HJ.'gh- The 10_1 Ranch Company of Ig- laundermg. $orne users com- t . H' hi nd H 'ghwa 101 to see them r unning as that ,means . . · lained · that they find Tide irrita- ween IQUC a 1 · Y · , · h ' th ' · · th-way intersection completion should nacw, who recently s1gned . con- P_ · . · . . . . He is also doing some ·County work · ~1anpo\'i~r' ow ever, · . ere. ~ .s . no

.help .to dectease accidents on this .trac_ts, are te~~ing for four)dations ::ng ~0 th~ skt~·:nyo~_e not~~mg Jr- and a smali oiling job for Cresc,ent mg .we can do about Jt under the 'very busy' highway-with Parish on the site of tpe _proposed N9vato- ntatwn s 10~ Jscon mue 1 s use. City. present setup. . .Brothers doing a rtice job . , . . their D_~m , , , with the spe_cif:ic.ati~ns not ·Harms Brothers on the Vacaville Macco-M & K <:;qrp. is now lay- . As far as the redwood comp~mes pencils must have been sharpened· ·.exp~cted to be, p~epare(l untJl.Ja,ter · t h. · ·B. Dave Otis , ing rock on the jetty. Th.ey are are .concerned, · tMy have, ·already . . . · 9 9 ·d' E E B . d . · · proJeC ' w ere · r . · . · · sawed logs for .fifty years or more nght "to the pomt" as Pansh was 1 4 accor mg to · · ra y, res1- · h rge about "cleaned up" usmg .three Northwest SO's m · the· - . .. ·· · '·· low bidder on the American Can- ' dent engineer. was

111 c ·a ' ' · · d. · qmirry and a rvia~itowoc 4500 crane .and. will no qoubt saw them for: an-.. . · .. . . -. and movmg eqmpm~nt. . an ,opera- , · · · j' th fift o until the timber ·yon. project. · ' .The Hu~cpi,\lson Company - .o~ tcirs .· to other .areas ..• this was crane to place -the rock. Rigs are ·0. er ' · y, .ir ·1 belief -that . .. We are gl,ad to report Brother . Greepprae are moving the Sheldon a: nice · smooth-running job and working one shift but mechqnios _ g~ves out. ' It ~ a so my ... . . ' '~Motorcycle Bi~l" Anderso~, ~n: Hof Rlant fr6111 R:io V:.i_sta way into "orchids" to Dave. , , . are ~n a ~wo-shift .basis. ' I un]~:s theser~Ig i~lomp:n~:~i~~~ ~~~ JUred at the Par1sh Black Pomt JOb Greenbrae ... th1s will be two hot At tile Larkspur Se"'er T·r·eating It 1s qmte poss1ble that the Dut- gam"ed, the · w ·bed. . · · h . . h · · · " ·· ' -· · · · · " · I· "' ges and con Itwn~ w 1c in J)me, has r~turned to wo:rk 9-nd plants at the Greenbrae Quarry Plant where John Rocca of san ton Lumber Company will let their .m ~ . a d ~, I. · tl · · · h . · t· · · - · . · ' . · aren't any too aoo now. n · 1e w1shes to express IS appreCJa wn s1te and more of the brothers work- Rafael is contractor :with Brother dock contract m . the very ·nea:r fu-· 1 f t. "' • d bt th t L - d · 1 ' · · • 1 · near uture,. tuere IS no ou , a . co a ll the brothers an his emp oy- · iJ1g. · , "Red" Tavenner superintendent ture. Proposed dock Will paralle . . . .

11 ff. t · · d d c ' ' . If there JS such a cut,. 1t WI :a ec •er for then: many lun nesse~ an , H·. • k are ·away ahead of . schedule , . , the Jetty .for about 1,400 or 1,5·00 1· . . .. · · 'b .- 1 1ac ers c . . the commumty as a whole, and the contn utwns. . - j t .. _, , Brother R. w. Greuner of Oakland feet. About 1,200 or 1,400 feet Will: 1 t t .t h ld ·t

0 H · ha·s on· e of J1is lOB's with back-hoe be · earth fill; rest will be piling. '1 on Y way 0 pr1e_ven h1 0 d1

Perat .lo· n orse Brother Nick DeLaiVIontanya has . . on an even kee IS to ave· e .re -, .. . . . . , . bee·J1 btJsy a· ll ·SUJ11n·1er· . 011 the. No- · attachment on this p· roject and it is At the present t ime, the company I d . d .t . d , b. ~ . . : . .. . . . .· . - . woo m us ry orgamze m .one 1g \ Shaffer & Madsen of Mill ;valley vato redari1atioi1 . · . ~ hi~jackers a g1:eat mud ng w1th a Pans boom IS testmg a Site near_ the golf course unit. (Shaffer will be .remembered as the recently ~tole !~is startii1g ;·rnotor arid bucket attachment. . for their .mill. ' . The hearing with the Northern

. J;:tmous Marinship iui1ch- lifter), and generator on'' his N.W .. 18 Drag Brothers McAffery & McKay, . At, Klamath, C. IVI. Syar is pu~- Redwood Company, the NLRB; the seem to .be confining their opera- Line and Nicl-:: is now ·~fie• for Napa who have been in litigation for tmg m ~eme~t-treated ba:e on hiS Lumber 'and Sawmill Workers rep­.tions to the southern part of the as parts are still pard to get . . . some time· past, hope for ai1 early r~surfacmg _Job and makmg _good .


resentatives and ourselves was ·held c~unty. Their equipment is always Nick carries a· "mean right" as settlement as they would both like t ime. ~ob · Will probably be fi~ IShed in San Francisco last week to· de-"'eil-greased . . . Mrs. Shaffer is " 'ell as ar·med pro·tection, waiting to get · started on their own con- before .the ramy season sets m . 1 t · · t ·t ·s·su". n ., - , . . . . . ennme an appropna e um 1 ~, supervisor .. . Ken is also extend- for a "return en.,.agement" o~ the structwn JObs . PJOmbo :JOb at Onck !Swell along' 1 b d ·d · "' .. ~ · · · · d ·t 1 1 tJ h 1 " d' t ' however, should t 1e oard ec1 e ing his activities in other directions "boys" · M H t C"J.. ff an 1 oo-::s as · 1oug tL Jr 'l' t tho ' ·ct the m ·a:re a . ' ' . ore· 0 'ILl mavin 'ob will be done by fall. L:a ~ :vooas all . m < • · · · he recently acted as anaes- The W . w. Bird C.ompany w1th 1 ·- ,.- , G g PJ tL , t d . · smgle umt, we have g1ven our m-t . t' t f d 1· t · . . · . eorge a cerson s ca s are omg . . . '. ne IS or a very e ICa ·e opera- Brother Leslle Pett1t as foreman, The A. G. Ra1sch Company of tl d. t . tentwn of filmg for an electiOn on tion on his favor ite horse · · · .won- have the leveling job east of Santa I Black Point recently purchased· a .1Me Jr moFvmg. h d . t 'both. It seems a shame that when der if the horse knew that Shaffer . . . ercer raser as move m o .. Rosa as well as the contemplated ne~v standard Hot Plant- which JS tl . M'll C 1 . b W 1 h ld we are about to organize an u.nor-, · lf h ld 1 tl t' ? · • 1en· I 1 ree < JO . or.;: s ou . . . · ' •. , n.1m~e s _ou - 1av~--- 1e opera:wn · dam for the Alina Dell Farms. to be erected· at the Basalt Quarry, b 1 t d . 60 d . 1 t gamzed operatwn that anothe1:· un-Some of the brothers. have called ·. As this goes to press,· the San McNear's Point with Brother W. C. e comp.e e m ays or es~ a ion a·f the American Federation of Otlr attel1tl.on to a "str·ong \"1.!1d" l . the progress they are makmg. L b . ' 11 . d' t 1 t I . ' t ' - ·• . Rafael office pas , no information.on Ivers in charge. This ooks llke . a · · . a or wL 1mme 1a e Y ace s eps coming from the Peninsula for the the proposed Monticello· Dam ·. ·. . very good setup and the. aggre- They are also l~yJ~g cement-treat-


to stop us .. at . a~y cost.. Why, ~ don't past couple of wee.ks . . Seems· soine- so . , .' , your guess is as good as gates, other th-~ln crushed rock, e~ base on the~l' .JOb north ,of the kno\'1. It looks like the dog iri: the 'oo.dy mJ·ssed the "boat" or a "re- . . . Elk Refuge. This company has sev-~ t Th 't t ·t ours. , . , coming from the Basah Plant at · . . manger o me. ey can ge.· 1 , .port" and the .rumblings add up to H~aldburg and . will prol:)ably be era! small odd g01:1g as well, btit still theY, don't want us to have - clatter - hub-hub - ear-split- The Valley Trenching Company , . . as the highway JOO at Fortuna and I 't A. f . . . d• ,. · . •. " . · of- Fresp·:'l were. awarSJ:ed the . cori- handled thrqugh Haystack and Scotia. 1 . . s ar as we are concerne , we

.. ting .- tlwnd~~·- · .... : tract for the water .supply system ~ra11sport~d by water to the plant Carr & Rocco have three small believe in Union, and that 's for Brother E.' W. ·cox, whose shop is for the Cit); of Healdsburg, and ,the at McNear's Point. This company bridge and appr-oacldobs from Or - sure.

located at -605 Francisco Blvd., San Central Valiey Pipe Company ,of I is keeping "r~ght.· husy," they ,have lec1ns to Happy Camp along the 1

* * * w Rafael, t e I e P )1 ° n e San Rafael Sa~ni.mento was low on. the sewer the Fourt]l. Stre~t, San Rafael re- Kiai11ath River . Steel laying on .the :: S. J. P~\Yer·· f.r:mett 6946-M, keeping busy an.c( makil1g i;1:u~k·.·lip'e project. for the .City of paving, which is· expected to start Dinan and Clear Creek job~ is jus't' ·. ... . • _,., k . , ·i;J

. himself a good reput~tion for San Anslmo. very soon; also, the, $43,000 road- st_·ar.ting. but should be fin ish_ ed in' R~ ;_ !~;~~~~~·"':~~ "quality wqrk" in p<;>rtable arc a nd . . . x:: work at the Napa State Hospital ~"' •• lloilllfi~y~ ··&~Y J. A ... B.ryant, popular V.all.ejo Imola ..... _ · · c ' 30 days. . . . Atlthor·J·7ati'on to. buJ'!d a11d op-gas welding ha~ recently patented -Somethl·nfi ne\" 1.n tr·ai·Iers .. , it · contractor was recently awa1o,ded · · . . Fre_d J. Mau.rer & _Son. JS :fimsh-1 erate an $8,840,000 irrigation ... and ~ ·• h "'137 000 · b f h s 1 Huntington Brothers of Napa · th 1 . h t th t · e · q, , JO or t e o pno u_1_?-:_ . e o_wer approac o. e . po\"er pro]·ect on the JI_/Ii.ddle .Fori< ,will be well worth the broth_ ers h th · ·t f th · d ., County Fair Association buildings ave - e .maJon Y 0 · elr sprea' \~ e1tChpec JGb. 1 of. the Stanislaus River near ·i:'ine-stopping in to see this as it is really V 11 . ' busy on the Napa Creek realig'n- T 1 r:.:r 11 1 as f b ··drr · bs · · n E;a r a eJO. . 01 1 .~~ . -1 a ,e,~ . n, .,e JO 1 crest in Tuolumne County ha,s ... been go~~·e· P~cffic Gas & Electrk Com- A note from Brother Hollis ment where the Hydraulic Dredg- gomg tJ:~o~ghout the County and I granted tc the Oakdale and S..outh

"Slim" Dewing, who recently re- ing Company of Oakland has the keeps h1s crew busy_. Lotue Conner' San Joaquin Ir_rig.ation -Dis'th.c.ts. pany has made application to the t t 'th t. · th · turned fr:om Arabia and now in con rae WI opera ·wn m · e VI- is still idle. John Bv rman & Sons In vVashfngton , D. c ., ·.the Fed-Planning Commission ·to spend · ·t f th B~ Jt sh· d PI t ' ~ about a million aJ1d a half on un- Gpam ... !?ays he met som~ of the .cmi Yo e . Ipyar an . are about d?ne at Bull Creek :park era! Po.\yer Commission . said , the other old timers, Br9theq Oldaker Dan Caputo of San Jose recently and have nothing new lined_ up. I districts would receive a · 50-year derground storage gas_ tanks just d d th $40 000 t t f · · apd · Mgtcpoqald now coasting on_ aw_a~· e . e . , · con Tac · · or Joh1.1 P .. etersen keeps his shovel liceJ1se for the pro]· ect. The : .r:.· ;eser-north of San Rafael: b d d h th · · · - · their third hitch. n ge, .an approac es , across e busy, but has not. 'used his cats very voir will have a gross capacity ol P lans are being w __ hipped up for N C I h N I ~ - Brother Clarence Huffstutter 1 apa ree' at t e apa )'\'estern much this summer. · It se'ems . that 97 500 acre . fee{ of water and: the a ·new 'grj,dge across the Petaluma · .. · ·t · r ·t · · ' · · · · · · ' ,.. ' · ' · · · · · Creek ~mel the wicjenjng of Black took_ off 1:ecenpy for B~cl:teL down Cl Y Iml s. . John does mot_e worlcin then~ilf!t~~ ~, Po,:v_~f.h·O,}l, s~ .. will have a 1~;500-

Point ~mel Sears .:pojnt intersection Ho!llster \V~Y Where_ he 1s 111 charge At the San Rafael Sewage . D1s- than he does; 111 summev. . , ; ; ··'· ·,,1or.s~_p,<~~yftr generatmg umt. . of the "dope machme" ' . ' looks p~sal Plant, where Haas & Ro~hs- D If'! '\Af ''·;l ,. ···:' ,. cj i ·:'l ;j. Ttre . <'\~,m .. ,<Beardsey Dar:p) . Wlll - late fall or early 1950· like a nice set-up until the rains child are the general contractors, ': reaue ·~ v.y.Ofqv , .. J' "')i 2· l~)e'·' 275 feet high withacrestlength While. visiting the & RQths- ..... · . . . . , .1d . t t Eld . 1 t at Hollister and then will be mov- the Raymond Concrete Pile Com" The c'~-n;sheli dr'ectrre' Jupitei· 1 of 1,150 feet ' including the spill· em a rJcge,me one. rr ·.· ·J N dl . . , . I fi" h d. tl , dt' lc» . . • . "' , ' ,, ' . .-• .. ~ It"· 'llb .·""If • ·· .. ·a" · f 1 ld t· B th - 1 . m"' mto t 1e 1 ee es area .. , , pany 1ave m1s e 1e faun a wns ,,,as sold l•y .n111e As·socJ·ated DI·e· drr . "a.y. . WI e pllm<.I y or . un,_.. -o t 1e o 1mers, ro er J01nme


· . . ·' ··c - . c ,. - . , r- • ·•. ·Heilman . . . he had some kind of UUd ~Ar~ ·e"' . wrth Jo_hnson & Nels?n domg the ing Company t o LaMone Call. Mr. twn. . , . a rig .. , absolutely foreign· to the· IYI IVtUV I / excavatmg _and McGmre & H:ster Call has assigned an agreement A ~a~er conomt, powerlw:1se r · 1 d t 1 dl ·Brothers Rei B d R f the sewer .]me ... and gomg ught .tl L 1 3 . tl d d and sw1tchyard Will be located Jm-Pe 1ca n , , .. 1t 1a wo 1an es on rown an u -us a! on . . . WJ 1 oca covenng 1e re. ge .


mediately · below the dam. '· ·. one .end of it and a small ::ubber- Adams of 703 East "D" Street, g · operations. . . . . . · . E A Forde San Anselmo con- Ther·e 1.s ]'ttl 1 The d1stncts, which dJstnbut 'O t ired w]J.eel on the -other end .. : Petaluma, have added something to · · ' very 1 · · e new wor c L • • • . • · tractor and Brown & Ely of Corte . d . th t f h. 1 waLer for 1rngatmg San· Joaqum no oiler is required on this. rig but a~ reclamation rig, dual tracks, all ' commg up unng e res o t IS · · · . · d $2 44 1 electr·I·c shovel and dra::'and Madera were recently awarded the S • t· .11 Valley farm lands, plan to deliver the scale. JS goo . . . . an 1our. ::; ' · · , year. ome new cons Lruc wn w1 PG&E are really. doing some moving , on co_ntract seal~coating,Napa ~ounty be. started at Humboldt State · Col- th<: .power output to* · ·• · Squar.e.heads: Busy their reclamation work in marsh Hlghw~y Umts No. 1 and 2 ' . ' lege. Approximately $600,000 is to . * * -Th l " h l" laild . , , they . can 0·.e r·eached at also the surfacing contract on Mil- b d d . b· · ·Jd' Three ~lightly deaf-, .men ~ere ~ e-- popu ar . square- eac con- : . e expen e m new ul mg con- motorin from the north to Lon~ struction company - Johnson & Petaluma 1384-M . .. interested ler Avenue, Mill Valley · · · WJth struction in the Eureka area thi~ · . · _g . . Brown & Ely doing the excavating ·, . , · ~ .d_on 1~ a nmsy pht car, an~ l!_ear~ Nelson of San Anselmo keep quite members should look 1t over ... f . th C · N · ·· p . . . fall ana '0/lnter, ana although there in<T' was difficult. As ·they were d f b b t t .1 ~ N t or e . orman eterson star - . ·b·l·t f t· ·t · e .. . · a sprea o operators usy ... a ou wo m1 es north o~ O':'a o . . . . . . IS a PQSSJ 1 1·y o · some ac JVI y m nearinf" the city one .aslied:- "Is N . " . t t . , t 1 t th ·~ · i· I age tank mstallatwn at Hamilton h' 1 t t· tl .11 . . . . ~ · . . ' . ... · .. e_ts~~. says yus . rym o mace a , ... ~ e ~~"par •. , .. . . Field. 1g 1way cons rue 10~, 1ere w1 i this \Vembley ?" . . Jnnn.,. I DevencenL.l & Haskms w1th E. V. not be enough to tal,e care of any · "No, rcolied the second ~'this is Jensen· & Pitts, of San Rafael, Curtis have completed their Straw- Atte~1tion, Brothers: This office more than .the present out-of-work .Tht~~sd.ay.'; ' is a(!vised that some of the broth-where Brother Ernie \iVheal is su- ~ berry Point project and have · list. ::"so· am I .. " put in the t_h_ird, ' •. 'let's ers, repairmen and operators, are · · d per intendent, are busy in Solano moved their equipment to the In covermg the terr itory aroun · s-ton and have one." ,C.ounty as ~¥ell as Marin County. Marysville-Colusa area on a levee using their own pickups within the Willow C1·eek and Dillon Creek, we ' A f. * * The . ~. "0,000 state allot~.-ent of project. You are directed to read -u "' project, we hear. . , . fi nd some activity in the copper de- Three student nurses 'll!ere .yery funds for t'he road improvement The George Slinsen Copstruction Paragraph 14 of. Section No. 20 of posits there. At b9th locations there late getti_ng b?-Ck to .the J:!ospital

· ~top Mount ·Tamalpais is going Company of Napa keeps nibbling the 1949-50 Master Agreement with is a crew of about 10 men driving one ·!i!ght. As they_ slipped in;j;hey right along with Paul C. Queen and away ·with paving, curbs anq gut- the A.G.C. which reads: "No re- t unnel and ta king off overburdens met ' three inte;;:nes co~njng· .~ out. · pairman or operator shall be re-Bowman· equipment there on a ter jobs in the local i;li·ea. . - in order to t est the grade of ore. ',~ ~!::ilt.!" s_aid the. n.urs~s, "w_e'_y_c been rental basis : .. and old "perennial" Brother Sam Temple, who · ha:s quired to furnish transportation At Di_llon Creek, the com.•)any nJans. ' · · w.ithin the J· ~b site for- tools or • "' · out after hours.'' Brother Bud Arm burst on the fin- just returned from his third hitch to ship the oi·e over a cableway ·· ''Shh !;' ' s;id. the internes, ~"~ve're ish blad'e' at Guam, taking off "fast" for Oki- equipment needed in the perform- bucket line . t. o Crescent City, 22. · f "

Robert' McCarthy Company of nawa with the· Vinnell Company ance of his duties." n1iles west. gQ.I.J:lg ,out a: ·tj; o~rs* >., Sa:n Ji'rancisco is -doing an excel- ... Sam wrote he wquld drop in P·eli.can

1 ... No-fish To those worthy brothers who Mq~ey_ is a bottorpless se~, · in -lent 'job' On the retaining Walls, for a visit, but COUldn't make it put ra rock in the bumper horn' on WWCQ l).OIJOl:, cq,nscience .an cJ truth

etc., at the popula·r Jack ·.Shelley because of the adyancing -of _his The Pelican and Mrs. Foss were my car: I found the rock all right, maY be qrowned .. - Kozlay. home in Bret Harte Heights with "taking-off" ti'me ... ·. out the first day of hunting season after I had .the bumper taken off; * * Brother H. J . "Babe" Ghilotti op- The San .Rafael.oifice location as with not too much to show for· it, just as· I found . the rocks in the ~Srnith,'s name 11mst be fLretty erating ·the equipn;ent and doing a of September 1, 1949, will . be-Of- but we are -planning ori leaving I-iubcap when I thought the rear, \Iigh o.Q ,'his a,uto dea.ler's IH•w. car nice landscaping job. flee No. 9 in t he Painters! Build- about ·september l Oth for the end was out. list.''

Brother Frank Glynn, blade man ii1g, corner Mission apd Tamalpl_!.is ,.northern area . .. there will be no The greater part of the mill and I -" can y_ou ten?" :with f._;:t~l C. Qu~en, working down Ayenue, San .. Rafael - same tele- story about the "one that got woods operations are now b~ing - ~'.He . iJl ~I~o_w~ng ~is wife tn -~~rive Portola way . is the very proud phone number: San Rafael 4616. away" from this trip. done by large opera: tors as was ex- the old one.'' .

Page 6: 1949 August Engineers News - OE3...2017/10/08  · space, he literally starved to death. Isabell Construction C o m Many of our giant monopolies today are typical of this dinosaur,




;::6y J ll,(hP.¢UtK - .,J~.v.~s),ne~s ,:~ep,e.sell,tative; LoGal 3 ·

-~Ul1d(ay, ~, -7, :~~~9; w,iU ,b·e rerperube1~ed as a red letter Pi=LY ~~n: · ,t;l;l~ . ~g;c,q? . .J:)le)_~to .m~ea. , It .was on this date that the


Planting [ish By Airplane

YREKA-The California Division

of Fish and Game has announced

completion of· its first successful

large -scale planting of f ish from

an airplane.

. In ·a recent four-day period, 185,­·ooo ··i"iiii1 bow·:? ~d<=e~~t·~·-;;·····i;~~~'~k'

gl:'OU.Q.d.\9,r;(=W-;lW;l_g c,,IJ.:ies_wel~E; he.ld (ilt the site of the Deep trout were dropped in 30 Siskiyou

'. W,?.~er J?p,r:t .. ;A..f~er a few §hQrL~J?,eecbes -by various officials, County lakes, many of which were

, WHP .'?- ,P,<(J;i:t~c~ap .or two ij1r9wn in for _gOQQ )::neasure, members ' previously considered inaccessible , A?f ;GQc~J N,;o. 3 p,erform,~d the actual .ground breaking. Equip- to state fish planting crews. · ' lf?,ept >y,a~ fY.FRi?,hed by t.hree firr:n s, Flying at elevations from 400 to , A . . TieG):l,ert, Inc., Bal,er Bros. and tor a.nd have the job about half- 600 feet off the water, Warden­E ;B.~rig)1to.i~ §l?Pd· · ~ ,Gl:~vel. . . ;tlpisl1ed. Pilot Al Reese in the Division's

Local 3 ·· members participating Up · in the Auburn district, Jof? twin-motored Beechcraft plane for A. Teichert, • Inc. were foremen 1 Chevreaux keeps several of the made the. delivery runs, which left Brothers· Jerry Cuneo and Hariv I boys busy at- his ready.-mix and the fish in excellent condition Porter on the ground; on the gravel plants. according to ground observers. Ap­"Cats" were Brothers 0. P. Ja- Another small local contractor proximately .15,ooo · fish, av~raging cobs and John Denis. Brother in t0~ AU.b.u_rn area is E . W. Simp- two and a .half inches in length, jacobs pic.ked up a . n~w ni~kname son, who keeps a few of out mem- were .carried on eacJ-i trip. out of the deal. On the ground bers steadily employed. ------for Ba]!:er Bros .. was Superintend- California Rock Products Co. at ent Brother Andro Kucan and I Allburn . continues working our Foreman ]3rother ~rank . VerardL boys at a steady pace. Also the Brothers Jim Aldax and Dan Vi- Lasick · Bros. ready-mix plant at rismo were· on _the Baker "G:ats." Roseville. On .the c1;ane of Br ighton Sand ?,: Work contin ues on the Rose­Gravel were . Brothers Clyde Kemp, ville subway with a few Engineers operating, and John Hix, oiling. still on the job. This . crane was used to hoist boals Progress is being made on the in and out of t he Jake. construction of the American Riv-

Local 3 was well represented 'in er Pine Lumber Co. mill at For­t he crowd, with lots of the broth- esthill. We have about 15 mem­ers turning out for the shindig. bers working on this job. Archie: .T he Engineers were also repre- Till , who is doing the paying, has sen,.ted on the speakers ' platform an additional six men employed. by Brother Frank Lawrence, your Another 30 days should see this business representative in this mill in operation. area, who is one of the Port Com~ Lentz Construction Co. has just mi ssioners. All in all, it was etn about finished with their school enjoyable affair and a memorable exc2.vation job at Lincoln. They day. Now that the fanfare is over I are now .working on th:ir coun t_Y Jet's hope that they get the work i road JOb ll1 Del Paso He1ghts. Th1:; rolling and keep it going. ! company will do the wrecking of · To date there has not been · the Buffalo Brewery, which is due .much work let in connection with to get ui;denvay soon. this project. Baker Bros. are un- Cent1:al Valley Pipe . continues qerway on their portion and A. working on various small jobs in Tiechert, Inc. has moved in on this viC:'inity. -theirs. However, t his work . repre.. Tl}e P . J. Moore road pob at El­sents only a very small portion of verta is moving along nicely and the work to be done and at this is now in the fi nishing stages. writing it dcies not look as if any ·acidi t iona! contracts will be let fo~· some time.

Levees Kelly Bros. are working three

The situation at Folsom Dam re- "Cats" on their levee job near mains approximately the sam e as Courtland. They have just fin­rE:ported last month. Only one ished up a small job at Mather

Brother Woody Caraker suf­fered a badly sprained ankle on the Rfchter & Darrough job , at Bear Valley. Here's wishing him a speedy recovery.

Brother Charles Milhous is still recupe·rat ing from a back injurv received on , the Pm~ker job at: Putah ·Creek last spring. He un­derwent an operation recently and we sincerely hope that he will soon be able to be back on the job again .

Brother Ray Smit h {vill be off the job for several weeJ<s recover­jng from a recent operation .

Brother George Sullivan has been ill and confined to the Mercy Hospital. At this writing he is home again but still unable to work.

Brother Curley Larson is an­other on the sick list. Curley has b.een off th e job for the past cou­ple of ·weeks but we hope to re· ceive word soon that he is ready to go again . ' Om' sympathy is extended to

Brother William Coldiron; · w)1o lost )'lis wife on June 26th.

Our belated ·sympathy to the fami ly and friends of our Jati.' Brother Jerald Dippold, who was killed in an accident some t ime ago.


war s Compiled ,by


JULY 21, 19.49

I Butte City, _Rte , No.. 45, Sect. B <III Gle-45-B ), GLENN COUNTY.

SAN FRAN,CISCO C o n t r a c awarded to· San Francisco Wate

SACRAMENTO: Contract award- Dept.,-425 Mason ~treet, San Fra11 ed Clements & Co., P. 0. Box 277,


cisco, $15,114 for install C. I. main Hay:Nard, $145,7'73 for 4.4 mi. grade, in .Orizaba & Alpha Sts. &. Silve portwn & pltmx s.urf. betw. Rt. 83 Avenue, under SFWD No. 515. & . E. end of Chester causeway, . ,JULY 27 ui49 .

OAKLAND: Contract awarded to ' · · . . Ross Trewhitt, P. 0. Box 2423, Car- N~PA~ C~ntJ~ct a;~rded to,Shr. mel, $39,400 for const. firehouse on son ons · o., ~x , J'fapa, :..$12 c ll A · L' , ALA 463 for grade, dram, surf., Co. Hwy

o ege ve., m rvermore, - NAPA COUNTY MEDA COUNTY. '

SACRAMENTO: Contract award-ed to Merzger Co., Box 266, San Pablo, $97,410 for const. reinf. cone. bridges acr .' Burney Creek & West Branch Burney Sreek, reinf. cone. culv. acr. East. Br. Burney Creek & grade a p p to a c he s, in Burney, SHASTA COUNTY.

OAKLAND: Cpntract awar(,led a follows for gradi.rig & paving at th fpllowipg ~chools .

1. Ma!·kham Schoo!, 722 ;KJ;'aUS Avenue, to: Gallagher .and ,Bur} Oaklapd,. ~6110.

2 . . Sequoia School, .37:30 Lii1col Avenue, to: J . . Henry E:arris, .Be1 keley, $6522.

3. Clausen School, 3240 Peralt Street, to: Independent const., Co Oakland, ·$4870.

UKIAH: Con t r ·a ,c _t awarded to Kenneth Whited, 5816 Mendocino Avenue,..Oakland, $14,340 for const. R. C. bridge (3-span) o,ver Russian River near Re,dwood Valley, MEN-DOCINO COUNTY. .

4. · Franklin School, 1530 9th Ave · to: Gallagher and Burk, Oakian<

SACRAMENTO: Contract award- $4080. ed to Pacific Bridge Paint Co., 624 5. Highland School, 8521 "A" St S h a r o n Building, San Francisco, to: Gallagher and Burk, Oaklanz $23,310 for cl. & paint por. stl. brdg. $6260. · · acr. San Joaquin River, Antioch, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY. 6. Chabot School, 5834 Patt<:JI! St

to: Independent Const. Co., OaJ; SACRAMENTO: Contract award- land, $434'9~ · · · ·

ed to Claude C. Wood; P. 0. Box 7. Lafayette Schpol, 86 17th S t 599, Lodi, $48,525 for 0.6 mi. widen to: Arris Ki1app Co., Oakland,.,$11 with pltx, surf. on cone. base & 955. · untr. rock base betw. Lock Fork 8. Grant School, 417 29th Stree St. & 0.1 mi. North of Lodi City to: Arris Knapp Co., Oakland, $9 limits and betw. Cherokee Lane & 995. 0.3 mi. East, SAN 'JOAQUIN CO. 9. B )..l r c k ha lter Sctool, 392 JULY 25, 1949 Burckhalter, to: Gallagher & Burl

SACRAMENTO: Contract aV{ard- Oakland, $12,300. ed to Merzger Co., Box 266, San N -0-PA: Contract awarded to I Pablo $97,410 for const. reinf. cone. A. Forde, &. Brown-Ely Co., 73E brdgs. acr. Burney Creek & West. Schmidt Lane, EJ C(:?r.rito, $§6,8~ Branch of Burney Creek; -reinf. for sealcoating Co. Hwy. ·un~ts 1 , cone. culv. acr. East Branch Burney 2, NAPA COUNTY. · · Creek & grade approaches, in Bur- . ST.OCKTON: Contra<::t awarde ney, SHASTA COUNTY. to S.M. Mc_Gaw, Elks, S t od

W AT S 0 NV ILL E: Contract ton, $11,872 fOl' surf. drain, ?tc.', Sa awarded to Granite Const. Co., I'. Joaquin St., from Harding Way t 0. Box 900, Watsonville, $54,000 for Flora. canst. ' interce1:it. tr un k .line sew., STOCKT.ON: . Contract awarde Freedom Annex Sewer. to S. ·M. McGaw, Elks Bldg., S'tod

S 0 L E D AD: Contract aV{arded ton, $6,810 for surf. & drain, etc. i (General) to M. & K Corp., Fred- Willo~v St., 'from San Joa_ql.iin t rickson & Watson Const. Co., & Monroe. · · ·

small job is ' underway at the pres- Field .

Our sympathy also to the fami ly of our late Brother Edwai·d Berg, who ~uffered a heart attack \•\ihile

ent time . swimming in the American River Piombo Const., Financial Center, STOCKTON: Contract awardE lVIalifitano has moved in on the San Francisco, $4,488,000 for const. to R. Goold & Son, P. 0. Box 19

Putah Creek l\ff s · b . 1 B th last month .

.l<Liner Iough JO Wit 1 . ro .er Brother AJ Bowling suffered a main prison group bldgs., Medium Stockton, $28,255 (Sch 1), & 1 Earl Baker doing the bossing. broken rib as a result of a fall Security Prison, Soledad, California. · Stockton Const. Co., P. 0 , Box 208

The I-I . Earl Parker levee job Brother Curly Cox is up from while working on the Telep hon,) CARSON CITY, NEVADA; Con- Stockton, $15,080 (Sch 2) for c:bm on Putah Creek is underway again thE Bay Area and running the job Building. tract awarded to Silver State Const. trunk sew. fro m No. Sew. Dispos< and this is the largest job goins on Joe Green Road for the firm . Brother "Dolly" Gray is an- Co., Fallon, Nevada, $149,387 for Plant, across Smith -Canal, . & i in this section. Brother Slim Alt is· of Car den & Cox. other member of Local 3 who is const. reinf. cone. & steel brdg. & f{yde Avenue & Mt. Diablo Avenu job superintende1~t, with Brothers Brother Norma n Brown <Delta 1 · n· . b · 0.696 mi. surf.' approaches on St. JULY 28, 1949

Construction Co.) is moving some ta nng a 11!ng · mto · the usmess Johnnie Brown, Slim Store, Lloyd ~ ,_ ._ .· ~ . . ._ . world. Called "Our Place" and lo- Hwy. thru Verdi, WASHOE CO. MODESTO: Contract awar ded 1 Park and Ralph Herlong as sh ift - o" •.<~"' eqmpruent up mto this dl::,- . t d t PO N ·tJ N' u St , SACRAMENTO : Contract award- Standard Materials Co., 1411 9t trict. · ca e a o or 1 In 1 .•. ,n ers. To date there are appro:-:i- North Sacran:.ento, this establlsh- ed to Rice Bros., Inc., P. 0. Box St., Mo~lesto; $5,658 for surf. Ji:<:~tely 55 Engiiwers on this job., B~·otller v. ic Bonner, superin.. 1 · "' 1489, Marysville, $24,978 for 0.3 mi. dr·a1·11, e_t· c., Maze Blvd., from \; ment caters to t 11rsty .l'..ngineers. which has helped our "'out o E j teEdent fol' J. P . Breen, was in th·, Drop in and Dolly. grade & surf. with plantmix surf. Property Line of Franklin St. 1

worY' list con§idefablY: · -The' boys j'other: ,,day, ' .He r.eports that Broth- Brother c. T. Tiller· is the own- on crusher run base, at Sheridan, , VIlest City Limits, a Gas· Tax Job. who went souni ·· wH:h ··til1ls outfif'ers·rHam·me1'i Cl-< and Moss a r e fin- er of a truck crane wiLh all the PLACER COUNTY. ' JULY 29., 1949 J8.~· •. 1.v1·11 te, .. •' e.1J·<0·1+ l· t;"',~·t·' -t'l'e· k·; · a· ,;., , 'iiiiling ·,u",J: '""!·ilh th e shovel on theL· JY T1f y ~s 1n•9 DALY CITY c d

--- • • o ' "" ' J ·- attachments. This brothel .. was jn.. "'~ 4 ' "" : on tract a war E ha'tJ',•.JY to be ba'ck home abo-ain . j:~b a.t Piso Grande. DALY CITY· Contract awarded , ' A p 55 D. 1 M t s jured recently but we hope that he - · c ' w u . .... urrer,. e one

The job of Riehter, Danough '& BrotherS'J-Donah ue and Ice hav'" is nmv recovered. Pass the word to L. C. Smith, 1st & Railroad, San S. F., $1,430 for paving Thol;ntc Ruddy at Bear 'Valley is getting. had their ;tr ench ing machine work- along that anyone needing a rig Mateo, $35,049 for const. streets, School grounds, 1st & Castle Sts . underway. It i3 still in the prelim·· ing up near Clipper Gap. with all atta chments should con- san it. & storm sewers, water sys- FRESNO: Contract awarded · inary stages at present but should Even though there are numer·- tact Brother Tiller at Crass Val- terns, etc., in Garden Valley Tract, Lewis c. Nelson & Sons, ·2!329 L( be in full swing within a few weeks. ous jobs in progress in this dis- l 8 .J San Mateo. Street, Selma, $11,500 for c'onst.

· t 1· t f 1 d ey 1 · B!'other C[1arlie Lloyd is the su- 1 tnc · our .)S · o · unemp oye re- Brother Rip Brannion is no·w SACRAMENTO: Contract award- classroom elementary schooL' · Perintendent with Brother Jack I' n1a1_ns_ ve. r y large and we do not 1 . f W d ed to Dicco Inc. & Dix-Syl Const. FRESNO·. c011tract awar·.ded wor ong or the ool ridge Co. p.s Darrough as foreman. To date . ant1c1pate enough work to takA a Northern California factory rep- Co. Inc., Sta. "A", Box 338 Bakers- Valley Builders, sis Haprisori. · s they have about 15 Engineers on ·care of all the members now reg- resentative. field, $36,687 for 5.'7 mi. grade pl. Fresno, $50,546 for canst. · Cerebr the!L i§tered with us. W . . t f . im>J. bor. & IJene. treat. to cen.tral Palsy School. e are m rece1 p · o a very 111·· •

The Westbrook & Pope job at p 1 teresting le tte r from Brother N. portion S.W. end Wildrose Canyoh MILL. VALLEY: Contract awar ' Auburn ~ontinues to run along . erson.a,s C. Rodgers, who i_s a representa- & Death Valley National Momi- ed to Brown Ely & E. A. Forde, 6' smoothly. Brother Verne Curtis, , . Brother 'W. F. (Tex) Houston tive of t he Harnishchfeger Corp. ment, INYO COUNTY. ·Sir Francis Drake Blvd., San A! master mechanic, and Brother Pat has asked that we publish the fol - and touring South America. Th]s RENO, NEVADA : Con t ract selmo, $33,392 for pltmx. surf. ( Patterson, shifter, are both back , lowing : "My thanks to the many particu lar letter was written from awarded to John B. Powers Co.,· Miller Avenue, betwe~n Lagorr{a !0 from the Ham Station job. Other friends in the union and espe<;:ially Caracas, Venezuela, and he tells Box 1487, Reno, $5,590 for sewering & Trocl<morton Avenue (0.9~ & foremen on the job are Brothers the boys in the Feather River of the unions in that section. Th•2 of Valley Road, Reno, involv. 1,090 Blythdale Avenue between Co: R Jack Rutherford, Jack Dundee, country for their financial aid ani cotmtry is booming, wi th wages 1 ft . 10" concrete pipe & 3 man- & Throckmorton (1.1 mi.). Carl Olds, Virgil Guptill and J. G. the boost in morale they gave m•e very high and the cost of living holes. SACRAMENTO: Contract a war Srni th. at the tim.e of the Joss of my home even higher. CARMEL- BY- THE - SEA: Con- ed to Bailey Const. Co., 720 .·Fra

The Vvestbrook & Pope job nt and furnishings." Brother Ray Kimzey writes reg- tract awarded toN. P. Van Valken- cisco Blvd., San Rafael, $60,~90 f, Camptonville is practically com- Brother George Payne is th e ularly from Afghanistan. He states burgh, P . 0 . Box 1192, Sacramento, const. sew. dispos . 'plt. at Sah1u pleted. A few of the boys are still new owner of the Plaza Service that conditions for the American $'78,105 for const. extens . to exist. P. Taylol:-St. Park, MARIN. ¢0. on the job at this writing but they Station in Fair Oaks. · personnel are quite. good, except sewer collect. sys., Carmel, MON- SAN JOSE: Contract awar<ted will soon wind it up and be moved Brother \Vill iam A. Cooper is for shortages in some ·lines, whici1 TEREY COUNTY. 0. E . Anderson, 398 Menker Av over to the Auburn job. the proprietor of Flynn's, which is is to be expected. · Brother Andy SAN MATEO: Contract awar.ded nue, San Jose, $258,575 for ' com

G V 'I loc2-.ted at 14th Avenue and ,Sac- Rogers is on this job also. to L. C. Smith, 1st & Raiiroad, San addn. to women,.~ · .Gym, ·sa~ · Jo . rass a! ey ramen to Blvd . We wish the bes t Brother Ray Austin writes from Mateg $5'7,937 for pltmx. r esurf.etc. St. College. R.L!ddy Bros. have about finished of luck to these boys in the11· the Southland where he is super- on Palm Avenue & 21st Avenue. OAKLAND: Contract award

their ' street job in t he city of business ventUJ.:es and hope that intendent on a job for Fredrick- OAKLAND: Contract awarded to to Freclric~'son & W,:at~on, 1l73 81 Grass Valley. This equipment will I aU you rnembt;rs . . will support son & Kasler . Crabbe Elec. Co., P. 0. Box 1126, Ave., Oa)-;land, $130,703 for gi·ac be moved over to Benr Valley in them wh<:n you can. Our. thanks to Brothers H. VI. P ittsburg, $8,358 for install elec. drain and surf. I-Iegenberger· R the near future. Our congratulations to Brother Hodges and Fred Spaulding, who serv. & feeder equipt. & remove an'd 77th Ave. betw.' San 1;-~ E)l1d

F. T. Bastian keeps a few mem- and M1·s. R. B. Murray on the dropped us a iwt e to say that exist. elec. serv., Carquinez Strait a nd St. I-Iwy. Rt. B9 _(E<;lst Sho bers busy in and around Grasll arrival of Baby Pauline on , Au- they had gone to work elsewhere Brdg. at Crockett, CONTRA COSTA Freeway). Valley on numerous small jobs. gust 2, 1949. so their names should be removed & SOLANO COUNTIES. SAN MATEO: Contract a war

Miles & Bailey continue with ·The Sacramento office is open from our "out of work" list. MARYSVILLE: Contraci award- ed·. to L. C. Smith, 1st .& R~il~'Oc their job at Squirrel Creek, out each Vlednesday evening from 7 For your -protection, alway's ob- ed to Lord & Bishop, P. 0. Box ?12, San Mateo, $25,504 for resu)'f. of Grass Valley. Four of our mem- to 9 p.m. for the convenience oE tain a clearance· before gofi1g tQ Sacramento, $12,980 for repair b~'dg. Delaware St., San Mateo. bers are working for this contrac- the-members. work. -fe nder acr. Sacramento River at (Continued on page 11)

Page 7: 1949 August Engineers News - OE3...2017/10/08  · space, he literally starved to death. Isabell Construction C o m Many of our giant monopolies today are typical of this dinosaur,

·tc · . . . '

,,n- r.;

ENGINEERS' NEWS Nine . -· .·.' ~ .. ' . . . .... ....... ' . ~

kl In looking back over copies of the News fot tl~e past .seyeral

months we· have not been able to paint too bright a picture of conditions in and around ·Oakland. La,_st month we advised anyone contemplating a move to this area to check on wor~<­ing conditions first. Again this .month ,it ,i.s tbe s_ame story­more men than jobs~and .we q_gain urge those looking for work to contac;t us b.efore making a mov~.

shift ing operations at the Cyclo- Associated Dredging· ,<;:()rnpan;yZs · ~ ·· - · - · dredge, Suc~er, is ~riishe.~ qri the

tl'on on the U. C. campus. There job at Bay Farm Island bridge_, but

be there for .some time. H.av:e just learned that the Monarch' i;( start­ing on a two-mo'nth job.


are 12 engineers employed on this the clamshell, Delt'a 'Number -One, work and it is ~xpected that the is still . working the1~e. The ;Curlew

'was working· in .the . tw.o . shifts will continue through-vicinity of Collinsville · at the last

out this month. report. · ·

The union bas b,een. :ass,ured ,by Associated Electric has nine _45 .feet. \I'Yie land ·J:>.orne s·ection the Up.iversity of California that

engin~ers working .on tl}eir sewer o~ 1 ~he line will. ·.be 9 feet in members employed by the school lipe job iH Orinda. ::Brother R_c.y ,d~ail1ete~· · f:-ccQ.f_<bng to . A. C. Car- will re~eive . tbe preY;ai.Jing wage Butterf?,ela is .Slfperintendent with ngan, d1:;tnctv1:~ presid~r;t of t.~e . s.cale. We .wish to extend our Brother Joe· McClary in charO:e of East Bay Mumcrpal Utrhty Dis- thanks to Mr. Corley and Mr. ihe'' paving' work. · "' trict, const"ruction of the submarine Kaise;:, acting for' the university,

.$_ectiop will ·t>.e particularly .d.i:ffio1,1li: 1-for their fine cooperation in · this

Qlyil1p~an Dredging Company's Neptune is still wiii'king on the Hastings Tract, and they expect to

.Dutra's two dredges, the Mallard and Edwards, are both busy on the Leslie ~alt Company job OJl the lower end · of San Leandro Ba;y. This company also has Standard's .dredge, Belmont, rented for the time being. This dredge is ope1:ated on a one-shift basis.

N:EWS ABOUT -T-HE .B:RQT;H~ERS • .. . !~

,B;<;>ther Jerry Marion recently, Leotis Pa_rker is holding down bed returned from what"was ,P1;actiqal:iy space whrle he gets over a brok_en a non-stop trip to Kansas: Left ~ho_ulder and nume_rous o.the: .m­here on Friday and ai:rived · the .Junes h~ ~uffer~d m an acc1dent With considerable work sched­

u.led .for ·Buchanan ·Field, B rother Eugene Alves is gettiug t hings w:ell underway on the grading work. Extensive improvements are plan­ned, wi:th th'e existfng- administra­tion buildings iuid hangars slated to be moved in the near future. .

b~<;a_use of , tl,!.,e ,;;trong t.i<lal .action · matter. i.n . tl}e ,area of C.O!lStr.uCtion.

Undei· ·the plan .of .operation of Designed especially to handle ' the sewage disposal system, .sew- h~~e sec~ions of concrete . pipe age from the Bay cities comprising qm~~ly and §1!-.fely, a l!e.yv type of Special . District' .No . One, · will .be ~gurpm~_~t, lp;10,wn as.ia ~ipe . Lifter, collected and car.ried to the . treat- , Is ,no,w ) :11 use on , tl;_te S. U. _H . . -B. Sund e · · S .d- 't on the JOb . Brother Parker had . - ay vemng. ar 1 . · · . · . · . was nice, but the weather was hot qmte a na~·row escape an~ 1t wrll -the mercury climbing highest: be SOme time before he IS COffi­how·ever· at a l'ttl t S pletely recovered. Brother ·George . , 1 e spo near ac- . · · · . . ramen to! .Parker: who fract';lred his leg m

· -~n . accident on J.uly 1th, is recov­ment plant i11 the three. 'large inter- j\)b in ._Tr_a~y. . ceptors now being constructed C,o,J;J.s1stm,g of .a,n A frame with .a PO"Ch J .along .the -East Bay shoreline· and heavystee_l ba_ndslungunderneath, . · r ··.· ; umper Brother Bill Mathews is . reliev· th h

ing ·Brother I'vi_urt Lynch on the estuary. Following treatment the e :m_ac me,).s :pow~red by a tank Another traveler, -Brother Chas.

ering :nicely. while Brother A. · B. Cook, master mechanic . for John­son, Drake and Piper, .has just i'e­turned to work following a stay in . East Oakland Hospital. effluent wj!l b_ e. discharged thr oug' h re. tnever . . Dnven .drrectly over a Melson, recently returned to' hr·s blade out at Downers, while Murt f 1

the outfall sewer into the . Bay. prece o pipe, the band is owered o_ld ' h_om'e in Ter'ra . Haute. Had a goes into the hospital -for an oper- · .. · · ' - d 1 1 · ation. Wor.k is coming ·along w-ell _WorJ( i·s .pro.cee?-il}g'_ s~t],sfactorily an . c amp:d ~~ pace by_ an auto- wqnderful time, but due to un- Just received a letter fro'm out there with sewage lines nearly on the o~j'I~r.-p~ases pLthe prqject n:atic_ hydrau~Ic mechams~. ;the .seaso.f,lable rai-ns, said he spent most B!other Roy Carpenter f r a·m completed at this time. W;ith completion SGl:!eguled for late- pr~e rs then l!:t~d to t~e requ~red of his time 'porch jumping.' Seems Afghanistan. He 'is in charge of

in_1951. h.erght-T and . ca_rned to Its de.stma- he wou_ld visit on one front porch preiiminary work on the $14,000,• We feel a vote of thanks is due trobnl. .

0 setd rtt · dt?~~t' a .ste:1e

1s of a!'ld then, between showers, hop 000 Kaj-Kai Dam at Vanahar, and

0 t . H d F " . k ca es Is use o 1p I as .I 1S ow-_ over -to anot·her. Hadn't be·en back . h t'll b h those brothers working Jo.r E. 3. . · ,u ~n a Y w. a r ' , . son says • e s 1 ·expects to · e t ere e,red ,to the ground. Desrgned by there for. '39. d h 1 1owell, · ·for -the and <Wa.t~on are .making sa:tisf~ct- · '·- .· · : . · · · · · years an says t at when the fina whistle toots! t . k Kenneth ;rames .of .Unrted Concrete things had chan d o h. 't Ano.tl1er abse- nt ·broth' ·er, R. M. I):errity, Go,£opth and McGough .. iu.- ory .on .. exc~va. ron w,or, Pipe' (:;ompany, the machine is· cap- like go1·n . t get s mucl 1 wWas

ter@s_ts 11ear W:aJnut -Creek. · Th~se for ·ne.w buildings .at the Bayward · . . · . g o a s range pace. e Price, sent a letter and pictures f.el.low. s, who are .e. ngaged in ex- Air.po.rt . . ivr p,nd ... K have .the O!:)l).- qb~e of httmg 100 t91!-s and, 1f the think he was glad t~ get home' fro_m Arabia. Letter interesting. go,mg. gets .r.ough, a tractor ._can be · Cavatl-~0' wor·k for thr's housr'ng tract for con_ .s.truction .on ·.this and pictures good-include such · ' '"' · · · .substituted for the tank retriever. Pro!J·ect ngave us excellent coop~r proJ'ect From the looks of things the past well-known chara.cters as· Price, . . · . , · . · . · . . v - • · • Tbe operation rE;!quired a three-ation )n our recept difficulty . with .man crew-one . 'l;'!'amster and two · month . or . so, the ·engineers h.ave Bill Lake and Paul Harper, posed t)l_e Wilson Co.mpany. ··On Tarman and <!3e.chtel's. Bous- been · having a bumper crop of : against a background of desert

--- .ing -Project. on. J.ackso.n .. and .Har.der ~~ert~i~r~!~rn:~~~·~~~~h~~~~~~ babies. Among those an·n.ouhcing land and . assorted .Arabian nanny .J. R . Ar[\lstrong's .highway jqb, Roads ifl _Hay:w.ard, appxoximp,tely · are working 0-n, the .rig, Br.o.ther ad.dit.ions to their families we have goat_s.

betw.e.en Lajayette and Walnut 20? u~its are . ~n the pr,o.ces&_ of con- Abernathy man~ing the winch at Brothets Gene Collett, Lee Lynn Creek is coming along very ' w.ell . str.uctrpn . . ' .. c.ompany . Wlll -start tb t f th A f d B th- and Vrain . Conley, with Iiew boys Brother Herb .Glad1'0W, who has

t t . · ·r · ·e t e · op 0 · e , ppne an · r..o (oil p· e) d. B t.h J' b · : 't · · f,ring .the fact. ,that they a,re cons rue wn on . a ,. simi ar_ .p,IOJ .c er .C;r.eene ··handling the . ground e a- 1ec , an ro er rm · een mteres ed m ceramrcs ot• liarN> a . griat de-~l by heavy , on H1gl).}apd Boulevard,, - contr~ls. . · · · · · · Dimaway, with boys also (but two some time, and who holds a teach-t_~~ffic .c.o.ndit io .. ris. · .the pr,esent tr.act. , Chnt · · Th · . h ' h . b . f~ b of ,'e!Jl iri' that family). Brothers er's certificate for high school and . . . .. ·e prpe, w 1c · rs emg .a - R D ~_,k. - -- , . Is .ell).ployed. steadily ._by -ricated at · a pre-casting yard ad~ . .Qger,, e1u e and Walt Si-kes kept junior coUege work, will teach a

Work on the PG&E steam plant , this ~ company . 1on . .. , th . . -b 't -. t. b ci . Jn the . sw.i:m with the arrival of night class for Hajward High

at Antioch is C.o~i~g .. q.lo'ng,.'sio~vly and .landscaping . jobs in copnection tJhommg 'tl et JOf Sl' IStho e use. mg · new ' daughj;ers. ' ·School this fall. He has a fully · . . · e ou e s rom e pumpm . with very few engineers being wLth .thrs .work. plant. -. These outlets consist of equipped shop at 20673 Vlestern hired. Brother Ja-~k -.. Su~mervHle _. . three lines with an 18_ft. outside Br.~tQ.,er ,William Beddoes drop- · Averiue, Hayward, and ~ill hold is .:still acting. as master m'echanic ·E. _, T . . Haas . has sev:eral JObs ·!11 d' · t ·h. h ·.11 · 2000 . ped .mto the hall the other day. his .c.Jasses there. As_ide frqm being . · · . · · . '· : ·· -· · · · rame er w 1c w1 run over · ' · . · -· 'on .this J'Ob. 'Across the fen'Ce at the ope~~atwn m . the . .Hayward .. area· 'f" 't' Th . ' 'rd d ' 12 ft ' )fe !ws JUSt ,returned from a three- a . successful engineer and teacher, . · · · · . : . . - .· ·ee . e p1pe rs mou e m · . . · . L F _ib_r_eboard plant,- Swinertqn_ an_,d .co,ns1stmg m the mam of chang1_ng . 1 . th ' d' · ft ·· · t·.· d d . .month tnp tO Japan .and expects Btother Gladr:ow is also proficient ·· -· .. . · · ·· ·· - .. ena s an a et cas mg an . ry- . . Walberg, prime c.o,n·tr~ctors, are water lines. . "'. ' l · ; d . · · t ' · g . · rd ntil to be gomg out agam soon. He has at wood carving and copper work-

'"r'ndr"ng ··1p t~eir· J'ob: · .While this . . ' mg 1s P ace m a s ora e ya u · been sailing ¥"th the .A r T a versatr.le fellow, if we ever saw ., " · f p · f · p~1 - c t t 'o rieedeci. This process calls for a · · t : ~ · · · ·' 1 . • my! rans-projectat . notimemade. .much .o .· ac1 1c 1peme. ons-ruc,1. n , .. · .·d bl t ·f h ' dl' por .. ,or;;ometrme,andpanson one!

a .· .de.nt .in the out"of-work list, it . ·Company is ,abo.ut: 85 ,ne~ ,cent ·coin- :conds1t· hera . e 1~mft?1.1Ihl 0

e dand . tmhg co.U:ti~:utn'g this work until things ·- · ' ·· ·• · : · · '-:· . an e p1pe 1 er as sp e e e . · · . . ·· * * * has nevertheless proved a ·good . p}eted with their ·PlP,elme f.rom · t' . bl prck up somewhat around the Bay .. · · · T'J.. opeera wns 1mmeasura y. :.< c 1 c lA d spot for those fellows .. who . were . Irving.t9n to San ~aHdro. . ~_,ere . · · area. r~i!:'DlA s ~ ·§e

on the payroll. _ · are ,about 12 .. eng~neers e~ployed Good ]Re-lations · · -u~·; · · u il . - -- - ,on . the .I)rOJect, . ,accor.dmg . to · • · · · .. · · · · · .Brother . Sam Cain and Roberta J · • •

9 · ' · · - · · ~

On E. H. Pet-erson's job ,at. the Brother w. L. P,helps, on The dispatch and know-how with . Misfe!d "were_ ~arried on . August. ·Deadhest ~ Mat.hi·ne Jersey Slough Bridge, .pile .driving .. tb.e job. which this pr.oblem was handled 6th, m Burlm,ame. The couple .·- . . . .. . - . - ,. ,, . · is comp1ete and the concrete pour . , is an example of . the type of work, met on a plane last year while Sam A communication from General is being .. finish.ed. ·lf.·he R.. A. ,vy;atson job,. whi~h has , .that has been goi!lg into this -pr.o- was .fl.y_ing to a job in Arabia. Posi- President Wm. E. Maloney points

. . ,b-een tiec;l .. UP due to ·,oiffiel!,!,ty q_v,er ject, a ~oint venture by Stolte, Inc., tive pro.of that good things can out the import.ance of exercisilJ.g Ear.thmovers, Inc., .ha:ve .various right.;of;way for .. w~ter, . j'las tU,nited Concrete P-ipe Company, happen whi-le you're "up in the extreme caution. in shovels. Fo1-

sma:U jobs in the ·Brentwood .ar.ea, .Qeen . 1-:e-op.eped.' -I:I.ayward. Duncanson · and Harr~lson and · 'air:" lowing is the .text of his· iette1~ to and are furnishing employment ;;o , R~j~lPh A .. Be_ll. At ~he pei~ht of ~he follo":'lng n.ote was received all local ·1-!n.i_Oii.s: . . a few of .. the local .boys. iH'Ig'n'A/. ay ·. '5'0 ',the constructiOn over 150 engmeers from .the Wlaowc of.· Brother. 'Paul . ~:';I'!Je F:londa .lndustnal Commls-

l 1 . •, ,Y•Y. . · 3 _ • ·:n,-e.r~ .~,mp,loyea .on ~ the ,prp j_eet and 1 shortly after his sion: re,p,orts . tlJat in the first nine ·- Br.other Herb Weaver, who was : "Harms, a.nd•:Ball, !IJril;ne contrac- a·m.icable labor _relatio,ns. ,and J:ine I "I ·wo.uld like ·. to expr.ess' my H1o_nths of 1948 o-ver 11 per cent of

steward on construction work .out .tors p n .that portiou of the ·highway , working conditions were maintain- thanks and apFJreciation to the: _the fatal ind).lstrial injuries in that at~ FJuor's, in Oleum, was rec~?nt~y ·50 job, which r;U_ns , from Gre.e.n-, ed_ at all ti.mes . . l,.o~at. 3 re_§llizes 1 O.pera.ting Engineers for the many · st.ate resulted from the operatio.-r laid off due. to a .curtailment Of v;i.)Je, •tO .two. m_iles ~.ast Of ~i-ver- , that a large p.ort~Ol1 •Of · t~iS vyas, blood donations given my h1.1Sb.qnd, r Of Cranes, and shovels. work. .However, a . considerable .more,. just_ gettmg , set .m ,on due to the splendid .coop.e1;atron o_ur .I Paul. W. Beaucl.Jamp, during his ' "More than one out of every 10 crew is still employed by .this com- .the . project. is o_ne shovel union receiy:ed f.rom the fol.l~v~ing j:long illn.e_ss. My th~n-ks aJso for fatal 'inju'ries were ~aused-some­pany in their, maintenance .. depart- and a tl;actor worlpng, .w1th Broth- men: George Waters, prOJect , the beautiful floral piece." hoV>'-by the operatwns of . those ment. ers H. W .. Je.sse ope1~ating and J . manager, .Charles Hud;;on .and All RENA lVI. BEAUCHAMP. · machi)1~s.

J. Jones oiling .. on . the rig and Racine, labor relations, 0. G. Bod- "Out of every 30 ill-juries that On t~sew.age disposal plant at Brother J. L. Bagley running th.e in Bureau of Reclamation Con· Broth-ers John Underwood and were the -result of operations of

the Port of. Embarkation in Oak- cat. Biasotti has a sub-co.ntract for . st~uction Engineer, and · Roscoe Rob.erta .Carter, those two gentle- cranes, draglines and shovels 10 land, .stanley Kohler has two .shif':s the exca:v.ation work and this COIT)- Granger, resident engineer. men fq.rmers from Haywai·d, ' have were ·fatal. That is nearly one-in-' operation at the present time. pany is just getting s.tarted on their . . • . been staying out o{ trouble pretty third: Stolte-United also have a number portion of the contract. Comtland Johnson, Drake and Piper, a well ,this last year. Recently, how- "The Flodda Industrial Commis-of engineers employed down there - Engineering .of .San. Francisco , has company with which .. we have , al- ever, . th-ey had a very upsetting sian calls the crane 'FLORIDA'S on their job for the north-end a number of the brothers out there ways enjoyed very pleasant rela- experience. Seems they got .J ohn's DEAD~IEST INDUST~lAL l.VIA-interceptor. · · · rebuilding a Northwest for Harms tions, has wound up the major part two horses all ready to go to the. Cli\"E.'

-,-- . Brothers. of the excavation on their portion! fair. at Pleasanton- polished, shined "Remember, this is not the fault

O· .. u).· .c1all ·of the East.Oakland Freeway. This and even vaccumed them, onl'y to .of the machine; It is the fault of

J . B1~cthers He.nry :Kennedy and job has been very good for a n~m- discov,er tbat they were one day the operator. ··· Bids for the construction of the Jim Walker, tw.o .of .the old-timers, ber of the b~o.thers thr.?y1,5hout ~!J.e .~ate for the horse judging! Now · "-DO YOU OPERATE ONE?"

outfall sewer, a major unit of the . are. working for United Engineers past year and, at,,p,resent, the fol · :the boys _ are hustling around, look- * * * sewage c;lisposa.l .project for the six. and Constr.uctors at ,Newark, where lowing members are employ.,ed o:n ing for another spot to show the Mother wil.s chiding Johnny . . Easlc- Bay cities, were opened re- new coHstnrction _is .. under way at the project: ··- .nags before they get all dirty "I was hoping you would he un-centr'y, but at this time no contra~t the , West Vaco .CheJiDical P,.lant. A. B. Cook, master mecha-nic, _·w. again: · silfish· -eno'ugh to give your sister awards have been made. -!fhe pro- R. Bussen . and - C. A .. Newton, · • - -- -. . the . large pi~ce .of candy. The birds ·ject' involves the construction of Lee Immels' jobs on Ma.cArthur mechanics; Ed Vargas, blade oper- Several of the brothers have been can teach you a lesson. A bird gives a 15,000-ft. reinf0rced concr-e te Bouleva-rd in . East . .Oakland, an.d ator; Travis Poi.l).qexter, lpader . on the sick and injured list dUring all. the nicest f-ood to her little birds sewer extending from the trea-t- Meekland .Drive in· .Hayw.arcl, ·l').re . operator; f,_bel .,Orr-a)les, .. cat · the .past month. Brother Stan ·Gar- and only once in a while takes any · ment plant,' located near the east- · windi:ng up, but is.. s.till COH- ator; Bray Hazzard, .c.ompressor tier is in Providence Hospital re- for herself." · · eTn approach of the bay bridge siderable work to be don~e on the·ir o p .erato r; .. Bill .Crossland, crane l ~overipg from a serious inju·ry he · An~ ·J_ohpny .repl~ed: Jnto th'e deep waters of the Bay, B street job in -Hayward. o.perator; .Blll .Ellis, _ shovel oper- r~ceiyed \~hile operating~ cat. He . "I would do -the:same, ,mom; :if' I between Yerba BueHa Island and ator; 'Okie' Cra,ndall, .and Bill has a b.a-dly :mangled foot which were giving out worms." the . Oa·kla:nd shore. Approximately -GaJ.l!igher_ and .Bmi<e is making Dearman, oilers; and L. 0. 'Pete' will keep •him off work for some . * * .* .!:);100 feet -of the big .. sewer will be excellent progress-on the East 12th Peterson, foreman. tjme. For a while Brother _Gene Small Boy: "Lady, give us a supported on piling across the old street job. This .company_ was r.e_- was in the same hospital quarter and me little brother wi~l .-> Key · System fill, south · of · th'e cent low bidder on .. the re.-pay;\ng Hydraulic Dredging Company has ke.eping ,Stan company, while he imitat-e a. hen.'' bl-idge.- :rrhe a:emaining 5;900 feet of Park: Boulevard, ·for the-.City of. started laying . plpe ·,on' .the l'!:_apa U!1deh>;ent .. tr:eatment for an old ' Lady: "W·h at will ·he do, will be laid on .. {f;e· bot to~ a·f i:'te ·oakl§tnd. River job, .a~d they_ e~pect to VJ~ve · back, irij_~Iry. However, he is up and cackle?" . Bay to a point where the depth the . Pa,poose :up-then; by the. rn,i.ddle , arou1,1d __ again feeling fine. . S ~~~all; Boy: \'Naw, nuttin' as of· tJ::Je water will ·be approximatEly . F :· E , Yo.ung Company is do.uble- .of this mc;mth. . I at Merritt Hospital Brother l.corllJ' as. dat. He'll eat a . worm."

Page 8: 1949 August Engineers News - OE3...2017/10/08  · space, he literally starved to death. Isabell Construction C o m Many of our giant monopolies today are typical of this dinosaur,

· Ten

The most pertinent sections of the new a greement b etwee n Operating Engineers Local 3 and the Nor thern and Central Cali­fornia Chapters of the Associated General Contractors, in effect from J uly 15, 1949 t hrough April 30, 1951, are printed herein for tbe benefit of the members.

Any o n e who wishes to get a complete a greement may do so by contacting any office of Local3.

Northern and Central California Contrac­tors Association Master· Agreement with Op­erating Engineers Local Union No. 3 of the International Union of Operating Engineers, San Francisco, Calif., EFFECTIVE JULY 15, 1949 - APRIL 30, 1951.

Section No. 4 SHOWJU P TIME

When an employee reports for work on his shift and there is no work provided by the individual employer, he shall be paid two ( 2) hours show-up time at his regular straight time rate, provided that if the individual employer desires to suspend work on account of rain, and has posted a notice to that effect, he shall not be required to pay show­up time on rainy days. If work- is to be suspended for any reason, . the employee shall be notified at least two hours before being · required to report for work. The employee shall keep the individual employer advised at all times of his correct address and telephone number.

Section No. 19 WAGE SCALES

On all work performed on July 18, 1949, and thereafter d uring the term of this agreement (regardless of when said work was bid or let) the wage scales and classifications shall be as follows:

Per Hour

Apprentices (oilers, firemen, watchmen) (7 Bay Counties-San Francisco, Alameda, Contra Costa, San · Mateo, Santa Clara, Marin, Solano)----···--------- $1.94

Apprentices (oilers, firemen, watchmen) (All othet Counties) --·····---------------------·-··-------------·····------------·--- 1.84

Asphalt Plant Engineer.................... ............................ 2.29 Box men or mixer box operator (concrete or asphalt

plant) ---····---·-------------------------·--····--·· ····--·------------------ 1.99 Brakemen, Switchmen and Deckhand__________________________ 1.94 fuller-Ke_nyo~- pump · ceinent ··hog and similar types

of equipment -------------------- ------·······---------------------------Comptessor --·-·-------------------------------------------·--------------'--Compressors (more than one) ___________________________________ _ Concrete ·Mixers (up to one yard)----------------------------- · Concrete Mixers (over one yard)------------------------------·· Concrete Pump or Pump Crete Guns ........................ .. Derricks ~ induding Chicago Booms)-------------------------­Drilling Machinery Engineers (not to apply to water

liners, wagon drills, or jackhammers)-------------------· ·Duar Drum Mixer ..................... .. ................................ . Fireman in Hot Plant... ...................................... : ...... .. f ork lift or lumber stacker (on construction job

site) -------------·-----------------·----·······--------------------····--···· · " H andi-Crane (no oiler required)--------------------------------

H eavy Duty Repairman ........................ ....................... . Heavy Duty Repairman, Helper (7 Bay Counties­

San Francisco, Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo,

2.34 1.94 2.24 1.94 2.24 2.24 2.44

2.29 2.34 1.94

2.19 2.34 2.29

Santa Clara, Marin, Solano)------------------------------------ 1.94 H eavy Duty Repairman, Helper (All other Coun-

ties) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.84 H ighline Cableway ------------------------------------------------------ 2.59 l ocomotives ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.04 Locomotives (steam or over 30 tons) -------------------------· 2.29

ENGINEERS' NEWS August 15, 1949

f ( e;~,~fvesi~r~~~~~~if;eJi~~s) s~~~nt c~~;tit~~:s~c~~~~ ~~~~: I NiEGO-TI.ATIONS W'fl.ITH AGC ~~~~ the regular startmg time of the smgle shift be1ng at 8 :00 : . -· · · · o'clock A.M. - ' · Ii "' ' · · .

3. W hen two (2) shifts are employed for five (5) or more consecutive days, seven (7) consecutive hours ( exclu­sive of meal period) shall constitute a day's work, for which eight ( 8) hours straight time shall be paid. Shifts shall run consecutively with not more than one hour break between shifts. On two shift operations the first shift shall have a regular starting time not earlier than 5:00 o'clock A.M. and not later than 8:00 o'clock A.M. O,nce such starting time has been established it shall be maintained to compJetion of the job.

4. When three ( 3) shifts are employed for five ( 5) or more consecutive days, seven ( 7) consecutive hours ( exclu­sive of meal period) shall constitute a day's work, for which eight ( 8) hours straight time shall be paid, and the first shift shall start at 8:00 o'clock A.M. Shifts shall run con­secutively for five ( 5) days or more to completion of job.

5. The following rates shall apply on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays and on all work before a shift begins and after it ends.

(A) Double the regular hourly rates shall be paid in all counties for all work performed (including repair work) on Sundays and the following holidays: New Year's Day, Decoration Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Admission Day, Armistice Day (or one day of greater national importance), Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Holidays falling on Sunday shall be observed on the following Monday.


LOUIS SOLARI Business Representatives, Local 3

Negotations between the AGC La"bor Committee and the six basic crafts, which includes your Union, at this writing have deadlocked over the question of wages. The Contractors' last official offer remains at 5c per hour across the board, although there are n:tmors of a . slightly higher offer to your Union and one other. This last official offer of the Contractors represents somewhat of a change in

a previously negotiated settlement, co~~sTRUCT•ON AWARDS-which the Contractors' Committee n ~

agreed to r e c o m m e n d t o their membership. The membership of the AGC, according to their com­mittee, rejected their recommenda­tion. Undoubtedly the next moves will have been decided upon before this reaches the light of day.

(B) Double the regular hourly rates shall be paid: for

SACRAMENTO: ContraCt award­ed to Thomas Const. Co., Box K-298, Newhall, $61,583 for canst.. reinf. cone. slab bridge . and cul-. vert, widen, resurf. road across Deer Creek and Deer Creek ditch, loc. 5.6 mi. south of Porterville, in TULARE COUNTY. all work (other than repair work) performed on Saturday Other Agreements

and before a shift begins and after it ends in the following counties : San Francisco, Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo, The status of the Kennecott Cop- SAN 'FRANCISCO: Contract Marin, and Solano. per agreement remains the same as awarded to M. J. Lynch, 2551 Re-

(C) One and one-half times the regular hourly rates shall our last report, no additional prog- vere Ave., S.F., $645, for const. be paid as follows: · ress having been made that will sanit. sew. force main and over-

(a) For all work performed before a shift begins and solve the basic _ questions, wages, flow, on Stanley St. at Park Mer­after it ends, and for all Saturday work, in all counties not pensions and travel time, although ced and Font Blvd. mentioned in Paragraph 5 (B) hereof. considerable pro g res s has been JULY 19, 1949

(b) For all repair work in all counties performed before made in improving several parts of OAKLAND: Contract awarded· a shift begins and after it ends, and for Saturday work. the agreement. No change has been to R. c. Lewis Canst. ·co., 1815

6. The hours of employment shall be reckoned by the day indicated at this writing in the Telegraph Ave., Oakland, $105,18<1 and half-day, the fraction of a half-day to be paid for as a company's rather unsatisfactory of- for const. reinf. cone. bridge on , half-day, except overtime, which shall be reckoned by the fer of job evaluation. Marsh Road and surf. portion of hour and half-hour. The Sand, Grave 1 and Ready- Lowry Rd., ALAMEDA COUNTY.

Whenever a man is called out to work on Saturdays, Mixed Concrete agreement still SAN FRANCISCO: c 0 n trac t-Sundays or Holidays, he shall be paid at least four ( 4) drags because of the factors men- awarded to Empire Const. Co., hours at the applicable overtime rate. All time worked beyond the first four ( 4) consecutive hours on Saturday, tioned in our previous reports. The Ltd., 344 Harriet St., S.F., $269,800 Sunday and Holidays shall be reckoned by the hour at the Pacific Bridge agreement remains for const. alts. to Geary Car House applicable overtime rate. a dead 1letter and apparently will for trolley coach oper., under M.

7. Where in any locality existing traffic conditions or weather conditions render it desirable to start the day shift at an earlier hour, such starting time may, with the mutual consent of the individual employer and Union be made earlier. In such event, the starting time agreed to must con­tinue for the duration of the job or until changed by mutual consent.

8. Except in emergency, no employee shall work more than one shift in any consecutive twenty-four (24) hours and not less than four ( 4) hours shall be worked in any one shift. No arrangements of shifts shall be permitted that­prevents any member from securing eight ( 8) consecutive hours of rest in any consecutive twenty-four (24) hours.

9. Where there is work to be performed before the shift begins or after it ends or on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays, the engineer operating the machine shall be allowed to do the work.

10. When the engineer on any piece of equipment re­quires assistance in the operation of said equipment, an employee covered by this agreement (apprentice, oiler or fireman) "shall be employed. The above shall not change the established practice regarding employment of oilers or fire­men.

for some time although there has RR No. 314. be~n some improvement in the i SAN RAFAEL: Contract award­~nce of metals. There seems _to be ed to A. G. Raisch, 2048 Market httle hope that Congress wrll do st. San Franc'sco $38 916 f r

:-nuch about a mining incentive law as~h. cone. pave 1

on' 4th St. bet~. m the n~ar fu~ure. \_he shop agree- E and Marquard Ave. ment strll war~s upon the succ~ss- JULY ful consummatiOn of a constructiOn 20• 1949

CARSON CITY, Nev.: Contract agreement.

Work, as this is being prepared, has slowed down to some extent, due to, no doubt, the completion, or near completion o.t: .;everal jobs. Work this summer has, on the

awarded to Dodge Canst. Co., Inc. , Fallon, Nev., $396,024 for 23.33 mi. grade, surf., etc., betw. Sod Hous"! · and 30. mi. south of Denio, HUM­BOLDT COUNTY, Nev.

whole, been a little slower than SACRAMENTO: Contract award­previous summers, although there ed to O'Connor Bros., 750 Madison has been a number of bright spots. St. , Red Bluff, $45,344 for 20.2 mi. Cat and blade work has been slow. extend drain. facils. betw. 0.5 m i. . There has, however, been more tun- N. of Lincoln and 1.5 mi. S. of. nel work than probably at any time Marysville, PLACER and YUBA in the history of Utah. COUNTIES.

While the picture is quiet now JULY 22, 1949

Material Hoist -------------------------------------------------------------- 2.19 · 11. It is agreed that the asphalt plant crew shall consist Mec_hanical Finishers (concrete or asphalt) (airports, of the following: plant engineer, boxman, fireman, oiler.

the outlook for the balance of the MARTINEZ: Contract award,od summer and the fall looks good. On [ to Gallagher & Burk, 344 High St., . the 2nd, <-five road jobs were opened Oakland, $13,421 for resurf. Pache­and will undoubtedly be awarded [ co St. betw. Brown and Jones S ts. soon. A number of others has been I SALT LAKE CITY, Utah: Con­or is started to be advertised. Sev- tracts awarded as follows:

highway or street work)------ -- -------------------- -- ------------ 2.29 The plant engineer shall be in charge of the entire plant. Mixermobile --------------------------------------------------------------· · 2.34 12. As to any classification not herein mentioned, inc!ud-Motorman ______________ _. ____________ , _______ ,: .......... : ... : .. : ..... :.: .. :.. 2.04 ing tunnel or work under air pressure, the Employer and Mucking Machine _________ :: __ : ________ _-_______ ~ : .... : ........ : ... : ...... - 2.41 - the Union agree to negotiate immediately a ·wage scale to Pavement breakers, Emsco Type .. · .. ,:,' '-------·---------"""' .-" -2.34 .. -a.pply thereon. . eral Bureau of Reclamation jobs, (1) DAVIS CO. (F ASP S-SG·

including the Duchesne tunnel, are 61(4): To Parson & 'Fife Const. to be opened this month. The Salt P. 0. Box 563, Brigham City, Utah, Lake end of the oil pipe line to' $82,747 for 3.845 mi. const. 2 1h in.

Portable crushers --'---- •-y,:.,·,:~ .. ---.' - 'F-9'-<•• ----- '>:~ ----- "-' ·?-'- t·• ·., -'~ ·'P.2 :~29l;, 1}' . 13 . Tile, ·individual employer agrees to furnish suitable Power grader, power ''planer, motor patrol oi· :'any :.0 , shelter fo . protect the operators from falling material and

type power blade ... :; _______ _. ______ _ , ___________________ __ ____ :....... 2.44 from the elements. Power shovel's and/ or os,l)er excavating equipment

with shovel-type controls (7 Bay Counties-San Francisco, Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Marin, Solano) (Up to and including

<l' '":.·.

one yard) ---------- ---------------------------------·---------------------- 2. 59 Pow~r shovels and/ or other excavating equipment

with shovel-type controls (7 Bay Counties-San Francisco, Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo Santa Cla'ta, Marin,. Solano) (Over one yard) ..... : 2.69

Pow~r shovels and/ or other excavating equipment . with shovel-type controls (All other Counties)

(Up to and including one yard)----------·-----------·----- 2.44 Power shovels and/ or other excavating equipment

with !!,hovel-type controls (All other Counties) (Over one yard) ·-----------------------------------------------------

Pugmills (all) Woodsmixer type .............................. .. Pumps --- -·-- -··--· ·------------------------------------------------------------:LeTourneau pulls (Jeeps, Terra Cobras, La Plant

Choate, and similar types of equipment)-------------- --Rollers .................. _____ ... _______ .. _____ __ . __ ____________ __ .. _. __________ _ Ross Carriers (on construction job site)-------------------­Scoopmobile (when used as a hoist)--------------------------

. Scobpmobile (when used as a foader) ----------------------Screed '11an -··· ··---·---------------------- ----·-·- -- ·---------------·-----·- · Self-propelled elevating· grade plane __________________________ ,

2.59 2.34 1.94

2.44 2.29 2.04 2.19 2.34 1.94 2.34

. Spreader Machines ('Barber Green, }eager, efc. ) · (Engineer and screed man used in operation)........ . 2.29 Surface · heaters ------------------------------------------------------------ 2.29 Towermobile ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2.19 Tractors -·-····-----·--··----------------·------ --- ---------------·------------- 2.29 Tractor (boom) ............................................................ 2.44 Tractor (tandem) -------------------------------------------------------- 2.59 Tra.,£_or-type shovel loader (scale not to apply when

used as blade or buHdozer) -- ----- -- -- --------------------------- 2.44

i~~~~h~~~e 1[;~S~~e __ :::::::::::::::::::: : :: :: ::::::::~ :::::::::::::::::::: ;:~! Truck crane ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ 2.44

Crews working in tunnels shall receive $1.00 per day <aver and above the regular rate.

Section No. 20 WORKING RULES · 1. Fiv~ ( 5) consecutive days of eight ( 8) consecutive

hours (exclusive of meal :period) Monday through. Friday, inclusive, ·shall constitute ·a week's work>

14. No repairman or operator shall be required to fur- Boise, should start very soon and roadmix bitum. surf. road· between nish transportation within the job site for tools or equip- there is definite indication that a Woods Cross and Bountiful. ment needed in the performance of his duties. start within sixty days will be made (2) SEVIER CO. (FASP S-184

15 . No foremen or shifters shall be allowed to operate on the Standard Oil Refinery job, (2): To L. A. Young Const. Co., any p:1echanical equipment. and there are also still very definite Richfield, Utah, $19,479 for 3.014 ·

Section No. 21 rumors of a large amount of work mi. const. 2 in. bitum. surf. road, _ LIAB ILITY OF THE PARTIES in the Cedar City area. County Rd., Elsinore-South.

P I N t SALT LAKE CITY, Utah: Con-I t is mutually understood and agreed that neither the ersona Q es tract awarded to Waterfall Const.

Employer, any individual employer, nor the Union shall be liable for damages caused by the acts or conduct of any Brother Edward Matheson is re- Co., 1685 Wall Ave., Ogden, Utah, individual or groups of individuals who are acting or con- covering from a severe bUJn he re- I $27,513 for canst. reinf. cone. brdg , ducting themselves in violation of the terms of this agree- ceived w hi 1 e working at United betw. Logan and Mendon, on the ment without authority of the respective party, provided that Concrete Pipe Co. Brother Ed was Logan River, CACHE COUNTY , such action or conduct has not been specifically authorized, cutting the head off a bolt with a (FASP S-299-1). participated in, fomented or condoned by the Employer, the torch when it fell in his shoe, giv- S~N FRANCISCO : Contracts individual employer or the Union, as the case may be. ing him a severe burn and a de- awarded as follows, for asph. cone.

In the event of any unauthorized violation of the terms cided shock. Water poured on the surf., etc.: of this agreement responsible and authorized representatives bolt caused hot steam which also (1) Farnum and Moffitt Sts. of the Union, the Employer, or the individual employer, as · the case may be, shall promptly take ·such affirmative action scalded his foot. He ought to be (portions): to Fay Improvement as is within their power to correct ·and ·terminate such viola- back to work in a month. . . . . Co., Phelan Bldg., · S. F., $1,630 . tion for the purpose of bringing such unauthorized persons Brother Dee Reese will probably be (2) Knox St. (por. betw. Felton . into compliance with the"terms of this agreement. Such in- - a~ little- more careful in removing and Burrows): to Fay Improve­dividuals acting or conducting themselves in: violation of the broken windows in the future, one ment Co., Phelan Bldg. S.F., $2,609 terms.::>of this agreement shall be subject to discipline, up to recently having bitten him in the (3) Elmira St. (Lenena St.-250 and including discharge. , form of a severe cut which will lay ft. north): to E . J. Treacy, 452

Section No. 22 him up for several days ... Brother Dewey Blvd., S. F., $3,783. EMPLOYEES NOT TO BE DISC HARGED FOR RECOGN IZ- Floyd Bryants' brother Edward was (4) Niantic Ave. (betw. S t . lNG AUTHORIZED PICKET LIN ES fatally injured last month in an ac- Charles and Panama): to Chas. L.

No employee covered hereby may be discharged by any cident w hi 1 e employed by · V. C. Harney, Inc., 575 Berry, S. F., $5,­individual employer for refusing to cross a picket line estab- Mendenhall. Edward, in answer to 626. lished by an international union affiliated with the Building a number of inquiries, was not a (5) Wawona St. (N. 1h, 45th and Construction Trades Department of the American Fed- member. We extend to Brother Ave.-57 ft. east): to Chas. L. Har ­eration of Labor or a local union thereof, which picket line Bryant his family our heartfelt ney, Inc., 575 Berry St., S.F., $844. · has been authorized or sanctioned by .the local Building and sympathies ... . Brother Mack J: (6) Visitacion Ave. CS. 'h , Bay· . Construction Trade~ Council having jurisdiCtion over the Butler is taking over the Lucas shore-87 ft. east): to Fay Improve- . area in which the job is located after the individual em-ployer involved has. been notified and has, had an opportunity- Penny Saver Store in Heber. Drop ment Co., Phelan Bldg., S. F., $817. -

be d d in and see him, Brothers. Brother - PLUMAS COUNTY. to ·hear ;. Sai .. notice shall be in -. writing_ and mailed to

the indi.vidual employer involved · at hi~ address la:s~ _appear- Mack's mellow- personality should * * * ing on. Schedule "N' referred to· in Section 18(a) hereof. lend itself readily to this ·success- ·· Work:has'•starte·it on Far~ingt~u : This section shall ''not apply to jurisdictional disputes. ful business enterprise. ·uami out of Stockt_~l_l!.:: ~:;I_J}~;~~~!.>·,,, ·:.

Page 9: 1949 August Engineers News - OE3...2017/10/08  · space, he literally starved to death. Isabell Construction C o m Many of our giant monopolies today are typical of this dinosaur,

\Ug11~t : 15, 1949 ENGINEERS' NEWS

)a i ly Report of A wa rds-~Fo·rlConst!ructi·on- 1 A~~~~~Ei: 1~:~tract awarded to COMPILED BY P. E. VANDEWARK I I rrig. Supply Co., Box '267, ·Yuba

. City, $8,968' for const. cone. se~s . in (Continued from Page 8) ' ward, $141,840 for resurf. Thorn- 1 (4) TOOELE CO. (F-AP F-86 new addition.

UGUST 1, 1949- . ton Ave. -'Dumbarton Rd. betw.l (.11), to ·- Strong Co.·, Springville, L 0 D I: c 0 n t r a ·c t awarded ·to· SACRAMENTO: Contract awa1'd·- Cente~ville and Newark, ALA- u:ta~, $i2S)61"for , ~. 52~ mi. pltmx . . Claude c. Wood, P. o. Box 599, i to McGillivray Const. Co., P . 0. MEDA COUNTY. bitum. surf. road, ·U. S. No. 4.0 Locli, $43,741 for pave, etc., 0.49 mi., ox 873, Sacramento, $2,973 for SANTA CRUZ: Co~tract award- : and 50, betw. Lake Point and Mills I Sacramento, St., betw. ·_Lockeford sph. cone. pave on 51st St. from ed to Leo ·cardwell Const. Co., 5:30 Junction. St. & Lod1 Ave.; 0.24 m1., Central oloma Ter. No. 5 to E. Sacra- Pacific Ave'., Santa Cruz, $29,225 (5) UTAH CO. CFAP F -135 (2), Avenue, betw. Popla-r St. & Kettle~· .entQ Di:st. No.2. for grade, drail1 and pave Califor- to Strong Co.; Springville,· Utah, man Lane ; 0.51 mi., Lodi' Avenue UGUST 2, 194·9 nia St., betw. Bay ' and W alnnt $166,915 for ·4.896 mi. 3 in. road· between Hutchins St. & Ham Lane; SACRAMENTO: Contract award- Sts. , a Gas Tax job. . I mix bitum. surf. road, U.S. No. 50 & 0.51 mi., Vine St., between Cen-1 to A._T eichert & Son, Inc., 1846 NAPA : Comraci &warded t:l 1 and k89, betw. Springville and tral Avenue & Stockton St. & be-'th Street, Sacramento, $7,710 for George Sllnsen, 2255 Silverad·o Moar .· tween School St. & Lee Avenue. 1prove. playground area. Tahoe . Trail, Napa, $8,342 · for con st. pav. AUGUST 8, 1949 LOS ALTOS : Contracts awarded ~hool. ing, curbs· and gutters on exten. :1f SACRAMENTO: Contract a \Yard- as follow, for site development at GUSTINE: Contracte.q awarded A St. ' from Yorlc St. 607 ft. west- ed to Stephen L. Vistica, 70 N. El Loyola and Portola Schools. · Prows Landing Hardware Co., el'ly. I Camin? Real, San ' ~a teo, $26,327 (1) Loyola School, Grading, As­rows Landing, $4,409 for drill wa- BERKELEY: Contract awarded I fo,r 2·8 m1._ const. sprmkler system phalt and Co11crete work: To J. C. r well, & to W. M. Lyles Co., P. to Dinwiddie Const. Co., Inc .. ar:d plantmg, betw. Steel Lane Bateman, San Jose, $9,995.62 . . Box 495, ·Av·enal, $24,486 for lay C 1 Bld ' S F ·sco $1


north of Santa Rosa and Baker roc .;:er g., an ranc1 , ,- , , " (2) Portola School, Grading, As-;w water mains. 061 ,600 for const. Berkeley High ~~· ~~~~T~ ..,anta Rosa, SONO- phalt and Con~rete work : To Low-lONE: Contract awarded to Un- School auditorium, Allston Way j 1

- • \ ery & Little, ·San Jose. $8,598.92. ~rground Const. Co., 75th Avenue nr. Grove St. RENO, Nev.: Contract awarded VALLEJO: Contract awarded t o 1d San Leandro, Oakland, $76,879 ': 'J"'-US"' 4, 1949 _ - ~·~- - I ~o Nom_e._ llini Cof.l_s_ t. ,co., P_ . _0· Bo v_.

r.H u .11. • ._ • C. P. Yeomans, 741 P ennsylvania ·r ·canst. cone. pipeline at Preston 1'RACY· C , t , t ' 'd d to I ;:>42, Stockton, $2,458,632 for const. S V ll $? 8"'4 " . . on r,ac a"' ar e . . of a high school. t ., a ejo, ~, o for grade, pave., ~hoar of Industry. Stolte, Inc., Umted Cone. P1pe I . . etc. of Packard All'ey betw. Bu'tte SAN FRANqsco·: C-on t r a.c t Corp., the Duncanson-Harrelson SACRA~ENTO: Contr act award- & Branciforte Streets, under 1911 varde(i to Un\ted Concrete Pipe Co. and Ral1jh A. Bell, 8541 Sa.n eel to Affih~ted Engrs. & C?ntrs.,_ & 1915 Acts. )rp., Box 425, Baldwin Park, Cali- Leandro, Oakland, $483,974 for ·Chamber of . Commerce Bldg., Sac- , . . rnia, $145,0701 for furn. & inst. complete Tracy Pump. Plant, Cen- ramento, $54,887 for true}< . repair SPARKs, · NEVADA: Contracts I

Shop 35th St St ' t Bl ' awarded as foll ows: · llves; inst: •Venturi m eter & -inci- ·tral Valley P roj., Calif., under • . : · nr. OCK on vn mte.l' const., Sa:n Joaquin Div., Spec. No. 2690. ?AN JOSE: Contract awarded (1 ) To John B. Powers Co., 2284. etch Hetchy Aqueduct under HE DELTA Utah: Contract award--· to · A. · J .. P~ters- Sons, P. 0. Box Lakeside, Reno, Nevada, $42,760 for ' , s. No. 215. ed ' to ·J~nnings & Jennings, st• 632, Sa~ Jose, $1~7,637 ~or const const. cone . curbs & gutters. OA,KLAND: Contract awarded to George, Utah, $10;565 for const . . ~ewers 111 Loc. Improv .. D1st. ~o . 1, (2) To Paul Tholl, · 900 "F" St., >seph I. Gallagher, 791 San Jose watchhouse and facils., Delta Air- meL Vollmer and Hillview Terrace Sparks, Nevada, $2,774 for sealcoat venue, San Francisco, $8,323 for pert, undei· Prop. ·No. 6-49~700 : Tracts. various streets. stalling double check value · as- BURI:.INGAME: Contract award- SACRAMENTO: Contract award--mbly on freshwater supply line to ed to Pedersen ·canst. ·'Co.; 333 · Oc-- eel to Car l R. Fiedler, 2231 S St., [ ~ke "Merritt .high _pressure fire cidental Ave;, Burlingame, ' $9,980 Sacramento, . $2,574 for · gr., pave, lmping·station. fo r ' const. alts. to Academic Bldg., etc., Alley, D and E St's. and 13th SELMA : Contract awarded to At" Burlingame High School, Oek and .14_th . . nson ·-Const. Co., 5334 E:· Tulare Grove and Carolan Aves. - SACRAMENTO: Contract awa!'d-:., Fresno, $93,985 for const. sew. MOUNTAIN VIEW: Contract ed to McGillivray Const Co., P . ') sposal plant for City of Selma. awarded · to J . C. Bateman;· Inc., Box · 873, Sacramento, $6,843 Jm SAN MATEO: Contract awarded 650 Stockton Ave., ·sr.n ·Jose, $25,- asph. cone. pave; in '11th Ave. F. W .. Smith, Box 129, San Ma- , 806 foi· asph. cone. surf., ~tc. on·· 'AUGUST 9 1949 · 1

o, $3.;'861: for 4,950 cy. re.d rock Steirlin ~ Rd. betw. Alma · St. and OAKLAND: Contract awarded to I 10, ASKanL·AMNatDeo CCorp . Yard. d N. CJty llmlts. Clements & Co., P. 0 . Box 277, Hay-

: ontract awarde to SAN BRUNO: Contract a\;varc1- ward $30 996 f . h ·f , , or asp . sur . por-.emenrs & . Co., P.O. Box 177, Hay- ed to ·Frank C. Brunelli Co., 261 tion Altamont Pass Road from Al: a.rd, $141;840 for resurf, Thornton Clement ina St,, San Francisco, tamont s. w. to connect with State venue - Dum barton Rd., between $676,560 for con st. Unit · 2 Capu- Hi g J::i way near · Greenville, AL-A­;nterville & Newark, ALAMEDA chino High School, incl. gym, cafe- MEDA COUNTY. )UNTY. teria bldg. and shop bld0a., and . . .. \ . .. SA F C . ....--:---.._____,_ ____ ., SANTA CLARA: Contracts tl;.:insformer vault. etc. I N - ~ANCIS o: Contract re- 1 W' !e'ai.,;,.·l·,..-;rG'' M' 'A' cu.~~- e>.;'F-s·· !< varded' as follows: AUGUST 5; 19;,r9 . commende.d toM. M~lfitanci & Son, l&a.L!.I' R"-1 n l'il& CA) Gould St:, Ca,tharirie, nodh WAT.:Nut ·cREEK: ·contract' ,Ipc., P . .Q. Box ~5?, Plt~sbur_g, . ~3~0,- I'. FOR'· RENtT'· ' ! U. ·s. Hil, thence- west to San awarded to Undergrouna Const. 1 697 for 9.22~ m1. grade, dram, surf., 1 . . .

)mas Aquino Cr eek: To -L. C. Co., ' 75th ·. and San·' Leandro, Oak- 1 etc . ,~ F eather Lake Roa.d, Lassen 1 Poii'rABLE Aiic· AND" GAS I ' N t 1 F t LASSEN CO I WELDING MACHINES . I n itl'i, 1st & -Rai lroad, San Mateo; lartd, $287,957 for const. vitr. sanit. a wna . ores ' . · 1 I

1,777 for storm sewers & appurts. sews. in L: r. D.· No. ' 14. · HANFORD ; Contr~ct !J.Wafd~d to 1 With or Without Operators :


, (B) Lafayette St'., Mathew St., & ANGELS CAMP: · c 0 n tra ct Valley Paving & Canst. Co., P .' 0 1 C I

. I . Lic_ens'ed su __ ·b- ontr.,a, ct_or . I ockton:· To L. C. Smith, 1st and av.·arded to Beerman & Jones, So~ Box 6, ·Pismo Beach, $63,367 for l ilroad; San . Mateo, $65,485 for nora, . $9;420 for 'grade," drain and ' const. ' 14 blocks' of co~c. cur t) & I In ' the - Shop ' or on the ' job .. I nst. storm sewers & latei."als, etc. surf. Gold . Cliff ; Rd.; West, . Hill- .pltmx. sur facing. I - ~~~~·rGiv:~ .• ~r~_m::t Att~:tio~- ·. I (C) .Walsh Ave. ·E xtn., from RR crest; · View and Cosgr ove sts. fron1· DALY CITY: Contract· awa.rded I' WIL.SON~WEl:t)ING1SERVICE I Stockton : To L . c. Smith, 1st & Main· to Bush sts. to ·Douglass- & Wcioohciuse, _P. o . I _325_'7t:h Street, Oakland; Calif: lj ..


Please Note:-~

· OtHet~; Con~tru'ctio~\ AwardsFCan ~se

23 Years Experience


10" to 6' Dia . x 200' Deep

LAnd§car>e 6-8622


Hayward · .' LUcerne ·I~4433, LOcklioven 8-5755.

CAblfORNiA_- · TRAGTOR­&·: EQ01P~MtNT ,'CORPr . POVif~R· ·: EQUJif~Ef'.n

Rebui!i· ·- Recfdy to Wci"k .

oakland, calif.

TRinidad 2-7G76

' 796-66th-,Ave,nu-e

Oakland, Calif. 1ilroad; San Mateo, $9,253 for CARSON CITY, Nev.: ConW:tct ~ox 908, · Redwood City, $7,928 "for 1 Phone· G:Lenc_ourt · 1 . 68~8 . . ··.1-[ nst. sanitary sewers. re-~ommended to Duffy Reed Canst: ·surf. on Hillside·· m\.:a. ·betw. · Bis- -•-~------------a !.....--...,,,....-----'--------IMOLA : Contract awarded to A. c p o B 1092 T · F 11 mark & Price Sts. A gas tax ·J·ob. 0., . . OX , Wln a S, Raisch, 2048 Market Street, S. F. Id h · $160 610 f 4 464. · TRACY: Coh tract awarded to A. .a o, ·, or · . m1. ' gr:,

2,836 for roadwork at · Napa st: drain; surf. · Owyhee .River, Hum-· Teichert · & Son, 'Inc., P. 0 . Box 118,· )Spital, South Ward group, Imola . boldt Natl: Forest, ELKO COUN- Stockton, · $73;297. foi const. pave, MERGED: Contract awarded to TY. storm sews·., sideWalks, curbs, gut-ver Rock Inc., P . 0 . Box 1462, MADERA: contract · awarded to ters, etc., in Assess. Dist. I . ' erced, $31,674 for pltmx. surf. on Rogers Materials co., P . 0. Box SAN FRANCISCO: C on t r a c t

GA·ll:AG:H,E;R:··· &: , BU~RK·i- - lnc~:-Ge·ne· -:·cont~tiicters-

344 'mGii STREET OAKLAND; OALIF. Office : ANdover. 1-046G - - Q uarry: TRinidad . 2-2400 -. - ; ~ " ...... ··. . 17-th Street, below Bennett Road 509, Madera, $6,719 for const. cov-' awarded to E. J . Tr eacy, 452 Dewey

"G" Street : ering· for canal, Madera Can'al & Blvd., S. F. $12,561 for inst. 4", 6" SACRAMENTO: Contract award- Irrig. -Dist., where it crosses· Olive and 8" cast iron ·mains In Crocker ' .•r·

·e· ·N"" ,- I . .

to Lentz Const. Co., 2416 Sutter- Ave. Amazon· Highland, WD No. 516. .le Road, Sacramento, $2,542 for SAN FR4NCISCO: Contracts AUGUST 10; 1949. nc. pave alley between "W" & awarded as follows for play- ·sAN'· ANSE L M 0: ContraCt ::' & 24th &,25th Streets. grounds, ek awarded to···Ghilotti & Saris, 3ACRAMENTO: Contract award- (1) st: ' Mary's Playground: to 1815 4th' St., San 'Rafael, $3;537 for · to A. Teichert &. Son, Inc., 1846 Arthur w. Baum, 1890 Jeffers011 grade, pave, etc: on 'Rosem cint Ave.

th Street, Sacniinento, $7,170 for St ., S. F., $145,587. SAN FRANCISCO : C o ntract · •prove playground area, Tahoe · (2) Burnett Recreation Center: awarded to - Chas. L: .Harriey, Inc:-; hool. to Elvin C. Stendell, '26th & Kan- 575 Berry St., S. F., $7,636 · for . GUSTINE : Contaracts · awa1'ded 'sas Sts., S. F., $300,000. widen· & reconst: Albion St. betW. Crows Landing Hard,ware •co., (3) 15th St. Clubhouse : to· An- 15th & 16th:. --

·ciws ·Landi n g, $4,409 ' for drill drew L. Waechter 456 Ostego SAN ·FRANCISCo: · contract' 1ter .. well, · &. to W .. M: Lyles Co., ·Ave., s: F ., $'17,6.27. ' awarded to Chas·,, L. Harney, Inc., 0 . Box 495;· Av.enal, $24,489 for · OAKLAND: - Contract awarded 575 Berry- st.; S.F., $.0001 for level-

'1 new water mains. to 0. C. Jane's & Sons 1520 4th ing off Bernal Heights & Const. ap-3ACRAMENTO: Cont ract award- St., Berkeley, $2;551 for . grade,- proach:'· .

.; . '

Heavy ·Engineering ; Cc)nstruction . Building -Construction ~

873-Sht Ave.~ Oakland, Calif. sweetviiC3od : a~:12&·4 :·


· to ' T ed''' F . Baun~ ' 324 Princeton drain, pave, ·etc.,· Grammerey Place. · SAN ··RAFAEL: Contta:ct' award­., Fresno, $192,\)69 for 0.8 mi. SAirr ·LAKE · CITY, utah : Con-; ed ' to .. James T. Thornton·,· 329 ·san ade & surf. with pltmx. surf. on tracts awariled as ·follows: Francisco Blvd., Sari' Anselmb, $7;­m. stabiliz. -cr. run base, in· Sa- (1) RICH···co. (FAP F-108 (1) ': 7 19 for paving .at ··san· Rafael High tas; -b'etween ·s. -city Limits & s . to L.· T . Johnson Corist. Co. 709 ·school. ~- ....:...r2:..:.30:..._::.6't.:..:.h.:..··..:. S::..:.. +.:.!. ,...:B:.;e:;.:'. r.;.;,.k;.::e.=..:!e'-'· y~· .. ~· _______ ,;:,L:...A"""I),;:,d..;.;~..:..c::.;.aL..p..:..e;....S:...-...,4..:..7,;:,6,.;,0~ {in St., MONTEREY COUNTY Wall Ave., Ogden, · $130,200'- for ·. SAN RAFAEL : Contract award-MANTECA: Contract awarded' to 6.~·59 mi. 2 in. roadn\rx · bitum: ed ' to··Johhson ·.& '·Nelson, Box 11, trl c. , Fiarmeli~g, 1710 Mt. Diablo, su:-f. road; S. R. No. 3 betw .· Sage· San'Anselmo, $3,685for fill & grade Jckton, $14,785 · for const. cone: Junction and Laketown . at San Rafael -High School. >rm sewers iri M a ·n t e c a und·er (2) DAVIS CO. (FAP FI-112 EUREKA: ·.Copfract awarded to sh Contract. (15), to Strong Co., Springville, Mercer-Fraser Co., 2d & Commer -3ACRAiVIENT'O: Contract awai·d- Utah, $277,454 for 5.853 mi. P. C. cial Streets, Eureka, $11,610 for to "Fredrfckson Bi·os., 1259 65th cone. road, U. S. Nos. 89 and 9\ const. of bituminous pavipg at the

, Eni_eryvme; '$12'8;432 'for 1.2 mi · betw. North Boi.mtiful and Farm- Rohnerville Airport, HUMBOLDT 1de' '&. surf-. at Zamora, YOLO ·ingtori. . . . COUNTY. lUNTY. .. ·:3) s.Ai!r ' LAKE -co. (St. :rr'oj . SACRAMENTO: Contract award-3ACRAMENTO: 'Contract awa~·d - No. 1105): to Gibbons & Reed Co., ed to J. R. Reeves, P . 0. Box 1072,

to· 01Uields· Trucking Co., and 259 W. 3rd S., Salt Lake City, $29,- Sacramento, $17,400 for reconst. El-


J. o E! 1~ ix Const. Co., Box 7~ 1, 040 for i.017 mi. 2 in. ~ltmx. bitum 1 ve,r t a Road betweep. ~l~ert~, ~ i _mi . . kersfield, $135,244 for 3.9 m1le surf. or Ph rock asph. road, ' Stati.: East, SACR,AMEN'[O ; ~OlJ,I':iTX. 9.cle 8,: :surf. Malning -Aver!ue, be- st:, from! s. Temple to · 5tn s.,·· and ' SACR.Alv))!IN;::CQ: Qopt~;_a(;i a}Yarq-. · · .. .. ,, :: .:; . .. . 1736 'FRANKl:'UI! STRE.IE'f' ~ een:Bi~hway:99& ~J;! <i(ano)_a,Av~ - ;~d}tn _, Ave. _ Jo· /3th S } 2~~~; · :~o,~t1i . '~d -~o}i;,~; i~R.~~f;~-:L1¥5~ ;k~l1,:~,t: ; : S,?.-~c.': ,_,_,_.} ;..; ) ;'.:';)_ · · • ·• • ·,. e, F RESNQ ·COUNTY. mtersect~ and · 33rcf ·S. m tersects: -ramel};toi ~$..];~.67;7".f~>,ts :09~S.~ , 2; J:gi1,~.~; ::. i ·:Gl~ncourt: ·l·801·1 )AKLAND: Contract awarded on 9th ·South ·s-e:,· fl'C)m sf S'treet 'bti.ages'-~@J'l::i,Geltber< >RGM:': nea\.>·:· .Elk "< i: :~ '':' ' . ' .

Oaklcirid/ CaHf. -

. .. ..

. '

Clements & Co. ' Box 217 ·H s.;Y:- to'·Marn St: . ' <;;rove ' SAtRA:MENT0 ·COUNTY-; . !.:i·~· _..; .. ·;;_·. _;..· ....;;.:,,.;;.,.,.__.:'--~-__.,-'---..:.......----.,--...;...._,...___,;."""'"__,,.._....,..,.;_..___.: ~&:s-t- ' ' ·;, - - -- ·. ·· -~ -- ' . --~·. ,: ... . ., . .. : ···· ~<-::< . . ·.·... · · r:..· , . · _,"': .. :... ,_, :J (~n O'J. !; .-;.,ft .~ '.?~ (.o ! · o :~ )


Page 10: 1949 August Engineers News - OE3...2017/10/08  · space, he literally starved to death. Isabell Construction C o m Many of our giant monopolies today are typical of this dinosaur,




E. A. HESTER, Business Representative, Local 3 Things will stay about as· they are, or improve slightly thru

. Sept., Oct. , Nov. and December. At the present time we have ten major highway projects under way. The R. B. Guerin's Co. at Cedarville, California are recruiting the second shift and should be under way by the time you read this artical. Brother Ray Guerin is General Supt. with Bro. L. Zander as General Foreman. Brother N. N. Mullen -aux is looking after the grade and They expect to have this project L. E. Martin is master mechanic finished in four months. The fol­w ith the following brothers: Glenn lowing brothers are employed Jewell, W . T. Allav,ray,' J. L. Man- there: V. Gerhart, B. Hutcheson, 11er, Joe Thompson, R. B. Ames, J. Robbison, Bob Dilullo, F. Briggs, R. J. Jewell, Tom Blair, Oscar Pep- G. Hanna, G. McDonald, 0 . Em­per, C. E. Foursha, Grant Moor, R. bray, A. Stromberg, E. A. Alber­L. Wilson, H. Smingler, Dallas toni, J. Bakken, K. L. Harrison, Chatham, L. C. Cooper, J . E. Sel- B. H. Chran, T. A. H amlin , 0. D. v idge, Jr., R. Ricks, - Robert Cul- Charlesworth, F. B. Warner, C. L. Jiton, Tom H inds, Jack B. Teague, Wood, J. Higginbothan, I. Martin, ·Ceo. L. Perry, Loyd Bennett, L. S. L Gardner, H. D. Barnes, S. Katen, Freeland, H. R. Hanson, Richard R. Goodwin, T. S. Rhye, E. A. C. Byreum, Randolph Booth, Haley, R. J . Rhodes, S. Cline, J. :Claude E . Skaggs, · H. McNeil, B. I J. Kriete!, E. A. Lynch, W. Aus­H. Calklin, Robert Grivel, W. E. I tin, R. Doherty.

Carlson, John Thompson, Dee Par-' A d J b r ish, Archie A. Miller, Jess Polard, n erson 0 Wm. Stromer, Richard C. Cum- Frederickson & Watson are n1ings, K. R. Swanson, Walter P. moving along very will on the An­Penny, Wm. Herman, Harry W . . derson job. Mr. Harsh is superin­McVeY. Turner M. Hayes. tendent, and Bros. Bob Kurtz, Earl

R. A. Heintz & Co. at Keswick, Johnson, Claud Smalley, Buddy Calif. have also started a second Trisdale are the grade foremen. shift. Mr. W. C. Smith is general The following brothers are gping s uperintendent of this project, and I the work: H. E. Bagley, ·· Dale Kenneth Cater is general foreman . Baird, N. A. Bailer, C. C. Barnett, Brother A. A. Lopus, Charles Me- C. E. Carter, F. J. Dohle, M. J. Allister, James L. He lean and· Hall, W. F. Hanus, Wm. Hoover, Jack- Douglas are the grade fore- ' Sr., Joe H. Mancebo, L. L. Meloy,

-~en, with Bro. W. N. Ellison, mas- L. C. Norman, Robert Reed, H. L. ter mechanic. Out on the equip - Stevenson, Chas. Stone, W. E. Ten­ment we have brothers: F. E . nyson, L. Dee Wright, S. L. Scan­Boyer, N. E. Bates, A. L. Hill, aidt, K. W. Fox, Caryle Parker, Rudolph Mulder, C. A. Van Sickle, J. E. Williams and Bert E. Boyer. F. W. Ransel, W. N. Ellison, J . P. Jack Heins Gravel Plant of Red­Bettencourt, V. H. Dixson, W. A. 1 ding, continues to work long hours. Aberanthy, C. 0. Johnson, R. A. 1 Frank Boger, Elix Daraskovich, Kalahan, R. V. Hutton, D. M. Kuy-1' E. J. Ferrell, John M. Melton, R. kendall, J. B. Dennison, C. V. J. Rodden, · W. E. Stevenson, L. D. Stromer, M. L. Nelson, C. V. Mar- Sunderman, Elmer A. Martindale, tin, A. W. Shook, Glenn Darling, I are located here on this particular J. A. Rinckhoff, R. F. Willis, J. job. W. Redmon, A. A. Oakden, A L. Gover Oaks Gravel Plant of Red­Krone, J. P. Richard, C. C. Die- ding, Calif. employs Cerell Carter, stelhorst, Tom Kencade, Wm. A. Delma Morton, Joe Nachkreiner Brown, Dan Purdue, Dave A. Kel- and Stanley Easton. sey, Jess J. Garton, Wm. T. Tul- A. Teichert & Son of Hornbrook lis, Richard J. Kesling, Dave will be ready to start laying hot .Shorkley H. F. Wilabee, L. A. , stuff by September 1st. Mr. Ahl­Woodbridge, 0. G. Kelly, Andrew' gren is superintendent, and this Barnett, Reid L. Hood and Frank force consists of Brothers Thomas C. Blair. Davis, Fred Thunmen, Viral Nims,

Bill Owens is superintendent fOl~ Claude. L. Johnstone, R. D. Willing­Eugene G. Alves Co. at Churn, ham, Glenn L. Johnson, L. M. Bud­Creek, Calif., Jim Whitedd is grade I son, John A. Lodin, Howard A. ioreman, J ack McDonald, Ed Mil- Ca1~non, Ben ,Shanahan, Stephen ler, Duane Miller, Cecil Pazzola, Karaffa, Myron Ahlgre, Bevel W. Darral Doyle, Tom Ferguson, Jack 1 Sampson, William G. Hensley. Armstrong and Edward Hoffman I F. B . . M~rks an~ ~on rece~tly are doing the work. moved thetr cru.shmg plant from

OJ I J b Browns Creek to Hayfork Cy f 1er · Q S Risisi is superintendent. We have Central Valley Pipe Co. has the following brothers employed

:finished their sewer disposal plant there : J ask Thomas, A. S1mpson, in Anderson. Brothh cavana has I Jack Smith, C .. Matlock, Leo Nol­been left to move the equipment. I taney, Emmit Wright, J~e Ottilini,

Our o-ood friend Ray Evers E . Humphreys, A. Dammquez, R. "' o ' T d uoesn't seem to be doing much ownsen ·

t hese nice days, but I noti ce he i Hayfork does keep Brothers E . A. Eagle, I . . Fred Edo-mon and Robert Sullivan Ball & Sons highway proJect at on the p~yroll. I Hayfork is pr_ogressing nicel~.

O'Conner Bros. of Red Bluff, Brother Ted Irvmg has under hiS Calif., recently became a member command on_ this project B_:others of the A. G. C., and he is now em- Red Hallas, L. Jackson, F. lVI. An­playing Brothers Bill Hoover, Jr., derson , L. F .. Baum, Bro. Bennau, as superintendent and L. A. Eve- Paul Brookshire, I. E. Essey, G. E. r ett, R. B. Paige, R. M. Diehl, Ha ines, Cecil Johnson, Ed Low­Floyd Wagner and · D. J. Fenno. ery, A. E. Lyons, L . H. Mitchell,

Brother Clay Sidner is the super- Claude McAlexander, Sr., J . L. intendent on the Harms ' Eros. job Scott, R. L. Willlams, E. Wixon, at Ravendale, Calif. and Bro. R.: A. Young, W. E. Barstow and R. S. Stone is the foreman; and on A. Marcotte. this job we have H. J. J 'ones, M. v. . Brother G. R. McFarland, sup~r­.O'Dell, Chief R. M. Bender, w. c. mtendent of ~he I;£arms. Bros. JOb Brace, A. J . Calvin, H. Jenson, J. at Weed, <;:alif., h1s ass1stants are J. Wise, L. Inman, w. M . .Christo- Frank Davidson, W . R. Hall, W. M. phen, Ed Boyett, Geo . Williams, H.j Halla way: The following brothers Crandall, H. Winens, R. L. Jones, · are workmg here: L. B. Hurd, M. C. L. Travis, Joe Palmer and I C. Morgan, C. G. White; Ray Brakie Edenfield. Brown, C. vV. Reed, Sam Henry, F.

Bill Jones of Palo Cedro, Calif., R. Crandall, J. Van Dorn, H. G. and Brothers Ralph Hillhouse, D. Delfous, R. A. Lacey, H. R. Jacobus, Cherrington, W. B. Jones, Jr., Nie- R. L. Davidson, J . J. Rogers, A. C. gel Hunt, Eugene Smith and Glen' Rogers, J. F. Fugitt, D. L. Wrest, Graffe are moving a Northwest '80 L. E. Plemons, J. 0. Plemons, W. in on the Hatchet Mt. job. F. Mayer, L. F. Poole, E . E. Wood,

McGillivray Construction Co. are J. D. Songer, L. L. Alexander, T . going like wild fire on their 35! M. Danso, Cecil Johnson. miles ·of paving between Duns- Superintendent Bill Spencer for muir and the Pitt River bridge. Ball & Son on the levee job at Heck Morsetti is general super- Vina reports that everything is go- ' intendent with the following Bros. ing fine; Jack Tucker, R. Shook, as foreman: H. Human, Chas. Hill, Bill Beatty, Loyall Ferdig and Fay Tommy Cowen and Bill Hoog. Lacy are his foremen. With the


H(n¥ to Invite A. Deprle·s·sion

A man lived by the side of the road and sold hot dogs.

He was hard of hearing so he had no radio.

He had trouble with his eyes so he read no newspapers .

But he sold good hot dogs. He put up signs on the highway

telling how good they were.

August 15, 1949

j MarysYille-



Business Representatives, Local 3 Things are good at this writing with no complaints or gripes

outside of small matters. We have everyone in this district at work and let's hope the future remains as good.

The H. Earl Parker Co. has 10 different jobs going and He stood by the side of the road and cried: "Buy a hot dog, Mister."

And people bought. some of them are working two shifts. Mr. Clff Anderson said He increased his meat and bun

1 there are 110 Local 3 men on their payroll. Parker is subbing

orders. the dirt work off the Clements Co. He bought a bigger stove to at Chester. Ed Bell keeps a crew an.d is slabbing up and concrete is

care of his trade. of land levelers busy and Fred bemg poured from the outlet He got his son home from col- Hemstreet has charge of all the north.

lege to help him. shovel work Brother Poston com- Grizzly Creek is running two But then something happened . . . monly called "Posty" has one shift headings but have little excavation His son said, "Father, haven't you on the Colusa levee work and Bro. left as yet.

been listening to the radio? Everal Songer keeps his shop crew Dixon and Arundel have one con-"There's a depression on. on the beam. . crete batch plant ready to go at ''The European situation is ter- I •Chambers Creek and will start

rible. Br~th~r ChaL~lie Lloyd has left I putting up number 2 at Jackass "T h e Domestic s i t u at i o n is the clistnct and Is now general sup- · Creek next week

worse." ~nntendent on the Harmony RLdge Walsh Construction Co. is driv-Whereupon his father thought, Job for Darro~gh, ~Jtcher Bros & ing north at a fine rate of speed

"Well, my son's been to college. Ruddy .. We wish hi:n well. . . and will drive until September 1st

"He reads the papers and he lis- Gr~nLte C~onst.ructw~ Coi 1~.~~~~ and then start their concrete. tens to the radio, and he Olfght to on t en· · Leo JOb an on Y 1 e M & K Co. Inc . . are jus t about know." one rattlesnake last mo~th . . Paul finished at Cresta Dam and with

So the father cut down on his · ~~tus, .~upen~ten~en~ w~ll ha~e a only about five .more weeks a t meat and bun orders, JO w~' I e-up 111 t e es ern on- Rock Creek dam. Amehcan Bridge

Took down his advertising signs, structwn News soon. This has been .co. takes over then to install the · And no longer bothered to stand ~ tough JOb b U~ the boys are stay- drum gates.

out on the highway to sell hot dogs. mg put. Gramte also got a sur- Wismer and Becker have two And his hot dog sales fell almost f~cing job and oiling job in Feather overhead crane operators on their

River Canyon, near Belden, for r ne d d · d overnight. . . . . c a s an omg goo .

"You're r ight, son," the father $104·000· Mr. HLx?n Is supennten- Western Pipe and Steel are rig· said to the boy, dent there and will call for more ging up at Rock Creek powerhouse

"We certainly are in the middle Engineers soon. and tunnel.

of a great depression." A c · Thomas Rigging sent their Bay -The Clarkson Letter. ave-In City truck crane to San Francisco

Butte Creek Rock Co. had a in one big hurry. following broth ers employed: bunker cave in with 250 tons of p I Frank Bishop, Harry Blair, Joe sand and gravel in the hopper but., ersona $ Cruz, Sherman Dukey, John Dis- it was at night and no one was Brother 'Mike Bibby entered the ney, Chas. Elrod, Joe Floyd, Harry hurt. hospital in Marysville for an oper-Fourska, M ike Glage, Adolph Central Sand and Gravel of Oro- ' ation. Hirsch, H. Hulstrom, Lee Hunter, ville have their trucks hauling ag- I Brother John Rush, heavy duty John Jaquish, David Kidd, Al Lang- gregate to the Connolly tunnel job mechanic for Dixon and Arundel, well, w. Livingston, Jack MeDon- 1 in the Canyon. , suffered a heart attack and was ald, John Mangurt1, James Monson, Ritcher Bros. are having a real taken to Greenville general hos­H. Nall, c. Obert, E. Oxley, G. tough time of it on their county pital. We wish both of these Pallo, R. Pilkinton, W. Probstel, road job, near Oroville. brothers a speedy recovery. D. Shirts, A. Smart, B. Smith, A. The W. H. O'Hair >Co. is now During the past month three · Thomas, H. Tong, H. c. Turman, A. doing 0. K. on their road job, west' men were - kill~d in the tunnels, Valine Bert L. Ward, James I. of Gridley, with Daryl Cleland as none members ·Of Local 3, ~but Floyd,' Rex Palmer, Adam Fred- grade foreman and doing a nice job brot~ers, use all safetY dev1c~s rick, Sidney Jones, J. N. Haines, wit~ all the crew. provided for you by law and don t A.vr~ry A. Rowley, Chas. E. Sexton. Rtce Bros. keep a crew busy and get careless.

c. M. Elliott & John c. Gist, are around on different jobs near Also there have been a lot · of and far. holdups, and men beat up, so be

Keswick Dam, Calif., are employ­ing the following brothers: Calvin W. Powers, Raymond F. Colby, Dewey J. Budge, Robert S. Leslie, Butler Hodges, Andrew Blowberg, Clarence Roundtree, E. H . King.

N. P. Van Valkerburgh Co. re­cently moved into Redding to do about a $90,000 se~ver line job. L. L. Keasley is superintendent; F. M. Kemper, operator; Ralph Carpen­ter, oil, and hard-headed Fred Stralton, dozer man.

French · Gulch J . P. Brennan's French Gulch

Highway project is run by AI King­well with the following brothers employed: Humphrey Jordan, fore­man; Delbert Cook, Al Walters, M. K. Wisecarver, Everett A. Bray, Irvin Jordon, Elme·· Strange, I. Kelly, J. D. Preston, R. Bronson, W. A. Carvelius and T. R. Porter.

We still have a few men work­ing for the Bureau of Reclamation, they are as follows: Ambrose Bruce, Arthur Miller, Bementeria, Gean Cowan, Dale Bryant, E vert Rice, Arthur Parks , and H. C. Wallace.

H. Earl Parker is doing a little paving near Chester, · Calif.; this job will last about two (2) months. Brother Wayne Morris, superin­tendent. 0. H. Maseley, Howard Green, Jim Withrow, John La Fer­gue, Lloyd Hick, Bill ·Pierce, Har­old Steagle, Chas. Kay and Dan Perdue are employed here.

Bro ther A. D. Blair, chief engi­neer for the American Ideal Laun­dry, recently came in and p·aid two (2) years' dues in ·advance. The writer believes that this is a good policy, as we all know .the raining season starts in early and the ·win­ters al:e long!

A woman would never slacks if she had' hindsight.

* * *


The · old-fashioned girl who mar­ried . for or worse has a daughter .. who marries for more or less.

Irrigation Construction Co. had a careful at night and don't park ditch cave in here in town on a along the river alone, for these sewer job and we wish to praise highjacking gangs are working in all the workers of our union and two cars with two men to a car. other unions who so unselfishly We are holding a back pay check dug in to try and save the unfortu- in this office for Bob Reynolds.

nate fellow. * * * Underground Construction Co.

is making good progress on their D street bridge job here in Marys­ville. We have a little dispute pending with Ken Barton on wages but no doubt will get it straight­e-ned out.

F red. J. Early job in Yuba is going in good shape and so is the Ted Bares job in Marysville.

The Tunnel Stiff:

Highway Progress Highway jobs throughout North­

era California are progressing rap­idly in the good weather of this period. 'From the north coast to the Sierras, and from the Siskiyous to Fresno and Paso Robles, both primary and secondary roads are getting extensive t reatment this year.

* *' * T. E. Connolly holed through I Standard Oil Refinery job in going down stream at Bear Creek Utah is due to start in 60 days.


Architects Draftsmen

By AL BOARDMAN, Business Representative

Big news for Technical Engineers has been the forty hour week, put into' effect at the San Francisco Airport. This is part of the $20.00 per month raise for field assistants, Chiefs of Party, Instrumentmen and Assistant Engineers won by the Unions for City of San Francisco employees. The loyal Civic Service and Non Civil Service union members are. find­ing that their loyalty pays dividends in better pay checks~

During negotiations with the As- ---·----by the contract. The union regard·

sociated General Contractors it was ed this action as a repudiation of agreed that the technical engineers commitments made in negotiations be treated as a separate issue and by the Associated Contractors. that the classification would be ne- After further attempts at negotia­gotiated separately. To that end. tions had failed, work stoppage oc­the technical engineers were clear~ curred against the Bechtel Corpo· ly no longer included in · the excep- ration and ·.Morrison & · Knudsen tions of the contract. There has "Joint Venture" · Dam job on th.e been no effort on the part of the North Fork of the San Joaquin contractors toward further nego- River. The work stoppage was 100 tiations. In fact, a ietter was per cent effective with a total shut mailed to the member firms of. the down of the work. After 18 hours A.G.C. by the Association, instruct- of work stoppage the Bechtel Cor­ing them not to pay the raise and


ponition ~greed to negotiate. Nego­also informing them that ·the tech- tiations are to begin this week for nical engineers were not covered the technical engineers.

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