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Page 1: 1959 Winter ANCHOR

WINTER, 1959

News Items Looking Ahead to 1960 ;t THE Shoreham H otel in Washington,

D . C., ha been elected as tbe meeting place for Alpha Sigma Tau's 1960 National Convention . The Shoreham is in the park district with lovely rambling grounds and a swimming pool. There a re several interes t­ing eating places nearby and there is a new motel under construction in the vicinity. Downtown Washington is not far from th e Shoreham, making it convenient for our girls to do orne sightseeing in the capitol while attending convention.

• • • •

Inspection Trip ;t MR . PETERSON, our national president,

made a ten days' in pection trip in November visiting Iota, Nu, and Alpha


Delta coll egia te chapters; and Emporia, D en­ver, Greeley, and Sprin~fi eld alumnae chap­ters. In October she visited Upsi lon chap­te r. Mrs. Steen, eas tern district presi­dent, visited Lambda chapter in O ctober and Alpha Zeta chapter in November. Mrs. Cross centra l district president, will visit Al­pha chapter in J anu ary, and Mrs. Simp on, southwestern district president, will visit Rh o chapter the econd semester. All other chap­ters will h ave national inspection before the 1960 convention.

• • • •

Constitution Committee Meeting ;t THE constitution committee, Mrs. H as-

well Staehle, Miss ::vlargaret Macdonald, and Mrs. Earl Peterson, met at Columbus, Ohio, January 2 and 3, and completed the revision of ~h e constitution. Copies of th e revised edition will be available soon.

Jhe 1!Jational Council i!J p/ea!Jed to announce

the Acceptance o/ Petilion!J /or lff/ember!Jhip fom

Chi Omicron o/ the Uniuer!Jiltj o/ ::!Jetroil


Si'ilma Plti o/ Alma Colle'ile) Alma) rf!ichi'ilan


Page 2: 1959 Winter ANCHOR


Announcing . .

A:LT Graduate and Undergraduate


* ALPHA SIGMA TAu i offering graduate and undergraduate soholar­

ships on several campuses for the 1959-60 college year.

* THIS is an opportunity to work in your chosen field while enjoymg

continued participation in an Alpha Sigma Tau chapter.

* SHARE in the fun of building another chapte r in Alpha Sigma Tau!

Apply for a specia l scholarship to help with your school expenses,

transfer to another camp us and share your leadership abi lity and

enthusiasm with another chapter. Get your araduate degree, or

complete your undergraduate work.

* THE sorority offers room, board, tuition, and fees to counselors .

* lF you are interested, write to Mrs. Parry F. Schippers, 5300 Suther­

la-nd A venue, S t. L ouis 9, Missouri.

fnyesttgate This Opportunity/

Don )t Delay. Send Your Applt'cattrm Today/


Page 3: 1959 Winter ANCHOR

Two Petitions Received for Membership in A.S.T. ;t ALPHA SrGMA TAu has accepted the peti-

tions of Chi Omicron, local sorority of the University of Detroit and of Sigma Phi, local sorority of Alma College for affiliation and hopes to install them as chapter before the end of the spring semester.

• • • You'll Be Glad You Did! ;t IT's ea ier to be a L if · M ember. On~

payment of $15-regardless of when you were initiated- and you no longer need to keep remembering to send in your nat:onal dues. Send to Alpha Sigma Tau Central Office, 5641 a S. Kingshighway, St. Louis 9, Mo.

Attention Alumnae Editorsl THE ANCHOR would like to

have a complete list of Alpha Sigma Tau members who have been included in the new

WHO'S WHO Among American

Women Please send her name, chapter, a short resume of activities and picture if obtainable. Deadline March 1.

To catch an affiliate

t THE most crucial game Alpha Sigma T au chapters play during the collegiate year

is one which goes by the appropriate title of "rushing." Some chapters play a similar one which might be called "re-rushing." The victim of this competition is known as the "transfer" and the winner, I am told, is the chapter itself.

The sorority does not compete against orher sororities but against campus gossip, again t apathy, against inactrvrty among its own ranks. In short, it competes against it­self.

It eems to me that a though tful program for re-rushing the "affili a te-to-be" should be considered by each chapter which has the opportuni ty to grant membership to th e transfer A~T. The rules of this game are particularly well known to me because they formed the strategy which resulted in my be­coming an affiliate at the University of M ary­land, having been an initiate of Nu of Colo­rado. It is as a result of this strategy t.hat I



R evised from The L yre of Alpha Chi Omega

have realized that the transfer student is a "winner" too in this game.

Re-rushing has as its aim the getting, keep­ing, and benefiting from the AlT affiliate. The art of becoming a successfu l affiliate is dependen t, of course, upon the girl her elf <md the chapter. Yet I think that the active chapter has the principal role in making her want to become a " re-activated" member.

The rules of the game for the chapter might be summed up as follows:

1. Greet Affiliates with Enthusiasm: Get to know your transfer and let her get to know you well. Show her that the interest and sincere enthusiasm of A~Ts are alike no matter where she may go. This may sound eJem entary-but, in reali ty, it is the back­bone of this "rushing" program. It will help to combat any preconceived ideas she may have of the group as a whole (such as that it is interested only in queens, scholarship, or athletics ) . The technique of using com­mon interests was best pointed out to me by


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an alumna I met a t a W ashington, D. C ., Panhellenic tea who said tJhat when she transferred from Nu chapter to a university in Michigan (about 20 years ago) the A~Ts there immedia tely came to the dining hall to serenade her with genuine AlT songs . .You can imagine how a homesick A~T would feel hearing this!

2. Th e Care and Feeding of the A ffil iate: UT affiliates will be looking to see how "active" the active chapter really is. So, let your in terest in campus and sorority activ­ities show. And, very important, give her something to do-even if it's only making her chairman of the rush week cookie-mak­ing crew. Introduce her to campus fri ends and help h er to get a foot-hold in the ac­tivity world where she is, at fi rst, at a dis­advantage.

3. Affiliates Can Be V aluable: Encourage her to contribute- even if this means hours of hearing of the glories of Miami Beach or the Colorado mountains. H er sugges tions, while often infeasible (mine always are ) may lead to beneficial results. Don't expec t her

married? Send to:


5641 S. KingshighwaJ', St . Louis 9, Mo.

Chapter ________________________ _

Date of Marriage ________ _ _

Husband's full name ______ _

Address _____________ _

Maiden name _ _ _________ _

to sit baok and assimilate all your ideas . . . get new ones on homecoming decora tions, rush skits, and songs from her. (At leas t, make her think she's helping.)

4. L ive " T he Creed of A lT)) : M ost im­portant of all, show her that you share the same ideals, goals, and loyalty. By seeing her sisters "shed the ligh t of love and fri end hip' around them, can she fail to want to work to become a really active collegia te member again ? No, I'm sure she can' t . . . you've shown her by that little extra effort that it is well worth her while to shine up th at pin again ! I know . . . for becoming a member of a second chapter of Alpha Sigma T au (a many do ) has shown me not only the friend­ship and love of twice as many UT - but also a more rea:! feeling of the national sorority that we are always proud to be a part of- as initiate, affilia te, or alumna .

It is amazing to th ink that the combined work of the chapter can result in so much happiness and so m any benefits to one per­son- as has happened to me. I hope all other AlT transfers are as lucky.

Send to:


5641 S . K ingshighway, S t. L ouis 9, M o.

Name _ _ ____________ _

Chapter _ ______________________ _

Address _____________ _

Former address ___________ _

Entered as second class matter Nov. 25 , 1937 , at the post office a t St. Paul, M inn ., under the Act ol Aug. 24, 191 2. " Accepta nce lor mailing a t the special rate ol postage provided lor in Section 34.40, P .L. and R ., 1948 edition para­graph d , Act o l Feb. 28, 1925 ; 39, U . S. Code 283, was authorized Oc t. 10, 1949. " T HE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau is published during the months of November, J anuary, April, and July by Leland Publishers, Inc. The Fraterni ty Pre , official sorority publishers to the sorority a t 2642 U niversity Ave., St . Paul 14, Minn . Subscription price , $3.00 per year. Edi torial Office : Mrs . Francis Gra ft age, 103 10 Ca pitol Dr., St. Louis 21, Mo.


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