  • Reconteur 1975 Bakersfield College

    Hert i~ the- 19' 44'1! todi tl('on Clf lh" R:.CQnu•ur pw· dm:Pd bv thot Bakenfli!ld Collrgf! ye.:~rbtlol •taft Th"- yc-ar, _.II h.,!l bftl!n 10 f!t belns of us " yearbuok hut as "" .tnnuill m.aguine.

    Thmush the roo peril lion of the iidm'inlstr.umn 11nd some dedicilted I'YOrk by otht>rs not enroiJed in the yurbaok rlas.:, thJc t>dition '-''aS mold~ p('JSSibtr h ill hopt-d tl1at mnrf' indiv1du11f• and dul» flh.nw 1:norf' intf'rbt in " )'f',l tlxl{)k leu lht: stud••nt:. of U.tkt'IS· Reid CoUE>gt next semesler.

    We of lhe yearbook staff hope )'OU wi1J find so mer-thing intrrcstinR to tRIO')' in this yc . .u's R.lcont~ur

    }ohJ" l;:~p.ar1,a R;:,ronteur &htot

    EJuoHn-chtet .John Esp.srz.a Photo [ditor .. OennJs Crumpler Bus inC"., M.m.•gr• Mony Kimbh• Co\'._., & a.-u!ot P"'Se phot\lll . A1 Norlt'S•' Cunttibutinl) r.•rtt~IS BuL Mr.1t.lov.1>, 0('bbi4: Mor(:no,

    Alh:e 11uwatJ, Glud

  • J

    Administrators keep BC busy

    Ad-"lnltt1t1Wn fut It!• ~~~1nt, G~>.ofl lol in .,.,..dfen

  • ASB kept busy throughout year Remember •II thf' campU!I riot!! of the lt~ t r 6057 Out

    or du: cliwrd-:or umr the hirth -f the BC Ano(:i,ll.e-:1 S tudent Body, the !-ludent'' voice in c~rn-pus govtm-ment-By b~irog a member of the ASS, mony lmporttlnt J~~!lwu:l· suck as tht forO\tng uC tht l-luld1 SE:l. vln.s on c•mpus, the h~ring of o~~c col~ pr~idtt~ l a.n.d the ~lnb11Fhing ,r RC'~ p;ndut~lion rc:qu .rc-mf'fltll h.1vr alt bCC"n n< rordm10 to ASB votmg. He~ nt BC, Vi' Sle. Mui'"~ dllc (¢nttt. r~lly ifq:UIIdt. ~~.~den t h.ou$ing. nnd A$0 full\d.t .n wtll ... ~offe-rcoun!St'lin~ lo t hon- irwol,•ed m :'ltudtJ'II ... clwiti t''l, " I con• >u.ler mySt>lr a.n t'Jun1hu," ~tAles Stco Mt~rie. " People !>huuldn'l let Uu~lt~M!!vt> ~l'l hun~ upon .1Hie!1 "

    M • · ·student (lldlil4ku" he rq:;..ud.s ~tudcnt n'-~iv1lit9 «!i bd.n~ l~'d·fu!J ; 4Ct.lvttles •nd ~vunment. Tin ~nu1-tl'l~n t if an fV(I\\1~ ror SIUdt'nl inp\11 .lnd the $tlliR_8 Up Of N lc::- ~nd rc:suJ.ttion~ 8Q\'I'fn:ng 'h" "~tud~:nt body,

    lnvulvtment b 1.h e key, yod he -went un 1o NY th•t only soc to 10 per.t~\1 u( the- ~tuJcnl L.)dy vui.t"li n1 tl1co d~lii.ln:i Wilh decisive pl.~n.nints.. th~ IIUIJ(n dc

  • Four year institution cost goes up,

    community colleges the answer? IJr Rl lo us.t No"' wnin~t hs third Jf'l'lt"r .. tlt~n nf sh•dmts, BC i!J krMt"''" to \llrtualh ~""«'f)'Onc In Kl•tn County.

    BC ill tulHnn frt'C' • .:1m•pt for uut-

  • df!nt), .md the mrallm~:nt v.-.,, dcuNsl:ng." The hc.a\· i~t cnr(lllmc:n~ .nl night ~choul !loCCQtS tu bt• In

    public nrvi!Cc, business 01nd r~,al tsute. A poputar ne~ cours~ setlcs Includes subf-.>cls t.-ught b)' TV, whet~ the student ma) study at hotne.. U.uklils hop~ he wiU be abl~t to (ou:set" ruturc ne-eds ttf lht cvrun•unil)' and t~ l-')' .Jbrcol!it of thc_m, Hfs \lltlm,ue go•l ijs to have BC night C"l.s.!il!ti !:>e1!'1,1nd tu nc.m~.

    l'ublk. luJllor Hlll"tt~ d.ltt' b.adr; t(l t 91)l when thl: fl one Wt16 ~lilhlished In Joliet, lllinui.s. Why .ue ll•~n.• jur1ior colh. no t fil..

    By bringing C'dUQtion to t he ~ople- these cour!iCS mcoUJ· •8< the poor, thf' s-trugg.llng. the indh·lduo~l who may be the fiut ln his fo~mlly IO !;CI ~ood high school.

    We know that poblk rostuflurdt) cuUeg~ oost virtually nothing In tern:~ of tradJllonUks. But ""'hat .1buut tht rost C)( it (our·y~:;u rotlcge or university?

    Cumcll UniY't'tSity, wilh .1 t \liUon of Sl,-500 a ~mf'sttr is ne.u lh~ hlp, b1 • d.a_., wilh iiarv.ud. St-~nfurd, IJS(', 01m! othe1s. The Jo ..... est l!i New York Cit)''li llnk+eDil~· .at S?'O. A ru.m-rts:ldtnt ~~.rnll lu be t.aAed th" mhJr~ with .t hlsb fi-gur~ of Sl,aoo .11 thl' Univcrslty u( Mlddgn o~nd fe4!$. S.150 for books ;and .supplitl', ~2,800 for mi"o~ ls .md hous· ing. 51,060 for per:;mul t:xpenset, .tnd 54&0 for t.r-anspor· tatit)n. T he tut;al MSt (or J m.uded Sludeht ~ U,600.

    The conclus-ion is obvilous. If you are considt-ring going to

  • ,,

    New downtown center makes successful debut in spring

    BY JOHNN'I Md::EtvER

    llakersfidd Collegt- s nl>w DownHhYn Center (OiC) seems to be- living up to e~pttt•tions In .5ritc of minot proble-ms A«ordin~ to Or. Chonl!!'o Carlson, dt..-.n of th~ Downtown Ctntcr.

    "O ur ideas for use wilh this lyp(' of progr•m. and have never u.std it as such at 8C. wt> \uve st>tn it used by otht'r in .. tilution!. Thi' progratn hen• 1!1 v.vrkin,s \'C'.t)' v.'fU,"

    (,ui"-Qh lldtnl! ted, " TheT(' oUI" ll ft"w n\iOQI bugS bul that is tru.b ()f 11U new I" •'Sl·lmS. Ove-r.'lll, we are de1ighted wah the suc:cess of the progr fQt ~)b ,nformahon .!.ttd y,,IJ ~SS1,l :>tudfniS to pass l'mploymenltt:SU..

    Num.,.rou.s course are off erN at DTC unJ er four gen-cul J.l'IU,Ij~llU\!1

    Open en1ry/ex1L a program Cet;tgtl('d to aUow a stud~nt to b

  • • • •

    - •.:.....!. •


  • '

    lht Rfn~i .... m:k1n11 bJn.d :'dd' ll.llt IQ lilt tllln~«ondnc p;:audc. Tbc: tmm._ tlruJnf, ""11 Cllh\'f ~Njito~l ifl_,lronmh w rnbiPc M C'N~U" pllSO _s.chola~hip I he twc) rtlntlrfj•\Jp W\'TI: siven $100 .!ttd S50 s~ holarslllps tespecUvely

    After the .mnounetmf'm of tht Hc.meroming Qut(TI tht' Winning fba:li wctt" rt'Vtalell. The winnln~S cl\!b spol\sors and thelc 1anks were. Ur11ted FliJp.,no Club, first pl~C~ l 6C CJ~cle K fntcrn,uJoMI. st"Cond pl•~e.

    and 6lack Students Unjon. lhird place" The winninx sponsors receh-.:d SIOO. SSO .• md S25 m ordtt.

    B~:srdr~ ihe qut·~n l"\lt'Onati.ln .md announr;, there '~ere t·wo other imporc•nl Homt· cominft', t:\'C'I)ts· the ciQwntown P-'f.u!( nnd tht· llfter·S·Hnt Hl)meron\il\g d.u\tt".

    In ~st ye.ars, 8C has spomortd a Homecoming F"auc. ho"""v«, thi, ytm•ns dJ~nce.

    M1.1c.:h of the crtdtt for Lin• suC"Cess ..,r H.!,n,t'(.urnlng !Should go to tht members of lht.> Homrrommg ~u·ering C:ommitlel' who phmr.rd tht" I'V('I\t. Contmitttt- mtmbm• wttt~ J(ltl \ll.;'hhe, Cynlhl>~ (; )II Zo«klein, Tenle Churd,, Evey Hipp. u d Rick Ahfhn Tht oornn.htC"':' w.,. dvis.ed by Pre$iuo PtatL

  • Jk :t • ~ ........... ~fto-. diM:: no-d"""'._.. t..-.wol t"' c_, ....,.__ ... t'-~~ r.,_,J ~ .E lbetT H~ _. M.H) A"'f' I...,._ I.._ ~ _,. a. """"· ~.tfl M~.,_ ....... ~ ........ ~ .. '-";·ca..-..

    AIIC•Ilu~r !wiiM((ltnlna tiN:; M btJna prodwttd: ~) he. "'"J""'" l, l11l~t lh•l ltu!ll flu~u t!UlWd *"'" ~t•YP'"td f"b of CO""buott;,~ • w.u hi.JM.._f\1 b) du '""") ft"_,•


  • Gade Homecoming 1974


  • ,,

    II', lullu .. thf lf;,.,tff li~M f(lt llw ~l'tJ"ktJ R~JI•Iik 1\lf'~ rl\.t< tlllftii.J lri_, t~f )()bl'l IIHI:, fln1 Andl'nOII._, .md All'\. •1wuo~ wtllt Oft IC) lu~lp•hvh••tltrc l(l.l ~'rt~ty ifyh l lll'la£hl._h

    Renegade harriers

    show ability during season



    tr. 11 rebuildln~ ~ear lhe R~negade cmss ..:ountry ll'am under the tei.ns of COs Bald-y Rodri>;ue): and Lllfty lenneman, and ru!:llrnt•n )6l111 I!Co~.•k, juan Llll-P.u, Dennis Sp~ars. :.nd $mil h.

  • • •

    ·. (

    1 8.tktn.licld Cnll• «fll

  • n ...... ~,...,, ~~...., ...,OOO!'a'M!"S t ... -" ... "'"' ,_d!olltr~ Joo4-~

    (.,.t. ~-'1•__, ct..4y "'f'WOII!Ullw ~~ IMI'ftl\nl ~ ,....,... .... C".Mt T•¥«



    19th alld EYE Streets OOWNIOWN

    U htl'"' """' K po.1 -....rh \\AI ..,__ ,.._ h. .. " ,__ wilio t"-S,..t -.....ttq ".-...&.

  • I

    f..m.1 Ro-w, 1-lt: .:..,.;n }Oil"' In~~ Sttll$. RJck Cooper, £4 S..ith., l ~ Md)l;, .. el~ Roll M~•mlo.,

  • Cagers tie Vikes for Metro title What a yen h was for the 6o1k~~flrid CoUege Renegade

    bOJfkttball squa-d o!!.r mrntor ~a! ph Krah•e. Tbe .tll·iOphomor~ cagen posted a Zl..& sea5on recocd bagged two tournament crc.wns.

    \vtn!ng but .... -ere never hr behind und11he cruclill tnd of the game when bo1h Wayne S1 rven!lon and Waynr Smhh foul!!-d out.

    Leading •COrer •hroughou1 the yen. W11yn1: Smith the Cades h) chtu'tlp!Qn~hi~ in d11~ 8.Jak~flfleld Co!legt" Tourna .. men1 . .t.nd the Fresno City CoUege T ourna1nent. Th~ Rent!· gades gained a thtrd placl! r;howtns Jn the $111'1 Oieso Mes• Colleg~ Tournament.

    The Bakersfield b•$ketbmJ while h11nding out ZOl a!Sl$tS.

    Mill Henderson, cht proud (i!t.her of twins born during t.he b•skt'tball campaign. "-'U second 10 S rnilh in "onns l'lilh • 1i ,7 clip as weU as In .aulsts wllh 1 70het~.

    Kerl wu llt'cond to Smilh in thuelwJUnding d~partmt:nt with. 179 .:~nd mano~g~ to .w~r.tge U.9 tallies pu contest o•·tJ the llea~n.

    Youml111'1, • slkkhandling s uud, ht.d an 11.1 scoring ovc::r~ge and n•as also namt d .a$ the top ddtn~1ve play-er in tht fr~sno C ity Colle&~ bask~:tbaU tournilmtnt

  • Metropolitan Conference Results

    ne tum .t.o w1 t'W() record~ """'ik ia the pro K4f lft& ~oN II\ • •tn&J~t ~me fd1 in a cont:Ht •,pu~s1 M~,c.d ~n 1),• locAls h.d u ap&o!cvt" naPt ln the .Ofll'l8 dc'putn~•nl ~ they rollfd up U7 ~"" Tht tum -.o btok• th .. f.chool r('C(trd ()f ,.._., fidd JO.a!• 1ft A M·U•Otl Wltl., t,097 1o0>-hile fHing •nt of th• top"oun.11 tum. ln. the Stall!'.

    lndw•du•l ttcor

  • ,.

    Pfutzenreuter's Gade grapplers win dual meet in Metro season

    l', injuric:$ ~ttd incligibiJiMs dut to gr.tdes were the bigg~r p1obl('m .. t\1 wtt:!>ding mtntor Btuct' Pfut· J:e:Jnculee t ...,·ho :oii'IY h ill buve .. u of the O'lis}l.~~ 1.0 win du~ d u 11l meet wrt"litlil15 tit le with a thin 19• t8 \' i ,mfft'r~ littbttk.

  • RIII'W~J-•J'f" wr.etthng ~ppoeJ Bruco: Pluc:rO'Iroellltr (F.u fliRhl) hn .:1 gdlfl o:xtn~lon on his rxo: ,(ttt .,.,>;)td\ln• h~ &q•ud r.n bclund £1 C.:~Jr~ino belort U~li'WIII$ IMc'li Sl) '"'"-' • '""' .t,•·t!J dK~iun ~"'ft th~ W.I!ThlflJ, t\tlhuqb they wua lht Mttrnpobl.ln du.11l ll'lft'l o:ru ... 'l'l, lhl' loc'.lll' pC.Ktd 'l'(Oflll in llw Mitlro l'lo.omf*•"'•hir lo.)h..;,d £1 c-.... ,...," behi!\11 tht OIII.J.1~iro& P"f.,rm.>IIOCot of ocl.g t:lirlduach.,JrtikeF«v)fluou,.,. .ll!d rro~rc • .\lhat.nnKff.

    Thcot - • lioi$ Crowd Qlfl l~n.J wltao IlK' W.oco .. O.~t·R•.,'"W'.S,. _.,.,4, ,....,,.Ito l.o,)Wtt ""'" liJ.c 'p«:tflUol. OWflt l iOI d!Aippt)ltu••.t ~ d'll' fu.:.ol• l i t>• pC'CI (I C'I!IIM lor 1N M~rco d0111l - tlll(l_,. " l,;w """'"" dwf "'"'' by tl... W ........ n.

  • "

    1974-75: 'Year of Women' in athletic department, sports


    Tht 1974·75 season for v.'Omtn athltlt'l at ijC was. ~ ttuon of change and hope far a brtshtltt (uture For lhe Ont time, the women coaches were p1ld for coa(' undtu tam• Hnou\cif.l scale iiS the mtlt cotchd. Womm's lnterco4legi•t~ volleyb.ID WJS •lso innochaad.

    F.cN With the fac1 .hat &htte w-s 1 colltelioln of lrlC"X· ptt"ln\Ctd volkybd pllyus ~nnfu1 & Pff· •utOn in to tht s.ubde nuances of thtir ttammJitt' abUhh:s.

    And Itt it not be overlooktd tha1 voUtyb•ll t5 • TEAM tpon Women h.-vc tudibon.JJy bttn pluucd :in to the-mort lnd1vid~,~;.J 'pori:t a I.a. ttnn_.. and '""'cnm.ns . ... Fernt· Nn~ v u sudt as 31ace and supple. f ,,._, 1n0ve.mats •n moft the forte- of tb~ llt:ff 1wo sporu llul 11\ volkoyball wonwn N.vt to tum ee.a:n 1tltttdtpmcll'ta W trun mel wt•Ulnowthu ..omen don t uusrucho1htr.ltzht1

    Lnt it •p~at that tennis .nd swtr:unana &tt short· th•na«< this yur, chut thu thouaht from your mi:nd. Both havt flnt tt•m.s of Qptri~nced phyert dt'dicltcd to d1e p\llrwult of the bt:tt perfurnumu~ PQ,.Iblt: cu thtir in· dlvldu•l ll.biUtltts.

    Tht women's tennls team w-a.s handlcipped a1 the- outset of d1e 197' ~uson by the lou of coach Ccorsme Uihlm•n who w•• lnJvrcd In a Rrlou• ~kilns l('t·hlc-nl , Mult:nt Blunl ftlled in tn the emc:R'ncy much 10 Ll~ &••lltude of tht co.t:h·lnt tum..

    n,e wom.m ·, '"'"'unndn-& rea,. w•• ..hoou on ~bus bw. ._,"1 on ckteraunabon. Co.ach Allee N"W\ft ecao.m.p.llliH: Nr ttam to l!'lHt ~ Sport at fiC II\ whtdl both c:ntn and wotnor.n putiapator-, coa~h.d "'lrtly by 1 wamttn.)

    At th~ pr1niln.s of thl• book. the ' 75 kaliOn In ttnt~l.s , t.wlmming and badm.ntQn had not been c:ompJtttd: thtr«· for~. St'tt

  • Volleyers gain 3rd

    ll w•s the firs' ata~n

    Tht A ltiU'I1 wd.S led by the play ol Julie Hu~es, Oal')-1 ChttMt and Oia.nt Hill. Jn dtclr rough tdlt'd.ule keen oompcthion.

    Thtc B t~.un W•f ltd by Sue Frt"C'r .1.nd Md.wi~ lvhddin.s.

    ttlflrwC'Ior! illlht h 'omm't •tf.l~t£" p.osum .m Sy\ql Kllbn, b.1dM· 1011; Allu Nun~~t, t~lmtll:if'l3; fh)111t H~lltfl,. plf; M•lfl1• 8tUtll., tflltll., uu! C.Orsm• llhlm.-n, old!" II

    M~ll!ibf'l'• of tfw Wolll'lfft ill 5J'Of':• pntd pretmwd Cn tht ffr"ldt lootn .111 tht ad of I•IJ ...... ,,... .,.,,. Bu H:u

  • Spring sports Renegade style . ..


  • Work, play!!!

  • 1- C., d&fdot of Oliuno CultuuiJ Cme.,, f.tJI(Ainf Projtc'l MEt:hiCA dinne..-r«eptkwl hdd brion pup kfi lot


    Chicano Studies Project MEChiCA,

    Th~ yt:~f tht 8C Chicono Studtn trOjiJ'i1n'l f~Cfivtd • federal grant co fund PtOje¢1 MEChlC . .\ for the acbdtmic ye-.u 19'7-11·75. This gr.u\1 witS .s~·.uJtd u nde-1 Titlt IX: Ethnic Ne:rUage StudJes Pfl)~rem uf tht> EJemtntU) ' a.n.d 5E'I:'Cindarr Educadon Act of 1965, OfCice o£ Edu.:atJon and was an llntt'Hl.!lti..,n-lnteti.JtStitutkmal effOt l tO dt>vetop and ~.ul!ee 1 bUingual currk uJum m.atttlals for a,Jc •. no Stu-dies at three levels o( edu,alion (higher edu.:atl.on, secl.lnd· •ry. eleme\tiU)'). Olher lnsthutkma.l pardclpams [ndudtd C•lifomi,, St"te CoUegC', a,k('~fidd, L

  • Program receives federal funds for curriculum materials collected

    included mlCer[ah tn .,btory. soe:lo\ogy, m.lhropolo-g-y, musk. phil~ph)'. art, duma, etnography, litetature, 1.nd polirir.~l c;ri~n.;e A (..'h i('01no 1i t(ltill\lt~ oonttst held ilnd ~ phorogupl\y 41xhibition fQcu~ing on th• cuh\ltl! ~Jnd h"rib gf! qf tM Chit'.,no ~~ ;~l100 a sn~;~; c:,, ~c-41c;.~.

    Without a dnubt, 197-t-75 wu qu1tc- ll yl!'n for th fl t:~udtnts and ~Jeulty of the Chk~no StudiH Progn.ra and P·rojecl MECblCA at BC. The r«~.ived the rtco&· nitiOI\ ot beflg the first Chk•no SUJd!f!S Progr.:~m in the Unhfd St.;tes to develop an intematlonaJ dimen~.ion: the

    f•o;t C:hk.l.nQ Sludi("' Prosr•m to ...,o.rJt """'h .:~ fo1eisn g>:~vornm('n l (M~tco), and t.he- {hst to d~eJop • meoU~ing· Ful bOingu> c!Jmr:t~slon.

    Malcln_g l.he feU venlute to M~lt:

  • IISU r>tWdl!flt Dwight thoiU...,. .Mtd h.h "ih, Hm, wtlco- Dr. R.a&pb Ab~rutbf teo BC upo~t h~ arriv•l .r1 lht (0~ ~'it l$t*d•()•d, 81.ld: ltbtclry w ftk ..4v~t .looks ""·

    Abernathy 's speech, appearance highlight .. 61.u:k people today are thl' foundal~n on which rhi!o

    nation w.~s foundl"d These ar~ thr wo1ds of Or. R,;,~lph Abt'tn.tthi'• whoscr !pe«:h w t'Vt'.n"' indud('d Dr Jo:>eph P. Whiu·, prof~$01 of Cli1\.i · Coli PsythLl lt~>,.'Y drtt.l JiR"CIOI ~;f Bl.t~.k StuJJe~ ul UC-lrvln~. and Mrs. Annie tvaly, president of the National Associ,.. don of Colort!d People of the Central At

    A dult\t!J ut th" B:t~r.-field In" honored O r Abt:rmuhy and the ouiStanding black l eadet~ of Baktrifield, Gre:g Scoggins, BC studt>nl, recl'tved the Blllck Studm l of che Ye,, r·• oA w..rd from 6C im tructor Jesse Br..dtord. Instructor

  • IC ,.._..,_I"""' C...,_. .-1 o.. ~ .. ,. w • ., _ _. '-•~t.d.ll)'·•~ ~ lhrM •'t l.d1 "' lt!Bhl. ISV prmdmt D• i&ftt Roii.M, '-'• ...... hm. ft 11Uek tr.wr, "ftl, Hvi-L•,,., ·~

    Black History Week Uny Rob1~n ~ ~ T~.-h.rf ~ th~ Y~•• J'KOftNUOh.

    \1~ "-'•rr P• ttc-l!on. who oTiyn.ttJ. the Bl•lo. I LIJtu•y WNl ,ntbf•h'u'. rtcrived ·•BJ.x:J,. Cttit(n of rh .. Yc-.u Nnor. S•lm.,. fliWn,, 81 .. d. Hi-.tory W«l Qt.wc:n • .,..,.,., ~, cor•~ to thr J by Mr. PenQn.llliry, Hunh':r

    Or AN-Inathy rttciv~d a pfo~quc io \OI'IIhttv •i~ml hc-h•'" 1'M1dc 14.'1 lht Ul~ c.nw1c. In "'t(cplln& 1hfl ~w.ud, ht ~ommrntcod, " I ~¥ill aJd t'hlt hono r t (l my t'OIIrniQn of uv .. r ~00 piACf UC"'' .nd 111w.trdt. Thrn I will lo(ll 111 thtm whtn I m wc-uy •nd lcr:Ung hkc. pvin.g up. lt ~ill~~~ M11• h1 ltt-p ~ ~ C't' l'tn (Ill\

    We have won the legal battle but we are still plagued with the cancerous disease of racism!"


  • "

    Forensics program one of best ever BY DEBDI MORENO

    .. , .UI'J~ the: right Ia teU ,!in;ylhing tQ L!)lk 1100Ut Any• thing I lim smort tnout;h to find out a.bout. Second, T am Ice~ to talk about u'lythtn l!i I Pm dec:op (-nou,sh to under· G'l

    indudc: ~~b {Boob) Lec:ht .. ek.. who po-ses. .lS Ron's youneer bmtht!r a.nd 1:~ Ml~tted In eumpt>titiol'l a,s Qob R"-' (h«~u~~ Ron spe-lk ~htr~k d.ilfe:rent et ~try compt>tition), Judy Holt: "who works''; Oebbit Co1fton "wh~;~ laus-h• har

  • Handicapped center helps BC students

    Through lhc u•~ of • counst":bng ""d ~rrv· ices, th~ collt'it madt .anmdt'nct eo1sier for about 110 tt.1nd kilpped studrnl~ Tht handk;ap progt~m. fundtd h1.1m 81itt' 8p«'lo~l cdu.:11tlon ful\d4 Md from (ed.:r;•l vo~.thon11l tdu«tion fundt fot the IHmJk.apptd~ ll .. trr.kly In Itt third ye.-.r •t BC.t~ccorJins to t:oordtn .. tor Rod Malfht~ll.

    ~rvic:«!t provtdtJ by thf Nllt>St for h.andi.t:.apptd 4tu· dtnts include tptCi.ll upe recorded lt'\.11 •nJ note ''I" LaftJ .. it' inruprecng. praplt kl ruJ lt\11 ~ tht Yitudy"-•P~ o~Jid tuN>port•tJon .anJ •t ic'nd.anb for ttudmb '""n.tuw.:l !Ill ~Hiduin.

    Thf' rrosu.m •ho ha: f"f'-'Vidfd students •J'«''.aJ iqllipmmt !uch a. Br.aJt dKticn.-i~. tnC'\'dof"C'dl,.. •"J otbr rd'f'.n'rt

  • ..

    Gade poloists

    see action All l"'ytJ;ble run J b~J h;ld, tubtw'Wt•nll ln •

    ooc duoft • f hoJ l...rl ,nt) h•••tl•lt·A\Int \••""'" "'kld1 hJ ..t.)Sgf'd I~ lt.&lll t,)MI&II~IiJ W IU\Ut•l •II til• ).t•ero «lftinmctopmet ..... in;t D Ca~"" Plo~1 "'' ..,tnu .. ~ .. ~~~ ••c W¥tl0f ~ ~~r,boed fl -. tonr - I vt lrl...t 8C .._. ltl)ll.lftnd u-1

    '-'t 1M cdltiU ~ '*' ...... llw ""t'laft_ ..... ,.__ .. '""""' ..... ,. .. - .... 1ft .... ,,,., ...... - ""' - ~ .. ,.......s II\ ..... J ,.... .... ...a-...u"'-··,.-.1 ....

    1\.e IC nd ... ;kful ... _. h.J ~ """ Ult ...,.,_, ~ 8( ·~old dw ~-~ .. ., ..,. .. ~~ 11ll ,j "boW i" dw W.-s- a...n, lk•l• H·l• , ............... ~.f"}-""S'""l - u.n,s...k ......... ,..d d!M~J

    I bt tnl"'l h.o,l beta W.vdin,; lo' ' '"'' to.'lll't""Uii~l:' """"" omJ ""'" looktnx f~t•w•o.J '" ''~"'" 11""'...,. •ll"l"'"' ,.., ""~~~"'"" v.u ... y ""d p;.,, ... n .. '"'"'" ~l)llltl\"t Wflt "'"clt ~tt\t'W'il\l 'y m,.ot(tlt'il.,alnot th-0f19111\t

  • ....... .


    "'-" S..l--. ,.... .c"'f. Nrdy ..... .!f ~ ,_ .. _._ _._ art"t" ,.._. r~·~ kl!,. ~ ~ ""' ....... ,.w ~ \-\ •• ., ,.. .. r....-... t.


    It's the real thing. Coke .

    ~ .. . ...

    414 - 19th SU-etl Bakersfield. CaJjrornia


  • , ......

  • "

    Pr(ld(lttlon u~hnie:41n Rlthllrd K.&r) • •1.l.ft ~mt bft a~itlutt ditch .,., KIKC loru~l(tilint t~~pr11C'ftl., l\oliddl~) kBCC •d~l- ROfl Dtlbld- r'"'dn 0\'C'I SUopllm 1$tKktii'J t"illplng w}ult PfOSI'fl& 'l,!h~hl• K""t !i~h .. ch~t ..clldit,. )lbi " """'"'' II,_., {fillt ~1) Rod ...,,J toll 41K'f.xk'7 J tff)'C.ltJ'I'Id«g•...,•md .:ou"!'l, 8~ kt~hcld W rHnln-.1 ho:o"'tudt~), .u~d tht" pel'i.iSif'l'l of J. f~w

  • .At Lhe{l tim~ KBCC WA~ nQgoli.uing For the po~o.ltion of ol ubl~.1s1 &blion. In g .•imn,; bot h, the station ha.J to ¥:quirt- .. "Qntu)l QVt'l pfl\tstal'l\mi:ng • nJ st.atf r~gu· l411i¢n It wii !J dt:cidt>d b~ the staff to .tppoi nt a governing bv ,,I motH tv~·ry type• of cnu~lt th,u t>Xit-111 RQ!Ort.xl t\jl;om and Me..llh:rr.anr.:sn r~1lk mu~k s~ondly. it offt:l !i m;~tc:rusl ~on~(Tnins; pu bl!t o!fail·, "nd

    other rtl.ttcd subjttc~ of vJdenb IJl ciU(It·d in dds ptogr..., .n~ inlrnuhon 11b(1UI evtnb vn thf' BC campu~. and f (t.ot' public setvki!S. AlsQ i n.-Lud~ in Kacc·~ public suvice cfh.i l"'$ is background inlurmatio!\ a n the different cthflic groups inhabiting the- Kt>m ft!gio n

    l..lo;t, but h~Tdly k news protes.;iona"y .md effidendy

    KJSCL pla.ns to sell sonw rommt'rclal& and product' chcm, which was tht b.t~i; for h iring form("! KW~ (•nginrtt R!Ch.ard K~l~y as till!' nt'w prudua hqn trt alw~ys m.unialfl ed goud prugr.tmuJn~ .. nJ lui1> b~e.n In gooJ ~tun.llng h·!th •h(' community u 1otrves and which 6Uppon~ it If !hit )'\'"' i:. -'"Y indfc.11ion of wh.u h t.> cQm lt', n~>.l )'t'.u anJ 1he fu turt ou..;ht In be QUt.-4lllndms.

    KBCC·fM opl"r.t!>e!l Ill 10S.9on the WAmrc ubte ~y~!en1 4nd 111 os gn.tht> 8Jkcr:.fil!'ld atyc11h le

  • ••

    BC dorms: a way of life,


    Bak.t•~:!l(l('ld Cotle~e ofi~:rs liv1ng ~(OO(I'IInO~•ltiOM for about UO studf'llti, m d thili yNr th(" ll•••in"()n ,1nd Pr.uor H 01JI ~mlltOCI~ l>egon the ye.1r wuh a new O ir«tOI or Hout:ina o1 nd ~ n('W men's 1\~~d ~sid\!nt.

    Vic S tC> M.uW •~llled into h,o: new post M HovSU'IS o,. ff'C IOt in r oi Student Activiti-es and t>hil F~m"n to)ol.. ovrr .u. th• nt-w hu d rc:-t.idmt of P1ator Hall ih~ l \'..'0 me-n -'SSurn t>d lbl! po;it.ions held by l.une' C mlrn. fu rmrr Ohoct~"T of;int. .. md re~idtnL

    Kath)• Rosell'mi returned fnr het !let:'OI'II..I ye.a1 "'" thr h~·.,J tesidtnt fo r ~he wom~·s dorm, and Kathy Flynn became l eo;inson HaU'!i tl'\ldmt :~dviwr. jokn li\1\nJ:f>lon rrtumt!d .!S the mens!\ vlflt r.

    The dorms o:uHll\ucd their tudltion of t:ponsorlng 11 C'andid.He fo r 1-lomeroznlns Qu~M:fl, a:nd IM:; ye.u C':Jmt up

    a way of fun with • Rusty HmKh • .1 hc:~mnn from Notr

  • Jotu! U.·itl!lf~ to C~l\ t liw Thanbt;i\'UIJ snbbln whlk Killh) I lyn", Mlil fdclm.m •nd K11lh)' ROMIIini 'wilit their muJ.



  • renegade rip

    In his initial pohcy !.la:emenc o( 1he ye~r, RENEG .. \DE RtP cdhm &b f\.i('~O\'o') utt·ll14n-.. v~~•s~ C\'11t ... 'f,t O.t~pdper. A ~ouple uf !>l>i.·f> and 001v• End

  • "'-liiW• "".n." _, ""'~~:. ,__.__ ....,..., ......,.,. ... • "- ~~v ,..,. ...,_. .,h., .. ~ ...,.., ~ tyn .... • -® c~-·~r-c-...-.;•r.....,~-~ .. .,....

    Yearbook staff-small but busy

    Thf' lJI,Mnft4L• m , til• tditor whil• th.udo;, w.t• «tmpiii'IA>J hy O.,J'\t .. Crumpl4"r ;~nd MArv K.tmbk

    Tl-• fdii oE the ~tu dm t bo,ly whic.h h('lpt'J hln\ lnttorett ounung the dub w

  • I "Taming of the Shrew"

    K.llt f!>)'l ~il. l'tUpl)').. t ilt '•Jhrtww" p1rb .1! Hgf'!l With htt ,l,(o:t 6iftfl(". ( l .m>c 1\f\llucld b~U\IM' tii.MIU C;JMQC UWk.C' \If h n anin,J llbulll l!lfl IIUil! n olilo ... • u..d KIUt- is julu,..l


  • I

    Drama department kept busy "Th~ ~·t>,lf wt.''ae .tltt-11\J.'; t-.1 Jl,\w tlw wlltll.t' tlung

    (dt adopted lht name l{e-nrgade Theillre. \Vr: are dotng !iO thu~~ we ve nevt't dQn~ Cx-for(' II ha" bt'('n ., r(•JI \'ear ~oholv(,,!'c-·Company. \OIIlpost'\1 or c::ommunit ... f"" pte-kntc..l l;.y the l.lf&nu di:p

  • \

    I •

    Nursing department keeps updating program, facilities

    'I ht> t"'(l ytilr •s~ocio~te drgrtoe a\'oarded to AORN nurt· ir:g •tud~:nr~ lH 6.1~~r!ifield CoUqt" hn ntabl1•htd J flnt r~put•tl(ln f\\f rht rrtp.~riltion of ""''t'll qul!hcJ •r.tdu,a1f,. B C tr.h , .. , .. ~l'ki tlthf'r ~S'*'"i•h!tl~ hf4p uoh till deal w1th nl.lnt ml)f;t ptl'\ i(ua.. gift ht5 Uft. Lach u udrnt, then, must not ot\ly J)C')if~ll • good

  • '

    Females enroll in Industrial Arts, popularity gains among BC women

    ·::;urprll!ingly. womrn r11nging hom !IVf::tagc coJJege age to those In thel,. 30's and 40's are eorollll'IS in lrldu~tri.ll Arts;' nid Edgar J-Jageman, challltLln o( the lnJumJ.d Educ'.uion Dt"p.,rtmc.n• 1'h~ C\'t'ning ;l.'j, ~u as day d.Js.s~ l\ lte~n promptly fillc:J by \VQmm .-.. wdl ;~o; men, p;ar-ticul.uly l

  • f ,


    Best wishes to the :Bakersfield

    College students and faculty


    2130 Chester Avenue Sl v .• ue..- Pin .•

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