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• 1980 Music industry was shaping and taking a new form changing to a new sound in the form off Rap with artists like RUN-D.M.C N.W.A Boogie Down Productions. The American movie industry was picking up making classics like the remake of Scarface The Karate Kid. History was going to change for good or worse in people in opinions of who runs the untied states of America.


• 1980s Rap Culture started to grow and was mainly influences by black musicians and groups like N.W.A talking about how it being black in America and history of police brutality and racism in America. Solo artist who grew RUN-D.M.C who released his first album in in 1984 the music industry Is changing from disco to rap and was bringing everyone from different backgrounds.


• Scarface was the most know fill from the 1980s remake of a classic that was remastered to blu ray enhancement of sound and/or picture of a previously existing recording. Karta Kid which is well know and has references in television shows and other movies. The American Film industry was growing with grate directors like. John Huges John Carpenter Oliver Stone.

History and Politics

• Presidential General Election 5 candidate to run for president of the united states off America with Ronald Reagan in the lead by 50.75% votes while the rest are steady behind him. Once Ronald Regan one the Presidential General Election. He launched a campaign the war on the drugs there were shortages of marijuana but that made a small dent on the drug trade. Some claim that his war on drugs campaign influenced more drugs and gangs. In 1986 he signed a bill the anti drug abuse this included to drugs crack cocaine with 5 grams gave you 5 years which was the form of cheap crack cocaine which black and minorities which gave them a longer jail time while powered cocaine you would need 500 grams to get the same length of sentencing which was usually found on Caucasian males. There more minorities in prison.

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