  • H E W L E T - P A C K A R D JOURNAL June 1992


    H E W L E T T P A C K A R D

    Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

  • H E W L E T T - P A C K A R D JOURNAL J u n e 1 9 9 2 V o l u m e 4 3 N u m b e r 3 Articles

    HP-UX Karen Sys tem Kerne l Suppor t fo r the HP 9000 Ser ies 700 Works ta t ions , by Karen Kerschen and Jef f rey R. G/asson

    I An Example of the FTEST Instruction

    Prov id ing HP-UX Kernel Funct ional i ty on a New PA-RISC Arch i tecture, by Donald E. Bol l inger , Frank P. Lemmon, and Dawn L. Yamine

    ^ New Op t im i za t i ons f o r PA-R ISC Comp i l e r s , by Robe r t C . Hansen

    / / L i n k - T i m e O p t i m i z a t i o n s

    7 A HP 9000 Ser ies 700 FORTRAN Opt im iz ing Preprocessor , by Roben A . Go t t l i eb , Dan ie l J . Magenhe imer , Sue A. Meloy , and A lan C. Meyer

    Vector Library

    Q Q Reg i s t e r Reassoc ia t i on i n PA -R ISC Comp i l e r s , by Va t sa San thanam

    ^< Q So f twa re P ipe l i n i ng i n PA-R ISC Comp i l e r s , by S r i dha r Ramak r i shnan

    A t Shared L ib ra r ies fo r HP-UX, by CaryA . Cou tan t and M iche l le A . Rusce t ta

    Deferred Binding, Relocation, and Initialization of Shared Library Data

    Editor, Richard R Dolan Associate Editor, Charles L Leath Publication Production Manager, Susan E. Wright I l lustration, Rene D. Pighini Typography /Layou t , R i ta C Smi th Tes t and Measurement Organ iza t ion L ia ison . J M ichae l Gospe

    Advisory Harry Wil l iam W. Brown, Integrated Circuit Business Division, Santa Clara. California Harry Chou, Microwave Technology Division, Santa Rosa, California Rajesh Gordon. Waltham, Systems Div is ion, Cupert ino, Cal i fornia Gary Gordon. HP Laborator ies, Palo Al to. Cal i fornia* J im Grady, Waltham Div is ion. Waltham, Massachusetts Man J. Marline, Systems Technology Division. Roseville, California Roger L Jungerman, Microwave Technology Division. Santa Rosa, California Paula Thomas Kanarek, InkJet Components Division, Corvallis, Oregon Thomas F. Kraemer, Colorado Springs Division, Colorado Springs, Colorado * Ruby R. Lee, Networked Systems Japan Cuper t ino, Cal i forn ia Bi l l L loyd, HP Laborator ies Japan. Kawasaki , Japan* Al f red Maute, Waldbronn Analy t ica l Div is ion, Waldbronn. Germany* Michael Printer San Measurement Systems Division. Loveland. Colorado* Shel ley I . Moore, San Diego Printer Division, San Diego. Cal i fornia* Dona L. Morr i l l , Worldwide Customer Chelmsford, Division, Mountain View, California * Wil l iam M. Mowson, Open Systems Software Division, Chelmsford, Massachusetts * Steven J. Narciso, VXi Systems Division. Loveland, Colorado * Raj Oza, Software Technology Division, Mountain View, California * Han Tian Phua, Asia Peripherals Division, Singapore Gnter Riebesell, Bblingen Instruments Division, Bblingen. Germany Marc J. Sabatel la, Systems Technology Division, Fort Coll ins. Colorado* Michael B. Saunders, Integrated Circuit California Division, Corvall is, Oregon * Gnter Steinbach, HP Laboratories, Palo Alto. California* Phil ip Stenton, HP Laboratories Bristol, Bristol, England* Stephen R. Undy, Instrument Technology Division, Fon Coll ins, Colorado Koichi Yanagawa. Kobe Instrument Division, Kobe, Japan* Dennis C. York. Corvall is Division. Corvall is, Oregon * Barbara Zmmer, Corporate Engineering, Palo Alto, California

    Hewlett-Packard Company 1992 Printed in U.S.A.

    June 1992 Hewlett-Packard Journal Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

  • Research Reports

    I n t e g r a t i n g a n E l e c t r o n i c D i c t i o n a r y i n t o a N a t u r a l L a n g u a g e P r o c e s s i n g S y s t e m , b y D i a n a C . R o b e r t s

    - \ Q A p p l i c a t i o n o f S p a t i a l F r e q u e n c y M e t h o d s t o E v a l u a t i o n o f P r i n t e d I m a g e s , b y D a l e D . R u s s e i l

    " 7 p ! a n d R a y t r a c e d I m a g e G e n e r a t i o n , b y S u s a n S . S p a c h a n d R o n a l d W . P u l l e y b i a n k


    4 I n t h i s I s s u e 5 C o v e r 5 W h a t ' s A h e a d

    6 5 A u t h o r s

    T h e H e w l e t t - P a c k a r d J o u r n a l i s p u b l i s h e d b i m o n t h l y b y t h e H e w l e t t - P a c k a r d C o m p a n y t o r e c o g n i z e t e c h n i c a l c o n t r i b u t i o n s m a d e b y H e w l e t t - P a c k a r d ( H P } p e r s o n n e l . W h i l e t h e i n f o r m a t i o n f o u n d i n t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e , t h e H e w l e t t - P a c k a r d C o m p a n y d i s c l a i m s a l l w a r r a n t i e s o f m e r c h a n t a b i l i t y a n d f i t n e s s f o r a p a r t i c u l a r p u r p o s e a n d a l l o b l i g a t i o n s a n d l i a b i l i t i e s f o r d a m a g e s , i n c l u d i n g b u t n o t l i m i t e d t o i n d i r e c t , s p e c i a l , o r c o n s e quen t ia l pub l i ca t i on . a t to rney ' s and exper t ' s f ees , and cou r t cos ts , a r i s ing ou t o f o r i n connec t ion w i th th i s pub l i ca t i on .

    S u b s c r i p t i o n s : T h e H e w l e t t - P a c k a r d J o u r n a l i s d i s t r i b u t e d f r e e o f c h a r g e t o H P r e s e a r c h , d e s i g n a n d m a n u f a c t u r i n g e n g i n e e r i n g p e r s o n n e l , a s w e l l a s t o q u a l i f i e d a d d r e s s i n d i v i d u a l s , l i b r a r i e s , a n d e d u c a t i o n a l i n s t i t u t i o n s . P l e a s e a d d r e s s s u b s c r i p t i o n o r c h a n g e o f a d d r e s s r e q u e s t s o n p r i n t e d l e t t e r h e a d ( o r inc lude submi t t ing address, card) to the HP address on the back cover that is c losest to you. When submi t t ing a change of address, p lease inc lude your z ip or posta l countr ies. and a copy of your o ld label . Free subscr ip t ions may not be avai lab le in a l l countr ies.

    S u b m i s s i o n s : H P - a r t i c l e s i n t h e H e w l e t t - P a c k a r d J o u r n a l a r e p r i m a r i l y a u t h o r e d b y H P e m p l o y e e s , a r t i c l e s f r o m n o n - H P a u t h o r s d e a l i n g w i t h H P - r e l a ted cons ide red o r so l u t i ons t o t echn i ca l p rob lems made poss ib l e by us i ng HP equ ipmen t a re a l so cons ide red f o r pub l i ca t i on . P l ease con tac t t he Ed i t o r b e f o r e s u b m i t t i n g s u c h a r t i c l e s . A l s o , t h e H e w l e t t - P a c k a r d J o u r n a l e n c o u r a g e s t e c h n i c a l d i s c u s s i o n s o f t h e t o p i c s p r e s e n t e d i n r e c e n t a r t i c l e s a n d m a y pub l i sh l e t t e r s expec ted t o be o f i n te res t t o r eade rs . Le t t e r s shou ld be b r i e f , and a re sub jec t t o ed i t i ng by HP .

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    June 1992 Hewlett-Packard Journal 3 Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

  • In this Issue Ear ly las t year , Hewle t t -Packard in t roduced a fami ly o f new works ta t ion com puters that surpr ised the workstat ion world with their high performance a huge increase over the previous industry leaders and their low prices. On standard industry benchmarks, the HP Apol lo 9000 Ser ies 700 computers outd is tanced the compet i t ion by a wide margin. The speed of the Ser ies 700 machines can be at t r ibuted to a combinat ion of three factors. One is a new version of HP's PA-RISC archi tecture cal led PA-RISC 1.1. (The PA stands for prec is ion archi tec ture and the RISC stands for reduced instruct ion set comput ing.) PA-RISC 1.1 was worked on by teams f rom HP and the fo rmer Apo l lo Computers , Incorpo rated, specifically newly acquired by HP. It includes several enhancements specifically

    a imed computers ' a worksta t ion per formance. The second factor in the new computers ' speed is a new set of very megahertz . in tegrated c i rcu i t ch ips capable of operat ing at c lock rates up to 66 megahertz . Cal led PCX-S, 640,000-transistor float includes a 577,000-transistor CPU (central processing unit), a 640,000-transistor float i n g - p o i n t a a n d a 1 8 5 , 0 0 0 - t r a n s i s t o r m e m o r y a n d s y s t e m b u s c o n t r o l l e r . T h e t h i r d f a c t o r i s a new vers ion o f the HP-UX operat ing system that takes advantage of the arch i tec tura l enhancements o f PA-RISC 1.1 and of fers addi t ional compi ler opt imizat ions to make programs run faster . The Ser ies 700 hardware design story wi l l appear in our next issue (August) . In th is issue we present the sof tware par t o f the Ser ies 700 speed formula. The ar t ic le on page 6 summar izes the arch i tectura l en hancements of PA-RISC 1.1 and te l ls how the kernel of the HP-UX operat ing system was modi f ied to take advantage o f them. The ar t ic le on page 11 descr ibes the deve lopment process for the kerne l modi f ica t ions, qual i ty . was tuned to meet an aggress ive schedule wi thout compromis ing qual i ty . This ar t ic le in cludes 700 project, description of the overall management structure for the Series 700 development project, which is overview considered within HP to be a model for future short-t ime-to-market projects. An overview of the addi t ional compi ler opt imizat ions inc luded in the new HP-UX re lease is prov ided by the ar t ic le on page 15, a long per for per formance data showing how the compi ler enhancements improve the benchmark per for mance o f im Ser ies 700 works ta t ions . A new opt imiz ing preprocessor fo r the FORTRAN compi le r tha t im proves per formance by 30% is descr ibed in the ar t ic le on page 24. Opt imizat ion techniques cal led regis ter reassoc ia t ion and sof tware p ipe l in ing, which he lp make program loops execute faster , are o f fered by the new compi ler vers ions and are descr ibed in the ar t ic les on pages 33 and 39, respect ive ly . The new re lease of the HP-UX operat ing system is the f i rs t to of fer shared l ibrar ies, which s igni f icant ly reduce the use of d isk space and a l low the operat ing system to make bet ter use of memory. The HP-UX implementat ion of shared l ibrar ies is descr ibed in the ar t ic le on page 46.

    The three Women's repor ts in th is issue are based on presentat ions g iven at the 1991 HP Technical Women's Conference. The f i rs t paper (page 54) d iscusses the integrat ion of an e lectronic d ic t ionary into HP-NL, HP's na tu ra l 1982 unde rs tand ing sys tem, wh ich was unde r deve lopmen t a t HP Labora to r i es f rom 1982 to 1991 . D ic t ionar ies are impor tant components o f most computat iona l l ingu is t ic products , such as machine t rans la t ion systems, analyzers. language understanding systems, grammar checkers, spel l ing checkers, and word analyzers. E lect ron ic d ic t ionar ies began as word l is ts and have been evolv ing, becoming more complex and f lex ib le in response one the needs of l inguist ic appl icat ions. Whi le the electronic d ict ionary integrated into HP-NL was one o f the the advanced and g rea t l y i nc reased the sys tem 's capab i l i t i es , the in teg ra t ion was no t w i thou t p rob lems, which the researchers fee l should he lp gu ide the potent ia l app l icat ions of e lect ron ic d ic t ionar ies. The paper conc ludes wi th a survey of app l icat ions that can use e lect ron ic d ic t ionar ies today or in the fu ture.

    June 1992 Hewlett-Packard Journal

    Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

  • The paper measurement page 68 presents the results of research on automated laser printer print quality measurement using spat ia l f requency methods. Pr inters using di f ferent pr int a lgor i thms, dot s izes, stroke widths, resolut ions, ehnhancement techniques, and toners were g iven a test pat tern to pr in t cons is t ing of concentr ic c i rc les s p a c e d p r i n t e d c l o s e r ( h i g h e r s p a t i a l f r e q u e n c y ) w i t h i n c r e a s i n g r a d i u s . T h e p r i n t e d t e s t p a t t e r n s w e r e analyzed evaluations optical methods and measures of relative print quality were computed. These machine evaluations were then compared wi th the judgments o f four teen t ra ined human observers shown pr in ted samples f rom the same pr inters. In a l l cases, the human jury agreed wi th the machine evaluat ions. The method is capable of showing whether pr in ter changes can be expected to improve text , graphics, ne i ther , or both.

    Computer contained rendering is the synthesis of an mage on a screen from a mathematical model contained in a computer . Photorea l is t ic render ings, which are produced us ing g lobal i l lumunat ion models , are the most ac curate , for they are computat ion- in tens ive, requ i r ing minutes for s imple models and hours for complex sub jects. paral lel paper on page 76 presents the results of simulat ions of an experimental paral lel processor architec ture for photoreal is t ic render ing us ing the rayt rac ing render ing technique. The resul ts so far ind icate that four processors operat ing in para l le l can speed up the render ing process by a factor of three. Work cont inues at HP Laborator ies to develop actual hardware to test th is arch i tectura l concept .

    R.P. Dolan Editor

    Cover The cover through an ar t is t 's rendi t ion of the t ransformat ions that take place when source code goes through reg is ter reassoc iat ion and sof tware p ipe l in ing compi ler opt imizat ions. The mul t ip le- loop f lowchar t represents the or ig ina l source code, the smal ler f lowchar t represents the opt imizat ion per formed on the innermost loop by regis ter reassociat ion, and the d iagram in the foreground represents sof tware p ipel in ing.

    What's Ahead The August issue wi l l present the hardware design of the HP Apol lo 9000 Ser ies 700 workstat ion computers. A lso co lo r w i l l be the des ign and manufac tu r ing o f the new co lo r p r in t ca r t r idge fo r the HP DeskJe t 500C and DeskWri ter C pr inters, and the dr iver design for the DeskWri ter C. There wi l l a lso be an art ic le on the HP MRP Act ion Manager , wh ich prov ides an in terac t ive user in ter face for the HP MM mater ia ls management sof tware.

    June 1992 Hewlett-Packard Journal 5 Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

  • HP-UX Operating System Kernel Support for the HP 9000 Series 700 Workstations Because much of the Series 700 hardware design was influenced by the system's software architecture, engineers working on the kernel code were able to make changes to the kernel that significantly improved overall system performance.

    by Karen Kerschen and Jeffrey R. Glasson

    When the HP 9000 Series 700 computers were introduced, we in the engineering and learning products organization in the HP-UX kernel laboratory had a chance to see how our year-long project stacked up against the competition. In a video, we watched a Model 720 workstation pitted against one of our comparably priced competitor's sys tems. Both systems were running Unigraphics, which is a suite of compute-intensive mechanical modeling programs developed by McDonnell Douglas Corp. The two comput ers converted images of a General Motors Corvette ZR1 from two to three dimensions, rotated the drawings, contoured the surfaces, and recreated a four-view layout. The Model 720, the lowest-priced of our new systems, performed over eight times faster than the competition.

    The Series 700 is based on the first processor to imple ment the PA-RISC 1.1 architecture, which includes en hancements designed specifically for the technical needs of the workstation market. This was a departure from the previous HP processor design, which served general computation needs.

    The new system SPU (system processing unit) features three new chips: an integer processor, a floating-point coprocessor, and a memory and system bus controller. In addition, the Series 700 was developed to provide I/O expandability through the Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA) bus. For the software project teams, this new hardware functionality raised some basic ques tions, such as "What can the user do with these hardware capabilities?" and "What can we do to take advantage of the hardware features?" The answer to the first question was fairly obvious because we knew that key users would be engineers running CAE application programs such as compute-intensive graphics for modeling mechani cal engineering designs. We also realized that the Series 700 systems were not intended as specialized systems, but were aimed at a broad spectrum of high-performance workstation applications, and they had to be fast every where, without making trade-offs to computer-aided design. Thus, addressing the second question gave direction to the year-long software development effort.

    The engineering challenges faced by our kernel develop ment teams were to identify the new features of the hardware that could be exploited by the operating sys tem, and then to add or alter the kernel code to take advantage of these features. By studying the hardware innovations, the software team identified four areas for kernel modification: CPU-related changes, floating-point extensions, TLB (translation lookaside buffer) miss routines, and I/O and memory controller changes. Under lying the entire effort was an essential factor perfor mance. To succeed in the marketplace, the Series 700 had to have very fast response time and throughput.

    The Series 700 performance accomplishments were achieved by a working partnership between hardware and software engineers. Both realized that an integrated system approach was key to making the Series 700 a high-performance machine. New hardware components were engineered to ensure a balanced system, which meant that I/O performance matched CPU performance. Software architecture was considered in designing the hardware, and much of the hardware suggested opportu nities for streamlining throughput and response time through changes in the kernel code.

    The hardware architecture of the Series 700 is shown in Fig. 1. Each of these components is architected to ensure that the software runs faster. The rest of this article describes the changes to the kernel code to take advan tage of the Series 700 hardware features. The manage ment structure and development process are described in the article on page 11.

    CPU-Related Changes to Kernel Code From a hardware perspective, the CPU chip performs all processor functions (except floating-point) including integer arithmetic (except multiplication), branch process ing, interrupt processing, data and instruction cache control, and data and instruction memory management. Additional interrupt processing and cache flush instruc tions were added to the hardware, along with cache hints

    6 June 1992 Hewlett-Packard Journal

    Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

  • 32 Bits

    Instruction Cache

    Floating-Point Coprocessor

    System Bus

    I T I I I E I S A S C S I L A N R S - 2 3 2 G r a p h i c s

    Fig. 1. A block diagram of the HP 9000 Series 700 hardware (TLBs are translation lookaside buffers) .

    to prefetch cache lines from memory (see the article on page 15 for more information about cache hints). The software release for the Series 700 operating system was designed to address key features of the CPU chip. To tailor the kernel to the CPU's capabilities required the following changes:

    ' Emulation of floating-point instructions, which also sup ports the floating-point coprocessor enhancements

    Cache flush instructions to the I/O and memory controller for the benefit of graphics applications

    1 Shadow registers for improved TLB (translation look- aside buffer) miss handling

    4K-byte page size to reduce TLB miss rate 1 Sparse PDIR (page directory), which reduces overhead for the EISA I/O address space and is faster

    1 New block TLB entries to map the kernel and graphics frame buffers.

    Emulation of Floating-Point Instructions Although all Series 700 systems have floating-point hardware, kernel instructions can now emulate all the new floating-point instructions in software. This redundan cy was designed into the software to deal with floating point exceptions. PA-RISC 1.1 was defined to allow hardware designers the freedom to implement what they wanted efficiently, while still providing a consistent view of the system to software. If someone executes an instruction, the system doesn't care whether it was done in hardware or software the result is functionally identi cal, although performance differs. The computation proceeds much more slowly in software than in hard ware, but this solution provides a machine without a floating-point coprocessor that can still execute the floating-point instructions and be binary compatible.

    The software implementation capability also provides certain classes of operations that the hardware cannot

    * A translation lookaside buffer or TLB is a hardware address translation table. The TLB and cache memory typically provide an interface to the memory system for PA-RISC processors. The TLB speeds up virtual-to-real address translations by acting as a cache for recent reference More detailed information about the TLB can be found in reference 1 .

    execute. For example, the Series 700 floating-point coprocessor cannot multiply and divide denormalized numbers. When it encounters denormalized numbers, the hardware generates an assist trap to signal the operating system to emulate the required instruction.

    Software engineers modified the kernel to accommodate the expanded floating-point register file and to make these registers accessible as destinations. The additional registers allow more floating-point data to be accessed quickly, which reduces the system's need to access memory in floating-point-intensive applications.

    Cache and Cache Flush Instructions The Series 700 system has separate instruction and data caches (see Fig. 1). This design allows better pipelining of instructions that reference data by giving two ports to the CPU's ALU (arithmetic logic unit). This amounts to a degree of parallel processing in the CPU. To maximize this parallel processing, both cache arrays interface directly to the CPU and the floating-point coprocessor.

    The data path from the CPU to the data caches was widened from 32 to 64 bits. This allows two words to be transferred in one cycle between memory and registers. The operating system exploits the 64-bit-wide data path to allow higher throughput between the CPU and memory. The operating system also takes advantage of the wid ened data path when using floating-point double-word LOADs, STORES, and quad-word STORES to COPY and ZERO data in the kernel.

    New cache flush instructions have been added to access special dedicated hardware in the memory and system bus controller (discussed in detail later in this article). This hardware does direct memory access (DMA) block moves to and from memory without involving the CPU. It also handles color interpolation and hidden surface removal. These features benefit graphics applications, which use the enhanced cache flush instructions to access data more efficiently.

    Shadow Registers Another CPU feature is the addition of shadow registers. Shadow registers are extensions of the processor that reduce the number of instructions needed to process certain interrupts, particularly TLB misses. The new PA-RISC processor shadows seven general registers. Without shadow registers, when the processor receives an interrupt the operating system must save (reserve) some registers before they can be used to service the interrupt. This is because the operating system has no idea how the general registers are being used at the time of the inter rupt. (A user program might be running or executing a system call in the kernel.) Shadow registers eliminate the need for the operating system to store registers before they are used in the interrupt handler. The CPU automati cally stores the shadowed registers when the interrupt occurs and before the processor jumps to the interrupt handler. This shortens the interrupt handlers by several

    "In the floating-point 754 floating-point standard, a denormalized number is a nonzero floating-point number whose exponent has a reserved value, usually the format's minimum, and whose explicit or implicit leading significant bit is zero.

    June 1992 Hewlett-Packard Journal Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

  • instructions. Shadow registers are used for TLB interrupts, which are the most time-critical interrupts.

    The CPU has another new instruction RFIR (return from interrupt and restore) to return from an interrupt and restore (copy) the shadow registers back to the general registers. RFIR exists along with RFI (return from inter rupt), which doesn't copy the shadow registers. RFIR has specific and limited applicability to TLB interrupts be cause interrupts using the shadow registers cannot be nested. Most of the time, the operating system still uses RFI.

    4K-Byte Page Size To further improve memory access, the page size was increased from 2K bytes to 4K bytes. This reduces the number of TLB misses a typical application will encoun ter. In the software, changes were made in the low levels of the operating system's virtual memory subsystem. A lot of work was done so that the PA-RISC 1.0 systems, which have a 2K-byte page size, can have a logical 4K-byte page size.

    Sparse Page Directory If we had used the old page directory (PDIR) architecture that maps virtual to physical pages of memory, gaps in the EISA address space would have wasted a significant amount of physical memory to store unused PDIR entries. Therefore, it was decided to redefine the page directory from an array to a linked list. Now, instead of taking the virtual address and calculating an offset in the table, a hash function produces a pointer to a page directory entry (PDE) that corresponds to the physical address. In most cases, the hashing algorithm produces a direct mapping to the point in the table. In some cases, such as a hash collision, the first PDE on the list has to link to another PDE as shown in Fig. 2.

    If the translation does not exist in the PDIR, a PDE is taken off the PDE free list and inserted into the correct hash chain. The sparse PDIR reduces the amount of memory needed to store the page tables.

    TLB Miss Improvements The TLB, which is on the processor chip, consists of two 96-entry fully associative TLBs one for instructions and one for data. Each of these TLBs has block TLB entries four each for instructions and data. Each fully associative entry maps only a single page, while each block entry is capable of mapping large contiguous ranges of memory, from 128K bytes to 16M bytes. These block entries help reduce TLB misses by permanently mapping large por tions of the operating system and graphics frame buffer. Block entries reduce the number of total TLB entries used by the operating system. Block entry mapping leaves more general TLB entries for user programs and data, thus reducing the frequency of TLB misses and improving overall system performance. We map most of the kernel's text space and a good portion of the kernel's data using block TLB entries. TLB misses are handled differently by the Series 700 processor than in earlier processor implementations. Miss handler code is invoked when the TLB miss interrupt is generated by the processor. The processor saves some registers in its shadow registers and transfers control to the software TLB miss handler. The miss handler hashes into the sparse PDIR in memory to find a viitual-to-physical translation of the address that caused the interrupt. If it finds it, the translation is installed in the TLB and the transaction is retried. If it doesn't find it, page fault code is executed. (In another case, protection identifiers, which govern access rights, might prevent translation, that is, the address might exist but the process trying to access the data might not have access rights to the data.)

    Floating-Point Coprocessor Extensions The PA-RISC 1.1 architecture features a floating-point coprocessor with an extended floating-point instruction set that has 32 double-precision registers (previously, there were 16). These registers are also accessible as 64 single-precision registers (compared to 16 single-precision registers in the previous implementation). The additional floating-point registers add flexibility in terms of how

    Virtual Address

    S p a c e i I V i r t u a l P a g e R e g i s t e r I N u m b e r Free PDE List Pointer

    1 T

    Hash Queue Head PDEs

    1st PDE on List

    Physical Address Chain Link

    ( I f Not Matched on List Head)

    PDE = Page Directory Entry

    Fig. 2. Virtual-to-physical address translation using linked lists.

    8 June 1992 Hewlett-Packard Journal

    Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

  • many registers a programmer can access. More data can be held in registers that are quickly accessible by the CPU.

    Many new floating-point instructions were added to the floating-point instruction set to accommodate more demanding graphics applications and improve matrix manipulations. From the software perspective, the follow ing areas of kernel code were changed:

    Save states Store instructions Extensions to FEST Multiply instructions Floating-point exception handling.

    Save States. When a user process gets a signal, the system copies the contents of all its registers (general and floating-point) to the user stack so that the user's signal handler can access and modify them. However, to main tain binary compatibility with older implementations and applications, hooks were added to the kernel to identify the size of the save-state data structure. Knowing the size of this data structure ensures that the system will copy the correct number of registers to the user stack (or copy back from the user stack), so that programs compiled on older (PA-RISC 1.0) hardware will run without having to be recompiled on the new hardware.

    Store Instructions. Quad-word store instructions in the floating-point processor store four words (two double- word registers) at once, and execute in fewer cycles than two double-word store instructions. The kernel uses the quad-word store instruction in copy and zero routines, if it detects its presence. Quad store instruction code is not portable to the PA-RISC 1.0 implementation or to other 1.1 systems.

    (TEST Extensions. Extensions to REST streamline graphics clip tests, which benefits two-dimensional and three- dimensional graphics performance.

    FTEST is an instruction used to check the status of subsets of the floating-point compare queue. In previous imple mentations, FTEST could test only the result of the last FCMP (floating-point compare). The Series 700 extends FCMP to keep the last twelve compare results in a queue, using bits 10 through 20 of the floating-point status register in addition to the C bit (bit 5). FTEST now looks at different pieces of the queue to determine whether to nullify the next instruction. An example of how the FTEST extension can save processor cycles is given on page 10.

    FTEST extensions are not part of PA-RISC 1.1 architecture, but are specific to the Series 700. Therefore, any code using the extensions is not portable to other PA-RISC implementations.

    Multiply Instructions. New multiple-operation instructions, including multiply-and-add (FMPYADD), multiply-and-sub- tract (FMPYSUB), and multiply-and-convert from floating point format to (fixed) integer format (FMPYCFXT), more fully exploit the ALU and MPY computational units in the floating-point coprocessor. This approach reduces the number of cycles required to execute typical computational combinations, such as multiplies and adds.

    Also, an integer multiply instruction was added to the instruction set to execute in the floating-point coproces sor. Previously a millicode library routine was called to do integer multiplies. This new implementation is much faster.

    Floating-Point Exception Handling. The floating-point copro cessor's computational speed results from the floating point instructions embedded in the hardware. This pro vides the biggest performance boost to graphics, particularly for transformations. However, certain circum stances (such as operations on denormalized numbers) cause the hardware to generate an exception, which requires the kernel to emulate the instruction in software. The emulation of the floating-point instruction set pro vides much-needed backup and auxiliary computational support.

    Memory and System Bus Controller The memory and system bus controller, which was implemented as a new chip, has two new features de signed specifically to streamline graphics functionality:

    The ability to read or write from the graphics frame buff er (video memory) to main memory using direct memory access (DMA) circuitry. DMA allows block moves of data to and from the graphics card without having to go through the CPU.

    The capability to do color interpolation (for light source shading) and hidden surface removal. Accommodating the new hardware system bus and memory functionality required extensive changes to the kernel code.

    Besides the operating system changes, the HP Starbase graphics drivers2 were rewritten to take advantage of block moves and color interpolation. These drivers are used by the X server to improve X Window System performance and allow the use of lower-cost 3D graphics hardware. This is because the drivers use the memory and system bus controller to produce the graphical effects, rather than relying on dedicated graphics hardware.

    The memory and system bus controller features new registers in its graphics portion. Kernel code was en hanced to allow user processes to use these additional registers. Any user graphics process can request the kernel to map the memory and system bus controller registers into its address space. A new octl system call parameter provides access to the memory and system bus controller registers. The new call maps the controller register set into the user's address space to enable reads and writes from those registers to instruct the memory and system bus controller to perform graphics functions. Once the user sets up the memory and system bus controller registers, the transactions are initiated by issuing a special flush data cache instruction.

    Finally, new kernel code allows multiple processes to share the memory and system bus controller. At context- switch time, extra work happens if a process is using the controller. The operating system saves and restores the set of memory and system bus controller registers only if the process has mapped them into its address space.

    June 1992 Hewlett-Packard Journal 9

    Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

  • An Example of the FTEST Instruction Bits two 0 They 20 of the floating-point status register serve two purposes. They are used to return the model and revision of the coprocessor following a COPR 0,0 instruction as defined by the PA-RISC architecture. Their other use is for a queue of floating-point compare results.

    Whenever a floating-point compare instruction (FCMP) is executed, the queue is advanced as follows:

    FPstatus[11:20] = FPstatus[10:19] FPsta tus [10 ] = FPsta tus [5 ] F P s t a t u s [ 5 ] = F C M P r e s u l t ( t h e C - b i t )

    The FTEST instruction has been extended to allow checking various combinations of the compare queue. For example, to evaluate (fr4 == fr5) && (fr6 fr7) && (fr8 ==fr9) && (fr-o == frii) would take 24 cycles to execute using the PA-RISC 1 .0 instructions:

    FCMP,= f r4, f r5 FTEST b ranch FCMP,= f r6, f r7

    FTEST branch FCMP,=fr8,fr9 FTEST branch FCMP,= f r IO . f r l l FTEST branch

    By comparison, using the Series 700 floating-point compare queue:

    FCMP,= fr4, fr5 FCMP,= fr6,fr7 FCMP,=fr8,fr9 FCMP,= fr10,fr11 FTEST, ACC4 branch

    takes only 12 cycles to execute.

    Because of this, nongraphics processes are not penalized by the operating system's saving and restoring of unused registers.

    Conclusion Noted author Alvin Toffler identified an underlying challenge to today's computer industry in his book, Power Shift. "From now on," he wrote, "the world will be split between the fast and the slow." Thanks to a successful partnership of hardware innovation and kernel tuning, the Series 700 can definitely be classified as one of the fast.

    Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank the engineering teams at the HP-UX kernel laboratory in Cupertino, California for creating the first release of the Series 700 operating system and the engineers at the HP-UX development laboratory in Fort Collins, Colorado for subsequent kernel enhancements. Jon Bayh deserves special recognition for

    bringing up the HP-UX operating system on the first prototype. For technical reviews, help, and advice, we'd like to extend warm thanks to Eric Hamilton, Jeff Yetter, and Will Walker. Credit for organizing the writing project goes to Sandi Hoag, and for encouragement, Carolyn Godfrey.

    References 1. M.J. The et. al., "Hewlett-Packard Precision Architecture: The Processor," Hewlett-Packard Journal, Vol. 30, no. 8, August 1986, pp. 16-17. 2. K. Bronstein, D. Sweetser, W. Yoder, "System Design for Compati bility of a High-Performance Graphics Library and the X Window System," Hewlett-Packard Journal, Vol. 40, no. 6, December 1989, p.7.

    HP-UX is based on and is compatible with UNIX System Laboratories' UNIX* operating system. It also specifications. with X/Open's XPG3, POSIX 1003.1 and SVID2 interface specifications. UNIX in other registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories Inc. in the U.S.A. and other countries. X/Open is a trademark of X/Open Company Limited in the UK and other countries.

    10 June 1992 Hewlett-Packard Journal

    Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

  • Providing HP-UX Kernel Functionality on a New PA-RISC Architecture To ensure customer satisfaction and produce a high-performance, high-quality workstation on a very aggressive schedule, a special management structure, a minimum product feature set, and a modified development process were established.

    by Donald E. Bellinger, Frank P. Lemmon, and Dawn L. Yamine

    The aggressive schedule for the development of the HP 9000 Series 700 systems required the development team in the HP-UX kernel laboratory to consider some modifi cations to the normal software development process, the number of product features, and the management struc ture. The goals for the product features were to change or add the minimum number of HP-UX kernel functions that would ensure customer satisfaction, meet our perfor mance goals, and adapt to a new I/O system. This version of the HP-UX kernel code became known as minimum core functionality, or MCF.

    Series 700 Management Structure To accomplish the goals set for the HP 9000 Series 700 system required a special management structure that included a program manager with leadership and respon sibility for the whole program, and a process that allowed rapid and sound decisions to be made. The resulting management structure delegated the bulk of the manage ment to focused teams of individual developers and first-level managers. The program manager owned every facet of the release, from the software feature set to the allocation of prototypes and production of chips in the fabrication shop. Since the Series 700 program was multidivisional and located in two geographical loca tions, the program manager had to maintain a desk at both locations, close to the the hardware and software development teams.

    The rapid decision policy promoted by the management team enabled small teams of individual developers and first-level managers to make important program decisions quickly and directly. Decision time itself was measured and tracked around the program. For example, the system team's goal was to have no open issues over two weeks old. Also, the MCF kernel team tracked kernel defects on a daily basis. If a defect aged over three days, additional help was assigned immediately. The process to determine the disposition of defects ran on a 24-hour clock. The defect data was posted in the evening, votes were col lected by the team captain the next morning, the team reviewed the votes and made decisions in the afternoon, and approved fixes were incorporated into the build that night.

    One key decision made early in the program was whether to base the kernel on HP-UX 7.0, which was stable and shipping, or HP-UX 8.0, which was not yet shipping to customers. HP-UX 8.0 offered the advantage of being the basis for future releases, and thus the developers and customers of the follow-on release to MCF could avoid the overhead of first having to update to 8.0. This was a critical decision. The R&D team promoted the advantages of 8.0, while the program manager weighed the risks. Within two weeks the program manager and the team decided to base the operating system on HP-UX 8.0 and the issue was never revisited.

    Each team worked systemwide, with individual developers focusing on a facet of the system. The performance team, with members from hardware, kernel, languages, graphics, and performance measurement groups, focused on the overall goal of maximizing system performance in com putation, graphics, and I/O. The value added business (VAB) team focused on delivering high-quality prototype hardware and software to key VAB partners, allowing their software applications to release simultaneously with the HP 9000 Model 720. There was also an integration team, a release team, and a quality and testing team.

    The members of these teams were not merely representa tives who collected action items and returned them to their respective organizations. The team members were the engineers and managers involved in the development work. Thus, multidivisional problems were solved right at the team meetings.

    The overall program structure glued these teams together. Key decisions were made by the program manager and other top-level members of the management team. The system team managed the tactical issues and the coor dination of the focused teams. Most people were mem bers of multiple teams, providing crucial linkage between individual team goals and organizational goals. There was a rich, almost overwhelming flow of information. The system team appended team reports and product status information to their weekly minutes, which were distrib uted widely so everyone saw the results.

    June 1992 Hewlett-Packard Journal 11 Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

  • The rest of this article will discuss the activities per formed in the software development process to create the MCF kernel. Technical details of the kernel MCF can be found in the article on page 6.

    Quality Control Plan Historically, the reliability of HP-UX software has been measured in terms of the following items:

    Defect density (the number of defects per one thousand lines of noncomment source statements, or KNCSS)

    Functional test coverage (the number of external inter faces tested and the branch flow coverage values)

    1 Reliability under stress (continuous hours of operation, or CHO). The MCF team added the following measures:

    Design and code reviews to ensure high software compo nent quality before delivery to system integration and test

    i Weekly integration cycles with full testing participation by the development partners, which included develop ment teams outside of the kernel laboratory. The weekly integration cycles uncovered a number of interaction and system defects rapidly and early. The program team designated schedule and quality as the top two priorities of the MCF release. Another program team decision reduced the functionality to the minimum core requirements, which in turn reduced the time to market. The program team also chose to release only one system initially (the Model 720) rather than three (the Models 720, 730, and 750) and to sell the Model 720 in a stand-alone configuration only, rather than supporting it in a diskless cluster. These decisions resulted in reduced testing complexity. The test setup times highlight the complexity reduction. For the MCF release, the test setup time represented about 1% of the total test time. For the subsequent releases (with Models 710, 720, 730, and 750 participating, in both stand-alone and diskless configurations) the test setup time rose to about 12%. The increase is significant since the test setup time cannot be automated and represents valuable engineering time.

    Certification Process The program team's decision to limit functionality guaran teed a better, more stable system faster. There were fewer components in which defects occurred and there were fewer interfaces where interaction problems arose. The system test team was able to capitalize on both these benefits. A team decision was made to set a lower reliability goal of 48 continuous hours of operation (CHO) under stress, instead of the traditional 96 CHO. This decision substantially reduced the number of system test cycles required. The system test team next decided to attempt the 48 CHO reliability goal in a single, four-week test cycle. Previous HP-UX releases had required four test cycles, each ranging from two to six weeks. The single-test-cycle model, a benefit of reduced function ality, emphasized one of the key development goals: "Do it right the first time." This goal was important, because

    the aggressive MCF schedule did not permit the develop ment teams any time for rework. In summary, the MCF quality plan featured the following objectives:

    A reduction in configuration and testing complexity A single test cycle A 48-CHO software certification goal The use of design and code reviews before delivering new

    functionality The use of traditional quality measurements before deliv

    ery to system integration and test Weekly integration cycles with full partner testing partici

    pation An early baseline established by the quality requirements

    of the VAB team activities.

    Design and Code Reviews The software engineers in the HP-UX kernel laboratory determined that the best way to achieve the MCF quality objectives was to focus on design and code reviews. Engineers evaluated the effectiveness of their existing review process to find defects before kernel integration and determined that it was not adequate to meet the MCF quality goals. This led to a search for a new design and code review process. Several of the engineers had used a formal review process called software inspection1 on previous projects, and felt that it would find key defects before kernel integration. The inspection process was used during the design phase with moderate success. A handful of the engineers had been previously trained on the process. The rest of the engineers simply received a document that described the inspection process. There was no formal training given on inspection roles, criteria, checklist, time requirements, or meeting conduct. When the inspection meetings began, several of the first-level managers felt that the inspection process was not as successful as it could be. They heard complaints from the engineers about the design documents, insuffi cient preparation by the inspectors, rambling meetings, and the absence of time estimates in the MCF schedule to perform the process. The managers put the inspection process on hold and asked an inspection consultant about the complaints they had heard. The consultant gave guidance about the team member's roles, how inspectors should prepare for the meetings, what to focus on during the meetings, and the amount of time required when the process is operating properly. The managers took this feedback back to the engineers so they could make changes. For example, the time estimate to do the inspections was added to the MCF schedule. This change showed the engineers that they had the opportunity to do inspections, and that the process was considered important. Performing inspections also caused the MCF schedule to slip by two weeks. The program team made an adjustment elsewhere in the program to recover the two weeks.

    12 June 10(12 Hewlett-Packard Journal Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

  • E F M C F P r o j e c t

    Other Projects Inside and Outside HP

    Fig. in MCF inspection efficiency compared to other projects in side and outside HP.

    The main benefit of using inspections was that important defects were found early. The advance defect visibility minimized schedule delays by reducing the impact on critical path activities. One defect uncovered during an inspection was later estimated to require at least two weeks to isolate and repair if it had been found during system integration.

    Fig. 1 compares the MCF inspection efficiency with the results of other projects inside and outside HP. MCF achieved the second best results. Although data was not collected on the number of defects found during product and system testing, the general feeling was that there were fewer defects found in comparison to other HP-UX releases. This feeling was confirmed when the MCF kernel took six weeks to achieve the 48 continuous hours of operation quality goal, compared to previous HP-UX kernels which had taken at least eight weeks.

    Branch and Source Management The kernel sources had been managed by a source control system that permitted multiple development branches to be open at any time. This permitted different development efforts to proceed independently. When the time came to merge branch development into the main trunk, it was necessary to lock the branch. Branch locks ranged on the order of a few days to two weeks, depending on the number of changes and the stability of the resulting kernel. The delays frustrated the engineers who were waiting to include critical path functionality and important defect fixes.

    The basic MCF source management philosophy was: "Keep the branch open!" Thus, locking the branch for two weeks was unacceptable.

    Two branches were required to implement the aggressive MCF schedule: one to implement the new 4K-byte page size, and the other to implement software support for a new I/O backplane.

    Both branches began from the same snapshot of the HP-UX 8.0 kernel sources. As work progressed, a snap shot of the 4K-byte page size team's work was merged

    with the I/O team's branch. The merge was done in an ongoing, incremental fashion so that no big surprises would appear late in the release and the branch lock time would be minimized.

    The merge was accomplished by running a software tool that checked even,- line, in every file, on both branches. If a file had no changes on either branch the original file was kept. If a file changed on one branch but not the other, the change was incorporated. If a file changed on both branches it was flagged for an engineer to re\ie\v and resolve manually.

    The MCF merge goal was to lock the branch and require engineering review for no more than 36 hours. The goal was consistently met because of the careful attention of the kernel branch administrator and the high degree of team cooperation when assistance was required.

    Automated Nightly Build and Test What new testing challenges did the MCF release present? The key goal was to do a full kernel build and regression test cycle five nights a week, not just once a week as had been done in the past. Could we push the existing process this far? The kernel integration team was uncer tain, but was confident that the minimum core functional ity model could be capitalized on.

    Regression testing revisits the software that has already been tested by the development team. What did the kernel integration team expect to gain from redundant testing? First, to observe, characterize, and resolve any problems detected in the nightly kernel build. Second, at least to match the test results from the previous build, with the goal of converging to zero test failures rapidly.

    The MCF regression test plan featured the following: A test setup process that was bootstrapped Automated software that ran the regression tests five

    nights a week An emphasis placed on parallel operation and the reliable

    presence of test results Automated software that updated the test machines with the

    system integration team's good system on a weekly basis.

    The regression tests for kernel integration included the following:

    File system tests: hierarchical, distributed, networked, and CD-ROM

    Kernel functional tests Disk quota functional tests Database send and receive functional tests.

    The software developers created their own tests to cover new functionality (e.g., SCSI, Centronics, and digital tape interfaces). These tests were run by the development teams directly.

    The Test Setup Process At first test machines were scarce because there were only a handful of hardware prototypes available to the MCF team. Therefore, regression testing began on a standby basis. Eventually, one hardware prototype became available for use on weeknights. This allowed the test setup process to begin in earnest.

    June 1992 Hewlett-Packard Journal 13 Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

  • HP 9000 Model 855

    Kernel Build System

    HP 9000 Model 720 Test Machine 1

    HP 9000 Model 720 Test Machine 2

    Fig. 2. The MCF redundancy testing setup.

    The least-demanding tests such as the distributed and hierarchical file system tests were installed and run first. After any kernel or test problems were observed, charac terized, and resolved by analyzing the results, the setup for the more difficult tests for areas such as the kernel, the network, and the CD-ROM file system began.

    Automatic Testing Software was developed to automate running the regres sion tests nightly. The software was designed to perform the following tasks:

    Put the kernel program and include files on the test sys tems

    Reboot the test systems Start the tests Mail the test results directly to the kernel integration team.

    At one point, the kernel began to panic and the regres sion tests were prematurely interrupted. This caused a problem in receiving a complete set of test results. Fortunately, by this time, two functional prototype ma chines were available for nightly regression testing (see Fig. 2). The solution was to have both machines run the regression tests each night, but in reverse order. The first machine ran the easier file system tests first, followed by the more demanding kernel functional and remaining tests. The second system ran the same test groups, but in reverse order. The "redundant but reverse order" solution ensured the presence of a full set of test results each morning by combining the output of both systems if required. Once all the test groups were set up and running, it proved impossible for the automated software to com plete them within the six-hour time limit. The problem was solved by modifying the automated software to start as many of the test groups as possible in parallel. The plan was to capitalize on the HP-UX process scheduling abilities and maximize the throughput. One assumption was made using this approach the tests would not adversely interact with each other. The assumption proved to be true in general. The exceptions were the disk quota, CD-ROM, and system accounting tests, which had conflicts. The automated software was modified to serialize the execution of the disk quota and CD-ROM test

    groups and run them as a separate stream in parallel with the other test groups. The test administrator chose to handle the system accounting test manually, which continued to fail occasionally because of known conflicts.

    Weekly Delivery to System Integration A complete internally consistent system was built every week, allowing up-to-date software with the latest fixes to be used by the development partners for system integra tion. To deliver the new system to system integration, the kernel build administrator examined the logs, handled any exceptional conditions, communicated with partners, and then wrote, for review by the management teams, a report that explained what changed from week to week. On Monday mornings, before the kernel build administra tor had arrived to check the logs, the kernel program and the include files were automatically sent from Cupertino, California to the HP-UX commands team in Fort Collins, Colorado. After delivery, the HP-UX commands, which required the include files, began automatically building the system. If the kernel build administrator detected a problem in the error logs, the commands build adminis trator was called. The two administrators consulted over the telephone whether to let the commands build com plete, or to interrupt it. Often, if there was a problem, the kernel delivery was still useful. For example, it was only necessary to interrupt the commands build two or three times out of twenty or more kernel deliveries. In summary, the weekly delivery process offered the following features:

    Files were delivered in advance, before the tests had cer tified them

    Rapid team communication was used to notify the part ners depending on the delivery if any problem was de tected

    Systems delivered were often usable by the partners even when problems were detected

    > Problems, status, and any changes were communicated quickly and directly.

    Conclusion The HP-UX kernel laboratory produced a version of the HP-UX operating system that achieved excellent perfor mance and rapid time to market for a new workstation computer, the HP 9000 Model 720. This achievement was made possible by a simplified management structure, the specification of minimum core functionality, a quality control plan that used design and code reviews, and a kernel integration process that featured full automation of the software build, test, and delivery activities.

    References 1. M.E. Fagan, "Advances in Software Inspections," IEEE Transac tions of Software Engineering, Vol. SE-12, no. 7, July 1986, pp. 744-751.

    HP-UX is based on and is compatible with UNIX System Laboratories' UNIX* operating system. It also specifications with X/Open's XPG3, POSIX 1003.1 and SVID2 interface specifications UNIX in other registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories Inc. in the U.S.A. and other countries. X/Open is a trademark of X/Open Company Limited in the UK and other countries.

    14 June 1992 Hewlett-Packard Journal

    Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

  • New Optimizations for PA-RISC Compilers Extensions to the PA-RISC architecture exposed opportunities for code optimizations that enable compilers to produce code that significantly boosts the performance of applications running on PA-RISC machines.

    by Robert C. Hansen

    Hewlett-Packard's involvement in reduced instruction set computers (RISC) began in the early 1980s when a group was formed to develop a computer architecture powerful and versatile enough to excel in all of Hewlett-Packard's markets including commercial, engineering, scientific, and manufacturing. The designers on this team possessed unusually diverse experience and training. They included compiler designers, operating system designers, micro- coders, performance analysts, hardware designers, and system architects. The intent was to bring together different perspectives, so that the team could deal effec tively with design trade-offs that cross the traditional boundaries between disciplines. After 18 months of iterative, measurement-oriented evaluation of what com puters do during application execution, the group pro duced an architecture definition known today as Precision Architecture RISC, or PA-RISC.1'2'3

    In the late 1980s, there were a number of groups that were looking for ways to make Hewlett-Packard more successful in the highly competitive workstation market. These groups realized the need for better floating-point performance and virtual memory management in PA-RISC to produce a low-cost, high-performance, PA-RISC-based workstation product. Experts from these groups and other areas were brought together to collaborate on their ideas and to propose a set of extensions to PA-RISC. Many members of this team were from the then newly acquired Apollo Computers (now HP Apollo). With the knowledge gained from years of experience with PA-RISC and PRISM from Apollo Computers, suggested extensions to the architecture were heavily scrutinized and only accepted after their benefits could be validated. The result was a small but significant set of extensions to PA-RISC now known as PA-RISC 1.1.

    Although not a rigid rule, most of the architecture exten sions of PA-RISC 1.1 were directed at improving Hewlett- Packard's position in the technical workstation market. Many of the extensions aimed at improving application performance required strong support in the optimizer portion of the PA-RISC compilers. Key technical engineers were reassigned to increase the staff of what had pre viously been a small optimizer team in HP's California Language Laboratory. In addition, engineers responsible for compiler front ends became involved with supporting new optimization and compatibility options for the two versions of the architecture. Finally, many compiler

    members from the HP Apollo group shared their insights on how to improve the overall code generation of the PA-RISC 1.1 compilers. The PA-RISC 1.1 extensions, together with enhancements to the optimizing compilers, have enabled Hewlett-Packard to build a low-cost high- performance desktop workstation with industry-leading performance.

    The first release of the PA-RISC 1.1 architecture is found in the HP 9000 Series 700 workstations running version 8.05 of the HP-UX operating system (HP-UX 8.05). The operating system and the compilers for the Series 700 workstation are based on the HP-UX 8.0 operating system, which runs on the HP 9000 Series 800 machines.

    This article presents a brief discussion about the architec ture extensions, followed by an overview of the enhance ments made to the compilers to exploit these extensions. In addition to enhancements made to the compilers to support architecture extensions, there were a number of enhancements to traditional optimizations performed by the compilers that improve application performance, independent of the underlying architecture. These generic enhancements will also be covered. Finally, performance data and an analysis will be presented.

    PA-RISC 1.1 Architecture Overview

    Most of the extensions to PA-RISC were motivated by technical workstation requirements and were designed to improve performance in the areas of virtual memory management, numerical applications, and graphics, all at the lowest possible cost. Most of the architecture exten sions can be exploited by the compilers available on PA-RISC 1.1 implementations. Additional implementation- specific extensions, like special instructions, have been made to improve performance in critical regions of system code and will not be discussed here.

    New Instructions Most implementations of PA-RISC employ a floating-point assist coprocessor to support high-performance numeric processing.2 It is common for a floating-point coprocessor to contain at least two functional units: one that performs addition and subtraction operations and one that performs multiplication and other operations. These two functional units can accept and process data in parallel. To dispatch

    June 1992 Hewlett-Packard Journal 15

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  • F M P Y A D D f r 1 . f r 2 . f r 3 . M , l r 5


    F M P Y A D D f f 1 , f r 2 , f r 3 , W , f r 1

    I b )

    Fig. 1. Legal and illegal uses of the five-operand FMPYADD instruc tion. Because of parallelism the multiply and add operations execute at the same time, (a) Legal use of the instruction. There is no interdependence between operands, (b) Illegal use of the instruction. The operand in floating-point register frl is used in both operations.

    operations to these functional units at a higher rate, two five-operand floating-point instructions were added to the instruction set: FMPYADD: Floating-point multiply and add FMPYSUB: Floating-point multiply and subtract.

    In a single instruction, the compiler can specify a float ing-point multiplication operation (two source registers and one target) together with an independent floating point addition or subtraction operation in which one register is both a source and a target. However, because the multiply operation is executed in parallel with the add or subtract operation in a five-operand instruction, the result of one operation cannot be used in the paired operation. For example, in an FMPYADD, the product of the multiplication cannot be used as a source for the addition and vice versa (see Fig. 1). Since most floating-point multipliers can also perform fixed-point multiplication operations, the unsigned integer multiplication instruction XMPYU was also defined in PA-RISC 1.1. XMPYU operates only on registers in the floating-point register file described below. This dependen cy implies that fixed-point operands may have to be moved from general registers to floating-point registers

    and the product moved back to a general-purpose regis ter. Since there is no architected support for moving quantities between general-purpose and floating-point register banks directly, this movement is done through stores and loads from memory. The compiler decides when it is beneficial to use the XMPYU instruction instead of the sophisticated multiplication and division techniques provided in PA-RISC.4 Signed integer multiplication can also be accomplished using the XMPYU instruction in conjunction with the appropriate extract (EXTRS, EXTRU) instructions.

    Additional Floating-Point Registers To increase the performance for floating-point-intensive code, the PA-RISC 1.1 floating-point register file has been extended. The number of 64-bit (double-precision) registers has been doubled from 16 to 32 (see Fig. 2). In addition, both halves of each 64-bit register can now be addressed as a 32-bit (single-precision) register, giving a total of 64 single-precision registers compared to only 16 for PA-RISC 1.0. Moreover, contiguous pairs of single- precision values can be loaded or stored using a single double-word load or store instruction. Using a double- word load instruction to load two single-precision quanti ties can be useful when manipulating single-precision arrays and FORTRAN complex data items.

    Cache Hints On PA-RISC systems, instructions and data are typically fetched and stored to memory through a small, high-speed memory known as a cache. A cache shortens virtual memory access times by keeping copies of the most recently accessed items within its fast memory. The cache is divided into blocks of data and each block has an address tag that corresponds to a block of memory. When the processor accesses an instruction or data, the item is fetched from the appropriate cache block, saving signifi cant time in not having to fetch it from the larger memory system. If the item is not in the cache, a cache

    S t a t u s E x c e p t i o n R e g i s t e r 1

    Except ion Reg is ter 2 Except ion Reg is ter 3

    Except ion Reg is ter 4 Except ion Reg is ter 5

    Except ion Regis ter 6 Except ion Regis ter 7

    One 64-Bit or Two 32-Bit Data Registers

    One 64-Bit or Two 32-Bit Data Registers

    Fig. regis The floating-point register file contains 28 64-bit data regis ters conditions. seven 32-bit registers for reporting exceptional conditions. The status register holds information on the current rounding mode, five exception flags, and the exception trap enables for five IEEE exceptions: overflow, underflow, divide by zero, invalid operation, and inexact. If an exception is raised when traps are enabled, an interrupt to the main processor occurs, with the ex ception and the instruction causing it recorded in an exception register.

    16 June 1992 Hewlett-Packard Journal

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  • miss occurs and the processor may stall until the needed block of memory is brought into the cache.

    To increase cache throughput, an extension to cache management has been exposed to the compiler. A bit has been encoded in the store instructions that can be used when the compiler knows that each element in a cache block will be overwritten. This hint indicates to the hardware that it is not necessary to fetch the contents of that cache block from memory in the event of a cache miss. This cache hint could be used to provide a signifi cant savings when copying large data structures or initializing pages.

    Optimization Enhancements

    Optimizing compilers make an important contribution to application performance on PA-RISC processors.5-6 A single shared optimizer back end is used in most PA- RISC compilers. When global optimization is enabled, the following traditional transformation phases take place:7

    Global data flow and alias analysis (knowing which data items are accessed by code and which data items may overlap is the foundation for many phases that follow)

    Constant propagation (folding and substitution of constant computations)

    Loop invariant code motion (computations within a loop that yield the same result for every iteration)

    Strength reduction (replacing multiplication operations inside a loop with iterative addition operations)

    Redundant load elimination (elimination of loads when the current value is already contained in a register)

    Register promotion (promotion of a data item held in memory to being held in a register)

    Common subexpression elimination (removal of redun dant computations and the reuse of the one result)

    Peephole optimizations (use of a dictionary of equivalent instruction patterns to simplify instruction sequences)

    Dead code elimination (removal of code that will not execute)

    Branch optimizations (transformation of branch instruc tion sequences into more efficient instruction sequences)

    Branch delay slot scheduling (reordering instructions to perform computations in parallel with a branch)

    Graph coloring register allocation (use of a technique called graph coloring to optimize the use of machine registers)

    Instruction scheduling (reordering instructions within a basic block to minimize pipeline interlocks)

    Live variable analysis (removing instructions that compute values that are not needed). With PA-RISC 1.1, a number of these areas were en hanced to take advantage of the extensions to the archi tecture. Specifically, the last two transformations, register allocation and instruction scheduling, saw many changes to support the extended floating-point registers and new five-operand instructions.

    In addition to the enhancements made to support the architecture extensions, the compiler optimization team

    The the compiler also uses an optimizing preprocessor on the front end that performs some code dependent optimizations before sending the code to the standard FORTRAN compiler and the shared optimizer back end (see article on page 24).

    spent a considerable amount of time analyzing application code to identify missed optimization opportunities. There was also a ver\- thorough evaluation of Hewlett-Packard's optimizing compilers to see how they matched some key workstation competitors' compilers. Many architecture independent enhancements were identified and added at the same time as the PA-RISC 1.1 enhancements.

    These compiler enhancements were integrated with the HP-UX 8.0 compilers available on the HP 9000 Series 800 machines. Because the same base was used, the architec ture independent optimization enhancements added to the compilers will also benefit code compiled with the HP-UX 8.0 compilers.

    Many of the enhancements to the optimizing compilers led to significant improvements in the Systems Perfor mance Evaluation Cooperative (SPEC) benchmark suite. Release 1.2b of the SPEC suite contains 10 benchmarks that primarily measure CPU (integer and floating-point) performance in the engineering and scientific fields. Performance data for the SPEC benchmarks is presented later in this article.

    Improved Register Allocation Near-optimal use of the available hardware registers is crucial to application performance. Many optimization phases introduce temporary variables or prolong the use of existing register variables over larger portions of a procedure. The PA-RISC optimizer uses an interference graph coloring technique8 to allocate registers to a procedure's data items. When the coloring register alloca tor runs out of free registers, it is forced to save or "spill" a register to memory. Spilling a register implies that all instructions that access the item that was spilled must first reload the item into a temporary register, and any new definitions of the item are immediately stored back to memory. Spilling can have a costly impact on run-time performance.

    With PA-RISC 1.1, the register allocator was enhanced to support the additional floating-point registers. These additional floating-point registers have greatly decreased the amount of floating-point spill code in floating-point- intensive applications. The register allocator now has more than twice the number of 64-bit (double-precision) floating-point registers available for allocation purposes (see Fig. 2). Also, the PA-RISC 1.1 architecture now allows either half of a 64-bit register to be used as a 32-bit (single-precision) register, resulting in more than four times the number of single-precision registers that are available in PA-RISC 1.0.

    Improved Instruction Scheduling The instruction scheduler is responsible for reordering the machine-level instructions within straight-line code to minimize stalls in the processor's pipeline and to take advantage of the parallelism between the CPU and the floating-point coprocessor. It is also responsible for attempting to fill pipeline delay slots of branch instruc tions with a useful instruction. Of course, the instruction scheduler must maintain the correctness of the program when it reorders instructions. The instruction scheduling

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  • algorithm used in the PA-RISC compilers is based on the technique described in reference 9. Until recently, instruction scheduling was done just once after register allocation, immediately before the machine instructions are written to the object file. This one-pass approach suffered because the register allocator may allocate registers to data items in a manner that imposes artificial dependencies. These artificial dependencies can restrict the scheduler from moving instructions around to avoid interlocks (i.e., pipeline stalls). For example, the LOW (load word) instruction on PA-RISC typically takes two cycles to complete. This means that if the very next instruction following the LOW uses the target register of the LOW, the processor will stall for one cycle (load-use interlock) until the load completes. The instruction scheduler is responsible for reordering instruc tions to minimize these stalls. The software pipelining article on page 39 describes pipeline stalls in more detail. If the register allocator allocates the same register to two independent data items, this might impair the reordering operations of the instruction scheduler. For example, if register allocation results in the following code:

    L O W 0 ( 0 , % r 3 0 ) , % r 2 0 s o m e d a t a i n t o r e g i s t e r 2 0 A D D % r 2 0 , % r 2 1 , % r 2 2 r e g i s t e r 2 0 L D W 8 ( 0 , % r 3 0 ) , % r 2 0 s o m e o t h e r d a t a i n t o r e g i s t e r 2 0 A D D % r 2 0 , . . . r e g i s t e r 2 0

    the scheduler cannot move any of the instructions up wards or downwards to prevent load-use interlocks because of the dependencies on register 20. This could lead to a situation in which no useful instruction can be placed between the LDW and the instructions that use register 20. These artificial dependencies imposed by the register allocator could also limit the instruction scheduler's ability to interleave general register instructions with floating-point instructions. Interleaving is crucial in keeping both the general CPU and the floating-point coprocessor busy and exploiting a limited amount of parallelism.

    To improve the effectiveness of instruction scheduling, both the PA-RISC 1.0 and 1.1 compilers now perform instruction scheduling twice, once before register alloca tion and once after. By scheduling before register alloca tion, the scheduler can now detect a greater amount of instruction-level parallelism within the code and thus have greater freedom in reordering the instructions. Scheduling after register allocation enables the scheduler to reorder instructions in regions where the register allocation may have deleted or added instructions (i.e., spill code instructions). The instruction scheduler's dependency analysis capabili ties have also been improved to recognize many of the cases where indexed loads and stores are accessing distinct elements of the same array. Through more accurate information, the scheduler has greater freedom to safely move loads of some array elements ahead of stores to other elements of that array.

    Another improvement made to help the scheduler when it is ordering code involved tuning the heuristics used to take into account some of the unique features of imple mentations of PA-RISC 1.1. These heuristics are aimed at avoiding cache stalls (stores immediately followed by loads or other stores), and modeling the floating-point latencies of the new PA-RISC 1.1 implementation more closely. Finally, the instruction scheduler has also been enhanced to identify cases in which the new five-operand instruc tions available in PA-RISC 1.1 can be formed. The sched uler, running before register allocation, identifies floating point multiplication (FMPY) instructions and independent floating-point addition (FADD) or subtraction (FSUB) instructions that can be combined to form a single five-operand FMPYADD or FMPYSUB instruction. When five-operand instructions are formulated during the scheduler pass, global data flow information is used to ensure that one of the registers used as an operand of the FADD or FSUB can be used to hold the result of the FADD or FSUB. This will be true if the data flow informa tion shows that the register containing the original operand has no further use in the instructions that follow. For example, in the instruction sequence:

    F M P Y f r 1 , f r 2 , f r 3 = f r 1 * f r 2

    F A D D f r 4 , f r 5 , f r 6 = f r 4 + f r 5

    if fr5 has no further uses in the instructions that follow the FADD, it can be used to replace register fr6 as the result of the addition. Any instructions that follow the FADD that use the result of the addition would be modi fied to use register fr5 instead of register fr6. Another problem confronting the instruction scheduler is instructions that occur between two instructions targeted to be joined. For example, take a simple case of using fr3 between the FMPY and the FADD:

    FMPY f r l , f r2 , f r3 FSTDS f r3 , memory

    FADD fr4, f r5, f r6

    ; f r 3 = f r l * f r 2 , f r 5 = f r 4 + f r 5 ; s t o re f r 3 i n memory

    ; f r6 = f r4 + f r5

    The five-operand FMPYADD cannot be placed in the posi tion of the FADD without moving the use of fr3 below the new five-operand instruction because the wrong value may be stored to memory. When the scheduler is satisfied that the necessary criteria have been met, it will produce the five-operand instruction:

    F M P Y A D D f r l , f r 2 , f r 3 , f r 4 , f r 5 ; f r 3 = f r l * f r 2 , f r 5 = f r 4 + f r 5 FSTDS f r3 , memory

    where register fr5 serves as both an operand and the result of the addition. These five-operand instructions allow the compiler to reduce significantly the number of instructions generated

    18 June 1992 Hewlett-Packard Journal

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  • for some applications. In addition, they allow the floating point coprocessor to dispatch two operations in a single cycle.

    Software Pipelining Software pipelining is an advanced transformation that attempts to interleave instructions from multiple iterations of a program loop to produce a greater amount of instruction-level parallelism and minimize pipeline stalls. Software pipelining is a new component that has been added to the global optimizer for both PA-RISC 1.0 and PA-RISC 1.1. The article on page 39 provides more information on this loop transformation scheme.

    Register Reassociation Register reassociation is a code improving transformation that supplements loop-invariant code motion and strength reduction. The main objective of this optimization is to eliminate integer arithmetic operations found in loops. It is particularly useful when applied to multidimensional array address computations. The article on page 33 pro vides more information on this transformation technique.

    Linker Optimizations The ADDIL instruction is used by the compilers in conjunc tion with load or store instructions to generate the virtual addresses of global or static data items. The compiler must produce these large addresses because the compiler has no knowledge of where the desired data will be mapped with regards to the global data base register. The ADDIL instruction is unnecessary if the short displacement field in the load or store instruction is adequate to specify the offset of the data from the base register. The actual displacement of data items is finalized at link time. The PA-RISC 1.0 and 1.1 compilers now arrange for small global variables to be allocated as close to the base of the data area as possible. The HP-UX linker has been enhanced to remove any unnecessary ADDIL instructions when the short displacement field in load and store instructions is found to be adequate.

    As optimization strategies become more sophisticated, the use of run-time profiling data can be very useful in guiding various transformations. In the first of many stages to come, the PA-RISC optimizing linker now uses profiling information to reorder the procedures of an application to reduce cache contention and to minimize the number of dynamic long branches needed to transfer control between heavily called routines. This repositioning technique is currently known as profile-based procedure repositioning.10

    These two linker-based optimizations are enabled through special compiler and linker options. See "Link-Time Optimizations" on page 22 for more information on these two transformations.

    FORTRAN Vectorizing Preprocessor The Hewlett-Packard FORTRAN optimizing preprocessor is a major addition to the FORTRAN compiler for the HP 9000 Series 700 implementation of PA-RISC 1.1. The preprocessor was a joint effort of Hewlett-Packard and an outside vendor. Using advanced program and data flow analysis techniques, and with specific details covering the

    implementation of the underlying architecture, FORTRAN source code is transformed to be more efficient and to take advantage of a highly tuned vector library. The preprocessor has boosted benchmark performance and real customer application performance by as much as 30%. The Series 700 FORTRAN optimizing preprocessor is described in the article on page 24.


    An important design goal in evolving the architecture to PA-RISC 1.1 was to allow a smooth transition from existing PA-RISC 1.0 implementations. With the exception of FORTRAN, the compilers on the Series 700 imple mentation of PA-RISC 1.1 are based on the compilers used in the existing Series 800 implementations of PA- RISC 1.0. Because the same compilers are used on Series 800 and 700 systems, maximum portability of source code is achieved.

    Another system design goal was to provide software compatibility at the source code level with the HP 9000 Series 300 and Series 400 workstations, which are based on the Motorola MC680xO architecture.

    Special efforts have been made for the C and FORTRAN languages to provide this compatibility. The PA-RISC C compiler has been enhanced with compiler directives to provide Series 300 and 400 compatible data alignment, which is the one area of potential incompatibility with PA-RISC. In the case of FORTRAN, a larger number of compatibility issues exist. The first release of system software included a version of the FORTRAN compiler from the Series 800 and a separate version from the Series 300 and 400 workstations. The latest releases now contain a single FORTRAN compiler based on the Series 300 and 400 workstation compiler that has an option that allows users to compile their FORTRAN applications with semantics identical to either the Series 800 compiler or the Series 300 compiler.

    Given that the PA-RISC 1.1 architecture is a strict super set of PA-RISC 1.0, all HP-UX object code is completely forward compatible from PA-RISC 1.0 based implementa tions to the new PA-RISC 1.1 workstations. Portability includes object modules, libraries, and relocatable pro grams. Programs compiled and linked on PA-RISC 1.0 implementations can run unchanged on PA-RISC 1.1 implementations, and any combination of object modules and libraries from the two systems can be linked togeth er. Recompilation is necessary only if the programmer wishes to take advantage of the architecture and opti mization enhancements. This forward compatibility of object modules allowed many vendors to port their products to the Series 700 with little or no effort.

    Although object files can be ported from PA-RISC 1.0 implementations to PA-RISC 1.1 implementations, the reverse may not always be true if the object file on a PA-RISC 1.1 machine was generated by a compiler that exploits the extensions to the PA-RISC 1.1 architecture. The HP-UX loader detects such situations and refuses to execute a program on a PA-RISC 1.0 implementation that has been compiled with PA-RISC 1.1 extensions. To assist

    June 1992 Hewlett-Packard Journal 19 Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

  • the user in generating the most portable object files, a compiler option has been added to specify the destination architecture (DA) for the code generated by the compiler. For example,

    % ce +DA1 .0 my_p rog . c

    would generate an object file based on the PA-RISC 1.0 architecture definition. The object file could also be ported directly to a PA-RISC 1.1 implementation without the need for recompilation. A user can also use this option explicitly to ask for PA-RISC 1.1 extensions, or for c

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