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1994 Commencement ProgramColumbia College Chicago

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PRELUDE "Paalm 24""*

PROCESSIONAL "To The Fuhore"":j:

"Hymn" From "The Sacrific~":j:

·canticle''•* Text From "Song OF Songs"

Carol Love.nle, Hc-1d Of Voe.ii ln,truclic,m, Thcolh.lrlMusk1 Oel?.srt.ment, Soloi.-t

.. Americl'l'"

Word. Oy K.itbcrinc L4.~ Bale,; Mu1ic By S.11mut>I A. Watd; Cyntl1i.i FclLer, Student, The4ter/Mu1ic Ocpa.ri.JtH?nt, So~itt

"L;ft Every Voice"t Words 8y Jame. Weldon JohnMn; Mu•fo J3y J. Rosamond John,on

INTRODUCTION Sheldon Patinkin, P,e,iding

Choir, ·rhcatcr/Mueic Ocparlrnent


CO.lvlMENCEMENT ADDRESS Dr. John Hope Franklin


MUSIC ·Talkin' 'Bout a Revolution .. Tracy Chopman

Ken Kenny, Voic,e, Junior, Thc•lcr/ Music Depnrtmcnt; Tbomas Ya.tabe, Cuit-.,,, G,..duatin~ Senior, T'1e.,h:r/Mu•ic Departme.nt

TEACHER OP THE YEAR AWARDS Present•tion of J 994 Awotd1 By Caroline Dodge l.att•

Acting Ac4demic Dc•n

ANNUAL ALUMN1 AWARD FOR ACADR1IC EXCELLENCE Presentation Of Aw.,d To Class Of 1994 V.!cdictorion By Michael E. Jack"'"

President, Alumni Aaociation

VALEDICTORY Sara Charlotta Bers

NIUSIC "T)1e Hom Blower"'·*

Orbert C . Da.vis, Jn,s,tructor 1n Br.!H ·ln :ttrunH!·nb, Tbealer/~·1ue-ic 01:part-ment-, Soloist, Trumpet, Flu~ell,otn


Pre,wnlation of Award By John B. Dulf, Pmident

CHAIR, BOARD Of TRUSTEES Alton 8 . l-lar.ris

AWARDlNG OF DEGREES P rescnt.1.tio 11 Of Graduate Dc~n.-e, By Lya Oym Rosenblum

Vic~ Pretident And Dean Ol "rhe Graduate S-chool

Pre1entat-ion O f Undorgr.,duate Oegrec-s By Gigi Potejpal Auil!hmt- Dean O f Support Servicai

MUSIC "TcU Me It', The Tmth•*

From Fil'!lt .. Conccirt Of Sacred Mu.sic·, By Dul.e Elhnston Bobbi Wil.yn, Artitt-ln- Re-,idcncc, TbcAtcr/ Mutic Department, Sok,i,t

RECESSIONAL "Canticle'" *

·Compo.eel ,8y Willi• m Ruuo, Oir«tor, Contemporary Am~ric..n Mu,ic PtOf!nm, Tlu.•o1tl'.r/ Mu•k Oep..-tment

*ConducttJ By Ruuo

t Cbom.a Conducted B'y Orbert C. O.avi•, l n,trudor ln Br..,, ln1trument1, Tbe.ater/ Mu, ic ~p•rt.meot

Distinguished Honors


A CELEBRATION OF ARTISTS IN 1-fUMAN SERVICE Doctorates To Be Conferred At Commencement Exercises, June 3, 1994

The Colum.bia College Chicago Commencements ettch year honor outatand ing individuo..11

in t he arts, education, politics anJ public infoonation who have eng.iged their great talcnb in important human

service and whose life work anJ example embody the college's ideal and spirit.

Some of these have prominence, some ennobled by courageous in unpopular causes woulJ not be awarded tl1e usual recognitions, and some are at only the beginning time of their great promise.

MYRLIE EVERS-WILLIA,\1.S A Chrunpion of J u.stice

An Honor,uy Degree: Doctor of Humane Lette!'l'

In a •t• of turLulc.nt injustict'• •nJ inequality, Myrlie Evett• 'Wilho1m, huc:amc:d hc:rprominc:ncc:a., a ~•con of hope. (n June, 1963 wbe.n bcr hu,b•nd, Mcdg•r Evert, WH aauffinatcd, , he \!Owed to bring hi, murderer toju"tict:. Three dcc.tdc, l11tcr•bc,uccecdcd when th11t lrillcr

...,,., convicted o f murJer ,,nd ,cntcnccd to life in pri,on. Thi,.., .. ., victory not only for civil ri&!ltt,, not only for women, not only £or minorit-ic1, but ror.ill tho,e who "hunile-rand tbint for ju,t-ici!'" While thi• u ncommonly , womn.n 'ft'orlied tire1euly forrcct-itudc

,he II colle~e degree, n.nd wrokn. me morn.Lie tome, For U,, Tl,c Livfog, 11 hi111toryo( Medgar Even 1tnd theciv-il right .-trug-gle. She wu a founder of the National Women'• Political Caucu.-, tervcd u ao executive in two major AmericAn corporation,, 1tnd bH been t he

recipient of award, includinS thotc from the Unitt>d St11tes Cos)creu, tbe State o f Califo rnia, and the NAACP.

For your courage, your dctcnnioation, your leadership, and yourcliligcnt pursuit of decency and human rights for all people,

we offer our warmest thanks a.s we confer upon you the degree of Doctor of Humane Lettera, Honoria Cauaa.

Presented by Dr. Jean Harvey Lightfoot, De•n of Student,, Columb;a College Chk•go

REVEREND JOHN T. RICHARDSON, C.M. A Chicago Leader ;,. H;gher Educ .• t;on

An Ho norary Degree: Doctor of Humane Letters

Since Tbe ReverendJolrn T. Rich.rd.on bc-c-arnc Prc&idcnt in 1981, De Paul Univeniity l,.,.,ddcd the School ror New lea mint, tbc Theater School, and a Doctorate 0£ Philo,opby. Under hi• lcadcr1bip, enrollment incrc.,ued by twently-tive percentum p•rtly through the aecond

l11rgeat MHlerof Bu,incaa Admini1tntion program in the United St•t«. Under hi, leadenbip, thi, in1titution h,, be.come an intc-llcdu.J and ,ocial l.1ndm.ark demon,tr,1ting .a re.affirmed commitment tqCh ic:.ago through .t 1eri«of ref.Ourcefu l progr,,,m1 which IHvec.nhanced t ht> quality 0£ •cbolanhip in inner•city,chQOl1. Father Ricbard•on i, .al1ocle•rly a believer in tbe Lalin Maxim "Men1 S.ana in Corpore Sano"

~iven l)ePaul'a pr<,weu in recent yea,...

Father John Richardson, you have served well your Goel, your C hurch, your Community, yourstudenh, and your C ity. _For your erudite leadership in higher education and your continuous aut.hentic commitment to our grent City, we ~w~rd you the

degree of Doctor of Ht1n:ume Lettett, H onori1 Couu ,

Prcscotc-d by John B. Duff, P,c,;denl, Columb;o College Chkago

DR. RITA SIMO, DMA Musician, Tcachet, Social Rcfo mlC:r

An Honorary D•gree: Doctor of Arts

Bom in the Dominican Repu.blic, RH., Simo eh1dicd al th'" Julhud School of Mu,ic: and camcd a Oo<to,.te of Mu,k•I Atts 3\ Bo,ton Uojveuil)'. A, a mu1ici•n, Or. Simo excelled .u• redla.litt p)•ying bo th ,oloconcerl• and with 1ymphor1y Ol"(bc,-t r,u. In 1976, , he rcilllizcd

a drc•m by beginnln ; • free mu,ic 1chool for the poor. Today, tbc People', Mu1ic School of Cbic•so, in t he Uptown ucigl,bo,hooJ , hu nineteen teachenaa.nd 200 , tudcntt • acmc,ter. In ,U:! \·cnlccn year, mo~ t..l1i1n three thouHnd 1ludc11ta hrivc n-cch•cd training •l tbc1t'hool.

Yo urwor~ hat brought h.anno ny to a world o f iliuouooce and discord, o 1forumdo o f joyouB 1ati1faction from a population

wb.icb otherwise would never have bad this experience. Dr. Rito Simo, for having the courage to Jre3m and the cl<'tennination

to compOie this symphony of personal rolpture, we proudly .i.wotd you tho degree of Doctor of Arts, Honoria Causa.

Presented hy N;cholo, Rab~;n, Sen;o, Program, John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

DR. JOHN HOPE FRANKLIN, Ph.D. A Scholar for Our Geoeration

An Honor.,ry Degree: Doct or of Letters

ProreuorJohn Hope Franklin'• eleven boob, on r<1ce, hi,tory, and the South b•ve had a. dnunaliceErect on thcttudyof the American put, ,old over l•o million copiH and been tra.nt lated in to four la.nguacu. Amoug hi, proreuoti4) 4pp,ointmcnh, he b .. •tn•ed on t he f acuity

ol Fi,k Univer,ity, North Carolina Central Unh·en ity, the Univertitt or C hicago, and DuLe Unh•ersily where he i • pruently Prore.,ot Emeritu• o l History. His colleagues in the prof('-.s•ion o f Hi,tory h.a\'e el« ted l,im Pre-,ident of the Americ.-in Hi,l oric-,1 Auocialion, the

0-rfani~tion of American Hi,tori•n.t and the Southern Hi,torical AHociation.

Dr. F r;an.~lin, your fertile mind, and diligent- 1cholanhip, havebloHomed into profound contribution, to the understandinS

of American hjttory. Forth is and your wealth of civic activism, we delight in presenting you t.he Degree of Doctor of Letters,

Honotis Causa.

Presented by Leronc Bennett Jr. , Secretory Columh;a College C h;cago, Board o f Tm1te ...

The President's Medal For Distinguished Service To Columbia College


Fttd Fine hu 1erve.d Ct1lumbia College and tbt l•~r Cbicago ath rommunily with oon1umm11tc dedication •nd ,ltill. A, pre1ide11l 0£ Triani:lc Theatrical Pr0duction• in t he 1970',, he.,,.. one 0£ thecit-y'11 Je.tding thcatrit•l prceeoten. In l977, lui founded ,d Columbia tlur

,,adult progr,,m in Art.1, Bntcrtainnuml iuid .Mtdi.a Man11gen1"rlt, (n 1983, Mnyor Harold W.1.1hinitcm appointed him t he c ity', fi.rat Commi..-ionerof Cultur,I AHaiN. Today, becontb.11.1« to~erve t he College and tbe Arts as• con,ultant in development ancl pubheaffain.

For a ~fet-ime of passiOn;)te and se!Aeu leadetihip in art& advocacy and arl:s education exemplif-ieJ ot Columbia C-0llege hy founding of the gtaduate progr,un in Arts Manageltlent.

Prt'lented by Joa.n W. Hotris, President, Horris Foundation


A Record Of Recognitions,• 1964-1994

e Coluinhia College Chicago hils conferred the.e recognition, for itse1f and to represent

this city whose beolthy tradition, and aspirations are honored by t:hese honoOJ - thi.s whole city whlch is the

college'• campu1 and the vital spring of ibl learn.lug.

1994 MYRLIE EVERS-WJLLIAMS A;on of Ju,Hce 1994 REVEREND JOI INT. RICHARDSON A Chi;:a,o 1.,..J., in High« Edne•tlon 1994 RITA SL\10 MusicJa.n, T\.~h¢r, Socia.I Re-funner 1994 JOHN HOPE FRANKUN A Schol., fo, Ou, G.n.,ation 1993 ETfA MOTEN UARNE1T Sl.i1ge 1md Film Pcrlormcr, Arb Educ-.,tor 1993 CINDY PRITZKER p,..;Jcnt, Bo.,,d of Di«<to,., Chi••~ Pul,lio Lib,..,, 1993 RIGOBER'rA MENCHU Nob,I Pcaoo Pri,_. Winne, 1993 JANE ALEXANDROFF A Prim• Contnbut-0, to llic Suoccss of Columl.i• Collo-se 1993 CAROL MOSELEY-BRAUN Umtcd, S.n•to, 1993 COKJE ROBERTS S.,,;o, N .... Analyst, Nation•! Puh~c R.,d;o

1992 HBDRJCK L. SMITH Joum•h,1 1992 MATHILDE KRIM Mcdical Scicnti,t and AJ0S C,,,..J., 1992 HENRY AARON S-b.11 Play-, and E,«utivc 1991 DOUGLAS TURNER WARD Founding Artittic Direetor, Jhe NeQro En!IE'mLk Comp.1n)' .l99J HELEN VALDEZ P~ident, Mexican Fine Am Center 1991 JOHNATI-IAN i,.'OOOERS p...,,J,nt, CBS Television Station, 199·1 WILLARD L. BOYD p.,,.;Jent, Field Mu,.um of Ch;,.go 1990 FAJTl·I I-IUBI. EY Animato, and lllust,ator 1990 LEON DESPRES Ad,·oc•t• of Social Ju, t;ce 1990 YOUSUF KARSH Phot"i'•Ph« 1990 HASKELL WEXLER C;ncm,tograph.r 1990 CLARBNCE PAGE Edaorial Column;, , 1989 BERNARD LOWN Nob.I Lauroate fo, Peace, 1985 1989 STBRLI.NG STUCKEY ~B,torian 1989 BERNICE WEISSBOURD p.,_.,;J.,,,, Family Focu, 1989 LEON LEDERMAN Nobel Lau=t• in Physic,, 1988 1988 KENNETH G. RYDER Pu..;dent, No.-th..,,.,. Univenity, Bo.ton 1988 MIKE ROYKO Ncw•P"P<'' Columni,t

1988 JOHN BIRKS ·DIZZY- GILLESPIE Jan T """""'" 1988 WJLLIAM JULIUS WILSON Sodologi,t 1988 ARDIS KRAINIK General Di=to,, Lyric 0pe,. of Chica~ 1987 LAWRENCE K. GROSSMAN Pre,iJ,,,,. NBC N, .... 1987 PASTORA SAN JUAN CAFFERTY P.-of"'"''• Social S.tvice Adminmnlion 1987 JACK BRICKHOUSE Sports s.,.Jeastu 1987 MARGARET BURROUGHS Founder, Du Sable Museum 1987 IRVING 8. HARRIS Diatingoi, 61..J Contributor to Huma.n We1fatt 1987 JAMES HIGHTOWER Te,cas Commission« of Ag,;..,!,.,,.

1986 FRED FRIENDLY u.,,.J..,, Joun,ali,t ,nJ Edu .. tor

1986 LINUS PAULING Nobel 1.,.uo.-.t• Chemistry 1954 •nd P .... 1962 J986 R.A.'JOALL ROBINSON Ex<M.ut-ive Director, Tran,Alric.1 J986 WILLIAM FORO United Stat1.-s Congn.' 1986 RUTH ADAMS EditoT, Bulletin of the Atomic Scicnt.i¥t#

1985 JAMES MOOE Pubh,he,, New Yo..k 0.1/y Ne.,.

1985 EILEEN SOVl"li ERN Murie H;stori,w 1985 RA\' NORDSTRAND !>resident, WFMT, Inc. 1985 HON. CONOR CRUISE O'BRIEN Oiplo,n• t, Writer

1984 WILLIAM APPLEMAN WILLIAMS H;,tori•n 1984 JOHN LEWIS Com1>0kr, Mu!liCi4n, Founder, Modem JaT.T. Quutet

1984 VICTOR NAV.ASKY Edito,;. Tbci Natitm M.Ai;

1984 Pfu\i\El.A HARRIMAN' National CMc L1.-.·u:kr 1983 HONORABLE HAROLI) WASHINGTON M,,yo,, City of Ch;,."' 1983 MARJORIE CRAIG BEl\'TON Un;tod St.t,., Rep...,scnt•t;, .• to U.N.1.C.E.F.

1983 MARCEL OP.HULS l>ocuruentat)• FilrnmaLer


1982 HEI.EN CALOICOTI Pc•« Ad"""'''• 1982 SHERRY 1.ANSING p..,;Jent, 20th Centu'>' Fox 1982 LUIS VALDEZ Writ<,, Dio«to,, P.,Ju,.,

1982 JAMES VAN DER ZEE Phot0£<0pl,., 1982 GARRY WILLS Colomnitt

1981 FRANKLIN A. LONG Sd•nti,t 198 l HARRY EDWARDS Soe;oio_;,t 1981 MICH.AEL CACOYA.NNIS Fil.-, Di..cto,

1981 MARJI.YN FRENCH Writ,, 1981 GEORGE MC GOVERN Stat.,man 1980 HERMON D. S~UTH Chnirman, Field Foundation of lllinoi• 1980 HARRY WEESE N<hited 1980 LOJS WU.LE Joun111li,t1 Pulitter Priu '«'inner

1980 RONALD WlLLL\MS Pn.. .. idc:nt, Northeastern ll~noi, UniV'\....,ity 1979 JESSIE WOODS Oirecto,, Urb•n Gat•w•yo 1979 JOH.N FISCH.ETll Pol;<ic.l C.rtoon;st

1979 MAYA ANGELOU Poet 1979 CAR.LOS FUENTES No,·elist

1979 TOM WlCKBR /oum•l;,1 1978 ROBERT COLES Soe;.I P!.ilo,oph., 1978 EDGAR Y. "YIP" HARBURG Lyricist 1978 A.BOY MANN Tcl<"Vision·Film Wnt~r

1976 ADDfE W'YATI L,],., Hunwu,t 1978 CARLOS CH.A VEZ Com..,..,-Conducto,

1977 ORIANA FAI.LACJ Jouma~,t 1977 ELIOT WIGGINTON Edu,.tor

1977 MARIA MAR"ONEZ Pott« 1977 GORDON PARKS, SR. Photog,oph•,, Filmm.kc,, Write,

1977 OA,,~EL SCHORR a,.,.J,..1 Joumafut 1976 JOHN HAMM01't0 "Columbu," of Americ-..n ~luaic

1976 ROMAN VISMNIAC Biologist ,nd M;c-,plwtog,aph«

1916 KATHERINE KUH Art Critic, Cu,ato,, Writ«

1976 JONATHAN KOZOL Educ•to,, Soda! Critic

1976 ED BUU!NS Pl•rwosht 1975 ARTHUR MJTCHELL D,n,cto,; Dane• Theatr. of Ha,km 1975 "BRJCKTOP" Ent<.-tain« 1975 ALEXANDER L.C. WILDER Compo,c, 1975 GEORGE W. BONHAM EdJtor-in-Chief, Cbanl!' 1975 SEYMOUR M. HERSH Pul,...,, Prize Repo.-tcr

1974 ALllERT E. JENNER, JR. Ditlinguiab.d L."Y•• 1974 IV AN Al.BRIGHT Attist 1974 JAMES T. FARRELL Write, 1974 RUTH PAGE O,""'' 1974 CHARLEMAE ROLLINS Acclaimed Wbrarian 1973 HARRJSON E. SALISBURY Aasoci,t• Edito,, New Yo,L r.m., 1973 BOB FOSSE Film, Th,.,., aod Tclovitioo Di-.-cto, 1973 ROSA PARKS Montgome,y, Al.bama 1973 MYLES F. HORTON D;.....,,, H;ghl.nJ., Folk School 1973 JAMES 8. HOLDERMAN Executlvc Oi«<10,, lllinoi, &ml of Hlgh., Educ.tlon 1972 QUENTIN 0. YOUNG N,tion,I Ch,im,,n, Medical Commllltt for Human R;ghts 1972 PAULINE KAEL Motion P;c1u,. Critlc 1972 CM ESTER BURNETT M,,.,d,n ("Hnwlin' Wolf") 1972 NEIL SHEEHAN R,,x,rter, New York T.mcs 1972 WILLIAM F. RUSSELL Sports Coo,h, Atbl.i, 1972 N'EW'fON N. MINOW Public S:rv-1.nt, Attomey 1971 WILI.JAJ,,I PROXMIRE Una«! Stat,, Sen,tor, W;..,oo,in 1971 KAY BOYLE Writer 197.1 JOSEPH PAPP Oi«<10,, New Yo,k Public The,tTc ,nd Sh, ke,pe.,n: Fettiv.l

1971 CHARLES G. HURST. JR. p,..;dent, Malcolm X College, Chkago 1971 AARON SISKIND Photographer, Teacher 1970 R. BlJCKMINSTER FULLER A.chit«t l 970 PRANK REYNOLDS B.,.J..,, Joum,li,t 1970 FANNlE LOU HAMER Cllai.mu1n, Mi.Hissippi Frt«lom ~rnocrat-ic Party 1970 Wlll.lAM M. BIRENBAUM p..,;dont St.ten 1,1.nd Coll•ll<• N•w Yo.I. 1969 SISTER Ai\JN !DA GAi\lNON, B.V.M. Po.,idcnt, Mundckin Col~, Chk•i<> 1969 CHARLES WILBERT WHITE Artist 1969 DAVID HALBERSTAM Rtop0rtc:i:, Pula~er Pri-xt Winn1:r 1968 EDWARD KENNEDY "DUKE" ELLINGTON Compos<< 1968 LOUIS J. "STUDS" TERKEL Wntot I 968 RALPH NADER Citizen 1967 DWIGHT W. FOLLETT Publi,he, 1967 KENNETH F. MONTGOMERY Attorney 1967 NORMAN CORWIN Writer, Poet, PL.y,,n;ht 1967 l..ANGS-l'ON HUOMES Poet 1966 EUGEt-lE RABINOWITCH Editor, Bullclin of Atomk Sci.nti,u 1966 FREDERICK DOUGLAS O'NEAJ.. Ptc,ident, Ado,.' Equity 1966 JOHN BRADEMAS United St.t .. Cong..,,m,n 1965 CUR'llS 0. MACDOUGALL Oistinguiihed Tc•cher 1965 PAUL HAMJLTON ENGLE Poet a,,d Teacher 1964 CWENOOL YN BROOKS Poct

·Ho no t1uy Doctor•h·t In Art•, S<ltntt, Lett~nl, Mufic, ond Huin11nt' l..ctten

From Stephen Vincent Benet


American muse, whoee 1trons and diverse heart

So many men have tried to undertto.od

But only made it smaller with their art,

Becau:&e you are .u various as your land,

A.a mounla.inow-c:leep, NI Oowere.J with blue rivert,

Thinly w;th J .. etts, buried under mow,,

As native, too, as the sea-voyascd rose,

You ore the buff.lo-ghoot, the bn,ncho-gh05t

.,;1h doUa, •• ;Jver ;n your .. dclle-hom,

The cowboys rid;ng ;n from P.;nted Poot,

The Indian am,w in the Indian com,

And you ore the chpped velvet of the L.wn, Where Shrop,h;ro grows from M .. oachusett, sod,,

The grey Maine rocks-and tho war-p,untcd dawm Th•t break .l,ove the Ganlen of the Gods.

The prairie-schooners crawling tow.ard t:he ore

And the cheap car, paJ.ed by the otat;on doo,.

Where the 1kytcraper, lift their foggy plumes

Of stranded ,mobe out of • ,tony mouth

You that high stone i-ts am>gant fumes,

A.nd you are ruined gardens in the South

And blc.1 New Engbd faaru1, IO winter-white

Sven their roofs look lonely, and the dc-cp

The midclle grainl..nd where the .,;nd of n;ght

I. like all blind earth aighing in her ,leep.

They tried lo Ht you with an Eugli,h IOng

And chp your speech ;nto the cng~,h talc.

But, even hom the firrt, the words v.•ent wrong,

TJ.e catbinl pecked •w•y the r,ight;ngale.


the bome1ick men begot high-chc .. bboned thing,

Wh- .,;t wa.s whittled .,;th J;Herent sound

And Thame, and all the riveN of the king,

Ran into t,,\;ui,.;ppi .,.J were drowned.

Stepchild of t.>very exile from content

And aU the Ji .. vouched, hanl-bitten pack

Shipped overSeA1 to 1te,J a continent

With neither i;.birts nor l1onor to t:l1e:ir back.

Pimping grandee and nunp-facecl regicide,

Apple-cb.,.ked younl.e .. from a windmiU-equare,

Purifo1111 1tubhom AS tbc no.ii, of Pride, Rakes from Vcnaillcs and thiev,-. from County C laro,

The black- robed prie,t, who broke thei.r heart, in vain

To make you God and France or God onJ Sp.,;n.

These were your loven; in your buclzskin-youth.

And each o ne manied with a dream 10 proud

He uevet knew it could uot be the truth

And that he oouplccl with a girl of cloud.

And now to see you ia more yet

Except a.1 .:an immensity of wheel

Made up of wht,-cJs, oilt..J with inhuman sweat

And glittering .,;1h the heat of ladled oteel.

All these you are, and t:ach i1 partly yoo,

And none i1 l'...lse, and none it wholly true.

Receive them all-and should you choose to touch them

Witll one ,lant ray of quick, american light, Even the dust will have no p0wer to smutch t-hem,

Even tho ~·orst .,;U gtttc, in the night.


C Additional Candidates For Tbe

Master Of Arts Degree


Ba.d,,..rn C. Yonan

Additional Ca.,didates For Tbe

Master Of Fi 11e Arts Degree


K,thl«n A. W..b.)

Additional Candidates For The

Bachelor Of A.its Degree


Jon P. Bar,ltto • S tephen T. Cuey"

Tlmrwton W. Colt:man RicuJo De Cuho Ju!;,n (loe) F,U,.· ~mcL- S. Hogue· Betty J, J•cktoo At,k. K. Judy

Edwi.t1 Ki.m Hmunj Kw.ilr

Michu l A. Lamu· Victoria M. Llama,

Ren« K. Nkk.c,n John E. Ollivi4.':rn° M.uh~w J. O'Ntll1

Ch,bti•.nne K. Pane.or Amy E. Row,ll·

Audttw N. s-.,,1 Hcrm11n Tnh•

Rt:>ynaldo V. TorN1

Marco A. Varg., sil\•1.111 c. v~J .. lia

Bru« S. Anden,on Wi!li•m R. Bott:rn•o-Comcll Kti1Hne H. Br.dtiy Cb.rbtopber 8. Brdl~n, David. L Bwhin; Jort.e A. Bwot Tini .. P•.ni 6. Chao

sh.,.. D. BI.Jw,..,. KtmLedy I. Bow1ky Carol R. Bu,L Anthony w. c.lJe SLubtipLtt J. M. Coleman Li.nd. C. Commino,

0'-Ct' B. Aftlandd Eduanlo Apo..rido Oeoillc.' M. Bali,J. Oo.di:ue M. IH,nn

Mari.i Bermudez. Amie Bem,tein

Sheree O. Blakemott Tammie BoL Myrti1 J. On.,..-n Keith Brundige

Candidates For Tbe

Master Of Fine Arts Degree


Gene F. COHtaUno TI01oth1 J. Elliott Mkb.,I J. El.,y B..l,.,. A. Eull &uh I. GalJow•y Kevin G,.ndfit'IJ Juditb H. HanJ,cb.;ih Craig.bton ·r. Hip~nh•mm•r

C AJe.unde.r R, lrvine M.ubcw G. lrvineo SUHn S. La.n,,10 Dadctte E. Mc.Alpin Suun M. Mmx Jocelyn A. Nevel Soot T. O'H,.,

Candidates For Tbe

Ma81:er Of Arts In Teaching Degree


D,•.loije Cro,, Jonatbo.n W. DeYouniJ Raymond M. Doxicr

Pam Eidenl,.c.r<g l.,,un G. Fort:,lh 5t'1'J)h•ni~ j . 01tN

Letki• Gutletrtt

C Donn.a M. J•ilicl,lri Don.Id J. L.on,nl Patrict. Martlnc-.t.

Julio A. Mill, Jana.k S. P.uaojapo Paulette J. Ri.£e

Candidates For The

Master Of Arts Degree


Laura A. Callo Xiao Qiao Cao RcnN: K. C..,l Suunne Lynn C armel

Alm• L. Ca"u co Tel"('Hi Carruquillo H,1,...,,-Cbu..., 0. Chae1g Eh~tb T. David Aad"'a M. Oavl.J Alma l. Ocl,,do

C ~nL P. 0cw­Ra-cLcl Dixon 0 .. 1.., Paula M. Ewn Lita 8. Fara~ Sto,•t'fl Fife.Lu ~-Hcl•11.-:I F. 0,.1111,b('r L;,., 8. Gotdman Stt'pL.anlt J. Gui£ E. Gn-i,~I

Jolin F. O'Sb..uibnt-Hy Reid B. ScLulb: Jennilu O.Lra E. Sh.,. Stf!!hcn H. Su,u,di Linda L. T ,-.,Jt Diane H, Wciy<>rmann Ch •. du H. WiJIMunt

o.,, W. RobL. J,. Sh,1,h Sm;th Bc<b A. n,. Duane 0 . T umer

Jac-qutlinc R. Ubfl M,n., V u.ka,.i 11ovic

Jo}'C'C! WngLt

OayC. Ouud C«•li• N. Ha yet o.,lx,,.J, L. Hinhl;,JJ HolT. Huynh Stuart H. lutt Ric:b L. Jaeob, Philip Kamin,~i Paul W. Knubon Kimlierly M. Kohk, M .. , E. Kol£

Lia N. K0tt F~d~ric 8. Krol li-H;,,,e,I Lal e,1 ... o. i...u, Ann C. L..ngl.1, Lui• R. L..n Jl,doug Ma Dou.slu J . .Macomber Leuu B. Magid Gl,nd.. M•rqut'z c.d. J . .M .. >·n N11ncy M. McOonou,b P11.mel• A. Mill,

David N. Abbott" Denise C. Ablin O"rrell Al,1'1'h•m 1'-l11rlt Abnmow,lty Mkh,11, R. Addlnst..,• Li•• A, Add, Kart:n Adle-r • Ma.ryclizakt A,uado J,f&.y S. Ahl,ttn Yamil A. Abude Peter C. Al1rigbt" Bryan E. Aldrin Nick S. Akx SJ,nn.a O. AJ(IM.l!_Je-r Henry C. AlJitn• WlUiam E, Alb Tlmothy J. AJli.10n· JoL.n J. Am.ler Christopher A. Andel'90n Dn•n R. Ande.r-an ° Donn• R. And,:,non J•mf'f P. Andt'r,oo Kenneth 8. A"denon ?-111.dt E. And~rt0n MU.ha K. Nlck~u Jubd M. Andtt.., Matthew W. Antrim Ai1it11 K. Anka ... • Anitelica A.rand.a T•mel• 0 . An:her Sandrn A. Anin.ol.a P•m11I, J. Al"HflNU R.f.,1 ,~u.age 0

Gtori.'C! M, Minford Ed.n• f. Mt,nel MartL, ?-tonnoy l,.lt'y Morak, AynL, K. Mu,t-af,.,. Grqory A. N"., Gloria A. Peft Pr:a.liuit Pocmapirnl Marta dcl Rnt•rio R:,mih!Z

Sherilyn J. Riue-r Nanc)-e F. River.i Ro.¢ffllrie Rodrig,~~ Yi,~,1 Crittim Romo Sbat0n C. RoM

Paulttte Rubio O.d,ara A. Ruttenbrr:g Sbeh.naz Sait Julie Su, J•nice A. Sch. ult, Lynn M. Schnic(le Micbacl R. &ik,Uan Cbri1tine A.. Se~ Ingrid Std•.o Jollatl1a.n 0 . St·tluJ,olE Rot;or E, St(!V<n•


Candidates For The

Bachelor Of Arts Degree 1994

C Lon-ainct K. AH LINE. B«,y• Tar• 0. ,'ul,;:-r Puti:h, L. Beoldui, • Stotm.le L. AJbJey Whitney A. Bekolay" Rc-nN L. Atutit" RoLert A. B"II Joa.ruia. Au~udyn:1LJ0 Strpbt'.n W. 8.t"ll' Katit' T. Au, tin Sl.t'Jlie R. Scno" Rhonda K. Ayal. Jacq·u,-lyn ~l. Benton Aimtt S.ccam N•tahe Bvnton" R°*J;. 9. B,,d;II,, J,. S11~ C. Serif Doru M. 9.,JilJo Mi.a L. Betltm...i Erik B. S.d11m• 81'),'AO J, Sc,rnldty

Orittl Babe-n,a Enc M. Bettas K•therinc A. S..iky Sunil 0 , BL.11wn.1ni Oanitl J. Bo.lier ?-Und..y J. Bia!..,• 0l':iuie J. 811lrc:r • Jamt'II E. Bit'ff.k o~fie A. B.lrcr Chrietopher S. Rillia.11 Kri.rlin.a Ruth S.Jai, Rc-nN M. Sil],• Carolyn A. Banb" Jill M. 8i,i!lnani Jn,ic• 0 . S.,bicri Jo,c,phin~ R. Bl.ack S11ndr.i 811d,w,. P.ul J. 81 • .J, M1ch.11. s • ...i •. ,u Jcnt,.lfcr L. Bla&-.·cll" K, Ba,kt'r• &butl.v .M, Bl«but Flon.mcia Ally,on B1,1, OJe W. Barrlg.r" Damm R. Block Tami I. Jeanna L. Bloom Nicbolu R. Ba.rtolo Latina. .M. Blount P. ~la L Bartone-~ Jon•th;in R. Bodner An~la R. B.ulrin 8.a,ba. ra. A. Sogo,ian· Shaun D.S.,. Rkl...-d H. Bol,oJ. Jr. Michul J., J,1.mff S. Bol•nowtlr.i' Edwud 8e<k D.a' non L & ldc-n B. Bt<k Andttw C. Bolhua• St~·e- J. lk-clt"r M .. rlt D. Bon,xy-k"

Ril• Sut~er Sw.1n K. S-.'ttney Gail M. S-.·e.rdlilt Nid.. A. Ta.utvydu l.Au.rn K.tblcen Teubert WiUa Thomu Nancy J. Utkt J11y A. ViniUky o .. v1.i. .. P.ulT. Wd,. Dent.I! WL.ittccl Mary E1Jcn 0. Wilton-Godoy Yulua.ji Won1P4iLom, Eileen A. Yacullo

Oeniu Q. Bond,,· Oe.irN Clmb A. BoniU.-Anlol\iO Bordlgnon" N•ncy M. Bomtbw<.b• Teri W. Boyd Jolm 6. Boylan· Vafe-rle- G. Brady" 811uy L. Brccheuen Seo.n i\-1. Bttnnan Ra.ymond A. Britton" Julie L Brock -r...,,, T. 8""~ Rhor1cl. M. BIW,km•n" K.thy A. B'°'lu Bonnje S. 8r'Of'kitmt"i;:-r-~·Ucb Robbi S. Bn>man • Pe-h• E. Browtu" IHbra F. Broulman Jcnnilt>r L. Brown• L..ny K. Brown M,ucelJou, l. Brown Ma,y L. 8rowu P11t-riclr J. Brown Wi[lian, R. Brown An,y E. Br:ownC K.d,Un J. Bruni Holly E. Brun• 0

Corinn& M. Brr•n • l<e-vln S. Bryant M. 8,y.1nl Cory T. Oa,i d J. 8ul.v11

Flordc- D. Burtl.g4,n T. Cooley St~·c- J>. DickmAn Nklt R. F..-m'1T" Sh..m1on M. Bur~t'· Cb.ndra Y. Cooper Clm.1tin1 ;\·!. Oigio\·•nni" AnnC! M. Fc-bcr An~knn M. Burl Malcolm R, Coop<-r K.y L. Dild, .. Su7.nnnc- L. Field." Dorothy S. Bu,co" Michael P. Cooper )C!.s-lt-" A. Oic,nin C,mnen B,u<'l:04 CHthonn 8utJ<-r O,,ni<'I E. Corbett Tn,lu A. Oini;tlfo Jennifer E. Finnell Lf'tk S. f'3utle-r Mit• J. C<1rbett0 Ed•·n.rd A. Oiul-...1" Janine M. Fic,re H11,ic-i, M. E,1elyn ).l. Cordon M11ttl,..,., A. Dion S.:ott T. Fippin,c-r C 11.rolyL1 C ,1.b11Jk ro Arithony C. Cotttn Mnric C. Dittmer" Ahaon J. fk,1k Mid1-11C'I J, Cafo0 Mkhatl D. Co,t.11 • Edmund T. Dixc,n J0Mtl11'" W. rr,chttr0

Thcodon1 Caldnnll Thoiuu P. Coil• 1)11vid P. D"lic-.- Dl.-11ti L Fill.C!r' Anthony V. CaldC'ri•i Mat-th""' L. C0tkllo Nicl,c,l., P. Oodi,l,t SnnJr.a L. fi1.1\'r Jolm C. c.11 .. c.l.M'III Cbru W, Cot.fopouki, He•thC"t ;\. Oon.ald,c,n Edw1nl G. Fttu· . J¢.1mifcr E. CaU .. L11n Li,.. M. C,,.btttc" P•ul.1 13. Oorf'm11n' A. FLmit.•n Jody E. C,mpb.lJ• James G. Creevy Kathy R, Oc,n1IKV C1:1lk...-n M. Fkmi111·oy.i M. AJ.111 8. Criu Klmlx•yly S. Dousb•n K,1nm J. Flcmini ');f('ndy A. Cannc,n Sl1a.mln R. Croom J•,on T. · Douc'1crty' O.bornl, J. 1'l;ok· Gino Ca,lino K41vln C. Cmu Jobn C. Doui;hty J•c<111rh,ui E. i!lott:1 Mkh.atl Vl,I, c.m., .... V 1\11('.tf• M, C l"OH Lbit. Ooui:l.u T,.c1 Fiord Chd,tlue M. Tbt1tt.u A. Crout· ~lnuricto: Dott1i!l11, Jc-,my 1. Folt111' Roiu110 J. Cut .. ,1~d• 0,..1u1l• M. Crow· Sb,..f'ffc Oo,-cr Robert ,\I. Ford Omar A. Co,ti.lJo Tammy L. Crut·cbfiC'JJ J•""" A. J),.L" Sbt'dlt11 M. For-cl' Li-.:. c ... ~ to Jo«lys, Crui. l)i1wr1 1'. J)r.spcr M.11rlt J. Foreman \\:'illl,un F. C-elhni, Jr." ElnJn,.. C. Cumml,u D~u~ C. Dr.1v1llo1,· TLom•• B. Fon•m11n Ant.hony J. Cc.nulo Jim~ 0 . Cunnini.ho.m Elanb,.,1l1 ;\, Ot\"mU1n' Ltthc A. Fo,t...r C,;,,in.a A. CC'tqu.a' Tbqm,u L. Cunninih...m· Mid11Lc-l H, Drew Raymond 5. Powler' ~'•l"C L. Ceb,;in~t tknjnmln I). C1mie0 J ull-e A. DuUi 11 Ouid• ,\. r-anci, T~tAJl'Otn Clui,11ntomyotbi' K<"Uy 1\ . Curry Ian D. Duffy 0.,.1J J. Fnnco J.arn~-. 0. Cl,,.rnheff Jolm M. CurliJ' Br•ndon J. Duke Ed D. Froonylt Ffon11 G, Cl,nn,y' M•1u\~11 P. Cnuck .\lid,L•lc L. Dulnk • Lahrk F. Ftteman Andy S. Ch ... Anth.ony V, O',\ndrt• JOHrh R. Dunne" Gn:~ory M. ft"CntL Cbi C. Chau' Erin R. o,.f.c.• Brii;itte A. Durr Ht'"tl1t!r R. Fttncb' Min•Htin Cben Muk J. 1)..,11.a Co.ta Rod,C'II L. Durr I. Fried Litn L. C'ht't"tcr' Shannon M. O .. ly Jon4'lh.u A. l)ykc Amy M.." Miri o. ChL-.te-.r Collin L. o ... nicl St,:,:en A. Dtfcwfoilcl 1\1icl.e1e A. Fri,ke' A. Chiaro' Je-rfrny s. l).anicl, Cb,t, J. E.dl Cr,iig S. Fulkt Jco1.1.ifcr L. Childers KriJtre L. 0.1nin:e._ki' Clyde 13. Eo11ilN 0•11Mll W. Fuller Antho"y L Cbild~, Samu,·1 E. Oanhel, AJi R. Eb, Oa.rcl~ L, Fulton Eva li,1. Chll"Co' Eniut l)11tch~r Victor Echev.rrla • O.avld R. G.b,ic-l Su11sbrun Chol Jonatha11 K. 0.1V\l'nport' Q,..l,c,ra.h ). Ed.trom' Sura.11 S. Oaine• P11tla.rapc,m Cl,omwoul( Ca.rok V, O,n•lf P•trici• J. Ehrler F-emnrid11 G ... lindo Andtt Chr1'1;11., Owi~Lt A. D,wu· Cl.1udi• El1rm1um' Mnreui, A.•n M. Cink(: DonM L. ~ Gn11f' Erin S. Eikkb,....,,· P,rnJ T. Cant" BnmcLm 0. Cla.rl: Marl.iC't J, De Kl,1y.·u· Nkl1eJ111 R. Eipen' No.ah A.' Rcgin•ld E. Clarlt Antbony J. Oc-Cavikh Lotti P. Glitl,i:riou' A.Lei Gnn:-i.-YVC'tte- R. Cluk Marli S. ~~'<'~er Christophc-r E. Elli,· Ang<I E. 011n:i• Mi.:L.:llc: M. Cl..,kin Nkhol,u J. Oe-mo, Cyntb.ia 0 . Eh.y Arturo Gar<i• Do-..i; W. C~·cnitf Jo.I E. D,nbow Erk W. ,-\. Gil,.~I• Bln~e Co;h11nf"K'0 Gtt:g J. o~ni,iulr Kt-nnelL R. Erdo:y Ellubeth M. G11.rcla Jcffk-1, 11. Col1.1:n JoJm R. lhrini•' Conni,..). Eric~wn' Monic4 L. Ca.rd Lau.r• J, C.olwri )11.JOn C. Ot-no' C.rlo, A. Em,t' Cynthin L. Gamer Lynda M. Cohl·n Dillnt' L. lA-PllluMI' Jennifer O. E.tcoub.., P,u,J G. Game, R.. Sc-otl Col"iu111:1 K,,J W. D'l'toll, Fema11du £,tr,,d.. Mia G11tri110n R.,ndolph M, Cokm,u1 Matthew D. 0..-~c- Lctlie L. Ev11.n, Micl,ael E. Gri"•ey' S,11, E. Collon!· Co:cek M. Ol-.tef•no D<lnitlJC! O. G,'t!rl1•tt O•nii:1 F. Ci11\•ell0

Clui•tophcr P. ColJdti' L...tidn C. Oo:Su7.e" C11.n,lyn J. Fj\br,• SIIHl'I M, o ..... ron Mid1ael E. Colon Mo11rilyn G. Dt"Yc-djicY David A. F. c~hini Don"• M, Oayl-e i.1nutb,1 M. Cot1.11way u.,. 6. OeVrio:,· John I. F.Jk• Jodi L. G,h,1, Wi.lli•n, S. ConlN° Ktviri C, t)(.xter Roy L. Fek...-tilKh Andrew W. Gi'b.ron Ron R. Cook' Arm1mdo Otu. Tr•«)' ~I. Fc"won John R. Gdi:,rr, J,. M..-lvi:011 Cook~ J•n...t l, OiCutJO S.m ud P. Ferraro Duey M. Gem,l,.ic-0

J•~ n 0, Geno• P•trici11. L. H•nini:ton H. J•mitoo c • ..l L. K;.,1,.]I•

Lori A. Gcnt~eo· O.atti• L. H.11nu' Don.JJ A. J,mcll El.l~th L. Kinney

Man.:o Giannotti Dn-liu A. H11rris Thom111 D. J c:-nltot Michaeol J. Kltu•ey

L•un C. Gieolow' ~Luo J, H-,( AJli,on I:. Jenk1° Emffi L. Kinni..ou

K,t.l,erioe J. Giernl O.rbarJ. E. H.u PAul K, Jen,cn' N11t.1lie B. Kippermn.n,y o. Oil~rt· Kri.itic L I laJtillgcr St,eop\u:n O. }C'n.H:n M•lll,i:w H. Kida

Toy• M. Gi1Jar1.Fowlcr Ko.thtyn M. Haviland Jeff Ji.-ni: M.ry T. K1c-lto1 R. Gi.lh,pic Ed.,llrcl C. Ho.y,eo,, Jr. Jf.'1rnifer L. Hlek Edwin A, Kl~aun

Pelt-r \I. Glnn Mn.H L. Hay<,1 ru.celi Jimcnn PAmrl4 J. Klieor

Vene.u Giordano· Julieo R. Htotb Kr!:itic M. Jodlo.,.lti' Chri,t.ineo KJim,eo~

Joho Oi,·.,ri;i• Atliwo J, Hq:-,edu, Cl.n.dd R. Jolmson TI:mo4hy R. Klm•lm

Oa.nle.l R. Gb.i' ~lich,.l!J R. Hclrn11n DA.d,ieo L. Jolnuon J~nnlfer R. Knijfht

p.,m4!l4 J. God""'" Kutt Vil. H<-lton Qt,,:hu John,ol'l. Tuba N, K11igbt

Mu~ S. Golden AllttdA J. Htndenon KC"llic J. John,Oll0 Kn.tht- A. Kn1tel,0

Micb.('_I D. Golv.cb Ch.11d N. He:ndri('L:ton' We,ky J. Joluuon J,11on R. Knorr'

Joe D. Oonub,c Heonky F, S. John,ton • Jo~n R. Ko<b

RC'.b'-"¢C.'.• A. Oonub RiM K. Hc-quil,.) Elaint- R. Jon~• Juul P. M.'

Ad.m K.•rl Cl,ri,H11n J. H<-rlt' He,1ll1c-r L Jonc,· P.trid.JI L, Komar

Jim Gor.anitU" Je11.nellt A. Hi:m11ndc1 J11mff M. Jcme. Voul. M. f<l.\11Jr.110,

Lindi J. Ootdon Mo.rtb E. Hcm.nd« J11b~ ;\. Jonu KA rc-n E. Kopaci.

T~oodorc H. Gonion' Ma.ri• L. l'li!rttf'.1 ~Hcl,oC'.I D. Jooct Th-On:,:n E. Kop,.,:1

Krittii1 A. OOA•cile..r· S t,tC)' M. Ht-nm.ann' Ru,. J. Jo.eph.son C11tl,e.rfoe M. Kopp'

Peteor Go,..ln Jerome M, Heom;m Sha.lini K. Jo11l11 0.-nitl J. Koplon·

Keren M. Gr,.J,4.ffl MkheUe 5. Herron Jodi R. J,m Ndl A. Ko~1ot\'1 •

K.nthcrinc E. Gf .. ham' Scott D. Hilscrt P.-tri~k J. Joyce 'f.1r1y.a Komt'IJen

Porli• O. Orn.h.-m· Ma')l=t H. HJII· Gnadd .. A. Jwi.rn· Akvandr.a C. Korompi)u·

Cf.i~ w. O,-.,m11ti, Suet M. Ho' J.lari1, J U/1«7. O,micl J. Ko.theimc-.r

Stcwcn A. Gr, S~nnon L. Ho.,,Jky' Tim J. Judge Dc-1mi:.t M. Kcwa.c,

Deron 8. Gr.1n1* J. Hod.di:noH' Jc£frcy R. Jwtw Luci.a T. Ko,..Jo:yk

011.,id C. DcLm L. 1-lofl,crbeor M11ri L. Kada.r Jill M. Kow.alk~·1ki

Jout)• L. Gravitt Micheole J. HoHmo.n Jo .. ph T'. Koll.• Y .tui rn K ...-lj

Jamin R. Or•y Cr.ais J. Hold.c-1 Ra.pUOJld H. Kai1):r, St~Y'tn J. Kr.a.on·

Do1mdu Green 01'C"gory A. J.loll•nJ Chru ,\, Koll,.,cl, ~-1ichul A. Kr,,u,

Rokrt M. Gwie11. H. Holme," 0,,,;J V. K,.,1,. 0 Lmn-y M. Krau&e

Tua S. Gn-enB..y O,.n.,, L. Horton J. K.,rim • Lind.. A. Krau.1t1

Altu, K. Orcen,:•rd· Mieoheoll.c M, HoM,hon· Au1tii, J. 1'.arpol..' R11mit Krdtncr·

Jam'ie T. 0.-«r Rimoun G. Hotny Paul. D. Kun,ch' li,griJ Kmm,er

Eli:r.11L.eotb M, 0,q;f J•m4"'• K. Howard H<>pe E. K,r'I')'' Gt'Otj."e H. Knro.11¢r

NatL.4he GriLhukl' Jc,,nifer R. Ho1.eor' Cleon D. Ko1to Stc-phanle K. Kruc-ser

011\tid A. Gri!'CO Jenlf1tr L, Jfokr Stephen R. K.t11,1ro1' J. Krui;t-r'

01:•1~ R:. Cnffin J•y10n T, Huddletl<m Juray O. K.-11: Kurt C. Kn.ywto£iok

Step~•nie L. On),·e Chn, tophc-.r P. H11.gl1ct' Jacqul,'.hnv e. Kllh.mnn K,.thl«n A. Kuick

Micb.,..I W, Gn.e,1k Chulottc E. Hunt Mllf)'Ann K,w.adi•• KimLcrly A.•

Kevin M. Gurm/ C•.ty ;\. Hunter' l..any A. Kaw• Brion A. Kun1m·

Ji!) K. Guinn M.kb .. lle S. Hurban' Ocni..e L. K(',ftius' Vin<lenl J, Kuo.kC'mutller'

D•njel L. GuJJicbcon' Ocni11e M, H udb\u'I sl,Annon A. KNlle:, Abr,.L.n.m G . Kuricm

WiJli•m L. Gunn Vemi<le J. Hmky ROktt O . Ktek, Jr. Ell•n Ku,hn('r

J°"'pb M, OutierttX Moniq:ue D. f.lutchin,oo Ke,•in J. Kttkt" KrlEtin M. Ku:u1inr'

0ot"N"n M. H..Jc,ina 'Xlc,)J~II P. Hut10n Steove P. Ktt:llng Ho Suns Kw•L

Julio J. Hu,e JuJJ1b J. lcn1lli Coll.ecn E. KN-man' Sic-w-Loo11i; ·r, KwoL

Cl,"rl .... H11.U Sl,n..n:'lll M, Irvine Cl,.nel K.lky ·11,mnu W,'

Ly~c,U.11 L H.11 Rom.-no, II,< • ~faricl R. Kcllc-y Scott A. La Point .. •

ColJN:11 A. H.alpc-nuy He,h11m l,.a.wi Peo.nn)' L. Kelley R.ichc-1 L LaCour

Jc-nnif,..r S. Ho.midt Suun J.abloruki' Cl,.!, A. K,nt • TbotoAf M. t..adi,

Oa.1111 C. H11.a,it11 Benil.11 ;\, Jack,on J,Urer C. Ki11c-.r' Nanneotle l...A1nbt-rti

·fimotL.y R. l>i•11JIC":I Oobna ,\ . J.ack,011 M11rk L. Kienlcn Wilh11rn K. Lunpe

Pan,"l.1 0. H ...· Fniudne L. JA<b<>n Euo-K,tn, Kim Yvonne A. Ln.ndry

M•.NI• H. Harmon' Marc A. J•c-L.011 Helen I:. Kim Cb11.rb Lu.a

Ph,U;, D. H.,...11 J()rfory G. JacoL.100° Jolmny j , Kim 'X' Al'r'CII R. La~011,1.

Tcmuji.n G, H•rrier" Mkbul S. Jamieo,t011 Tnny S. Kim' Gile.I(' E. YRivi('N!

Erk J. loncn • Lori K, M.her M•ttbi., Mc-n~luohn Laun C. Munro· Todd N. Lar,on Mich.ael G. Mabtru Jma Mtndou M~I M. Muriel Anit.a L Lothrop Julian• M. MaliJt" Lt.a M. Mt'· KO.t-ina K. Muse,,• Sinthe.i R. Laude Launi A. M.Jile Jamn R. Me~r Dawn M." J¢nnifer O. L.unm Siu L. Lyone M. Meyer" Oeni.c- M u,t_.f_. • 8 ri• n T. Le ·r ncy L. Mangia.lardi Nat,.fie P. Meyn.rt Je.,ica K. 1'-luto HooJung Le,· Rodney 8. M•ns·rum" Anund• A. Mi•ouli,· Alpboruo L. My('l'W P1ltlcl:a A. Le. Jotcpl, F. M.•utninf Donald A. Mica Julie R. ~ty,...,u· TrMll L. L('ltch Snnana M•noilovk" Matthew J. MkhC'l,• D•na L. N•glt1 S.ndu J. Unn('t Cb•yapbttl'l Manotb.i" Z.,bi, M1ddl.Cbtld0 T an~r A. N•1ttniddln Loura A. LIN>nud Nicole A. Mar<:i,~ • Vera Mlb.jlovie Troy L. N ttly Victoria G. Uonanlo· Laurict' M. Marit'r0 And.rea K. MiJ" Laura A. N'"l.on D. Ll",nt'r Lo,,. M. Mariotti n.i Carl E. J.Ullt>r" Nt>n,,,.. L. Nel.on Amanda J. U11ner, A. Marqun Duiel L. MiJkr L•i P. N"°· Cindy N. Lctwat" Jo,,epb A. M•ma.w.> K,.....ndu E. Milk, D•n• A. Neville· DcLn R. Lev-a11W.r' John P. M .. tKhitx l..eeAnn M,i.Ou Kevin 0 . Nevill, St.CC')' A. Levin Jen.oiler L . .Muteoaoo" Micl.u l W. Miller• Peter J. Ncvtlmo..l o.brit":I 8. Levin• Jody A. Martin• Judah L. Mdn• l •t<n'ly• R. Ne:wbtm C.t.herlne M. Ln,;:, Judith Marti.o • Collte:.n D. Milner Juinift>r M. Nt1womL ThomLu J, Lt'wi, Kevin D. ?<-1...ttin • Reyn•ldo Mi.nt.nd, • Anita Mo Y tt Nf C.therine G. Lie.big" Lonnie W. M, .. rttn· Brandon J. Mi,ner" Cyril L. NieboI. O .. vid L. litfin, Ste:pha.nie K. Martin" Adam Mitaa.~opoulo. Jo,b 0. Niederl>e~e.r· Oniel F. Lillian' e·li~Leth Ma.rtinn: D•rnm R:. Miu Ju,tin M. Niimi }•mtt 'f/:/1, Lim~ri• Fried• R. Martin.« Von R. Mock· Yuki Ni,Lid• M,tthow J. Lind• P,blo Martino& Edw • .J J. Moluky Ill M.1c.h .. e:I A. Nl•lt Krlrtl S. Llnd.koo,i" Adam S. Muton Cynth.i.. L Mom• Cutn L, NoLle Paul J. Linke Ji.U 0 . Mutu«i Jill K. Mon.1Lan Mkbek L. Noekle' KimL.crly A. Liptcomb Lily A. Muo O.,,vid Montenesro Aid.. A. Non1y Kiml,,corly A. Lit.tu Oer'l"k W. Muon" Glori, P. Mont&:omt'ry Kim E. Norton" Mich.el P.•C, I,., Stewn A. Muon· Marco A. Montoy• Scott M. Nychay Ted M. Loc.ucio Kelly 9. Math_.,- Allison K. Mooney Laura A. O'Du.' Cad ~gin, Ivette MatQf Sta.-cy O. Moore John 8. o·o. ••• u· $upn E. Longo Otc:•r 1\ tatot Tbottu A. Moore Willt.m R. O'Doon.U H.rold A. Lool,y• Kunl,edy A. M•tthcwt Mef'(!Cdet Moa ColJN:n M. O 'Hua Gloria 1. l.opel. Coby E. M,t..xcloor· Pamela G. Moralde Ge.-.ld 0 . O'Kttfe Liu A, Lopn Kimbt>Jy J, M•u.nt-lr Jo,e Mo.-.le, K.tbJc-en M. O''leary Tbom.11 Lapa ~nnil Mc,..btt Lt.. C. Mor.le,· C«ilia S. O'Reillf Al.x Loni Ruuell J. McCaL" Geoflie E. Moft'l.nd Haler F. O'Rou,l.,· Ned A. loR'.ntxen" Thoma, P. McC .. bt> Marco E. Moreno S;ol,h•n V. O'Sulhv•n Karen M. Lorcm:" Christine McCauley' Rkudo Moreno M,yi 0. Oji•u. Ronald L. Lowe Cindy J. McCauley Chiquit• M~an SUNn Ol.v•rri• J•nNn M. Ludwit= Tony• L. McClarin Chrini,n ?-t. Morru· R.,h,1, M. Okk,1 O,vid K. Lungtt"n • Scott J. M,Clu,ky Ei.letn M. Mom,• Courtney M. Oliver Adam L, lurit1° Quintu, 0 , McConnklr Htlcli E. Mom,· Cruu- E. Olo!.on F~d J. L .. rk" Scott V. McCormick Kend.ll E. Mom, David. C. Cl.on Tammy L Lut«b Mard R. Mc.D,de Michelk Mom.ti O,.vicl M. 0 1,on T)'ton D. Luh. Cecil McDonald, Jr. Di•n.1 L. Morri10n • William$. Om..0° Tonya S. Lylt>' Meli..,. 0 . McEwen· Tany• L. Morriton Cadyn.n Q . Ong• O.a.nicJ R. Lynch John C. McKinney Fehd• 8. Morton" Micl.ael P. 0.• Jerinile, E. Mac:Wxelt Clt,d It McL.ugMln Micbael J. Mote•to ~ nnt-lh F. 0.bow

Ke:itL 8. M•ci••u~ Liu M. l..WNncie C. Mo.t1r T .l:abiro Ot.u~t Mat)' V. M•clt'jewtltl 8ri1.n J. McN.lly B<th S. Mot,£,ldt launi M. Otten Carolyn L. Madnt(Jrf1' • Brih D. McNam•r• • Laura E, MoyniL,u" Ric.bud J. Our.d,., Jr. i ·Luth. K. Mac:k Alida McNNI Gary A. Mro~a • Angela E. Owen• Carol A. MaC'L~d• E . .Medin,· Krut. A. Mudd Folal..e T. 0),~neyin L.nce 8. Mackey' Eric• M. M..din-ger' Cheryl A. Mueller Nic,k K. Ou Bl,nCll E. M .. g,Uon Twili, M. Meek, Kathryn L. Mueller' Siinonctt• L. P~elt Femnn~ M•g11n11' H•ig H. Mtg-uc-rditcl..ian" Mimi Mui Oe1r,, M. P,d,ett Stephen B. Mag,t,c Soni• Melondn Tund...liH M. ~h1ldrow Oaoid PadiUa. W(',to11 S. M•t:i:io Sl<Wt<tl J, Melton MiehHI J. Mulb.U Jamit> T. P•we

Norttn M, p.,bolalr· Emily M. Poll. Andrew J, Roh.n l11 Stepbcn T. ~.ton•

G,eo1'e J. Pal.tine· WilLi•m J. Pollo.k" J•tne. N. Kh,lhd J. Sb,L.n

Michael 0. Pa1.mcrio Ao~l.a D. Popovich" MU:Lacl T. Romeo" Kurt A. Sbampint>

Y•n Pan Shwcn M. Popp• T•nr• Rome,...· Jennifer L. $h.atulm1·

M•n:i• J. Pandol£i• Candke A. Porten S.tb E. R- b.,a· Thom.a, M. Sbe. •

Mi<h,lk M. P,ulol. E. Poworr N. Ro.onblub C..thy M. Shcma,h

~~a L. P•nt-..Jeo• K..,1 A. P,.d,1· Jennifer A. Ro,· Mei.Chu Sb"-n·

l Cindy A. Paotk K•ren Pftndergut S<ott A. Ron Erk J. Sbc1'pan

l.ouJ, G. P•o:u. Cb.anda A, Prevo Chri,topht>r M. Row~II s..,,. A. Sbillinlf

Ste'\'(' G, P•padalri, Thomu E, PrHch.rd· ,Mjchacl [. Roxnu-· /w.roo L. Shipp

1'-'laria Papadopouk,,· MiC'h.ael A. Pu.h Amy J. Ro,;yclri Karen 8. Shorr· ' Yun J. C. Pa.dt" Bri•" H. Qu.arln M.•ttl,...- A. Rubinb......: Brent T. Sbow11hcrr

Kyle K. Parhr Mkb•cl Quent.bin Au,,1. D. Rufo, S. Sbr-.i:o

J,{{,.y A. P,du· Jol.n A. Quinlan Urry M. Rugf"t" P•trice Sikrt"

Anll• P, p.,,lor JCNLu.a 0 , Ra.ben J•nclle Rui£ Z.rlna Sicldiqi°

Mar,.attt A, Puquffi Wdl-i•m H.«-or Deni• M. Ru,'hton Tbom.u E. SiJl>er

Donn• M. Palih1cci" Todd R.dun,ky John J. Ry•n Em<"ttin11 Lun11 011 Sdvei:n •

RenffA J. Pat-tf"non J•m-r• A. RaU AnJn.,.. J. Ryann Kimberly L. SlLn.ri

Joy C. Patton Ot.n11 J. Raider Marco A.,,_iu Dawn E. Simmon•·

Mii:hclk M. P.ul Kimbt!Jy A. Rajrw,-LI" John M. SaJen,o Willi11m M. Simmon,

O.bble L. P,ull Chn,un11 R. R.ll, K;mb,dy J. Solley Jill Simon

Sbcrtotl'.I L. Paull Lu7. M. Ramift:r. Erin L. S.lomo1:1e • 8un1t,y J. $impN>n° T. Pc•noo Tiu-a M. R11ud Cynthia J. Sa.lvino· Cbn, tophc-r 0 . Sim~n

Mkhdl, M. P«l.o J11ne C. Ruiutkl Maic j . $.incbc.· Jame, L. Sinlf

Grq;ory P. P-rlu,y• Jnnnie E. R11.ulen~ R..cqutl Sonclc,.. 1"imolLy A. Sltltkwi,;ii

D•vid S. Pclc:zan1t1 Cynthi• Redd Ami,Ll P. San:ghvi Mindy Be-tl. Siwtlt

Y\-<tle M. Pelmore M • .ro. A. Rt-ed· CbNtin. M. S.nnapnlo Rob.ri Sk;L.

C~ J. PcncxcL· Ruben D. R,.d p.,b)o S.ntia~o Brian A. SkonCH"y

Boid S. Penn Amy E. Rcich.ert Oin• R. S,1.pienu Jami.t' T. SluypLun

Soul• Ptt•kla 8ri•n A. Rd, Kathy A. Sor•· J,ffrey L. Sl.otm,n

Ab M. p.,... He•ther L. Rejj" Mkb..el P. Sua.dni J,fb, R. S1,vl, b

Lu~e E. Petti.· Suunne A.. Re-nl:en ~U,hoel S. S..,k· Jeffrey M. Slowilt

Mui• A. PerT1. Bttut E. Rfff-ler A~d.• M. S.1111Ul Auon L. Smith

Mad•.nnc T. Peni Rol,!n L. RO'\•c:r· Suun L. S..tttm Cl,adi:c E. Smith·

T,.cy A. Perrott• Rebc«o A. Ri~· Je.a ndte Sa undert Jenlnc A. Smith

Lu.a M, Pe:ff'Y Ouy L. Ricb.rd,on SJ..annQn M. S. uter Kc-ndra O. S1nit1'

Andrew J, Pcttu • Lynnette Jennifer L. Saul~wi Kerry B. S,nitL•

Michele Peter, u .. .R.· Penny E. Sa~noff• Omol.ol. E. Smith

Kimberly C. Pete.rte:n Kate E. Ricncr· B011il.a R. Sc•dctt Tkoclott W. Smitb

Jennifer K. Pettt Gre-QOry R. Rif-,ul N P. Travi1 R. Smith•

LN:I. R. PW'Onio P.atric~ R~ey E.rdr J. Sc:h.uburgtr Rielt M. Smit1°

Kinten L. Pfeiffer W•n1t RintranultuJ• Thom•• J. Sch,ff,I• Eric C, Snoder...,

Ned J. Pllu~r C..rlo. lot. Rioa Emily C. Scbl"", Ah.on 0 . Snycl.r

Erica S. Phillipa B.i~•ra J. Ri,ffr· Kevin E, Sc:J..midt Melvin E. Snyde:r. Jr.

Kh S. Phillip, Mkhu l J. Ri,ticb Pe-tf'e'e M. ScJ.,midt Ch.d E. Sod,,l,olm"

Chd,tinc A. Phouade-1 • Ko.ttn E. Ritty ,\ W. Sc:limJ.dt• Me.~,.. L. Soln.

Jennlfe.t L, Pidr-eri n-11 Jodtt K. Rlt:Nm• Jennifer L Sdmittlter• Audy Y. Sons Heidi T. Pie~ A. Ritter 1'-l.~ L Schreiner· Jae J. Song

Tu1y• L. Plncbeon•B.11 Sl¢'0en E. RoL.m, A. Scbultenover" Li11 B. Sons

Kc.lky O. Pinltln, Tdc~ L. RoLiraon John F. Schult, Rita A. Spa«Apanicc~

Nk~ R. Pinto Benjainin RoLlai Noanou J. S,h.J. Mina, R.. Sp«tor

St11c-ey A. Plant Tcni J, RoL,on Lauri A,. S< Btnc.eU C. Spencer

Suanne R, C11.rmen Rocb• D•vid S. Sc:buut·,t,, A. Spic.-

Ginger C. Plttl.a· Oiaci• Rodri-11ue, Jr.· Rel>«C4 S. Scbw•t'l~rg· Am .. d. A. Spl,.h

A.Jin M. Plotlte" Ot:bbie L. RodriQutrt. Andtt, L. ~cmitris C.mice J. Splett

K.tlterine A. Poclsortlti Ekna Rodritun Sheri L. Scott Jobn W. Sprinn

M!ch<lc A. Pocl, • .u Klmb«ly A. Rodrigun C...d H. Suto11· Tltc:<Mlon Spyricl..ltt

Oobbi, M. Pohl Monk• M. Rodrigun· Jnu, A. St-gun J ... pb J. Stachk,

Jon•lb•n .M. Po~•y Rutbo.nne K. Rodriguex. John A. S.h, Anne St•dnylr

Bri•n P. Polit M•l!1d.ikna Rodri;un: Rkb&~ Scnior Hden A. St•llwib

K.u'l'n A. Stooctykiewicx" E~lync M. Tardy Chri,tln• M. v.~ J•m<• R. W;IJ.

J•mi.on D. St.tit." D•llfoUe C. T"t-.,. S~nR. V"na An,,!, 0. W;l,o,,

Jl),lnna C. Staw._k; Mt.ty M. ii1\-ennt:t Vi.noenl A. Veordl Mi1rc H. W~,on •

Cl,ridino L StC"C'le Ra.non J. T('lkr L.un 0. Viana• J;U M. Wlnt~I'

Timothy P. Std nJ:C"• Aaron A. TtrtnH0'f J. Viclt Anet.hia A. Winl1n •

Ty L. Stephen. J•nkc 8. Tt-ny • R. Mkh•d Viuu Stc-ffn M. Wintll!n-lC'lll"

J ulfot L. Sterk• P•mel• A. Te11chltC"0 Brilln L. Vo,, HoUy A. Wi,aiew,ln"

Jennl£c-r L. Stem" Clui;Eline A. Tc,l•ct Clui, to111,c.r w. w • .gnc-r Jr-nnifcr A. Wi,nie-Je:i"

Kim.LC'dr A. Stcm.a~L.· Cluirlophc-r J. 11.iet1 l)avid E. Wagner Gw~ry L. \).?'i.rt«I·

Jame, C. Stc,vt'N Oo.roy C. 'Jhom,H Tin11 M. Wa,nu Jenalfer K. Wojn11-l'Olt~-j"

NaCJmi St.,.wa.rt f«<.nt l1.omi11 Oina C. W.sitl:w Sonya R, Wolk D. su,lc, Ro.Iyo M. Tbofflu Chri,topher T. Waln Stepbea K. Woug

StcYW;1n L. Stodden Yuko C. Th(l1Nt C t•i.!f A. W alJacc • Pab,m Won"'uud.«,;"

llc-"lil H. Stont'0 Pol-rice- A. TLorry,1.Jonft Caprice 0. Walt.en ~ lb 0. Worky

Kc-urn:4h L. St0\·11.IJ Jolm M. 11.ompfOl'I S tc-ph.n R. ~an11er Kim R. Wriiht'

S11.nd.lti D. Stmvi, Kimkrly M. Tbomp,or, Al11.n 0 . W•wn.yni1L0 Perey D. WroLkw, lti"

Wllliam E. St~w Rol>crt E. T~omptou Gtttc:lttin R. WtJm100 David C. Wu

lhrricL StN>•lcr ~1lld..d Th.m• Nicholetta WeoinCN Tammy M. wy,•

l>,miel W. Stdckl.and Erilc W, Thomlc>n '•• WeWierJier Theodo~ V, XentMH E. Stnmt 7:..n,- Tlt!mel1.1iy;1pum Stl\'lt1 C. Well, Nahrin Yasbob

G,uy V. Stu1it.d,· GC"r.-nl:o To-.·ar, Jr. J•imc A. Welton' Al,c,v N. Yuoto.a'

Gloria J. Studw1y Man:.-cl To11nuttl Ptler E. Wvn1lr,1.nJ· Bonnell A. Ya,hoa

Cbn,Lina U. Stumpf ~rry 8 . Tr.acy B«ky C. Wotw Thon1.11 O. Y.tak·• R. Sub,uic Jhabyn L. Tmvl, TlHatt1 S . We,t.:rfitld Rkha«I J. Ycdl;c.~11.

M,,11.ko Sugiyama 8ry•nl TrNdwcll Nit-1 A. Wetm0t• Ry1n S. Yocum

Katlikt-n L SulJivan M.,k A. T ,-hi' Eu,iaa A. Wb.,)c,1 SUN.n M. Yoon

Yn.lan Sun!( AlLetto T m'1no Geo'fe'. L. Wlu••tle)' St-cphen R. Voit'

Shirley N, Suna,1111 Ki.r,.n R. Tri\•«li Ann•CorinnC" WL.ltnC'y" W•ync W. Yoult.h•n•

An,y L. Suth.,ard Bryan C. T,drou..ri.- An.,el.1 L. WbittcaLo.ll Cr.aif J. Younf

Christopb"r M. Suttc, CLri1ty L. Turn,:r Ch,Jd C. W;,k,1 R~yi, E. Youn,·

811$.l,a J. Su1ton-G11y Tettncc ~t Tydcm•k Robtn L. Wieu )Ofti,h ;\. Younglove·

Nori~o Su:tu~i Al,,, N. T ,,I,, CbAdn Wii•• ~Uu.hcw L. Young,

Judy;\, s .... -ct-wood Jcie,iph A. Tyrh ·ff_J D•vid C. Wilcox· M..ry M, Youllra'

Tbom,u G. Swforbw,lri Oetwfo U mah J•«m M. W1Jdt"r• Clm, Yun

Amy S1 Willi11.m M. Unckrwood Carrie A. WlJliAnu" Laur.a S. 7..Jkow,l,i

Stephen M, Symonani.f Oe ... aly S. Unitt"0 Cl•ttnct' N. Willia.mi Monica M. Zopala

Kenneth J. fuyJlow,lrl~ J;ll o. u .. h.k· ElNnor l Obby A. 7J,a.Ju •

Stl:,•en E. Tadt'wilt J•rnet R. Vald\lt:,t" Hadji J. William, Ane,I, G. Z..dyk Ocni,e L T,1itel Geol"lrey G. v.,knt Jtnnifcr O. William, Oenine Ci. Zcneno"

Julie E. ·raitcl Ap09t.Ji• Valli.,a.,atot Khn S. \l'l'illiam, o~bor.b C. U rvk

Li:M T11.k ... h.a,hi L.ura. Va.a Domm-t>kn" R.cht'I Ma.ry WdJiam, Nno..t I. Ziad

Jauri L. TAmillc, p.,,~J N. Van Kampen" Sa.rab C.' Paolo J. Ziem.Lo.

0,1vid T•tt11nc111I• M&t"e 8 . VanBodr Sh.ii. A. Wtlllo' Tamar., L. Zdcb•

0t'attn A, Bwi.,amin M. V•noc" Timothy J. Willi. Brian H. Zuck~"1, o. v.~o1· S.ndy J. Zupa,ndc:

Li.dio S. V•rcte0" M•ri.o-Nilwl. ZwJ.

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Columbia College Chicago Board of Trustees

PikB.utbto Ellen Stono-e.lic:

RoL..t L. Cl,.pman .M.J.l.ine K.B. Condit

K...,. I.M Copeland 8any S. Crown M;lton O..i.

Jnan W. Harrit Ronne H..tfi.ld FnnltJ.H.«­Myron F. Holnn

S;, Si...,n Homl,y


Alton 8. Ham,, Cbainnu> syJ.,.y s. Gonion, Vl<e-d..irpe"'°"

Loo,ao Boa-Jr., Secut.,,y Wilham L. Hood, T......m Dr. Jolu, B. Dufl,

Mic!)MiE. Jac"­Wdli.m S. J.i-., ... heo

Dr. J<.tl,c.,ino E. KeougL Bill Kurlil

A...,;IILmtoo Enidl.oa,

PaulG.MuL. GordonJ. Mcdmdon

AmL-clor'l1- P. Melady H.......d

S.m P(e{f..

8.rl O.U, Provott °and 6-uti .. V-oce P...iclent R. Micha.I O.S.U., Vk,e !'twiclent fur F;nanco

Dr. c • .,i;,.. 1.at1a, A.:tiac ~ o....

Maclehne M•r Ral,~ Jucl;th H. R;J.;nd E. Wayn• R,,l,in,on O.Valdo RoJ,;qu ..

David R. Ru~in Ja•• L. Sh,pi,a

David S. Solomon, M.D. Ri< H. Wehman Tony 0. W.;,.,.. H.lma C. Wdoon • RoL..t A. WiJow

Tu,,othy W. Wnsbt, !II

Dr. Lya Dyn, ~. Vice Pnoiclent and Doan cl o,.duato Sdioo1

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