
1. Introduction + Background2. Ideas: Persuasive Technology, user

customised software, pda3. Organisation4. Demands to Utvecklingspedagogik Sverige

AB 5. The ethical issue6. Questions, debate

HANDS project – Ideas and goals

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HANDS objective: to develop open source based on persuasive technology theory

• Raising selfconsciousness about problematic behaviour

• ToM simulator• Planning and timemanagement• Customised memorysupport• Practical problems: Travelling, dentistfobi, ?

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HANDS objective: promote the Open Source idea in the specialpedagogical area

• Be open about experiences in HANDS• Publish open source software• Write books(1-2) how to use HANDS software• Give cources in Pda use, HANDS software• A small market advice: Make the need of the

users more clear for the developers

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Organisation of HANDS

ResearchPartners• Center for Persuasive Design, Institute of communication, Aalborg University, Denmark• Department of Education, London South Bank University, England• ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary

Testsites• Egebakken, Aalborg, Denmark• ?Kokkedalskolen, Denmark• ?Swedanskolan, Stockholm, Sweden• Autism Foundation, Hungary• ?Schools in GB

Softwaredevelopment• Wirtek - Romania, • ? – Denmark

Budget and timeframe• 1-2 mill eu, 3 years

Projectmanager• Morten Aagaard Professor

Per Hasle, AAUCEO Michael Sørensen,


Ass. ProfessorMiklos Gyori, ELTE University

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HANDS partners

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Organisation of HANDS


London South Bank University


Aalborg University


?School no 2?School no 1

?School no 3


?School no 2?School no 1

?School no 3

Ethical Advisory Board


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Organisation of HANDS

Establisment of the project

Specification of aims

and needs



•Organisational setup •Education of testsites teachers1. Interdisciplinary collaboration – understanding Persuasive Technology1. design of software

•Publicing of research result•Uploading of open source software•Participation in Conferences, writing articles •Education of other teachers

•Two or three prototypetest

• Userparticipation is very important in HANDS• Communication is between HANDS-partners is very important: it is an VERY interdisciplinary research project

3.year1.year 2.year

Computer Science


Persuasive Technology

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Demands to Utvecklingspedagogik Sverige AB

• The school takes care of individuals with aspergers or ASD. If it is ASD-individuals they should be ”wellfunctioning”.

• Testschool Management are committed to the HANDS project

• The testschool staffmembers, who are involved, should be committed to the HANDS project

• A large school with a good reputation

• The school should take part in PR activities.

• Well educated staff, preferable with good language skills

UPVisionVåra verksamheter ska anses vara

Sveriges mest eftertraktade bland brukare, elever, föräldrar och kommuner. Ett företag i särklass.

VerksamhetsidéUtvecklingspedagogik ska genom att

erbjuda individuellt utformade utbildnings- och LSS verksamheter bidra till att ge varje individ ökad upplevd livskvalitet och delaktighet i samhället.


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HANDS - The ethical issue

Yes, HANDS has a problem.

• The HANDS partners say…• B.J. Fogg say… • The Persuasive Technology research group say…• EU say…• The Market say… Professor Peter Øhrstrøm,


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Questions, debate

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