
1link Service Network

Fleet Authorisation and Invoicing software

1link Service Network is the easy way to service and maintain fleet vehicles. Through a simple standardised process, dealers, service centres and replacement outlets can instantly gain access to some of Australia’s leading fleet companies to manage their authorisation and invoicing tasks. Simple to implement and easy to use, there should be no need for further investment in hardware or software. All that users require is internet access.

1link Service Network removes the need for suppliers to wait on hold to speak to their fleet clients and is a true alternative to pushing paperwork backwards and forwards between service and accounts departments.

1link will deliver enormous financial benefits to your business by minimising invoice rejection, using a completely paperless invoicing process.

Manage Bookings

Whether a booking is initiated by the driver or by your fleet customer, 1link Service Network can help manage the process and automate notifications via email, fax and SMS.

1link registered fleets can offer you bookings through the platform, or you can lodge future work bookings within 1link yourself if the driver makes a booking with you directly. Alternatively, simply create a 1link jobsheet when the vehicle arrives in order to gain authorisation electronically for the required work.

List your repair outlet in the 1link supplier directory so that fleets and drivers can find and contact you to book in their vehicles.

You can also define your service offerings and specify your opening times, booking lead times and contact details on 1link Service Network.

Gain Authorisation Online

Rather than waiting on hold to speak with your fleet customers, simply enter the details of the work you wish to carry out and request authorisation online.

1link registered fleets can specify rules to automatically authorise work instantly. Exceptions are passed through to their maintenance team for response and are given priority over telephone calls. Statistics have shown that 1link suppliers can gain authorisation significantly faster than over the phone, avoiding any call waiting times.

If you sign up with a franchise, 1link can auto-populate data on your jobsheet and verify it against manufacturer information to make entry of jobsheets fast and efficient.

Deliver your invoice electronically

Once the work has been carried out, 1link can deliver invoices electronically to your fleet customer in an instant.

With far more control than RCTI, 1link allows you to create your own invoice using your own invoice reference number.

1link minimises invoice rejections and is a completely paperless process, which offers huge efficiencies to your business. Invoices are paid by your fleet customer directly to you under your existing terms. 1link also reduces the processing time - fleets receive invoices without delay and without the need to verify them so payments can be made more quickly. Imagine the benefits that timely invoice payment would bring to your business!

Full reporting and audit trail

At any moment in time, 1link allows you to view all jobsheets that you have in progress and review all actions that have occurred to date. A full audit trail is available which details what was approved, when and by whom.

Run reports to find out what you have invoiced to your fleet customers within a certain time period, or view what is still waiting to be finalised.

Support and training

1link Service Network is designed to be as intuitive to use as possible, but if you do need some help don’t worry, you are not on your own! As well as user guides and online help, Innovation Group’s dedicated 1link helpdesk provides free telephone support and training to get you up and running as fast as possible. Our support staff will happily guide you through the entire 1link process as often as you require and help you with any queries you may have.

Onsite training can also be arranged upon request.

Ease of Access

1link Service Network is simple to implement and incredibly easy to use. Access to 1link is browser-based with support for most popular web browser products. There are no further hardware or software requirements.

1link is an e-commerce platform developed primarily using Microsoft™ products. The system has been developed to provide a low cost communication tool for the automotive industry.

1link systems are hosted in multiple highly secure server environments globally, which ensures access is secure, robust and reliable.

Manage Payments

Charges for using 1link are simple, consisting of an annual registration fee and transaction fees. When you join 1link you nominate a bank account and a secure accounts user to manage your charges from within 1link via a pre-payment account.

At a time of your choosing, simply specify an amount you wish to add to your pre-payment account and confirm the charges. An invoice will be displayed instantly and the funds drawn from your nominated bank account. Transaction Fees will then be drawn from your pre-payment account each time you carry out a transaction.

Direct Debit places management and reporting of fees fully under the control of your nominated accounts user(s).


1link Service Network is used globally by over 50,000 users including some of the world’s largest fleet operators and vehicle manufacturers. More than $1.3b of invoices flow through 1link Service Network each year, making it one of the biggest e-commerce platforms servicing the automotive industry. 1link Service Network users can be assured that the platform continues to respond to the ever changing needs of the automotive environment.

Service and software solutions for fleets

Innovation Group is Australia’s leading solutions provider for fleet operators and fleet managers, helping them achieve maximum fleet eff iciency and meet duty-of-care obligations.

Comprehensive collision repair management and risk mitigation services for fleets helps maximise productivity and safety while minimising complexity, risks and costs.

Sophisticated technology solutions from Innovation Group help streamline vehicle selection and automate maintenance approvals. Fleet managers and fleet operators across Australia rely on Innovation Group’s tools and expertise to meet current challenges as well as to plan and prepare for the future.

How to join

To join the 1link community simply visit and click on Register Here.

Simply complete a joining form and return it to Innovation Group.

For further information ring our team on 1300 132 655 or email [email protected]

© Innovation Group (Australia) Pty Ltd, 2017All rights reserved.

Innovation Group (Australia) Pty LtdLevel 5, 1 Bowen Crescent

Melbourne, VIC 3004, AustraliaT: +61 (0) 3 9864 1800

E: [email protected]

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