  • 8/3/2019 1.Nursing as a Profession



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  • 8/3/2019 1.Nursing as a Profession



  • 8/3/2019 1.Nursing as a Profession



    Nursing is often identified as an

    emerging profession .It is striving to

    attain professionalism to meet certain


    It has evolved over centuries.

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    humanistic caring




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    Occupation as what occupies or engages, ones time,business and employment.

    Vocation is the work that a person regularly performs or the

    work that especially suits him or her.

    Profession is a vocation requiring advanced training usually

    involving mental rather manual work, as teaching,

    engineering, especially medicine, law or theology.

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    An occupation that requires advancedknow ledged and skills and that is an

    outgrowth of societys needs for

    special services

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    Five Function for the Preservation and

    Development of a Profession :( STYLES 1983

    Professional definition and regulation through thesetting and enforcing of standards of education andpractice for the generalist and the specialist.

    Development of the knowledge base for practice in itsbroadest and narrowest components.

    Transmission of values, norms, knowledge and skill toneophytes ands members of the profession forapplication in practice.

    Communication and advocacy of the values andcontributions of the field to several publics andconstituencies.

    Attendance to the social and general welfare of their


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    Six Elements of a Profession:

    (Moore and Rosenblum 1970) Have a systematic theory

    Exert authority

    Command prestige

    Have a code of ethics

    Have a professional culture

    Be the major source of income of those

    who practice it.

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    Critical attributes of professionalism in

    nursing (Miller)

    Gaining a body of knowledge in a

    university setting and a science

    orientation at the graduate level innursing

    Attaining competencies derived from

    the theoretical base. Delineating and specifying the skills

    and competencies that are the

    boundaries of expertise.

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    Criteria of a Profession

    Specialized education

    Body of knowledge Service orientation

    Ongoing research

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    Growth of Professionalism:

    Specialized education

    Knowledge based



    Code of Ethics


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    A profession requires an

    extended education of its

    members as well as basic

    liberal foundation.

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    A profession has a

    theoretical body ofknowledge leading to

    defined skills, abilitiesand norms.

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    A profession provides

    basic services.

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    Code of Ethics The profession as a whole has a code

    of ethics for practice. A profession has

    sufficient self-impelling power toretain its members throughout life. It

    must not be a mere stepping stone to

    other occupations.

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    Members of a

    profession haveautonomy in decision

    making and inpractice.

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    The most unique


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    Professional Nursing

    Is an art and a science dominated by

    an ideal of service in which certain

    principles are applied in the skillfulcare of the well and the ill, and through

    relationship with client/patient,

    significant others and other membersof the health team.

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    Professional Nurse

    Is one who has acquired the art and scienceof nursing through her basic education who

    interprets her role in nursing in terms of

    the social ends for which it exists thehealth and welfare of society and who

    continues to add to her knowledge, skills

    and attitudes through continuing educationand scientific inquiry (research) or the use

    of the results of such inquiry.

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    Qualification and abilities of a

    Professional Nurse:

    1. Has faith in the fundamental values thatunderlie the democratic way of life. Ex.

    A) respect for human dignity

    B) self sacrifice for the common good

    C) strong sense of responsibility

    for sharing in the solution of the

    problems of the society

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    2. Has a sense of responsibility forunderstanding those with whom he/sheworks or associates with through the useof the following skills;

    - utilizing relevant basic concept ofpsychology

    - working effectively through therapeuticrelationship

    3. Has faith in the reality of spiritual and

    aesthetic value and awareness of thevalue and the pleasure of self-development through the pursuit of someaesthetic interests

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    4. Has the basic knowledge, skills and

    attitudes necessary to address present-day

    social problems, realistic, incisive (direct)

    and well organized thoughts through the

    use of critical thinking. Critical thinking is

    securing, appraising, and organizingevidence.

    5. Has skill in using written and spoken

    language, both to develop own thoughtsand communicate them to others.

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    6. Appreciates and understand the

    importance of good health.

    7. Has emotional balance. Is able to maintain

    poise and composure in trying situation.

    8. Take hard work and possesses a capacity

    for it.

    9. Appreciates high standards of


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    10.Accept and tries to understand

    people of all sorts, regardless of race,

    religion, color and economic status.

    11.Knows nursing so thoroughly that

    every client will receive excellentcare

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    Personal qualification of

    a Nurse:

    Philosophy of life

    Good personality

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    Philosophy of life

    It is concerned with those basic truths

    that contribute to personal growth in a

    systematic fashion and with thoseprinciples that relate to the moral values

    that shape the facets of the character

    Every person must develop a personalphilosophy of life and plan for expanding

    his personal life

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    Theories of nursing can

    be taught, but not aphilosophy of life or a

    philosophy of service.

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    Good Personality

    Personality consists of distinctiveindividual qualities that differentiates

    one person from another. It refers to the impression one makes

    on others which will include morethan that which meets the eye.

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    It consists of deeper traits which

    come from the heart and which

    infiltrate the real person if one

    wishes to exert a magneticinfluence on others.

    It is a result of integrating ones

    abilities, desires, impulses, habitsand physical characteristic into a

    harmonious whole.

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    How to develop ones


    Warmth of manner, a ready smile, sincere

    laugh, genuine interest in others.

    Complete sincerity

    Sympathetic grooming: Neat hair style,

    appropriate dress, sufficient make-up and

    expressive hands, being ever mindful of the

    people who see you.

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    Components of Good


    Personal appearance




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    Personal appearance

    Your appearance often reveals more

    about the real you than any words you

    may say. Self-respect is the basis uponwhich personal appearance is

    established. It includes a healthy body

    motivated by unselfishness andexpressing graciousness.

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    Components of personal




    Dress and uniform

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    It refers to the habitual or assumedpositions of your body in standing, sitting ormoving about.

    Posture presents some clues to yourpersonality.

    As a nurse, you must be responsible for

    practicing a physical regimen that helps todevelop and maintain good posture andphysical fitness.

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    Your hair should truly crown the

    features of your face in an attractive

    manner. Your hair should be neat, clean and

    well arranged

    It also includes personal hygiene andcleanliness

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    Dress and Uniform

    Just as self-respect is evident in

    good posture and personal

    hygiene, so as it is reflected in

    the care you exercise with

    regards to dressing.

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    Basic guides for Personal Dress:

    Undergarments must be clean andproperly fitted for body support.

    All articles of clothing should be neat,personable and trim especially the giveaway article such as the bra straps, the

    slip, the heels of the shoes. Street attire is expected to be appropriate

    and to give you a sense of security inofficial and social situation

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    Your wardrobe may be limited but

    planning it in basic colors and usingcontrasting or blending hues can add

    greatly to its extensiveness.

    Accessories should match the attire andshould be suitable to the occasion and to

    your personality.

    Current fads and style may have to bedisregarded to accommodate your budget

    on your body structure.

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    The Nursing Uniform

    They come in different colors, butirrespective of color, the nurse distinctiveuniform identifies you as a nurse to your

    patient and his family as well as to your co-workers.

    You must respect the uniform. It is part ofthe nurses public image.

    Wear the uniform only during workinghours.

    It should not be worn with jewelry except a

    school pin or name plate.

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    The Nurses Cap

    The style of the cap remains

    usually the same for a

    particular school.

    Like the uniform wear it with

    respect and dignity

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    Points to remember in wearing

    the nurses uniform: Every item comprising the uniform must bespotlessly clean, well fitting and in goodrepair.

    Shoes and hosiery worn with the uniformshould provide for maximum comfort.

    Uniform designated for use in a given

    hospital area is worn only in the line of dutyand not to be worn outside the specifieddepartment.

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    Modification of any

    authorized uniform to suit

    your individual preference

    is not permitted by thedictates of both good

    taste and integrity.

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    Attitude A manner of acting, thinking or feeling

    that is indicated by ones response

    toward another person situation orexperience.

    Personality is shaped by ones attitude.

    It is a part of a pattern of personalbehavior

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    Character Refers to the moral values and beliefs that

    are used as guide to personal behavior and


    It is what a person is inside.

    It is the development in proportion to

    emotional and intellectual growth and

    involves the degree to which you

    understand, direct and channel your


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    The practice of nursing utilizes ones

    love for fellowman. Charity is thegreatest virtue and serves as the

    foundation for a sense of values and

    the development of human character.

    The nurse is basically a good person.

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    Attributes of Character



    Tolerance Judgment

    Reliability Motivation



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    Honesty Being truthful, trustworthy

    and upright in ones dealing

    with others as well as

    refraining from lying,

    cheating and stealing.

    i i

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    It is demonstrated in terms





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    TruthfulnessThe quality of being in

    agreement with facts,reality and experience

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    HonorMaking good on


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    IntegrityAdhering to ones set

    of moral values

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    Evidences ofHonesty can be

    observed in the following:

    Care of materials

    Recognition of authority

    Obedience to rules, regulations and


    Use of time in terms of punctuality

    in performing activities

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    Loyalty The feeling of confidence, trust and

    affection you have towards your family

    and friends and towards those whohave helped, guided and stood by you

    as you proceeded towards your goals.

    Ex. Speaking well about co-workersand the institution where you work.

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    Tolerance It allows you to respect and accept

    others as fellow human beings

    entitled to enjoy the same basicrights and privileges that you claim

    for yourself.

    It manifest itself in your

    recognition of the rights of others.

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    It is demonstrated in the practice

    of patience, a sense of humor,

    sympathy, understanding, and

    unselfishness. Ex. Allowing an

    angry relative to verbalize his/her


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    Judgment Sometimes referred to as good sense,

    it indicates ones ability to use ones

    intellectual capacity to form soundopinions.

    Qualities involved in the use of

    judgment are wisdom, discretion andtact. Ex. Questioning an unclear

    doctors order before acting.

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    Reliability It is dependability and involves ones use of

    sound judgment based upon careful

    observation and an understanding of any

    given situation in which one is required to


    Ex. Performing ones responsibilities

    thoroughly even beyond time of duty asnecessary, reporting on duty even during

    holidays, floods, typhoon and etc.

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    Motivation Something that moves one to plan and

    accomplish specific things; it is a

    positive force that directs onespersonal actions to the fulfillment of

    desires or drives that are referred to as

    basic human needs. Ex. Aiming to give the best quality of

    patient care at all times.

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    Resourcefulness Involves a persons ability to recognize

    and deal promptly and effectively with

    difficulties or problems that arise. Itrequires the utilization of information

    available about a given situation and

    using it courageously, sensibly andconstructively in dealing with situation.

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    Moderation Allows one to maintain harmony and

    balance among all the elements of onescharacter and in ones relationships with

    others by encouraging one to developperspective and a sense of objectivity.

    Ex. Indulging in food, material goods andother factors that provides pleasure orenjoyment to the senses in controlledmanner.

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    It is based on opinions, viewpoints of


    It is a result of responses to specific


    It changes from time to time as

    additional knowledge is gained and

    ones understanding is broadened.

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    A change in attitude results to a

    change in behavior.

    It develops from awareness of

    oneself in relation to individualsand situations.

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    Eight Be-Attitudes of a Nurse:






    Limit setting



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    Acceptance Acceptance of others is indicative of self


    Facing known and meeting the unknown of life

    with maximum comfort.

    Changing what can be changed within ones


    Ex. The nurse accepts the client as anindividual and respecting his/her culture.

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    Helpfulness Strong feelings towards helping others;

    giving others attention, reassurance and a

    protective security in the storms of daily

    living. Ex. A nurse assist a weak client in

    feeding and performing hygienic measures.

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    Friendliness May be active or passive,

    warmth of manner, pleasant

    interaction with others. Ex.

    The nurse establishes rapport

    with the client and his/herfamily.

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    Firmness Being alert to the actions of others in a

    positive, confident way; uses firm, kind and

    immediate methods of approach.

    Ex. The nurse implements hospital rules

    and policies regarding visiting hours,

    number of visitors at a time, use of


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    Permissiveness Understanding of motives and the feelings

    expressed in behavior whether they are or not

    capable; loosening or tightening the reign of

    authority in the interaction; flexibility inresponses.

    Ex. The nurse allows the adolescent to wear his

    own clothing as he/she requests instead ofhospital gown.

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    Limit setting Knowing the value of her influence;

    offering of praise or blame; limiting what

    others may say or do.

    Ex. The nurse tells the client who keeps

    on throwing things that this behavior is


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    Sincerity Acting naturally, recognizing ones

    anger, fears and other feelings.

    Ex. The nurse tells the client who iscrying because she lost her baby that she

    understands how she feels at this time.

    And the nurse holds the clients hand and

    stay with her.

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    Competence Approaching problems intellectually rather

    than emotionally, displaying knowledge and

    ability to deal with situations.

    Ex. The nurse stays with the client whose

    wound on the abdomen has disrupted and

    reassures the client that help from a physician

    is being sought for.

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    Charm To influence the senses or the mind by some

    quality or attraction delight.

    Innate in one who has a depth of feeling and

    an outgoing manner.

    Maybe cultivated by a desire to serve and a

    deep love for fellow human beings.

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    To acquire charm, one needs to

    cultivate the following:

    Voice modulated with clearenunciation.

    Manner courteous, attentive, patient,receptive.

    Heart attempt never to showindifference or a calloused manner. Beempathetic, understanding andtolerant. Remember to say Thankyou as this works miracles in social


    R i f d l f

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    Requirements for development of

    poise are as follows:

    1. Calmness and composure

    -face reality

    -avoid emotional flare-ups2. Control of temper

    - Think before acting

    - Avoid verbal and physicalaggressiveness

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    Intelligence keeps an active mind,

    recognize beauty, accept new ideas fromothers, read and exchange opinions with


    Poise equanimity, calmness, composure,evenness of temper, self-control.

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    the word NURSEoriginated from word

    NUTRIX meaning to


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    Definition of Nursing


    Nursing is an art.


    It is rooted in the needs of


    Harmer & Henderson

    Service to an individual

    that helps him to attain ormaintain a healthy state

    of mind or body.

    Florence Nightingale

    the act of utilizing the

    environment of the

    patient to assist him in his


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    Definition of Nursing

    Hildagard E. Paplau

    It is a


    erpersonal process.

    Virginia Henderson

    The unique function of

    the nurse is t assist theindividual, sick or well.

    Faye Glen Abdellah

    It is a helping Profession.

    Mother Olivia Gowan

    It is both a science and

    art involving the total


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    Definition of Nursing

    Ida Jean Orlando

    Is to conceptualized that

    finding out and meeting

    the patients immediate

    need for help.

    Lydia Hall

    Nursing can and should

    be professional.

    Myra Estrin Levine

    It is a human interaction.

    Dorothea Orem

    It is the giving of direct

    assistance to a person.

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    Definition of Nursing

    Betty Neumen

    It is a unique profession.

    Rosemarie Rizzo Parse

    It is a human science

    Helen C. Erickson

    It is a holistic helping of a

    person with their self careactivities in relation to

    their health.

    Imogene King

    It is an interpersonal

    process of


    and transaction.

    1987 C di N A i ti

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    1987 Canadian Nurses Association


    Described nursing practice as a

    dynamic, caring, helping relationship

    which the nurse assists the client to

    achieve, obtained optimal health.

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    They describe what nursing is and

    the interrelationship among

    nurses, nursing the client, theenvironment and the intended

    client outcome.

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    Characteristics of Nursing:

    Nursing is caring.

    Nursing is an art.

    Nursing is a science.

    Nursing is client centered.

    Nursing is holistic.

    Nursing is adaptive.

    Nursing is concerned with health promotion,health maintenance, and health restoration.

    Nursing is a helping profession

    1973 ANA (American Nurses

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    1973-ANA (American Nurses


    described nursing practice as direct

    goal oriented and adaptable to the

    needs of the individual, the family and

    the community during health and


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    1980 ANA changed the definition into

    nursing diagnosis and treatment ofhuman responses to actual or potential

    health problems.

    1995-ANA-recognized the influence andcontribution of the science of caring to

    nursing, philosophy and practice.

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    American Nurses Association

    It is a helping profession and as such provides services whichcontributes to the health and well being of a person.

    In 1980, The congress ofNursing Practice defined

    Nursing as the" the diagnosisand treatment of human

    responses to actual orpotential health problems.

    Characteristics of Nursing:

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    Characteristics of Nursing:related to Nursing Process)


    they are the human responses to actual

    or potential health problems.

    Theory application the nurse applies nursing theory

    to understanding theses human responses.

    Nursing action the nurse takes action to resolve

    actual or potential health problems.


    the nurse evaluates the effects of theactions on the clients responses.

    Three Essential Components of a

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    Three Essential Components of a

    Professional Nursing




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    Goals of Nursing:

    Maintenance of health

    Promotion of wellness/health Restoration of health

    Prevention of illness

    Facilitate coping Care of dying

    Their most recent definition of nursing

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    Their most recent definition of nursing

    acknowledges 4 essential features of

    contemporary nursing practice: Attention to the full range of human

    experiences and responses to health and

    illness without restrictions to a problemfocused orientation.

    Integration of objective data withknowledge gained from an understandingof the client or groups subjectiveexperience

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    Application of scientific knowledge to

    the process of diagnosis andtreatment.

    Provision of a caring relationship that

    facilitates health and healing.

    Historical Development of

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    Historical Development of


    Nursing has undergone dramatic

    changes in response to societal

    needs and influences.


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    Womens role Traditional female roles of wife,

    mother, daughter and sister. From

    the beginning of time, women have

    cared for infants and children thusnursing could be said to have its

    roots in the home.

    li i

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    Religion had a significant impact on the

    development ofWestern nursing

    During the 3rd and 4th

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    During the 3 and 4


    Several wealthy matrons of the

    Roman empire such as FABIOLA

    converted to Christianity and

    used their wealth to provide

    houses of care and healing (the

    forerunner of hospitals) for the

    poor, the sick and the homeless.

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    The Crusades

    Saw the formation of several orders

    of knights, including the Knights of

    Saint John of Jerusalem, the

    Teutonic Knights and the Knightsof Saint Lazarus (dedicated

    themselves in the care of people

    with leprosy, syphilis and skinchronic skin diseases.)

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    The Western churches suppressed

    the deaconess group which hadtheir origins in the Roman

    Empire of the 3rd and 4th

    centuries, during the MiddleAges.

    However, these group of nursing

    providers resurfaced occasionallythroughout the centuries, most

    notably in 1836.

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    Theodore Fliedner

    Reinstituted the Order of

    Deaconess' and open a

    small hospital and trainingschool in Kaiserwerth,


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    Throughout the century, wars

    have accentuated the need for

    nurses. During the Crimean war (1854-

    1856) the inadequacy of care

    give to soldiers led to a publicoutcry in Great Britain.

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    Development ofNursing:

    i d f i i i

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    Period of Intuitive Nursing

    It was practiced since prehistoric

    times among primitive tribes lasted

    through the early Christian era.

    Nursing was untaught and


    A Beliefs and practices of Pre-

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    A. Beliefs and practices of Pre

    historic Man

    Nomad, philosophy in life the bestfor the most, ruled by law of selfpreservation

    Nursing function belonged towomen

    Believed illness was caused byinvasion of victims body & evilspirit through the use of blackmagic or voodoo

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    shaman-medicine man or witch

    doctor heals by using white magic trephining-drilling a hole in the

    skull with a rock or stone to drive

    away evil spirit from the body.

    N i i N E

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    Nursing in Near East

    Nomadic style to urban

    community life

    Beginning of a body of scientificknowledge

    Care of sick was closely related

    to religion, superstition andmagic

    Contributions to Medicine

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    Contributions to Medicine

    and Nursing


    Code ofHammurabi law that covers

    medical practice regulation fees;discouraged experimentation,

    recommends patient to choose

    between the use of charms,

    medications, surgical procedure tocure disease. No mention of nurses.

    E t

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    Introduce art of embalming

    Recorded 250 recognized diseases

    through observation

    I l

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    Moses father of sanitation wrote 5

    books of old testaments

    Promulgated law of control on the

    spread of CD and actualcircumcision

    Referred nurses as midwives, wet

    nurses or child nurses

    N i i F E t

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    Nursing in Far East


    Materia medica- pharmacology,prescribed methods of treating wounds

    and infection

    I di

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    Built hospitals, practice intuitiveform of asepsis, proficient inpractice of medicine and surgery.

    Sushurutu-made a list of functionand qualifications of nurses. For the1st time in recorded history, therewas reference to the nurses taking

    care of patients; these nurses weredescribed as combination ofphysical therapist and cook.

    N i i A i t G

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    Nursing in Ancient Greece

    Nursing was the task of

    untrained slaves.

    Introduced caduceus-insigniaof the medical profession today

    Hippocrates father of scientific


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    Period of Apprentice

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    This period extends from the founding

    of religious nursing orders in the

    crusades, which began in the 11thcentury and ended in 1836.

    It is called the period of on the job


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    Religious orders of the Christian

    Church were responsible for the

    development of this kind of nursing.

    Military Religious Orders and

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    y g

    their works

    Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem

    Established an organization of ranksand advocated principles of complete andunquestioned devotion to duty andtraditional obedience to superiors.

    Teutonic Knights

    Established tent hospitals for thewounded.

    Knights of St. Lazarus Was founded primarily for the nursing care of

    lepers in Jerusalem after the Christians hadconquered the city.

    I t t N i g P g

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    Important Nursing Personages

    St. Clare founder of the second

    order of St Francis of Assisi.

    St. Elizabeth of Hungary known

    as the Patroness of Nurses.

    St. Catherine of Sienna the first

    Lady with a Lamp.

    The Dark Period of Nursing

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    The Dark Period of Nursing

    Period of reformation from 17th to

    19th century until the U.S.Civil War

    Several Leaders sought to bring

    about reforms:

    - John Howard

    - Mother Mary Aikenhand

    - Pastor Theodor Fliedner and

    Frederika Munster Fliedner

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    Nursing in America

    - people began to settle in NorthAmerican continent, to seek for

    adventure, new quests and new

    trade routes1. Pre-Civil War Nursing

    2. American Reforms in Nursing

    3. Nursing during the Civil War

    I P hi

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    Important Personages at this


    Dorothea Lynde Dix

    Clara Barton

    Period of Educated Nursing

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    Period of Educated Nursing

    This period began on June 15,

    1860 when the Florence

    Nightingale School of Nursing

    opened at St. Thomas Hospital in


    Facts about Florence

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    Recognized as the: Mother of

    Modern Nursing, she was also

    known as the Lady with a Lamp.

    Born on May 12, 1820 in FlorenceItaly.

    Self appointed goal: To change the

    profile of nursing

    U d d th ti f

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    Upgraded the practice of

    Nursing and made an honorableprofession.

    Led the nurses that took care ofthe wounded during CrimeanWar.

    Put down her ideas in the twopublished books: Notes on

    Nursing and Notes onHospitals.

    Other important Persons/Groups/Events

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    during Period of Educated Nursing:

    Linda Richards first graduatenurse

    Dr. William Halsted design thefirst rubber gloves

    Caroline Hampton Robb the firstnurse to wear rubber gloves whileworking as an operating room nurse

    Establishments of NursingOrganizations; the American NursesAssociation and the National Leaguefor Nursing Education; contributedto the uplift of the nursing profession

    Isabel Hampton Robb the first principal of

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    Isabel Hampton Robb the first principal ofthe John Hopkins Hospital School of Nursing

    Clara Louise Maas engaged in medicalresearch on yellow fever during the Spanish-American War.

    Development of private duty nursing,settlement house nursing, school nursing,

    government service of nurses and prenatal andmaternal health nursing (1900-1912).

    Age of specialization began in the first decade ofthe 20th century.

    Preparation of a standard curriculum based oneducational objectives for schools of nursing(1913-1937).

    Edith Cavell known as Mata Hari, servedthe wounded soldiers during World War I.

    Period of Contemporary

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    This covers of the World War II to

    the present. Scientific and

    technological developments aswell as social changes mark this


    Events and Trends

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    Events and Trends

    Establishment of the World HealthOrganization by the United Nations toassist in fighting disease.

    Use of atomic/nuclear energy formedical diagnosis and treatment.

    Utilization of computers for collectingdata, teaching, establishing diagnosis,

    maintaining inventory, makingpayrolls, record keeping and billing.

    Use of sophisticated equipment fordi i d th

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    diagnosis and therapy.


    earl Tucker developed acomprehensive one-year course toprepare nurses for aerospace nursingat Cape Kennedy.

    Health is perceived as fundamentalhuman right.

    Nursing involvement in communityhealth is greatly intensified.

    Technological advances relieved thenurse from numerous tasks.

    Development of the expanded role ofthe nurse.

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    History of Nursing inthe Philippines:

    Early Beliefs and Practices

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    Early Beliefs and Practices

    Diseases and their causes and

    treatment were shrouded with

    mysticism and superstitions.

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    Belief about causation of disease.

    People believed that evil spirits could

    be driven away by persons with

    powers to expel demons.

    People believed in special gods of

    healing, with the priest-physician as

    intermediary. If they used leaves androots, they were called herb doctors.

    Early Care of the sick

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    Early Care of the sick

    Early Filipinos subscribed to

    superstitious beliefs and practices in

    relation to health and sickness.

    Herb men were called HERBICHEROS

    i h ti d it h ft

  • 8/3/2019 1.Nursing as a Profession


    meaning one who practiced witchcraft.

    Person suffering from diseases without anyidentified cause were believed to be

    bewitched by MANGKUKULAM or


    Difficult childbirth and some diseases

    (called PAMAO) were attributed to


    During labor, the MABUTING HILOTwas called in. If the birth became difficult

    WITCHES were supposed to be the


    Health Care during Spanish

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    The religious orders exerted their

    efforts to care for the sick by building

    hospitals in the different parts of thePhilippines.

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    Nursing during the PhilippineRevolution

    The prominent people involved in

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    nursing works were

    Josephine Bracken

    Rosa Sevilla de Alvero Dona Hilaria de Aguinaldo

    Dona Maria de Aguinaldo

    M l h A i

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    Melchora Aquino

    Capitan Salome

    Agueda Kahabagan

    Trinidad Tecson

    Filipino Red Cross

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    Filipino Red Cross

    Malolos,Bulacan was the location of

    the national headquarters

    Functions of Filipino Red Cross:

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    Functions of Filipino Red Cross:

    Collection of war funds and

    materials through concerts,

    charity, bazaars and voluntarycontributions.

    Provision of nursing care to

    wounded Filipino soldiers

    Requirements for membership:

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    Requirements for membership:

    At least 14 years old, age requirement

    for officer was 25 years old.

    Of sound reputation.

    Hospitals and Schools of Nursing

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    Hospitals and Schools of Nursing

    Iloilo Mission Hospital of Nursing

    (Iloilo City, 1906).

    St. PaulsH

    ospital School of Nursing(Manila, 1907).

    Philippine General Hospital School of

    Nursing (1907). St. Lukes Hospital School of Nursing

    (Quezon City, 1907

    Mary Johnston Hospital and School of

  • 8/3/2019 1.Nursing as a Profession


    Mary Johnston Hospital and School of

    Nursing(Manila, 1907).

    Philippine Christian Mission InstituteSchools of Nursing.

    San Juan de Dios Hospital School ofNursing (Manila, 1913).

    Emmanuel Hospital School of Nursing(Capiz, 1913).

    Southern Island School of Nursing(Cebu, 1918).

    The First Colleges of Nursing in

    h Phili i

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    the Philippines:

    University of Santo Tomas College of

    Nursing (1946).

    Manila Central University College of

    Nursing (1947).

    University of the Philippines College

    of Nursing (1948).

    Nursing Leaders in the

    Phili i

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    Philippines Anastacia Giron-Tupas first Filipino

    nurse to hold the position Chief NurseSuperintendent; founder of the

    Philippine Nurses Association. Cesaria Tan first Filipino to receive

    a masters degree in Nursing abroad.

    Socorro Sirilan pioneered inHospital Social Service in San LazaroHospital where she was the Chief


    Rosa Militar a pioneer in schoolhealth education

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    health education.

    Socorro Diaz first editor of the PNAmagazine called The Message.

    Sor Ricarda Mendoza a pioneer in

    nursing education. Conchita Ruiz first full-time editor

    of the newly named PNA magazineThe Filipino Nurse.

    Loreto Tupaz Dean of thePhilippine Nursing, FlorenceNightingale of Iloilo.

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    Health and NursingOrganizations

    Early Institutions for Child

    W lf

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    Hospicio de San Jose (Manila 1782)

    Asylum of San Jose (Cebu)

    Asylum of Looban (Manila)

    Colegio de Santa Isabel (Naga City

    Gota de Leche (Manila 1907)

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    Gota de Leche (Manila, 1907)

    Liga Nacional Filipiniana para laProtection dela Primera Infancia.

    Public Welfare Board.

    Nursing Organizations:

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    g g

    Philippine Nurses Association

    National League of Nurses

    Catholic Nurses Guild of thePhilippines

    Others: ORNAP,MCNAP,IRNOP etc.

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