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off-campus@shirpur, Bank of Tapi river, NH-3, Shirpur, Dist. Dhule, 425 405 INDIA

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The department of EXTC is proud to present to you ‘the project souvenir’ for the first

batch 2007-2011 of MPSTME Shirpur Campus under SVKM’s NMIMS, Mumbai. I am very

happy that our students and faculty have created the first issue of ‘the project souvenir’.

I congratulate each one of those who have contributed for the same.

A student project is a testimony of the student’s innovation and initiative. The projects,

this year, have been successful in exhibiting creative talent of our students. The

department has learnt a lot from these projects and will keep doing the same in the

years to come.

This is only a humble beginning and we look forward to a more enthusiastic and more

active participation of students and faculty in projects and research. This souvenir

serves as a quick reference for the department.

With warm regards,


Prof. Shailendra B.

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It gives me pleasure to write the forward for the representation of work carried by our

students of Electronics and Telecommunication.

The papers and the reports portray the interest and the efforts our students and faculty

are putting forward for the technical innovation. Most of the deliberations are with new

technologies and solutions like Smart-Grid, RFID, GSM and Wireless System. The

automation with these technologies is the need of future products.

The work put up is really appreciable and I wish best for the souvenir and wish you to

continue with same efforts and enthusiasm.

Best Wishes.

In-charge, Associate Dean

Dr. J. S. Umale

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INDEX 1 . ARCHITECTURE FOR SMART GRID BASED CONSUMER END SOLUTION A u t h o r s : S h a s h a n k D h a r i w a l , S a n j a y S i n g h , S a m i r C h a t u r v e d i , O m k a r K a r a n d eM e n t o r : B . S h a i l e n d r a

2. RFID BASED ATTENDENCE SYSTEM A u t h o r s : A u t h o r : M a n i s h K u m a r , P a n k a j G a n d h i , A r u p A u d d yM e n t o r : S . S . P a t i l3. HOME APPLIANCE CONTROL SYSTEM A u t h o r s : S a u r a b h S h a r m a , A a k a s h A t t r e y , K a n a n M o d i , V r i n d a v a i d , A r p a n S h u k l a ,S a a h i l B h a t i aM e n t o r : S . S . P a t i l4. SESSION INITIATION PROTOCOL A u t h o r s : C h i r a g J a d a v , A n i s h D a s , D a r s h a n T a m b oM e n t o r : R . B h a t5. GSM BASED FAULT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM A u t h o r s : P a r a s K h a n d e l w a l , K u m a r S a u r a b h , T u s h a r G a i k a rM e n t o r : A t u l P a t i l6. FRONT PANEL DISPLAY OF VEHICLE A u t h o r s : M a y a n k L a k h a n i , S a g a r M a k a t i , R u c h i t D o s h iM e n t o r : S a c h i n S o n a w a n e7. SECURED WIRELESS MESSAGING SYSTEM A u t h o r : J a t i n P a t e l , M a u l i k N a g r e c h aM e n t o r : A . G . K h a l o r e8. LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING RFID A u t h o r s : A n k i t A n u r a g , P r i y a n k a P a r e k h , H i m a d r i V y a sM e n t o r : R . B h a t9. GSM BASED DATA ACQUISTION SYSTEM A u t h o r : S a m e e r P r e m a k a r , R a h u l S h r i v a s t a v a , N i r a v M a d h uM e n t o r : A . G . K h a l o r e10. SERIAL TO WIRELESS GATEWAY A u t h o r s : H i m a n s h u K e v a d i y a , A b h i n a v S h a r m a , H e m a n s h u M a n d a l i aM e n t o r : S . S . P a t i l

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11. BIOMETRIC ATTENDENCE SYSTEM A u t h o r s : D a n i s h R e f a i , S i d d h a r t h U p a d h y a y , A n u r a g C h o u d h a r yM e n t o r : A t u l p a t i l12. ARCHITECURE FOR SMART CRID BASED CONSUMER END SOLUTION A u t h o r s : S h a i l e n d r a B , S a n j a y S i n g h , O m k a r K a r a n d e , S a m i r C h a t u r v e d i , S h a s h a n kD h a r i w a l , V a r u n M o h a n13. FUEL CELLS, ENERGY CONSERVATION & POSSIBLE PUBLIC POLICIES FOR


AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY A u t h o r s : M r . R e h a n A h m a d , V . A . K u l k a r n i15. HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLES: STORING ELECTRIC ENERGY IN TRAINS A u t h o r s : I n d r a j i t S . S o n a w a n e , A j i n k y a C . K u l k a r n i , Y o g e s h B o r s e

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Authors: Shashank Dhariwal, Sanjay Singh, Samir Chaturvedi, Omkar Karande


A smart grid delivers electricity from suppliers to consumers using two-way digital technology to control appliances at consumers' homes to save energy, reduce cost and increase reliability and transparency. It overlays the electricity distribution grid with an information and smart metering system.

A smart grid includes an intelligent monitoring system that keeps track of all electricity flowing in the system. It also incorporates the use of superconductive transmission lines for less power loss, as well as the capability of integrating renewable electricity such as solar and wind. When power is least expensive the user can allow the smart grid to turn on selected home appliances such as washing machines or factory processes that can run at arbitrary hours. At peak times it could turn off selected appliances to reduce demand.

Smart grids increase the connectivity, automation and coordination between the suppliers, consumers and networks that perform either long distance transmission or local distribution tasks.


1. Self-healing 2. Resist attack 3. High quality power 4. Accommodate generation options 5. Enable electricity market


1. Load adjustment 2. Demand response support 3. Decentralization of power generation 4. Price signalling to consumers


The project focuses on proposing the architecture for a consumer – end solution to smart grid implementation. The objective of the on-going research is to arrive at a system that can easily be integrated with the current electricity distribution infrastructure, with minimal modifications. The system consists of two entities present on the consumer premises – a central processing unit called Power Hub and an intelligent switch, called Slave, to which an

appliance needs to be connected. Power Line Communication has been proposed for inter-communication within the network. The proposed scheme consists of two functional entities. The implementation can serve a wide range of applications such as restricting consumer electricity billing through inbuilt policies, implementing prepaid billing, energy market transactions, etc.

1. P o w e r H u b - A Power Hub is an innovative and advanced utility meter that records a business or consumers electricity usage in greater detail than the conventional analog electricity meters. Since the inception of electricity deregulation and market-driven pricing throughout the world, government regulators have been looking for a means to match consumption with generation. Traditional electrical meters only measure total consumption and as such, provide no information of when the energy was consumed. Power Hubs provide an economical way of measuring this information, allowing price setting agencies to introduce different prices for consumption based on the time of day and the season. Electricity pricing usually peaks at certain predictable times of the day and the season. In particular, if generation is constrained, prices can rise significantly during these times as more expensive sources of power are purchased from other jurisdictions or more costly generation is brought online. It is believed that billing customers by how much is consumed and at what time of day will force consumers to adjust their consumption habits to be more responsive to market prices. The Advanced Metering Infrastructure will allow electricity to be charged according to demand based tariffs.

2. S l a v e - Slave is a smart switch that communicates with the Power Hub and accordingly controls the appliance connected to the switch. In the proposed scheme, each appliance has to be connected to the mains through a Slave, which will enable the users to set priority for each appliance, so that the lowest priority appliance is switched off first, in case of load shedding. This hierarchy will be followed until the required amount of load is shed. It will enable the utility to provide the much needed flexibility to the consumer, regarding the priority amongst the appliances. The Slave

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assumes a unique ID, based on the power consumption characteristics of the appliance and the set priority, every time an appliance is switched on, thus making the process highly dynamic. The proposed scheme tries to emulate a Plug and Play mechanism, the objective being convenience at consumer end.


The Half-Duplex communication link would be established through the Power Line Modem on the physical layer. The functional block diagram is as shown in figure.

1. B P S K M o d u l a t o r -The modulation scheme employs a switched-resonator BPSK modulator. The bit rate and carrier frequency have experimentally been reported as 2.5 Mbit/s, at 5 MHz, respectively.

2. N o t c h F i l t e r – It has been employed to protect the modem from large power at lower frequencies, in the Power Lines. The design requires a band-stop filter, with stop-band ranging from 40 Hz to 300Hz, and pass band extending to higher frequencies of upto 2 MHz. “The intrinsic high- frequency limitations of the low-frequency notch circuit are overcome by means of a coordinated parallel high-frequency path. The combination of the two is capable of the extremely wide frequency response.

3. B P S K D e m o d u l a t o r - BPSK Demodulation can be achieved through several techniques, such as the Squaring Loop and the COSTAS Loop. Due to higher power consumption and inferior tracking range of COSTAS Loop, low power BPSK Demodulator would be utilized in the modem.


1. D e v i c e M a n a g e m e n t : As the architecture states a provision for specifying priority of operation of each appliance, during percentage power cuts or higher tariff rates, the Hub itself switches off the low priority appliances, without interrupting the essential electricity needs of the user. Thus the Hub and Slave architecture

provides the platform to regulate monthly tariffs and efficient use of energy.

2. P r e p a i d P o w e r : Prepaid tariffs can be implemented using the above architecture. This can be customized to daily, weekly or monthly tariff plans. The user can buy the power credits beforehand depending on the budget. The Hub will alert the user when the available power credits fall below a certain level. This will help the user to choose an economic approach towards energy consumption.

3. E n e r g y M a r k e t T r a n s a c t i o n : The proposed architecture provides us a platform for regulated Energy transactions between the Consumer and the Grid. The consumers targeted here are households and SMEs capable of producing power through Solar Panels, Boilers, Furnaces, etc. but not being able to store it. These consumers can transact the excess power with the Grid for energy credits. This will help the Grid to tap energy from discrete resources which would have otherwise been wasted. Power Hub can act as a gateway to transact with the Grid. Many Power Hubs can communicate amongst each other to establish an Open Energy Market, wherein a consumer can buy power from multiple sources, creating a competitive scenario.

4. B r e a k d o w n M a n a g e m e n t : The above architecture can be effectively employed to centrally monitor performance of machines connected in a production plant. The database maintained in the Power Hub can be used to detect gradual increase in power consumption of a machine over a period. This performance can be analyzed at the Power Hub to reveal machines that need immediate attention. Such an analysis can help to identify degradation at an early stage which is otherwise not visually detectable until a complete breakdown of the machine occurs. In the presence of redundant machines, the servicing can be scheduled without disturbing the production routine.

5. P o w e r F a c t o r C o r r e c t i o n : Power factor correction at appliance level can reduce load on utility to a considerable extent. Power factor can be corrected by the Slave with use of some additional hardware. This keeps the current and voltage in phase with each other, and reduces total harmonic distortion.

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The proposed architecture can be effectively deployed for implementing Smart Grid based technologies on consumer premises. It reflects the new era of smart platforms for implementing power management policies. The architecture and hardware can also be scaled to increase the network

References: [1] Juin-Hung Chen and Hen-Wai Tsao, B P S Km o d u l a t o r u s i n g V C C S a n d r e s o n a t o r w i t h o u tc a r r i e r s i g n a l a n d b a l a n c e m o d u l a t o r , IEEE Electronics Letters Online No: 19970885, June 2, 1997. [2] Zhenying Luo and Sameer Sonkusale, A N o v e l L o w P o w e r B P S K D e m o d u l a t o r , Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, IEEE Transactions, Volume: 55, Issue: 6, 2008[3] Roland E. Best, “ P h a s e - L o c k e d L o o p s - D e s i g n ,S i m u l a t i o n , a n d A p p l i c a t i o n s ” , 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill.

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Author: Manish Kumar, Pankaj Gandhi, Arup Auddy

INTRODUCTION: RFID is an acronym for Radio Frequency Identification. RFID is one member in the family of Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) technologies and is a fast and reliable means of identifying just about any material object. This project can be applied in real time applications such as for recording the attendance. This system can be used in big companies, industries, colleges, schools, etc where there are many numbers of candidates available. This system helps us in recording the attendance of a person easily within fraction of seconds.

RFID is increasingly used with biometric technologies for security. Primarily, the two main components involved in a Radio Frequency Identification system are the Transponder (tags that are attached to the object) and the Interrogator (RFID reader). Communication between the RFID reader and tags occurs wirelessly and generally doesn’t require a line of sight between the devices. RFID tags are categorized as either active or passive. Active RFID tags are powered by an internal battery and are typically read/write, i.e., tag data can be rewritten and/or modified. An active tag's memory size varies according to application requirements; some systems operate with up to 1MB of memory. Passive RFID tags operate without a separate external power source and obtain operating power generated from the reader. This project uses passive tags. Read-only tags are typically passive and are programmed with a unique set of data (usually 32 to 128 bits) that cannot be modified. The reader has three main functions: energizing, demodulating and decoding. The antenna emits radio signals to activate the tag and to read and write data to it. In our Project we demonstrate how to automate an entire students’ attendance registration system by using RFID in an educational institution environment. Although the use of RFID systems in educational institutions is not new, it is intended to show how the use of it came to solve daily problems in our university. The objective of this project is to design the electronic attendance system by using RFID. This project is very used to provide the easy access to maintain the attendance. In this project RFID card is used as employee or student ID card. This project is very useful to the company and office in order to maintain the employee attendance. Attendance is maintained or can be displayed on LCD display so that user will get to know his presence is being marked on the LCD display in the data base in PC. So we can

easily cross verify the attendance. In this project we can maintain the employee IN and Out time. We can also use this project in school and college to maintain the attendance of the student. So this project improves the security performance because we cannot make the duplicate RFID card. THEORY OF PROJECT: RFID systems use radio waves to transmit information from an integrated circuit tag through a wireless communication to a host computer. These systems consist of three components: the tag (transponder), the reader (interrogator) and the host computer (controller). The reader communicates with the tags in its wireless range and collects information about the objects to which tags are attached. Compared to other automatic identification technologies, like optical barcode systems, RFID has several advantages, such as: tag data can be read automatically without line of sight, thought some materials, simultaneously tag reading and from a range of several meters. This project is designed with 1. A RFID tag 2. RFID reader 3. Microcontroller 4. RS 232 converter 5. PC (personal computer) 6. EEPROM of microcontroller TRANSMITTER

Transmitter consists of 1. Carrier Oscillator (resonator) 433 MHz 2. Data from encoder 3. Product modulator 4. RF transmitter power amplifier 5. Antenna RECEIVER

Receiver consists of 1. Antenna 2. ASK/FSK demodulator 3. Output IMPLEMENTATION

The following tasks have to be executed:

1. Requirement Analysis Phase

2. Design of System Requirement analysis: 1. Requirement Analysis Phase: Based on the above results, discussion and finalization of the requirements that are to be provided. 2. Design Phase: The design phase involves the design of the static view, dynamic view, and the functional view of the software. A number of diagrams including the Use case, class diagram, activity diagram, and data flow diagrams will be used to model the software. Also, the GUIs is also designed during this phase.

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3. Coding Phase: An initial code of the entire project is written. Also, the database is created during this phase. 4. Testing Phase: It involves unit testing, integration testing, and validation testing CIRCUIT DIAGRAM

APPLICATIONS: Some of the most common uses of RFID are listed below.

1. The range from 8-10 MHz is used for animal and stock tagging mainly for identification rather than tracking. It is also similarly used for inventory control wherein product code number and other data is read from its tag. Animal tracking tags are inserted beneath the skin. 2. The frequency of exactly 13.56 MHz is very widely used in almost all smart card applications. The range is approximately 4 inches and the circuit is simple enough to fit into the standard credit card shape and size. 3.2.45 GHz is another popularly used frequency. It is employed in railroad car monitoring, automatic toll collection systems and in factory line assembly. Heavy duty 120*100*50 mm rectangular transponders are used to track inter modal containers or heavy machinery, trucks and railroad cars for maintenance and tracking applications. 4. Low frequency range from 1-10 MHz is used in electronic article surveillance (EAS) in retail stores. EAS is used prevent shoplifting. The antitheft hard plastic tags attached to merchandise in stores are also RFID tags.

• Transportation/ distribution

• Industrial : Tool boxes, containers, barrels, tubes, pallets. Tool carriers and free conveyor. CONCLUSION:

The proposed architecture can be effectively deployed for implementing RFID based attendance system in colleges, offices, future market. References:


[1]Ramesh Gaonkar, ‘Microprocessor Architecture, programming and applications’, Penram, India, 1984; [2]Muhammad Ali Mazidi, ‘The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems’, Prentice Hall, Nov. ‘99; [3]Ram Gayakwad, ‘Op-Amps and linear integrated circuits’, Prentice Hall, Sept. ‘99; [4]Yashavant Kanetkar, ‘Let us C’, BPB Publications; Learn VB in 24 Hours by Tata McGraw Hill

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Authors:Saurabh Sharma, Aakash Attrey, Kanan Modi, Vrinda Vaid, Arpan Shukla, Saahil Bhatia


This project mainly focuses on the controlling of home appliances remotely and providing security when the user is away from the place. The system is SMS based and uses wireless technology to revolutionize the standard of living. The system is wireless therefore more adaptable and cost-effective. The system uses GSM technology thus providing ubiquitous access to the system for automated appliance control. The aim of the project is to investigate a cost effective solution that will provide controlling of home appliances remotely in the absence of the owner. The motivation is to facilitate the users to automate their homes having ubiquitous access. The system provides availability due to development of a low cost system. The home appliances control system with an affordable cost was thought to be built that should be mobile providing remote access to the appliances. The next section will explain the related work; explains the proposed system, methodology and algorithm. Discusses the framework, working, characteristics, strengths and constraints of the system.


Home appliance control system is based on GSM network technology for transmission of SMS from sender to receiver. SMS sending and receiving is used for ubiquitous access of appliances and allowing breach control at home. The system proposes a subsystem viz Appliance control subsystem which enables the user to control home appliances remotely. The system is capable enough to instruct user via SMS from a specific cell number to change the condition of the home appliance according to the user’s needs and requirements.

Working Model The working of HACS model (shown in Figure 1) is explained:- PC: PC being the main module has HACS system installed on it. The two subsystems; one being appliances control is responsible for ubiquitous access of appliances and the second subsystem being security alert is responsible for security

intrusion detection. Both subsystems work on GSM technology for transmission of instructions from sender to receiver. GSM Modem: GSM modem is a plug and play device and is attached to the PC which then communicates with the PC via RS232 port. GSM modem is a bridge responsible for enabling/disabling of SMS capability. Cell Phone: Mobile device communicates with the GSM Modem via radio waves. The mode of communication is wireless and mechanism works on the GSM technology. Cell phone has a SIM card and a GSM subscription. This cell phone number is configured on the system. User transmits instructions via SMS and the system takes action against those instructions. Methodology The methodology followed in the HACS is given as:- GSM hardware tests are run in order to check the hardware support. The system will call GSM modem and it will get activated. After activation the Modem will check for hardware support. If the hardware is missing or some other hardware problem there will be error, resulting in communication failure and the application will be terminated. If hardware responds then the serial port will be opened for communication and GSM hardware will allow transmission of SMS. The system will then connect and after connection establishment the system will be able to detect intrusion and will alert user about the breach and similarly the system will update status of appliances by receiving SMS from the pre-defined cell number.

SMS will be silently ignored if cell number is unauthorized. Psedo Code: Begin Run Tests If Test = 0 Terminate program If Test = 1 Communication = OK, port will open Click Connect Cont rols {Cj | j=1, 2, 3, 4} = enable If intrusion = 1 Send security alert If incoming SMS = 1 Simulate appliances End

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Characteristics of HACS:

The proposed system characteristics involve

remote controlling of appliances, intrusion

detection, system security and auto-

configuration such that system automatically

adjusts the system settings on running

hardware support check. The system has

useful features such as displaying of battery

level, charging status and signal strength of the

mobile thus making system reliable.

Strengths of HACS:

HACS system has many advantages such as

remote controlling of home appliances,

availability and ease of users. The user can get

alerts anywhere through the GSM technology

thus making the system location independent.

The system contains low cost components easily

available which cuts down the overall system


Moreover system alerts user about

breach via SMS providing home security also it

allows secure access due to pre-configured

number. The ease of deployment is due to

wireless mode of communication.

GSM technology provides the benefit that the system is accessible in remote areas as well. The system reliability increases due to the useful features such as battery level checking, charging status and signal strength indicating the system about threats.

Constraints of HACS: The system functionality is based on GSM technology so the technological constraints must be kept in mind. The system is vulnerable to power failure but this disruption can be avoided by attaching the voltage source thus allowing users to avail the great advantage of this system.

DEVELOPMENT STAGES: This was the very first stage to develop any project. It actually defines the aim and the concept of the project. The aim of “GSM BASED FAULT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM” is to design a remote warning system which is compatible with the existing system and using GSM technology instead of laying cables as in the case of wired communication, all this with least complexity and cost.

Designing block diagram: At this stage we have categorized the whole system into different individual modules. These modules (block diagrams) will be helpful in understanding the concept and working of the

integrated system. It also simplifies the entire debugging and testing process.

Implementing circuits and

components This is the actual implementation of circuit of each block. At this stage we have actually designed each block separately and finally integrated them into the complete working system. This includes ensuring the functionality of each component and removing and replacing the faulty and unwanted parts. Developing algorithm for software

To get the logical flow of the software, the development of algorithm has a prominent role. So we have analyzed the complete system and organized the algorithm in such a manner that one can understand the complete working of the software. The following tasks are to be executed under the above phase:

• Writing actual code for Microcontroller

• Compiling the code

• Burning the hex file into microcontroller with programmer

• Testing and Running

1. Writing actual code for Microcontroller After the development of the algorithm and flowchart we will translate them in C language for Atmel 89S51 Microcontroller so that it can understand the instructions and run as per our requirement. The instructions are in ANSII C Language.

2. Compiling the code The code is implemented on the computer for which we will use BASCOM pre-installed on PC. The BASCOM8051 is a Computer Aided Program to simulate the working of Microcontroller in real time without burning the software into actual IC. We will simulate and compile our program for error checking. After removing of several compiling errors the program need to be converted into machine language i.e. Intel hex format.

3. Burning the hex file into microcontroller with Programmer In this stage the compiled hex format file will be downloaded or burned into Atmel AT89C52 flash Microcontroller. This would be done with the help of FP-8903 Programmer for Atmel microcontrollers designed by Oriole Electronics Pvt. Ltd.

4. Testing and Running This time we test our project for actual working,

after loading the software into the

microcontroller. This is the last and final stage

of development of our project.

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References: [1] Juin-Hung Chen and Hen-Wai Tsao, BPSK modulator using VCCS and resonator without carrier signal and balance modulator, [2]Muhammad Ali Mazidi, ‘The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems’, Prentice Hall, Nov. ‘99;

[3] Jawarkar, N. P., Ahmed, V., Ladhake, S. A. &

Thakare, R. D. (2008). M icro-controller based

Remote Monitoring using Mobile through

Spoken Commands. Journal Of Net works, 3(2),


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C h i r a g J a d a v , A n i s h D a s , D a r s h a n T a m b o l i


SIP is an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) specification (RFC3261) for connecting two or more multimedia participants (user agents) together over the Internet. User agents are typically phones (POTS, mobile phones, soft phones, IP-PBX devices, etc.) but can be any SIP-enabled device. The growing thirst among communications providers, their partners and subscribers for a new generation of IP-based services is now being quenched by SIP - The Session Initiation Protocol. SIP application examples include audio, video conferencing, instant messaging, file transfer or other real-time data communication sessions over packet-based networks. Once the devices are connected (that is, they are exchanging a media stream directly between each other), the SIP service is no longer involved. However, SIP services provide value beyond just connecting two agents. For example, while setting up or tearing down a connection, SIP services can also implement call blocking or forwarding, as well as interface with gaming and back office systems. SIP services can be created and deployed as servlets on IBM® Web Sphere® Application Server as well as other SIP application servers.


SIP can be implemented on various different

platforms such as C, C++,Java, Tcl, ActionScript,

Python etc.


There are two main reasons for implementing

SIP in C: ability to compile on several platforms

and very high performance. The primary

advantage of implementing a SIP stack in C is

that it can be easily ported and compiled on

variety of platforms especially embedded

platforms. Usually a C compiler is available for a

platform, whereas others such as Java

interpreter or C++ compiler may not be.

Secondly, because there is no overhead (e.g., in

terms of run-time environment and code size),

the performance is usually the best. The main

problem with implementing a SIP stack in C is

the development time and cost of maintenance

of the software.

Comparing SIP with H.323

• H.323 defines hundreds of elements, while SIP has only 37 headers, each with a small number of values and parameters.

• H.323 uses a binary representation for its messages, which is based on ASN.1, while SIP encodes its messages as text, similar to HTTP.

• H.323 is not very scalable as it was designed for use on a single LAN and has some problems in scaling. Newer versions have suggested techniques to get around this problem.

• H.323 is limited when performing loop detection in complex multi-domain searches. It can be done state fully by storing messages, but this technique is not very scalable. On the other hand, SIP uses a loop detection method by checking the history of the message in the header fields, which can be done in a stateless manner.

• The architecture and implementation of H.323 can be quite complex. It's a very "formal" architecture made up of several other standards including call control, call signaling. The implementation requires a gateway for any endpoint to register with. SIP is much simpler both in design and implementation. The message formats are basic tagged text formats, similar to email headers, and the implementation can be as simple as a peer-to-peer communication.

Flow of the project We have studied the basic architecture, functionality, and behavior of message packets in a general network. We have also studied the dynamic behavior of SIP in different VOIP environments such as

• SIP to SIP


• SIP to H.323

• SIP to SS7

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Fig. SIP to SIP call flow

To observe the above scenarios and the different aspects of the SIP network there are various network simulators and clients (both paid and open source) such as: SIP network simulation softwares

PacketGen SIP Simulation Tool

Wireshark network analyzer

QualNet Network simulator SIP soft clients




Mizu phone



We have used Wireshark network protocol analyzer for monitoring the network and a SIP soft client Zoiper for initiating the SIP calls. Further proceedings of the project We intend to develop a modeling for SIP as servlets on IBM® Web Sphere® Application Server. The SIP Modeling Toolkit adds SIP-specific extensions to the UML modeling and development platform provided by the Rational modeling platform. Features of toolkit The major features are as follows:

• Call Flow modeling and visualization

• Create SIP and HTTP call flow diagram

• complete with full header and body content

• Import network traffic log files to create call flow diagrams

• Import SIP configuration files to populate call flow diagrams

• Merge multiple call flow diagrams into their emergent state machine to visualize combined behaviors

• Servlet modeling and code generation

• Model SIP and HTTP servlets with class diagrams

• Generate code skeletons along with deployment descriptor information directly into JSR116 projects

• Reverse engineer SIP and HTTP deployment descriptor content from existing projects

• RPT test case generation

• Transform call flow diagrams into IBM® Rational® Performance Tester Extension SIP Test Cases This toolkit adds Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) extensions to the base modeling and development platform provided by IBM® Rational® Software Architect. It makes it easier to use model driven development for the creation of applications using the SIP protocol and (JSR-116) SIP servlets, allowing you to focus on the development of the real work: the business functionality.

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Any version of Rational Software Architect or Rational Systems Developer greater than V7.0 or Rational Software Modeler greater than V7.0 should be installed to use the toolkit. For improved call flow modeling capabilities, V7.0.0.2 or later is preferred. Project was carried out under the guidance Mr. Munir Bashir Sayyad of Reliance Communications Navi Mumbai.

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GSM BASED FAULT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM A u t h o r s : P a r a s K h a n d e l w a l , K u m a r S a u r a b h , T u s h a r G a i k a r

INTRODUCTION: Today's GSM platform is living, growing and evolving and already offers an expanded and feature-rich 'family' of voice and multimedia services, we can also use this for biomedical enhanced developed fields, so we have using the multimedia service for control any kind of device globally via GSM modem which can be controlled by AT commands using the embedded systems. For detecting and managing fault within a network using the network's label distribution protocol transactions. Initially, the system will monitor and analyze all transactions within the network to determine if the network has degraded at or between any nodes in the system. The system can then recognize if there is any failure and determine if the network has degraded past a threshold value that is needed for proper operation. If the network has a failure that is beyond this threshold, it will notify a fault management system through GSM modem the sms will send to the authority and subsequently a ticketing system to notify the user that a failure within the system has occurred. Opens, shorts, and a condition in between the two are the faults most obvious at the system level. Motors and feedback encoders are usually located tens to hundreds of feet from the servo-system controller/amplifier. Connectors terminate these long cable runs at both ends, and it's possible for wires to fall out of the connectors, for connectors to break, and for cables to be inadvertently opened. When end connectors break open due to machine vibration, the open fault often exhibits several open/reconnect cycles similar to the contact bounce in a switch, before opening up completely. Similarly, shorts from severed wires may exhibit several short/open cycles, also similar to switch contact bounce, before shorting completely. Because feedback-encoder signals are usually transmitted down a twisted pair, the differential signals are likely to short together during this type of fault. Most embedded computers do not look like computers. Assembler is extensively used in very small foot print system (processor with just a few kilobytes of memory). C is generally used in any large projects (usually in combination with some assembler code to do the processor specific work). Our project is an embedded system application which includes parameter sensor like switches are used to generate fault that can be control globally via text messages with coded form, all the data transaction between GSM modem and micro controller board have been made at a specified (9600) baud rate via serial

port(UART). In this project we monitor the switches position. The signal of the sensor is then given to the Microcontroller. Our project thus proves a prototype to complete and a quick solution to the problems.



• Problem definition stage

• Designing block diagram

• Implementing circuits and components

• Developing algorithm for software

• Writing actual code for Microcontroller

• Compiling the code

• Burning the hex file into microcontroller

with programmer

• Testing and Running

• Problem definition stage

This was the very first stage to develop any project. It actually defines the aim and the concept of the project. The aim of “GSM BASED FAULT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM” is to design a remote warning system which is compatible with the existing system and using GSM technology instead of laying cables as in the case of wired communication, all this with least complexity and cost.

• Designing block diagram

At this stage we have categorized the whole

system into different individual modules. These

modules (block diagrams) will be helpful in

understanding the concept and working of the

integrated system. It also simplifies the entire

debugging and testing process.

• Implementing circuits and components

This is the actual implementation of circuit of

each block. At this stage we have actually

designed each block separately and finally

integrated them into the complete working

system. This includes ensuring the functionality

of each component and removing and replacing

the faulty and unwanted parts.

• Developing algorithm for software

To get the logical flow of the software, the

development of algorithm has a prominent

role. So we have analyzed the complete

system and organized the algorithm in such a

manner that one can understand the

complete working of the software.

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• writing actual code for Microcontroller

After the development of the algorithm and

flowchart we translated them in C language

for Atmel 89S52 Microcontroller so that it

can understand the instructions and run as

per our requirement. The instructions are in

ANSII C Language.

• Compiling the code

The code is implemented on the computer

for which we used BASCOM pre-installed on

PC. The BASCOM8051 is a Computer Aided

Program to simulate the working of

Microcontroller in real time without

burning the software into actual IC. We

simulated and compiled our program for

error checking. After removing of several

compiling errors the program was

converted into machine language i.e. Intel

hex format.

• Burning the hex file into microcontroller

with Programmer

In this stage the compiled hex format file

was burned into Atmel AT89C52 flash

Microcontroller. This was done with the

help of FP-8903 Programmer for Atmel

microcontrollers designed by Oriole

Electronics Pvt. Ltd.


• Testing and Running

Then we finally tested our project for actual

working, after loading the software into the

microcontroller. This was the last and final

stage of development of our project.

APPLICATIONS: The main application of our project is Zero time threat detection. Moreover it will allow the administrator to know where exactly the error has occurred in the system in a very short duration of time. CONCLUSION:

Our project would eliminates the need of a constant manned monitoring of the fault in system for the parameters being measured. This will increases the efficiency of the work. Looking ahead into the future, the scope of the project can be widened by monitoring more parameters References:

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FRONT PANEL DISPLAY OF VEHICLE A u t h o r s : M a y a n k L a k h a n i , S a g a r M a k a t i , R u c h i t D o s h i


All two-wheeler vehicle manufacturers provide a meter in its front panel in order to see and manage the status of the vehicle in terms of the speed, distance covered by the vehicle and the level of the fuel. Though the technology used to provide the information could be digital, but these days most of the vehicles uses counterpart of digital technology, analog version. It is obvious that the digital technology can work more efficiently and provide ease to access. Instead of using mechanical techniques to measure the distance, the use of digital technology to measure distance in numerical values could be much easier for the driver of the vehicle. The analog meters are susceptible to error and might not work well for a long period of time. There are many features which can be added to the digital display meter. Some of the features can provide automation, hence providing the driver much less interruption during driving. Digital front panel display of two-wheeler is new generation application in the world of automobile. Analog meters have been used by the motorcycles for a long time and they are still in existence but as the world is going digital, digitalization has also put a feet into the world of automobile. And as it has been gaining popularity in today’s age, this digitalization has got a great success in the world of automobile. The superiority of the digitalization has proved their best against analog one.


1. Distance & Speed measurement 2. Battery Level Indicator 3. Automatic Switching of Headlights 4. Automatic turning ON/OFF of Side lights


1. Speedometer 2. Power Saving 3. Indicator of battery life 4. Fault Detection


As the name of project suggest that its main application is as the front panel display of two-wheeler. The different features of this project can be modified and used in various applications. The different features added in this project can be used in different ways in more

than one module as written below.The main application of this project is in the front panel display of all type of the vehicles.

• Distance measuring feature can be used

in sports shoes for the morning walkers; it will


them in knowing that how much distance they

have covered? Distance measuring feature could

also be used in gym equipments.

• The automation of the light on/off can be

used for the street light and road lights of

the city for avoiding the manual turning on

and turning off. This will save both time and


• In this modern digital world, indication of

the battery level has the numerous



• The Figure shows the general block diagram

of Front Panel Display of two-wheeler, the

various blocks of this are:

• Control system Unit

• Power Supply Unit

• LCD Display Unit

• The heart of this project is the control

system, which is ATMEL’s Micro-controller

IC 89s52.It is used for software

programming and operation. Micro-

controller is interfaced with different units

of the project like LCD display, A/D

converter IC ADC0808, ULN2003 driver, key

input etc.

• The Block diagram consists of the power

supply, which is of single-phase 230V ac.

This should be given to step down

transformer to reduce the 230V ac voltage

to lower value. i.e., to 9V or 18V ac this value

depends on the transformer inner winding.

The output of the transformer is given to the

rectifier circuit. This rectifier converts ac

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voltage to dc voltage. But the voltage may

consist of ripples or harmonics. To avoid

these ripples, the output of the rectifier is

connected to filter. The filter thus removes

the harmonics. This is the exact dc voltage of

the given specification. But the controller

operates at 5V dc and the relays and driver

operates at 12V dc voltage. So the regulator

is required to reduce the voltage. Regulator

7805 produces 5V dc.


• General operation of various features of

project is discussed below shortly.

• The distance covered by the vehicle is

measured by calculating the number of

rotation of the tire of the vehicle. Sensors

are used to sense the rotation of the tyre

which will send the data to the

microcontroller to measure the distance.

Display provides the distance covered

within a trip of the vehicle within three

letters in this project for the sake of

simplification. Each time a vehicle turned off

the meter in the display will reset.

• The main concept to measure the speed of

the vehicle is very simple and widely used in

all vehicles like distance covered is

presented in the MTR feature. By using

simple timer in the software, we can

implement a feature that will measure the

speed of vehicle.

• The head light of is an unavoidable part of

each vehicle. The head light turning on and

off can be done in two ways either manual

or the automatic. The manual turning on of

headlight can be done with the use of

switch. The LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)

has been used to sense the intensity of the

light which will automatically turn on and

off the head light depending upon the

average level of the light.

• For the battery level indication of electronic

bike a variable resistor is connected with

the battery. The battery of the vehicle

discharges with the time. In such cases it is

mandatory to display the level of the battery

of the vehicle.

• The battery left will be displayed on the LCD

screen in percentages rather than pointer

indication as in the analog meters.

• Side lights can be turned on and off

manually by using switch. This is done by

connecting two relays to relay driver IC

which in turn connected to microcontroller.


The proposed architecture can be effectively

deployed for implementing Digitized display

based technologies on consumer premises.

It reflects the new era of smart platforms for

implementing power management along

with the effective displaying properties on

automobiles. The architecture and

hardware can also be scaled to increase the



• [1] Shafer, Ricky D., Automotive automation

display for motors.

• [2] George Smith, A Novel Low

Power machine Display speed and battery,

Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers,

IEEE Transactions, Volume: 55, Issue: 6,


• [3] Ankur Shah. Front Panel Display, “Trovit

car - Design, , Applications”.

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SECURED WIRELESS MESSAGING SYSTEM A u t h o r : J a t i n P a t e l , M a u l i k N a g r e c h a


Wireless is a term used to describe telecommunications in which electromagnetic waves (rather than some form of wire) carry the signal over part or all of the communication path. Some monitoring devices, such as intrusion alarms, employ acoustic waves at frequencies above the range of human hearing; these are also sometimes classified as wireless. Wireless communications and the economic goods and services that utilize it have some special characteristics that have motivated specialized studies. First, wireless communications relies on a scarce resource – namely, radio spectrum. Second, use of spectrum for wireless communications required the development of key complementary technologies; especially those that allowed higher frequencies to be utilized more efficiently. Finally, because of its special nature, the efficient use of spectrum required the coordinated development of standards. Those standards in turn played a critical role in the diffusion of technologies that relied on spectrum use.

The number of different devices using wireless communications is rising rapidly. Sensors and embedded wireless controllers are increasingly used in a variety of appliances and applications. Personal digital assistants (PDAs) and mobile computers are regularly connected to e-mail and internet services through wireless communications, and wireless local area networks for computers are becoming common in public areas like airport lounges. However, by far the most important and dramatic change in the use of wireless communications in the past twenty years has been the rise of the mobile telephone. Amplitude modulation (AM) is a technique used in electronic communication, most commonly for transmitting information via a radio carrier wave. AM works by varying the strength of the transmitted signal in relation to the information being sent. For example, changes in the signal strength can be used to specify the sounds to be reproduced by a loudspeaker, or the light intensity of television pixels. (Contrast this with frequency modulation, also commonly used for sound transmissions, in which the frequency is varied; and phase modulation, often used in remote controls, in which the phase is varied)

As originally developed for the electric telephone, amplitude modulation was used to add audio information to the low-powered direct current flowing from a telephone

transmitter to a receiver. As a simplified explanation, at the transmitting end, a telephone microphone was used to vary the strength of the transmitted current, according to the frequency and loudness of the sounds received. Then, at the receiving end of the telephone line, the transmitted electrical current affected an electromagnet, which strengthened and weakened in response to the strength of the current. In turn, the electromagnet produced vibrations in the receiver diaphragm, thus closely reproducing the frequency and loudness of the sounds originally heard at the transmitter.

THEORY OF PROJECT: This project is used to communicate or transmit a text message from one place to another place through wireless. The text message is encrypted by using the Microcontroller and the encrypted message is transmitted through wireless communication. At the receiver end the signal is received by the standard receiver and the analog signal is fed to the Microcontroller and it is decrypted by the Microcontroller and the message is displayed over the LCD display. We can use several receivers and the message from the transmitter can be sent to the entire receivers at the same time. Each receiver can be accessed separately by its address. The Microcontroller is used to do the above work. It gets data from the Keyboard and encrypt with an private algorithm and at the receiver end the Microcontroller decrypt it with the same algorithm and display the data over the LCD display.

• The basic requirements of the project are:-


• Microcontroller AT89S52


• Keyboard

• AM Transmitter


• Microcontroller AT89C2051


• Speaker

• AM Receiver

• The transmitter circuit will transmit the

data input by the user with the help of


• The signal will be then carried to the AM

Transmitter from where the signal will be


• The receiver circuit will have an AM

Receiver which would receive the signal.

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Speaker is used to indicate the user about the message which can be then read out on the LCD Display

IMPLEMENTATION The following tasks have to be executed:

1. Requirement Analysis Phase

2. Design of System Requirement analysis: 1. Requirement Analysis Phase: Based on the above results, discussion and finalization of the requirements that are to be provided. 2. Design Phase: The design phase involves the design of the static view, dynamic view, and the functional view of the software. A number of diagrams including the Use case, class diagram, activity diagram, and data flow diagrams will be used to model the software. Also, the GUIs is also designed during this phase. 3. Coding Phase: An initial code of the entire project is written. Also, the database is created during this phase. 4. Testing Phase: We shall be following a testing program that involves unit testing, integration testing, and validation testing. CIRCUIT LAYOUT



APPLICATIONS: Some of the most common uses of WIRELESS MESSAGING SYSTEM are listed below. 1. Since the system is secured it can be used at various places such as for Military purposes 2. It provides quite a decent range of around 100m so it is very useful 3. Another use can be transferring of messages inside a college which would help to cut down cost efficiently.

CONCLUSION: The proposed architecture can be effectively deployed for implementing SECURED WIRELESS MESSAGING SYSTEM.


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LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING RFID A u t h o r s : A n k i t A n u r a g , P r i y a n k a P a r e k h , H i m a d r i V y a s


Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is an automatic identification method, relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags. An RFID tag is an object that can be applied to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person for the purpose of identification and tracking using radio waves. Most RFID tags contain at least two parts. One is an integrated circuit for storing and processing information, modulating and demodulating a radio-frequency (RF) signal, and other specialized functions. The second is an antenna for receiving and transmitting the signal. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this project is to identify the student in the library by using the RFID card instead of using the library ID card. This project is very used to provide the easy access in the library. In this project student information are maintained in the individual data base in PC. The students RFID card is used to access their database. So we can avoid the man made error. So this project improves the security performance because we cannot make the duplicate RFID card. BRIEF METHODOLOGY: This project is designed with

� RFID tag � RFID reader � Microcontroller � RS 232 converter � Driver circuit � PC

In this project RFID card is used as library card. So each student has the individual RFID card. RFID reader is interfaced with microcontroller. Here the microcontroller is the flash type reprogrammable microcontroller in which we already programmed with card number. The microcontroller is interfaced with PC through RS 232 converter. The RS232 is used to convert TTL logic to RS 232 logic. When the student shows the RFID card in the reader, the reader will read the number and send to microcontroller. The microcontroller received the from the reader then compares the stored number. If the card number is valid the microcontroller transfers the card information to PC through RS 232. In PC the corresponding student database is opened. The database contains the book information for those students such as student name, If the RFID card is not valid for that particular student, the microcontroller will display the “Authentication Fail “. We can also add the new students in the data base.

FEATURES: 1. Compatible with MCS-51 Products. 2. 4K Bytes of In-System Reprogrammable Flash

Memory. 3. Endurance: 1000 Write/Erase Cycles 4. Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 24 MHz 5. Three-level Program Memory Lock. 6. 128 x 8-bit Internal RAM. 7. 32 Programmable I/O Lines. 8. Two 16-bit Timers/Counters. 9. Six Interrupt Sources. 10. Programmable Serial Channel. 11. Low-power Idle and Power-down Modes


The project focuses on proposing the architecture for a library based on RFID technology. The objective of the on-going research is to arrive at a system that can easily be integrated with the current libraries with minimal modifications. The system consists of two entities RFID Tag & reader. The implementation can serve a wide range of applications such as customer satisfaction, better customer service, easier & faster transaction of books & enhanced security of books, etc. 3. RFID tag - A RFID tag includes an integrated circuit that contains information about the object and an antenna to receive signals from RFID readers at the book station and transmit information to RFID readers at the gate. 4. RFID reader - RFID readers or receivers are composed of a radio frequency module, a control unit and an antenna to interrogate electronic tags via radio frequency (RF) communication. The reader powers an antenna to generate an RF field. When a tag passes through the field, the information stored on the chip in the tag is interpreted by the reader and sent to the server, which communicates with the integrated library system.

ADVANTAGES: 1. Low power consumption. 2. Improve security performance in the library. 3. We can add new student users. 4. Student database maintained individually so we

can avoid the man made error.

APPLICATIONS: This project is very useful to the

1. College libraries. 2. School libraries. 3. Corporation central libraries.

CONCLUSION: The proposed architecture can be effectively deployed for implementing Smart libraries based on RFID technology. It reflects the new

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era of smart platforms for implementing such technologies & infrastructures for libraries of modern times. References:

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GSM BASED DATA ACQUISTION SYSTEM A u t h o r : S a m e e r P r e m a k a r , R a h u l S h r i v a s t a v a , N i r a v M a d h u


Data acquisition systems, as the name implies, are products and/or processes used to collect information to document or analyze some phenomenon. In the simplest form, a technician logging the temperature of an oven on a piece of paper is performing data acquisition. As technology has progressed, this type of process has been simplified and made more accurate, versatile, and reliable through electronic equipment. Equipment ranges from simple recorders to sophisticated computer systems. Data acquisition products serve as a focal point in a system, tying together a wide variety of products, such as sensors that indicate temperature, flow, level, or pressure.GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) is the technology that underpins most of the world's mobile phone networks. The GSM platform is a hugely successful wireless technology and an unprecedented story of global achievement and cooperation. GSM has become the world's fastest growing communications technology. The progress hasn't stopped there. Today's GSM platform is living, growing and evolving and already offers an expanded and feature-rich 'family' of voice and multimedia services, we can also use this for biomedical enhanced developed fields, so we have using the multimedia service for control any kind of device globally via GSM modem which can be controlled by AT commands using the embedded systems. Most embedded computers do not look like computers. Assembler is extensively used in very small foot print system (processor with just a few kilobytes of memory). C is generally used in any large projects (usually in combination with

THEORY OF PROJECT: The objective of this project is to improve the security performance in the industries. This project provides the total security to the industrial companies. If any accident such as fire, LPG gas flow and heavy pressure happens, the alert SMS is sent to corresponding authority person. The microcontroller is an exciting, challenging, and growing field; it will pervade industry for decades to come. To meet the challenges of this growing technology, we will have to conversant with the programmable aspect of the microcontroller. Programming is a process of problem solving and communicating in a strange language of mnemonics. The projects could be developed significantly faster and much easily using a microcontroller. The

purpose of this project is to implement the various concepts of microcontroller and embedded designing environment. An embedded microcontroller is a chip which has a computer processor with all its support functions

(clock & reset), memory (both program and data), and I/O (including bus interface) built into the device. These built in functions minimize the need for external circuits and devices to be designed in the final application.


• Problem definition stage

• Designing block diagram

• Implementing circuits and components

• Developing algorithm for software

• Problem definition stage This was the very first stage to develop any project. It actually defines the aim and the concept of the project. The aim of “GSM BASED FAULT IDENTIFICATION DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM” is to design a remote warning system which is compatible with the existing system and using GSM technology instead of laying cables as in the case of wired communication, all this with least complexity and cost.

• Designing block diagram At this stage we have categorized the whole system into different individual modules. These modules (block diagrams) will be helpful in understanding the concept and working of the integrated system. It also simplifies the entire debugging and testing process.

• Implementing circuits and components This is the actual implementation of circuit of each block. At this stage we have actually designed each block separately and finally integrated them into the complete working system. This includes ensuring the functionality of each component and removing and replacing the faulty and unwanted parts.

• Developing algorithm for software To get the logical flow of the software, the development of algorithm has a prominent role. So we have analyzed the complete system and organized the algorithm in such

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a manner that one can understand the complete working of the software.

The following tasks are to be executed:

• Writing actual code for Microcontroller

• Compiling the code

• Burning the hex file into microcontroller with programmer

• Testing and Running

• Writing actual code for Microcontroller. After the development of the algorithm and flowchart we will translate them in C language for Atmel 89S52 Microcontroller so that it can understand the instructions and run as per our requirement. The instructions are in ANSII C Language.

• Compiling the code The code is implemented on the computer for which we will use BASCOM pre-installed on PC. The BASCOM8051 is a Computer Aided Program to simulate the working of Microcontroller in real time without burning the software into actual IC. We will simulate and compile our program for error checking. After removing of several compiling errors the program need to be converted into machine language i.e. Intel hex format.

• Burning the hex file into microcontroller with Programmer In this stage the compiled hex format file will be downloaded or burned into Atmel AT89C52 flash Microcontroller. This would be done with the help of FP-8903 Programmer for Atmel microcontrollers designed by Oriole Electronics Pvt. Ltd.

• Testing and Running This time we test our project for actual working, after loading the software into the microcontroller. This is the last and final stage of development of our project.

APPLICATIONS • Data acquisition and equipment control

finds application in fields such as chemical, metallurgical, electrical

• Data acquisition provides an interface between the physical area and digital signals. It enables user to interact with different processes taking place at various locations by sitting at one place. Then the user only has to give appropriate commands to get required data.

• The data acquisition and equipment control can be used in chemical plants, petrochemical plants in which the main physical parameters to be measured are pressure, temperature, flow. These parameters are critical since any change in

the desired value can be disastrous. Any change in these parameters should be immediately known so that corrective action can be taken.

• Data acquisition and control plays a very important role in applications where processes take place in a highly corrosive or high temperature environment. In this situation the operator has to check the parameters and take corrective action that is required without entering the process environment which may be harmful.

• Data acquisition can be used in commercial applications like digital electric reading in which a person does not have to go to each electric meter every month or in cases where the electric meters may be located far away.

• CONCLUSION • By the realization of above system we have

learnt different softwares and many aspects of digital electronics circuits such as:

• Designing of power supply;

• Designing of microcontroller based system;

• Interfacing ADC with microcontroller;

• Serial communication using microcontroller;

• Controlling printer port of PC in VB;

• Temperature sensor;

• Relays;

• Programming in Visual Basic;

• Programming in Keil;

• PCB designing using Eagle.

• Thus we have implemented ‘PC Based Data Acquisition System’ and learned how to acquire different parameters and to control the processes according to the ranges defines by the user.


Ramesh Gaonkar, ‘Microprocessor Architecture, programming and applications’, Penram, India, 1984;

• Muhammad Ali Mazidi, ‘The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems’, Prentice Hall, Nov. ‘99;

• Ram Gayakwad, ‘Op-Amps and linear integrated circuits’, Prentice Hall, Sept. ‘99;

• Yashavant Kanetkar, ‘Let us C’, BPB Publications;

• Learn VB in 24 Hours by Tata McGraw Hill

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SERIAL TO WIRELESS GATEWAY A u t h o r s : H i m a n s h u K e v a d i y a , A b h i n a v S h a r m a , H e m a n s h u M a n d a l i aINTRODUCTION:

Wireless communication is the transfer of information over a distance without the use of enhanced electrical conductors or "wires". The distances involved may be short (a few meters as in television remote control) or long (thousands or millions of kilometers for radio communications). When the context is clear, the term is often shortened to "wireless". Wireless communication is generally considered to be a branch of telecommunications. It encompasses various types of fixed, mobile, and portable two-way radios, serial to wireless converter, cellular telephones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and wireless networking. Other example of wireless technology include GPS units, garage door openers and or garage doors, wireless computer mice, keyboards and headsets, satellite television and cordless telephones. Wireless operations permits services, such as long range communications, that are impossible or impractical to implement with the use of wires. The term is commonly used in the telecommunications industry to refer to telecommunications systems (e.g. radio transmitters and receivers, remote controls, computer networks, network terminals, etc.) which use some form of energy (e.g. radio frequency (RF), infrared light, laser light, visible light, acoustic energy, etc.) to transfer information without use of wires. Information is transferred in this manner over both short and long distances.

THEORY OF PROJECT: We are using a pair of controller cards. One of them is used as a Transmitter and the other as a Receiver (i.e. FSK Transmitter_433 MHz and FSK Reciever_433 MHz). This is used for wireless data transmission for a short range application. With its small size, low weight, power consumption, stability and reliability, it has the function of bi-directional data signal transmission, test and control. It is used for meter reading, such as water meter, electric meter and gas meter, parking meter, intellective card, electronic weighing apparatus, meter for checking on work attendance, queue wireless meter, building control, shipping company control, alarm system, intelligent equipment, automatic data collecting system, industrial remote control and remote test building automation, safety and security, power house equipment, wireless monitor, entrance control system, etc. It provides the USB power interface to be convenient for the mini computer and PC users if necessary.

Based on the GFSK modulation mode, it adopts the efficient communication protocol. This project is designed with 1. FSK Transceiver 2. Microcontroller 3. RS 232 converter 4. PC (personal computer). TRANSMITTER

Transmitter consists of 1. Carrier Oscillator (resonator) 433 MHz 2. Data from encoder 3. Product modulator 4. RF transmitter power amplifier 5. Antenna RECEIVER

Receiver consists of 1. Antenna 2. ASK/FSK demodulator 3. Output

MICROCONTROLLER Microcontroller consists of 1. Atmel 89C52

IMPLEMENTATION The following tasks have to be executed:

1. Requirement Analysis Phase

2. Design of System Requirement analysis: 1. Requirement Analysis Phase: Based on the above results, discussion and finalization of the requirements that are to be provided. 2. Design Phase: The design phase involves the design of the static view, dynamic view, and the functional view of the software. A number of diagrams including the Use case, class diagram, activity diagram, and data flow diagrams will be used to model the software. Also, the GUIs are also designed during this phase. 3. Coding Phase: An initial code of the entire project is written. Also, the database is created during this phase. 4. Testing Phase: We shall be following a testing program that involves unit testing, integration testing, and validation testing. ATMEL 89C52

The AT89C52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 8K bytes of Flash programmable and erasable read only memory (PEROM). The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high-density non-volatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry-standard 80C51 and 80C52 instruction set and pin out.Atmel 89C52 is compatible with MCS-51 Products. It is 8K Bytes of In-System Reprogrammable Flash Memory. Its endurance is 1,000 Write/Erase Cycles with fully Static Operation of 0 Hz to 24 MHz’s It has three level Program Memory Lock. It has 256 x 8-bit

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Internal RAM with 32 Programmable I/O Lines. It has three16-bit Timer/Counters and Eight Interrupt Sources with Programmable Serial Channel. It can be used in Low-power Idle and Power-down Modes. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional non-volatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89C52 is a powerful microcomputer which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective Solution too many embedded control applications.


The FSK transceiver is used to generate a modem function. The transmitter and receiver are separate units, which when brought together provide the transceiver function. FSK TRANSMITTER

The transmitter transmits a frequency shift

keyed signal (i.e. two frequencies) that

represents a one or a zero. The standards for

modems (e.g. Vis 11, etc. specify the appropriate

frequencies that modems use. To save becoming

involved with compliance to the various

standards and other modem detail, it is

suggested that, for this project, you use

• around 1.5kHz be allocated to a zero level

• around 2.2kHz be allocated to a one level

• the data rate be 300 Hz

• The exact frequencies will be determined by the Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) technique that you use to implement the frequency generation. The exact frequency is determined by:

• the clock frequency and

• the choice of the phase increment

• The Transmitter design

• The block diagram for the Visual implementation of the FSK transmitter is giver in figure 1.

• The transmitter design can be broken into three roughly equal sections (in terms design complexity). These are discussed in the three sections below.

• The frequency generator and control along with the sine lookup table work as a DDS as described in the appendix. The additional control circuitry is required to provide the timing and clocks to make the circuit operate.

• The character generator allows test data to be generated to “transmit” and test the operation of the FSK transmitter.

• The Control and Frequency Generator

• The control circuitry consists of:

• Prescaler to generate a master clock frequency from the 25.175MHz system clock.

• Clock generator to generate the required clocks. The 50Hz clock is used as the default data signal.

• Multiplexer to select between the default 50Hz data stream and the character data stream from the character generator.

• The Frequency generator to generate the address for the sine lookup table.

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• The major design task is to be undertaken before the Visual design commences is to calculate the required

• The number of phase accumulator bits to adequately represent the sine wave (e.g. 6 bits gives 64 levels of the sine wave which should “look” well enough on the oscilloscope for demonstration purposes, but not impose too high an overhead for the sine lookup table)

• clock frequency for the DDS.

• the phase increment values for the multiplexer.

This could be done as a straight lookup table as

suggested in the attachment 1. The design given

there uses a 4 bit phase accumulator, which is

good for the explanation but lacks resolution in

any implementation. For a 6 bit word suggested

in the frequency generator section, the table

would need to have 64 entries. To save valuable

real estate in the FPGA, it is recommended that

the design utilize the fact that only a table for 0

to 90 degrees is required to adequately describe

a sine wave. The values for the sine wave from

91 to 360 degrees can be easily derived from the

first quadrant values. It is recommended that

you decide on a strategy to implement a table of

the first quadrant only and calculate/assemble

the other values before commencing the Visual

HDL design.

The output of the sine lookup table is taken to an eight bit output port on the gate array. This port is connected to an interface board provides functional analogue to digital and digital to analogue converters. The eight bit output port is to be connected to the digital to analogue converter. You should be able to effectively monitor the FSK output from this DAC.

The Character Generator

A suggested design for the character is given below. The “send” signal starts the state machine sending a serial bit stream of the character given on the DIP switch. The transmission is to start on the falling edge of the dip switch and continue until the send signal goes high (the character must be completely transmitted after the send signal goes high).


The receiver must be able to distinguish

between the two transmitted frequencies

(1.5kHz an2.2kHz). It takes an analog signal in,

uses the Goertzel technique to determine the

transmitted frequency, from that generates a

serial bit stream and finally provides an 8bit

output with a data clock. Goertzel Frequency

Detection Block

The Goertzel_Frequency_Detection block is responsible for converting the binary representation of a sine wave given by the ‘ADC’ block into a bit stream. A logic level of 0 will represent the 1.5 kilohertz sine wave and a logic level of 1 will represent the 2.2 kilohertz sine wave. The signal ‘valid’ is an indication of when data is available from the analog to digital converter.

On a ‘valid’ event and if ‘valid’ is high, the data located on the ‘adc_data’ signal will be converted into integer form and placed into a buffer of size 64. The buffer acts like a queue and the integer located at the start of the buffer is removed to allow the new integer to enter. This is the function of the Phase Convert block. The Goertzel_Exec block on detection of this process will execute a slightly modified DSP Goertzel algorithm to distinguish between the 1.5 kilohertz wave and the 2.2 kilohertz.

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RS 232 RS-232 devices may be classified as Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) or Data Communication Equipment (DCE); this defines at each device which wires will be sending and receiving each signal. The standard recommended but did not make mandatory the D-sub miniature 25 pin connector. In general and according to the standard, terminals and computers have male connectors with DTE pin functions, and modems have female connectors with DCE pin functions. Other devices may have any combination of connector gender and pin definitions. Many terminals were manufactured with female terminals but were sold with a cable with male connectors at each end; the terminal with its cable satisfied the recommendations in the standard. Fig shows a 9-pin DTE-to-DCE serial cable that would result if the EIA232 standard were strictly followed. All 9 pins plus shield are directly extended from DB9 Female to DB9 Male. There are no crossovers or self-connect present. Use this cable to connect modems, printers, or any device that uses a DB9 connector to a PC's serial port. This cable may also serve as an extension cable to increase the distance between a computer and serial device. Caution: do not exceed 25 feet separation between devices without a signal booster!

CONCLUSION The proposed architecture can be effectively deployed for implementing Serial to Wireless transmission technology on consumer premises. It reflects the new era of smart platforms for implementing wireless management policies. The architecture and hardware can also be scaled to increase the network.



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BIOMETRIC ATTENDENCE SYSTEM A u t h o r s : D a n i s h R e f a i , S i d d h a r t h U p a d h y a y , A n u r a g C h o u d h a r y


According ancient Greek scripts BIOMETRICS means study of life. Biometrics studies commonly include fingerprint, face, iris, voice, signature, and hand geometry recognition and verification. Many other modalities are in various stages of development and assessment. Among these available biometric traits Finger-Print proves to be one of the best traits providing good mismatch ratio and also reliable. Registering the attendances of students have became a hectic work as sometimes their attendance may be incorrectly registered or missed. To overcome this problem i.e. to get the attendances registered correctly we are taking the help of two different technologies viz. Embedded Systems and Biometrics. The two key aspects of most of the Fingerprint System biometric solutions are Fingerprint identification and authentication. The process of identification tells you who an individual is, or in the negative sense tells you who they are not. Fingerprints are examined using two different sets of criteria. Finger Print Security Systems can be used to get rid of so many issues such as Physical Access Control, Health care Biometrics, Fingerprint and Biometrics Locks, Biometric Sensors and Detectors, RFID Tags, RFID Readers, Road Barriers, RFID Smart Card, CCTV, Metal Detectors, LED Search Lights, Fire Alarm, Finger Print Movement Control, Physical Access Control, Optical Fingerprint Scanners, Optical Sensors, Card Locks, Card Access Control Systems, Fingerprint Technology, Digital Fingerprint, USB Fingerprint Reader etc. Fingerprint System Authentication is a simpler process. It involves affirming or rejecting a claimed identity by matching a live template with an existing one.

THEORY OF PROJECT: Firstly discussing about Biometrics we are concentrating on Fingerprint scanning. For this we are using SM630 high voltage module as a scanner. This module has in-built ROM, DSP and RAM. In this we can store up to 768 users fingerprints. This module can operate in 2 modes they are Master mode and User mode. We will be using Master mode to register the fingerprints which will be stored in the ROM present on the scanner with a unique id.When this module is interfaced to the microcontroller, we will be using it in user mode. In this mode we will be verifying the scanned images with the stored images. When coming to our application the images of the students will be stored in the module with a unique id. To register their attendance the students have to scan their

image which is then verified with the image present in fingerprint module and their attendance is registered for that day. This scanner is interfaced to 89S52 microcontroller through max232 enabling serial communication. By using this controller we will be controlling the scanning process. After the scanning has been completed the result is stored in the microcontroller. By simply pressing a switch we can get the list of absentees for that day. This project uses regulated 5V, 500mA power supply. 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. This project uses the following components A Finger Print Scanner B. MAX 232 C. Microcontroller 89S52 D. Voltage Regulator E. LCD 16x2 F. Buzzer

IMPLEMENTATION --Requirement Analysis Phase --Coding

•••• Requirement Research Phase: Based on the above results, discussion and finalization of the requirements that are to be provided.

•••• Coding Phase: Using Math work’s Mat lab, the coding of the authentication and verification has been completed. Burning on the micro controller is still in phase.

•••• System Design:

•••• Interfacing Fingerprint Sensor and related module for the final hardware. Subject to delivery of the fingerprint sensor.

• Testing Phase:

• Testing of a sample class using templates will be carried out to ensure glitch free performance of the system.


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Industries are using finger print modems for access control, Stores, attendance recording, and machine operation authentication. Banks and ATM Voter Identification and electoral enrollment Personal Computers Automotives and high end cars ADVANTAGES:

No manual errors No false attendance Need not remember any password Need not to carry any card References:

1. D Maltoni, D Maio, A K Jain, and A Prabhakar, “Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition,” Springer, New York, 2003. 2. Xuejun Tan, Bir Bhanu, and Yingqiang Lin, “Learning Features for Fingerprint Classification,” AVBPA, LNCS, 2688 Page(s): 318-326, 2003. 3.E Lim, X Jiang, W Yau, “Fingerprint quality and validity analysis,” ICIP, Page(s): 469-472, 2002. 4. WUZHILI, “Fingerprint Recognition,” B.S. Thesis, Hong Kong Baptist University, 19 April, 2002.

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Architecture for Smart Grid based Consumer End Solution S h a i l e n d r a B . * , S a n j a y S I N G H * , O m k a r K A R A N D E * , S a m i C H A T U R V E D I * , S h a s h a n k D H A R I W A L * ,V a r u n M O H A N * * .* E l e c t r o n i c s a n d T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n D e p a r t m e n t , S V K M ’ s N M I M S , S h i r p u r , M a h a r a s h t r a ,I n d i a . * * I n f o r m a t i o n T e c h n o l o g y D e p a r t m e n t , S V K M ’ s N M I M S , S h i r p u r , M a h a r a s h t r a ,I n d i a .

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract— The following paper proposes the

architecture for a consumer – end solution to smart

grid implementation. The objective of the on-going

research is to arrive at a system that can easily be

integrated with the current electricity distribution

infrastructure, with minimal modifications. The

system consists of two entities present on the consumer premises – a central processing unit called

Power Hub and an intelligent switch, called Slave, to

which an appliance needs to be connected. The

implementation can serve a wide range of

applications such as restricting consumer electricity billing through inbuilt policies, implementing

prepaid billing, energy market transactions, etc. Keywords— Power Hub, Slave, Hub & Slave

architecture, Appliance DNA, Current Sample Addressing, Energy Market Gateway, Universal Plug N Play, etc.


Energy Distribution grid is one of the most primitive needs in a modern world. Sadly, it is also one of the few areas where changes had been resisted since its inception, until lately. Current scenario hosts a number of projects on various domains of Smart Grid such as IEEE P2030[7], developing a draft guide for smart grid interoperability, and Italy’s Telegestore project[6], which networked large numbers of homes through smart meters working on narrowband Power Line Communications, etc. Other researches aim at providing a physical layer at consumer premises to digitize energy distribution at the application-end, and interface them with Smart Grid entities. These include IEEE P1901[8], developing a global standard for high speed Power Line Communication, and other commercial standards such as HomePlug1.0, HomePlugAV, focussing on Broadband over Power line, and HomePlug Green PHY, focussing on smart grid applications.

This paper focuses on implementation of a platform to deploy Smart Grid based technologies on the consumer side. Power Line Communication is proposed to be used for inter-communication within the network, with minimal changes in the existing infrastructure. The Block diagram of the consumer end solution is proposed in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Block Diagram of Consumer End Solution

The proposed scheme consists of two functional entities. A. Power Hub

A Power Hub is an innovative and advanced utility meter that records a business or consumers electricity usage in greater detail than the conventional analog electricity meters.

Since the inception of electricity deregulation and market-driven pricing throughout the world, government regulators have been looking for a means to match consumption with generation. Traditional electrical meters only measure total consumption and as such, provide no information of when the energy was consumed. Power Hubs provide an economical way of measuring this information, allowing price setting agencies to introduce different prices for consumption based on the time of day and the season.

Electricity pricing usually peaks at certain predictable times of the day and the season. In particular, if generation is constrained, prices can rise significantly during these times as more expensive sources of power are purchased from other jurisdictions or more costly generation is brought online. It is believed that billing customers by how much is consumed and at what time of day will force consumers to adjust their consumption habits to be more responsive to market prices.

The Advanced Metering Infrastructure will allow electricity to be charged according to demand based tariffs.

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B. Slave

Slave is a smart switch that communicates with the Power Hub and accordingly controls the appliance connected to the switch. In the proposed scheme, each appliance has to be connected to the mains through a Slave, which will enable the users to set priority for each appliance, so that the lowest priority appliance is switched off first, in case of load shedding. This hierarchy will be followed until the required amount of load is shed. It will enable the utility to provide the much needed flexibility to the consumer, regarding the priority amongst the appliances. The Slave assumes a unique ID, based on the power consumption characteristics of the appliance and the set priority, every time an appliance is switched on, thus making the process highly dynamic. The proposed scheme tries to emulate a Plug and Play mechanism, the objective being convenience at consumer end.


Functional Blocks within the Architecture of Power Hub are explained in the figure 2.

to check the database for ambiguities in IDs of the online appliances,

to display index keys, and orders, to display table statistics, and performs table


3) Intelligent Kernel: The Intelligent Kernel provides decision making capabilities to the Power Hub. It processes instructions given from the administrator interface, and executes them according to optimized algorithms. It adds the following functionalities to the system.

to decide and update current tariffs based on

instructions from the grid, to implement the power cut instructed by the

Grid, and optimize the switching based on

priorities and policies adapted by the user,

to transact energy with the grid, and thus, establish open market for energy transactions,

to monitor performance of each appliance, a regular check is maintained on the server. The power consumption patterns over a period can indicate degrading performance of an appliance. Such problems which may be indicated at nascent stages of failure may not be detected visually.

4) User Interface: User Interface (UI) has been

integrated in the system for interaction with the client through a display and a control panel. The user gets a choice to see the statistics of his power consumption and can also opt for different policies available.

5) Ethernet Interface: Ethernet Interface converts the data from protocol used in the network, to the standard Ethernet data format.

6) Power Line Communication: The Power Line Modem is a transceiver that provides a reliable communication link over power lines. It utilizes Binary Phase Shift Keying for modulating digital data over a 2 MHz frequency carrier signal. B. Slave

Figure 2. Architecture of Power Hub

1) Network Interface Card: The NIC provides a physical link to a network. It converts the data sent by Hub into a form which can be used by the network cable, transfers that data to Slave, and controls the data flow between the Hub and Slave. It also translates the data coming from the cable into bytes, so that the Hub can read it. 2) Database Manager: The Database manager is a module that can manage any number of database instances from Slaves and the Grid. It consists of a Command Line Interface (CLI) that links to the Database Server, and exchanges information with it. The CLI can receive requests locally, as well as remotely from the administrator interface.

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The Architecture of the Slave can be broadly divided into four sections.

1) Data Acquisition: This section is responsible for acquiring power consumption data such as Line Voltage, and Line Current of the appliance/nodes. The data is obtained through metrology sensors, and given to a moderate resolution ADC. This data is sent to the Power Hub over the power lines, where the data is processed to reveal details such as power factor, etc.

2) Priority Control: Priority Control allows the client to set priority of operation of the appliances. These priorities would be followed to switch off appliances during power cuts, so that the basic needs of a consumer are uninterrupted.

3) Control Block: It performs switching of appliances according to instructions issued by the Power Hub. It consists of AC switching elements such as TRIAC, controlled by the Slave.

4) Network Interface: Network Interface provides a physical link between the network and the Slave. It consists of a Power Line modem, interfaced to the serial interface of the Slave through an optical isolator.


The Half-Duplex communication link would be established through the Power Line Modem on the physical layer. The functional block diagram is as shown in figure 4.

Figure 4. Functional Block Diagram of Modem

Each functional block of the modem can be explained as below. A. BPSK Modulator

The modulation scheme employs a switched-resonator BPSK modulator. The bit rate and carrier frequency have experimentally been reported as 2.5 Mbit/s, at 5 MHz, respectively. [1]

The modulator, as shown in [1], doesn’t require

a carrier input, phase shifter, or a switch circuit as

in traditional BPSK Modulators. The modulator

consists of a Voltage Controlled Current Source

(VCCS), a resonator and a limiting amplifier.

Figure 5. Switched Resonator BPSK modulator [1]

The VCCS, made by A, Q, and R, produces the

NRZ current pulse stream and injects such a signal

into the LC resonant circuit. If the resonant

frequency f, is an integral time of the bit rate, the

resonator output voltage will be a BPSK signal. By

adding a comparator or limiting amplifier

following the resonator, we can compensate for the

amplitude decay and still maintain the phase

reversal. [1] B. Notch Filter

The Notch Filter has been employed to protect the modem from large power at lower frequencies, in the Power Lines. The design requires a band-stop filter, with stop-band ranging from 40 Hz to 300Hz, and pass band extending to higher frequencies of upto 2 MHz. “The intrinsic high- frequency limitations of the low-frequency notch circuit are overcome by means of a coordinated parallel high-frequency path. The combination of the two is capable of the extremely wide frequency response.” [2]

Figure 6. Symmetrical Twin-Tee Notch Filter

According to [2], the notch filter can be realized

in three topologies, Resistive-Branch Notch Filter, Capacitive-Branch Notch Filter and Twin- Tee Notch Filter. Amongst the three topologies, a symmetrical Twin-Tee design stands intermediate between the other two topologies, and is suitable for a moderate bandwidth with a simple design.

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Figure 7. Frequency response simulation results of

symmetrical Twin Tee notch filter

C. BPSK Demodulator

BPSK Demodulation can be achieved through several techniques, such as Squaring Loop and the COSTAS Loop. However, the main problem of the

squaring loop


is that squaring devices are hard to

implement using

analog circuitry [4]. Due to higher power consumption and inferior tracking range of COSTAS Loop, low power BPSK Demodulator architecture proposed in [3] would be utilized in the modem. The block diagram of the demodulator is shown in figure 7.

Figure 8. Low Power BPSK demodulator. [3]

The demodulator consists of Phase-

Frequency detector followed by Charge Pump PLL, which theoretically has an infinite tracking range. [3] This stage is followed by a trigger & hold circuit.


The communication scheme employs an optimized custom protocol to transmit BPSK modulated data over power lines for communication between Hub and Slave. The protocol is in initial phase of development, and identifies slaves in the network by assigning unique addresses. The following approaches

have been considered for address assignment.

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A. Current Sample Based Approach

A novel approach for assigning addresses/IDs to the Slaves for the purpose of communication has been proposed. When any particular device is switched on, the first line current sample obtained from it is unique, if acquired using a high resolution A/D converter. Suppose the sample is acquired using an 8-bit ADC, the sample would consist of 256 quantums. The probability of these 256 quantums being identical is unlikely even for identical devices of the same manufacturer. The Slave acquires this sample and communicates it to the Hub.

The Hub checks its database for ambiguities with the ID’s of existing online appliances. In absence of any ambiguities the ID is assigned to the Slave in question. If a rare conflict is encountered the Hub resolves it by adding a predetermined value to the ID until it becomes unique.

This kind of approach automates the address acquisition by the Slave. The process requires no additional computation and works on the existing data. The ID is lost as soon as the appliance is switched off, thus keeping the process highly dynamic. The emphasis of the approach is to achieve Universal Plug N Play for Slaves. B. Appliance DNA

We propose a method to obtain signatures of appliances. These signatures are preserved in the database even when the appliance goes offline. The idea is based on the fact that every appliance when manufactured have some non-uniformities, or defects that do not reflect in the normal operation but become prevalent at microscopic and nanoscopic levels. If these non-uniformities can somehow be reflected in the power consumption pattern of the appliance, they can be treated as a unique signature of the particular appliance. Further research is in progress to make this approach acceptable universally.

V. APPLICATION SCENARIOS A. Smart Grid Technologies

1) Device Management: In countries where demand of power exceeds generation, power cuts are a major problem in residential sectors, Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Such scenarios can be easily manipulated with the help of the proposed architecture. As the architecture states a provision for specifying priority of operation of each appliance, during percentage power cuts or higher tariff rates, the Hub itself switches off the low priority appliances, without interrupting the essential electricity needs of the user. Thus the Hub and Slave architecture provides the platform to regulate monthly tariffs and efficient use of


2) Prepaid Power: Prepaid tariffs can be implemented using the above architecture. This can be customized to daily, weekly or monthly tariff plans. The user can buy the power credits beforehand depending on the budget. The Hub will alert the user when the available power credits fall below a certain level. This will help the user to choose an economic approach towards energy consumption.

3) Energy Market Transaction: The proposed architecture provides us a platform for regulated

Energy transactions between the Consumer and the Grid. The consumers targeted here are households and SMEs capable of producing power through Solar Panels, Boilers, Furnaces, etc. but not being able to store it. These consumers can transact the excess power with the Grid for energy credits. This will help the Grid to tap energy from discrete resources which would have otherwise been wasted.

Power Hub can act as a gateway to transact with the Grid. Many Power Hubs can communicate amongst each other to establish an Open Energy Market, wherein a consumer can buy power from multiple sources, creating a competitive scenario.

Figure 10 depicts a typical case wherein a customer has excessive energy which can be transacted with the Grid or other customers.

Figure 9. Typical Energy Market Scenario

The Grid has set a selling price per unit for

particular duration. Let Me be the minimum price per unit. The Grid would always be available to buy energy at this cost. This price would be logically set by the Grid, keeping in mind the profit margins to the customer after cost of production. If one has energy resources to produce energy then one would preferably look out for other customers willing to buy the energy at the cost of x which lies between the graph of unit 1 and unit 0.25.

Apart from power producing clients, passive consumers can also participate in energy transactions, by trading their power credits with other users, for an amiable price. Thus, both the Grid, and customers would be benefited by such an open energy market. B. Other Applications

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1) Breakdown Management: The above architecture can be effectively employed to centrally monitor performance of machines connected in a production plant. The database maintained in the Power Hub can be used to detect gradual increase in power consumption of a machine over a period. This performance can be analyzed at the Power Hub to reveal machines that need immediate attention. Such an analysis can help to identify degradation at an early stage which is otherwise not visually detectable until a complete breakdown of the machine occurs. In the presence

2) of redundant machines, the servicing can be scheduled without disturbing the production routine.

C. Power Factor Correction: Power factor correction at appliance level can reduce load on utility to a considerable extent. Power factor can be corrected by the Slave with use of some additional hardware specified in [6]. This keeps the current and voltage in phase with each other, and reduces total harmonic distortion.


The project implementation is still in nascent stages, and work is in progress for physical layer implementation of the architecture. This would be followed by development of an optimized custom protocol for communication between entities of the network.

The proposed architecture can be effectively deployed for implementing Smart Grid based technologies on the consumer premises. This paper reflects the new era of smart platforms for implementing power management policies. The architecture and hardware can also be scaled to increase the network throughput, and can be integrated with Home Area Networks for providing other services such as IPTV, Broadband over Power Lines, Home Automation, etc.

REFERENCES [1] Juin-Hung Chen and Hen-Wai Tsao, B P S K m o d u l a t o ru s i n g V C C S a n d r e s o n a t o r w i t h o u t c a r r i e r s i g n a l a n db a l a n c e m o d u l a t o r , IEE Electronics Letters Online No:

19970885, June 2, 1997. LUIGI M. MILLANTA AND MAURO M. FORTI , A

[2] N o t c h - F i l t e r N e t w o r k f o r W i d e - B a n d M e a s u r e m e n t s o fT r a n s i e n t V o l t a g e s o n t h e P o w e r L i n e , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETICCOMPATIBILITY, VOL. 31 NO. 3. AUGUST 1989.

[3] Zhenying Luo and Sameer Sonkusale, A N o v e l L o wP o w e r B P S K D e m o d u l a t o r , Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, IEEE Transactions , Volume: 55 , Issue: 6, 2008.

[4] Roland E. Best, “ P h a s e - L o c k e d L o o p s - D e s i g n ,S i m u l a t i o n , a n d A p p l i c a t i o n s ” , 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill . [5] AVR433: Power Factor Corrector (PFC) with

AT90PWM2 Re-triggable High Speed PSC, Atmel Application notes -

[6] IEEE ISPLC 2007 Keynotes, “T h e I t a l i a n T e l e g e s t o r eP r o j e c t ” , [7] IEEE Std P2030 Draft Guide for Smart Grid

Interoperability of the Electric Power System (EPS) Framework for Describing Energy Sources,

[8] Dr. W. Charlton Adams, President, IEEE Standards Association, I E E E I P o v e r B r o a d b a n d A c c e s s i n S u p p o r to f C o n v e r g e n c e ,

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Atul Patil Ajinkya C. Kulkarni [email protected] [email protected]

Associate Professor Assistant Professor NMIMS’s Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering, Shirpur

ABSTARCT E n e r g y r e s e r v e s a r e i n c r e a s i n g l y f o u n dd e e p u n d e r w a t e r o r u n d e r g r o u n d a n d i n s e v e r el o c a t i o n s . C o n t a i n m e n t a n d c o m b u s t i o n o f t h ee x t r a c t e d f u e l s i m p o s e s f u r t h e r s e v e r e c o n s t r a i n t so n s t r u c t u r a l m a t e r i a l s .A s i n t e r m i t t e n t d i s t r i b u t e d p o w e rb e c o m e s m o r e c o m m o n , n e w m a t e r i a ld e v e l o p m e n t s a r e n e e d e d f o r f u e l c e l l s t e c h n o l o g y ,c o m b i n e d h e a t a n d p o w e r , w i n d a n d w a v e p o w e ra n d , m o r e c r i t i c a l l y , e n e r g y s t o r a g e . T h i s p a p e ro u t l i n e s s o m e o f t h e m a t e r i a l s d e v e l o p m e n t sn e e d e d t o m e e t t h e s e e n e r g y o p t i o n s :P r i o r i t y 1 : E n e r g y c o n s e r v a t i o nA n i m p o r t a n t a n d i m m e d i a t e p r i o r i t y a r e aw h e r e b y d e v e l o p e d n a t i o n s c a n l i m i t t h e i ra d v e r s e e n v i r o n m e n t a l i m p a c t .P r i o r i t y 2 : F u e l - c e l l ( a n d h y d r o g e n s t o r a g e )m a t e r i a l s




The rapid ascendance of alternative energy is

directly linked to five key drivers:

• increasing global energy demand,

• scarcity of oil and natural gas,

• investment in technology,

• climate change, and

• A changing regulatory landscape.

With the evolution of these five key drivers, we

see the dawning of a new age for alternative

energy, one that may hold significant promise

for us looking for efficient energy supply and

gain access to a new high-growth area.


The world's population continues to

grow, doubling from 3 billion to 6 billion in the

40-year period from 1959 to 1999. While

population growth is projected to slow

worldwide, reaching 9 billion by 2042, demand

for energy is expected to increase exponentially,

particularly as emerging economies like India

work to raise the standard of living for their

people. The International Energy Agency

predicts that global primary energy demand will

increase by 50% between now and 2030, with

over 70% of the increased demand coming from

developing countries


We have started to see fuel shortages

and rising oil and natural gas prices because of

global supply constraints — from production to

refining. Some speculate that, despite the

development of new extraction technologies, we

may be at or close to a point where total oil

production volumes globally are in decline, a

concept known as peak oil. Rising coal and

natural gas prices could lead utility companies

to consider alternative energy for electricity

generation. Of course, since oil powers most

forms of transportation, there is a direct

correlation between the cost of oil and the

attractiveness of developing alternative energy

technologies for transportation.

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Fig.11 projected increase in energy demand from

2002 to 2030- A survey (IEA)

Fig. 1.2 (a)

Fig. 1.2 (b)

Fig. 1.2 (a) & (b) Fossil fuel availability


2.1 WIND —The Global Wind Energy Council

forecasts a 15% compound annual growth rate

(CAGR) in installed wind farm capacity globally

over the period 2006-2015.

2.2 SOLAR —Solar power installations currently

represent less than 0.1% of total power

generation capacity worldwide.

2.3 BIO-FUELS —In December 2007, the Energy

Independence and Security Act increased the

Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) target to a

minimum usage of 35 billion gallons of bio-fuels

by 2020, and enacted an ethanol blending excise

tax credit of $0.51 per gallon to support the

industry. The E.U. promotes the use of bio-fuels

through its usage target of 5.75% of all fuel by


2.4 OCEAN —as an emerging technology, cost

efficiencies and further improvements in

technology will be necessary to enable large-

scale applications of ocean power.

2.5 HYDRO —the advantages of hydro power

include minimal pollution levels; good reliability

compared with other renewable, low operating

costs, and cost competitiveness with fossil-fuel

power generation.

2.6 FUEL CELLS —There are many different

types of fuel cells which suit various

applications, ranging from large-scale stationary

power to portable (lap-top computers, cell

phones) and automotive applications


A fuel cell by definition is an

electrochemical cell. The process is that of

electrolysis in reverse.

Overall reaction:

∆Η+→↑+↑ OHOH 222 2)()(2

Because hydrogen and oxygen gases are

electrochemically converted into water, fuel

cells have many advantages over heat engines.

These include: high efficiency, virtually silent

operation and, if hydrogen is the fuel, there are

no pollutant emissions.


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A basic Proton Exchange Membrane

Fuel Cell (PEMFC) has hydrogen protons

migrating from the anode through the

electrolyte to the cathode. A platinum coating at

the anode acts as a catalyst and helps to split the

hydrogen molecules into positively charged

protons and negatively charged electrons. The

electrolyte membrane allows only the protons to

pass through it to the cathode. The electrons

cannot pass through this membrane and, as a

result, they flow (in the form of an electrical

current) through an external circuit to get to the

cathode, thus creating electricity. Oxygen

supplied at the cathode then combines with the

protons to form water.

Fig.3.1 Proton exchange membrane

3.1.1 STACKS

The number of fuel cells in the stack

determines the total voltage. The surface area of

each cell determines the total current.

Multiplying the voltage by the current yields the

total electrical power generated, typically

measured in kilowatts (kW).



CELL –Platinum is typically used as a catalyst in

this type of fuel cell. Constant improvements in

the PEMFC have increased the power density to

a level where a device about the size of a small

piece of luggage can power a car.


It is a small PEM fuel cell that uses unreformed

methanol to provide hydrogen to the fuel cell.

DMFC developers are currently addressing an

issue referred to as methanol crossover where

un-reacted methanol within the fuel cell reduces

the fuel cell’s performance.


be used in both utility (250 kW) and small-scale

(1 to 50 kW) stationary power systems. All SOFC

systems co-generate electrical and thermal

power. This co-generation attribute gives SOFC

systems the advantage of maximizing overall

efficiency. No matter how the heat is used, the

cogeneration capability of an SOFC system

makes it highly efficient.


very susceptible to contamination and requires

pure hydrogen and oxygen. It is also very

expensive, so this type of fuel cell is unlikely to

be widely commercialized.


operates at a higher temperature than the

PEMFC, so it has a longer warm-up time.


–It operates at high temperatures and can

generate steam that can be used to generate

more power. It has a lower operating

temperature than the SOFC, which makes the

design less expensive because the materials

used do not have to withstand extremely high




• L e s s a i r p o l l u t i o n .• L e s s t r a n s m i s s i o n c o n g e s t i o n . By reducing the

reliance on power imported from outside the

area, fuel cells can reduce costs incurred at the

wholesale level due to transmission congestion.


• S e c u r i t y . Like fuel cell distributed generation

(FCDG) provides an insurance against grid

failure or power curtailment.

• E f f i c i e n t p o w e r p r o d u c t i o n .

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•C u s h i o n a g a i n s t n a t u r a l g a s p r i c e s p i k e s .Upswings in natural gas prices result in smaller

upswings in total electricity costs for fuel cells

powered by natural gas.

• D e m a n d r e d u c t i o n . For commercial and

industrial customers, charges that are based on

peak kW demand can be reduced to the extent

that customer-owned FCDG operates when

power usage is greatest.

• H e a t c o g e n e r a t i o n . For electric customers who

also need heat, a fuel cell can reduce the need to

use grid power or natural gas to generate heat.



Distributed generation (DG) is self-

generation. PUC rules define a distributed

resource as “a g e n e r a t i o n , e n e r g y s t o r a g e , o rt a r g e t e d d e m a n d - s i d e r e s o u r c e , g e n e r a l l yb e t w e e n o n e k i l o w a t t a n d t e n m e g a w a t t s , l o c a t e da t a c u s t o m e r ' s s i t e o r n e a r a l o a d c e n t e r , w h i c hm a y b e c o n n e c t e d a t t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n v o l t a g e l e v e l( b e l o w 6 0 , 0 0 0 v o l t s ) , t h a t p r o v i d e s a d v a n t a g e s t ot h e s y s t e m , s u c h a s d e f e r r i n g t h e n e e d f o ru p g r a d i n g l o c a l d i s t r i b u t i o n f a c i l i t i e s .” As

customers use more DG, the less power they

need to buy and the less power needs to flow

through the grid.

A strong demand for distributed

generation happens to be located in areas with

the worst pollution problems and significant

transmission congestion. Pollution reduction

and alleviation of transmission congestion

constitute the two most significant public

benefits that are likely to accrue from wider use

of fuel cells for power generation.


Should the power plant provide an

excess of electricity, the excess can be fed back

into the electrical grid, resulting in additional

savings. In case of a power outage on the grid, a

distributed power plant can continue to provide

power to essential services; eliminating the need

for both an uninterruptible power supply (UPS),

presently handled by lead-acid battery banks,

and a stand-by generator, for extended periods

of power outage. An additional quality of a fuel

cell power plant for UPS applications is that the

average “down time” is anticipated to be low, 3.2

to 32 seconds per year versus typically nine

hours for a conventional battery-bank UPS.


Other applications for fuel cell

distributed power plants are also possible e.g.

stand-alone back-up power generators. The fuel

cell plant can be started in seconds, supplying

power for as long as required from stored

hydrogen, producing electrical power cleanly

and virtually silently.


A significant advantage of the fuel cell over

its battery counterpart is that of its energy

density. Portable power packs using fuel cells

can be lighter and smaller in volume for an

equivalent amount of energy.

Note that the comparison here is the fuel

tank. Also the charge capacity of a rechargeable

battery decreases with the number of times of

charge and discharge. Conversely, providing the

hydrogen supply is sealed correctly, a fuel cell

will not discharge over time, maintaining its full

charge capacity almost indefinitely.

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Fig. 6.1 Graphs comparing the energy density of

compressed hydrogen versus lithium ion and lead

acid batteries



Commercial fuel cell units available

today cost around $4,000 per kW of capacity,

excluding site costs. Although unit costs are

coming down, it will be some time before FCDG

is economically competitive. Many of the fuel

cell research and development projects now

being funded by governments of various nations

involve finding ways to reduce the cost of key




If one looks at how Canada has

performed in the area of renewable energy

development, two facts are readily apparent.

First, a tremendous amount of renewable energy

generation – mostly fuel cell power – is being

installed in Canada. Second, unlike most other

countries, it does not directly subsidize the

purchase of cell stacks or any other renewable-

powered generating equipment. Instead, its

approach has been to assure renewable energy

developers that they will have a market once

they get their hardware up and running. But the

developers have to find their own road to that

market. Developers have to compete among

themselves for a share of that market. This

success is attributable to three specific factors:

• A firm and specific legislative goal

for renewable energy,

• A governmental renewable energy

production tax credit,

• And – most important of all –

aggressive efforts by the power industry to

reduce its costs of production.

It would also be a misunderstanding of

the most important lesson of Canada’s success:

the greatest results tend to occur when

entrepreneurial effort and public policy meet

each other halfway.


In order to be consistent with the new world,

state fuel cell policy should recognize the

following principles.

• T h e r e c a n b e n o s u s t a i n a b l e c o m m e r c i a l i z a t i o nw i t h o u t e n t r e p r e n e u r i a l e f f o r t .

Without entrepreneurial innovation, good

technology will remain a high-priced novelty.

• E n t r e p r e n e u r s r e s p o n d t o m a r k e t - p u l li n c e n t i v e s .

If there is a profit potential, entrepreneurs will

find ways to permanently reduce costs and

improve services so that they can reach their

target market and expand it over time.

• I n c e n t i v e s s h o u l d r e w a r d e n t r e p r e n e u r s w h o d ot h e b e s t j o b o f b r i n g i n g p r o d u c t s t o m a r k e t .

Competition among entrepreneurs accelerates


• I n c e n t i v e s s h o u l d n o t s u b s i d i z e u n u s e de q u i p m e n t .

Capital equipment does not produce benefits

either for the purchaser or for the economy at

large if it is not put to use.

• I n c e n t i v e s s h o u l d n o t s u b s i d i z e o v e r p r i c e de q u i p m e n t .

A program that merely offsets economic dead

weight will not stimulate long-term


• C o m m e r c i a l i z a t i o n m u s t b e c o n s i s t e n t w i t he l e c t r i c r e s t r u c t u r i n g i n a l l r e s p e c t s .

A fuel cell commercialization program that

contemplates “electric utilities” in the traditional

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sense would therefore be inapplicable and


8. WHAT INDIA CAN DO? I n d i a , w i t h 1 7 p e r c e n t o f t h e p l a n e t ’ sp o p u l a t i o n b e t w e e n t h e m , m a y w e l l a c c e l e r a t ec l e a n e n e r g y ’ s g r o w t h . It’s seemingly increasing

boundless demands for energy, goes the

conventional wisdom, will affect both the price

and availability of fuels worldwide, and

contribute mightily to climate change and other

environmental problems. The nation, with 17%

of the planet’s population may well accelerate

clean-energy’s growth. The nations’

unquenchable thirst for energy is linked to its

economies’ breathtaking annual growth rates —

slightly unstable but still vibrant rate for India.

India is currently the world’s sixth-largest

energy consumer. India seeking oil resources

from as far away as Sudan and Venezuela — and

has just started to build what are slated to be the

world’s largest auto industries. By 2025, India’s

oil imports are expected to triple to 5 million

barrels a day by 2020. The good news is that

India attained Fourth Position in World in Wind

Energy. India, for its part, aims to establish

enough clean energy to electrify all of India’s

villages by 2010. Under the program, 4,000 MW

of renewable would be added by 2020, with the

goal of elevating renewable share to 10 percent

by 2012.

Reaching such ambitious clean-energy

goals will require mind-boggling investments —

up to US$184 billion, according to estimates. It

will likely spur innovation and new business

opportunities for Indian companies, along with

their American, European, and Asian partners.

As the world already has seen, India has vast

potential to tap cheap labor and a booming pool

of engineers and other talent to leapfrog the

Western world’s stodgy infrastructure —

witness the fact that India has emerged as the

world’s biggest cell phone market, with speedily

growing consumers. Could fuel cell energy

generation be the next?


At long last, the tipping point is nigh:

For the first time in modern history, clean-

energy technologies are becoming cost-

competitive with their “dirtier” counterparts.

While oil and natural gas prices remain

stubbornly high and frustratingly volatile across

the globe, and as nuclear and coal-based energy

remain dogged by environmental and safety

concerns, clean-energy prices continue their

near-relentless downward march. Full cells are

now almost introduced commercially,

revolutionizing the way we presently produce

power. Fuel cells can use hydrogen as a fuel,

offering the prospect of supplying the world

with clean, sustainable electrical power. As a

stationary source of electric generation, fuel

cells offer a number of benefits both to

individual users and to society as a whole. The

relative importance of each kind of benefit will

vary from one customer to the next, but

generally speaking, they include:

• S e c u r e b a c k - u p p o w e r i n t h e e v e n t o f g r i df a i l u r e ;• E f f i c i e n t p o w e r p r o d u c t i o n ;• C u s h i o n a g a i n s t n a t u r a l g a s p r i c e s p i k e s ( l e s sf u e l r e q u i r e d t o p r o d u c e a k W o f p o w e r ) ;• F e w e r k W h p u r c h a s e d o f f t h e g r i d ;• L o w e r p e a k k W u s a g e a n d l o w e r d e m a n dc h a r g e s ;• H e a t c o g e n e r a t i o n ; a n d• T h e p o t e n t i a l f o r r e v e n u e s f r o m s a l e o f a n c i l l a r ys e r v i c e s . ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN:

1) Incentives for fuel cell distributed generation

(FCDG) should be paid per kWh of output

metered by the independent system operator


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2) Incentives for small-scale applications should

be paid as a lump-sum rebate once the fuel cell

is activated.

3) The subsidy programs should reflect the

expectation that fuel cell developers will

aggressively reduce costs as the technology


4) These programs should be funded in a way

that leverages the objective of encouraging fuel

cell development.


1. Ballard Power: h t t p : / / w w w . b a l l a r d . c o m / 2 5 0 k _ s t a t i o n a r y . a s p2. A listing of fuel cell research projects being funded by DOE

may be found on the department’s Web site at h t t p : / / w w w . f e . d o e . g o v / c o a l _ p o w e r / f u e l c e l l s / i n d e x . s h t m l .

3. Larry Alford, Austin Energy manager for distributed

generation, presentation to PUC on fuel cells and renewable



of G8 plan of action

5. w w w . n e w e n e r g y f i n a n c e . c o m6. Fuel Cell Energy’s homepage : h t t p : / / w w w . f c e . c o m /

7. h t t p : / / w w w f u e l c e l l w o r k s . c o m8. Rita Bajura, Director, National Energy Technology

Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, remarks in

“Workshop Proceedings, Solid State Energy Conversion

Alliance,” June 2000, Baltimore, Maryland,p.5

(h t t p : / / w w w . s e c a . d o e . g o v / E v e n t s / B a l t i m o r e / S E C A F I N A . P D F ).

Also see DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy, h t t p : / / w w w . f e . d o e . g o v / c o a l _ p o w e r / f u e l c e l l s / i n d e x . s h t m l .

9. Larsen, J.H.M., Soerensen, H.C., Christiansen, E., Naef, S., and

Voland, P. (2005). “E x p e r i e n c e s f r o m t h e M i d d e l g r u n d e n 4 0M W O f f s h o r e W i n d F a r m ,” Proceedings of the October 26-28

Copenhagan Offshore Wind Conference. Copenhagen,

Denmark. Accessed March 26, 2007 from h t t p : / / w w w . m i d d e l g r u n d e n . d k / a r t i k l e r / C o p e n h a g e n % 2 0 O f f sh o r e % 2 0 7 % 2 0 M i d d e l g r u n d . p d f10. Amory B. Lovins; Twenty Hydrogen Myths. Rocky Mountain

Institute, 20 June 2003, corrected and updated 02

September 2003.

11. Raj Choudhury et al.; Well-to-Wheel Analysis of Energy Use

and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Advanced Fuel/Vehicle

Systems – A European Study. L-B-Systemtechnik GmbH,

Ottobrunn / Germany, 27 September 2002, h t t p : / / w w w . l b s t . d e / g m - w t w

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Automatic Leak Detection &Numbering System for Automobile Industry Mr. Rehan Ahmad#1, Prof. V.A.Kulkarni#2 # 1 A s s i s t a n t p r o f e s s o r , S V K M ’ s , N M I M S , M P S T M E , S h i r p u r , D h u l e , M a h a r a s h t r a

, India [email protected]# 2 A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r , J N E C , A u r a n g a b a d , M a h a r a s h t r a , I n d i a , ,

[email protected]

Abstract— This paper gives and idea about the

present day functioning in automobile industry

and their modus operandi on leak detection,

labeling,Counting, on an engine and common

problems occurring while doing these processes

and their respective solutions. It also gives a new

and modern day storage technique to keep record

of no. of engines tested. Keywords— Conveyer belt, Engine, Bar code

reader, software, marking machine, test method

I. INTRODUCTION Leak detection [1] is an important test can be

performed on an engine before fixing it into the frame of

a vehicle. This is a routine process for any automobile

industry. Doing the above said process manually having

lots of demerits and time consuming task. This paper

suggests some automation techniques to overcome all

these drawbacks and to increase production rate. It has used the sophisticated electronics machinery and simple

software programmed in visual basic to check the leak detection and

numbering system for faulty and correct engines and to keep a

record for same. This system provides a very good data logging

facility as well as the number of engines passed or

failed the leak test.

II DEPLOYMENT The whole assembly contains a conveyor

belt, air pipe, a computer and a marking machine. Conveyer belt carry the engine on which the test is going to

be performed, as soon as the belt carry the engines on

located position a air pipe is connected to the engine (an

engine has two point one is for inlet and one is for outlet, as

per its standard architecture).Soon the air pipe is connected

to the engine leak test start. A measured amount of air is

inserted into the engine; this air will traveled through the

complete engines internal structure and comes out from the

outlet. This outgoing air again measured .If the amount of

incoming air and outgoing air is same then it is to be said

that the engine has passed the leak test. Otherwise the

engine is declared faulty and sent back to the

manufacturing unit for further inspection. As the engine is going on from the leak test at the same

moment software programmed in visual basic keeps

track of no. of engines coming on conveyor belt, amount

of air going into the engine and coming out of the engine

in parallel with a leak test machine [2]. If the amount of air coming out from engine is similar to the amount of air going into the engine then the test is declared to be successful. After that the software initiate the marking machine which put a mark on tested engine and conveyor belt put it forward for fixing into the vehicle frame. PC keeps a record of all this process.


Leak test machine (ATEQ F2P) [3] is PLC based machine developed by ATEQ.ATEQ F2P is an air/air leak detector used for leak tightness of parts on production line. It uses law of thermodynamics in its functioning the principle of detection is based on the measurement of a small differential pressure variation between parts pressurized. Is the integral part of this

process. Below diagram depicts

a pictorial view.

It has the followings silent features;

Windows-based software with menus. Full graphic available from the daylight-

proof TFT-Display. Ports for SPS, printer networks. Can be mounted with a hard drive and

monitor. Display and analysis of measured curve. Extremely short test time. Electric input/output for apparatus

operations system. Sets of parameters for 100 programs. Remote maintenance possible.

Option for change of languages is available. Save files and downloads with a memory stick.

allows shorter cycle times due to a quicker stabilization of pressure. The Leak Test Computer Controlled Test System LTC-602 is A-state-of-the-art tests for pressure differential and flow measurement systems. This machine provides a scientific, reliable, exact check of anything, ranging from individual parts to complete machines that have been molded, blown, welded, glued, and screwed. It is the most modern embedded PC technology offer robust advantages for practical uses. The LTC- 602 line of diagnostic machines includes standard and specialized measuring devices like pressure increase detectors and pressure decrease detectors, as well as single,

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multiple, and combination test devises from the above measuring procedures. O p e r a t i n g P r i n c i p l e : - The principle of leak test machine is based on thermodynamics law of BOYLE-CHARLES [ 4]: 2 . T e s t w i t h o u t r e f e r e n c e : - In this method the testing variation between a test part and the capped off reference side this method is used when there is small volume is used. 3 . T e s t w i t h c e n t r a l z e r o : - In this method testing of two parts is done at same time, one of the parts is connected to the test side and other to the reference side. The differential transducer measures the pressure decay from one part to other. The test with central zero allows a considerable time gain. T i m e r e s p o n s e o f l e a k t e s t m a c h i n e :

Pressure P V = n R T P: Test pressure V: Test volume n: Number of moles R: Constant of air T: Temperature ATEQ F2P [] is an air/air leak detector used for leak

tightness of parts on production line. It uses law of

thermodynamics mentioned above in its functioning

the principle of detection is based on the

measurement of a small differential pressure variation

between parts pressurized A differential positioned between the two parts

measures these small pressure variations. A relative

pressure transducer (piezo type) monitors the

stability of the pressure supplied.


METHODS There are two types of test methods Direct Test Method Indirect Test Method A . D i r e c t T e s t M e t h o d ( T e s t b y p r e s s u r e d e c a y ) : - The test and the reference parts are pressurized simultaneously and then pneumatically isolated from one another. A differential transducers measures the pressure difference between the two parts. B . I n d i r e c t T e s t M e t h o d ( T e s t p r e s s u r e r i s e ) : - The part to be tested is positioned in a leak proof to

which the ATEQ F2P is pneumatically connected. The

part is pressurized by an external source. Any rise in

pressure inside the bell that is measured by the

differential transducer. T Y P E S O F T E S T S : - Test with


Test without


Test with

central zero 1 . T e s t w i t h r e f e r e n c e : - In this method test part and reference part are identical and the pneumatically isolated. Connection between the parts instruments is symmetrical. The test with a reference part

Stabiliza Test Clamp Fill

Dump Time


g Du



Test for

gross leak

Fig. Process Cycle


When the leak test machine delivers the result i.e. the engine is passed or failed is stored in the data table. the data table consist of date and time at which engine is begin tested as well as the engine prefix and engine result .the leak test machine gives the result and if it is passed then marking machine is made on to mark the passed marking on the engine. And if the engine is failed then makes the entry failed in the data table, in that case the marking machine may not need to make on for labelling on the engine so that line person understand that engine is failed. In our project we have to consider marking

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machine as the enhancement or future requirement of our project. Scanner: B Cordless scanner [5] with integrated Bluetooth

connectivity is used to withstand in industrial



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Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Storing Electric Energy in Trains


Indrajit Sonawane Ajinkya C. Kulkarni Yogesh D. Borse

Dept. of Electronics Dept. of E & TC Dept. of E & TC



[email protected] [email protected]

[email protected]


Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs)

combine two or more energy conversion

technologies (a g., heat engines, fuel cells,

generators, or motors) with one or more energy

storage technologies (e.g., fuel, batteries, super-

capacitors, or flywheels). The combination of

conventional and electric propulsion systems

offers the possibility of greatly reducing

emissions and fuel consumptions, while giving

consumers both the extended range and

convenient refueling they expect from a

conventional vehicle.

Diesel - electric traction is a well

established technology in railways systems,

mainly for lines with a low traffic potential. In

those conditions, the choice of a diesel powered

locomotive is due to the reduced costs

compared to the infrastructure cost of a

standard electric train. The main inconvenience

of that technology is the primaty energy source:

oil resources are not infinite, prices are difficult

to forecast and 002 production increases global

warming. Hybrid electric vehicles are generally

accepted as very promising approach to the

solution of future environmental and energy

issues. Cells & batteries can exhibit the highest

energy density of all electrochemical energy

storage and conversion devices; therefore they

are well suited to provide sufficient energy for

vehicles with a high range. However batteries &

cells are limited in power density and are not

capable of energy recuperation. Therefore it

appears to be straightforward to combine them

with a second, high power, intermediate storage

device. It’s therefore important to develop new

strategies to increase the energy efficiency of a

diesel — electric train. To reach that goal, a

system with super-capacitive energy storage

will be proposed in this paper. The

implementation of a second storage device

allows reducing the size and cost of the batteries

& cells and provides extra power during

acceleration, improving driving comfort. With a

booster device battery can operate most of the

time at moderate power, which increases its

efficiency and thus results in fuel savings. The

production and exploitation costs of the

proposed system will be studied in more detail.

The proposed solution will reduce diesel

consumption and therefore also 002 and other

pollutant emissions while being economically


1. Hybrid vehicle- Principle of operation

The principle of a hybrid vehicle with

an energy recuperation system is summarized in

Fig. 1. Such a vehicle contains at least one

primary energy source such as a diesel, gas or

other motor. This primary energy source is

connected to one or more generators, where

mechanical energy is converted in electrical

energy. It is then transmitted to the wheel

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motors to provide the needed traction power.

All energy flows are controlled by dedicated

circuits and recuperation of braking energy is

therefore possible. In a classical diesel —

electric vehicle, no such storage system exists

and braking energy is thermally dissipated. In

the solution proposed in that work, the type of

primary motor (i.e. diesel generator) is

unchanged, but associated to an electrical

energy storage system.

Fig.1 Principle of Hybrid Vehicle

A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is a

vehicle which combines a conventional

propulsion system with an on-board

rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) to

achieve better fuel economy than a conventional

vehicle without being hampered by range from a

charging unit like an electric vehicle. The

different propulsion power systems may have

common subsystems or components. Regular I-

IEV5 most commonly use an internal

combustion engine (ICE) and electric batteries

to power electric motors, Modern mass

produced HEVs prolong the charge on batteries

by capturing kinetic energy via regenerative

braking and some HEVs can use Lthcombust1on

engine to generate electricity by spinning an

electrical generator (often a motor or generator)

to either recharge the battery or directly feed

power to electric motor that drives the vehicle.

This contrasts with electric vehicles which use

batteries charged by an external source. Many

HEVs reduce idle Emissions by shutting down

the ICE at idle and restarting it when needed. A

HEVs engine is smaller and may be run at

various speeds, providing more efficiency.

2. Applications of supercapacitors in HEVs

Super-capacitors are new components

that can be used for short-duration energy

storage. The advantages of these components

are a combination of those of batteries and

conventional capacitors at the same time. They

will find their place in a large range of industrial

applications that need highly efficient energy

storage system, as for example in the field of

transportation. The power density (W/kg) is

similar for classical capacitor and super-

capacitor, but the stored energy density (W/kg)

is much higher for super-capacitors. The

currently available super capacitors are up to

2600 Farads (Maxwell Technologies —

Switzerland). Their volume is 0.42 liters and

their weight is 525 grams. In comparison to

standard batteries, the energy density of super-

capacitors is lower by an average factor of 10.

However, their energy density is compatible

with a large range of power applications that

need high instantaneous power during short

periods of time. The above characteristics of

power demand are typically found in

transportation systems. Another advantage in

the use of super- capacitors rather than

batteries is their life time. Table I presents the

main differences between a super-capacitor and

a battery energy storage system. Other solutions

for storing electrical energy (chemical,

mechanical, etc.) are explained later. The aim of

this paper is to present how super-capacitive

storage can be used for increasing the energy

efficiency in a diesel-electric railway system.

Two different solutions will be presented to

reach that goal:

• Changes in the diesel engine control.

• Recuperation of braking energy

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5 0

Performance Accumulator Super


Energy (W h/kg) 10-100 1-10

Number of cycles 1000 >500000

Specific power


<1000 <10000

Table 1: Difference between electrochemical

accumulators and supercapacitors

2.1Applications in HEVs

Recently there has been a lot of focus on

regenerative energy and kinetic energy in

hybrid electric vehicles. A basic explanation of

regenerative breaking is converting the cars

motion into useable electric power. In the

conventional brake systems on cars now,

friction is used to counteract the forward

motion of the moving car. When you want to

stop the car and press on the brake, the brake

pads rub against the wheel or disc and the car

slows down. There is a lot of heat that is created

from this and it dissipates into the air wasting

around 31% of the car’s generated power.

Currently, over time, the cycle of friction and

wasted heat reduces the car’s fuel efficiency and

more energy is required from the engine to

replace the lost energy from braking. With the

new hybrid cars, as the wheels turn, the

generated energy is fed into a super- capacitor

for storage and recharging the battery. The

vehicle will use the stored energy while going up

a hill or passing another car. Today’s hybrids

capture only about half the energy produced

this way.

Super-capacitors can absorb a much

higher percentage of this regenerative braking

energy. As an example, let’s look at the car

below. It allows its engine to operate at its most

efficient power and torque by adding the driving

force of an electric motor when more power is

needed. The excess power from the engine can

charge the battery. The electric motor

compensates for peeks and dips in performance.

When you take your foot off of the accelerator,

the engine switches off and when you press the

accelerator, it comes back on instantly. As you

press the brakes, the engine shuts off and the

kinetic energy from the car is converted by the

motor that now acts like a generator to charge

the battery. When you put a super-capacitor as

buffer battery and the generator, you can get

hundreds of thousands charge/discharge cycles

extending this regenerative braking process. A

battery cannot withstand this sort of cycle like a


Fig.2 Hybrid Electric Car

3. Comparison between Diesel-electric

Trains with hybrid Train

In order to compare a standard diesel -

electric train to the proposed solution and to

dimension the main elements, a typical itinerary

is going to be defined. The results presented will

only be valid for a chosen itinerary but the same

method can be applied to analyze other railway

lines. Diesel electric train propulsion is mainly

chosen for peripheral areas transport, where the

number of passengers is limited. A typical

application would be in mountain areas where

the absence of catenaries considerably limits the

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5 1

“visual” impact of the line. For this study, an

itinerary on the diesel-electric

Fig.3 considered train model

railway line has been retained, situated in a

mountain area. Energy constraints on the diesel

motors are high (in comparison to a flatlands

line) due to the high acceleration power needed

on inclines and also to the high braking power

during descents. The altitude curve of the typical

itinerary (altitude versus time) is given in Fig.4.

The itinerary corresponds to a line that is

actually being renovated where standard diesel

- electric trains are going to be used. The chosen

trains are GTW systems whose main

characteristics are:

• Total weight (w load): 67

• Total weight (fully loaded): 84

• Diesel engine power: 2 x 380 kW

• Max. Power at the wheels: 620 kW

• Max. Speed: 140 km/hFig. 3 represents

the GTW system that is planned to be

built for the considered railway line. It

consists of two passengers coaches

linked in the middle by a traction

module. The proposed solution for

improving the locomotive overall efficiency

must have the same dynamical characteristics

(acceleration, maximal speed) as the actual

projected train.

4. Losses in the standard train

The different energy flows trains are

presented in Fig. 4; where all energy losses are

represented with respect to where they occur.

No percentage scales are given the diagram is

qualitative in nature. The primary energy source

(the diesel motor in that case) is represented at

the top. The energy (in - out) of the traction

motors is represented at the bottom.

Fig.4 Energy transfer in the diesel — electric


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5 2

5. Increasing overall efficiency

The principle of a diesel - electric

locomotive is given in fig.6.The principal energy

loss is due to the dissipation of braking energy

in the rooftop braking resistors. In hybrid

electric vehicles, the electric traction machine

has to be torque controlled. In this example an

induction machine control is based on magnetic


orientation. This technique allows the fast and

accurate torque generation. For the torque

controller, flux has to be modeled, so that the

torque and magnetic field can be controlled

independently. Battery supply, the dc/ac

converter and measurement equipment are also

modeled in the shown example. This model of an

electric drive can be implemented easily in a

longitudinal dynamics simulation of a hybrid

electric vehicle.

Fig.5 Basic principle of working of standard train

Another inconvenience of the standard system

lies in the fact that there is no energy buffer

between the diesel generator and the traction

motors. Therefore, the power curves both

motors are identical (with the disadvantage of a

lower efficiency compared to a diesel motor

directly driving the wheels) during positive

power conditions. During braking phases, the

diesel engine will be idling while the traction

motors feed the braking energy to the braking

resistors. In order to improve the overall

efficiency of a diesel - electric train, two

different solutions will be presented:

5.1 Recuperation of Braking Energy

The braking system in the GTW train is

composed of an electro-dynamic d a mechanical

brake. The principle of electro dynamic brakes is

to transform the braking energy into electrical

energy that is dissipated in dedicated braking

resistors. For the proposed solution, all the

braking energy will be transformed in electrical

energy that will be recuperated with a suitable

system. As energy buffer, the chosen component

for our application is the super-capacitor. This

choice is motivated by the high power

constraints during acceleration phases. Another

reason lies in the much higher life time

compared to a standard battery solution. The

proposed solution is given in the fig. 7. In

reality1 it is not possible to remove the braking

chopper and resistances from the train. This is

due to security reasons. Braking power must be

assured in all conditions - even if the (finite

sized) super-capacitors are fully charged and

cannot absorb any more energy.

Fig.6 Improved schematic of Hybrid Train

5.2 Changing Diesel Motor Control

As described in paragraph A, a storage

system is added in the locomotive. The storage

element does not only provide an energy buffer

for storing braking energy, but it also allows to

decouple diesel electricity generation from

traction power requirements. In other words,

two different energy sources can be used to

provide traction power:

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5 3

• The diesel generator

• The super-capacitive storage bank

Each diesel motor has its own

maximum efficiency point where the emissions

are generally also at their lowest value. To

increase the overall efficiency of the train, the

control of the diesel engine is modified to either

run the engine at its maximum efficiency or

switch it off altogether. The mean traction

power is therefore provided by the diesel motor

and all variations around that mean power will

be absorbed by the super-capacitive tank.

Provided that there is enough available on-

board energy storage, a 45 kW motor is

sufficient for powering the train without any

change in the dynamic characteristics (speed,

acceleration,...) of a standard train with two

diesel generators of 380 kW each. It should be

seen that the use of a 45 kW diesel generator is

optimal for energy efficiency considerations.

The trade-off however lies in the large number

of required super- capacitors to provide

sufficient energy storage. Because of the number

of required super- capacitors, such a solution is

not economically viable. In order to find an

optimal overall solution other factors than

energy efficiency has to be added in the model:

cost, volume and weight have been added as

optimization criteria.

6. Sizing the Super-capacitive Bank

The super-capacitor chosen for that

application is BCAP0010 from Maxwell

Technologies, Switzerland. Nominal capacitance

is 2600 Farads and the maximum voltage is 2.5

Volts. A discharge ratio of 0.5 has been retained

for that application; the higher the discharge

ratio, the more energy can be stored in each cell,

but the more the lifetime will be reduced. An

optimization routine has been developed where

the diesel generator is either working at its

maximum efficiency or is stopped completely.

The minimum required storage element is

thereby calculated as a function of available

diesel generator power (at its maximum

efficiency). The results are given in Fig.9. Note

the exponential nature of the graph that shows

that a storage element of low capacity already

allows reducing the diesel motor by a large

factor. The calculated number of super-

capacitors (2 600 Farads) is given in Tab. II,

where the efficiency of the charge - discharge

phase, the type of charging process (constant

power or constant current) has been taken into

account. The number of super-capacitors varies

from 0 to 100 000.

Fig. 7 Reduction of required diesel generator power

As stated before, the ecologically best

solution is found for the case of 100 000 super-

capacitors. However, an optimal solution cannot

be found without also accounting for economical

criteria - i.e. finding a compromise between

costs and efficiency/emissions considerations.

7. Simulations & Results

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5 4

Table III: Reduction of fuel consumption

Table II: Number of super-capacitors as a function of

diesel generator power

To validate the different concepts

explained in this paper, a complete train with

super- capacitive storage has been simulated.

For the chosen itinerary and train, Stadler Rail

had calculated the required propulsion power

which was chosen as a basis for our simulation

work. The complete energy conversion chain

has been modeled and the control elements for

the different energy flows have been included in

the simulations. In order to compare the new

solution to a standard train, simulations were

always run in both configurations. Detailed

simulation results are given in. Tab. III

summarizes the reductions of fuel consumption

with respect to the standard train for three

different diesel generator sizes.

In order to determine the economically

most viable solution, an assessment of lifetime

cost (construction, exploitation) has been made

for the different cases shown in Tab. III where

the lifetime of a train is supposed to be 25 years.

The economically best solution is found to be a

380 kW diesel motor. It corresponds to the half

of the generating power currently installed in

the train and leads to a reduction in fuel

consumption of 44 % (with no change in the

train’s dynamic characteristics). Even though

the cost of the super-capacitors is high, a diesel -

electric train with super-capacitive energy

storage proves profitable after 10 years of

exploitation. With the announced further

reduction of super-capacitor size and cost in the

near future, the proposed will become even

more interesting.

8. Conclusion

Hybrid power vehicles are moving from

fringe to the mainstream. Hybrids, as we call

them, use electric motors to boost the fuel

efficiency of conventional gasoline-powered IC

engine. This paper presented a novel solution to

increase the energy efficiency of a diesel -

electric train without impairing on its dynamic

characteristics after comparing the standard

train with the hybrid train. To reach that goal,

two different concepts have been introduced:

• Recuperation of braking energy

• Changing diesel motor control.

For both solutions, an energy storage system

must be added to the locomotive. Super-

capacitors have been chosen to act as energy

buffer. Braking energy can therefore be

recuperated and the diesel motor is decoupled

from the traction motors, The control of the

diesel motor has been modified to run it either

at its best efficiency or stop it altogether.

Different solutions for reducing size of the diesel

generator have been proposed and the best

compromise between the reduction of fuel

consumption and the Super-capacitors’ cost is

found with a storage bank composed of 15000

super-capacitors. The fuel reduction by 44 % is

found in comparison to a standard solution.

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Additionally, it was shown that despite the

higher initial investment the solution proves

cheaper than a traditional diesel — electric

trains after 10 years of operation. The present

simulations are valid for the chosen itinerary,

but the same method can be applied to any

other railway line. An extension of the shown

method can also be used for any other type of

vehicle (like trams, trucks or cars).

9. Resources

1. R. G. V. l-fermann, High performance double-layer

capacitor for power electronic applications, in Second

Boost cap meeting, Fribourg, Switzerland, 2001.





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