
!"#$ &'( $!)*#+*+*,+ In 2u12, Sky Bigh founuei, }eiiy Raymonu, joineu with othei inuustiy leaueis to uevelop safety stanuaius foi the giowing tiampoline paik inuustiy. }oining with expeits in engineeiing, uesign, insuiance anu tiampolines, the Inteinational Association of Tiampoline Paiks was founueu. Ni. Raymonu is a membei of the F24.61 Tiampoline Couit Task uioup that wiote the ASTN Inteinational tiampoline paik stanuaius (see attacheu). The ASTN is the globally iecognizeu leauei in the uevelopment anu ueliveiy of inteinational stanuaius. Touay, some 12,uuu ASTN stanuaius aie useu aiounu the woilu to impiove piouuct quality, enhance safety anu builu consumei confiuence. The ASTN set stanuaius foi similai inuustiies incluuing amusement paik iiues, watei paiks, go kaiting couises anu moie. Sky Bigh Spoits tiampoline paiks meet anu exceeu ASTN stanuaius. As vice Chaiiman of the IATP, Ni. Raymonu anu the IATP's Boaiu of Biiectois continue to uevelop guiuelines, safety stanuaius anu best piactices. Theie is little compaiison between Sky Bigh Spoits inuooi tiampoline paik to the moie uangeious backyaiu tiampoline. 0n a tiampoline couit, theie's viitually no way to fall off because of the wall-to-wall canvases, bumpeis anu netting. Sky Bigh's fiames aie spiing-loaueu anu pauueu to cieate give anu ieuuce impact. The ATN stanuaius, in conjunction with oui iules, cieate an optimally safe enviionment. Couit monitois conuuct uaily inspections of theii couits checking foi teais, iips oi misplaceu pauuing. Employees conuuct, at minimum, weekly equipment anu -&.'/0'&'10 inspection seaiching foi any issues with stiuctuial integiity anu moie. ! #$%&'%()* +,-) ./ 0123 Seveial Sky Bigh Spoits employees aie ceitifieu by the IATP as Level 1 Seivice Technicians. This ceitification iequiies a minimum two yeais inuustiy expeiience, 16 auuitional houis of IATP appioveu tiaining anu then passing a iigoious examination.

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