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    Announcing the 2016 RhymeZone Poetry Prize

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    From Betty Blue (Mother Goose rhyme):

    Little Betty Blue Lost her holiday shoe;

    From Love's Labour's Lost: Act V, scene II:

    When daisies pied and violets blue And lady-smocks all silver-white And cuckoo-buds of yellow hue

    Do paint the meadows with delight,

    From "HIS LITANY, TO THE HOLY SPIRIT" by Robert Herrick:

    When the tapers now burn blue, And the comforters are few,

    From "For To Admire" by Rudyard Kipling:

    The Injian Ocean sets an' smiles So sof', so bright, so bloomin' blue;

    There aren't a wave for miles an' miles Excep' the jiggle from the screw.

    From "The Broken Men" by Rudyard Kipling:

    Day long the diamond weather, The high, unaltered blue -- The smell of goats and incense And the mule-bells tinkling through.

    From "Things and the Man" by Rudyard Kipling:

    A bolt is fallen from the blue. A wakened realm full circle swings Where Dothan's dreamer dreams anew Of vast and farborne harvestings;

    From "The Rhyme Of The Three Sealers" by Rudyard Kipling:

    The thick smoke hung and would not shift, leaden it lay and blue,

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    But three were down on the ~Baltic~'s deck and two of the ~Stralsund~'s crew.

    From "L'envoi" by Rudyard Kipling:

    That blaze in the velvet blue. They're all old friends on the old trail, our own trail, the out trail, They're God's own guides on the Long Trail -- the trail that is always new.

    From "The Shut-Eye Sentry" by Rudyard Kipling:

    The drill was long an' 'eavy, The sky was 'ot an' blue, An' 'is eye was wild an' 'is 'air was wet, But 'is sergeant pulled 'im through.

    From "The Song OF The Cities" by Rudyard Kipling:

    From East to West the circling word has passed, Till West is East beside our land-locked blue;

    From East to West the tested chain holds fast, The well-forged link rings true!

    From "What the People Said" by Rudyard Kipling:

    Great serpents, blazing, of red and blue, That rose and faded, and rose anew.

    From "Peace" by Sara Teasdale:

    I am the pool of blue

    That worships the vivid sky; My hopes were heaven-high, They are all fulfilled in you.

    From "To-nigh" by Sara Teasdale:

    The moon is a curving flower of gold, The sky is still and blue; The moon was made for the sky to hold, And I for you.

    From "The Tree of Song" by Sara Teasdale:

    The tree of my song stands bare Against the blue -- I gave my songs to the rest, Myself to you.

    From "Envoy For "A Child's Garden Of Verses"" by Robert Louis Stevenson:

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    Under the May's whole Heaven of blue; Or whether on the sofa you,

    From "When The Sun Come After Rain" by Robert Louis Stevenson:

    WHEN the sun comes after rain And the bird is in the blue, The girls go down the lane Two by two.

    From "To All That Love The Far And Blue" by Robert Louis Stevenson:

    TO all that love the far and blue: Whether, from dawn to eve, on foot The fleeing corners ye pursue, Nor weary of the vain pursuit;

    From "Fragmentary Blue" by Robert Lee Frost:

    Why make so much of fragmentary blue In here and there a bird, or butterfly,

    Or flower, or wearing-stone, or open eye, When heaven presents in sheets the solid hue?

    From "Love and A Question" by Robert Lee Frost:

    The woodbine berries were blue, Autumn, yes, winter was in the wind; 'Stranger, I wish I knew.' Within, the bride in the dusk alone

    From "To the River Charles" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

    Not for this alone I love thee, Nor because thy waves of blue From celestial seas above thee Take their own celestial hue.

    From "San Sebastian" by Thomas Hardy:

    As she danced in her muslin bowed with blue, Round a Hintock maypole never gayed." --"Aye, aye; I watched her this day, too, As it happens," the Sergeant said.

    From "In a Wook" by Thomas Hardy:

    Pale beech and pine-tree blue, Set in one clay, Bough to bough cannot you Bide out your day?

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    From "The Peasent's Confession" by Thomas Hardy:

    --Two armies writhe in coils of red and blue, And brass and iron clang From Goumont, past the front of Waterloo, To Pap'lotte and Smohain.

    From "To May" by William Wordsworth:

    Earth, sea, thy presence feel---nor less, If yon ethereal blue With its soft smile the truth express, The heavens have felt it too.

    From "He Had His Dream" by Paul Laurence Dunbar:

    The calm and listless vault of blue Took on its hopeful hue,

    From "When Dey 'Listed Colored Soldiers" by Paul Laurence Dunbar:

    Bofe my mastahs went in gray suits, an' I loved de Yankee blue, But I t'ought dat I could sorrer for de losin' of 'em too;

    From "On Huntingdon's "Miranda"" by Sidney Lanier:

    Ye draw my soul unto your blue As warm skies draw the exhaling dew,

    From "Baby Charley." by Sidney Lanier:

    Those lucent eyelids, veined with blue,

    That shut away from mortal view

    From "To My Class: On Certain Fruits And Flowers Sent Me In Sickness" by SidneyLanier:

    With passions of perfume, -- if violets blue That hint of heaven with odor more than hue, --

    From "My Star" by Robert Browning:

    Now a dart of red,

    Now a dart of blue Till my friends have said They would fain see, too,

    From "The Blackbird" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson:

    While yon sun prospers in the blue, Shall sing for want, ere leaves are new,

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    From "I Saw Thee Weep" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

    I saw thee weep---the big bright tear Came o'er that eye of blue; And then methought it did appear A violet dropping dew:

    From "It Is the Hour" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

    And on the wave is deeper blue, And on the leaf a browner hue,

    From "Arbour, The" by Anne Bront:

    'Tis but the frost that clears the air, And gives the sky that lovely blue; They're smiling in a winter's sun, Those evergreens of sombre hue.

    From "Alexander And Zenobia" by Anne Bront:

    'When we had parted how I wept To see the mountains blue Grow dimmer and more distant -- till They faded from my view.

    From "Memory" by Anne Bront:

    Above, a sky of purest blue, Around, bright flowers of loveliest hue,

    From "Night- Scented Stock" by Katherine Mansfield:

    And round he spun. "It's like Hungarian fruit dishes Hard and bright--a mechanical blue!" His white feet flicked in the grass like fishes... Someone cried: "I want to dance, too!"

    From "Athanasia" by Oscar Wilde:

    While the hot sun blazed in his tower of blue A cooling wind crept from the land of snows, And the warm south with tender tears of dew

    Drenched its white leaves when Hesperos uprose

    From "The Grave Of Keats" by Oscar Wilde:

    He rests at last beneath God's veil of blue: Taken from life when life and love were new

    From "A Soliloquy Of The Full Moon, She Being In A Mad Passion" by Samuel Taylor

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    I saw him look at me most terribly blue ! He was hunting for witch-rhymes from great A to Izzard, And soon as he'd found them made no more ado But chang'd me at once to a little Canoe.

    From "Christabel" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge:

    Then Christabel knelt by the lady's side, And raised to heaven her eyes so blue-- Alas ! said she, this ghastly ride-- Dear lady ! it hath wildered you !

    From "Serenade" by Oscar Wilde:

    The waning sky grows faint and blue, It wants an hour still of day, Aboard! aboard! my gallant crew, O Lady mine away! away!

    From "Grin" by Robert W. Service:

    If the future's black as thunder, don't let people see you're blue; Just cultivate a cast-ron smile of joy the whole day through;

    From "The Woman and the Angel" by Robert W. Service:

    Never was seen such an angel -- eyes of heavenly blue, Features that shamed Apollo, hair of a golden hue;

    From "Alone" by Edgar Allan Poe:

    (When the rest of Heaven was blue) Of a demon in my view.

    From "Al Aaraaf" by Edgar Allan Poe:

    Beyond the line of blue- The boundary of the star Which turneth at the view Of thy barrier and thy bar-

    From "Blue Bell, The" by Emily Jane Bront:

    It is the slight and stately stem, The blossom's silvery blue, The buds hid like a sapphire gem In sheaths of emerald hue.

    From "Abbey Assaroe" by William Allingham:

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    It looks beyond the harbour-stream to Gulban mountain blue; It hears the voice of Erna's fall - Atlantic breakers too;

    From "Little Dell, The" by William Allingham:

    Open to the blue, Green banks hemm'd it round A rillet wander'd through With a tinkling sound;

    From "Walrus and the Carpenter, The" by Lewis Carroll:

    Turning a little blue. 'After such kindness, that would be A dismal thing to do!' 'The night is fine,' the Walrus said,

    From "White Knight's Song, The" by Lewis Carroll:

    I shook him well from side to side, Until his face was blue;

    "Come, tell me how you live," I cried "And what it is you do!"

    From "Sun and Shadow" by Oliver Wendell Holmes:

    As I look from the isle, o'er its billows of green, To the billows of foam-crested blue, Yon bark, that afar in the distance is seen, Half dreaming, my eyes will pursue:

    From "Tema con Variazioni" by Lewis Carroll:


    From "Pleasure" by Charlotte Bront:

    Then view the wide sky overhead, The still, deep vault of blue, The sun which golden light doth shed, The clouds of pearly hue.

    From "Culprit Fay, The" by Joseph Rodman Drake:

    Spanning the wave of burnished blue, And dripping with gems of the river dew.

    From "Culprit Fay, The" by Joseph Rodman Drake:

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    Then spread his wings of gilded blue, And on to the elfin court he flew;

    From "The Wanderer" by John Masefield:

    So, hurrying to the hedge and looking down, I saw a mighty bay's wind-crinkled blue Ruffling the image of a tranquill town, With lapsing waters glimmering as they grew.

    From "Bagman's Dog, The : Mr. Peters's Story" by Richard Harris Barham:

    That even the Skipper began to look blue; While the crew, who were few,

    From "Black Mousquetaire, The : A Legend of France" by Richard Harris Barham:

    Her eye-lashes silken; her eyes, fine large blue ones, Were sapphires (I don't call these similes new ones;

    From "Tragedy, The" by Richard Harris Barham:

    The Lady look'd blue; But replied with much firmness --' Hang me if I do!'

    From "Ghost, The" by Richard Harris Barham:

    En rgle, would have burnt extremely blue, But Nick unluckily had put it out; And he, though naturally bold and stout, In short, was in a most tremendous stew;--

    From "Some Account of a New Play" by Richard Harris Barham:

    But to run round the world, fight, and drink till all's blue, And tell us tough yarns, and then swear they are true,

    From "Lay of St. Odille, The" by Richard Harris Barham:

    In their snuff-coloured doublets and breeches of blue, Was huzzaing and urging them on to pursue.--

    From "Lay of St. Odille, The" by Richard Harris Barham:

    And don't be surprised if your father looks blue When you're pert, and won't act as he wants you to do!

    From "America to England" by Katharine Lee Bates:

    O England, no bland cloud-ship in the blue, But rough oak plunging on o'er perilous jars

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    Of reef and ice, our faith will follow you The more for tempest roar that strains your spars

    From "The Rover's Adieu" by Sir Walter Scott:

    A lightsome eye, a soldier's mien, A feather of the blue, A doublet of the Lincoln green No more of me ye knew,

    From "Gertrude of Wyoming" by Thomas Campbell:

    Or shall we cross yon mountains blue, Whose streams my kindred nation quaff'd And by my side, in battle true, A thousand warriors drew the shaft?

    From "Bring, in this timeless grave to throw" by Alfred Edward Housman:

    Or shrivelled flax, whose flower is blue A single season, never two;

    From "Description of Rosalyne" by Thomas Lodge:

    With orient pearl, with ruby red, With marble white, with sapphire blue, Her body every way is fed, Yet soft in touch, and sweet in view:

    From "Beer" by Charles Stuart Calverley:

    I was not born (alas!) the "Muses' minion,"

    I'm not poetical, not even blue: And he, we know, but strives with waxen pinion, Whoe'er he is that entertains the view

    From "Lycidas" by John Milton:

    At last he rose, and twitched his mantle blue: Tomorrow to fresh woods, and pastures new.

    From "MAKE YOU FEEL MY LOVE" by Bob Dylan:

    I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue I'd go crawling down the avenue

    From "WHERE TEARDROPS FALL" by Bob Dylan:

    Roses are red, violets are blue, And time is beginning to crawl, I just might have to come see you Where teardrops fall.

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    From "TALKIN' WORLD WAR III BLUES" by Bob Dylan:

    I was feelin' kinda lonesome and blue, I needed somebody to talk to.

    From "NEVER SAY GOODBYE" by Bob Dylan:

    Oh, baby, baby, baby blue You'll change your last name, too

    From "WIGGLE WIGGLE" by Bob Dylan:

    Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle `til the moon is blue, Wiggle `til the moon sees you.


    Well, I was feelin' sad and feelin' blue, I didn't know what in the world I was gonna do,

    From "IF NOT FOR YOU" by Bob Dylan:

    I'd be sad and blue, If not for you.

    From "BLOOD IN MY EYES" by Bob Dylan:

    Woke up this morning, feeling blue, Seen a good-lookin' girl, can I make love with you?

    From "NEW MORNING" by Bob Dylan:

    So happy just to see you smile Underneath the sky of blue On this new morning, new morning On this new morning with you.

    From "MOZAMBIQUE" by Bob Dylan:

    I like to spend some time in Mozambique The sunny sky is aqua blue

    And all the couples dancing cheek to cheek. It's very nice to stay a week or two.

    From "SOMETHING'S BURNING, BABY" by Bob Dylan:

    I see the shadow of a man, baby, makin' you blue Who is he, baby, and what's he to you?

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    From "HIGH WATER (For Charley Patton)" by Bob Dylan:

    Thunder rolling over Clarksdale, everything is looking blue I just can't be happy, love Unless you're happy too It's bad out there

    From "Let Me Come Home" from "Wedding Singer":

    I know i kind ok went out with a bang When i dumped you out of the blue But my heart's just like a boomerang It came right back to you

    From "Children and Art" from "Sunday in the Park With George":

    Mama, he's blue What do I do?

    From "Footloose/On Any Sunday" from "Footloose":

    And everybody's talking til they're blue Cuz you know how a stranger is - If he's not dumb he's dangerous - But either way, at least it's something new

    From "Somewhat Overindulgent" from "Forbidden Broadway, Vols. 1-4":

    Somewhat Overindulgent I sing blue and you won't recognize the tune - after I get through.

    From "Strange and Lovely Song" from "The Likes of US":

    Fading colors of grey and brown and blue But these patterns are changing to pictures And I feel like I am changing too

    From "To Thine Own Self (Reprise)" from "Something Rotten!":

    Sure as the sky turns to blue This much I know This much is true

    Above all else, whatever you do

    From "Mathilde" from "Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well and Living in Paris":

    You'll want to beat her black and blue But don't do it, I beg of you

    From "Lovebird" from "Steel Pier":

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    I'm feeling blue Love bird We should be two How can we have love seed to grow

    From "Spread A Little Happiness" from "Cinderella":

    What's the use of worrying and feeling blue When days are long keep on smiling through

    From "Side by Side/What Would We Do Without You?" from "Company":

    Who cheers us up when we're blue? Who is a flirt, but never a threat, Reminds us of our birthdays which we always forget? How would we ever get through?

    From "All I Care About" from "Chicago":

    Eyes of blue

    Softly saying, "I need you"

    From "Little Lamb" from "Gypsy":

    Little cat, little cat Oh, why do you look so blue? Did somebody paint you like that, Or is your birthday too?

    From "I Dreamed A Dance" from "Next to Normal":

    With your sparkling eyes so blue Graceful as an angel's wing I dreamed a dance with you

    From "River Jordan" from "Civil War":

    Down by the mighty Mississippi dressed in blue Shakin' loose these chains that bind me Till this endless night is finally through ... So now

    From "A New Town Is a Blue Town" from "The Pajama Game":

    A new town is a blue town A "who do you know" and "show me what you can do" town

    From "Super Trouper" from "Mamma Mia":

    But I won't feel blue Like I always do

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    From "Born In A Trunk" from "A Star Is Born":

    Come to me my melancholy baby Cuddle up and don't be blue All your fears are foolish fancies, maybe You know dear, that I'm in love with you.

    From "Masquerade / Why So Silent?" from "The Phantom of the Opera":

    Thigh of blue True is false Who is who? Curl of lip

    From "Deep Down Inside" from "Little Me":

    He's true blue! We knew evinch'ly He'd come through! 'Cause Pinchley is a real nice human

    From "The Boyfriend" from "The Boy Friend":

    We're blue without Can't do without

    From "A Wonderful Day Like Today" from "Roar Of The Greasepaint, The - The SmellOf The Crowd":

    And the sky was so blue I instinctively knew

    From "Bluebloods" from "Kiss Of The Spider Woman":

    That their veins showed through, blue! There, that's something I've taught you

    From "Northbound Train" from "The Civil War":

    Saw two men, one gray, and the other blue Talkin' cross the picket lines the whole night through

    From "It's High Time" from "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes":

    It's no time for depressed long faces, No time to be blue. It's high time we began to revel And gave the devil his due.

    From "Morticia" from "The Addams Family":

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    She must be feeling blue I don't know what to do!

    From "Finale" from "The Boy Friend":

    Skies may not always be blue but one thing is clear as can be I know that I could be happy with you My darling

    From "Boys and Girls Like You and Me" from "State Fair":

    And stars send down their blessings from the blue. We go through storms of doubt and fear And so we walk from year to year Believing in each other as we do.

    From "See The Light" from "70, Girls, 70":

    Mighty blue, black and blue,

    Later in the clinic where they brought her to,

    From "River Jordan " from "The Civil War":

    Down the mighty Mississippi dressed in blue Shakin' loose these chains that bind me Until this endless night is finally through

    From "When I Was On Top Of You" from "Cannibal":

    The sky was a lot more blue,

    When I was on top of you.

    From "It Never Was You" from "LoveMusik":

    In the blue... But it never was you,

    From "When You Wish Upon a Star" from "On the Record":

    Like a bolt out of the blue Fate steps in and sees you through

    From "What Comes Next?" from "Hamilton":

    Im so blue I thought that wed made an arrangement When you went away You were mine to subdue

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    From "A Very Nice Man" from "Carnival":

    An angel out of the blue Said let me give it a thought I might have a job for you- ooh

    From "Keep Your Sunny Side Up" from "Good News":

    There's one thing to think of when you're blue, There are others around much worse off than you!

    From "Rescue Me" from "The Marvelous Wonderettes":

    And I'm blue I need you

    From "The Kite" from "A Year with Frog and Toad":

    Boo, boo, boo, in the blue I dont see a kite, do you?

    From "Out Of The Blues" from "Wild Party":

    Out of the blue Your choices now are growing few

    From "Dancin'" from "Xanadu":

    Anybody blue Anybody needin' someone too

    From "Mr. Witherspoon's Friday Night" from "Lucky Stiff":

    I'd go sailing off to sea, flying through the blue Doing all the things all you shoes get to do

    From "Puttin' On The Ritz" from "Young Frankenstein":

    If you're blue And you don't know where to go to

    From "Be Like the Bluebird" from "Anything Goes":

    Be like the bluebird who never is blue, For he knows from his upbringing what singing can do,

    From "The Voice Across the Moors" from "Jane Eyre":

    In the vale of a midnight blue God has seen I'm at last rewarded He has sent me to you

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    And I hear His divine commandments

    From "Homework" from "Miss Liberty":

    And it's making me blue There is work that don't require an office That I'm anxious to do

    From "The Day Off" from "Sunday in the Park With George":

    Where green, blue, Blind you-

    From "Babes in the Wood" from "Very Good Eddie":

    Little lady, don't be depressed and blue, After all, we're both in the same canoe.

    From "I'd Rather Be Sailing" from "A New Brain":

    The water's incredibly blue And I'd rather be sailing Yes, I'd wanna go sail And then come home to you

    From "Some Kind of Wonderful" from "Beautiful":

    Anytime my little world is blue I just have to look at you

    From "If I Can Dream" from "All Shook Up":

    Got to be birds flying higher in a sky more blue If I can dream of a better land Where all my brothers walk hand in hand Tell me why, oh why, oh why can't my dream come true

    From "In L.A." from "Fame":

    They know that somewhere the sky is blue So smile when they say 'It's only a dream' And you'll get what is comin' to you In L.A, in L.A., in L.A. the dreams all come true

    From "Closer Than Ever" from "Closer Than Ever":

    Out of the blue An answer comes to you

    From "Loving You" from "Smokey Joe's Cafe":

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    don't be blue, don't be blue. I'll be faithful I'll be true;

    From "Dear Prudence" from "Across the Universe":

    The sun is up, the sky is blue It's beautiful, and so are you

    From "Painting My Kitchen" from "It's Only Life":

    Am I slathering on a deep blue? Is that what she expects me to do?

    From "Debts" from "As Thousands Cheer":

    Of course, our friends won't like it across the ocean blue But we can greet our neighbors with a hey nonny nonny and a nuts to you

    From "Somebody Kill Me" from "Wedding Singer":

    While you're near me i don't feel blue And when we kiss i know you reed me, too

    From "Look Who's Evil Now" from "Evil Dead":

    RIGHT: I'll twist your funbags I'll beat your brown eye blue Then I'll smash your sack and make a testicle fondue

    From "Gotta Have Me Go With You" from "A Star Is Born":

    You want your sky a baby blue

    You gotta have me go with you

    From "Welcome Back, Mr. Witherspoon" from "Lucky Stiff":

    Harry: Say goodbye to skies curiously blue Gloriously sunny Landlady: Lovely stew getting cold for you. Harry: Say hello to rent always overdue

    From "Too Tired" from "High Fidelity":

    I'm too fried and cold inside and I need to feel a little less blue But I'm too wired to stop and think this through

    From "Alone" from "A Year with Frog and Toad":

    What were you thinking was making me blue I only come out here to sit and remember I love being a frog in the warm sunny summer On days such as this one, thats what I do

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    From "Alone" from "A Year with Frog and Toad":

    What were you thinking was making me blue I only came out here to think how Im happy I love being a frog in the warm sunny summer But mostly Im happy because I have you

    From "You're A Grand Old Flag" from "George M!":

    Red, white and blue, Hats off to you

    From "Chris Is Here" from "Miss Saigon":

    on the life that starts today 'til you're blue we must journey to a new world you have one chance, just one he's here talking to you

    From "Go West" from "Priscilla":

    (Go West) Where the skies are blue (Go West) This is what we're gonna do

    From "I Can't Get Next to You" from "Motown":

    [Dennis:] Can turn a gray sky blue. [Melvin:] I can make it rain, whenever I wanted to.

    From "Grand Knowing You" from "She Loves Me":

    Just remember if you lonely or blue, There's a hollow in my pillow for you.

    From "Someday" from "Memphis":

    Someday I'm gonna do you wrong. Someday I'll leave you blue. Someday I'm gonna steal your heart. Someday I'll rip it right in two.

    From "So Long Baby" from "On The Town":

    And you feel oh so blue. It's no use, now that I'm leaving you.

    From "Healthy, Normal, American Boy" from "Bye Bye Birdie":

    We're blue! Oh, Conrad, we love you...

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    From "All for the Best" from "Godspell":

    Your mood and your robe Are both a deep blue You'd bet that Job Had nothing on you...

    From "Prelude to a Kiss" from "Play On!":

    If you hear a song in blue like a flower crying for dew

    From "A Little More Homework" from "13":

    And the sky goes blue And the sky goes black And no matter what you do You cant go back

    From "Over The Rainbow" from "The Wizard Of Oz":

    There's a land that I've heard of once in a lullaby. Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue And the dreams that you dare to dream, Really do come true.

    From "As We Stumble Along" from "The Drowsy Chaperone":

    into the blue. We look here and we look there. Seeking answers anywhere.

    Never sure of where to turn or what to do.

    From "Medley" from "Jersey Boys":

    I'll be blue And I'll be crying too

    From "No Man Left For Me" from "The Will Rogers Follies":

    Alone again and blue He's left me alone again - what's new

    From "The Search Is Over" from "Rock Of Ages":

    Then good luck it finally stuck like lightning from the blue Every highway leading me back to you

    From "Trumpeter Blow Your Horn / Finale" from "Of Thee I Sing":

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    You're my silver lining, You're my sky of blue; There's a love light shining All because of you.

    From "Merry Christmas Maggie Thatcher" from "Billy Elliot":

    And they've brought the boys in blue And the whole Trade Union Congress Will be at the party too And they'll all hold hands together

    From "Springtime For Hitler" from "Producers":

    Germany was blue What, oh, what to do?

    From "It's a Grand Night for Singing" from "State Fair":

    Shiny and silvery blue, Maybe the reason I'm feeling this way

    Has something to do with you!

    From "Piddle, Twiddle and Resolve" from "1776":

    Little Tom keeps turning blue Little Abbey has the measles And I'm coming down with flu They say we may get smallpox

    From "No, I'll be brave" from "The Pirates of Penzance":

    Come one and all, undaunted men in blue, A crisis, now, affairs are coming to!

    From "Chromolume #7 / Putting It Together" from "Sunday in the Park With George":

    They tell you till they're blue, George: You're new or else you're through, George,

    From "Shadow Waltz" from "42nd Street":

    Silhouettes in blue, Dancing in the dew;

    From "Everybody's Got the Right" from "Assassins":

    Hey, pal- feelin' blue? Don't know what to do?

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    From "Shine" from "Billy Elliot":

    You might be feeling blue A little apprehensive A minor touch of flu They couldn't give a monkey's cuss

    From "In This Corner" from "Kinky Boots":

    C'mon Don knock him black and blue Here come an uppercut, a left hook and a pirouette too

    From "How Lucky You Are" from "Seussical":

    When the news is all bad, When you're sour and blue, When you start to get mad You should do what I do-

    From "Once Upon A Time" from "Brooklyn":

    Where homes are made of gingerbread and skies are always blue Where pumpkins turn to coaches and wishes all come true

    From "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly! (Peter Pan)" from "Disney":

    To the stars beyoond the blue There's a Never Land waiting for you

    From "I Still Love the Red, White and Blue" from "The Gay Divorce":

    I still love the red, white and blue,

    You may think that I'm funny, but I do,

    From "Like a God" from "Flower Drum Song":

    Like a god, I can tear away the mist From the sky if you want it blue. In the wake of the mist, like a goddess you'll be kissed By a god in love with you.

    From "Unexpressed" from "It's Only Life":

    Longing to meet that pair of eyes Dark as the night or endless blue Holding a light I'll recognize Something clear, something true

    From "Believe" from "The Scarlet Pimpernel":

    Like reaching through the blue I place my faith in you

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    From "After You, Who?" from "The Gay Divorce":

    Could supply my sky of blue? After you, who

    From "Il Adore" from "Taboo":

    Whirling, swirling, never blue How could you go and die, what a lonely thing to do

    From "With You" from "Pippin":

    Evergreen pine and autumn blue But all my days are twice as fair If I could share My days with you

    From "Lucky Lips" from "The Marvelous Wonderettes":

    Lucky lips are always kissing, Lucky lips are never blue. Lucky lips will always find A pair of lips that will be true.

    From "Seeds" from "A Year with Frog and Toad":

    Roses are red, violets are blue They are flowers, just like you!

    From "All I Do Is Dream of You" from "Singin' In The Rain":

    When skies are blue Morning, noon and nighttime too

    From "It Might as Well Rain Until September" from "Beautiful":

    It doesn't matter whethee skies are grey or blue It's raining in my heart 'cause I can't be with you

    From "I Like Everybody" from "The Most Happy Fella":

    Of his private sky of blue, I like everybody And extra spec'lly I like you.

    From "Before The Next Teardrop Falls" by Dolly Parton:

    If she ever leaves you blue Just remember i love you

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    From "I Wasted My Tears" by Dolly Parton:

    Now I'm so blue I wasted my tears (Wasted my tears) When I cried over you

    From "Endless Stream Of Tears" by Dolly Parton:

    And i've never been so blue And i cried a river over you

    From "The Way I See You" by Dolly Parton:

    Or when the sun sets and paints its picture in the blue Like a butterfly that has a million colors, all such beauty Like the love in the way i see you

    From "The Grass Is Blue" by Dolly Parton:

    And the grass is blue And i don't love you

    From "Before I Met You" by Dolly Parton:

    I thought I could never be blue I thought I'd been kissed and I thought I'd been loved But that was before I met you

    From "Sandy's Song" by Dolly Parton:

    I'll love you ~til green grass turns lavender blue And all the stars fall from heaven and vanish like dew

    From "You're So Understanding" by Dean Martin:

    Whenever I feel blue Whenever I need someone I always run to you

    From "Loving You" by Elvis Presley:

    Don't be blue, don't you be blue I'll be faithful I'll be true

    From "Anything Thats Part Of You" by Elvis Presley:

    It helps to cheer me when Im blue Anything that's part of you

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    From "Lion Of Judah" by Prince:

    Feeling like the color blue Thinking about the words that I can use To get this through to you

    From "My Love Is Forever" by Prince:

    And the sky that's, oh, so blue You're everything girl, don't you know I need you

    From "All Alone" by Frank Sinatra:

    All alone, feeling blue Wondering where you are and how you are And if you are all alone too

    See blue used in context: 22 Shakespeare works, 1 quotation, 5 Mother Goose rhymes, 17 Bible passages, 853 definitions

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