Page 1: 2 Media manipulates - University of British Columbia Libraryis $1.50 per ticket less than the 1983/84 and 1984/85 rates of $21 .OO at the Mountain. Season’s pass prices are $440.00
Page 2: 2 Media manipulates - University of British Columbia Libraryis $1.50 per ticket less than the 1983/84 and 1984/85 rates of $21 .OO at the Mountain. Season’s pass prices are $440.00

Page 2

Media manipulates By SCOTT LAWRENCE

If it were not for familiarity with the manipulation of reali ty prepetuated by the mass media, the latest ideological machinations in- volving the “peace talks” in El Sa lvador wou ld make me

nauseated. Likened to another such

hero of t h e moment, (no doubt Nobel Peace Prize proposals whispering in the wings), then any failure of the talks, any renewed guerilla offensive will be attributed to opposition intransigence and regrettably leave the way open for continued American involvement, both indirect and direct.

In this way the U.S. will be able to maintain it’s “moral” position,

. . . . . . . .


reality perial policies from the Monroe through Carter doctrines.

The media should pay more closer attention to the issues underlying the conflict in Central America and stop giving voice to the ideology of American im- perialism.


Scott Lawrence is a graduate stu- denr closely following Central * .

ialks, the -billing of the move -by president Jose Duarte as prime mover, negotiator, and peacemaker neglects to point out that the FDR- FMLN, El Salvador’s united political and armed opposition, has been been asking for such talks since October, 1982.

Since that time, the church, trade union federations and even a small minority within the army have been pressing the government to enter dialogue with the FDR-FMLN.

The timing of the affair could be seen as a calculated attempt by the U:S. and El Salvador, both to whom are resisting the Contadora proposal for peace in the region as currently written. It effectively draws attention away from the growing Latin American concensus on that agreement.

If Duarte is presented as the folk

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Page 3: 2 Media manipulates - University of British Columbia Libraryis $1.50 per ticket less than the 1983/84 and 1984/85 rates of $21 .OO at the Mountain. Season’s pass prices are $440.00

~ Friday, October 19, 1984 T H E U B Y S S E Y Page 3 ”-

By PATTI FLATHER ast Spring UBC professor Paul Marantz made an an-

nouncement to the 30 students in his Soviet Foreign Policy seminar. He did not raise his voice, nor did it crack to reveal his bitter disappoint- ment.

Marantz quietly told the class what he had just learned, that the already large fourth year seminar would become a mass lecture with more than 100 students.

This fall Marantz is still calm as he talks in his political science of- fice about how much the quality of education has declined due to fund- ing cuts.

‘‘I feel angry because I recognize just how much the gap is between the education we’re presently pro- viding and what we were providing a few years ago.”

Marantz laughs in his characteris- tic slow, mild mannered way. “I don’t get angry very much,” he says.

He shakes his head. “It’s the good student, whose education is really being shortchanged. That’s what really makes me angry.

“Four or five years ago I would have felt a UBC education was se- cond to none and wouldn’t have hesitated to send my chiidren here,

but that’s no longer the case,” Ma- :antz says. He feels all B.C. univer- sities and colleges are weathering the same dramalic decline in qual- ity.

The provincial government cut UBC’s operating grant five per cent for 1984-85 and gave UBC a zero per cent increase the year before, for a net cut of 15 per cent over two years, including inflation. Other B.C. universities and colleges ex- perienced similar reductions.

UBC coped with the resulting deficit by raising tuition fees 33 per cent, cutting 77 faculty and 113 staff positions, and freezing faculty wages for the past two years. The budgets for virtually all depart- ments were cut, and both education and commerce cut entire programs.

Marantz says due to the cuts many higher level seminar courses have been converted into mass lec- tures, because student enrolment has risen at the same time. All four of the international relations pro- gram’s seminar courses have been eliminated, he’ says.

Marantz, a Harvard Ph.D., com- pares today’s Soviet Foreign Policy 409 with five years ago.

UNDERGRADUATES. . .face a lower quality degree due to funding cuts The class used to have 20 to 25

students and demandeli two Ilong papers, several short papers, and three exams, he says.

“There would also be debates, simulations and active class discus- sions,’’ he explains. Even last year with 30 students and reduced semi- nar time the course wa.s known as both demanding and inleresting.

“Now the course has over 130 students. It’s a mass lecture.”

The course will now require only one optional paper and two exams. Marantz says he must rnark all as- signments himself because politilcal science has cut down drastically on teaching assistants.

Marantz laments the small amount of writing his students will now do and predicts they will be less prepared as critical thinkers in the outside world.

Certain essay topics cannot be as- signed, he continues, because the li- braries lack the resources for so many students on some subjects. And many exams cannot use essay questions due to the time and ener- gy needed to mark them, Marantz says.

Marantz notes fear that top fa- culty are leaving but argues “much more dramatic is the deterioration that has already taken place in terms of the decline in quality.”

The political science (department

CLASSES. . .growing larger every year

has struck a committee to investi- gate enrolment limitations, stricter prerequisites and more lecture cou~:ses but Marantz says these are only bandaid measures.

“We really can’t restore high quality education. The damage has been done.”

Provincial government cutbacks are primarily causing the attack on quality - it is almost impossible for UBC to deflect the cuts when stu- d’ent. enrolment is increasing, he says.

“ I think it is very shortsighted a n d i t g o e s a g a i n s t t h e government’s own stated Iobjectives of‘ getting high tech firms to settle in B.C.”

Mlarantz brightens up a bit as he remlembers a Province editorial he readi earlier that morning, entitled “Restraint hurting quality educa- tion” (Oct. 16). The editorial said that unless business and the general B.C. community speak out, “this government in B.C. will make edu- cation a laughing stock and turn the province in to an economic Albania.”

“A couple of years ago it was total gloom and doom. Now the fact the newspapers are giving some support is encouraging,” Marantz says.

But UBC administration presi- d’enl George Pedersen says quality has not yet been abandoned.

“We won’t give in on quality. If you give away quality you are losing the overall ball game,” he says.

Pledersen says the UBC board of governors will deal with another cut in funding when i t comes and no sooner. The government does not release budget figures until spring, and Pedersen refuses to say whe- ther programs will be cut and ten- ured faculty laid off.

Earlier this year Pedersen said that during an universities ministry presentation to the provincial trea- sury, the trend was towards a “neg- ative five per cent increase.”

Don Holubitsky, student board representative, said earlier another fike per cent cut could m,ean a $12 mi1l:ion loss for the university. “Thlat’s the entire budget of the fa- culty of education, the combined

budgets of the faculty of agricul- ture, law and commerce, and three- quarters of the budget of the faculty of medicine,” he said.

Pedersen’s claims that quality is still retained are little consolation to Erwin Sui, who will graduate in arts this year. Sui says his education at UBC could have been “infinitely better.” He is in one poiitid- science course, U.S. Politics 407, which like Marantz’s course has 130 students.

“I feel I’ve been ripped off. I think we’ve been scandalized. The entire university - I look at some of the science classes with 250 peo- ple.”

Sui says the quality of his political course has been compro- mised.

“Most fourth year courses em- phasize seminar style. Now it’s dif- ficult to engage in discussion. If you want detailed discussion you don’t have time to do it.”

Sui says while quality is obviously declining, more limits on enrolment are not the answer.

Economic head John Crag men- tions similar overcrowding prob- lems in psychology, computer science and his department.

He says upper year courses are worst, with many classes of 100 and more lacking teaching assistants or smaller discussion groups. Profes- sors are giving markedly fewer as- signments, he says.

Cragg agrees with Marantz that the quality of education is much worse than five years ago, and adds hiring prokssors is getting harder too. They face higher workloads, low morale, and no wage increase for the second year in a row.

“This is where the quality of edu- cation is also going to be hit,” Cragg says.

On the other side of campus, sci- ence education is also suffering, says chemistry head Larry Weiler.

Two hundred students this fall were refused admission to prerequi- site chemistry courses because there was no money for more labs. Many students did not even try getting in because they knew there was no

See page 6: LABS

Page 4: 2 Media manipulates - University of British Columbia Libraryis $1.50 per ticket less than the 1983/84 and 1984/85 rates of $21 .OO at the Mountain. Season’s pass prices are $440.00

“ -~ ”- ~ - ~. ”” “ ”-

Page 4 T H E U B Y S S E Y Friday, October 19, 1984

Peace activists will meet OTTAWA (CUP) - East will

meet West in Canada’s capital Saturday, when two carloads of weary peace activists travelling from opposite ends of the country roll onto Parliament Hill with peace petitions in hand.

The meeting will mark the first time Canada’s peace movement has launched a national campaign, complete with petitions that have been circulating around the country

away, it’s here to stay. Disarma- ment is an issue that is not going to die,” Bell-Armstrong said.

Peace activists plan to hold a “vigil of sorts” on Parliament Hill for two days. Bell-Armstrong estimates it will take that long for all the names to be read aloud.

Organizers plan to meet with the leaders of the three federal parties, Brian Mulroney, John Turner and Ed Broadbent, Oct. 22, and will

When Parliament opens Nov. 5 , the-activists will drag the bundles of petitions into the House. The peti- tions demand a halt to the testing of the cruise missile in Canada, that Canada be declared a nuclear free zone and that funding of the arms race be diverted to socially useful purposes.

Local activists will photocopy the petitions and present them to as many of the 282 MPs as possible.

for eight months. ask them to make disarmament a Bell-Armstrong said petition can- The Peace Petition Caravan high priority on the parliamentary vassers have passed through almost

Campaign, which kicked off March agenda- all 282 federal ridings. 15, will culminate in a rally on Parliament Hill Saturday. Peace ac- tivists in Ottawa will form two lines along the entrance to the House of Commons to welcome the two caravans which left Vancouver,

. B.C., and St. John’s, New- foundland, Sept. 29.

As the eternal flame burns in the distance, bundles of petitions will be hauled up to the House of Com- mons steps. Speakers will call out the name of the riding each bundle represents and later on, will read each name on the hundreds of peti- tions.

“We want to let the government know that a quarter of a million are opposed to the cruise missile and want Canada’s position on the nuclear arms race changed,” said Beverlee Bell-Armstron, one of two campaign coordinators.

“We want to let them know the peace movement is not going to go


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Page 5: 2 Media manipulates - University of British Columbia Libraryis $1.50 per ticket less than the 1983/84 and 1984/85 rates of $21 .OO at the Mountain. Season’s pass prices are $440.00

Friday, October 19, 1984 T H E U B Y S S E Y Page 5 0 s- ” .

PEDERSEN. . .wants change

b y R o b e r t B e y n o n

U B C ’ s b o a r d

” s c a r e d , t u r n i n g

t o c o u p o r a t i o n s


UBC’S BOARD O F GOVER- nors meets the first thursday each month in a spacious ivory-colored room on the old administration building’s second floor to deter- mine UBC’s financial policy.

Once a government appointment to the board was a social position - if you made it to the corporate lad- der’s top you were eligible-but these days the whispers and inside jokes that typify meetings of the predominantly male board belie a growing seriousness.

UBC’s funding has been cut to the point where the university is fundamentally damaged - UBC’s board, where the majority is Social Credit appointed, is worried and turning increasingly to the public, particularly the corporate sector.

“They’re scared,” says student board member Dave Frank, who wears T-shirts to three-piece board meetings. “The board is really wor- ried about the future,” he says.

The board is facing numerous hard decisions next year, whatever operating grant they receive from the Social Credit government, Frank says. Can they raise tuition again and still keep students? How can they give staff a pay increase next year and if funding is seriously reduced what can they cut . . . and how will they decide?

Frank says due to these pressures the board is working harder than it has in the past, and members are talking one on one with corporate and establishment leaders.

And UBC’s administration under new president George Pedersen is working better with the board than former administrations.

“The board is accepting a lot more advice now,” Franks says. “It’s no longer a ceremonial ap- pointment.’’

WHETHER THE BOARD IS working harder or not, it is still con- trolled by the “establishment,” the corporate bosses in B.C.

UBC’s board is composed of UBC’s president, two faculty, two students, one staff, eight govern- ment appointees, and UBC’s chan- cellor, whom alumni elect. The government appointees and UBC’s chancellor are all classic “establish- ment. ”

Journalist Peter Newman in his 1975 best-seller The Canadian Es- tablishment describes UBC’s last chancellor J.V. Clyne as “One of the few totem establishment figures B.C. has procued in recent times.”

Newman saw Gerald Hobbs. former Cominco chair, director of numerous corporations, director and board member, is part of the Vancouver Establishment. Newman added in his book that present board members Robert Wyman and Robert Lee were just about to enter the establishment.

A September 1984 Vancouver magazine article says these two and Peter Brown have “arrived” at the top of the corporate ladder.

Robert Lee is Prosper0 Group president and Brown heads Canar- im Investment Corporation and is Expo ’86 finance vice-chair.

And Frank says these corporate bosses are worried about UBC’s fu- ture.

BUT BOARD CHAIR DAVID McLean, a partner in the Vancou- ver law firm McLean, Hungerford and Simon, says the board is not worried at all and is in fact very understanding of Socred funding cuts to education.

“We had two meetings with the premier, Mr. Bennett, last year and he was sympathetic,” MacLean says. “It’s tough for him, the for- estry and the mining industry are depressed and the premier is receiv- ing no corporate taxes.”

McLean says the board has enough information and enough time to make all the important de- cisions facing it. ‘‘I think we’re go-

ing slowly and very carefully.” The board will have to proceed

carefully if they receive a five per cent cut next year, as many expect. This fall, student board member Don Holubitsky said a five per cent cut is very likely.

UBC received a five per cent cut for the 1983-84 fiscal year and. no increase for the 1982-83 fiscal year, which, including inflation, add!; up to a 20 per cent cut i n financing. This led the board to raise tuition 33 per cent despitr studen1 protest.5.

And a senate budget committee report released this May recom- mends programs be axed to :,ave UBC’s quality if UBC receives an- other cut this year.

McLean says the board will have to wait and see the operating grant they receive from the provincial government this year !before they decide if anything should be cut.

BUT LONG TIME BOARD member Gerald Hobbs disagrees with McLean. He says the board is worried.

“The university cannot get enough support,” Hobbs says, “be- cause the universities have been on welfare for so long they \believed the public purse was capable of limitless support.”

Hobbs says those who rely on the government become servants of the government. He adds he thinks this is a real threat to academic free- dom.

“Academic freedom depends on adequate funding to support study,” Hobbs says. “I don’t think there is any more profound threat to academic freedom than cuts caused by reduced funding.”

Hobbs says these cuts could have been avoided if the university sought funding and support from the general community before the recession struck. He says, though, that UBC’s president i:, rectifying the situation by attempting to make

contact with the public and the cor- porate sector.

There is quite a bit of knowledge in rhe corporate sector that the university can use to al1,eviate its problems, Hobbs says.

UBC PRESIDENT GEORGE Pedersen says the university wants to improve its relationship with the entire community. But David Mac- Millan, vice president development and community relations., says the real money is in the corporate sec- tor.

?edersen says the university has to emphasize its resources more ef- fectively in the future. He says, “We have tended not to sell our- selves well in the past and haven’t made ourselves well en0ug.h known and used.”

f3ut he says the trend is changing. “I put a lot of effort into making sure the two new Paprican (pulp and paper research) facilities came here,,” Pedersen says.

Pedersen also recently became a direc:tor of MacMillan Blo’edel, the B.C.-based multinational forestry firm.. He claims this does. not in- dicate he is also joining the cor- porate ranks.

He says forestry is an integral part of B.C.’s economy and UBC’s president should be in touch with the i:ndustry. UBC should have one of the best forestry schools in Can- ada ;and internationally, ht: adds.

Pedersen says he thinks UBC should increase contacts with the entirle community, includirlg labor.

BUT B.C. POLITICAL writer .and activist Stan Persky says there has been no major change in the board’s attitudes in the last 50 years. He says the board works for itself - the corporate establish- ment.

Persky adds the board might be worri.ed cutbacks are hurting the fu- ture of the B.C. economy. He says

the recent public outburst against cutbacks by Jim Matkin, president of the Employers’ Council of B.C., is an example of these self-interest- ed fears.

“During the late ’60s and 70s the board was opened up to students and faculty, but the power is still in the hands of the capitalists,” Per- sky says.

He adds the board cannot be over- ly upset about cutbacks because they have never issued statements critiquing them.

Margaret Copping, Alma Mater Society president and a former board member, says the real deci- sions are made in private one on one discussions.

She says she thinks the board is concerned.

HOWEVER, THE BOARD seemed calm in their last open ses- sion Oct. 4. Behind their U-shaped wood table and hand-lettered name- plates in their stately room with filmy curtains, the board joked and guffawed with their usual zest.

And they spent much time dis- cussing a black tie dinner to be held this fall in honor of former chan- cellor J.V. Clyne. Alumni Associa- tion president Kyle Mitchell says a previous dinner of the type made close to $500.000 for a Simon Fra- ser University program.

Mitchell says the dinner will cost $250 a plate and donors will be ask- ed for‘ contributions of $2,500, $5,000 or $10,000 to set up a speak- er’s service honoring Clyne. “It will be a very sophisticated black-tie evening,” Kyle promises.

Board chair McLean says the din- ner is a great idea. It will create a world class speaker’s service and in- crease UBC’s public visibility.

But which members of the public can pay $250 a plate for a dinner or donate $2,500, let alone $lO,OOO for a speaker’s service? Where are their priorities?

Page 6: 2 Media manipulates - University of British Columbia Libraryis $1.50 per ticket less than the 1983/84 and 1984/85 rates of $21 .OO at the Mountain. Season’s pass prices are $440.00
Page 7: 2 Media manipulates - University of British Columbia Libraryis $1.50 per ticket less than the 1983/84 and 1984/85 rates of $21 .OO at the Mountain. Season’s pass prices are $440.00

Friday, October 19, 1984 T H E U B Y S S E Y Page 7

Academic women have small profiles

‘‘I’m really convinced that the status of women on faculty has a direct bearing on women students in general. How can it not

By SARAH MILLIN n August, an ad-hoc committee on the status of in 1982 was composed of three women and thr

1972,” she says. The report shows that on average, women make

The committee looked male counterparts. That figure $2,000 or 4.2 per cent less than their

at a variety Of gender takes into account several factors related issues. The re-

port gives the percent- discipline and rank. In 1972, the including qualfications, age,

age Of On each difference was 9.5 per cent. faculty, average salary

to ear- sity task force delve further into The report recommends a univer-

nings, rate of promo- tion,. and examines women’s status at UBC. Smith says

tenure. the committee did not have all perti- is no evidence nent data available, such as how

of discrimination;, many people applied for faculty says chair jobs and how many people were re- Maureen Murphy of fused tenure. But a task force could the report. ask departments to keep such rec-

have more women.” “The figures didn’t surprise The data, provided by me,” says George Bluman, associ- the administration ate professor of math and the mem-

shows faculties have a very ber of the committee who analyzed low percentage of women on fa- the data; “We had the figures from culty. For example, forestry in 1982 earlier years.” He adds, “I’d like to

had no women faculty. Agricultural see a greater balance”’ sciences also had few women pro- “The report didn’t say the fessors, with one woman compared university hired so many women,

it is possible to ords. the report says.

+- C Q -a- but there was an increase in the net LW J O 111CI1. percentage,” Bluman says. The in-

crease in women faculty was 29 per cent in 10 years.

he representation of women in the adminis- tration is also low, Smith continues. “In our view, it would be desirable to see more women in that part of the university. Care should be taken to not overlook qualified wo- men,” Smith says. Women tend to remain concentrated in the lower ranks of faculty. Women are not ten- ured as much as men - 49.2 per cent of women faculty have tenure compared to 81.5 per cent of men. Seventy-six per cent of instructors are women.

Report reminds

women’s issues

“ I was surprised when we first started to look at the data that the percentage of women was so small,’’ Murphy says. ‘‘I feel hope- ful that it will continue to change.” “That is not to say or make a criti- cal comment on the competence or the teaching of the male faculty,” she says.

“There are still not many women on faculty,” says Lynne Smith, member of the committee and asso-

W ee

‘omen at UBC released a rep01 ! men from. various !Faculties.

seriously affected if there are lay- offs. “If layoff decisions are made based !simply on rank and tenure, a d ispropor t iona te amount of women, because they are: in lower ranks, would be affected,” Smith says. “There would be a drop in the number of women on campus.’’

And promotion of female faculty is slower. The: report ‘says women must wait a year longer on average for promotion than their male counterparts.

The committee made several recommendations in its report - the most important one calls on the administration to set up ;an ongoing task force to review the status of women.

Committee chair Murphy hopes UBC president George Pedersen follows the recommendations. At the University of Alberta there is a committee on women that sets new priolities annually an key issues, Murphy says.

The committee also recommend- ed the task force look into the women studies program. “We felt that it might be of concern to wo- men working in things concerning women’s issues,” Smith says. But women’s office director Lyth- goe ,disagrees.

“I don’t see why a task force on the ;status of women should be as- signed to review an area of aca- demic discipline,” Lyth.goe says. “ I would say that it has become academically respectable to think systematically about gender and wornen. So ,why should a task force on a working contralctual system on wornen also review an academic program?” she asks.

Smith defends the report’s recommendations.

“It’s important that the task force look into women’s studies be- cause the academic work might not be treated as seriously as traditional work. Especially as a lot of work is published in new journals unknown say to a promotion or tenure com- mittee,” Smith says.

“We didn’t look into those con- cerns raised about the program that we heard btxause we didn’t feel that we were ‘qualified to deal with them,” says committee chair Mur- phy.

‘,‘We weren’t ;in investigative body,” Muruhy says.

*t. The committee set up

The committee also recom- mended the president establish a committee on sexual harassment to protect women faculty and students from sexual coercion.

‘‘0u1r concern was to look at if there were procedures in place 5 - deal with sexual harassment,” Mu phy says.

The committee did not look at part time faculty. “It seemed too large and complex for US to look at it as well,” Murphy explains. “There is now a committee looking at part time faculty.”

Sexist language in faculty docu- ments was not a major problem. The report states that in general the documents are free from gender bias, but there are a few where “vestiges of an earlier style appear.’’

“The committee felt that the im- portance of language is an issue that people should be sensitized to,” Murphy says.

The data on women at UBC was provided by UBC’s administration. Murphy says some data was un- available. “Some of it the adminis- tration said wasn’t appropriate. Given our questions, we have a tre- mendous amount of data,” Mur-

“ I feel it’s a strong report,’’ Mur- phy says, “it deals with the data clearly, we identify the issues that need to be investigated.”

And so far, most response to the report has been good.

“It is a long, detailed, valuable report,” says faculty association president Elmer Ogryzlo, adding the association is anxious the ad- ministration act on the report.

“ I think it’s a valuable thing that they (the committee) did,” says as- sociate classics professor Elizabeth Bongie. “It reminds people that the situation exists.”

Lythgoe agrees. “The report is very thorough. It identifies the is- sues that UBC faces in respect to the situation of its academic wo- men.”

“Academic women have an im- portant contribution to academic life,”’ Smith says. “Even though them have been barriers in the past, I think it desirable to break down

,the ‘barriers that may still be left.” The administration has not acted

on the report yet.

phy Says.

Page 8: 2 Media manipulates - University of British Columbia Libraryis $1.50 per ticket less than the 1983/84 and 1984/85 rates of $21 .OO at the Mountain. Season’s pass prices are $440.00

Page 8 T H E U B Y S S E Y Friday, October 19, 1984

Quebec schools running deficits M O N T R E A L ( C U P ) -

Quebec’s three English language universities will be forced to run deficits this year to make up for $4 million the provincial government had promised but now will not give them.

The Quebec government an- nounced last week that McGill, Concordia and Bishop’s universities will not get the $4 million they were promised in March, even though the money had already been includ- ed in this year’s budgets.

Last March, a provincial study showed the English schools were underfunded, while the French schools were receiving comparative- ly more money. The study said the English schools should get more money because of the more expen- sive science and engineering pro- grams they offer.

But Quebec education minister Yves Berube said last week ways to get the money, either through greater taxes or less money to French schools, are politically un- popular.

Concordia, the province’s most poorly funded school, will run a ”””



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deficit $1 million higher than budgeted. Graham Martin, Con- cordia’s vice-rector finance, said: “We can’t keep running up these deficits. At some point the bank’s going to decide ‘enough is enough .’ ”

John Armour, McGill’s vice- president of finance, said the school’s deficit will increase by $2 million. “There’s no chance of ad- justing our budget. We’ve already eliminated all unnecessary items,” Armour said.

At a press conference last week, Berube said he was not ruling out increasing tuition fees for Quebec students to boost universities’ revenues.

Quebec students have been pay- ing $570 in tuition per year since the early 70’s. Quebec’s tuition fees are the lowest in Canada.

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Page 9: 2 Media manipulates - University of British Columbia Libraryis $1.50 per ticket less than the 1983/84 and 1984/85 rates of $21 .OO at the Mountain. Season’s pass prices are $440.00

Awards officers question commiffee’s end UBC’s awards office is buried in between the awards officers and the

a small cluster of green rooms in the government, since then. basement floor of the modernistic - new administration building. There is no shortage of problems.

The Drovincial government abolish- All the student 1oan.applications ed giants last February, organized a

at UBC pass through this office. So new loan program this summer, and do worried students, complaints changed loan criterion the summer and loan appeals. The financial before. Delays in sending out and award officers have enough pro- processing applications. UBC blems deaIing with student’s needs financial award officer Byron and completing the mass of paper Hender says he does not know why

“ work shuffling through their office the government ended the commit- every year. tee and adds the officers could

of ending problems in the system. He says they could have helped They met the provincial govern- the provincial government setting ment’s student service committee up their new student loan program yearly and made supgestions on this spring if they had been asked. how the system could be improved.

The officers used to have a means assist the government if they met.

“They implemented it with little But the committee ended in 1982 assistance originally and found it

and there has been no interaction couldn’t work and then they had to

go back to university and coliee financial awards offices anyway,” says Hender, the vice president of the Financial Awards Officers’ Association of Canada.

‘‘We (financial awards officers) think we’re on the frontline and we have a lot of knowledge the provin- cial government could put into practice,” says Hender.

He says all other Canadian pro- vinces have committees to discuss financial aid. But this does not mean the B.C. Education Ministry, which ran the committee, is picking on student aid, claimed Hender.

“There’s very little consultation from the provincial government in general,” he says.

Although the committee’s ending was never explained to him, Hender

says it happened at the bureaucratic level and not the political level. Hender says provincial employees have had to suffer staff reductions and cutbacks and may have been unable to continue the committee.

“But I don’t think the committee cost them any money,” Hender adds.

Henders is quick to point out that although relations are also poor -with the federal gevernment, finan- cial awards officers still meet with them. ’ “Their part-time loan was a . gigantic bust, like we said it would be.” He says the federal govern- ment still blames financial awards officers for the program’s failure and is advertising the loans in Homemakers magazine and Safeway.

“What person wants to start making payment on a loan 30 days after their course ends?” Henders asks. This is what was required for the part-time loan program.

Students would be better served if both the federal and provincial government paid more attention to financial awards officers, Hender says.

Donna Morgan, Canadian Federation of Students Pacific ex- ecutive -officer, wants more than just the return of the committee. “I think the student aid program should be introduced in the legislature.”

She says if the program was pro- posed as a bill in the legislature, the government would have to give notice if it changed the program and would be legally bound to upholding the program.

“After the grant program ended this February students at Simon Fraser University spent a lot of time looking into the legality of ending the program when students were ex- pecting grants, but the government had broken no law,” Morgan says.

She says many SFU students were promised grants for their s u q e r session before the program was ended. Then they couldn’t get loans

’ to replace the grants until half way through their summer session because the Social Credit govern- ment ‘poorly organized the pro- gram.

She says the government did not consult student groups when they changed the loan program criterion in their July, ~ 1983 budget, .when they ended the grant program’ or when they organized the new stu- dent loan program this summer.

“And we still don’t know what this scholarship program is that was promised in this February’s budget,” says Morgan.

She adds even the records of the education ministry, which controls the loan program, are not open to the public. Both student groups and financial ’ awards officers have to ampile their own records, she says, to estimate total student aid expen- jitures. ,

In comparison, the federal government is more than cooperative with students. “This spring we met with (Liberal Secretary of State) Serge Joyal and with representatives of his on stu- dent aid.”

She says the reason for the lack of communication .between the ministry and students are personal, bureaucratic, and theoretical. Education minister Jack Heinrich is reluctant to meet with students. Government employees think they can do it 811 themsleves and Bill Bennett’s government is not strong- ly inclined toyards ,democratic con- sultation, Morgan explains.

Education ministry spokesperson Dick Melville says he does not know why the student services committee ended or why student aid should be legislated. He says he did not even know.the committee had even end- ed two years ago.

In the meantime the people most affected by student aid, students and financial awards officers, have no say in the process that sets policy. This might explain why policy has changed so drastically ih the last two years.

Teachers, students hope new -hopes over federal cabinet With a new government in Ottawa, academic

and student lobbies are hoping for a revision of the act that has allowed provincial govern- ments, such as B.C., to cut back on post- secondary funding.

The lobbyists say the provinces reform of EPF, says -ministry broke the Established Programs Alan Donelly. Financing Act of 1977. Under the every year EPF is act the federal government does two reviewed in the context Of Overall things: pays provinces grants for fiscal arrangements of the year,” he hospital and medical insurance and says- “But to my no provides grants for post-secondary Proposals are being considered by education to each province, to be the ministry The finance matched by the provinces. minister (Michael Wilson) has made

The grant is unconditional. no statement on it yet.” The provincial government does

not legally have to spend the post- secondary education grant on post-. By VICTOR W O N secondary education.

“The share of post-secondary funding from provincial sources has been on the decline,” says Sarah Shorten. lobbvist for the Canadian Association oP University Teachers.

Although the B.C. government is still providing post-secondary fund- ing in addition to the government grant, its funding commitments have eroded over the past two years, Shorten says.

“More than half of all post- secondary education funding is be- ing paid by the federal government,” Shorten said. “And the federal government is frustrated by the lack of accountability.”

EPF was not a major issue in this year’s federal ek?ion. The new finance ministry, iGJ fact, has no current plans or pro, sals for the

Donelly says the act covers the fiscal years up to 1986-87 and a new agreement may be negotiated then.

But CAUT is hoping that the EPF negotiations will be discussed sooner than that. For one thing, there is a new government, which Shorten says may mean better rela- tions between Ottawa and the pro- vinces. “(Former prime minister Pierre) Trudeau’s attitude towards the provinces has always been con- frontational,” Shorten says.

Shorten also believes the pro- vinces are anxious to talk about EPF as soon as possible because of two unilateral amendments by the Liberal government. One is the

removal ,f a revenue guarantee in 1981. The other amendment put EPF under the “6 and 5” restraint program this year. This means a potential loss due to inflation of $380 million by the provinces over the two remaining years of the act.

“I expect that sometime during the next year ey will start to talk,” says Sho1 n.

CAUT’s proposal for EPF sug- gests converting the act into an in- centive/penalty program. Under the proposal the federal govern- ment would give bonus amounts to provinces providing an adequate amount of post-secondary funding, to be set by.a joint federallprovin-


cal formula. Provinces would also be penalized through other pro- grams if this level was not met.

The Canadian Federation of Students supports a similar pro- gram and CFS representatives will meet four Progressive Conservative ministers on Parliament Hill Nov. 5 to explain their position.

The student leaders will pressure the ministers to take concrete steps

, t o ensure the federal transfer payments are used by the provinces for education.

Youth minister Andree Cham- pagne, employment minister Flora MacDonald, finance minister Michael Wilson and secretary of state Walter McLean are already receiving letters and phone calls from CFS encouraging them to take action on funding levels.

“We want a national dialogue on education. We want to include business, labor, students and anyone who is interested in educa- tion in this dialogue,” says CFS ex- ecutive officer Diane Flaherty.

She adds two of the ministers - MacDonald and McLean - presented some federation concerns to Parliament when they were in op- position. Flaherty says she hopes they will encourage other Tory MPs to support. the federation’s cam- paign, called ’ “guaranteed tied funding.”

Flaherty adds she suspects the federal and provincial governments will renegotiate the act in early spring, after the Tories’ first budget is tabled which makes the current pressure important.

Page 10: 2 Media manipulates - University of British Columbia Libraryis $1.50 per ticket less than the 1983/84 and 1984/85 rates of $21 .OO at the Mountain. Season’s pass prices are $440.00

I r E

Page 11: 2 Media manipulates - University of British Columbia Libraryis $1.50 per ticket less than the 1983/84 and 1984/85 rates of $21 .OO at the Mountain. Season’s pass prices are $440.00

rage 12 T H E U B Y S S E Y

‘Wedepohl talks ’From page 11

To UBC applied science dean Martin Wedepohl, Cecil Green’s creative application of science stands as an admirable archetype for future engineering graduates to follow.

Its endeavor created hundreds of thousands of jobs in the electronics industry, Wedepohl says.

No other result could please the man students once’ affectionately called dean Martin. He’s a true academic who can talk about job creation as much as that other guy, comedian Dean Martin can drink.

While commenting on the role of engineering in job creation, Wedepohl only pauses briefly for a smoke. With his pack of Rothmans securely in reach, he launches into an articulate and convincing defence of engineering as a solution toB.C.’s unemployment woes.

No prodding is need for him to expound the virtues of future Cecil Greens who emerge yearly from the infamous students known by their pranks and their chant, “We are, we are, we are the engineers.”

Wedepohl is a self-proclaimed capitalist. A guarded one that is.

He’s tired of hearing people con- note the term.‘creation of wealth’ with evil intentions. “We’ve got to educate people in this province who can create wealth,” he says. “If we can’t create a society , in which wealth is created, then all of us will go to hell.”

And he’s also tired of hearing the forecasts anticipating a bleak job market for prospective engineering graduates - those potential creat- ors of wealth as he sees it.

“Engineering. creates jobs,” he says. “We (educators) should make it our business to create a resolu- t ion to the unemployment problem,” he adds. In short, Wede- pohl wants his students “to con- found the forecasters.”

But many of these students - un- leashed for the first time in the highly competitive job market - are themselves confounded by their diminishing opportunities for em- ployment as engineers. They’re joining the growing ranks of unem- ployed engineers looking for work in a province where restraint is the catch word.

According to Art Weesen, As- sociation of Professional Engineers

of B.C. manager of professional af- fairs, 17 per cent of B.C.’s accredit- ed engineers are unemployed or. working part time. “Typically there should be four or five per cent unemployed,” he says, adding about half the unemployed are civil engineers.

Among the unemployed are many experienced engineers, the victims of widespread layoffs from major engineering firms. B.C. Hydro, a traditional employer of lIuBC engin- eering graduates, is joining the re- trenchment racket. The crown cor- poration announced Oct. 1 350 staff in its engineering department will be getting their pink slips. And Weesen says the number could rise. “My understanding is that the total laid off at B.C. Hydro could end up to about 500.”

“With every person that gets laid off at B.C. Hydro, there’s approxi- mately one less job available for grads,” says Lyle Sieg,’ a fourth year UBC civil engineering student and employment representative for graduating civil students.

Sieg coordinates efforts to link civil grads with potential employers from local, out-of-province and overseas firms. -With the current emphasis on high technology and computer related electrical engin- eering, his job requires hard sell. But even that approach may not be enough to land employment for civil graduates hoping to apply their engineering skills.

A Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd. spokesperson says firms that traditionally hire university gradu- ates are cutting back with the de- cline of provincial megaprojects. “There’s virtually no development going on.”

Jack Merchant, Swan Wooster Consultants Ltd; personnel man- ager, says the employment situation is the worst he’s seen for 30 years. Both consulting engineering firms were once employers of UBC civil graduates, says Sieg. Neither plan to recruit at UBC in the near future.

Sieg surveyed 77 of last year’s 90 civil graduates and discovered only 30 found permanent work. Carol Smith, one grad -who was not among the lucky 30, found work for only a week and a half after tak- ing job hunting seminars, phoning various companies and filing nu- merous applications. In total she applied to about 60 companies. “I


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knew it was going to be hard, but I didn’t know it would be this hard.”

Many civil grads like Smith who are unable to find work will soon leave. for greener employment-filled pastures, predicts Sieg. “A lot of us who are serious about working in engineering will be forced to go elsewhere.”

Stan Reimer, a 1984 civil grad, is going south for his employment mi- gration, even farther than the birds

was supposed to be a shortage of 500 engineers when I graduated. That was the (Association of) Pro- fessional Engineers’ forecast. That was obviously an incorrect forecast.”

Reimer says in the few interviews he was granted after graduation, he discovered the key to gaining employment is not necessarily ac- quiring good qualifications, but forging contacts in industry. “I found it harder because my father’s not president of Imperial Oil,” he quips.

Contacts played a large part in ’ the formation of Shaughnessy Computer Systems - a fledgling electrical engineering company managed and staffed mainlv by re-


Friday, October 19, 1984

the five members of the electrical engineering graduating class of ’84 employed by the f m , says outside investment fueled by tax incentives was essential in launching the com- DanY. “

Jasa Management is funding .the firm, which is involved strictly with research and development of com- puter hardware and software. Gol- hof says the firm employs 12 peo- ple, all in their mid-twenties.

Despite its young -age, the com- pany is surviving, along with a host of other B.C. electrical engineering firms plowing seeds in the small but quietly thriving high technology in- dustrial fields.

MacDonald Detwiller and Asso- ciates, a small firm started by two former UBC professors, actively re- cruits from UBC and other Cana- dian universities. “We will be look- ing for up to two dozen grads next year,” promises the fiim’s manager .of technical resources, Chris Mor-, ris .

Rosanna Mitchell, human re- sources officer for Mobile Data In-

\” ternational, says her firm will be re- / cruiting this November at UBC. She

adds MDI is keeping in close con- tact with administrators of the new Simon Fraser University engineer- ing sciences program that special- izes in high technology engineering education. “We’re very interested in what the curriculum is to see

Major electrical engineering firms Like MacDonald . Detwiller and MDI are prime employers for fu- ture SFU grads, says Darrell Zarn, internship coordinator and student advisor for the SFU program. “I’m very confident and don’t hesitate to tell the students that their job op- portunities are very good indeed.”


15 what best suits our needs.”

Len Bruton, University of Vic- toria dean of engineering, says it is difficult to predict future job pros- pects for graduates of any univer- sity program, but he echoes Zarn’s optimism when describing Dro-

- to South Africa - where two cent UBC electrical graduates. The cooperative engineering school, spects for grads from the UVic

other recent UBC engineering grad- newly established firm is an oddity, another where students uates heard their calling. “I’m get- but it’s the kind of enterprise that will concentrate on high tech ap- ting tired of being in a place where sends dean Wedepohl into gleeful plications. engineering is not in demand.” hvmrsoace. says Reimer, who leaves in a week The firm founded by UBC elec- “It’s a fair bet students with ex- for Pretoria and a job with a struc- trical grad Greg Kovacs proves pertise in computers will be among tural engineering firm. Wedepohl’s point that talented the most employable graduates

Reimer says he was told in first students are capable. of creating coming out of universities. And if year he could work for the firm of their own version of Texas Instru- our grads are having trouble getting his choice after graduation. “There ments. But Randall Golhof, one of jobs, then God help the rest.”

- - *r - ” _ ~ ~~

Page 12: 2 Media manipulates - University of British Columbia Libraryis $1.50 per ticket less than the 1983/84 and 1984/85 rates of $21 .OO at the Mountain. Season’s pass prices are $440.00

Friday, October 19, 1984 T H E 1 3 B Y S S E Y Page 13 ~~~

Education no consumer good By MARGARET COPPING

,41ma Mater Society president The issue is that educational op-

portunity is becoming increasingly limited to those of fortunate birth.

To those of us who deal with education issues a lot, the problem is referred to as that of “accessibili- ty,” and the statistic that we use is

the participation rate-the percen- tage of a given population that parti cipate in post-secondary education.

Particpation rates are usually calculated by regions, and in British Columbia the most start l ing statistics are those that show the tremendous difference in participa- tion between areas within com- muting distance of a university, and more distant areas.

The explanations occasionally focus on sociological reasons (for lack of a better word): expectations 3f parents and peers, absence of university activities in the com- munity and so on. But obviously financial circumstances affect par- ticiparion, too. And increasingly so in these hard economic times.

The greatest cost in an in- dividuals university education is simply the cost of living, and a stu- dent who can depend on living in the family home can most likely earn enough money for tuition, books, transportation 2.nd inciden- tals.

But for those who live far from a university, or for those who cannot depend on familial support, finan- cial obstacles loom very large.

Financial aid programs exist, but even with a student’s summer and part time earnings, the maximum student aid subsidy is usually insuf- ficient for the costs of living. And attending university.

Unless a student can rely on, oh, an additional couple of thousand dollars a year, completing a degree is unlikely.

And at maximum student aid levels, the debt accrued gives an entering student pause: a student entering a five year program this week, dependent on financial aid, will graduate with a debt of twenty or twenty-five thousand dollars.

This isn’t a diatribe against the student aid program, though it may seem so. Thousands of students would not be attending university without such a program, and mor- tgaging one’s future is still p r e f e r a b l e , f o r m a n y s t u d - ents-including myself-to having no future at all.

What I want to point out is that a combination of circumstances-the economic climate, the students’ financial resources and original location-combine to render some less fortunate by birth than others.

Of course, there are those who say: “Well of course the affluent can afford things the less affluent can’t; what d o you expect.”

But ‘to subscribe to that point of view, for society to subscribe to that point of view, is to reduce educa- tion to the status of just another consumer good. And education is more than that.

Education is, and should be, a chance for the gifted, the dedicated, and the hardworking members of a n y e c o n o m i c or c u l t u r a l background, of any region-a chance to make their own way, a chance to cultivate their skills, becoming more fully active, more valuable members of society.

To reduce education to a con- sumer good is to waste the greatest economic, cultural and scientific resources that we have-the ears and minds of motivated people.

We should not be competitors for scarce educational re,sIources

In theory anyone, regardless of his parents, wealth, luck, or drive, if he’s good enough, works hard enough, makes some sacrifices- anyone can make his own future.

I would have liked to have said: if she’s good enough. . .but I can’t. All the factors that apply to make someone “less fortunate” apply more strongly to women, especially young women.

If there’s, enough money in a family to send one child to universi- ty, it’s less likely to be the daughter than the son. Her parents, her peers, her prospects for employ- ment all discourage her from taking

the risk of a Iwenty-five thousand dollar debt.

Her parents are less likely to sup- port her moving to the city to live alone, unprotected by her family. If‘ she: i!; an older student, she is more likely than her male counterpart t c have the sole responsibility for her young children.

She will suffer first. The dxeam of education for women has so recently begun to be realized; it is so fragile. Any student, regardless of her bac’kground, i f she works hard enough,. if she is good enough. . .may still be unable to take her

place in a society that still di:jcriminates, in a thousand subtle \cays, against her.

And if education is r1:duced to t l x status of another consumer gsod, available mainly to those for- tunate by birth, her brothers’ pcltentials will be wasted, too, by a society that is in dlanger of losing sight of a higher, better, view of education.

University education is a step tC)>NiirdS freedom, for each student,

a w l for the province. 1)emocracy :rests on the ability of individuals to lnnake choices-so limiting the

choices of those “less fortunate by birth” undermines the whole social, political and economic structures of our society.

The first thing that we, as students, have to do in dealing with accessibility issues is reject the whole idea of education as a con- sumer good.

We should not be competitors for scarce educational resources. We should not be outraged bargain shoppers who discover on registra- tion day that the product we seek is sold out.

We have to find other ways to ad- dress the problem of scarce r e s o u r c e s - t h o u g h t f u l , c o - operative ways in which we act together-not in competition. Because if we buy the consumer model of education, we pay for it with a dream of a better society.

Liberal arts expendable? By RICK KLEIN

In these times of “restraint” the liberal arts appear the first to go.

Recent events at Simon Fraser University support this claim. Forc- ed to choose between a rock and a hard place by a government deter- mined to prune education to the bone, SFU’s administration has opted for the wholesale elimination of certain programs in the humanities. At the same time, this process of “rationalization” in- volves the creation of a new faculty of applied sciences. The university maintains that it is acting to meet the demands of students, and of the 1980’s.

There has indeed been an increas- ed demand by students for job related studies. Practicality is the new religion. Engineering is better than physics, computing is better than math, and of course all are better than the liberal arts. The arts, i t seems, are outdated, their value purely decorative and their worth immeasurable by the standard yard- stick of the marketplace.

There is a new conservatism afoot. Students are lining up for courses that will supposedly g u a r a n t e e e m p l o y m e n t a f t e r graduation.

The sad truth is, however, that even graduates with applied technical training are out of work. For instance, out of last year’s graduating class in civil engineering only 43 per cent of graduates found work. The future that we are all heading towards does not offer any guarantees.

There no denying the fact we are entering an age of un- precedented technical sophistica- tion. Revolutions in the fields of computing, robotics, and bio- engineering promise to profoundly alter the world as we know it. A computerized home network offers the promise of global resources at one’s fingertips.

But a global network can work both ways as Big Brother has shown. As technology becomes more advanced and capital inten- sive, production and decision- making are centralized.

The nuclear weapons debate is a case in point. Most Canadians see the arms race as a form of insanity but somehow we have lost the power to influence the decisions that shape our future. Everyday we are bombarded by television net-

works that produce nothing but a water’ed down diet of superficiality. In Canada the major newspapers are under de facto monopoly con- trol. Can we: be sure that the news we read is anything more than the ideological views of these corpora- tions?

‘Here in British Columbia we live in ‘one of the most beautiful and prosperous corners of the globe. But more and more we are: asked to s;ac:rifice - our environment, our social services and our educational system-in the name of expediency anti economic efficiency.

I d o not wish to paint a uniformly bleak picture of our future pro- spects, but it is necessary to look ahead to ask the broader question. What kind of education will enable us to deal effectively with the world of tomorrow, to allow us to change it so that it more clearly reflects our needs and desires? Surely not strict technical training.

Technical training without values and reflection wili produce narrow unquestioning individuals fit to be controlled by the power structures around us. Technical training is the kind of education that seems least capable of providing people with the ability to deal with the social and political changes the future will bring.

It is difficult to say with certainty just what the arts are about. They are involved with the world of human experience, human desires and sensitivities. The arts are con- cerned with the progress of humankind in the intellectual, moral, and spiritual realms as well as the technical.

Technical and instrumental knowledge is important, but this does not make the arts any less im- portant. In fact the very ascendancy of science and technology demands that we reinforce the paramount nature of human values and desires as the legitimate goals of the future.

As Carleton University professor Tom Henighan has put it: “Some other terrible evil will overtake us, if we do not begin now to give renew- ed support to the kinds of inquiries and values represented by the arts disciplines. We must aspire to an educational ideal; the ideal of an aware and creative human being, in touch with the physical reality, grounded in specific local and com- m u n a l c o m m i t m e n t s a n d necessities, with an ability to read (and defeat if necessary) a l l the half truths and outright lies perpetrated by those in control of the sophisticated means of mass com- munications in our time.”

The vision of a vital and dynamic arts discipline conforms too little to the reality. The arts must come down from the ivy-covered univer- sity towers. There should be more interdisciplinary studies, a cross- pollination between the scientific discipline and the humanities.

In addition, interaction with the non-university community should be encouraged and facilitated. Students and faculty need to play a more prominent role in society. -

Rick Klein is G history student who believes both science m d arts are valuable for hltmG?liry and should be intertwined. Freestyle is a column open to Ubyssqv stofj.

Page 13: 2 Media manipulates - University of British Columbia Libraryis $1.50 per ticket less than the 1983/84 and 1984/85 rates of $21 .OO at the Mountain. Season’s pass prices are $440.00

Page 14 T H E U B Y S S E Y Friday, October 19, 1984

Valuable Can one measure the value of a university education? At university students learn to be aware of the world around

them. They learn to be creative by applying old and tested theories to solve new problems. They are taught to question these old ideas and to decide if they are still practical and relevant.

They are taught not to sit back and accept any and every new idea as being correct.

The skill of analysis is developed by students in all faculties. University encourages students to think, whether about a physics problem set, or the causes of French Canadian dissent in Canadian history.

It is not and was never intended to be only a job training business. It is a place where people can develop ideals and values to extend into their daily lives.

The present provincial government is threatening the future of post secondary education. Education has been a low priority for the Socreds. They believe creating fairs for people to have fun in are more important than funding education programs for those who cannot even think about enjoying themselves as their future careers are being jeopardized.

Education is a right for everyone until they finish grade twelve. Why should it be denied for those wishing to continue on because of misplaced government values?

Education should be available for all those who desire to further it.

Accessibility should not be limited because of sex or age. A mid- dle aged housewife has just as much right as a young high school graduate to participate.

People of all classes, cultures should not be prevented from wan- ting to improve their minds. It should not matter if they are foreign students coming from a third world country without the facilities to further one‘s education.

The obvious constraint, lack of money, should not be a worry either as long as one is willing to mortgage education through loans and grants which are available, even though they are increasingly difficult to obtain.

Education is not just a business. It is a place where people can in- fluence the way other people think and act by forming opinions and sharing these ideas with others.

A university is a place where people can discuss problems of the present and future that can really change the direction of the human will take.

Its value must not be measured in terms of the marketability of a degree, but in terms of the better role being aware individuals each can play in society.

Women’s rights violated in all corners of globe This week is Prisoners of Cons-

cience Week. Amnesty Interna- tional, the worldwide human rights organization, uses this time to focus on the cases of individual prisoners of conscience.

Each year we concentrate on a specific target group in an effort to not only seek the release of these representative prisoners, but to share with the public our outrage over the injustices suffered by these people. This year’s theme is ‘Women Silenced’.

Women around the world are be- ing silenced. They are victims of in- timidation, illegal arrest and deten- tion, and torture by governmental and paragovernmental agents. They are victims of official campaigns to deny human rights and to crush the human spirit. In scores of coun- tries, governments take illegal and extra-legal action against women who speak out or women who are perceived as potential opposition.

from all walks of life. Most are on the forefront of social and political change, and many are leaders. But others are victims of human rights abuses simply because they are the wives, mothers, daughters, or f r i ends of those deemed “dangerous.”

What is happening to them should not happen to anyone.

Calculated inhuman treatment, wielded with the full force of of- ficial power, shatters the lives of women and of their children and families.

The Vancouver groups of Amnesty International are active in publicizing their concerns to the local community during Prisoners of Conscience Week. We have

chosen two primary venues. In the first, prominent Vancouver women will sit in a mock cage in solidarity with women silenced throughout the world. They are a symbol. They help us in highlighting our con- cerns.

In the second, women are singing for women silenced. Nancy White, Connie Kaldor, and Holly Arntzen

are performing in a benefit concert for Amnesty. It will occur on Satur- day Oct. 20 at 8:OO p.m. at the North Vancouver Centennial Theatre. Tickets are $7 for students and are available through VTC and at the door. Proceeds will aid us in our work. Please support us.

Sandra Lauck arts 4

Nuclear seminar .features ‘old warmongers’ A major international conference former commander of American Though they claim Vancouver a faculty and staff at UBC are called

entitled “Nuclear War: the Search forces in Korea, Vietnam and “peace capital”, U.S. warships are upon to join this protest. We also for Solutions” will take place at Lebanon. allowed to enter our harbour. The call on the people of Vancouver to UBC Oct. 19 and 20. This is a Admiral Carroll is connected U.S. Navy still tests torpedoes at attend a demonstration against all fraudulent peace conference. with the Centre for Defense Infor- Nanoose Bay and U.S. military air- imperialist war preparations on Military figures, who have a blood- mation (CDI). Aligned with the craft keep flying over B.C. Saturday, Oct. 30 at 2:OO p.m. in stained history of organizing im- U.S. Democratic Party, it boasts The People’s Front (B.C. front of the U.S. Consulate, 1075 perialist aggression, will speak many former leading Pentagon Region) will protest this phony W. Georgia Street, part of the there. Among them are Robert military strategists. CDI documents “peace” conference at the Wood- national day of anti-fascist, anti- Falls, a retired Canadian admiral show these people do not oppose ward Instructional Resource Cen- imperialist actions. who was a commander of the the arms race, but, rather certan tre, UBC at 6:OO p.m. on Friday, Barbara Waldern

These women are of all ages, NATO military committee, and weapons systems on the grounds of Oct. 19. All peace-loving students, unclassified

THE UBYSSEY October 19, 1984

The Ubyssey is pubiished Tuesday and Fridays throughout the academic year by the Alma Mater Society of the University of British Columbia. Editorial opinions are those of the staff and are not necessarily those of the university administration or the AMS. Member Canadian University Press. The Ubyssey’s editorial office is SUB 241k. Editorial department, 228-2301/2305. Advertising 228-3977/3978.

Welcome to our special issue. Our featured speaker is Patti Flather, who will explain what Dave Stod- dart, Debble Lo, Charlie Fidelman and Chris Wong will do in Halifax. Before that, Robert Beynon will introduce our featured wriiers, Robby Robertson. Victor Wong, Steven Wisenthal and Sarah Millin. Our artist Yaku will than display portraits of Ginny Aulin, Rory Allen, Rick Klein, Dennis Lum, Charles Menzies. Renate Boerner, Stuart Colcleugh. Paul Mechugall and Rich Foreman. After the event Erin Mullin will be available for questioning.

“strong national defense” and call for greater conventional military strength in Europe. They renounce the NATO policy of “first use of nuclear weapons” and call for “nuclear free zones”, but go on supporting imperialist war plans in general.

The rich recruit such military retirees, dusting them off and dress- ing them up in a new image, to mas- querade as though they were for peace while, in fact, cruise missiles are still tested and Canadian land is still used for foreign troop training. Arms expenditures escalate. The U.S. military intervention in Cen- tral America continues.

During the week of the bhod drive s e v d thousand students donated their time, their effort and their Mu&. This refleets the high level of concern that has become B halhmrlc of the U N student. A quality that is obviously not common enough.

During the week of the blood drive Someone stole a blood drop cW@me which merely limit& advertising that week. This is an ex- pensive item costing hundreds of dollars and hours of volunteer work.

It’s not funny, it’s theft. Bring it back to the Red Cross Centre, CEME 1207, APE Deans Office . . . or send it home in a cab . . . I don’t really care how it gets back to the people who need it . , . just do it.

Reid Wblbe ennineerinet 4

Page 14: 2 Media manipulates - University of British Columbia Libraryis $1.50 per ticket less than the 1983/84 and 1984/85 rates of $21 .OO at the Mountain. Season’s pass prices are $440.00

Friday, October 19, 1984 T H E U B Y S S E Y Page 15 "

Young people 'being trash heap' President Howard Petch of the

University of Victoria made a number of brilliant obaervations on the plight of B.C.'s universities in a recent interview, (reprinted in the Vancouver Sun from Monday Magazine; Oct. 13, 1984) which 1 will attempt to summarize in this letter.

Trends in empioyment over the past IO years, as recorded in the Canada census of 1982, show a growth of 40 per cent in "blue col- lar" or traditional industries, while "white collar" and other jobs re- quiring higher education grew by 70 and I 0 0 per cent respectively.

Student opposes CFS inefficiency

At the moment there is a cam- paign being carried on by the Cana- dian Federation of Students on campus promoting membership in their organization. This campaign is a n effort to convince students of the value of voting in favour of our joining their organization in the up- coming referendum.

A yes vote will authorize our Alma Mater Society to raise student fees $7.50, all of which would be given to the CFS.

I am against this referendum for a variety of reasons. First of all I'm against giving the AMS the okay to extract another $7.50 from our already damn-near-empty pockets bat more importantly I don't think we should join an organization which will be taking approximately $200,000 of our money off campus to finance their ineffectual efforts at lobbying governments for in- creased student input in matters concerning post secondary educa- tion.

The CFS promoters talk in gran- diose platitudes of students "com- binina their Dolitical and economic

Young people today are faced with tory to the need B.C. has for an imperative need for higher educated personnel, because every education, in a time of record year we have to import workers in unemployment. f ie lds l ike engineer ing and

Instead of helping B.C.'s youth medicine. Dr. Petch remarks thal to meet the challenge of these while B.C. has only about 11 peI economic changes, the provincial cent of the national population, it government has aboiished its grant employs 12 per cent of its engineers. program. Dr. Petch remarks that In many areas B.C. trains far less, previous changesin 1973 to 1975 hit t h a n t h e f u l l - t i m e ! ; t u d e n t rural students hardest, resulting in a equivalent of other provinces. B.C. drop in enrolment from those who youth consequelltly are being live more than 30 miles from univcr- denied a chance to work in required sity. The percentag; of grade 12 roles in their own province. students from non-metropolitan areas is down now to below seven We want your letten! per cent at UVic. In economically But make Sure they we typed depressed areas, which are almost triple-space on a 70 space line. In- a lways rura l , unemployment clude your name, please, m d your amoung Young People (less than 25) year and faculty. The Ubys.sey only runs at 30 Per cent to 50 Per cent. edits letters for grammar arrd brevi-

Young People are in effect being ty, but does not accept rexist or t h r o w n o n t h e t r a s h h e a p , racist letten. something Dr. Petch likens to Come into SUB u 1 k with your building a social time bomb. letter today.


Such policy is clearly contradic- - ~""""""""""""


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Student Special

strength to have a loud political voice," but fail to point out that, even though Simon Fraser Universi- ty is a member of the CFS, the organization has not had a high profile in the fight to maintain B.C.'s university funding. They claim a membership of ux),OOO and from a group that large would ex- pect a bit louder of a political voice than we've heard so far.

It is constantly brought up by CFS promoters that Travel CUTS is provided by the CFS as if to say that the students of UBC are getting something for free at the moment. I

GET TANKED FLOTATION TANKS Telephone: - 738-6211

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hair cutting for men and women 5736 university blvd. 228-1471

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making business. The office on What a-joke, as if it is not a profit

Granville Island is completely removed from the college there and, from outward appearances, is run The as a privately owned travel agency. The fact that it is wholly owned by S Vancouver Flea Market 5 the CFS should have lead them to b u include its financial statement in their budget report. 703 Terminal Ave.

Furthermore we should take a look at the people who run this (east of CN station) organization. Perhaps they should change their organizations-name to the Canadian Permanent Students. Have they given up on finishing their degrees and instead decided to channel their efforts towards creating a n organization that will provide them with permanent employment and finance their cross country jaunts?

I hope the students of UBC will refuse to bankroll these pompous national students reps and leave the job of representing us where it belongs, with our AMs.

Brendan Boyle arts 4

685-0666 s 4

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Cuts in funding to B.C. univer- sities b:y the Provincial government have coincided with increases in the federal government's contribution. In tlhe past year, as the federal government increased its transfers for post-secondary education by 31 million dollars, the B.C. govern- ment cut back by 18 million dollars.

recruiters from less beleaguered in- stitutions to hire UBC faculty. A continuing policy of university cut- backs will ruin the quality of our in- stitutions.

What I find ironic in all this is the complacency of LJBC faculty and students. After all, I had to rezd an article by UVic's president.

must be something deeper, it must This lack of faith in the university be something in the society of B.C.

system has caused many f.aculty which doesn ' t support post- members t o fear measures like the secondary education." abolishment of tenure. Our best Andrew B. Cooper


people are now l istening to medicil

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Page 15: 2 Media manipulates - University of British Columbia Libraryis $1.50 per ticket less than the 1983/84 and 1984/85 rates of $21 .OO at the Mountain. Season’s pass prices are $440.00

Page 16 T H E U B Y S S E Y Friday, October 19, 1984 ”



SCARE OUR PANTS OFF You could be a published writer. Yes, all you have to do is enter The Ubyssey’s

ghost story contest. If you win you will be flown to fabulous Hawaii. . .well no but the winning story will be published in The Halloween ish of the rag and the lucky winner will get a generous gift certificate at Fogg and Suds restaurant. The first line must be “I couldn’t find my car in B-Lot,” and the story must include mention of six laboratory rats, the main Library stacks, George Pedersen, the Armories, cin- namon buns and The Ubyssey. Entries must be shorter than 2,000 words, typed on a 70 space line and triple spaced. They must appear in SUB 241k before Friday, Oct. 26 at 4 p.m. The contest is open to the entire university community, excepting Ubyssey staffers.

A select ghoulish Ubyssey committee will judge en- tries. (A second prize of $10.00 value will be awarded and a third prize, dinner with The Ubyssey staff on press night will be considered if the applicant finds us appropriate.) Anyone can enjoy dinner with The Ubyssey staff on press night if they show up in SUB 241k, become a staffer, and join us on a trip to the printers.

TONIGHT Homecoming ‘84 Dance

AIR BAND FINALS Student Lottery Draw at Midnight



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Springsteen showed he’s still the boss

By GINNY AULIN There won’t be as many satisfied

fans leaving the Pacific Coliseum until the next time Bruce Springs- teen comes to Vancouver.

Springsteen, the Boss of rock ’n roll, kept 16,000 fans in a state of ecstasy for four hours Monday. From the first beats of Born in the U.S.A. to the last strains of Spr- ingsteen’s rendition of Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Springsteen and the E Street Band gave an awesome performance.

It wasn’t just Springsteen’s talent and stamina that made the concert unforgettable, but his empathy with the audience. After the third song he stopped the concert until all the people who had rushed the stage as soon as the lights dimmed and were being pushed into it had been directed back to their seats.

The only criticism that can be made about Springsteen’s perfor- mance is that he didn’t play all night. During the time that he did play he sang almost every song from his latest album, Born in the U.S.A., and many favourites from his older albums such as Cadillac Ranch, Prove i t All Night, Out i n the Street, Thunder road, and Badlands.

Noticeably absent, however, songs from his first album Greetings from Ashbury Park which contains such classics as For You and Spirits of the Night.

Springsteen established a comfor- table rapport with the crowd by giv- ing brief anecdotes before several songs. He spoke of the garden of Eden which, according to certain theological studies cited by Springs- teen, didn’t exist in the Middle East but ten miles south of the Jersey turnpike at Old Dan’s Used Car Lot.

Springsteen listed the days of creation saying “On the fifth day - unlike my competition across town, Bill Graham - God wanted to go for a drive with his baby so he created the pink Cadillac. He sat back and said this is wild!” Exactly what his fans said when Springsteen then sang Pink Cadillac.

While Springsteen combed his hair during the intermission the en- thusiasm of the crowd didn’t wane. They danced to the canned music and did the wave.

Although Clarence “Big Man” Clemmons changed out of his flourescent red suit for the second half of the concert he still attracted attention, especially during his sax solos. When Springsteen introduced the E Street Band, in the middle of a prolonged version of Rosalita, the newest member of the band, Nils Lofgren performed a back flip. After three unsuccessful attempts to replicate the feat, Springsteen said “Fuck i t ” and the band resumed playing.

Springsteen satisfied his teeny bopper fans by performing his latest hits throughout the night while he kept his hardcore fans waiting until the end. For his first encore he sang Jungleland giving special attention to the people behind the stage.

After bringing Springsteen back for the second time the crowd went crazy when he finally sang Born to Run, followed by a medley of Devil with a Blue Dress On, Jenny Jenny, C.C. Rider and Twist and Shout.

When Springsteen left the stage for the final time, the crowd was too hoarse to scream for more and seemed more exhausted than he

Maybe that’s why they call him W a s .

the Boss.


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Page 16: 2 Media manipulates - University of British Columbia Libraryis $1.50 per ticket less than the 1983/84 and 1984/85 rates of $21 .OO at the Mountain. Season’s pass prices are $440.00

Friday, October 19, 1984 T H E U B Y S S E Y Page 17 ~~~~

Matkin comments Lencouragingv ~~

By RENATE BOERNER UBC’s administration president

is pleased that the business com- munity is expressing concern about B.C.’s education system.

“It’s very encouraging to have other constituencies express con- cern. We really have to let them speak,” George Pedersen said.

“There are some fairly impressive implications for the business com- munity if we’re not able to fulfill their manpower demands over time,” he said.

Pedersen was commenting on

statements made by Jim Matkin, president of the B.C. Employers’ Council, in the Oct. 16 Sun. Matkin said politicians and policy makers must listen to educators’ warnings that economic restraint is damaging B.C.’s education system.

“I suspect Mr. Matkin is reflec- ting a number of concerns within the business community. The con- cerns that he has are the ones that we have had for a while,” Pedersen said.

He noted’ Matkin also said pro- vincial policies have possibly had a

more detrimental effect on educa- tion that federal policies. He said the provincial government must not simply view education as another part of the public sector whelre costs can be reduced.

“The government has to see the values in investing in people. If we’re not careful we’re g0in.g to be importing (skilled) people,” Matkin said.

He said that restraint had been too sudden.

“You just can’t plan in the way in which we’re being asked to do,”

-row a. photo

MYSTERIOUS MUTAN7 MALADY has struck terror among joggers and runners on campus. Persons expos- ed to too much running acthity near TRIUMF mutate in four WBekS into size 76 Nike. They often g)end their time looking for people with abnormally large feet. Some migrate to rmthvwt in search of Bigfoot, others to Ottawa. ”Since many of them have by mouths, we assume they have the feet to match,“ said one, photographed during Homecoming Arts 20 relay.

AMS witholds CFS publications The UBC Alma Mater Society of pamphlets” and newslet- organization of 64 student

is “sitting on” thousands of Can& ters printed by CFS have not been associatons at universities, colleges, dian Federation of Students made available to UBC students. and technical institutions across newspapers and pamphlets that This material would have helped Canada. should have been distributed to make UBC students more aware

he said. He said it is difficult to plan without knowing what. the govern- ment wants or what obligations to the education system it is prepared to accept.

Pat McGeer, minister of science, technology and universities, said education has already received “preferential treatment.” Educa- tion was affected less by restraint than other areas, he claimed.

“The education system and universities have not been asked to do what the government has done -- nowhere near it,” he said.

McGeer said education continues. to be a government priority. “I think the universities have received very special and preferred treat- ment, and will continue to receive

special and preferred treatment.” B.C. Teachers’ Federation presi-

dent Pat Clarke said he hoped Matkin’s statements would raise public concern.

“The post-secondary system deserves to get a great deal of atten- tion. No doubt it’s in a shambles and has the potential of simply col- lapsing,” Clarke said.

But Clarke said the public school system is also being undermined by restraint, and may suffer at the ex- pense of the post-secondary system.

“Some of them (university leaders) have fairly ready access to the premier’s office. We never do. The post-secondary system doesn’t operate in splendid isolation from the rest of us.

AMS affirms CFS The Alma Mater Society council

voted to support the yes campaign in the upcoming Canadian Federa- tion of Students referendum at IJBC.

AMS president Margaret Copp- ing said the discussion at Wednes- day night’s council meeting was likely the best there had been at any council meeting this year.

She added she herself as president had no official position on CFS.

The vote followed months of

discussion by council on whether to support joining CFS or not.

CFS, an association of univer- sities and colleges across Canada, is asking UBC students to vote to join the federation in a mid November election. Membership fees are $7.50 a student per year.

CFS offers CUTS travel service, a political lobby at the provincial and federal level and research in return, as well as other assorted benefits.

By GINNY AULIN Between $300,000 and $500,000

will be spent on military research at UBC this year, a Ubyssey reporter told a university research forum Thursday.

Patti Flather told 240 people in Buchanan A 204 the research is funded by the Department of Na- tional Defence in Canada, the b.S. Navy, and Atomic Energy Canada. Information on the nature of the research, which professors are do- ing it, and the extent of the funding can be obtained from UBC research director Rick Spratley, she added. “Research must be published but publishment can be delayed,” Flather said. Spratley has said politically sensitive research which is policy related can occasionally re- main unpublished for up to two years, she added.

Flather, who has investigated UBC military research, cited ex- amples of projects presently being undertaken. “There is a study being done on the structure o f the ocean which could be helpful in detecting nuclear submarines. This is con- troversial as it aims at making se- cond strike nuclear forces obsolete and so destabilizes detterence,” Flather said.

Although UBC policy forbids classified research, an example of research UBC would accept if publishable, according to Spratley, is the building of a nuclear blast resistant structure whiclh is current- ly being done by the University of Toronto, Flather said.

Gary Marchant, a member ‘of Students F6i Peace ;and Mutual

UBC allows military Disarmament, said there should be restrictions on military research at universities.

“Once a new weapons system gets to an advanced stage of development it acquires a life of its !own due to vested interests of government and researchers. Such projects must be stopped at the research stage,’’ said Marchant.

Merely refusing to undertake classified research is not good enough, Marchant said.

“The U.S. Department of Defense has doubled its budget for biological weapons research to universities. This is unclassified research,” said Marchant. “Local initiatives should be raised to place restrictions on military research in universities.”

A representative from the Life- Force Foundation said controls to protect humans and animals from hazardous exposure during ex- periments funded by phar- maceutical and military industries are very limited. i

Peter Hamilton said experiments funded by the Canadian Depart- ment of Defense are conducted at UBC and hospitals. Rats and dogs are irradiated in experiments to develop pills for fighting in a nuclear war, Hamilton said.

“It is difficult for me to walk through campus on a sunny day like <

today knowing what is noina on in UBC labs,” said Hamilton after I

distributing pictures of a cat with an electrode implanted in the top of its head. The forum was sponsored by Students for a Democratic Universi- ty.


students, a CFS spokesperson said of what CFS is, she said. Thursday. “At least 30 Dounds of informa- UBC requests $4 million from gov‘t

Tammi Roberts, CFS Pacific chair, said one of the main reasons why more students were not aware of the November referendum vote on UBC membership in the federation was student council did not distribute literature sent to it by CFS.

“There are 10,OOO if The B.C. Student (the CFS regional student newspaper) that have been sitting in an AMs back room somewhere for the last six months,” Roberts said.

In addition, said Roberts, “hun.

tion-have been sent to UBC (in the. last six months) but it has not been circulated by (AMs) external af- fairs,” said Roberts. She declined to blame any student council members specifically, but said “there are a number of powerful members of the A M s bureaucracy who are not proponents of coopera- tion with other student organiza- tions.”

Roberts was at UBC to pro- mote support for a “yes” vote in the CFS membership referendum which takes place Nov. 21, 22 and 23. The federation is a national

UBC has approached the provin- cial government for approximately $4.5 million to compensate faculty who have taken voluntary retire- ment.

“The administration ha.d an understanding with the faculty members in question last year when they made their decisions,” ad- ministration president George pederson said. “We also had an understanding that in the event there wasn’t the money in the (university) budget, ‘we would still pursue those funds.”

Student board of governors representative Dave Fraik said the university made the initial offer to some faculty members because it would save money in the future. “‘T’he cost to keep on paying those people would be considerably greater than four anti one half million dollars,” Frank said.

Vice president academic Robert Smith said he was not certain the government would provide the m’oney. “All I can say is that we’ve made a request for the money. I’m not sure when and if we’ll get it. We haven’t received it yet.”

Universities ministry assistant Jane Bums said the ministry for- warded UBC’s request to the pro- vincial treasury board.

“Originally I thought we were going to make this a consideration in next year’s budget,” Burns said. “But now it seems that the money will be made available this year.”

Burns said the final decision will be made by the treasury board and not by the universities ministry.

“We’re not sure how soon the decision will be made,” she said, “but it will definitely be sooner than we had originally planned.”

Page 17: 2 Media manipulates - University of British Columbia Libraryis $1.50 per ticket less than the 1983/84 and 1984/85 rates of $21 .OO at the Mountain. Season’s pass prices are $440.00

r " "

Page 18 T H E U B Y S S E Y Friday, October 19, 1984

the Arts Club Revue Theatre, until Nov. 3, 833 p.m. Overnight Exposure: Vancouver's late night live talk show, Friday nights at 11:00 p.m., Arts Club Revue Theatre, Granville Island, 6875313. Passion: Peter Nicholas Canadian premiere, Arts Club Granville Island, 830 p.m. A Man For All Seasons: Lusty Henry staged again, The Vancouver Playhouse, until Oct. 24, 8:00 p.m. 873-3311. Cloud 9: a play of multiple genitals and other comical parrs, at the Waterfront on Granville Island, 8:r) p.m.. 873-3311. Blithe Spirit: an occult discovery by Vaga- bond Players, 433-4339. Faust: Theatre Space production of Goethe's Faust opens Oct. 25, The New York Theatre, 681-0872. Season's Greetings: a comedy by Alan

3245227 Ayckbourn at Studio 5 8 , until Oct. 28. Bruhanski Theatre Studio: ongoing weekend performance space, presents Sweet Eros by Terence McNally and Home Free by Lanford Wilson until Nov. 4, 879-2080, Suicide in B b: a new wave/film noir comedy about a crime that may not have happened, SFU Theatre Oct. 30, 12:30. free, Oct. 31-Nov. 3 and Nov. 7-10 a t 8:00 p.m. $2, students $1


Tournament, all day. War Memorial Gym.


Canada west women's tournament, UBC vs Manitoba. 11-32 a m , UBC vs Victorla Viklngs, 2:J) p m , Warren, McGregor flelds. Thunder- bwd Park

Narlonal education conference. 10 a m , Mlramar Hotel. Oavle St

Free buses to Btlly Graham. 6 p.m , meet at north entrance of SUB

Sunday worshlp sewce. 10 a m , SUB 212





AMS ART GALLERY Club rneettny, 7 p.m , SUB 215

Prlnt and ceramlc show by Jean Kempmsky, 10 a m to 4 p m , Art gallery. SUB

General meeting, all welcome, noon, SUB 119

Snack bar open. noon. Hlllel House.




Selllng Canada savlnys bonds. all day. SUB 230E. 11 30 a m to 130 p m , SUB concourse.


Selllng Canada savlngs bonds. all day SUB DOE. 11.30 a m to 1:30 p m i SUB concourse

Open sharlng meetmg. new members welcome, noon. conference iourn, Lutheran campus cem tre

Aeroblc class, 4-30 to 5:30 p m., SUB 207:209 AMS ART GALLERY

Prlnt and ceramlc show by Jean Kempmsky, art gallery. SUB

Meetlng. room 260 SUB

Weekly testimony meetlng. all welcome, noon SUB 213

Snack bar open, noon, Hlllel House.






di singing in a benefit concert for amnesty inter- national. Oct. 20, 8 p.m. Centennial Theatre, North Van., tickets at V.T.C. outlets. Hot Jazz: Tenth annual festival featuring the Bathtub Gin Pam, band, Razzmajazz. Five Guys named Moe, and many more, Nov. 9, 10, 11, Hot Jazz Society club, 212 Main St., and the Holiday Inn. Jewish Music: Music on Jewish themes,

the Canadian Jewish congress and Van. Israeli and Chassidic melodies sponsored by

Jewish Community Centre, Oct. 21, 8 p.m., Vancouver Academy of Music. J. S . Each, the solo repertoire: John Gib- bons, performs the Golsdberg variations on the harpsichord, Oct. 21, 8 p.m., Recital Hall, UBC music building. Tickets $5.50 for students. John O'Brien: Canada's foremost marine painter in oil. J. C. Heywood: Fourteen Re- cent Prints of ideas layered with ink,

ques, Oct. 24Nov. 25, Burnaby Art Gallery, silkscreen, lithography and intaglio techni-

6344 Gilpin St. 291-9441. Whoop-de-do-a: Gary Young, Vancouver based artist, graphic designs, screen prints, originals, designer of the Carnegie logo, until Nov. 2, Carnegie Centre, 401 Main. Myron Jones: interprets Canadian landscape in representational materials, Atelier Galleries, Oct. 24Nov. 6, 3084 Granville St.

with shape upon shape, Oct. 22-Nov. 10, Jack Campbell creates total composition

521-8874. N e w W e s t m i n s t e r P u b l i c L i b r a r y ,

A Bloodless Coup: Jack Jeffrey, UBC graduate entices viewers into semiology, in an exhibition titled "Parrs As Yet Unknown". Until Nov. 17, UBC Fine Arts Gallery.

Enter a Free Man: directed by Beth French, the story of Riley, an inventor struggling to overcome the pressures of twenty-five years of dead domesticity, Dorothy Somerset

8:30 D.m. Studio, Oct. 28, Wed.-Fri., 8:OO p.m., Sat. 5,

732-6119) Oct. 19: Advertising Films, Yester- Pacific Cinematheque (1156 W. Georgia,

day and Today, 7:J) p.m.; Satire and

Noir and Allegory, 7:30 p.m.; Satire and Hollywood Parody, 9:30 p.m.; Oct. 2 0 , Film

Hollywood Parody, 9:30 p.m.; Oct. 24, A Special Day; Oct. 25, In Person: Mark Rap- papon, 7:J) p.m.; Oct. 2 6 , Charles R. Bowers. Or the Marriage cf Slapstick and Animation, 7:30 p.m. Cinema 16 (SUB auditorium, 2 2 8 3 8 9 8 ) Oct. ,

22: Weekend, 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. SUB Films (SUB auditorium, 2283697) Oct. 1821: Local Hero, 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. Oct. 2 5 2 8 : Romancing the Stone, 7:00 and 9:OO p.m. Studio Cinema (919 Granville, 681-3847) Oct. 19: 12:00 a.m. Rocky Horror Picture Show; Oct. 20: D.O.A., 12:oO a.m.; Oct. 21 and 24: Lmelight, 12 noon and 2:oO p.m. Vancouver East Cinema (253-5455, 7th Ave. and Commercial Drive) Oct. 19: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, 7:30 and 9:30 p.m.; Oct. 20: The Haunting, 7:30 p.m.; Poltergist, 9:30 p.m.; Oct. 21: The Passenger, 7:15; Pat

2 2 - 2 3 ; Slaughterhouse 5, 7:30, Fahrenheit Garett and B~lly the Ktd. 9:30 p.m.; Oct.

451, 9:30 p.m.; Oct. 2425; Painters Paintmg, 7:OO p.m.; Under Fire, 9:lO p.m.


UBC MOTORCYCLE CLUB Tournament, all day, War Memorlal gym

Bzzr garden, free movle, 5:30 p.m., SUB 211

General meetlng, new members welcome. noon. BUT0 597.

"Cloak and Dagger" bzzr garden, : p.m to 7 p.m., BUCH Lounge.

Frlday noon run, unlverslty gates run (3 km-5 3 km). 1 2 : s p m , SUB Plaza race centre

Audmons for West Slde Story. 6:30 p m ro 11 p . m . SUB Partyroom.

Lecture. "Is the Sovlet Unlon st!ll Interested ~n arms control?", Dr. Jane Sharp, noon, BUCH A100.

Conversation meetlng. noon, lnternatlonal House.

Pub nlte ~ Electrlc ]ello, 6 p.m. to mldnlyht, SUB 212.

UBC-JAPAN EXCHANGE CLUB Welcomeback party, 7 : B p . m t o 11 p.m , ln ter~ natlonal House lupstatrs).

Free buses to Billy Graham, 6 p m , meet at north entrance of SUB.

of theology. Chancellor road. Begmners Tal Chl class, noon. Vancouver school











Women's Canada west tournament, UBC vs Calgary. 9 a.m., UBC vs Alberta, noon, Warren, McGregor Fields, Thunderbird Park.

Free buses to Billy Graham, 6 p.m.. meet at north entrance of SUB.


E- - Michel Lemieux: new music performance, Solide Salad, a mult-media blend of theatrical, musical and dance elements, Oct.

tre, 254-9578. 1618, 8:30 p.m. Vancouver East Cultural Cen-

La Groupe de la Place Royale: explores many disciplines to create total theatre, Oct. 2527, Paula Ross Dance Studio, 732-5332.

Ethno-Fusion: an original concept by Jack Velker and Ross Barrett. The international cast is accomplished in instruments as evocative as the shakuhachi, koto sarod, African drums. Many different cultures highlighted. Nov. 2, 8:30 p.m., Queen Elizabeth Theatre. Tickets at Vancouver Ticket Centre. Women Singing for Women Silenced: Nancy White, Connie Kaldor, Holly Arntzen,

House Hall, until Nov. 3, Wed-Sun. 8:30 The Place Where The Mammals Die: Kits

p.m., 736-3588. "Da": a sugary Irish comedy written by Hugh Leanard, best play of 1978, until Nov. 3, 8:30 p.m:, 980-5552. Expose 84 - a musical protest, The Firehall Theatre, 8:J) p.m., 6890691. Suspect: a you-dun-it game of murder, by the people who bring us Theatresports, 830 p.m., 6881436. The Late Blumer: left over hippy dippy love meets the sexual eighties, Arts Club Theatre, Seymour St. until Oct. 2 7 , 687-5313. Ain't Misbehaving: another great musical at


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LOST: 1 pr. glasses in brown case. Vicinity

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tion F, Toronto, N4Y 2N9. Interviews conficential. Write Box 978 Sta-

I.N.S.A.N.E. MEMBERS! Photographer looking for pro-test gp. Re: cruise protest March '84. Tom 224-3392. mess. S 0 7 4 2 .

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7333676. essays Et resumes. Spelling corrected

Page 18: 2 Media manipulates - University of British Columbia Libraryis $1.50 per ticket less than the 1983/84 and 1984/85 rates of $21 .OO at the Mountain. Season’s pass prices are $440.00

Friday, October 19, 1984 T H E U B Y S S E Y Page 19

Dance both smooth and hard edged


B y the time you read this ar- ticle, this film will be in Ontario to once again challenge the province’s

tight censorship board. This last and final film by one of Italy’s most Horrifying and interesting and unorthodox direc- tors is by no means ordinary. NO, i t cultured gentlemen become takes its excesses and throws them Pasolini’s fascist ideals as they im- at your face . . . quite literally! It is pose their every whim on their inno- not something new with this direc- cent victims. There are three parts tor: all of his films have attracted to the tale, and each one becomes controversy before. We are talking more nauseating to watch. .explicit It about a director who has been The first, entitled “Circle of pelted by rotten eggs and vegetables Maniacs” is an introduction to the The final part, “Circle of Blood” at the Venice Films Festival and concentration-camp atmosphere of was the worst part. By now, the who has seen a theatre screen torn the villa. There. the boys and girls lords were tired of playins the

By CHARLIE FIDELMAN Toronto Dance Theatre put all its

~onfi~dence in one basket by presen- ting the work of one choreographer for. an entire show. The colnfidence was well placed. Christopher Houlse , the young r ’es ident choreographer of TDT deserves his reputation of having a pronounced gifit for making dances.

Glass Houses and other dunces by Christopher House presented by Toronto Dance Theatre A1 the Vancouver East Cultural Centre

”” ~~

House dances are characterized by long sweeping lines, symmetrical elegance of clean movement and c l ea r r e l a t ionsh ips be tween background and foreground. In fact, his dances are so evenly paced they can be called predictably good. Christopher House produces lovely contemporary dance reminiscent of B a h c h i n e .

He seems to be interested in the physicality of the movement rather than in making statements. Fleet, a dance for seven dancers was per- formed to John Cage’s Three Dances fo r Two Ampl i f i ed Prepared Pianos (No. 2 and I). The piece lis fragmented but one dancer completed the other motion to percua;sion-like rhythms.

Boulevard is a dialogue between the movement and Satie’s score, Trois Morceaux en Forme de Poire. The dance starts with ordinary walking motion and develops beautiful jazz moves with swings and tilts, jumps and strides. The dance for three friends ends with the three strolling off stage together.

The premier piece of the evening, Animated Shorts, highlighted House’s talents both as dancer and choreographer. It was composed of short dances in jazz, modern,


lalian I film

street, and waltz, with House’s own dance in between the shorts pro- viding transition and a unifying force.

I left the Vancouver East Cultural Centre with the feeling of having seen dance for the sake of dance; beautiful bodies suspended in pure motion without sharp edges.

In contrast to House, another eastern choreographer, Quebec’s Andre Fortier. makes dances with hard edges and story lines. His premise is dance is boring i f it is on- ly beautiful. Fortier says he does not intend to give his audiences direct messages but only strong im- ages which they are to take home to work on.

Fortier Danse Creation Simon Fraser University Theatre

The first half of the evening con- centrated on a rock trilogy. Fortier’s dancers dressed in below the bustline dresses, gave birth to rocks enveloped rocks, and carried rocks attached to their heads.

“ T h e r o c k s s y m b o l i z e humanity’s misery, we create it o r find it, none of the dancers had to pick up a rock and attatch it to his or her head,” he said in an im- promptu conversation after ’ the show.

Fortier’s aim is to shock, he claims he wants a spot in posterity for his dances. Dance is a bit of a misnomer for the Fortier perfor- mance; it is almost like theatre.

What does one call sheep leg chairs and baa baaing dancers? Brilliant or simply awful. Assis Scient-ils is a montage of theater that is almost genius, Fortier carried each scene to its bizzare edge and with one small change transformed sheep into devout disciples of a Christ-like figure.

The whole dance was a series of transformations. Fortier has im- agination if nothing else. None of the dances contained beautiful lines, symmetry, or recognizable dance movement. But they did con- tain the beauty that comes from wild freedom of no holds barred imagination.

I m m down during one of his movie were subjected to rape and humilia- game. Late one night, out of fear o f

- ”

premieres. tion. House rules were that a limb punishment, a boy let on to one o f or even death will serve as penalty the lords a secret that one of the gives bleak view of

Salo, Or The 120 Days of Sodom Directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini Images of Fasc ismIPaci f ic Cinematheque

Salo is Pasolini’s criticism about abusive power, about societal rules, and the decadence these bring about when they are concentrated in the hands of a few. He chose as his source and guide the writings of the Marquis de Sade. He also transposed segments from this notorious 17th century text to 1944 Fascist Italy and directed one of the most gruesome and sordid films ever shown on a screen.

Salo begins innocently though: Under the roof of a cozy veranda, four upper echelon gentlemen seal a pact enabling each to marry one of the others’ daughters. But the pact was made not only for carnal gain or for business ties; it was a bond between the four lords - a banker, a judge, a bishop, and a duke - to d o something much more dastardly. Soon, in nearby towns and villages, many young boys and girls disap- pear, becoming victims of the four.

The adolescents were abducted to a villa on the outskirts of Mur- zabotto, a town where in real life one of the last infamous German atrocities in Italy took place and a whole population was massacred. The four educated, well read and

f o r n o t c o n f o r m i n g . T h e adolescents were treated like dogs and forced to crawl on all fours with leashes and to eat off the floor.

The second part, entitled “Circle of Shit”, is Pasolini’s indigestible commentary on consumerism. What is consumerism? It is actually the working premise on which Pasolini made this film.

girls had been disobeying orders. That girl then let on a secret about another hapless victim and soon this type of finger pointing has the whole camp indicted. The next daiy the torture and slow death of these victims was observed dispassionate- ly through binoculars. Often, we were watching them through the wrong end. The often muted sound-


sick-in-the-heads could get off on this film. Pasolini did not believe in dressing his film up: he did not want any symbols to be inferred. He di’d adapt sequences from de Sade’s tale quite literally as an organization of orgies, their realiza- tion, and the final killings after the orgies.

W e are talking about a director who has been pelted ?q rotten eggs and vegetables at the Venice Film F e s t i d Consumerism is power. People

no longer want to accept their fate. Said Passolini about the average man, “What kind of individual would he be, if he accepted his regressive archaic, inferior status? He has to fight in order to raise his social standing! All of a sudden, we are all becoming little Hitlers.” So, in his analogy, Pasolini has the duke forcing one of his innocent victims to eat the duke’s freshly laid excrement. This cruelty was de- picted unhedgingly on the screen. The intense mood hung even lower when the four lords decided that shit was a delicacy and served everyone their own feces for dinner (themselves included) the next even- ing.

track added to the distancing effect. A tongue is cut out. A scalp is torn off. A boy’s penis is burned. It was very much like watching film footages of events in Nazi concen- tration camps such as those found in Riesnais’ “Night and Fog”. By now, everyone in the audience wa.s pretty exhausted.

The film is banned in many coun- tries. It is an unpleasant film. Im some areas of rhe free world where it is not banned, it is bein,g marketed as pornography, a sort of poor man’s Caligula. Yet, is it reall:y pornographic? There is too much intellectualizing and not enough sex for that. Sure, it was quite graphic but the sequences were more to drive the point home. Only the truly

Pasolini was quite a controversial figure himself. He was a poet, novelist, theorist and critic. As a linguist, he did translating of writ- ten works. Among his own work, he has written or presented in film form, tales about prostitutes, Christ, street urchins, and pig- fuckt:r!;. He was a maverick Marx- ist, but the Communists refuse to have anything to do with him. As a homosl:xual, he was rejected by Ita- ly’s Gay Liberation Front. He was always a marginal person bordering on the edge society. Although university educated, he chose to live in poverty for some time. He found his inspirations through the Roman slums, and it was this interest in subproletariat society that led

society ultimately to the creation of this film.

Sal0 will always be remembered as his grimmest film. His other works, however, include more com- mercially feasible projects such as h i s “ t r i logy of l i fe” : The Dacameron was one of Italy’s big- gest money makers; the Canterbury Tales and Arabian Nights were also quite successful. These were bawdy films about the joy and sexual zest of life. However, he did an about face when he made Salo just one month before his death, and he even denounced his trilogy in his last major essay.

Passolini worked with many great directors. He did screen- writing for Fellini. Bertollucci (1900, Last Tango in Paris) was his student. However, in the last year’s of his life, he became more despon- dent. He began to adore the third world figures, to accept the unac- ceptable, to adapt to the unadap- cable, and to degrade himself. His life ended in 1975 when he was bludgeoned t o death at a seaside resort near Rome soon after Salo was completed.

Page 19: 2 Media manipulates - University of British Columbia Libraryis $1.50 per ticket less than the 1983/84 and 1984/85 rates of $21 .OO at the Mountain. Season’s pass prices are $440.00

Page 20 T H E U B Y S S E Y Friday, October 19, 1984


By DEBBIE LO It is a cold, rainy Thursday morning. A

member of UBC’s student council is sopping wet, waiting for the bus. A kind professor driving by takes pity on the young executive and picks him up.

In the ensuing conversation, the informed student reels off a well-oiled rant on the wicked Socreds who are destroying the quali- ty of uhiversity education in B.C. and limiting accessibility by cutting funding.

The wise professor empathizes with the student, and suggests the student organize petitions and urge other students to write their MLA’s. The student replies he had already done that, and it hadn’t worked: there was nothing left to do.

“Why don’t you stage a demonstration,” prompts the professor.

“ B e c a u s e . W e ’ d b e l a b e l l e d a s RADICALS,” he blurts out.

When someone asks about student ac- tivism at UBC these days the reply is “nonex- istent.” At a time when provincial cutbacks of post secondary education funding are so directly and drastically affecting B.C. students, UBC contains a very apathetic, cautious student population.

“I don’t have time to protest. I have to study, and I’m already involved in a club on campus,” says Duane Lecky, science 2.

Lecky says he hasn’t really been affected by the cutbacks - other than having to take notes on the floor of his chemistry class, hav- ing his lab and his teaching assistant’s hours reduced, and, of course, paying higher tui- tions fees.

Pat Wynhoven, commerce 2, says, “I’m not mad enough about the tuition increases to protest against it, because I know I can af- ford it.”

Wynhoven says the B.C. student loan pro- gram, available to only a few students, is a farce. He bought a AMS student aid lottery ticket and has signed a petition against the raising of tuition fees to help those who can- not afford the 33 per cent tuition hike and

The lack of well-attended protests on cam- pus makes it appear UBC students are indif- ferent to dramatic tuition fee increases this year. The question for most students seems to be whether they themselves can afford a university education rather than whether all potential students can.

Debbie Salvidge, arts 1 , like many other first year students, was not aware that tuition may increase another 33 per cent next year, and may be double the 1983-84 cost the following year. She says she is still adjusting . to vast, impersonal UBC, and has not been particularly active, other than filling out a questionnaire on cutbacks.

“Maybe I’m cautious because I’m in first year. I don’t know what else I can do to fight unnecessary cutbacks that wouldn’t take much time,” she says.

Most students seem to feel powerless against the cutbacks because they see them as unavoidable: many are not even aware of what they, as individuals, can do.

Bill Coller, a member of the UBC Students for a Democratic University, says, “It is a misconception that the B.C. government has no money for education, when it invests in fairs and stadiums with little chance of SUC-

- cannot attend a university this year.

cess.” He says the misconception has a demoralizing effect on students.

SDU has 12 active members. The group dedicated to rallying students against cut- backs and representing one-two thousandths of the student population shows precisely the lack of student concern and action in academic matters outside of the classroom.

“First year engineering is hard, and I’ve been too busy studying to have thought about protesting,” says Rob Hadden, engineering 1. He adds, “I can’t be bothered. ”

“Students do not want to prejudice their chances of getting a job by marching in demonstrations,” says Graham Payne, engineering 4, also an SDU member.

“They are afraid of being seen by people who might be giving them an interview,” he says. Hypersensitivity to ?he future job market still dominates the UBC environ- ment, he says.

Sue McIlroy, a member of the Anarchist Club in science 3, says, “If we held a demonstration students would jeer and ver- bally abuse the protestors because most students do not want to upset the status quo, and lash out at those who do.”

The Anarchist Club has 25 members from many faculties and years. McIlroy says the anarchist club takes a global view rather than focusing on events in B.C. because there are enough clubs devoted to that purpose already on campus. Yet these clubs, including the Anarchist Club, only attract a small percen- tage of the student population.

“Most people are fairly well off and can afford the increases, from looking at the

types of cars and clothes they have,” she adds.

The student age group is the most inactive of all ages in Canada, says UBC social psychologist Don Dutton.

“There is a common feeling of resignation to government attacks on university educa- tion,” says Dutton. The atmosphere is dif- ferent from the campus IS years ago, when there was a feeling of hope for change among youths.

Dutton says students were more willing to voice their concerns at that time because of a strong counter culture which stirred student activism.

Stan Persky, a leading student activist in

1968 at UBC, charges that professors are partly to blame for student inactivism.

“Most professors don’t raise issues in class to make students think. There is a lot of feather bedding where professors play games so that their students will be obedient,” says Persky.

Persky has run for UBC chancellor three times in the past and vows he will continue to run until elected. He is presently a political science professor at Capilano college, and has written two books on B.C. politics.

“Students aren’t all that different now than they were then. There is just more nose to the grindstone suckholing because of the bad economy,” he says.

Because most students still spend much of their time studying they do not stop to con- sider if the quality of their education is being systematically dismembered. Yet further cancelled mid terms and discussion groups will be a concern if more rebacks arrive next year.

Students will probably maintain the same grades they are getting now even with less in- struction time although the well rounded education they are supposed to receive at university may diminish. In 1984, only students can make student’s concerns known to the government.

But Coller says the average student is dor- mant because not enough faculty and student representatives are taking leadership to fight the cutbacks.

“Council, like the average student, is con- servative and in an inactive mood,” Coller says.

Margaret Copping, Alma Mat& Society president, openly admits that council generally talks more often than it acts.

“Usually it’s just 25 people bullshitting.” Copping says there is not enough student

participation now and that elected students (she emphasizes students), cannot organize activities when the people in their constituen- cies don’t back them up.

Council members often don’t even try to promote student action, Copping adds.

Copping gave a recent example when coun- cil had to choose a delegate for a Canadian Federation of Students forum and not one representative was willing to commit themselves because it infringed upon their h o m e w o r k t i m e e v e n t h o u g h t h e y unanimously agreed that someone shouid d~ it.

Student council has organized a student aid lottery, set up a bursary fund, written let-

ters to MLA’s, and organized a petition which received approximately 6,000 signatures to oppose tuition fee hikes. Still tuition rose and cuts continued.

Copping says the AMS prefers the scatter approach to confronting the provincial cut- backs because it is too difficult for such a small number of students to organize such a large unresponsive constituency.

Coller, on the other hand, insists that there is not enough solidarity developing between groups on campus to effectively attract stu- dent participation.

“Student council could d o a lot more by uniting groups on campus,” Coller says.

Students as a whole react against the Socred cutbacks firstly to protect themselves. Their fear of not being able to find any of the diminishing jobs available has forced them to reject activism as “superficial” and cutbacks as someone else’s problem.

Most students are apparently already resigned to the fact that organized petition and letter writing campaigns, the quiet methods of protest in B.C., will not work. Those lucky enough to be students have ac- cepted that they have to pay a lot to further their education.

Unless each student picks up a pen or raises a voice in defence of the quest for knowledge, quality at UBC will die a quiet death. However, this may even be too much to expect of UBC’s conservative, conscien- tious students, because too many have to use the same pen to write their term paper or job application.

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