Download - 2007_february


Former United Nations Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in AfricaSee page 9.

The Impact of HIV/AIDS on the People of Africa

Stephen Lewis

inside... c e l e b r at e t h e m u s i c o f s h a b b at s h i r a .

Vo l . LXXX II No . 6 | February 2007 | Shevat/Adar 5767

in this issue Daily/Shabbat Worship 2 | In Perspective 3 | Cantor’s Notes 4 | Purim 4 | Gerald Schwartz/

Heather Reisman Centre for Jewish Learning 5 | Education Matters 6 | Celebrating Our 150th Anniversary 8 | Events and

Announcements 10 | Our Congregational Family 11 | This Month @ Holy Blossom 15 | The Last Word 16 | Pesach 16

1 8 5 6 t o 2 0 0 6 : c e l e b r a t i N G 1 5 0 Y e a r s a s a c o N G r e G a t i o N

holy blossom temple Bulletin

w w w. h o l y b l o s s o m . o r g H o ly B lo S S o m T e m p l e | �

D A I Ly S E r V I c E SMon. to Fri. 7.30 a.m. Shacharit 6 p.m. Ma’arivSun. 9 a.m.

S H A b b AT b oFri. Jan. �6 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat ServiceFri. Jan. �6 6.30 p.m. Shabbat Fusion (for 20 and 30 somethings)Sat. Jan. �7 10.30 a.m. Shabbat Morning ServiceSat. Jan. �7 10.30 a.m. Family Shabbat Service

S H A b b AT b ’ S H A L A c HFri. Feb. � 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat ServiceFri. Feb. � 6 p.m. Tot Shabbat Service and DinnerSat. Feb. 3 10.30 a.m. Congregation-wide Shabbat Morning Service

S H A b b AT y I T r oFri. Feb. 9 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat ServiceSat. Feb. 10 10.30 a.m. Congregation-wide Shabbat Morning Service

S H A b b AT M I S H PAT I MFri. Feb. 16 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat ServiceFri. Feb. 16 6 p.m. Tot Shabbat ServiceSat. Feb. 17 10.30 a.m. Congregation-wide Shabbat Morning Service

S H A b b AT T ’ r U M A HFri. Feb. �3 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat ServiceFri. Feb. �3 6.30 p.m. Shabbat Fusion (for 20 and 30 somethings)Sat. Feb. �4 10.30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service Sat. Feb. �4 10.30 a.m. Family Shabbat Service

S H A b b AT T ’ T z A V E HFri. Mar. � 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat ServiceFri. Mar. � 6 p.m. Tot Shabbat Service and DinnerSat. Mar. 3 10.30 a.m. Shabbat Morning ServiceSat. Mar. 3 10.30 a.m. Family Shabbat Service

Daily/Shabbat Worship

For more details on this program, please call Cynthia Silverman (ext. 276), at the Temple.

G E N E R A T I O N (for 20 and 30 somethings)

of song and prayer. On the last Friday of each month, Aviva Chernick, Aaron Lightstone, Mark Weinstock and their musical friends, will bring the city’s finest fusion of jazz, funk, Ashkenaz and Sepharad to the Temple. Our Sanctuary won’t know what hit it! A Shabbes tish of sushi and wine will follow. Spread the word and bring a friend.

Shabbat FusionFridays at 6.30 p.m., Jan. 26, Feb. 23, Mar. 30, Apr. 27, May 25 and June 29, 2007

Rabbi Yael Splansky invites members and non-members to a unique Kabbalat Shabbat experience

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eThis momentous timeb y r a b b i J o h n M o S c o w i t z

In the mid-1930s, a handful of leading members of Holy Blossom Temple had a courageous vision. The synagogue, then located in Toronto’s downtown core with just 250 members, would move well to the north, establishing a new kind of home for Toronto Jewry. A large and impressive synagogue, with an equally dynamic culture soon loomed large on Bathurst Street.

This sent a powerful message of hope to future generations of Toronto Jews, to say nothing of the message it sent to the larger Toronto community. Indeed, many new members flocked to the new Holy Blossom Temple at 1950 Bathurst Street, and generations of Jewish fami-lies found a spiritual home.

c U LT U r E A N D N E E D S o F T H E T I M EThat home — in particular the Sanctuary — brilliantly expressed the culture and needs of the time. Holy Blossom Temple then wished to emulate the best of the larger western world, making clear to our Christian friends and neighbours that we were their equals. Nowhere was this better expressed than in a Sanctuary of elegance, dignity and restraint.

Naturally, things changed over the ensuing decades. After a while, our members no longer worried much about being the equal of others; we had achieved that nicely. We became more concerned with facing one another, rather than the world at large; our desire to belong to a religious community and our identification with the larger Jewish People grew stronger than ever.

In addition, the old hierarchical culture began to unravel. Instead, more levelled and inclusive patterns in the larger society became compelling and necessary in our institution.

One example: the rabbi and cantor far above and removed from the congregation — almost speaking and singing at ev-

eryone — began to strike a discordant note. The worship patterns and needs were dramatically in conflict with the needs of the new generation. Indeed, this was the case as early as the 1970s.

And while we got used to it, many things in our building made it difficult to achieve a community: there was and is no place to congregate easily and well; in most places in this building, our spirit was and is diminished; and the robust programming could not be matched by physical space. In so many ways, our physical space impinges on our sense of being and belonging.

o U r T U r N T o r E S H A P E o U r

S y N A g o g U E c o M M U N I T yWhich brings us to today.

Some seven decades after our move to Bathurst Street, it is our turn to reshape — culturally, spiritually and physi-cally — our synagogue community. Our responsibility now is to reorganize and reinvigorate our physical space as well as the culture of our community. By so doing we will send a message of hope to the future: that a vibrant contemporary synagogue is more necessary than ever, and that there is no better spiritual home than Holy Blossom Temple.

And while today there is no require-ment to relocate geographically, we must transform ourselves on the inside and outside to meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s Jews — Holy Blossom Temple families and those future gen-erations we hope will join with us.

Our aim should be to match the grandeur of our current space (particularly the Sanctuary) while achieving an overall sense of commu-nity, welcoming and belonging.

j E w I S H c E N T r E o F E x c E L L E N c ETo take our next step in ensuring a Jewish centre of excellence in educa-tion, worship and social deeds, Holy Blossom Temple has chosen to work with the firm of Diamond and Schmitt Architects.

We are confident that Diamond and Schmitt understands our needs and will join with us in re-creating and transforming our religious home at this long-revered site.

That we have the opportunity to work together on this campus with The Leo Baeck Day School, only strength-ens what we will do: create a syna-gogue/school campus in which each institution will strengthen the other.

This opportunity comes along but once every few generations. Now is our time, our privilege and our re-sponsibility to build the future — less for ourselves and more for our children, grandchildren and the generations to come.

In the coming months, there will be opportunities for the entire congrega-tion to come together to consider what we should do to ensure our future and to accomplish our responsibility.

Please take advantage of these op-portunities to provide your thoughts and your concerns. Together we will move forward and accomplish what the 1930s generation did in ensuring the future of this great congregation.

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playing music for teffi-lot. Come and enjoy this Shabbat Shira singalong Service.

On Shabbat morn-ing, Feb. 3, 2007, at

10.30 a.m., we will feature the joy of tim-brels and drums. We will sing our hearts out and reach for mystical heights in prayer and exaltation, while we celebrate Shirat Hayam, the triumphant “Song of the Red Sea.” We will draw from the waters and depth of the old niggun and live in the new world of modernity.

Afterwards, join us for a lunch and learn session: “The Golden Age of the Hazzan.” New recordings with the lat-est digital technology will enrich your



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otes The music of Shabbat Shira

b y c a n t o r b e n J a M i n z . M a i S S n e r

Everyone is invited to participate in our spectacular Shabbat Shira weekend.

A w E E k E N D o F M U S I c Join us on Fri. Feb. 2, 2007, at 6 p.m., for our Kabbalat Shabbat Service: “Unfuse the Fuse” — a synthesis of our regular Worship music, dressed up with the voices of a new age in synagogue Worship experience. Lindi Rivers and Aviva Chernick, from Shabbat Fusion (our monthly Shabbat experience for 20 and 30 somethings), and the Fusion Ensemble, will join me in bringing the energetic music of Shabbat Fusion to the whole congregation as we celebrate Shabbat Shira. The ensemble features international and local jazz musicians,

listening experience of the old masters, of the great cantors and of the history of the cantorial art. Imagine listening to the voices of the great Jan Pierce, Richard Tucker, Yossele Rosenblatt, Leib Glantz, Mordechai Hershman and Zavel Kvartin and watching DVD footage, taken from Smithsonian archives, and digitally en-hanced. You are in for a real surprise and an enriching experience reliving the great history of the cantorate. To register for the lunch, please call Mari Lynn Rusak (ext. 224), at the Temple.

During our Weekend of Music, I will unveil my contribution and gift to the entire congregation, in honour of our 150th Anniversary — a new CD entitled “A Jubilee Celebration.”

Come out for all of our great Purim activities. There’s something for every age.

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g e r A L d S C h w A r t z / h e A t h e r r e I S m A N C e N t r e F o r j e w I S h L e A r N I N g A t h o Ly B L o S S o m t e m P L e

Winter study

Shabbat Morning Torah Study: From Universalism to Particularism — As We Become a Peoplerabbi John MoscowitzSaturdays at 9 a.m.

Advanced Hebrew Grammar rabbi edward Goldfarb

tuesdays at 11.30 a.m.

Sisterhood Torah Study rabbi edward Goldfarb

wednesdays at 9.30 a.m.

The Yiddish Novelrabbi edward Goldfarb

wednesdays at 11 a.m.

Brotherhood Study Group: The Mind of the Rabbis — How the Talmud Turned the Torah Upside Downrabbi Michael Strohwednesdays at 7.30 p.m. Feb. �8, Mar. 7, �1 and �8, �007

For details on all lectures and programs, please call our School office (ext. 256), at the Temple, or visit our Web site, at All programs and lectures are open to the community unless otherwise stated. For any program that requires registration, please call Lissette Ilgner (ext. 238), in the School office. For your convenience, our daytime programs, during the week, are marked with this symbol:

Chassidic Study Circle: Kabbalah of Our Soulrabbi avraham Plotkin, of Chabad Lubavitch, Markham

tuesdays at 11 a.m. continuing to Feb. �0, �007

Beyond the Chupaheileen & David berger, Temple Members Thursdays at 8 p.m. Feb. 1 to Mar. 1, �007 Newly engaged or married couples will meet with other couples to discuss: expectations and changing roles; family, career and friends; finances and set-ting priorities — yours, mine and ours; intimacy and romance for a lifetime; Jewish home and values — how Judaism enriches your life; and communication, negotiation and compromise — speak-ing effectively. For more details, please call Debbie Spiegel (ext. 239), in the School office.

Learning Liturgy through Singing Jewish Music (Temple Singers)cantor benjamin z. MaissnerSundays at 10 a.m.

Beginners’ HebrewDalia alalouf, Hebrew Supervisor wednesdays at 7.30 p.m.

Take home our lectures The Holy Blossom Temple Library has recordings of the Gerald Schwartz/Heather Reisman Fall Lectures Series speakers to lend to interested members. To reserve a recording of our recent speakers (Thomas Friedman, Barbara Amiel, Malcolm Hoenlein and Ehud Ya’ari), or of past speakers, please call Anne Dublin (ext. 235), at the Temple.

Explore the interactions — theological, political and social — between Jews and Christians from the time of the New Testament to the present day. Since the end of WWII, Christian churches, chastened by their role in the Holocaust, have radically reworked their views of Judaism and Jewish people. This reworking has caused Jewish

scholars to reconsider Judaism’s understanding of Christianity and Christians.Mar. 6 — The Separation of Christianity from JudaismMar. 13 — The Hammer and the Nail: Jews and Christians in the Middle AgesMar. 20 — Jewish-Christian Dialogue since Vatican II

w w w. h o l y b l o s s o m . o r g H o ly B lo S S o m T e m p l e | 6

IIsrael: The homeland of the Jewish People, the land of our ancestors. For years, we have asked our students to develop an allegiance with this place called Israel without giving them the opportunity for a true, tangible con-nection. How can we expect our young people to feel anything for a place that they have not seen, touched or experi-enced? How can we expect our young people to add Israel to the myriad items that comprise their conscious-ness if we do not make Israel a reality?

From Mon. Mar. 12 to Sun. Mar. 18, 2007, I will have the honour of lead-ing a group of our 2007 Confirmation class students to Israel for a brief, but very important, adventure. This trip to Israel will be the culmination of their formal education at Holy Blossom Temple. With the assistance, finan-cially and emotionally, of the Temple and our Sisterhood and Brotherhood, we will travel throughout the capital city of Jerusalem. Here, we will experi-ence the beauty and magnificence of the Old City, climb Masada, enjoy the desert of Ein Gedi and, finally, spend a spiritual Shabbat together. This trip will give our students the opportunity

to have the best learn-ing tool: a hands-on experience of what we have been talking about for so long.

This will be the inaugural trip for what is to become a yearly experience for our Confirmation class. Studies have shown that one of the greatest markers for a person’s future Jewish identity is a youth-sponsored trip to Israel. I look forward to spending this time with our students and cannot wait to share the results with all of you. Please watch the Bulletin and School mailings for details on the trip.

A Lo o k b A c k As we continue to plan for the Educa-tion weekend of Fri. May 4 and Sat. May 5, 2007, “Celebrating Excellence in Education V’Shinantam L’Vanecha” — 150 Years at Holy Blossom Temple,” we look back at the beginnings of the Religious School, and those who contrib-uted to create the Religious School. The original cheder started in 1859 with less than 10 students. Until 1947, the school was under the careful leadership of the synagogue’s rabbis and, in particular,

by Edmund Scheuer, assisted by Mark Geldzaeler, who, for more that 30 years, was directly responsible for the school. There were others that led the school and, in 1947, Heinz Warshauer became the first Director of Education. Heinz’s leadership, standards and the relation-ship that he maintained with every-one for his 29 years at the helm speak volumes. Many have followed in the educational leadership of our Religious School.

We hope you will join us in May for a much more in-depth look into our past.



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rs A look at our future and our pastb y D e b o r a h k . S P i e G e l , D i r e c t o r o f E d u c a t i o n

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winter events at the TempleFrom book launches to dinners to provocative lectures, the winter season was packed with activities that drew hundreds of people to the Temple.

yossi klein Halevi (Nov. 15)

Yossi Klein Halevi analyzes Israel’s and the West’s chal-lenge of confronting the ongoing threats of Islamism.

Natalie Davis discusses the life of North African traveller and best-selling author Leo Africanus.

Library Lecture with Natalie Davis (Nov. 21)



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Donor Dinner (Nov. 27)

Joe and Doreen Kronick are among many of the Temple’s generous donors honoured in late November.

Allan Gotlieb discusses his new book, Washington Diaries.

Allan gotlieb (Dec. 12)




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ed. chanukah celebration (Dec. 15)

Enjoying the celebrations are: (left to right, front) Rachel, Kate and Susan Lehner; and (back) Jen, Jacob and Adam Farber.

Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner (left) and Rabbi Jason Rosenberg (right) light the chanukiyah with help from some Temple members.

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• in 1962, Brother-hood invited Martin Luther King Jr. to ad-dress the congregation on “Non-Violence and Racial Justice?” A year

later, the Martin Luther King Fund was set up to support the work of the Civil Rights Movement.

• in 1979, Holy Blossom’s Boat People Committee sponsored at least 10 Vietnamese families fleeing their homeland?

• in 1981 the Temple adopted the Vasilevsky family, the first of many families of Soviet Refuseniks?

• in 1991, Holy Blossom’s AIDS Com-mittee held its first seder for people affected by HIV and AIDS? This was the first response to the disease by a synagogue in Toronto.

• in 1993, Micah Homes Non-Profit Housing Corporation, established by the Temple’s Social Action Com-mittee, completed construction of Plaut Manor, an apartment building

Tgemilut chasadim — social responsibility

The history of Holy Blossom demon-strates the importance our congrega-tion has always placed on gemilut chasadim — deeds of mutual social responsibility. Whether through ad-vocacy, direct services to members in need, education for critical thinking or outreach to the community, the list of concerns addressed by the congre-gation and its members over the years is long and varied. Did you know that:• in 1868, a group of congregational

women founded the Ladies Be-nevolent Fund to assist new Jewish settlers in Toronto?

• in 1897, Rabbi Abraham Laza-rus led a delegation to the Public School Board to successfully op-pose instituting religious teaching in schools?

• in 1942, Sisterhood initiated a War Work Day every Monday at the Temple, where members knitted and sewed items needed for the war effort? Sisterhood received a special commendation from the Red Cross.

C e L e B r A t e w I t h u S A S h o L y B L o S S o m t e m P L e t u r N S 1 5 0 y e A r S o L d

b y S h e i l a S M o l k i n , C o - C h a i r, A r c h i v e s C o m m i t t e e

designed to provide permanent hous-ing to the working poor, seniors and women who are victims of domestic violence?

• in 1996, Holy Blossom opened its doors to the city’s homeless by be-coming part of the Out of the Cold coalition, the first synagogue in the city to host the program on site?

• in 2005, the 30 members of the Temple’s Bikur Cholim Committee made about 900 visits to more than 50 congregants who had suffered an illness or loss of a loved one?

• in 2007, this long tradition of com-mitment to gemilut chasadim will continue when Stephen Lewis speaks at the Temple about the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa?

(With thanks to Jill Hertzman, Rifky Rosensweig and Walter Seaton for researching our archives to gain a better understanding of this congregation’s commitment to gemilut chasadim.)

Please join us for a Shabbat Service honouring our past Confirmands and celebrating Holy Blossom’s excellence in education. Our former associate and assistant rabbis and directors of education will be our special guests on this auspicious occasion. During the Service, all those who were confirmed at Holy Blossom will join together for a special group aliyah. At the kiddish lunch following the Service, Confirmands will have an opportunity to take a trip down memory lane and reconnect with former classmates and teachers.

Invitations will be mailed very soon. If you have not submitted your name, please ensure you receive an invitation by leaving your name, address and phone number on our hotline (ext. 506), at the Temple, or e-mail your contact information to [email protected].

Sat. May 5, 2007, at 10.30 a.m.



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C e L e B r A t e w I t h u S A S h o L y B L o S S o m t e m P L e t u r N S 1 5 0 y e A r S o L d

IExperiencing a slice of Israel’s historyTravellers on Holy Blossom Temple’s 150th Anniversary trip to Israel (Thur. Apr. 12 to Wed. Apr. 25, 2007) will have several unique experiences. Of course, one of these experiences will be to receive the Torah that has been com-missioned by our Torat Chaim project. Another will be our visit to the new Palmach Museum.

The state-of-the-art Palmach Mu-seum tells the story of the elite under-ground fighters who defended Jews before and during Israel’s War of In-dependence, and takes visitors beyond observing history to experiencing it.

The manner of presentation is extremely innovative. There are no displays or documents, only fascinating personal stories surrounded by three-

dimensional decor, films, sounds and special effects.

Appropriately, the main exhibit is situated underground, in a series of chambers. The first room is a scale ver-sion of Tel Aviv’s Herzl Street in 1941. The multimedia experience begins with images of the war in Europe projected onto the street scene, and sets the stage for the formation of the Palmach, which was created to deal with two threats: the advance of the German army towards Egypt, and Arab attacks on the Jewish community.

The next chamber recreates a eu-calyptus grove at night. Here a unit of seven new Palmach recruits meet with their commander for training orienta-tion. The story of these characters car-

ries us through the rest of the journey.Over time, the unit gains train-

ing and experience, and personalities emerge. Some are assigned to blow up bridges, others to lead supply convoys to a besieged Jerusalem or to smuggle in ships of immigrants banned by the Brit-ish. We watch as they expectantly listen to the United Nations vote on the fate of the country, as they battle through the War of Independence, and as they express their grief at the gravesides of those who did not make it.

Remarkably realistic sets, sounds, lighting, special effects and even mov-ing rooms make visitors feel part of this extraordinary experience. — Jeff Denaburg, Co-Chair, Israel Committee

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Before and After tue. Jan. �3, �007, at 7.30 p.m.A film and discussion on the 1994 bomb-ing of the Jewish community centre in Buenos Aires. Co-sponsored by B’nai Brith Canada. Open to the public. For a preview, visit

Breakfast Clubken Skolnik, chair, Library Committee Sun. Feb. 11, �007, at 9.30 a.m.We will review three books: Farewell, Babylon by Naim Kattan, Earth and High Heaven by Gwethalyn Graham and Final Solution by Michael Chabon. The books give an overview of the Jewish condition in three localities during the 1930s and 40s. All Temple members, men and women, are welcome.

Out of the ColdThe following toiletries and adult cloth-ing is needed: large-sized winter coats and jackets; sweaters and sweatshirts;

hotline (ext. 514), at the Temple, or e-mail us at [email protected] by mid-March.

Cantor Maissner Talks about Germanywed. Feb. 14, �007, at 7.30 p.m.Co-sponsored by Sisterhood and Brotherhood.

Lilith SalonsSat. Feb. �4, �007, at 3.30 p.m.Our next discussion will be taking place in a private home and will conclude with a Havdalah Service. RSVP to our hotline (ext. 514), at the Temple, or e-mail us at [email protected].

The Toronto Jewish Healing Projectrabbi Daniel Gottlieb, Temple Kol Ami and Michelle katz, EducatorMondays 11.30 a.m. until Feb. 1�, �007 lipa Green building, 4600 bathurst St. Cost: $50 (Assistance available on re-quest). To register, please call Etta Ginsberg McEwan, Co-ordinator, at (416) 944-3359.

fleece shirts and jackets; sweatpants and jeans; long- and short-sleeved t-shirts; toothbrushes and toothpaste, and hotel-sized shampoo, soaps, etc. If you have any contacts for clothing, toiletries or food, please let us know. We generally have to purchase underwear, socks and gloves. Everything else is donated. Please leave a message on ext. 508, at the Temple.

Bereavement Support Grouphelen Gia levin, Grief Therapistwednesdays at 7 p.m. apr. 18, ��, May � and 9, �007 If you have lost a loved one, come to the Temple to find strength and comfort. Among other mourners, you will find you are not alone. To register, call Cynthia Silverman (ext. 276), at the Temple.

Board NominationsSisterhood will be meeting in March 2007 to prepare a new slate of Directors. To nominate someone, please call our

events and Announcements

For more information, or to leave a message, please call the Seniors’ hotline (ext. 517), at the Temple.

Feb. 1� Getting from Here to There in the Middle East: Israel’s Options and Obstacles | David Dewitt, Associate Vice President, Social Sciences and Humanities, York University

Feb. 19 The Hidden Side of Purim | rabbi Jason rosenberg

Feb. �6 My Sabbatical: What I Accomplished and What I Learned (part 2) | cantor benjamin z. Maissner.

Feb. � Reflections on Children in Jewish Education | zita Gardner, Past Director, The Leo Baeck Day School

M o n d ayS @ the Temple

Jan. �9 The Reform Movement in Israel: Today and Tomorrow | rabbi Sharon Sobel, Executive Di-rector, Canadian Council for Reform Judaism and ARZA Canada

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our Congregational Family

name Date

We would like to welcome the following people to our Holy Blossom Temple family:

Suzanne & Mark cohon, and Parkeramanda & Steven Dixon, and adelaide

and ameliakaeli MacdonaldSusan Stamm & richard Guttman, and

andrea and JonathanMari & harry waisglassShirley warnernicki weiss & Mike Fox, and lee and hal

Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies 2006 Woman of Valour Honourees: renette berman, Marlene borins, wendy eisen, Gail Gerstein, reva Gerstein, anita Greenberg, ethel Sapera, carol Schipper, Jackie Shulman, Sandra waldman and carole zucker

Sandra rotman, on receiving the Order of Ontario

b I r T H SLesley & Lorne Burnett on the birth of their

daughter, Mackenzie eden burnett, a sister for Halle. Proud grandparents are Joe Burnett and Rise & Marty Goode.

E N g A g E M E N TJoanne & Garry Foster on the engagement of

their son, eric Foster, to cheryl Drutz, daughter of Roz & Randy Drutz. An early 2008 wedding is planned.

The congregation sympathizes with the recently bereaved family of:

harold weisfeld, father of Barbara Weisfeld and David Weisfeld, brother of Norma Sussman.

Lights will kindled in the Sanctuary for seven days starting the Saturday evening before the anniversary date, to mark the yahrzeit of the following:

name DatePhilip Dover Jan. 25Freda Gotfrid 25Bernard Grove 25William Loebel 25Deborah Marks 25Nathan Stein 25Ida Wecksler 25Susan Ely 26Samuel Feldstein 26Katy Geller 26Linda Leibel 26Elaine Lichtenberg 26Florence Lokash 26Harry Ralph Rose 26Cynthia Small-Wallet 26Morris Stern 26Albert Aarons 27Sam Ruth 27Jessie Scolnick 27Sadie Zener 28Diana Appleby 29Joan Finsten 29Joan Freedman 29Coleman Herman 29Mildred Marks 29Abraham Polakoff 29

Frank Gerstein Jan. 30Samuel Roher 30Tillie Berneman 31Harry Fields 31Herman Hutner 31Samuel Nankin 31Norton Penturn 31David Shulman 31Benjamin Ulster 31Miriam Wexler 31Harry Bain Feb. 1Charles Fishbein 1Maximillian Fremes 1Aaron Kendall 1Abraham Singer 1Myers L. Stitt 1Gertrude Agar 2Samya Chris 2Joan Freedman 2Albert Ginsberg 2Max Keyfitz 2Isaac Pollock 2Susan Waintman 2Hannah Aaron 3Joseph Bederman 3Anchel Davis 3Elsie Kolm 3Nathan Nowack 3Gerald Pencer 3Lilian Steinberg 3Carl Lewis Young 3Sam Zane 3Noah Bacher 4Sydney Doctors 4Louis Pritzker 4Sara Pape 5Celia Caplan Steinberg 5Charlotte Wilson 5Harold Leslie 6Samuel Michael Braun 7Sidney Eisen 7Arthur Gelgoot 7Edward Gold 7Rose Goldstein 7Gloria Shapiro 7Alex Sherman 7Mary Alex 8Shirley Armstrong Gomes 8

b ’ N E I M I T z V A H

8 Shevat �767/Jan. �7, �007Jordana charendoff, daughter of Mona & Bryan Charendoff

6 adar �767 / Feb. �4, �007Samara abells, daughter of Karen & Yoel Abells

13 adar �767 / March 3, �007zachary Gordon, son of Sandy & Kenny Gordon

w w w. h o l y b l o s s o m . o r g H o ly B lo S S o m T e m p l e | 1�

Morley Binstock Feb. 8Illona Heller 8David Lewis 8Hyman Malowane 8Herbert Nussbaum 9Ellen Zener 9S. Joseph Birnbaum 10Harry Grossman 10Gertrude Rotstein 10Ruth Brown 11Eva Harris 11Pearl Krugel 11Melanie Miller 11Molly Simmons 11Bella Albright 12Harry Alexander 12William Feldstein 12Florence Lederman 12Luis Alberto Quiroz 12Minnie Shapiro 12Erwin Farrel Taube 12Livia Barto 13Dr. Joseph Florence 13Harry Mandell 13Allen Gerald Rossman 13Herbert C. Rothschild 13Sara Lillian Smith 13Samuel Bacher 14Ruth Katsh Feinberg 14Rose Geldzaeler Harris 14Max Levine 14Emma Goldberger Liban 14Louis Rapp 14Ethel Resnick 14Harris Toker 14Avrom Waldman 14Joseph Warsh 14William Birn 15Lena Frankel 15Rose Pulver 15Selena Rosenthal 15Louis Shore 15Sam Strauch 15Johanna Mayer Frankel 16Harry Hershoran 16Annie Lokash 16Wolfe Shoichet 16Tillie Baker 17Theresa Sapera 17Melvyn David Soren 17Samuel Drake Stanway 17

David Kaufman Feb. 18Philip Plastow 18Samuel Smith 18Eugene Warschauer 18Joseph Bleiberg 19Samuel David Borins 19Maxwell Cohen 19Sarah Krymalowsky 19Herbert Rothschild 19Helen Blanche Sherman 19Celia Cooper 20Henry J. Faber 20Sid Goldman 20Earle Pullan 20Maxwell Wolfe 20Florence Alter 21Albert Cohen 21Walter Engel 21Israel Marder 21Samuel Roher 21Arthur Sternberg 21Mary Yolles 21Pearl Bacher 22David Braidberg 22Shirley Finkelman 22Dorothy Frankel 22Ettie Gold 22George Gruber 22Betty Kardish 22Joseph John Selby 22Nathan Shapiro 22Tillie Sussman 22Max Berinstein 23Evelyn Dunkelman 23Rose Goodman 23Esther Bederman 24Lena Emsig 24Samuel Godfrey 24Samuel Leibel 24Earl Charles Lyons 24Ida Schleicher 24Sarah Meryl Simonoff 24Stanley Singer 24Sheldon Weinstein 24Louis Kane 25Molly Lichtenberg 25Abraham Nashman 25Rebecca Nowack 25Rose Strauch 25Aaron Goldstein 26Michael Meyer Steinberg 26

Edmund Winkler Feb. 26Anna Axler 27Jacques Barruch 27Frances Davidson 27Jonas Goldstein 27Edna Itkoff 27Elizabeth Kertesz 27Paul Rigor 27Heinz Warschauer 27Terry Marshall Wunder 27Sophie Hausman 28Mort Levy 28Belle Louise Miles 28Mildred Sniderman 28Peter Weis 28Sarah Bacher Mar. 1Rachel Bolnick 1Arthur Cohen 1Leo Danson 1David Goodman 1William Willer 1Irving Oscar Zaid 1Irving Aaron 2Harvey Fingold 2Moshe Leib Glazier 2Harry Bernard Horowitz 2Samuel Sax 2Sydney David Conn 3Samuel Dalgorf 3Abraham Freeman 3Abram Kunen 3

name Date name Date name Date

1 5 0 T H A N N I V E r S A r y c E L E b r AT I o N F U N D

alan Garfinkel, Mazal tov: Sheila & Bob Smolkin

lorraine & Donald loeb, Mazal tov: Sheila

& Bob Smolkin

barry Silver, Mazal tov: Sheila & Bob Smolkin

General: Myer Brody

A c c E S S I b I L I T y F U N D

Julian Druyan, in Memory: Etta McEwan

barry Silver, Mazal tov: Etta McEwan

A I D F o r S U r V I V o r S o F T E r r o r I S M

hudy & Morris charendoff, wedding anniversary: Dr. George Bernstein; Dr. Merton Bernstein

Molly rosen, Mazal tov: Allison and Glenda MindlinDr. Marvin tile, Mazal tov: Dr. George Bernstein;

Dr. Merton BernsteinGeneral: Mondays @ the Temple

F e B R U A R y 2 0 0 7 | S h e v a t / A d a r 5 7 6 7 w w w. h o l y b l o s s o m . o r g13

w I L L I A M A N S H A N yo U T H A w A r D S

Fern teichman, Special birthday: Jean Anshan

r U T H b o r D E N M E M o r I A L yo U T H A w A r D F U N D

Dr. barry borden, in appreciation: Rabbi Yael

Splansky & Adam Sol

b E V E r L E y c o L M A N - Lo k A S H c A M P

S c H o L A r S H I P

henrietta chesnie, Mazal tov: Beverley Colman-Lokash

Debby chesnie-cooper, happy birthday: Beverley


alan Garfinkel, Mazal tov: Beverley Colman-Lokash

barry Silver, Mazal tov: Beverley Colman-Lokash

c o o P E r FA M I Ly A N N I V E r S A r y F U N D

Sami & James cooper, �0th wedding anniversary:

Harriett & Gary Bomza; Sandy & Stanley Gottfried;

Ilene & Robert Hoffman; Debbie & Frank Risman;

Larry Rubin; Ruth & Norman Smith; Dorothy

& Marvin Weissman

Sami & James cooper, �0th wedding anniversary:

Yvonne & Herb Stein

Mr. & Mrs. aaron Pizel, 60th wedding anniversary:

Sami & James Cooper

j E A N F I N E S E N I o r S F U N D

Penny Fine & hugh Furneaux, Mazal tov: Helen Lyon

F Lo r A L F U N D

Samara abells, bat Mitzvah: Karen & Yoel Abells

zachary Gordon, bar Mitzvah: Sandy & Kenny Gordon

H o Ly b Lo S S o M T E M P L E F o U N D AT I o N

Sami & James cooper, Mazal tov: The Gellman


alan Garfinkel, Mazal tov: Mira Goldfarb & Adam

Berkowitz; Margaret & David Hart; Jill Kamin

& Murray Hart; Mary Seldon

bert Godfrey, in Memory: Joan & Don Granatstein

rabbi edward Goldfarb, in appreciation: Robyn

Blatt & Jeffrey Freedman

Dr. ralph Goren, in Memory: Esther & Cyril Hersh

Samuel lipson, in Memory: Dorothy & Stanley Tessis

and Family

Dr. Stanley raphael, Mazal tov: Alex Raphael and


cantorial Soloist lindi rivers, in appreciation:

Robyn Blatt & Jeffrey Freedman

arnie rosen, in honour: Joan & Don Granatstein

Marlene & Dr. robert ruderman, Mazal tov: Anna

& Syd Gangbar

Dr. Fred Saunders, Speedy recovery: Barry & Susan


Sara Shefsky, in Memory: Fran & Bernie Goldman

Dr. & Mrs. Marvin tile, Mazal tov: Shoshana Cole

barry Silver, Mazal tov: Sybil & Jack Geller; Margaret

& David Hart; Jean & Richard Lorie; Mary Seldon

kelly Silverstein, in Memory: Joan & Don Granatstein

Yvette & Malcolm Slaughter, Mazal tov: Joan

& Don Granatstein

Sam Slavin, in Memory: Esther & Cyril Hersh

Mark Slobodsky, Speedy recovery: Wendy & Elliot

Eisen; Gail & Barry Silver

rabbi Yael Splansky & adam Sol, Mazal tov: Fran

& Bernie Goldman and Family

General: Dr. Michael A Baker; Harry Wiseman

j A c o b S T o w E r F U N D

alex Grossman, in Memory: Marilyn Shesko &

David Hertzman

j o A N k E r b E L L E A D E r S H I P D E V E Lo P M E N T F U N D

liz & reuben bronstein, Mazal tov: Holy Blossom

Temple Sisterhood; Holy Blossom Temple Singers

Sybil Gordon, Speedy recovery: Holy Blossom Temple


barry Silver, Mazal tov: Holy Blossom Temple Sisterhood

Sheila Smolkin, in appreciation: Holy Blossom

Temple Sisterhood

L I b r A r y b o o k F U N D

rabbi edward Goldfarb, in appreciation: Dr. Mildred

& Phil Eisenberg

ruth howard, happy birthday: Jean & Lewis Applebaum

Marcia Schnoor & Morley Goldberg, Mazal tov: Ora

& Michael Leese

D o w A N D F r E D z I A M A r M U r P r o g r A M F o r

E D U c AT I o N A L E x c E L L E N c E

Fredzia & rabbi Dow Marmur, in appreciation:

Shoshana Cole

candy ramberansingh & andrew tile, Mazal tov:

Ellen Karabanow

L E S L E y & r o N M I L L E r S E N I o r S

P r o g r A M F U N D

lesley & ron Miller, Mazal tov: Kathy & Maurice

Green; Razelle Roebuck & David MacCoy and Family

M o r r I S M o S c o w I T z M E M o r I A L F U N D F o r

FA L L E N I S r A E L I S o L D I E r S

Morris Moscowitz, in Memory: Fran & Bernie


M U S I c A L L E g A c y F U N D

nadejda adler, in honour: Razelle Roebuck

& David MacCoy and Family

clare Denaburg, happy birthday: Marlene & Joe Flicht

Shaela & bernie Gottlieb, Mazal tov: Helen Lyon

cantor benjamin z. Maissner, in appreciation:

Phyllis Wintraub

Shelley Miller, in appreciation: Phyllis Wintraub

cantorial Soloist lindi rivers, in appreciation:

The Holy Blossom Stagecraft Company

Mary & henry Seldon, wedding anniversary:

Mari Lynn Rusak and Family

harold weisfeld, in Memory: Holy Blossom

Temple Singers

harold weisfeld, in Memory: Sharon & Shelley

Miller and Family

o U T o F T H E c o L D

brenda & Steven blau, wedding anniversary:

Maxine & Michael Finkelstein

allyson campbell, holiday Greetings:

Beatrice Crawford

Geoffrey campbell, holiday Greetings:

Beatrice Crawford

charles cohen, Speedy recovery: Eleanor

& Hartley Steinberg

barbara conway, in honour: Debra & Barry Campbell

Julian Druyan, in Memory: Ann & Gary Posen

Mr. & Mrs. David Freeman, wedding anniversary:

Harriet & Frank Wolman

David Gordon, in Memory: Ruthe W. Simonsky

charles Goodfellow, in Memory: Harriette Borins

Myra Grean, in Memory: Sherry Wolfson and

Lynn Malley

eleanor & Fred hirshfeld, Mazal tov: Nancy

& Lloyd Pollack

Jules hoffman, in Memory: Gail & Zel Bocknek

elena & Victor hoffstein, Mazal tov on the birth of

your grandchild: Annalee & Brian Schnurr

Joe Jonatan, in honour: Phyllis & Jeff Denaburg

and Family

Sally kauser, holiday Greetings: Beatrice Crawford

anita & leon lapidus, holiday Greetings: Nancy

& Lloyd Pollock

anita & leon lapidus, in appreciation: Eleanor

& Fred Hirsheld

Sam lipson, in Memory: Debra & Barry Campbell

linda Merrill, holiday Greetings: Beatrice Crawford

Fred Metter, Speedy recovery: Anita & Jack Goren

and Family

ariella Minden, Mazal tov: Debbie & Marvin Gans

Delores nickerson, holiday Greetings: Beatrice


out of the cold, 10th anniversary: Phyllis & Jeff

Denaburg and Family

w w w. h o l y b l o s s o m . o r g H o ly B lo S S o m T e m p l e | 14

corinne Perlmutar, happy birthday: Sheila

& Warren Sinukoff

rose & oscar Posen, Yahrzeit: Ann & Gary Posen

carol & Steve reiken, wedding anniversary:

Gail & Zel Bocknek

Judy & carl ritchie, happy chanukah: Beatrice


cantorial Soloist lindi rivers, in appreciation:

Sandy & Steven Moranis, and Family

Morris Schwartz, in Memory: Mickey Cohen

lesley Shore, Thank You: Speakers Action Group

laurence Siegel, Mazal tov: Mira Goldfarb & Adam

Berkowitz and Family

kelly Silverstein, in Memory: Ronni Brott & Julian

Heller; Joanne & Kevin Roher

howard Smigal, Mazal tov on your special birthday:

Harriet & Frank Wolman

Shirley & bernard Staiman, happy anniversary:

Rose Goldstein-Gold

ron Starling, happy birthday: Janice & Larry Babins

and Family

Moshe tanzer, in Memory: Gail & Zel Bocknek

Sean wodill, holiday Greetings: Beatrice Crawford

leonard wolman, Mazal tov on your special

birthday: Harriet & Frank Wolman

laurie zeilig, happy birthday: Zoe Margolis

& Mel Spiegel

General: The Philip Smith Foundation; Blessed

Sacrament Church

P r Ay E r b o o k A N D w o r S H I P F U N D

harry Greenwood, in Memory: Fay Greenwood

and Family

Sondra & Dr. Marvin kaye, wedding anniversary:

Pauline Atkins

Sam lipson, in Memory: Muriel Cohen and Family

P r o j E c T T I k V A H

Dr. Fred Saunders, Speedy recovery: Barry & Gail Silver

barry Silver, Mazal tov: Judith Jordan-Austin

r A b b I S ’ A N D c A N T o r S ’ D I S c r E T I o N A r y F U N D S

rabbi John Moscowitz, in appreciation: Susan

& Dr. Peter Dan; Judy & Carl Richie; Beth

Goldstein & Dr. Barry Rosen and Family; Esther

& Marvin Tile

rabbi John Moscowitz: Morris Moscowitz, in

Memory: Shoshana Cole; Sandy & Steven Moranis

and Family

rabbi Yael Splansky, in appreciation:

Kaeli Macdonald & Jordan Shiffman; Sandy

& Steven Moranis and Family

rabbi Yael Splansky & adam Sol, Mazal tov:

Jean & Richard Lorie; Debbie & Bob Moses; Etta

McEwan; Janet & Norman Shiner and Family

rabbi Jason rosenberg, in appreciation:

Beth Goldstein & Dr. Barry Rosen and Family;

Laskin and Goren Families

hillary & rabbi Jason rosenberg, Mazal tov:

Debbie & Bob Moses

rabbi Jason rosenberg, licel Margolis, Yahrzeit:

Jacqueline G. Margolis

rabbi edward Goldfarb, in appreciation: Barbara

Weisfeld, David Weisfeld and Norma Sussman

cantor benjamin z. Maissner, in appreciation:

Susan & Dr. Peter Dan; Amanda & Steven Dixon and

Family; Beth Goldstein & Dr. Barry Rosen and Family

cantor benjamin z. Maissner, Susan Swartz, Mazal

tov: Nancy & Lloyd Pollack and Family

cantorial Soloist lindi rivers, in appreciation:

Laskin & Goren Families; Judy & Carl Richie

Lo r r A I N E S A N D L E r T r I b U T E F U N D

ellen horwitz and barb cohen, happy chanukah:

Hannah Diamond

LU L A & I r V I N g S A U N D E r S M E M o r I A L F U N D

Fred Saunders, Speedy recovery: Linda Groll and

Esther Schneider

S H A c H A r I T F U N D

william burger, Yahrzeit: George Burger

Pauline cohen, Yahrzeit: Charles Cohen

amalia & henry Dan, Yahrzeit: Susan & Dr. Peter Dan

edith Feldman, Yahrzeit: Sara Speigel

Joseph Fine, Yahrzeit: Marlene & Dr. Robert Ruderman

boris Fox, Yahrzeit: Rosalind Witkin and Elliot Moldaver

Paul Galfund, Yahrzeit: Lillian Sherman

Frank Godfrey, Yahrzeit: Nonni & Saul Akler;

Ricki & Gil Gallen; Jean Godfrey

karen Goldblatt, in Memory: Barry Goldblatt

Mildred Grobstein, Yahrzeit: Debra & Barry Campbell

Paul hellen, Mazal tov: Jeff Levy; Holy Blossom

Temple Brotherhood

Minnie kamenir, in Memory: Sandra Kamenir

barry kane, Yahrzeit: Adele Mamott

Masha levy, Yahrzeit: Joan & Don Granatstein

Miriam levy, Yahrzeit: Dr. Felisa Rochwerger

roslyn & aaron lyon: B. Barry Shapiro

hattie Margolese, Yahrzeit: Pnina Margolese

Frank Maron, Yahrzeit: Donna Goldstein

larry oiffer, Yahrzeit: Gaye & Andrew Stein

Dr. Maurice Pollock, Yahrzeit: Dr. Sheila Pollock

Joseph rosen, Yahrzeit: Mark & Ruth Rosen

Morris rotstein, Yahrzeit: Karen Rotstein

contacts for Donations

To make a donation to any of our existing funds, to learn more about how you can support the Holy Blossom Temple Foundation, or to establish a new fund, please call the Foundation Office, at (416) 789-3291, ext. 265.

To make a donation to One Family Fund (Aid to Survivors of Terror), please call (416) 644-4955.

To make a donation to MAZON Canada, please call (416) 783-7554.

To make a donation to the Toronto Community Forest Fund, please call Sybil Gordon at (416) 489-5709.

We appreciate your supportHoly Blossom Temple appreciates all donations to our funds; however due to rising costs, cards will only be sent for donations of $20 or more. We will continue to recognize all donations in the Bulletin.

We apologize but due to space constraints, not all donations will appear in the Bulletin issue closest to the date on which the contribution was made. Donations in this issue were received by Thur. Dec. 7, 2006.

oscar Salem, Yahrzeit: Jocelyne & Shia Salem

harry Silver, Yahrzeit: Barry & Joyce Spiegel;

Eleanor & Hartley Steinberg: Jean Silver

harry Smith, Yahrzeit: Phil Smith

Gerald Stein, Yahrzeit: Gaye & Andrew Stein

robert trope, Yahrzeit: Angela & Graham Trope

and Family

Phyllis weisfeld, Yahrzeit: Barbara Weisfeld

Frank wolff, Yahrzeit: Alison & Gary Polan and Family

anthony avraham wolman, Yahrzeit:

Harriet & Frank Wolman

P H I L I P S M I T H c o N g r E g AT I o N A L H A L L

F o U N D AT I o N

General: The Philip Smith Foundation

g I L D A & Ly L E S TA N w Ay b o o k F U N D

Gilda lillian Stanway, Yahrzeit: Lyle Stanway

T o r AT c H A I M F U N D

General: Rotislav Zemlinsky

yo U T H A w A r D S

Pearl hermant, in appreciation: Beth Goldstein

& Dr. Barry Rosen and Family

Jules hoffman, in Memory: Debbie & Randy Spiegel

roseanne Mason, in appreciation: Edith Kirzner

Marion Moses, Mazal tov: Debbie & Bobby Moses

and family

F e B R U A R y 2 0 0 7 | S h e v a t / A d a r 5 7 6 7 w w w. h o l y b l o s s o m . o r g1�

Tue. jan. 23 11 a.m. Chassidic Study Circle, with Rabbi Avraham Plotkin 11.30 a.m. Advanced Hebrew 7.30 p.m. Brotherhood: “Before and After” Documentary Film

wed. jan. 24 10.30 a.m. The Yiddish Novel 7.30 p.m. Beginners’ Hebrew

Fri. jan. 26 6.30 p.m. Shabbat Fusion (for 20 and 30 somethings)

Sat. jan. 27 9 a.m. Torah Study 5.30 p.m. Family Programming Havdalah Service and Sports Night

Sun. jan. 28 8 p.m. Tafelmusik Baroque Concert

Mon. jan. 29 10 a.m. Mondays @ the Temple, with Rabbi Sharon Sobel 7.30 p.m. Adult B’nei Mitzvah Program

Tue. jan. 30 11 a.m. Chassidic Study Circle, with Rabbi Avraham Plotkin 11.30 a.m. Advanced Hebrew Grammar 7.30 p.m. Sisterhood Tu B‘Shevat Seder

wed. jan. 31 9.30 a.m. Sisterhood Torah Study 10.30 a.m. The Yiddish Novel 7.30 p.m. Beginners’ Hebrew

Thur. Feb. 1 8 p.m. Beyond the Chupah, with Eileen and David Berger

Fri. Feb. 2 6 p.m. Tot Shabbat Service and Dinner

Sat. Feb. 3 9 a.m. Torah Study 12.30 p.m. Hazzan’s Tisch Lunch and Workshop

Mon. Feb. 5 10 a.m. Mondays @ the Temple, with Zita Gardner 7.30 p.m. Adult B’nei Mitzvah Program

Tue. Feb. 6 11 a.m. Chassidic Study Circle, with Rabbi Avraham Plotkin 11.30 a.m. Advanced Hebrew Grammar

wed. Feb. 7 9.30 a.m. Sisterhood Torah Study 10.30 a.m. The Yiddish Novel 7.30 p.m. Beginners’ Hebrew

Thur. Feb. 8 8 p.m. Beyond the Chupah, with Eileen and David Berger

Fri. Feb. 9 6 p.m. Annual Family Programming Shabbat Dinner

Sat. Feb. 10 9 a.m. Torah Study

Sun. Feb. 11 9 a.m. Brotherhood Breakfast Club

Mon. Feb. 12 10 a.m. Mondays @ the Temple, with David Dewitt 7.30 p.m. Adult B’nei Mitzvah Program

Tue. Feb. 13 11 a.m. Chassidic Study Circle, with Rabbi Avraham Plotkin 11.30 a.m. Advanced Hebrew Grammar

wed. Feb. 14 9.30 a.m. Sisterhood Torah Study 10.30 a.m. The Yiddish Novel 7.30 p.m. Beginners’ Hebrew 7.30 p.m. Brotherhood and Sisterhood Program with Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner

Thur. Feb. 15 8 p.m. Beyond the Chupah, with Eileen and David Berger Fri. Feb. 16 6 p.m. Tot Shabbat Service

Sat. Feb. 17 9 a.m. Torah Study 8. p.m. Danny Maseng in Concert

Mon. Feb. 19 10 a.m. Mondays @ the Temple with Rabbi Jason Rosenberg 7.30 p.m. Adult B’nei Mitzvah Program

Tue. Feb. 20 11 a.m. Chassidic Study Circle, with Rabbi Avraham Plotkin 11.30 a.m. Advanced Hebrew Grammar

wed. Feb. 21 9.30 a.m. Sisterhood Torah Study 10.30 a.m. The Yiddish Novel

This month @ HoLy bLoSSoM February 2007 Shevat/Adar 2007

The Bulletin is published 11 times a year by Holy Blossom Temple, 1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5P 3K9. Telephone: (416) 789-3291; Fax: (416) 789-9697; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site: Honorary President: John A. Geller; President: Barry Silver; Senior Rabbi: John Moscowitz; Associate Rabbi: Yael Splansky; Associate Rabbi: Jason Rosenberg; Rabbi: Edward Goldfarb; Cantor: Benjamin Z. Maissner; Cantorial Soloist: Lindi Rivers; Director of Education: Deborah K. Spiegel; Rabbi Emeritus: Dow Marmur; Senior Scholar: W. Gunther Plaut; Executive Director: Benjamin Applebaum; Holy Blossom Temple Foundation Chair: Marvin Tile; Bulletin Editor: Judy Nyman; Design and Production:

Holy Blossom Temple was founded in 1856 and is affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism and the Canadian Council for Reform Judaism.

For Worship Services, please see page 2. As dates and times may change without notice, please confirm all information by calling the Temple – at any time – to access our This Week @ Holy Blossom recording.

O t

he L

ast w

ord A time to stay silent

our tradition teaches us that, upon entering a shiva house, we are not supposed to say anything. We are supposed to remain completely silent until we are spoken to by the mourner. Once he or she has opened the conver-sation, we are free to join in and con-tinue it, but it must be the mourner’s initiative that begins the dialogue.

In our community, and in most of which I know, we do not follow that law strictly. It is our way that when we see people sitting shiva, we offer them words of comfort and tell them how sorry we are for their loss. But, even if we do not follow the law literally, there are lessons we can learn from our tradition and its approach to nihum aveilim, comforting the mourner.

We are reminded that the most important thing, when visiting a

mourner, is not what we say, but that we vis-ited at all. Most people who are mourning will not even remember what was said to them

by their visitors, but they will surely remember they were visited. It is our presence that shows, more than any words we can muster, that we care.

I once read of a rabbi who heard that a friend and colleague lost his father. “Reb Cohen needs us,” this rabbi said to his top student. Immediately, they got to the airport, bought two tickets and flew across the country to see the mourn-ing rabbi. The visiting rabbi walked in, hugged his friend and sat down next to him, saying nothing for two hours. He then got up, hugged his friend again and went back to the airport to return home.

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b y r a b b i J a S o n r o S e n b e r G

The story is a vivid example of the power of a person’s presence, and how superfluous his or her words may be.

Our tradition also reminds us that we have to pay attention to the mourn-er’s changing needs. When we walk in the door, we have no idea if that person is in desperate need to talk about the person who died, or is so exhausted from talking that he or she needs to talk about something else, or nothing at all, for a while. If the mourner is feel-ing loneliness, guilt, anger, emptiness, bitter-sweetness or any of the myriad emotions that accompany loss, any well-intentioned words we utter might be the wrong words. And so, we are better off sitting and listening — listening to what our friend really needs.

Sun. Apr. 15, 2007, at 7 p.m. Please join us for a Service of song and poetry, remembrance and reflection. Max Zeller, father of Temple Member Esther Zeller Cooper, will speak about his life and survival in the work and displaced persons camps.

Erev Pesach Service — Mon. Apr. 2, at 6 p.m.

First Day Pesach Service — Tue. Apr. 3, at 10 a.m.Join us for a congregation-wide Service, followed by a festive kiddush lunch. Creative children’s study programs and child care will be available.

Erev Seventh Day Pesach Service — Sun. Apr. 8, at 6 p.m.Erev Yom Tov Service

Seventh Day Pesach Service — Mon. Apr. 9, at 10 a.m.Yom Tov and Yizkor Services, followed by a kiddush lunch. Child care will be provided.

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