Page 1: 2008-09 Chapel Schedule - Taylor University

Chapel Schedule - Fall 2008

August27 W Opening Chapel - Dr. Eugene Habecker, President 29 F

Faculty Chapel - Dr. William Ringenberg , History Dept.

September01. M Labor Day - No Chapet

03 W Pastor Randall Gruendyke, Campus Pastor

05 F TU Family Chapel

08 M Spiritual Renewal - Pastor Colin Smith, Arlington

Heights, lL

10 W Spiritual Renewal - Pastor Colin Smith

L2 F Dr. Jay Kesler, President Emeritus

15 M T.!t/.O. Chapel

17 W Pastor Chris Williamson, Memphis, TN

19 F Parents Weekend Chapel - Pastor Chris Williamson

22 M Pastor Randall Gruendyke

24W Ms. Kelly Monroe Kullberg, Columbus, OH

26 F T.S.O. Chapel

29 M Dr. Erik Thoennes, La Mirada, CA

October01 W World Religions Week Chapel

03 F Dr. Kenneth Young, Roseville, MN

06 M Prof. Jody Hirschy, Business Department

08 W Ms. Paige Cunningham , Wheaton, lL

10 F Homecoming - Pastor Kyle Martin, Dallas, TX

13 M Mr. Jeremy Kingsley, Columbia, SC

15 W Pastor Randall Gruendyke

L7 F Fall Break - No Chapel

20 M W.O.W. Focus - Mr. John Moxen,

Northern lreland

22W Dr. Eugene Habecker

24 F Ms. Susan Jahns, Wheaton, lL

27 M Mr. Steve Mortland, Enrollment Management

29 W Charles Simeon Sermons - Dr. Josh Moody,

New Haven, CT

31 F Charles Simeon Sermons - Dr. Josh Moody


November03 M World Opportunities Week - Dr. Krish Kandia, Oxford,


05 W W.O.W. - Dr. Krish Kandia

07 F W.O.W. - Dr. Krish Kandia

10 M Sing and Pray

12W Class Chapels

14 F Athletic Department Chapel

17 M Pastor Randall Gruendyke

19 W Dr. Skip Trudeau, Student Development

2I F Dr. Faye Chechowich, BSCEP Department

24 M Thanksgiving Chapel

26 - 30 W- S Thonksgiving Break - No Chapel

December01 M World Aids Day - Mr. Craig Jaggers, Washington,


03 W Dr. Eugene Habecker

05 F MuSic Department /Candle Lighting 08

- 72 M-F Exam Week - No Chapel

Vespers - Sund?ys, 8 p.ln.September

07 All Singing

L4 Randall Gruendyke

2L Jim Spiegel

28 Erik Thoennes (Small Group Special)


05 Jon Cavanagh

L2 Jon Cavanagh

19 Fall Break - No Vespers

26 Jon Cavanagh


02 Phil Collins

09 Phil Collins

16 Phil Collins

23 Randall Gruendyke

30 Thanksgiving Break - No Vespers


07 Lighthouse Commissioning

Toylor lJniversity chapel is o corporote, Christion, worship service for the entire campus community.

The purpose of chapel is to build up and encourage one onother in the gospel. This is accomplished

by way of speaking, singing and proying God's Word.

Rediger Chapel

Recital Hall

Recital Hall

Rediger Chapel

Recital Hall

Recital Hall

Recital Hall

Recital Hall

Recital Hall

Recital Hall

Recital Hall

Mitchell Theater

Chapels at 10 a.m. Evening meetings Sept. 8, 9, Oct. 28,29,30, Nov. 3,4,5,6 at 7;30 p.m.

Most chapels and meetings in Rediger Chapel.

Page 2: 2008-09 Chapel Schedule - Taylor University

J-Term 2009 Chapel Schedule

10 a.m. - Rediger Chapel

JanuafvNo Vespers

5 ...........,... Dr. Jay Kesler, President Emeritus7 ............... Mr. Gary Ross, Athletic Dept.9 ............... Dr. Mark Biermann, School of Natural Sciences

L2 ............. Pastor Randall Gruendyke, Campus Pastor

14 ............. Mr. Ed Gilbreath, Bolingbrook, lL16 ............. Prof. Phil toy, Political Science Dept.

19 .............. Dr. Martin Luther Day - Pastor Bryan Loritts, Memphis, TN

2L ............. Pastor Wade Allen, Muncie, lN23 ............. Dr. Tim Burkholder, Biology Dept.

26 .............. Prayer and Singing28 .............. l\lo Chapel - Finals

Page 3: 2008-09 Chapel Schedule - Taylor University

Chapel Schedule r Spri ng 2009

February2 Dr. Eugene Habecker, President

4 Dr. Jan Reber, Biology Dept.

6 Mr. Ted Kluck, Grand Ledge, Ml

9 Spiritual Renewal - Dr. Charles Ware,

lndianapolis, lN

11 Spiritual Renewal - Dr. Charles Ware

13 Campus Pastor Randall Gruendyke

LG Community Outreach Chapel

18 Ms. Kelly Monroe Kullberg, Columbus, OH

20 Youth Conference Focus, Pastor Nate Hulfish,

Camden, NJ

23 Ms. Nicol Sponberg, Nashville, TN

25 Pastor Randall Gruendyke

27 C.S. Lewis and Friends - Dr. David Neuhouser,

Upland, lN

March2 Sing & Pray

4 Athletic Dept.

6 Pastor Randall Gruendyke

9 Dr. Don Kraybill, Elizabethtown, PA

LL Pastor Hal Habecker, Ddllas, TX

13 Dr. Eugene Habecker

16 Pastor Randall Gruendyke

L8 Lighthouse Chapel

20 One Verse

21- 29 Spring Break

30 Dr. David Gyertson, Virginia Beach, VA

Revised 2/L9/09

AprilL Pastor Randall Gruendyke

3 Visiting Christian Scholars Program - Dr. Mark Noll,

South Bend, lN

6 Easter Chapel

8 Richard A. Seaman Lecture - Mr. James "Buck" McCabe,

Atlanta, GA

10 - 73 Easter Break - No Chapel

15 Relational Enrichment - Dr. David Allen,

Nassau, The Bahamas

L7 Relational Enrichment - Dr. David Allen

20 Dr. Eugene Habecker

22 Senior Share

24 Youth Conference, Pastor Nate Hulfish, Camden, NJ

27 Dr. Fergus MacDonald, Edinburgh, Scotland

29 Spring Break Chapel

MayL Heritage Weekend

4 Dr. Jay Kesler, President Emeritus

6 Pastor lsaac Shaw, New Delhi, lndia

8 Pastor Randall Gruendyke

LL Honors Chapel

13 Summer of Service

15 Baccalaureate - Dr. Derek Duncan, lndianapolis, lN

78 - 21 Exom Week - No Chapel

Chapels at 10 a.m.

Evening meetings February 9,10 and April 15 at7:30 p.m. April L6 at 6:30 p.m.

Most chapels and meetings in Rediger Chapel.


Toylor lJniversity chopel is o corporate, Christian, worship service for the entire compus community.The purpose of chopel is to build up and encourage one onother in the gospel. This is occomplished

by way of speoking, singing and praying God's Word.

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