Page 1: 2009 - 2010 Great Depression & New Deal Essential Questions

1) The Great Depression had many different causes and effects.

- Do you see any similar causes today?

- How about the effects?

- Have we learned since this time what to do and what not to do?

- Explain and be specific.

Page 2: 2009 - 2010 Great Depression & New Deal Essential Questions

2)The New Deal had many different parts to it and people disagree as to whether or not it was successful.

- Can you predict the outcome if the New Deal wouldn’t have been put into effect?

- What would have happened to the country?

- Be specific.

Page 3: 2009 - 2010 Great Depression & New Deal Essential Questions

3) The New Deal had a big impact on American society.

- Does any of the New Deal legislation still exist today?

- How does it effect you? Or does it?

- Explain your answer by providing examples.

Page 4: 2009 - 2010 Great Depression & New Deal Essential Questions

• When you write your essential question answer I want you to copy and paste it into a word cloud.

• Based on this word cloud I want you to determine what the Big Idea for this unit is and why.

• This will count as another essential question.

Word Cloud Essential Question

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