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Dystonia is a neurological disorder that causes excessive,

involuntary muscle contractions. These involuntary contractions

force the body and limbs into abnormal movements

and awkward postures. Dystonia may affect a

single body area or be generalized throughout

multiple muscle groups. Dystonia affects

men, women, and children of all ages and

backgrounds. Estimates suggest no fewer

than 250,000 people in the United States

are affected. Dystonia causes varying degrees

of disability and pain, from mild to severe.

Although treatments exist, dystonia remains

a chronic disorder for which there is not yet a cure.


MISSIONThe mission of the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation (DMRF) is to advance research for more effective treatments and ultimately a cure, to promote awarenessand education, and to support the well-being of affected individuals and families.

Dear Friends,

Dystonia is a journey, not only a diagnosis. Every year, individuals and families must find a way forward after dystonia turns the world upside down. The onset of symptoms is often

a transformative experience, requiring a complete re-imagining of one’s identity,lifestyle, and future—not only for the patient but also family members.

For more than 40 years, DMRF has guidedpeople through the dystonia experience while

advocating on their behalf and stimulating medical research to improve lives.

In neuroscience, a pathway is a network of interconnecting neurons. Nerve signals travelalong these pathways, sparking every function in the brain and nervous system. There are 100billion neurons—with 100 trillion connections—

in the human brain. Solutions to dystonia arewaiting in this vast neurological landscape, andwe are committed to finding them. Researchersare quite literally exploring the pathways respon-sible for causing dystonia and searching forpathways to the cure.

While research will supply the science behind a cure, every aspect of the DMRF mission helpsclear the way for its arrival. 2017 was a year ofcritical research advancements including excitingnew insights into the brain pathways implicatedin dystonia, discoveries in biochemistry, and anever-growing interest in dystonia in scientificcommunities. 2017 was also a year of intensecommunity outreach across the country and online. It was an essential year for health policyadvocacy to protect individuals living with chronicand rare diseases. Newly diagnosed patients looked to the DMRF for information, coping support, and opportunities to support research.

We are on this journey together. No one shouldface dystonia alone. Your donations power thetireless curiosity, drive, and compassion that propel progress in science and programs for patients and families. Our progress would not be possible without your support.

We vow to continue pressing forward until wereach the ultimate destination: a cure for every-one affected by dystonia. Until that time, we arepleased to share with you some accomplishmentsfrom the past year.


Message from Our President & Executive Director


Art KesslerPresident

Janet L. HieshetterExecutive Director


Neuroanatomical Substrates for Disrupted eIF2alpha Signaling in DystoniaNicole Calakos, MD, PhDDuke University

Myoclonus-Dystonia, A Study ofMotor and Non-Motor Symptoms: Is There a Role for Serotonin?Marina de Koning-Tijssen, MD, PhDUniversity Medical Center Gröningen (Netherlands)

Targeting Lipid Biology for DYT1Dystonia: Neuronal Lipidomicsand Lipin Activity AssaysRose Goodchild, PhDVIB Leuven (Belgium)

Tremor, Oscillations, Synaptic Plasticity, and Deep Brain Stimulation for DystoniaWilliam Hutchison, PhD, University of Toronto

Determining the Role of Torsin in Nuclear Pore Complex AssemblyC. Patrick Lusk, PhDYale University

Synaptic Plasticity in a MouseModel of Paroxysmal DystoniaAlexandra Nelson, MD, PhDUniversity of California, San Francisco

A Study of Non-Motor Symptomsin Myoclonus-DystoniaKathryn Peall, MDCardiff University (United Kingdom)

Targeting Lipid Biology for DYT1 Dystonia: Does Lipin Inhibition Rescue Striatal Neurophysiology?Antonio Pisani, MD, PhDFondazione Santa Lucia (Italy)

Investigation of Striato-PallidalConnections in a Mouse Modelof DYT1 DystoniaGiuseppe Sciamanna, PhDUniversity of Rome tor Vergata (Italy)

Dystonia-Associated Endoplasmic Reticulum Defects and the (De)regulation of NeurotransmissionPatrik Verstreken, PhDVIB Leuven (Belgium)

Identification of Neuronal Mechanisms of Agency in Myoclonus-DystoniaYulia Worbe, MD, PhDPitié-Salpêtrière Hospital (France)


Since 1976, DMRF has funded hundreds ofresearch investigations, each one an investment in expanding the dystonia fieldand ultimately making life better for thoseliving every day with the disorder. DMRF-funded scientists have tested therapies, dis-covered dystonia-causing genes, clarifiedorigins of dystonia in the brain, created toolsto help dystonia investigators design new ex-periments, and even defined what dystonia is(and is not).

Many of the world’s dystonia experts cite support from the DMRF early in their ca-reers as the reason they entered the field. Assenior investigators, DMRF funding recipients have passed the torch of dystonia research to the young scientiststhey mentor.

We funded 15 research projects.


“What DMRF has done, which no one

else has done, has been to get more and

more researchers working on dystonia.

They understand that when you invest

in young researchers and pilot projects

you aren’t just getting a single project

out of them—you’re getting a career’s

worth of work. And DMRF has

been doing this for 40 years.”

—Joel Perlmutter, MD, Washington University

Medical & Scientific Advisory Council

Among the many visitors to the DMRF’s exhibit booth at theInternational Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and MovementDisorders in Vancouver were Honorary Lifetime Director Stanley Fahn, MD (left); Medical & Scientific Advisory Council Member Mark Hallett, MD; and DMRF Co-FounderFrances Belzberg.


Modulating the Functional Connectivity of the Cerebellum in Musician’s Dystonia Robert Chen, MD, PhD, Toronto Western Hospital

A Study to Identify Kinematic and Force Measures Capturing Impairment in Musician’s Dystonia among String Players and Improvement with Retraining Therapy Christine Kim, MD, Columbia University


Role of the X-linked Dystonia Parkinsonism (XDP) Causative Gene TAF1 in the

Striatal Development and Maintenance Maria Cirnaru, PhD, Mount Sinai School of Medicine

CRISPR/Cas9 System Targeting Specific DYT1 Allele Mutation in Patient iPSCs: A Strategy For Phenotype Reversion In iPSCs -Derived Neurons Lilian Cruz, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital

6Megan Wirts organized a comedy show to support dystonia research and shared her story in the Dystonia Dialogue.

50,000+ peoplelooked to the DMRF for information and programs

For more than 40 years the DMRF has worked to put itself out ofbusiness—for all the right reasons. Everything we do is dedicated tofinding a cure and, until then, helping people with dystonia live theirbest lives. We know the dystonia community depends on DMRF topursue innovative research opportunities, advocate on behalf of thecommunity, promote greater public understanding of dystonia, andconnect families to trustworthy information and peer support. We take this responsibility to heart, in all that we do, every day.


A team of investigators led by William Dauer, MD at University of Michigan made new discoveriesabout DYT6 dystonia, which affects children. DYT6 dystonia occurs when the body cannot properlyproduce a protein called THAP1, whose role and function in cells is unknown.

Using a special mouse model, Dr. Dauer and colleagues discovered that THAP1 is essential for myelination,a process during brain development that forms a protective coating around neurons. This study establishes

a role for THAP1 at the start of the myelination process and implicates abnormal timing of myelination inthe pathogenesis of DYT6 dystonia.

The findings point to a direct link between myelination and childhood-onsetdystonia, providing new insights into how and why certain types of

dystonia might develop at specific stages of brain development.

Investigators discovered a dystonia protein helps protect neurons.

“I am so thankful for the Dystonia

Medical Research Foundation!

They are always there to answer

any questions I have about my

condition. They have been a

blessing to me and my husband.

Thank you for all you do, and

continue to do, for all of us.”

—Carrie Valiulis, DMRF Member

At the annual Medical & Scientific Advisory Council Meeting:(from left) keynote speaker Jesse Goldberg, MD, PhD; Scientific Director Mahlon DeLong, MD; Chief ScientificOfficer Jan Teller, MA, PhD; and MSAC member and grant awardee Rose Goodchild, PhD.


Scientific workshops are proven catalysts for new ideasand collaborations, and often inform areas of focus forcalls for research proposals. In May, DMRF supportedand participated in the 6th Biennial Meeting on Dystonia organized by Antonio Pisani, MD, PhD inRome, entitled Dystonia: The Link Between Hypo- and Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders. The purpose of this international meeting was to close the gap between basic and clinical neuroscience by examiningadvancements in dystonia and Parkinson’s disease.

In October, DMRF organized a meeting in partnershipwith Cure Dystonia Now and Duke University entitledEmerging Molecular Pathways, which was co-chairedby Nicole Calakos, MD, PhD and DMRF Chief ScientificOfficer Jan Teller, MA, PhD. The workshop focused onefforts to find commonalities among the multiplegenes associated with dystonia and the functions of the proteins encoded by each gene.

We gathered top experts to inspire new research.

Investigators discovered a new function for dystonia proteins.

One of the known causes of dystonia is the malfunction of a protein called TorsinA. TorsinA is found in human neurons and

other cells, and appears to be involved in many cell processes.A team led by DMRF grant recipient G.W. Gant Luxton, PhD at University of Minnesota added a new role to TorsinA’s expanding repertoire.

Experimenting in cell models, he and his team demonstratedthat TorsinA and its activator protein, LAP1, regulate protein

complexes that facilitate nuclear migration. Relocating the nucleus of a cell is required for processes like fertilization, muscle

development, and neuron growth. These experiments used fibroblasts(connective tissue cells), not neurons, so it is unclear at this time how relevant the discoveries may be to dystonia. However, other investigators have discoveredfibroblast abnormalities in human dystonia patients, and future experiments with this model may offer a new perspective from which to ultimately clarify TorsinA function.

The study was highlighted in Cell Biology with a special introduction by Daniel Starr, PhD and Lesilee Rose, PhD, a former DMRF grant recipient whose work has contributed important TorsinA findings.


There is a shortage of physicians qualified totreat dystonia and an urgent need for trainingadditional movement disorder experts throughclinical fellowships. In response to this reality, the DMRF sponsors one-year clinical fellowshipsto train second-year fellow physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of movement disorderswith special competence in dystonia.

2017 Clinical Fellows and Mentors:

• Avram Fraint, MDRush University Medical Center Mentor: Cynthia Comella, MDResearch: Feasibility, reliability, and satisfactionof post-botulinum toxin injection telemedicineassessment in patients with cervical dystonia.

• Christopher Groth, MDUniversity of Colorado Denver

Mentor: Brian Berman, MD, MSResearch: Exploring possible correlation

between reduced GABA receptor availability in global pallidus and susceptibility todeveloping cervical


• Shabbir Merchant, MDNational Institute of Neurological Disorders & StrokeMentor: Mark Hallett, MDResearch: Investigating frequency of anxiety and depression in dopa-responsive dystonia.

• Lindsey Neimand, MDIcahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiMentor: Rachel Saunders-Pullman, MD, MPH, MSResearch: Exploring differences in the patho-physiology of dystonia associated with complexregional pain syndrome compared to organicfocal hand dystonia.

The Clinical Fellowship Program was funded by grants from the Allergan Foundation and Merz Pharmaceuticals.

We increased the number of movement disorder specialists.

"Dystonia is a challenging disorder

to diagnose and treat effectively. It is only

the clinical examination that can diagnose

the disorder, and experience guides the

treatment plan. Patients need the expertise

of a movement disorder specialist. DMRF is

addressing an urgent need to prepare

additional physicians to care for this

special population of patients.”

—Cynthia Comella, MD, Rush University Medical Center

Medical & Scientific Advisory Council

Past DMRF Clinical Fellow Harini Sarva, MDhas supported the annual Bronx Zoo Walk and organized a dystonia educational meeting in 2017.

DMRF and Cure Dystonia Now jointly supported a research investigation to explore whether a drug called AZD1446 could

potentially provide relief for dystonia patients with fewer sideeffects than existing medications.

Although AZD1446 did not demonstrate therapeutic effectsin animal and cell models of dystonia, the investigationproduced valuable and important findings. Experimentsverified that dystonia is associated with abnormal neuronsignaling in the striatum, part of the basal ganglia, deep inthe brain. This abnormal activity causes an imbalance oftwo neurotransmitters critical for muscle control: dopamine

and acetylcholine. While the data indicate that AZD1446 isnot a particularly promising candidate for development as a

treatment, other nicotinic agents do have potential. The studysuggests that nicotinic agents should continue to be studied to

help better understand dystonia and identify new therapies.

The investigation was led by Antonio Pisani, MD, PhD of University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy) and David Standaert, MD, PhD at University

of Alabama.

“Thank you for the opportunity to be part of

such a wonderful foundation over the past three

years. This has been a terrific experience for me

both scientifically and personally. Having the chance

to exchange with outstanding scientists in the field

of dystonia and, most importantly, the opportunity to

listen to the amazing stories of board members about

themselves or their loved ones who struggle with dystonia,

is something I will never forget.

“Being part of MSAC has enriched my knowledge about the

disease and provided me the essential elements to develop

a significant part of my research portfolio towards a deeper

understanding of this intriguing disorder.

“Be assured that I will never forget my time with DMRF, and

that I remain available to help you advance the Foundation

agenda for years to come. You’re doing an amazing job that

impacts the lives of wonderful people. You should be very

proud of yourselves.”

—Yoland Smith, PhD, Emory University

Medical & Scientific Advisory Council (2014-2017)


Investigators evaluated AZD1446 as a possible dystonia drug.


The Global DystoniaRegistry is a commu-nity-based research

initiative that depends on the DMRF for operational and administrative management. The Global Dystonia Registry supports future dystonia studies, including clinical trials,through the voluntary collection of patient data. To date, 5,200 individuals have joined.

The Dystonia Brain Collective is anotherDMRF-led collaborative effort among participating dystonia organizations. The purpose is to promote brain donation

registration in support of research and provide investigators with access to tissue

samples. Thirty-four dystonia brains have been collected, including four recoveries in 2017. DMRF is deeply grateful to the donors’ families for facilitating these invaluable contributions to research.

We collaborated to make sure investigators have data and samples for new studies. Investigators earned

$2.6M for ne w dystonia research from DOD.

The Department of Defense (DOD) has funded dystonia research since 2010, butonly because dystonia advocates push every year to make sure dystonia is includedin the DOD Congressionally-Directed Peer-Reviewed Medical Research Program.In FY 2017, grants were awarded to five outstanding dystonia investigators:

• Cynthia Comella, MD, Rush University Medical Center• Un Kang, MD, Columbia University Medical Center• Mark LeDoux, MD, PhD, University of Tennessee Medical Center• David Peterson, PhD, University of California, San Diego


In March, the Dystonia Advocacy Network(DAN) hosted Advocacy Day in Washington, DCto encourage Members of Congress to supportthe DAN’s legislative priorities. Advocatesasked that dystonia continue to be recognizedas a condition eligible for study through theDepartment of Defense Peer-Reviewed MedicalResearch Program and to provide the NationalInstitutes of Health with ample funds for the2018 Fiscal Year. The DAN also sought to preserve basic patient healthcare protections.

DMRF is proud to provide administrative support for the DAN.

The annual Douglas Kramer Young Advocate Award recognizesexceptional young volunteers who are giving voice to dystoniathrough advocacy. Recipients in 2017 were (from left) ShastaPartee, June Tritley, Scott Wood, and Anneliese Ornelis.

Advocates from New York and New Jerseymet with Congressman Paul Tonko.

Dystonia advocates held 119 meetings on Capitol Hill.


We created 4 new brochures.Incorrect information about dystonia is

easy to find, not only on the internet but in

media stories and even from sources that claim

to be authorities on dystonia. The DMRF stands

out as a credible source of accurate information

on dystonia, treatments, and research updates.

DMRF added four new brochures to the catalog of

free printed materials: Dystonia, A Movement Disorder;

Moving Toward A Cure; Generalized Dystonia; and

Functional (Psychogenic) Dystonia.

Traveling even short distances with dystonia can be challenging, so DMRF breaks down barriers of access and geography by offering free educational programs online.

A webinar entitled Overview of Cervical Dystonia with movement disorder expert Cynthia Comella, MD of Rush University Medical Center was DMRF’s most popular online event of the year, with more than 700 people registering to participate. Additional webinars were held in partnership with Allergan, Merz Pharmaceuticals, and Ipsen to highlight financial assistance programs to help dystonia patients afford treatment.

4 educational webinars offered direct access to experts.

DMRF provided thousands of people with the latest information on living well with dystonia by organizing or participating in free educational meetings. Locations included: Cleveland (OH),

Columbus (OH), Detroit (MI), Grand Rapids (MI), Hartford (CT), Lansing (MI), Long Island (NY),Nashville (TN), New York (NY), Philadelphia (PA), Pittsburgh (PA), Rochester (NY), and St. Paul (MN).

15 meetings empowered attendees with the latest information.

The volunteers who lead support groups and online forums are personally affectedby dystonia, often themselves coping with the disorder or caring for a loved one

who is affected. DMRF has programs and resources in place to support theessential work of these selfless volunteers. In 2017, DMRF offered a private

webinar for support leaders about mental health with Vice President of Support Karen K. Ross, PhD and Marc Oster, PsyD. A newsletterwas created for support leaders and a new brochure was developed to promote DMRF support programs.

The Shaughnessy family shared their experienceswith myoclonus-dystonia in the Dystonia Dialogue.

“I’ve been dealing with dystonia for

37 years now. I have nieces and nephews

that are fighting it. It makes me so happy

to hear about progress! The work you

do means the world to so many people.

I hope every day that I will see a cure

in my lifetime, and you are the

people we will thank for it all.”

- Billy Park, DMRF Member

Support groups and online groups provided information and connection.


We supported our peer support leaders.

DMRF support groups provide local peer support in dozens of locations, offering the invaluable opportunity to gather with others who live and understand the challenges of dystonia. Online forums provide connection to thousands around the country, and around the world. The DMRF volunteer network is also made up of regional directors and individuals devoted to awareness, fundraising, and/or serving as area contacts.


The Dystonia Support & Advocacy Group of San Diego commemorated its 30th year of peer support, awareness, and fundraising.

Dystonia Moves Me is the DMRF’sannual awareness campaign. Efforts in 2017 focused on encouraging volunteers to asklocal medical offices to offer dystonia awareness materials intheir waiting rooms during DystoniaAwareness Month (September).Five hundred Dystonia Moves MeVolunteer Kits were distributed.Fifty medical offices new to theDMRF requested awareness materials.

We mobilized 500+ volunteers to promote awareness locally.


Team DMRF raised awareness at the TCS NYC Marathon.

In honor of those struggling with dystonia, Team DMRF hascompeted in the world famous TCS New York City Marathonsince 2013, literally running for those who can’t. In November,Team DMRF included Rita Aidoo, DO, MPH and Pat Brogan.Dozens of supporters cheered them from the sidelines.


Maddie Paolero and her BFF Reno were amongthe top fundraisers in the Virtual Dog Walk.

Dogs for Dystonia is an annual campaign toraise awareness while celebrating the specialbond between individuals with dystonia andtheir pets. Each February, dog lovers unite in aVirtual Dog Walk to raise visibility of dystoniaand the urgent need for research toward a cure.In 2017 the campaign included “Dog with aBlog,” featuring stories from participants.

32 dogs raised $10K+


35 special events raised $367,800 for research.

The DMRF is proud to partner with volunteers and support groups around the country on creative and fun events that unite the local dystonia community, promote awareness, highlight movement disorder programs, and raise urgently needed funds for research.

Among DMRF’s most popular community programs are Dystonia Zoo Walks, family-friendlyevents to raise awareness and to support DMRF.Eleven Zoo Walks attracted 5,000 participants in 2017.

The Cincinnati Dystonia Zoo Walk and Toss4Dystonia cornhole tournament each commemorated five years of bringing the community together and creating lasting friendships among families.



Stanley Fahn, MDLifetime Honorary Director

Samuel BelzbergChairman/Founder

Art KesslerPresident

Richard A. Lewis, MDVice President of Science

Barbara KesslerVice President of Awareness & Activities

Karen K. Ross, PhDVice President of Support

Rosalie LewisVice President of Public Policy

Dennis KesslerVice President of Development

Sandra WeilNetwork Liaison

Mark RudolphTreasurer

Frances Belzberg, Co-Founder, Director

John Downey, Director

Donna Driscoll, Director

Nancy Harris, Director

Marilynne Herbert, Director

Erwin Jackson, PhD, Director

Stefanie Jackson, Director

Diane Rudolph, Director

Paula Schneider, Director

Pamela Sloate, Director

Mahlon R. DeLong, MDScientific Director, ex officio

Billy McLaughlinAwareness Ambassador, ex officio

Janet HieshetterExecutive Director, ex officio

Board of Directors Medical & Scientific Advisory Council

Mahlon R. DeLong, MDScientific Director, Emory UniversitySchool of Medicine

Jesse Goldberg, MD, PhDCornell University

Mark Hallett, MDNational Institute of NeurologicalDisorders & Stroke

N. Charles Harata, MD, PhDUniversity of Iowa

Jill Ostrem, MDUniversity of California, San Francisco

Coro Paisan-Ruiz, PhDMount Sinai School of Medicine

Alvaro Pascual-Leone, MD, PhDHarvard Medical School

Joel Perlmutter, MDWashington University

Christian Schlieker, PhDYale University

Thomas Schwartz, PhDMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Kristina Simonyan, MD, PhDHarvard Medical School

Yoland Smith, PhDEmory University

Peter Strick, PhDUniversity of Pittsburgh

Michele Tagliati, MD, FAANCedars-Sinai Medical Center

Cynthia Comella, MD - ex officioRush University MedicalCenter/Dystonia Study Group

H.A. Jinnah, MD, PhD - ex officioEmory University/PrincipalInvestigator, Dystonia Coalition

Beth-Anne Sieber, PhDFederal Liaison


Susan Bressman, MDMount Sinai Beth Israel

Cynthia Comella, MDRush University Medical Center

Mahlon R. DeLong, MDEmory University School of Medicine

Stanley Fahn, MDColumbia University Medical Center

Hubert Fernandez, MDCleveland Clinic

Mark Hallett, MDNational Institute of NeurologicalDisorders & Stroke

Joseph Jankovic, MDBaylor College of Medicine

Barbara Kessler, ChairVice President of Awareness & Education

Ed Cwalinski

Paul Kavanaugh

Dee Linde

Diane Rudolph

Paula Schneider

Elizabeth Schultz

Todd Spotti

Clinical Fellowship Program Committee

Editorial Board

DMRF distributed 102,900 copies of the Dystonia Dialogue newsletter.


A complete copy of financial statements audited by Barnes, Givens & Barnes, Ltd. is available upon request from the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation, One E. Wacker Drive, Suite 1730, Chicago, Illinois 60601.

STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIESDystonia Medical Research Foundation | Year ending December 31, 2017


STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITIONDystonia Medical Research Foundation | December 31, 2017



Special Events 13%

Bequests 17%

Awareness & Education


Administration 6%

Membership & Support 7%

Advocacy 5%

Science 56%

Donations & Grants 70%



Fundraising 10%


John AndersonTwyla ArnetteGladys BarnsPhilip “Sonny” BartusDavid BelskyErnest BersaniLaurel A. BradleyRichard BradleyRobert Dan BradleyPeter BrooksKingston BrownWillie Robert BrownJim BulmerKaren BurkeElizabeth ButeraAlfred T. Cahill, Jr.Ray CahillBarbara CaldwellDavid CampJane Meads CassinMelissa Anne CentrellaMel ChasenJudith ComellaPatricia Croley

Charles DavidMarisa DeGrayDiane DelaneyThomas DriscollEd DyeCarl EifertEleanor Louise

EstabrookShari Farber-TrittMarshall FinePatsy S. FlemingPriscilla Lydia FlynnRosemary FrassettoBrett FrommeJoyce Nelson

Gautier RichardsEmma GilbertJane L. GlynnDr. George GoldmanRosalyn GoodmanAl GradyBarbara GreenwaldTodd C. GunneRobert HaidDiane Hall

Letitia HaworthGeorga Harrington

HenrichsonSue HenriksenSusan HertelGladys HolmesMarshall IsaacsBlanche (Hall) JacksonPamela Jackson-BushPaul JonesDee Ann Jones

ReynoldsMiriam KimmelmanNatasha KnightMary KollsStephanie T. KopecDouglas Martin KramerGeorge W. “Bill” LaceyMoira Horan LagardeStephen LawsonFrances LehmanAdrianne LindenLucille LindenmanRose LiuzzaJohn Curtis Logsdon

Urma MainsRajnesh MalhiEugene J. MalsanJay L. Margolis, Jr.Kathie MarkeyVicki McKinneyBeverly MellonRichard “Dick” MillerMarland MontgomeryAlan MoyerJoel NachbarWalter NorvidBarbara OliverSandra OppermanGertrude OrnsteinSusan OwensRyan PareAleksandra PassarelloKathleen PerryBoris PestineGinny PetersonBrent PetriWilliam Pettway, IIIRichard Pollack

Tony PutzSylvia RadovAnnie RitschWilliam RobertsEdna RomeoEster RosenRoberta RosenbaumMilton RothsteinMargaret RyanBobby June SamuelGregory Santa AnnaMarion Joan SchaattJudy & Jerry SchwartzDr. Bertram SelverstoneArthur SilvestriJeanette SimmonsMatthew SimmonsAnita Gail SimonBruce SlepianMartin SloateMary Lou SmithSeymour SolopSophia StanichRenee Stockfleth

T. J. & Lavelle StoneOwen ThompsonVirginia ThrowerJosephine “Joy”

TriggianoPhyllis VignolaStephen Lynn WahlBob WallikiConnie WalterElaine WeinbergSusan Pitts (Weiss)Joan WhiteRosemary WiesnerLynn WilliamsBetty Williams HallGeorge Gilpin WillifordKathryn WilzochAllan WomacJerry T. WynneJeannie ZimmermanMoshe Baruch ben

Yakov obmRachel Gitel bas

Alter Meir obm

The DMRF wishes to acknowledge the generous gifts received in memory of the following:


$50,000 or MoreAllergan CorporationAllergan FoundationEstate of Jocelyn BakerFrances and Samuel BelzbergBrown Family FoundationDystonia Medical Research

Foundation CanadaFamily Alliance FoundationWendy Bloom and

Arthur KesslerBarbara and Dennis KesslerEstate of Miriam KimmelmanRosalie and Richard Lewis, MDMerz North America, Inc.Estate of Barbara ParsonC. Northrop and A. Marder

Pond FoundationEstate of Dorothy StevensonSandra Weil

$25,000 to $49,999AnonymousDystonia Support & Action

Group of Greater Philadelphia/Southeast Pennsylvania Support Group/Philadelphia Dystonia Zoo Walk

Stefanie and Erwin Jackson, PhD/Pipe Dreams of Tallahassee, LLC

Pamela Sloate/Bronx Dystonia Zoo Walk

$10,000 to $24,999AnonymousAnonymous Baron Family/Providence

Dystonia Zoo WalkBlum Family FoundationChelsi Christman/Sarah

Ernstberger/Sunshine Fox/Hunt for a Cure

Mike Delise/$5Cure4DystoniaDMRF Central California

Dystonia Support Group/Fresno Dystonia Zoo Walk

DMRF Minnesota Dystonia Support Group/Twin Cities Dystonia Zoo Walk

DMRF Western PA Dystonia Support Group/Pittsburgh Dystonia Zoo Walk

Farber Family/Basket BashFlanagan Family/Cleveland

Dystonia Zoo WalkBenjamin Humphrey/

Cards Against DystoniaIndependent Charities

of AmericaIpsen Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.Joyce JenereauxDeborah and Roger Lebbin

Dee Linde/Portland Dystonia Zoo Walk

James Metherell/Toss for Dystonia

Ruth NussdorfRose and Arthur PerrinMelissa and Roger Phelps/

Cincinnati Dystonia Zoo WalkDavid M. Rudolph

Research FundCharles and M.R. Shapiro

Foundation, Inc.Karen Ross, PhD/Symonds

FoundationJune Tritley/St. Louis

Dystonia Zoo WalkWeinberg/Newton Family

FoundationDavid and Rae Wiener

Foundation Inc.Rosemary and Edward Young/

Detroit Dystonia Zoo Walk

$5,000 to $9,999Sandy and Wes AlumbaughVicki BermanMary Clark JanisThe Irving S. Cooper Family

FoundationCure Dystonia NowDrs. Mary and Mahlon DeLongFacebook, Inc.

Farber Family/Hunt for a CureSara FlohrDeborah and James HarlowHelen HausmannHeymann-Wolf FoundationHumboldt Family FoundationConnie and Harvey KruegerIra A. Lipman FoundationMG O’Neil FoundationVictor MonteagudoNash Family FoundationChong Hui and Terry NevilleAbigail PetersonCarole and Doug RawsonDiane and Mark RudolphMaureen SheehanKay and Steve ShraibergThe Henry and Marilyn Taub

FoundationUS WorldMeds, LLC

$2,500 to $4,999Rita Aidoo, DO, MPH/

Dystance4DystoniaLouise Chazen Banon Family

Charitable TrustDeAnne and Dan BeanElaine BridgesPatrick Brogan/

Dystance4DystoniaMatt BurkeCanterbury Park

Entertainment, LLC

R. Barry CaslerDonna DriscollLarry Dubill/

Dystance4DystoniaSally and Maynard EngelTimothy EssonHarriett and Joel FarberKathleen and Timothy

FlanaganGannett FoundationSusan Gardner and

Brian Gardner/Putnam, CT Dystance Walk

Joshua HechtHeather and Martin HolfordBarbara and Edward

HoltvluwerGaidaa and Ayad KashatSheila Killham/Dogs4Dystonia

Dog WalkTricia and Brian LewisBinbin Wang, MD and

Aaron Lewis, MDMedtronic, Inc.Susan Miller and Daryn PakcykThe Mount Sinai School

of MedicineFrances and Jerry NewbergPayPal, Inc.Leslie RichmanFlorence K. Ferguson and

E. Michael Shine

Carrie Siu Butt/Dystance4Dystonia

Pamela Sloate/The Martin & Roberta Sloate Dystonia Research Fund

Carol Anderson Smith and Frederick Smith

Arlene and Robert SubinJoann Gerardi, PhD/

Alexandra and Martin Symonds Foundation, Inc.

Team Braden’s Brigade/Pittsburgh Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Burke/St. Louis DystoniaZoo Walk

Team Chicken Wing… Ain’t No Thing/Philadelphia Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Flanagan/Cleveland Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Mount Sinai/Bronx Dystonia Zoo Walk

Anna Voytovich and Steven Rudolph

WellCare Health Plans, Inc. DBA Comprehensive Health Management

Jacqueline and James Cerqua/West Winds Cafe & Catering, Inc

Sherry and Douglas Whitley


$1,000 to $2,499Carole and Joel Steiger/

A.L. Levine Family Foundation, Inc.

Susan and Marino AguileraAmazon.comAnonymousAnonymousAnonymousAnonymousSandra Aresta and Michael

Katz/Stand Up for a Dystonia Cure

Barbara and Bruce AustinAnn BackerMary Ann and Richard BakerMichael BallantyneRita and Guido BattagliniDouglas BeachJennifer and Michael BeauryHoward BermanNancy and Jack BrittsJeffrey Brodsky, PhDJudith and Richard BryanVirginia Bryan/Dogs for

Dystonia Virtual Dog WalkLisette Bunting-Perry, RN, MScNDrs. LuAnnette and

John ButlerMichelle Callahan/Dogs for

Dystonia Virtual Dog WalkHelen Capparell/

Dystance4DystoniaCar-O-Liner CompanyMichele Carruozzo

CentraState Healthcare Foundation

Dale and Peter ClamanKay and James Cooksey/

Letter WritingDiddy and John CullinaneBarclay and Richard DardenArlene and Kenneth DavidsonJan and Charles DavisJanet and Roger DeBard/

DeBard Johnson FoundationDMRF South Carolina

Support GroupRobert DufaultRenee Ebbert/Dystonia

Moves MeHarold EggenspergerRobert and Barbara EngelBeth Farber and Steve LaserMarilyn FedakBeverly and Richard FitzgeraldLynn and Arthur FreedmanBarbara and Richard GayMarvin GoodfriendGoogle, Inc.Joan GordonBernice and Sam GreenbergPatrick GutierrezMarilynne HerbertJanet Hieshetter and

Eric GreenbergMaureen and Raymond HillerSusan and Jim HuserJohnson & Johnson Family

of CompaniesSusan Joseph

JP Morgan Chase FoundationUn Jung Kang, MDGloria and Milton KargmanNancy and Alan KesslerMichael Kilik Memory Fund

of the Community Foundationof New Jersey

Deborah Kilpatrick, PhD and Kacey Fitzpatrick

Kohl’s Department Stores, Inc.Jonathan Kovler/Kovler

Family FoundationKramer FamilyLenore KramerMr. and Mrs. Robert KramerBarbara and Harry LehrKaren and Ben LewisJohn LinnJacob MandelsonJane MarksEmily and Thomas

McNaughtonMedcanMercantile Adjustment

Bureau, LLCMicrosoft Giving CampaignHenry & Rose Moskowitz

1999 Family FoundationSuzanne and Brendan

MulshineHope Nightingale and

David EllisHenry NissleyFredelle and Martin OhlhausenLori and Joel Oxman, PhDMaddie Paolero/Dogs for

Dystonia Virtual Dog Walk

Neepa Patel, MDThe Pittsburgh FoundationLynn PombonyoKathryn ReKrista and Ronald ReedRiverhills Healthcare, Inc.Rochester Institute of

Technology Juggling ClubEllen and Gerald RodisRoisen Family Foundation, Inc.Rubens Family FoundationTammy and Robert SandersSusan SarilLauren SchleyerMichele SchusterCarol and Jeffrey SherrinSylvia and Donald SimonSociete Generale Employee

Charitable Gift Matching Program

Judy SoleySt. John Providence/Ascension

Health Ministry SVC CTRSt. Philomena School/

Dystonia Moves MeRise StenicoArlene and Joseph Taub

FoundationKay Stephens Taylor, MDTeam A Twist of Ed/Pittsburgh

Dystonia Zoo WalkTeam Cappolla/Bronx

Dystonia Zoo WalkTeam Columbia/Bronx

Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Dawn’s Angels/Philadelphia Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Dystonia Muse/Bronx Dystonia Zoo Walk

The E Team/Portland Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Huser/Cincinnati Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Joanna/Philadelphia Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Kashat/Detroit DystoniaZoo Walk

Team Kavin/Detroit Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Muck Family/PittsburghDystonia Zoo Walk

Team Olivia & Madison/Cincinnati Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Omy/Bronx Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Rachel/Detroit DystoniaZoo Walk

Team Twisted Troops/Pittsburgh Dystonia Zoo Walk

Nancy and Bruce ThayerJean and Dan ThompsonMary Lu TuthillUBS Employee Giving ProgramUnited Way of Youngstown

and the Mahoning ValleyUniversity of Pittsburgh

Medical Center (UPMC)Carrie and Stanley ValiulisJean and John WalterDaniel Weinberg

Elaine and Brian WeinbergSally WeinmanSherri and Mark WeinmanAndrea WeisbrotLeona Weiss McCargar and

Scott McCargarLinda and David WestfallWhole Foods MarketThe Women’s Group of the

Greens, Inc.

$500 to $999Mary Jo AbbottAdobe Employee Giving

Charitable ProgramDr. Ellen AirCarlene and Roger AlbinAndeavor Foundation Corp.AnonymousAvery Dennison Rec BoardBancroft-Tubbs Family Fund

at the Rochester Area Community Foundation

Phyllis BassMeredith BerkmanBenjamin BoyerMarjorie BrandenburgLisa BreedveldMichelle and Chuck

BreitsprecherRobin and Elliott BroidyJane BrownKaren BrownBernard BrownsteinDiane and Clyde BrownstoneDonna BuntenKay and Ronald Cabay, DDS



Laura Anne Cahill and James T. Hemphill

Lisa and Stephen CartolanoCity of BrigantineSusan and Howard CodeGerald CohenPatricia and Kennie CombsConstellation Energy Group/

Exelon FoundationShirley CooperDaniel CopelandJerod Darnell DPM PLLCCarol and Joel DavisDDK Kitchen Design

Group, Inc.DiBuduo & DeFendis

Insurance Brokers, LLCMarcia and Richard

EisenbergCatherine EmeryAnn and Mike EricksonLawrence EricksonSally and Michael ErnstbergerDoris and Stephen FaberAnn and Joseph FalciJessica Feeley/Dogs for

Dystonia Virtual Dog WalkRhona and Leonard

FeigenbaumFirstGivingMr. and Mrs. J.M. FoxW. Robert Friedman, Jr.Barbara and Edward GartsideDenise Gibson/

Dystance4DystoniaDenise and Bill Gibson

Vicki and Ernie Ginter, Jr.Gerald GoldbergCarol and Peter GoldmanNancy and Joel GoodmanHoni and Dennis GreenwaldDiane and David GrossmanMartin GutenplanCory and Nicole Hall/Jace’s

Twisted RideRichard HammDelores and Gordon HansenHayes FamilyBrian HaysJanet Hieshetter/Dogs for

Dystonia Virtual Dog WalkJoyce HirschMichael HollowayTeresa and Ronald HortonKatherine and Benjamin

HumphreyMary Hurley Morton

and Gregory MortonInterpretations Dance

AcademyJulie KaiserSusan and Daniel KastenWendy and Leonard KayeTim KeeganSusan and Matthew KnightPhyllis and David LapinSusan and Howard LaskyLois LautenbergJessica LawlerMiles Lazerwitz, DDSLucy and Kenneth LehmanCarolyn and Arthur LevineElaine and Shaul Levy

Allison and Dan LondonCarol and Edward MaierLisa Majure/Majure LLCJohn Jay Mann

Foundation, Inc.Laura and Curtis McGiffinSarah McKenzieBilly McLaughlin/Dystonia

Moves MeEmily McNaughton/Dogs for

Dystonia Virtual Dog WalkArlene MeintzWayne MellonCindy and Thomas MetherellMethodist HospitalJosef MeyerMichigan State UniversityNan and Howard MillerGermaine J. Mulhern CPADeborah and Robert MymanNational Fuel Gas Company

FoundationCindy Neal/Rodan & Fields

Independent Consultant Christi NeeseNetwork for GoodNew Directions FoundationGale NolanMichael NovakJeanne and John O’ConnorRonald OliverStacey and Mark OvertonRamanlal PatelPathways Unitarian

Universalist ChurchClarence Pautzke

Jill PazolkaLisa PerrySusan PestineGloria and Ron PetriJoan and James PiedmontePatrice and Jeffrey PiercePittsburgh East Health

Center/The Foundation for Wellness Professionals

Margaret PowellNancy and Larry PresentDavid PrestonLisa and Jon ProvisorBrenda and Charles ReavisDavid RichRobert Wood Johnson

Medical School - Rutgers University

Susan and Eric RobinsonMarcia and James RohrbaughPatricia RoixRalph RoseMaxine and Gerald RosenPauline and David RutbergSusan and Samuel SandbergTyler SchaufenbuelMargaret SchlegelRonald SchwartzCharlene and Howard

SchwartzLynn and Jim ShafferJoyce and Sheldon SilversteinMelissa and Joseph Sines/

Dystonia Moves MePamela SloateColleen Smith and

Alex Bahrke

Deborah SmithMargaret and Thomas SmithSouth Puget Sound

Neurology, PLLCSarah Spoto/Dystonia

Moves MeRonna Stamm and

Paul LehmanBarbara StewartDonna and Glen SuiterTakeda Pharmaceuticals

North America, Inc.Cindy and James TannerTeam Aidan/Hunt for a CureTeam Anderson Smith/Bronx

Dystonia Zoo WalkTeam BillyMac 2017/Twin

Cities Dystonia Zoo WalkTeam Cyborgs/Philadelphia

Dystonia Zoo WalkTeam Dancing With Dystonia/

Philadelphia Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Daphne/Portland Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Dee/Portland DystoniaZoo Walk

Team Jefferson/Philadelphia Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Kathy’s Krusaders/Twin Cities Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Kayla/Cincinnati Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Keagan/Detroit Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team LuAnne/Fresno Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Marching for Marianne/Cincinnati Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Marisa/Fresno Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Maureen/PhiladelphiaDystonia Zoo Walk

Team MGC Supports DMRF/Cincinnati Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Mid-Michigan DystoniaGroup/Detroit Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Movers & Shakers/Twin Cities Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Rick and Friends/Pittsburgh Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Schultz/Twin Cities Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Scotty & Quintyn/St. Louis Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team SEP Dystonia Support Group/Philadelphia Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team The Bad Struts/Pittsburgh Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team The Red Baron’s/Providence Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Tilted Theisens/Twin Cities Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Wood/Providence Dystonia Zoo Walk

The Kroger CompanyThe Recovery ProjectJoyce ThielenTravelers Community Connections

Pieter Van VlietVermillion State BankConnie VickDeborah WarrenMr. and Mrs. Milton WarsawSandra WassermanDiane WebberJulie and David WeismanShawn and Lawrence WelshSusan and David WilliamsonLesley and Raleigh WillsonKaren WinterWolverine Packing CompanyPatricia and W. Dan WrightPriscilla WyckoffPatricia Ziner

$250 to $499Sylvia AdesFreyda and Jeffrey AlbinJohn AlfondAllegheny Health NetworkCharles AllenLore AloroTom & Danielle Aman

FoundationLorraine and Curt AnastasioJeanne AndersonLaurie and Joseph Anderson

Ruth AndersonJudy and Tom AronsonRene and Michael AverettDeborah and Richard BailineKim BangBank of America Charitable

FoundationDr. and Mrs. Irving BarasSister Patricia BassettShawn BeattyLeslie BeckRosemary and Thomas

BellaireRobert BencksZelda and Sol BergerPatricia BiedessBig Tree Fitness LLCAnn BikalesAnni and Henry BlackEsther and Charles BleyMichele and Ronald BlumShirley BradleyRegina BragaDavid BraunCindy BravetteCarole and John BrighamToby BrobergPatrick Brogan/Help Find a

Cure 4 DystoniaMary BrownAnne BryanBuddy Ehrlich Foundation -

United Charitable, Inc.Patricia and Thomas BurkeSuzanne and Frank

Calandrino/Dystonia Moves Me

Naomi CardLenora CohenJennifer and Paul ColoneThe Community College

of Rhode IslandKay and James CookseyLaura CrawleyPatience CrollCarolyn CruzChester CurtisDeborah and Douglas DarbyDeborah DavisSusan and Michael DavisSusan and Thomas DavisDMRF Central Pennsylvania

Support GroupChristopher DoffingElyce and Andrew DoffingDouglas DudgeonFlorence Duggan-BayneE & B Paving, Inc.Joy EasleyRae EdelmanRegina and Greg EitzenMargaret and Leon EllinHeidi EvansJean EvansMary Beth EvansFrances and John EversJanet FairbankAnna FaragunaArlene FeeMaurice FentonFirst Presbyterian Church

at CaldwellSusan Fishbain

Ann and George FisherCarol and Luther FlynnJulie and Steven ForneyFortune Fish & GourmetVirginia and Charles FosterFox RehabilitationKathleen and John FuegerKay GamoJudith GarberDenise and Greg Gaskell/

Dogs4Dystonia Virtual Dog Walk

Barry GeislerMary Kay GenzlingerJudith GibsonColleen GoldsteinJoyce and Ronald GreenbergMelissa Greenberg/Dogs for

Dystonia Virtual Dog WalkByron GregoryJ. Brian Greis, MDMarita and George HabermanJean HaidPamela HailDale HallNicole HallElizabeth HarrisThomas HarrisHarriet HartsteinCynthia and Norman HarwellHazle Azalea Fellowship

Lodge No 327Michael HerkoPeggy and William HermanPatricia and James HerrewigJulie Higgins

Coral Hilby, MDJodi HillJudith HomerScott HoppingVirginia and Timothy HornsbyKenneth HortopRichard HorwitzElaine IgelmanJean and John IsaksenSylvia and Bert IwanakaJanney Montgomery

Scott LLCFrank JansenKay JudsonPatrice KabramAnita and Michael KaplanJerome A. Kaplan and

Deena L. Kaplan Family Foundation, Inc.

Kelly KarasGail and Robert KatzRichard KelschPamela and Richard KilianyKaren KlausegerNorie Knezetic/K Creative

Group, Inc.Melanie and Randolph KraftRafa KraimGeorge KramerAndrea and Jeff KrugerSandra and Kenneth KuskaBrittany LakeGail LandeMichelle and Norman

LattmanRobin and Stuart LazarusMark LeDoux, MD, PhD

Kasey and Todd LeinbachLenny’s BarWilliam LentschLeonard and Sons Complete

Car CareTsao-Wei Liang, MDLaura and Mark LiebermanDee LindeKaren LunsfordAndrea and Steven LurieAnnette and Michael LynchMark Maglio/

Dystance4DystoniaMaria and Jack MannJennifer ManningDebra and Joel MargolisJoyce and Michael MaronSheldon MarsDebra MarshallJudith and Glenn MasonBarbara MayerShelley and Guy MaynardStephanie and Stephen

McCullaLinda McGlassonCarol and John McGrathBilly McLaughlinMichigan Head and

Spine InstituteBarbara and Richard MillerMiller Cooper & Co. Ltd.

Charitable FoundationPatricia and Michael MillerCarol and Jim MollerMichael MongonJulie MontoyaReta Moore



Vicki and Steven MorrisBetty and Gordon MorrowLori Moss and Gary

Oltmans, PhDJanice and Len NachbarZita NathansMarilyn and John NewhouseLonnie and Jerry NicholsOcean State Power LLCMary and John O’DonnellJoan and John O’RourkeLynn OstermannGoly Ostovar and

Paul RickersonJohn PazolkaPepsiCo Foundation

Employee Giving ProgramsCarol-Ann and Joseph PeraltaGail PestineJamie and Matt PestinePetersen Pet Hospital, P.C.Russell PhillipsLaureen PrimmerStacey PrinceNancy K. Pruett, DDSR J ConstructionSally and Ronald RabinowitzLinda and James ReedDonna ReyesRiverview Surgery CenterRuth and Stanley RobertsTina and Sean RogersRonald RosenSusan and David RosnerCarol RowbergRoyal Wire ProductsGail Rudo

Betty and Edward RudolphRoberta Rudolph Salas and

Javier SalasMalerie SamonaMiriam and Theodore

SchiffmanDr. and Mrs. Arthur SegalShell Oil CompanyBernard SillinsLindsey SilvaBarbara SmithShirley Somora and

Frank OlsonLarry StahlSusan and Murray SteinfinkMyra and Jerry StemermanKirk StephenMilton SterenMary and John StoneIra StraffRebecca and Collin StuartMichael TabiszMichele Tagliati, MD, FAANAdam TattelbaumTeam #carsonstrong/

Cincinnati Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team #Jacobthebrave/Detroit Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Alright Alright Alright/Detroit Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Amanda/Providence Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Anna’s Bananas/Cincinnati Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Anthony/Pittsburgh Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Chem Crew/ClevelandDystonia Zoo Walk

Team Cody’s Crusaders/Twin Cities Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Cornell/Bronx DystoniaZoo Walk

Team Detroit Dystonia Debs/Detroit Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Donna’s Dream Team/Cincinnati Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Everything Electric/Bronx Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Extreme Attitude/Pittsburgh Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Hope for Dystonia/Bronx Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team I Spy/Hunt for a CureTeam King/Philadelphia

Dystonia Zoo WalkTeam Lisa Vrabel/Detroit

Dystonia Zoo WalkTeam Lueddeke/Bronx

Dystonia Zoo WalkTeam Maddy/Detroit

Dystonia Zoo WalkTeam Maglio/Philadelphia

Dystonia Zoo WalkTeam Monroe/St. Louis

Dystonia Zoo WalkTeam Paige’s Peeps/

Pittsburgh Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Pat/Philadelphia Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Reese’s Pieces/St. Louis Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Rita’s Roses/Philadelphia Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Riverhills/Cincinnati Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Sara’s Squad/Providence Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Sherri/Detroit DystoniaZoo Walk

Team Solstice Sisters/Philadelphia Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team SquareHead Brewing/Bronx Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Treacy/Providence Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Twisted Warriors/Philadelphia Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Zooney/Cincinnati Dystonia Zoo Walk

The H Group, Inc.Joan and Paul ThomasSusan ThomasMelodee ThorwegenThrivent Financial for

LutheransTraci and Jamie TrappJune TritleyLaura Tubridy

United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey

University of Iowa CommunityCredit Union

University of PittsburghPaulajean VickVizmeg Landscape, Inc.Erica and Robert VrabelJulie WagshalSharon WagshalMissy Walfish/Rushmore

ConcertLisa WalterMartie and Stephen WartalskiMarilyn and Jerome

WassermanChris WeigmanRoberta and William

Weinsheimer Naomi and Alfred

WeissenbergChristine Wente Von MetzschWet Nose Inc. Head To TailSusan WheelersburgLisa WhiteCindy and Don Whiting, MDAnnette WilsonMegan Wirts/Comedy

Fundraiser for DystoniaPeggy and Bill WiseScott Wood, Jr.Zausmer, August &

Caldwell, P.C.

$100 to $249Ronald AbelBeth and Larry AbneyTessie AckermanMary and Jim AdamsSarah AdamsAdoptions From The HeartAetna Foundation, Inc.Erdal AksoyDouglas AllemanDennis AllenShari AllenAltmeyer Funeral Homes, Inc.Lissa AmanVirginia and Robert AmesLorel and Sheldon AndersonJulie AnderssonAnonymousAnonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous AnonymousAnonymousJessica Aresta-DaSilvaKerry ArmstrongCynthia and Ray ArnoldBarbara and Judy AsazawaLora AshcraftAT&T Employee Giving

Charitable ProgramBuzzy AugustMr. and Mrs. Henry AustinMuriel BaayEthel BakerCindy and Jack Balcolm

Susan Baldwin and Gary Gepner

Danielle BarberioJane Atwood BarlowJanice BarlowCynthia BarnhartSusan and Cliff BaronRay BassettBelinda and Ivaldo BassoSharon BattersonJennifer BaurleyDanette and James BeanRhonda and James BeaneChristine BeattieJames BeattieDana BeattyDavid BeckBelaCoop Animal Hospital

of North ParkSara and William BelkovEnid and John BellFrank BellMeocha BelleErica BenderLarry BenesiKeri BennittElyse BentonRayzella and Frederick BerkoJackie and Richard BernardCaitlin BerryCharles BienerMary and Larry BillberryScott BirdElizabeth BizicJull and Barry BlackerFrances Blackman

Karen Blacksburg and Leslie Blacksburg

Seth BlacksburgNatalie Blake and

Steven SchwartzTwila BlankenshipSusan BleichShirley and James BlueRosemarie and David BlumHarriet Blumencranz and

Paul WillenskyBNSF Railway FoundationJoseph BoardmanAlkesh BodiwalaDenise and David BoenteTodd BofingerStephen BorduaRoberta and Seth BorgSandra BoulayMary BoundPhyllis and Thomas

BouthillierCarolyn BowlesBarbara and Richard BradleyDianne and Marc BraerKristy BrainardJoyce and Robert BrassardJean and Lowell BraxtonSharon BrelloNorman BrennerOlivia and James Brissie, Jr.Marion BrodyRosemary and Gerald BroganKaren BronsonDorothy and Roger BrooksGail BrownGregory Brown

Janet BrownJanice and Gary BrownJeffrey BrownJo-Ann and John BrownJudy BrownKathleen and Kenneth BrownPia and Randall BrownRobert BruhnBernice BryanSharon BucheckIan BuckleyCrissie BuckwalterMary and Paul BuengerMargaret BulmerMarilyn BunnJeffrey BurjaJames BurkeKatherine BushnellLynne ButlerNicole ButlerCandace Buttacavoli-

WolkotteEstelle ButtsKathy and David BuyanskyMaria and Scott CalderwoodLorraine and Dale CalvertTommy CammElizabeth CampbellLorraine and Daniel CappioHeidi and Patrick CappollaTracy CarlsonDeirdre and Ronald CarlsonKaren and Dwain CarlsonDolores CarnahanSheila CarneyYvonne and Thomas Carney

Edward Carnvale, DPMBarbara and Donald CarowMaria Carrera and

Corey FaymanSusan and Paul CarrollYolanda and Thomas CarrollAnnette CatalanoSharon CatalloBarbara and Harvey CautinNancy CederquistJacqueline and James CerquaAbeldia ChampionAmy ChampionRoberta ChampionCheryl and Joseph ChamplinNeelam ChandWendy CheungVivian ChiangValerie and Darren ChildersEvelyn and Joseph ChoroserMuriel and Howard ChwattSusan CiolekAlison and Timothy ClancyClarence Middle SchoolAmy Clark and John WilburMarilyn ClemMarianne CoalsonKenneth CohenSuzanne Henley and

James ColeKathleen ColesiChristina ColoneMargaret and Frank ColoneRobert ColosiCommunity Physical Therapy

and Rehab at Stone’s Crossing

Christian CompetelloEllen, Caitlyn and

Marc ConnellyKaren and Charles ConwayGladys CookPatricia and Michael Cops

and Sarah FinchEileen and James CosenzaBarbara and Martin CotlerVivian and Gerald CoutinhoKerri CrakerNebra and Jacob CraneJohn CreppsPatricia and Curtis CriderElizabeth CrumpDiane CullenTerri and Barry CummingsKaren and David CunninghamJohn CurryMary and Gary CurtisMyrna CurtisMary and Edward CurveyEdward CwalinskiArlene CzopD&N Fence Co. Inc. Mary DadantMegan DaleyMona DallasSusan DanzigerStuart D’ArcyHelen and Charles DavidKatrina DavisMaria and John DavisSuzanne and Donald DavisCristina De La Ossa and

Hector Salazar

Karen and John DedonLori DehnAndres Deik, MDGregory DeiningerMike DeliseSamer DellyCatherine DeLorenzoBarbara DeLouiseJeanne DelSignoreReed and Beverly DelucaDempsey Carpet Cleaning LLCMarcia and Kenneth DenbergKathleen DennickSandra DererRoberta and Patrick DerosaShari and Ashland DeRossettRichard DeSalvoKlaus DeschnerDG Home ImprovementsNancy and John DickMark DicksteinLouis DiGiovanniJeanne and Albert DipronioDMRF Mobile, Alabama/

Gulf Coast Support GroupMarie DobsonLaurie and Patrick DoddDonald DodsonMichael DoehlaLaura Doerger-RobertsJeff DoffingDonald S. Lowitz

Memorial FundJohn DonovanAphrodite and John DoranPamela and William DotyMary and Keith Downey



Mary Ann and Maurice Drimer

Judith and Sydney Dromgoole

Audrey and Lucio DrozdowskiHelen DubillKatherine DubillJoan and Dennis DuBoseAlan DubrowLeanne DufourMelanie DumasJacqueline and

Matthew DunnIrene DunnDebbie Durrer and

Richard FantozziDr. and Mrs. Stephen DvorinKristen Bolden-EdwardsJanis EilerNancy and Mike EisenstadtMartha and Brent EkvallStephen EliasJoyce ElingKenneth ElkingtonVanessa and Alexander

EllermannBetty EllinwoodDorothy and Edward

EngelkenKathy EnglandPat EnglebretsonSarah and Charles EnzorNicole and Robert EpplenIrene and Carl ErsingCarol and Donald EsselmanPatricia and Deni Evangelista

Carmela and Thomas EvankoWendy EvansExclusive Auto Body Inc.ExxonMobil FoundationAaron FaberAlicia FabianJeanne and John FadaleDaniel FalkJanet FalkVirginia FarleyMary and William FarrLinda and Ronald FaulRosanne FayKaren FederTim FeeleySuz FeelyFein & JakabSusan and Michael FeinsteinElizabeth and Pavel

FeldshteinToni and Joel FenchelRichard FensterCharles FergusonHoward FeroDebra and Dan FieldsOwen FieldsKara and Richard FingardDiane and John FioreJulie FireHeidi FischerMary and Kenneth FischlGrace FisherCharles FisherMonna and Danny FisherAlice Fishman and

Michael DipietroMyrna Fishman

Kim FitzpatrickGale and Tim FlanaganMargaret FlanaganBarry and Pamela FlanaganPatrick FlanaganTherese and Dennis FlanaganFlorence NewsomLisa and Michael FlorjancicKenneth FlynnAnita FordPeggy and Donald FosterMary Jo FowlerSunshine FoxBonnie FrancisJeanette Franco and

Alex MilhommeMarilyn and Irwin FrankBette and Louis FrankeLeanne and Steven FrankelFranklin County High SchoolWilliam FreeSharron FreemanRebecca FrelighElizabeth FreyMr. and Mrs. Irwin FriedmanLenore FriedmanSanford FriedmanRoberta and Charles FrischLynn and G. Jeffrey FullertonGables II Homeowner’s

AssociationJennie GalassoLeonard GalloThomas GalvinAmy GammillMelissa Ganley

Vendora and Arthur GappertDiane Garchow and

Madison WilliamsCheryl GarrNancy and Thomas GarsonDavid Gaudreau, ODRobert GebeloffMyra and Stephen GeffnerPaul GeihsJanet and Thomas GensertJacqueline and Andrew

GermanowAmy GewirtzBrian GewirtzDonna and Edward GewirtzHoward GewirtzNancy GewirtzRandi GewirtzDavid GierseBruce M. GilbergEmma and Robert GilbertBarbara GilbertPenny and Mark GilletteCindy and Neal GittlemanGive with LibertyPaul GlatleiderJoan GlennonJudith GlickmanBrenda and Howard GoffenIsobel Goldberg GoldmanStacey GoldenGail GoldmanJosh GoldmanJudith and Alfred GoldmanCraig GoldsmithNina GoldsteinDiane Goldstein

Doris and Bernard GoldsteinPatricia GollmerStephen Gollomp, MDJames GoltzRita and Howard GolubJill Renee GoodElizabeth GoodgionRobert GoodmanDawn and Glenn GoodnoShirley GoodnoDeborah and Michael GordonCarol GrayJames GrayJennifer GreenJudy and John GreenDorothy GreenbaumDavid GreenbergMary GreeneCheryl and Les GreenfieldZee Jay GreenspanMary GreulichCarla and Randall GriffinJennifer GriffinThomas GriffoNancy GroomValerie GroovenhoffGrouping, Inc.Daniel GrunbergNicholas GumasAmy GunsallusAbby and Neil GurevitzCarolyne GussElaine and Michael GuthrieJames GutierrezNancy GutierrezChristopher Gwynn

Deborah GwynnJeffrey GwynnAnne Marie HallDawn HamiltonSarah Hamilton and

Chad MostromShannon HamptonJeanne HandmanElaine and William HaneyJohn HarderBetty and Thomas HarlanEric HarrisKathleen and Michael HarrisPaul HartDenise and Stephen HarwoodJill HassebrockMichael HastingsDwain Hathaway/

ShowCase4DystoniaDawn HayesHayes Family Farms, Inc.Ellen and John HechtnerStephen HegnerDavid HennessyTreacy and Daniel HenryJustin HergerAndy HerrmanJune and Ron HershAnn Lois HerzogTeresa HessCarol HeynsPaula HigaDeborah HillPatricia HillLaura and Gerald HimakaCharles Hines

Patricia Coburn-Hintze and Kenneth Hintze

Leonard HirschPatricia HirschJames HitchBarbara and Brian Hoar, MDBridget and Brian HoffmanKaren HoffmanHeather Holland and

John JacksonJoan and Earl HollandKristina HollandRobin HollowayJoan and Steve HolzmanHattie Homan-SyvrudRona and Seymour HomerNancy and Albert HomiakDianne HornStephanie HornDavid HosfordSusan and Drew HostetterKatherine HowarthKenneth HowellRoy HowellNancy and Jack HowiePatricia and John HowlettTasha Hubbard and

Lonnie HubbardChristine and Kenneth

HudsonLinda and John HugginsJane HundNancy and Norman HyamsRuth HynesDeborah and John IaculliJudith Ingelido

Iris InsognaIntel CorporationFaith IrwinGloria and David IsacksonMellanie IsnerElizabeth and Michael IsselAllyn ItterlyMr. and Mrs. Terry JacksonCarol and David JacobsVanessa and Marc JacobsLawrence JacobsonNancy and Allen JacobsonAjit JainPauline JakobsbergJohn JamesJanis and Alan Menken

Charity FundBruce JaskulkeLisa JewisonJudy and Roy JohansenGretchen JohnsAmy JohnsonBarbara JohnsonBetty JohnsonMaurine and LeRoy JohnsonElaine JonesMarguerite and David JonesMargie and Ronald JoryJohanna and Merrill JurgensLee KainsCharlotte KaiserVictoria KammeierMiriam KapferDaryl and Charles KaplanDavid Katz, MDDiane KatzDyan Kaufman, PhD

Paul KavanaughConnie KeatingeNellie KeckCindy KehoeSusan KeithleySusan and Richard KelinMarcia and Howard KentJoyce and Donald KesslerMarilyn and Mark KesslerSharyn and Ronald KesslerRoslyn KestenAshim KhemaniMaureen KilcullenEsther KillhamSheila KillhamTammy and Les KinderJulie KingLaura KingStephanie and Gregory

KitchinDebra Kittay and Josh ParkerBonnie and Gary KleinElaine KligermanViolet and Chandis KlingerConnie and Dennis KnautzCourtney KnoxLaura KochLori Koetter and Alex KoetterRegina KoganMyra KoltonMelinda KontosKathleen KoopmeinersCassandra KopecRhoda KopyPhyllis and Martin KornCraig Koshkarian

Linda and George Koukourakis

Carol Ann KovicGary KrahnRosemary KrauseVirginia KreinerDawn KrejciMichael KrinerCarol and Robert KroahCarol and David KrootNorma KuehnElizabeth Kugel-WhetstoneEmily KuvinWray LacyLake Ridge Women’s ClubSteven LanderJames Paul LangCarolyn LangevinJudith and Deno LangisDonald LarsenSharon LarsenNancy and William LatimoreWendy LauchSerena and Dick LaVineMichael LawsonJeff LazarusAudrey LebedzinskiRobert LeeFran LeemingPaula LeichtBarbara and John LeschisinJane LevineKaren and William LevinePamela LevitreYe LiangShaynee and Michael


Debi and Cliff LiebermanTim LiesterDouglas LightboundNicole LimingLynda and Bruce LimpertLinch Family Charitable

FoundationDee Linde/Dogs for Dystonia

Virtual Dog WalkJudith LipsettLipsett Family Fund

Philanthropic FundLorena LittonBruce LoeserSylvia LogerquistCindy LoisPearl and Ronald LooneyAna LopezAnabel LopezA. and M. KoppenRobert LosikSusan and Thomas LotzBronlyn and Michael LouckBrenda LucasZach LuchiniNadine LuisBernita LundquistAnnette and Michael LynchDelana and Michael LynchBrian LysellHolly M. MachadoCathy MaddenPatricia MageeMark Maglio and

Dana MaglioDr. and Mrs. Arthur Mahler

Barbara MakerJanet MalsanThe Mandel FoundationAnita ManesRoger and Gina ManusovJon ManzanaresLinda and Gordon MappesSusan MargolisWendy and Howard MarinStacy MarkMarkle Gift FundPeggy Marquoit and

Margaret MarquoitLaura MarshErin Marshall/Dogs for

Dystonia Virtual Dog WalkJanis MarsicekKenneth Martin, Jr.Kristin MathewsSharon and T. Richard

MathewsRebecca MatteoAnnemarie and Larry

MatthewsAlisa and Edward MatushekJoanne MatuzasLisa and Dean MatzLucinda MayerEdwin MazoueJoe MazzoJacki MazzucaAnnette and Charles McAteerBrendan McCarthyDawn McCollumJudith McConnell



Judith and William McCourtney

Rick McCrackenJames McCullaJohn McCullaKaren McCullaMargaret McCullaNancy and Eddie McCurdyJudy McEvittEllen McHughKathleen and William

McIntyreStacy McMinnDonna and Sharon McMyneMargaret McQuownRebecca McReynoldsSteven MedvinKimberly MeekerAlison MekeelClara MelmanGrace and Jonathan MeltonMary and Ronald MeltonLisa MenottiEllen MetherellMichelle and Wendell MetteyMarlene MeyerMara MicklovicSharon and Louis MilesAaron MillerEileen and Andrew MillerJanet and Douglas MillerJency MillerTammy MillerTimothy MillerCheryl and Michael MinikesMinneapolis Foundation

Marla and Robert MishlerEric MishloveMary Jo MiskeDeborah MitchellRenee and Chris MoehnMichael MolinoDavid MoltkehansenJeanne Moltke-Hansen and

Harry SchenkGloria Monahan and

John DonohoeMichael MonahanEllen and Bruce MondschainJanell and Gary MonettiJean MonigalNathan MonroeKatherine MontemaranoJessica MooreJo-Ann MooreSharon and Cyril MooreMaureen MoranDixon Morgan and

Claire MorganErnestine and Gary MorganMichael MorrisseyJay MorsteinGinger MoshofskyKaren MossMargaret MottoMarcella MuehlebachJames MulqueenJudith and William

MunshowerMary and Bob MunzenriderCorinne and Mark MurashigeGail and Thomas MurawskiJane and Mack Murphy

Michelle NaccaratiNachbar Family/Dogs for

Dystonia Virtual Dog WalkDeborah and Isaac NachbarJoyce NachbarLisa NachbarJessica Nadel and

Joshua FefferMadeline NagelRoy NathansSandra and Robert NathansJennifer NeeMaryRae NeeJanet and Mark NeutzBrenda and James NixPatricia NobsSheryl NoelteJill Norwood and Juan GobelJosephine OakleyPatty and Michael OaksCarol and Donovan

OberholtzerCheryl and Michael O’BrienEmma O’Brien and

Agatha O’Brien GayesShirley O’ConnellChristina and Jerry O’ConnorRebecca Olson and

James HainesBradford and Judith O’NealSharon O’NealPriscilla OnizukLisa OntiverosAnneliese and Jason

Ornelis/Dogs for Dystonia Virtual Dog Walk

Karen OrnsteinCarl Oshrain, MDMarc Oster, PsyDMary O’SullivanBarbara OvertonPatricia and John PaceCoro Paisan-Ruiz, PhDJulie PallachAnthony PassarelloDebra and Joel PasternackBharti and Raman PatelAlleyne and Edward PatrickJames PattonMary and Jerry PattonMary Lou and John PattonBarry PawelekJennifer PawelekRobin PearlVicki and Schuyler PeckJoan and Peter PerhachMichelle PerkinsPatricia and James PerkinsMarlene PeroutkaKaren and Steve PersingerGary PetrieBarbara and Thomas

PfendlerKathleen and Peter PflockMelissa and Roger PhelpsRosalind PhillipsWillard PhillipsGail PhippsMatthew PilarskiLuAnne Pinedo Madden

and David MaddenJane Piro

Barbara Pison and Judy Brown

Daphne Plaut and Jeffrey Showell

Joan PlessnerKaren PolahaCarol PollackLynn PollackArlene and Lee PollanAlice and John PorterNancy PorterBonnie PortnoySteven PortnoyJanis PowersNaomi PrellPamela and Raymond PresleySally and Frank PrestiDana and Marc PriceKaren and John PriceSharon PriceJanice and Kenneth PrintenPriscilla Chapter No. 64

Order of the Eastern StarCarolyn PritchardDiane and Robert PritchardJane ProsnitBarbara PryorCarol and David PurdyHope and Robert QuinnSandra QuinnRuby QuirinRuth RabernKaren and Daniel

RaffenspergerHeidi RamosBarbara RamseyChristopher Rask

Jeffrey Ratliff, MDLinda RawlinsLaura RayKaren RayzorS. and W. ReeseLynda ReevesJudy ReillyAnita and Bruce ReismanMaria ReyesJanet ReynoldsJoseph and Anna RichardBarbara and Carl RichardsLinda and Clark RichardsMark RichardsonTeresa RichardsonCarol RichhartNancy and Sandy RichmanMichael O. RobertsLeslie RobinsLaura RobinsonLaura RobinsonMatt RobinsonShirley and Mark RobinsonMelinda RochaDonna and John RochonPatricia and Jack RodgersShana RomancheckDebra Ronning/Dogs for

Dystonia Virtual Dog WalkRoslyn RosenEsther RosenbergRichard RosenbergGina Rosendall-SaucedoEugene RosensweetMichael Rotay

Cheryl and Brian Rothman Charitable Fund of the AycoCharitable Foundation

Ellen Rothschild-Taube andMitchell Taube

Joyce and Walter RoubaRoyalton Hills Lions ClubWilliam RozenwaserMerton RubensClaire and John RubinKelsey RushMelissa RussellCarol RyanTimothy RyanKathryn RyndersSAI-Med Partners LLCEric SalasJody and Joseph SaltamashiaHoward SaltzmanBruce Sams, MDKathleen SamuelMarilyn SandlerBryant SantosJoanne and Richard SavitzSusan and Joe SchackmanSteve Scharrer and

Nathan ScarrerDonald SchaumbergerJoanne Schiffman and

Nicholas GumasMarian SchindlerBradley Schlaggar, MD, PhDErin SchmidtAnn SchmitShanna and Brad SchmittEileen Schnier

Pamela and W. Winslow Schrank

Elizabeth SchultzErin SchwartzLinda Schwartz-ChiLilian ScottDavid ScoulerMaria Scrivani and

John LipsitzLoredana and

Stephen ScrobeSally SeekinsArline and Warren SeidemanGail SellegRoberta and David SenzelRachel ShackeltonNeal ShahSurekha and

Nrupendrarai ShahKimberly ShappsSharon SheesleyRuth SheidlowerMichele ShepardSheridan Hill Elementary

SchoolDena and John SherryEugene ShifrinDeborah and Alfred ShinerSarah ShortCarol and Norman ShubertChristos Sidiropoulos, MDSamantha SiebertRadienne and Frank SikorskiGerald SilbermanMichael SilverbergJeffrey SilvermanJune Simmons

Arlene and Charles SimpsonSue and Steven SimringJohn SincockLisa and Jack SingerCarrie Siu ButtCheryl and Frederick Siu ButtDavid SkeldingMitchell SlepianAlan SloateKenneth SloatePamela Sloate/Dogs for

Dystonia Virtual Dog WalkGeorge SmithGeorgia SmithJoanne and John SmithLaurie and Carl SmithLinda SmithRheta SmithRichard SmithGail and Jeffrey SmoulderNancy SnidemanLynn and Eric SnyderPaula SogardJames SoineIneabelle SolaMaria and Mauricio SolisTom SonnenbergVince SottosantiSteve SowkaJoyce and Carl SpitzTamela SquiresChristina St. JohnKaitlyn StapletonKaren and Eric StarkTaisiya and Dimitry


Patti and Dan SteinLaura Harrington and

Irving SteinfinkSharon and James StephensFerdinan StevensonSophia StewartRoberta Stillin-DowmanMarta Stoeckel-Rogers

and Tim RogersMarilyn StoknesEleanor and Scott StolerJohn StonerRoberta StrasburgPhyllis StraussPamela StrawgateLaurie Strawgate-Kanefsky

and Paul Kanefsky Esq.Elizabeth Stuart and Brian Doyle

Arlene SturmSuzanne Stutman and Jon Wilkenfeld

Candus and Mark SuppelsaSupply New England, Inc.Judith and Douglas SwagerPeggy and Jim SwartchildAnne and Ronald SwitzerJane and Robert SylvesterTaurus Financial Services, Inc.Joanne TaxChristopher TaylorMichael TaylorScott TaylorTeam #dystonia/Hunt for

a Cure

Team Adult Neurology Center/Pittsburgh DystoniaZoo Walk

Team Aidan/Cincinnati Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team America’s Majestic Miss/Cincinnati Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Aunt Karen/Philadelphia Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Brain Modulation Lab/Pittsburgh Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Bravette +/PhiladelphiaDystonia Zoo Walk

Team Cathy Strong/Bronx Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Champion/Fresno Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Cincinnati Children’s Hospital/Cincinnati Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Cosplay it Forward/Pittsburgh Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Cris/Fresno Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team D.B.S./Detroit DystoniaZoo Walk

Team Donna’s Dream Team/Hunt for a Cure

Team Dystonia with Dystonia/Philadelphia Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Finder’s Keeper’s/Hunt for a Cure

Team HOPE for Cure/TwinCities Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Jen’s Walkers 4 Hope/Cincinnati Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Jessica Osborne/Hunt for a Cure

Team Meltons & Friends/Bronx Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Moving for Mandi/Providence Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Oz/Hunt for a CureTeam Paula/Providence

Dystonia Zoo WalkTeam Poppybear/St. Louis

Dystonia Zoo WalkTeam Sarah’s Storm

Stompers/Detroit Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Seismic Activity/Twin Cities Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Shana/Detroit DystoniaZoo Walk

Team Speak Out for Ms. Deb/Providence Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team The Quinn’s/Bronx Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Troy/Pittsburgh Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Twitchy/Twin Cities Dystonia Zoo Walk

Team Washington Hospital School of Nursing/Pittsburgh Dystonia Zoo Walk


Carol and Steve TepperRosemary TerminiThe Arch Community League,

Chapter NYSARC, Inc.The Frempreneur Network LLCThe Friedman Family

FoundationWilliam ThierfelderMichaelene ThillmanRandi ThistlethwaiteCharles ThomasDebra and Jeff ThomasEdward ThomasGale ThomasNatasha ThompsonCynthia and J. Frederick

ThornettKathryn TierneyJanice and Richard TillisTODOSO OrganizationJohn ToffefsonTower Properties Co.Mollie and Ken TraubIra TrittLisa Troub/Dogs for Dystonia

Virtual Dog WalkAnita Ann TrudellVanessa TsuiTuesday at Ten Bible StudyWayne TunisKaren and John TuozzoloWendy and Jeffrey TurkGary TurnerSusan and Terry TutenPauline and Irvin TysonUnited Way of Greater

Capital Region

United Way of Greater Portland

United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania

Cheryl VaiknorasJim VailBrenda Van IdenBilly VanceRuth VanderburghShannon and John VanzandtTeresa VaughanMarla and Jeff VaughnMary VeetBlanca VelascoAudra VellucciMelissa VercilloKim and Guy VerronaVillage Grande Hadassah

Executive BoardDeborah VisusDavid VitaleJames WagnerEmily and Steven WagshalNancy and James WaldoCharlotte and Jackie WalkerJeannie WarmbrodtIrvina and Sherwyn WarrenPhyllis WarrenBarbara WarrickGregory WasLauren and Jeff WaxmanMarjorie and Michael

WaxmanAnne and Randy WebberMiranda WebberTracy Weber

Marilyn and Frederick WegnerSarah and Paul WegnerDiana WehnerAdrian WeigartDonna and Jason WeighleyRobin and Michael WeintraubSharon WeintraubNina Weisbroth and Jill and Arnold WeissCarina Welch/Game Night

for DystoniaGail and Gerald WellsNicole WellsSusan WenselLinda WernerJudith and Alan WertheimerGail WestMarcia and Richard WestRollin WestrumPatrick WheelerHuntley WhitacreKathryn WhitfieldDarlene WiczerBarbara WigginsThomas WilkinsonFrances WilliamsMartha WilliamsCynthia and Dale WilsonMary Ann WilsonZulma and Jake WilsonJill Fink and Jerry WiseAnn WolffAnnette WomacAmber WoodEmily WoodSusan Wood

Nancy and Jeff WorthingtonCarol WyattAmit and Henry YaffeGail and Morris YamnerRobert YandtAnne YatesOma YearyYMCA of Metropolitan

ChattanoogaRosemary and Edward YoungRhoda and Bernard YuchtAmy YurchisionVivian and Marc ZacharyDiane, Stephanie and

John ZaiaJoni and Michael ZavisErin ZehringerTonya ZeiglerKathy ZennerLi ZhouElizabeth ZimmermannKaren and Seymour ZivanMarie Zuidema


One East Wacker Drive, Suite 1730Chicago, Illinois 60601-1980Phone 312.755.0198Toll Free 800.377.DYST (3978)

Dystonia Medical Research Foundation DYSTONIA-FOUNDATION.ORG

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