
When parents, children and teachers can play together, they can learn together. Early intervention programs like the SKIP to a Great Start Parent-Child Playgroups can foster academic success. SKIP is a program of the Genesee Intermediate School District (GISD). The Community Foundation was an early supporter of the initiative, awarding a $20,000 grant to buy books for SKIP play-groups located in 21 local school districts. “Playgroups give parents and children the opportunity to learn together while playing, interacting and having fun,” said Gloria Bourdon, Director of Health, Safety and Nutrition at GISD. “Thou-sands of children have been impacted by the SKIP program since its inception in 2003, and we’re starting to realize some excellent results.” Health and nutrition is stressed during playgroup activity, as well as during home visits. Children need to be health to be ready to learn in kindergarten, Bourdon said. For this to happen, children need healthy role models through their parents. Thousands of children have been touched by the SKIP program. Bourdon noted that an analysis shows that student performance on the MEAP tests in reading, English and match is directly correlated to the number of contact hours experienced in home visits and playgroups. “As the number of program contacts with parents and children increased through home visits and playgroups, so did the MEAP scores of children,” Bourdon said. Successful Kids = Involved Parents (SKIP) has built a successful network of support for pre-school children through a continuous stream of services that support children and their parents.

Mission: To promoTe a healT


Fast FactsSKIP Program Established 2000

Grantmaking Investment $191,9002010

1Fast FactsSKIP Program Established 2000

Grantmaking Investment $191,900

Your GiFts are MakinG our Mission PossibleThank you for supporting the Community Foundation of Greater Flint. you help us fulfill our mission of building a strong community by engaging people in philanthropy and developing the community’s permanent endowment — now and for generations to come. your gifts are making our mission possible. Thank you!

inside2 NewFunds

4 LegacySociety

6 ImpactStories

14 FlintWomenandGirlsFund

15 GivingStories

21 Typesof Funds

22 CommunityFunds

23 YouthGrantmakers

24 Census2010

25 DonorRecognition

31 GrantmakingGuide

32 FinancialStatement

Community Foundation of Greater Flint

500 S. Saginaw Street, Suite 200

Flint, MI 48502(810) 767-8270

Somuchof whathappensinlifeisnotinevitable.Itisbecauseof will…becausesomebodyoragroupof somebodies“willed”somethingintoexistence.Thisannualreportisabeautifuldepictionof thekindof willthatistransformingourcommunity,dayinanddayout.Wearesharingafewstoriesthatdepictamuchbroaderpatternof whatishappeninginourcommunity…fromfolksinneighborhoodslikethoseinvolvedinourNeighborhoodsSmallGrantsProgram,tolarge,complexsystemsliketheGISD’s“SKIPtoaGreatStart.”People,withthehelpof theresourcesmadeavailablebydonorsof theCommunityFoundation,are“willing”abettercommunityintoexistence.


That’swhywe’vechosenthetheme“MissionPossible.”Ourdailyexperienceof thegenerosityof arearesidentsandthecommitmentandexpertiseof areanonprofitstacklingthetoughestissuesconvinceusthat,indeed,ourmissionof buildingastrongcommunitybyengag-ingpeopleinphilanthropyispossible.Thanksfor“willing”itso!

For good. For ever.

Kathi Horton,President

Sherri Stephens, Board of Trustees Chair


dear friendsDid you ever wonder what the difference between possible and impossible is? of course, there are the laws of physics, but beyond that it just seems to be a matter of will. Is there the personal or collective will to make something happen...or not?


DONOR ADVISED FUNDSCommunity HospiCe Foundation FundEstablishedbytheBoardof Directorsof theformerAvalonHospice,thisFundwillsupportend-of-lifeeducationprograms,eventsandprojectstofamiliesof individualsexperiencingchronicillnessorend-of-lifetransition.

s. Jean simi Fund For tHe artsWhenJeanSimiretiredafter28yearsof serviceattheCharlesStewartMottFoundation,adonoradvisedfundwasestablishedinherhonor.TheFundprovidessupportfortheartstoincludemusic,theaterandtheperformingandvisualarts,withafocusontheyouthof FlintandGeneseeCounty.

DESIGNATED FUNDSpHilip J. and sally J. Braun Fund For tHe Flint Cultural CenterPhilBraungavesomuchduringhislifetime,anduponhisdeathhecontinuedthattraditionbyearmarkinggiftstohisfavoritecharitableorganizationsthroughaCharitableRemainderTrust.Phil’slegacyisa“forgood,forever”storythatshowsusallhowtosupportthecauseswecareabout–todayandforgenerationstocome.ThisFundprovidesgeneraloperatingsupportfortheFlintCulturalCenterCorporation.

pHilip J. Braun FundTheCommunityFoundationof GreaterFlintisgratefulforthisFundwhichsupportsourgeneraloperations.

sally J. Braun youtH FundPhilwasacommunityleaderwhovolunteeredhistime,talentandtreasuretomanycivicorganizations.ThisFund,whichisnamedinhonorof hiswife,supportstheprogramsandservicesof BigBrothersBigSistersof GreaterFlint.

FlusHing CHristian outreaCH Center FundAnanonymousdonorestablishedthisFundtosup-porttheoperationsof theFlushingChristianOutreachCenter.TheCenterconnectspeoplewiththeresourcestheyneed–food,clothing,informationandreferral.

latture Family FundFayLatturewantedtodosomethingspecialuponherretirementassuperintendentof ClioAreaSchools.Priortoherretirementparty,Fayandherhusband,Terry,createdaFundattheCommunityFoundationtosupportstudenteducationalfieldtrips.SheaskedthatretirementgiftsbemadetotheFund,creatingalastinglegacyforfuturegenerations.

KatHryn Faner loBBan FundDuringher100yearsof life,KathrynlovedFlintandwasoneof itsstrongestboosters.SheenjoyedateachingcareeratFlintCommunitySchools,instructingchildreninthearts—music,speech,dramaandliterature.Thecommunity’schildrenwillbenefitfromherbequestthatsupportstheFlintInstituteof Music.

William H. piper Fund For tHe Community FoundationBillPiperisknownbyCommunityFoundationstaff andothersas“Mr.Hugs.”WhenyoumeetwithBill,hugsareguaranteed.We’resharingabighugwithBillthisyearforestablishingaFundthatbenefitstheCommunityFoundation’sgeneraloperations.

pHilip W. and t. ardele sHaltz FundAsanewtrusteetotheCommunityFoundation,ArdeleShaltzwantedtosupportourmissionbyestablishingacharitableFundtosupportgeneraloperations.Thankyou,ArdeleandPhil,forleadingbyexample.

gloria maCartHur Vanduyne Fund For Very speCial artsVSA-MichiganhonoredGloriaVanDuyneonherbirthdaywithasurprisecelebrationtoannouncetheFundestablishedinherhonor.TheFundprovidessupportforartsprogramsforchildrenandadultswithdisabilitiesthroughVSAMichigan-GeneseeCounty.

FIELD OF INTEREST FUNDSpHilip J. and sally J. Braun Fund For mental HealtHPhilandSallyrecognizedtheimportanceof qualitycareforindividualsandfamiliesfacingmentalhealthchallenges.ThisFundsupportscommunityneedsintheareaof mentalhealth.

Cornelia H. norton FundCorneliataughtmathematicsatFlintCentralHighSchoolfor41yearsandenjoyedmeetingupwithformerstudentsinretirement.Uponherdeath,CornelialeftabequestthatestablishedacharitableFundattheCommunityFoundation.ThisFundwillprovidetutoringservicesforunderprivilegedchildreninourcommunity.

Kim and ginger VirKler Community trails FundKimVirklerknewthatuponhisretirement,hiscolleaguesatPlanteMoranwouldthrowagoingawayparty.Beforetheevent,Kimandhiswife,Ginger,establishedthisFundsothatretirementgiftscouldsupportthecausetheycareabout.ThisFundsupportsthedevel-opmentandmaintenanceof trailsandpathsintheSouthLakesregion.

To learn more about establishing a charitable fund at the Community Foundation, call us at 810.767.8270 or visit our website at

2010 new fundsour mission is possible when generous individuals include the Community Foundation as a key partner in their charitable giving plans. We are grateful to local philanthropists who created their own legacy in 2010 by establishing a charitable fund through the Community Foundation of Greater Flint.


legacy societyThose who include the Community Foundation of Greater Flint (CFGF)in a will, trust or other planned gift are invited to join the legacy Society. legacy Society membership recognizes this special form of philanthropy and gives you the opportunity to join with other philanthropists who care about strengthening our community.

Legacy Society MembersKathrynRuthAdamsonDr.JosephandCarolBatdorfJamesandDorotheaBoltonHerbertandDorothyBoothPhilipandSallyBraunRobertandBessieBreedenCalebCalkinsJimandKathyCheekG.AllenandAdabethCookWilliamandPamelaCostabileWallaceEatonAlanFerrariRaymondFinleyGaryandKathleenHaggartJackandLilyHamadyWillieandWandaHardenMarkandKathiHortonJoelandMaryIttigsonRoyLahringIvanandDorothyMacArthurPatrickJ.andTereseM.McGuireWilliamandKathrynMoellerLawrenceE.andValariaMoonM.HarryandWandaPiperWilliamandJoycePiperNicholasandDonnaPopaFrancesPriceJamesRickerPhilipW.andT.ArdeleShaltzJamesSomersDr.JackandVirginiaThompsonDr.AllenF.TurckeKimandGingerVirkler

Kim and Ginger VirklerKim’slong-termserviceontheFentonCommunityFundAdvisoryCommitteeconvincedhimof theimportanceof buildingthecommunity’sendowment.TogetherwithwifeGinger,theVirklersnamedtheCommunityFoundationasadesignatedbeneficiaryof theirIndividualRetirementAccount(IRA).TheFundsupportstraildevelopmentintheSouthLakesregion.

William and Pamela Costabile


asabeneficiaryof theirtrusttosupportthree


Brothers/BigSistersof GreaterFlint,Whaley


memberof ZontaClubof Flint1.

William and Kathryn MoellerKittyisaformerchairandcurrentmemberof theFlintWomenandGirlsFundAdvisoryCommittee.WhensheandhusbandBillwerereviewingtheirestateplan,theymadeadecisiontoincludeabe-questtosupporttheFlintWomenandGirlsFund.

In Memory of George Allen and Adabeth CookLegacySocietymembersGeorgeAllen“Al”andAdabethCookweremarriednearly70yearswhentheybothpassedawayin2010.GeorgeworkedasanaccountantforACSparkPlugfor36years.Thecoupleenjoyedtravel,especiallytakingtraintripsthroughoutNorthAmericawiththeirfamily.Bothcareddeeplyaboutourcommunity.

TheCookscreatedacharitablegiftannuity,namingtheCommunityFoundationasbeneficiary.Upontheirdeath,theG.AllenandAdabethCookFundwasestablishedtosupportgeneraloperationsof theCommunityFoundation.

Frances PriceAretirednurseandresidentof Flushing,Franceshasagivingspiritthathastouchedmanylivesinourcommunity.ShedecidedtocreatealastinglegacythatwillbenefittheFlushingCommunityFundthroughacharitablegiftannuityattheCommunityFoundation.


7Fast FactsSKIP Program Established 2000

Grantmaking Investment $191,900

When parents, children and teachers play together, they learn together. Early intervention programs like SKIP to a Great Start Parent-Child Playgroups foster academic success.

SKIP is a program of the Genesee Intermediate School District (GISD). The Community Foundation was an early supporter of the initiative, awarding a $20,000 grant to buy books for SKIP playgroups located in 21 local school districts.

“Playgroups give parents and children the opportunity to learn together while playing, interacting and having fun,” said Gloria Bourdon, Director of Health, Safety and Nutrition at GISD. “Hundreds of parents and children have been impacted by the SKIP program and we’re starting to realize academic results.”

Bourdon noted that an analysis shows that student performance on the MEAP tests in reading, English and math is directly correlated to the number of contact hours experienced in home visits and playgroups.

“As the number of program contacts with parents and children increased through home visits and playgroups, so did the MEAP scores of children,” Bourdon said.

Health and nutrition is also stressed during playgroup activity, as well as during home visits. Children need to be healthy to be ready to learn in kindergarten, Bourdon said. For this to happen, children need healthy role models through their parents.

Successful Kids = Involved Parents (SKIP) has built a successful network of support for pre-school children through services that support children and their parents.

7SKIP Program Established 2000

CFGF Grantmaking Investment over nine years $191,900

Parent Delana Kidd, right, and son Antuan interact with parent educator Tanya Everette



Fast Facts

9Fast FactsGenesee Health Plan Established 20


CFGF Grantmaking Investment over 6 years: $238,095

GENESEE HEALTH PLANBeingoutof workistoughenough.Beingadiabeticwithoutmeanstopayforinsulincanmeanthedifferencebetweenlifeanddeath.


“Wesaveliveseveryday,”saidLindaHamacher,Presi-dentandChief ExecutiveOfficer.“Manyof ourmem-bersarereallysickwithdiabetes,cancerandheartdisease.Othersareabletoavoidseriousailmentsbyworkingwithourstaff onpreventivecareissuesandlearninghowtoleadhealthierlives.Inbothrespects,weareprovidinglife-savingcoveragefortheuninsuredinourcommunity,andthatultimatelybenefitsevery-oneinGeneseeCounty,”

In2005,theCommunityFoundationpartneredwiththeCharlesStewartMottFoundationandtheRuthMottFoundationtoprovidefundingforaninfrastruc-turetocreateaqualityhealthplanforlowincomeindividualsinourcommunity.Theinfusionof capitaldollarshelpedleverageotherfederalandstatefunding.

“Becauseof thegrantmaking,wewereabletoexpandservicesanddesignanamazingdiseasemanagementtrackingsystemsoweknowthatourpatient’shealthisimproving,”Hamachersaid.




•About89percentof diabetespatientshaveimprovedtheirself-management.

•Thenumberof uninsuredchildrenisdownby25percent.


gHp Board oF direCtors (back row, from left) Rick Wyles, Michael Jaggi, D.O., Trissa Torres, M.D., Kevin Murphy, Linda Hamacher, Joseph Leonard, R.PH.; (sitting, from left) Barbara L. Kornblau, JD, OTR/L, Daniel Dulin, PSY.D., Jean Conyers, John McKeller, Nancy Haywood.

Mission: provIDInG baSIC,

aFForDable healTh

Care To FamIlIeS

11Fast FactsBEST Established 2003

CFGF Grantmaking Investment over 9 years: $700,000

Areanonprofitleadershavestrengthenedtheirorganization’smission,learnednewskillsandbenefittedfromtechnologyenhancementsthroughtheBESTProject.BESTstandsforBuildingExcellence,SustainabilityandTrustintheNonprofitSector.TheprojecthasbeenfundedbytheCommunityFoundation,theCharlesStewartMottFoundation,RuthMottFoundationandUnitedWayof GeneseeCountysinceitsformationin2003.

Leadershipcoaching,boarddevelopment,staff train-ingandaccesstoaconsultingpoolforspecialprojectshavehelpednonprofitleaderslookattheirorganiza-tionsinanewway.Theprojectisoneof theCommu-nityFoundation’slargestgrantmakinginvestments.

“Afteronlyonesessionwithmyleadershipcoach,IcouldtellthatIwouldbenefitfromthisopportunity,”saidMonaSahouri,ExecutiveDirectorof theArabAmericanHeritageCouncil.“TheeconomicsituationinGeneseeCountyhascreatedanincreaseddemandforservices.Organizationswillnotbeabletostepuptotheplateif wedon’tdeveloptheleadership.”

Evaluationof BESTshowsthatnonprofitleadershavecitedleadershipgainsincluding: •Staff leaders’abilitytothinkandact

strategically •Boardengagementhasincreasedfrom

40%to80% •Individualshavedroppedoff boardsinways

thathavemadetheboardstronger •Betteralignmentof programgoals,


“TheongoinginvestmentintheBESTProjecthasenabledustoservemorethan70GeneseeCountynonprofits,”saidJenniferAcree,Directorof Programs.“Participatingagenciesshowmarkedimprovementinkeyleadershipandmanagementareasandhavechangedthewaytheythinkaboutthefutureof theirorganizations.”

Mission: nonproFITS move

From GooD To GreaT

Area nonprofit leaders gather in the lobby of The Durant in downtown Flint.

NeighborsfondlyrememberAnnHesterasago-getterwhocareddeeplyaboutherneighborhoodandblockclub—theOdette,Witherbee,IroquoisRestorationAssociation.Annservedasblockclubpresidentformanyyears.Shewasalsoinstrumentalinbuildingaflowergardenonavacantlotatthecornerof MasonandOdetteStreets.

WhenAnnpassedawayof cancertwoyearsago,theflowergardenfloundered.“WewantedtohonorhermemoryandmakeamemorialgardenforAnn,”saidDennisJackson,blockclubmember.

Toaccomplishthis,JacksonappliedforasmallgrantthroughtheNeighborhoodsSmallGrantsProgram(NSGP)programof theCommunityFoundation.TheraisedflowerbedisnowabeautifultributetoAnnHester’smemory.

TheNSGPwasestablishedin1993throughagrantbytheCharlesStewartMottFoundation.Nearly$175,000insmallgrantshavebeenmadetosupportanumberof projectsthatbringcommunitiestogethertocreatepositivechange.Someexamplesinclude:





13Fast FactsNeighborhoods Small Grants Program

Established 1993

CFGF Grantmaking Investment over 13 years: $174,720

Preparing the memorial garden in memory of Ann Hester are Dennis Jackson, Dorothy Tippins, and Cora and Alex Pitts

Mission: CreaTInG poSITIve


one bloCk aT a TIme


A Fresh Look at Women and Girls IssuesThroughouthistorywomenhavedemonstratedamazingstrengthandtenacityinovercomingchallengesandworkingtobettertheirlivesandthoseof theirfamilies.TodayinGeneseeCounty,manywomenandgirlsfindithardtoachievetheirfullpotentialbecausetheyarestrugglingtomeettheirmostbasicneeds.

The Status of Women and Girls in Genesee County, aresearchreportpublishedbytheFlintWomenandGirlsFundof theCommunityFoundationof GreaterFlint,examinestheissuesfacingwomenandgirlsinourcommunity.ThereportfocusesonthreeprimaryareasaffectingwomenandgirlsinGeneseeCounty:economicsecurity,healthandwell-being,andeducation.


Whatcanyoudo?Hereareafewideastoinspireyourthinking:• Educate yourself.Visitwww.cfgf.organdclickontheWomenandGirlsFundlink.Readthereportandthe“Voicesof Women”narrativespostedonline.

• Educate others.RequestapresentationbemadetoyourcivicorchurchgroupbycallingtheCommunityFoundationat767-8270.

• Make a gift.TheFlintWomenandGirlsFundmakesgrantstoorganizationsservingwomenandgirls.

Well-Deserved Recognition for Local PhilanthropistsGhassanandManalSaabof Fentonaretherecipientsof the2010RussellG.MawbyAwardforPhilanthropy.NominatedbytheCommunityFoundationof GreaterFlint,theSaabsarethefirstGeneseeCountyresidents,andthefirstimmigrants,toreceivetheMawbyAward,Michigan’smostprestigiousphilanthropyaward.

FortheSaabs,philanthropyisapersonalcommitmentbornof avaluesystemthatbelievesin“givingbackandpayingforward.”ThroughtheGhassanandManalSaabFoundation,theSaabshavemadegrantstostrengthenorganizationsincludingtheUnitedWayof GeneseeCounty,CrimFitnessFoundation,TheFlintRotaryCharitableFoundation,FlintChildren’sMuseum,TallPineCouncil-BoyScoutsof America,CatholicCharitiesof ShiawasseeandGeneseeCounties,AmericanArabHeritageCouncil,ArabAmericanNationalMuseumin

Dearborn,FlintInstituteof Music,FlintInstituteof Arts,theCenterforArabAmericanPhilanthropyandUniversityof Michigan-Flint.

“ForyearsGhassanandManalhavecontributedgenerousgiftsthathavemadeanimportantdifferenceinthelivesof many,manypeople,”saidKathiHorton,CFGFPresident.“Theygivenotonlyof theirfinancialresourcesbutalsoof theirtimeandtalents.Theygiveinwaysthathavelastingimpactforthosewhoarealivetoday,andalsoforgenerationsyettocome.”

TheMawbyAwardwasestablishedin1995upontheretirementof Dr.RussellG.MawbyfromtheChairmanshipandChief ExecutiveOfficerpositionsattheW.K.KelloggFoundation.Thisawardhonorstheworkandphilosophyof Dr.MawbyandisawardedannuallybytheCouncilof MichiganFoundationsandMichiganNonprofitAssociation.

14 Fast FactsFWGF Established: 1985Grants: 42CFGF Grantmaking Investment over 17 years: $178,106

The purpose of the Flint Women and Girls Fund is to encourage the advancement and full participation of women and girls in society by promoting the removal of barriers to their economic, educational, physical, emotional, social, artistic, and personal growth.

Manal and Ghassan Saab


Opening Doors for Youth and the ArtsJeanSimiwasintheaudiencewhentheFlintYouthTheatrepremieredTheSeventhDreaminApril1996.Theplay,whichwasscriptedfromthewritingsof 679Flint-areaninthgradestudentsandperformedbyagroupof studentactorsfromthecity’shighschools,soimpressedherthatshebroughtittotheattentionof herboss,BillWhite,thepresidentandCEOof theCharlesStewartMottFoundation.WithsupportfromMott,theplaywasrestagedandultimatelywasperformedbeforetheU.S.Congress.

“Fromthattimeforward,Jeanmadeithermissiontobringtalentedyoungpeople—andtheorganizationsandindividualswhogavethemtheopportunitytodevelopthosetalents—toourattention,”saidWhite,whoin2010,createdtheS.JeanSimiFundfortheArtsattheCommunityFoundationof GreaterFlinttohonorher28yearsof serviceasExecutiveAssistantandCorporateAssistantSecretaryfortheFoundation.

Discoveringprogramsthathelpdrawoutandshowcasetheartistictalentsof studentswhomightotherwisenothavethechancetodeveloptheseskillsisasourceof greatsatisfactionforMs.Simi,whoplanstoadvisegrantsfromtheFundtoseedartsactivitiesforunder-servedchildrenandyoungpeople.


A Gift that Keeps Giving OnawarmJulyevening,guestswereminglingonRandeePieper’spatioinFlushing,enjoyingrefreshmentsandanticipatingthearrivalof thebirthdaygirl—GloriaVanDuyne.ItwasGloria’sbirthdayandherfamilyandfriendshadasurpriseinstoreforthelocalbusinesswoman,artloverandphilanthropist.

Afewmonthsprior,RandeeandVSA-MichiganDirectorLoraFrankelwantedtodosomethingspecialtohonorGloria,asupporterof VSA’sartsprogramsinGeneseeCountyschools.AFundwasestablishedinherhonor,andfriendsandfamilywereinvitedtocontributetotheFundinlieuof gifts.

Greetedbyachorusof “Surprise!”and“HappyBirthday,”GlorialistenedasRandeetoldthestoryof herexperienceswithVSA-Michigan,astatewideorganizationdedicatedtobringingartandmusictoyouthwithdisabilities.TheretiredClioAreaSchoolsspecialeducationteachermentionedthatthroughGloria’ssupport,hundredsof childrenwithdisabilitieswereintroducedtotheartsinherclassroom.

“Ihopeyouknowtheimpactyouhavemadeonthelivesof veryspecialchildrenfromallcornersof GeneseeCounty,”commentedKathiHorton,CommunityFoundationPresident.“Soinhonorof yourcommitmentandleadershiptoVerySpecialArtsinGeneseeCounty,Iampleasedtoannouncetheestablishmentof theGloriaMacArthurVanDuyneFundforVerySpecialArts!”



Gloria VanDuyne

Jean Simi

Honorary contributions are a thoughtful way to acknowledge a birthday, anniversary or retirement.


Establish a Fund in Lieu of Gifts If you’ve lived in the Clio area even for a short time, chances are you’ve met Fay and Terry Latture, lifelong residents whose lives have centered around supporting their community. Fay worked as an education administrator for 36 years, is a member of the Clio Area Community Fund Advisory Committee and the Clio Area Education Foundation. Terry, a Delphi Corporation retiree, has been actively involved with the Clio Youth Sports Complex and several hunting and fishing organizations.

When Fay retired from her position as Clio Area Schools Superintendent, she and Terry made a decision that would ensure their ability to give back to the community well into the future by establishing the Latture Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Greater Flint. The couple feels strongly about the need to give back, and finds the Community Foundation an excellent vehicle to do that in a meaningful and lasting way.

“We asked people to contribute to the Fund in lieu of presents,” says Fay.

Not surprisingly, having been involved with education throughout their lives, Fay and Terry have designated the Fund to support student educational field trips for Clio-area students.

“Field trips allow kids to experience things first hand, which is a great way to help them learn,” says Fay. “We have a lot to do in Michigan that is relatively close-by, including visits to the state capitol, Greenfield Village, museums, theatres and other cultural organizations.

“I think benevolence is really important,” Fay continues. “I feel very blessed that if you give through the Foundation, it keeps on giving.”

A Legacy of Helping OthersWhen two retired educators passed away in 2010, the community became one of their beneficiaries. Their personal missions to leave a lasting legacy were outlined in their wills.

Kathryn Faner Lobban spent her career in the Flint Public Schools, teaching music, speech, drama and children’s literature to elementary students. She rose through the ranks and served as principal at three elementary schools, a big accomplishment for a woman in the 1940s. She loved Flint, her students, and was an active member of First Presbyterian Church and the St. Cecilia Society of Flint Institute of Music (FIM). The Kathryn Faner Lobban Fund will benefit the Flint Institute of Music.

“Kathryn led the way for women throughout her life, initially by being the first woman to receive a degree from the Michigan State University Music School, and then later as a principal in the Flint Schools,” said Paul Torre, FIM President and CEO. “She cared deeply for children and their music education and dedicated her life for them.”

Cornelia (Corry) Norton pursued her higher education at Flint Junior College, later transferring to the University of Michigan’s Ann Arbor campus. She earned a teaching degree and began a 41-year career as a mathematics teacher and department supervisor at Flint Central High School. She loved travel, especially to Europe, and spent one year teaching at an American military base in Germany.

She was proud to be a Flint resident and generously supported the community through gifts to the Flint Institute of Music, the Community Foundation and the Flint Cultural Center Corporation. The Cornelia Norton Fund provides tutoring services for underprivileged children in our community.


Fay and Terry Latture

Kathryn Faner Lobban

Cornelia Norton


Community Hospice Foundation FundAt dusk on the shores of Lake Copneconic in Fenton, children attending Camp Brave Hearts prepare to launch a boat, handcrafted earlier in the day during craft time. One by one, with feet balanced in the sand, they are invited to come forward and say something about their lost loved one. A candle is lit and the boat is sent off in the Memory Boat Launch ceremony.

That’s one of the highlights of Camp Brave Hearts, a grief support weekend provided by Genesys Hospice. Over 60 children and adults participate in the annual camp held each year at Camp Copneconic. Group discussions, craft time and fun activities keep participants busy all weekend.

In this serene, natural environment, children are able to connect with each other, share their stories and learn that they are not alone in their grief. Children ages 6-18 who have experienced the loss of a parent, grandparent or friend are invited to attend Camp Brave Hearts.

“The older kids will tell us that they didn’t realize how much they needed this experience,” said Hank Messing, Camp Brave Hearts Coordinator. “Some say they didn’t want to come, but they’re glad they did.”

Camp Brave Hearts is an example of the type of program to be funded by the newly established Community Hospice Foundation Fund at the Community Foundation.

“It’s always a good feeling leaving here and knowing we made a difference,” Messing added.

Mission: helpInG oTherS

Cope WITh loSS

legaCy soCietyLegacy Society members have helped secure the future of Genesee County by naming the Community Foundation the beneficiary of a bequest or planned gift.Fund minimum: none

designated FundEstablishing a designated Fund is a simple and efficient way to support your favorite nonprofit organization.Fund minimum: $10,000

designated organization FundDesignated Funds, established by nonprofit organizations, provide income to support their operations.Fund minimum: $50,000

donor adVised FundAdvised funds allow donors to remain actively engaged by recommending eligible recipients for grants.Fund minimum: $10,000

Field oF interest FundBy establishing a field of interest fund, you can earmark your gift to address needs in an important area of commu-nity life – the arts or the environment, for example – even as needs may change over time.Fund minimum: $10,000

sCHolarsHip FundScholarship funds provide scholarships for educational purposes based on specific guidelines suggested by the donor.Fund minimum: $50,000

unrestriCted named FundThese funds provide the Community Foundation with the most flexibility to address a broad range of charitable causes while remaining responsive to community needs.Fund minimum: $7,500

memorial and Honorary giFtsMemorial contributions offer a permanent way to remember friends and relatives, while honorary contributions are a thoughtful way to acknowledge a birthday, anniversary or other special occasion.

giVe to an existing FundMany Community Foundation Funds are open to gifts from others who share the same charitable interests. To view a list of Funds, visit our website at


fund optionsare you ready to advance our mission in Genesee County? establish a Fund? leave a bequest? help others in need? We offer a variety of giving tools to help you achieve your charitable goals.

Children create memory boats at Camp Copneconic with grief counselor and camp volunteer Michelle Templeton.

23Fast FactsNumber of Grants Advised by Youth

since 1992: 348

Grantmaking Dollars Invested over 19 years: $930,064

Encouraging Homegrown PhilanthropyFive communities have established endowed “Community Funds” through the Community Foundation to provide a permanent source of funding for projects that enhance quality of life. The Clio, Davison, Fenton, Flushing and Grand Blanc Community Funds are guided by local advisory committees. Volunteers review grant proposals, identify emerging community needs, and design ways to build the endowment.

Understanding unmet needs of the community was the focus for the Grand Blanc and Fenton Community Funds this year. The Hometown Community Conversations project was designed to deepen the advisory committees’ understanding of community needs. Over 80 individuals including donors, business leaders, youth, government officials and representatives from civic groups, faith-based and educational institutions participated.

Focus groups were held to inform the Advisory Committees’ work in three areas: grantmaking, asset development and community leadership. Through the process we learned:

• There is a lack of awareness about the Community Fund, including its process for grantmaking or the guidelines for requesting a grant

• Donors are seeking more opportunities to give • The Fund could play a role in bringing together

government entities and citizens around a particular need or project

In Fenton, the most commonly-discussed unmet need included economic development, downtown revitalization, and creating entertainment and employment opportunities for youth.

Unmet needs in Grand Blanc centered on cooperation between city and township government, economic develop-ment, creating entertainment and employment opportuni-ties for youth, and providing for the needs of people who are suffering economic hardship.

Community Funds encourage homegrown philanthropy, engaging each generation of residents in making a difference that will continue far into the future.

Understanding Needs of Youth For nearly 20 years the Community Foundation has been working with groups of area high school students interested in making a difference. The Youth Advisory Committees (YACs) are comprised of students from across Genesee County. They meet regularly, review grant proposals and community service opportunities, and learn about giving back.

This year the YACs conducted a youth needs survey, a best practice promoted by the Council of Michigan Foundations. YACers distributed the survey link using Facebook and other online social networking sites. Paper surveys were distributed at school and other social gatherings where youth were present.

Of the 288 survey responses, the top 3 overall issues of concern for area youth were: 1. Alcohol and substance abuse 2. Teen pregnancy and 3. Family and personal problems

What’s the best way to help youth struggling with these issues? 1. More programs to help youth 2. More education and awareness about the

consequences of dangerous decisions 3. More counseling and therapy for youth.

Finally, the youth identified the ability to talk to their parents as the most positive influence in their life. Religious involvement also ranked near the top.

“This data is important because it will help our committee members when it comes to making grants and when we look for volunteer opportunities,” said Kelsey Maxwell, Chair of the Countywide YAC. “It also opened our eyes to some of the real issues facing youth in our community.”


YACers prepare for a volunteer assignment with the CRIM Festival of Races.

Fast Facts Number of Grants Advised by all Community Funds since 1991: 204 Grantmaking Investment over 22 years: $635,769


2010 donors1985 XC TeamA & A ManagementJack AbernathyHoward B. and Nina Dodge Abrams Philanthropic FundJudy A. AcheyGary and Kay AdairAngie AdamecCecilia AdamsJune A. AdamsMarlene AddlestoneAHS 70’s Decade Reunion CommitteeJanis AkersLouis and Marilyn AlarieMark S. AlbrightAllen Funeral HomeDoris AllenSusan AllenChris A. AllinghamAmerican Legion Post 158Bruce and Carrie AmmonsHonorable and Mrs. Peter AnastorJames and Jen AndersonWilliam and Margaret AndersonBill and Peggy AndersonAnna Paulina FoundationAmy AnstettDavid and Jean AnthonyApplegate ChevroletSandra ApplegateMichelle ArmockAndrew and Sharon ArmstrongJack and Jill ArnoldPeter and Patricia AshurkoffAtherton Community SchoolsCandace BabockRichard and Sally BagnallBaker College of FlintCarroll G. Baker, Sr. and Kimberly RobersonJuanita BakerBrian and Mary Beth BalazeE. BallardRobert BancroftBank of AmericaDavid and Nancy BarbourTim and Stacy BardenKirk and Pamela BarkelDavid J. BarkeyBarry and Catherine BarnesJudith BarrettBrian D. BatesStafford and Barbara BaumgardnerJohn and Nadine BaxterDuncan and Dana Marie BeagleMary Jane BeanRuth BeardsleyDon and Carol BeckDr. and Mrs. William D. BeckDavid and Annette Beckwith

Neil BedellTimothy S. BeersDr. and Mrs. Tom and Linda BelfordKathy BelillG. Marilyn BellBellairs Family A Michigan Co-PartnershipKaren M. BengtsonDr. Seth Bernard and FamilyCindy BerryRick and Diane BerryRegina BetzBob and Jennifer BieriArthur and Beverly BigelowVicki BigelowJane BinghamAmy L. BlackClifford and Sharon BlackDonna J. BlackJody BlackburnMavis BlacqueErin BlankenshipSheree W. BlazejewskiJames and Mari Ann BleauLou and Debra BlessingMrs. Robert BloomerLarry and Linda BloomfieldJack and Alice BlosserDianne and John BoergerDavid and Mary BoikeBill and Karen BoikeGreg and Sharon BoisKaren J. BoomerBetty and Bernard BordenArlene BorlandEarl and Janice BorradailePat and Jodi BotzMichael and Deborah BourkeMatt and Rachel BowermanMrs. Harold BoyseKenneth and Kathryn BradyTimothy and Margaret BraniginPhilip J. Braun Charitable Remainder UnitrustPhilip J. Braun TrustSally J. Braun Charitable Remainder UnitrustVirginia BraunToni BravenderRobert BreedenCharles Bridges, IIIMr. and Mrs. John C. BriggsJohn and Loretta BrissaudGloria BrockJames and Joyce BrockRebecca BrooksMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. BrooksRalph Robert BrownTracy BrownEleanor BrownellLinda Brownfield

Norman BryantJim BryllHoward and Virginia BuecheStephanie BuetowNancy and Thomas BurcarScott and Karen BurdickDr. and Mrs. Robert BurekBurget’s - Darrel, Millie, Ruth, Martha, Bryce, and DaleJim and Mary BurkartLaurel BurnsJonathan and Barbara BurroughsDr. and Mrs. Stephen BurtonDana BushBrian ButtsDenise and Thomas ButtsHeather Allen ByardWeston C. and Diana S. ByeLisa ByrneThe Callis ProjectLinda CampbellRon and Naomi CampbellViolet CampbellDonald CanadaDr. and Mrs. James CantwilDavid CareyCarman-Ainsworth Board of EducationTerry and Dorothy CarnahanLamar and Lolita CarsonLolita Cummings CarsonThe Cassar FamilySteven CassarJudith CawhornMike and Lee Ann ChaffeeJohn Chahbazi - Innovative Wellness, PCMarda ChahbaziJohn R. ChapleskiMichael and Barbara CharboneauCharity MotorsJohn Cherry and Pamela FarisMr. and Mrs. Robert ChildsJohn and Linda ChinonisElwood and Patricia ChipmanMary ChristianMr. and Mrs. William J. ChurchillBudd CicciarelliEdward and Elizabeth CiesielskiTeresa CiesielskiJohn and Connie CisloFloyd and Brenda ClackMelba R. ClappPaula ClarambeauRochelle ClaytonClio Area Educational FoundationClio Chrysler Dodge JeepDonald C. Lutz, D.P.M.Scott CoffeyMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. CoffieldJames and Amy Cogswell

Complete Count in 2010 CensusFor every community in America, the U.S. Census count represents power and money – power through adequate congressional representation and money from $400 billion in state and federal funding for hospitals, roads, schools and more. In fact, Genesee County stands to lose about $1,000 a year for each person missed by the Census.

As a key partner in Census 2010, the Community Founda-tion took a leadership role in bringing together individuals, organizations and churches that could help spread the word. The message was simple: “We can’t afford to give up federal dollars that will improve our quality of life. When we’re not counted, we all lose.”

The goal was to improve the mail response rate from the 2000 Census when the City of Flint was undercounted by an estimated 40 percent. Monthly meetings were held at the Community Foundation beginning in 2009, ramping up for the mail-in survey sent in April 2010.

A variety of outreach methods were used to engage the community in the importance of completing the mail-in survey. Information was shared at meetings, in church bulletins and through door-to-door campaigns in areas identified as “hard to count.” Media outreach, special events and billboards also helped promote the message.

Results are impressive. The mail-in response rate for Genesee County is 81% and 74% in Flint, up from 71% and 61% respectively in 2000. The County response rate is well above the 72% national response rate.

“Census data are used for legislative and congressional redistricting, as well as to determine funding for hospitals, schools, job training centers, senior centers, roads and more,” said Lawrence Moon, co-chair of the Genesee County Complete Count Committee. “These improvements will have a significant impact on the lives of everyone in our community.”

We are always thankful to our donors who help make

the Community Foundation’s mission possible.





Linden 2,861 3,991 39.5%

GoodrichVillage 1,353 1,860 37.5%

GrandBlancTownship 29,827 37,508 25.8%

MundyTownship 12,191 15,082 23.7%

FentonTownship 12,968 15,552 19.9%




Flint 124,943 102,434 -18.0%

ThetfordTownship 8,277 7,049 -14.8%

GeneseeTownship 24,125 21,581 -10.5%

Mt.MorrisTownship 23,725 21,501 -9.4%

Davison 5,536 5,173 -6.6%

here’s a sampling of the communities

that lost and gained population in the

2010 Census.

census 2010


Ed and Brenda GordonRichard GordonNancy GorzenskiKelley GoulishTimothy GoyetteMr. and Mrs. Hank GraffChris GraffColleen GrathoffGeorge and Peggy GrayKenneth and Elizabeth GreenMae D. Green and Victor GreenMr. and Mrs. John M. GreenleesMelvin and Anne GregoryLarry GregoryAdrienne GriffithBarbara V. GrinkeThomas and Jane GroombridgeCharles and Cynthia GroulxRobert L. GrubbsKimberly GuestFrances GumpperKamal and Shashi GuptaJesse and Priscilla GutierrezLisa and Kevin HaasSue and George HackneyBrandi HahnRobert and Karen HahnDean and Joan HaleyWilliam and Carol HaleyJohn HallLaura HallRobert and Phyllis HallLaura HallenbeckKen and Joyce HalterDave and Lucy HamRichard and Robin HamRobert and Elaine HamelDonna Dodds HammJohn HammSuzanne HammondHenry and Nancy HanflikDouglas and Teresa HansenWillie and Wanda HardenStewart and Anne HarmanAlan and Laura HarnischDan and Carole HarrettStephen and Marilyn HarringtonHelen B. HarrisDiana HarschDavid HarshfieldAlice and Clifford HartGary and Brenda HartleyJohn HartmusJan and John HartranftDon and Michelle HatchLinda and Gregory HathawayRobert and Rachael HavilandPeggy Haw JuryLucille HawkinsRobert and Kathleen HayesBarbara HayesHealthPlus of MichiganDavid and Janet HeckGerald A. and Christine HeckRosanne and Stephen HeddyJohn J. HemingwayEva N. HempelAnnetta Hendrickson

Jerry A. Hendrix IIEd and Donna HennekePaul HenryTracy HenryJeffrey and Mary Jo HerbigKeith and Connie HeslingerDavina HighBruce and Susan HildenbrandAudrey HillConnie HillDavid and Doris HillLouise HillWalter HillTed and Pat HimelhochRichard and Judith HintermanMr. and Mrs. Albert HoggPeggy and Ray HolcombTimothy W. and Barbara J. HolcombBradley and Deborah HollowayBetsy HomsherMartha B. HopkinsMark and Kathi HortonRon and Mary HosnerCharles and Alice HounamMarla HouserSharon HouserDonna and Bill HowarthBeverly M. HoweBen and Karen HowellsKimberley HubbleDorothy HughesBarry and Nancy HullAlmeda HunterMr. and Mrs. Arthur HurandLynne HurandBarb and Charlie HydeJerry HyslopKay IddinsMr. and Mrs. Robert IdenGregorio and Alicia ImperialMary IttigsonJudith IvanMark and Judy JacobsonGregory JacobyFulchand and Bindu JainDanielle JaklinCharlie and Jan JankePaul and Vicki JankowskiRichard and Nancy JankowskiJeff Smith Memorial FundPeter JensenMr. and Mrs. Franklin JessopRob JewellJewish Community Federation of ClevelandJohn and Sally Goggins Family FoundationArthur and Barbara JohnsonJane M. JohnsonJaqueline JohnsonJerry JohnsonRonald and Heather JohnsonRonald and Gloria JohnsonScott and Sandra JohnsonShirley W. JohnsonKristina JohnstonJames R. JonesLester L. and Nancy J. JonesPatricia JonesSandy Jones

Sylvester Jones, Jr.Nate and Marilyn JonkerJP Morgan Chase FoundationJunior League of FlintKenneth JuricaSally KagererMr. and Mrs. Phil KarauChristine KautzWendy KeanBrian KeechChuck and Lori KeeferRob and Sara KeenRon and Lisa KeenRon and Mary KeenHal and Jeanette KeimSteven D. KeimDean KeipertLorraine KellerNorb and Carole KellerDoug and Laura KellyGlen and Diana KellySuzanne KellyWilliam KellySue KenkelHarriet and Watson KenworthyEileen KerrMary Ann KetelsJudith KiefferTae and Young KimDaniel and Elizabeth KirkseyMarjorie KirnDebora KittelGrace Kleinpell TrustNancy KleinpellWayne and Nancy KnechtTimothy and Linda KnechtMarie KnightMichael and Erren KnightTeresa Knight and Josephine KnightJan Knisely-SimonsMr. and Mrs. Carl KochEdward and Bridget KoledoLarry KondelConstance KontykoMarty and Jenifer KontykoJim and Peggy KovasRichard H. and Ann KraftDeAnn KrapohlJimmy and Marsha KrauseRobert KruegerAmy KrugDonald and Delores LadaJohn and Sherry LaFaveRoy LahringChris and Dave LambJohn and Linda LambPatricia LambLaurie LambingMr. and Mrs. Ronald LambrechtStephen and Kimberly LandaalVirginia LandaalSteve D. and Theresa J. LandisGary and Mary LangdonJohn LanyiLynn LarkinTerry and Fay LattureTed and Andi LauJannora Lauderdale

James and Desoline CokleyJames and Ellen CokleyWilliam and Marites CokleyRoger and Dorothy ColbyMary ColemanRoger ColemanBethany CollinsFred and Carolyn CollinsRudolph and Deborah CollinsCommunity Foundation of Greater FlintCommunity Hospice FoundationErin ConklinCarl M. ConnerWilliam and Susan ConwayGary CookHeather CookCooley, Moulton & Smith, LLPDebbie CooperTraci CorchadoDavid and Susanne CorlessMark CorlessMary CorlessCornelia H. Norton Revocable TrustWilliam and Pamela CostabileJolene CostelloRobert and Catherine CouchCouncil of Michigan FoundationsTim CourtneyDennis and Susan CoxSamuel and Euraina CoxMatt and Sharon CramerRichard and Judith CramerMarty and Linda CraneMichael and Jennifer CraneThomas and Kim CraneHarlow and Sally CrawfordAngela and Aaron CreguerWilliam CrickRobert and Joanna CroninHarry D. and Suzanne CrouchJim and Anne CumminsJeffrey and Julia CuppernollThomas and Kim CurranCurrent Surfaces, Inc.Cdr. and Mrs. Lawrence CywinDan and Ann CzmerD.F.T. Consultants, LLC.Nicholas DaddarioMidge DahleDonald and Katherine DahlstromDales Natural FoodsJosephine DalySusan DamonePamela M. DaoustCarrie DarlingPaul and Jeane DarntonJ. Michael DarscheidIshwar and Shakuntla DassPeter and Linda DauntConstance G. Davidson

Larry DavidsonMarsha DavisNancy DavisAnna DawesDawson Kure FamilyElaine DeCouRita DeleckiDelta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.Gene and Jan DennisEstate of Helen DennisThomas DerocherBob and Deb DeryRita Des ArmierGina DeShongRob DeSimpelareStephany DianaNorman and Helen DickensonMike and Linda DickinsonScott and Sheila DillJim and Janey DillardJohn F. DillonTimothy DillonRichard and Patricia DingerJames and Sandra DmochDave and Mary DohertyKathleen A. DohertyJean DomorskyDavid and Karen DorrDallas C. DortEtta DotsonHoward and Nedra DowningRoger DowningJim DoyleDeborah DrabekJames H. and Alla K. DrummondGordon and Peggy DryerBruce and Beth DryerKenneth R. Duetsch IIPatricia DuffyDr. Brian and Stacey DugasPatricia DuguidJames DundasMr. and Mrs. Joseph V. DunnBrenda DuplantySharon DurkeeRonald and Peggy DzierzawskiAnn Marie DzurkaE.M.H.A. - Flint Jr. GeneralsGreg and Karen EasonWallace EatonDick and Judy EbbottJulie and Brian EbertPat EdwardsSusan ElderDuanita ElfordThe Elkins Agency, Inc.John ElmerDennis ElstonRobert EmersonMr. and Mrs. Louis S. Emmert, Jr.Mark EneixJack and Clarice EngelhartDolores EnnisGeorge and Valsa ErinjeriEsurance Insurance Service, Inc.Alice EvansBruce and Mary FairweatherEugene and Adeline Falerios

Family Care Plus Physical Therapy and Wellness, L.L.C.Michael and M. Charlene FarellaKathy FeasterFenton Community and Cultural CenterAlan FerrariSuzanne L. FeurtJared FieldDavid and Vida FisherKelly FisherHerbert FitzerDr. and Mrs. Melvin FlamenbaumJoanne FlaniganThomas and Gail FlaniganFlint Institute of ArtsFlint Rotary Charitable FoundationJim and Jean FlorencePamela Flores-AlvaradoFlushing High School Alumni Association Inc.Jean Craig FlynnKurt and Lori FoleyJane FongerMike and Cheryl FooteAudrey ForbushStanley FordKim ForystekNancy Lee FoxRobert and Ann FraileCharles and Lora FrankelPatricia FrantomDenise FrappierA. Marie FrazeeCatherine FrederickFriends of Coach Raffin Reunion CommitteeFriends of Crossroads Village CarouselJoanne and Bob FullerDennis FullerFalding B. GadolaCindy and Don GansenHector GarciaCyndi GarfieldDr. and Mrs. Scott A. GarnerEric GasperDebbie GasserRoger and Donna GedckeGretchen and Geoffrey GeiszGenesee Ceramic Tile Distributors Inc.Genesee Integrated Group Practice, P.C.Genesee Valley Rotary ClubGenesys Regional Medical CenterJanice GenselRoy and Carol GeorgeBill GeorgeDave and Diana GibbonsS. GibsonMarjorie Giertz-AlarieTerry and Teresa GilsonElizabeth A. GlanvilleSusan GoeringDoris GoetzDebra Golden-Steinman and Harold SteinmanPeter and Hanna GoodsteinGoodwill Industries of Mid-Michigan, Inc.Berenice Kirk GordonDavid Gordon and Suzy Wienckowski


Annette LauretoLaw Offices of Henry M. Hanflik, P.C.Clinton and Kassandra LawhorneDavid and Dolores LawsonJerry and Marilyn LaycockMary LazarRandy and Linda LeachDora K. LeadleyRonda LeBrasseurTed and Ann LeClairDon and Judy LeeTimothy LeeThomas and Lisa LemanDr. and Mrs. L.L. LeMieux, Jr.Anthony and Judith LeonardoLewis and Knopf, CPA’s, PCAndrew and Joelle LewisBillie LewisJeff LewisKen and Sharon LewisMrs. Nina M. LewisDennis and Bonnie LeyderSnow LiStan and Angie LibertyTom and Kay LillieMichael and Rita LindemannLinden Community Educational FoundationRoger and Helen LinnSteven and Martha LinnLittle Joe’sBernard LittleEvelyn L. LiversedgeKathryn Faner Lobban TrustKourtney LobsingerVicky and Ned LockwoodFredrick and Stella Loeb Charitable TrustDahna and John LoedingMr. and Mrs. Arthur LoganRick LorentzenJames LorenzJames LoriaJeffrey LoriaLaurie LoseyGlenn LoughridgeMary LoveBill LowandeLori LueckemanVictor LukasavitzDonald and Rosinda LukensJames and Linda LumEd and Ronniedee LummFrans and Vickie LuomaRichard and Carol LutgensMike LytleRenaldo and Darlene MacciomeiJohn and Carolyn MacKenzieBarbara and Bruce MackeyRobert MackeyMichael R. MaddenIrene and Philip Mahar

Gabriela MannorPhillip and Constance ManringJohn and Sandra MantiniLynn MarklandBetty and Don MarshRobert and Sharon MarshLucille MartelVi and Don MartinRobert and Mary Lou MartinCarol MasseMasterCard WorldwideRobert MatskoRonald MaygarOlivia MaynardLouise and Bernard McAraCraig and Heidi McAraMichael McAra and Zuzana KaplanovaAnne and Patrick McAvincheyJoyce McCainGeorgia T. McCallJeff and Mary Ann McChesneyJulie McCredieDavid and Cheri McGlonePatrick J. and Terese M. McGuireKelly McMahanGerry McMahonJames and Valerie McNiffCynthia and Kim McPheetersDon and Jean McPhersonJohn McWilliamsKay and Michael MeletKathleen and Richard MerrillJuan E. MestasDr. Robert and Beth MichelsMITCAD. Elaine MichutkaMidrose Realty L.L.C. - Doug BaconMark MikolajczakRachel MilkowskiRobert MilkowskiRoger and Carol MilkowskiAnnette MillerChristopher MillerDr. and Mrs. David L. MillerVivian MillerDavid and Donna MillhouseHelen G. MillhouseSharon MinerStephanie MinkLou MiramontiMary MironBrian MiserlianRichard and Carol MitsdarferWilliam and Kathryn MoellerKarilynn MolterLeon MondouAaron C. MondowneyJo Anne G. MondowneyCharles MontgomeryLaura MontleMichael and Patricia MontpasLawrence E. Moon Funeral HomeChristina MooneyPamela MoormanMark MoraSamuel MorelloJulia A. MorfordAlan and Sheila Morgan

Sheila and Alan MorganWilliam and Susan MorganMr. and Mrs. William L. Morgridge, Sr.Gregory and Debbie MoriartyMarlene J. MorrisJeffery and Ann MossGwenda MotleyCharles Stewart Mott Community CollegeCharles Stewart Mott FoundationMaryanne MottSusan MoultonGuy and Linda MoxamMary Mueller and Colleen McInerneyFred and Carol MuhlDr. Bobby and Nita MukkamalaSam MullerMichael J. MurphyRose B. MurphySandra MurphyThomas and Carol MurrayFelicia NaimarkFred and Betty Nardi, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Jack NashPatrick Naswell and Kerece DomereseAllison NatzkeKevin and Lisa NaughtonSharon NaughtonTom and Lynn NeelandsYvette S. NelemThe Honorable and Mrs. Allen J. NelsonTed and Jennie NelsonAndrew NesterDavid and Mary Ann NewbillCarol NewlandMary T. NewmanNichols Barber ShopDennis and Karen NicholsKristen NickersonJulia and John NielsenJohn and Judith NiemanDr. Linda NiermanKim NilesKathleen Nordquist and Robert MayerMarcia S. Noyle-LojeMary NurmiMr. and Mrs. Jan C. NylandMelissa O’BryanPatrick O’CallaghanScott and Lisa OdetteEleanor M. OdomCarol OhlmacherJohn and Diana OliverRichard OlliverPaul and Mihui OlsenCharles OlsonKay L. O’MaliaSylvia OperPatrick and Loretta O’ReillyJohn OrtegaDavid and Sue OsbornCathy Burkart OscarsonKen OsmunBernice M. OwensMary and James PackerRhonda PadillaJoseph and Diane PaglinoConnie PalmerHoward and Evelyn Palmer

Patrick and Janice PalmerAngelo PanoffCarole PappasElizabeth ParkerLouise ParkerPatric A. ParkerRoberta Dodge PattPaul and Connie PeabodyNorbert PearsonArlene R. PenaJeanne Pepper and Thomas HermanR. Clay and Laura PerkinsLloyd and Judy PetersenBecky and Dave PettengillThomas PettitBrian and Sheila PettyGwendolyn PhillipsHelen PhilpottTimothy PhippsNancy PickardStanley and Elizabeth PiechnikDavid and Randee PieperPiper Realty CompanyAmy PiperJudy PiperM. Harry and Wanda PiperRandolph PiperRobert PiperW. Archibald and Susan PiperWilliam PiperJudith A. Plamondon and Dennis W. RingleinDanyelle PleasantGeraldine PleasantStanley and Louise PodolskyGerald and Lorna PrescottFrances J. PriceProCleanTed and Joyce PullumJuliann PumphreyTim and Barb PurmanMichelle PyrettQuality Living Systems Management CorporationDale E. and Lorena M. QuasiusWilliam L. QuinnDr. Paul and Sandra RacineDr. Frank G. Radtke, D.D.S., P.C.Erika RaffinJeanne RaffinJuliana RaffinPaul and Nancy RaffinMr. and Mrs. Carl F. RaissJohn RandallPhilip and Leslie RandallMark and Sally RanvilleKathy RasmussenBethany RaylRonald R. and Nancy J. ReedBarbara ReehlKathy ReficeSally ReigleDan and Vicki RenickDorothy and Vern ReynoldsDarlene and Charles RichardsLibby RichardsJane RichardsonVicki Richert

Barbara RicheyKaren Ann RickettsLarry and Sue RidgeJane L. RiegleMr. and Mrs. John L. Riegle, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. RihaRiverside Animal Clinic, P.C.John RobinsMrs. Jana RobinsonRobert and Helen RobisonDonald and Diane RockwellAlan and Sally RohdeRonald RolakElmer RoseCarol RossMary Alice RossRotary Club of FlintRotary Club of Grand BlancKim RouvelinEllen RoweDee RubrightChris RundlesE.J. RundlesJanice RundlesJeff RundlesRunMichiganGhassan and Manal SaabGhassan and Manal Saab FoundationRamona SainSaline Area SchoolsMartha SalyersRobert and Donna SanbornAnthoy SantiDavid and Julie SantiDuane and Lori SantiJanice and Joseph SantiSally SantiRyann R. SatherJim and Betty SauleRichard and Katherine SaundersHarold and Mildred SauserAlex and Sharon SawyerLuke and Susan SaylorTimothy and Melissa ScarberryRichard ScharchburgBrandi SchmidtNorman and Linda SchmidtKathleen SchollarGrayce M. ScholtBrent and Anne SchomakerDr. and Mrs. Byron SchoolfieldWilliam SchottPaul and Phyllis SchroederHoward and Tammy SchultzMark and Kay SchwartzJames and Louanne SchweitzerGladys L. ScottStephen and Jill ScottJosephine SeamonCharna and Leo SeideScott and Donna SeleskySuzanne SeligRick and Denise SelleyRobert and Marcia SelleyJeffrey SerraLois SerraClarence and Arteka SevillianThomas and Kimberly Shade

Philip W. and T. Ardele ShaltzHoward and Rita ShandR. and Chandrika ShantaramSteven and Dawn ShapiroNancy SharaiRuth SharpeWayne and Julie SharrahRobert and Sonya ShaughnessyBetty M. ShawBob and Betty ShawJean ShawRichard and Shirley ShawJohn and Sue ShawAlma ShelleyDr. James O. ShelleyChristopher and Hillary ShemesCharles and Marjorie SheridanJan ShimodaBeverly ShomskyForrest and Delores ShookKaren ShookTom and Sharon ShpakowRobert and Rebecca SibilskyRobin SilardiJohn and Emily SilerThomas and Sharon SilvisJean SimiRoger and Patty SimmondsMichael SimmsMark and Kelly SinclairSteve and Donna SivoskyRichard and Susanne SiwekGeorge and Kathy SkaffDick and Kim SkaffWoodrow SkaffTerry and Norma SkoglundJohn and Rose SkolnikDonald and Cheryl SkornickaTimothy and Mary Joan SkutaLeonard SlyAdelaide SmithAnna SmithErnestine SmithGerald and Virginia SmithGregory SmithLynne SmithPhilip SmithVivian J. SmithSandra SmitheyJud and Pat SmytheJennifer SnyderScott and Jill SobolMike and Sue SobolJane SomersKim and Kathy SpalsburyJim and Patt SpanglerSpartan StoresFletcher SpearsKaren SpearsDouglas and Linda SpeckGordon SpencerSS. Charles and Helena ChurchThe Stack FamilyGerald and Kathleen StadlerHarold and Dorothy StahlyMarel L. StaisilBob StallcupRebecca Stanbaugh


Vicki SteeleKeith and Mary SteelmanTim and Kelly SteinDavid and Bethany SteinbergHarold SteinmanRobert and Christine Steinmann Family FoundationScott Stensaas and Juliet MinardSherri StephensJack and Gay StevensSally StevensRachelle StewartSamuel D. Stewart IVVlenatha StewartStone Chiropractic Center, P.C.Jeff and Sharon StonePaula StoneMr. and Mrs. Richard StoneTom StoneTimothy StoneMaxine G. StoreyNancy StraffonHelene StreichBonnie L. StreitSandra StrnadDr. Roger SullivanRandy and Carla SummersHarry E. SutphenHarvey A. SwanebeckLynne A. TaftMaureen TaliaferroLori A. TallmanConnie TamblingLindsay Rundles TatumBrenda Lee TaylorErnelle TaylorJay and Kay TaylorDick and Kathy TaylorSue TaylorDilip V. TendulkarScott TerryCraig T. Terryah, Jr.Michael and Jennifer TewsHemant and Usha ThawaniChristopher and Joyce TheodoroffJames and Marilyn TheoletAl Therron and Shirley JoryJoyce and F. William ThewaltJerry and Joann ThielenMr. and Mrs. Henry C. Thoma, Jr.Sandra ThomasDavid and Deborah ThompsonDr. Jack W. Thompson Charitable Lead Annuity TrustLinda ThompsonMark Q. ThorntonTerry TibbittsMark TimyanWilliam TipperBeverly Tippett

Susan TippettProvidence Sleep CenterKirk and Mary ToddBetsy and James TomblinsonRichard and Carole TompkinsPaul and Davin TorreMike and Mary TrahanMary Ann TremaineGregory TribbleJosie TribbleRonald and Gale TribbleJames and Marilyn TruesdellPaula J. TrussPamala TubbsJohn TuckerMilton E. TuckerYvonne TuckerPatricia TuerDr. Allen F. TurckeCelia M. TurnerJohn and Vickie TurnerMartin Tyckoski and Roslyn WeedmanWilliam and Stacey TyckoskiAndria and Chris TykockiGerald and Brenda TylerUniversity of Michigan-FlintAlexander and Ann Marie Van DuyneDr. and Mrs. F. W. VanDuynePaul and Nina Van GilderDeb Van KuikenSally Doe Van RoeyenDr. L. and Mrs. Van WinkleDoug and Linda VanceMichael and Nancy VanceBill and Abby VanderbiltPeter VandriesscheMargaret VanHooseRobert and Cynthia VanRenterghemMelissa VarnerKenneth and Diana VavraMurugusundaram VeeramaniKelli Jo VerranCarolyn VierkornMrs. Laura VieuKim and Ginger VirklerLinda VisnawMark and Jane VogelMargaret VolandPaul and Kathleen VolkLarry and Kay VolzSusan Brown VoreJames and Barbara VukovichWachovia Wells Fargo FoundationCatherine and Bryan WagonerRichard and Rosalind WakefieldWallace E. Howe TrustMichael WallaceShirley and Albert WallaceCorrine WalworthKevin WalworthJames and Carol WanerBarbara WardWilliam WardPatrick WardellRichard and Corinne WarmboldDaniel and Anna WarnerNancy WarnerStephen Warner and Mary Westerby

Harold Marks and Janet WarrenKatherine WaxweilerWeaver Family Dentistry PCDr. Howard E. WeaverSuzanne WebbMichael and Amy WeberDrew and Jean Ann WebsterCharles and Judith WeeksElizabeth J. WeigantDoug WeilandPaul and Jan WenstromGary and Marguerite WescottDennis and Donna WestJames and Ruth WheatScott WhippleNorma WhiteRidgway and Shannon WhiteThomas WhiteWilliam WhiteDennis WhiteheadJim and Jean WhitingerLynne and Gary WhitmireKimberly WhitmoreJunis WildfongSarah Willey-ReamerCurtis and Alisa WilliamsDonna WilliamsJim and Linda WilliamsKevin and D’Arcy WilliamsMarian WillsMarlene WilsonRoberta WilsonLarry and Kathryn WiltseJack and Joan WiltzKathleen WindJerry and Ronnee WinegardenGloria and Victor WiniarskiChristopher and Elizabeth WiseAndrew and Margaret WiseDale WolfgramKaren WoodsRonda WoodsJohn and Cyndi WoollamBarbara WorthingtonTimothy WorthingtonCharles and Diane WrightMarian E. WrightRonald WrightAmy WykesMatthew Wyneken and Kristina HansenDarla WynnJohn and Amy WynneMelissa WyrwickiRavi and Anitha YalamanchiPeggy J. YatesYeo & Yeo, P.C.Dean T. YeotisHonorable and Mrs. Thomas YeotisApril YorksDarryl R. YoungWendy YoungYpsilanti School AthleticsLisa YuhnDennis ZawolKelly ZelenakDonald and Barbara ZelenkaZeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

Competitive Grant EligibilityCFGF makes most discretionary grants to organizations which are classified as publicly supported charities in the Internal Revenue Service Code, Section 170(b)(1)(A) and includes schools and universities, churches, synagogues and mosques, and governmental entities. Under certain circumstances, grants may be made to private charities, supporting organizations and non-charities.

Organizations applying for competitive grants must give evidence of non-discrimination in hiring and providing services.

grantmakingGrantmaking Guidelineseach year the Community Foundation of Greater Flint (CFGF) awards grants for charitable purposes through a competitive grantmaking process. applications for discretionary grants must a) align with the strategic priorities of the CFGF board of Trustees, or b) align with the purpose of CFGF’s various Field of Interest Funds which focus on a specific interest. In 2010, CFGF’s strategic intent focused on encouraging systemic solutions to entrenched problems and building a stronger sense of community.


2010 grant History by fund

2010 grantmaking by interest area

Learn MoreContact the Community Foundation with questions or to review the grant application process, policies and pro-cedures. You may also visit the Grants section at

Supporting Organizations$758,449(5Grants)



Field of Interest$593,485(89Grants)

Designated to Nonprofit Organizations$1,731,049(119Grants)

Donor Advised$490,983(81Grants)


Arts & Culture$2,235,956


Health and Human Services


Community Development




financialsCombined STATemenT oF ACTiViTieS And CHAnGeS in neT ASSeTSYear ended December 31, 2010 ReVenUeS, GAinS and oTHeR SUPPoRT Gifts,pledgesandgrants $5,052,351 Investmentincome 2,677,654Netrealizedandunrealizedgain/(loss) 9,216,800 Other (11,791)

Totalrevenues,gainsandothersupport 16,935,014

eXPenSeS Grantsanddirectfundexpenses 4,187,096Programsandgrantsadministration 459,893Investmentconsultingfees 126,294 Supportingservices 998,133

Totalexpenses 5,771,416

increase in net assets 11,163,598

net assets at beginning of year 124,405,898Fundsheldonbehalf of nonprofitendowmentsreclassified 58,609

neT ASSeTS AT end oF yeAR $ 135,628,105 Combined STATemenT oFFinAnCiAL PoSiTion December 31, 2010 ASSeTS Cashandcashequivalents $1,409,007Pledgesandotherreceivables 171,028Prepaidexpenses 79,745Propertyandequipment,net 465,383Investments 136,348,793

Total Assets $ 138,473,956

LiAbiLiTieS Grantspayable $ 333,234Accountspayableandaccruedexpenses 194,293 Liabilitytolifebeneficiariesof plannedgifts 162,545 Fundsheldonbehalf of nonprofitendowments2,155,779

Total Liabilities 2,845,851 neT ASSeTSUnrestricted Undesignated 3,042,453 Board-designated 10,202,100 Aggregatedeficiency (189,134)Temporarilyrestricted 42,968,112Permanentlyrestricted 79,604,574 Total net assets 135,628,105

ToTAL LiAbiLiTieS And neT ASSeTS $ 138,473,956

Mission PossibleWe had a little fun with this year’s photo shoot. Can you find the people who are making the Community Foundation’s mission possible?




1. Brian Bates, ProgramAssistant;Kelli glomski, Accountant;doug B. Vance,CommunityVolun-teer&RetiredEducator

2.shannon White,BoardSecretary,ArchitectandOwner,Funchitecture,LLC;sherry laFave, Managerof FundandGiftAdministration;ira a. rutherford,Consultant/Educator

3.stephen arellano,ArellanoandAssociates,LLC;timothy H. Knecht,BoardViceChair,Attor-ney,Cline,Cline&Griffin;lynn larkin,SeniorProgramOfficer

4. Janice l. gensel,Consultant,MaryKayCosmetics;Kathi Horton,President

5.nancy J. Hanflik,BusinessManager,LawOfficesof HenryHanflik,PC;Bobby B. mukkamala, Physician;mary ittigson, VicePresident,FinanceandAdministration

6. t. ardele shaltz,CommunityVolunteer;lawrence e. moon, PastChairof Board,President,LawrenceE.MoonFuneralHome;susan l. tippett,CommunityVolunteer&Consultant;

7. lori a. tallman, Attorney,LoriA.Tallman,P.L.C.;daniel J. Coffield,BoardTreasurer,Execu-tiveVicePresidentandCFO–Retired,HurleyMedicalCenter;mary Jo Herbig, Directorof Communications;sherri e. stephens,BoardChair,President/FinancialAdvisor,StephensWealthManagementGroup

8.sandra murphy,Direc-torof DonorServices;samuel J. Cox,Owner,McDonald’sRestaurants;ann marie Van duyne,VicePresident,Philan-thropicServices

not picturedan-me ChungProgramOfficerC.S.MottFoundation

F. James CumminsPresidentBakerCollegeSystems

troy s. FarahPartnerWestSecondStreetAssociates

Jennifer FarringtonProgramOfficer

Wanda HardenPublicRelationsCoordinatorFlintPublicLibrary

stanley r. libertyPresidentKetteringUniversity

david lossingDirectorof GovernmentRelations,Universityof Michigan–FlintMayor,Cityof Linden

Karen Williams WeaverCommunityVolunteer



When parents, children and teachers can play together, they can learn together. Early intervention programs like the SKIP to a Great Start Parent-Child Playgroups can foster academic success. SKIP is a program of the Genesee Intermediate School District (GISD). The Community Foundation was an early supporter of the initiative, awarding a $20,000 grant to buy books for SKIP play-groups located in 21 local school districts. “Playgroups give parents and children the opportunity to learn together while playing, interacting and having fun,” said Gloria Bourdon, Director of Health, Safety and Nutrition at GISD. “Thou-sands of children have been impacted by the SKIP program since its inception in 2003, and we’re starting to realize some excellent results.” Health and nutrition is stressed during playgroup activity, as well as during home visits. Children need to be health to be ready to learn in kindergarten, Bourdon said. For this to happen, children need healthy role models through their parents. Thousands of children have been touched by the SKIP program. Bourdon noted that an analysis shows that student performance on the MEAP tests in reading, English and match is directly correlated to the number of contact hours experienced in home visits and playgroups. “As the number of program contacts with parents and children increased through home visits and playgroups, so did the MEAP scores of children,” Bourdon said. Successful Kids = Involved Parents (SKIP) has built a successful network of support for pre-school children through a continuous stream of services that support children and their parents.

Mission: To promoTe a healT



500 S. Saginaw Street, Suite 200Flint, MI 48502

cFGF Mission The CommuniTy FoundaTion oF GreaTer FlinT serves The Common Good in Genesee CounTy – buildinG a sTronG CommuniTy by enGaGinG people in philanThropy and developinG The CommuniTy’s permanenT endowmenT – now and For GeneraTions To Come.

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