Page 1: · 2011-05-16 · REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENTS 122 Coving 171 Exterior rendering 1n Roars 176 Suspended 176 Solid 177 Fittings




Page 2: · 2011-05-16 · REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENTS 122 Coving 171 Exterior rendering 1n Roars 176 Suspended 176 Solid 177 Fittings

en I­Z , , , I­Z c::) (..)





Access 40 Pr'p.rltion Ind priming 43

PrimerS/sealers 43

Masonry 44

Plaster 50 W,Ucoverings " Woodwork 53 Metalwork 60 Tiling 62

Applying finishes 63

Paints 63

Exterior masonry .. Walls and ceilings 67

Oecorative effects 70

Textured coatings 75

Woodwork. J6

Panelling 89

WaUcoverings 92

Tiles 101

Wall tiling 104

Floor tiling 109

Wood flooring "' Carpets 116

Sheet vinyl 119

Page 3: · 2011-05-16 · REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENTS 122 Coving 171 Exterior rendering 1n Roars 176 Suspended 176 Solid 177 Fittings



Coving 171 Exterior rendering 1n Roars 176 Suspended 176 Solid 177 Fittings 178 Boarded 179 Flooring 180 Maintenance 181 LaVing floorboards 182 LaVing concrete floors 186 Doors 188 TvpeS/construction 186 Fitting and hanging 190 Repairs 192 Door furniture 193 Frames 194 Dividing doors 196 Sliding and folding doors 197 Fire-resistant doors 198


Types/construction 218 Maintenance 221 Balusters and balustrades 224 Roots 2Z1 Types and construction 227 Maintenance 232 Sheet roofing 233 Flat roofs 234 Rash,"!!s 238 Guttering 240


Basics Precautions Securing doors Securing windows Burglar alarms Fire protection

244 245 248 248 249 250

en I­:2 , , , I­:2

"1.~,.~~~.~t~,.~.~~ ____________ ~2~~ ~ Insect infestation 252 .......,.


" ~


Damp-proof courses Cellars


262 264


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Ope" tires Fireplaces Closed fires and stoves


3!16 3!16 <01


Page 5: · 2011-05-16 · REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENTS 122 Coving 171 Exterior rendering 1n Roars 176 Suspended 176 Solid 177 Fittings


Page 6: · 2011-05-16 · REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENTS 122 Coving 171 Exterior rendering 1n Roars 176 Suspended 176 Solid 177 Fittings

I """""" INDEX. ktt .... 179. 189. 192. m WJUb" 445, 446 ~.iIi"" Mtt.nn, beH JV$tems 328 $H .1$0 PI,ra eond,nllrion 147, 261 INDEX Ntt.,; .... will, 450, '51 Ni~1e joilltl492 ", ... I'l>On 214 . wasiM ",lMfI 485, U7 My wi .... OWI 214 NusII se.1s 268, 263 )OIfItI WIth w.11l 111

• ....-23'5.238 .... ~i"' 208 ...... Iio;Jhtfrmngl 149, 3JJ acDllltic riIM 62 ..... 126, 131, 133 ehomney·IWtI'PlIIQ 396 ~l46-!iO acrrIic !Mints 69, 71, n IN .Iso Wntt!s; RSJs p.1Ilt , •• pllntbruskel moulded!59 A-C HeraHs. useful 17, 20, 21 .... r_ 15,lJ.~ PI$IIng 95, 500 pemtJne 61·9 ........ Bet ........ i ..... ""1ns4'. IDr p"lplrlllO ".,"twork ~1 ptntli!!g 90

double,lId,d ",pt! Iti>t III 1Ionc. JII- 4B2 ..... i .. fnM. ".aliall as PlptMg 1111 plntlrbo,rd 166 1IHc_ 481, 490 lluilllen 20 pI.sttr!»lrd 158. 170 ''''''''''' ~ ....... , ... PI!MS 36S. 369 hildi ....... I~_ n, I', 19 repalfl/lllSl, 158, 159 rep ... adhlSIVIS 95

..... , .. """"" 36S. 506 b.llneOH!·fIu, vents 401 ... Md 147, 148, 149 120 BESAIMI ... nt bIOlustrlcMS a hind". 22'1), 224 $OUndPf~ 212 tile 105.'.110.111.112, S12

~Ma J85 CO/IH'Vllones 415. (1& wspend«l141, 149, 150. 212 ryp..3. uAs512·13 ....... 'IJI\d"""ll1n 6Mding rooms utl(I twO 137 Itlttured coabnjj.15

"",Dboard.!! ~1MIint. cooer"'. 49 6001'. I!. doorwIVll28, UIS 1H162. 101512 Mri,1 Utile .. 329 IlitwMn·basN ,I;M 81, 88 DPCs445 c.II .... dim, 2601 ..,,..11" 65. 113. 452. 453. 459 ~~n _lliOll 466 dr"n'lI' 348 c.II,I.r-c .... ,llbo¥II l2S. 142-3

.ir..flow ClpKity 286 ~n f\ntIilp 238 floors lE, 27ti, 416 c.II,'- fillers Sl

.ir HpIII'tors 413 ~n·IM" __ mOll 264 timlls 126 c .... 452. 4Sl

.irttricks 284 ~Ieclt IMd 81. 88 lImo",ng Wills 130. 131 lMnde, for r.nd""'II172 .irio<:ks 351. 41 O. 413 ~I.nlttt illlllllli0ll271. 272. 273 ,000s 233. 285 cernlm m .. lrsl14 ,Ic_ 140 ~1 .. cllH" .IMChi"lll 44, 52. S4 unventld hot·w.tlr cylind", 393 fit»"Clmlnl Z32, 233. 240. W .... lIIiniwn ~IH4 f.N" 407, .13 vlntil,DOn 137. 213. 285 palnu 51. 64. 65. 67. 59

COrrOSlOn 61 blHdi", 413. 416 buildi"ll loolJ 494-6 Pon1lnd In gunerir>g 240. 241 blincb: 211. 415 Iwrv'" .1 ..... 245. 249 rtollng 173 tap.2J9 bloc"g". clea ring 358-liO.!i112 burgl.ry 244·5 C_·blH~ w.l.rproot CD.lill!ls Wlndowirlmll201 blocltbDlrllS4.145.511 bun hin." 191 '" '''lI'e-iron posts 426. 428 blown·lib ... inlulllion 211 butt joints 491 cemrll·hMti", l"'lms 40(.\1

ui .. I .... 254 bh,wtorc,," 58. 60 "'"~ '" ,If .. ~.r.tOfI41l In .... li'" pi,.. 365

bot,,'~_413 boiIl.s4O&-1. 410, 412 .ntltfDflOlMtriCl 13 boi',,_rgy .. 1\8 ..... 409 c.~int 404 IfOIi .. iphon "wie. 3S9 boillQ 40&-1. 410. 412 clrcul.Mg pumpl 416 -'" boha241 c •• ," clllnlflll411 IfIrOII fllsltl", 238 boMitIe "Ints ISS ISSISIUIII cornlibon 312 control Vltvll411 lId!·t ...... l34 boMi", cl .... lOO cOIIxial32!l conbob 409 .. dlna Ifcbw,,, 97. 134 boM"$I_450 cOOYl~ r,dlll Cl/CUllS 319 eoovlcto .. 408 ardtitltCtl 17

1IoftII1J'" 358 outdoor UH 344 eorrosion412 --,.. !Iow WiMows 214 ""fining 141, 14:], 164, 309-11, 344 dllc.~41'.412 ........ i .. 429 1Ir1l'" 411, 495 spurs :.11,317. 339 drllfllll!l & 'lfiling 411 attificilll nMiIltiH 291 "11'. ,ipes 358, 3118 anpprng JOII, 508 d .... Illic ..-213. 285 ..... 61.361 tMp/Ionn330 I.uhfil'lder 41' .1IieS 5n lofts IIricb a 44. 434-6. ... ... he'brIg IIqUlferntnts & boiIIr ....... 3!i!I, 471. 496, 502.. sot 439-41,463-4 W1llfl"00I connlctors 343 ClpaCIly 406

bIock"'ll doorways 129 c,,-.vb 414 onl·PlpI'IY.I bond"'ll440. 445, 446 CI,iI"ry joitots J62 open·"'nt..:l405 bllck I\ou$t conslrucbOn 122 c'",illl ",,1(412

HeklNi ..... 407 IIfltk bits 102, lOll chtml\lYl 399 ... 1Id 350, 405 IMg ,r.ini", 12 brickt.YI,,·!lfmS 439 lene" & 'tnceports 42'6, 429 ""IU·borl !WO·Plpl464. 405 ..... 11'".,,'" ......... " _ 401 clldding 123 CarliMI pllsten; 153. ISS und.rtIoof 464. Q balesttl1 a INI_ .... 220, 22406 de.lllng 014·5. 400 Cl".. tiles 102. 11)9. 111 WI.m·llf404 ..... m.f brushes 66. 498 colour 436 c.<pets 11S-1~ wIIII hUllnll J92 ..... jo units 378 cOp'r>g258. 440, 443. 444, 44~ c.rlridg. fuHs lOl.305. J06 wet 404. 405-11 ........... ~1 62 culling 0142, 454 CIK •• " 472. 413 , ... IU) ra.dlllors ..... ·CIMI p".111 153 Culling oplnlnlls in Wills 126-6 ClS_", lockl 248. 249 elntrepiec ... ctilinll 159 bMIIIIlnts. damp 264 u llm.llng quanlltles 4J5 cn_", willdows c ....... ic ·~i.c elmi.;" 352. 314 bMH ut,rnll,wIII constructIOn 124 conslf\lcoon 200 c .... '";c·4;" tIIps 374

COnSII'IIIIOf".476 fiftpllclsurrounds398,4OO draught·proofing 270 e"'lfIIic tiles sheds 3. OIJtllutldlng. 456·7 gl.den WIUS 434-6. 439'47. 451 lockIng 248 .dhSIVu512·\3

Itninl 141. 358. 31J.6 Ime,secbnQ w.lls 445 p,ainting 80. 88 11,,"10.57 ..... - I'ymg 442-5. 463-4 ftPllfs3.mllnten,nce208·HI clllnillg firepl.c. surrounds 400 .. HSSlfIll pot.mi.115 linitis 126 repl'Clng 213 cOVlng.l05 h'llIrs121 mOf'llf 45. 439. 442. 444 Clsi .... ~0Gr1 189. lM "00'1112 light swrtehll 337 !I"nted, .t"Pplnll 48 CIIt flH linlQ 402 prep.n"ll lor deeOflbnll 62 pllnmng d.cor 35 !l1",ng-sl-4 UluJlti,.. C ........... 239 typll 101 pllnnlflQlighllng J8 plfIItr'"ng d.m, 258 ce'*' filti..., 141, 511 w.11s IOW saletv296 poorIIIfI!I45. lOll, 258, 444 UlWity ties 124 _ ,1$0 mOlloe ~les; qUiff'!' 6les Wlfing R'gulllllOf'll 296. 121, 311 pond eOQ'"1IS 412 cPity InfI 235. 284 '-"" - prl",nng to decorall44-3 clri!J· ..... 1l1ooo.. 315 cllei ... Ji,*1McH 424, 421, 421 b.1h In.met. flP'1f1fIQ 3n pr.",1lIl'iI to II'-sterlS4 CI'tity .,11s 434, 449 cheDtictl Df"Cs 2S3 b.1h ",,,,,, 87. 377 qull"", 435 bndged 259. 260, 261 CheMicl' .mppen 48. 59. 60, 61 ba!l\lshow.r mIX'" 380 rll"fllng w.lIs C]4, 451 Construction In, 124 cll .... 328 Inst.l .. tIOII 3n·, H.hnglirlplIC. Oplfllll!ll 399 DPCs 124. 257 cll'-ep p.f>l11inQ379 HW'corbel~ I~ .. sul.bOn 114, 215 ClI)PItIlI399 111.1.111105 .tonl'lQ bnCQ 435 pa .. pIU 235 cheflllc,' cle.1Ur\Q 3!Ii lipS 371 stl'l'!chlf·bonded Wills 443·5 YIflIJI.llon 284 clumney finis 2SO I[ fVpIs 3n tllllure 43Ii WIndow .. stall'bonS202 CoMl402 521 ... '" ....... clililll ligllb 333, 334. 339 dr.ughtproofing110

iNaHlIol ..... 333 Wlfllll.s 435 Clili", fOIH 59. 100. 159.313,333 n._",

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","X Hu. ~ners ~-3 r'I,,"111I!I wills 451 nOOfWays 128 hllchways 127

INDEX • roof .CCISS ~ IIlU 437 gins 204-5'"ll19O s1t1~48 ._m mml pipes 363, !i02-3 hlngn 190-1, 192 IWHP'"ll396,1I01 types, warJetru a qUllroes 431, q openongs on w.1b 12&-8 m.kJrIII doorways on p.lrtIbOn Will

ch.pbotnl S11 COllCfIM ... _ '53, '55 plfquetlloonng 11., 115 138,143 d.ckJng Z34 cOllHaa1iM 111,231,261).1,211,213, plnl'loo'ld 162 pellltln!l18.19

CoD noo...g 119, 180, 183 "" roof IIles 232 p.ln.1Iing .round 90 prlplling to d .. cOfatt SI conditioni"" m.n-m.d, boardl51 shtel-vrnvt IIoorCOIIlllng 120 p.permg Broolld 97 shelvrng 145 connKtiOR lNIits 320, 321 stillS 212 plnterbolrding afound 161

chisels 481-5, 496. 503 conneclonr 1011 plpel311 rtp.iring 192. 1!1S circuit ~reah ... 29'S fln300 Illes lOO, 108, 110, 112, 113. 232, 501 room-dividing 196-1

snl/soMeB. gunmetal361 w,lIco_erings !IS IICUllty fittings 2'5. 248-1, 219 ci'tullling pumps 116 p,pes 362, 366,36g cutting-in brush" 80 .• 98 shortlnlng 51 Clst .... s sell slip couplings. 11 cutting in &6 sills 1!1S

clSllrns; we cisterns wlterproof clbI. 343 cvtting lists 148 1Il11 188 dlcid'1II 12J. 133.281 COnHfVlIOries 4~6 cya_cryla" .dhtsiYes 513 soondproofing 282 c1a,-~lock panil:ioR wlllIl25 COIIStrIIctiouIIM.rthllOO cyl • ..or fI."," 381 "'''''~ cI .. "i", nt by rtem 10 be cleaned ~ _ units :m.:I)I, 312. 319,321, c-,1.lHitr ri.locks 246, 211 sbCUng 192

mlloory '" c'I ........ se. hcM-wlltr c'j'Iindtrs tvPtI a constructron 188-9 cli .... b.1II ,lints '23 Cotntinlity IHI_ 306. ~ wttthelprooling 191 cl_-coupl, rRts 221 ctntrol joirots 411, 1C8, ISI, I!IS wttthemnPPlrlll .cIgts 269 close .Ol/ltft ctm",lig/ltt 333.331 ctntrol ""its S ... /so by type eg PIne! 600<, ClostllotnlNroc ... 25 .• 29 bUIIII.fllalllls 2.9 ..... 19, m, 251-60, 262. 216 doubl •• rltSli .. 166 clOstd-string ... irs 223 323 .... -prooI course. JtI DPel doubla glll'ng 2mI, 266, 2n-lO. 212. cOIxial e.bla 329 control .. I ..... l1 .'fIIp-p,oof .. mbran" SN DPMI '" cobbl .. 1li5 COflWKIonr 108 dllmwllch H.Il .. 252 doub!,-I.p fIe ... ing 2J8 cocklGlchts 2!i3 cook.r hoods 289. 322 dICki .. , "11 roofs 231 doubl. -I.p loof cov,rings 230 cockspur h.ndl.1 218 293. 313-' d.corlli .. 110-120 doubl. rools 221 coiled 11 .. 298 cop'''!! 2!i8, 41[1, 113, Ill, 419 applyong finoshe. 63-88 dowel ;oints (92-3 cold-cu .. l.cqu., 16. 71.11, 86 ' ..... asslsslng coodition 13 cIowlilitlll'B 333,331 cold-cur. , .... c I!i6 mllnlln,~cI61 decorlllVe PIII1I. tflecll 11).1 downpipu &6, 88. m. 2.5. 258 cold-l ... "Ifts 349 Pipes 3'51, 361. 361, 365 muns of ICCesS 11).2 DI'Cs 122. 434, 4ICl c.l .... wller stor ... cm .... 272. 318. soIdl!ring 36J!i plWnl,,!! 110. 43-62. 71) (I~rty w.1I$ 12(

349, 3!iO, lSW. 3'91 Coft tiIH 62. 103. 101. 107. 109. 111 ICMmeI21-36 COflsefV.lDnes 116 COI.-WIlIl.,...... dr.lfI11\4 350 ,-" IItng 1(11-13 f.ulty251,25S c.llet-1ypI """ jo.nts J&9 bllck tIl" 108 looIs .91-501 "-I roots 235 colour 21-~, 30 bOCkwalls4-43 wdcOlleltngs 92-1111 IfIl1.1ffing 262-3

bIIcks IJ6 dry-plrtrlJon walls 142 SN "10 by nem being dICOf.lld. mterslcflng wlh 145 c.rpets 116 pelnflng 66 by lechnlques used. IIC .g types 257. 262-3 p.ving .Iabs 46Q plnelling 90, 91 paints I!i paintrng DPMs 122. m. 186. 251, 259. 261

calOllrld p .. ser ...... 16. 11. 18, 83, 256 ~apermg 96. 91 dehumidifi ... 290 d"in rods 360, 502 CDfllmonl 435 plasllr I!i plnlerwofk 151 dtsuling 381. '11. 412 d"iMg' Iystellll cDfllplIlSian joints 362, 361. 361. 368. plaslerboarD 161. 169 d";gn $". by ~em bemg dtlign.d eg blockag •• 358-60. 5(l2

369 .. pl;/ing51,81 gardens BUilding Regulations 31/1 cOIIIprltSliOfl unitl 318 p.rtrllon wans 110 dll.clonr ceupools I!i sepuc I.nks 360 cOlllp .... r-1:_ollH ,"-rs381 co .. iu _Idi"" 160, 111 bUflllaf II.fmS 2.9 mlintcr~nu3S1

clMM:.rti",loft Ia.~ 151 o:arrosion 60-1, 361, 112 Itcunty lights 312 rodding dram J60 clMM:rIll452-9 'ltllsoruSl smoh a gas 250 roofs 240-2

tI •• rung .9 CIlf'l1lg.ttH;"" 61 .i.t_1 til"" 109 "-tr uruts 319 coocrete-sl.b A.psl61 ctrnp!H-shMI: roofing 233. 2J8 ."I_.n292 types 31/1, 3!il, 3n coolIIVato<y b.t .. s 416 -' ... ."phr ... "Ifts 3!i§. 3!i6 .. illCocks III drrvew.ys 452-4, 158-9 fiRllh .. &I, 69. 18. 81 .",i .. tools'96 ....,. ..... c .... ""II 359 fence posts 426. 128, 129,..:lO. (31 pInt ... ", 155 .igil.I __ 292 ••• .., ponds 411 fences .25 I!i snll's 43 ...... lftIllWitclIn 335, l36 dr ... hqtroofi", 266. 268-70. 396 fIoo.s SII solid noors CItV''''' 105. 111 dilli .. ,-15. 34, 38 drilli", IQlmwun; 456, 458 cDWIs~ .i,KI-actian WC cmems 351 IIII$S 2115 ingredients (52 Clicks d; cald-wl .. r l ysltrnS 31/1-9 masonry 4!1S Ilying 181, 456-9 concrele Hoors 186 djr.cHired gn WIIII hlllln 391 d,illl 487-8. 195, !iIlI. ~ lintllls 126.131,202 fireblcks 396 .i,act waler hl!lIing 392 d,ip g.oo .... 259, 260 mll"ng 153 .• 56 gulters I!i downpipes 212 dis.hwuhotn m.:m. 388-9 drips 236 pads'SI-l,416 masonry46.I1. '9.123 ._....,.r SI dn-.", PllntS &I, 65 strucWfll .23 .iwi •• ", wIIII coocrtte 452-4, .58-9 paths '52-5 .• 58-9 tiled fir.pllce surroonds )98 mdOOfs u.ptrbbon w,ns gates a gll.posts (l2, 433 plving .~, Wl-2. 1163. 461 tl...,. 489-90 outdOOfS 434, 448 gfl-..llli!i pond edgmgs an tlazi~ plnllf 156

d __ iewen; 246 IIbng .22

pr.parong I!i r,pllling 19, 186 CII" ,.ri"l 462 doIttItlls 328 stOOl clupPI"Os (66

prep.lril'lg lor pI.SI'flng 1S1 c ...... n496 Hors 188-99 tlrm.c466 quantlllls .55, '56 CrDfllIlNl-pIIImI"lwa 3M IIIockJng doorwlYS 129 ..... n6en55-6 453 cupllotm 1.1. 335 C.llngS 189. 194 dr'f-lill'", 152. 163-9. 215 recommendtd Itllcknnses ISI Curtll'lIS 216, lOll clfllllnc.19O-1 dr'f lit 255-6 running cable 310. 311 cu",.d steps 468 cUItlngdoorways 128 dry .. ; ..... tHrtar 113 spalling (9. 468 c~fVn. lili"!l "found lD1 damp 259 dr'f-p.nilion w.11s 125. 1'2-3 slep' 461,168 cutout 302 door furnilure 193 dry-Aon. Wills 150 sub-soils 210 cutt.n503. ~ doorframes 128, 189. 194-5. 259 dryi"lll'onu surfacI finishes '5~ cunill9 doorposls 1 !IS finishes &I, 69. 18, 87

cDnc~e blocks bllcks 412.161 dflught;1roofing 266. 2611-9, 210 prlm .. s a Sellers 43 decontrn screens 434. 431, 449 Ctrpets 118 /ittrng a hanging 190-1 .IIIIIC..- 248

522 ISllmallng q~.nlr1re' 437 concrete tlIocklll8 lirung fIoonng onto o.x..w.ys 115. ..... .xtem.lw.1Is 12' coocr.11 sll~ 481 111,120 morur 45, III mltrntl wd, 125. 128, 135,1C8 doors 190 g ... g. 1911-9 wood u. wood ..,.s

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.. rth-I .. kl,e c;.cuit b<e.k. f see RCDs

earthing 29(, 296, 303, 312 plumblnH 341!

"I'll 228, 231, 236 eaves-gutter systems 24!1 ventilabng 261. 285

Economy 7 m, 325, 326, (18 , fflor,ce,ne, 4(, 50 'ggsh,lIlMinlS 63 flCBs see RCDs ,I,ctric shock, !i.s! eid 297 ,I'etricellppli,nell 293, 320-31

see e/.sobyt'/pe eg cookers , Iectriu l circuits

buics 29(

bell systems 328 checking 306 cookers 323-(, 346 garden-pond lights & pumps 343 ImmerSIOn heaters 32S lighbng 301,331-2,331-9, 340-3, 346 mB.l;mum lenQths 346 outbuildings 3(5 pow.r 314-18,:MS radiel307, 319, 323, 326 ring 301, 311, 318, 319 spurs 307, 311, 339 storage heaters 326 telephones 330 t'/pes 301 sell .150 p.ns 01 circuits eg cables, IUses

eleetrical fittings painting around &.l, 15 panelling around 91 pap,flng ,"ound 91, 100 plu\erboardmg amund 167 tiling around 106 see "SO by type eg sockets

eleetrieal insulation 29(, 313 'Ieetricily m-3(6

assessing condition 12 nsessing installation 312-13 basICS 29(

circutts see electrIcal cirCUIts colour-coding of wires 29( conductors 29(

connection un.1S 320, 321 eantllng 29(, 296, 303, 312 economics m-3, 325 tlex 298-300 main switch equipment 302 menu ring 295 m!!lers m, 302 off-peak 292, 325, 326, (18 outdoor installalions 340-5 plugs 301 regulations Set Wirrng Regulatrons nfety 295-1, 300, 302, 311, 340 supp-lying outbuildings 344-5 terminals 299 tools SOS see ,/.so consumer UMS; lighting

Electricily Company 302, 303, 325, 326,321 installation testing 295, 312, 324

eleclro-che",iul actiOll 361, (12 elaclro-osmosis, opes 262 Ilectrolytic letion 361, 412 electronic ""ins-voltlgl _111295,

"" emulsion bitumen 466 bnumen -Iale~ 264 pOints 61, 59

efllll-,"~ joilltl 363

tlliin"ring lIriek. 435 Englisb bond 441), 445 entrance gat .. & gateposts 432, 433 tpo.y putty 351 If.diclting insect pHIS 252-3 Hti",at .. 20 'Slimlting qUlntiti ..

bllcH 435 concrete 455 concrete blocks 431 flexible pond lin.,469 floorcoverings 119 glus 204 heating requirement5 & boiler ca~crty (OIi

mOfllr439 roof vents 28fl stone 438 storage hllafs (18 timber for lloor joIsts 116 waUcovellngs So(

se •• lsoco.erage etched gillS 203 upanding-fOlmlitlel1l210 .""ndltlS

flex300 pllnt63

cld .... ion I ..... 300 '''''mal walls

i"suleMn 214, 275, 216 palntmg 6(-5 prep'fln~ to decorate 4(-9 rendenng 172-5 types 122, 123, 124

"wactor f.ns 281-8, 322 . "'rlctor hDCHh ::89

Ilbric Wl lfc""lri",I93, 99 flcings 435 lall,

concrete peds (501 flat roofs 23(

f.n-tssisted stollge hettel1l 326< 321 fanlight windows 249 fins, erctrectOl' 287-8, 322 fllli'II2!iIl leather1lo.nIs 429 flit roofing 23(-5, 236, 238 flnclI & flncl posts 256, (2(-31

s~e ,Iso by type eg chain-hnk fences, concrete fence posts

fibrtl-ctmlnt 232, 233, 24!1, 241 fibreboard 501, S11 field tiles 101 filII 506-1 filler bOlfd. 1501 fillel1l

expanding-loam f,lIers 210 finishing plasterboard 168-9 plaster 153, 155 repaIring corners 51 wood 53

fing .. plllH 193 finis.h pl"tel1l 163, 155< 169 finis.hes 63-88

cone rite 459 paving slabs 460 see also byt'/pe et Pllnt

lirtl blln.ats & exlingu;llIIrs 250 lirtesclp" 2!iIl, 218 fire " ..... mian 2!iIl lir.-resi$tam dool1l 198 rir .. & firlplac .. 396-400 draugh~roofing 270 fi.eblcks 396, 397 glS 396, 399 heanhs 398, 400, 4<11, 403 log-burning gllleS 399

open fires 396 papeflng around 91 plastering over 157 "mOVIng 398-9 selling openmgs 261, 399 surrounds 398, 400 ventilating 261, 283 see "SO chImneys

lirst aid, electric shock 297 li.ings 51(-17 fllky plintwilrit 46, 58 flip val"s 3S4 nas.hing tape 23!1 1IIIIIilllll 238-9,258 fill ,oofs

abutments & perepets 235_ 238, 24<1 construction 23(, 235 coverings 23(-5, 236 drainage systems 24!1-2 flashlngs 238-9 ;"sul.tion 211, 274 replifS & maintenance 236-1 splits & blisters 237 ventilation 28!i

lIetsI 3,36 Fllmish bond 441), 445 11 .. 298-300 ft .. cDnn..,. .... :IOCI 11 .. utlndll1 300 fllJlibll coni sell nu lIexiblo IIlHIIlinltlS 402 ft .. ibl. pond lilllrs 469, (11 Ilill253 lloat Inns 3501, 356 float glass 203 11011.11_3(9,350,3501,355-6,391 flOlling flCIOfS 119 lloating parquetllooring 115 floats 354, 35fi, (So(

lIock Wlllco'llring' 93, 99 Iloor ... it traps 370 floor paints 6« 65 IIl1Orbolr1l crimp' 182 floor1laard. 55, 135, 179, 180-2, 310 floori", 180,163 110011116-67

adhesives for ftoorcoveflngs 512-13 aligning 136 basement. & cellars 21>4 buics 122, 123 boards see !Ioorboards Building Reguletions 216, (76 tlrpets 1l6-19 closing ffoor gaps 135 concrete set/solid floors damp-proofing 21>4 draughtproofing 210 floati"ll119,282 formation 122 ground 116, 111 insulaMn 187, 266, 216 joISts 137, 116, 171, 184 le.elhng 57 metal fittings 118 paIntIng 65 perquet 11(-15 repairing & making good 55, 399 runni"ll cabl' 184,310,311 sanding 55-6 sheet-vinyl HoorcoYftring 119-20 soundproofing 282 sta inIng 83 suspended 122, 123, 176-1 testing for damp (9 tiles 51, 62, 109-13 underffoor vemilatlon 284 upper 116, 171 varnishing 84 sell "SO Hoorboards; fIoOflng

flow rat" showers 319

1I",linll1402-3 flul outlets 403 fluoreseem light rmillQ1 1(9, 333, 33!i flush ~D\l1179, 188 fllllh joims45, 4(.4

flwc363,504 loa .. strips 269 IOlmod -polyethylelle wlllc a'llri Ill' 93,~

foldillll doors 196-1 folding loft IIddl11 151 footings 4((1, 4(1, 451 foalliftll1l 163 formworit (56, (58 foundations 122, 123, (23 fountains 472 "'nIIl

doors 128, 189, 1!M-5,259 windllW$ 201, 208-10, 213, 259, 260

"'millll InchllfS 116 f<ench polishillll l1, 18, 85 frtlncb windoWl 80, 2(5, 249 ffidg .. 293, 322 m...en pi,.. 351, 504 lungllaltlck 255-6 "'lIIIicid .. 44, 95 ivmitpre belllll 252 funing batlc ... 165 lust IIoIrds 303, 312 ills. Clffill1 305 fustr wire 305, 306 fusld cllflnection units 320, 321 ius .. 295, 305, 313

cartridge 301. lOS, 306 cnlnging 3O!i, 320 storage hllt"s 327 swltchluse Units 32( types & rob"llS 305

,Ilvlnind motalworit 61 361, 36-t gtrlOlI 16, 198-9, 2(5 glfien rollel1 465, 466 ga .... ns

assessing potential 16 bog gardlns (73 deSIgnIng 420-3, (10 electrical instell"~ons 340, 343, 472 fountains 472 gflvel465 paltls, driveways & patIOS (22, 452-66 ponds 422, 469-73 rode"es (20, (13 safety (22 siting trees 423 steps (61-8 styles (20-1 surveYIng plot (21 SWImming pools (1( taps3!!O Wi lls Ut-51 water 469-13 waterfalls 472, 413

,11 "'tactors 2!iIl gl .. firtd boillrs 1dlIl, 4<11, (12 gn fil'tlS 396, 399 gas torc,," 363, 505 8111 VIIVIS 350 gltlS & gill posts 432-3 ga",e sticks 1(l.t 1I1ands & seats 353 gllu

buying 2O-t cutting & drilling 204·5 glass blocks 125 glued roofs 23!1 in open able ncondl'V glazing systems 280

..... ''"''''




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--IN"" rejllaCIIIg III WIndows 206-', 209 ........ ooIic ...... 358, 502 bobI6 bKken 193 step ••

INDEX shelllong 1'5 lIy1I.ocllloric .ci' 62 hod-do_linings 511 'oo,'iII syst_ 3117, 331·2 type. 202 loose· 'ill iMulMioft 211. 272 IN .lsodQuble gluing 1 ........ i ___ 201

,J_·libR .. ,. 168 low-Hlluiwity ,laM 2Q3 IIatie(I tools ~96 lEE WlriIIg ..... ,.u.. IN WIMg 1.0;:. __ .1~1IIri .. 16, n,n, lE, 1-..1 ceilings 1'1, U8·9

G-M ,lazing .... 71. 80, 239 Regull!lOl1l 81,88 gloss peintl6J, 67, 6'9.16. 71 ""n;'" ... ~.., 293, 324-5 SII' ./so varnIShes & v.rnll~lnt gl .... 8~'" 513 indirK! cold-wit ... lystefII. 348·9 I,d de,. 40-2. 151, 231, 245 itllft If' .dl>eslYlI indited Will. lie_I", 392 laegi"ll 281. 266, 267. 212 .. i,,_itch ,",uilHM'" J02 ,oi ... JUn,uses 21. iM ........ sari"i", 59 l_iutN ,1_ 203 ___ ·...-re --"379

'-'" ildntooli_ 228. 252-' I_pho' .... 301, m. 333 ........ _Ii .. ,.i ... lHbyllem grlb·'; .. puU-fit jeillbl J69 ildillll1i I., ioilla 19'2 be"'9 mllllt.1flIod Of rlpaortd ~ ',.;"fill .... 53 "",I-rH deMc10n & ~ 249, 342 latcha433 ,~" g •• ini"l 72, 81, 498 insecl pms 252-3 Ilu".I-... t •• IIII dripS 178 .... lItU 489, 504 ,f.nM.aD ifIMt._ Mal ... 401 1.111 boIo,. 162 lllall· ... bo •• d. 504. 51. 511 ,flA cl«lo 93 ~CH1 c......,. 357. 360. 459 1,1Io·_..,lnt., 51. 125. 158. 111),314. H. ,IRJ by type Ig plywood ,fI'n, 1og·b\lrnlll9199 iMtIlltlMOUS .... .." 380. 383 '" .. n ... l .... wet.ilI .. 380 ,r_l~ iMtt..e- wlttr "'111tn m. 3901 ladIs. repllnng IIoorbolJds 55 IUrII" 398. 400 ,"'1'11 1Io1I~' 42!1 in ... ll1ilHl 266-18 I..,ing lloon 6 "oorco .... ri"ll. $" by IIIIrIIll"l13 grIWity.fH dtowe ... 379. 383 nusslng CondRlOn 12 type ollloor or IIoorcovermg eg ""rti", tools 478·9, 502 ,ripper 1Ilr'" 118 blhlnd radltlon 266. 261 cnpel$. solid floors ... 111 ... 14 'r ...... " __ 116. 111 clotltV·w~g 214. 215 Ilyi", ... 78 ......, 'r ...... lOt. I~ 112. III uilings'll4 ... chllky SUrf.CI 48 ,fI'II'ttII;. rlflllM"9 44. 52 conseIYltory bin. O1i CooOllOl'l61 clt.n"'!l44·5 ,ym .. 348, 349. 357, 359 IlIlel on venlll,lion 261. 211. 213, Hashlllg$ 2J8. 23'3 C,.c~1 46. 47. 49. 423 ,un"",,1 COMICID"" 361 2&3.2t5 In pl;nts43 d"lImg495 gwtll .... l ,uMri", 88, 240·2, 258 Illctricll JIIf ellttrlul insul.hon palching 23'3 Ifllel 01 climb,ng pllnl. 423 fYPSu. ,lntl .... lS3 floors 187. 266. 216 plpll 111.3111. J65 fuu"9socteu 314. 315

hot""er eytinOtrs 266. 267 ""'1.111 wiM ..... 207 "'kV pI.,twort 48 ""wl.1Ing blDetl 431 IHb pllnttd. IInpPlJlll48 loul'luthonty grlnts 266 bas.mentsl celllrs 260t pllntsl pllnlll1g 64·7

IIorllw,,. 14 loft. 261.271,'ll2 centrll·hullng systtm.410 pOnd ,dglngs 412 hllwiJlg 10lntl491 plumbIng 261. 268. 2$7. 272 flashIng. 239 PfIP.,lIlg I rlpl"'nt 44-9 ~"·linilll ,,'nU 81. 88 p!'ioriblS 266 nat roofs 235. 237 H. '!sf/bricks I bnckwort; "-'- 4811·9, 495 rtdtlcrng ... ctncrty bils 292 pIpIS 351 conerl1. blocks; JIIOItII'; stone: M ....... coxt19ur 248 roofs 266. 271. m. 214 rldi.tors414 w.l" hIH"i" 224·5 IOUnd 266, m. 281-2 lipS 352·3 " lOntyllci", tiles 102 IIorr~botr~ Sol. 57, 511 splcifications 266 Itdgd In4 bflCH 400 ... 189. l!J2 JlllSO"", ,aims 64. 65 hlJ._~ ,anlls. pirquet 114. 1 15 types 271 len ... pll'" 193 ""stie &3. 260. 497 hardwooft 510 ""llIs 266, 274-6, 281 len ........ " 269 _,a'JIbI63 kt!Chwl,. 127, 151 .... ndllWS .N double glanng lnelli .. tooII4S4·5 MCa. JQS, lO6. 321.3-t6 .... l11li391. a. 401. iIOl 'lUtlll ...... iti. 383 Iic: ...... " MDf S4. 145. 1110 ....... c ....... ltn 392" "'1" 360 I.hting 331·9 l1li .......... 15 406 "'11'fH"", 'I'Intill1iom 290 interLlp f..,c" 425 BESA bo~ .. 3J4 1IMI •• urillt 'oob 478·9. 494·5. 502 helllli.1d ""its 321 'nwlnH pi,. loops 411 c",eun. J01. 331·2. 337. 338. 346 ""4iu"'·~ln.ity fibrlbolf1l , •• MDF .... ," I_L .. ils 293, 321 'f_art 60, 61. 88. 240. 241, 361 fitb"'ILS 149.333·5.339 .... 1-1.-./ win6a ..... 2(11, 2IIl heI1lHS a IIIIl1i .. Ilmp/lold.fl JOI. 332. 333 .... 11k: ,aNd1. 88

b.tthrooms 321 outdoor.34G-3 ...... 6 _1I1w1fil c.ntr.11H Clntr.l·"'11II\g pl'MI"9 314 IOhU .... 1512·13 COnHIYllones 475 jlcklts. In,ullbnt 267. 272 runnIng COII$ 293 clllmng ,ufround,400 firllIlI,fifllI jai....,. $" by type Ig doors; wood I switchls91. 335·8, 341 flnce pOSlI426. 428 In.ullicllnt. nUl! at cond,nsltron """""" .acQ 333, 3J4 finishing 17-8. 507 ~I ieNlts IWG- or thfH'w,y 338 galv,","d 61 log.buI'nong stov •• 403 betweRn If .. d. 8r nltiS 219 typI. oIloght fimn9S 333 prp" 61. 87, 88. 361·5.369 orl281 bttweln wah I Clmng' 171 1r1lll11O indlYldulllight filbngllg prlperlnon 60-1 runnlnt COS\$ 293 c.llul,,· cOfl .... inbolrd. 142 fluCHe.ctnt ~ght 1001,502·7 .0Iid·fuII room hutlr' 401 d'lmlntling 369 litting. ",ic. 2S4 slorlgl '"storage hlltll' lini,rllng pllSterbolJd 168·9 1"", 172 .. iMf.I ,fill" c.iIi .. ,iles 61. lDJ w'llI 293. 322, 324-5. 394 morI.r 45. "" L_·se." 'HdlSc.1inQ .illlf.I· ..... II1" ,"""",-Ihet\IIH

....... 123.423 nliled 48S 1 ........ 51 ~ ... '" 1oetT....-.1lIVtti"l177 popes 361·9 Uncrvstt 92, 98 .. illiltllrl cif'Cllit ..... _ '" MeBI h ..... "Its 241 lOidlr&d 363

li __ .. inillYJI .. I .... 350

hin, .. 190·1. 1!J2, 43J Ill". IIp''''ng 221. 222 garden j)Ond. 469·11 ",i .. 1)I' Ill .. lDJ, 107 hips 6 .. 11..,. 228. 231, 240 slip/string 219 swimmIng pool. 474 .. ilrl JoIIltl171. 47" 493 ,-",c-," "1141 440 "'Plnt 363. 364. J68 liIIi .. ,....,.. 92, 96 . ixlf tt.,. 353, 37' l1li ............. 59. 60, 491. 505 '11' IlIso by type or funclJon 111 li.i ..... doorw.ys I hl!chw.ys \21. .i_ haI .. _ey1 ........ control JOIIltI. rnOttlSl·lnd·tenon 12. ca""n! 174

InsullllOn 266, 261 joInl$ lintels 122, 126. 128, 131, 202 concrlte 453. 4SS plurnblllil 348·9, 350. 392·3 Jolllllor ....... 118, 184 li~ui~ HnHr 58 Iho....,r380 runmng COSIs 292. 293. 325 joists 137, In. m. 184 I;';", ._ 14. 32. 31 -WlJint 324-5 juncti ..... fYS1_ J01.331·2, 339 IH4btlrinl wII .. 122, 124, 125. 127. bnckJI't""'IL 442

MI·wlltr ~ dJlIJI1JIQ35lI jUllCli .... 110 ... 317.318. 337 '" d",-mIllH 173 ..... IonIIIIIno bnrtn 2!i2 remo;Mng 130. 132·3 dyt:1 45. "" h_ loxu 246-7. 248 " .. hInt' 2311

.. "Ulng conditIOn 12·13. 17 lofts 1 51, 261, 271. 272. 31 D. 31 I ingredilnts \13,439 lue"'nt pollnoal14·16 teyfloln 269 IOlH,u .. ;1It •• lIn 399 rnwnt 173--4, 4J9

524 IIouH conSlruc\lon 122-3 kitchltl.itks 351,386-1 I"' ...... ; .. sto_ 40J PfII/lIIJIg I repoin\lng 45. 444 workInt uquenu for rlpel,. 22·3 kite ...... 16, 34, 38. 287·9 I.,. r.oo,,,", In ...

"-i .. iti. 492 k.-kickl ... 118 pathw..,.~ -Wf Il0l,. 1!i04. '"

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.cc Cl

".,," monillloc:kI24ti,241 gaklanizad m"'afwork 61 phpiul Ope. 251, 262 palching I>oles 51 martiSl-Ind·lenon jo11ll:l479. 493 inl~rior walls 61·9 picket fetiCH 425, 431 preparing 10 decorate 51).1 INDEX mosaic lil" 101, 101, 112 laying off 78 pilrs prep.ring to plllter 154, 156, 151 mottlN lllllrilli", 73 lead coment 43 building 44s.7 r'peiring 50·1, 151·60 mould, removing 44, 52 make·up of paint 63 buttresSing walls 440, 448 seali"il fiflpllc.s 157 mouldi", pl.nes 4B3 man· boards 54 decorative screens 449 techniques 152, 156, 161 mouldings marbling 73 gain 432 types 153 M-P drip sltdrip grooves muking74 supporting buams 131. 133 walls 161 meta~rk60 meson'V 48, 64-7 pilllf !.Ips 352. 374 ,last •• of P.rU 153 panel doors 188 metalwilrk 60, 8H pinni"" wallboards 91 plastlibolinl 162·10, 315 plntelWork51,159·60,17l palntlystem 63 pipl !MMars 365 angles 80 openings 167, 169 skirtings II!!i panels 78 pipes&. pipeWOfk 361-9 archways 134 woodwork 58, 512 pipework 61, 87, as annealing pipe 365 bonding 1Ii1i

1n01llh-1II .... outl! 'IIn!ilation 297 praparing paim64 bending 365, 369 boxing·;n beam. III radiators 87 branch pipes 358, 388 ceilings 158,170 rag rolling 72 conc8Iling 313. 382 cutting 162 salety 64 connectors 361, J62, 366, 369 dacolating 169

nail$" nailing 139, 163, 168, 230, 489, skirting boards 81 copper 351, 361, 364, 365 d'V· lining 152, 163·9,275 514-15 sp,,!taring 71 corrosion 361 finishing 168·9

nHtlle. 127, 132 s!.lirClln81 cutting 363, 502·3 insulated (thermal~ 162, 215

nlw·plaster lmulsion paint 67, 69 st.ncining 74 electrolytic action 361 mounting sock",s 315

INlwell no, 226 stippling 71·2 emerg.~cy rap.i,s 351 ~~ils & fixings 163, 168

night Iltch 24ti str~ight edges 78 flttingl 362, 3li6 p<epaflng to decorate 51).1

nogging. m, 139, 141 wall~overings 52 frozen 351,!iIl4 re~illng 158 noise insulltion 266, 2n, 28J.2 wea!hlrboarding 81 insulation 261, 266, 267, V2 scribing 1 S4 1tOJI-loedbe.ri", wllIll22, 124, 125, windows 78, Ill, 88 inwened pipe loops 411 sealing firaplace openrngl399

127,130,135 woodwork se, 63, 78 joinu 362·5, 366·9 solid·walllurri"il165

nOR·llflecti'll glus 203 se •• lsotypes of equipment eg laying in floors la., 186 storing 162 !tOn-slip plilll:l 87, 88 pads; \yll1S of paim eg emulsion lead 171, 361, J65 srud-partitJon walls 139

nosi",$ 221, 222 pllnts lel~ing 351 types 162 plintspreyillll .lI\Iiplntlnt 66, 500 metal SI, 81, 88, 361 ·5, 369 v.pour·check 147, 162 plnel ~0CIn 79, 188, 192 metric 5. impeflll meuuremenu walls 163·9 pilnellencn 415, 4JO 36' plal1ic

D-.illlll 353, 414 1' .... 1$ & piI"IlIing overflow pipes 270, 349, 391 fenus & fenca POlts 426, 431

baths 379 oxygen·diflusJon b"rrrers 367 glazing 2!15, 279 oillinish n, 17, 18, 88 labric·cov.rltd 99 painting behind 6I:i gunering 240, 241 oil·lilld boile .. 411i, 407, 412 painting 78 plrqutt flooring around 115 pipeS 366·9 oillMltlrs261 staining 83 pItching 351 .ecDnda'V double glaZing V9 oil pilints see solllem·bastd paints walls 89·91, 99, V5 plastic 366·9 sheelloofing 23l o ... -coat paints 67, 69, 11. 78 pens, WC 359, 310·2 SlINice pipes 348, 34~ tiles 103, 107 o ... ·ro_ living 36 pll*ing 92-100 sizes 361, 366 wmdow hmI'S 201 open fillS 396 pilpi.r mich_ 55 slip couplingl417 pllltic;zlrs 173 open-string stairs 223 pe .. peb 23S soil- soil pipes 348, 349, 357, 359, plilrs S07 orglnic growths 44, 52 plrqMl HOOfing 114·15 371,176 plinlhs, tiling 111 outbuildings 16, 19, 245, 344·5, 454-7 P. rt 2v.""n seediaphrlgm vaklu steel 361, 364 plug. 301 outdoor soc:keb 340 pert-Io_II~ cailings 141, 148, 149 In stud· partition walls 141 plulllbing 348-94 oftr-rim-lIIppl, bidtts 38'5 ,.rtmon well$ 125, 135, 137·40, 142·3, supporting pip. IlIns 365, 36Ii ~irlocks 351 oftrllow pipl. 270, 349, 391 281,448 tiling ilrOUnd lOO, 110, 111, 112 lS.esll"il condibon 12 o"rllow unilS 378, 367 se. "Iso by \ylle eg stud·partition types 361, J67 baths 37].8 oftrllows, poeventlnQ 389 walls unlagged, cause of condensation bidets 38S oftrhHd ubln 344 plSSM infn..,ld lighting 342 ~, brlnch pipes 358, 388 O"rllp ioints 491 pesta strippen 48 wast! s.ewlSte p'!",S cisterns 354-6, 310, 372, 391 ox,g'R-diffusion IoefTiers361 JIHW, wallpaper 95, 99 piu:hld roob dishwash.rs388·9

pnting Imnhn 95, 500 conS\nltti0<1122. m-8 drlining '" refilling 351).1 pesti", !.Ibl" 95. 501 drainage sy.t~m$ 2(0.2 float vakles 349, 350, 355-6, 391 .... Hashings 238-9 oot·water cylinders J411-9, 350 • .... brick463-4 insulationV3 392'

concrate 454·7 cobbles 46!i shtet roofing 23l insulation 261, 26Il, 267. 272 p" im 68, 82, 83, 499 concrete 452·5, 458·9 tilas & slates 229':10, Zl2, 23l overflow pipes 270, 349. 391

plirot shields 80, 498 crazy paYi"il462 piwotwindo_ 200, 201, 215, 248, 27D regulations Sit Building p.irotbnrshn 68, 69, 78. 4S1! grave l4ti5 pllnn 482·3, 436 Aegulltionl: Water Byla_:

brushing French polish SS paYing sllbs .t!iO·l planning JIInniuiClfll7, lB, 19 Wiring RegulatiO<1s cleaning 498 stone chippings 466 boonda'V wall$ 434 repillring 351·3 cutting·in 80, 498 tarmac 466 consarv'tories 475 shower unllS 319·84 painting mason!)' 66 widtll422 fenci"il424 sinks 358, 386·7 rad iator brushes 87, 498 wooden 46!i SWimming pools 474 taps 352·3, 374·5, 376, 386, 390 staining wood 82. 83 pIlio daon 249 plastid. plastelWort SO·I, 152·71 tools S02·7 varnishing !lot pIliOl 422, 452-7, 459·64 applying plaster 158, 161 types of cold-water system 348·9

plints a plimi", 63·74, 87-8 pili ..... 29, 30 .. ~he$ 134 wa,hbulns 373·6 "ddotlves 63 brickwork 436, 463 buying 80 stOllng 152, 153 washing machin .. 388·9 Ifound electric,,1 fillings 69, 75 paYi~g slabs 460 cladding beams 133 waste-disposal units 381 big glaining 72 teJIIUred COiltlngs 75 corners 157 waste triPS see traps bl.mishes 78 piltte,...d glllss 203 cracks SO waste/overflow "nlU 318. 387 ceilings 67 -9 ,..i", 452, 454, 460·4 cllli~g 156 water heaters J94 columns 66 JIIbbl.dllh 47, 175 finishing plnterboard 169 wattr pressural56, 379, J80 commtln pllntlinoshes 63 JlHplta11 door ,iewlf 24ti Ion of strength 156 water softeners 390 concrete floors 65 pendl n1lampltolders 301, 332, 333 making good 50 WCI354·6,370-2 corners 66 penmeting d.JAp 257, 258·_9 mixing boards 494 se. alsodr.inage systems 525 decorative p"lnt effects 70-4 peopl., pl.n~ing for 13 mixing plaster 155 plungen 358, 359, 502 doors 78, 79 peosolNll'laeck butlDnl 249 mouldings 51 , 159-60, 171 plywood 54, 57, 145, 180, 234, 511

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.ClJa ,- PM, ,., finMd401,U - g_pt: in party w.11$ 281

INDEX ,.me .. t5. 108. 258. 444 IlllUlnng behWld 266. 261 dmdlllG ,motwo 131-40, lQ-3 plntlrboard 169 -'" Ie.k"'!l 41. ,fflCl oIlowe""9 c.ilings l.ti IV,," of sul8l'1 43 ,oI isheI7&. n. 78 p.,ntlng 81 m"$UfI~ I. Wlf1.d~ & !rimes 259, 260, VO -- pan.,407 room·dMdmg doau 196-7 HConlllry tlauble glaring 218·80

dooble gl'l,ng 279 Plpering beh",d 97 throogh rooms 130-6 m:tional filM linen; .a3

p-s hning behind<s 266, 267 posmoning 408 $11 '/10 by type eo living rooms .... urity 12, 198. 2-"-50. 211 ll1n 62. 1(13. lGt. 106 remavlng & r.pllclng 413,415 roomst.U 409 ucurity ch.i ... 247 w.lIco .... 'i ... ' 92, 99 shelves 408 rill 228, 2SS-6 ucurity lights :;'1-2

IIOfpNtll.M u-,.,roof cOl'li .... nlvu401, 409, 413, 41. 'DUllY ..... .,. 55·6 MCu,ity lMints 87, 88

'" ....... 'i .. n tMtfK: ... ' ....... i ... 175 MIf· ... _ ..... ti'n 110 ..... 343, 422. ~. 73 ,..1ti"lilll n ~'''''li''''01 Mlf-1Iorto ....... 388 ,..It: $11 ponds: s-n~ pools raiHll-eq.,..... m tMIl1ftt1 jeintl 45 HIf-corHl ling 126 pofch I ..... 245. 340, 342 rakM! joillb 45, "' ..-... MIf-I_m", COMfM'UM 49 pof.alUbH, DPCs 262 •• nch-style feNCing 425, 431 1I$.b 126, 131, 133 _i .... igi. p0n6 lilleQ 469 Portllnd tl_nt 172 .... ,. 485 rubbed join" 45, 444 liMon PortlmOlIth-pattlrn W'~IS 355, 156 .1 .. 254 rub .... nilH lQJ, 109, 111 burglar alarms 2~ poII ·ud-chlin flnc .. 424 ReO, m. 304, 340, 346 rub .... n 82, 83, 1', 85, 86 stcurrtv lig~ls ~2 poII ·-"-.. il fine .. Ul RE tiln 101, lOO ntIIni .. c .... m u ptle .... u 360 posI·CoQ _rlliIItI 245 .. ..,-.ixH CDIICrl1. 4s:! "01141,6(1,412 u rvic:llIMcllel l21 poII-1Io1e l1li- 421, 4'36 rlldy-Mixttl ,lnllm 1st Is:! _ le .... ld J02 ,...lIic. ari".n 48 rlCasH ",iIi .. l;pa m ,",.. 348, ~9 pIIWIf cire,ita 314·19, 346 .KftWf poIiIioII ~7 - '" powIf~381,JS.I raqcliftg Coollf ""'" 289 u .... .... lIow-... 1 !r" 318, 383 I"I_IDOI. rofri,.mllf$ 293, 322 cl,cul., .lwa481 , h .. ,.. i"ll

IIriU.487·8, 495, 508 ... ullli_ Jet Budding Rlgullnon.; concr,t. mlxtr.4s:! cabinet sc"pers 486 p"nl roUI,,499 pllnning p"milsion; W'!ef Bylaws; &IIClflcrtv 295·1, 300, 302, 311, 340 c~rltll &. goug •• 485 ,0lIl,,, 484 Wi,ir>g Regulltrons filII !i06 d,~ls &. d,ia biLl 487 undl" 486 "illforc.d _......., plllIIa 64, 65 Ii .. pr ... lntron &. lirefighMg pi.",. 483 Slws481, 495 ... IIIor_1II. POI" ~ "7 .qulpmentl_,l5O powwr·"'Mller bot. 484

,..,.ratiooo $" by nem .... 1l1li rlliII Wllle--." 92._ 9"d.n,422 _480,481 ,"IPI,eel .g mlSoo.y f'I'IMh. (1, 124, 172·5, 258 lutch.ns 16 IInsnrps 5CI3

,.. ...... 11 ... tlbllta 2!i6 _blt-fil. d ... 1e ,1Iri11g 218, IIcqulnng 116 ...... _keb 322 ............... wood ,,,,wood '" IIIdder.41 shHI: 11IIII11Itiooo 211, 213

Pfnerve" RENs 3lO 1iIIl1III1I0!ll.473 sheet ,oofi"ll 233 prillli .. rlpa;'" ..... Sf. by Rem plmutlf &4, 500 , htot·vinyllloorcoHri", l1t-2O

bricks &. brrckwork46 bling repaired or mllnta lnad eg pO<sOIlI254 .h,lIle 85 cork trl •• 62 plll!elWOrk power doll. 488 . hllvH 141, 143, 1"·5,4011 mltllwofk 60, 61 ropoirrti"ll 45, 2J9 rools231 '" ponds 472 pllSI.rwork 50 m'd ... 1 e .... 1II circuit-WAke .. DJ ,labcurung461 u l .. la :m typel 0' pnm ... U kvic .. SII ReO. ulMtnttd hot·W'"r cylinder. 393 UroH" 496 _kO, 1'IHfII"J'fftMfI tI,. 352 wood JIf'''IYIf. 256 Urowo .. " aIrowIf .. iII 29J, 331,

prilllM w.II,."" 92 rowm .. .... 1 _rng " ,_"ng NfIIy ,I .. 203 "'-M profoMi .... 1 Hvic:. l1, 20-1, 2101 REX liin 101 ... ., ...... 31 IQ II!D by type ~ powIf .howers ,..oIilll. gU1111111lJ 240 ridtt lites 231. 233 ulld 113, 4st 453 ... JIUdt~""' 3S2,374 ,..OGfllIWHn 409 "id,and 1'II1II 469, 470 ulld pug, i", 282 ,i~, ,.tn 432 PI.,., 126, m,m ,i ...... uPll!y bidlll 38S . ...... ~ pl.~ ... Is:! , 1111 ... atOCIH·_ntlr ..... I'fI! • ., 274 ,inl ci.cuita 307, 317·1& u nd . .. 485·6 doors 195 platldiH IIIIIltipl ••• rtII 3Q3 lIi ... , E"ui ... IIRC' MIIIIIINn 330 ulldi"ll _hi .... 55·6 windows 210 ... otldiH WOCNt ~.illl 16, n, 18, 83 nun: 219, 221, 223 .... ~ Iockl 248 ,i'-lisIr 253 - riling bIm Itiwtn 191 ..... ~.,. 248 . 1 ... ..cHl ,. ... _ Is:!, 155

clfcul.tIIIg 416 """",.,.., 251, 259. 262 ....... _ .... k .... 211 ..... '., n.hing 231 g.r6ln ponds 343, 472 tisi .. ..., ...... tI,. 314 ..... willdows . i .. Ie-It, roof COYIri .... 2JQ hydflilllc 35(1, !i02 riftt.n 50S construtliOn 1111-1 . 1 .... roots 721 powII.how8fS 3111, 384 rlCklJin 420. 413 pllfllrlllJlIO . i .. le~ Ii .... ", J6

purll.221 ..... 6 ... d"i ... 360 .. ·eording 211 , i .. I.-stKk wlStl .."._ 348, 3'51 plllh·fIt jllntl 367,l6lI, 369, 311 ,ollor blill1h 217 rop."I" m"nlln.nee 208·10 , IR. Irt,. 389 prrtty 53, 83, 208, 351 loll ... replaCing 214 . ifth 358, 386·1 PVA kolldiae agent 43 glrden 465, 466 '1Iling 210 , iphOllic ,.111 370, 311 !'Vt-iIIIIIlllld-...... 1httI CIIble Plinl65, 66,158, 15. 499 s.cunng 248 I lphoM. lh,ee·p." J54 ,..

rooI"~~ 231 spolIl blllnclI201, 212 ..... 310.508 .acrflplC' JHIoIts uti, ,..IItS 63.11, 1&, n p itti., pifti .. kI .. 11, 115. .... ",-<2 ..... 47941, 495. 501, !i02·3 210,310

d .. rn"gt $pttms 240-2 ltofloWi .. . scafIoW ~ 40, 42. fIIt-,ooI wrtlng,235 1.1ts 234-5. 236, 238 '" " IM, PI'llng 460-2 1I1I1I,ngl238·9 1t'''''iI!t Hvic ... burglarll.mol 249 ,I." glazed 2J9 1t.1f joint 4113 cl.anlng fireplact .uffO\lnds400 Inspecting 228, 232. 236 ItflJHI .. 55, 486, 491 ftoor tiles 101 inlul'bOrl266, 211, 213, 274 ItJOln., COnCrtl1 bkJck 434, 431, "9 roofs 229-30, 232

11-.. 1_ 266 plllatr.riclt.d 123 Itrowdmor. 489, 496, 508 lII.t ..... nts 2S5-I ,eek IIoIts 241, 248, 249 lIPllfl' mlWlntnU 221. 232·3, ItJIWS 51S-16 . 11IIf', rippIQ 49Ii , ... ill cireliar 301, 319, 323.326 2J5.-1, 239, 241·2 1t .. 1.", n . 11tt14 e.m ... 147, 14. 149 rHiIa! wd IIoltln 321 rooI .... nts 261, 28S-6 ... 1.", . 1, ........... 196-1 rHill1M' """"" 81, 4911 1I1Ity231 bntmlnt &. cellor IIoors 2&4 11" CIIIfIli. m ...... IM' .-ar 81.88 sheet roomg 233 11.111'1\$ 105 IIIlpplry 468 ,M'1I011 407·1,413-15 11.lts & tiles :m·3I, m 233 cooC"I. 49 "'" t"kJCQ 410, 413 lIfength.nrng 228 door tr.m .. 259 concreto dnvel 458

526 enticorrosion menures 412 Windows 215 drlughtproofing 269, 270 concrlte pads 454 bl"d11l1l413 sr •• Iso by typ' Ig p~eh.d (0011; fireb.d.391 IIoors 136 f.ultfindor410 plrts of rooll ejl .. ~u fiflpllCl optnllllJs 39!i lIIopl .. ...

Page 12: · 2011-05-16 · REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENTS 122 Coving 171 Exterior rendering 1n Roars 176 Suspended 176 Solid 177 Fittings

=MIII -constructing taot.ngs 441

-~ ........ " wills 62. 104-a Opts 445 Plotrbng 11 ...,......«m .. ~ 141. 150 '" .150 by type ejI qll,rry riIn INDEX 'I'Ctlng lencH 431 IIPM11110 221-' ~ e.m ... In. Iq. 212 ~ IH wood a woodwort IIlrden 461 types' comtnreoonZll·2O ~ '*" 112. 123. 17&-1 ri ..... ·facetI eort; 114 glrd_4l1 ....... 42,. ~",d'-YI3'l6.401 rillllter Iuao pollS m. ut, 429. 01. pondl410 ........ ..., ........ 389 twi ..... ,...m Q' 11"'Clng 451 __ ....... 52. 497 lwitI;lIM e~iD. unib 32Q rilllU.·fr._~ IIoIISH 123 S-v .ludt·412 - .witchH91 .2!M rilM. planning 22

...... II·~OII Wilt. ~ 372 11IIt.1s 126, 131. 133. 202 ....... ing condtt>on 312·13 ri_ .wife .... 2441. 292 IIIIOk, ftt_ 250 Pl98s361.3M .. ·hM. ri_~ c.ntr.H, •• llnllsy.I,m. 409 _Il0l ... 241 !lf1~rltJon 10 light fWIleht. 91, llS·S. )11 rillUl'p:I 503 _Ho --..14 IUIII9I ht.tIn 326-7 101l1li ... WCs .. ",Is l29 ..,1 •• • 40. 41 bmI 246. 29l _~7

ISMumg condition 312·13 ................. 1 twice ..... .-iD 323. 324 tong ..... -.r-boel .. n .114, Ild.endlng ring Cl'cuItl317. 311 """"_462 115.111,183.310 firung' IIpI.C""II 314·15 - ~" I\tl 'l<1.ndlllllO .~gmng floors 136 bfttkllVlng442 flul~ 91. 315 gl,den <NI7·. tII~IH. lMlhI"II95, SOl tIIIilding4SH OYldoor )IQ StlllCaslS U'II"II' ItlIIC.S'S tick '''' Sl, 497 d.corating 491·501 Ihlver 322 ....... 11-2 teeu, nrptl11l dIggIng 496 lurl.e,·moum.d 91. 314 _'" .... cdtrS 391, 504 el,ctnelln's 508 IIIIp/lone, 330 chlppongs 113." ..,.. lea, lH. 239 gI.lI.r'S 496 lr.iIi",110 clllning400 - pllperhang .... s !iIX1-1

MIfit !i ..... 161 firtpl.c. 1Uf'l'0II001 391. 400 .... '" plumbl"'ll a met.twon:int saz·l MfIiI ",ra 285 lifting J!Dt>es .. I,1y 473 dr"nong 350 tiling 501 sofIwOIIh 510 lintels 126 fitMg a IIp1IG1O\1315. 316, 318 woodworkitlg 471-90 1011421, 450 paVIng 462 g.rd." 39G , .. • 110 by type .g brush .. lOil pi,.. 3411, :M9. 357. 359.l71, 37fi pond edgmgs 411, 472 kitchen Imh 386 tD~I"'''" gins 203; 203 rDtlfing 229 Ie.klng. rep,mn, 352·3 lighling 333. 3J.(

IOIIMf a IOI~II;'" 363. 504·5 S\jb·silIs 210 n.u&gl.nd.353 Ir.llillll_k~ 300 lOll'""", bles 101. 102.. 101 1yJIII314 1r.1IIfo...n 328

d,mp'proofing 264 w.b 124,450-1 w.shb.1IIftI 374-5 -IWn9l\oort1olfds 119 ~34I,:M',353 MW"'" bllllonsm ground IIoorI 122, 123. In -" ut .. by type ~ clr.tTllc·dlSc ~th. 378 ItyI"'III16-7 - -.. cl"nng 358. 360 1."1""'11 ~pIIs 1116 asnssmg potentl.ll&

_ ... fitbng l68, 316. 378. 389

pllnti", 6'5 buildillll maltri.11 162. 173. 43'5, 431, te"",", .... iolll 330 krtchen links 381, 389 rep'";ng (9.1116 ." telfti,iOll ·ttri.1 nc:km 329 Ihow,,, 383 running, 310. 311 too11419. 482, 485. 498 _111111299 JI.ndp;pe·.rnHllp dr"nlg. 389

10"'·""'1 "ilel'l406. 401. 412 under'luII 220 _illll451 wtl310 IOINI·fuel_l,nllra 401 ..... c ..... SHcold·w.I .. --." .... 1slJ byl'flHl.g bottiI 101 .. ttnIIi"ll In star.g. CISt .. ns ..... '" ..... 219.222·3 IO'--MAIII ,..ra 63, 69 ..... --. 292, 302, 326-1. 404. IIIWIQ sl,k 4IiO _m

cle.nong ptlntbru .... S 491 ." telCtUTed ca.bngs 64. &5. 1S 1r11Iilltnc .. 424 m,SON'\' 64, 6'5 ...--. .... .....,,415 Iaxtllred IMII1U: 61. 69 IrIIICIIts. wlIIoobngl441 mwt.IworkI1.88 ItriIIp; 219 1.lIhIred "nd,mgs 115 !r.ckle....a ..... 283 WIIIIdwon; 16. n. 78 .m,1\oeri"ll114.11S TGVIIoI ... n triple gluing m

101",,,,·_14 joints 367. 368 strip Ioori ... 441 ........ ·I ..... lwt.H plaster1lot!,. 162, va_1s 494. 501 101",_ ,dhtsivu 513 It.ipping m !runk'''' 289 IOUnd illlul.tion 266. 217, 281-2 cabl. 3011. 508 ....... 1 ..... Powtl'l319 IrUIUd roofs 123. 227 .po<. ch,mlc.J sll'ipperl59 ~Ic n~i'I" nlwn 401. 4D9 lIIHlar Ir.,. 358

u .... ,,'g pollmi.II4-16 l1li1299, !iIII ~'C shtww.'UI1I3IlQ """isIIln m.nopultbllll 30-1 lndustri.l59 _287." IIIIdIoekles 428 .,. ...... meuJwort lID. 61 ...... 63, 64. H. 11, 17 _.pi,. W_ syst.-~ 3S1

.,.lIi", 46, 49, 468 mouldings SI ...... ,....... 153.155 t ...... R 1' .. ish,llfidll' 115 spill"'" 505 pllnted mnOl'lry 48 thiulrIpk ,.Ira 63, 61. 17. 78

'''_'l1li 11 spilled ptmt from m.sonry 45 IIwwth _1.»-6

.,.cilicttill ... 20 wdcovlrinlls S2.. (97 lil. CIIb/'I 106 mlul.bOn 266 woodwork SI·9 til.·cm'''' jig' 106, 112, 501 U· ... I_266

.p'."' Ilnet pos! 427 _.1 cDlllllitiol, ISIUIlIIg house lit. R,IIIIItn 106. SOl MIIIMIClOlks 286 ","1 "1.ItCH 201, 212 condibon befor, purcMII 12 rilH a. hlirle 62, 101·13 IIIIdIlcOll pl_ ISl, ISS ap.riti"' ..... 85 ttnoo:mrIl _I .. SH Io.dbe.nng .o#IUIWI 105. 101, 110. Ill. 112, ....... ra.tI .. 344 aplitttn 329 .... '" ......., apoIt .... _482 ... .,.rot;ee _lis 125 beddllllJ00wn113 Clfl)Il 11&. 117. lIB lpOIII1e1ti"li ... 11 (onstrucbng 131-40 cle.1'III'IQ 62. 400 , .... ,., .'" fUll &&. SOIl cutting openingl121. 128 cU1bng 106. 101. 110. 112, 113. 232, ......... ltiIH l0l .......... mo-rs 381 fi"ing Openl"lll 129 ~, ..,-IINI_ ....... ~OOI$ 198·9 .". h.ngin~ Will fi~!UIII 141, 145 fillpl.e, surrounds 398. 400 ~"'" IIoon 116, 171

f,ne, POSIS 431 rtnml'ing 135 IIoors 57. 62, 109·13 YrI.-f_1Hhyd.lo.m 275 spur c.bles 301. 311. 339 running seMcn 1'1 preptrlti0ll62 YI ..... n.264

SlIck "~~i", 440 stlggered 1.0 !If.p.nng for pllllll'ing 154

Sltcu, unblod.lng 359 ...... a flats 36 llmoY1flg 62. 104

... iII .... woodwork 16, n.12·3 -.cOlllrKlll'l 20 r,nov.1ing a IIptlring 104,398. 400

.... RI ... • ... I pi,.. 361 ..... fI--.ll' ndge 231 , 233 V·jIiMI444

.. R; .... "'~.......,.5 1IIIos'.HC.1Zl. 423 loof 229-31. 2l2. m __ pi ... chllMl'f'l 39S

SIIil'l a ... '"'- 218-26 s..... .... 51l I4Ifbng OIl! 104. 109. 112,. 113 .. I..,. 221. 231 b,JUlltrl a ~Iustrldll 220. 224-5 ....... i.pu ......... 400 lillsetbons 101 v.11ey nlshmt 231 Cl/piling 118 HPI''''''''' kMi", 296 IiII ",nu 285-5 v.11IIy guttlll 240 527 Cluking221 ,urlGrIM 485 toolll06, m, 501 nl¥H hudfOOlTl 14 IIIlftrilllo g"den plots 421 types ofbln 101·3 .ddlng 10 plumbing 350

Page 13: · 2011-05-16 · REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENTS 122 Coving 171 Exterior rendering 1n Roars 176 Suspended 176 Solid 177 Fittings

= Cl - IIIlunt_net J53 fOOng $OC\m 31 4.31 ~ _1IIerSIrVdO; joillb 45, '" IHIltIing &91

INDEX ov.rftow preventIOn d ..... c.s 389 loobngs 440, "" , 451 _,Il0l" 124 prtp.r.tlan 5,)., ',d,tto," 401, 409, 413, 41 4 gllden 43(·51 -,ilia joi .... 363, ~. J68 prevlntIng &. trilling rot 255·6 V,1oi1 •• ,ts 355 holll)W lO!I, 31 4 _lwils 2S2 pnmlng 53 $" ,Iul by ryp. 01' function IQ Insulation 26&, 214·6, 281 w.t reM 255·' .. nd!llg 53, 55~. se control ... ,,".s, 1I0I01 V,NU ,ntlfllall22. 125 wtoHkrDws 496 wtv.s 144-5

V-Z • .,...Nniersa cllecu 141,271 ,nt8f"cur>g 445, 448 wiMow ..... m skJrtmo;Js 81. 1115,210,310 w8fIOI!r-"'Kk plnl'","I~ 1'7. 162 JOInI.$ with e,,~ng$ 171 'Ni1lll0Wl 200-11 lUlJn"'1l 76,71,12-3 varnishes a ¥lmishllll n. 11, 78, 84·plllt" 51, lsa, 314. 315 condlnsllJon 261 timber-framed hoUHS 123

511 ,Iw lacQuerl a IlCqutring light fmlngl311 dom" 259, 260 1~1478-9C

n i .... _"'11"1 13 Ia.dbuling , .. Io.dbe.,ing Will, dllughtproaoog 266, 270 trt.Mg new bmbotr 53 VHMlIo. ~Ii" 217 IIIOC$IUr. ''',Jlance 124 dllp grOlMls 259, 260 .'In'$Iung 76, n. 78, 84 ....tila6H 28J.!1O ITIOftar 45. 439."2. 444 Iiamo;J I«.ctor fins 288 w .. poIis/IInQ 1&. n. 18, 84, 116

.,rbrickl284 non-loldt..I"rtg 122. 124. 125. 127. fitbrtg into will 202 WI!Idow rlib &,. 209-10 eOnstrvllOfIU 415 130.135 trim .. 201. '208-10. 213. 259. 2fiO woodworm 252·3 dlhumldifiers 290 outdoor dIVIdIng 4304. «8 p"nl,ng 78.110. 88 uelllo doorl; lenul & flnet dividing 008 loom InlO two 131 palnling Sot-55. 67-9 p.n'I'iru;llround 90 polll; m.n-mldl bolrds U ... I 261. 285 penllin; 89-91 plPllllliJ 'lolIIId 97 woN ~1Hc. Sot "'Ielol IIT1prt1...c1lnsul.tlon 261. PlPllnng!li pllli1Ifbo •• dlflg llOUnd 161 ...... r,.s 7fi. n, 18. B2. S3 211. 213. 283, 285 pertltKlfl IN JIIl'tltlon Wills rl.2O! ...... ,. .. r'¥ItS

l)(\rlelOIl 287-9 pll1'/l25.281 .attling 2011 cllIl S3, 256 fillpl.ellS 28J pillS -4-40. 4A6·7. «8. Wl rt-cOfding 211 colourld 76. 77, 78, S3 futl-burnlng .ppli.ncu 284 ~.,terbolld 163·9.315 rlpllllng 2Qlj.. 12 fenc. posll 256. 426 hUHlcoverv 290 pIIsttrmg 161 rtp/lelmlnl21J..14 'O! pleventlOn 256 kJlcMns 287-9 p'IPlnng & rtpIDlll44-8. 50-1 .oots 215 uflty256 !ott. 261. 211. p'lpa.irtg 10 ~I$I" lSot, 161 SICUlltY fittings 245. 24809 woM~~" open filtll96 lemoymg 130·6 sills & sub·sills 210 WOCNI IIoIiM III p'otectrw wood 1001 vlms 261. 285·6 rendlr 41. 124. 112-5. 258 soundll'oofirtg 282 stllnl; wood dYII IIlcij,283 rtllinlr>g 4304, 451 spil"NI'nclS 212 WOCNI ·burJIilll JlO'fIS .coJ undlrlloDr 284 runnrng "bl, 141, 143. 184, J09 lbekrllf 2011 woH·~ipll-' .. 114. 115 UlI\Ised chrmnlys399 solid 124. 121 tiling Iroond 1IM.1DB woHc.i, pe,., !2 Wll'ld0Wl 283, 288 soIid -wIH lumllf 165 typi. & constructIOn 2(1).1 "'"'"" pIdIw..,. 165

"1IIi1.1O, I';U .. 283 soundp'DI)fing 281 vlnlll'Mg 283. 288 w""""_ 252·3

""" .tone 124. 450·1 wooden·lflmad 206 woril ,lltIonn 42, 175. W 100128S-ll II1t1ch'l-bondld 443-5 wOfking with glass 203·1. 209 work priorities. pllnning 22

-~'" II)(\u"d co.tlngs &4. 65, 15 u.1ll0 by tvPII eg ush WIndows; worklri ..... 16 -"itris 61 bles 62. 104-8 double gJ,llrtg work,,,, ....,eKI. iloull rlpalrs -... 228,231 umnsultlld. null 01 CondenslllOn wire ", ,01l1<119 428 n~

"'1;1 dnpl2J& ~I w ...... 1 ... 203 workstIo,. 16, 38 'IIfIlnl blinds 217 w~1I furlngs 516· 11 wi,i",1t !lWi.,,,, wrenc,"", 50S ...... 190 Will ties 124. « 5. 4A6 compl.11 hoosll :wl wifIYI wIltn & howlO luppon 126, 121. conlumlr unns319. 321

CIIPllIIS I~ eookll' 32J..I 1l1l4i1I.l00 Plin1l 61 WItMIow 111111111I0Il. 202 ,IICIJlnl IppIi.nCIS 320-31 riM, nlShlfl9S 238. 239 fIoorcovlfln~1119·20 w"wHooI syst .. 274 II'ctl'lnl circllltS 311-19 ro .. c_ol ""," 409 Illn 62. 102. 104. 109. 110 wuhblsiM 141. 358. 313-6 IIIIm""OII Malers 325 wlllcOY1I.ings 52. 92·3. 98 wllhdown peM 310. 311 Ilmpholders 301

wlll\en; 3S2.355 ~ghIIWllclIt.lJ6..8 wtAI .. _Ioi_ m.m 3811·9 plugs 301

" ... ", porch Irghtl340 w.llbr .... 95 WHlHiqoAllfllits m 381 rlt!lUllllOnl IN WOI1IIg Rtgul.DOnI Will eupboardl 141 wU11-4 •• i ... ge ....... 348. 351 ruM11If c.bll141.143. 1 .... 309-11. w.II .I.illraps 310 waste/"".ofl...., ""its 318. 387 3« w.1I flaN_ 141. 143 wastepi,.. J48. )19. 358.361. 368. 375 IIcurny hghtl341·2

IN Ilso lllelfts w_·lIIlId pi'''' 63. 64, 65. 4!111 lOChts3\(·16 WIN ".t.~ 321 W_ Brta_ 348.381,390,391.393 storlge hUI.lslll WIN lilla 333. 3J9 w .... pr ... l6$-13 lellphonl I)(\ensr""", 3JO Will tin 124, 445. «4i WIt« hHII,.. 293. 322. 324-5. JS4 leIIVlIIOO'''''llsocklts 329 WlllboIUIl 89, 91. 125. 142·3 swimmIng pooll . 74 tools 508 wlllco ... rinp 52. !2·1DD W .... P'HIIIII 354l. 379. 380 wall & ",hnll lights m

plpemlnge(s tools 500-1 w_NJII'''''' U Wrri ...... MlttioM 291 wllb w_~39O bltlvooml 29&, 321. 381'lIb & "Ill" 264 wlltertalll 412, 413 cllcuolllngths 346 Itructule 122, -4-40 wlt.rprDOfing nrthrng plumbrllll 348 blocking 011 openIng, 129 basements & cl llall 264 OUldoollocket5 340 bondi"il -4-40, 445. 4A6 nil roofs 237 w"""'lt w"""'work 53-9. 76·86 boundlrv 4304 gill"'!! HIS 219 Idhll ...... 512·13 brick 122, 124, 435-6. 439-17, 451 mlsonry 4Ii bltlcllmg 51 C'YIfY IN ClYIfY Wills Wtnl & wrndows 260. 264 cholCl of Iinolhll n·l conc.ete block 12' . 125. 135. «8 WII/I.p.ool,'1 fo< Ilnde. 173 eill""lIf !irlpllc, ""founds QI copIng 440. 4-4J. 44-4. 449 WII palishi", 78. 11. 18. 84. 86 filllllf 53 cutting openlngl ~ wall. 126·8 WC. fi.epllc •• urloonds 39Il .nd WIlII_prooling 124, 260, IUgers 359. !r02 F.,nch poli,hiflg n. 78, 85

'" ClSlems 350. J51-i. 370 gllllWlQ 81 dlmp-proof COUI'" u.opes pins J59, 310·2 hlrdwood. & softwoodl 510 decOflnvl sClllnllJ.l. 431. 4t9 lepllclng 310-2 lacqllenng 76. n. 78, 116 elleel 01 ctimtllng pllnlS . n Wllth" 11.,.. 191 lint.I.I26

528 '~lIrnll 11. !)(\lln.' w.111 --u..rboIr~lng 81. 83. 191, 259 mouldIng. 58. 512 fixing tlllCIS 10 426 WHdNrprooIi .. 124. 191.276 od fillllh n. n. 78. 86 filung 'MlftsI41. 143. 145 -u..~" 269 Pllnting 63, n. 18

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