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oo ccrreeaattee ttrruullyy ssppeecciiaall ooccccaassiioonnss,, ttaaiilloorr mmaaddee jjuusstt ffoorryyoouu,, iinn oouurr iinnttiimmaattee bboouuttiiqquuee ssttyyllee eennvviirroonnmmeenntt..

CCoommbbiinniinngg kknnoowwlleeddggee,, eexxppeerrttiissee aanndd tthhee ppoowweerr ooff ttoouucchhttoo aacchhiieevvee tthhee ddeessiirreedd rreessuullttss..

Here at In-Touch we invite you to experience our innovative ideas in therapy. We hope to exceed yourexpectations by offering a personal and exclusive, yetaffordable, service.

At In-Touch, we take into consideration your individualneeds, wishes and desires, as well as adding that‘little something extra’ to give the ultimate health andbeauty experience.

Caroline Keane, Owner of In-TouchNatalie Cannon, Director of In-Touch



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WWeellccoommee ttoo tthhee aawwaarrdd wwiinnnniinngg IInn--TToouucchhttrreeaattmmeenntt cceennttrree.. The Therapy Suitehas been specifically designed to createa quiet and tranquil space, ideal fortherapeutic treatments. Experience thecalming ambience and enjoy total relaxation and rejuvenation.

Our therapists are always happy toshare their knowledge to help you withany query you may have. Whether it bewith a particular treatment, skin complaint or ingredient concern.

Combining the uplifting effects of bothholistic and retail therapy, In-Touch isthe perfect place for you to take sometime out for yourself.


FFIINNAALLIISSTT -- SSaalloonn ooff tthhee YYeeaarr Professional Beauty Award 2010

WWIINNNNEERR -- SSaalloonn ooff tthhee YYeeaarr Professional Beauty Award 2009

FFIINNAALLIISSTT -- RReeggiioonnaall SSaalloonn ooff tthhee YYeeaarr British Beauty & Spa Award 2008

UPON ARRIVALWWee ddoo aasskk tthhaatt yyoouu aarrrriivvee pprroommppttllyy ffoorryyoouurr aappppooiinnttmmeenntt iinn oorrddeerr ttoo ttaakkee ffuullllaaddvvaannttaaggee ooff yyoouurr ttrreeaattmmeenntt ttiimmee.. If the door is locked when you arriveplease be assured that it will be openedfive minutes prior to your appointmenttime. If the therapist is in treatmentwith a client and the receptionist is notavailable, the door will be locked toensure a calm, peaceful environmentduring treatment.

HEALTH CONSULTATIONUpon arrival you may be asked to complete a health questionnaire. If you have any health concerns pleasecheck at the time of booking to ensureyour chosen treatment is suitable.

SALON ETIQUETTEThe salon environment is one of relaxation and tranquillity. Pleaserespect all salon guests’ right to privacyand serenity. We therefore ask clientsnot to bring children into the salonwhilst having treatments. To maintainthe calming ambience of the salonplease turn off all electrical devices. We thank you for your co-operation.

OPENING HOURSMonday-Friday 9am-9pmSaturday 9am-4pm

SPA SUITEThe specially designed Spa Suite creates a fun way for two people toenjoy their treatments together. A wonderful way to celebrate birthdays,anniversaries, bridal showers, mother’sday or just about anything! Please request at time of booking.

PREGNANCYWe have specially designed treatmentsfor expectant and nursing mothers. A team member will be only too happyto help guide you in selecting which treatments will be most suitable for youduring this special time.

PRODUCTSAll products are tried and tested in theTherapy Suite to ensure only reputablebrands and the highest of quality comeat our recommendation.

HOMECARETo continue your In-Touch regime andexperience at home, all products used in the treatment rooms are available to purchase.

GIFT VOUCHERSOur gift vouchers are uniquely presented in our signature box and bag.These are redeemable against bothtreatments and products. They are validfor 6 months and cannot be replaced iflost. PPlleeaassee kkeeeepp tthheemm iinn aa ssaaffee ppllaaccee..

BOOKING AND CANCELLATIONA credit card number may be needed tosecure your appointment.

CClliieennttss wwhhoo wwiisshh ttoo cchhaannggee oorr ccaanncceell aannaappppooiinnttmmeenntt aarree rreeqquueesstteedd ttoo pprroovviiddee4488 hhoouurrss nnoottiiccee oorr ffuullll ppaayymmeenntt ffoorr tthheettrreeaattmmeenntt mmaayy bbee cchhaarrggeedd..



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HHeerree aatt IInn--TToouucchh oouurr tthheerraappiissttss aarree sskkiinnccaarree pprrooffeessssiioonnaallss aanndd hhaavvee uunnddeerrggoonnee eexxtteennssiivvee ttrraaiinniinngg iinn ffaacciiaalltthheerraappyy iinn oorrddeerr ttoo pprreessccrriibbee tthhee vveerryybbeesstt ttrreeaattmmeenntt aaddvviiccee.. For this reasonour Facial Therapy experience is completely flexible and customized toyour specific skin complaints, needs andstress levels.

All facial treatments begin with FaceMapping and incorporate steamed towels infused with aromatic extracts toensure comfort and thorough cleansing.Pressure point facial therapy and Indianscalp massage are sure to induce peaceand quiet. The treatments come to aclose with a light mist of Lavender andBalm Mint to reawaken the mind, bodyand senses.

All you have to do is chose the treatment time and let us decide howbest to utilize our vast array of products and skills to best complementyour skincare.

FACE MAPPINGThe first and most important step in anyskincare treatment is the analysis ofyour skin to determine areas of concernand therefore design a skincare treatment and homecare prescriptionthat are completely personalized to yourunique needs.

TTiimmee :: 30min

CLEAN STARTA specifically designed system ofproducts created exclusively for teens.Includes Face Mapping and an educatingskin lesson on the do’s and the don’ts.Following a 30 Minute Facial, samplesare given to try at home. An ideal wayfor teens to understand the importanceof great skincare.

EEvveerryyoonnee ddeesseerrvveess aa CClleeaann SSttaarrtt!!

TTiimmee :: 45min

REVITALIZING EYE RESCUEThis treatment aims to detoxify andrejuvenate this delicate area wheremany toxins can accumulate, leavingeyes feeling tired, sore and irritated.

TTiimmee :: 45min

30 MINUTE FACIAL THERAPYA great introduction to the In-Touch signature facial experience or the perfectquick fix for a specific problematic area.

TTiimmee :: 30min

60 MINUTE FACIAL THERAPYThe exclusive In-Touch signature facial experience.

TTiimmee :: 1hr

75 MINUTE FACIAL THERAPYAllows extra time for further massage,professional exfoliation or extraction workto give powerful and visible results.Will be customized for concerns; from pigmentation and dryness to adult acne.

TTiimmee :: 1hr 15min

90 MINUTE FACIAL THERAPYBegin the facial experience with anAromatherapy back massage to makethis a profoundly relaxing treatmentwhich switches off a chattering mindand induces rest.

TTiimmee :: 1hr 30min

AGE SMART FACIAL THERAPYCreated for clients concerned with premature ageing and the signs ofphoto-ageing and sun damage. Potentvitamin and hydroxy acid exfoliationresurfaces and retexturizes skin to helpfirm, smooth, nourish and regenerate.The ultimate in skin therapy for matureor devitalized skin.

TTiimmee :: 1hr 15min

MANUAL LYMPHATIC DRAINAGEMASSAGE (MLD)Using the world-recognized ‘Vodder’method to stimulate the lymphatic system of the neck and face for theutmost in facial skin health. This incredibly light massage can alsobe used in the treatment of facial bruising, swelling, sinus congestion andpuffy eyes.

TTiimmee :: 45min

MLD & AGE SMART FACIAL THERAPYCombining both treatments for superior results.

TTiimmee :: 1hr 45min


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PURIFYING BACK TREATMENT Following a deep cleanse, the JapaneseSpa-inspired buffing cloth gentlysmoothes the skin. Incorporates a backmassage designed to rid your musclesof stress and your skin of impurities.

TTiimmee :: 45min

SPORTS MASSAGEA deep tissue massage which targetsproblem areas on the back or the legs.Strong, intense and powerful, this isideal for pain relief, injury preventionand remedial therapy.

TTiimmee :: 45min

HYDRO-ACTIVE MINERAL SALT SCRUBThis invigorating full body exfoliationhelps restore vital nutrients to dull, dry, tired looking skin.

TTiimmee :: 1hr

BODY FOLIATION This gentle full body exfoliationsmoothes and brightens the skin to asoft glow. Ideal for more sensitive skin.

TTiimmee :: 1hr

MULTI-CULTURAL MASSAGEA blend of traditional Swedish massagemovements and revolutionary ‘No Hands’ massage techniques for highly effective results.

TTiimmee :: 1hr or 30min

BLISSFUL BACK, FACE AND SCALPMASSAGEA luxurious treat for the upper body.Warm volcanic stones melt awaymuscular tension in the back, neck andshoulders, whilst essence of Lavenderand Sandalwood calm an overactivemind. The treatment is finalized with adeeply relaxing scalp massage to leaveyou in a state of perfect calmness.

TTiimmee :: 1hr

HYDRO WRAPA natural Aloe based pack is swaddledin a thermal wrap to infuse the skinwith moisture. An ultra soothing treatment to help combat itchy, flakyand dehydrated skin. Ideal for pre andpost holiday as well as the dryingmonths of winter.

TTiimmee :: 1hr 15min

MUD MASSAGE THERAPYA unique and exotic detoxifying bodymassage that cleanses skin whilst conditioning and fortifying with antioxidants. Remineralise, de-stressand relax.

TTiimmee :: 1hr 15min

ENZYMATIC SEA MUD WRAP Detoxify your body with a purifying seaweed and mineral mud poultice,sealed in a warm, relaxing wrap. Rich in aromatic botanical extracts and fruit enzymes.

TTiimmee :: 1hr 15min

POWER RECOVERY WRAP An intense wrap dedicated to feedingskin the nourishment it craves. Theadded benefit of heat not only comforts,but aids the absorption of beneficialingredients. Addresses specific conditions, including sun damage, prematurely-ageing skin and psoriasisfor optimal skin health.

TTiimmee :: 1hr 15min


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TThheerree iiss nnoo ootthheerr ttiimmee iinn aa wwoommaann’’ss lliiffeewwhheenn sshhee mmoorree ddeesseerrvveess ttoo bbee ppaammppeerreedd tthhaann wwhheenn sshhee iiss pprreeggnnaanntt..

LIGHTEN UPReduce swelling and stimulate circulation with a gentle lower leg andfoot massage. Cool marble stones aidlymphatic drainage to alleviate discomfort.

TTiimmee :: 30min

THE YUMMY TUMMYImprove the elasticity and tonicity of theskin with this super soothing facial forthe tummy. Gentle skin brushing and hydrating mask aid the 9 month stretch.

TTiimmee :: 45min

FREE LOADERA wonderful back, neck and shouldermassage specifically designed to releasetension and fatigue.

TTiimmee :: 30min

FREE YOUR MINDA gentle upper body and head massagewill release muscular tension followedby a deep neck and shoulder stretch.

TTiimmee :: 45min

MATERNITY MASSAGEA complete body massage using specific pre-natal techniques to increase circulation, alleviate tired muscles andreduce water retention.

TTiimmee :: 1hr

THE SMOOTHIERejuvenate your skin and clear your mindin preparation for your pending arrival.The Smoothie will exfoliate your skin ohso gently but effectively.

TTiimmee :: 1hr

4TH TRIMESTER HEALING HOURThis relaxing top to toe massage helpsto realign and restore your body as it naturally adapts and returns to beingone person again.TTiimmee :: 1hr

TUMMY TONE-UP A radically active treatment to help toneand tighten slack skin following the 9month stretch. An intensive exfoliation,followed by a trio of super active creamshelp bring you back into shape.

TTiimmee :: 45min

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REFLEX FOOT THERAPYCombining the unrivalled relaxingbenefits of both reflexology and massage. The perfect way to end your day!

TTiimmee :: 30min

AROMATHERAPY MASSAGEPure essential oils are customized toyour skin and body’s needs to helpimprove your physical and emotionalwell-being. A peaceful, de-stressingtreatment to help you gently relax and refocus.

TTiimmee :: 1hr or 30min

REFLEXOLOGYSit back and enjoy a therapy that usesthe feet as a map of the human body.Manipulation and pressure point techniques work to bring the wholebody back into balance. A relaxing and informative treatment, promoting asense of well-being.

TTiimmee :: 1hr

HOPI EAR CANDLING A traditional Indian relaxation ceremony, which focuses on soothingthe ears, clearing the head and calmingthe mind. The treatment induces a balance of pressure in the ears, sinusesand forehead. Particularly helpful forheadaches, sinusitis and hayfever.

TTiimmee :: 45min

INDIAN HEAD MASSAGEA deeply soothing experience to relieveand calm the emotions of the mind andease the stresses of the upper body.Specific massage movements focus onthe marma points of the head, neck,shoulders and scalp.

TTiimmee :: 1hr

INDONESIAN MASSAGEBalance the body and restore vitality.This exotic and energetic massage willleave you uplifted and recharged.Coconut oil and Ginger help clear energylines whilst boosting circulation.

TTiimmee :: 1hr 15min



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SHIRODHARA Using the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda,this truly unique, holistic treatmenttransports you into an unfound state ofpeace and relaxation. A continuousstream of warm oil is centred over thethird eye, drizzling into the hair andscalp to recondition and purify. Each successive Shirodhara treatmenthelps to increase blood circulation tothe brain, improve memory, nourish thehair and scalp, encourage sound sleepand calm body and mind.

WWhheenn bbooookkiinngg tthhiiss ttrreeaattmmeenntt pplleeaassee bbeeaawwaarree tthhaatt tthhee hhaaiirr wwiillll bbee ssaattuurraatteeddwwiitthh ooiill.. FFoorr bbeesstt rreessuullttss lleeaavvee tthhee ooiilliinn ffoorr uupp ttoo 2244 hhoouurrss aanndd tthheenn wwaasshh..

TTiimmee :: 1hr

HOT THAI REMEDYHot Thai herbal compresses are used toinduce a powerful purifying massageexperience. The herbs are renowned forimproving the body’s capabilities of self-healing. Awakens the senses,soothes the soul and eases generalaches and pains.

TTiimmee :: 1hr 15min

LAVA SHELL MASSAGESuper smooth Tiger Striped Clam Shellsare expertly glided over the body withvarying pressures, techniques and precision to reach the deepest achesand pains. The enveloping warm energyof the shells allow for a much firmer,deeper pressure.

TTiimmee :: 1hr 15min

LAVA SHELL HOLISTIC COLON CLEANSEStimulate, improve and regulate thedigestive system with a combination ofsoothing heat and gentle massage.Effectively eliminate toxins and reducebloating. This treatment will leave youfeeling lighter, more comfortable andwith a flatter tummy.

TTiimmee :: 45min

IN-TOUCH SIGNATURE TREATMENT An all-encompassing, flowing treatmentfor the entire body, face and scalp.Combines the very best massage techniques with a touch of the unexpected to restore balance and provide total wellness for the inner self,mind and body.

TTiimmee :: 2hr

HYDROTHERM MASSAGEExperience a wonderful feeling of totalrevitalization and harmony. The entiretreatment is carried out while you layface up on warm, water-filled cushions.The gentle warmth is particularly goodfor alleviating stiff joints and arthritis.Also perfect for mums-to-be.

TTiimmee :: 1hr

LA STONE THERAPYWarm volcanic rocks and subtly cooledmarble stones massage away life’s tensions and draw you into a truly deepstate of meditative relaxation. La Stone Therapy goes beyond thephysical experience of typical massageand enters deeper dimensions of relaxation, health and well-being.

TTiimmee :: 1hr 15min or 30min

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MANICUREA thorough, meticulous treat for the forearm, hand and nails. Helps to repairdry, chapped or prematurely ageing skin.

TTiimmee :: 1hr or 30min

PEDICURERevive tired, achy soles with ThermalTherapy to help soften, smooth andrestore hydration.

PPlleeaassee bbrriinngg yyoouurr ooppeenn--ttooeedd sshhooeess ttooaallllooww tthhee vvaarrnniisshh ttoo ddrryy..

TTiimmee :: 1hr or 30min

THE ULTIMATE ADD ONEnjoy a Scalp or Facial Massage whilstyou wait for your nails to dry.

TTiimmee :: 20min

MINXMinx allows you to easily extend fashionto your very fingertips and toes. Minxis not like nail polish, but is made of flexible film and is applied using onlyheat and pressure. It has no dryingtime, is long-lasting, smudge free, fastand exciting. Minx is the ultimate fashion accessory. Dare to wear!

SHELLACIntroducing the world’s first hybrid nailcolour. Shellac offers all the benefits ofpolish application with the longevity ofsoak-off gel. Nails are instantly dry,boast a mirror-like shine and resist dullness and chipping for two weeks.

CChhoooossee ttoo aadddd MMiinnxx oorr SShheellllaacc ttoo aannyyMMaanniiccuurree//PPeeddiiccuurree..

NOUVEAU LASHESState of the art semi-permanent lashextensions. The lashes are soft, curved,flat based and have a fine polished tip,just like natural lashes. To maintain thefull effect we recommend maintenancetreatments every 2-3 weeks.

NOUVEAU : FULL SETTTiimmee :: 2hr


NOUVEAU : EYE OPENERApplied to the outer corner of each eyeto give shape and definition.Ideal as an introduction to Nouveau.

TTiimmee :: 30min

ST.TROPEZ SPRAY TANA safe and flawless tan in minutes.

AArrrriivvee iinn lloooossee,, ddaarrkk ccllootthhiinngg wwiitthh nnoommaakkee--uupp,, bbooddyy lloottiioonn oorr ppeerrffuummee oonn..

TTiimmee :: 20min

TINTING AND PERMINGSee price list for full details.

AA ppaattcchh tteesstt iiss rreeqquuiirreedd pprriioorr ttoo ffiirrssttttiimmee ttiinnttiinngg aanndd ppeerrmmiinngg..

WARM ROLL-ON WAXINGSee price list for full details.

LYCON PRECISION WAXINGThis waxing system literally shrinkwraps around the hair and does notstick to the skin. Resulting in virtuallypain-free waxing! Hair is removedfrom the very root of the hair follicle,therefore preventing hair breakage,ingrown hairs, bruises and sensitivity.Amazingly, this wax will also removeshort, stubborn hairs as short as 2mm.Ideal for more sensitive areas.

See price list for full details.



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DECONGEST AAiidd ssyymmppttoommss ooff ccoolldd,, fflluu aanndd hhaayyffeevveerr

• Reflexology• Hopi Ear Candling• Revitalizing Eye Rescue

TTiimmee :: 2hr

RELAXTThhee uullttiimmaattee ssttrreessss bbuusstteerr!!

• Purifying Back Treatment• Indian Head Massage• Reflex Foot Therapy

TTiimmee :: 2hr

RECUPERATEFFoorr ttoottaall mmiinndd aanndd bbooddyy eessccaappiissmm

• 1 Hour Aromatherapy Massage• 60 Minute Facial Therapy• Reflex Foot Therapy

TTiimmee :: 2hr 15min

RESTOREAAwwaakkeenn tthhee sseennsseess aanndd ssooootthhee tthhee sskkiinn

• Hydro-Active Mineral Salt Scrub• Hydro Wrap• Aromatherapy Back Massage

TTiimmee :: 2hr 30min

NURTUREDDeessiiggnneedd ffoorr pprreeggnnaanntt//nnuurrssiinngg mmootthheerrss

• Hydrotherm Massage• 30 Minute Facial Therapy• 1 Hour Pedicure

TTiimmee :: 2hr 30min

PREPAREEEnnjjooyy ‘‘mmee ttiimmee’’ bbeeffoorree tthhee nneeww aarrrriivvaall!!

• Reflexology• Lighten Up• Scalp Massage

TTiimmee :: 1hr 45min

PERFECT PREPGGeettttiinngg yyoouu rreeaaddyy,, sseett aanndd ssccrruubbbbeedd!!

• Hydro-Active Mineral Salt Scrub• St.Tropez Spray Tan• 1 Hour Pedicure

TTiimmee :: 2hr 30min

REVITALIZEPPeerrffeecctt pprree--hhoolliiddaayy ppaammppeerriinngg

• 1 Hour Manicure• 1 Hour Pedicure• Eyebrow Shape• Eyelash Tint• Half Leg Wax

TTiimmee :: 3hr 15min

INDONESIAN SECRETSLLoossee yyoouurrsseellff iinn ttoottaall bblliissss

• Indonesian Massage• Indian Head Massage

TTiimmee :: 2hr

RELAXATION AND RESULTSCCoommbbiinniinngg bbootthh lluuxxuurryy aanndd eeffffiiccaaccyy

• Age Smart Facial Therapy• Resurfacing Hand Treatment• Eyebrow Shape

TTiimmee :: 2hr 30min


PACKAGESOOuurr ppaacckkaaggeess ooffffeerr aa ccoommbbiinnaattiioonn ooff tthheeaaffoorree mmeennttiioonneedd ttrreeaattmmeennttss ttoo ggiivvee aahheeiigghhtteenneedd ssttaattee ooff rreellaaxxaattiioonn aanndd ttoottaallwweellllnneessss.. A wonderful way to celebratebirthdays, anniversaries, bridal showers,mother’s day or just about anything!

PPlleeaassee rreeffeerr ttoo tthhee ttrreeaattmmeenntt gguuiiddee ffoorrssppeecciiffiicc ddeettaaiillss ooff eeaacchh tthheerraappyy..

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The ultimate ‘‘ppiicckk--mmee--uupp’’ experience!Morning tea or coffee on arrival, lunchand afternoon refreshments are all included.

WEEKEND WIND DOWN • Hydro-Active Mineral Salt Scrub• Hydro Wrap• 1 Hour Aromatherapy Massage• 60 Minute Facial Therapy• 1 Hour Pedicure

TTiimmee :: 6hr

TOTAL TIME OUT • Enzymatic Sea Mud Wrap• Hot Thai Remedy• 60 Minute Facial Therapy• Hopi Ear Candling• Reflexology

TTiimmee :: 6hr

AAlltteerrnnaattiivveellyy, choose your favourite therapies and we will be happy todevise a bespoke treatment day just for you.

UNWINDA half day package for complete wellness. Refresh, renew and revive.

• Body Foliation• 1 Hour Aromatherapy Massage• 60 Minute Facial Therapy• 1 Hour Pedicure

TTiimmee :: 4hr

PERFECT PARTNERSFor you and your partner to enjoytogether in the Spa Suite. An ideal treatfor pre or post wedding, honeymoon,anniversary or St.Valentines Day.

• Purifying Back Treatment• Blissful Back, Face and Scalp Massage• 1 Hour Pedicure

TTiimmee :: 2hr 30min

SPECIAL OCCASION PACKAGEA combination of essential treatmentsto help you look and feel your best.

• St.Tropez Spray Tan• 30 Minute Manicure• 30 Minute Pedicure• Nouveau Eye Opener

TTiimmee :: 2hr

(Full and half day packages)



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