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2011 President’s DinnerNational Signing DayGolf OutingFund-A-Cause

Iona Prep NewsIona Prep NewsWinter 2012

...for alumni, parents, students & friends

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Our MissionIona Prep educates young men to be moral,ethical leaders, developing the whole personin the heritage of Blessed Edmund Rice andthe American Catholic tradition to be life-longlearners, responsible to their commitment ofservice to others, confident in their self-worth,while being supported by a challenging andinnovative college-preparatory curriculum inrelationship with dedicated and caring facultyand community.

Students participating in the annual ThanksgivingFood Drive, see the full story on page 14.

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Iona Prep NewsIona Prep News

Table of ContentsPresident’s Message.......................4Principal’s Message.......................5Campus News............................6-9Athletics...................................10-12Service News...........................14-15Alumni News...........................16-19Alumni Notes.........................20-21In Memoriam...............................22Save the Date..............................24

Board of TrusteesBr. Lawrence T. Murphy, CFC Chairman

Br. Daniel J. Casey, CFCBr. Raymond Vercruysse, CFC, Ed D

Board of DirectorsJohn A. Verni, Esq. ’80, Chairman

Sr. Ona Bessette, CND Diane D. Brink Kevin J. Degen ’74William J. Falvey ’86Neil L. Lane, Esq. ’81Br. Thomas R. Leto, CFCFrancis X. Mara ’78

Robert H. McCooey, Jr. ’83Fr. Daniel O’ReillyFelix J. Petrillo ’89Thomas B. Wilson ’91

DirectorsEmeritiJohn P. HeffernanVito Verni

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President’s MessageWinter 2012

Dear Alumni, Parents, Students and Friends,

I trust that this issue of the Iona Prep News Magazine finds you and your familywell and looking forward to spring. I am two thirds the way through my second year as president of the Prep and I continue to find it to be an amazinglearning community. Every day brings new excitement and new energy tothe campus as our young men continue on their road to successful lives. Anyone walking throughour campus will find faculty and staff members dedicated to the ideals of Blessed Edmund Rice,founder of the Congregation of Christian Brothers. Since 1916, when Br. Doorley first openedthe Iona School, we have been educating the young men of the metropolitan area. Almost onehundred years later, committed lay women and men work along with the Brothers to bring Jesus’message of salvation to our entire community. It is blessed work and I thank all of you for yoursupport – it enables us to build God’s kingdom here at the Prep one young man at a time.

Since last January, Iona Prep has much to be thankful for! Over the summer we completed ourrenovation of the Tully Gymnasium along with other areas of the school. If you haven’t had timeto drop by, please do since the facelift has given the place a brand new look! The Class of 2011,upon graduation, amassed a little over $14 million is merit based awards. Fully 52-percent of theclass left Iona Prep with a scholarship offer to a college or university in excess of the four yeartuition paid here! That in itself is praiseworthy! We opened our doors to a full house – 783 students from all over the metropolitan area. Our freshman class of 213 students was the largestin the past ten years. All things considered, we are doing extremely well and we thank God forour blessings.

This year we have expanded our Campus Ministry and our Leadership Programs. Campus ministry, under the direction of Campus Minister Anthony Casella ’97, has provided numerousopportunities for our young men to participate in the sacramental life of the Church while putting their faith into action through Christian service. Our student leadership team sponsoredan extensive leadership workshop for 40 of our young men at the end of October. Another suchweekend is planned for the end of March. These weekends provide the opportunity for our students to learn what it means to be a leader and come to the understanding that each of us iscalled to lead others to God. Both programs are geared for student growth and the realizationthat we are each called to lead.

At the beginning of March we had a visit from His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York. Cardinal Dolan, recently back from Rome and his elevation, was hereto offer Mass with the students and to meet and greet members of the Prep community. Wethank His Eminence for his visit and especially for his support of Catholic education.

The spring is a wonderful time to visit Iona Prep and you are always welcome. Certainly, if youhave any questions about our future and where we are going, please feel free to call me at (914) 632-0714 ext. 214. Enjoy spring!

God bless,

Bro. Thomas R. Leto, CFCPresident


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Principal’s MessageWinter 2012

Dear Alumni, Parents, Students and Friends,

As we reach the midpoint of our school year we have much of which tobe proud. I hope you enjoy reading about the academic accomplish-ments and all the activities that have taken place in the last severalmonths.

The area that stands out to me this past semester is our student and staff involvementin Christian service. As Bro. Leto mentions in his letter, the expansion of our campusministry program has provided numerous opportunities for our students, faculty andstaff. Our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive was very successful and we are always grateful for the support our families give to this event. Dress-down days and bake salesare big hits among the students and staff so we have raised a substantial amount ofmoney to subsidize two very recent service trips. Twenty-four students and staff traveledto Glenmary Farm in Kentucky; twenty-three students and staff to Peru. Both of thesetrips took place during February break. We also added a weekend trip to one of thepoorest and most devastated urban areas in the country, Camden, NJ. This trip, throughthe Romero Center there, offers a strong reflection component as well as allowing ourstudents to experience abject poverty just two hours south of where they live.

Among our strongest on-going commitments are to our local pantries and communitycenters. One long-standing commitment is to HOPE, a food pantry in New Rochellewhere we send students at least twice monthly. As part of our recent Essential Elementsevaluation we committed to a stronger presence in the after-school program at HolyRosary parish in Port Chester. The purpose is to foster interpersonal connections as wellas offer help to those who need it. As you will read inside our students also participatedin Hungerfest and the Polar Plunge. Needless to say we are very proud of our studentsand the faculty who support them in their endeavors.

As we plan for the 2012-13 school year we will keep you informed of all that is going onthroughout the Iona Prep community. The weekly e-blasts have been a wonderful meansof communication through our Advancement office and we are always happy to hearfrom you as well. If you are in the neighborhood you are always welcome to stop by toget a flavor of all that is happening. We hope we’ll see you soon.


Maureen B. KiersPrincipal


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2011 President’s Dinner - On the Friday beforeThanksgiving, Iona Prep hosted its annual President’s Dinner at the Glen Island Harbour Club in New Rochelle.Over 300 alumni, parents and friends of Iona Prep attendedthe event. Proceeds from the event will benefit the renova-tion of the physics lab and the science programs. The nightincluded cocktails, fine dining, dancing and a silent and liveauction with the always entertaining guest auctioneers, JohnMcCarthy ’79 and John Verni ’80. Many items were auctioned including a pitching lesson with Mariano Rivera,two tickets to Super Bowl XLVI, season tickets for the NewYork Football Giants, a vacation to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico,dinner at Rao's, and much more. Special thanks to ourMothers’ Auxiliary and Fathers’ Council co-chairs and ourcommittee members made up of alumni, current parents, alumni parents and faculty members.

The Challenge - In November, Robert DePaolo ’12,Christopher McCooey ’12, Gabriel Ferrnate ’13, ThomasTaylor ’13 and Charles Mancini ’13 took part in MSG Varsity’s high school quiz show, The Challenge. The team,with Gabriel as captain, competed against a team fromHendrick HudsonHigh School. IonaPrep President Bro.Leto and over 30Iona students wentalong to cheer on their fellowclassmates and bepart of the studioaudience. Facultymember Deirdre Mone served as advisor for the team, andDarin Gillenwater ’86 attended as SFC coordinator. Theepisode aired throughout January on MSG Varsity (iO TVChannel 14). Iona Prep viewers were not disappointed asthe team defeated Hendrick Hudson.

Leadership Weekend - Fall 2011 Iona Prepheld the first of two leadership weekends in the fall. Theweekend took place at the Don Bosco Marian Shrine inStony Point, NY. Participants chosen for the workshopdemonstrate leadership qualities in academics, athletics, stu-dent government and extracurricular activities. Leadershipweekend is a powerful experience that touches the lives ofall the young men involved. Spiritually focused, the mainobjective of the retreat weekend is to create new friendsand to recognize their leadership skills while attendingworkshops that enhance their communication and listeningskills. Faculty members Darin Gillenwater ’86 and JohnRaimondo were the moderators for the weekend. Theywere assisted by the leadership committee of about a dozenIona Prep students. For the first time, leadership weekendwill be held twice. The second weekend will commence inthe spring.

Senior Mother-Son Dance - Iona Prep’s annualmother-son dance, also known as the “Mom Prom,” washeld at the Fountainhead in New Rochelle on November3rd. The Mom Prom is a special night to celebrate Iona Prepmothers and thank them for their love and support. Over100 seniors took their moms as dates for a night of dinner,dancing and fun. The senior mother-son dance is organizedby the Mothers’ Auxiliary.


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Irish Exchange Students - In the fall, nine Irish students and several chaperones from the Christian Brothers Secondary School in Wexford (Coláiste Éamonn Rís) visited IonaPrep to experience life in the United States. Each student waspaired with at least one Iona Prep student. The Irish boys spentthe week with a host family and experienced firsthand what it’slike to be an Iona Prep student. The entire group, led by facultymember Kevin O’Meara, traveled to New York City to view the9/11 Memorial and attend a New York Ranger game. During theirstay, alumnus Bob McCooey ’83 also hosted the Irish students andtheir chaperones at NASDAQ. A number of Iona Prep studentsrecently traveled to Dublin to the Edmund Rice Center in Water-ford where they spent a week taking classes. “The significance ofthe Irish exchange is to understand the breadth of the influenceof the Christian Brothers,” said Maureen Kiers, principal of IonaPrep. “Inviting the students from Ireland to Iona Prep gives bothgroups the opportunity to see the similarities and differences intheir schooling, but to have them understand that the roots of theireducation come from the same place.”

The Prep Players and Do Re Mi - In October, ThePrep Players performed the little known, but wildly funny musical, Do Re Mi. This musical tells the story of a bunch of has-been gangsters and their less-than-successful attempt to go

“legitimate” in the world of rock and roll. The Prep Players teamedup with students from The Ursuline School and Maria Regina toproduce the superb recreation of song and dance. Directed by Jason Summers ’98, the musical-comedy entertainedthree sold-out performances in the newly renovated Tully Gym-nasium. Br. Reynolds provided the scenic design. Faculty memberCharles Sloat ’84 is the moderator of The Prep Players.

National Merit Winners - In September, Iona Prep Principal Maureen Kiers announced that six students who werenamed commended students in the 2012 National Merit ScholarshipProgram. About 34,000 commended students throughout thecountry were recognized for their exceptional academic promise.The students were Karan Begani ’12, Robert DePaolo ’12, John Fay’12, Nicholas Kristensen ’12, Brijian Levesque ’12 and ChristopherMcCooey ’12. According to the NMSC, “The commended studentshave demonstrated outstanding potential for academic success.These students represent a valuable national resource; recognizingtheir accomplishments, as well as the key role their schools playin their academic development, is vital to the advancement of educational excellence in our nation.”

Irish exchange students from Wexford pictured withtheir Iona Prep hosts outside the Jakeway Library.

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Golf Outing - Iona Prep held its annual Golf Outingat Westchester Country Club in Harrison, N.Y. The outingwas sold out with more than 120 golfers. Following an afternoon on the West course, the golfers gathered for cocktails, fine dining and a live auction with the always entertaining guest auctioneer, Tom Rosato ’68. Auctionprizes included rounds of golf to the following courses: Garden City, Secession, Shinecock Hills, West Hampton andWinged Foot. A father/son trip with the New York FootballGiants to San Francisco to play the 49ers was also auctionedas well as the chance to be a member of the first-ever GaelCup. Special thanks to 2011 Golf Outing Committee: Bro.Thomas Leto, Tim Cacase ’84, Jim Coffey ’90, Jeanne DoranP ’12, Bill Falvey ’86, Michael Javakian ’91, Frank Mara ’78,John McCarthy ’79, Tom Rosato ’68 and John Verni ’80.

Olympic Day - In October, Iona Prep hostedOlympic Day for all students and faculty. Students partici-pated in various activities including capture the flag, chess,dodge ball, flag football, handball, ping-pong, softball, tennis, trivia, ultimate frisbee, volleyball and tug-of-war.Teams were divided by class year, making Olympic Day especially competitive. The seniors - Class of 2012 - tookfirst place. After a very successful day in 2010, Olympic Daynow takes place every year. The event was planned and coordinated by the Student Faculty Council (SFC).


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Tully Gymnasium Ribbon Cutting - This past fall,Iona Prep celebrated the ribbon cutting of the newly renovatedTully Gymnasium. Bro. Leto led the ceremony and was joinedby faculty/staff, alumni, parents and friends of the Prep. Amongthe attendees included Chairman of the Board of DirectorsJohn Verni ’80 and William Tully ’43. A reception followed immediately after the ribbon cutting ceremony. A brand newtrophy case was also installed.

9/11 Memorial Prayer Service - On September12th, Iona Prep hosted a memorial prayer service in honor ofthe ten year anniversaryof 9/11. During the prayerservice an American flaghung from the rafters inthe newly renovated TullyGymnasium as the IonaPrep community remem-bered the first respondersand all those who losttheir lives that tragicmorning. One of themany alumni that IonaPrep lost was KevinClearly ’81. Kevin’smother Betty and sisterCate were present at theprayer service.

Freshman Field Day - Class of 2015 Freshman fieldday took place on September 8th for the Class of 2015. Over200 freshmen entered the campus of Iona Prep to embark on anew and exciting journey. The students spent the day meeting

new classmates and faculty. They also participated in array ofsports and other activates with their homerooms including basketball, dodge ball, football, soccer and Ping-Pong. Aftertheir activities, the freshmen enjoyed a barbeque lunch.Throughout the day, students had the opportunity to get accli-mated to the building, class schedules and locker assignments.

Valerie Noble - Advancement Administrative Assistant In September, the Iona Prep community welcomedValerie Noble to the advancement office. Valerie comes to the Prep fromSt. Raymond’s High School for Boysin the Bronx, where she also servedas the advancement assistant. She hasspent the last ten years working andvolunteering in Catholic education.Valerie was instrumental in movingthe advancement office from room107 to the Carriage House in Decem-ber. An avid New York Yankee fan,she has been married for 28 years toher husband Dave and has three children: David (25), Lauren (22) andKaitlin (19).

Thomas B. Wilson ’91 - Thomas B. Wilson,DDS MD is a 1991 graduate of Iona Prep. Whileat the Prep, Dr. Wilson was an honor student andthree-sport athlete, competing in football, track,and lacrosse. Upon graduating from Iona PrepDr. Wilson attended Boston College where hewas a varsity letter winner in football playing forcurrent New York Giants Coach Tom Coughlin.After Boston College, Dr. Wilson obtained bothhis doctor of dental surgery and doctor of medicine degrees from Columbia University.Currently, Dr. Wilson is a practicing oral andmaxillofacial surgeon in Purchase, NY andGreenwich, CT. He is an assistant clinical professorand attending surgeon at Columbia Universityand Greenwich Hospital. Dr. Wilson is happilymarried to his wife Elisa, and has three children:Elexa, Tyler and Travis.



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s Fall

Team Awards/HighlightsFall BaseballWon Doug Faul Memorial Tournament

BowlingFinished the regular season 10-6

Cross CountryFreshman cross country team won the 34th Brewster InvitationalJV team finished second at 16th Annual Disney X-Country Classic (won Mickey Team Trophy)

Varsity team finished ninth at 16th Annual Disney X-Country ClassicVarsity Football Finished the regular season at 5-3Lost in semifinals of the playoffs

JV Football Finished the regular season at 5-3Lost in quarterfinals of the playoffs

Freshman Football Finished the regular season at 7-1

Varsity SoccerFinished the season at 10-5-3Finished regular season as division championsLost in quarterfinals of the playoffs

JV SoccerFinished the regular season at 9-6-1 Lost in semifinals of the playoffs

From playing fields to the classroom, this past year Iona Prep students worked withMSG Varsity to spotlight academics, athletics, and school events. for more information.


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Varsity FootballJustin Combs ’12Semper Fidelis All-AmericanJournal News Westchester & Putnam High School All-Star First Team

CHSFL All-League DefenseChris Cooper ’13Journal News Westchester & Putnam High School All-Star Second Team

CHSFL All-League DefenseDan Fischer ’12Journal News Westchester & Putnam High School All-Star Second Team

CHSFL All-League DefenseKameron Tedder ’12Preseason Journal News “Super 11” All-Star

Journal News Westchester & Putnam High School All-Star First Team

CHSFL All-League DefenseShaquille Townsend ’13Journal News Westchester & Putnam High School All-Star Second Team

CHSFL All-League Offense

Other CHSAA All-League winners:Matt Berni ’12Mario Biaggi ’13Omari Buster ’12

Varsity SoccerStephen Elias ’15U15 U.S. National Team CampCHSAA All-League

Alex Kapp ’12High School All-AmericanESPN Rise All-State Honorable Mention

Other CHSAA All-League winners:Felix Abongo ’12Cesar Ceja ’12 Kyle Hughes ’12

Cross-CountryTim Hefferon ’12Westchester All-County Team

Student Awards/Highlights

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Cesar Ceja ’12 soccer - Marist College

Justin Combs ’12 football - UCLA

Matt D’Ariano ’12 baseball - University of Connecticut (UConn)

Vinny DeMaria ’12 baseball - Iona College

Shane Fee ’12 lacrosse - Bucknell University

Greg Gallagher ’12 pole vault - College of William & Mary

Sam Garito ’12 baseball - Eastern Connecticut State University

Darin Gillenwater ’12 swimming - SUNY Binghamton

Alex Kapp ’12 soccer - Boston College

Phil Logerfo ’12 lacrosse - University of Scranton

Tim McCarthy ’12 baseball - Temple University

Luke Wooters ’12 lacrosse - Nazareth College

National Signing Day - Senior Athletes MakeCollegiate Commitments - Throughout the country on February 1st, thousands of student-athletes participated in nationalsigning day. This was no different at Iona Prep as a dozen seniorssigned letters of intent during a ceremony hosted by the Athletic Department. Iona Prep‘s student-athletes were joined by family members and coaches alike in room 401 after school. The ceremonywas covered by MSG Varsity.

Matt D’Ariano

Vinny DeMaria

Cesar Ceja Justin Combs

Shane Fee

Greg Gallagher

Sam Garito

Darin Gillenwater

Alex Kapp

Phil Logerfo

Tim McCarthy

Luke Wooters

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Wish Upon a Star - Help Iona Prep’s astronomers become the next Kepler with a SolarMax II 90Richview Telescope with mount and blocking filter. The SolarMax II Double Stack telescope is a research-grade instrument that would bring Iona Prep’s Astronomy classes to the next galaxy and bethe envy of all high schools.

Donate $5,000 and make their wish come true!

Take a Quantum Leap - Help our students quantify their scientific data with the Explorer GLX Remote Data Logger. The GLX Explorer is cutting edge technology from PASCO Scientific. This multi-use device allows for up to four digital sensor inputs in addition to four onboard sensors. All of thisin a small, portable package allows for data collection both in the laboratory as well as the field.

Make the Iona Prep Science Department go electro-dynamic with a $2,500 donation!

Get Iona Prep “Current” - This package wish list includes charge sensors (16 @ $75), Tinspire labcradles (32 at $145), iPod Touch (6 at $200) and an Air Track (1 at $1,070).

Make a “shocking” difference with a $1,000 donation.

Einstein Essentials... It’s ALL Relative -Modern Physics is where it’sat! This package wish list includes charge sensors (16 at $75), Tinspire labcradles (32 at $145), iPod Touch (6 at $200) and an Air Track (1 at $1,070). Your $500 donation is essential to the Iona Prep Science Department!

Darlin’ Darwin -Help Iona Prep evolve into the future! Your gift will allow students to conductscientific research in biology, chemistry and physics. This package wish list includes 16 VoltageProbes, 16 Temperature Probes, a Current Probe, 16 Magnetic Field Sensors, 16 Charge Sensors,Mercury Light Source, 2 Spring Scales, and Sensor DAQ.

Your $250 donation will help your students collect data in a snap!

All “Fund-A-Cause” donations are 100-percent tax deductible.For more information or questions, please contact Barbara Robertson, chief advancement officer, at [email protected] or (914) 600-6158.

“Fund-A-Cause” Make a DifferenceIona Prep is seeking financial assistance to fund specific causes for the renovation of the physics lab and support of the science programs. Please consider making a donation to a “Fund-A-Cause” package below...

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Basketball Program Teams Up with SAILDuring the Christmas season, Iona Prep's basketball program hosted a Christmas party at Iona Prep for the children from SAIL at Ferncliff Manor. Located on Saw MillRiver Road in Yonkers. SAIL (The School for Adaptive &Integrative Learning) is an organization dedicated to meeting the needs of people with developmental disabilities,their families, and the community utilizing research-based,adaptive and integrative strategies. Thanks to Head CoachVic Quirolo and all the basketball coaches and teams,enough money was raised to purchase gifts for the kids fromSAIL. There was a visit from Santa who distributed gifts toall the guests. Iona Prep basketball players and campus ministers were on-hand to work the event and they gave thechildren from Ferncliff a night to remember. The event wascoordinated by Anthony Casella ’97, director of campusministry, and the campus ministers. Special thanks to currentparents Patti MacGillivray and Maureen Verre.

Blood Drive - In December, Iona Prep hosted its annual blood drive. The blood drive was facilitated by theNew York Blood Center, under the supervision of IonaPrep’s health office and School Nurse, Marianne Brady.Dozens of seniors, faculty and staff members generouslygave the gift of life which will be distributed to hospitalsthroughout the New York regions.

Polar Plunge - On December 3rd, over a dozen IonaPrep students and several faculty members participated inthe Polar Plunge at Rye Playland. Two alumni - Ed Riley’76 and J.D. Piro ’76 - also took the plunge. The Polar Plungeis a unique opportunity to support Special Olympics NewYork by jumping or running into the freezing waters of theLong Island Sound. The Iona Prep students who took partin the Polar Plunge helped raise over $13,000 for the athletes of Special Olympics New York. Iona Prep’s PolarPlunge chapter is moderated by faculty member Pat Gray.

Thanksgiving Food Drive - Iona Prep held its annual Thanksgiving prayer service before break to markthe completion of this year’s food drive. For two weeks, theIona Prep community collected non-perishable food itemsfor the less fortunate. Over a dozen turkeys and producewere also donated by Mark D’Urso ’80. Following theprayer service, several students and faculty members loadedand delivered over 200 bags of food to two parishes in Manhattan: St. Charles Borromeo on West 141st Street andSt. Mark’s on West 138th Street. Special thanks to Br. R.W.Harris ’62 and the Edmund Rice Society for sponsoring thefood drive.

Hungerfest - Iona Prep hosted its third annualHungerfest in November. Approximately 25 Iona Prep students and several faculty volunteers fasted for 24 hoursovernight to promote hunger awareness. During the fast,students participated in leadership-building activities, heardfrom guest speakers Dale Williams from the Midnight Runand Carole Troum from HOPE Community Services. Theyprepared food that was donated to several local soupkitchens and gathered clothes and toiletries for MidnightRun. The group also spent the night sleeping in cardboardboxes outside the Paul Verni Fine Arts Center to truly experience what it’s like to be hungry and homeless. OnSaturday morning, the group woke early to deliver hundreds of bags of food to several soup kitchens in the areaincluding HOPE in New Rochelle, Sharing Community inYonkers, and Holy Rosary Soup Kitchen in Port Chester.

This year’s Hungerfest was particularly special becauseIona Prep partnered with Cablevision and Power to Learnto take part in MSG Varsity’s Charity Champions contest.Charity Champions promote volunteerism and help raisemoney for a school-selected charity. This year, Iona Prep se-lected HOPE as its charity. Carole Troum from HOPE ac-cepted a $1,000 check on behalf of the organization onFriday night during Hungerfest.

The participants ended the 24-hour fast with Mass in IonaPrep's Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel. Dinner wasprovided by Iona Prep's Fathers' Council. Hungerfest wasorganized and coordinated by faculty member Dana Pisaniand Iona Prep's Student Faculty Council (SFC). Facultymembers Darin Gillenwater ’86 and John Raimondo aremoderators of the SFC.






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Varsity Football’s Carwash for Breast Cancer -The varsity football team held a carwash at Iona Prep and donated over $700 for the American Cancer Society. Led by senior captain Chris Fucci ’12, the team wanted to raise fundsand awareness for breast cancer research and thought a late October carwash would do the trick. The group worked tirelessly from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, washing almost 50 cars. Themoney was donated to the American Cancer Society via IonaPrep’s Making Strides team who walked at Manhattanville College the same morning.

Students, Faculty Walk for Breast Cancer - InOctober, over 20 Iona Prep students and faculty members MariaCavallaro, Dana Pisani and Phil Sallustio participated in the18th annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk atManhattanville College. Over 12,000 people participated in theevent, which was hosted by the American Cancer Society. Thestudents helped raise more than $6,000 for breast cancer aware-ness and walked five miles, wearing pink Iona Prep shirts.

Christian Leadership Retreat - Iona Prep held aChristian leadership retreat in September at Graymoor Spiritual Life Center in Garrison, NY. The retreat was open toall juniors and seniors and over 25 of the upperclassmen attended. During the retreat the students took part in prayer as well as leadership building workshops to enhance their communication and listening skills. The retreat was led by Fr.Tom Orians of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement. Theleadership retreat was organized and coordinated by Directorof Campus Ministry, Anthony Casella ’97.

Habitat for Humanity - Over 20 students from IonaPrep and The Ursuline School have spent time working on Orchard Street in Yonkers, N.Y. to demolish houses and cleanout an aqueduct. The group even got to work with men andwomen from the United States Navy and United States Military

Academy at West Pointon the ten-year anniver-sary of 9/11. Iona Prep’sHabitat for Humanitychapter is moderated byfaculty member DanaPisani.

ACTION Leadership Workshop - Iona Prep students Tim Hefferon’12, Jack Kelly ’12, James Sullivan ’13 and faculty member John Raimondo traveled to St. Johns, FL to participate in the Christian Brothers ACTION Leadership Workshop. For over 30 years, the Christian Brothers have hostedthe weekend-long event, bringing together leaders from schools coast-to-coast.The Iona Prep community was joined by students and faculty from over a dozenother Christian Brothers schools. Participants chosen for the annual workshopdemonstrate leadership qualities in academics, athletics, student governmentand extracurricular involvement.

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Alumni Hockey Game & Reception - OnJanuary 14th, Iona Prep hosted an alumni hockey gameand reception for former hockey players. Alums playedodd vs. even years at the Ice Hutch. After the alumni game,the current varsity team took to the ice in a game againstMonsignor Farrell. The varsity Gaels defeated the Lions9-2. After the game, the alums headed to Rockwell’s in Pelham for a reception where they reminisced with oldteammates and talked about the good ole days.

NYC Alumni Reception - Iona Prep hosted its annual NYCAlumni Reception at Public House in Midtown in January. Over 60 alumnijoined Bro. Leto and the Advancement Staff for a cocktail reception to celebrate the New Year, reconnect with fellow alumni, and learn about thegreat things happening at Iona Prep.

Varsity "B" Alumni Basketball Game - Over theChristmas break, Coach Frank Conroy’s ’75 varsity “B” basketballreunion game was held in the Tully Gymnasium. Players fromCoach Conroy’s first team (1995-1996)were present as well as players fromlast year’s (2010-2011) team. All in all, approximately 37 players returned.The 1996-2007 years played againstthe 2008-2011 years as Coach Conroy officiated the game. All the playerswere given a varsity “B” alumni t-shirt.Many of the former players are nowmarried and have children of theirown. Afterwards, the group enjoyed areception in the cafeteria where theyreminisced with former teammates.

If you are interested in becominga class agent for you designatedyear, please contact Thomas Mc-Grath ’06, advancement associate,at [email protected] or(914) 600-6188.


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Gifts to the Fund for Iona Prep help bridge the gap between tuition and the actual cost of providing an Iona Prep education. Your contribution will help with academics, athletics, campus ministry, extracurricular activities, financial aid or the physical plant. The Fund for IonaPrep is the simplest and most immediate way to support the Prep. No matter how large or smalla gift may be, it matters. Please consider making a gift to Iona Prep today.

In order to make your gift to Iona Prep, you can:• Give with your credit card by visiting and clicking the “Donate” button at the top of the page (this is a secure online giving site)

• Mail your check to: Iona Preparatory School Advancement Office, 255 Wilmot Road, New Rochelle, NY 10804

• Call MaryLou Pagano at (914) 600-6182

For more information or questions about the Fund for Iona Prep, please contact MaryLou Pagano, director of alumni and annual giving, at [email protected].

Please be advised the Iona Prep fiscal year ends June 30, 2012.

“Iona Prep changes the way you think, how you see the world. These skills are going to support me in life”

Michael, Class of ’11

“My son gained self-confidence that we never expected. His four years at Iona Prep were life-changing.”

Catherine, P ’11

Support the Fund for Iona Prepand Bridge the Gap... Today!

The Fund for

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Homecoming/2011 Alumni Reunions - OnSeptember 24th, Iona Prep held its annual homecoming reception during the varsity football game against MonsignorFarrell. Alumni and friends of the Prep gathered outside thePaul Verni Fine Arts Center for a fun filled day that includedthe a barbeque reception. Many classmates returned withtheir families to reminisce with old friends and catch-up oncurrent happenings. Iona Prep defeated Farrell 28-7. In theevening, Iona Prep hosted its 2011 alumni reunions foralums who graduated in years that end with “1” or “6” (1961,’66, ’71, ’76, ’81, ’86, ’91, ’96, ’01, ’06). Over 100 alumni attended the terrific event. This year's reunion marked the50th Anniversary of the Class of 1961.

Golden Gaels Brunch & Mass - Iona Prep’s annual Golden Gaels brunch and Mass took place the dayafter homecoming and alumni reunions. All alumni whograduated before 1962 are “Golden Gaels.” Golden Gaelsand their families attended Mass in Iona Prep’s Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Chapel and brunch in the D’UrsoConference Center.

Keith Bradley ’69, Cary Lat ’97, Ryan King ’01There is always a special bond between Iona Prep alumni,no matter their age or class year. This is especially true forKeith Bradley, M.D. ’69, Cary Lat ’97 and Ryan King ’01,

who all work in the Research Associates Program at St. Vincent’s Medical Center, in Bridgeport, CT. Despite notknowing each other before their assignments, the threealumni have one unique connection – they are all Iona Prepalumni – and this common ground helps the group workwell together. “When Dr. Bradley first told me he was anIona Prep alum, I was given a comfort in knowing that theperson across from me held the same value system as I did,”said Cary.

Cary and Ryan serve as chief research assistants and Keithserves as the director of the National Alliance of ResearchAssociates Programs (NARAP). NARAP is a symbioticconsortium of emergency departments and colleges joinedto generate research and quality improvement projects utilizing research associates to enroll large numbers of participants. Research assistants are college students andgraduates considering a career in the health professions andvolunteer in the emergency department for one 4-hour shiftper week over the course of academic semesters. Duringthat time, they enrolling participants in clinical research andproviding service based on that research.

“Despite the fact that Cary graduated from Boston Collegeand Ryan from the University of Michigan, while I went toNotre Dame, we work great together,” said Keith. “But youcan't believe the grief I got from them when their schoolsbeat up on the Irish this year!”

Brian O’Donnell ’84 - Takes Command ofUSS Leyte Gulf Iona Prep alumnus Captain Brian O’Donnell ’84 was named the Commanding Officer of theUSS Leyte Gulf(CG-55). USSLeyte Gulf (CG-55) is a Ticon-d e r o g a - c l a s sguided missilecruiser in theUnited States





Some of Iona Prep’s Golden Gaelsand their family members.

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Navy. The ship was named in memory of the World War II Battleof Leyte Gulf in the Pacific. Its homeport is in Norfolk, Virginia.Captain O’Donnell’s prior assignment was as the deputy commandant of Midshipmen at the United States Naval Academy. While at the Prep, Brian was a standout track athlete.He is still the school record holder in the steeplechase and cross-country event at Van Cortlandt Park. Captain O’Donnellgraduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1988 witha bachelor’s of science in history. He is also a graduate of theUnited States Naval War College, having received a masters ofArts degree in national security and international affairs.

Ray Bartoszek ’82 - Visits Senior Classes On Sep-tember 30th, Iona Prep alumnus Ray Bartoszek ’82 visited the Prep to speak to some of Mr. Frank Conroy’s ’75 sen-ior economics classes. Ray spoke to students about life after thePrep and his former profession as an oil trader. Ray worked as the managing director of Glencore In-ternational before retiring this past year after the company went public. He also spoke about his recent investment in the New York Yankees. In September, Ray pur-chased a piece of the Bronx Bombers from a minority investor.

Matt Benedetto ’08 - A True Entrepreneur MattBenedetto graduated from Iona Prep in 2008 and is currently asenior at Saint Michael’s College in Burlington, Vermont. Whilehe was at the Prep, Matt started his own skiing clothing brand,EC Headwear. At the time, he also skied competitively all overthe world. Since graduating from Iona Prep, Matt has been featured on MTV2 through the Winter Dew Tour, flown aroundthe United States for events, and continued running his business

while taking on a fullcourse load at SaintMichael’s. At 18, Matt rebranded EC Headwearinto Eastern Collective.Matt hopes to inspireother Iona Prep students tofollow an idea they have.

Visit to learn more about Matt andhis company and his recently released winter collection.

Alumni Named Captains - of Collegiate SwimTeams Three Iona Prep alumni from the Class of 2008 werenamed captains of their college swim teams this season: RobertEyckmans ’08, Ryan Marrano ’08 and Teddy Perley ’08. Rob,who attends Columbia University, qualified for the Ivy Leaguechampionship final of the 400 IM last year, placing fourth witha time of 3:56.81. He also qualified for the championship finalof the 200 breaststroke, coming in fifth with a time of 2:01.68.Ryan, a senior at Williams College, competes in freestyle, butterfly and IM. Teddy, who swims at Colgate University, hadhis team’s best time in the 100 breaststroke a season ago at 59.04seconds at the Patriot League Championships. He was also amember of the 200 medley relay thatset a new Colgate record at 1:33.40.During their time at Iona Prep, Rob,Ryan and Teddy set many schoolrecords during the 2007-2008 season including the 200-yard medley relayand 400-yard free relay.

Richard Clifford ’70 - Lawyer & Master KayakerRichard Clifford ’70 has worked as an attorney in WestchesterCounty for over 30 years. But when he’s not in his office inLarchmont, you can usually find him in some body of water. For the last 18 years, Richard is continuously hired to kayakalongside ultra-long-distance open water swimmers. Althoughhe considers kayaking a “hobby,” this is not your ordinarypastime. Richard has kayaked as part of the crew for swimmersfrom all over the world including Australia, California, Chicago,Texas and New York. In that time, he has been hired to kayaktheir swims in the Cayman Islands, Catalina Channel, ChicagoShoreline, and the length of Loch Ness in Scotland. Richard hasalso kayaked in local events around Manhattan Island and inthe Gertrude Ederle Swim from Battery Park to Sandy Hook, NJ. As kayaker to these long-distanceswimmers, Richard serves as theswimmers’ feeding station, guide andcompanion through the many hoursinvolved. “Sometimes what you perceive to be an impossible goal really is possible with teamwork,preparation and careful, meticulousplanning,” said Richard.

John McMahon ’82 - John and his wife, Theresa, willbe honored with the 2012 Breath of Life award from the Cystic

Fibrosis Foundation’s Greater NewYork Chapter. The McMahon’s arebeing recognized for their extraordi-nary efforts and dedication to raisingfunds and awareness. Over the past14 years, John and Theresa, theirfriends, and family, have raised closeto $2,000,000 to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Their annualevent, “Take the Plunge for CysticFibrosis,” is a major focus of theirfundraising efforts.


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Tom Watson ’80 - Tom published a booktitled, CauseWired: Plugging In, Getting Involved, Changing the World. The book, out

now in paperback, is about online social activism. The BBC calledCauseWired, “A fascinating read, notleast because the principles Watsonoutlines for effective online organizingare based on his own experiences.” Hisbook was published by John Wiley &Sons, Inc. Tom’s son Kelsey ’13 is currently a junior at Iona Prep.

Gerardo and Pasquale Di Leo ’87 - Jerry and Patsy published a new children’s picture book titled, Gabriella and HerBerry Good Friends. The book is the fourth book in a series inspired by Jerry’s daughter, Gabriella. The book series was a finalist in the USA Best Books 2011 Awards in the category of children’s book series. In 2011, the Di Leo’s also received first placefrom the Royal Dragonfly Book Awards for their book titled, Pirate Gabriella Sails the Five Oceans.

Terence Houlihan ’88 - Terry, anIona Prep faculty member, published anarticle titled, “The Adolescent Brain” inthe winter issue of the national magazine,School Counselor. The article highlightsthe changes in brain structure, hormonalfluctuations and sleep cycles of adoles-cents. The magazine is published by theAmerican School Counselor Association.

Scott Cade ’90 - Alumni Association President Scott andhis wife Jessica welcomed adaughter, Sydney Meredith, onOctober 27, 2011. Sydney isjoined by her four older brothers:Cooper ’15, Andrew, Daniel andEvan.

Chris Viggiano ’90 - Chris was named head coach of the baseball team at Lehman College in the Bronx. Chris was a baseball standout at Iona Prep andLehman. He manned second basefor the Lightning baseball team from1993 through 1996 and was anNCAA all-American. Chris was alsoinducted into the Lehman AthleticsHall of Fame in 2005.

Michael Keating ’91 -Mike and his wife Andrea welcomed ason, Charles Henry, on October 27, 2011. “Charlie” is joined by histwo siblings: Nolan and Clara.

Patrick Bien-Aime ’97 - Patrick “P.A.” Bien-Aime ’97 openeda unique lifestyle store in New Rochelle. The name of the boutiqueis BienAime, which translates to “well beloved.” The intimate storeand BienAime experience includes a collection of the most stylishgear including premium denim, eyewear, footwear, watches andother clothing apparel. The store is located on 11-B Treno Street(at the corner of North Avenue).

Nicholas Tuffarelli ’97 - Nick and his wife Nicole welcomed the arrival of their first child, Noelle Annette, onDecember 8, 2011.

Ryan Harrell ’02 - Ryan was named the assistant coach forIona College men’s and women’s swimming & diving team. Ryanis a 2007 Towson University graduate with a degree in exercise sci-ence. He is the Towson record holder in the 200-yard individualmedley, 400-yard individual medley while also serving as a memberof the Colonial Athletic Association record holding 800-yardfreestyle relay.

Henry Rooney ’02 - Hank and hisfiancée Rebecca Emmanuel announcedtheir engagement in the fall. Hank, agraduate of Iona Prep (2002) andBoston College (2006) is a sales associate at He and Rebecca will wed in NewOrleans on March 17, 2012. They currently reside in New York City.

Edward D. Riley III ’04 - On December 22, 2011, Edwardgraduated from the New York City Police Academy. Edward willpatrol borough Manhattan north and work within the confines ofthe 28 precinct. He is pictured with his father, Edward Jr. ’76 onthe day of his graduation.

Joseph Almeida ’06 - Joe graduated from the WestchesterCounty Police Academy and will work in the Yonkers Police Department. The new officers, including Joe, who completed 20weeks of training at the academy in Valhalla, received their diplomas during a ceremony at the Performing Arts Center at Pur-chase College.

Trevor Goff ’07 - Trevor graduated from the WestchesterCounty Police Academy and will work in the Yonkers Police De-partment. The new officers, including Trevor, who completed 20weeks of training at the academy in Valhalla, received their diplo-mas during a ceremony at the Performing Arts Center at PurchaseCollege.






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Doug Drummond ’08 - Doug Drummond ’08 was named to the2011 CoSIDA/Capital One Division III Academic All-America Football Team. Doug, a senior at Johns Hopkins University, was part of an offensive line thathelped Johns Hopkins set school records for points (39.8)and yards (492.7) yards per game. He is the treasurer of theJohns Hopkins Student Athlete Advisory Committee andspent last summer as a research/trading analyst at LapidesAsset Management.

Kyle Keelan ’08 - Kyle gave the student keynote at the opening ofthe brand new trading floor at Iona College’s Hagan School of Business.Kyle is currently a senior at IonaCollege where he is majoring in finance. He is also part of thehonor’s program at the College, amember of the finance club, andworks as an intern at the StepStoneGroup, a global private investmentfirm in New York City.

Nick Biagioni ’09 - Nick achieved dean’s list honors at RensselaerPolytechnic Institute and was named to the Liberty League Fall All-Academic Team as a member of the football team.

Myles Gillespie ’09 - Myles was featured inthe “College Corner” section of the Journal Newson September 1, 2011 for his athletic success at theCollege of Holy Cross. Myles, who is expected tohave a breakout junior year, is excited to helptransform last season’s troubles (the team finished2-13) into success this spring. As one of the team’soffensive leaders, he recorded five goals last year,including two in a 9-6 victory over Lafayette.

Jordon Bronner ’10 - Jordon, a University of New Hampshiresophomore, was featured in the school’s Service Credit Union student-athlete spotlight. The starting point guard scored a career-high 24 pointsto lead the Wildcats to a 71-64 victory against Colgate University onDecember 31, 2011. He was selected as the America East player of thegame as he shot 7 of 11 from the floor, including 2-for-3 from 3-pointrange, and also recorded five assists, three rebounds and two steals.

Jeff Mack ’10 - Jeff is a sophomore running backat CW Post-Long Island University. In the fall, herushed for a career-high 183 yards and scored twokey touchdowns in the third and fourth quarter thathelped the Pioneers defeat Bloomsburg University.

Colin Moran ’10 - Over thesummer, Colin was named a top30 prospect at the Cape CodBaseball League. He was tabbedthe No. 7 overall. Colin starredfor the Bourne Braves where heappeared in 26 regular seasongames. Colin, a sophomore atthe University of North Carolina, is the reigning baseballAmerica freshman of the year.

William Shanahan ’10 -William, a sophomore at Manhattan Col-lege, achieved Eagle Scout honor last year. William is a member ofTroop 47 in Yonkers and worked in April 2010 to refresh a soup kitchenat Casa Juan Diego, a group that serves migrant workers and the localLatino community.

Chika-Dike Nwokike ’11 - Chika-Dike, a freshman at Harvard,was elected as one of the freshmen representa-tive on the undergraduate council. Dike finishedsecond out of ten candidates in his residentialyard, Crimson Yard. In the future, he hopes tocampaign for the position of undergraduatecouncil president. Dike was the student bodypresident during his senior year at the Prep.

Edward Pagano ’11 - Over the summer, Edwardwon the 17-and-under 100-yard butterfly (54.18) at the 86th annual Westchester County Swimming Championships at Playland Pool in Rye, NY. Althoughhe was seeded seventh, Edward finished strong winningthe event for the third consecutive year. Edward currently swims at John Hopkins University.


Did you recently get married, earn a degree, start a new career? Provide us the details and we’ll include your information in our next news magazine or upcoming e-newsletter. Contact Thomas McGrath, advancement associate, at (914) 600-6188 or [email protected]

Tramps Like UsConcert

Saturday, April 21stCome enjoy a night of drinks, dancing and fun in the TullyGymnasium with the Bruce Springsteen tribute band,Tramps Like Us. All proceeds will benefit the science programs and renovation the physics lab.

For additional information about making a gift to IonaPrep, please contact Barbara Robertson, chief advancementofficer, at (914) 600-6158 or [email protected].

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Hall of FameThursday, April 26th

On Thursday, April 26, 2012, Iona Prep will host its annual Hall of Fame dinner at the Fountainhead in NewRochelle. Iona Prep’s 2012 Hall of Fame class will include: former faculty member, coach and administratorJohn Fogler; Br. Gerard Gaffney (posthumously); and The Gallin Family, who at one time had at least onefamily member in the building for 32 straight years. Nominations were recognized by Iona Prep’s AlumniAssociation and class agent group.

For more information or questions, please contact MaryLou Pagano, director of alumni

and annual giving, at (914) 600-6182 or [email protected].

2012 Alumni Reunions“2s” and “7s”

Saturday, October 27thOn Saturday, October 27, 2012, Iona Prep will host its annual alumni reunions for alums who graduated inyears that end with “2” or “7” (1962, ’67, ’72, ’77, ’82, ’87, ’92, ’97, ’02, ’07). The day will include the varsity

football game against Fordham Prep at 1:30 pm,followed by cocktails and dinner in the evening at6:30 pm in the school cafeteria. Please note that allalumni are invited to attend the football game. Dinner is only for alums celebrating their reunionyear.

For more information or questions about thisyear’s reunion, please contact MaryLouPagano, director of alumni, at (914) 600-6182or [email protected].

The Gallin Family

Save the date - Saturday, October 27th - and plan oncatching up with your classmates and friends.

John Fogler Br. Gerard M. Gaffney, CFC

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In Mem

oriam/1916 Society

In Memoriam - Please keep in your thoughtsand prayers, the families and friends of the deceased members of the Iona PreparatorySchool community.

Anthony Barletta ’72

E. Gerard Berrigan ’50

Robert Bishop – Father of William ’82 and grandfather of William ’13

William P. Buckley ’58

John E. Byrne ’43 – Brother of William ’40 and Harry ’38,

and uncle of William ’72, Thomas ’73 and Richard ’81

Joseph D. Capece ’49

John G. Clancy ’59

Walter T. Clark – Father of Henry ’08

Margaret M. Clifford – Mother of Richard ’70, Thomas ’72,

James ’78 and Philip ’83, and grandmother of Jack ’14

Christopher I. Consoli ’92

Valerie Deane – Mother of Kevin ’85 and Colin ’85,

and grandmother of William Bishop ’13

Robert C. Dupee ’39

John J. Egan Sr. – Father of John Jr. ’73 and James ’76,

and grandfather of James ’04 and Daniel ’06

Thomas Gregory ’44 – Brother of Robert (D) ’40, Richard ’41 and Donald ’43

James T. Harding ’64 – Brother of John ’67

Letica M. Jenkins – Mother of Brian ’15

John F. Keane ’58 – Brother of Matthew ’58 and uncle of Terance ’86

George T. Kelley ’44 – Brother of Richard (D) ’46

and uncle of Richard ’77, Timothy ’77 and Eugene ’79

Albert W. Lian – Father of Albert ’85 and Michael ’86

Mary Margaret Paulmann – Mother of Thomas Paulmann ’05

and sister-in-law of faculty member Kevin Kavanah

Kevin J. Meade ’76

Daniel J. Molloy ’41 – Brother of John ’39

John W. Mulcahy ’64 – Brother of Kevin ’66

Joseph P. Wells ’61

Live Jesus in our hearts. Forever.

With the devoted support of parents and local clergy, thethree founding Brothers of Iona rented the old Stern Estateand opened the Iona School in 1916 with thirty-seven students. Almost 100 years later, it is that same support thatmakes Iona Prep such a special place. Iona Prep’s ninedecades of graduating classes are essential in fostering thetradition and legacy of Iona Prep.

Over the years, alumni like William V. Fitzpatrick ’53 havebecome instrumental in advancing this tradition. Bill Fitzpatrick is a proud member of the 1916 Society, whichrecognizes people who establish a life income gift at thePrep or include Iona Prep in their estate plan. He acknowledges the importance of Iona Prep and credits theinstitution for his development. Now Fitzpatrick wants tohelp Iona Prep develop its future students. “The gift is reallyfrom my brothers Tom ’50 (RIP) and John ’51 and myself.The scholarship will be named in memory of our parents,Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Fitzpatrick. Our parents worked veryhard to send us to Iona. It is important that we rememberthem as the reason we receive the fine education that wedid. Their devotion to a good Catholic education, and what itmeant to my brothers and I, will live on in this scholarship.”

Create Your Legacy Today You can make a difference inthe lives of future Iona Prep students by making a plannedgift to the Prep today. To learn more, contact BarbaraRobertson, chief advancement officer, at (914) 600-6158 [email protected].


1916 Society

Thomas Fitzpatrick ’50

John Fitzpatrick ’51

William Fitzpatrick ’53

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es April 21st - Tramps Like Us ConcertCome enjoy a night of drinks, dancing and fun in the Tully Gymnasium with the Bruce Springsteen tribute band,Tramps Like Us. All proceeds will benefit the science programs and renovate the physics lab.

April 26th - Hall of FameThis year’s Hall of Fame dinner will be held at the Fountainhead in New Rochelle. Iona Prep will induct John Fogler,Br. Gerard Gaffney (posthumously), and The Gallin Family.

May 1st - Career DayAlumni are welcomed back to visit and speak to students about their particular profession.

October 15th - Golf OutingThis year’s golf outing will take place at Westchester Country Club in Harrison, NY. The day will include lunch, 18-holes of golf, dinner and an auction.

October 20th - Football ReunionFormer football players are invited back to the varsity football game against Stepinac at 1:30 pm, followed by a bar-beque reception in the school cafeteria.

October 27th - 2012 Alumni ReunionsIona Prep’s annual alumni reunions will be held this fall for alumni who graduated in years that end with “2” or “7”(1962, ’67, ’72, ’77, ’82, ’87, ’92, ’97, ’02, ’07). The day will include the varsity football game against Fordham Prep at1:30 pm, followed by cocktails and dinner in the evening at 6:30 pm in the school cafeteria.

October 28th - Golden Gaels BrunchAll alumni who graduated before 1963 are “Golden Gaels” and are invited to attend Mass at 10:30 am in the Chapeland brunch in the school cafeteria.

November 18th - President’s DinnerCome celebrate Iona Prep’s annual President’s Dinner at the Glen Island Harbour Club. This year’s honorees will beLynn and Frank Mara ’78.

To register and pay for these events, please visit additional information about the above events, please contact Thomas McGrath ’06,

advancement associate, at (914) 600-6188 or [email protected].

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