Download - 2011 Winter

Page 1: 2011 Winter

We all know someone who left the University without graduating. Now, adults who want to finish their education have extra help.

This fall, UM will award $2,500 scholarships to 20 “reentry students.” Reentry students are those who had an interruption in their education of five or more years and now want to resume their studies and earn a degree. The scholarships are made possible through a $50,000 grant from the San Fransciso-based Bernard Osher Foundation.

“One of our top priorities is providing people with the opportunity to attend UM, and this grant will allow us to do just that,” says UM President Royce Engstrom. “The challenging economy has forced many Montanans to look for new careers. The Osher Reentry Scholarships will help people gain the education they need to succeed in the work force of the future.”

In recent years, UM has seen an influx of nontraditional students. The UM Office of Student Success works to ensure all students have what they need to succeed and graduate, and the Osher Reentry Scholars will receive extra assistance.

“Non-traditional students have special needs and

concerns that differ from those of 19-year-olds,” says Sharon O’Hare, executive director of the Office of Student Success. “They worry about their rusty math skills and using technology that didn’t even exist when they were in high school. We will provide resources to help each Osher Reentry Scholar succeed such as orientation, academic advising and mentoring services.”

Other services available to non-traditional students at UM include evening tutoring, career services, counseling, the Non-traditional Student Association, online and evening courses and child care.

The Osher Reentry Scholarships are available to students who are part- and full-time U.S. students pursuing their first undergraduate degree. Students must demonstrate financial need, academic promise and a commitment to completing their degree. Preference will be given to students between 25 and 50 years old who will participate in the workforce for a significant period of time after graduation. The Bernard Osher Foundation was founded in 1977 by Bernard Osher, a San Francisco businessman and community

leader. The Foundation seeks to improve the quality of life through support for higher education and the arts. It supports universities across the country.

The Montana Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (MOLLI) was funded by the Bernard Osher Foundation in 2006 and offers programs that promote the lifelong learning and personal growth of individuals over age 50 through a diverse collection of non-credit, short courses.

Air QuAlity AwAreness

Nathan Rott


winter 2011

2 Get Help With Your Will 3 Scholarship Supports High-Tech Industry3 Educator Pays Back Generosity4 UM Honors Veterans4 Meet the President4 European Masterpieces Come to Missoula

ChAse reynolds’ dreAm

new Art for the Phyllis J. wAshington eduCAtion CenterPage 2Page 4

Page 2

students reCeive helP ComPleting their degrees

L isten for a reporter named Nathan Rott when you tune in to the news on National Public Radio. Rott, a 2009 graduate of the UM School

of Journalism, landed this coveted reporting job in a stiff competition for a new journalism fellowship. The Stone and Holt Weeks fellowship gave Rott the opportunity to spend six months working at The Washington Post and National Public Radio. A national selection committee chose Rott from 350 applicants. The committee believes Rott best exemplifies the focus of the fellowship, which is to make the world better through the power of journalism. Rott, a native of Missoula, earned the money to attend UM by working as an emergency medical technician and wildland firefighter. Scholarships also helped.

While at UM, he received scholarships totaling more than $8,000. Rott says scholarships allowed him to commit his time to journalism and excel in academics. In 2009, the School of Journalism awarded more than $110,000 in scholarships to gifted journalism students. “Scholarships do wonderful things on multiple levels. They reward excellent work, help students succeed and are a wonderful recruiting mechanism,” says Peggy Kuhr, dean of the School of Journalism. “They also give students a tremendous endorsement that the work they are doing is of quality.” Rott also benefitted significantly from the reporting he did for the School’s Native News Honors Project, which is funded in part by foundations and private donors, including NBC newsman Tom Brokaw. “The Native News class is incredible. The piece I did for that class has largely been my golden ticket,” Rott says. ”Because of the award I won for the article a lot of doors opened up for me, including this fellowship.”

Rott began the six-month reporting fellowship in September 2010. He spent three months at the Post and is spending the second half of the fellowship at NPR. His byline appeared in numerous Post articles.

JournAlism grAduAte rePorts from wAshington, d.C.

On the eve of a new year, the light from the Main Hall tower beckons students to embrace the UM motto “Lux et Veritas.” This photo was taken at sunrise the last day of the 12th snowiest year in Missoula history.

Page 2: 2011 Winter


Chase Reynolds

getting students hooked on sCienCe by studying our Air

You might still hear the roar of the crowd in your ears from one of the most thrilling moments of the 2010 football season--- Chase Reynolds

setting the Montana career touchdown record with his 59th touchdown.

The 23-year-old senior from Drummond, Mont. spent the last four years carving his name into the halls of Montana history. In 54 games, the running back rushed 4,067 yards. Grizzly fans will remember Reynolds for a long time.

Reynolds began his career playing 8-man “Class C” football in Drummond. As his high school days waned, he wasn’t sure that he would go to college. He credits his dad for the push to go further. “My dad always hounded me about going to college,” Reynolds says. “But if it weren’t for help from the University it wouldn’t have been possible.”

Carroll College offered him a full scholarship and NAIA play. He said it was tough coming from a small school, and that the idea of going to a smaller school to play appealed to him. But when Montana put a half-scholarship offer on the table, his dad encouraged him to consider it. “My dad said to me, ‘I don’t want you to look back and say I wish I would have played for The University of Montana,” Reynolds said, “So, I gave it a try to see if I could make it. It’s a big thing to be a Grizzly football player.”

The half-scholarship paid for tuition and fees. “It covered everything except rent and food for my family,” he said. He attended full-time and chose to pursue a degree in criminology. Eventually, he was awarded a full scholarship, which helped cover the costs of providing for his wife, Kila, and kids, Talen, now five, and Peyton, eight months, while he pounded out the days on the field.

“Family in itself is tough,” Reynolds said, noting the difficulty of balancing home life with sports and school. “Football is a job. It’s a lot of hours in a day, and then you have schoolwork on top of it. There’s some days there’s a lot of hours you have to put in to make it all work.”

But, he’s been willing to work and it paid off. While he doesn’t have plans for after college yet (he’s hoping to get drafted for the NFL), he realizes and is grateful for the opportunities he’s been given. “I have football and criminology. I got to go to school for two things. [Getting a scholarship] gave me an opportunity to fulfill my dreams and go for the goals I wanted,” he says.

His dreams have helped inspire the next generation of Grizzly fans. A legend in his own right, kids (and adults) clamor for his autograph after games. “It’s awesome,” Reynolds says. “That’s why we play the game. I t ’s for the fans and the little kids that love you.” . . . ...

. .

ChAse reynolds

Pursues his dreAm

People come up with all sorts of reasons for not having a will. Do any of these sound familiar to you? I don’t want to think about death. Only rich people need wills. I can’t afford a will. I don’t have time now. I don’t have an attorney. My family will divide things when I’m gone. I will do it just before I die. You can probably think of other reasons as well. The point is that these are only excuses. None of them are really valid for putting off one of the most important things we will ever do.

Every adult needs a will, if for no other reason than to officially close out our affairs and to make sure that whatever assets we have go where we want them to go. Perhaps an even greater reason is to make life easier on the grieving loved ones we leave behind.

You have worked hard to accumulate assets throughout your life. Without a valid will or trust at your death, your assets will be distributed according to state law. You might be surprised to learn your state’s policies. Wouldn’t you rather determine that yourself?

We in the Gift Planning Office at The University of Montana Foundation have developed a packet of free material that can help you through the process of preparing a will. Our “Will Kit” provides step-by-step information that will cause you to say, “This is easy! Why did it take me so long to do this?” Our Will Kit also describes how you can support The University of Montana in your will and provides simple bequest language. Including a charitable organization in your will, such as the University of Montana Foundation, may be the best way to make a meaningful gift in the future and leave your legacy at the University. Gifts through wills are easy, revocable, and tax smart! For your complimentary Will Kit, mail in the response form below, or call us toll-free at 1-800-443-2593. You will be on your way to getting your own will in place and experiencing peace of mind.

Please visit




City:__________________ State____ Zip:_______ Phone Number:_____________________________


Mail this form to:Theresa Boyer, Director of Gift Planning

UM Foundation, P.O. Box 7159, Missoula, MT 59807

Students in rural and remote areas of the Northwest now have access to high-level sciences rarely found even in urban schools. A grant from the

Toyota USA Foundation provided funds for UM to expand its education outreach program Air Toxics Under the Big Sky to additional schools throughout Montana, Idaho and Alaska. The program teaches teens about one of the region’s biggest environmental health concerns: air pollution.

“Air pollution in the valley communities throughout the northern Rocky Mountains is just as bad as in urban areas,” says Tony Ward, who earned his doctorate at UM in 2001 and is now an assistant professor at the UM Center for Environmental Health Sciences. “It’s particulate pollution from wood stoves, forest fires and timber management. This type of air pollution is closely linked with incidences of asthma and other respiratory ailments. In addition, good indoor air quality is important, as we spend the majority of our time indoors”

Air Toxics Under the Big Sky started in Missoula in 2003. Since then, Ward and his team of researchers

have taught hundreds of high school students to conduct research on air quality in their homes. “We’re training future scientists,” Ward says. “Nearly 20 students have then come on to UM to work here in our laboratories here at the Center for Environmental Health Sciences. It’s a very rewarding project.”

Cassie and Andrea Moog, twin sisters from Libby, Mont., are two of Ward’s success stories. The Moogs were the champions of the Air Toxics Under the Big Sky symposium at UM in spring 2009. The sisters researched cooking methods to see which one puts the most particulates in the air.

“Deep-fat frying is by far the worst,” Cassie says. “We recommend you open your windows.”

Cassie and Andrea are now sophomores at UM. Both are students in the Davidson Honors College. Cassie is majoring in biochemistry with a goal of being a researcher in human health. Andrea, a biochemistry major, wants to be an oncologist. They have solidified their interest in research by working in labs in the Center for Environmental Health

Why Some PeoPle Don’t have WillS

Please send me/us a free Will Kit. Please contact me/us by phone.I/we have already included UMF in my/our estate plan. I am considering including UMF in my will. Please send me more information.

Grizzly star running back Chase Reynolds juggled more than football and classes during his years at UM. He and his wife, Kila, are raising their son, Talen, and daughter, Peyton.

Page 3: 2011 Winter

We want to stay in touch! When your e-mail address changes, please let us know. Send updated information to [email protected]

A fter graduating from Butte High in 1949, Don Orlich received a scholarship to play football for the Grizzlies with the condition that he

work on campus. After four years of studying and working as a janitor in Main Hall and other buildings, Don earned his bachelor’s degree in education. Today, he’s a national leader in education, with guest columns about educational reform initiatives like No Child Left Behind in newspapers across the country.

Don began his teaching career in his hometown. He met his wife, Patricia, at a Butte teacher’s union meeting in 1956. A few years later, they moved back to Missoula where Don earned his doctorate from UM. Patricia earned her graduate degree in economics at Montana State. The Orlichs joined the faculty at Washington State University in 1967. Now a professor emeritus in the Science Mathematics Engineering Education Center, Don has written more than 100 publications and 15 books. In 2009, he finished “Out of Butte,” a memoir and collection of stories from Butte and his days on campus. As beneficiaries of scholarships to help them pay for college, the Orlichs, who live in Pullman, Wash., decided to give back to UM. Their first gift was for an endowed scholarship for education students.

“Montana was good to us,” Don says simply. “Pat and I felt it was important to pay back the University for all it gave to us.”

Over the years, they continued to add to their scholarship. When construction began on the Phyllis J. Washington Education Center, they were approached about a naming opportunity for the new dean’s office. Don joked about naming a broom closet in recognition of his time at UM as a janitor. But as academics, Don and Patricia knew a gift to name the dean’s office would be put to excellent use. This past Homecoming, the College dedicated the Donald C. and Patricia Orlich Office of the Dean.

“Don and Pat Orlich have had a longstanding commitment to our success,” says Roberta Evans, Dean of the Phyllis J. Washington College of Education

and Human Sciences. “We have benefited greatly from Don’s expertise in curriculum, public policy and grant writing. Don and Pat inspire us all. What an honor to receive this gift!”

eduCAtor PAys bACk sCholArshiP And then some

In order to create high-paying jobs and employ UM

graduates, we need to do everything

we can to support scholarship,

innovation and dedication to

excellence at the University.


sCholArshiP suPPorts growth of montAnA high-teCh industry

Every fall, The University of Montana Foundation hosts the Missoula Business Drive to strengthen the bond between the business community and

UM. In the fall 2010 drive, a Missoula information technology company led by a UM alumnus rose to the challenge. Alex Philp, president of GCS Research, announced the company will provide a $10,000 scholarship to encourage student achievement in computer science.

Philp earned a master’s of interdisciplinary studies from UM in 1997 and a doctorate in philosophy in 2005. This deep connection to campus inspired Philp to give back and become actively involved in the work of The UM Foundation. The scholarship sponsored by his company will give more UM graduates the opportunity to stay and work in Montana.

“We wanted to do something meaningful to continue and expand the outstanding relationship we have with the Department of Computer Science at UM,” Philp says. “In order to create high-paying jobs and employ UM graduates, we need to do everything we

can to support scholarship, innovation and dedication to excellence at the University.”

GCS Research is an internationally recognized leader in advanced geospatial technology. The company, started in 2001 in Philp’s basement, evolved out of a UM research and development project funded by NASA.

“This generous gift and personal investment in our students shows a true commitment from GCS to UM and the Computer Science Department,” says Joel Henry, associate dean for information technology for the UM College of Arts and Sciences. “Even more importantly, the investment of dollars and volunteer hours demonstrate a commitment to the long term high tech development of Montana.”

To learn how you can get involved in The UM Foundation Missoula Business Drive contact Lauren Clark, director of annual giving-external campaigns, at 406-243-2456 or [email protected].

Alex Philp, president, GCS Research

Sciences. As they finish sentences for each other, the sisters ooze enthusiasm for science and UM.

“We’re pretty excited and grateful for all the opportunities we’ve been given.” Cassie says. “We have some really great students here.” The Toyota USA Foundation provided $238,000 for the Air Toxics Under the Big Sky program in 2008. The grant funding helped UM purchase additional air sampling equipment, and expand the program to Alaska. The program is now in 18 schools throughout Montana, Idaho and Alaska.

In addition to getting students started on research projects, the UM scientists provide information on how to reduce air pollution. Suggestions range from simple practices like burning dry wood to a more extensive solution: buying an EPA certified wood stove.

Roberta Evans, Dean of the Phyllis J. Washington College of Education and Human Sciences, presented a plaque to Don and Pat Orlich in honor of their gift to name the dean’s office. Ric Thomas, right, UM Foundation vice president for development, joined in celebrating the Orlichs’ generosity during a ceremony at Homecoming.

UM researcher Desirae Ware shows high school students in Nuiqsut, Alaska how to use air sampling equipment they will use in the Air Toxics Under the Big Sky program. The program in Alaska, Montana and Idaho has been successful in recruiting future scientists to study at UM.

All-terrain vehicles kick up a lot of dust on the dirt roads of the Rocky Mountain West, putting additional pollutants in the air. This photo is from Quinhagak, Alaska, an area where UM researchers are working.

Page 4: 2011 Winter

P.O. Box 7159 Missoula, MT

Raising Montana reports news from The University of Montana Foundation to alumni and friends each quarter.

Direct inquiries to: Laura Brehm, President and CEO406.243.2593 or [email protected] Editor: Beth HammockDesigner: Rebecca CalderaraWriters: Beth Hammock, Tara Jensen, Rebecca Calderara, Brandy Kiger Photographers: Brandy Kiger, Art Held, Rebecca Calderara


NEWSLETTER winter 2011

GIVE A GIFT today at

You have a chance to join the UM family in expressing our gratitude to Montana soldiers who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. A memorial to these veterans will be unveiled November 4 to kick off UM’s Military Appreciation weekend. The memorial will be on the historic memorial row section of the UM campus. It will include five bronze statues created by Montana native Rick Rowley.

The memorial is the result of a partnership between the UM Foundation and Grateful Nation Montana, Inc., which provides UM scholarships for the children of Montana soldiers killed on active duty in Iraq or Afghanistan. Construction is funded entirely by gifts from UM students, alumni and friends. For more information about the memorial project or to donate go to

um honors montAnA veterAns

gift of ArtPhyllis J. Washington donated a collection of bright and colorful pieces of art for the Phyllis J. Washington Education Center, including Welcome Woman (pictured) by artist Leslie Safarik. The pieces are on permanent display on the third floor by the Dean’s Office.

As spring gets closer, UM President Royce Engstrom will hit the road to meet with donors, alumni and friends of the University. On Friday, March 11, President Engstrom and his wife, Mary, will host an evening reception in Newport Beach, Calif. All alumni in the area are invited. The Engstroms will host another event for all alumni on May 20 in Portland, Ore.

Invitation-only events for members of the President’s Club and Heritage Society will be held in:

Billings June 8 Missoula APril 16 Great Falls June 22 Seattle mAy 4 Helena June 23 Spokane mAy 17 Kalispell July 20

The President’s Club recognizes donors who give $1,000 or more annually. Heritage Society members are those who have made planned gifts to UM, such as estate gifts. For President’s Club information contact Lauren Clark at 406-243-2456 or [email protected]. For Heritage Society information, contact Theresa Boyer at 406-243-6274 or [email protected].

meet um’s new President

TOP LEFT: Pierre-Auguste Renoir Mademoiselle Grimprel au ruban rouge (Hélène Grimprel), 1880, oil on canvas, on display at UM. LEFT: Guests enjoy the reception. RIGHT: Wesley Parks, UM law student and James Randall, assistant professor of music history at UM, enjoy the exhibit.

mmAC euroPeAn mAsters exhibitionOn November 12, the Montana Museum of Art & Culture held an opening reception for the Renoir, Magritte, Gauguin and other European Masterpieces exhibition. The exhibit is on display until March 12.

Grateful Nation Montana and The University of Montana have partnered to construct a Memorial project honoring the sacrifice of Montana’s fallen soldiers. The unveiling of the memorial is planned for November 2011.

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