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Carver2012-2013 Review2013-2014 UpdateReport to Our Community

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Founded in 1938 as a neighborhood community center, named the 2013 “Nonprofit of the Year” by the Norwalk Chamber of

Commerce, Carver today is the largest provider of free after-school programs for middle and high school students in Norwalk, CT.

Carver’s free after-school Youth Development Program, so named in 1970, began its expansion into Norwalk Public Schools in

2008, and is now conducted in the Carver Community Center and in Norwalk’s four middle and two high schools. Carver also

offers college scholarship funds and multiple summer programs, winning basketball travel teams, international learning

opportunities, a parent leadership academy, health and wellness programming, spring and fall college tours, food drives,

community holiday events and more for the benefit of the Norwalk community.

Building lifetime achievers

The CaRveR WORld

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• education

• enrichment

• health and wellness

• graduation

• achievement

CaRveR is lifeTime

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Board of directors

Janis Curtis, President

William Pitt, Sotheby’s

Diana Napier

Vice - President

The WorkPlace, Inc.

Jude Earl Alaba, Treasurer

Deloitte & Touche

Valerie Watson, Secretary

Patriot National Bank

Janine Smith, Assistant Secretary

Marketing Consultant

Simon Sumberg, Esq.

Legal Counsel

Private Legal Practice

Dr. Marie Allen

Norwalk Public Schools

Michael Gregorich

Stone Point Capital

Brent Haney

Haney College Placement Consultants

Brian J. Kreiter

Bridgewater Associates, LP

William Leopold

WFL Real Estate Services, LLC

Cristina Linton

Deloitte & Touche

Jack Ryan

GE Capital

Norman Weinberger, M.D.

Optimus Health Care

Jonathan Whitcomb

Diserio Martin O’Connor & Castiglioni LLP

Richard Whitcomb

St. Luke’s School,

Headmaster Emeritus

executive director

Novelette Peterkin

president emeritus

Charles Burns

immediate past president

Leo Mellow

GOveRnanCe and leadeRship

Carver Mission: To help children reach their greatest potential

by providing educational, social and recreational programs in

a positive, safe and fun environment.

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Dear Mission Partners,

2013 will mark the passing of 75 years since our doors first opened in 1938,

the year our country abolished child labor in factories. From the time the first

young people called themselves Carver kids, we have undergone a series of

changes that have brought us to where we are today — the largest free after

school program in Norwalk Public Schools. Each era at Carver was special in its

own way. Today we are proud and grateful that 100% of our seniors graduate

on-time and go on to college and/or career, and in recent years more than 50

percent of our students achieved honors or high honors. Your support and

involvement honors their commitment to succeed in school and life.

The Baseball Hall of Fame opened in Cooperstown, NY in 1938, and in the same spirit we honored Dick Whitcomb with our Lifetime

Achievement Award last May at our 75th Anniversary gala. Since his earliest years at St. Luke’s School in New Canaan, Dick and his

students have been volunteering at Carver. Several years ago, Dick formed Carver’s Strategic Planning Group, which brought many

new resources and leaders in support of our mission. Over the past year, Dick recruited the significant financial and in-kind support

necessary to renovate the Carver Community Center, which has not benefited from such thorough going renewal since the building’s

construction in 1975. Today, Dick is a member of our Board of Directors and is asvital as ever to Carver’s young people and parents.

Our after school model includes a close partnership with Norwalk Public Schools; being closely involved in the shift to the new

Common Core State Standards; academic staffing with certified teachers; enrichment support with outside experts; project-based

learning opportunities built into each program; school-by-school curriculum flexibility with the middle schools naming their own

programs (Ponus P.R.I.D.E, Nathan Hale B.A.R.K, Roton S.T.R.I.V.E., West Rocks R.E.A.C.H) and central data collection and

student-by-student analysis by Carver.

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Our students experienced both personal and team successes this past year. A Ponus engineering team naming themselves “Smarties” earned

third place in the Magnetic Levitation Category at a statewide competition. Of the five Carver robotics teams fielded this past year, Ponus

“Lego Legends” won 4th place in the regional competition held in Greenwich.

We collaborated with Westport Playhouse, Shakespeare on the Sound to provide a variety of cultural and arts programs. We conducted our

43rd annual 10-day college tour and the 8th annual Career Fair this past year. For the third year we produced a college boot camp for girls and

college boot camp for boys at the Carver Community Center. And our “Meet the Professionals” series remained an important opportunity for

our young people.

2014 will mark the beginning of our implementation of a new five-year strategic plan after a full year of study and analysis. New programs

are already underway. Based on our success this past summer with a pilot program, we hope to expand our summer 2014 programs for

elementary students transitioning into middle school and middle school students transitioning into high school.

Thank you for your vital part in the Carver story, which will hopefully carry on for 75 or more years of our “building lifetime achievers.”


Novelette Peterkin

Executive Director

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Linking school,

afterschool and

summer learning

to support student success

CaRveR is edUCaTiOn

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Blending optimism with pragmatism, mixing impatience with the status quo and

with enthusiasm for our many partners’ contributions, Carver is opening up the

world of possibility for Norwalk young people. We connect talent to opportunity

by partnering with Norwalk Public School teachers, administrators and our many

community partners.

Carver reached 842 students in the 2012-2013, 695 students in 2011-2012, and

435 in 2010-2011 fiscal years with intensive college-prep programming and

support. Continued incremental growth is planned until we reach our 2020 goal of

90% of all Norwalk Public School students graduating on-time and college-ready.

Carver’s after-school Youth Development Program operates four days a week in

Norwalk’s four middle and two comprehensive high schools and five days a week

in the Carver Community Center, at least three hours a day. Students are

recommended to Carver by their guidance counselors and teachers. All sites offer

nutritious snacks and free transportation. The student to adult ratio is 10:1. Each

day is balanced with academic, enrichment, and health and wellness programming.

Led by certified teachers, the program includes tutoring, instruction in math and

science, robotics, literacy, life skills, creative writing, intense SAT, CAPT and CMT

preparation, guidance counseling, and (for high school) paid internships and work

opportunities. Teachers are involved in curriculum development and we ignite

student interest through project-based learning, team-based learning competitions, and by incorporating input from working

professionals. Carver’s method pays close attention to the bonding of teachers and students and uses after-school and summer

programs to pre-bond students with teachers that they will have later in formal classroom settings.

Our liTeRaCY programs focus on one-on-one and small group activities consistent with Connecticut’s Common Core State Standards

(CCSS) for English Language Arts. Community partners provide opportunity for creative writing through the arts. Partners include

Shakespeare on the sound and Northeast Children’s Theatre Company. Literacy activities are keyed to daily classroom instruction and

to skills identified by the students’ teachers as needing work.

YOUTh develOpmenT pROGRam

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maTh programs focus on one-on-one and small group activities consistent

with CCSS for Mathematics and/or the Connecticut Core Science Curriculum

Framework. Math activities include: Intense Algebra as designed by the

Charles A. Dana Institute; Go Math including TimezAttack which is research

proven to get students fluent in their math facts in 8 to 12 hours; Financial

Literacy, facilitated by Stacia Morris, Author of Teen Money 101; Math Pays;

Writing and Creating a Checkbook; Fractions, Decimals, Percentages; Rate;

Area, Volume, and Perimeter; Algebra; Tables, Charts and Graph; and Math

trivia competitions. Khan Academy, with in-class support, is also utilized.

sCienCe programming is delivered by certified Science teachers hired from

each of the school sites as well as partnering organizations and volunteer

professionals utilizing the schools’ resources and result in age/grade

appropriate activities centered on Science concepts. For example, the

Maritime Aquarium provides weekly one-hour hands-on classes with a tour

of the Maritime Aquarium on the last session. Sessions include squid

dissection, exploring the habitat of the Long Island Sound, global warming,

learning about seals and more. The Maritime educators travel to each school

site with all the animals. Other teachers and partnering organizations

address Middle School Connecticut Science Standards.

TeChnOlOGY activities include: iMe Digital; nature photography and film; videography; Artistic Creations; Garage Band; and

computer animation. Dr. Thomas Stanford, a Carver Program Coordinator and a 6th grade Science teacher at Nathan Hale Middle

School, is creating a new Computer Science curriculum for our middle school students drawing on the resources of the Norwalk

Public Schools.

YOUTh develOpmenT pROGRam

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enGineeRinG partners include FIRST LEGO League (robotics) and CT

Pre-Engineering Program (CPEP). Engineering activities include A

Roller Coaster activity; Fuel Cell Experimentation; Just Breathe –

creating a model pair of lungs with everyday products; a review of

the greatest engineering achievements of the 21st Century; Trophy

Tower, and Hit the Target game. FIRST LEGO League, for example, is

a robotics program for youth aged 9 to 16, designed to get children

excited about science and technology and teach them valuable

employment and life skills. Carver robotics teams consistently

compete well against a field of mostly far more seasoned teams

from across the state. A Carver team placed 5th this past academic

year. The children do the work and the work is programming an

autonomous robot (using the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® robot set) to

score points on a thematic playing surface, creating an innovative

solution to a problem as part of their project. These three elements

– the Robot Game, Project, and FLL Core Values – make up what is

called the yearly Challenge. Like any other organized “sport”, teams

also fundraise, create a team identity, and go on field trips. This

activity also engages volunteer professionals from Norwalk


healTh & Wellness programming addresses health, nutrition and

physical activity consistent with Connecticut’s Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework for Comprehensive School

Health Education and Comprehensive Physical Education. The Wellness Component is broken into four activities: Health, Nutrition,

Physical Fitness and Rap Tuesday (confidential peer sharing facilitated by a social worker).

YOUTh develOpmenT pROGRam

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No one who attended the Summer Success Academy received a behavioral referral for the first semester. In fact, no freshman

received a suspension until October 28. This has never happened in my seven years at BMHS. The faculty reports superlatives about

this class and I attribute a part of that to the halo effect of the positive behavior and attitude of the 48 students who attended the

Summer Success Academy. Once again, I am in debt to the wonderful and caring people at Carver who do so very much to support

BMHS students, families, teachers, and administrators. It is my hope that – with your continued generosity – we will be able to offer

the Summer Success Academy to many future classes of rising freshmen.

Suzanne Brown Koroshetz, Principal, Brien McMahon High School

Carver is planning to significantly expand its summer programs beginning in summer 2014 to help

Norwalk students transitioning into Middle School and those transitioning into High School. Carver

conducted a pilot program this past summer for Middle School students transitioning into Brien

McMahon High School with support from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation and other donors.

The Hour as well as the Nellie Mae Foundation featured the success of this program. The Hour’s

lengthy article excerpted below described all three of Carver’s 2013 summer programs, the other

two being a credit recovery and internship initiative at Briggs High School for 25 students, and the

traditional academic program at the Carver Community Center for 175 students.

NORWALK — In a moment of truth on the tennis courts at Brien McMahon High School (BMHS) recently, science teacher Ed Grillo prepared to launch student-made water- and air-propelled bottle rockets as more than 25 incoming freshmen watched expectantly.

The project was the finale of one of three Carver Center-sponsored student enrichment programs happening this summer in Norwalk.

“Anyone knows that the transition between middle school and high school can be challenging. The goal of this program is to provideenrichment activities to get the kids ready for high school,” said BMHS principal Suzanne Koroshetz. “Studies have shown that thesmoother the transition, the more successful students will be.”

sUmmeR leaRninG

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sUmmeR leaRninG

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The George Washington Carver Community CenterInside and out, The Carver Community Center is nearing the completion of its renovation. The leadership behind this

transformation is Dick Whitcomb, long-time volunteer, advocate, donor and now member of the Carver Board of Directors. Donors

adopted rooms to be refurbished and Ring’s End provided essential improvements such all new windows and many enhancements

hidden to the eye. King Industries, Inc. gave us a new entrance that would be fitting for a Greenwich estate. Ring’s End and King

Industries were named Carver’s Community Builder Honorees in 2012 and 2013 respectively. In the coming months the gym ceiling

will be replaced. The Carver Community Center is just that – a place for countless community activities from food drives and our

parent leadership academy to celebrations and sports leagues, from K-12 after-school programs and summer camp to career fairs

and teen “Explosion” nights, reaching thousands of people each year young and old.

The COmmUniTY CenTeR

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Carver Day, September 19, 2013

NORWALK — Thursday afternoon, the Carver Center’s backyard was crowded. Students socialized, played, slid

down the bouncy castles and ate cotton candy. Local dignitaries took pictures. Center alumni barbequed, while Carver staff looked

after everyone.

They were all there for the Carver Center’s block

party, celebrating the community center’s

75th anniversary and Carver Day, so proclaimed

by Mayor Richard Moccia at the event….

“There’s a lot to celebrate today,” Peterkin said.

“A lot to celebrate.”

State Sen. Bob Duff, D-25, agreed when addressing

students before Moccia read his proclamation. “The

Carver Center is one of the best non-profits in the

city of Norwalk, if not Fairfield County and maybe

even the state of Connecticut,” Duff said. “They’ve

done a great job for each and all of you in helping

you with after school programs.”

It was an occasion to celebrate, too, for program

alumni, many of whom are coming together to raise

money for Carver’s scholarship fund….

CaRveR daY

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Carver’s Volunteer CommunityWhen the Great Hurricane of 1938 made landfall the community came together to help each other, and that spirit is alive and

well today at Carver. Groups and individual volunteers are integrated throughout Carver’s three intense areas of after-school

programming: academics, enrichment and recreation/health and wellness, e.g., tutors, mentors, homework helpers, career

counseling, skill-specific projects. The Carver Community Center also utilizes individual and groups of volunteers for community

events such as Career Fairs, talent contests, student and family awards ceremonies, Teen Explosion Nights, many holiday

celebrations, and food drives. Carver’s summer and holiday programs draw many more volunteers. The Fairfield County Sports

Commission established its Chelsea Cohen Fitness Academy at the Carver Community Center involving many volunteers. Corporate

teams and private schools such as St. Luke’s School in New Canaan produce day-long events for our youth and undertake extensive

renovation and clean-up projects.

CaRveR vOlUnTeRs

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CaRveR is CeleBRaTiOn

Richard Whitcomb, Lifetime Achievement Award Honoree

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Long-time board member, Janine Smith, chaired Carver’s 75th

anniversary gala that honored Carver’s most vital volunteer leader for

many of those decades, Dick Whitcomb. Our Community Builder

Honoree was King Industries. Our Keynote Speaker was Deborah

Augustine Elam, Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer, GE. David

Smith, Connecticut’s premier auctioneer, reved-up the excitement by

offering priceless experiences around the world. More than 325

friends from across Lower Fairfield County came together to enjoy a

spectacular evening at Darien’s Wee Burn Country Club. Guests gave

record-breaking contributions to celebrate the greatly expanding work

of the Carver Foundation of Norwalk. The gala was scheduled to end

at 9PM, but people elected to stay until midnight not willing for the

evening’s joy to end. What the evening celebrated, the success of

Norwalk youth, will never end.

Carver Center’s 75th Anniversary Gala raises $750,000 for education

Thursday, May 23, 2013. By LESLIE LAKE, Hour Staff Writer

NORWALK — …New Canaan resident and Carver

board member Janine Smith chaired the annual event. “I realized

when I first became involved with the Carver eight years ago what a

fantastic and dynamic organization it is.” Smith said. “Novelette is a

visionary leader-unique in both the non-profit and educational worlds.

She has created cutting edge programs dedicated to meeting the

needs of Norwalk youth.”

75Th anniveRsaRY Gala


Carver Foundationof Norwalk, Inc.

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The gala’s honoree, Richard Whitcomb, Headmaster Emeritus, of St. Luke’s School in New Canaan, received the Carver Lifetime

Achievement Award, the highest Carver honor. Whitcomb has been instrumental in raising over $3 million during his years of

involvement with the Carver Center, according to Peterkin.

“It’s nice to have been honored, but really it wasn’t necessary,”

Whitcomb said. “This is labor of love for me.” In 2002, Whitcomb

retired as headmaster from St. Luke’s, a position he held since 1980,

and founded a scholarship fund to enable economically challenged

students, many from Norwalk, an opportunity to attend St. Luke’s

School. Since his earliest years at St. Luke’s School, Whitcomb and

his students volunteered at Carver. St. Luke’s students, parents and

faculty continue to host holiday parties and provide volunteer support

to the Carver community.

…GE this year made a significant commitment to the advancement of

Carver’s STEM education programming. More than 40 GE employees

were in attendance. Jack Ryan, Senior Vice President, GE Capital, and

Carver board member, introduced his longtime friend and colleague

Deborah A. Elam, Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer, GE, who

gave the Keynote address. Elam challenged the evening’s guests to

“not accept the things we can change,” extolling Carver’s successes as

an example of what works brilliantly for the benefit of all children….

75Th anniveRsaRY Gala

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past Child of america honoreesEach year, Carver honors leaders in the fight for educational opportunity and a just society with its Child of America Award.

We used this occasion to honor Dick Whitcomb with an exceptional Lifetime Achievement Award in May 2013. All honorees

are exceptional role models for our youth who through their thought, word and deeds inspire us all.

Past Child of America honorees were Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Roger Wilkins, in 2002, the first year of the award; Helene

Gayle, MD, President and CEO of CARE USA; James Comer, MD, the Maurice Folk Professor of Child Psychiatry at Yale University

School of Medicine; Geoffrey Canada, CEO of Harlem Children’s Zone; Cynthia Thompson, National Chair of The Girl Scouts of

America; Cornell Leverette Moore, Esq., Grand Sire Archon-Elect, Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity; the Reverend Dr. James Alexander

Forbes, Jr., Senior Minister Emeritus of Riverside Church, NY, NY; Richard Fuller, the past Executive Director of the Carver Center

(1978-2004); Debo P. Adegbile, director of litigation for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. For the 10th annual

awards ceremony, we honored Elizabeth “Betty” Molina Morgan, Ph.D., Executive Director of Grad Nation, an initiative of

the America’s Promise Alliance. Founded in 1997, the America’s Promise Alliance, chaired by Mrs. Alma Powell, named the City

of Norwalk among the “100 Best Communities for Young People” in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Its founding chairman is General Colin

Powell. Dr. Morgan was the former superintendent of Washington County Schools in Maryland and the 2010 American

Association of School Administrators National Superintendent of the Year. In 2012, we honored Alberto M. Carvalho,

Superintendent of Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

past Community Builder award honoreesThe Carver Board of Directors created The Community Builder Award in 2005 to recognize at our annual gala

exceptional corporate leadership. Award recipients are honored for fostering a strong nonprofit sector in Norwalk

and in meeting the educational and human service needs of its employees, their families and neighbors.

Award recipients, Pitney Bowes (2005), Affinion Group (2006), GE (2007), Stew Leonard’s and Norwalk Hospital (2008),

Bank of America (2009), Deloitte LLC (2010), Pepperidge Farm (2011), David Campbell of Ring’s End (2012), and King

Industries (2013) are exemplary institutional stakeholders in our community and make a significant difference in the lives of

Carver youth and the greater Norwalk community and beyond.

pasT Gala hOnORees

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By Joan de Regt, Rowayton Connections committee member

Sophia Lubin, an alumna of the Carver Center’s Youth Development Program,

spoke to about 100 people attending the Rowayton Carver Connections

Fundraiser. Lubin is a graduate of the prestigious Savannah College of Art

and Design and currently a freelance designer for Aeropostale. Her family

came to Norwalk from Haiti when she was young, and she started at the

Carver after-school program ten years ago. At that time, she had no idea

that she would ever attend college.

In her speech, Lubin attributed much of her success to Carver, and to

Executive Director Novelette Peterkin in particular, recounting the story of

her junior year in high school when she just wasn’t that interested in getting

good grades. Ms. Peterkin kept after her to do her homework and keep her

grades up. “I wasn’t going to let her get away with it, when I knew what she

was capable of,” laughs Peterkin.

Hosted by Alan Shurr of Crescent Beach, Rowayton, the fundraiser marks the

tenth year that the Rowayton Connections Committee has supported the

Carver. Many of the members have remained on the committee for all ten

years, believing that the Carver Foundation is a Norwalk gem that deserves to

be recognized and supported for its ambitious and successful programs, and its

positive impact on the lives of generations of Norwalk kids.


Carver alumna Sophia Lubin, Haitian immigrant, Carver student since middle school, graduate of Savannah College of Art and Design, and a freelancedesigner for Aeropostale, was recently accepted intothe highly competitive MBA program at the International Fashion Academy in Paris

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CaRveR CaRveR is is ThankfUlThankfUl

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2012-2013 Review

Financial Accountability

Audited Financials for the year ending June 30, 2013

Total Assets: $914,025

Total Revenue: $2,842,077

Current Liabilities: $269,180

Total Expenses: $2,833,868

Net Assets: $644,845

Operating Surplus: $8,209

finanCial RevieW



In - Kind & Other 4%



Government 3%



Government 3%


Individual 46%

Corporate 9%

Foundations 38%



outh YYouth


outh YYouth Summer Programs

outh Summer

6% Programs

outh YYouth

5% Programs

Recreational Community Programs

outh YYouth

49% Programs



5% Programs

Fundraising & Development

General &

Fundraising &

1% 1Development

20% Admin General &

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Our Mission Partners

July 1, 2012-2013

Superman first appeared in DC Comics’ Action Comics Series issue #1 in 1938. Today, we look to our many generous mission

partners as heroes no less wonderful and vital. We sincerely thank and seek to recognize all those who commit themselves to

the advancement of the Carver mission. Space limitations require that we begin our list at $100 and above, though our gratitude

is just as deep for all donors, including those who give in-kind gifts and our hundreds of volunteers.

OUR missiOn paRTneRs

Carver Stars $100,000 and Up


GE Capital, Americas

Grossman Family Foundation

Richard and Barbara Whitcomb Foundation

Guardian Angel $20,000 to $99,999


Bruce and Sharon Bottomley

City of Norwalk

Fairfield County Community Foundation

GE Real Estate

Horizon Foundation, Inc.

Laurence Weiss

Michael and Janine Smith

New Canaan Community Foundation

Norwalk Public Schools

Norwalk Redevelopment Agency-CDBG

The Per and Astrid Heidenreich

Family Foundation

The Perrin Family Foundation

The Serenbetz Family Foundation

The Community Fund of Darien

Sponsor $10,000 to $19,999

Allen S. Church

Anonymous Donor

Bank of America Foundation, Inc.

Bruce Ritter

Carl and Amy Kuehner

Healthcor Foundation Trust

James G. Fitzpatrick and Sarah French

Jonathan and Rachel Whitcomb

Mattias Bowman

Michael and Karen Gregorich

Near & Far Aid Association

Newman's Own Foundation

Noroton Presbyterian Church

Pepperidge Farm, Inc.

Richard and Alexandra Baudouin

Richard and Ellen Knight

Richard and Wendy Winnick Baskin

Robert and Sharon Prince

United Way of Coastal Fairfield County

Guardian $5,000 to $9,999

Alex G. Nason Foundation

Brent and Christine Haney

Chase and Wendy Carey

Chris and Anne Hussey

Fairfield County Sports Comission, Inc.

First Congregational Church of Greenwich

First County Bank Foundation

Greater Fairfield County Foundation, Inc.

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Greg Manocherian

Greg Smith

James and Deborah Fieber

Ken Germann

Linda Richardson Harper Foundation

Michael Wilkins

Richard P. Gabriel

Roger and Mi-Sun Freeman

Saxe Foundation, Inc.

St. Luke's Foundation, Inc.

Tim and Susan Jensen

Tom and Libby Butterworth

UBS Matching Gift Program

Vincent A. Procaccini

Wilmot Wheeler Foundation, Inc.

Mentor $1,000 to $4,999

Affinion Group

Alan and Marsha Ingber

Alan Shurr

America's Promise Alliance

Anatole and Joan Penchuk

Andrew Knuth


Bank of New Canaan, The

Ben and Heidi Sylvester

Bill and Barbara Cox

Brett Whitton

Charles and Denise Lucarelli

Charles and Elizabeth Burns

Charles and Julia Hoffman, III

Charles Roy

Connecticut Automotive Retailers Assn.

David and Christine Wagner

Diageo Employees

Donald and Geraldine Fager

Doug Dooley

Douglas and Lisa Perlman

Drs. Susan and Norman Weinberger

Everett and Sally Schenk

FactSet Research Systems, Inc.

First Congregational Church of Darien

GE Foundation

Gene and Susan Shanks

Howard and Suzie Landis

IBM Corporation

IBM Employee Services Center

Jack and Trish Ryan

Jim and Elisabeth Ely

John and Joan de Regt

John Igneri

John Levin and Diane Keefe Levin

Jonathan and Rachel Albert

Kenneth Lang

Kevin and Marite Ashley

Kevin McDonald

Lowell and Gretchen Brooks, III

M.B.I.A. Foundation, Inc.

Margaret Kelly- Murray

Michael and Deborah Brennan

Norwalk Children's Foundation

Pauline E. Fitzpatrick, Trust"

Peter Boone, MD

R. C. Bigelow, Inc.

Reid and Sue Campbell

Robert and Carol Haskell

Robert and Jane Malcolm

Rook and Roll

OUR missiOn paRTneRs

Page 25: 2012 2013 Annual Report

Shelle Cleveland

Simon and Ileen Sumberg

St. Matthew's Parish

Stephen Mainzer

Steve and Sandy Ward

Stolt Nielsen USA INC

Sturgis and Carolyn Woodberry

The Justice Education Center, Inc.

The Maurice Goodman Foundation

Thomas and Wendell Livingston

Thomas and Marla Sinchak

Thomas Watson

Tom and Erika Luthy

Tom Watson

Westport Young Woman's League

William and Lisa Powers

William and Mary Pressley

William and Nicole Charney

Xerox Foundation

Young Women's League of New Canaan

Coach $500 to $999

Allen and Claudine Siegel

Anne Casclone

Bonita Maddox

Brian Kriftcher

Campbell Soup Foundation

Chris and Laura Sigg

Cliff and Ana Blaze

Collins Funeral Home

Community Health Systems

David Kline

Debo Adegbile

Deutsche Bank Matching Gift Program

Dionne Boyd

Douglas and Allison Milne

Edward and Linda Hortick

GE United Way Campaign

George and Patricia Benington

Grace Baptist Church

Guy Bailey

Harry Donenfeld Foundation

Henry and Karen Keating

James Adrian

Jeff Sandreuter

John and Susan Serena

Kaila Walker

Kim Holder

Leigh and Frances Wilson

Matt and Maggie Kelley

Michael and Marylou Salvati

Pauline Randall

Phillip and Ann Peloquin

R. T. Vanderbilt Holding Company, Inc.

Richard and Beth Zucker

Robert and Ann Eydt

Robert and Mary Campbell

Robert and Susan Doran

Ruth Freeman

Santiago Gilfond

Scott and Eileen Oakford

Ted and Anne Grogan

The Tombros Foundation

Thomas and Susan Flanagan

Tom and Paricia Tyre Chiappetta

Tracy Hughes

United Way of Central & Northeastern CT

Veronica Ford

OUR missiOn paRTneRs

Page 26: 2012 2013 Annual Report

William and Barbara Murphy

William and Elizabeth Reiss

friends $499 and Under

Alan and Ruth Winnick

Alan Haas

Alexandra Falconer Austin

Alice Levin

Allison Doran

Amy Jimenez

Andrew and Karin Howells

Andrew and Susan Mais

Anna Mae Skakel

Arthur Simmons

AT&T United Way

Barbara Blumenfeld

Brian and Kathryn McCormick

Brian and Kathy Usher

Brian and Susanna Filanowski

Brian McQuade

Brinley Ehlers

C. Flemming and Judy Heilmann

Carl and Barbara Westhelle

Catherine Vaughn

Charkit Chemical Corp

Charles and Camille Spaulding

friends $499 and Under

Charles and Emily Dreas III

Charles and Jill Koons

Charles and Mary Lynn Phillips

Charles and Susan Carroll

Chris Lewis

Christopher and Mollie Boyle

Constance Boll

Dale and Kathleen Tubbs

David and Deborah Winnick

David and Diane Boston

David and Sara Hunt

DeCausey Bail Bonds

Dennis and Nancy Meany

Don and Gaylen Nash

Donald K. Takacs

Doug and Catherine Johnston

Doug and Kathryn Leister

Doug Peoples

E. Wynn and Robin Plaut

Edward and Kerry McFarlin

Edwin and Louise Brooks

Elizabeth ""Betsy"" English

Elizabeth V. Gibbs

Elliott and Marguerite Sisson

Eric and Claudia Zeller

Eric and Paula Dalrymple

Erik and Sharon Clemons

Eugene and Jessica Rigo

Finn and Terry Wettergreen

Fred amd Betsy Afragola

Fred and Elsie Ashley

Geoff and Dana Berringer

Geoffrey and Melba Kelly

George and Diana Tsimoyianis

Gerard and Angela Murray

Gigiann Van Dyke

OUR missiOn paRTneRs

Page 27: 2012 2013 Annual Report

friends $499 and Under

Glenn and Melinda Houck

Greg and Cecilia McCall

Gregory and Donna Wilson

Harlan and Phyllis Murray

Harrison and Nancy Buck

Howard and Sandra Nottingham

Howard Mills

Hugh and Christine Burke

Hugh and Vasso Kelly

Ian and Tracy King

J R and Deborah Chapman

James and Alison Von Klemperer

James and Jodie Bishop

James Pulie

Janet Aley

Jean Ely

Jean Felix

Jeff Kress

Jeffrey and Susanne Miller

Jerry and Lynne Minsky

Jim and Margaret Riley

John and Mimi van Dyke

John and Anne Hutchins

John and Barbara Erdmann

John and Courtney Oldrin

John and Helen Ong

John and Helene Crawford

John and Kristin Maloney

John and Nidy Hendrickson

Jon and Lisa Haas

Jonathan and Helen Skipper

Joseph and Marilou Stadler

Joseph and Patricia Cappalonga

Joseph Giandurco

Kallima Clarke

Karry and Bernice Ballard

Keith Bachman

Ken and Kristy Barclay

Kenneth and Pam Ritt

Kenya Townsend

Kevin Campbell

Kimberly Gaddy

Kurt and Lisa Anderson

Laure E. Dunne

Lenox Stuart, III

Linda D. Applegarth

OUR missiOn paRTneRs

Page 28: 2012 2013 Annual Report

OUR missiOn paRTneRs

Linda G. Hudson

Lisa Brinton

Lisa Ives

Lucius Briggs

Lynne Burgess

Manuel and Nadine Schultz

Marcus Proctor

Mario L. A. Smith

Marion Gilbert

Mark and Ninette Enrique

Mark and Ronelle Swagerty

Martha DuBissette

Matthew and Paula Fortuna

Michael and Elizabeth Klein

Michael and Kathleen Kirby

Michael and Nancy Herling

Michael and Phyllis Turin

Michael and Valerie Frost

Michael Antonietti

Michael Reshi Ross

Michael Shiers

Mohammed and Simu Halim

Monica Williams

Motorola Solutions Foundation

Neal and Catherine Konstantin

Neal and Maryellen Cravens

Nelson and Beth Griggs

New Canaan Old Timers Association

Nickel and Augusta Reesema

Norbert and E. Diana Napier

Norwalk Guardian Assoc, Inc"

Norwalk Police Union

Palmer and Julia Sparkman, Jr."

Pam Davis

Pamela Grays

Patricia Bobwich

PDC International Corporation

Peter and Lisa Rossi

Peter and Page Morrison

Phil and Ginny Grant

Pierre and Elisabeth Lahaussois

Pitney Bowes

Pointe Builders, LLC"

Renita Crawford

Richard and Antoinette Bain

Richard and Heather Hopkins

Rick and Joan Agresta

Robert and Marion Green

Robert and Virginia Martin

Robert Patrick and Margaret Steele

Robert and Meghan Pennington

Robery and Emily Grabowski

Russ Jones

Russell and Tracey Stidolph

Ruth Weldon

Sabina Miller

Sandra Ennor

Sanford and Josephine Anderson

Saul and Elissa Hyatt

Shawn Wong Won

Sonia D. Bell

Stephen and Lynne Goldstein

Stephen De Lange

Sue Okie

Suzanne Small

Terri Smith

Thomas and Elizabeth Doughty

Timothy and Jessica Knowles

Troy Haynie

United Congregational Church

United Way of Central & Northeastern CT

United Way of Western Connecticut

W. Robert Haskell

Wendy Trevil

White Mountains Capital, Inc.

William and Laurie Young

William and Margaret Anderson

William and Ruth Freeman

William and Sarah Klein

Wilton Presbyterian Church

Page 29: 2012 2013 Annual Report

It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.

William Shakespeare

Page 30: 2012 2013 Annual Report

The Carver foundation of norwalk, inc.7 academy street • norwalk, CT

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