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C O L L E G E O F E N G I N E E R I N G 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T

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U M A S S A M H E R S T 2 0 1 2 C O L L E G E O F E N G I N E E R I N G A N N U A L R E P O R T


LEADERSHIP (left to right):

Chemical Engineering Department

Head T.J. Lakis Mountziaris,

Mechanical and Industrial

Engineering Department

Head Donald Fisher, Dean Ted

Djaferis, Civil and Environmental

Engineering Department Head

Richard Palmer, and Electrical and

Computer Engineering Department

Head Christopher Hollot.

A MESSAGE f rom Dean Ted Djafer is



In order to be good

stewards of the gi f ts you

have given, and in support

of our campus-wide effort

to encourage green

environmental pract ices,

the Col lege of Engineer ing

now publ ishes i ts Honor

Rol l of Donors onl ine at

donor l ist .

This e lectronic l i s t

recognizes those who have

given generous ly to the

col lege in f isca l year 2012.

Check out the Col lege of

Engineer ing website at

MAKING WAVES (Metaphorical or Otherwise)

THE WORD IS OUT about the UMass College of Engineering. In a country where

the medium is the message, as Marshall McLuhan noted so famously, the nation’s

mass media sent an unmistakable message about us this year. We’re making a

global impact.

Our mission is no less ambitious than to educate the engineering leaders of tomorrow

and help drive the economy of today. In that context, the college is making waves

– fluid, sound, electromagnetic, or metaphorical – in every way demanded from the

highest-ranking public engineering school in New England.

During fiscal year 2012, more than 150 national and international newspapers,

magazines, websites, and TV or radio stations ran more than 200 stories on the

college’s groundbreaking research. And that hit list doesn’t even count all our

scientific journal articles. Such widespread outlets as the Atlantic Magazine, Popular

Mechanics, Discover Magazine, Boston Globe, Wall Street Journal, Newsday, Boston

Herald, Boston Business Journal, Washington Post, Bloomberg Business Week, USA

Today, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Denver Post, San Francisco Chronicle,

Fort Worth Star Telegram, Sacramento Bee, Science Daily, R & D Magazine, E

Science News, Automotive World, and the NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, PBS, and NPR

networks were just a few of the mass media that featured the college this year. In

fact, they covered us in a barrage of glowing pictures, pixels, and sound bites.

Such acclaim was the journalistic equivalent of a tickertape parade. In this annual

report, we’ll try to show you, department by department, what all the fuss is about.

So enjoy!

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AMAZINGLY ENOUGH, DURING FISCAL YEAR 2012 the Chemical Engineering (ChE) Department generated the majority of the 200-plus media reports published, broadcast, and web-sited about the College of Engineering. That’s because the department scored an extraordinary number of major breakthroughs by researchers skating on the leading edge of biofuels production. One was PAUL DAUENHAUER. He turned a figurative triple axel, spinning out a trio of biofuel firsts.

One significant discovery was reported by Dauenhauer and others in the January 2012 issue of Energy & Environmental Science and later highlighted in Nature Chemistry. While developing a new experimental technique called “thin-film pyrolysis” to study high-temperature biomass chemistry, Dauenhauer’s research team uncovered a small molecule that behaves like cellulose when converted to biofuel. Studying this “mini-cellulose” molecule reveals for the first time the complex chemical reactions that take place in such biomass as wood and prairie grasses during high-temperature conversion to biofuel.

“What we have invented here is the basic tool necessary to optimize biofuel reactors,” Dauenhauer explains.

This brilliant new tool will now allow researchers to study the reactions inside a biofuel reactor, track the molecules produced by those reactions, and adjust the reactor to produce the highest possible grade of bio-oil.

Not to be outdone by himself, Dauenhauer and his colleagues also discovered a new, high-yield method for producing the key ingredient used to make recyclable plastic bottles from biomass. His inexpensive process creates the ingredient, called p-xylene, with an efficient 75-percent yield from renewable biomass feedstock, making it competitive with fossil fuel production.

Dauenhauer’s third leap forward was a $600,000 grant from ReCommunity Inc. of Charlotte, North Carolina to support the development and evaluation of an innovative green fuel for coal-fired boilers, ReCommunity’s trademarked “ReEngineered Feedstock.” It’s a unique fuel source that combines municipal solid waste with “sorbent” materials – those that absorb liquids or gases. These materials can work side by side with coal to capture harmful emissions from the combustion process before they are released into the atmosphere, thus making coal-generated energy environmentally sound.

In effect, Dauenhauer is showing the world that “Gaia is our business.” While improving the pyrolysis process by leaps and bounds, Dauenhauer and our other crack biofuels researchers are converting the campus from UMass Amherst into Bio-UMass Amherst.

Despite Paul Dauenhauer’s ingenuity in the lab this year, the most extraordinary innovation was an interdisciplinary collaboration between Paul and his wife Kendra. Her name is little Eleanor (in UMass T-shirt).


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Other faculty members at the college are putting the whammy on serious human diseases. SHELLY PEYTON is engineering realistic models of human tissue to study disease. Her interdisciplinary lab studies how cells in the body grow out of control during cancer and cardiovascular disease. Traditionally, scientists use animals to replicate what happens during human disease, but animals are very expensive, and they often don’t behave very much like humans. As an alternative the Peyton lab develops models of tissues using biomaterials to study how cells behave during disease.

“These models act as a substitute for using animals to study disease in the lab,” Peyton explains. “Instead, we can make micro-tissues that look very much like a tissue would look like in a human. Using these biomaterial micro-tissues, my lab is uncovering why breast cancer cells prefer to spread to certain organs versus others, and why some patients may be resistant to common chemo- therapy drugs.”

MICHAEL HENSON plays a key role in a $950,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health to study the 24-hour circadian rhythm, or “body clock,” in humans. His research involves creating mathematical models of circadian rhythm generation to better understand sleep disorders and other diseases triggered by malfunction of the 24-hour body clock.

NEIL FORBES has engineered a non-toxic kind of Salmonella bacteria that can use its own self-propulsion system to venture deep into tumors and manufacture a powerful anti-cancer drug.

“It sounds like science fiction, doesn’t it?” says Forbes. “But Salmonella bacteria, in effect, are each little robots that can swim wherever they want. They have propellers in the form of flagella, they have sensors so they can tell where they’re going, and they’re also little chemical factories. So what we’re doing as engineers is controlling where they go, what chemical we want them to make, and when they make it.”

As Director of the Institute for Cellular Engineering, SUSAN ROBERTS recently ushered in a 19-credit Graduate Certificate in Cellular Engineering, the first campus graduate certificate targeting the critical confluence between engineering and the life sciences.

Like any good engineer, Monique Farrell (left) comes equipped with a good plan.

Shelley Peyton (right) models

human tissues in her lab to study

cancer and other killer diseases.


Bioengineering projects such as some mentioned above are the object of a visionary new Early Career Faculty Development Award, established by DR. BAHRAM “BARRY” SIADAT (Ph.D. ’79, ChE) and MRS. AFSANEH SIADAT. They pledged $150,000 over a five-year period to support the research program of an untenured faculty member in the ChE department, giving strong preference to faculty members working in bioengineering. Dr. Siadat is co-founder and managing director of SK Capital Partners and also an alumni advisor to the ChE department.

Meanwhile, three beloved ChE alumni were honored last November 5 during the College of Engineering’s second annual Outstanding Alumni Awards Luncheon. This year’s ChE Outstanding Senior Alumni Award winner was VINCENT G. MURPHY (M.S. ’67, Ph.D. ’71, ChE). Recipients of the ChE Outstanding Junior Alumni Award were twin brothers DAVID A. STURGIS (B.S. ’00, ChE) and THOMAS A. STURGIS (B.S. ’00, ChE).

A number of chemical engineering undergrads drafted their own blueprint for success by earning important fellowships, scholarships, and other honors. Chief among them were KATHRYN GELDART and SARENA HORAVA, who each received one of the country’s most highly sought-after fellowships, the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship, worth more than $40,000 annually for three years.

AIDAN GILCHRIST received a William F. Field Alumni Scholarship to honor third-year students for their academic achievements, and KEVIN CUNNINGHAM was recognized for his leadership and executive ability as a Jack Welch Scholar.

Sophomore MONIQUE FARRELL demonstrated how to generate her own sustainable energy by serving as a member of the Chem-E Car Team, the secretary for the UMass chapter of the International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers, the historian for the UMass Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, a student mentor in one engineering residence hall, and a student employee in the Diversity Programs Office. Taking a tip from any good engineer, she is obviously a woman with a plan!

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CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (CEE) Department Head RICHARD PALMER is the principal investigator for the new Northeast Climate Science Center, based at UMass Amherst. The center was created with a $7.5-million federal grant from the Department of Interior to study how climate change affects ecosystems, wildlife, water, and other natural resources from Maine to Missouri. The new center attracted national coverage by the Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, Newsday, Chicago Tribune, Mass High Tech, Associated Press, NPR station WBUR, WFXT-TV 25, and WHDH-TV 7.

Palmer says that, to win this major federal recognition, UMass Amherst and its partner institutions demonstrated how they offer unparalleled research strengths and established multi-disciplinary collaborations, spanning the Northeast region, as needed to conduct research on climate change and its effects.

The co-principal investigators are: RAYMOND BRADLEY, a Distinguished University Professor and director of the UMass Climate System Research Center; CURT GRIFFIN, professor of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation and co-director of the Environmental Sciences Program at UMass Amherst; and KEITH NISLOW of the U.S.D.A. Forest Service Northern Research Station.

In addition to UMass Amherst, other members of the new center are the University of Wisconsin Madison, University of Missouri Columbia, University of Minnesota, College of Menominee Nation, Marine Biological Laboratory, and Columbia University.

Richard Palmer is an international expert on climate change and the PI of the new $7.5–million Northeast Climate Science Center.


Such technical terms as pitch, torque, mass, and velocity take on added meaning when it comes to senior civil engineering major JOE POPIELARCZYK, a right-handed pitcher on the UMass baseball team who has literally reengineered himself. Popielarczyk used his education in the CEE Department to modify himself from the walk-on reliever he was four years ago into one of the very best starting pitchers in college ranks as a senior. He basically reverse-engineered pitching savvy.

“As for relating engineering and pitching,” explains Popielarczyk, “I definitely thought about the physics behind pitching and how to improve my pitching. Also, my coursework and learning how to

work through problems helped me when I was both training and out there pitching. It helped me find a confident focus while on the mound as well as teaching me how to work harder than I knew how to. All of this, along with the help of many others, made me do what I did this season.”

What he did this season was a total overhaul! He was named the 2012 Atlantic 10 Pitcher of the Year, First Team All-Atlantic 10, Academic All-Conference, first team New England Division I All-Star, UMass Spring Scholar-Athlete, and one of 51 players on the watch list for national Pitcher of the Year by the College Baseball Hall of Fame. At the end of the regular season, Popielarczyk’s


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electron-microscopic earned run average of 1.24 per game led the Atlantic 10 and ranked third in the nation.

Popielarczyk did all that while maintaining a stellar 3.42 GPA in the demanding civil engineering curriculum and being accepted by the UMass CEE department as a graduate student for next fall.

Popielarczyk’s reanimation project has been eye-opening. No body in motion has attracted more second glances since Shoeless Joe Jackson walked out of the corn in Field of Dreams.

Grad students got into the act, too. RADHAMERIS GOMEZ, a doctoral transportation engineering student, has been named Outstanding Student of the Year by the New England University Transportation Center. Gomez had previously received an Eno Transportation Foundation Fellowship, a fellowship from the National Science Foundation Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate, a Thomas E. Desjardins

Memorial Scholarship from the New England Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, and a Best Research Presentation Award from the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, among other honors.

The UMass Student Chapter of the Institute of Transportation Engineers brought home its own award on the Mass Pike after winning the 2012 Northeastern District 1 Traffic Bowl Championship, a Jeopardy-style competition in which UMass was represented by graduate students EVAN WALSH, ERICA SWANSEN, and ANDY BERTHAUME. In addition, the whole chapter hit the honors highway after being selected to receive the 2011 International Outstanding Student Chapter Award.


FACULTY MEMBER CAITLYN BUTLER has designed and developed a green latrine that can purify domestic waste for small farming villages in Africa, while also churning the stuff into healthy compost for the fields, and turning it into enough carbon-neutral electricity to provide some lighting for local residents.

The multipurpose new invention, called a Microbial Fuel Cell Latrine, is being funded by a $100,000 grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in this collaborative project between engineers from

UMass Amherst and Arizona State University. Butler traveled to Ghana this May to install a pilot latrine in one village of subsistence farmers, but her long-term goal is the deployment of her inexpensive privies throughout the developing world.

“This would be a centralized resource for the whole community,” explains Butler. “Its purpose is a combination of removing the harmful components of human waste and generating electricity for the villagers.”

The CEE department honored two of its own this year by giving special awards to a couple of its most deserving alumni. The recipient of the CEE 2011 Outstanding Senior Alumni Award was RUTH M. BONSIGNORE (B.S. ’83, CEE), and the recipient of the CEE 2011 Outstanding Junior Alumni Award was AMY B. CERATO (M.S. ’01, CEE).

Last but far from least, the CEE department is constructing a state-of-the-art Structural Testing Facility, which will allow researchers to test full-size structural elements such as beams and girders. The testing facility will also lift the profile of the department in terms of attracting top-flight students and sponsored research. ROBERT BRACK (B.S. ’60, CEE), the owner and chairman of the board of the Barker Steel Company, spearheaded the funding for the Structural Testing Facility by making the lead gft and leveraging it as a matching challenge grant.

After three seasons of relative anonymity, pitcher Joe Popielarczyk redesigned himself into a whirling dervish on the mound.

Radhameris Gomez has majored in “Award Winning” since coming to UMass Amherst.

It takes a whole village to raise a green latrine, developed by Caitlyn Butler (second from right in second row), which treats waste and creates electric power.

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THE ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER for Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere (CASA) is moving into a new phase by installing an array of its revolutionary weather-tracking radars in the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) metroplex. The CASA radars provide high-resolution, near-surface views of hazardous weather events and send out faster, more accurate, storm warnings and forecasts. DFW’s 6.5-million people and volatile weather make it the perfect urban test site for CASA’s next phase, after the system was tested over the last four years in rural Oklahoma.

“There are three things we’re trying to do in the test bed,” explains BRENDA PHILIPS, deputy director of CASA. “First is to demonstrate the value of CASA radars and other sensors in an urban environment. Second is to develop new private-public partnership models for deploying and operating sensors. And third is to be a platform for future research in complex urban environments.”

CASA is collaborating with the North Central Texas Council of Governments and the National Weather Service to create this end-to-end test bed of multiple sensors linked to public and private decision makers, such as emergency managers, NWS forecasters, and private industry.

The test bed will initially be comprised of eight CASA-style radars and soon expand to include a set of wideband high dynamic range barometers built by Paroscientific, Inc. for sensing both nearby and distant infrasound signals. CASA envisions that the multi-sensor test bed will then be extended to include wind profilers, Doppler lidars, supplementary radars, and other sensors. The project is expected to serve as a prototype for a national-scale “network-of-networks,” which enables a multitude of users and sensor providers to exchange observational data across a common infrastructure.

The DFW test bed has already been successful in helping to generate additional research funding. Philips was just awarded a $1.34-million grant, including matching funds, from the National Science Foundation to create an innovation ecosystem for the DFW project. She also obtained a $400,000 multi-institutional grant from the National Weather Service. CASA’s MICHAEL ZINK and Philips will serve as the lead investigators for a $286,000 NSF grant to develop and deploy public-sector applications and services on ultra-fast, software-defined networks. CASA is also funded by the Jerome M. Paros Fund for Measurement and Environmental Sciences Research.

Brenda Philips is the driving force behind CASA radars in the Dallas-Fort Worth area that can track killer storms as they fall to earth.


PAUL SIQUEIRA of the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department was honored this year by two of America’s loftiest institutions: NASA and Harvard. They both appeared on his radar screen to enlist him for his specialty, characterizing the earth’s land-based ecology from outer space through remote sensing.

NASA selected Siqueira to serve on its Science Definition Team for a space-borne radar mission entitled “Earth Deformation, Ecosystem Science, and the Dynamics of Ice.” DESDynI, as NASA

touts its mission acronymically, is scheduled for launch before the end of the decade. The Science Definition Team is a group of 15 scientists nationwide who are considered experts in their fields and who will help direct the formulation of the mission.

Siqueira studies terrestrial ecology while specializing in the design, development, and use of remote sensing techniques for applications in terrestrial ecosystems.


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“Being on the Science Definition Team at this early stage will leverage my meager voice towards the whole of the mission,” says Siqueira. “More so, because even though there are 15 scientists on the team, I will likely be one of four, or at most five, who are directly related to the terrestrial ecology side of the DESDynI project.”

To give more grounding to his terrestrial studies from on high, Siqueira received a Charles Bullard Fellowship in Forest Research, worth more than $40,000, from Harvard University. How these dovetailing projects impact our worldwide ecology in the future is now a matter of…well, DESDynI.

LIXIN GAO won the “SIGMETRICS Test of Time Award,” which recognizes an influential performance evaluation paper whose impact is still felt 10 to 12 years after its initial publication. In 2000, Gao collaborated with JENNIFER REXFORD to write the winning paper: “Stable Internet Routing Without Global Coordination.”

College of Engineering Dean TED DJAFERIS was recognized with a 2011 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Control Systems Society (CSS) Distinguished Member Award.

JOSEPH BARDIN was awarded approximately $295,000 for two years by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Young Faculty Award Program, picked from what DARPA called “the nation’s brightest young scientists.”

CASA Director DAVID MCLAUGHLIN coordinated the 10-year development of CASA’s revolutionary phased array radar (seen here). In honor of that accomplishment, McLaughlin presented “Chasing Interdisciplinarity While Chasing Tornadoes” as part of the 2011-2012 UMass Amherst Distinguished Faculty Lecture Series. McLaughlin also received the Chancellor’s Medal, the highest honor awarded to faculty by the campus.

Ilke Ercan (top) and Prasad Shabadi

(bottom) led the stampede of ECE

grad students who won best paper

awards this year.

• Y. SINAN HANAY and recent M.S. graduate ABHISHEK DWARAKI received the Best Paper Award at the 12th annual IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing.

• KRZYSZTOF ORZEL won the Spiros G. Geotis Prize, awarded for the best student paper and poster at the American Meteorological Society’s 35th Conference on Radar Meteorology.

Among undergrads, the ECE department placed two teams of student innovators in the final field of 24 from across the nation that competed in the Cornell Cup competition at Walt Disney World in Florida. ECE undergraduate NICHOLAS JACEK was a Jack Welch Scholar, while DUSTIN LAGOY won a William F. Field Alumni Scholarship.

Meantime, ADAM POLAK was the recipient of Qualcomm’s ROBERTO PADOVANI Scholarship, named after that company’s chief technology officer for nearly a decade. Padovani (M.S. ’83, Ph.D. ’85, ECE) and his wife COLLEEN PADOVANI are major supporters of the department.

Among our alumni, Raytheon Corporate Vice President of Engineering, Technology, and Mission Assurance MARK E. RUSSELL (M.S. ’85, ECE) received an Honorary Doctorate of Engineering Degree from UMass Amherst at its 2012 Commencement ceremonies.

Winner of the ECE Outstanding Senior Alumni Award was the late APOSTLE G. “BUTCH” CARDIASMENOS (M.S. ’76, ECE), and the recipient of the ECE Junior Alumni Award was BRIAN Q. HUPPI (B.S. ’93, ECE).


The number of graduate students from the ECE department who won best paper and poster awards this year is so robust that we don’t even have room for all the details:

• ILKE ERCAN was the lead author of the Best Paper Award winner at the 11th Annual IEEE NANO Conference.

• An article by JIA ZHAO was selected for the Best Paper Award at the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Great Lakes Symposium on Very-Large-Scale Integration.

• ALAN LEVIN won the Best Poster Presentation at the 2012 New England Numerical Analysis Day.

• PRASAD SHABADI won the Best Student Paper Award at the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures 2011.

• PRITISH NARAYANAN won the Outstanding Poster Award at the FENA/MSD Annual Review.

• An article written by MD MUWYID UZZAMAN KHAN earned the Best Student Paper Award at the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems.

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PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR ERIN BAKER of the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MIE) Department received a $3.2-million grant from the National Science Foundation Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship program to start an interdisciplinary graduate program in Offshore Wind Energy Engineering, Environmental Science, and Policy. It will train 24 doctoral students over the course of five years in the technology, environmental implications, and social/economic/regulatory challenges of offshore wind farms.

The multidisciplinary program will feature 20 faculty members from nine UMass Amherst departments in the College of Natural Sciences, School of Management, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, and College of Engineering, including JAMES MANWELL, JON MCGOWAN, MATTHEW LACKNER, YAHYA MODARRES-SADEGHI, and ROBERT HYERS from the MIE department.

The problem is that proposed offshore wind farms have often met with stiff public opposition. “In general, it has been surprisingly hard to site wind farms,” explains Baker. “Although they’re clean and the energy is free once you install the equipment, there has often been a public backlash against them. We’re trying to address that in a way that faces this public acceptance problem right from the beginning.”

Another MIE faculty member is working on health information technology, the computer hardware and software dealing with the storage, sharing, and use of healthcare data. The problem is that it is very user-unfriendly. This drawback turns “health information” into an oxymoron, which is especially unfortunate because the technology is viewed by our government as one of the most promising tools for improving the overall quality, safety, efficiency, and cost of our mega-expensive health delivery system. Now the National Science Foundation (NSF) has given JENNA MARQUARD of the MIE department a mandate to help correct this glaring problem.

The NSF awarded Marquard a coveted $400,000 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) grant to support her research on computerized health information technology designed to improve the health, clinical care, and cost of management for diabetics and patients with high blood pressure. Her research will retool the technology by modeling how doctors and patients interact with these information systems and by engineering more user-friendly computer interfaces for them.

“The government is spending a huge amount of money to encourage the adoption of health information technology,” says Marquard.

Jenna Marquard’s career blossomed with the College of Engineering’s 24th NSF CAREER Award.


Erin Baker

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“But there are a lot of scientific studies and circumstantial evidence indicating that, when the systems aren’t usable, people reject them.”

In other faculty news, the Minerals, Metals, & Materials Society (TMS) awarded Hyers the 2012 Brimacombe Medal. Hyers was also elected to the board of directors of the society. In addition, the TMS chose ASHWIN RAMASUBRAMANIAM for the 2012 Young Leader Professional Development Award.

Many media this year focused on “Distractology 101,” a program created by the Arbella Insurance Human Performance Laboratory, whose director is MIE Department Head DON FISHER. The Arbella company is trying to educate drivers, especially young and inexperienced ones, about the hazards of distracted driving through its touring, 36-foot-long, neon-yellow trailer, equipped with two driving simulators running the lab’s program.

During the trailer’s first year on the road to prevent multitasking motorists from driving themselves to distraction, some 1,800 young people took a spin in Distractology 101.


Senior SAMUEL DEL PILAR has taken the urban tradition and Hispanic heritage he grew up with in Queens, New York and used it as fancy footwork for his nonprofit educational organization called

“Sneakers 4 Success,” which inspires urban youth to pursue a college degree through sneaker culture and footwear design.

Del Pilar also drained a three-point shot of sorts at the seventh annual UMass Innovation Challenge when Sneakers 4 Success won a trio of prizes totaling $8,250, including the Audience Choice Prize and the first annual David Wolf Prize of $5,000, sponsored by the intellectual property law firm of Wolf, Greenfield & Sacks, P.C.

There were other outstanding MIE students, too. The UMass Amherst Supermileage Team finished in fifth place out of 30 colleges at the international Society of Automotive Engineers Supermileage® competition. The streamlined, three-wheel car (see back cover) built by Team Zoom Mass finished the 10-mile course with a tightfisted 843 miles per gallon!

Senior Sam del Pilar leaves very big, psychedelic, high-top sneakers to fill at the College of Engineering.

Don Fisher is one of the few experts standing between our busy highways and millions of young

motorists driven to distraction.

Responding to the kind of news reported in one Wall Street Journal article that 3,337 company founders and CEOs across all industries hold an advanced degree in engineering, the MIE department has started its new Engineering Leadership, Innovation, Teaching, and Entrepreneurship (ELITE) Program, funded generously by alum ROBERT HAGERTY (B.S. ’74, MIE). It will equip some of the department’s best and brightest students with the leadership, entrepreneurial, and communications skills to expand the pool of engineers who become CEOs, founding officers, supervisors, directors, managers, and teachers.

“We look at the ELITE Program as the first step along that swelling pipeline of leaders,” says Fisher. As the Journal article concluded,

“The demand for engineers is voracious.”

Another high-profile improvement in the department is its new Innovation Shop, which will be outfitted with state-of-the-art machine tools, instruments, and computers to support inventive mechanical engineering projects, including all related design, modeling, manufacturing, and testing activities. The Innovation Shop will also feature areas for classroom instruction, team meetings, computer-aided design, fabrication, and assembly.

MIE alumnus CHARLES PETERS and UMass alumna KAREN PETERS have pledged $100,000 over four years, to be divided evenly between the College of Engineering and the Isenberg School of Management. In the College of Engineering, this gift will support the Career Development Center and the Diversity Programs Office, enabling both programs to provide workshops, networking, and experiential learning for undergraduate engineering students.

The 2011 MIE Outstanding Senior Alumni Award recipient was THOMAS J. LYDEN (B.S. ‘72, M.S. ‘73, MIE), while the MIE Outstanding Junior Alumni Award recipient was PATRICK D. WALSH (B.S. ‘03, MIE).

ALL THESE ACCOMPLISHMENTS, throughout our four departments, act as empirical evidence to support the media blitz enjoyed this year at the College of Engineering. The news is finally out about something

we’ve known for a long time on this campus. We’re perfecting all the complex chemical, civil, environmental, electrical, computer, mechanical, and industrial engineering processes for making a global impact.

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FY12 COLLEGE NUMBERSFACULTY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97


GRADUATE ENROLLMENT . . . . . . .510

B.S. DEGREES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .352

M.S. DEGREES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141

PH.D. DEGREES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

FY12 RESEARCH EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENTCHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,346,869

CEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,360,225

ECE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,467,805

MIE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,746,755

DEAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $240,774

TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,162,428


◼ Information Technology 1%

◼ Equipment/Leases 3%

◼ Supplies/Maintenance 3%

◼ Admin/Tvl/Postage 5%

◼ Scholarships/Fellowships 6%

◼ Overhead 12%

◼ Student Support 15%

◼ Salaries/Fringe 55%

◼ Current Gifts 3%

◼ Fee Income/Misc. Revenue 4%

◼ Industry/Private/Other Grants 12%

◼ Federal/State/Local Grants 43%

◼ State/GOF/RTF 38%

◼ Federal 58%

◼ Industrial 12%

◼ State & Local 17%

◼ Other 12%


FY12 ($45.8M)



PRODUCTION: Writing: Charlie Creekmore • Design: Joanne Mackiewicz • Photography: John Solem and others • UMass Branding & Creative Communications 12-633

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got an extremelyst ingy 843 mpg.

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got an extremelyst ingy 843 mpg.

The UMass Supermi leage Vehic le

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The UMass Supermi leage Vehic le

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Page 14: 2012 Engineering Annual Report

C O L L E G E O F E N G I N E E R I N G 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T U M A S S A M H E R S T

Leadership Circle Sponsors $10,000-$24,999

Nicholas N. Boraski ‘50,’91HD +++ $

James E. Chaney ‘79 & Marina (Morbeck) Chaney ‘81

Herbert L. Cheever ‘65 + $

Carl R. Christenson ‘82,’84MS + & Kimberlee B. Christenson +

John M. Cryan ‘58 +

Paul D. Engel ‘74 + & Deborah M. Engel % +

Robert S. Feldman > & Katherine E. Vorwerk ++

Edward C. Gray ‘73 +

Robert C. Hagerty ‘74 & Paula (Records) Hagerty ‘74 *

Ronald L. LaBarre ‘73

Raymond E. Laplante, Jr. ‘87 ++ $ & Marie (Swiatlowski) Laplante ‘87 ++ $

Vincent G. Murphy ‘67MS,’71Ph.D. +

Mark J. Notkin ‘86 +

Michael S. Sarli ‘75 > ++ $

Ernest T. Selig > & Rae N. Selig

Andrew I. Shapiro ‘82 & Ruth Bonsignore ‘83 +

Edwin V. Sisson ‘68

Barry F. Smith ‘76 + $

Ting-wei Tang > & Shirley S. Tang ++

H. Brian Thompson ‘60 ++

John F. Welch, Jr. ‘57,’82HD & Suzanne R. Welch ++

Mark B. Bradley ‘79 & June C. Wispelwey +

Nilesh Shah ‘85Ph.D. ++ & Jean Brady ‘87Ph.D. ++

Joseph A. Carnevale ‘71 & Mary C. Carnevale ++

Philmore H. Colburn II ‘86MBA +

Kevin M. Ferreira ‘07 $

Robert M. Gorman ‘63 +

Rafael D. Guzman ‘88

Robert A. Henry ‘70 ++

A. Leo Joseph ‘89MS

Kevin J. Kelley ‘61 & Lee Kelley +

Alvin T. Kho ‘94,’96MS,’00Ph.D.

Robert S. LaCava ‘79 & Sandra (Adelman) LaCava ‘78 + $

Gary R. Lapidus ‘84 & Clare R. Scherrer

Kendall G. Miller ‘79 + $ & Carla (Ray) Miller ‘82,’85MS + $

Robert A. Mionis ‘85

Raymond A. Noga ‘75MS & Karen (Murphy) Noga ‘74

James O. Pearson ‘78 +

Karen (Holland) Peters ‘87 % + & Charles J. Peters, Jr. % +

Francis A. Petrangelo, Jr. ‘88

Frederick J. Pevey, Jr. ‘72,’82MBA +

Gary W. Pritchard ‘80 & Christine (Mahoney) Pritchard ‘79

Marvin O. Schlanger ‘72MS + & Eva (Listman) Schlanger ‘70MA +

Nicholas J. Scuderi ‘88

Salvatore C. Scuderi

Stephen P. Scuderi ‘74 & Shirley Scuderi ‘97 +

William M. Stein ‘91MS

Paul C. Washburn III ‘81,’84MBA & Elizabeth (Baker) Washburn ‘84 +++

Edward S. Andrews, Jr. ‘85 $

Leadership Circle Advocates $5,000-$9,999

Individual donors who made leadership gifts totaling $1,000 or more to the University of Massachusetts Amherst in fiscal year 2012 are recognized in the Leadership Giving Circle.

The College of Engineering wishes to recognize members of the Leadership Giving Circle who have elected to designate their gifts, or a portion thereof, to the College, its departments and programs, during the time period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012.

Leadership Giving Circle

Roberto Padovani ‘83MS,’85Ph.D. + $ & Colleen McLevedge Padovani “75S,’82 + $

Leadership Circle Partners $25,000-$49,999

Leadership Circle Pacesetters $50,000-$99,999

Leadership Circle Pioneers $100,000+

Robert B. Brack ‘60 +++ & Janet Bailey ‘67,’77Ed.D. +++

Michael G. Hluchyj ‘76 & Theresa (Murphy) Hluchyj ‘77 ++

Anonymous ++

John C. Brouillard ‘70 & Elaine Brouillard ++

Krikor Ermonian ‘52 +++

Thomas J. Laramee ‘94,’97MS

Kenneth A. Lloyd ‘73 % & Sylvia Loran % +

Thomas J. Lyden ‘72,’73MS & Denyse A. Lyden ++ $

Janice (Rittenburg) Rossbach ‘49 ++ $

Barry Siadat ‘77MS,’79Ph.D. & Afsaneh Siadat

James M. Smith ‘67,’07HD ++

Page 15: 2012 Engineering Annual Report

* Deceased

+ 5 to 9 years of consecutive giving

++ 10 to 24 years of consecutive giving

+++ 25 or more years of consecutive giving

$ Matching gift or claim

% Parent

> Current faculty, staff or emeritus faculty

HD Honorary Degree Recipient

HA Honorary Alumnus or Alumna

S Stockbridge Alumnus or Alumna

This report recognizes contributions received during Fiscal Year 2012.

Leadership Circle Associates $2,500-$4,999

Richard J. Bedard ‘73

Daniel J. Bonelli ‘78 + $ & Patricia (Pepe) Bonelli ‘78 + $

Dennis M. Bushe ‘65 ++

Steven P. Carlson ‘80 + $

Jay A. Catelli ‘05 + $

Frank J. Consoli ‘75 +

James L. Craig ‘96CAGS,’96MED > ++ & Christine L. Craig ++

Bronislaw K. Dichter & Patricia M. Dichter %

W. Eric Egan ‘82 & Margot T. Egan ++

Richard B. Fairbanks ‘67,’69MS +

John M. Ferriter ‘71 & Sandra (Mcpherson) Ferriter ‘71 ++

Christopher J. Fontaine ‘79 +

Ronald R. Gerace ‘84 % ++ & Juliane (Sicard) Gerace ‘85 % ++

John J. Harney ‘83 & Margo (Kennedy) Harney ‘84 +

David C. Jeanes ‘73 +

Marshall G. Jones ‘72MS,’74Ph.D. & Annie Jones ‘73MBA ++

Paul W. Kamienski ‘69 + $

John P. Keenan ‘72 & Dagmar (Schorkhuber) Keenan ‘73

Paul W. Kelley ‘67 +

Clifford J. Knox ‘50 ++ $

Charles D. Machlin ‘82

Richard F. Mackey ‘66 ++

Michael F. Malone ‘79Ph.D. > & Christine A. Lau ++

James D. Marley ‘81 & Anne (Guiney) Marley ‘92

Lawrence S. Martin ‘67 +

Adam S. Miller ‘93

Mara A. Motherway +

Sally D. Motherway ++

William D. Motherway ‘87 + $

Basant Nanda ‘92MS $

Cuneyt L. Oge ‘80MS & Margo T. Oge

Frank B. Riordan ‘91

Daniel H. Schaubert > & Joyce Schaubert

Gregory S. Sherowski ‘70 + $

Neil P. Sirota ‘88

Ilhun Son ‘88Ph.D.

Thomas J. Stanley ‘79 $

Edwin L. Thomas ‘69 % +

Karen Utgoff +

Joseph H. Watson ‘00MS & Stephanie Raimondeau ‘02Ph.D. $

David R. White ‘77,’78MS + $

Richard P. Wynn ‘50 ++

Guy E. Yeager ‘96MS $

Leadership Circle Members $1,000-$2,499

Reginald H. Achilles ‘91

Kenneth D. Allen ‘81 & Susan Barber Allen ‘81 +

Kelvin F. Cross ‘75,’77MS ++ & Caren Arnstein ‘77 ++

Ronald J. Bartos ‘80 $

Pamela Beaubien +

Paul E. Bennett ‘50 * >

Hal M. Berman ‘77MS +

John G. Bestgen, Jr. ‘55

Donald M. Boettger ‘85

Sergio F. Brena >

Robert J. Burbank ‘60 & Sandra (Morse) Burbank ‘61 ++

Gregory J. Caetano ‘84 ++ $

John A. Carriere ‘75 ++

Alexander Chajes * % > ++

David J. Chou ‘81 + $

Scott A. Civjan >

Alan S. Cohen ‘66 & Natalie K. Cohen

Robert S. Cohen ‘55,’63MS & Iris (Sidman) Cohen ‘57

Heidi (Donahue) Connelly ‘82 % & Michael Connelly %

William C. Conner, Jr. >

Russell W. Couture ‘63 *

Stephen P. Daniel ‘81 +

Thomas J. Danielson ‘91Ph.D. $

Elizabeth Davidson ‘84 & Thomas Orent

Seren Z. Derin % +

Anthony P. DiCenzo ‘73,’74MS

& Carolyn (Barron) DiCenzo ‘72MS

Theodore E. Djaferis ‘74 % > & Mary Djaferis ‘03MS %

Paul D. Enders ‘85,’88MS $ & Jill (Bottomley) Enders ‘85,’87MS $

Sharon (Brown) Forbes ‘83

Michael M. Frerker ‘96MS

David R. Gaboury ‘76 & Mary E. Gaboury +

Kumar N. Ganapathy ‘90MS

Matthew H. Garber ‘08

Gary R. Gardinier ‘69 & Arleen (Ruder) Gardinier ‘69MED $

Donald L. Gibavic ‘72 + & Nancy (Suprenant) Gibavic ‘78 +

Sally Giglio ‘70MED,’87Ed.D. & Richard J. Giglio > ++

Sheldon Goldman > & Marcia Goldman +++

Joseph I. Goldstein > & Barbara H. Goldstein ++

Ronald R. Gould ‘69 ++ $

Paul H. Grazewski ‘77 %

Richard J. Gregory ‘86Ph.D. ++

& Gillian (Norman) Gregory ‘82MS,’86Ph.D. ++

Sadiye Guler ‘96Ph.D.

Mark B. Hackenberry ‘83

Phyllis Heronemus

Brian W. Hill ‘69 % & Susan C. Hill +

R. Paul Hirt ‘81 & Lynn Campana ‘81 ++

Erik D. Hjerpe ‘93MS ++

Barbara Howard ‘78 +

Brian Q. Huppi ‘93,’98 $

Gordon Hutchins, Jr. ‘70 +

Ramakrishna Janaswamy ‘86Ph.D. >

Wayne C. Jones ‘66 ++

Spencer A. Joyner, Jr. ‘73MLA, ’76MRP, ’78Ph.D. + $ & Susan (Lane) Joyner ‘73 + $

Raymond J. Kaleda ‘66 & Laurel V. Kaleda ++ $

Gareth A. Keith ‘58 ++

Ronald J. Keohane % & Diana R. Keohane %

John P. Kieronski ‘50 * ++

Steven A. Krol ‘77 + $

Steven M. Lee ‘96 $

Roberto T. Leon ‘78

Mark A. Lester

Karl E. Liebich ‘80 ++ $

Tucuong Lien ‘70 & Jennifer (Chen) Lien ‘71 + $

Mark D. Lincoln ‘71 + $

Edward M. Livingston ‘70 +

Michael J. MacDonald ‘91 ++ $

& Jane MacDonald ++ $

James F. Manwell ‘77MS,’81Ph.D. >

Mari-Kate McEntee ‘07 $

Suzanne McGowan ‘71MA,’96Ed.D. & Jon G. McGowan >

Timothy J. McGrath ‘98Ph.D.

Spyros Michail ‘88MS,’91MS $ & Yazmin (Alvarez) Michail ‘89 $

Edward W. Millette III ‘86 +

James L. Milton ‘70MS,’73Ph.D. & Martha (Sailor) Milton ‘74 ++

Richard T. Misiaszek ‘68 ++

Page 16: 2012 Engineering Annual Report

C O L L E G E O F E N G I N E E R I N G 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T U M A S S A M H E R S T

Carmel Motherway

John T. Murphy ‘65 +

Lawrence M. Nugent ‘56 & Elizabeth A. Nugent ++

Richard N. Palmer % > & Elaine S. Palmer %

Lee A. Pearlmutter ‘66,’73MS

Greg G. Peters ‘76 ++ $

Thomas K. Philips ‘83MS,’86Ph.D. & Marina Philips ‘86MS

Russell J. Powers ‘66

David M. Pozar > & Judith A. Pozar >

Harold J. Publicover ‘49 ++

Evan F. Quarton ‘58

John F. Quinn ‘57

Donald A. Robinson ‘66,’84Ph.D.%> & Sara (Laclaire) Robinson ‘66,’79MED,’86Ed.D. %

David H. Rosen ‘59 % +

Scott A. Sandler ‘83 +

Manfred J. Schindler ‘82MS

Gary P. Sharpe ‘70

James G. Shields ‘60 & Marilynn (Kolazyk) Shields ‘61 ++ $

Steven L. Shray ‘79 +

George A. Smith, Jr. ‘55 & Linda Smith ++

Howard R. Smith ‘75 + $

David A. Spieler ‘74 & Karen (Kester) Spieler ‘75

Gary E. Stanitis ‘80 % & Judith (Bell) Stanitis ‘80 %

Jane (Isgur) Stein ‘82MS % & Peter B. Stein % ++

Ivan L. Stokes ‘81 ++

Ian M. Striffler ‘97 $

David A. Sturgis ‘00 + $

Thomas A. Sturgis ‘00 $

Steven P. Sullivan ‘87 +

Joseph P. Taylor ‘83 $

Nancy (Gage) Torrey ‘73 & Philip B. Torrey ++

Jay E. Turnberg ‘78,’79MS % & Ann (Muri) Turnberg ‘77 %

John H. Underwood ‘62 +

Marcel D. Veilleux ‘81

William H. Wachter III ‘80 & Jill Wachter

Robert A. Wilson ‘77 & Roberta (Laird) Wilson ‘78

Gary A. Wyllie % & Constance H. Wyllie %

John C. Yaney ‘70 *

Leadership Circle Members $1,000-$2,499 (cont.)

Leadership Circle Affiliate Recent Alums

Patrick M. Border ‘11,’12MS

Charles N. Cheatwood ‘02MS $

Derek W. Griffin ‘03

Matthew W. Heath ‘04Ph.D. $

Maxwell P. Leabo ‘10

Gregory P. Leger ‘02 & Jayme (Brown) Leger ‘03 +

Panagiotes M. Petrakis ‘08

Nathan C. Roy ‘04,’06MS & Christine (Bonczar) Roy ‘04,’05MS

Changting Wang ‘01Ph.D. & Yunqing Wang ‘02MS $

$500 - $999 Donors to the College of Engineering

Thomas L. Anderson ‘80 ++

Neoma M. Berger ++

James E. Brown ‘74 ++ $

Paul M. Carlin ‘66 $

Scott A. Carr ‘85 $

David M. Catallozzi ‘81 + $

Michael J. Chajes ‘84

John R. Corsi, Jr. ‘61

James Costantino ‘58 +

T. Steven Cotter ‘94MS ++

Jeffrey S. Dirk ‘91 % ++

James H. Donahue ‘63

Robert T. Duffy ‘73MS + $

Alfred A. Dumas ‘62

Robert B. Eimstad ‘82MS,’86MS,’86

Alvin R. Finkelstein ‘54 ++

Jason A. Franchi ‘99 $

Frederick A. Fresh ‘88Ph.D.

Kazimierz T. Grzeslak ‘88,’91MS $

Roy D. Hegedus ‘85Ph.D. $

Kenneth B. Howe, Sr. ‘50 ++

Elmer H. Hsu ‘67Ph.D. + $

Laurence A. Hughes ‘58

Scott C. Hyney ‘81 $

James E. Johnson ‘60 & Beverly A. Johnson ++

Thomas W. Kelly ‘81 $

Robert L. Klein ‘58 & Elizabeth (Spencer) Ivey ‘76Ph.D. ++

Albert V. Laakso ‘58 +

Neil F. Lacey ‘90 ++ $

Wenkway Liang ‘90MS & Jenyeng Cheah ‘90MS

Mitchell J. Liro, Jr. ‘65 & Sandra (Goddard) Liro ‘63 ++

Russell S. Lyon ‘82 & Tina (Vanheyst) Lyon ‘83MS

Donald P. MacClellan ‘78 % & Judith (Levasseur) MacClellan ‘79 % ++ $

John F. Magnani ‘81

Michael Mahoney ‘83,’85MS $

John Mardirosian ‘81,’84 % & Janice Ferguson ‘82 % $

John P. McGlynn ‘78 ++

Robert S. Michael ‘80,’84MS & Birgit Kohl ‘83 +

Leland P. Miner ‘61 & Jo (Bell) Miner ‘59 ++

Bibhu P. Mohanty ‘93Ph.D. & Yana (Zilberberg) Mohanty ‘94MS $

Gifts of all levels to the College of Engineering are critically important and gratefully acknowledged. The following donors have each generously contributed between $100 and $999 to the College of Engineering, its departments and programs, during the time period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012.

Individual Donor

Page 17: 2012 Engineering Annual Report

$500 - $999 Donors to the College of Engineering (cont.)

Alan S. Natter ‘74MS ++

Richard E. Park, Jr. ‘83 ++

Todd W. Paro ‘82 +

John Perra ‘92 ++

Norman G. Phillibert ‘85MS ++ $

John W. Philpott ‘63,’77MBA ++

Kenneth J. Plourde ‘86 ++

Thomas H. Proctor ‘79 % & Deborah Proctor % $

Anthony M. Puntin ‘92 & Beverly (Nace) Puntin ‘90 +

Patrick J. Quinlan ‘82 +

Herbert S. Rollins, Jr. ‘74 ++

Jonathan W. Roskill ‘85 ++ $

Mark Rovelli ‘79 ++ $

Jonathan C. Russell ‘95Ph.D.

Stanley A. Sablak “65S & Sandra (Kamienski) Sablak ‘68

Rodney A. Sassaman ‘82 & Anne (Banas) Sassaman ‘83 ++ $

Gretchen (Dittfach) Shubrooks ++

Thomas F. Simeone ‘84 +

Richard H. Sioui ‘68Ph.D.

John D. Stuart

Daniel J. Sullivan ‘65 +

Calvin T. Swift > & Joanne T. Swift ++

Scott D. Thomas ‘92Ph.D. & Cristina (Urdaneta) Thomas ‘92Ph.D. $

David P. Torpey ‘89

Chorfan Tsang ‘77MS +

H. Algernon Whitworth ‘75 ++

Anlu Yan ‘92MS,’98Ph.D. $

Paul W. Young ‘68MS ++

$250 - $499 Donors to the College of Engineering

Donald D. Abells ‘02MS + $

Alleyn A. Alie ‘77 & Deborah Freeman ‘77

Douglas S. Ambos ‘83,’85MS +

Richard D. Aquadro ‘83 ++

Doris Atkinson ‘87MS,’87

Carl A. Avila ‘78

Victor Bahl ‘97Ph.D. $

David B. Bain ‘90 +

Dennis C. Bak ‘79 +

James F. Barry ‘79

Robert G. Bartlett ‘80 & Marie Bartlett

Uzair Beg ‘05 $

Paul E. Bennett ‘50 * >

Mary K. Bloss %

David J. Bodendorf ‘64 % & Joan (Janik) Bodendorf ‘65 ++ $

David A. Bohn ‘78,’79MS & Marlene Bohn ‘84

Bruce A. Bouton ‘72 % & Dale C. Miller-Bouton %

Cheryl (Doherty) Braulik ‘83 ++

David C. Brown ‘62

Jeffrey M. Byrne ‘77 +

Richard E. Campagnoni ‘57 ++

Margaret Campbell ‘82

Andrew S. Carle ‘89 & Susan (Gaudette) Carle ‘88 $

William J. Carter, Jr. ‘67 % ++ $

Thomas J. Casali ‘03,’03,’09MBA

Raul Castillo-Garcia ‘87MS

Douglas J. Chabinsky ‘75 % & Martha Chabinsky % ++

Po-Shang Chen ‘86MS,’88Ph.D. & Shan-Lee Liu ‘89MED,’94Ed.D.

Ashok S. Chetty ‘90Ph.D. ++

Alexander S. Chuang ‘64MS,’74Ph.D. +

Gregory A. Cigal ‘69,’71MS ++ $

John F. Coman ‘65 ++

Anthony L. Copas ‘80Ph.D. & Judith Mroz ‘77

Christopher A. Cove ‘87 % ++

Joseph P. D’Eramo % & Debra A. D’Eramo % + $

Dennis J. Dahlen ‘78 ++ $

Arnold M. Daniels ‘66 %

Nancy (Anderson) Dasilva ‘82

Lester G. Deotte ‘68 & Patricia B. Deotte +

Stephen A. Descoteaux ‘77MS ++

Michael Diggin

Mark DiGiovanni ‘97

Patricia (Adamopoulos) DiOrio ‘90 ++

John J. Donahue ‘71,’78MS

William J. Donovan ‘78MS ++

C. Wayne Dore ‘78MS

Michael H. Dorgan ‘84 & Kin Chow ‘84

Steven L. Drake ‘71 % +

David R. Drumm ‘60 ++ $

Thomas W. Dube % & Patricia R. Dube % +

Brian E. Dunleavy ‘66 & Margaret (Barrett) Dunleavy ‘66 ++ $

John E. Eck ‘91

Bingfeng Fan ‘03Ph.D. +

Brian M. Fiegel ‘98 & Jennifer (Bourque) Fiegel ‘98

David E. Filkins, Jr. ‘85 % & Kathleen (Ellis) Filkins ‘86 % ++

Charles W. Fisher ‘83

Donald L. Fisher >

Timothy P. Foley ‘86 ++ $

Jonathan R. Freedman ‘82

James E. Gagnon ‘74 % ++

Lance A. Glasser ‘74 & Wendy (Joseph) Glasser ‘75 +

John A. Gleason ‘87

Louis R. Glinka ‘55 ++ $

Paul E. Greenyer ‘83 + $

Einar P. Gudjohnsen ‘79MS

Daniel B. Harris ‘86 & Caren (Tessein) Harris ‘84 $

Chris D. Heegard ‘75,’76MS

Robert F. Heisler, Jr. ‘79 $

Robert F. Hickey ‘87Ph.D. +

Ronald E. Higby ‘58

William R. Higgins ‘49 +

Michael R. Hopkins ‘81,’85MS & Nancy (Bouthiller) Hopkins ‘83

Richard M. Hutchinson ‘83 +

John A. Jasperse ‘82 ++

Dennis L. Jew ‘76 + $

Thomas K. Jewell ‘75MS,’80Ph.D.

Robert F. Kearns ‘58 $

Robert F. Kempf ‘52

John P. Kieronski ‘50 * ++

Alan I. Kniager ‘88 ++

Richard P. Komosky ‘76 ++

Rajeev S. Koodli ‘93MS,’98Ph.D. & Vidya Raichur ‘97MS $

Anthony J. Kozak ‘57 ++

Dale M. Labossiere ‘78 ++

Gary A. LaFrance ‘79 $

James D. Laing % & Roberta Laing % + $

Beth Larkin ‘81 ++

Judith (Clark) LaRocca ‘88

Roland A. Lavallee ‘77MS & Billie J. Lavallee

Xin Liu ‘00MS +

Richard MacAleese % & Cynthia MacAleese %

Richard J. Manning ‘63MBA,’63 ++ $

Julie Matthew ‘04

Michael J. Mazzu ‘89 +

J. Craig McLanahan ‘92Ph.D. & Janet McLanahan ‘92Ed.D. ++

* Deceased

+ 5 to 9 years of consecutive giving

++ 10 to 24 years of consecutive giving

+++ 25 or more years of consecutive giving

$ Matching gift or claim

% Parent

> Current faculty, staff or emeritus faculty

HD Honorary Degree Recipient

HA Honorary Alumnus or Alumna

S Stockbridge Alumnus or Alumna

This report recognizes contributions received during Fiscal Year 2012.

Page 18: 2012 Engineering Annual Report

C O L L E G E O F E N G I N E E R I N G 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T U M A S S A M H E R S T

$100 to $249 Donors to the College of Engineering

Rodrick B. McLean ‘86

Brian R. McMorrow ‘79

Cheryl (Stubbs) Mendrala ‘91 ++ $

Leroy E. Mentor ‘50 ++ $

Robert C. Merrill ‘71 + $

Mark S. Michalski ‘81 % ++

Brian J. Milewski ‘84 % & Diane (Gardner) Milewski ‘83,’85MA % +

Steven A. Minkwitz ‘71,’75MS ++

Travis J. Mitchell ‘95,’97MS & Erin (Wagner) Mitchell ‘05Ph.D.

Albert B. Moore ‘63 +

Triantafillos J. Mountziaris >

Dawn Murphy ‘90,’93MS ++

Rajesh M. Nair ‘90MS

Tuan Q. Nguyen ‘90 %

Cheryl Nicholas ‘81,’96MS,’17Ph.D. %

JoAnne O’Neil ‘83 % & Stephen O’Neil %

David R. O’Toole ‘68

Peter Orlando % & Marie Orlando %

Norman L. Page ‘71

Mark W. Pelletier ‘83 & Nina (Tousignant) Pelletier ‘83

Emmanuel P. Pfersich ‘70

Allan L. Pitcher ‘50 ++

Edward S. Price ‘90

Paul H. Queeney ‘80

R. Louis Reinemann, Jr. ‘87

Bruce E. Rhodes ‘80 ++ $

Walter J. Ros ‘67 $

Valentino Rubinaccio ‘81

Sameer P. Rupani ‘93

Paula (Clifford) Sakey ‘88 > & Robert Sakey +

Melissa (Conner) Saunders ‘89 ++ $

Ratan S. Sawant ‘73MS & Sharon (Smeedy) Sawant ‘75 +

Bernard K. Saydlowski ‘54 +

William A. Shaheen ‘83,’85MS %

Jia-Jye Shen ‘88MS

Earl A. Small ‘85

Max A. Solondz ‘86MS +

James M. Sonnett ‘80MS

John G. Spanbauer ‘81MS & Nancy (Rider) Spanbauer ‘77 ++

Michael E. St. Lawrence ‘82

Joseph C. Strzegowski, Jr. ‘67, ’69MS % ++

Paula L. Sturdevant Rees >

Venkatesh Tulluri ‘90MS

Theodore J. Twarog, Jr. ‘62 %

Arun Venkataraman ‘98MS $

Bernard E. Volz ‘83 $

Aaron L. Wagner ‘94 +

Nigel G. Watson ‘82MS

Robert A. Weimar ‘72

William D. White

Kimberly Williams ‘90

Richard H. Williams, Jr. ‘61

Mark F. Witcher ‘77Ph.D. & Margaret A. Bush +

Steven I. Wolkenbreit ‘73 & Janis (Hinden) Wolkenbreit ‘73 ++

Richard T. Zammitti ‘62

$250 - $499 Donors to the College of Engineering (cont.)

Brian J. Abbott ‘72 ++

Abdul Ashik Abdul Waheed ‘08MS

Cynthia Adamski ‘73 % & Stewart Dalzell % $

Sanjay R. Agrawal ‘93MS

Antonio D. Aguiar ‘82 % & Gwenn (Mcginty) Aguiar ‘82 %

Maroof Ahmed % & Tahera Ahmed %

Carl S. Albro ‘70 & Donna (Hamblett) Albro ‘70

Cleo Alexander ‘88MS $

Richard B. Allen ‘63

Robert M. Allessio ‘72 % +

Chris J. Altomare ‘81MS +

Lavalier B. Alves ‘97MBA

Allan E. Ames ‘81 +

Araya Amsalu ‘94MS,’98Ph.D.

Carol Anderson ‘84 ++ $

John M. Anderson ‘58 ++

Leonard T. Anderson ‘86 % & Linda A. Anderson % ++

Sandra (Borden) Anderson ‘66 +

Cornelius W. Andres ‘87,’91MS ++

Robert G. Andrews, Jr. ‘69,’70MS,’86 +

Doug Ansuini ‘97MS

Michael R. Antunes ‘93 +

Marc H. Attar ‘05

James M. Averback ‘78

Stephen G. Badum ‘80

Thomas C. Baillie ‘83

Arvind S. Baliga ‘91MS,’95Ph.D.

Jeffrey J. Bannon % & Lynne M. Bannon %

Marlon R. Banta ‘96

Michael A. Barillaro ‘90 ++

Robert J. Barnini ‘58 ++

David C. Bartlett ‘53,’57MS ++

Eileen Bartley ‘81 & Kenneth Horton + $

Maxwell K. Barton ‘11

Jennifer (Kinzler) Basile ‘89 & Paul S. Basile $

Thomas A. Bassett ‘80 % & Beverly Shaw % ++

Harlan M. Baxter ‘60 & Jane (Tyson) Baxter

Alvan T. Bazer ‘51MS +

Garry Benoit ‘84

Ivan A. Bercovich ‘09,’09

Gayla Berg ‘11

Pierre Berlus % & Marie Berlus %

Joseph Berry % & Kathleen Berry %

Sanjay Bhardwaj ‘87MS

Kiran R. Bhat ‘89MS +

Paul F. Bidgood ‘82 % & Patricia J. Bidgood %

Mark E. Biskup ‘97

Scott R. Blaha ‘89 +

David G. Blundell ‘73 & Elizabeth (Whalen) Blundell ‘74 $

Bruce B. Bonner, Jr. ‘65 & Sue (Barden) Bonner ‘64 ++

Joel Boroff ‘73 $

Martin E. Boulanger ‘79 ++

Richard W. Boyle ‘57,’60MS ++

James E. Braun ‘76

Samuel B. Brindis ‘80 ++

Gregory L. Brooks & Cheryl L. Brooks ‘15Ed.D. >

Walter Brooks % & Debra Brooks %

Robert P. Brown % & Damaris Brown %

Leonard G. Bugel ‘66,’68MS +

Donald A. Burgess ‘64

William Burgess % & Dale Burgess % $

David T. Burnett ‘91,’00MS & Claire (Fugardi) Burnett ‘90 +

Edward H. Burns III ‘74 +

Robert J. Byrne ‘51,’70Ph.D. & Mildred (Warner) Byrne ‘50 +

Alfonso Cacciatore % & Marisa Cacciatore % +

John F. Cain ‘61 ++

Kristina Cairns ‘86 ++

Mark A. Campbell ‘90

Michael W. Canary ‘85 ++

Donald H. Canton ‘57

James A. Carter ‘86,’92MS +

Reed W. Cass ‘74MS +

Mark S. Cavanagh ‘74,’78MS & Susan (Bradley) Cavanagh ‘74,’78MS

Charles S. Cawlina ‘73

Richard P. Cetti ‘70

E. Jacob Chacko ‘73MS + $

Mark A. Chafin ‘83

James C. Chambers ‘81

Siu-Kau Chan ‘86MS,’91Ph.D. +

Joseph Chandler ‘85,’87MS

Richard D. Chandler ‘67,’70MS +

Laurie (Oneglia) Charleton ‘89 & William J. Charleton ++

Timothy D. Chase ‘71

Leon T. Chaskes ‘51

Giovanni Chin-A-Sen ‘99MS

Ying H. Cho ‘85 +

Philippe Cini ‘91Ph.D.

Ronald L. Cole ‘66 & Sharon (Stowell) Cole ‘66 ++

Christopher M. Coleman ‘94

John J. Collins ‘63MS ++

Barry D. Cooper ‘76

Matthew J. Cortelli ‘92 +

Charles F. Costa ‘61

Jeffrey W. Costa ‘09

Page 19: 2012 Engineering Annual Report

* Deceased

+ 5 to 9 years of consecutive giving

++ 10 to 24 years of consecutive giving

+++ 25 or more years of consecutive giving

$ Matching gift or claim

% Parent

> Current faculty, staff or emeritus faculty

HD Honorary Degree Recipient

HA Honorary Alumnus or Alumna

S Stockbridge Alumnus or Alumna

This report recognizes contributions received during Fiscal Year 2012.

Mark P. Coughlin ‘82,’85MS % & Nancy Coughlin % ++

Edward H. Cowern ‘59 & Irene (Kowalczyk) Cowern ‘59 ++

Melvin C. Crain ‘50 ++

Robert A. Cramer ‘80

Benjamin J. Crellin ‘04,’07MS

David A. Crockford ‘88

Edward J. Cronin ‘61 & Jeanne (Faucette) Cronin ‘60 +

Joshua M. Curtice ‘92

Richard A. Cuti ‘85MS

Michael A. D’Ambrosio ‘80 $

Brad A. Dahlquist ‘72 %

Joseph M. Daly ‘86MS +

Thomas S. Daly ‘78MS % & Kathaleen A. Daly %

Francis J. Dance ‘76,’95MS ++

Ghazi Darkazalli ‘72MS,’77Ph.D. % +

Pravin K. Dattani ‘66MS

John B. Davenport ‘82 ++

Todd H. Davis ‘94MS ++

Michael A. Deaett ‘77MS +

James E. Dellea ‘43 & Rosemary Dellea ++ $

Robert P. Delmore %

John L. DeMello ‘89 & Kelley (Azevedo) DeMello ‘88

Anthony V. DePalma ‘63 % ++

Patrick A. DePaolo, Jr. ‘63 +

Jeffrey R. DePiero ‘91 & Susan Hamilton ‘90 + $

Thomas J. Desaulniers ‘90 & Andrea (Deveres) Desaulniers ‘92 ++

Paul A. Dickie ‘77 +

Bruce B. Dickinson ‘59 +

Paul E. DiCristoforo ‘85 & Ruth (Emery) DiCristoforo ‘83 $

Jon W. Dietrich ‘69,’74MS %

John C. Ditomasso ‘96MS + $

Sally (Anderson) Doire ‘82 +

Edward J. Donahue ‘60 ++

Michael J. Donati ‘93 & Lauren Dechayne-Donati ‘94 ++

David S. Douglas ‘76 ++ $

Paul A. Douglas ‘80 +

Rene L. Dube ‘59

William A. Dugger ‘80 % & Rosemary (Walsh) Dugger ‘82 % +

Stratos G. Dukakis ‘55 % +

David A. Dulitz ‘87 +

Wilrose M. Duquette ‘66 ++

William A. Dvorak ‘79,’81MS & Amy Green-Dvorak ‘81

Aditya V. Dwivedula ‘03

Daniel M. Earley ‘86MS

Alexander C. Ebron % & Glenda C. Ebron %

Paola S. Emerson ‘86

Gregory R. Erhard ‘63

Philip R. Estabrooks ‘84,’86MS ++ $

Stephen Eustis % & Deborah Eustis %

James H. Faler ‘67 & Bonnie (Cooper) Faler ‘68

Frank Feist ‘93MS

Mark M. Finneran ‘87

Robert G. Fitzgerald ‘58 + $

Chester G. Flahive ‘81 % & Eileen (Joyce) Flahive ‘80 %

Mario H. Fontana ‘55

Clifford J. Forster, Jr. ‘51 ++

Maureen (Bagge) Fowler ‘89 +

Michael B. Fox ‘90MS +

James E. Fredette ‘69 ++

Jacob R. Freeman ‘04

Gary M. Furman ‘79 ++

Joseph D. Gagne ‘80 ++

Elango Ganesan ‘95Ph.D. $

Wayne Gannett ‘75 +

Martha Garske ‘91Ph.D. ++

David W. Gauthier ‘88 ++ $

Sharon (Day) Gell ‘72

Raymond L. George ‘60

John W. Gettens ‘80 ++

Nicholas Giannakopoulos % & Tina Giannakopoulos %

Vito A. Giannelli ‘72 & Marjorie (Berg) Giannelli ‘74 +

Robert B. Gibb ‘56 +

Wayne V. Gilbert % & Beth B. Gilbert %

Jenny (Symmes) Giolas ‘97 +

Peter E. Gluckler, Jr ‘94MS % & Maria E. Beltran % ++

Ernest Goldberg ‘83MS

Harvey E. Goldberg ‘81

Martha (Dunn) Goldstein ‘92MS

Kui Gong ‘92MS & Xiao Feng Qi +

George L. Goodridge III ‘01

Stephen F. Gorman ‘82 ++

Zaven Gostanian % & Kathleen Gostanian %

James G. Gradziel ‘75 ++

Leo F. Gray ‘82 +

Robyn (Bari) Graziano ‘88 ++

Steven H. Greenfield ‘76MS +

Marcel J. Grenier ‘50 ++ $

Steven C. Griggs ‘81

Erica Guidoboni ‘06

James P. Gurzenski ‘89MS & Lynda L. Gurzenski

Paul H. Gusciora ‘78 +

Eric T. Gustafson ‘81 & Karen M. Gustafson +

William Guttrich % & Katrina Guttrich %

Eric W. Haffner ‘84MS,’89Ph.D. & Brenda Gardner ‘84MS ++

Farokh S. Hakimi ‘71

Samuel M. Hall ‘85

Paul R. Hallet ‘65 +

Douglas W. Hanks ‘83 % & Cynthia (St. george) Martowski ‘83 ++ $

Tyronne Hanlan

Margaret (Hagen) Harris ‘75MA

William A. Harrison ‘80

Edward J. Harvey, Jr. ‘70 %

Richmond W. Hathaway ‘52 ++

Dwight H. Havens ‘79 ++

Arthur R. Hazelton ‘66 +

Allen Hearn % & Nancy E. Nolan %

David Hebert ‘07Ph.D.

Peter G. Henderson ‘75 ++

Charlotte L. Hewitt %

Priscilla Hill ‘96Ph.D. +

Richard J. Hoar ‘73,’75MS

Gary W. Hoglund ‘80 $

Christopher Hollot >

Jayne Hollows ‘89 ++

Kevin A. Horgan ‘99,’04MS

Michael J. Hornbrook ‘79 ++

David S. Horton ‘02 & Suzanne (Sposato) Horton ‘02

George A. Howe ‘04 +

Katherine (Griffin) Huber ‘03

Arthur D. Humason ‘79,’81MS ++

Paul J. Hurley ‘82 +

Rohinton K. Irani ‘86MS,’89Ph.D. & Priti R. Irani + $

Jennifer (Sam) Irwin ‘87 ++

Charles W. Jack, Jr. ‘69 & Carolyn (Connors) Jack ‘71 +

Bruce K. Jackson ‘82

Katherine (Dittfach) Jacobson ‘71

Joel C. Janovsky ‘87 ++

Andrew E. Jeffrey ‘06,’08MS

Prakash Jha % & Sharda Jha %

Bruce L. Johnson ‘74 & Beverly (Mchugh) Johnson ‘74 +

Carl W. Johnson ‘81 & Anna (Mathieu) Johnson ‘85 $

Gary A. Johnson % & Brenda L. Johnson % +

Jarl O. Johnson ‘52

Joseph Johnston % & Kathleen Johnston %

Christopher L. Jones ‘75 % & Lorraine Theroux ‘75 % ++

$100 to $249 Donors to the College of Engineering (cont.)

Page 20: 2012 Engineering Annual Report

C O L L E G E O F E N G I N E E R I N G 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T U M A S S A M H E R S T

Cody D. Jones ‘09MS,’15Ph.D.

Robert T. Jones ‘60,’72MS % ++

Patrick J. Joyce ‘88,’92MBA $

Richard A. Jubinville ‘70,’74MS

Nicholas P. Julian ‘95 & Brigette M. Julian ++

Edward S. Kaczenski, Jr. ‘75MS % & Karen Kaczenski % ++

Christopher K. Kaijala ‘80

Yoon W. Kang ‘86Ph.D.

Mark F. Kanter ‘85MS ++

John P. Karpuk ‘50 ++

Frederick E. Karshick ‘62

Barry D. Kaufman ‘87,’88MS +

Leonard E. Kay ‘91Ph.D.

William P. Kelleher, Jr. ‘65 %

Brian T. Kennedy ‘80 +

Thomas A. Kennedy % & Elaine M. Kennedy % $

Rakesh C. Keswani ‘95 +

Malcolm W. King ‘51 ++

Michael A. Knodler ‘02MS >

David I. Knox ‘80

Kenneth J. Koehler ‘75MS ++

Konstantinos A. Konstantinides ‘80MS

Thomas E. Kopec ‘80,’85MS +

Nicholas Koutsoftas ‘95 $

Brian R. Kraft ‘94MS & Julie (Rodrigues) Kraft ‘93,’95MS

Louis W. Krampetz, Jr. ‘76

Howard S. Kravitz ‘70

Chandrashekar Krishnaswamy ‘88MS +

Stewart M. Krug ‘72

Michael S. Krupka ‘71 % & Colleen M. Krupka % ++

Stanley J. Ktorides ‘71 & Anne (Lalikos) Ktorides ‘77 ++

Nathan F. Labak ‘08

James F. Laffan ‘79 ++

Vijaya R. Lakamraju ‘99MS,’02Ph.D.

Sandra Lake ‘88 +

John P. Lambert ‘86 ++

Lauren Lamere ‘11 $

Emil Lange, Jr. ‘50 ++

Walter E. Lankau, Jr. ‘66MS ++

Kenneth F. Lanzillo ‘50 ++

Nancy Laurie ‘89,’92MS,’00Ph.D. +

John J. Lawler ‘50 ++

Stephen K. Lee ‘74MS $

Robert T. Leet ‘89,’95MS ++

Edward J. Leonard ‘94

Robert L. Levesque ‘55 ++

Deborah Levin ‘76 % & Alan Levin III % +

Scott J. Lewis ‘99MS $

Dominic W. Li ‘74,’76MS

Brett S. Loosian ‘89 +

Robert W. Lovell ‘97MS $

Qi Lu ‘94MS

Eugene M. Lunsford, Jr. ‘75

Yekaterina Lyubimova %

Michael J. Mahony ‘92MS +

Shannon R. Malloy %

Michael C. Malzenski ‘84

Sean M. Manning ‘91,’93MS

J. Edward Maroney, Jr. ‘70 & Roseanne Maroney

James D. Martin % & Louann K. Martin %

Michele Martin ‘88,’90MS % & William R. Martin $

William F. Martin ‘64 ++

Christopher E. Mascarenhas ‘89 ++

Lorraine Mathis ‘10 $

Eliot P. Mayer ‘77 ++

Michael McArdle

Peter T. McEntee % & Patricia J. McEntee %

Steven E. McLaughlin ‘86 & Christine Ford ‘88

Thomas D. McLay ‘50 ++

Timothy F. McMahon ‘98 & Jennifer (Masciadrelli) McMahon ‘98

Lee T. McNeil ‘73,’75MS +

Christopher T. McNulty ‘82

James B. Mead ‘90Ph.D.

William E. Meese ‘84 ++ $

Fereshteh Mehman Doost ‘95,’98MS +

Bharat L. Mehta ‘76MS +

Dave Meierdiercks % & Janice Meierdiercks % + $

Dennis N. Menard ‘75

Richard D. Menard ‘84

Brian A. Metzger ‘05 & Simone (Silvestri)Metzger‘05,’06MED,’06MS

Ronald A. Michalski ‘68

Alwin K. Milch, Jr. ‘56 ++

Gerald A. Miller ‘94Ph.D.

R. Gerry Miller ‘68MS ++

Robert L. Miller ‘87MS $

Stephen M. Miu ‘89 & Katherine (King) Miu ‘88 ++

John D. Mizia ‘82

James E. Moes >

Nicholas J. Molloy ‘82 ++

Adam J. Montalbano ‘10

Geoffrey D. Moodie ‘94

Rick R. Moore %

Paul D. Moyer ‘79

Charles E. Mryglot ‘75,’77MS % & Diane (Wiest) Mryglot ‘77 + $

Joseph Mukania % & Catherine Mukeba %

Gary J. Mullett ‘70,’72MS % & Robin Mullett ‘98 % ++

Laurence E. Murch ‘72Ph.D. > & Diane F. Murch %

Leon A. Murphy ‘50

Jeffrey J. Murray ‘61 ++

Donald R. Muzyka ‘60

Debashish Nag ‘90MS +

John R. Nelson ‘50

Kerri Nelson ‘06,’12MBA

Richard M. Newman ‘89 ++ $

Thomas G. Newton ‘91

Ralph V. Nichols ‘75,’76MS

Christina (Shea) Noble ‘82 +

Robin Noble ‘78 ++ $

Kevin J. Nolan ‘89

David W. Noon ‘63 ++

Eric F. Nusbaum ‘97Ph.D.

Carolynn Nuttelman ‘69 $

Daniel K. O’Brien ‘72 % & Paula O’Brien %

Peter R. O’Coin ‘70 ++

James P. O’Donnell ‘80

Michael F. O’Malley ‘06 $

Francis J. O’Neil ‘65,’68MS %

Thomas L. O’Neill ‘74MS

William J. Ohley ‘70,’72MS

Peter H. Ordway ‘67

Steven Ostrosky % & Judith A. Ostrosky %

Samuel Owusu-Ababio ‘89MS,’92Ph.D. +

Halil Padir ‘87Ph.D. & Karen M. Tegan Padir

Bruce Papazian ‘76,’85Ph.D. % & Jan C. Rockwood %

Paul J. Paquin % & Jeanne M. Paquin % +

Kenneth L. Parezo ‘72 & Justine (Depasquale) Parezo ‘71

Ronald M. Parlengas, Jr. ‘84 % & Kimberly Parlengas % $

Sumukh N. Pathare ‘99MS

Raymond T. Pavio ‘89MS

Scott A. Pearson ‘87 +

Brian R. Penman ‘75

Chris L. Perkins ‘77,’86MS % & Cheryl M. Perkins % ++

David J. Pernitsky ‘01Ph.D. +

David Pesuit % & Elaine Ulman %

Sean W. Peterfreund ‘03 $

Andrew A. Piccus ‘84 & Megan (Gilbert) Piccus ‘85 ++

Thomas S. Piecuch ‘72 ++ $

Robert V. Pieri ‘71 +

Daniel Pires % & Patricia E. Pires % +

Randolph P. Porter ‘71

George Pothering %

James E. Poulin ‘66

David D. Primmer ‘59 % +

Donald A. Puntin ‘65 %

Jonathan H. Pyenson ‘75

Duncan Pyle % & Polly Pyle %

Paul J. Quirnbach ‘81 ++

Vincent J. Raby ‘80 + $

Michael Raimondi % & Patricia Raimondi %

Mark L. Rand ‘80 $

Jeremy N. Rapoza ‘95 +

Arunachalam Ravindran ‘74Ph.D.

Gregory Reed % & Christine Reed %

James J. Reid ‘80 +

James E. Rhein % & Wendy Oeser-Rhein % +

Todd J. Rhodes ‘84

William A. Richardson ‘74 & Judith (Stanley) Richardson ‘73 ++

Karen (Zimmerman) Ridgway ‘77

David R. Riese ‘86 + $

Kenneth P. Rispoli ‘88MS +

Cheryl Ritter ‘98

$100 to $249 Donors to the College of Engineering (cont.)

Page 21: 2012 Engineering Annual Report

* Deceased

+ 5 to 9 years of consecutive giving

++ 10 to 24 years of consecutive giving

+++ 25 or more years of consecutive giving

$ Matching gift or claim

% Parent

> Current faculty, staff or emeritus faculty

HD Honorary Degree Recipient

HA Honorary Alumnus or Alumna

S Stockbridge Alumnus or Alumna

This report recognizes contributions received during Fiscal Year 2012.

Angel D. Rivera, Jr ‘94

Randy A. Robertson % $

Christopher W. Robinson ‘86 & Margot (Michel) Robinson ‘86

Mark D. Robinson ‘83 ++

Ainsley B. Rockwood ‘63

Robert J. Rogaleski ‘74 ++

David O. Rogers ‘56

John E. Rogozenski, Jr. ‘71MS ++

Robert F. Ross ‘90 & Elizabeth (Noonan) Ross ‘87

Dana T. Rossi ‘97 + $

Robert A. Roy ‘87

Daniel C. Rubano ‘85

John J. Rup, Jr. ‘83

David F. Ruschmann ‘74 ++

Christopher Ryan ‘79

Donald L. Ryan ‘84 & Anita M. Ryan

Michael J. Ryan ‘89 & Melinda L. Ryan

Terence E. Ryan ‘01

Scott H. Ryder ‘70 +

Laurie Sablak

Mark G. Saccone ‘85 & Lee-Anne (Lortie) Saccone ‘87,’93 +

Frank E. Sadlowski ‘78

Harold E. Safarik ‘73 ++

Stephen J. Sallah ‘83 & Julie (Doyle) Sallah ‘81

John P. Salsgiver, Jr. ‘86 ++

Louis M. Santoro ‘67 & Linda (Lewis) Santoro ‘68 +

Sharad Saxena ‘87MS,’91Ph.D. & Jayashree (Swaminathan) Saxena ‘93Ph.D. ++

Judith Schonhoff ‘97 + $

Thomas D. Schuler ‘73 & Pia (Decataldi) Schuler ‘74

Howard E. Schulien ‘50 +

William L. Schweber ‘74MS & Susan (Baer) Schweber ‘74 +

Linda Scott ‘83MS,’86Ph.D. > & Rebecca Sherer ‘87 ++

William C. Scully ‘63 % & Maryanne (Walther) Scully ‘63 % ++

Kathleen Sellers ‘85MS

Joseph D. Shea ‘95 & Marie Shea ‘97

Glen C. Shepherd ‘88 +

David W. Sibor, Jr. ‘77 & Dawn (Carmen) Sibor ‘76 ++

Barry J. Simays ‘98

Inderpal Singh ‘09

William A. Sirois ‘70

Andrew B. Smith ‘06

David R. Smith ‘69 $

Frederick J. Smith ‘59 ++

George L. Smith ‘67

Rohit Sood ‘99MS

Alan M. Sorkin ‘82

Gary R. Spongberg ‘66

Mircea R. Stan ‘94MS,’96Ph.D. ++

Jonathan E. Starr ‘92

Gordon S. Steadman ‘60 ++

Michael L. Steiner ‘89

Ronald J. Stirling ‘56 ++

James W. Stolecki ‘80 ++

Mark D. Stratton ‘88

Peter C. Sukanek ‘70MS,’72Ph.D. & Kathleen Sukanek ‘72MED ++

Kevin M. Sullivan ‘79,’83,’85MS & Jo Sullivan +

Steven E. Sundquist ‘89

John J. Swana ‘53 ++

Walter J. Swiatek, Jr. ‘65

Kin Cheung Szeto % & Wan Ping Guan %

Theodore F. Tabloski, Jr. ‘68 +

Maurice P. Talbot, Jr. ‘63 +

Xiao Tang ‘00MS

David A. Tattersall % & Shelly M. Tattersall %

Gregory S. Thomas ‘92 $

John C. Thomas ‘85MS ++ $

Anita I. Thompson %

Mark Thrasher % & Margaret Magee %

Frederic S. Topor ‘59

Patrick M. Tormey ‘81,’88MS

Andrew R. Touchette ‘89 & Wendy (Tolpa) Touchette ‘93 ++

Edward P. Trider ‘58 +

Robert F. Trocchi ‘55 +

Kenneth J. Trotman ‘90 & Nicole (Gray) Trotman ‘90

Pei Tsao ‘80MS

Colin R. Tuohey ‘02

Brian G. Turner ‘80 & Ruth (Suchodolski) Turner ‘86 ++

Matthew J. Twarog ‘98 & Jesse (Rutherford) Twarog ‘97 +

Thomas A. Tyrer, Jr. ‘64 & Joan (Strandberg) Tyrer ‘64

Joseph F. Vaccaro ‘70

Lloyd M. Vallance ‘96

John Vasselin % & Marie Vasselin %

David K. Veleta ‘04 +

Joseph S. Vogel ‘81 +

Paul N. Votze ‘85

Bruce D. Wade ‘81

Ronaldo Wagner ‘86,’90MS + $

Brendan G. Walker ‘10

William E. Walker ‘57 ++

Donald E. Warren ‘65 +

James E. Webb ‘95Ph.D. ++ $

Thomas G. Weil ‘76MS & Diane (Soini) Weil ‘76

Ward D. Wells ‘75,’77MS & Cheryl (Smith) Wells ‘73 ++

David L. Welsh ‘71 & Beverly (Ben-nett) Welsh ‘72 ++

Tracy Wheeler ‘89

Brian Whicher % & Margaret Chapman %

Douglas M. White ‘92 & Julia (Sabol) White ‘92,’00MED

Susan Whitehouse ‘88

Lawrence R. Whiting ‘76

Gary D. Wigglesworth ‘80

Diane Wigmore Morabito ‘80,’83MS

Andrew F. Wilkie ‘80 +

Raymond W. Winberg ‘63 %

Paul B. Wohler ‘82 ++

Randy L. Wolf ‘08MS

David Wong ‘89MS

David A. Wong, Jr. ‘85 +

David L. Woo ‘68 ++

Kenneth Woo % & Alice Lam %

Steven J. Wood ‘82 % & Linda (Picard) Wood ‘83 %

Charles E. Woodin, Jr ‘84MS % & Laurie L. Woodin %

Dawne S. Woods %

Brian W. Woodward ‘01

Bruce K. Wylie ‘66,’68MS,’71Ph.D.

King L. Yee ‘81 ++

Chii-Ren Young ‘83MS

I-Chung Young ‘94MS & Eliza (Rivai) Young ‘95

Paul D. Zanoli ‘80 +

Paul D. Zisk ‘57 ++

$100 to $249 Donors to the College of Engineering (cont.)

Page 22: 2012 Engineering Annual Report

C O L L E G E O F E N G I N E E R I N G 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T U M A S S A M H E R S T

Organizational Contributors

Organizations listed below generously designated support of $1,000 or more toward the College of Engineering, its departments and programs, during the time period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012.

c Alpha Omega Electromagnetics, LLC

Altera Corporation +

Altra Industrial Motion Inc.

American Iron and Steel Institute

Ansys Incorporated

Arbella Insurance Group Charitable Foundation

Ayco Charitable Foundation ++

Black Island Wind Turbines

BOND Brothers, Inc.

Boraski Family Foundation, Ruth P. & Nicholas ++

Brownington Foundation, The ++

Cantor Colburn LLP

CH2M Hill, Inc.

Cisco Systems IncMain +

Competitive Innovation LLC +

Cornell University

CST of America, Inc.

D.A. Sullivan & Sons, Inc.

Dreyfus Foundation, Camille and Henry

EMD Millipore Corporation

Entact Solutions, Inc.

ExxonMobil Foundation +

Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund ++

Forge Partners, LLC

Fuss & O’Neill Inc.

Gates Foundation, Bill & Melinda

Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.

Goldman Sachs Gives

Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund +

Haley & Aldrich, Inc.

Hyperion Systems, LLC


Inertia Dynamics

Intel Corporation ++


Isilon Systems, LLC

ISO New England, Inc.

ITT Radar Systems Gilfillan Division

Keithley Instruments, Inc.

Kenexa Technology, Inc

L-3 KEO +

Liberty Mutual Research Institute

Lockheed Martin

M/A-COM, Inc.

Marin Community Foundation +

Millitech Inc +

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Inc.

Motherway Liv Revoc Trust, Sally D.

National GEM Consortium

National Grid USA Service Co. Inc. +

New England Wire Products

Newlans, Inc.

Notkin Family Fund +


O’Connell’s Sons Inc. Daniel

Parametric Technology Corporation +

Perfect World Coaching, Inc.

Petrangelo Fund

Philips Electronics N.A. Corp.

Precast/Prestressed Concrete Inst.

Prima ElectroPrima Electro

ProSensing, Inc.

RM Technologies, Inc.

Raytheon Company ++

ReCommunity Holdings II

Saint Gobain High-Performance Materials

Schlanger Family Foundation, The Eva & Marvin +

Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving ++

Scuderi Group, LLC, The +

Semiconductor Research Corporation +

Sensata Technologies, Inc.

Shray Family Fund

Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc.

Skanska USA



Summit Design + Build, LLC

Tektronix, Inc.

Tides Foundation

Tighe & Bond, Inc. ++

Vanasse & Associates, Inc., Robert D.

Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.

Verizon Wireless

Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation

Wolf Greenfield, P.C. +

Xerox Foundation

Page 23: 2012 Engineering Annual Report

* Deceased

+ 5 to 9 years of consecutive giving

++ 10 to 24 years of consecutive giving

+++ 25 or more years of consecutive giving

$ Matching gift or claim

% Parent

> Current faculty, staff or emeritus faculty

HD Honorary Degree Recipient

HA Honorary Alumnus or Alumna

S Stockbridge Alumnus or Alumna

This report recognizes contributions received during Fiscal Year 2012.

Matching Gifts

Corporations listed below thoughtfully matched employee giving to the College of Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst during the time period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012.

c3M Foundation, Inc.

Abbott Fund

Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.

Amgen Foundation, Inc.

Apple Computer, Inc.

Babson Capital Management LLC

BAE Systems

Bechtel Foundation

Boeing Company, The

Caterpillar Foundation

Chevron Texaco

Phillips Chemical Company LP

Citizens Financial Group

Corning Incorporated Foundation

Deluxe Corporation Foundation

Dow Chemical Company, The

Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

ExxonMobil Foundation

FactSet Research Systems Incorporated

Fidelity Investments

FM Global Foundation

FMC Foundation

General Electric Fund

Global Impact Matching Program for Symantec

Goodrich Foundation

Google Incorporated

Hanover Insurance Group, The

Hasbro Charitable Trust

IBM International Foundation

Intel Corporation

Invensys Systems, Inc.

Investment Technology Group, Inc.

ISO New England

Jacobs Associates

Juniper Networks


KBR Incorporated

Marathon Oil Corporation

Mass Mutual Life Insurance Company


Microsoft Corporation

Millipore Foundation, The

Motorola Foundation

New York Life Foundation

Northeast Utilities System

Northrop Grumman Foundation

NSTAR Foundation

Oracle Corporation

Owens-Corning Foundation Inc.

Pfizer Foundation, The

Philips Electronics North America Corporation

Pitney-Bowes Inc.

Procter & Gamble Company


Raytheon Company

RealNetworks Foundation

Rexnord Inc.

Rogers Corporation

Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation

Sandisk Corporation

Solvay Advanced Polymers, L.L.C.

Steelcase Foundation

Synopsys Inc



Unilever U.S. Foundation, Inc.

United Technologies

Verizon Foundation

Wells Fargo Foundation

Xerox Corporation U.S.A.

Page 24: 2012 Engineering Annual Report

This listing recognizes contributions received during fiscal year 2012. Every care is taken to avoid errors in the lists, but if any have occurred, please call them to our attention by contacting:

Paula Sakey

Director of Development

College of Engineering

University of Massachusetts Amherst

140 Marston Hall

Amherst, MA 01003

[email protected]


Thank You


COLLEGE OF ENGINEERINGUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst130 Natural Resources RoadAmherst, MA 01003Phone 413.545.0300Fax 413.545.0724

If you are interested in learning about giving opportunities within the

College of Engineering, please contact Paula Sakey, Director of Development

413.545.6396 or [email protected].

IMPACTC O L L E G E O F E N G I N E E R I N G 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T

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