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Workshop Two

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Developing Skill Using Games and Activities

& Assessing Skills Through

Athletics 365

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Session Outcomes

The Story So Far

The Challenges

What Next?

Practical Session Delivering Athletics 365 – The Coaching Environment,

Learning Styles and Coaching Styles

Developing Skill Using Games/Activities

How to Assess Skill in Athletics 365

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Since September 2010:

Over 400 clubs using Athletics 365

Integrated throughout the new UKA Coach Education

Over 120 Athletics 365 Workshops Delivered

Over 2500 Coaches Packs in Use

Over 500Clips Online – To grow to over 500

New Resources Developed Based On Feedback

The Story So Far……

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Coach Support Cards

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Game Cards

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New Resources

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Assessing Athletes Skill Stages

Using Games to Develop Skills

Planning a Youth Development Programme

Challenges from others (coaches/parents)

How is it working else where? (Sharing Good Practice)

The Challenges

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Planning Support Resources

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Delivering Athletics 365

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Games Based


Fun Driven

Easy to Set Up

Limited Skill Learning

Specialised Training

(Event Coaching)

Outcome Driven

Develop Technique

Adult Orientated

Foundation Skills?

Developmental Coaching

Fun and Progressive

Skill based learning

Stage related coaching

Empowering the athlete

The Coaching Approach

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Coaching Environment Should be:

Fun and Inclusive

Progressive - Based on athletes ability

Relevant (what is the purpose of the activity / drill / session)

Structure and excitement

Focused on the long term, all round development of the athlete

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Coaching Environment Should have:

Good athlete to coach ratio (10/12 : 1)

Safe welcoming environment

Clearly defined groups and coaches

(Stage /Age)

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60 Minutes TRAINING - 20 athletes x 1 COaCH


= 3 minutes of coaches’

time per athlete

Think about how you can ensure that you give time to every athlete so they get the most from their training time

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UKA Level 2 Learning Styles

As coaches we should present our material to

cater for all learning types.

A standard model to follow would be;

• Give instruction (auditory)

• Show a demonstration (visual)

• Allow time for practice (kinaesthetic)

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• Telling - primarily the coach uses

instruction and explaining

• Showing - primarily the coach uses


• Involving - primarily the coach allows

self-discovery and questioning to raise

the athlete's awareness

UKA Coaching Styles

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Learning Styles

Tell me and I’ll forget,

Show me and I’ll remember,

involve me and I’ll understand

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10% of what they read

20% of what they hear

30% of what they see

50% of what they hear and see

70% of what they say and write

90% of what they say and do

‘The Learning Pyramid’ NTL Institute for Applied Behavioural Sciences,

Alexandria, Va

Retention Levels Impact of Involving Style

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Recall after 3





Recall after 3





Retention of Learning

Sports Coach UK – What is Quality Coaching Workshop

Retention of New Information

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Use of authority

by the coach Area of freedom for

the performers

Coach-centred style Performer-centred style

Adapted from Tennenbaum and Schmidt’s 1973 model of leadership behaviour


Coach makes decisions

and tells performers

what to do.


Coach makes decisions

and sells it to the



Coach shares the

situation or problem

with performers, poses

questions and invites

suggestions, on which

the final decision is



Coach and performers

identify situations and

problems; coach defines

limits, asks questions and

allows performers to make

final decision

Model of Leadership Behaviour

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Athletics 365 Practical Session

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Developing Skill Using Games and Activities

& Assessing Skills Through

Athletics 365

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Athletics 365: Session Plan

8 – 11 Years

1. Game / warm-up (10 mins) relating to session;

2. Activity one (20 mins) - technique / skill acquisition;

3. Activity two (20 mins) - technique / skill acquisition;

4. Activity three (20 mins) - technique / skill acquisition;

5. Relays (10 mins)

6. Cool down (10 mins)

12 – 15 Years +

1. Game / warm-up (10 mins) – relating to session;

2. Activity one (30 mins) – technique / skill acquisition;

3. Activity two (30 mins) - technique / skill acquisition;

4. Relays (10 mins)

5. Cool down (10 mins)

Within a 90 minute session, a recommended practice plan may include the following elements:

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Warm Up

Warm Up

Activity / Game

Scout Ball/ Zone Ball

Should allow

for children

arriving late

Can minimises

number of

coaches/ leaders


Should prepare

the athlete for

what is to


Can help

develop role


Allow for

greater social


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Game / Activity

Warm Up

Activity / Game

Throwing Game

/ Activity


Game / Activity

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Game / Activity

Warm Up

Activity / Game


Game / Activity


Game / Activity


Skill / Drill Based



Skill / Drill Based



Skill / Drill Based


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Shot Put Throws Grid


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Throws Line Grid


Throws Line

3m Safety Line

Tennis Ball




Turbo Jav




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Triple Jump Grid

Hop Step Jump



1 m 1 m


m 1.5


2 m 2 m

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Beat the Clock Sprints

Or Sprint Start Practice



Falling Start Three Point


Crouch Start

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Athletics 365: Assessments

Coaches are constantly assessing an athletes skill level

Empower the athlete to record progress

Involve the athlete in peers analysis

Adapt recording paperwork to suit individual club

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Athletics 365 Q&A

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