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“Manoeuvring the Marketing Mix, Canadian Style” 2012 Noel-Levitz National Conference

Sean Williams Associate Consultant, Noel-Levitz July 26, 2012

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Flow for the hour

• Introductions

• Canadian ‘Media’ Marketplace

• Case Studies

• Dos and Don’ts

• Questions

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Who is this guy?

• I’m the token

• 20 years experience

• Done the big agency thing

• Worked in marketing roles

• Big focus on HE

• With Noel-Levitz since Oct. ’10

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I want to know...

What’s the biggest issue or concern you have in your marketing and advertising


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Everything we read and hear tells us that...

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Also that...

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Anyone feeling like this?

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...while I don’t have all the answers, I hope to pass on

some information and insights

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My 6 stages for success

1. Understand your audience... PLEASE!

2. Figure out who you are – it’s ok to say ‘brand’

3. The message matters – really think about what you want to say and how (i.e. idea, tone, format, etc.)

4. Change it up – you shouldn’t be doing the same things you did 5 years ago

5. Use the right tools and integrate them – this ensure success

6. Test, track, and/or measure everything you can – you want to improve, right?

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You’re now saying...

“Thanks for telling me that, but now what?”

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Lets see how Canadian’s are consuming media?

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We’re online, but still watch TV

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TV viewership up over the years

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Radio is seeing some decline

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We multi-task media

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TV is watched across multiple platforms





TV Only, 23%





Cross Platform 61%





Online-only, 16%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%






TV Only Cross Platform Online-only

comScore/TVB 2010 Custom Project

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We love our social networking too

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Where’s the $$$ going?

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TV and Internet get the bulk of the spend

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Outdoor and Cinema expect growth

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And in the digital space?

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Focus is on Search, Display and Video

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Mobile too...

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So you may be asking, how does a University and College act on this knowledge?

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• Better understand their audience

• Define who they are

• Develop a strong and distinct creative message

• Change/adjust what they are doing

• Integrate their efforts

• Track and/or measure what they’re doing

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Holland College (Winter 2012)

• They needed to:

– Elevate their presence

– Impart on their audience ‘why them’

– Connect through ‘new’ means

– Generate inquires and/or applications by a certain time

• Their situation:

– Brand meaning not clear

– Same budget as last year

– Never advertised online

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They developed a cohesive theme…

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…used a mix of ‘traditional’ media…

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…some SEM and social advertising…

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…online advertising…

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... linked it to social media...

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…and tied it back to their site

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In the end, they saw some strong results

• Raised community awareness in province

– Told people there’s something happening on campus

• Solid CTRs with SEM, social and banner ads

– Recognize site categories or topics that produce highest level of traffic

• Tracked search terms to program pages

– Highlighted specific program areas of interest and length of time on pages

– Pinpointed what keywords to focus on

• Recognized areas of improvements for next year

• Good level of applications – skewed more online (vs. previous yrs)

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StFX University (Winter 2010)

• They needed to:

– Promote the brand in two key markets

– Impart on their audience ‘why them’

– Connect through audience appropriate mediums

– Generate inquires and/or applications

• Their situation:

– Strong brand (icon)

– Limited budget

– Limited/no previous advertising

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Campaign theme…

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… in traditional media…

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… social and SEM…

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… and online advertising

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In the end, they saw some strong results

• Raised awareness in key markets – People recognized that they had not advertised much

in the past

• Good CTRs with SEM, social and banner ads – Gained specific knowledge around icon and adjusted

elements mid campaign

• Pinpointed key search terms – Saw what made people ‘click’

– Alignment with rankings and competition

• Recognized a mix of future opportunities

• Gained a slight foothold into the two markets and saw a reasonable level of applications

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So looking ahead, here are some ‘Dos’ and ‘Don’ts’

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Do... Understand how your audience acts

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Don’t... Treat them the same as others

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Do... Brand

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Don’t... Be confused and lack focus

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Do... Keep it simple

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Don’t... Overcomplicate things

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Do... Different

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Don’t... Stand still

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Do... Connect the dots

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Don’t... Be left behind

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Do... Tools that track

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Don’t... Leave things until next year

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So in summary, be sure to...

• Understand your audience

• Define your brand

• Develop unique messaging

• Change it up

• Integrate

• Track/measure

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Questions? Contact Information: [email protected] @swmgroup

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