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Local Union Press Association

Excellence in Communication Contest Winners

June 28, 2012 Walter and May Reuther UAW Family

Education Center

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Judges .............................................................................................. 3

Contest Explanation ..................................................................... 4-6

Print Contest Division 1A ................................................................ 7

Print Contest Division 1B .............................................................. 10

Print Contest Division 2 ................................................................ 16

Social Media Contest ..................................................................... 20

Website Contest ............................................................................. 23

“Pops” Nudi Award ........................................................................ 28

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The UAW Public Relations and Publications Department and the LUPA Advisory Council extend our gratitude to the committed labor activists and journalists who judged

our contests.


Kate DeSmet, former member, Detroit Newspaper Guild/CWA Local 34022

Emily Everett, retired Solidarity magazine designer and UAW public relations department LUPA instructor, member of UAW Local 1981, member of Detroit

Newspaper Guild/CWA Local 34022

Steve Murphy, Detroit News, former member, Detroit Newspaper Guild/CWA Local 34022


Rebecca Cook, former member, Detroit Newspaper Guild/CWA Local 34022

Website and Social Media

Tom Schram, editor, Metro Detroit Labor News


Rosanne Freed, UAW-GM Center for Human Resources, audio-visual specialist, member, OPEIU Local 459

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2012 UAW-LUPA Excellence in

Communication Contests

The purpose of the UAW-LUPA Excellence in Communication Contests is

to recognize UAW local unions that have achieved outstanding labor communication in 2011 utilizing print, websites, photography, social media and video. It is also a way to recognize and applaud the hard work of local

union communicators.

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Division 1A – Newsletters with circulation fewer than 1,500, size 8 ½” x 11” or smaller

Division 1B – Newsletters with circulation more than 1,500, size 8 ½” x 11” or smaller

Division 2 – Tabloid newsletters from local unions with circulation of any size, larger than 8 ½” x 11”


1) General Excellence

2) Best Front Page

3) Best Original News Article or Editorial

4) Best Use of Original Photos or Graphics

5) Best Political Coverage

6) Best Workplace Coverage


1) General Excellence

2) Best Original News Article or Editorial

3) Best Workplace Coverage

4) Best Use of Original Photos or Graphics

5) Best Political Coverage

6) Best Web Content

7) Best YouTube Video

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SOCIAL MEDIA CONTEST 1) Best Use of a Facebook page 2) Best Use of a Blog 3) Best Use of a Twitter Account 4) Best Use of E-blasts


Named after its first recipient, the late Alfred H. “Pops” Nudi, and given to a local union communicator who has shown tireless dedication and many years of commitment to labor communication.

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Print Contest - Division 1A Category 1: General Excellence First Place Local Union number: 75 Communicator: Jerome Lavora, editor Judge's comments: We found the content to be very engaging, and the layout and use of color excellent. This is a publication with personality. Kudos to the mix of local and national news, as well as the informational graphics such as the UAW vehicle guide that is designed to be noticed. Keep up the great work. Category 2: Best Front Page First Place Local Union number: 75 Communicator: Jerome Lavora, editor Judge's comments: Clean, attractive design. Love the left-hand use of a modern shade of color that calls out ”read me”! Nice use of borders. Really sharp and professional. Second Place Local Union number: 2488 Communicator: Linda Hickey Judge's comments: Nice display of photos and insert with information to explain the content of the photos. One suggestion: Vary the use of typeface so the insert reads less like a block of gray type and more like an alluring ”come on and read me” text. Third place Local Union number: 1872 Communicator: David Stauch, president Judge's comments: Clean layout. Nice banner at top. Could use some graphic breaks in the middle and bottom where it gets too gray.

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Category 3: Best Original News Article or Editorial First Place Local Union number: 602 Communicator: Scott Smith Judge's comments: Passionate, well-written and great use of metaphor to illustrate the dilemma of a state’s political future hijacked by corrupt leaders. Some great, memorable lines, too: “You do not build a better boat by getting rid of the master boat builders and bringing in lumberjacks.” Great job! Second Place Local Union number: 1243 Communicator: Fern Hilton and Barbara Van Vleet Judge's comments: Informative, detailed look at a project the workers can all take pride in. Especially loved the emotional ending. Hope this article found its way into the hands of all those who worked on the Dream Liner. Third Place Local Union number: 75 Communicator: Don Meyer Judge's comments: We really enjoyed this article on a number of levels. First, as history that bears repeating and educating new generations. But second, this story illustrates in very readable fashion how stereotypes of hate have been used to stir up passions for war. Category 4: Best Photo or Graphic

Fred Taylor Award (First Place) Local Union number: 6888 Photo description/title: Protests in Lansing Photographer: Caral Turner Judge's comments: Two images told the story of protests in Lansing, Mich. The image of a worker wearing a hard hat and holding a We are the People sign was shot from a lower angle looking up as he sat on the edge of a ledge. I liked the different angle of this image and how it was a tight crop that took our eye first to the sign and then to his face that was partially hidden by his arm. Covering the same type of event like a demonstration is always a challenge, because you need different angles and looks to tell the story. This was the stronger image of the two. The second image was shot from a higher angle looking down towards the crowd with our eyes first going to the signs that tell the story why the protest is happening. Then we see the crowd of faces filling the frame. Getting higher up and shooting down into a crowd is a good way to show the masses and to fill the frame.

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In the first image, focusing on the lone worker tells the story as well as the second that shows the masses. Both images have good use of signs to let the reader know what the story is about.

Second Place Local Union number: 1803 Photo description/title: CSP Picnic Photographer: Debra Phillips Judge's comments: The photographer submitted a photo story page about a picnic and the members who attended. The top two images are the strongest, giving the viewer a sense of place and what was going on. They show people and food, which was the story. The other part of the story was people having fun, and I would have worked that concept a little more. Look for laughing faces, and don’t be afraid to get close. In shooting a photo page, think about shooting from different angles and not only shooting wide but coming in close for details.

Third Place Local Union number: 602 Photo description/title: Head shots of Local 602 executive board Photographer: Scott Smith Judge's comments: Shooting head shots is a lot of work; getting good expressions, good, even skin tones on all of the images. Most of the faces on this page meet the grade. A few of the faces are distorted but I think that was whoever did the layout trying to fit the image to the size. The backgrounds are different on the images. I would suggest the photographer get a small backdrop next time and use it for all of the images.

Category 5: Best Political Coverage

First Place Local Union number: 75 Communicator: Bob McKenna, consulting editor Judge's comments: Strong voice, nicely written, along with some great lines (”Walker will make Tommy Thompson look like a fire-breathing Trotskyite.”). Humor inserted artfully into a serious article is always a bonus for reader comprehension. Second Place Local Union number: 2488 Communicator: Ralph Timan Judge's comments: Strong round-up of the attacks on workers and why union members in particular need to stay awake and aware. This article helps them do just that.

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Category 6: Best Workplace Coverage First Place Local Union number: 1872 Communicator: Vera Grove, shop chair Judge's comments: Good details offered to help members interested or affected by rules concerning the Family and Medical Leave Act.

Print Contest - Division 1B

Category 1: General Excellence

First Place Local Union number: 2209 Communicator: Kirk Swenson Judge's comments: This newsletter is attractively designed and full of compelling, well-written content. The March/April cover is especially strong, with well-chosen photos from the statehouse bargaining rights rally and informative cutlines. Inside, both issues feature a well-rounded mix of articles. Highlights include Kevin Speich’s moving account of the Wisconsin statehouse rally and his encounter with a 95-year-old veteran of the Women’s Emergency Brigade from the Flint sit-down strike. My only quibble is that I would have adjusted your layout to prevent jumping the last few paragraphs of this story to the bottom of the next page. In the May/June issue, Orval Plumlee’s article announcing his decision not to seek re-election is pitch-perfect and dignified: He discusses his accomplishments without bragging or engaging in false modesty. The editors also offer readers some fun. The tongue-in-cheek, side-by-side boxes comparing management’s philosophy in 1986 and 2011 are sharp and clever. Also in the May/June issue, the headlines on the lists of union-made items such as cat food (”Purrrrrfectly union made”) are great. Overall, a first-rate publication.

Second Place Local Union number: 685 Communicator: Linda Taylor Judge's comments: Local 685 News is especially strong content-wise. Highlights include Rich Boroff’s column in the March/April issue, which tackled a number of important issues head-on, including profit-sharing, the industry’s sales outlook and his plans to run for Kokomo City Council. He even addresses rumors that he’s interested in a regional or international union office. Rick Ward’s CAP Report is a well-reasoned analysis of the Republican agenda. The best package in these two issues was the feature by Bruce

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Broyles and Michelle Sims on local member Dave Harris being promoted to major general in the Indiana National Guard. The story was full of color and description. The color photos from the ceremony were well-chosen and laid out in an attractive way. In fact, given the magnitude of this accomplishment and how good this package looked, it should have been on the cover, instead of the election list, which made for a dull, gray cover. For the most part, this newsletter is well designed and makes good use of color. The Easter party page with the egg-shaped photos of kids was especially appealing. Overall, the editors should be proud — it was a very close call to place you second.

Third Place Local Union number: 245 Communicator : Ed Huddleston Judge's comments: The Beacon is well-organized, smartly designed and full of worthwhile coverage that focuses on local news and issues. Both the May and September covers use a good-sized main headline and a single large photo, an approach other newsletters should use whenever possible. The “Red Shirt Wednesdays” cover is a good example of using a newsletter to encourage activism. Inside, the Beacon makes good use of spot color and black-and-white photos and smartly breaks up its stories into columns to avoid large blobs of gray type. The columns by Keith Brown, Rodney Clemons and Paul Vergari offer comprehensive, detailed coverage ranging from state and national politics to plant-level issues. It’s obvious a lot of work goes into producing this newsletter, and it does a good job serving its members.

Honorable Mention Local Union number: 833 Communicator: Dave Boucher Judge's comments: This publication has some strong content, including Dave Boucher’s eye-opening April article on workplace safety — it was shocking to read how many deaths occur on the job and how little manpower is employed by regulators to ensure safety regulations are followed. I also found the historical article on the 1886 Bay View strike interesting, but was left wondering when the eight-hour day the strikers stood for finally took effect in Wisconsin. In May’s issue, ”The Two Faces of Paul Ryan” was persuasive and well-written. Reports from the local’s divisions are informative. The design of this publication tends to give it a gray look. I’d try to use more photos, as you did on the May cover, and other art elements to break up all that type and make the newsletter more visually appealing. Bigger headlines would help too, especially at the top of pages.

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Category 2: Best Front Page

First Place Local Union number: 685 Communicator: Linda Taylor Judge's comments: Almost an unfair competition here — a visit by the presidents of the United States and the UAW is about as front-page worthy as you can get. This page does stand on its own, however, design-wise. It makes good use of color, including the photo of President Obama getting off Air Force One (who’s that with him? — a cutline would have helped) and the cutout shots of the president and Bob King. The Stars and Stripes background behind the copy is a nice touch, and the headline tells the story simply: “Kokomo Hosts Two Presidents.”

Second Place Local Union number: 2000 Communicator: Roy Escandon Judge's comments: This 9/11 anniversary cover is especially striking, thanks to a powerful color photo of a firefighter sitting amidst the wreckage at Ground Zero. The good-sized headline at the bottom of the page ties it all together. A lesson here: Sometimes simple is best.

Third Place Local Union number: 2069 Communicator: Shawn Delph Judge's comments: An eye-catching cover that smartly combines black-and-white and color — your eyes are drawn right to the little girl. Visually, this might be the most arresting cover, but it’s missing context and a tie-in with the rest of the newsletter. Who is the girl, and where was the photo taken? Also missing is a headline and refer to draw readers in to the four pages of Memorial Day coverage inside.

Honorable Mention Local Union number: 1435 Communicator: Tiffany Thatcher Judge's comments: This cover has some nice design elements, including a good-sized main headline and red subhead, ”Take Back the Middle Class,” centered in a box underneath. There are good color photos here, but too many for a cover. I’d have chosen one or two (the one of the marchers in red hoisting the blue UAW signs really pops) and run the others inside on a separate page.

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Category 3: Best Original News Article or Editorial

First Place Local Union number: 685 Communicator: Linda Taylor Judge's comments: This was a fascinating, in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at President Obama’s visit and the planning to make it happen. This well-researched article included plenty of details and made me feel as though I was inside the plant. Some of the anecdotes were priceless — the security dogs hitting on a worker’s box full of snacks and the order from visit planners to find a 29” high stool. The order from the Secret Service to close walkways to keep the gregarious president from wandering made me smile. This report by Randy Martin was worthy of professional publication.

Second Place Local Union number: 833 Communicator: Dave Boucher Judge's comments: ”A Question of Balance: The Diary of a Mad Activist” is a passionate screed against Wisconsin’s Gov. Scott Walker and his push to erode bargaining rights. The writer makes a persuasive case for the injustice of the GOP agenda and the need for union workers to join the fight against it.

Third Place Local Union number: 2209 Communicator: Nelson Rodriquez Judge's comments: ”Orange Tuesday” takes management’s discipline against one worker and turns it into a heartful thanks for solidarity and an inspiring call to action on behalf of all workers. This well-done article illustrates the old labor slogan ”An Injury to One is an Injury to All.”

Honorable Mention Local Union number: 838 Communicator: Sheryl Strohecker Judge's comments: In ”Greetings Freerider,” the writer uses Christmas to sarcastically ”thank” nonmembers who enjoy union benefits without paying their fair share. It’s a sharply written poke at free riders and the politicians who support “right-to-work” laws.

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Category 4: Best Photo or Graphic

Fred Taylor Award (First Place) Local Union number: 2069 Photo description/title: Kid’s Christmas party Photographer: Shawn Delph Judge's comments: We often cover the same subject over and over. It’s always a challenge to get something new from an event we may have covered before. I think this photographer did a nice job doing that. I see a variety of activities being enjoyed by the children who attended. Yes, there are several images of children on Santa’s lap but the photographer also captured the many other activities at the event and the children and adults enjoying them. Looking at this page of images I can see smiles and laughter. It looks like fun, which is what the story was all about.

Second Place Local Union number: 2000 Photo description/title: Lunch with Santa Photographer: Ozzie Figueroa Judge's comments: I have a lot of good things to say about this entry. The photographer did an excellent job of capturing faces, with excellent exposure of images and a nice variety of people. The members who attended this event have a very nice memory piece, and for those who could not attend it shows what a great event it was.

Third Place Local Union number: 838 Photo description/title: Night at the Ballpark Photographer: Sheryl Strohecker Judge's comments: A nice photo page that shows close-ups of members attending a ball game and wider shots of a member with the team mascot and a young girl holding up a souvenir, good variety. What makes this page is the shot with the mascot and the souvenir, giving us a sense of where the event took place.

Honorable Mention Local Union number: 2209 Photo description/title: graphic from Fort Wayne Assembly Photographer: Kirk Swenson Judge's comments: I thought this was clever and thoughtful. I think it’s borderline calling it a graphic, but it seems to make it. I see two marble tablets with the clever use of the words PEOPLE and PROFITS illustrating what the author sees as the philosophy toward plant workers from 1986 to 2011. This graphic/illustration makes us think, and an image that does that is doing its job.

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Category 5: Best Political Coverage

First Place Local Union number: 833 Communicator: Dave Boucher Judge's comments: In ”Right to Work and Gutting State Collective Bargaining,” the writer makes a smart, well-reasoned argument why the push against union rights is not only bad for workers, but bad for society as a whole.

Second Place Local Union number: 2069 Communicator: Shawn Delph Judge's comments: This profile of Virginia state Sen. Phillip Pucket does something local union publications should do more often: It takes an in-depth look at a friendly political leader and explains how he supports the interests of union members. This piece was interesting and full of facts.

Third Place Local Union number: 1268 Communicator: Dallas Patton/Monica Sago Judge's comments: The April article on the struggle in Wisconsin over collective bargaining rights is an inspiring report on the solidarity of working people in the face of an attack on their rights. The article does a good job highlighting the support shown by police and fire unions, despite having their bargaining rights spared. The article also makes a strong case for how destroying bargaining rights could impact the care of military veterans.

Honorable Mention Local Union number: 863 Communicator: Jim Siuda Judge's comments: The writer gives an effective summary of the anti-union agenda being pursued by new governors in Ohio and Wisconsin and importance of fighting back at the ballot box. The article connects the dots, showing that what’s happening in Ohio isn’t an isolated case.

Category 6: Best Workplace Coverage

First Place Local Union number: 2209 Communicator: Amy Richardson Judge's comments: A smoothly written account of the successful drive by UAW workers at an Evansville casino to negotiate their first contract in the face of stiff employer resistance. The writer

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includes plenty of detail and tells the story in a logical, organized fashion. This is a study in the payoff from persistence.

Second Place Local Union number: 833 Communicator: Dave Boucher Judge's comments: ”Death on the Job” is a fact-filled shocker on how dangerous working in America is, and how little resources are devoted to ensuring worker safety. This well-researched article is a true eye-opener.

Third Place Local Union number: 1268 Communicator: Dallas Patton/Monica Sago Judge's comments: The Vice President’s Report by Bill Hamilton provides a useful update on negotiations in two of the local’s units and upcoming contract talks in three other units. Hamilton makes a convincing call for members to support those in all units to ensure better contracts for everyone.

Print Contest - Division 2

Category 1: General Excellence

First Place Local Union number: 249 Communicator name: Pat Hayes Judge's comments: First Local News is one classy publication. The writing is smart; there’s no talking down to readers or glossing over uncomfortable subjects. Nice mix of hard news, tough-talking editorials and features. The photography is so good it enriches every page. And the design brings all it together beautifully. This publication soars.

Second Place Local Union number: 898 Communicator: Anne Drake Judge's comments: Raw Facts is a great resource for the membership. Whether the news is happening at the local or up the road in Detroit, this paper has it covered. The editor uses photos to great advantage. Raw Facts nicely reflects a union at work and at play.

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Third Place Local Union number: 598 Communicator: Judy Mosier Judge's comments: I kept coming back to the Eye Opener. In the flag is a line that refers to Local 598 as “a local union with a heart.” I believe it, because this newsletter is full of heart, from the friendly and informative officers’ reports to the spirited calls to action. Love the pops of red on the front page.

Category 2: Best Front Page

First Place Local Union number: 12 Communicator: Thomas Whalen Judge's comments: The lead story is Bob King speaking out against legislative attacks on unions. Below that is a piece on what Local 12 members are doing in that fight, with a great picture of members at a rally. If the general public saw this Toledo Union Journal in a newspaper box on the street, they would buy it. It’s that good.

Second Place Local Union Number: 1714 Communicator: Bobbi Marsh and Kasey King Judge's comments: Evocative picture of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. leading a march and a strong King quote get a boost from a nice color treatment.

Category 3: Best Original News Article or Editorial

First Place Local Union number: 249 Communicator: Pat Hayes Judge's comments: Pat Hayes tells the story of a member’s harrowing experience waiting for a lifesaving liver transplant. He has us sweating and then cheering right along with KCAP worker Randy Carder and his wife, Kimberly. Hayes also makes the case for national health care reform in a way that complements Carder’s personal story instead of overtaking it. Masterful.

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Second Place Local Union number: 659 Communicator: Chuck Inman Judge's comments: Searchlight goes a step beyond “buy American” to suggest buying local for the Christmas holidays. It’s full of great ideas, like gift cards for locally owned eateries, hair salons, housekeeping services, computer tuneups, even oil changes and car detailing. You’re left feeling like you can ditch the frantic holiday shopping and become a community booster. Win, win.

Third Place Local Union number: Region 1A Communicator: Anne Drake Judge's comments: Sometimes the recounting of historic events is so colorless the lessons get lost. In Retiree News, Jim Ward describes the early years of the UAW through the Kelsey-Hayes sit-down strike in a narrative style that makes me feel like I was there. This is what union solidarity looks like.

Category 4: Best Photo or Graphic

Fred Taylor Award (First Place) Local Union number: 249 Photo description/title: Protest outside BOA Photographer: Don Lehman Judge's comments: This year Division 2 had strong photo and graphic entries. First place went to the front page stand-alone image by Don Lehman. When shooting a rally, like the march during the 2011 UAW Special Collective Bargaining Convention in Detroit, the photographer has the opportunity to make many compelling images. The story was about the attack on the American worker with a protest at Bank of America. The image takes up the entire front page, a good and powerful use of the image, with white type across the top right of the image to let the reader know what stories are inside the magazine. The type is minimal enough that it does not take away from the image. The shooting and cropping tight on the crowd and the Fight the Attack on the American Dream sign, gives a sense of action and urgency. It draws the viewer into the image into the action. Very good composition on this image. This image has all of the elements that tells the story of the demonstration.

Second Place Local Union number: 12 Photo description/title: President Obama visits Jeep plant Photographer: Thomas Whalen Judge's comments: Many things can make a storytelling image; subject matter, good action, lighting, the angle of the shot, how the image tells the story. Most of all it takes watching, thinking and being ready for the moment. The second place winner used two images to tell the story of President Obama speaking at the Jeep plant. The tight image of President

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Obama is one of those images that the photographer took the time to watch for and was ready. The president is gesturing with is hand, looking in the direction of the photographer and has a good face expression speaking. Behind him is the faint image of the assembly line. (Photographing the president is very controlled and always set up by an advance team that sets up the site for background and visuals.) That does not make it any easier for the photographer who has to deal with security issues and crowds. The second image is a wider shot showing the president on the podium with the assembly line behind him and the crowd listening. Both images are important because they give a sense of place. The viewer knows where the president is and that is the story.

Third Place Local Union number: Region 1A Retiree News Photo description/title: Retirees rally in Ann Arbor and Lansing Photographer: Anne Drake Judge's comments: This entry by Anne Drake was a well shot and designed photo page. It has a main, larger image of the members carrying a banner, letting us know what kind of rally this was. Below is a (cut-out) of retirees, again letting us know who was in this rally. Surrounding the two main images are smaller images showing members at the two different rallies and two images that included UAW President Bob King. The images are straight-forward and together tell the story of retirees and their rallies. In some of the images they are carrying UAW signs and other signs that tell why they are protesting. Looking for good signs that tell the story are always part of a protest. It tells a story of worker solidarity. This photo page lets me think the photographer was thinking and watching. While it has the standard images of members and group shots, it also has a variety of images that give the viewer a sense of action.

Honorable Mention Local Union number: 412 Photo description/title: Labor Day done the 412 Way Photographer: Elaine Copeman Judge's comments: This photo page takes a different story line from the annual Labor Day parades. Rather than shoot the parade and floats, the photographer made images of the members getting ready for the parade at the union hall and the activities after the parade. It’s a nice look at families and volunteers playing games, eating and preparing for the parade. While some images are “stop and pose” a few are more candid, where the photographer made images of activities as they occurred. I also thought the page design worked with the text in the middle with the images around it. The viewer gets a small story about the event which supports the images.

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Category 5: Best Political Coverage

First Place Local Union number: 12 Communicator: Thomas Whalen Judge's comments: Advocacy journalism can be tricky. Too often rhetoric trumps facts — and turns off readers. The Toledo Union Journal does it just right in this story about the petition drive to repeal Ohio’s Senate Bill 5. It details consequences of the union-busting legislation while telling members what they can do to fight it.

Second Place Local Union number: 600 Communicator: Vinny Pfursich Judge's comments: When you see a headline that says “ ‘Right to steal’ legislation is back in Michigan,” you might expect to get your eyebrows singed. But Local 600 President Bernie Ricke uses great arguments to approach the issue from several directions. When he echoes the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and says, “We too demand this fraud be stopped,” we say “Amen, brother Ricke.”

Third Place Local Union number: Region 1A Communicator: Anne Drake Judge's comments: “The time to fight is now” almost goes off in too many directions but Ray Gonzalez manages to pull us back in each time we start to stray. He covers “socialism,” health care, taxes on pensions, corporate welfare and “right-to-work,” and by the time he tells us we must continue to fight on a larger scale, we’re itching to go find a good rally.

Social Media Contest

Category 1: Best Use of a Facebook Page

First Place Local Union number: 2000 Facebook page name: Local 2000 Page administrator: Roy Escandon Judge's comments: This Facebook page has been around since 2009 and it just keeps getting better. It has a fan count of over 1,000, up about a third from last year. The site makes use of many Facebook apps including Youtube and Ustream and has scads of photos and videos. It is updated continually and its content is top-notch.

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Second Place Local Union number: 249 Facebook page name: Local 249 Page administrator: Pat Hayes Judge's comments: A very active site with a lot of member action. There is a good deal of political discussion and dialogue on current events along with what is going on at the local. Not as many videos as other sites, but plenty of traffic, and that’s what really counts.

Third Place Local Union number: 737 Facebook page name: Local 737 Page administrator: Benny Overton Judge's comments: This Facebook page was only begun in September, but it is off to a fine start. The events calendar needs an update, but the variety and number of photos and the obvious amount of work that goes into this page makes it worth the Internet stop.

Category 2: Best Use of a Blog

First Place Local Union number: 737 Blog name/URL: We The People Page administrator: Benny Overton Judge's comments: The idea of local unions hosting a blog site is coming into its own and Local 737’s Benny Overton provides a fine template for other locals looking to get into the blog game. Overton’s “We the People” provides details and insights into issues that affect not only UAW members, but all working people. Topics of his short opinion pieces include the importance of activism, the Citizen’s United decision, the third-party movement and Occupy Wall Street. If for no other reason than to get the discussion going among rank and file members, blogs like Overton’s are an important step that should be taken by more locals. “We the People” is absolutely worth a look.

Category 3: Best Use of a Twitter Account

First Place Local Union number: 737 Twitter account name: Local 737 Page administrator: Benny Overton Judge's comments: This Twitter account gets high marks for the frequency of posts and the subject diversity. Health care, action against toxic chemicals, the Occupy movement, ALEC and the American Dream Movement were among the many subjects being tweeted about in just a few days in early May. Fine work.

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Second Place Local Union number: 2000 Twitter account name: Local 2000 Page administrator: Roy Escandon Judge's comments: Local 2000’s Twitter account is directly synced to its Facebook page. Roy Escandon updates both daily. For members, it is a must-follow to keep abreast of everything that is going on in the local and International. For the rest of us, the daily “Today in Labor History” tweets make it worth the effort to connect.

Third Place Local Union number: 249 Twitter account name: Local 249 Page administrator: Pat Hayes Judge's comments: Local 249 member Pat Hayes keeps this site jumping with regular updates on local, International UAW and progressive themes. While appropriately most tweets concern themselves with the state of the industry and happenings at the local level, a recent check found other tweets from the New York Times, Mother Jones and NPR. Keep going, Pat!

Category 4: Best Use of E-blasts

First Place Local Union number: 2000 E-blast editor/administrator: Roy Escandon Judge's comments: Local 2000 sent out weekly blasts in 2011 to generate traffic to its website and inform members on current issues. Roy Escandon personally responded to each piece of feedback he got from the members, thanking them and sending along whatever additional information they requested.

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Website Contest

Category 1: General Excellence

First Place Local Union number: 6000 URL: Communicator: William Young, Jr. Judge's comments: For news junkies, the Local 6000 website lets members watch state house and senate deliberations live and on-line. Regular union news and legislative updates are part of the package, also. Newsbreak, the local’s colorful and high-quality monthly newsletter is posted online with an archive that goes back to early 2007. Good contract information for officers and some nice photos are also a highlight. The blog section needs some updating, but overall, this is a small matter in an overall top-notch service to the members.

Second Place Local Union number: 1268 URL: Communicator: Marilyn Spradling Judge's comments: Marilyn Spradling does a terrific job with this local website. Besides the extensive photo galleries (see category six), there is not much missing here. Like the five-tool baseball player, Local 1268’s site does everything. All officers, reps and committee people are listed with good contact information. There is a long list of pertinent links. The calendar is kept up to date. We would like to see the local newsletter online and/or more local news updates, but this remains a high-quality site.

Third Place Local Union number: 1050 URL: Communicator: Tim Yody Judge's comments: Webmaster Tim Yody has an excellent site. It is simple to navigate yet complete in its coverage. News items are local, relevant and kept up-to-date. Calendar, local contract, committee reports and membership benefits are front and center. The photo gallery of the UAW’s help in a rally against a draconian Ohio senate bill was masterful. Would like to see better contact info for individual officers, but this page proves you don’t have to be complicated to present a very beneficial website to your members.

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Category 2: Best Original News Article or Editorial

First Place Local Union number: 2195 URL: Communicator: John Davis Judge's comments: Local 2195’s John Davis scores with “Remembering Dr. King,” his take on how the slain civil rights legend would have reacted to the regressive individuals and events that dominate today’s news. The essay is an eloquent tribute to an American icon who died in 1968 while supporting a labor protest in Memphis.

Second Place Local Union number: 898 URL: Communicator: Angela Hendershot Judge's comments: “Confessions of an Old Guy: Being There” is the poignant memoir of a UAW member/activist and his journey of passage since entering the plant as a GI Bill college student in 1966. Toward the end is one especially memorable line: “I am told that things have changed … I’m not quite sure how much has changed and how much has just been shouted and screamed at us until people have become too exhausted to argue.” Words of wisdom, to be sure.

Third Place Local Union number: 1050 URL: Communicator: Tim Yody Judge's comments: “Sugar Free,” Local 1050 Safety Committee Vice Chair, Union Steward and Sergeant-at-Arms Dan Leatherman’s account of his discovery of and battle to overcome diabetes is touching and inspirational for all those who have struggled with this disease.

Category 3: Best Workplace Coverage

First Place Local Union number: 774 URL: Communicator: Peggy Gervase Judge's comments: The calendar is kept up to date, and the newsletter is easily accessible. But the real value of this site is in the Local 774 News & Updates section which is being constantly updated by webmaster Peggy Gervase with items great and small. Shift change notices and reminders of meetings are vital information, but there is added value in such items as scholarship winners, thank you notes to union activists from the community and how to make Christmas special for a local child by contributing to the Toys-for-Tots collection.

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Second Place Local Union number: Region 8 URL: Communicator: John Davis Judge's comments: In “Labor Day 2011” John Davis goes back to the Pullman strike of 1894 and takes us forward to the rise of the Tea Party and the election of a slew of anti-worker governors in the past few years. Davis tells us how it is all connected to what is going on in the workplace, and that we need to stand up on Labor Day and every day.

Category 4: Best Photo or Graphic

Fred Taylor Award (First Place) Local Union number: 862 URL: Communicator: Ron Hargrove Judge's comments: The Local 862 photo presentation on the UAW’s Vice President Jimmy Settles’ visit to the Kentucky Truck plant is more than a group of pictures. It is a collage of images that succinctly recalls the event and the principals who made it happen.

Second Place Local Union number: 6000 URL: Communicator: William Young, Jr. Judge's comments: Local 6000 posted an interesting and inclusive photo gallery on the big July Michigan rally to protest Gov. Rick Snyder and the Republican legislature’s plans for a host of cuts that would decimate programs for the needy and hurt the working class.

Third Place Local Union number: 774 URL: Communicator: Peggy Gervase Judge's comments: Nice variety and quantity of pictures, but would liked to have seen better captioning. Buffalo Bill player Arthur “DaBody” Moats visiting the Tonawanda Engine Plant was very well done. Who wouldn’t want to see shots of the huge linebacker hanging with the rank and file?

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Category 5: Best Political Coverage

First Place Local Union number: Region 8 URL: Communicator: John Davis Judge's comments: In “The Two Faces of Paul Ryan,” John Davis effectively argues that the Wisconsin representative’s “Path to Prosperity” budget plan is a death knell for Medicare and Medicaid. “The plan essentially kills the landmark health care reform plan,” he says. With a convincing set of statistics, Davis argues that making fat corporations and the wealthiest among us pay a little more is a better way of preserving a vital safety net.

Second Place Local Union number: 862 URL: Communicator: Ron Hargrove Judge's comments: In “UAW Rallies for Public Workers of Metro Government” Kirk Gillenwaters and Kim Ashby assert that “as a central part of our democracy, labor unions are the safeguard of assuring a strong middle-class society.” They make a strong case here and the accompanying photos provide a fine complement for their words.

Third Place Local Union number: 2195 URL: Communicator: John Davis Judge's comments: In “Of Budget, Taxes and Deficits Oh My,” John Davis takes us through the complicated issues of federal finance and provides a convincing argument that the Republican solution to the deficit problem is actually a continuation of wealth distribution with the primary destination of the redistribution being to those who are already wealthy. Well done.

Category 6: Best Web Content

First Place Local Union number: 1268 URL: Communicator: Marilyn Spradling Judge's comments: Local 1268’s photo galleries are works of art in themselves. The quantity of images is staggering – more than 700 photos in 14 separate galleries in 2011. But the quality is excellent, too. Our favorite was the Kids Fun Day set, especially the bubble photos. Check out image number 113. It is ethereal and stunning.

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Second Place Local Union number: 898 URL: Communicator: Angela Hendershot Judge's comments: Former 898 webmaster Anne Drake is a talented photographer who did more than just post and shoot speakers at a Michigan rally supporting education. She framed interesting subjects and cropped them well. And Discount Marketplace is a terrific idea where special offers on a variety of items and services are offered to the rank and file.

Third Place Local Union number: 863 URL: Communicator: Bill Hickman Judge's comments: Photographer Fred Taylor has a camera and knows how to use it to create a large and diverse photo gallery. The site has plenty of helpful and interesting Region 2B news, but could use more on local doings. Retiree corner is also a highlight as is the Friends and Allies page, which links to a good number of progressive causes in Ohio and nationally. There is a lot here to sift through.

Category 7: Best Youtube Video

First Place Local Union number: 685 Video URL: Communicator: Mike Rankert, retiree Judge's comments: Good coverage of a large event. Nice variety of shots: people, organizations, signs. It needs some editing to remove camera moves. Also, camera should be on a tripod for zooming in to close ups.

Second Place Local Union number: 2000 Video URL: Communicator: Roy J. Escandon Judge's comments: Very emotional and moving tribute. Nice use of music and video effects.

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POPS NUDI AWARD Local 685 Editor Randy Martin has been the editor for Local 685 for close to 20 years. During that time he has racked up many LUPA awards but, more importantly, kept his membership informed on the issues they face every day. Randy has a quiet manner that, in many ways, reminds me of Pops Nudi. I had the pleasure of knowing Pops and have known Randy for 20 years. I have witnessed the care for detail he presents in his newsletters. His tireless efforts have promoted the ideas and mission of the International UAW through articles, cartoons, photos and face-to-face communication to his brothers and sisters at Local 685. Randy has continued his efforts without fanfare or accolades but never allowed this to impact his resolve. His demeanor has put many a “LUPA virgin” at ease during their first conferences, benefitting from the quiet resolve from this veteran communicator. Though Randy’s talents have never been put on display through teaching a class or serving on the LUPA Advisory Council, his impact on the cause of labor communication has been significant. Teachers and council members play an important role in LUPA, but it is the dedication of labor communicators such as Randy Martin who have played the most important role. When I think of Pops and the meaning behind this award, Randy Martin immediately comes to mind. Dedicated, unfaltering resolve, loyal and caring all describe Randy. Please consider this passionate brother for consideration for the 2012 Pops Nudi Award. Submitted by John Davis, Region 8, LUPA Advisory Council Chair


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