Page 1: 2013-04-Perpetual-Motion-Compressor-Breakthrough.pdf

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There is no “perpetual motion” solution. The true energy cost for your compressor looks like this:

•10 hp air compressor running 10 hours a day 5 days a week = $3041*/new compressor cost $4000-$7000

•25 hp air compressor running 16 hours a day 5 days a week = $12,160*/new compressor cost 10,000-$14,000

•50 hp air compressor running 16 hours a day 5 1/2 days a week = $26,470*/new compressor cost $14,000-$20,000

•100 hp air compressor running 24 hours a day 5 1/2 days a week = $52,942*/new compressor cost $22,000 – $32,000

*Fully loaded/$.15 KW

These power cost fi gures are based on the unit being fully loaded. Of course as you use less air the power goes down but not necessarily proportionally to the air used as this is dependent on the machine controls. (That’s another article.)

The point of this article is the fact that you’re air compressor can be the largest power waster in your plant and there are 10 simple things that we can help you identify to reduce power costs substantially without major investment:

1. Turn if off – Any compressor that is not in use should be turned off as a regular routine or put on a timer. Multiple compressor systems should have a controller - savings 20-40 percent

2. Listen for leaks –Walk around your plant during downtime to fi nd the easy leaks and repair them – savings 15-20 percent

3. Clean coolers and condensers-Compressors/chillers/dryers need clean coolers to be 100 percent effi ciency – savings 15-20 percent.

4. Change any open blow offs-Convert air to a low cost fl ow reduction nozzle – savings 20-30 percent /noise reduction.

5. Change fi lters - After six months compressor inlet and compressor line fi lters need to be changed to minimize pressure drop – savings 5-10 percent

6. Free heat from your compressors-Add heat to your plant with a simple exhaust fan – savings 5-10 percent.

7. Eliminate air loss drains-Replace any open condensate drain or solenoid drain valve with zero-loss drain – savings 3-5 percent with less than 6-month payback.

Perpetual Motion Compressor Breakthrough

Hope Air Systems70 Bearfoot Road

Northborough, MA 01532

Phone: 508-393-7660Fax: 508-393-8203


Page 2: 2013-04-Perpetual-Motion-Compressor-Breakthrough.pdf

You Can Learn From Us...

8. Reduce system pressure drop-Determine major pressure drops with an accurate gauge and repair to 10 PSI drop with simple pipe changes – savings up to 10 percent

9. Change system pressure –Reduce to minimum PSI that all equipment will work properly – 2 PSI reduction = 1 percent power cost savings – savings up to 10 percent.

10. Free System Reviews-Use the experience of your Power Company or Compressor/Cooling System Vendor to review your system for initial recommendations – priceless.

These all may seem logical to you but in the daily life of running a plant it doesn’t seem like you could get to it. Think about carving the time out to do some of these things as you are buying a new compressor every 1- 3 years based on the power costs. This cost can be reduced by 25 or 30 percent without investing in a new compressor.

If you want to know about the perpetual motion compressor stay tuned, but for now give us a call if you’d like some help on reducing your compressor power costs.

Perpetual Motion Compressor Breakthrough

Hope Air Systems70 Bearfoot Road

Northborough, MA 01532

Phone: 508-393-7660Fax: 508-393-8203


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