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Indiana Principal Leadership Institute




Indiana State University

Bayh College of Education

Room 213

401 N. 7th Street

Terre Haute, IN 47809


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Letter from the Director ............................................................................................... 3

Program Overview ........................................................................................................ 4

Conceptual Framework ................................................................................................. 4

Benefits of Participation ................................................................................................ 4

Benefits for all Indiana Principals .................................................................................. 5

Cohort Data ................................................................................................................... 6

Cohort Data Map (3 years) ............................................................................................ 7

Cohort #1 & #2 Achievements....................................................................................... 8

Partnerships (INALI) ...................................................................................................... 9

Advisory Board ............................................................................................................ 10

Projected Budget ........................................................................................................ 11

Overview of IPLI Two-Year Program ....................................................................... 12-15

2014-2015 Seminar Exit Survey Results (Cohort #1) ............................................... 15-17

2014-2015 Seminar Exit Survey Results (Cohort #2) ............................................... 18-19

Cohort #1 Program Exit Survey............................................................................... 20-28

Cohort #1 Superintendent Survey .......................................................................... 29-31

INALI Activity Overview .......................................................................................... 31-32

INALI Seminar Exit Survey Results .......................................................................... 33-34

INALI Program Exit Survey (Cohort #1) ................................................................... 35-39

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June 30, 2015

Dear Partners in Education:

As Director of the Indiana Principal Leadership Institute (IPLI), it is an honor to present to you the 2014-2015 annual report of the Institute. Signed into law in May 2013, Senate Bill 402 authorized the creation of this two-year intensive professional development program for Indiana principals. In creating IPLI, the State recognized the impact principals have on student achievement. Here at IPLI, our goal in year one is to increase the principal’s leadership capacity, and in year two, to shift the focus to the school to increase its capacity to ensure all students are learning.

IPLI marked several milestones during the 2014-2015 school year. I am pleased to report the successful completion of Cohort #1. Fifty-six principals and 11 mentors were honored on April 21, 2015, marking the closure of two years of intensive professional development. During year two, Cohort #1 principals invited two teacher leaders from their schools to join them in collecting data, analyzing data, and developing effective school improvement plans. IPLI partnered with Marzano Research to deliver four seminars focused on how to build high reliability schools, where all students learn the content and skills they need to be successful.

In addition to the graduation of our first cohort, Cohort #2 was involved in the first IPLI Action Research Showcase. In year one, the principals are asked to focus on their leadership skills and develop a plan for improvement guided by their mentors. On April 21, 2015, 57 principals shared their year-long action research studies with their colleagues. A summary of each project will be available on the IPLI website in July for all Indiana principals to utilize.

In addition, IPLI is partnering with various associations and schools to provide support for school administrators. IPLI will continue to partner with the Indiana Association of School Principals, the Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents, and the Indiana Department of Education to offer the Indiana New Administrator Leadership Institute (INALI) for new school administrators. Cohort one, consisting of 46 new building-level administrators and four mentors, just completed year one. A new cohort will being on July 19, 2015 with the New Administrator Workshop. IPLI also partnered with Clark-Pleasant Community School Corporation to host the first Indiana High Reliability Schools Summit on June 4th and 5th. This event was open to all Indiana educators.

The following report outlines the activities our principals engaged in throughout the past year. Although recent research suggests that it takes five years to fully stabilize and improve the teaching staff and to completely implement policies and practices to positively impact the school’s performance (Center for Public Education), preliminary data indicate that we are impacting their skills and improving schools. Exit survey results and data collected from surveys and action research projects are showing improvements in leadership skills and student achievement. For example, 20 of the 56 schools in Cohort #1 increased their school-level grades in the last year. It is our intent to maintain our relationships with IPLI schools after the two years and continue to collect longitudinal student achievement data.

As we move into year three of IPLI, we are excited about the further development of the program. This report includes feedback we have received from our participants and the superintendents supporting their principals’ participation in IPLI. The Institute is our own action research project, and we are using these data to continuously refine the program. On July 14, 2015, IPLI will welcome its third cohort to the Indiana State University Campus for the Summer Seminar. Sixty-two principals and 11 mentors will begin an improved IPLI experience.

The challenges of the principalship are immense, and by creating IPLI, you have provided innovative support for Indiana principals and their schools. We thank you for your support, and if you have any questions about this report, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Linda Marrs-Morford, Director





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BENEFITS OF PARTICIPATION: Participation in IPLI includes the following benefits:

Two-year intensive professional development program;

Mentoring by trained, highly-qualified mentors;

Monthly focus cohort meetings;

Five seminars featuring nationally recognized school leaders;

Access to resources to support the needs of principals and their schools;

Membership in the Indiana Association of School Principals;

Registration for the Indiana Association of School Principals Fall Conference;

Registration for the Ed Leaders Network, on-demand professional development to enhance one’s educational leadership;

Networking opportunities with principals from all over the state.







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MISSION: The Indiana Principal Leadership Institute provides building level principals with the skills and tools needed to increase their personal leadership capacities, as well as to

increase the learning capacities of their schools.

OVERVIEW: Senate Bill 402 was signed by Governor Pence on May 11, 2013, creating the Indiana Principal

Leadership Institute, housed at Indiana State University’s Bayh College of Education. IPLI is a two-year

experience designed to address the professional needs of Indiana public school principals with an emphasis

on student success. The institute’s first year focuses on increasing principals’ capacities to address the

current needs of their schools, such as teacher evaluation models, student performance, community

involvement, and shaping a strong school culture. In year two, each principal and two members of his/her

school improvement team work together to increase the capacity of the school.

CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK: The conceptual framework for the model that guides IPLI is grounded in

theory from the literature related to leadership capacity and learning organizations. It is separated into three

parts to better understand the process:

1) The interaction of personal (leadership improvement plan) and organizational goals (school improvement plan);

2) 2) Using action research to create local knowledge; and 3) 3) Using regional focus-cohorts as learning communities.

It is through the processes of reflection, scientific inquiry, and collaboration that structure the best

professional development for principals in the nation.

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IPLI Direct Impact IPLI Indirect Impact

Total # of Principals Impacted

Year 1: 56

Year 2: 113

Year 3: 230

Access to IPLI resources:

Partnering with Indiana Association

of School Principals on Fall


Presenting research at various



1900 Indiana Principals

>62,000 Teachers

>1,000,000 Students

Total # of Teachers Impacted

Year 1: ~2300

Year 2: ~5680

Year 3: ~7500

Total # of Students Impacted

Year 1: ~38,206

Year 2: ~77,800

Year 3: ~115,400

BENEFITS FOR ALL INDIANA PRINCIPALS: In addition to the targeted work with enrolled principals, IPLI is developing resources for use by all Indiana principals, their schools, and their school communities. These resources include:

Access to all IPLI website ( and social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook);

Access to IPLI e-newsletter;

Access to IPLI Director blogs;

Access to leadership assessments;

Access to handouts and select videos from keynote speakers at IPLI seminars;

Access to information about upcoming professional development opportunities throughout the state;

Access to resources (such as checklists, leadership tips, organizational tools, and book summaries) located on IPLI website;

Access to IPLI webinars dealing with hot topics in education;

Access to research being conducted by IPLI participants; and

Access to Indiana Association of School Principals Fall Conference speakers co-sponsored by IPLI. For example, on November 24, 2014, IPLI co-sponsored the keynote speaker for the IASP Conference, Dr. Robert Marzano.





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Cohort #1


Cohort #2


Cohort #3


56 Principals

11 Mentors

57 Principal

13 Mentors

62 Principals

11 mentors

22 Elementary


15 Middle / Junior

High Schools

19 High Schools

26 Elementary Schools

11 Middle / Junior High


10 Junior / Senior High


10 High Schools

39 Elementary Schools

13 Middle / Junior High


2 Junior / Senior High


6 High Schools

2 K-12 Schools


13.8%-19%: 8 schools

20%-29%: 6 schools

30%-39%: 8 schools

40%-49%: 12 schools

50%-59%: 7 schools

60%-69%: 10 schools

70%-79%: 2 schools

80%-89%: 2 schools

90%-100%: 1 school

11.5%-19%: 3 schools

20%-29%: 5 schools

30%-39%: 7 schools

40%-49%: 13 schools

50%-59%: 16 schools

60%-69%: 8 schools

70%-79%: 5 schools

0.0%-19%: 4 schools

20%-29%: 4 schools

30%-39%: 7 schools

40%-49%: 15 schools

50%-59%: 13 schools

60%-69%: 6 schools

70%-79%: 6 schools

80%-89%: 4 schools

90%-100%: 3 schools


A: 20 schools

B: 11 schools

C: 14 schools

D: 6 schools

F: 5 schools

A: 21 schools

B: 12 schools

C: 17 schools

D: 6 schools

NA: 1 school

A: 28 schools

B: 14 schools

C: 11 schools

D: 8 schools

F: 1 school

IPLI Cohorts:







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Map Key

2013-2015 Principals—57

2013-2015 Mentors—11

2014-2016 Principals—59

2014-2016 Mentors—13

2015-2017 Principals—62

2015-2017 Mentors—12



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Cohort #1 Achievements:

A total of 20 of the 56 schools increased school-level grades.

Over 150 action research studies were conducted in Indiana schools, focused on increasing

leadership capacity and student achievement.

In year two, each school team collected data to identify strengths and areas for growth using the

Marzano High Reliability Schools leading indicators surveys.

Intense study of the High Reliability Schools™ framework. This framework, based on 40 years of

educational research, defines five progressive levels of performance that a school must master to

become a high reliability school—where all students learn the content and skills they need for

success in college, careers, and beyond.

Cohort #1 Graduation, April 20, 2015

Cohort #2 Achievements:

Over 120 action research studies

conducted in Indiana schools,

focused on increasing leadership

capacity and student achievement.

Development of regional focus

cohort network communities.

Intense study of key, research-based

leadership behaviors shown to

improve student achievement.

Cohort #2 Action Research Showcase, April 21, 2015

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Total # of New Administrators Impacted

Year 1: 46

Year 2: ~30-40

Year 3: ~76-86

Total # of Teachers Impacted

Year 1: ~1380

Year 2: ~2,280-2,580

Total # of Students Impacted

Year 1: ~24,380

Year 2: ~40,280-45,580





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IPLI PARTNERSHIPS: IPLI has worked very closely with the Indiana Association of School Principals

(IASP), the Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents (IAPSS), the Indiana Department of

Education, and various school districts around the state. These partnerships have resulted in increased

communication and sharing of resources between the organizations and their members. For example,

IASP provides facilities for mentor training sessions and IPLI Advisory Board meetings at no charge.

Another great example of how educational entities can work together to provide high-quality learning

opportunities for Indiana’s educators is IPLI’s partnership with Lawrence Township School District.

Lawrence Township allows IPLI to use its Community Center professional development rooms for the

September, January, and April IPLI Seminars. These facilities are provided at no charge to IPLI, saving IPLI

over $30,000. This partnership was facilitated by the Indiana Association of School Principals and the

Indiana State University Educational Leadership Department.

IPLI also has developed a partnership with Marzano Research Laboratory to ensure that our participants

are receiving the most up-to-date, research-based professional development available. For additional

information about the Marzano Research Laboratory, please go to

On June 4-5, 2015, IPLI partnered with Clark-Pleasant Community School Corporation to host the first

Indiana High Reliability Schools Summit. This professional development opportunity was open to all

Indiana educators.

During the first year of IPLI, it became clear that support for new Indiana building-level administrators was

needed. Whereas IPLI supports practicing principals, little support was available for new principals and

assistant principals. IPLI, IASP, IAPSS, and INDOE worked together to create the Indiana New Administrator

Leadership Institute (INALI), housed with IPLI at Indiana State University. The INALI program builds upon

the annual IASP New Administrator Conference and creates ongoing support through seminars, mentoring,

regional meetings and communication, and online, on-demand, professional development—Ed Leaders

Network. Funds for the program come from non-state appropriated dollars. In its first year, 46

administrators enrolled in the program.

INALI Regional Group Meeting

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Groups Board Member

State Superintendent appointment Dr. Todd Bess, Executive Director, Indiana

Association of School Principals, Indianapolis

Practicing public school principals Michelle Lavin, Wadsworth Elementary School,

Griffith Public Schools

Members of the General Assembly

The Honorable Carlin Yoder Indiana State Senator 200 West Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46204

Experts in administration, supervision, curriculum development, or evaluation who are members of the faculty of a state-supported university

Dr. Steve Gruenert, Department Chair, Indiana State University Department of Educational Leadership

Practicing school superintendents Dr. Paul Kaiser, Beech Grove City Schools

Parents of public-school-age children Nicole Law, Educational Consultant for the

Leadership & Learning Center

Practicing public school teachers Zachary Waggoner, Cedar Hall Community School

Members of the business or industry community

Rick Burger, Duke Energy, Terre Haute

Others: Dr. John. T. Coopman, Executive Director, Indiana

Association of Public School Superintendents, Indianapolis

Greg Goode, Government Relations Executive

Director Indiana State University





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IPLI ADVISORY BOARD: By statute, the IPLI Advisory Board consists of eight members appointed by the

president of Indiana State University, and one member appointed by the State Superintendent of Public

Instruction. Dr. Todd Bess serves as chairperson. The fall meeting was held on November 12, 2014, and the

spring meeting will be held in Summer 2015. The following chart identifies the mandated groups to be

represented and the appointed individual:

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DESCRIPTION 2015-2016 2016-2017

Projected Expenditures:


Salaries for Director, Program Coordinator, Part-time Administrative Assistant, Graduate Student* (2015-2016 only)

Benefits for Director, Program Coordinator

$197,525.00 $192,852.00*

Contracted Services

Mentor stipends

Speaker stipends

Data collection and analysis

Consultant stipends

$259,750.00 $262,000.00

Program Delivery Expenses

Mentor travel reimbursement (seminars, site visits, regional meetings)

IPLI personnel travel (seminars, regional meetings, conferences, association meetings)

Speaker and consultant travel


Phone and fax lines

Printing services

$116,197.00 $118,148.00

Other Services

IASP memberships

IASP conference registrations

Food for seminars

Seminar facility costs

$69,528.00 $70,000.00

Total Supplies $15,000.00 $15,000.00

Expenditures Total $658,000.00 $658,000.00

Projected Revenue:

State Appropriation $600,000.00 $600,000.00

District $1,000/Principal (1 year only) $58,000.00 $58,000.00

Revenue Total $658,000.00 $658,000.00

INDIANA STATE IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS: Indiana State University supports IPLI through its in-kind contributions. Six faculty members from the Department of Educational Leadership volunteer over 600 hours of time to serve on the IPLI Design Team and attend all IPLI activities. They have also assisted in the development of numerous resources to support Indiana principals and have presented at IPLI seminars for no charge.

Indiana State University provides office space for IPLI at no charge. IPLI’s home is the Bayh College of Education. In addition, operational support, training of IPLI staff, and technology support including housing the website on the university server are provided as in-kind contributions.

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Month Focus/Activities Speakers

July: 2 days

2-Day Summer Seminar

Understanding Action Research

Leadership Development

Regional Focus-Cohort Development

Linda Marrs-Morford/Steve Gruenert: Overview of IPLI

Todd Whitaker – What Great Principals Do Differently

Nancy Dana – Overview of Action Research & Mini AR projects

Two Leadership Keynotes

Linda Marrs-Morford/Terry McDaniel – Closing keynote and reflection


Regional Focus-Cohort Meetings

Share progress of mini AR projects

Hot topics/issues

Regional focus-cohort development


Seminar – Focus on Principal as Instructional Leader

Learning-centered observations

Follow-up observation conversations with teachers

Prof. Development - 10-Minute In-service

Building-level hot topic sessions

Regional Focus-Cohort meetings – start developing Leadership AR project

TBD/Learning-Centered Observations

Annette Breaux: 10-Minute Inservice


Regional Focus-Cohort Meetings

Continued development of Leadership AR project

Hot topics/issues

Regional focus-cohort development


Seminar – In conjunction with IASP Conference

Attendance at conference Sunday, Monday morning, and Tuesday

PLI Seminar – Monday afternoon with both cohorts

Focused leadership work with Monday morning keynote

Edcamp by building level Regional focus-cohort meetings

IASP Keynotes: Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday

Concurrent sessions: Monday & Tuesday


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Month Focus/Activities Speakers

December No meetings


Seminar— Focus on Effective Use of Data

Keynote focused on using data

Data use activities

Progress update on individual leadership action research projects

Building-level hot topics

Regional focus-cohort meetings

To be determined


Regional Focus-Cohort Meetings

Progress report on individual Leadership AR project

Hot topics / issues

Regional focus-cohort development


Regional Focus-Cohort Meetings

Progress report on individual Leadership AR project

Hot topics / issues

Regional focus-cohort development


Seminar – Action Research Showcase

Each principal shares results of AR leadership project

School culture-selecting teachers for year two

Building-level hot topic sessions

Nancy Dana—AR Showcase Celebration

Linda: Overview of IPLI Year 2

Steve Gruenert—School Culture: Selecting Year 2 Teachers

May or June

Regional Focus-Cohort Meetings

Selecting teachers for year 2

Using AR as part of continuous learning cycle for school leaders

Hot topics / issues



Month Focus/Activities Speakers

July: 2 days

Two-Day Summer Seminar

Leadership for School Improvement—Principal and Teacher Leaders

Critical Commitments to Improve Schools

Share AR projects with new cohort

Mini AR SIP project

Leadership Keynote

Tammy Heflebower, Marzano Research, High Reliability Schools—Safe and Collaborative Culture


Regional Focus-Cohort Meetings

Analyzing data for school improvement planning

Hot topics / issues

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Month Focus/Activities Speakers



Critical Commitments to Improve Schools

Share results of mini AR SIP project

Development of AR SIP project

Building-level hot topic sessions

Regional Focus-Cohort meetings

Phil Warrick, Marzano Research, Ensuring Effective Teaching in Every Classroom


Regional Focus-Cohort Meetings

SIP --- Where Do We Start? Review Critical Commitments

Development of AR SIP project

Hot topics/issues

Regional focus-cohort development


Seminar – In conjunction with IASP Conference

Attend conference Sunday, Monday morning, and Tuesday

IPLI Seminar – Monday afternoon with both cohorts

Focused leadership work with Monday morning keynote

Edcamp by building level Regional focus-cohort meetings

IASP Keynotes: Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday

Concurrent sessions: Monday & Tuesday

December No Meetings


Seminar –

Critical Commitments to Improve Schools

Share progress on AR SIP project

Building-level hot topic sessions

Regional Focus-Cohort meetings

Phil Warrick, Marzano Research, Guaranteed & Viable Curriculum


Regional Focus-Cohort Meetings

Review progress of AR SIP project

Hot topics/issues

Regional focus-cohort development


Regional Focus-Cohort Meetings

Review progress of AR SIP project

SIP for next year

Hot topics/issues

Regional focus-cohort development


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Month Focus/Activities Speakers



AR SIP Project Showcase


To Be Determined

May or June

Regional Focus-Cohort Meetings

Bringing closure to IPLI Celebration

Hot topics / issues


In addition,

Mentors will conduct two site visits to each principal’s school; one in the fall and one in the spring.

Mentors will maintain regular (weekly) communication with regional focus-cohort members.

The IPLI website will be updated regularly to include resources for principals.

IPLI publishes quarterly newsletters.

IPLI provides information about professional development opportunities available to all Indiana educators being offered throughout the state.


2014-2015 Cohort #1 Results





TAKEAWAYS One thing I will take away from this summer and use in my school

immediately is...

Summer Seminar July 16-17, 2014

Principal leadership matters.

High Reliability School Framework.

Confronting the courageous acts that need to be addressed.

Loved the energy, enthusiasm, standards mastery, networking,

reliability model.

Start the talk about standards-based report cards.

Clearly communicating non-negotiables.

Digital leadership.

Tech sites, apps, blogging, etc.

Redo, retake is better than 0's or F's.

The idea that failure is first attempt in learning.

The effect of one amazing teacher and how they can make a difference.

The ever-changing world of technology and its need in the classroom.

Principals 8.3/10

Teachers 8.6/10

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2014-2015 Cohort #1 Results

Activity Overall Seminar Rating

TAKEAWAYS One thing I will take away from this summer and use in my school

immediately is...

Seminar September 29, 2014

It is very beneficial to bring teacher leaders with us...they will go back

and drive a lot of the change.

My teachers and I have come across three areas we can immediately

go back and start working on right away.

Identifying specific focused areas of change.... Address... evaluate

progress… Adjust.... Then take another to make change in another


We will use the data to set goals and develop a plan. It looks like

celebrating student and teacher success is needed.

Key elements for short-term quick gains in two areas of need from the

HRS and then be able to focus on the more difficult.

An effective teacher can overpower a poor curriculum.

The five aspects of impacting student achievement and behavior.

Principals 8.29/10

Teachers 8.61/10

Seminar November 24, 2015 (in conjunction with IASP Fall Conference)

FOD walk / quick / instant data collection.

Continue efforts to focus on power standards and PLC process.

Marzano's strategies in the afternoon. Do not try to teach everything -

focus on identified areas of importance.

HRS discussion with teacher leaders.

Learning targets.

Principals Only 8.0/10

Dr. Phil Warrick from Marzano Research presenting at IPLI Cohort #1 seminar, April 20, 2015 — Developing a

Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum

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Activity Overall Seminar Rating

TAKEAWAYS One thing I will take away from this summer and use in my school

immediately is...

Seminar January 26, 2015

Snap Card for Model Instruction. Warrick's recommendations on clarifying what instructional practices

should look like in our building. Continue to provide all staff with four formal evals per year and weekly

walkthroughs. PD Ideas. Things we should always see . . . things we might see . . . things we

should never see. I intend to use this to frame a discussion with my staff. A grassroots look, if you will, into our instructional practices.

Doing more walkthroughs and initiating instructional rounds. I would like to video myself while teaching, for my own personal

benefits as well as being able to set the bar/standard for other teachers and how they can reflect on their own classroom teaching.

What do you expect instructionally handout. We will use it in PD to do a mid-year check up to see where teachers are compared to each other.

The different ways of incorporating PD into the school day and understanding the requirements of the new accountability system.

Principals 8.50/10

Teachers 8.10/10

Identifying Priority Standards . . . Endurance, Leverage, Readiness, Other. This is a very logical and transparent way in which to assist teachers in recognizing the essential standards.

I knew we needed to continue “peel the layers” of the standards so we can focus on the “Power Standards” and now I have a clear vision of how we can do that.

Building a comprehensive vocabulary program. The vocabulary piece is powerful. My team is going to share the surveys with our staff. The survey

information validates all of the hard work we have been doing. Continue with the important work of curriculum alignment and

reviewing our identified priority standards. Reflect on the year's work and make notes to get us off on the right foot next school year.

I think you have developed an efficacious experience for future IPLI participants. Throughout the two-year process . . . whether the Action Research Plan activities to build leadership capacity, or the HRS seminars to provide practical tools for school improvement needs identification and "next steps" . . . I left with new information and ideas to utilize in my school.

What an OUTSTANDING experience!! Thank you for everything. Your staff is excellent and the connections I have made will last a lifetime. I am blessed to have been chosen to be part of IPLI. I have grown so much during my time with IPLI, and I can't thank you all enough.

Seminar April 20, 2015

Principals 8.88/10

Teachers 8.31/10

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2014-2015 Cohort #2 Results


Overall Seminar Rating

TAKEAWAYS One thing I will take away from this summer and use in my school

immediately is...

Summer Seminar July 16-17, 2014

The sense of urgency to make real, meaningful changes in the way we educate kids.

Action Research. Teachers leading their own learning, and I lead by example in making

time to learn myself. Integration of social media as a means for communication – Twitter/

Facebook. Focus on myself. Action Research included with staff members; getting out of comfort

zone and moving teachers toward that also. Wormeli – being brave and courageous. Each speaker gave me multiple things to think about in regards to

personal and professional growth. Learning is the goal, not grades.

Principals 9.1/10

Seminar September 30, 2014

Ten-minute Inservices. The power of being positive. Data meetings from building level meetings. Creating a data room. Mini [action] research was good for me as it forced me to find some

specific articles about PD and Technology. I have some immediate things to share with my staff. I cannot wait to

read the 10-minute Inservice book! Smile more.

Principals 8.70/10

Seminar November 24, 2015 (in conjunction with IASP Fall Conference)

Acuity tips to organize planning with teachers. Marzano’s ideas about curriculum, assessment, levels of self-system,

and inspiration. Assisting my teachers with building self-esteem of students to increase

achievement. Characteristics of highly reliable schools; proficiency scales. Dr. Marzano strengthened my sense of direction of where I am leading

my school. Importance of looking a home group data, as well as individual data. Improvement plans. Lollipop test by Dr. McDaniel. Marzano - intellectual stimulation. Marzano's argument prompts. Marzano's tips on leadership. Prioritize what we teach.

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Overall Seminar Rating

TAKEAWAYS One thing I will take away from this summer and use in my school

immediately is...


January 27, 2015 Shifting monkeys to the people who need to be carrying the monkeys.

Teach right from wrong to those who need to learn. How to handle the poor teachers. Your new teachers need to define your building; your building should

not define your new teachers. Helpful information for ISTEP and Student Growth. Treating ALL staff like they're good staff - and expecting the same of

all. Assessment updates. 10 days out of 10.

Principals 8.93/10


April 21, 2015 Planning my day.. make it a planning day and reflection. Information gained in the sharing sessions was the most beneficial. More Action Research ideas. I also will take away the ideas of Steve on

choosing my teacher leadership in next phase of IPLI. Got ideas for improvement from the Action Research showcases that I

will utilize. EdCamp. Celebrate Mondays! I will be trying some ideas I heard about Peer-to-Peer observations. Ideas for one-to-one implementation. Ideas for Peer Observations and new teacher induction. I will use EdCamp discussions with my staff; I learned some good ideas

on tracking and coding eLearning attendance in my EdCamp group; I learned some good tips on utilizing PLC concepts in a small school setting.

Going to try an action-research activity with my staff. EdCamp procedure, ideas for alternatives to suspensions, ideas for

ensuring literacy in all classrooms. Steve's diagram of culture - I plan to discuss the comfortable/rut

concept with my leadership team.

Principals 8.56/10

IPLI Cohort #2 Seminar

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COHORT #1 PROGRAM EXIT SURVEY: At the end of Cohort #1’s two-year program, IPLI asked

participants to complete a program exit survey to help us assess the impact IPLI was having on their

leadership capacity and overall school improvement. The table below highlights some of the results from

this survey.

Survey Items Results Comments

Please rate the value of the overall IPLI experience.

8.57/10 I am the leader today because of my experience in IPLI. From the large group sessions to the regional cohort sessions, I received many different ideas and strategies that I have implemented in my leadership practices and school. Best source of professional development I have been a part of in my 19 years in education.

I have gained so much knowledge regarding Educational Leadership best practices from my time with IPLI. My experience has been a great one. I have found more confidence in the decisions that I have made in both my personal and my professional career. I am not afraid to do an action plan and research and make possible changes to areas of concern for me. IPLI has changed the thought that I am all alone in this endeavor. Before IPLI I felt that I had to make all decisions all on my own. I now have many people that I can reach out to for advice. I am really looking forward to continuing the professional connections that I have made through IPLI (colleagues, mentors, presenters). I think the next Cohorts will have an even better experience then we did as I already see the program growing.

Gave me excellent direction and guidance as I looked for ways to improve my school. Connected me with other young principals who are a good resource for the future!

Tremendous networking opportunity. HRS model was effective as we were able to involve our teachers. I really benefited from this two-year experience.

Absolutely excellent and essential for administrators. --Wonderful resources provided --Best professional development I have

experienced as a principal --Mentors were phenomenal -- supportive and insightful --Relationship building was well developed --Group sessions were meaningful.

I liked how the 1st year we focused on improving ourselves and our practice as principal with the action research projects. Then we moved on to focusing on the school. The HRS training was validating!

IPLI was instrumental in increasing my leadership capacity. Our school also benefited from the team-based reflection provided by the HRS. We are excited to launch our ideas next year.

The focus on technology and social media was very good. The speakers selected for presentations were also very good. The HRS aspect was good, although I felt it was too much too quickly. It would seem more useful to try and spread it out to about one level per year. The team aspect was excellent. I loved working with my mentor and small group. The network created is highly valuable.

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Survey Items Results Comments

Please rate the value of the overall IPLI experience. (Continued)

Well organized. The purposeful work done with the action research plan to build individual leadership capacity was beneficial. The second year spent studying the first three domains of the HRS model was also time well invested. I received a lot of good tools/practical strategies to employ at the building level from those presentations and subsequent discussions as a focus group cohort.

IPLI has given me the tools to become a more affective Principal for my students, my staff, and my community.

I felt like the contact with Todd Whitaker and other "biggies" such as Annette, Principal Kafele, were inspiring and allowed great takeaways for immediate use. The research projects were very unclear and the lack of follow through by mentor and actual "publishing" made them more of an obligation than an exciting project. I loved the HRS, but its scope and implementation goes well beyond the two years of IPLI.

Please rate the value of the monthly regional focus-cohort meetings. What was

most beneficial?

7.41/10 Many times people attend a conference and within 5 days we get back into our lives, and we forget some of the items from the conference. With the meetings, this brings it back around and allows it to stay in the forefront of our minds and the next step in the process.

Collaboration, a time to bring present needs to a group of colleagues that can give you a different perspective on a situation and a look at the issue from many different grade level experiences. Regional focus meeting were also great for getting questions regarding the assignments verified and to make sure you were on the right track with your plans.

Networking and HRS model. The chance to talk to other principals about what works in their schools

and to bounce ideas on how they handle different issues. Just having support from a mentor who was out of the corporation was

helpful. I could get ideas and tips from other principals in my group. The support was amazing!

Rob always had practical applications for us to use in the schools. Sharing with the group was helpful as well.

The more intimate time we had to talk about our current issues. We were all pretty close.

Discussing state related issues that occur at all schools. Method to improve our schools.

Some of the latest articles relating to laws and state policies that we discussed were beneficial.

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Survey Items Results Comments

What was most beneficial aspect of the action research project?

7.65/10 The main action research project we did back at our buildings. When you are able to collect data on the functioning of the school and make improvements based on that data, it really does take the guesswork out of your work.

Prior to IPLI I had not gone through the action research process. This is a great tool that I have already used many times since learning how to complete one. It allows you to really look at the big picture and look at an issue or a problem and really analyze it from many different angles to make best practice changes.

Forced me to focus on data in our school. That is a challenge- quantifying what we do with our students is a difficult task.

The required time to study educational issues related to our projects. Understanding the feelings about our school through the eyes of the

teachers. It helped us see our strengths and weaknesses better. I think the idea of identifying a problem or issue that you would like to

further explore or try to solve is a great idea -- tracking and gathering data is also a great idea!

This was challenging to implement as time and other issues make it difficult to complete, but it helped to focus on specific aspects and be held accountable for them.

Self-reflection. I was able to use the applications in my building and it wasn't

"something else" to do.

How can we improve the action research component?

I think having an example of one -- start to finish -- and explaining the process in a clearer fashion. I know many in my cohort were not confident in this method -- I had prior experience and found it to be an easier task.

Continue to encourage the use of data and to start small and build from there.

I think the principals in second cohort have better leadership with action research now that a consultant has joined the IPLI team.

Be more organized for the principal-- make it easier to figure out what you want from us.

I personally would have preferred more time collaborating with others and gaining and sharing ideas.

Be more specific about the projects and provide more support/follow through. Mentors need to follow through and follow up. The more emphasis on following through, sharing, and "publishing", the more authenticity and credence given to the projects.

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Survey Items Results Comments

How can we improve the action research component? (Continued)

Place as much emphasis on the reflection/evaluation component of action research as its formulation. Directly ask the questions: What was learned? What would you have done differently? (As professionals, I think these questions are intuitively asked . . . but, just like the time was needed to articulate, in writing, the action research plan itself, perhaps articulating these reflection components of the plan would be equally beneficial.)

Since I was part of Cohort #1, I know that it takes time to work out all the wrinkles. As the process went along, it became clearer as what the focus was about.

Please rate the value of including teachers in year two.

7.95/10 It was difficult to get them out of the building, but led to great conversations.

Extremely helpful with regards to planning effective school change. It was beneficial for the teachers to be part of this process. They

provided another voice back at school of what and why we are doing what we are doing.

This brought the impact to a greater circle of people and created a support system for the principal. Teachers were able to participate in quality professional development many of them would not have been able to experience otherwise.

I really believe I benefited more from the "self-focus" of year one and would like to see elements of that continue into year two. At times, my teachers felt out of place with things in year two. Specifically, Levels 1 and 2 of the HRF really fall on administrators and so some teachers didn't understand why they were there. Additionally, there just isn't enough time to go back and put things into place with teachers in between meetings. It was GREAT stuff for administrators, but not sure the teachers benefited as much.

It was important to choose two teachers that would go back and spread the word to the staff but also offer insight into the teacher perspective.

Good for them to hear good speakers/topics. Not a lot of active engagement pertaining to our school.

The two teachers could see the benefit of the actions from the school. They also could help "put out fires" with resistors to the changes.

Because we were knee deep in another process, it was confusing for my staff to bring them to sessions. I did bring them at first but elected not to for the later sessions because it was confusing to them. If action-research is approached from the aspect of using what is currently done in your building, then it would be very useful to bring staff.

I thought the teacher felt further empowered to be building leaders. It was great to collaborate over initiatives, areas of strength and areas of improvement.

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Survey Items Results Comments

Please rate the value of including teachers in year two. (Continued)

7.95/10 The teacher I brought really engaged. We had quality conversations about how to apply the information we heard. This allowed me to groom a "building leader" that saw my vision.

I loved having them along, but it was stressful having them out of the building.

Not that IPLI was an "excuse" for me to be out of the building, but my staff knew that I was out for reasons of IPLI. When the two teachers were included, they were able to provide perspective and additional credibility to the reasons for my professional development as the building leader. In addition, as the three HRS surveys were completed by the staff (again, sometimes seen as "just one more thing to do" by the teachers), these two teachers could provide support for the information gathering process and how the survey results were/are going to be used.

Originally we were told to bring two teachers that may not be our best teachers. They talked about including someone who may have a lot of communication networks with others but maybe not always positive. I felt the seminars and collaborative work would have been better suited for some of my best teachers.

This has really helped with ownership and buy in with my staff as I would have my two teachers report on something they took away from the workshops with the staff at a staff meeting.

I feel it was very important for the two teachers to attend. It allows for me to empower them to become teacher leaders within my building. I am having them lead teacher discussions - for the preference that this is not always from the top down.

Please rate the value of using the High Reliability School Framework in year two as a tool for school improvement planning.

7.96/10 It is realistic and full of common sense. I will continue to use it in my building.

Relevant framework to evaluate progress and highlight potential areas for change.

My school had already started looking at this and reading the book when it was introduced into IPLI. It was helpful for me!

Great framework to base school improvement efforts on. Once again the examples provided by the speaker were extremely valuable. This framework will serve as the foundation for our school improvement efforts.

Absolutely excellent! I really enjoyed learning about HRS, however, this is a huge undertaking

and I am not sure my school is ready for it at this time. We are using some of the ideas. I hope my school corporation looks into HRS for all of us to get it started.

Good starting point for me since my school district does not often send out surveys. I wish more conversations could have been had with my staff prior to the administration of survey.

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Survey Items Comments

Please rate the value of using the High Reliability School Framework in year two as a tool for school improvement planning. (Continued)

I thought HRS had great surveys to assess strengths and areas of improvement. I felt our seminars with Phil provided great ideas for improvement and staff PD that could be done back at our schools.

The HRS framework provided me with starting point as to what were our strengths and weakness are and how to address them.

HRS was great stuff! Use the data to make improvements. Once there was LESS PRESSURE in the last couple of sessions, I found the framework

useful. However, I did not find the earlier sessions helpful. It was hard to sit through knowing I was powerless to incorporate HRS unless I jumped on to that bandwagon abandoning a process of PLCs that we were knee deep into. Both are great programs. I think IPLI needs to be more well-rounded, not endorsing a specific great program, but exposure to numerous great options, or approach information from a generalized research aspect and having principals use the action research framework to collect data and improve on systems they already have in place in their buildings.

Great-- but tooooooo much information tooo fast. There was certainly a tremendous amount of quality information provided, some of

which could be immediately implemented. The survey data is very good. The trouble for me was that the HRS program (the

first 3 levels) was too much in too short of a time frame. I think one level per year would be more realistic to implement.

I was doing INSAI and many surveys to do with the SIP. I think doing both was a little too much to get valid answers on my surveys.

Loved it. It is hard, though, getting buy in from whole staff when it is seemingly what "we" are going to do (or for others, what "else" they are going to do if they are already knee deep in INSAI or North Central, etc.). I thought that the surveys were golden and the support from Marzano was outstanding. I would love nothing better than to follow through and implement standards-based grade reporting. Would consider that a coup d'etat.

HRS is a great idea but it felt as though it was the expectation to implement this in our school corporations. In order to successfully move in this direction, there would need to be buy in from the Superintendent, school board, and community. The beginning concepts were good, but taking it further would prove to be a challenge.

It was very insightful and helpful. It opened a lot of eyes to how our school could get better.

It is a wonderful framework, but we ran into many obstacles because it isn't supported by our district.

The HRS framework validated the work that we were already doing. A really good method for school improvement process. I will use in efforts to

improve. We just began to dig into this our second year, and I still have many questions but

feel that this is something that is very good for students and staff.

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Survey Items Results Comments

Please rate the quality of your mentoring relationship. How could we

improve the mentoring component?

4.48/5 I thought this component was a definite strength of the program. I think the mentoring component for me was perfect -- no changes! It may be helpful to use some mentors who have now gone through

the program. Use mentors that can be more accessible. It would be beneficial to have a mentor who was not a current school

principal, as that can make it challenging for them to meet the needs of their school, as well as be available for the other administrators.

No active principals. Maybe recent retirees? It was excellent. My experience was outstanding. Find ways to make the mentoring

process as easy on the mentors as possible because they also have a lot on their plates. Minimize their workloads where you can.

I think this is a tough question because I had an amazing mentor. From my experience, the mentor component is spot on. I am not sure all members of IPLI would say this.

I have few suggestions, as I am very satisfied. I suppose I'd suggest giving them enough autonomy is important; what worked well for our group may be different for others.

Have mentors who are committed to the whole package.

As the IPLI Design Team evaluates the overall program, what should we keep?

I think it was an excellent program. Keep it all- just reduce the amount of focus on the individual principal.

HRS model, surveys regarding principal and school related issues. The general framework is great. The only suggestion is not bringing

the teachers for year two. So thankful for this experience. Definitely the balance of large group meetings and regional meetings

should be kept. Professional development components for school improvement should be kept and expanded. Teachers from principal's school should participate to support and develop the improvement plan.

Year 1 should build up to year 2. Mentors are important to keep the group focused!

Guest speakers - provided great insight, ideas and tools for administrators to use.

I really liked the setup of year one. Year two I would have liked to get more work with schools my size.

Year One you can't go wrong. Year Two. The first half of Year Two caused me to dread being a part of IPLI. However, I think the design team did listen to our concerns to make adjustments in Year Two along the way. I appreciated the last part of Year Two and found the information useful. Look beyond HRS to expose leaders to other great research based models.

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Survey Items Comments

As the IPLI Design Team evaluates the overall program, what should we keep? (Continued)

I think you should keep the following: strong keynotes at summer seminar, regional cohort meetings, HRS.

Mentoring part. The mentoring aspect was the best part. The Year One plan was more useful for

me than the Year 2 HRS stuff, although I will use it because I still think it's a good program.

The high level keynote speakers were great. The consistency of the same focus was great. We knew each meeting we would explore the next stage of improving our schools.

My congratulations to the Design Team! For a first effort, they REALLY created a valuable experience for young, and seasoned, administrators. It was an experience valuable for all.

The two-day summer seminar - excellent way to kick off the program and allowed a relaxing time to network with our peers. The Marzano HRS was excellent and will make a huge difference in my school.

What should we amend?

Too many speakers in year one. Not sure! Some meetings finished pretty late in the day for those of us who travel. Action Research - more clarity and examples about the process. HRS and action research were a bit dry in the presentation. More chances to work with different administrators from our group. I don't feel

like I got to know people outside of our group really. Look beyond HRS to expose leaders to other great research-based models. Action research. HRS-- too much focus on that. Spread out HRS more if at all possible. Research projects. Quality, dedicated mentors. Grow your mentors from your IPLI

graduates. Less time putting principals together just by school type. Give opportunities for

similar demographics and issues to talk at all three levels. Adding more time for members to share ideas and steal from one another; the

best PD comes from small conversations among colleagues. School Improvement.

What additional recommendations do you have?

Spend more time with building-level principals regarding specific topics. Look for inexpensive options to provide support to IPLI Alumni who can in turn

provide support to new IPLI members. I appreciate the options to attend professional development. I can easily provide my own food. I think this is a great place to start to keep the fires burning and the connections alive.

Keep moving forward an allowing participants to meet and discuss issues that relate to their building levels. The connection from district to district is important for networking.

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Survey Items Comments Results

What additional recommendations do you have? (Continued)

Keep Linda and her staff. Definitely get IPLI grads involved in the process as it moves forward. Enlist committed mentors (they don't have to be ISU grad students). Keep ISU rock stars involved. Seek national publicity as this program is a model to the nation!!!

Would you recommend IPLI to other principals?

Yes! IPLI was a great way to meet other principals and learn more about myself and my school.

YES! Best professional development that helped me become a better principal for my students and staff!

Beneficial to keep up with current trends, as well as a great way to evaluate your own leadership style.

Yes, with the understanding it will continue to get better. PD for principals is a must.

It made me a more efficient leader. No better PD experience for newer or experienced administrators. Yes. There was enough benefit, especially during year two, to be of

value to any building-level leader. I benefitted immensely from the relationships formed. It helps create a professional experience and really just enhances

one's professional "aura". The contacts and connections are worth it.

It was valuable and a great way to stay refreshed in a difficult job. A very good program that will do nothing but enhance a building

principal’s knowledge and effectiveness. Yes - the benefits has truly changed me forever to be a more

productive leader in my building.


IPLI Cohort #1, July 16, 2014

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COHORT #1 SUPERINTENDENTS’ SURVEY: At the end of Cohort #1’s two-year program, IPLI asked

participants' superintendents to complete a program exit survey to help us assess the impact IPLI was

having on their principals’ leadership and overall school improvement. The table below highlights some of

the results from this survey.

Survey Items Results Comments

One of the goals of IPLI is to increase the leadership capacity of our principals. Do you feel the leadership capacities of your principal has increased as a result of IPLI?

88% - yes 12% -

unable to determine

Our principals shared their projects and learning with the rest of our administrative team, and we found their work useful to the district as well as to themselves. We have nominated two more principals for the upcoming session, and I sincerely hope they are accepted.

Not only has IPLI given Travis an opportunity to grow as a leader, it has provided him with a network of fellow principals in his cohort with which to collaborate.

Please rate the impact of the IPLI seminars.

8.35/10 (great impact)

The focus on proven techniques and leadership was terrific.

Please rate the impact of the mentoring provided.

8.41/10 (great impact)

I believing that the regional cohorts and the mentoring are what make IPLI much more effective than the old IPLA.

Please rate the impact of the monthly regional focus-cohort meetings.

8.29/10 (great impact)

Regular meetings to discuss leadership practices, issues, and problems are always helpful.

Please rate the value of including two teachers in year two.

7.88/10 (high value)

It opens the door to allowing for teacher leaders in the buildings. Teachers also get an "inside" view of what and how a principal does his/her work.

This was NOT beneficial. Our principal needed training and mentoring on HIS own leadership development.

Please rate the value of using the Marzano High Reliability Framework to help with development of school improvement plans.

8.25/10 (high value)

Researched-based practices with metrics are extremely important in this age of accountability.

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Survey Items Comments

What do you believe are the biggest challenges facing practicing principals?

Changing laws; changing demographics. Learning how to have the “hard conversations” with teachers based on

data. 1. Accountability. 2. Teacher Evaluation. 3. Personnel Issues. Time required to the job effectively; lack of time available to work

specifically with staff members (as the bulk of their contract days are with students); continuous changes with curricular expectations.

Uncertainty of student testing.

What do you believe should be the main areas of focus for the Indiana Principal Leadership Institute?

1. Provide researched-based leadership practices. 2. Introduce principals to key instructional leaders in the field of education. 3. Provide a strong mentoring program.

Decision-making strategies, communication and technology, listening skills, and the importance of personal traits such as honesty, integrity, and ethical behavior.

Relationships. Understanding their own comfort areas in leadership and their areas of

weakness. Identifying specific ways to move an entire building forward in short/necessary timeframes.

The experience. Building leadership capacity through thought provoking presentations

and discussion of big-picture factors that will enhance student achievement for children of all ability levels.

Assessment; keeping tabs on legislation. Instructional Leadership. Continue doing what you are doing! Great experience for our

educators! Continued focus on leadership in moving a building forward

collaboratively to meet school goals and objectives.

Would you encourage other superintendents to provide the opportunity for their principals to participate in IPLI?

100% responded “Yes.”

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Survey Items Comments

Additional Comments As a first-year cohort that ISU kicked off, this was terrific on many counts! A huge thank you to all of those who put their heart into helping Indiana build stronger school leaders. With continued adjustments, I believe all principals would benefit from such training. Thank you!

The experience has been extremely worthwhile for our participants. They have shared some ideas with peers, but more importantly their school newsletters have included key information that has been gleaned from their participation in IPLI.

I believe the experience to be invaluable to principals. We hope to have our two other Principals attend!


Cohort #1—2014-2016

Year 1 Activities

Month Activity

July 20-22, 2014 INALI New Administrator Workshop

Evaluation Training

August 2014 Regional Meeting

September 23, 2014 INALI Seminar

October 2014 Regional Meeting

November 21-22, 2014

November 23-25, 2014

IASP Assistant Principals/Deans Conference

IASP Principals Conference

December 2014 No Meeting

January 2015 Regional Meeting

February 10, 2015 INALI Seminar

March 2015 Regional Meeting

April 2015 Regional Meeting

May 2015 Regional Meeting

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Cohort #1—2014-2016 (Continued)

Year 2 Activities

Month Activity

August 2015 Regional Meeting

October 2015 Regional Meeting

November 2015 Opportunity to attend IASP Conferences

December 2015 No Meeting

January 2016 Regional Meeting

March 2016 Regional Meeting

April 2016 Regional Meeting

May 2016 Regional Meeting

Cohort #2—2015-2017

Year 1 Activities

Month Activity

July 19-21, 2015 INALI New Administrator Workshop Evaluation Training

August 2015 Regional Meeting

September 21 ,2015 INALI Seminar

October 2015 Regional Meeting

November 20-21, 2015 November 22-24, 2015

IASP Assistant Principals/Deans Conference IASP Principals Conference

December 2015 No Meeting

January 2016 Regional Meeting

February 9, 2016 INALI Seminar

March 2016 Regional Meeting

April 2016 Regional Meeting

May 2016 Regional Meeting

Year 2 Activities

August 2016 Regional Meeting

October 2016 Regional Meeting

November 2016 Opportunity to attend IASP Conferences

December 2016 No Meeting

January 2017 Regional Meeting

March 2017 Regional Meeting

April 2017 Regional Meeting

May 2017 Regional Meeting

In addition, Mentors will conduct two site visits to each principal’s school-one in the fall and one in the spring. Mentors will maintain regular (weekly) communication with regional focus-cohort members. INALI participants have access to the IPLI website for resources.

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Activity Overall Seminar Rating

TAKEAWAYS One thing I will take away from this summer and use in my school

immediately is...

Seminar September 23, 2014

8.63/10 Building-level-specific time management strategies. Be more visible in classrooms and continue establishing a

working rapport with staff. Usable tips to use as an administrator. Some of the technology discussed and ways to better approach

teachers for observations and evaluations. I will take back the assessment and evaluation info. Confidence. I already set a meeting to dig into the funds with my treasurer. The information from Ann Puckett - Harpold. Loved Ann's tip to start each meeting with celebrations. Absolutely Ann Puckett-Harpold's data information. In fact, I am

meeting with our Assistant Superintendent today to prepare for implementation of her ideas.

Utilizing matrix reports in Acuity, sharing ISTEP info as it pertains to weight of specific standards, etc. The Critical Conversation topic. This is something as a new

administrator that I cannot have enough training on.

AP Conference November 21, 2014

8.7/10 Acuity info from Ann. Cascading information. Continue to build ownership of vision and purpose. Conversations with students, parents, and teachers. Good tips.

Reaffirming! Greet students. Culture/Climate. ISTEP Prep. Khan Academy in ISS. Plan - Calendar for mini sessions. Several ideas from Dr. Kafele to help with setting the climate at

our school. Getting staff and students to know the mission/vision after revising at staff retreat this summer.

The Vision Test.

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Activity Overall Seminar Rating

TAKEAWAYS One thing I will take away from this summer and use in my

school immediately is...

Principals Conference November 24, 2014

8.4/10 Some practical strategies for school improvement. Work on schedule to access/provide 30-minute resource/

enrichment time daily. Obviously it’s not the ISTEP stuff that my teachers want to

know; A-F Accountability clarification. Ann's resources/ISTEP prep.

Seminar February 10, 2015

8.39/10 Building Culture and ideas to implement. Creating a walkthrough form. ISTEP testing information and encouragement of teachers. Praise and feedback for walk-throughs and staff motivation. Updates on ISTEP and accountability. "Snap Jar" staff PBIS idea from Ryan Haben @ TSC. New Growth Model. More specific ways to praise what I want to see in my building. I will be in more classrooms tomorrow! The updated DOE information. Dr. Lantrips teacher evaluation suggestions both for formal and

informal observations. Keeping my teachers calm about all of the testing. Tell the

teachers to teach; that is something that they can control and not worry too much about what they cannot control with all the changes happening.

I will share the new A-F accountability system with other administrators.

Dave Emmert, ISBA Attorney presenting at INALI Workshop — School Law Update

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INALI COHORT #1 PROGRAM EXIT SURVEY: At the end of INALI’s first year, we asked participants'

to complete a program exit survey to help us assess the impact INALI was having on their leadership

capacities and overall school improvement. The table below highlights some of the results from this

Survey Items Results Comments

One of the goals of INALI is to help beginning administrators become effective leaders and to quickly and comfortably assume the responsibilities of building administration. Did INALI accomplish this for you?

86% responded


I feel very confident in my abilities, and INALI was a huge factor for me.

INALI provided me with some additional resources and points of contact to help me ensure I make the best decisions as a leader in my school system.

Yes, being able to build a network with other new principals. The mentoring was very helpful, and I found the conferences to be useful.

Yes, the conferences were informative and assisted with my leadership in my building.

The professional relationships developed through INALI membership have been invaluable. It has been a great experience getting advice from and sharing ideas with my cohort. My mentor has been a huge help as well - I email him any time I have a question or concern or just want advice.

This group helped me assume my role quickly. As with any job jumping into a new role at any job, mastery is going to take time. However having peers and a mentor has made this transition easier.

Loved the support and ability to ask questions of people who have been in my position for years.

I had two years of experience prior to INALI, so I was already comfortable with my responsibilities. I appreciated the networking and the professional support, but I didn't feel like I was in a deficit position prior to the program.

I don't know that any program could fully accomplish this on its own. I think that a new administrator has to learn the culture of the building, and if you are not promoted from within, it takes time before the responsibilities become second nature and comfortable.

A majority of the presentations and meetings seemed geared toward individuals with minimal experience in leadership. Many of the meetings seemed very similar to my first semester of administration graduate classes.

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Survey Items Results Comments

Please rate the overall impact of INALI on your personal and professional growth.

7.42/10 (great


Great networking and mentor program. I felt very supported. The two things have helped me tremendously. 1- An increase

in knowledge of the way school administration should be has helped my accomplish tasks with more confidence. 2- Listening to experienced principals has enabled me to see the correct way to navigate through difficult situations.

The best part of INALI for me personally was the relationships I was able to build with mentors and fellow administrators around the state. INALI helped to reassure me when I had to make tough decisions, and it provided me with people to contact when I was unsure of what to do.

I feel that I have really benefited from INALI. Being a new assistant principal, it was very beneficial to have an automatic network of support. The information I learned at the conferences helped me to be more informed with current educational issues, best practices, and provided me strategies to be an effective leader.

Being involved in INALI and developing professional relationships with fellow colleagues has been a wonderful experience.

I believe the collaboration with other new administrators about what challenges they were facing and ideas they were implementing was valuable. The calming voice of your mentors and Todd was also a piece I found comforting. This allowed me to go back to my building knowing I am doing good things.

Just a comfort to have this resource available to me. Essential support in the first-year transition. Conferences are

outstanding. Peer and mentor support are awesome. Just thought that the variety of information and ways that I

was able to interact with peers and mentors was a model for professional development.

A few of the sessions were good at some of the seminars. I think it is always beneficial to have time to meet and discuss current issues with colleagues. However, I believe a lot of time was spent on topics that we were already well-trained on so it became repetitive.

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Survey Items Results Comments

Please rate the overall impact of INALI on your personal and professional growth. (Continued)

I would advise for any new administrator. The cohort group of administrators will continue to be a

resource for years to come and part of my professional network.

Networking has been great, especially our small local groups.

Please rate the value of the INALI seminars

7.72/10 (great value)

I wish this was continued in year 2. It was the most valuable part of my experience.

I thought these were all good sessions and valuable as a young administrator.

Very informative. Good food, great content. The seminars were beneficial, but at times I felt that too

much information was being disseminated in one day. I would have rather had fewer speakers at each seminar, then have time to discuss the speakers' topics after each presentation. One day seminars would be preferable.

Rate the value of the one-on-one mentoring.

7.45/10 (great value)

The one-on-one mentoring, providing someone I could talk to about issues in my building with my current position in a confidential manner and receive his/her outside opinion on how to best handle the situations.

Give personal insight for specific situations. Extremely helpful to have a go-to person outside of your

district to discuss the taboo questions you don't want to ask your bosses :)

My mentor was good, but I felt our regional meetings were filling a "requirement" rather than having any good discussions.

Just such a great experience. Had lots of positive suggestions. Always available, a Rolodex of contacts that were also helpful.

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Survey Items Results Comments

Rate the value of the monthly regional focus-cohort meetings.

6.81/10 (great value)

The monthly meetings provided me time to connect with local administrators and here what they are going through and how they are dealing with those issues.

Although this did take me out of the building often, sometimes for a 1/2 day, I think it is beneficial to discuss your daily building-level issues with other principals and your mentor who can offer support and suggestions.

Good opportunity to explore other buildings/corporations. Meeting with colleagues who are also in their first year as

administrators has probably been the most beneficial part of this entire process. Visiting other schools and sharing our experiences has been very helpful.

Good conversations. Traveling has been a challenge. A call-in or digital option could help.

It was helpful to hold these meetings to discuss the issues that are happening in our schools during the year.

Enjoyed sharing stories and resources. Felt like being a part of a graduate school cohort.

Our meetings were slightly unorganized and unfocused. I believe that we only had two. The members of my cohort were inattentive at the first one, and at the second one, only half the group showed up. I have made some strong connections with a couple people in my cohort, but feel like I barely know many others.

The far drives outweighed the benefits. If we can meet with people closer to us and have a better agenda, it would be more meaningful. The meetings always seemed a little unfocused and more of a venting and chat session.

INALI Seminar, February 10, 2015

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Survey Items Comments

Do you have any other recommendations that would strengthen INALI and provide better support for new administrators?

Great program. I would like to see a stronger working relationship with INALI, the mentor

and my principal. I would like to see a team aspect developed from INALI or another program

developed that would combine what INALI does and what IPLI does. I would like to see a program in which an Assistant Principal and Principal are able to work together through a program to create positive change in the school. The issue with INALI and IPLI is these are often done on a personal basis, and they help with the administrator leadership ability; however, to create the best and most impactful change in a school system, I think creating a team program would be awesome.

I think a different mentor would have helped me in order to have more regular meetings and contact.

A focus on building high reliability schools would be beneficial. Rather than focusing on how to be an administrator, the focus should be on how to grow as a leader to guide students and staff to strengthen the school.

I would survey the new administrators prior to starting the cohort. This would give you better insight on what their specific needs are as a group. I would also suggest examining the mentor cohorts for location and guidelines.

For additional information on IPLI and INALI, please visit the IPLI website at

Dr. Lisa Lantrip, Superintendent, Community School Corporation of Southern Hancock County, presenting at INALI

Seminar, February 10, 2015 — Teacher Evaluations and Improvement Plans

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