


Table of Contents

1. Introduction a. Executive Summary (p. 3) b. Background (p. 3) c. Situation Analysis (p. 3) d. Core Opportunity/Problem (p. 4) e. Goal (p. 4) f. Objectives (p. 4) g. Environmental Analysis (p. 4-5)

2. Actions a. Key publics (p. 6-11)

3. Recommendations a. Recommendations (p. 11-16) b. Video Breakdown (p. 16) c. Calendar (p. 17) d. Budget (p. 18)

4. Evaluation a. Evaluations (p. 19)

5. Sources (p. 20)


SECTION I Executive Summary The goal behind this marketing plan is to present many options, that could then be further discussed and honed in on. The marketing plan was created with the idea that there currently exists almost no loyal patron-base, and we would have to completely build the audience every night with marketing. Many of the challenges and opportunities for The Cherry center around the fact that it is a new organization. The intentions are to position The Cherry with already existing channels such as the holidays, and media sources, as this familiarity reduces the risk associated with attending an event produced by an unknown organization. Additionally, I

focused our biggest pushes on creating our own content. This is inexpensive, and is thematic

with The Cherry’s mission. Any big advertising purchases were left for those that would fall under the out of county advertising, and therefore the out of county grant. Though children

may not have been the initially intended audience, they are an incredibly lucrative (and relatively untouched) patron-base, especially around the holidays.

Background Founded in 2015, The Cherry has been cultivating work that is “radically local, radically global, and formally innovative” for its continually growing audience. Since this time they have produced works in some of Ithaca most unique and lesser-known locations, such as Circus

Culture, and Ithaca’s West End. With the funding for their new multi-disciplinary space over half-way raised, and a full 2016-2107 season, The Cherry has fully immersed themselves in Ithaca’s theatre scene.

Situation Analysis According to multiple studies conducted by TCG, in 2014, theater attendance in the U.S. was at an all-time low after peaking in 2012. Though the amount of special events productions,

including holiday productions, have been increasing over the years, the attendance rates in 2014 dropped 7.3% from 2010.

The Cherry’s position in Ithaca as a “new” theater doing different types of work, has attracted many intrigued audience members. Word of mouth appeared to work greatly in their favor for their September 2016 production of Storm Country, selling out performances the second weekend. The Cherry has continually made very intelligent and strategic choices in their season selection, pursuing works that do not have any royalty fees, and often times and venue rental

fees. Though The Snow Queen is also public domain, it is being presented in the Kitchen Theatre, which has far more seats to fill than any production of theirs to date. 495 seats over their 5-show run, to be exact. Additionally, the show takes place when the college students are


on winter break, and the residential families are tied up with the holidays. If positioned

properly, The Cherry can leverage the holiday season to incentivize potential audience members to attend. Additionally, since The Snow Queen is a recognized title, at an established

venue, it reduces the risk associated with attending a performance at an organization people may not yet be familiar with.

Core Problem/Opportunity Performing a show in the Kitchen Theatre provides a great opportunity to place The Cherry as

an established theatre organization in Ithaca, but first the large amounts of seats need to be filled.

Goal Attract new and returning audience members to attend The Snow Queen

Objectives 1. Sell 80% of the tickets total by closing

2. Sell 60% of the tickets in pre-show sales

3. 15% of audiences from out-of county

4. 60% of audiences seeing a Cherry show for the first time

5. 40% of audience members under 18

Environmental Analysis Most of The Cherry’s audience members will be local. Ithaca, NY is a very stratified city. The ivy-league college and freshly renovated commons can be deceiving, almost half of Ithaca is below

the poverty line, as is the case with many of its surrounding areas. Other audience members will be drawn from Syracuse, NY, and Rochester, NY.

There are multiple performance events happening around The Snow Queen, however only two productions conflict directly with it. The Burns Sisters are performing at the Hangar Theater on

December 16-17, and Civic Ensemble is doing a devised holiday show from December 10-17. The Burns Sisters will attract a very different audience, so the primary competitor for The Snow

Queen is Civic Ensemble’s show, as they will be targeting very similar, if not the same, people.

Nov 4-6, 11-12 Macbeth the Hangar Theatre November 15 Ithaca Children Chorus Fall Concert CSMA November 19 The Little Mermaid Ivan Hilfiker Auditorium (Rochester) November 29 Jersey Boys Rochester Auditorium Theatre


Nov 29-Dec 4 Winter Bodies Ithaca College

December 2-4 Thumbprint Opera Ithaca at the Hangar December 9-11 The Nutcracker Ithaca Ballet at State Theatre

December 10 Ice Age on Ice Utica December 10-17 Civic Holiday Show TBA

December 14-18 Disney on Ice Syracuse December 16-17 The Burns Sisters the Hangar Theatre

December 18 The Music Man Cinemapolis December 20 A Very Electric Christmas State Theatre

All of the charts below reflect the statistics in Ithaca, NY according to the 2014 census. According to the census, 45.5% of people in Ithaca are below the poverty line. This is more than double the rate of the state of New York (15.6%), additionally, the median income is $30,318, which is about half the amount of the state of New York. Both of these statistics would serve as barriers to residents attending theatre. Alternatively, 64.3% of Ithaca’s population has a bachelor’s degree or higher, which is double the rate of New York State. According to TCG, those with higher education are more likely to engage in artistic opportunities.


SECTION II Key Publics

8-12 year olds The 8-12 year old population, also known as “Tweens”, has most of their interests invested in school, friends, and family. Known as “Generation-I’, they are the first generation to take the

internet for granted, that is, they are the first generation to not remember what is was like to not have internet. They are incredibly savvy with technology, and are hyper-aware of

advertising due to the extreme amount of media they’ve been subject to. As a result, it is important to engage and involve them with interactivity, and not talk at them condescendingly. They want to be catered to with a free gift or coupon. Tweens need reassurance, but won’t

respond well to being targeted as children. This age group is beginning to test boundaries of independence. It is best to highlight how the show helps them achieve control. Unlike teens,

they are not yet seeking individuality, this is frightening for them, instead, their lack of developed personal identity makes them more keen to things that are perceived as “cool” by

the masses, as well as those things that take place in a social setting with a group. Over everything, the number one aspect they value is humor. In the end, they want to have fun.

It will be important to find the balance between conveying that The Snow Queen is “family friendly”, but not childish. Many Ithaca youth are involved in the prevalent arts community. Since they do not yet have the ability to attend a show without an adult, these tweens are going to either attend with their family, or an extracurricular group. The challenging thing is that it is very unlikely they will be following The Cherry on any social media, so any content posted on there may not reach them. The first step is to gain this following.

Current Relationship

Some youth in this age group may have attended Snow Queen with their parents, otherwise, they were not a strong audience for any of The Cherry’s previous works

Influentials Parents, friends, coaches, student organization leaders, older siblings, television characters, internet figures

Self-Interests Hanging out with their friends

Having fun/being entertained

Gaining social acceptance of peers Spending time with family

Celebrating the holidays

Media Outlets Snapchat, Twitter, Kik, Facebook, Tumblr, Youtube,,



Snow Queen is a new, and entertaining event you’ve never experienced


Secondary Message

Come get in the holiday spirit with your family and/or friends


Come have fun with your family and/or friends, everyone is doing it!

Strategy one: Display the adventurous plot, and visually exciting things about Snow

Queen Tactics Make videos for social media showing off the music, the puppets,

the ribbons, and other aesthetics

Sing along videos, “How the puppets are made”, general promo video, children playing with the puppets (Aoise volunteered her

children) Parallel it with Frozen

Adventure “Winter is Coming” Strategy two Make this appear to be a fun, holiday-filled event to enjoy with their

friends and family

Tactics Reach out to organizations and offer group sales

Get relevant social media pages that kids would be following, to share The Cherry’s social media pages (Running to Places, etc.)

Offer group packages/programming before or after the show

Provide photo opportunities so they can post on social media and their friends will see the show as something that is “Hip”

“Selfie with the puppets” #SnowQueenSelfie

Wear your favorite pajamas to the show

Do an online countdown, paralleling the countdowns kids do until Christmas

Have people in costume at events

“Ithaca School District Day” Strategy three Get kids to tell their parents about the show

Tactics Put bookmarks/fliers into schools for kids to take home

Create a “study packet” to give to kids, include an abridged story (or link to online abridged story) that they can read with their

parents, vocabulary words, a connect the dots that is the path Greta travels on the map, crossword puzzle, etc.

Bring Scott or actors into classroom for a small presentation

Parents of 8-12 year olds (30-45 year olds) The parents of these children will fall into Generation X, and the Millennial generation.

Between work, children, and the holidays, their time and money are dwindling resources. This is the biggest challenge with this demographic. When marketing to parents , it is best to show

yourself as a partner. You are helping them save money, and making their lives easier. They want an easy solution that will make their lives easier. Parents are wary of brands, but

extremely responsive to word-of-mouth from other parents. Millennials specifically, but young


parents in general, comparatively make purchases much more based on price than quality. In

terms of household spending, mothers control 85% of it. More than anything else, they want their kids to be happy. They want to see other kids

having fun, and bring their kids so they can do the same thing. Being a college town, Ithaca has a large focus on education and culture. Many parents engage their children in various activities

that further their growth in these areas. It is also quite likely that if a parent has an 8 year old, they also have a 5 year old. The space must be accessible to children of all ages, and parents

must be made aware of this.



They are in the target market for The Cherry’s previous productions, and

certain segments of this age range have been specifically targeted Influentials Spouses/Partners, friends, parents, children, community leaders, parents

of their children’s friends, religious leaders, political leaders Self-Interests Making family memories

Spending time together as a family

Being good parents/Furthering the growth of their child Getting out of the house

Relaxing and having a good time Media outlets Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, email, radio,

television Primary


The Snow Queen is the perfect family holiday activity

Secondary Message

It is beneficial your children culturally and educationally

Strategy one: Demonstrate that it is geared towards families

Tactics Offer “family” programming (Santa coming after a performance, come in your pajamas,

Photo opportunities-have Santa hats/costumes they can get a picture in, let them get a picture on the set, picture with the puppets

Offer family “package” (Coupon for after the show,

“Crying-friendly” zone, free admission under 2 years old, baby sitting in the lobby/coloring books in the lobby

Very clearly demonstrate sliding ticket scale, people are more willing to spend during Holidays, but they also may be strapped for cash after purchasing presents

Strategy two Position it as an educational and cultural experience

Tactics Display educational/dramaturgical portions through videos on social media

Inform them on social media that their children received handouts at school, give them a link to print it out online


“If you come with a completed study packet, you get a prize!”

Workshop with Scott, VIP backstage pass meet the cast “Give the gift of theatre”

Parallel it with Frozen Grandparents (~60)

Many of the grandparents of the target market of children will be Baby Boomers, a few may be trailing off into Generation X. People of this age group want to be reminded of their

accomplishments and future, not of their age. At this point, they feel entitled to “live the good life”. Positioning things as a “bucket list concept” is something they respond very well to. Though they do not want to be reminded of their age, they do enjoy it when things are catered to them, and they are directly addressed as grandparents in advertising. Since they are living this good life, and aren’t bound to as many responsibilities as their parenting children, they can be far more spontaneous with their purchases, and “seize the moment”. Contrary to popular belief, Baby Boomers are often very tech savvy and are most responsive to emails , as they

enjoy reading long messages. They also heavily use search engines, and have a presence on social media, specifically Facebook. Much like their children, most of the household spending is

done by women. Not only do grandparents have the time and resources to take their grandchildren to

see The Snow Queen, they also likely are looking for an inexpensive activity that requires minimal physical activity. Additionally, The Snow Queen is a timeless tale that they have likely

grown up with as well.

Current Relationship

They are in the target market for The Cherry’s previous productions, and certain segments of this age range have been specifically targeted

Influentials Spouses/Partners, friends, children, grand-children, community leaders,

parents of their children’s friends, religious leaders, political leaders Self-Interests Spending time with their grandchildren


Being entertained

Media outlets Email, radio, television, direct mail, Facebook, search engines , magazines, newspaper



Share in this fun opportunity with your grandchild


Message Family friendly


You grew up with the story, now share it with your grandchild

Strategy one: Make grandparents feel like it is a special opportunity for them, specifically

Tactics Have a “grandparents” day on the Sunday matinée, offer the family programming this show as well


Post about Snow Queen versions they would have grown up with, encourage them to show this to their child, and then go see the play

Send e-blasts specifically to grandparents, or to parents with “Want to get mom involved? Sunday is grandparents day, send this her


“Take the kids while their parents go Christmas shopping” Strategy two Display how fun and sedentary the show is

Tactics Advertise the short run time of the show

In the promo video, show someone 45~ years of age watching with a child

Arts Community of Tompkins County Tompkins County, and Ithaca specifically have an extremely thriving arts population. Many

people who subscribe to the Hangar, also subscribe to the Kitchen, and also make it out to events like poetry readings and film screenings. They are very willing to see art and spend

money on it, The Cherry just may not quite be on their radar yet.

Current Relationship

They may have heard of The Cherry, but it is likely they have not yet made it out to a performance

Influentials Theatre media outlets, community figures, other arts organizations

Self-Interests Experiencing art Cultural capital

Primary Message

Come check out Ithaca’s newest theatre, bringing innovative performance to Ithaca

Secondary Message

The quality is that of the other theatre organizations in Ithaca

Strategy one: Intrigue them, and profit on their curiosity to “check things out”

Tactics Create videos showing the artful content of the organization Get other theatres in Ithaca to share social media

Interview with Sam, talking about the inspiration

Put an ad at Cornell Cinema and Cinemapolis

Inserts in other local programs

Strategy two Present it as very high quality, and legitimate as possible

Tactics Push the credentials of the artistic and production team

Get third party testimonies from established theatre figures in community

Get reviews



All of the audiences described above apply to this category, however, specific measures will need to be taken to attract audiences from out-of-county locations. Primarily, we will have to

give them a reason to drive to Ithaca, especially if the weather conditions are hazardous.

Current Relationship

Out-of-County audiences have not been targeted, aside from Facebook ads targeted at people in Rochester and Syracuse

Influentials Various

Self-Interests Getting out of town and doing something different and interesting Primary


Snow Queen is an opportunity you won’t find in your hometown and is

worth the drive

Secondary Message

Ithaca has many other offerings that are very tourist friendly

Make a day out of it!

Strategy one: Place media in out-of-county locations

Tactics Posting on social media will not be helpful if they aren’t following, make out-of-county people aware of The Cherry through placements of physical materials in relevant locations

Display the uniqueness of the production through advertisements and social media

Inserts at performances

Strategy two Provide further incentive to visit Ithaca

Tactics Post photos of sight-seeing opportunities Offer discounts to local businesses

Advertise other local events



1. Disperse Content through Multiple Mediums that Connect back to Social Media

Social media appears to be the hub of all of the information and content, however since people may not have heard of The Cherry, it is likely they don’t yet follow them on social media. As a

result, content clearly displaying links to social media should be placed where people will physically encounter them.

Youth Media Placement Medium

Schools Posters, Geotags, Programming

Twitter .gifs, parallel with frozen


Facebook .gifs, links to online packet, online countdown, videos, parallel with Frozen

Instagram #snowqueenselfie, online countdown

Snapchat Snap us at the geotag for a prize at the show (candy cane) Poster Rehearsal spaces, Science Center, mall, arts organizations,

Program Insert Running to Places Performance, Nutcracker, CSMA Youth/Children

Chorus Concert, The Little Mermaid Bookmark Libraries

Live Events Santa comes to the Commons

Parents Media Placement Medium Facebook Sliding ticket scale image, advertise “crying friendly”, “play station”, give

the gift of theatre, run time, educational videos Twitter Sliding ticket scale image, advertise “crying friendly”, “play station”

Instagram Sliding ticket scale image, advertise “crying friendly”, “play station”

Poster Restaurant, playgrounds, mall, stores

Inserts The Nutcracker, Burns Sisters, Opera Ithaca

Radio WSKG Newsletter “Give the Gift of Theatre”, “Get mom involved, send this to her”

Live Events Ice Fest, Chilifest

Magazine Ithaca Child


Media Placement Medium

Facebook Share articles/images/video of old versions of Snow Queen, advertise “Grandparents Day”, “Take your grandkids while their parents shop”, promo video

Poster Restaurants, churches, mall, stores, the commons Inserts The Nutcracker, Burns Sisters, Opera Ithaca, Winter Bodies,

Radio WSKG


Newspaper Cornell Daily Sun, Ithaca Times, Tompkins Weekly

Magazines Life in the Fingerlakes Google Ads

Newsletter “Give the Gift of Theatre”, “Take the grandkids while their parents shop”, gift of theatre,

Live Events Ice Fest, Chilifest

Other Cinemapolis, Cornell Cinema

Arts Community of Ithaca Media Placement Medium

Facebook Post bios emphasizing credentials of artistic and production teams, video interviews with established theatre figures in Ithaca, video Sam

and Scott talking about inspiration

Poster Other theatres, the commons

Inserts The Nutcracker, Burns Sisters, Opera Ithaca, Winter Bodies, Civic

Ensemble Radio George Sapio, Best of Broadway, Tish Pearlman

Magazines Life in the Fingerlakes Live Events Ice Fest, Chilifest

Other Cinemapolis, Cornell Cinema, Ithaca Theatre Hub, other organizations to

share social media

Out-of County Media Placement Medium

Facebook Post images of Ithaca sight-seeing locations

Poster EVERYWHERE, theatres, restaurants, art houses, schools, libraries, tourism locations

Inserts Local theatrical productions Radio WSKG

Newspaper Local papers Magazines Life in the Fingerlakes

Other Discounts to local businesses,

2. Position Snow Queen as a Gift Giving Opportunity

This is the holiday season, a huge incentive behind every action in these few weeks revolves around the holidays, and more accurately, gifts. Positioning The Snow Queen as an early

present in the consumer’s mind will provide them with a cheap, easy present, that will make them feel like they are bettering their child/partner/parent, as well as the community. Using

the slogan “Give the Gift of Theatre” on all related advertising materials will help convey this message. Following up with the perks of the show, including short run-time, inexpensive

tickets, and the fact that it is family friendly, will then further serve to convince the consumer to


purchase. Since ticket sales are made online, if might be helpful to consider having a “gift”

option. For perhaps $1-$2 more they could receive a tangible ticket.

3. Obtain Media sponsor/Non-Profit Sponsor/Corporate Sponsor These are three different types of sponsors that all serve different purposes in the areas of

sponsorship. A media sponsor for The Cherry would likely be one of the local newspapers. In exchange for their name being placed on materials for The Cherry, this media sponsor would

give free or reduced advertising rates. A non-profit sponsor functions like a community partner. A non-profit that exists outside of the arts community would be The Cherry’s “sponsor”, meaning they would share their customer base, as well as some other miscellaneous resources. Corporate Sponsors essentially pay to be associated with certain events. They give generally unrestricted donations to an event, in return for publicity.

4. Group Sales This is an event that will highly be attended in groups or family units. The holidays are a time

where people are naturally coming together. The Cherry is a new organization, attending a show feels like less of a risk if you’ve got a friend with you. A large target audience is not yet old enough to attend a show by themselves, nor would they have much of a desire to. Also, there are many different kinds of organizations in Tompkins County and elsewhere that would be highly drawn to an inexpensive, family friendly, performing arts opportunity. Depending on the demographic of the group, this opportunity could be taken even further, offering the family programming, candy canes, coupons to The State Diner, etc. Children’s Group Sales

Performing Arts Orgs Running to Places, CSMA, Ithaca Ballet, Armstrong School of

Dance, School Choirs, School Theatre, Reading Groups Family Reading Partnership

After School Programs Downtown Ithaca Children’s Center, Primitive Pursuits, YMCA, Ithaca Community Childcare Program, Cayuga Heights School Age

Program Schools Fall Creek Elementary, Belle Sherman Elementary School, Rural

Schools Foundations of New York State Inc., Elizabeth Ann Clune Montessori School of Ithaca, Lehman Alternative,

Kid Orgs Misc. Sciencecenter, GIAC, Ithaca Youth Bureau, Girlscouts, Boyscouts,

Parent Group Sales

Parent Groups MOMS Club of Syracuse, SLOW HE3, Seneca Falls Moms Meetup,

Women’s Book Group, Ithaca Family Fun

Grandparent Group Sales


Retirement Homes Longview, Kendal, Beachtree, Bridges, Oak Hill Manor

Religious Groups MANY,

Reading Clubs Buffalo Street Books, 4 Seasons Book Club, Ithaca Book writing

Meetup, Ithaca Poetry Meetup

Arts Community Group Sales

Performing Arts Groups Ithaca Community Choruses, Civic Ensemble, Savoyards, Homecoming Players, IC Students, Cornell Students, VOICES,

Cayuga Chamber Orchestra, Cayuga Vocal Ensemble, Ithaca Gay Men’s Chorus, Ithaca Community Orhcestra, Hangar ACES,

Triphammer Arts, Vitamin L, Women’s Work, Encore Players, Ithaca Shakespeare, Trumansburg Conservatory of Fine Arts


Misc. Tompkins County Learning Partners, Downtown Ithaca Alliance,

5. Family Programming

The primary reason children are going to want to attend this show, is because it looks fun and they can enjoy it in a group. The primary reason almost all other audiences want to attend this

show is they want their children to be happy, but also educated. Creating programming specifically for families will bridge the gap between all of these things. Also, families are very prone to posting a lot of pictures. Parents also respond for more strongly to third party recommendations that ads. If we open up the opportunity to take pictures and post them, word will quickly spread. These “Family Days” will take place during the matinée performances on December 17 and 18. The initiatives for this event will begin with giving students Snow Queen “packets”. These packets will consist of fun relevant The Snow Queen games, either an abridged The Snow Queen story, or a link to an online version, vocabulary words, and advertising for these family events.

Following this, Scott could do a workshop with some of the kids or the actors could perform. Ideally, this will happen early enough that we could get a few press releases out of it. This event

could be cross promoted with our “Give the Gift of Theatre” campaign. We could also push this as an event that kids could go to with their grandparents while their parents are gift shopping.

Saturday the 17th is “Family Day”, and Sunday the 18th is “Grandparents Day”, or “Gift Shopping Day”.

Potential Programming for “Family Days”

VIP Invitation from The Snow Queen for backstage tour

Meet the actors


Puppet workshop how-to with Scott

Puppet “petting zoo”

Santa visits

Wear your favorite holiday pajamas

Special prizes (candy canes)

Get a picture on the set and post it o #snowqueenselfie

“Play stations” in the lobby with crayons in case a younger sibling needs to leave

Photography/Video Breakdown Promo video (90 seconds)

o Puppets, ribbons, adventure o “Winter is coming”

o “Give the gift of theatre” o Someone ~around 45 years old watching show with small child

Sing Along Video (90 seconds) o Opening song with ball bouncing over lyrics

How Puppets are used/made (90 seconds)

Interview with Aoise (30 seconds)

Interview with Sam and Scott talking about inspiration (60 seconds) “Lobby Interview” with kids and patrons after the show

o Parent recommending it

2 Photo-shoots o Outside in the woods after snowfall (Early December) o In blackbox space (Early November)





SECTION V Evaluation

1. Sell 80% of the tickets total by closing

Evaluation Criteria 396 tickets sold by December 18

Measurement: Brown Paper Tickets Evaluation: Use ticket sales reports to compare actual amounts with target

2. Sell 60% of the tickets in pre-show sales Evaluation Criteria Sell 297 tickets by December 16 5PM

Measurement: Brown Paper Tickets

Evaluation: Use ticket sales reports to compare actual amounts with target

3. 15% of audiences from out-of county

Evaluation Criteria 75 people from outside of Tompkins County Measurement: Brown Paper Tickets asking for zip code online, asking for zip code at

door Evaluation: Counting the amount of non-students with zip code outside of

Tompkins County

4. 60% of audiences seeing a Cherry show for the first time

Evaluation Criteria 297 people seeing a show with the Cherry for the first time

Measurement: Brown Paper Tickets asking online, asking at door, cross-referencing with previous customer lists

Evaluation: Count the amount of people who say this is their first say in person or online

1. 40% of audience members under 18

Evaluation Criteria 198 people total under 18

Measurement: Ask for age range on Brown Paper Tickets, keep track at door Evaluation: Count the amount of people under 18 online and at the door


Sources "Census Profile: Ithaca, NY." Census Reporter. N.p., 2014. Web. 17 Oct. 2016.

Content: MarketingSherpa, Design: Scott McDaniel, Code: Steve Beger, MECLABS.

"Marketing to Tweens: Data, Spending Habits Dos & Don'ts to Reach This Fickle Age Group." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Oct. 2016.

Gross, Geoff. "5 Ways to Effectively Market to Baby Boomers." Entrepreneur. N.p., 1 June 2016. Web. 17 Oct. 2016.

Lockard, Pamela. "Study: The 3 Most Effective Ways to Reach Baby Boomers." Digital & Direct Marketing Agency. N.p., 10 Mar. 2015. Web. 17 Oct. 2016.

"Marketing to Parents." AtLarge, Inc. N.p., 14 June 2013. Web. 17 Oct. 2016.

Voss, Zannie Giraud, Glenn B. Voss, Ilana B. Ross, and Laurie Baskin. "Theatre Facts 2014."

Theatre Communications Group. N.p., 2014. Web. 17 Oct. 2016.

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