Page 1: 2016 urisa track: top 5 greatest concerns of those seeking to procure geospatial mapping services by larry schaner

Custom Remote Sensing solutions to meet any project objective

Presented by:

Spatial Intel, Inc. Denver, ColoradoLarry Schaner – GM

Email: [email protected]:

Question: What is the greatest concern / challenge you face when seeking to contract for aerial mapping / remote sensing data & services?

Top 5 Greatest Concerns

* Solutions to overcome these challenges

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Custom Remote Sensing solutions to meet any project objective


• Hold degrees in Business & Remote Sensing• 30+ years in industry• GM of full service company at age 24• Team member introducing commercial airborne LiDAR to the

Energy and Transportation sectors (electric, oil/gas, R/R, DOT) in 1992

• Team member developing the first vehicle based laser mapping systems

• Team first interface LiDAR with most CADD / GIS software as well as TLCAD & PLSCAD

• Involved with authoring many of the legacy specification language (many in place today)

• Spatial Intel, Inc. consulting & services company January 2009

Professional BIO

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Remote Sensing – Making observations and measurements from a remote perspective.

Daily Rates$1,500 – $35,000

Numerous platform options

VehicleStereo Photogrammetry

Unmanned (UAV)

Various Platforms

Numerous Sensor options

Airborne / Terrestrial LiDAR

LiDARMulti-pulse / MPIA / Waveform / Geiger ……

Ground - HDS

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Challenging Environment to Navigate

35 years ago – choice was simple

1. Hundreds of providers

4. Mixed & confusing messages

2. Abundance of technology: traditional, leading edge & bleeding edge

What’s different today?

3. Custom solutions: Type of project, project conditions, deliverables, location, size, etc.


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1. As a services provider we need to understand the purpose for the data

2. As a Consultant we need to understand the major concerns of our clients

3. Always looking to remain current and improve our offering4. Build a company to match need & address concerns

Purpose of the Survey

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Custom Remote Sensing solutions to meet any project objective

Survey Statistics: Survey conducted over two-year period Questionnaire on 1800+ respondents Data gathered:

Respondent contact information (vote once) Discipline served; i.e. Oil/gas/elect

transportation, environmental, planning, forestry, etc. – “not government”

What application / service is generally requested 97% of responses fit into 5 categories 3% random – My boss, clueless co-workers, etc.


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Ascending Order

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# 5 of 5 – 5% Responded


1. Spend less money (budgetary)2. Win more work3. More mark-up as sub4. Piece of mind / accomplishment5. Market demands it!

*Major driver but not the major concern?

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#4 of 5 – 12% Choosing the Right offer

The “right” offer?More specific – How to discern the difference from one proposal to another?

1. Indicates most solicit more than one provider proposal.2. Not clients core competency – technology / terminology / context3. The “right” offer may be quickest turn-time, specific approach, accuracy, etc.

Choose any two

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#3 of 5 Compliance to Specification – 19%

More specifics – How do I know the data I received meets my specification and expectations?

1. End users generally lack in-house compliance protocols. Protocols can include the knowledge, appropriate software or data & time. (Blind faith?)

2. Most can assess completeness / coverage, resolution, formatting, file size, image quality, projection, etc. But is it accurate?

3. Agencies have staff waiting anxiously with established timelines, needing to be billable, etc. and generally dive into the data once it arrives and start designing wait for the data to arrive

4. Unfortunately problems are generally found when its too late or terribly inconvenient.

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#2 of 5 What Technology & Who 28%

More specifically – What technology best serves my project and who has the technology & experience to best serve my project?

• Indicates respondents may not have established go-to providers• Indicates end users may be interested in aiding in the

technological approach• Endorses the fact that there are numerous providers to choose


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Articulating Project Requirements – 33%

More specifically – How do I define my project requirements in sufficient detail, in the form of a specification, that offers the best chance of receiving the data I need to satisfy my project?

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1) Articulating project needs in a specification2) Choosing the “right” offer (proposal

selection)3) Specification compliance (get what I asked

for)4) What technology / company is best suited5) Cost

Response Summary Descending order

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• Communication!

*Technology “rarely fails” when applied correctly.

*All the latest technology operated by the most experienced vendors will “fail every time” if there is no meeting of the minds.


“Key to success!”

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Specification Development


1. Reputable providers 2. Dimensions and shape of deck 2. Type and quality of wood 3. Type and spacing of screws 4. Depth of posts / footings Amount of concrete 5. Desired timeline 6. Experienced oversight (periodic

review for compliance)

Stacking the pins in your favor

When LOW BID worksCommoditize it!

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Specification Development forRemote Sensing

1. “Begin with the end in mind” – focus effort on defining the deliverables. (no more / no less)2. Provide a narrative on “the use of the data”3. Include “near term and long term goals” & obtain “costs for options” (i.e. IR imagery, wider corridor, alternate routes, additional processing, more details / accuracies, re-mobilization cost, other.)4. Ask for suggested alternatives (sweet spot)

Improve your success rate!

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Specification Development (cont.)

5. Request Interim deliveries – assess ongoing6. Understand “quality assessment” methodology and standards – ASPRS, NMAS, NSSDA (how accuracy is reported)7. Include mitigation expectations – re-flights, turn-around time if details missed, accuracy issues8. Avoid specifying “how to do the work”. Allow the providers to craft their “best” solution9. Ask for help if needed!

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Questions / Comments / Experiences?

Spatial Intel, Inc. Denver, Colorado

Larry Schaner (303.886.1525)Email: [email protected]:

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