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2017 Combined 3-Year Education Plan and Annual Education Results Report (AERR)

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Authority: 0015 Webber Academy Foundation

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Message from the Board Chair

This document is a testament to the outstanding effort made by our students to meet high expectations they have set for themselves. All are to be commended for the exceptional results outlined in the pages that follow.

It is inspiring to see so many young individuals truly strive to attain their best. The students are not only remarkable by their scholastic achievements but their performance in a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Many students have also earned our respect for the contributions they have made to better our school community, as well as, Calgary and globally. It is heartwarming to see so many young and caring individuals do their part to better the lives of others.

Success in school is also the result of determination and commitment to core values that are embraced by a purposeful parent community. Ongoing support is essential to the development, achievements and happiness of their children. The efforts made by parents to reinforce lessons learned in the classrooms are critical to the positive growth of all children.

Sincere thanks goes to Webber Academy teachers and support staff who continue to have a profound impact on these results and are much appreciated for their tenacity, commitment and loyalty which are attributes they demonstrate every single day. I believe our teachers are providing Webber Academy students with first class instruction and it is truly a pleasure to work with each and every one of them.

Dr. Neil Webber President/Head of School Webber Academy

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Accountability Statement

The Annual Education Results Report for the 2016-2017 school year and the Education Plan for the three years commencing September 1, 2017 for Webber Academy Foundation was prepared under the direction of the Board in accordance with its responsibilities under the Private Schools Regulation and the Education Grants Regulation. This document was developed in the context of the provincial government’s business and fiscal plans. The Board has used the results reported in the document, to the best of its abilities, to develop the Education Plan and is committed to implementing the strategies contained within the Education Plan to improve student learning and results. The Board of Webber Academy will review The Combined Annual Education Results Report for the 2016-2017 school year and the three year Education Plan for 2017-2020 for consideration of final approval at the November 30, 2017 Board meeting.

This combined document is posted on our school website at under the heading, ‘Resources’.

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Webber Academy’s Mission and Values Statement

Preparing Students to Thrive in University and Beyond.

This mission will be accomplished by creating an environment of high expectations of achievement, behaviour and service. Our society needs citizens with strong moral and ethical values, who believe in the responsibilities of citizenship and service to others. At Webber Academy, we will actively encourage the growth and development of these traditional values in our students. Participation in, and enjoyment of school life will prepare our students for responsible involvement in their communities and our society as a whole.

Principles/ValuesThe Board of Webber Academy and the school faculty believe in:

Personal attention for each child;

Creating an atmosphere where young people of many faiths and cultures feel equally at home;

Providing a high calibre school whose graduates will have a positive influence in the world.

At Webber Academy, we will expect students to:

o Care for themselves; o Respect themselves and their peers; o Respect their teachers, leaders, and all adults; o Honour their parents; o Be truthful and honest; o Work hard and use their talents and abilities; o Speak well of others; o Be loyal and trustworthy; o Be courteous; o Be cooperative and work as a team member; o Honour our country’s heritage and place in the world; o Be committed to principles; o Reach their full potential.

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A Profile of the School Authority

Webber Academy, located in the southwest quadrant of Calgary, serves students from all areas of the city. We are a school for children with above average abilities from homes where it is believed there is strong parental support for a structured and all-encompassing education to properly prepare individuals to pursue and meet with success in post-secondary pursuits.

The 2017 school year ended with a total of 967 students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12 who all successfully completed their program of studies. The total the year previous was 1002 students. Enrollment in September 2017 was 934 students. June 2017 also saw the thirteenth Webber Academy graduating class with a total of 52 Grade 12 students moving onto University. This class of 2017 brings our student alumni count to 564 and several of them still take part in Webber Academy activities when they find some free time away from post- secondary studies.

As we strive to meet the needs of every child and provide enriched academic and extra-curricular programs, the school is committed to providing outstanding educators. All children are viewed as remarkable individuals with great potential who must be challenged in a multitude of areas by inspiring teachers who endeavour to promote a love of learning.

Staff members regularly review curriculum and assessment objectives and contribute new ideas that are incorporated into Webber Academy practices that tie in well with the Alberta Programs of Studies. The Webber Academy curriculum will continue to reflect the needs, skills and abilities of our high achieving students.

The Board of Directors consists of Calgary residents with varied and valuable backgrounds who strongly believe in the Mission and Vision of Webber Academy and we are truly grateful for their expertise, service and loyalty.

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Summary of Accomplishments 2016-2017 Webber Academy Graduates Number of Grade 12 graduates: 52 Number Accepted to University: 51, 98% (One student did not apply to university, as she is taking a gap year.) Number who were eligible Rutherford Scholarship: 52, 100% (Based on criteria of having an average of over 75% in five courses, including ELA 30.) Value of scholarship earned (not including Rutherford, or a number of academic entrance scholarships) = $889,550 Where our graduates were accepted:

Carleton University, Concordia University, Dalhousie University, Mount Royal University, Queen’s University, University of Alberta, University of British Columbia, University of Calgary, University of Lethbridge, McGill University, McMaster University, Saint Francis Xavier University, Ryerson University, Simon Fraser University, University of Manitoba, University of Ottawa, University of Toronto, University of Victoria, University of Waterloo, University of Regina, University of Saskatchewan, Vancouver Film School, Western University, Boston University, Duke University, Florida State University, Georgetown University, Gonzaga University, Johns Hopkins University, Louisiana State University, Northwestern University, Santa Clara University, Simmon’s College, Texas A & M, University of California – (Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz), University of Florida, University of Michigan, University of North Carolina, University of Pennsylvania, University of San Diego, University of San Francisco, University of Southern California, University of Texas, University of Bristol, King’s College University, Durham University, Imperial College, University of Bath, University of Glasgow, University of Southampton, University of Warwick

Major scholarships ($10,000 or more):

o Gonzaga University - Dean’s Scholarship: $68,000 o Louisiana State University - Flagship Scholars Award: $85,000

o Chevron Energy Leaders Engineering Award: $21,000 o Tiger Nation Scholarship: $14,000

o University of Pennsylvania - Isenburg Fund: $10,000 o University of San Francisco - Admittance Scholarship: $88,000 o Simmons College - Presidential Scholarship and Alumni Scholarship: $125,000 o University of Alberta - Scotiabank Dean’s Entrance Scholarship: $10,000 o University of British Columbia - Outstanding International Student Award: $10,000 o University of Calgary - Chancellor’s Club Scholarship: $40,000 - x2

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o Carleton University - Entrance Scholarship: $16,000 o Entrance Scholarship: $12,000 - x2

o University of Toronto - Entrance Scholarship: $10,000 o University of Waterloo - Kenneth D. Fryer National Scholarship: $20,000 o University of Western Ontario - Continuing Admission Scholarship: $10,000 - x5 o Boston University - Presidential Scholarship: $20,000

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President’s Breakfast Our students have oftentimes referred to the President’s Breakfast Club events as “memorable highlights” of the school year. For the 2016-17 year, we achieved a line-up of incredible speakers to engage our students. These events take place in the Theatre of Webber Academy’s Performing Arts Centre. Webber Academy was pleased to host Dr. Diana Dow-Edwards, PhD, Professor of Physiology/Pharmacology, State University of New York on September 27, 2016. Dr. Dow-Edwards delivered a scientifically sound presentation and Q&A period on “Marijuana & Your Brain”, to our students in Grades 6-12 and staff. Her message covered the negative impact on brain growth, function, and cognitive development if under the influence.

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On October 3, 2016, Mr. Thomas Palaia, US Consul General for Alberta, Saskatchewan and Northwest Territories, addressed Webber Academy’s Senior School (Grades 7-12) on the topic of US/Canada Relations.

On October 25, 2016, Webber Academy was honored to host Kenny Aronoff, one of the world’s most talented and influential drummers, for an encore motivational presentation and performance to our students in Grades 6 to 12. Mr. Aronoff had the entire audience captivated by both his verbal message and the masterful way in which he commands the drum.

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On February 27, 2017, Webber Academy hosted a President’s Breakfast Club event for students in Grades 7-12, featuring the ATB Financial Speaker Series with Dr. Jennifer Winter and Mr. Todd Hirsch. Dr. Winter is Assistant Professor and Scientific Director of the Energy and Environmental Policy Research Division at The School of Public Policy, University of Calgary. Mr. Hirsch is the Chief Economist at ATB Financial and a former Economics Professor at the University of Calgary. The focus of their presentation was on Alberta’s economic outlook, both short and long term.

On March 10, 2017, Webber Academy welcomed Mr. Ian Vanderburgh, Director of the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing at the University of Waterloo. In 2008, Mr. Vanderburgh received a Distinguished Teaching Award from the University, and in 2016 he earned an Excellence in Teaching Award from the Canadian Mathematical Society. His presentation revealed the joy he finds in sharing his love of mathematics with students and teachers.

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On April 18, 2017, Webber Academy hosted a second President’s Breakfast Club event for students in Grades 7-12, featuring the ATB Financial Speaker Series. The school welcomed three business experts who focused on entrepreneurship and new business opportunities in Calgary.

o Mrs. Debby Carreau is both an entrepreneur and author, having written The Mentor Myth; and is founder of Inspired HR, which has become a recognized resource for Canada’s Top HR Consultancy. She has received the honour as one of Canada’s Most Powerful Women for four consecutive years.

o Mr. Adam Legge became President and CEO of the Calgary Chamber in September 2010, making him the youngest President in the Chamber’s history.

o Mr. Ed Straw leads the Business Centre of Expertise and the Specialized Financing Team at ATB Financial - Business and Agriculture. Through his role at ATB, Mr. Straw works to enhance opportunities for Alberta companies to succeed in a continuously evolving economy.

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Terry Fox Fundraiser Since 1998, Webber Academy’s participation in the Terry Fox Run fundraising event. For the past several years, students enrolled in Grade 12 Physical Education have been organizing most aspects of our annual event. The first student leadership group helped to raise over $34,000. In September 2016, in honour of our Canadian Hero, another $40,000 was raised. This was done by way of student collection, including a Toonie for Terry Tuesday, where toonies were collected at lunchtime in donation boxes locted in both student cafeterias and after school in the front lobby. Webber Academy has now surpassed $500,000 in donations to the Terry Fox Foundation.

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Grade 5 Heritage Fair The annual Webber Academy Grade 5 Heritage Fair took place on March 21, 2017, in the Performing Arts Centre theatre foyer. Our Elementary student body, staff and parents embraced the opportunity of viewing the work of our Grade 5 students who conducted in-depth research in order to prepare a project on a famous Canadian personality. The Heritage Fair is the culmination of their hard work and, as in years past, was open to parents, grandparents and other special guests. The tremendous turn-out demonstrated significant support for our Grade 5 participants.

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Science Fairs: Webber Academy Science Fair

Grade 6 Science Fair

Every year our Grade 6 and Senior School students put forth considerable time and effort into their Science Fair projects that are showcased during an on-campus event, this year held on February 15, 2017. These projects are put on display for the student body, teachers, administration and parents; and judged by a number of honourable invitees. There were a total of eighty-three projects completed by our Grade 6 students, all of which were unique, enlightening and captivating, evidence of their hard work. Of the eighty-three projects, six students went on to compete at the Calgary Youth Science Fair in April. The following outstanding Grade 6 Science Fair winners were: Acacia Leung - "On the Other Hand...", received the Hripko Trophy for Top Overall Project Lawrence Chu - "Save Our Steel" Abigail Dubchak - "Do You Want Fries with That?" Gabrielle Seal - "A Bright Future: Watts Up with Lightbulbs?" Alexander Tam - "Fishy Fertilizer" Tristan To - "Bioluminescent Detectives"

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Senior School Science Fair

A total of thirty-six students took part in the Webber Academy Senior School Science Fair on February 15, 2017. The judges were very impressed by the quality of the research projects presented by our students, and each participate demonstrated their passion for science. The results of the judging: Catalina van der Raadt (Grade 8) and Varun Kundra (Grade 11) - tied for 1st place Crystal Radinski (Grade 10) - 2nd place Erica van der Raadt (Grade 10) - 3rd place. The top fifteen projects went on to participate in the Calgary Youth Science Fair in April.

Provincial Sanofi Biogenius Challenge

On April 13, 2017, Crystal Radinski and Varun Kundra, participated in the highly competitive Sanofi Biogenius Challenge. For over two decades, the Sanofi Biogenius Canada program has nurtured young minds and fostered great talent for the future, challenging high school students to carry out groundbreaking research projects in the field of biotechnology. Our two students competed against 21 other high school students from around the province.

Student, Varun Kundra earned the provincial title from the challenge, and a $2000 prize. He will be representing Alberta at the National Sanofi Biogenius Challenge on May 10, 2017.

U of C Today featured an article written by Gillian Edwards of University Relations about Crystal’s research project for the upcoming Calgary Youth Science Fair.

Calgary Youth Science Fair The Calgary Youth Science Fair was held on April 22 and 23, 2017 at the Olympic Oval. Seventeen of our High School students and six Grade 6 students participated in the Calgary Youth Science Fair. Our Grade 6 students earned 4 Gold and 2 Silver medals at the city Science Fair. In addition to these medals, two of our Grade 6 students won the following major awards: Tristan To: Yellow Fish Road Award; and the City of Calgary, Water Services Award for Elementary Gabrielle Seal: Hunter Centre Elementary Consumer Science Award The "CCSPE Elementary School Aggregate Award" was awarded to Webber Academy as they were named the Top Overall Elementary School at the Fair. Projects completed by our high school students earned 9 Gold medals, 1 Silver, 4 Bronze, and 1 honourable mention.

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Additional awards are as follows: Shounak Ray: Solar and Renewable Energy Award and the CYSF Director's Award Erica van der Raadt: Rotary Clubs of Calgary Environmental Award Alexis Jolly: Dr. Grant MacEwan Nature Protection Award Maximo van der Raadt: ASM International Calgary Chapter Award Crystal Radinski: Devon Top Intermediate Award Takshil Jariwala: Hindle Architects Secondary Structure and Design Award Varun Kundra: Schulich School of Engineering First Prize Award Two students earned their way to the Canada-wide Science Fair held in May 2017.

National Sanofi Biogenius Challenge On May 10, 2017, Varun Kundra, represented Alberta at the National Sanofi Biogenius Challenge in Ottawa, Ontario. At this level, Varun earned 4th place in Canada for his electrode-based biosensor developed for the detection and diagnosis of CNS injuries.

Canada Science Fair

On May 14-20, 2017, our two high school representatives, Varun Kundra and Crystal Radinski, attended the Canada Science Fair in Regina, Saskatchewan. They reported that attending this fair was an immensely rewarding experience for the sake of networking and participating in many fun-filled Science Fair activities. In the end, Crystal Radinski was awarded the top intermediate award along with several other awards for her project on EEG Coherence as a Marker for Alzheimer's Dementia.

o Platinum Award - Best Intermediate Project o Excellence Award - Intermediate Gold Medal o Statistical Society of Canada and Biostatistics Section Award o Youth Can Innovate Award o Astra Zeneca Challenge Award - Health o Western University Scholarship

This is the first time a Webber student had earned the top award at the Canada Wide Science Fair.

Elementary Science Olympics Division I Science Olympics

Webber Academy sent nine Grade 2 and six Grade 3 students to participate in the Division I Category of the APEGA Science Olympics on May 21, 2017. These Science Olympians worked hard for months in preparation of the event and while in attendance demonstrated great sportsmanship and teamwork. Team #1 - Gold Medal: Sehej Batoo, Marie-Elise Cernelev, Nicolas Gallart, Sejane Kwan, Grace Wan

Team #2 - Gold Medal: Alexandra Blaufuss, Saaya Dhillon, Folakemi Doherty, Ivedigbo Makasi, Anika Shrivastav

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Team #3 - Silver Medal: Kale Esposito, Gordon Lu, Tanush Solankurkar, Victoria Wang, Eliza Wilson

Division II Science Olympics Ten students represented Webber Academy at the APEGA Science Olympics, in the Division II Category. The competition consisted of three separate challenges that required teams to use engineering, problem solving, and teamwork skills. Two teams were entered, and both teams had a lot of fun and were very successful.

Webber Wildcats Team #1 (Lawrence Chu, Shaan Dhesi, Margaret Palaia, Harmony Smith, Sneha Vadodariya) received the highest score for the third challenge, which consisted of building the tallest tower and bridge that can suspend an egg, they also finished with an overall score that secured a Silver Medal finish. Webber Wildcats Team #2 (Andreea Cobzaru, Michael Hrycak, Claudia Polsfut, Jaiden Sahota, Gabrielle Seal) received the highest overall score of all the teams becoming the only team in the Division II competition to receive a Gold Medal for their overall score.

High School Science Olympics

At the High School level, Webber Academy had two Science Olympics teams participate at the Calgary Science Olympics event. The students had a lot of fun making a delayed mechanism to deliver medicine, a tower that could withstand an earthquake and a bumper of a car. Both our teams did extremely well in all of the challenges.

Gold Medal Team: Paolo DeGuzman, Lauren Maharaj, Melissa Tsia, Jazz Singh, and Michael Woolsey. This team received Gold for their close to perfect scoring in the events.

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Silver Medal Team: Luna Amador, Denise Chu, Lynette Joshua, Erica Li, and Lynn

SciEngTech Challenge

On June 3, 2017, four 6-member teams from our Grade 10, 11, and 12 students participated in the Amazing Race style race at the University of Calgary campus. Students were running from challenge to challenge, solving science and math problems along the way. In the end one Webber team (Team M: Katie Kim, Mackenzie Mar, Darpal Patel, Christopher Tao, Maximo van der Raadt, and Bellinda Leyi Yin) came in third out of 41 teams.

CERN Beamline for Schools We are pleased that Webber Academy Grade 11 and 12 students had the opportunity to participate in the 2017 CERN Beamline Competition (European Council for Nuclear Research). On December 13, 2016, all interested students listened to Andrew Evans, a Webber Academy alumnus, explain what CERN is and what types of experiments are feasible at this world class facility.

Math Society On October 13, 2016, Senior High Math Society members were pleased to present a conversation with Rob Vollman. The discussion revolved around how Mr. Vollman’s career in analytics came to fruition, what it entails and what a Mathematics Degree could mean to them. Mr. Vollman is a long-time pioneer in the field of hockey analytics, and his popular innovations have helped to win Stanley Cups and Gold medals, and have been featured in Hockey News, the Washington Post, the Globe and Mail Rolling Stones and Forbes magazines.

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Math Stars Calgary Regional Competition On March 4, 2017, the annual Regional Math Competition was held at the University of Calgary, hosted by the Canadian Secondary School Mathematics Association. Webber Academy students: Jingyuan Chen, Arnav Kumar, Rob Li, and Jacob Rae placed 3rd as a team out of 35 teams; in addition, Jacob Rae earned 1st place overall, and to Arnav Kumar finished 2nd place.

Mathematics Contest

On May 10, 2017, Grade 7 and 8 students, as well as a small group of Grade 6 students, participated in the Gauss Mathematics Contest administered by the University of Waterloo. All participates had exceptional results.

Calgary Elementary School Math Competitions

Math Contest

Grade 2 student, Katherine Lin, earned a medal at the 2017 National Math Kangaroo Contest, and was ranked 21st nationwide out of 627 contestants.

Division II Math Contest

On June 10, 2017, seven Webber Academy Division II students were invited to attend the Mount Royal University Elementary Mathematics Competition Awards Ceremony. Over 2500 students in Calgary participated in this annual contest. With over 50 schools participating, Webber Academy placed third in the Grade 6 category. The following students were awarded medals: Grade 4/5 Contest Aidan Pfeifer - Bronze Medal Sahil Sahota - Bronze Medal Grade 6 Contest Andy Liu - Gold Medal Maya Besseling - Silver Medal Grigory Gorshenin - Silver Medal Andres Kozy Morales - Bronze Medal Thomas Gillies - Bronze Medal

Mathematics Achievement Grade 11 student, Hooman Farhadi, was acknowledged for his exceptional achievement on the University of Waterloo’s Fermat Mathematics Contest. As a result of his success, Hooman earned an invitation to the prestigious 4th Annual Exploring Mathematics and Computer Science Workshop (EMACS). This week-long enrichment opportunity took place in early July 2017, at the University of Waterloo and included lectures and several hours of advanced problem solving with like-minded, high-achieving young minds from across Canada and abroad.

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Student Achievement – FIRST Robotics

On September 17, 2016, Grade 12 student, Kai Hefner, shared his expertise in Robotics at a Beakernight event held in Calgary. As team leader for Team Alberta Tech Alliance, Kai showcased the award-winning robot created by his team. Over the previous summer, Kai and his team travelled to Shanghai, China, where they competed and earned Gold at the FIRST Robotics World Championships. Beakernight was a part of Beakerhead 2016, a four day mash-up of Science, Art and Engineering, and includes a variety of events all over the city. Senior School Robotics

Webber Academy held its first ever school robotics competition in the Performing Arts Centre on January 13, 2017. Teams from both the Junior High Robotics Club and Senior High Introductory Robotics course will be competing in a robotics challenge. Students, parents and teachers attended, visiting stations manned by our robotics students where they described their creations and gave lessons on how to control a robot. A team consisting of students: Tate Claggett, Kaleb Snyman, and Steven Wellens earned a Gold Medal over six other talented Webber teams in a series of robotics challenges, judged by members of our Senior School staff. Our Junior High Robotics team: Shruti Chakravarty, Jack He, Isaac Huang, Emily Jacobs, Vivian Olaya Martinez, Ye-Sung Park, Jaqueline Seal and Marco Zhao competed in the Crown Cup Invitational tournament held at SAIT on February 25, 2017. It was their first FLL competition and they did an excellent job, achieving outstanding results in all components of the competition. Their strong performance earned them the Best Rookie Team award.

Designer Genes Club

Students in Grades 10 to 12 participate in insolating, amplifying and sequencing a gene from a plant; both hands-on and theoretical knowledge is experienced.

Programming Club

Our Junior High students had an opportunity to be a part of a Programming Club, which met weekly to develop their technology skills.

Chess Club

Senior School students participated in this lunch-hour club which gave them a chance to learn and improve their skills in this strategic game. League matches were developed, with players participating in four preliminary placement matches. The results divided the students into categories: beginner, intermediate and advanced. Group matches ran throughout the semester to determine playoff contenders in each category.

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Law Day

Law Day is an annual event held at the Calgary Courts Centre sponsored by The Canadian Bar Association. The CBA sponsored Canada’s first Law Day on April 18, 1983. On April 22, 2017, fifteen of our High School students entered the Law Day Mock Trial and speech competition. Webber Academy Grade 10 student, Ye-Jean Park, presented an excellent speech proposing that Calgary should proceed with a bid to host the 2026 Olympics. Ye-Jean made it to the finals, impressing the judges with her remarks and enthusiasm.

Debate On September 28, 2016, Webber Academy hosted a New to Debate Workshop for eager youth who have never participated in Debate competition. A total of 267 students took part, representing 17 different schools. Webber Academy had 4 teams registered for the workshop/tournament, and our Senior School students volunteered to act as moderators. Students: Shounak Ray and Shreya Singh were awarded a Bronze Medal in the Open Team category.

The Junior High Regional Debate Championships were hosted by Twelve Mile Coulee School on February 25, 2016. Debaters, Awad Khalid and David Shao, qualified to compete in the Alberta Provincial Debate Tournament on March 4, 2017, at Lillian Osborne High School in Edmonton. The Senior High Regional Debate Championship tournament determines the rank of the teams for participation in the Provincial Championship. The number of qualifying teams for the Provincials is contingent on the number of entrants in Calgary and Edmonton. A ratio taken from these numbers determines the teams from both centers. The format for the tournament is Canadian National Style, and each debater must have attended at least 2 debates this year to qualify.

Webber Academy sent seven teams to compete in Regionals, which was held at Western Canada High School on February 11, 2017. Debaters: Akash Uppal and Ahmed Lone secured 3rd place, and Kash Pirani and Zeel Patel placed 5th. Akash and Ahmed fill two of six Calgary spots in the Open Category at Provincials. Individually, Shayan Hemmati was awarded a Silver Medal, while Kash Pirani took home a Bronze Medal. Additionally, Akash Uppal and Helena Cherniak-Kennedy placed 6th and 7th respectively, out of 72 debaters.

Senior High Alberta-Provincial Debate Championship

On March 4, 2017, qualifying Regional winning debaters from a variety of high schools attended this event in Edmonton, Alberta. Webber Academy sent two qualifying teams: Zeel Patel and Kash Pirani, Ahmed Lone and Akash Uppal to compete.

After a full day of competition, Webber Academy students: Ahmed Lone and Akash Uppal finished in 1st place making them the 2017 Senior High Alberta Debate Champions. This qualified Ahmed and Akash to move on to represent Alberta at the National Championships in Vancouver, BC, in April 2017.

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In addition to this most impressive accomplishment, our students swept the major individual awards. Ahmed Lone was the winner of the Mike Dorval Award, which goes to a Senior High student who best exemplifies the Spirit of Speech in the province. Akash Uppal was the recipient of the Janet Garten Award for the Senior High student who best exemplifies the Spirit of Debate in the province. Lastly, Kash Pirani was presented with the Ann Bradley Award, recognizing the Senior High student showing the most enthusiasm and commitment to both Debate and Speech in Alberta.


Webber Academy Speech Club comprised of students in Junior and Senior High. The first tournament of the year was on September 3, 2016, and the season of tournaments and events continued on through to February 2017.

Students competed throughout the season in a number of categories: Solo Acting, Duet Acting, Impromptu, Original Oratory, Oral Interpretation of Prose, Prose, Oral Interpretation of Poetry and Poetry. Webber Academy students consistently placed in the top 3 of each category throughout the season at all events attended.

Adding to the command of the art of speech, both Junior and Senior High Speech Club members attended at a competition at the Calgary French International School on November 18, 2016. The students showcased their French and Spanish skills at this bilingual speech tournament. Special recognition goes to: Luna Amador: Gold in Spanish Poetry (Senior) Karthika Diatha: Bronze in Spanish Poetry (Seniors) Min Kwon: Gold in Spanish Prose (Seniors) Samantha Cardenas: Silver in Spanish Prose (Senior) Vike Cheruve: Silver in French Poetry (Senior) Ye-Sun Park: Bronze in Spanish Poetry (Juniors) On December 3, 2016, thirty-eight Junior and Senior High students competed at a regional tournament held at Western Canada High School. As a result of their efforts at the regional tournament, the following students qualified for Provincials to be held in February: Junior Prose: Sarah Ha (Gold) Junior Poetry: Shounak Ray Junior Impromptu: Ryan Dion, Manal Kamran, Awad Khalid, Jerry Li, Zaeem Lone Senior Duet Acting: Shayan Hemmati and Zeel Patel (Gold), Samantha Cardenas and Erica Li (Silver) Senior Solo Acting: Maya Al Khalidi (Bronze) Senior Prose: Lynette Joshua Senior Poetry: Ye Jean Park (Silver), Mary Wan Senior Impromptu: Ahmed Lone, Kash Pirani (Gold)

Spanish Speech Competition

In November, Senior School students in Spanish classes explored Hispanic literature and competed in prose and poetry reading. The winner from each class then competed against one another. The Consulate General of Argentina sponsored the book prizes for the Senior High winners.

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Speech Provincials

On February 4, 2017, sixteen qualifying members of Webber Academy’s Senior School Speech Club attended the Provincial Championships. We acknowledge the achievements of the following students:

Manal Kamran: Bronze in Junior Impromptu Zaeem Lone: Silver in Junior Impromptu Samantha Cardenas and Erica Li: Gold in Senior Duet Acting Mary Wan: Bronze in Senior Poetry Ye-Jean Park: Gold in Senior Poetry Ahmed Lone: recipient of the prestigious Mike Dorval Award, given to the student who exemplifies the spirit of speech in the province.

Ye-Jean was selected to represent our province at Nationals in the 2017-18 year in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Speech Competition/Optimist International Oratorical Contest The local competition for the Optimist International Oratorical Contest, was held on March 11, 2017. The Webber Academy students who competed in this contest, delivered exemplary speeches about the importance of optimism. The official topic was “What the World Gains from Optimism”. Results: Rachael Hughes - Bronze (Grade 12) Ye-Jean Park - Silver (Grade 10) Eric Li - Bronze (Grade 8) Grade 10 student, Ye-Jean Park, competed in April 29, 2017, at the District level of the Optimist Oratorical Contest in Edmonton. She finished in first place overall, winning the $2,500 post-secondary scholarship, and will move on to the semi-finals of the Optimist International World Oratorical Contest. We are very proud of this talented and dedicated public speaker, and we wish Ye-Jean ongoing success. Having won the local and district contests with scholarships amounting to $2,500, she advanced to international competition. The Regional Championship took place on June 15, 2017, via tele-conference with judges at the University of St. Louis. Ye-Jean presented her speech entitled, “Optimism”. She finished in 1st place, winning a $5,000 post-secondary scholarship, and qualified for the world's finals. The World Championship final event took place June 16, 2017. Ye-Jean delivered her speech with poise, sincerity, and enthusiasm. We are so proud to announce that Ye-Jean finished in 3rd place and earned another $5,000 scholarship.

Poetry-in-Voice On February 2, 2017, the school Poetry-in-Voice finals were held at a Senior High assembly. Competing at the event: Arjan Grewal (Gr 12), Ruth Agwaze (Gr 11), Rheanna Mamdani (Gr 10), and Mary Wan (Gr 10). At the end of the assembly, Ruth Agwaze was awarded 1st place.

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Student Achievement - Essay Contests In February 2017, Webber Academy Grade 12 student, Rachel Hughes, was named a winner in the RBC Black History Month Student Essay Competition. She was awarded a post-secondary scholarship while being recognized in over 30 major media outlets, including the Globe and Mail and Yahoo Finance. On February 4, 2017, Rachel attended a ceremony at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #1 and was awarded 1st place in the senior essay division of the Royal Canadian Legion Remembrance Day Literary Contest, for the sixth consecutive year! Well Done Rachel!

Junior High Student Council Essay Contest The Junior High Student Council organized the 2nd Annual JH Webber Academy Essay Contest. Students in Grades 7-9 participated in writing a persuasive essay about why they are proud to be a student at Webber Academy. The top three essays:

Evin Chin: 1st place (Grade 9) Nneoma Wali: 2nd place (Grade 8) Shounak Ray: 3rd place (Grade 9) All three students received a monetary prize and their choice of a Webber Academy Spirit Gear item. The winning essays, demonstrated a tremendous amount of school pride.

Voices - Art & Literacy Magazine Webber Academy students created an Art and Literacy Magazine called Voices. This is a full-color magazine which is entirely student-run and features the art, photography, and writing of our Grade 7 to 12 students, with the layout and editing done by the Senior High students, under the direction of one of our English teachers, Ms. Leanne Shirtliffe. The entire school community enjoys the results of this publication.

Reach for the Top Senior School

Webber Academy students continued their interest and success by way of a tremendous registration this year from Senior School students for the Reach for the Top Team. The kept busy participating in tournaments throughout the season, including the annual Winter Celebration tournament (November 21, 2016), a fun ‘take on the Webber Academy teaching staff’ tournament (November 21, 2016), and a variety of other hosted and invitational tournaments. It was another successful year for our Reach for the Top student participants with the provincial competition taking place on April 22, 2017, at Webber Academy. There were a total of 36 teams competing in this tournament. Our Grade 7 team of Nolan Greenwood, Awad Khalid, Rob Li, Will Pirie,

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Jacob Rae, Hamza Shahzad and Christian Waldron went undefeated throughout the tournament to win a Gold Medal and became Provincial Champions. The Grade 8 team consisting of Ryan Dion, Sarah Fiedorek, Manal Kamran, Owen Kudar, Madeline Luntley and Kyle Venter captured Bronze after a close semifinal against another Webber team. The intermediate and senior teams also did well but both lost to the eventual provincial champions; the Grade 10 team having lost by a single question. Both of these teams went on to win the consolation finals. The Grade 9 team won the challenger championship at the intermediate level. We are very proud of the Grade 10 team for being named most sportsmanlike in their division.

Grade 6

Sixty-six grade 6 students participated in the in the Reach for the Top games, with a number of Senior School teachers leading the games and who helped throughout the season. Eleven teams competed every week, and showed lots of enthusiasm and great knowledge. The winning team was Team D - We the North. Congratulations to the following champions: Diego Acosta, Nathan Fedak, Jaiden Koonar, Andres Kozy, Alexander Tam, and Leo Zeng.

Model United Nations The 42nd annual High School Model United Nations Conference hosted by the University of Calgary, held over the February 25-26, 2017 weekend. More than 500 students from across Calgary and Alberta were present; 44 students from Webber Academy were in attendance. This is a weekend-long simulation of how the United Nations representatives meet to discuss issues and topics within the various UN committees. Attending students are assigned to a country, which they are responsible for representing in regards to policy of that country as a UN diplomate. They represent this country throughout all of the meetings, during formal and informal debate, and through the writing of resolutions. In the committee meetings students are challenged to address real world issues such as security issues in the South China Sea, developed safety protocols for medical personnel in conflict zones, and established frameworks to block financing for terrorist organizations worldwide. Congratulations to all of our students who dedicated significant time and effort in order to prepare for this event and for becoming so engaged in this simulation of international diplomacy.

Seoul, South Korea Model United Nation Conference

Ten Webber Academy High School students along with their coaches, Ramona Boyle and Erin Edmundson, spent the week of November 20-27, 2016, taking part in a MUN event that attracted students from all over the globe. In addition to networking and engaging in debate with other avid MUN participants, our students explored various locations in Seoul and got an opportunity to experience some the amazing culture this vibrant city has to offer.

Canadian Geographic Challenge Students in Grades 7 through 10 participated in the 22nd Annual Canadian Geographic Challenge, which covered areas as diverse as Biomes, National Parks, and Olympic competitions. Winners at each grade level then competed to represent Webber Academy at provincial competition. This is the third

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consecutive year Aaron Abraham (Grade 10) has earned that honour, and twice previously he made it to the National Championship. Congratulations to all participants, and in particular Aaron and our grade level winners: Grade 7: Awad Khalid and Jacob Rae (tied), Grade 8: Sarah Fiedorek, Grade 9: Nicholas Wilger, Grade 10: Talal Kamran.

National Geography Competition In 2015, Webber Academy student, Aaron Abraham, secured 2nd place nationwide in the National Geographic Competition, and in 2016 he finished in 5th place. This year, over 22,000 students representing 650 Canadian schools competed for the national title. The “Top 20” gathered Ottawa to compete in the final event at the Canadian War Museum. After a very challenging and impressive eight rounds of competition, Aaron earned a 3rd place finish.

Student Achievement - History Webber Academy Grade 12 student, Rachel Hughes, was selected as one of the winners in the 2016 Government of Canada History Awards. Rachel received a Certificate from the Department of Canadian Heritage, as well as $1,000 in prize money.

Calgary Police Youth Academy On May 18, 2017, a small number of Webber Academy students acted as problem solvers in a variety of challenging scenarios organized by members of the Calgary Police Service as part of their annual Youth Police Academy. The event took place at Heritage Park, and involved other Grade 12 students from throughout the City of Calgary. In addition to taking part in mock crisis situations, the students were introduced to accident reconstruction and tackled an obstacle course. Various police members, guest observers, and a physical trainer were truly impressed by the efforts and performance of our students.

U of C Event On May 13, 2017, six enthusiastic students in Grades 9 and 10 attended a Technovation event held at the University of Calgary. The Technovation Challenge is a world-wide initiative that seeks to engage young women in technology entrepreneurship. This event promoted technology and entrepreneurship skills among female students.

Career & University Symposium On May 1, 2017, all Webber Academy Senior High students participated in a Career and University Symposium, held on campus. We welcomed many presenters, including fifteen of Webber Academy’s own alumni, to address the area of transition to university and how to sustain success into university and beyond. Students also registered for small group sessions focusing on a variety of career choices and degree paths; including: medicine, law, theatre and film production, mathematics, nursing, geomatics, and engineering.

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Guinness World Record Webber Academy Grade 9 student, Elias Tetreault, completed his first marathon in the Calgary Scotiabank Marathon held in May, 2017. Not only did Elias complete the marathon, he was part of a 113-person team who ran the full course linked together by surgical tubing in support of research to find a cure for mitochondrial disease. TeamMito broke a record in the Guinness Book of World Records, and raised almost $150,000. Webber students Hooman Farhadi and Baasil Afzal ran the half marathon the same day and performed extremely well.

Senior School Bands Our Junior High and Senior High Jazz and Concert Bands held regular performances throughout the school year in the Theatre of our Performing Arts Centre, including: the Autumn Band Concert (October 20, 2016), the Senior School Winter Band Concert (December 6, 2016), the Webber Academy Senior School Night of Jazz (March 9, 2017), and the Annual Spring Band Festival Showcase (May 11, 2017). In addition, the Band students also enjoyed opportunities to perform off campus, as detailed below:

Junior High Band Junior High Music Retreat

The Junior High Band students participated in the annual three-day music retreat at Camp Caroline in February 2017. In addition to Camp Caroline staff, teachers and parents acted as chaperones throughout this retreat. Southern Alberta International Band Festival

On February 22, 2017, the Grade 8 & 9 Concert Band performed at the Southern Alberta International Band Festival, held at the University of Calgary Rozsa Centre. The students gave an amazing performance and received a tremendous amount of praise from the adjudicators. Band members, under the direction of Mr. Brent Pierce, received a Gold Award, which is the highest possible standing at the festival. Southern Alberta International Band Festival Beginner Band Minifest

On March 14, 2017, after showcasing their amazing talents, the Grade 7 Concert Band, comprised of a talented 48 individuals, received a Superior rating, the highest possible standing at the Southern Alberta International Band Festival Beginner Band Minifest, held at Bishop Carroll High School. Alberta Band Association Provincial Festival of Bands

On May 17, 2017, our Junior High Concert Bands performed in Red Deer as part of the Alberta Band Association Festival of Bands. Participation in this Festival is considered to be a valuable musical and educational experience for our Band students.

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While the festival is essentially a non-competitive event, there are occasions when select groups are recognized by the adjudication panel as deserving of special mention. We are proud to report that the both the Grade 7 Concert Band and the Grade 8 & 9 Concert Band, under the direction of Mr. Brent Pierce, both earned a Superior Award rating from the adjudicators. This is no easy task, as it is the highest possible rating and must meet the standard of “a first rate performance for the event”. In addition, the Grades 8 & 9 Concert Band was selected for an Adjudicator’s Award, which is a discretionary award given to a band for standing out above the rest.

Senior High Band Anaheim, California Trip

The Senior High Band students participated in a five-day excursion to Anaheim, California, beginning March 17, 2017. The band participated in workshops and gave performances while there, and got opportunities to enjoy Disneyland and Universal Studios.

Division I & II Music and Choir Our Division I and II Choirs, under the direction of their Music teachers: Miss Sarah Knapp and Ms. Patricia Clattenburg, were thrilled to perform both on and off campus for their parents. Our Choirs are always impressive with their phrasing, expression, and unique selection of songs that showcase their pleasing voices. The Choirs performed on several occasions in the Theatre of the Webber Academy Performing Arts Centre throughout the year, including: Remembrance Day Ceremonies, the Winter Concert, the Spring Festival Showcase, and Year End Ceremony.

Division I Choralfest

On March 17, 2017, our Division I Choir students in Grades 1, 2 and 3, under the direction of their

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music teacher, Sarah Knapp, attended the Knox United Church to perform as a part of Choralfest. The choir delivered a touching performance and was rewarded with much praise from the adjudicators and highest possible ratings. Calgary Performing Arts Festival

On April 27, 2017, our Division I Choir and their Director, Sarah Knapp, gave an outstanding performance at the Bethany Chapel, as part of the Calgary Performing Arts Festival. The choir received a Superior rating at the Festival, in addition to the Adjudicators Choice Award. They were also selected to represent Calgary at Provincials. The Alberta Music Festival Association - Provincials

In May 2017, our Division I Choir, under the Direction of Sarah Knapp, represented Calgary at the Provincial Alberta Musical Festival. They were awarded 2nd place in the province for their touching performances.

Division II Camp Caroline Music Retreat

The Division II Choir students (comprised of students in Grades 4, 5 and 6) attended the annual two-day music retreat at Camp Caroline in February 2017. In addition to Camp Caroline staff, teachers and parents acted as chaperones throughout this retreat. Choralfest

On March 16, 2017, our Division II Choir, under the direction of their Music teacher, Patricia Clattenburg, attended the Knox United Church to perform as a part of Choralfest. The choir delivered an incredibly heartfelt performance and was rewarded with much praise from the adjudicators and highest possible ratings. Calgary Performing Arts Festival

On April 26, 2017, our Division II Choir and their Director, Patricia Clattenburg, performed at the Bethany Chapel, as part of the Calgary Performing Arts Festival. The Division II Choir also received the Adjudicators Choice Award (the George Wiens Memorial) scholarship, along with a Superior rating, and was selected to represent Calgary at Provincials. The Alberta Music Festival Association - Provincials

In May 2017, our Division II Choir, under the Direction of Patricia Clattenburg, represented Calgary at the Provincial Alberta Musical Festival. They were awarded 1st place in the province for their outstanding performances. Winter Concert The Division II Winter Concert on December 15, 2016, comprised of the efforts of the Grades 4, 5 and 6 students, and the Division II Choir, presented the “The Guest Children”, a truly Canadian evening of art, drama and song, on the eve of a year when Canadians across the country will celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Confederation. This performance was held in the Theatre of our Performing Arts

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Centre. Under the tutelage and direction of Ms. Patricia Clattenburg for the music, and Mrs. Jennifer Leong for the acting/direction, the show was a tremendous hit with the audience.

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Drama Performance by Grade 4 Students In June 2017, three classes of Grade 4 students put on entertaining performances of Harriet/Harry the Hamburger for the Webber Academy community and guests. This is a fun-filled play that focuses on the human digestive system.

Senior School Drama

Junior High Drama

The Junior High Drama Club devoted many hours into the production of “Stagecraft: The Video Game” by Wade Bradford and “The Internet is Distract-Oh, Look a Kitten!” on November 17, 2016, in the Theatre of our Performing Arts Centre.

Senior High Drama

Our Senior High Advanced Acting and Technical Theatre students put on a production of “Cinderella”, took place on November 30 and December 1, 2016. Families, students and staff were invited to watch this pantomime production which involved music and slapstick humor.

The Senior High Advanced Acting students also put on a performance of “Alice in Wonderland” in front of an attentive and appreciative Elementary school audience on April 21, 2017.

A two-night performance by the High School Drama students, of a comedic-murder mystery entitled “Murder in the Knife Room”, took place on May 31 and June 1, 2017. The performance was well received and enjoyed by all in attendance.

The Legacy Project

A group of Senior High students collect bottles and cans from campus for recycling, and the funds earned from this daily, year-round work are given to both local, provincial and/or international charities. In 2016-17, our students focused solely on our prime international charity, KIVA. This organization provides loans to small entrepreneurs in emerging nations who do not have the collateral to be able to take out loans from a bank in order to invest in a business, their farm, a fishing coop or in education, among other pursuits. About 97% of these loans are paid back, and then we can re-invest that money in other people’s dreams. This school year, via KIVA, our Legacy Project was able to provide $21,900 in loans to people who otherwise would not be able to break out of the cycle of poverty. Since its inception in 2011, the Legacy Project has provided 131 loans, totaling in excess of $60,675 to small entrepreneurs in 32 countries. Congratulations to all the Legacy volunteers for their commitment to community service, and especially to the student executive: Emma Selleck, Rachel Hughes, Nicole Butler, Katie Kim, Zeel Patel, Ahmed Lone and Jack Parker.

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Food Bank Drive In November 2016, Division I and II students kicked off December charity initiatives, by becoming involved in a food bank drive. Each student in Grades 1 through 6 were asked to consider bringing in non-perishable food items, and the generous response was tremendous. The donations were collected by members of the Canadian military, with the assistance of student volunteers coordinated by WASSU (Webber Academy Senior Student Union). In addition, the Community Service Club organized the Sock-It-To-Wylie campaign. This campaign welcomes the donation of mittens, socks and toques to deliver to Project Warmth who will ensure these necessary winter items are delivered to those in need.

Junior High Student Council Charity Drive Every year, the Junior High Student Council completed a "Food Drive Incentive" to get students in Junior High to bring in more food to offer to the food bank. They were very successful in their results. Our Junior High students also donated $500 to the food drive from funds raised through dances and movie nights.

High School Spirit Week

The Webber Academy Senior Students Union (WASSU) once again organized Spirit Week for High School students and staff. The goal being to celebrate our Senior High Webber Community by having teachers join with students to participate in a variety of fun-filled events.

WASSU has organized a Spirit Week for high school students with events that included a Pie-A-Prof auction performed during the hour with proceeds going to the Calgary Children’s Cottage. The week also included lunch time activities such as a Poetry-Slam where students wrote impromptu poem and recited them in front of their peers, and a Teachers vs. Students basketball contest are other lunch time activities planned for this week."



Calgary Independent School Athletics Association (C.I.S.A.A.) Championship Banner Teams: o Senior High Cross Country - secured 1st place standing after their initial race and carried that

consistency to the end of the season, winning the championship for the 6th straight year. o Junior Varsity Girls Volleyball o Grade 8 Boys Basketball o Senior Varsity Girls Basketball - won their way to the ASAA Provincial Championships.

Division I & II

Throughout the school year, in addition to our regular physical education curriculum, our students in Grades 1-6 are involved in a variety of additional programs. Intramurals are offered at different times in the year: basketball, soccer, floor hockey, volleyball, badminton and handball.

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As well, we give students an opportunity to sign up for different clubs: Division I and II Cross-Country Running Club (fall and the spring); Division II Soccer Club (fall); D-League Grade 6 Volleyball Club; and Division I & II D-League Basketball Club (May-June).

Senior School

Wildcats Athletics’ highlights for the 2016-2017 athletics season was full of exciting and memorable moments. Many of our teams experienced a great deal of success, but all held true to the tradition that makes Wildcats Athletics what it is today. It is an athletics program where student athletes can participate to the best of their ability in a safe caring and supportive environment. Winning comes a distance second to sportsmanship, effort, responsibility, and integrity. Our Junior and Senior High Athletic program offers a number of sports for our students to participate in: golf, cross-country running, volleyball, basketball, badminton, soccer, rugby, and track & field. Impressive team efforts through the season resulted in great success. Varsity Basketball Trip

This year the Varsity Basketball players and coaches travelled to California to compete in the Mount Miguel Classic Tournament. It was an amazing experience for all, and an athletic challenge competing with such a variety of teams from the United States. Athlete/Team Highlight Achievements Cross Country

As a result of outstanding performances during local Cross Country competitions, Grade 10 student, Paul Mackenzie, earned his way to the Senior High Cross Country Provincial Championships held in Cochrane, Alberta. Paul finished 19th out of field of 94 runners. Golf

At the C.I.S.A.A. tournament, the Junior High Golf Team did exceptionally well: Sydney Kostreba (8/9 Girls Category) - Gold Alex Alexeev, Jag Dhah and Christian Waldron - Top 10 in their respective categories Volleyball

C.I.S.A.A. Championships: Grade 7 Girls - Bronze Medal Grade 8 Girls - Bronze Medal Junior Varsity Girls - had an undefeated season that ended with a thrilling victory and a Gold Medal. Senior Varsity Girls - advanced to the league championship for 3rd consecutive year. In November 2016, C.I.S.A.A. held the Senior Varsity Volleyball All-Star Game and the following Webber Academy athletes were nominated to take part in this friendly competition: Kaela Arts, Nicole Butler, Shayan Hemmati, Nicolas Lasaleta, Julia Prather, Emma Selleck and Magnus Tetreault.

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All eight teams (JH/SH) advanced to the C.I.S.A.A. Championship playoffs due to their tremendous year of play. Grade 7 Boys - Bronze Medal Grade 7 Girls - Silver Medal Grade 8 Boys - Gold Medal Grade 8/9 Girls - 4th place Junior Varsity Boys - Silver Medal Senior Varsity Girls - Advanced to the ASAA Provincial Championships in 9th place in the province, and finished in 6th place.

Senior Varsity Boys Basketball team, coached by Mike Asmus and Jason Baillie, were ranked as the #7 for 2A Boys Basketball team in the province. An incredible accomplishment due to their hard work and focused commitment. Our tremendous athletes worked diligently to capture 1st place in all three tournaments they entered this season. In April 2017, C.I.S.A.A. held their Basketball All-Star Game and the following Webber Academy athletes were named to participate in this competition: Ruth Agwaze, Taylor Blaisdell, Mackenzie Gilewicz, Divya Goel, Elizabeth Hosman, Matthew Hosman, Aisha Omidiya, Sang Park and Udo Wali. They were coached by Samantha Zanini, who was also selected for the special event. Track & Field

Senior Varsity Track & Field The team attended the C.I.S.A.A. Championships where our high school team finished 2nd place overall, advancing 12 students on to the Calgary City Championships. Junior High Track & Field

Grade 7 athlete Christian Olowu won the Aggregate Award for top overall Grade 7 male. He placed 3rd in the long jump event and 1st in the 100m, 200m, high jump and 4x100m.

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Soccer C.I.A.A. Results: 7/8 Tier 2 Soccer Team - Silver Medal 8/9 Soccer Team - Silver Medal

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Athletic Achievements At the year-end ceremonies, Webber Academy proudly recognized our student athletes and volunteer coaches. Individuals who participated in the athletics program are eligible to nominate a Coach of the Year and Team of the Year. Athletic Highlights recognized:

o Coach of the Year: Holly Blake (8/9 Girls’ Basketball Team and D League Basketball for Division I)

o Team of the Year: Senior Varsity Girls Basketball team, coached by Samantha Zanini o Junior High Female Athlete of the Year: Ashley Truesdale o Junior High Male Athlete of the Year: Christian Vathyam o Senior High Female Athlete of the Year: Taylor Blaisdell o Senior High Male Athlete of the Year: Jack Parker

Alumni News On January 6, 2017, our school proudly hosted an Alumni Volleyball/Basketball tournament and social. It was a wonderful opportunity for several members of staff to catch up with 25 alumni who attended the event. Our Varsity Girls and Boys Basketball teams also took part as they competed against Webber Academy graduates.

Visit by the Calgary Stampeders On March 8, 2017, the Calgary Stampeders CFL Football Club challenged our Senior Boys Varsity Basketball team in a friendly basketball match at Webber Academy. The gymnasium was packed with students, staff and Stampeder representatives, who all came out to cheer the teams on. It was an energy was electric and the athletic entertainment was outstanding.

Field Trips Every class from Grade 1 to Grade 6 go off-campus for field trips three times annually, and there are a number of in-class field trips as well. The field trips are aligned with curriculum and learning outcomes. Included in the off-campus yearly field trips are the anticipated Grade 6 trip to Ottawa, Ontario (Supreme Court of Canada, Parliament Hill and Museums) in October, and our Grade 5 trip to Edmonton, Alberta (Alberta Legislature) in April. In April, all Grade 2 students spent the day at Heritage Park to experience what it might have been like to be a prairie student decades in the past. This annual event is among the top favourites for our students as well as our Grade 2 teaching team. Participants (students, teachers and parent volunteers) are encouraged to wear pioneer clothing, bring along an appropriately packed lunch and, if desired, a hobby horse to be housed in a makeshift barn for most of the day.

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On June 2, 2017, our Grade 6 students spent the morning at Sue Higgins Park participating in a tree-planting field trip. The students all felt the importance of the event and enjoyed the hard work and effort. In Senior School, there are numerous and varied excursions for students to enjoy including overnight orientation camps, Calgary Theatre performances and much more. In the Spring, the students from our various languages classes travel to a country whose dialect they study: China, France and Spain. This is a much anticipated trip, and was successful on many levels for the all students and staff who attended.

Elementary School Spelling Bee There were many students who joined and participated in the Webber Academy Elementary School Spelling Bee Team. This amazing group of students spent months studying lists, totaling 500 words, in preparation for the series of Elimination Spelling Bees. The Elimination Bees included grade level and division competitions, until it was narrowed down to: Top Three Spellers from Division I: Merrit Kawakami (Grade 3) - 1st place, Lucca Muir (Grade 3) - 2nd place, and Tanush Solankurkar (Grade 3) - 3rd place. Top Three Spellers from Division II: Caroline Ge (Grade 6) - 1st place, Summit Kawakami (Grade 5) - 2nd place, and Margaret Palaia (Grade 6) - 3rd place. All six students went on to compete at the annual Webber Academy Elementary Final Spelling Bee, held on May 5, 2017. These students were competing for the top three positions, impressing the audience with their spelling skills. Recognition goes to: Merrit Kawakami (Grade 3) - 1st place, Caroline Ge (Grade 6) - 2nd place, and Margaret Palaia (Grade 6) - 3rd place.

Calgary Invitational Spelling Bee On Saturday, June 3, 2017, Webber Academy was proud to host the 5thAnnual Shaw TV Calgary Invitational Spelling Bee. There were 72 spellers representing 27 Calgary schools who participated in this exciting event and an edited version was televised on Shaw TV. The following Webber Academy students were in attendance to represent our school in the competition: Merrit Kawakami, Lucca Muir and Tanush Solankurkar (all Grade 3 students), Caroline Ge (Grade 6), Summit Kawakami (Grade 5) and Margaret Palaia (Grade 6). At the end of the thrilling competition, Webber Academy Grade 3 student, Tanush Solankurkar, placed 2nd earning a silver medal in Division I; and Webber Academy Grade 5 student, Summit Kawakami, also placed 2nd earning a silver medal for Division II.

Chess Club There was tremendous interest and participation in our year-long Chess Club for Elementary students, under the direction of chess master, Mr. Roy Yearwood.

The school hosted its first Inter School Chess Tournament: Webber Academy Halloween Howl on October 30, 2016 in our Performing Arts Theatre. The competition included four divisions with a

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maximum of 30 participants in each division (Division I: Grades 1-3, Division II: Grades 4-6, Division III: Grades 7-9, and Division IV: Grades 10-12).

Division I: Grade 3 student, Manish Samy, secured 3rd place Division III: Grade 8 student, Jerry Li, earned his way to 1st place

Ballet Club The overwhelming response of Division I students interested in the Webber Academy Ballet Club, which began in the 2015-16 school year, made it an easy decision to continue with the club in 2016-17. The Ballet Club, lead under the direction of Grade 4 teacher, Miss Chloë Koshman, focused on learning the intricacies of dance in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. Between 40-60 students participate in the program throughout the year, with the performance of a piece of Black Swan wowing the audience at our Winter Concert; and at our Spring Festival Showcase, an underwater Hondo Agujero rendition was performed.

Dance Explosion Club An exciting new club was introduced to Division II students. This fun club, run by Drama teacher Leeanne McLim, is a great introduction to the world of dance and explores a variety of styles as students explore jazz, musical theatre, contemporary and hip hop. Approximately 40 students participated throughout the year. The students performed in the school’s Spring Festival Showcase, delighting the audience with their rhythm and dance moves.

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Senior School Talent Show The Webber Academy Graduation Fundraising Committee organized the Eighth Annual Webber Academy Talent Show, which took place on May 18, 2017, in the Theatre of our Performing Arts Centre. Music, comedy, song, dance and soliloquy commanded the stage to an appreciative and attentive audience.

Parent Council Parent Council arranged a GirlPower & GoodGuys parent presentation on October 25, 2016. It was a valuable presentation given by Dana Kerford, founder of URSTRONG (GirlPower & GoodGuys), to Webber parents interested in identifying additional strategies to help their child(ren) create and maintain healthy friendships. Expert instruction and handouts were provided to parents as tools to enhance the social-emotional wellbeing of their children through friendship skills.

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While this presentation is designed for parents of children in Grades 1- 6, all Webber parents were welcome to attend. On January 26, 2017, the Parent Resources Committee invited all Webber Academy parents to a special presentation featuring Mr. Paul Davis, an established TED Talks speaker and expert on Social Networking Safety, in our Performing Arts Centre Theatre. The enlightening topic for the presentation was “Social Media Safety”, regarding minimizing the possibility of our children falling victim to cyber-bullying, data-hacking, and other risks associated with the internet. On April 20, 2017, guest speaker, Dr. Kelly Schwartz, Associate Professor, School and Applied Child Psychology - Werklund School of Education, held an insightful presentation to Webber Academy parents on “Understanding and Managing Adolescent Anxiety”.

Special Student Assemblies & Author Visit On November 3, 2016, as a part of our preparation for Remembrance Day, accomplished Alberta author, Sigmund Brouwer, delivered a special multi-media presentation, which combines a literacy/story message and the Battle of Vimy Ridge. This presentation was arranged for our students from Senior Kindergarten to Grade 2. He based his presentation on his book about the Battle of Vimy Ridge and how war animals helped to make a difference. Mr. Brouwer returned on January 27, 2017, for a second visit, presenting to our students in Grades 3 to 5 and then to students in Grades 6 to 8. He came to present “The Rock & Roll Literacy Show”, a literacy session for students. The upbeat, uplifting and inspiring presentation was thoroughly enjoyed. On April 18, 2017, students in Junior and Senior Kindergarten and Grade 1 enjoyed a performance entitled Munsch Mania, based on the notable work of children’s author, Robert Munsch. Resident author, Leanne Shirtliffe, entertained our students from Junior and Senior Kindergarten through to Grade 2, with her first non-fiction book called “The Great Thunder”, in honor of the Fort McMurray fires. Lastly, Calgary author Lisa Bowes, put on an enjoyable presentation of her works, including her latest book “Lucy Plays Soccer”, to our students in Junior and Senior Kindergarten through to Grade 2.

Kindergarten Mother’s Day Tea The Webber Academy Senior Kindergarten classes once again hosted a Mother’s Day Tea in the foyer of our Performing Arts Centre on May 12, 2017. The lucky moms received creative artwork and lovely written messages prepared by their children and were also treated to song and dance performed by these talented students.

Parent Volunteer Appreciation Tea Webber Academy hosted a Parent Volunteer Appreciation Tea on June 6, 2017, to recognize the tremendous contribution of our parent volunteers. This event is an annual opportunity for staff to extend thanks to our parent group for their generous support throughout this school year.

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Parent Council Hosted a Staff Appreciation Luncheon On June 9, 2017, our dedicated Parent Council hosted a lovely Staff Appreciation Luncheon which was a significant highlight of the year for all employees. The Parent Council arranged a delicious meal for our staff members, ensured each staff member received a “Bag of Gratitude” (a bag filled with cards expressing heartfelt words of thanks), and gave staff a rare break from supervision duties which were graciously covered by a team of enthusiastic parents. Staff members were very moved by these gestures. It meant a great deal that so many parents took the time to express gratitude for the hard work being done in support of their children.

Grade 6 Air Band Performance An end of the year Grade 6 Air Band Concert took place on June 28, 2017, in the Theatre of our Performing Arts Centre to the anticipated delight of the entire Elementary student body. As a farewell to everyone in Elementary, the Grade 6’s performed Air Band skits/renditions of songs: emotional, groovy, comedic - each group brought something different to the audience. It was evident that the students put significant effort into preparing for this event. An Air Band goodbye has become a tradition at Webber Academy, and somewhat of a privilege for our Grade 6 students to engage in as they move on to Junior High education. The performances are always well received by the younger students.

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School/Grounds Enhancements

Courtyard Development The courtyard area on the east-side of our school underwent a complete overhaul in order to beautify and upgrade the space so that it would be more inviting and comfortable for our student population and visitors. Construction began at the onset of the summer 2017 break and was ready for our school’s Welcome Back BBQ at the end of September. The Welcome Back BBQ once again resulted in over 1000 attendees.

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Combined 2017 Accountability Pillar Overall Summary (Required for Public/Separate/Francophone/Charter School Authorities and Level 2 Private Schools)

Measure Category Measure Webber Academy Alberta Measure Evaluation

Current Result

Prev Year Result

Prev 3 Year Average

Current Result

Prev Year Result

Prev 3 Year Average Achievement Improvement Overall

Safe and Caring Schools Safe and Caring 94.9 94.3 93.9 89.5 89.5 89.3 Very High Maintained Excellent

Student Learning Opportunities

Program of Studies 89.0 90.7 88.8 81.9 81.9 81.5 Very High Maintained Excellent Education Quality 97.1 96.2 95.8 90.1 90.1 89.6 Very High Improved Excellent Drop Out Rate 0.4 1.2 0.8 3.0 3.2 3.3 Very High Maintained Excellent High School Completion Rate (3 yr) 93.0 98.8 95.6 77.9 76.5 76.1 Very High Maintained Excellent

Student Learning Achievement (Grades K-9)

PAT: Acceptable 99.4 100.0 99.5 73.4 73.6 73.2 Very High Maintained Excellent PAT: Excellence 82.3 84.2 77.7 19.5 19.4 18.8 Very High Improved Excellent

Student Learning Achievement (Grades 10-12)

Diploma: Acceptable 100.0 99.0 99.4 83.0 82.7 83.1 Very High Maintained Excellent Diploma: Excellence 68.4 64.5 67.4 22.2 21.2 21.5 Very High Maintained Excellent Diploma Exam Participation Rate (4+ Exams) 93.0 96.7 97.8 54.9 54.6 53.1 Very High Declined Good

Rutherford Scholarship Eligibility Rate 100.0 100.0 100.0 62.3 60.8 60.8 n/a Maintained n/a

Preparation for Lifelong Learning, World of Work, Citizenship

Transition Rate (6 yr) 47.6 53.4 52.0 57.9 59.4 59.3 Intermediate Maintained Acceptable Work Preparation 96.7 94.8 93.8 82.7 82.6 81.9 Very High Improved Excellent Citizenship 91.3 91.5 91.4 83.7 83.9 83.6 Very High Maintained Excellent

Parental Involvement Parental Involvement 83.4 84.9 81.6 81.2 80.9 80.7 Very High Maintained Excellent Continuous Improvement School Improvement 87.7 85.5 85.3 81.4 81.2 80.2 Very High Improved Excellent Notes:

1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*).

2. Overall evaluations can only be calculated if both improvement and achievement evaluations are available.

3. Results for the ACOL measures are available in the detailed report: see "ACOL Measures" in the Table of Contents.

4. Survey results for the province and school authorities were impacted by the changes in the number of students responding to the survey through the introduction of the OurSCHOOL/TTFM (Tell Them From Me) survey in 2014.

5. Aggregated PAT results are based upon a weighted average of percent meeting standards (Acceptable, Excellence). The weights are the number of students enrolled in each course. Courses included: English Language Arts (Grades 6, 9, 9 KAE); Français (Grades 6, 9); French Language Arts (Grades 6, 9); Mathematics (6, 9, 9 KAE); Science (Grades 6, 9, 9 KAE); and Social Studies (Grades 6, 9, 9 KAE).

6. Participation in Provincial Achievement Tests was impacted by the flooding in June 2013 (Grade 9 only) and by the fires in May to June 2016. Caution should be used when interpreting trends over time for the province and those school authorities affected by these events.

7. Aggregated Diploma results are a weighted average of percent meeting standards (Acceptable, Excellence) on Diploma Examinations. The weights are the number of students writing the Diploma Examination for each course. Courses included: English Language Arts 30-1; English Language Arts 30-2; French Language Arts 30-1; Français 30-1; Mathematics 30-1; Mathematics 30-2; Chemistry 30; Physics 30; Biology 30; Science 30; Social Studies 30-1; and Social Studies 30-2.

8. Caution should be used when interpreting evaluations and results over time for Mathematics 30-1/30-2, as equating was not in place until the 2016/17 school year. Alberta Education does not comment on province wide trends until it has five years of equated examination data.

9. Participation in Diploma Examinations was impacted by the flooding in June 2013 and by the fires in May to June 2016. Caution should be used when interpreting trends over time for the province and those school authorities affected by these events.

10. Weighting of school-awarded marks in diploma courses increased from 50% to 70% in the 2015/2016 school year. Caution should be used when interpreting trends over time.

11. Due to the change from previous data source systems to Provincial Approach to Student Information (PASI), Rutherford Scholarship Eligibility Rate results prior to 2015 are not available.

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Combined 2017 Accountability Pillar First Nations, Métis and Inuit Summary (Required for Public/Separate/Francophone School Authorities)

[No Data for Overall Summary - FNMI]

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. Overall evaluations can only be calculated if both improvement and achievement evaluations are available. 3. Aggregated PAT results are based upon a weighted average of percent meeting standards (Acceptable, Excellence). The weights are the number of students enrolled in each course. Courses included:

English Language Arts (Grades 6, 9, 9 KAE); Français (Grades 6, 9); French Language Arts (Grades 6, 9); Mathematics (6, 9, 9 KAE); Science (Grades 6, 9, 9 KAE); and Social Studies (Grades 6, 9, 9 KAE).

4. Participation in Provincial Achievement Tests was impacted by the flooding in June 2013 (Grade 9 only) and by the fires in May to June 2016. Caution should be used when interpreting trends over time for the province and those school authorities affected by these events.

5. Aggregated Diploma results are a weighted average of percent meeting standards (Acceptable, Excellence) on Diploma Examinations. The weights are the number of students writing the Diploma Examination for each course. Courses included: English Language Arts 30-1; English Language Arts 30-2; French Language Arts 30-1; Français 30-1; Mathematics 30-1; Mathematics 30-2; Chemistry 30; Physics 30; Biology 30; Science 30; Social Studies 30-1; and Social Studies 30-2.

6. Caution should be used when interpreting evaluations and results over time for Mathematics 30-1/30-2, as equating was not in place until the 2016/17 school year. Alberta Education does not comment on province wide trends until it has five years of equated examination data.

7. Participation in Diploma Examinations was impacted by the flooding in June 2013 and by the fires in May to June 2016. Caution should be used when interpreting trends over time for the province and those school authorities affected by these events.

8. Weighting of school-awarded marks in diploma courses increased from 50% to 70% in the 2015/2016 school year. Caution should be used when interpreting trends over time. 9. Due to the change from previous data source systems to Provincial Approach to Student Information (PASI), Rutherford Scholarship Eligibility Rate results prior to 2015 are not available. 10. Student demographic data used when calculating Student Outcome Measures and Provincial Achievement Tests results was updated in October 2016. This impacted results based on enrolment (e.g.,

self-identified First Nations, Metis and Inuit), exception (e.g., learning disability) and grant program codes (e.g., English as Second Language students) reported in previous years.

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Measure Evaluation Reference (Optional)

Achievement Evaluation Achievement evaluation is based upon a comparison of Current Year data to a set of standards which remain consistent over time. The Standards are calculated by taking the 3 year average of baseline data for each measure across all school jurisdictions and calculating the 5th, 25th, 75th and 95th percentiles. Once calculated, these standards remain in place from year to year to allow for consistent planning and evaluation. The table below shows the range of values defining the 5 achievement evaluation levels for each measure.

Measure Very Low Low Intermediate High Very High Safe and Caring 0.00 - 77.62 77.62 - 81.05 81.05 - 84.50 84.50 - 88.03 88.03 - 100.00 Program of Studies 0.00 - 66.31 66.31 - 72.65 72.65 - 78.43 78.43 - 81.59 81.59 - 100.00 Education Quality 0.00 - 80.94 80.94 - 84.23 84.23 - 87.23 87.23 - 89.60 89.60 - 100.00 Drop Out Rate 100.00 - 9.40 9.40 - 6.90 6.90 - 4.27 4.27 - 2.79 2.79 - 0.00 High School Completion Rate (3 yr) 0.00 - 57.03 57.03 - 62.36 62.36 - 73.88 73.88 - 81.79 81.79 - 100.00 PAT: Acceptable 0.00 - 66.07 66.07 - 70.32 70.32 - 79.81 79.81 - 84.64 84.64 - 100.00 PAT: Excellence 0.00 - 9.97 9.97 - 13.44 13.44 - 19.56 19.56 - 25.83 25.83 - 100.00 Diploma: Acceptable 0.00 - 71.45 71.45 - 78.34 78.34 - 84.76 84.76 - 87.95 87.95 - 100.00 Diploma: Excellence 0.00 - 9.55 9.55 - 12.59 12.59 - 19.38 19.38 - 23.20 23.20 - 100.00 Diploma Exam Participation Rate (4+ Exams) 0.00 - 31.10 31.10 - 44.11 44.11 - 55.78 55.78 - 65.99 65.99 - 100.00 Transition Rate (6 yr) 0.00 - 39.80 39.80 - 46.94 46.94 - 56.15 56.15 - 68.34 68.34 - 100.00 Work Preparation 0.00 - 66.92 66.92 - 72.78 72.78 - 77.78 77.78 - 86.13 86.13 - 100.00 Citizenship 0.00 - 66.30 66.30 - 71.63 71.63 - 77.50 77.50 - 81.08 81.08 - 100.00 Parental Involvement 0.00 - 70.76 70.76 - 74.58 74.58 - 78.50 78.50 - 82.30 82.30 - 100.00 School Improvement 0.00 - 65.25 65.25 - 70.85 70.85 - 76.28 76.28 - 80.41 80.41 - 100.00 Notes: 1) For all measures except Drop Out Rate: The range of values at each evaluation level is interpreted as greater than or equal to the lower

value, and less than the higher value. For the Very High evaluation level, values range from greater than or equal to the lower value to 100%.

2) Drop Out Rate measure: As "Drop Out Rate" is inverse to most measures (i.e. lower values are "better"), the range of values at each evaluation level is interpreted as greater than the lower value and less than or equal to the higher value. For the Very High evaluation level, values range from 0% to less than or equal to the higher value.

Improvement Table For each jurisdiction, improvement evaluation consists of comparing the Current Year result for each measure with the previous three-year average. A chi-square statistical test is used to determine the significance of the improvement. This test takes into account the size of the jurisdiction in the calculation to make improvement evaluation fair across jurisdictions of different sizes. The table below shows the definition of the 5 improvement evaluation levels based upon the chi-square result.

Evaluation Category Chi-Square Range Declined Significantly 3.84 + (current < previous 3-year average) Declined 1.00 - 3.83 (current < previous 3-year average) Maintained less than 1.00 Improved 1.00 - 3.83 (current > previous 3-year average) Improved Significantly 3.84 + (current > previous 3-year average) Overall Evaluation Table The overall evaluation combines the Achievement Evaluation and the Improvement Evaluation. The table below illustrates how the Achievement and Improvement evaluations are combined to get the overall evaluation.

Achievement Improvement Very High High Intermediate Low Very Low Improved Significantly Excellent Good Good Good Acceptable Improved Excellent Good Good Acceptable Issue Maintained Excellent Good Acceptable Issue Concern Declined Good Acceptable Issue Issue Concern Declined Significantly Acceptable Issue Issue Concern Concern Category Evaluation The category evaluation is an average of the Overall Evaluation of the measures that make up the category. For the purpose of the calculation, consider an Overall Evaluation of Excellent to be 2, Good to be 1, Acceptable to be 0, Issue to be -1, and Concern to be -2. The simple average (mean) of these values rounded to the nearest integer produces the Category Evaluation value. This is converted back to a colour using the same scale above (e.g. 2=Excellent, 1=Good, 0=Intermediate, -1=Issue, -2=Concern)

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Outcome One: Alberta’s students are successful

Performance Measure Results (in percentages) Target Evaluation Targets

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 Achievement Improvement Overall 2018 2019 2020 Overall percentage of students in Grades 6 and 9 who achieved the acceptable standard on Provincial Achievement Tests (overall cohort results).

99.6 99.1 99.4 100.0 99.4

Very High Maintained Excellent

Overall percentage of students in Grades 6 and 9 who achieved the standard of excellence on Provincial Achievement Tests (overall cohort results).

77.0 72.8 76.1 84.2 82.3

Very High Improved Excellent

Comment on Results

The school is extremely pleased with the academic success of the student population. The overall percentage of Grade 6 and 9 students achieving the Standard of Excellence increased significantly.


The school will continue to provide chess instruction to students in Grades 3, 4, 5 & 6 under the tutelage of an Alberta Chess Master. The Chess Club will incorporate opportunities for participants to engage in games, specific strategic challenges, and tournaments. Dr. Webber, the Head of School is committed to ensuring the availability of a Chess Master to be the primary instructor for the Chess Club program. The current contracted worker is Mr. Roy Yearwood who has over thirty years of experience with the Alberta chess community. Mr. Yearwood has been a member of the Calgary Chess Club executive for fifteen years and serves on the Alberta Chess Association executive representing Calgary at the provincial level. Teaching teams will continue to meet each Fall for the purpose of conducting a focused reflection review on PAT results, examine program content and delivery, and identify the successful elements with along areas for growth. Several core subject teachers in Grades 6 to 12 have adopted an action plan that includes power hour instruction to students who are struggling with aspects of the curriculum to ensure they improve upon learning outcomes. School Language Arts teachers continue to participate in local marking of the ELA exams resulting in an enhanced understanding of provincial expectations. Teacher work hard to ensure scheduled class time is meaningful with specific objectives to meet and additional instructional time is available for students who may require extra assistance in order to master the mathematical concepts being taught. Webber Academy will continue to set high standards for staff and students and maintain a strong focus on early literacy and numeracy by providing staff with clear expectations and ongoing opportunities for professional development. A key component to the ongoing success of our programs is the focus that is put on improving the writing skills, literacy and basic Math skills of young learners.

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Another strategy for ongoing success has been to identify passionate educators, who are also avid readers, who fully understand the benefits of collaborative vertical and horizontal planning. It is essential for teaching teams to meet regularly to discuss best practices and exchange ideas and varied experiences in order to deliver an enhanced curriculum in a relevant and meaningful way to improve learning outcomes. Our school library is an integral space with a teacher librarian and trained assistant who earnestly support literacy at every grade level with calculated planning and implementation of well-established programs. In addition to providing a vast selection of books and online resources, book fairs and author visits are incorporated annually and classroom teachers work in partnership with the library staff with the ultimate goal of developing a love of reading in every student. We will continue to employ two academic/career counselors to guide and actively support our Grade 12 classes as they prepare for admissions to a host of post-secondary institutions.

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Outcome One: Alberta’s students are successful (continued)

Performance Measure Results (in percentages) Target Evaluation Targets

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 Achievement Improvement Overall 2018 2019 2020 Overall percentage of students who achieved the acceptable standard on diploma examinations (overall results).

100.0 99.6 99.6 99.0 100.0

Very High Maintained Excellent

Overall percentage of students who achieved the standard of excellence on diploma examinations (overall results).

62.9 69.5 68.2 64.5 68.4

Very High Maintained Excellent

Performance Measure Results (in percentages) Target Evaluation Targets

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Achievement Improvement Overall 2018 2019 2020 High School Completion Rate - Percentage of students who completed high school within three years of entering Grade 10.

90.3 89.0 98.9 98.8 93.0

Very High Maintained Excellent

Drop Out Rate - annual dropout rate of students aged 14 to 18

2.6 0.2 1.0 1.2 0.4

Very High Maintained Excellent

High school to post-secondary transition rate of students within six years of entering Grade 10.

57.5 54.5 48.0 53.4 47.6

Intermediate Maintained Acceptable

Percentage of Grade 12 students eligible for a Rutherford Scholarship.

n/a n/a n/a 100.0 100.0

n/a Maintained n/a

Percentage of students writing four or more diploma exams within three years of entering Grade 10.

91.9 51.1 98.9 96.7 93.0

Very High Declined Good

Comment on Results

The Performance Measure Results showing above pertaining to High School to Post Secondary Transition and High School Completion Rate are simply inaccurate and misleading.

The above noted result for High School to Post Secondary Transition rate only tracks those students who pursue their post-secondary education at Universities located within the province of Alberta. The reality for our school is that almost 100% of our Grade 12 graduates go on to post-secondary education. A multitude of Webber Academy graduates attend a variety of Universities that exist beyond our provincial boundaries.

Other factors exist that contribute to misleading outcomes showing above. For example, expatriate families employed in the petroleum industry and other industries are oftentimes, itinerant. As such, many of our students must complete their High School education out of the province. Once again, the noted results under High School Completion Rate do not reflect the actual outcome as it only tracks those who remain within the province of Alberta. Our itinerant students do indeed complete High School within three years of entering Grade 10.

We have made previous requests for the Ministry of Education to resolve these aspects of this combined report, a required document for all School Authorities receiving provincial funding. Unfortunately, no changes have been made to correct the inaccuracies reflected in this performance measure. What is accurately showing above is that 100% of our graduates consistently achieve eligibility for the Rutherford Scholarship. In addition, we are extremely pleased once again, by the percentage of students who achieved the standard of excellence on diploma examinations.

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Outcome One: Alberta’s students are successful (continued)

Performance Measure Results (in percentages) Target Evaluation Targets

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 Achievement Improvement Overall 2018 2019 2020 Percentage of teachers, parents and students who are satisfied that students model the characteristics of active citizenship.

90.6 91.4 91.3 91.5 91.3

Very High Maintained Excellent

Percentage of teachers and parents who agree that students are taught attitudes and behaviours that will make them successful at work when they finish school.

89.6 92.6 94.0 94.8 96.7

Very High Improved Excellent

Comment on Results

The results of the Performance Measures showing above continue to be of great importance to the Board members and staff of Webber Academy. In addition to providing an environment that strives to have every student reach their potential, it is also essential for us to provide ongoing guidance and instruction which supports the development of characteristics such as; integrity, determination, compassion, communication skills, flexibility, teamwork and others. An integral component of planning for every school year encompasses methods to build on ways for our students to become caring, contributing members of society who are pleasant people to interact with and work alongside. We believe these particular results truly reflect the outstanding effort of each and every employee who is committed to the values and principles upon which the school was founded. The consistently excellent results reinforce the need to staunchly support those clearly identified values, practices and policies.


Continue to prioritize the Virtues program for students in Kindergarten to Grade 6 and follow-up at regular intervals with staff to ensure the program is unfolding as intended. Most importantly, it is essential to ensure members of staff acknowledge preferred virtues when demonstrated by students, at every grade level, in order to encourage these desired behaviours in others. This has been an effective strategy in the past, and we remain committed to building upon this strategy by communicating this expectation. We do continue to introduce new ways to supplement and support the values, attitudes, attributes and behaviours taught at Webber Academy, specifically during Elementary Health lessons. Presentations at monthly Elementary assemblies focus on our Virtue of the Month program. Teachers will continue to be encouraged to take a creative approach to the delivery of curriculum. In our Health Curriculum for Grades 1 through 5, we will further develop the Second Step Program where we have observed success in supporting students in improving their social success.

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Support the continuance of proven programs such as: Junior High and Senior High Student Councils, the Legacy Project, Chess, Math, Reach for the Top, Speech and Debate Clubs, Spelling Bee, and an array of sports teams. Model United Nations was introduced as an extra-curricular club for our students during the 2012-2013 school year, and will continue as teaching staff observe personal growth among participating students in a variety of dimensions. Promote good citizenship and community involvement through various charitable organizations such as: the Terry Fox Foundation, KIVA Foundation, and Annual Food Bank. We will continue to encourage participation in Debate and Speech clubs and offer regular opportunities at every grade level for students to engage in public speaking. Provide challenging regular stream and Advanced Placement courses and ensure the students are provided with exceptional instruction in music, languages, drama, sports and art.

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Outcome One: Alberta’s students are successful (continued)

Performance Measure Results (in percentages) Target Evaluation Targets

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 Achievement Improvement Overall 2018 2019 2020 Percentage of teacher and parent satisfaction that students demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for lifelong learning.(This measure is required for charter and private school authorities with only K-9 schools)

82.5 87.5 87.8 89.7 92.3

n/a n/a n/a


Many of the previously outlined strategies are applicable to this outcome but we have implemented additional strategies that may be relevant to this performance measure. For instance, as a result of leadership and support from the President of Webber Academy, summer Debate and Science Camps were created for students from the Calgary area and elsewhere. School staff and alumni students act as instructors, and these programs were well attended by children from around the city. Other extra-curricular programs that the school embraces are:

o President’s Breakfasts

o Science Olympics o Science Fair o Robotics Club

o Reach for the Top

o Speech

o Debate

o Applied Science Program with professional mentors

o Junior High Math Club

o Senior High Math Society

o Law Day Mock Trial Club and participation in city-wide competition

o Model United Nations Clubs and competitions

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Outcome Two: The systemic education achievement gap between First Nations, Métis and Inuit students and all other students is eliminated

(Results and evaluations for First Nations, Métis and Inuit measures are required for Public/Separate/Francophone School Authorities only)

[No Data for Overall FNMI Results]


Although our school has a small number of self-identified FNMI students, Webber Academy is committed to infusing Aboriginal perspectives by ensuring the curriculum includes a Program of Studies that celebrates the culture and rich history of our First Nations, Metis and Inuit communities. This is a key component of the curriculum at various grade levels. As early as Grade Two, in Community Studies lessons, the children are exposed to an in depth examination of the communities of Iqaluit in the Canadian North, Saskatoon on the Prairies and Meteghan on the East Coast. The students complete multiple assignments and are tested on a wide range of facts involving these communities and its people. The Aboriginal culture curriculum content is enhanced as the children proceed through the various grades. Webber Academy is a place for all ethical people who strive to better themselves and the world. The school community itself is comprised of people from a multitude of nations, cultures and religious backgrounds. The school strives to have all students feel equally important and valued. Webber Academy will continue to encourage every student to take pride in his or her own culture and belief system and to respect and be tolerant of the beliefs and cultures of others.

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Outcome Three: Alberta’s education system is inclusive

Performance Measure Results (in percentages) Target Evaluation Targets

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 Achievement Improvement Overall 2018 2019 2020 Percentage of teacher, parent and student agreement that: students are safe at school, are learning the importance of caring for others, are learning respect for others and are treated fairly in school.

94.2 94.7 92.5 94.3 94.9

Very High Maintained Excellent

Comment on Results

The school is pleased with the results showing above. It is of utmost importance that our students are safe at school, feel fairly treated and learn to respect others. We know that when students feel safe they are better able to concentrate on their studies and are more apt to engage fully in a range of activities. The well-being and safety of our students, staff and visitors will always be first and foremost.


We will continue with monthly virtues and pursuing creative ways to instil important attributes in our students. Our coaching staff will remain committed to ensuring our student athletes understand we value good sportsmanship first. The Heart & Soul Award, for Grade 12 students, is an opportunity to acknowledge those students who truly possess outstanding virtues.

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Outcome Four: Alberta has excellent teachers, and school and school authority leaders

Performance Measure Results (in percentages) Target Evaluation Targets

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 Achievement Improvement Overall 2018 2019 2020 Percentage of teachers, parents and students satisfied with the opportunity for students to receive a broad program of studies including fine arts, career, technology, and health and physical education.

86.2 87.8 87.9 90.7 89.0

Very High Maintained Excellent

Comment on Results

The school is proud of the VERY HIGH achievement on this performance measure that relates to providing our students with a broad program of studies. It is believed that the results reflect the expertise and knowledge of those who are employed at the school and the strategies that have evolved are worthy of retention. Drama productions continue to provide our students with rewarding opportunities to develop and demonstrate abilities in the performing arts. A record number of students are attempting to gain positions on our school teams in a variety of sports. Our athletes compete in an Independent School League and regularly partake in organized tournaments both on and off campus. Our Music program continues to garner much success throughout the Elementary and Senior School grades. These and a multitude of other initiatives, which have a clear connection to our very intentional broad program of studies, contributes to providing an environment that addresses the need to develop well-rounded individuals rather than just the academic potential of our student population.

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Outcome Five: Alberta’s education system is well governed and managed

Performance Measure Results (in percentages) Target Evaluation Targets

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 Achievement Improvement Overall 2018 2019 2020 Percentage of teachers, parents and students indicating that their school and schools in their jurisdiction have improved or stayed the same the last three years.

79.7 85.4 84.9 85.5 87.7

Very High Improved Excellent

Percentage of teachers and parents satisfied with parental involvement in decisions about their child's education.

72.1 77.9 82.2 84.9 83.4

Very High Maintained Excellent

Percentage of teachers, parents and students satisfied with the overall quality of basic education.

95.2 95.6 95.7 96.2 97.1

Very High Improved Excellent

Comment on Results

The results of the Performance Measure relating to parental involvement in decisions are challenging to interpret. Even so, we are interested in knowing our parents have a greater sense of involvement than in previous years. Even though parents do not develop curriculum or get involved in the day-to-day operations of the school, parents certainly contribute a great deal in terms of volunteerism and supporting the academic and extra-curricular activities of their children. We do rely on parental support of school values in terms of providing consistent messages and behaviours. Our parents may not be directly involved in a great number of decisions about their child’s education, because they support the decisions of the school from the onset and endorse the philosophy of the school and the overall environment that has been created. The results of the more important performance measure showing the exceptionally high percentage of teachers, parents and students satisfied with the overall quality of education the children receive at Webber Academy has significant relevance to us and we are extremely proud of the efforts of our teaching staff who do their utmost to deliver high quality education.


Teachers meet to discuss learning outcomes and delivery of curriculum that best suit our student population. Traditional teaching practices are still highly valued especially in subjects such as Mathematics and Science. Variations are encouraged depending on the strengths demonstrated by our teaching staff. In the words of our Founder and Head of School, “The incredibly important profession of teaching is viewed more as an Art rather than a Science”. The school approaches the professional development of our staff as more of a personalized plan where the individual works with an administrator to determine opportunities for growth and development. Staff members are allotted an annual budget to spend on professional development programs best suited to their needs. Strategy to continue to work alongside a strong parent council advisory group.

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Summary of Financial Results

Key Financial information about the school: Excess of Revenues over Expenses for August 31, 2017 - $6,387,655 (Audited) Capital expenditures during 2016-2017 - $978,064 (Audited) The instructional fee revenue earned during 2016-2017 was $16,413,615. Funding from Alberta Education for the 2016-2017 school year was $5,179,769. Total revenue was $23,242,629. Of the $16,854,974 in total expenses for 2016-2017, $12,584,680 or 75% relates to Wages and Benefits. Maintenance expense of $350,786, decreased by $76,244, over the prior year. Previously, the cost of contracted cleaners was included within maintenance expense. In 2016-2017, contracted cleaners were hired as employees and the cost is now included within Wages and benefits. Interest on Long Term debt of $133,005 decreased by $290,185, from the prior year. The outstanding long term debt of $7,291,830 was paid off in full, in January, 2017. The ‘other expenses’ category includes: cafeteria supplies, utilities, professional fees, school supplies, advertising, school functions, insurance and program activity fees. Included within capital expenditures were the costs related to the school’s front entrance improvement project. Construction on this outdoor project started in July, 2017 and was completed in August, 2017. The total cost was approximately $80,000. Program expenditure information for 2016-2017 Actual and 2017-2018 Budgeted:

Program Expenditure

2016-2017 Actual

2017-2018 Budget

Excursions $36,425 $45,000

Program Activities $72,692 $95,000

School Supplies $213,270 $240,000

School Functions $59,207 $95,000

Guiding principles used in financial planning: Student enrolment is the key component to the financial planning. We take into consideration past trends as well as what is happening in the economy at present. The reader may access additional financial and budget information by:

- Reviewing the Audited Financial Statements

- Contacting Rhonda Burke, Director of Finance at Webber Academy 403-277-4700

- Contacting Terry Booth, Partner at Collins Barrow 403-298-1597

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Budget Summary Budget 2017-2018:

Excess of Revenues over Expenses for August 31, 2018 - $5,000,000 Capital expenditures 2016-2017 - $1,115,000. The anticipated revenue from instructional fees is $15,930,000 which is based on student enrolment of 940. Funding from Alberta Education for the 2017-2018 school year is expected to be $4,945,000. Of the $17,300,000 in total expenses for 2017-2018, $13,055,000 or 75% relates to Wages and Benefits. Other significant expenses include: maintenance expense, utilities and bus transportation. The ‘other expenses’ category includes: cafeteria supplies, utilities, professional fees, school supplies, advertising, school functions, insurance and program activity fees.

Webber Academy 2017-2018 Budget-Revenue Revenue Type Amount Instructional fees 71% $ 15,930,000 Government funding 21% $ 4,945,000 Cafeteria food sales 3% $ 575,000 Interest income 2% $ 375,000 Bus transportation 1% $ 245,000 Other 2% $ 230,000

$ 22,300,000 Webber Academy 2017-2018 Budget-Expenses Expense Type Amount Wages & Benefits 75% $ 13,055,000 Amortization 8% $ 1,400,000 Maintenance 3% $ 410,000 Bus transportation 2% $ 505,000 Other 12% $ 1,930,000

$ 17,300,000

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$575,000 $375,000 $245,000 $230,000








Instructionalfees 71%

Governmentfunding 21%

Cafeteria foodsales 3%

Interest income2%



Other 2%

Webber Academy



$410,000 $505,000










Wages & Benefits75%

Amortization 8% Maintenance 3% Bus transportation2%

Other 12%

Webber Academy2017-2018 Budget-Expense

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Capital and Facilities Projects The outdoor courtyard project between the school’s high school wing and the library was completed in the late Fall. The results of the project were well received by over 1000 attendees for the Annual Welcome Back BBQ. The area and outdoor stage has already been utilized for several school events.

Parental Involvement

The school is proud of the many contributions made by our parent volunteers who are recognized annually at a volunteer appreciation luncheon. We look forward to ongoing positive outcomes with the assistance of our supportive parent population. Our Parent Advisory Council continues to operate a monthly Fun Lunch event for students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 9. PAC also provides monetary support for a number of school related activities such as the High School Winter Formal and other Senior School Student Councils led activities. Parent volunteers also made a significant contribution to the school’s annual sports days in terms of supervision and financial support. Some parents volunteer to act as chaperones for a multitude of school organized off site activities that are enjoyed by our students. Our parent population consistently demonstrates generosity and support for the greater community through school fundraisers such as the Terry Fox Run. Our school, once again, was among the top fundraisers in the Nation. It is a pleasure for staff to work with positive minded parents who support the teachers and administrative team of Webber Academy.

Timelines and Communication

This document is submitted annually to Alberta Education in order to meet provincial requirements for ongoing funding and is posted on our school website to ensure the contents are readily available for review by interested parties. School website link:

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Whistleblower Protection

The 2013 Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Regulation requires Alberta School Authorities include whistleblower disclosures in an annual Combined Three Year Education Plan and Annual Education Results Report. There are no disclosures to report. Any employee who wishes to disclose a significant and serious wrongdoing in the workplace can have their workplace handle the matter internally or make a report to the Public Interest Commissioner. “Wrongdoing” under the Act is defined as illegal acts, an act or omission that creates a substantial and specific danger to the life, health or safety of individuals, a substantial and specific danger to the environment, gross mismanagement of public funds or counselling a person to commit a wrongdoing. The school’s Whistleblower Policy is contained in the Staff Handbook provided to employees. The policy was also discussed at length in an all-staff meeting at the commencement of the new school year.

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APPENDIX – Measure Details (OPTIONAL)

The following pages include tables and graphs that provide detailed data for the performance measures. Authorities may include these under each measure/outcome to provide context and help in interpreting the results.

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Diploma Examination Results – Measure Details (OPTIONAL)

Diploma Exam Course by Course Results by Students Writing. Results (in percentages) Target

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 A E A E A E A E A E A E

English Lang Arts 30-1 Authority 100.0 49.1 100.0 53.7 100.0 55.1 100.0 56.4 100.0 53.8

Province 85.9 10.4 87.6 11.8 86.5 11.4 86.8 10.7 86.5 11.7

English Lang Arts 30-2 Authority n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Province 89.4 10.9 89.8 13.1 88.6 11.2 89.1 12.3 89.5 11.4

French Lang Arts 30-1 Authority n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Province 95.4 12.4 96.6 14.6 95.5 9.9 93.8 8.7 94.7 9.4

Français 30-1 Authority n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Province 96.8 18.2 99.3 29.2 95.3 17.1 99.3 20.3 98.1 18.6

Pure Mathematics 30 Authority n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Province 59.0 11.4 * * n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Applied Mathematics 30 Authority n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Province 71.4 17.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Mathematics 30-1 Authority 100.0 100.0 100.0 87.8 98.3 77.6 100.0 71.2 100.0 83.9

Province 80.9 35.9 75.1 27.9 76.1 31.6 70.7 25.9 73.1 30.7

Mathematics 30-2 Authority n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Province 69.5 9.7 71.3 15.0 73.9 15.5 75.4 16.8 74.7 15.9

Social Studies 30-1 Authority 100.0 67.9 100.0 61.0 100.0 55.1 100.0 56.4 100.0 53.8

Province 85.4 15.2 85.6 14.2 87.1 16.2 84.9 14.3 86.0 14.8

Social Studies 30-2 Authority n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Province 82.2 13.7 83.9 14.8 81.3 12.5 81.1 13.1 80.6 12.6

Biology 30 Authority n/a n/a 100.0 84.6 100.0 91.7 100.0 86.0 100.0 73.5

Province 84.4 32.2 85.2 31.8 85.8 33.0 85.1 32.4 84.2 32.3

Chemistry 30 Authority * * 97.4 63.2 100.0 64.4 94.4 63.0 100.0 77.6

Province 78.8 31.8 81.5 35.2 82.1 34.2 81.5 34.5 83.1 38.6

Physics 30 Authority * * 100.0 66.7 100.0 70.0 100.0 56.1 100.0 66.7

Province 81.5 30.4 83.2 34.3 83.9 35.8 85.8 39.8 85.7 41.8

Science 30 Authority n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Province 84.1 25.8 85.0 25.4 83.9 26.6 84.4 27.6 84.9 28.4

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. “A” = Acceptable; “E” = Excellence — the percentages achieving the acceptable standard include the percentages achieving the standard of

excellence. 3. Caution should be used when interpreting evaluations and results over time for Mathematics 30-1/30-2, as equating was not in place until the

2016/17 school year. Alberta Education does not comment on province wide trends until it has five years of equated examination data. 4. Participation in Diploma Examinations was impacted by the flooding in June 2013 and by the fires in May to June 2016. Caution should be used

when interpreting trends over time for the province and those school authorities affected by these events.

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Graph of Diploma Examination Results – Overall (optional)

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. Caution should be used when interpreting evaluations and results over time for Mathematics 30-1/30-2, as equating was not in place until the

2016/17 school year. Alberta Education does not comment on province wide trends until it has five years of equated examination data. 3. Participation in Diploma Examinations was impacted by the flooding in June 2013 and by the fires in May to June 2016. Caution should be used

when interpreting trends over time for the province and those school authorities affected by these events.

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Diploma Examination Results by Course (optional)

[No Data for English Lang Arts 30-2]

[No Data for French Lang Arts 30-1]

[No Data for Français 30]

[No Data for Mathematics 30-2]

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. Caution should be used when interpreting evaluations and results over time for Mathematics 30-1/30-2, as equating was not in place until the

2016/17 school year. Alberta Education does not comment on province wide trends until it has five years of equated examination data. 3. Participation in Diploma Examinations was impacted by the flooding in June 2013 and by the fires in May to June 2016. Caution should be used

when interpreting trends over time for the province and those school authorities affected by these events.

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Diploma Examination Results by Course (optional)

[No Data for Social Studies 30-2]

[No Data for Science 30]

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. Participation in Diploma Examinations was impacted by the flooding in June 2013 and by the fires in May to June 2016. Caution should be used

when interpreting trends over time for the province and those school authorities affected by these events.

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Diploma Examination Results Course By Course Summary With Measure Evaluation (optional)

Webber Academy Alberta

Achievement Improvement Overall 2017 Prev 3 Year Average 2017 Prev 3 Year Average Course Measure N % N % N % N %

English Lang Arts 30-1 Acceptable Standard Very High Maintained Excellent 52 100.0 48 100.0 30,150 86.5 28,895 87.0 Standard of Excellence Very High Maintained Excellent 52 53.8 48 55.0 30,150 11.7 28,895 11.3

English Lang Arts 30-2 Acceptable Standard n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 16,797 89.5 16,361 89.2 Standard of Excellence n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 16,797 11.4 16,361 12.2

French Lang Arts 30-1 Acceptable Standard n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,375 94.7 1,256 95.3 Standard of Excellence n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,375 9.4 1,256 11.0

Français 30-1 Acceptable Standard n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 156 98.1 140 98.0 Standard of Excellence n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 156 18.6 140 22.2

Mathematics 30-1 Acceptable Standard n/a n/a n/a 62 100.0 53 99.4 20,371 73.1 20,934 74.0 Standard of Excellence n/a n/a n/a 62 83.9 53 78.9 20,371 30.7 20,934 28.5

Mathematics 30-2 Acceptable Standard n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 14,327 74.7 12,738 73.6 Standard of Excellence n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 14,327 15.9 12,738 15.8

Social Studies 30-1 Acceptable Standard Very High Maintained Excellent 52 100.0 48 100.0 22,249 86.0 21,875 85.9 Standard of Excellence Very High Maintained Excellent 52 53.8 48 57.5 22,249 14.8 21,875 14.9

Social Studies 30-2 Acceptable Standard n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 20,054 80.6 19,579 82.1 Standard of Excellence n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 20,054 12.6 19,579 13.5

Biology 30 Acceptable Standard Very High Maintained Excellent 34 100.0 39 100.0 22,993 84.2 21,843 85.4 Standard of Excellence Very High Declined Good 34 73.5 39 87.4 22,993 32.3 21,843 32.4

Chemistry 30 Acceptable Standard Very High Improved Excellent 49 100.0 46 97.3 18,751 83.1 19,161 81.7 Standard of Excellence Very High Improved Excellent 49 77.6 46 63.5 18,751 38.6 19,161 34.6

Physics 30 Acceptable Standard Very High Maintained Excellent 39 100.0 38 100.0 9,952 85.7 10,553 84.3 Standard of Excellence Very High Maintained Excellent 39 66.7 38 64.3 9,952 41.8 10,553 36.6

Science 30 Acceptable Standard n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 9,323 84.9 7,914 84.4 Standard of Excellence n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 9,323 28.4 7,914 26.6

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. Achievement Evaluation is not calculated for courses that do not have sufficient data available, either due to too few jurisdictions offering the

course or because of changes in examinations. 3. Caution should be used when interpreting evaluations and results over time for Mathematics 30-1/30-2, as equating was not in place until the

2016/17 school year. Alberta Education does not comment on province wide trends until it has five years of equated examination data. 4. Participation in Diploma Examinations was impacted by the flooding in June 2013 and by the fires in May to June 2016. Caution should be used

when interpreting trends over time for the province and those school authorities affected by these events.

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Measure Evaluation Reference - Achievement Evaluation

Achievement evaluation is based upon a comparison of Current Year data to a set of standards which remain consistent over time. The Standards are calculated by taking the 3 year average of baseline data for each measure across all school jurisdictions and calculating the 5th, 25th, 75th, and 95th percentiles. Once calculated, these standards remain in place from year to year to allow for consistent planning and evaluation.

The table below shows the range of values defining the 5 achievement evaluation levels for each measure.

Course Measure Very Low Low Intermediate High Very High English Lang Arts 30-1 Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 81.51 81.51 - 85.05 85.05 - 90.15 90.15 - 94.10 94.10 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 2.28 2.28 - 6.43 6.43 - 11.18 11.18 - 15.71 15.71 - 100.00 English Lang Arts 30-2 Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 81.90 81.90 - 88.81 88.81 - 94.35 94.35 - 97.10 97.10 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 3.70 3.70 - 8.52 8.52 - 14.55 14.55 - 18.92 18.92 - 100.00 French Lang Arts 30-1 Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 78.73 78.73 - 92.86 92.86 - 100.00 100.00 - 100.00 100.00 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 - 5.21 5.21 - 16.67 16.67 - 23.04 23.04 - 100.00 Social Studies 30-1 Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 69.65 69.65 - 80.38 80.38 - 87.98 87.98 - 95.79 95.79 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 2.27 2.27 - 8.63 8.63 - 14.51 14.51 - 19.76 19.76 - 100.00 Social Studies 30-2 Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 71.97 71.97 - 79.85 79.85 - 87.56 87.56 - 91.42 91.42 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 3.94 3.94 - 8.65 8.65 - 14.07 14.07 - 23.34 23.34 - 100.00 Biology 30 Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 68.26 68.26 - 79.41 79.41 - 85.59 85.59 - 92.33 92.33 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 10.75 10.75 - 21.84 21.84 - 29.26 29.26 - 33.42 33.42 - 100.00 Chemistry 30 Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 58.10 58.10 - 69.51 69.51 - 80.34 80.34 - 84.74 84.74 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 11.22 11.22 - 20.47 20.47 - 30.47 30.47 - 35.07 35.07 - 100.00 Physics 30 Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 50.06 50.06 - 71.77 71.77 - 83.00 83.00 - 88.67 88.67 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 5.61 5.61 - 18.10 18.10 - 31.88 31.88 - 41.10 41.10 - 100.00 Science 30 Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 64.19 64.19 - 77.66 77.66 - 86.33 86.33 - 98.50 98.50 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 - 14.69 14.69 - 25.03 25.03 - 38.93 38.93 - 100.00 Notes: 1. The range of values at each evaluation level is interpreted as greater than or equal to the lower value, and less than the higher value. For

the Very High evaluation level, values range from greater than or equal to the lower value to 100%. 2. Achievement Evaluation is not calculated for courses that do not have sufficient data available, either due to too few jurisdictions offering

the course or because of changes in examinations.

Improvement Table

For each jurisdiction, improvement evaluation consists of comparing the Current Year result for each measure with the previous three-year average. A chi-square statistical test is used to determine the significance of the improvement. This test takes into account the size of the jurisdiction in the calculation to make improvement evaluation fair across jurisdictions of different sizes.

The table below shows the definition of the 5 improvement evaluation levels based upon the chi-square result.

Evaluation Category Chi-Square Range Declined Significantly 3.84 + (current < previous 3-year average) Declined 1.00 - 3.83 (current < previous 3-year average) Maintained less than 1.00 Improved 1.00 - 3.83 (current > previous 3-year average) Improved Significantly 3.84 + (current > previous 3-year average)

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Overall Evaluation Table

The overall evaluation combines the Achievement Evaluation and the Improvement Evaluation. The table below illustrates how the Achievement and Improvement evaluations are combined to get the overall evaluation.

Achievement Very High High Intermediate Low Very Low Improved Significantly Excellent Good Good Good Acceptable Improved Excellent Good Good Acceptable Issue Maintained Excellent Good Acceptable Issue Concern Declined Good Acceptable Issue Issue Concern Declined Significantly Acceptable Issue Issue Concern Concern

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High School Completion Rate – Measure Details (OPTIONAL)

High School Completion Rate - percentages of students who completed high school within three, four and five years of entering Grade 10. Authority Province

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 3 Year Completion 90.3 89.0 98.9 98.8 93.0 74.8 75.3 76.5 76.5 77.9 4 Year Completion 87.6 91.5 86.8 97.2 98.2 79.2 79.6 79.9 81.0 81.2 5 Year Completion 94.2 89.4 91.6 86.7 96.7 80.6 81.5 82.0 82.1 83.2

Graph of Authority Results (optional)

Graph of Authority Results (optional)

Graph of Authority Results (optional)

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. Weighting of school-awarded marks in diploma courses increased from 50% to 70% in the 2015/2016 school year. Caution should be used when

interpreting trends over time.

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Authority: 0015 Webber Academy Foundation

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Drop Out Rate – Measure Details (OPTIONAL)

Drop Out Rate - annual dropout rate of students aged 14 to 18 Authority Province

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Drop Out Rate 2.6 0.2 1.0 1.2 0.4 3.6 3.3 3.5 3.2 3.0 Returning Rate 18.2 37.8 * * 0.0 22.8 20.7 20.9 18.2 18.9

Graph of Authority Results (optional)

Graph of Authority Results (optional)

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*).

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High School to Post-secondary Transition Rate – Measure Details (OPTIONAL)

High school to post-secondary transition rate of students within four and six years of entering Grade 10. Authority Province

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 4 Year Rate 43.1 44.4 49.1 35.2 35.0 39.4 39.7 38.3 37.0 37.0 6 Year Rate 57.5 54.5 48.0 53.4 47.6 59.3 59.0 59.7 59.4 57.9

Graph of Authority Results (optional)

Graph of Authority Results (optional)

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*).

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Rutherford Eligibility Rate – Measure Details (OPTIONAL)

Percentage of Grade 12 students eligible for a Rutherford Scholarship. Authority Province

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Rutherford Scholarship Eligibility Rate n/a n/a n/a 100.0 100.0 n/a n/a n/a 60.8 62.3

Rutherford eligibility rate details.

Reporting School Year

Total Students

Grade 10 Rutherford Grade 11 Rutherford Grade 12 Rutherford Overall Number of Students Eligible

Percent of Students Eligible

Number of Students Eligible

Percent of Students Eligible

Number of Students Eligible

Percent of Students Eligible

Number of Students Eligible

Percent of Students Eligible

2012 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2013 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2014 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2015 49 49 100.0 48 98.0 49 100.0 49 100.0 2016 54 53 98.1 53 98.1 53 98.1 54 100.0

Graph of Authority Results (optional)

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. Weighting of school-awarded marks in diploma courses increased from 50% to 70% in the 2015/2016 school year. Caution should be used when

interpreting trends over time. 3. Due to the change from previous data source systems to Provincial Approach to Student Information (PASI), historical Rutherford Scholarship

Eligibility Rate results are not available.

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Diploma Examination Participation Rate – Measure Details (OPTIONAL)

Diploma examination participation rate: Percentage of students writing 0 to 6 or more Diploma Examinations by the end of their 3rd year of high school. Authority Province

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 % Writing 0 Exams 5.8 9.8 1.1 1.2 7.0 16.5 16.6 15.7 15.7 15.0 % Writing 1+ Exams 94.2 90.2 98.9 98.8 93.0 83.5 83.4 84.3 84.3 85.0 % Writing 2+ Exams 92.6 89.0 98.9 98.8 93.0 80.5 80.3 81.4 81.2 81.9 % Writing 3+ Exams 91.9 87.1 98.9 98.8 93.0 66.8 63.3 65.0 64.7 65.2 % Writing 4+ Exams 91.9 51.1 98.9 96.7 93.0 55.9 50.1 54.4 54.6 54.9 % Writing 5+ Exams 77.4 11.4 86.5 92.5 91.2 37.5 31.5 36.3 37.1 37.5 % Writing 6+ Exams 40.3 1.9 51.9 52.6 50.1 14.3 11.4 13.1 13.8 13.6

Graph of Authority Results (optional)

Percentage of students writing 1 or more Diploma Examinations by the end of their 3rd year of high school, by course and subject. Authority Province

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 English Language Arts 30-1 86.6 83.9 95.2 97.9 91.2 54.7 53.9 54.0 53.2 53.9 English Language Arts 30-2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.9 27.1 28.0 28.7 28.7 Total of 1 or more English Diploma Exams 86.6 83.9 95.2 97.9 91.2 78.6 78.7 79.7 79.5 80.0 Social Studies 30-1 85.1 83.9 95.2 97.9 91.2 47.6 45.8 45.1 43.5 45.1 Social Studies 30-2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 31.9 33.7 35.2 36.7 35.8 Total of 1 or more Social Diploma Exams 85.1 83.9 95.2 97.9 91.2 78.7 78.8 79.6 79.5 80.2 Pure Mathematics 30 86.6 37.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 42.2 7.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 Applied Mathematics 30 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.5 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mathematics 30-1 n/a 10.7 69.0 97.9 89.5 n/a 29.7 37.3 37.1 36.4 Mathematics 30-2 n/a 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 n/a 16.7 21.4 22.4 23.6 Total of 1 or more Math Diploma Exams 86.6 48.2 69.0 97.9 89.5 61.1 52.1 57.0 57.6 58.3 Biology 30 65.7 76.8 88.1 70.8 71.9 42.8 42.2 41.4 40.6 40.7 Chemistry 30 68.7 12.5 90.5 89.6 89.5 36.5 31.5 34.7 35.7 35.5 Physics 30 61.2 7.1 76.2 79.2 70.2 20.2 17.3 20.0 19.9 19.3 Science 30 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.3 9.8 12.8 14.1 15.7 Total of 1 or more Science Diploma Exams 86.6 80.4 95.2 95.8 91.2 59.2 57.3 59.4 59.8 60.5 Français 30-1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 French Language Arts 30 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.8 Total of 1 or more French Diploma Exams 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 3.0 2.9 3.0 3.1 Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. Participation in Diploma Examinations was impacted by the flooding in June 2013 and by the fires in May to June 2016. Caution should be used

when interpreting trends over time for the province and those school authorities affected by these events. 3. Weighting of school-awarded marks in diploma courses increased from 50% to 70% in the 2015/2016 school year. Caution should be used when

interpreting trends over time.

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Authority: 0015 Webber Academy Foundation

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Citizenship – Measure Details (OPTIONAL)

Percentage of teachers, parents and students who are satisfied that students model the characteristics of active citizenship. Authority Province 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Overall 90.6 91.4 91.3 91.5 91.3 83.4 83.4 83.5 83.9 83.7 Teacher 95.4 96.5 97.1 98.5 96.6 93.6 93.8 94.2 94.5 94.0 Parent 90.2 92.9 92.5 93.1 93.5 80.3 81.9 82.1 82.9 82.7 Student 86.1 84.7 84.2 83.0 83.7 76.2 74.5 74.2 74.5 74.4

Graph of Overall Authority Results (optional)

Graph of Detailed Authority Results (optional)

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. Survey results for the province and school authorities were impacted by the changes in the number of students responding to the survey through the

introduction of the OurSCHOOL/TTFM (Tell Them From Me) survey in 2014.

Work Preparation – Measure Details (OPTIONAL)

Percentage of teachers and parents who agree that students are taught attitudes and behaviours that will make them successful at work when they finish school. Authority Province 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Overall 89.6 92.6 94.0 94.8 96.7 80.3 81.2 82.0 82.6 82.7 Teacher 95.8 97.8 97.9 100.0 98.1 89.4 89.3 89.7 90.5 90.4 Parent 83.3 87.4 90.2 89.6 95.3 71.1 73.1 74.2 74.8 75.1

Graph of Overall Authority Results (optional)

Graph of Detailed Authority Results (optional)

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*).

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Authority: 0015 Webber Academy Foundation

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Lifelong Learning – Measure Details (OPTIONAL)

Percentage of teacher and parent satisfaction that students demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for lifelong learning. Authority Province 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Overall 82.5 87.5 87.8 89.7 92.3 68.5 69.5 70.0 70.7 71.0 Teacher 87.4 95.6 95.8 98.0 93.3 75.7 76.0 76.0 77.3 77.3 Parent 77.6 79.4 79.7 81.3 91.2 61.2 63.0 64.0 64.2 64.8

Graph of Overall Authority Results (optional)

Graph of Detailed Authority Results (optional)

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*).

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Provincial Achievement Test Results – Measure Details (OPTIONAL)

PAT Course by Course Results by Number Enrolled. Results (in percentages) Target

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 A E A E A E A E A E A E

English Language Arts 6 Authority 98.5 68.2 98.4 60.9 98.7 81.0 100.0 75.4 100.0 89.3

Province 82.5 16.3 81.9 17.6 82.8 19.5 82.9 20.4 82.5 18.9

French Language Arts 6 Authority n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Province 88.6 16.3 88.0 15.6 87.5 13.6 87.7 14.2 85.1 13.5

Français 6 Authority n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Province 94.0 21.6 90.6 17.1 89.0 15.0 91.4 17.2 92.1 21.6

Mathematics 6 Authority 100.0 80.0 96.9 67.2 98.7 57.0 100.0 69.2 100.0 75.0

Province 73.0 16.4 73.5 15.4 73.2 14.1 72.2 14.0 69.4 12.6

Science 6 Authority 100.0 84.6 98.4 62.5 98.7 67.1 100.0 95.4 100.0 94.0

Province 77.5 25.9 75.9 24.9 76.3 25.3 78.0 27.1 76.9 29.0

Social Studies 6 Authority 100.0 75.4 98.4 68.8 98.7 72.2 100.0 80.0 100.0 72.6

Province 72.7 19.0 70.4 16.6 69.8 18.1 71.4 22.0 72.9 21.7

English Language Arts 9 Authority n/a n/a 100.0 73.2 100.0 88.8 100.0 86.0 98.6 76.7

Province 76.7 14.8 76.3 15.0 75.6 14.4 77.0 15.2 76.8 14.9

English Lang Arts 9 KAE Authority n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Province 62.4 4.3 62.8 3.5 63.0 4.5 59.8 6.2 58.8 5.9

French Language Arts 9 Authority n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Province 87.2 13.9 86.5 11.1 85.8 10.1 83.0 10.8 83.1 11.2

Français 9 Authority n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Province 84.0 14.5 86.1 17.8 88.5 20.2 86.4 26.8 88.9 26.1

Mathematics 9 Authority n/a n/a 100.0 87.3 100.0 80.0 100.0 96.8 98.6 90.4

Province 66.8 18.3 67.1 17.3 65.3 17.9 67.8 17.5 67.2 19.0

Mathematics 9 KAE Authority n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Province 65.8 14.7 63.4 14.5 60.9 14.4 61.2 13.0 57.5 13.3

Science 9 Authority n/a n/a 100.0 77.5 100.0 76.3 100.0 83.9 98.6 82.2

Province 72.9 20.0 73.2 22.1 74.1 22.8 74.2 22.4 74.0 21.4

Science 9 KAE Authority n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Province 68.4 17.1 64.1 14.9 64.5 15.1 63.8 14.3 63.9 13.3

Social Studies 9 Authority n/a n/a 100.0 81.7 100.0 86.3 100.0 81.7 98.6 78.1

Province 65.5 18.8 65.5 19.9 65.1 19.8 64.7 18.0 67.0 20.2

Social Studies 9 KAE Authority n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Province 64.6 13.0 61.8 10.7 57.3 11.2 58.0 11.6 56.3 12.7

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. “A” = Acceptable; “E” = Excellence — the percentages achieving the acceptable standard include the percentages achieving the standard of

excellence. 3. Participation in Provincial Achievement Tests was impacted by the flooding in June 2013 (Grade 9 only) and by the fires in May to June 2016.

Caution should be used when interpreting trends over time for the province and those school authorities affected by these events.

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Authority: 0015 Webber Academy Foundation

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Graph of Overall Provincial Achievement Test Results (optional)

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. Participation in Provincial Achievement Tests was impacted by the flooding in June 2013 (Grade 9 only) and by the fires in May to June 2016.

Caution should be used when interpreting trends over time for the province and those school authorities affected by these events.

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Authority: 0015 Webber Academy Foundation

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Graph of Provincial Achievement Test Results by Course (optional)

[No Data for French Language Arts 6]

[No Data for Français 6]

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. Participation in Provincial Achievement Tests was impacted by the flooding in June 2013 (Grade 9 only) and by the fires in May to June 2016.

Caution should be used when interpreting trends over time for the province and those school authorities affected by these events.

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Authority: 0015 Webber Academy Foundation

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Graph of Provincial Achievement Test Results by Course (optional)

[No Data for English Lang Arts 9 KAE]

[No Data for French Language Arts 9]

[No Data for Français 9]

[No Data for Mathematics 9 KAE]

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. Participation in Provincial Achievement Tests was impacted by the flooding in June 2013 (Grade 9 only) and by the fires in May to June 2016.

Caution should be used when interpreting trends over time for the province and those school authorities affected by these events.

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Authority: 0015 Webber Academy Foundation

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Graph of Provincial Achievement Test Results by Course (optional)

[No Data for Science 9 KAE]

[No Data for Social Studies 9 KAE]

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. Participation in Provincial Achievement Tests was impacted by the flooding in June 2013 (Grade 9 only) and by the fires in May to June 2016.

Caution should be used when interpreting trends over time for the province and those school authorities affected by these events.

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PAT Results Course By Course Summary By Enrolled With Measure Evaluation (optional)

Webber Academy Alberta

Achievement Improvement Overall 2017 Prev 3 Year Average 2017 Prev 3 Year Average Course Measure N % N % N % N %

English Language Arts 6 Acceptable Standard Very High Maintained Excellent 84 100.0 69 99.1 49,572 82.5 46,989 82.5 Standard of Excellence Very High Improved Significantly Excellent 84 89.3 69 72.4 49,572 18.9 46,989 19.2

French Language Arts 6 Acceptable Standard n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3,185 85.1 2,864 87.7 Standard of Excellence n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3,185 13.5 2,864 14.4

Français 6 Acceptable Standard n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 542 92.1 524 90.3 Standard of Excellence n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 542 21.6 524 16.5

Mathematics 6 Acceptable Standard Very High Improved Excellent 84 100.0 69 98.5 49,507 69.4 46,906 73.0 Standard of Excellence Very High Improved Excellent 84 75.0 69 64.5 49,507 12.6 46,906 14.5

Science 6 Acceptable Standard Very High Maintained Excellent 84 100.0 69 99.1 49,501 76.9 46,914 76.7 Standard of Excellence Very High Improved Significantly Excellent 84 94.0 69 75.0 49,501 29.0 46,914 25.8

Social Studies 6 Acceptable Standard Very High Maintained Excellent 84 100.0 69 99.1 49,485 72.9 46,903 70.5 Standard of Excellence Very High Maintained Excellent 84 72.6 69 73.6 49,485 21.7 46,903 18.9

English Language Arts 9 Acceptable Standard Very High Declined Good 73 98.6 81 100.0 45,487 76.8 43,746 76.3 Standard of Excellence Very High Maintained Excellent 73 76.7 81 82.7 45,487 14.9 43,746 14.9

English Lang Arts 9 KAE Acceptable Standard n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,428 58.8 1,576 61.9 Standard of Excellence n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,428 5.9 1,576 4.8

French Language Arts 9 Acceptable Standard n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2,763 83.1 2,625 85.1 Standard of Excellence n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2,763 11.2 2,625 10.7

Français 9 Acceptable Standard n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 379 88.9 392 87.0 Standard of Excellence n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 379 26.1 392 21.6

Mathematics 9 Acceptable Standard Very High Declined Good 73 98.6 81 100.0 45,020 67.2 43,295 66.7 Standard of Excellence Very High Maintained Excellent 73 90.4 81 88.0 45,020 19.0 43,295 17.6

Mathematics 9 KAE Acceptable Standard n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,848 57.5 2,026 61.8 Standard of Excellence n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,848 13.3 2,026 14.0

Science 9 Acceptable Standard Very High Declined Good 73 98.6 81 100.0 45,445 74.0 43,808 73.8 Standard of Excellence Very High Maintained Excellent 73 82.2 81 79.2 45,445 21.4 43,808 22.4

Science 9 KAE Acceptable Standard n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,440 63.9 1,547 64.1 Standard of Excellence n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,440 13.3 1,547 14.8

Social Studies 9 Acceptable Standard Very High Declined Good 73 98.6 81 100.0 45,484 67.0 43,722 65.1 Standard of Excellence Very High Maintained Excellent 73 78.1 81 83.2 45,484 20.2 43,722 19.2

Social Studies 9 KAE Acceptable Standard n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,393 56.3 1,533 59.0 Standard of Excellence n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,393 12.7 1,533 11.2

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. Achievement Evaluation is not calculated for courses that do not have sufficient data available, either due to too few jurisdictions offering the

course or because of changes in tests. 3. Participation in Provincial Achievement Tests was impacted by the flooding in June 2013 (Grade 9 only) and by the fires in May to June 2016.

Caution should be used when interpreting trends over time for the province and those school authorities affected by these events.

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Measure Evaluation Reference - Achievement Evaluation

Achievement evaluation is based upon a comparison of Current Year data to a set of standards which remain consistent over time. The Standards are calculated by taking the 3 year average of baseline data for each measure across all school jurisdictions and calculating the 5th, 25th, 75th, and 95th percentiles. Once calculated, these standards remain in place from year to year to allow for consistent planning and evaluation.

The table below shows the range of values defining the 5 achievement evaluation levels for each measure.

Course Measure Very Low Low Intermediate High Very High

English Language Arts 6 Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 67.95 67.95 - 78.40 78.40 - 86.09 86.09 - 91.37 91.37 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 6.83 6.83 - 11.65 11.65 - 17.36 17.36 - 22.46 22.46 - 100.00

French Language Arts 6 Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 41.69 41.69 - 73.54 73.54 - 92.32 92.32 - 97.93 97.93 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 2.72 2.72 - 8.13 8.13 - 15.29 15.29 - 23.86 23.86 - 100.00

Mathematics 6 Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 63.91 63.91 - 70.73 70.73 - 79.61 79.61 - 88.67 88.67 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 8.53 8.53 - 11.31 11.31 - 18.13 18.13 - 25.17 25.17 - 100.00

Science 6 Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 60.36 60.36 - 78.51 78.51 - 86.46 86.46 - 90.64 90.64 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 11.74 11.74 - 17.42 17.42 - 25.34 25.34 - 34.31 34.31 - 100.00

Social Studies 6 Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 58.97 58.97 - 68.15 68.15 - 76.62 76.62 - 83.55 83.55 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 7.30 7.30 - 12.45 12.45 - 19.08 19.08 - 30.09 30.09 - 100.00

English Language Arts 9 Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 63.55 63.55 - 75.66 75.66 - 83.70 83.70 - 90.27 90.27 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 5.96 5.96 - 9.43 9.43 - 14.72 14.72 - 20.46 20.46 - 100.00

English Lang Arts 9 KAE Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 29.97 29.97 - 53.86 53.86 - 76.19 76.19 - 91.85 91.85 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 - 0.30 0.30 - 10.00 10.00 - 20.31 20.31 - 100.00

French Language Arts 9 Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 67.59 67.59 - 81.33 81.33 - 92.06 92.06 - 97.26 97.26 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 1.67 1.67 - 6.81 6.81 - 17.11 17.11 - 28.68 28.68 - 100.00

Mathematics 9 Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 52.42 52.42 - 60.73 60.73 - 73.88 73.88 - 78.00 78.00 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 8.18 8.18 - 12.49 12.49 - 18.10 18.10 - 24.07 24.07 - 100.00

Mathematics 9 KAE Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 28.14 28.14 - 53.85 53.85 - 75.83 75.83 - 94.44 94.44 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 - 6.07 6.07 - 20.43 20.43 - 31.67 31.67 - 100.00

Science 9 Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 50.57 50.57 - 60.14 60.14 - 72.50 72.50 - 76.89 76.89 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 3.39 3.39 - 6.71 6.71 - 11.81 11.81 - 15.85 15.85 - 100.00

Science 9 KAE Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 38.75 38.75 - 59.30 59.30 - 78.33 78.33 - 87.58 87.58 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 - 7.47 7.47 - 21.41 21.41 - 40.82 40.82 - 100.00

Social Studies 9 Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 56.26 56.26 - 62.27 62.27 - 74.04 74.04 - 79.85 79.85 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 10.03 10.03 - 12.78 12.78 - 19.76 19.76 - 24.03 24.03 - 100.00

Social Studies 9 KAE Acceptable Standard 0.00 - 38.79 38.79 - 53.82 53.82 - 72.42 72.42 - 84.88 84.88 - 100.00

Standard of Excellence 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 - 5.71 5.71 - 17.19 17.19 - 36.26 36.26 - 100.00

Notes: 1. The range of values at each evaluation level is interpreted as greater than or equal to the lower value, and less than the higher value. For the

Very High evaluation level, values range from greater than or equal to the lower value to 100%. 2. Participation in Provincial Achievement Tests was impacted by the flooding in June 2013 (Grade 9 only) and by the fires in May to June 2016.

Caution should be used when interpreting trends over time for the province and those school authorities affected by these events. 3. Achievement Evaluation is not calculated for courses that do not have sufficient data available, either due to too few jurisdictions offering the

course or because of changes in tests.

Improvement Table

For each jurisdiction, improvement evaluation consists of comparing the Current Year result for each measure with the previous three-year average. A chi-square statistical test is used to determine the significance of the improvement. This test takes into account the size of the jurisdiction in the calculation to make improvement evaluation fair across jurisdictions of different sizes.

The table below shows the definition of the 5 improvement evaluation levels based upon the chi-square result.

Evaluation Category Chi-Square Range Declined Significantly 3.84 + (current < previous 3-year average) Declined 1.00 - 3.83 (current < previous 3-year average) Maintained less than 1.00 Improved 1.00 - 3.83 (current > previous 3-year average) Improved Significantly 3.84 + (current > previous 3-year average)

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Overall Evaluation Table

The overall evaluation combines the Achievement Evaluation and the Improvement Evaluation. The table below illustrates how the Achievement and Improvement evaluations are combined to get the overall evaluation.

Achievement Very High High Intermediate Low Very Low Improved Significantly Excellent Good Good Good Acceptable Improved Excellent Good Good Acceptable Issue Maintained Excellent Good Acceptable Issue Concern Declined Good Acceptable Issue Issue Concern Declined Significantly Acceptable Issue Issue Concern Concern

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Authority: 0015 Webber Academy Foundation

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Program of Studies – Measure Details (OPTIONAL)

Percentage of teachers, parents and students satisfied with the opportunity for students to receive a broad program of studies including fine arts, career, technology, and health and physical education. Authority Province 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Overall 86.2 87.8 87.9 90.7 89.0 81.5 81.3 81.3 81.9 81.9 Teacher 91.3 93.1 95.8 97.1 96.1 87.9 87.5 87.2 88.1 88.0 Parent 89.3 89.2 88.1 92.0 89.5 78.9 79.9 79.9 80.1 80.1 Student 77.8 81.0 79.9 82.9 81.4 77.8 76.6 76.9 77.5 77.7

Graph of Overall Authority Results (optional)

Graph of Detailed Authority Results (optional)

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. Survey results for the province and school authorities were impacted by the changes in the number of students responding to the survey through the

introduction of the OurSCHOOL/TTFM (Tell Them From Me) survey in 2014.

Parental Involvement – Measure Details (OPTIONAL)

Percentage of teachers and parents satisfied with parental involvement in decisions about their child's education. Authority Province 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Overall 72.1 77.9 82.2 84.9 83.4 80.3 80.6 80.7 80.9 81.2 Teacher 79.0 83.3 87.1 91.0 83.7 88.5 88.0 88.1 88.4 88.5 Parent 65.3 72.4 77.2 78.8 83.1 72.2 73.1 73.4 73.5 73.9

Graph of Overall Authority Results (optional)

Graph of Detailed Authority Results (optional)

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*).

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Education Quality – Measure Details (OPTIONAL)

Percentage of teachers, parents and students satisfied with the overall quality of basic education. Authority Province 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Overall 95.2 95.6 95.7 96.2 97.1 89.8 89.2 89.5 90.1 90.1 Teacher 99.0 98.6 99.3 99.7 100.0 95.7 95.5 95.9 96.0 95.9 Parent 94.0 94.6 94.2 95.6 97.4 84.9 84.7 85.4 86.1 86.4 Student 92.7 93.7 93.5 93.2 93.8 88.7 87.3 87.4 88.0 88.1

Graph of Overall Authority Results (optional)

Graph of Detailed Authority Results (optional)

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. Survey results for the province and school authorities were impacted by the changes in the number of students responding to the survey through the

introduction of the OurSCHOOL/TTFM (Tell Them From Me) survey in 2014.

Safe and Caring – Measure Details (OPTIONAL)

Percentage of teacher, parent and student agreement that: students are safe at school, are learning the importance of caring for others, are learning respect for others and are treated fairly in school. Authority Province 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Overall 94.2 94.7 92.5 94.3 94.9 89.0 89.1 89.2 89.5 89.5 Teacher 96.7 98.2 97.5 97.7 97.4 95.0 95.3 95.4 95.4 95.3 Parent 96.8 96.7 93.2 96.4 97.4 87.8 88.9 89.3 89.8 89.9 Student 89.2 89.2 86.9 88.9 89.8 84.2 83.1 83.0 83.4 83.3

Graph of Overall Authority Results (optional)

Graph of Detailed Authority Results (optional)

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. Survey results for the province and school authorities were impacted by the changes in the number of students responding to the survey through the

introduction of the OurSCHOOL/TTFM (Tell Them From Me) survey in 2014.

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Authority: 0015 Webber Academy Foundation

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School Improvement – Measure Details (OPTIONAL)

Percentage of teachers, parents and students indicating that their school and schools in their jurisdiction have improved or stayed the same the last three years. Authority Province 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Overall 79.7 85.4 84.9 85.5 87.7 80.6 79.8 79.6 81.2 81.4 Teacher 77.3 86.4 88.6 82.7 94.4 80.9 81.3 79.8 82.3 82.2 Parent 82.8 89.7 87.4 92.2 90.1 77.9 77.0 78.5 79.7 80.8 Student 79.1 80.2 78.8 81.6 78.7 82.9 81.2 80.7 81.5 81.1

Graph of Overall Authority Results (optional)

Graph of Detailed Authority Results (optional)

Notes: 1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*). 2. Survey results for the province and school authorities were impacted by the changes in the number of students responding to the survey through the

introduction of the OurSCHOOL/TTFM (Tell Them From Me) survey in 2014.

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