
AEIP Mega Pre-Departure Orientation Fair in India

A Recap of My Visit to AEIP’s Beijing Service Centre

AEIP Seoul Office Fall Special Workshop: Promoting the Importance and Significance of AEIP Programs to Potential Clients

ISIP Online Programs for AEIP Clients Moving to British Columbia

Step by Step, Carefully and Diligently

My Conclusion after Dreaming of Returning to Korea Thousands of Times…

My Experience with AEIP

Passing on the Kindness










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206 – 181 Keefer Place, Vancouver, BC V6B 6C1 Canada [email protected] 604 893 8222


Active Engagement and Integration Project (AEIP) is a pre-arrival program provided by S.U.C.C.E.S.S., and sponsored by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Since 2008, AEIP has been helping new immigrants from Taiwan and South Korea prepare for their new life in Canada while in their home country. However, AEIP doesn’t stop there. AEIP has expanded our services to include clients in many other countries including China, as well as other Asia Pacific locations including India, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Vietnam, etc. The most recent focus has been on India as it has been ranked as one of the top 3 source countries for new immigrants to Canada in the last few years.

AEIP provides both employment and settlement services to clients before they depart from their country of origin. We take on a holistic approach in serving clients and it is the one-stop total solution service. This is to help prepare new immigrants in making a smooth transition to their new life in Canada. At AEIP, our pre-arrival service does not only consist of online or phone consultations but also in-person interviews and meetings. We provide outreach seminars to different countries on a regular basis whenever a need is identified.

Since 2016 we have been arranging outreach seminars to India to further assist new immigrants locally. The results have been very successful and clients have found it useful in helping them make better decisions and preparation for their move to Canada. In May of 2016, AEIP travelled to Mumbai to kick off the first AEIP India outreach program and it was nothing but a successful start. The interaction we had with the new immigrant was unforgettable. New Delhi was the next destination for AEIP; it took place in June of 2016 and the feedback have been both positive and helpful. The feedback helps AEIP to improve on the services to clients in India.

With the experiences gained in India in the past year and with the new collaboration with AEIP partners in India; AEIP will be heading to three different cities in India in February 2017. The

cities are New Delhi, Chandigarh, and Kochi, and AEIP will be in these destinations to meet with and assist new immigrants to Canada. Our partners include Can Access Immigration, Canada Immigration Limited, and Master’s Academy. There will be a whole day orientation with different workshop topics in each city and there will also be a whole day dedicated to one-on-one consultation in each location. One-on-one consultation is a session where our Settlement Practitioner sits down and consult with each immigrant or each family privately and individually tailor to their needs for pre-arrival preparation. Besides the seminars and individual sessions, we will also have an opportunity for everyone to meet and share their concerns and information as they prepare for their move. It is also an opportunity to make new friends whom they will be able to connect with after they move to Canada.

The upcoming mega event in February will take place on February 11th in Chandigarh, February 12th in New Delhi and February 18th in Kochi, and hosted by the AEIP Taipei office. New immigrants going to Canada from India who possess either Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR), Medical Examination Notification, Ready for Visa e-mail or Passport Submission Request from IRCC are all welcomed to register with us for the event. For more details, applicants can email us at [email protected] or register at our website on

2017 Winter · P2

206 – 181 Keefer Place, Vancouver, BC V6B 6C1 Canada [email protected] 604 893 8222

As the AEIP Advisor at Calgary Catholic Immigration Society (CCIS), it is truly an honor for me to have the opportunity to visit AEIP’s Beijing Office, meeting with the energetic team and sharing with them my experience working with newcomers in November 2016.

I was truly inspired by the Beijing team’s passion for their work, their new ideas for program improvements and social media initiatives, and most of all, Luke’s great leadership (Luke is AEIP Beijing’s Service Centre Manager). During my visit, we exchanged information regarding programs and services offered both at AEIP and CCIS, discussed our experience working with clients and best practices approach we have learned from experience.

The topics I presented to the clients included but not limited to: Overview of Alberta, Introduction to Alberta Industry Sectors and Working in Alberta, and Employment and Resettlement Services at CCIS. As the first Canadian contact for the pre-arrival clients, I know I play a critical role


in helping them better prepared and identify their pathway to success. As an immigrant myself, I have the personal experience of moving, living and working in Canada, that helps establishing a bound with the clients I’m working with. I understand how they feel, the questions and concerns they have and the challenges they will face. It is my duty to provide them a realistic picture of what to expect, and ensure they are aware of the support and services available for them upon arrival. I was impressed by how engaged the clients were and really enjoyed the interactions with them during my presentation.

CCIS is the largest immigrant service agency in Alberta that provides integration service for both pre-arrival and post-arrival clients. By working together with AEIP we are making a different and helping Alberta became a first choice destination for immigrants.

Written by: Cecilia Sun, AEIP Advisor Calgary Catholic Immigration Society (CCIS)

2017 Winter · P3

206 – 181 Keefer Place, Vancouver, BC V6B 6C1 Canada [email protected] 604 893 8222


The Fall Special Workshop was held on Nov 12, 2016 at the Hana Bank seminar room. Special Workshop is held twice a year, inviting both existing clients and potential clients, to cover key subjects on immigration preparation. Various topics were covered in the workshop: pre-arrival services funded by IRCC, foreign currency exchange method for immigrants, international shipping, Canadian personal income tax report and international asset report. The workshop also included a quiz show, highlighting vital information on Canada, networking session, and photo opportunity. A client made a video clip to share her experience on how she found a job right after landing in Canada and how she received support and practical assistance from AEIP Seoul Office. It was very impressive and helped workshop participants to acknowledge the importance and significance of the pre-arrival services offered by AEIP Seoul Office. Also, the quiz show on Canada was a great success as it delivered crucial information in

a creative way and provided a place for networking while participants answered the questions in groups. Workshop participants realized the benefit of attending AEIP workshops as many AEIP clients answered the questions correctly. 17 out of 52 were potential clients and this workshop was effective in promoting the AEIP services. Workshop participants commented that the best thing was getting to know about AEIP Seoul Office and they are very grateful that such services exist in Korea. I, as a Settlement Practitioner and Employment Specialist, felt so proud and thankful for being a part of AEIP team where I can link Canada and Korea by bringing together AEIP clients, potential clients, volunteers, Hana Bank employees and AEIP Seoul staff.

Written by: Jin Young Lee, Settlement Practitioner/ Employment Specialist AEIP Seoul Office

AEIP Seoul Office Fall Special Workshop: Quiz Show on Canada

2017 Winter · P4

206 – 181 Keefer Place, Vancouver, BC V6B 6C1 Canada [email protected] 604 893 8222


As AEIP’s partner in British Columbia, the Immigrant Settlement and Integration Program (ISIP) is pleased to announce two new ISIP Online programs for BC residents! Clear Communications for the Workplace is an 8-week course that includes topics such as cultural awareness and diversity, business meetings, written communication, and soft skills and essential skills. It focuses on improving English proficiency so that you can effectively communicate in the workplace.

Employment Skills Development for S.U.C.C.E.S.S. is an 8-week course that will help you to develop your job search skills and better understand the pathways to employment in Canada. Topics include workplace culture, credential recognition, alternative career pathways, and developing your professional networks.

Both courses are for clients with CLB 6 to 8, have a weekly time commitment of 5 hours, and are available once you arrive in BC. They are facilitated by an instructor who monitors and supports your progress, and who is available to communicate with you at your preferred time.

ISIP Online courses are flexible so that they can fit your busy schedule. Whether you are preparing to enter the BC labour market or already working, both courses can help support your transition to a Canadian work environment.

ISIP is here to assist you throughout your settlement journey, from our pre-arrival partnership with AEIP, to our varied and comprehensive post-arrival programs and services. Please visit to explore ISIP programs and to register for our online courses after you have arrived in BC.

2017 Winter · P5

206 – 181 Keefer Place, Vancouver, BC V6B 6C1 Canada [email protected] 604 893 8222


My name is Yunseong Seo and I immigrated to Ontario, Canada 6 months ago from Korea. I would like to share my experience as a new immigrant.

Firstly, new immigrants must expect to spend a lump sum of money upon immigrating. Without any credit history in Canada, many new immigrants face inconveniences. For example, I had to pay in full with cash when I purchased my car and I was asked to pay 6 months or 12 months rental fee in advance. Because of no credit history, a guarantor is required. New immigrants should be prepared to spend a few thousand dollars in the first month as it is uncertain how long it would take to get a job. Especially, Canada values local experience when hiring people, which makes it harder for new immigrants. Under these circumstances, new immigrants should plan their finances well in advance to avoid financial hardship in Canada.

Secondly, new immigrants should make the best uses of settlement information and network. In my case, upon registering at AEIP Seoul Office in Nov 2015 I obtained a lot of information on Canada by attending employment and settlement workshops and by getting 1:1 counseling from a settlement practitioner. The settlement practitioner lived in Canada for years so her advice was very practical and real and it helped me to reduce my fear and anxiety. I am especially thankful for the regular 1:1 counseling since it provided customized advices that suited my circumstances.

I am also very grateful to AEIP Seoul Office for connecting me to ICTC, AEIP’s IT partner organization in Canada, because I was able to get a full-time, permanent job as a QA Automation Architect. One of the instructors at ICTC referred me to his company. Through this program, I polished my resume and interview skills, built network

and got a job only after 5 months in Canada.

My new life in Canada just began. I am still nervous at work, my child is getting familiarized with his school and my wife is busy taking care of us while adapting to Canada.

We have a long way to go. Since family is my priority, I put my family first when I make decisions and I am very thankful to them. If I continue to do step by step carefully and diligently, one day I would be able to say I made a good choice to immigrate to Canada. I wish all the best to new immigrants and encourage them to be positive and prudent when making decisions. I hope this letter was helpful. Thank you.

Written By: YunSeong Seo, AEIP Seoul Service Centre Client

2017 Winter · P6

206 – 181 Keefer Place, Vancouver, BC V6B 6C1 Canada [email protected] 604 893 8222


Hello, my wife and I immigrated to Vancouver, Canada about 3 years ago. Now I can say it is not too difficult to live in Canada. But it is not yet comfortable to live in Canada. I guess it is life of immigrants. My wife and I both work at YVR Vancouver Airport. I usually work on the runway and my wife works in the duty free shop.

In the first year, my English was not good and I was just so afraid to get a job here, so all I thought about was going back to Korea. One day I thought about going home more than one hundred times. Our first year in Canada was like a dark, trapped, long tunnel up until we met special people from S.U.C.C.E.S.S. A Korean staff from S.U.C.C.E.S.S. in Vancouver and a former settlement practitioner from AEIP Seoul Office greatly helped us.

Upon immigrating, my wife and I attended LINC class from 8 am to 3 pm at Vancouver Community College. It is free English class for new immigrants. We thought that fluency in English was crucial for seizing good opportunities. So, we even hired a tutor to teach us English after school for 1 year. Even today, we still think the first, second and third criteria for success are English.

Along with English classes, we participated in employment program organized by S.U.C.C.E.S.S. for 1 year. The instructor was extremely helpful and provided employment information, interview tips and references until we got our jobs. We became so confident, brave and grateful beyond words. Both my wife and I got hired at first attempt. It is because we met people who gave us practical tips and encouraged us to take up the challenges.

One of our fellow new immigrant families returned to Korea for good. After hearing this news, I could not help myself thinking about moving back to Korea for several

months. I questioned myself about our choice and so did my wife. Is it better for us to stay in Canada? Would we be able to handle the challenges? Would we be able to succeed in Canada? My mere definition of success was living in Canada without living off our savings in Korea. If we can pay our rent and living expenses while saving some, it would be success to me. Since 2 months ago, we are sending monthly allowance to our parents in Korea and we are now depositing a fixed amount of income every month in our bank account.

I truly believe that all our success was possible because of the help we received from so many people. We diligently participated in the AEIP Seoul workshops and received advices through 1:1 counseling. Our relationship with AEIP Seoul Office linked us to S.U.C.C.E.S.S. in Vancouver. It makes me realize the importance of network and relationship in immigrants’ life. I am just very thankful to all who helped us. I hope that my letter gives some hope to those who are preparing immigration and to those who are going through hard time in Canada as new immigrants.

Written by: YoungJun Cho, AEIP Seoul Service Centre Client

2017 Winter · P7

206 – 181 Keefer Place, Vancouver, BC V6B 6C1 Canada [email protected] 604 893 8222


My husband Mayank and I attended the AEIP pre-departure orientation held in New Delhi in June 2016. At the event, I not only learned about Canada in the workshops, but also had the chance to talk to the AEIP Settlement Practitioners and other new immigrants. It was in September when we moved to Toronto, Ontario. At the airport, we went through the landing procedure without any problems, and we were even able to apply for our Social Insurance Numbers, which saved us a trip to the Service Canada office. For a lot of new immigrants, searching for a house in an unfamiliar city can be long process. Luckily, we already had a friend in Toronto who found a basement apartment for us before we even landed. A lot of newcomers may stay at a hotel or a B&B at first, but we decided not to because we wanted a more permanent address that IRCC can mail documents to.

My husband and I were able to find work in our respective fields within a month of landing. I think our success came from keeping an open mind and applying to jobs vigorously online, and I recommend newcomers should consider anything in their chosen field without being too picky. Other than jobs, it is also important to apply for documents such as the health card and driver’s license because you can use them as ID and don’t have to carry around your passport all the time.

We also received assistance from a local newcomer service agency. The day after my husband and I landed, we connected with ACCES Employment to find jobs and learn more about Toronto. It proved to be a wise decision because we could use their photocopier, scanner and computer for free, which helped tremendously in our job search process. I prefer to apply for jobs at the agency instead of at home because I could see a lot of other newcomers who share the same goal as me, and this made me feel more positive. The various newcomer programs

that the agency offers are also very useful. I feel that another useful way to learn about the city is to network with other immigrants. Since they came to Canada before we did, we learned a lot from their experience.

Mayank and I think Canada is a wonderful country, but new immigrants must be patient when searching for employment opportunities. When newcomers are looking for work, they must work hard to present their qualifications and work experience well before companies take them into consideration. I believe that if someone is competent he or she is bound to be noticed, and they should not give up easily if they do not see results right away. Keep applying online and don’t lose heart!

Written By: Megha Sharma, India Outreach Client

Assisted by Taipei Service Centre

2017 Winter · P8

206 – 181 Keefer Place, Vancouver, BC V6B 6C1 Canada [email protected] 604 893 8222

Passing on the Kindness

Even today, I do not know the real reason behind my immigration. There were too many motivators that I cannot tell which one gave me the final push. Maybe I will come up with the answer on some moment in my late life.My first contacted with AEIP was during a workshop organized by Scotiabank where AEIP was the guest speaker. I came to know the friends from AEIP Beijing Office better as I participated more often in the activities that AEIP carried out. There is no need to say here how helpful the AEIP programs are because all the newcomers think of them as their precious guidance on the way of landing. Someone has even taken notes of all of the classes and shared them with the other fellow immigrants. What I want to stress here is what I have learned from the AEIP staff.Luke was always there since my first participation in AEIP activities. He was like a big brother to new immigrants, and always answered our questions with politeness and patience. We learned from him not only all kinds of information, such as knowledge about Canadian life and employment, but also his positive attitude and passion for life. Thanks to him, I and every other newcomer re-discovered the truths about life that we were so blinded to in the Chinese society.Rick was the practitioner assigned to me. His expert knowledge on tax and accounting helped me a lot, and my wife and I were really impressed with the customized professional development report that he gave to us. Never had I seen any organization would help us so devotedly or pay so much attention. The report listed all of the resources that we would need on professional development, such as job-hunting, professional training, and professional associations. My wife and I had read that report so often that it became a little torn in the end. It paved the way for our employment success in Canada.I can still remember every face of the AEIP Beijing Office staff in my mind clearly: Taylor, Tehya, Maya.... You are always the star of our newcomers because you are like the first ray of sunshine from Canada that we ever touched. After my landing, I came to know better about the organizations that serve newcomers, especially S.U.C.C.E.S.S. and the contributions it has made to the Chinese immigrant community. S.U.C.C.E.S.S.

offers free services to help Chinese newcomers to settle down in Canada. Its spirit reminds me of the “bidding association” that helped early immigrants from Chinese Fujian province and of North Korean immigrants who donated money to set up a fruit stand for every newcomer in order to help them settle down. With the work of S.U.C.C.E.S.S. solid Chinese community values have been established in Canada.It is said that only when a person is abroad, one will know his/her love for the home country and the sense of national identity. Like every other newcomer, our family has met all kinds of difficulties after landing and we, too, are experiencing culture shock. But luckily, I come from a Chinese community with a tradition of helping each other. Our family has received great help from both old and new immigrants who offered us practical life experience and hometown cuisines and helped us several times move to new houses. They made us feel so warm in the cold winter. That warmth is always there from our interaction with AEIP before departure to now with S.U.C.C.E.S.S. and the Chinese community.We decide to repay the great kindness in the same way that we received it. Now I often pick up newcomers at the airport for free and give them a warm welcome the moment they land in Canada. Every time we set out for the airport at midnight, my wife always brings a bag of dumplings because we know that the family must be very hungry after so long a flight. We also try to offer as much information as we know to newcomers about handling paperwork, renting houses, buying cars and shopping. Every family I know that has settled down would all give a hand to newcomers. Circles of helping each other have been formed in that way.To me, I’ve been feeling the warmth of helping each other since that free lunch. To the Chinese community in Canada, that spirit is best represented by S.U.C.C.E.S.S. and AEIP.S.U.C.C.E.S.S. has taught us many useful skills to successfully settle down, but passing on the kindness is the best lesson it has taught us.Written By: David Yu, AEIP Beijing Service Centre Client

2017 Winter · P9

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Phone 1-844-893-8222 (USA & Canada)Email [email protected] (Canada) [email protected] (USA)Address 206-181 Keefer Place Vancouver, BC V6B 6C1 Canada


Phone 886-2-2389-9088 Email [email protected] 12F. No.6, Sec. 1,Zhongxiao W. Road, Zhongzheng Dist.,Taipei 100, Taiwan, R.O.C.


Phone 82-2-775-8983Email [email protected] #701 DooBee Building 11-3 JeongDong, JungGu Seoul, Korea


Phone 86-10-6216-6928 Email [email protected] 11th floor, Building D, Beijing International Plaza, 18 South Zhongguancun Rd., Haidian District, Postal Code: 100081 Beijing, China

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